The Olav Thon Group’s sustainability work We work systematically with sustainability and social responsibility in the Olav Thon Group. We have policies and guidelines and continuously follow up the work with sustainability and social responsibility. To integrate considerations of human rights, labour rights, equality and non-discrimination, social conditions, the external environment and the fight against corruption, the Olav Thon Group has prepared a policy for social responsibility, participates in the UN Global Compact initiative, prepares an annual report in accordance with GRI Standards, has employed our own sustainability advisor and has an annual status meeting within group management, which deals with sustainability and social responsibility. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY POLICY The Olav Thon Group’s policy for corporate social responsibility describes the group’s goal of striving for the most sustainable development possible in its business operations. The Olav Thon Group’s social responsibility is based on Norwegian legal requirements and standards, as well as the principles in the UN Global Compact initiative and the guidelines in the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). According to our policy, our focus areas are waste, energy, health and safety (for employees, customers and guests), diversity, equality and nondiscrimination, as well as the impact on local communities.
OTHER POLICIES AND GUIDELINES The Olav Thon Group has several policies and guidelines within social responsibility and sustainability. Policies: - Environmental policy - Policy for diversity and gender equality work - Group policy for purchasing - Travel policy Guidelines - Ethical requirements for suppliers - Guidelines for source sorting - Guidelines for company car/ service vehicle - Routine for responsible purchasing ORGANISATION OF THE WORK The group management of the Olav Thon Group is responsible for the work with social responsibility and sustainability. Professional responsibility and daily responsibility for reporting, strategy development, facilitation and coordination have been assigned to the HSE Department by the group’s sustainability advisor. The group’s various companies/units are responsible for the daily execution of sustainability measures. The work with social responsibility
and sustainability must be made visible internally and externally through the annual sustainability report as well as internally through the use of own tools for internal communication. OVERALL EVALUATION OF LAST YEAR’S WORK 2020 was a different year also for the Olav Thon Group’s work on sustainability. In order to prioritise the internal resources and their capacity, the focus was shifted fairly quickly to maintaining already established activities after the lockdown in March. In the first half of the year, the group worked mainly with reporting, as well as with reorganising the work adapted to the ”new normal”. The group’s main resource for sustainability was largely absent in the second half of the year, which led to the work on sustainability strategy and other development measures being put on hold. Routine tasks were transferred to other resources. Other evaluations of the group’s focus areas are described in the various chapters in this report.