Old School Biker Magazine Volume #1 March 2015

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MARCH 2015


aytona Bike Wee~ Preview! Pictures and Story IDilde

ValGalzP ix.com ValGal will will be there at all your favorite biker events. She can also shoot your private event upon request.

Check Her Website for: •Downloadable Images •Prints in most size up to poster size • Framed Prints • Coffee Table • More ...


6 Groundhog Gala by - Miserable George - George covers a great car show in Sanford, Fla!

15 Valentines Day Massacre by - Miserable George - Pic's and details of this year's valentines party at Station 23!

18 Bike Week 2015 Preview by - Miserable George - George's take on the upcoming festivities and some of his great shots from previous years.

by- Staff- We had a great start, and we have more planned.

7 Hot Rod of the Month by- VaiGal- '68 Camaro SS

13 Behind the Sights by - Michelle P.

13 Calendar by - Staff- Check here for what's going on!

16 On the Run by- VaiGal and Miserable George- Pic's of recent area events. Keep an eye on this section in upcoming issues for coverage of local happenings.

20 Ride of the Month by - Staff- The Loop

21 Bike of the Month by- VaiGal- '78 FX Lowrider

25 Babe of the Month by- VaiGal- Brittney

28 Exit Strategy

Publishers Note Well, here we go. Issue number one. We launched our preview issue on 2/ 19/2015 to see what y'all thought. Your response far exceeded our hopes. By the end of our first day the magazine had almost 3000 page views. 1514 people have seen that little preview issue and we are above 7000 page views with visitors from as far away as the UK and Brazil. Now as we launch our first Visits & Views By official volume, volume number 1 for March of 2015 , we can't wait to hear what you think of this issue. We would also like to get feedback and input from our readers that we can put in an upcoming readers feedback section where you can say your piece.

Another planned area is a classified section. Our plan is to offer free classifieds to private folks to sell their private goods. There will also be a paid classified section for businesses who want something in addition to a display ad. On that note, we don't have any advertizing sales people right now, and we would just as soon keep it that way. Grab George or Valerie and let them know that you


want your business represented in the pages of OS B. You are also welcome to contact the office by emailing osb@nnsg.us and we can get your display ad set up for you.

In this issue we have stories from a classic car show in Sanford, Fl and a great Valentines Day party at Station 23 , both great events from last month as well as our "Babe of the Month" Brittney and area event pictures in the "On the Run" section. Look for your picture in there! We also take a look forward with a story on Daytona Bike Week that is coming up this month. We also have our first feature, "Behind the Sights" by Michelle P ., and our feature bike is a classic '78 FX Lowrider by Southern Man Cycles. We are looking forward to more from Michelle as well as more features on other topics like, tips on maintenance, places to eat and party, and whatever else we can fit in. So, enjoy, and Ride Safe! Miserable George, ValGal and the OSB Crew.

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George -633·64ZZ

Call V--··or 3ZI·SZ---

email us at OSB@NNSG.US e w'ill send you a media --·--

The Groundhog Gala! BY MISERABLE GEORGE We started out for Sanford in a slight morning chill, which ended up as a beautiful warm day. The lot at THE BARN in Sanford was wall to wall cars and people! The sounds ofthose custom machines was absolutely enchanting, you could HEAR the power that was instilled in those hand-built motors, ah, but it was never abused. No "racking off of loud pipes!" Not ONE, all day, good show! Some of those old school sedans really took me back to my post .----.--~~high-school days. Buicks, Oldsmobiles, Studebakers, Lincolns, Caddys ... even an old Hudson NASCAR type coach ... TWIN-H POWER, remember? Lots ofFords and Chevy's, but, I only saw 4 Mopar Hemi' s, and one solitary 'Vette ... a '57 I believe. And the girls! Most all decked out in the retro pin-up style dresses, gorgeous! Lots of door prizes, drawings all day long! A bit tiring for this old boy, but, I enjoyed every minute of it! ValGal was having a ball... (as usual!) Doing her photos, and even posing now and then. All in all, a super-fun day!

Miserable George

68 Camara SS

March 2015 Sun

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Tue 4


Fri 6

Sat 7













Behind the Sights by Michelle P. When my husband went back to driving over the road, I started a new adventure. For 2 reasons, protection and a new hobby. I was extremely nervous because it was something I've never done before and have never really been around. Not that I was ever scared of guns, just never wanted them in my house. So my first stop was B&H Gun Rack, Merritt Island. I was just looking for some advise on the different kinds of guns, where to start, where to go, that kind of thing. And that is what I got. I was told to go to the Gun Range where I could rent different kinds of guns and try them all until I found the one that fit me. I went to the Gun Range on Merritt Island and was told about a gun safety class and that is where I should start, so that's what I did. My instructor walked me through a Glock 9mm from start to finish. Old School Biker路 March 2015



From how to hold it to taking it apart, showing me exactly what the bullet does from the time you put it in the magazine until it comes out of the harrell and putting it back together. He also showed me a 22, a 380 and a Revolver. Then came bullet school where he showed me the different kinds of bullets and exactly how they worked. My instructor was awesome. And it was very interesting to someone who did not know anything. When the class was over and it was time to shoot I got really nervous. He started me out with a 22, a gun with training wheels, as someone explained it to me. It wasn't so bad. Then he got me a Glock 17. I did not like it at all. But with some very good advice and encouragement from my instructor I got a little better but still did not like the way it felt or shot. I shot a little over 3 rounds and I was done. I left the range feeling uneasy about the Glock and I wasn't sure ifi wanted to go back.



But then I thought, there are other guns and i don't have to shoot a Glock. My son and I went back 4 days later and I was given a CZ 7 5 compact 9mm, a heavier gun. I shot it once and I loved it. We went through 3 boxes of ammo and now I'm hooked. Im checking into buying one and im also going to take the concealed carry permit class. I feel more confident and I can't wait to get back to the range. More to come!



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Valentines Day Massacre (party) held at Station 23 on Feb. 14, 2015, certainly wasn't anything like the infamous one of 1929, on N. Clark St. in Chicago! No, this was a peaceful gathering of bikers, out for a good time. Despite the cold night, a good crowd rode in for the festivities ... food, drink, music, and above all, BROTHERHOOD!! The new jukebox got a good workout inside, while outside, there was a nice fire pot going to break the cold ... at least a little bit!! Lots of hot, Italian food helped to warm you up as well. As usual, a host of beautiful ladies were scampering around the clubroom, and it was nice to see an old friend, Sally from Sally's Bargain Bam, out and about. She's on her way to recovery from a bout with the Big-C, lookin' good, Sal! Yeah, bikers are a hardy bunch man, you had to be hardy to be riding on that frigid night! Miserable George


fu, Spring is


almost here, and around here that means BIKE WEEK! Here are a few photos to kinda get you in the mood, in the mood for elevated prices, traffic jams beyond belief, iffy weather, you know, all the good stuff. But there is a bright side. It's something new every year, that's what I love about it, you never really know exactly WHAT you're gonna see in Daytona. There' s new choppers every year at Willies 01' Skool Chopper Show, hell raisin' at the Cabbage Patch, crazy sights on Main St., Outhouse Racing at the White Eagle, the Rats Hole Show, and of course, big time motorcycle racing at the BIG Speedway! Hell, I'd say there was something for every taste! So, if you were there, if yer gonna be there THIS year, we just might get your picture. Have fun, watch out for the "weekend riders", and of course, the Law. Be safe ... Miserable George

Ride of the Month - The Loop

The map on the right shows the basic loop from Main St. and AlA to Main St. and Beach St. according to Google (Thanks for the map Google) it's 31.8 miles and should take 58 minutes. The Loop is the standard ride in Daytona for locals and visitors alike. You can start anywhere in Daytona or Ormond and go north to High Bridge Rd, cross the lCW and head south again. The river roads on both sides are a great and you should do the loop more than once so that you can do the beach side river road and also see AlA north of Rt 40 in Ormond, where the highway actually runs along the oceanfront! Ride safe - the OSB staff

1978 Harley Davidson FXLowRider Builder - Southern Man Cycles Painter- Josh Kelly Engine - Shovelhead Shift - 4 Speed Forward Controls Electric and Kick Start

By Southern Man Cycles -

Exit Strategy Ok, it's Bike Week again and every green ass rub has his trailer ready for bike week! Here is your sign: If you trailer your bike to Daytona from Orlando you might want to look at that. There will be madness on the roads as all those weekend warriors try their best to look cool with their henna tattoos and 5Ok customs that they can afford but not ride well. Look for them firing up their cold engines and running the RPM's up to 5k before any oil reaches the top end, then taking off too fast and causing problems for everyone else. If you resemble these remarks, don't get your nose out of joint, get out this year and ride. lay down some miles. Ride in the heat, ride in the rain, ride in the cold, ride until your butt is sore and your eyes are red. Then come back and ride with brothers. Remember, 25k dollars and 2500 miles don't make you a biker. Go get wet, tired, sore, sunburned and worn out and then come back with a little understanding of what this life all is about.

ValGalzPix.com ValGal will will be there at all your favorite biker events. She can also shoot your private event upon request.

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