Natalie Ruff-Color Schemes

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Color Schemes Natalie Ruff


Triadic is three hues that are equal distance apart on a color wheel. My colors are red, yellow, and blue.

Monochromatic Monochromatic consists of different shades and hues of one color.

Accented Neutral Accented neutral uses mostly neutral colors with a small amount of bright colors.

Analagous Analagous is colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.

Tetrad This color scheme uses any four colors that have a logical relationship on the color wheel.

Split Complementary Split complementary uses three hues, you find your main color first and thenuse the two colors on either side of its complememtary color.

Analagous Complementary You start with the main color and then select the colors compliment and and choose the colors next to the complement.

Complementary Triad You start with two complementary colors and then the third color will be halfway between the two other colors.

Complementary Complementary is two colors opposite of each other on the color wheel.

Neutral A neutral color scheme uses lots of blacks, whites, beiges, and browns.

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