Grace Viloria - Color Schemes

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Color Schemes Grace Viloria



This color scheme includes two colors. The colors are exactly opposite of eachother on the color wheel. The examples shown include purple and yellow.

The triadic color scheme involves different hues equal distance apart on the color wheel. The prefix “tri� means three so there are three colors included.For example, green, purple, and orange.



In this color scheme, there are numerous shades of the same color. This gives off a unified look. For example, green.

The neutral color scheme contains simple, neutral colors such as; white, gray, black, etc. This color scheme is very popular in the world today. The neutral color pallet is very universal.

Accented Neutral


This color scheme involves mostly neutral colors with one non-neutral color as an accent. This makes the non-neutral pop and add color. It brings life to a space without going over board.

The analogous color scheme uses colors that are directly next to eachother on the color wheel. In the example shown there are warm colors such as yellows and oranges. These colors are commonly found in sunsets.

Split Complementary


The split complementary color scheme has complementary colors as a base but the colors involved are the color and the color directly next to the colors complement. For example; blue, purple, and orange. The vivid colors draw attention.

The tetrad color scheme has four different colors. They make a rectangle on the color wheel. The example shown includes shades of orange and blue.

Complementary Triad

Analogous Complementary

The complementary triad color scheme involves two complementary colors and one directly between the two. The example shown in the pictures above are blue, orange, and green. The prefix “tri� suggests there are three colors involved.

This color scheme is a combonation of the analogous and complementary schemes. The example shown includes the colors orange, yellow, green, and purple. It contains a color and it’s complement and the two colors directly beside one of the colors.

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