Liam Gomez - color schemes

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Color Schemes Liam Gomez

Complimentry Complimentry is a basic color scheme. It uses two colors which are directly opposite each other on the color wheel. With combinations such as orange and blue, red and green, and purple and yellow.

Triadic A kind of complex color scheme. The colors used will be connected by a triangle. An example being red, blue, and yellow.

Monochromatic Monochromatic is the most simple color seem. It consists of just one color, but usually with different shades. It can be practicaly any color, but it just has to be that one.

Neutral A very dull and simple color scheme. No bright colors are really any color at all. Consists of black, gray, white, beige and brown.

Accented Neutral Very simple, but it does still have a draw to it. Still has some dull elements but uses one other color to draw away from the rest of it. Can use any color for the accent except the neutral ones.

Analogous A simple color scheme. It uses colors that are next to it on the color wheel. An example being red, red-purple, purple, and purple-blue.

Split Complimentry Slightly more complex color scheme. Almost the same as complimentry but it connect to the two colors next to the compliment rather than the actual compliment. A possible combination could be red with yellow green and blue green.

Tetrad A complex color scheme. It consists of four colors located logically from eachother, usaually a square or rectangle. One combination is blue, orange, yellow, and purple.

Complementary Triad A complex color scheme. To choose the colors for this one you must find a pair of complimentry colors then draw a line from the middle to the other color. An example being red, green, and purple-blue.

Analogous Complementary A kind of complex color scheme. Find a pair of complimentry colors and then include the colors to either side of one of the colors. An exmple being blue, orange, red-orange, and yellow-orange.

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