Mischa Gluckman - Color Schemes

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Color Schemes Mischa Gluckman

Complementary A complementary color scheme includes colors that, when mixed, cancel each other out. They are opposite of each other on the color wheel and have a strong contrast. Purple and yellow lose their hue when they are combined and are opposite of each other on the color wheel.

Triadic A triadic color scheme is composed of three hues. These three hues are evenly spaced out on the color wheel. Purple, orange, and green commonly go together to create a Bohemian style.

Monochromatic A monochromatic color scheme is taken from a single hue. Shades and tints are then taken from the hue. The shades are achieved by adding black to the original hue and tints are made by adding white to the hue chosen.

Neutral A neutral color scheme incorporates colors such as black, grays, and browns, which are derived from the primary colors, and white. White signifies purity while black signifies elegance. Grays convey a formal vibe while browns emit a feeling of warmth.

Accented Neutral An accented neutral color scheme includes a set of neutral colors with a splash of a color from the color wheel. These combinations may be colors such as white, black, gray, or brown with colors such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or violet. The bold colors add a nice flare to a plain setting.

Analogous A complementary color scheme uses colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. They match well together to create a comfortable design. Red-orange, orange, yellow-orange, and yellow is a great example of an analogous color scheme.

Split-Complementary A split-complementary color scheme is a variation of a complementary color scheme. It contains three hues with one being the base color and the other two hues being on either side of the complementary color. Green is an example of a base color while red-violet and red-orange are its split-complementary colors.

Tetrad A tetrad color scheme uses any four colors on the color wheel with a logical relationship. They may be arranged in a rectangle or square. An example of this scheme includes red-violet, yellow-orange, yellow green- and blue-violet.

Complementary Triad A complementary triad color scheme starts with two complementary hues with the third hue being halfway between the two other colors. Only half of the color wheel is used. A sample includes blue and orange being complements of each other and yellow-green being the color in between them.

Analogous Complementary An analogous color scheme begins with a base color. Then, the color’s complement is selected. Lastly, the two tertiary colors next to the complement or base color are chosen. In this case, orange is the base color and blue is the complement so blue-green and blue-violet are the two colors directly next to the complement.

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