Miss Independent

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Miss Independent

The Solution to Your Problem Skin The Perfect Playlist

Want to Fit in That Dress? Here are Some Tips to Help.

We know as an adult that you may not get enough time for yourself, being busy with work school, and a social life. That is why we’ve decided to create such a magazine to assist with all of the above. The purpose of this month’s articles are to help you get ready for what may come during the holidays. We’ve tried all kinds of products to find the best suggestions for you. Staying on the latest trends in music, fashion and products is what makes our magazine so intriguing. The initial goal is to give independent women a chance to relate and gain some knowledge and helpful tips, for everyday situations. We know that being Miss Independent means a lot of responsibility which can cause stress, and that is why reading this magazine will aid you in releasing those pressures.

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Beauty -Winter Makeup

-Solutions for Problem Skin -Winter Skincare Routine

Health and Nutrition -Healthy Eating Tips


-How to Shop for Your Fashionable Friend -The Perfect Playlist

Winter Makeup

Winter is a time where dark makeup becomes more and more prominent. But how do you rock an amazing bold lip? We have a tutorial for a pretty eye look that will help you pull off that dark and bold lip color that everyone else is rocking this winter. For base makeup, use a primer. We used Too Faced’s Hangover primer. After primer, conceal any imperfections with a concealer. We used Too Faced’s Born This Way concealer, then for foundation we buffed on Too Faced’s Born This Way with a Beauty Blender. We finished it off with Benefit’s Hello Flawless foundation powder, applying that with Spectrum Collections B02. For contour, we used the Too Faced Cocoa Contour palette. We used the shades medium cocoa in the contour areas applying it with C01 (forehead and jawline) and C04 (cheek bones), then blending it in with C02. On the nose contour, we used medium cocoa and applied it with C06 and blended it with C05. We used light cocoa for the highlight areas, applying that with A02. We used Too Faced Love Flush Blush in Baby Love, applying it with the A05 brush. Then topped that off with pop of light in the Cocoa Contour applying it with A10. For the brows, we used Anastasia Beverly Hills DipBrow and Duo Brow Powder. We used the A17 brush to apply the product, and A11 to blend it out. To start on the eyes, we used Urban Decay’s Primer Potion in Eden. We used the Too Faced Chocolate Bar palette. To start, use A08 to blend Milk Chocolate in the crease of the eye, making sure it covers the largest area. This will be our transition shade. Using the B06 brush, blend Cherry Cordial in a smaller section of the crease, but still going from the outer crease to the inner. Apply Triple Fudge using the A12 brush. Then, using the B04 brush, blend that in. Make sure that this shade is mainly darker at the outer crease, and tapers out as it goes in. Using A19, apply Triple Fudge to the lower lash line. This will slightly widen the eye, and darken the look. Using the A07 brush, apply Creme Brulee to the lid. Finally, finish off with NYX Liquid Suede in Club Do not swipe on the color, pat it in. This will make Hopper. sure that the gold stands out a lot more. This look is good for going out, or even just going to Curl the lashes, and apply Benefit’s They’re Real tint- work. You can easily tone it down by using a slightly ed lash primer. After this, use Kat Von D’s Tattoo lighter lip color, or amp it up by adding false eyeLiner and make a small cat eye. After that, apply Too lashes. It’s a great look for the winter season, and is Faced’s Better Than Sex mascara. This will make the wearable for the most people. lashes stand out, and make them appear thicker.

The Solution to Your Problem Skin By: Courtney Porter

Problem skin can be really frustrating. Finding products that work is nearly impossible to do. You never know what’s going to work or what’s not, and we never really know why that zit decided to show up. Here are three of our favorite ways to help clear up, and take care of your problem skin.

than having clean skin, the best feeling is the minute you

One of the first things, have no makeup days. It are done washing it. Not only will makeup free days give

can be hard for those makeup lovers, but your skin will you this feeling, they will also help you love yourself with appreciate it. Dirt and oil clogs up your pores, and wear- and without it. ing full faces of makeup every day adds to that build up.

Going natural can help too. Many people are

Going makeup free allows your pores to breathe, and doubtful when it comes to natural skincare products, the your skin renew itself. Many people are very self con- higher prices can be a bit intimidating. But, after trying scious about their skin, it can be embarrassing when you it out myself, my incredibly picky, sensitive skin loved it. have multiple very red and painful spots. But, celebrities Natural skincare products have many benefits, such as like Adele and Alicia Keys go makeup free a lot, and they their lack of artificial fragrances. Lush’s products are adare praised for it! Nothing feels better than

vertised to use all natural ingredients in their skin care products. Burt’s Bees has a massive line of natural skin care, all ranging from deep cleansing to sensitive skin. These products are easily found in stores and their natural ingredients are beneficial for problem skin. I used to break out into hives using other products, but once I tried natural skin care, I stopped having that problem. My skin is sensitive and doesn’t like most products, so once

once I found natural skin care, I stuck with it. It is something good to consider if you suffer from sensitive skin.

Face masks. It takes awhile for the effects of these

to be noticed, but they work wonders. They help to pull any dirt and grime from the pores and give them a fresh, clean feeling.Nothing leaves your skin feeling more refreshed than the aftermath of a face mask. Lush has some great face masks, if you want to go the natural route, but some good masks also come from Formula 10.0.6.

While there are many other ways to help with

problem skin (eating right, a consistent care routine, etc.), these are some of our favorite ways to keep our skin

Formila 10.0.6 Face Masks: $6.99

looking its best. We don’t like to admit it, but our skin can determine our confidence level. If we don’t love our skin without makeup, we feel the need to always wear it. Clearing up your problem skin is a great way to build up your self esteem, because nothing feels better than being comfortable in your own skin.

Lush Ocean Salt Scrub: $21.95 4.2 oz $37.95 8.8 oz

Winter Skin Care Routine

We have all been there, the colder the weather gets, the drier your skin gets. The flaky, itchiness is something that nobody wants to deal with. How do we fix it? To start off, begin by removing all makeup. This is an obvious step, but it’s also an important one. Makeup can contribute to clogging pores, so even though this isn’t a preventative to dry skin, it is still important to keep clear skin. After removing makeup, use a gentle exfoliator, such as Burt’s Bees Peach and Willow Bark scrub. Using a rough exfoliant will contribute to drying up your skin, and so it will just make it worse. Using a gentle exfoliator will help with the flakiness of your skin. If you do decide to use a rough exfoliator, cut back on the usage. For cleansing, use a cream cleanser, like Burt’s Bees Deep Cleansing Cream. Cream cleansers aren’t as drying as normal cleansers, and will help keep moisture in the face. Cream cleansers are also less irritating to the skin, so it won’t be as harsh on your sensitive, dry skin. To replenish moisture, use a moisturizer. This is another obvious step, but it is often forgotten. Regular moisturizers work well, but opting for a thicker cream is a little better. Creams stay on the skin longer and soak in more. Some good facial creams are the Burt’s Bees day and night creams. Another option is to opt for a facial oil, such as Pixi’s rose oil. To keep replenishing throughout the day, you can also use Mario Badesco’s rosewater facial spray. It has a light scent, and is refreshing. Most people tend to neglect the rest of their body when trying to fix dry skin. But, even your arms, legs, and stomach can become very dry throughout the winter. Some good ways to prevent that, are bath bombs. Taking baths in bath bombs will not only warm you up in the cold winter days, but it will also help replenish moisture. Bath bombs contain oils that are good for the skin. Lush has a great selection of bath bombs, and you can even get bags of them at Target. After bathing or showering, it is very important to moisturize, just like the face. Using a thick moisturizer for the body will

help your skin stay soft throughout the cold, wintery days. Hemps has some of the best lotions for this. They help retain moisture and keep the skin feeling soft. Our skin is not something we should just ignore, especially during the chilly winter days. Taking care of it will not only make it feel better during the cold weather, but it will also help it in future cases. Good, consistent, skin care will help keep your skin looking youthful, and glowing longer.

Want to Fit in That Dress? When I’m trying to lose weight I’ll do extra workouts along with eating healthy because it’ll help with the results and keep me occupied from thinking about eating. It’s important that you don’t completely stop eating though. It’s extremely unhealthy to cut these products out and not have some filler food. Some great filler foods are any fruits and vegetables. The darker the color the more nutritious. Eating fruit and vegetables can help with different things. For example, the banana is a great source of potassium. The cucumber can help prevent acne. And the avocado can help with hair growth. Many fruit and vegetables can avert disease as well. Red fruits such as tomatoes and watermelons can help with cancer and heart disease. So really it's important to eat your If you're looking for a diet to lose a quick five pounds, then you’re in the right place. I have tried many different ways to lose weight, but I have gotten the most results when I cut out certain foods from my diet. By cutting out anything with artificial, and genetically modified foods, my body starts to clear up, that is appearance (acne) and I feel better. When I cut out items with refined sugars and carbs/flour, that’s when I start to lose weight. So when I’m over my comfortable weight I usually minimize or eliminate my consumption of either or both of these products.

fruits and vegetables.

Here are Some Healthy Eating Tips That’ll Help

One of my most favorite diets/cleanses I’ve

All vegetables All fruits Sea vegetables Grains (brown rice, millet, quinoa, and amaranth) Any beans Nuts and seeds Fish (salmon, oysters, shrimp, and scallops) Eggs Flax, sunflower, almond, coconut, hemp, macadamia nut oil

ever gone on was inspired by Urban Remedy. I generally go on this cleanse after having a period of time where I don't watch what I eat and I go out for food a lot, such as holidays, my birthday week, or when i have people come and visit from out of town. The cleanse last for about a week, but you can carry it out for

Some food to avoid while doing this diet/ as long as you want. To help prepare yourself cleanse stay hydrated, this is a must, about eight to are: Alcohol ten glasses a day should be just enough, but Caffeine don’t stop drinking water the whole week. In Soft drinks the mornings a fruit salad or a glass of lemon Red meat juice is a nice way to start the day. During the Processed meat (bacon and sausage) mornings if I have time I would juice my own White flour products Fats and preservatives veggies and fruits, but not everybody had their own juicer. For lunches you want to keep Dairy it Fried foods simple and light, salads are a good source and Canned foods can be quite filling. Finally, dinner, this will Cigarettes be the largest meal you should consume that Artificial sweeteners day. The food contributed in this meal should Genetically modified foods Refined sugars heed to the following foods:

How to shop

for your fashionable friend

Another suggestion would be to observe the way your friend dresses and collect inspiration through pictures they’ve posted. There’s nothing wrong with buying something similar to what they already have, especially if you know they’ll like it. One last recommendation would be to ask your friend what their favorite store to shop at is, then go there and buy clothing you know they’d enjoy. I suggest staying away from risky items such as sequence and bright patterns. That is unless you

We all have that one friend who always dresses to impress. Their always showing you up, wearing the best clothing. And you know there is nothing more they’d want as a gift then a cute pair of shoes and a nice jacket. Here are some good ideas, to help you shop for them. It never hurts to ask them what they want, but it’s less of a surprise. One thing that you could do is take a look through their Pinterest and maybe buy something they have pinned. I’ve done this in the past and have found the results very good. My friend loved the shirts I ordered her and thought it was really cool how I found them from her Pinterest.

know that’s their style. I personally feel like access to your friends Pinterest and instagram would and could lead you in the right direction, and is one of the most effective way for you to shop for them. You can get a lot of inspiration through those tools and could put together the perfect gift.

the Perfect


An essential to getting ready before a night out is The music should focus on an upbeat that has a an epic playlist. A playlist determines the mood set strong empowering tone. None of the songs should before and carries out through the night. Of course be gloomy or sad whatsoever. Neither should they going to the event is one of the most important talk about pressing issues, such as politics or bad parts, but in my opinion getting ready with the girls breakups. The songs should make you want to is always one of my favorites. Some of my favorite dance, sing your loudest and almost make you late. memories are bonding while getting

And that’s why I’d suggest setting a timer for each

prepared for the night. There is just something thing: shower, makeup, hair, about jamming out and doing your makeup that dressing. The music can also inspire your look for makes getting ready a lot more fun.

the night as well.

The playlist and inspired music can be determined Music is more than just something we listen to it by the occasion. For instance, depending on where alters our emotion, mood and sometimes how we you are going you might listen to music that cor- present ourselves. For example, if you feel empowrelates with the event. Say you are going to a con- ered by the music you may wear a more form fitting cert; you’re probably going to dress in a way that is outfit. If you’re in a lousy mood and influenced by the music you are listening to.

listening to sad music you might dress in some of

The sole purpose of this playlist is to hype the

your comfort clothes and listening to a good

ladies up while doing their hair and makeup.

playlist will bring your spirit right up.

This playlist to the riis inspired by some of the queens of music. Featuring artist such as Beyonce

Women- Ke$ha

and Rihanna. I wanted to create a playlist that only

Rumor has it - Adele

gave prominence to strong independent women,

No scrub- TLC

therefore all the artist on the playlist are women. I’ve included songs of all different genres and eras, ranging from 70s to today’s modern hip hop and rock n’ roll. Many of songs are my personal favorites and are for sure to make anybody excited for the night. There are twentyfive total songs on the playlist roughly adding up to be eighty minutes. I think that a lot of these songs are very relatable and are most females anthems, when putting it together I created a perfect playlist.

7/11- Beyoncé Fergalicious- Fergie Toxic- Britney Spears Bitch better have my money- Rihanna Bodak Yellow- Cardi B Single Ladies- Beyoncé Sorry not sorry- Demi Lovato Hips don’t lie- Shakira Jumpin’ Jumpin’- Destiny’s child Bad reputation- Joan Jett Hollaback girl- Gwen Stefani Run the world- Beyoncé I wanna dance with somebody- Whitney Houston That’s not my name- the ting tings Hot N Cold- Katy Perry Flawless remix (feat. Nicki Minaj)- Beyoncé Since you’ve been gone- Kelly Clarkson Unwritten- Natasha Bedingfield Lose control- Missy Elliot Push it- Salt-N-Pepa Family affair- Mary J. Blige Feeling Myself (Beyoncé)Nicki Minaj

How to Dress “Girls do not dress for boys. For themselves and, of course, eachother. If a girl dressed for boys they’d just walk around naked at all times.” -Betsey Johnson One of the worst things to hear when you’re all dressed up is “what are you all dressed up for?” implying that it’s for any other reason but yourself. Always keep in mind what YOU want to wear. Do not pay any attention to what anyone else thinks, it is your style and your will to dress the way that impresses you. When dressing yourself, you shouldn’t try to cover up your body. You should celebrate it and wear what you feel emphasizes the important parts of it as well as making you feel confident. When dressing yourself, you shouldn’t try to cover up your body. You should celebrate it and wear what you feel emphasizes the important parts of it as well as making you feel confident.

Yourself Once you have inspiration, next you need to find out what looks good on your body. Different measurements and cuts can flatter different body types. Find out what body type you have and use it to your advantage. Exploring what colors look good with your skin tone is an essential. Depending on your skin tone, you can wear many different colors and combinations. I have an olive tint to my skin, which I use to wear many different colors. This is where it starts to become fun, because after this point you get to start choosing what you wear. Your personal style can also play a part in this. Patterns are super fun to have incorporated within your closet. They can make or break and outfit. Different patterns and textures can give the illusion of a different body type. They also can add a lot to your outfit, making it more interesting.

Accessories are like the side to the main course where you are the meal. A cute pair of earrings can bring just as much to the table as the outfit. Shoes can have the same effect. For example, if you are wearing a nice dress you probably wouldn’t wear it with an old pair of sneakers. Another thing that can play a part in what you wear is your budget. If you have a smaller budget, you are probably going to shop at more generic clothing stores, rather than going and buying name brand items. But that shouldn't restrict you from pursuing the style you want. Your style should be something to play with rather than set and stone. It resembles your personality, who you are, and what you stand for. It's more than just looking good for others, it's for yourself.

Need How do I make friends at work? We all tend to hear the “be yourself, that’s the only way to do it!” And it’s true, just be yourself. If you are a little shy, then try to be a bit more engaging. Don’t seclude yourself, and start talking to your coworkers more. It can be a little difficult, but the more you do it, the more comfortable you will become.

How can I enhance my social media profile? The best way to start, is by having a theme. Using a specific color scheme, or a specific filter will make your profile look more attractive. Don’t be scared to use hashtags, using hashtags can attract the audience that you want. Just don’t use hashtags that are irrelevant to what you are posting. Finally, don’t be afraid to like and follow other accounts that you enjoy. Sometimes, you can get followers just by following and liking a certain accounts pictures. Your social media presence doesn’t define you, but it is fun to have that outlet. It is a way to express creativity.

How do I clear up space in my closet? One way, is to do a closet purge. Take every article of clothing out of your closet and try it on. If it doesn’t fit, then get rid of it. If you don’t like the way it looks, then get rid of it. If you just don’t see yourself wearing it, then get rid of it. Don’t keep clothes that are too small because you might lose weight, and don’t keep clothes that are too big just in case you gain weight.

Help? What should I do if my ex tries to get me back? We’ve all been there, an ex tries to message us again. It can be really tricky, you start to forget the bad and only remember the good. In all honesty, if he wasn’t an awful guy, maybe you can give him a second chance. But, if he was garbage, then steer clear. You don’t want that negativity in your life again. Stay strong, and shoot him down. Don’t feel any remorse for doing so either. Do what makes you happy and is best for you emotionally and physically.

How can I start going makeup free more often? The best way to start going makeup free is to begin by not wearing it on the weekends. If you are self conscience, this is the best way to start. Keeping up a good skincare routine will also help. Once you are comfortable going without it at home on the weekends, then start wearing less and less. Afterwards, you will eventually learn to love both faces whether they are done up, or bare.

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