mckinley martin - color schemes

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Color Schemes McKinley Martin


The complementary color scheme is represented here by red and green. Complementary colors are 2 colors, 1 primary and 1 secondary, that are across from each other on the color wheel. Complementary colors are used often throughout design, as shown here.


A triadic color scheme is when 3 colors equidistant from each other on the color wheel are used. Some examples would be the primary colors and secondary colors. This example represents the secondary colors, as they are all equidistant on the color wheel.


Monochromatic color schemes are popular throughout interior design. This is when just one color is used. In this photo, blue is used to represent the monochromatic color scheme.


The neutral color scheme is made up of neutral colors. Neutral colors are used in countless homes across the nation. Neutral colors consist mainly of brown, black, grey, and white.

Accented Neutral

Similar to neutral is accented neutral. Accented neutral is made up of primarily neutral colors along with 1 or 2 accents. This color scheme is also very popular.


Analogous color schemes are used often. Analagous is when you use one primary color, one neighboring secondary color, and the tertiary color between them. For example; blue, green, and blue-green.


Split complementary uses 3 colors. You choose one color, and while finding the corresponding complementary color, you split between the two neighboring tertiary colors. This example uses purple, yellow-green, and yellow-orange


The tetrad color scheme utilizes 4 colors. These colors consist of typically 2 primary and 2 secondary colors, that form a rectangle shape on the color wheel. This example shows yellow, purple, blue, and orange.

Complementary Triad

Complementary Triad uses 3 colors. These colors are 2 complementary colors, and one tertiary color that is in the middle of the complementary colors on the color wheel. For example; blue, orange, and red-violet.

Analogous Complementary

The Analagous Complementary color scheme is made up of two complementary colors, and the two neighboring tertiary colors of the primary color. Therefore, 4 main colors are used. This example utilizes blue, orange, blue-violet, and blue-green.

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