Jenna Luong - Color Schemes

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Complementary colors are colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel. A good example of that is violet and purple. It is kind of like a magnet, opposites attract.


Triadic colors are colors that form a equilateral triangle on the color wheel. The colors have to be evenly spaced. This color scheme is quite dramatic because of the strong contrast.


The monochromatic color scheme consists of variations of one color. It creates a sense of harmony and since they are just one color you don’t need to worry about it not mixing well with other colors.


Neutral colors consist of brown, beige, white, gray, and black. It gives off more of a natural feel. Darker neutrals create a more heavier mood while lighter neutrals create a more lighter mood.

Accented Neutral

There are mostly neutral colors but has some other color as an accent. It makes the accented color stand out more and give off a different mood than that of just neutral colors.


Analogous color scheme consists of the colors right and left of a color on a color wheel. It is similar to that of monochromatic but monochromatic only has different variations of that hue while analogous consists of mixtures of colors.

Split Complementary You pick complementary colors but instead of using that complementary color you choose the colors on both sides of the color of choosing. There are more colors being used when using split complementary instead of just two colors and is less harsh.


This color scheme consists of two complementary colors that have equal amounts of color in between them. It can be hard to harmonize and balance it correctly since having equal amounts of each color can be quite overwhelming.

Complementary Triad Complementary colors are chosen then split to the color in the middle of the colors. You have more colors to work with instead of just being bombarded with only two colors.

Analogous Complementary Complementary colors are chosen and then both sides of one of those colors are used as well. You have more freedom with which colors you use more of and is overall less harsh.

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