Erasmus+YouthMobility 28January-6February2023 Mol,Antwerp,Belgium
ERASMUS NETWORK BELGIUM ErasmusNetworkBelgium(ENB)isanactiveorganizationinBelgiumcreatedbypostErasmus activistsfromUniversityofAntwerp.TheorganizationispromotingErasmus+opportunitiesfor youthandadultpeopletobroadentheirhorizon,encouragingthemtoexploreEUopportunitiesand takepartinEuropeanprojectsaswellasvolunteerinactivitiesforpositivesocialchanges. ErasmusNetworkBelgiumisaimingtoreachwidernetworksinBelgiuminordertoencouragecitizens toinvolveinErasmus+andotherEUopportunitiessuchasEuropeanSolidarityCorps,ErasmusYoung Entrepreneurs,ErasmusIntern,Erasmus+Sport,etc. Inaddition,ENBisaiming toboost participant'schancesforincreasingemployabilitybyequippingthemwithdifferentskillsand abilities,aswellastoencouragenewgenerationtogetknowmoreaboutotherculturesfortolerance, tocreateinterculturaldialogueformorepeacefulfuturesandtobreakthestereotypesintheframe ofculturaltolerance. Followus:
Youth Eurasia BELGIUM Erasmus Network Belgium ITALY ORIEL ETS CZECHIA Reconnect. z,s. HUNGARY Youth Bridge Budapest AUSTRIA Move To Be You GERMANY Erasmusplus Hannover
Congratulations! You are one of the 25 participants who will participate in the Erasmus+ Youth Mobility “Art of Waste" that will take place in Mol, Belgium between 28 January - 6 February 2023. We want you to have a great experience during your stay here. We prepared this info pack with all the practicalities you need to know along with a brave summary about the project itself. We look forward to meet you all there! Note: 28 January 2023 is check-in date and 6 February 2023 is check-out date to/from the project venue. Participants are allowed to spend time by their own 3 days before and after the project each. . WELCOME!!!
"Art of Waste " Erasmus+ youth project has aims to share new techniques, concept and approach with young people through enjoyable activities to re-use waste materials for promoting European Green Deal and sustainable life style. Also to encourage and attract people to change their consumption habits in a more eco-friendly way through creative recycling and media promotion with short videos and tutorials.
GENERALFLOWofTIMETABLE 09:00 - 09:45................................... Breakfast 10:00 - 11: 30....................................Workshop / Activity 11:30 - 12:00......................................Coffee Break 12:00 - 13:30......................................Workshop / Activity 13:30 - 14:30.......................................Lunch 14:30 - 15:30......................................Free-time 15:30 - 16:30.....................................Workshop / Activity 16:30 - 17:00.....................................Coffee Break 17:00 - 18:30......................................Workshop / Activity 18:30 - 19:00......................................Reflection & Leaders Meeting 21:00 - 22:00......................................Intercultural nights & Social Events
Equal number of genders among the participants must be kept.
18 - 27 years old for participants / 18+ no upper limit for leaders
Having motivation in sharing project results outside Motivated to participate proactively at all stages of the project Interest and motivation in acting for nature and environment.
Having motivation in sharing project results outside and organize workshop & follow up events in home country after the mobility.
Motivated to participate proactively at all stages of the project.
1 Newcomer in Erasmus+ world in each national team.
There will be 4 participants (18-27) + 1 leader (18+), totally 5 from each team
What to prepare before the Training Course?
Active cooperation and communication with national team members.
Preparing a workshop with national team members addressing to creative recycling. Preparation of the cultural night of your country (foods, drinks, games, dances).
To bring your own towels, slippers, personal hygiene items, warm clothes for nights.
To bring own towels, slippers, personal hygiene items, warm clothes, raincoat.
To make Antygen or PCR test in home country before arrival to the Belgium.
To keep all invoices, tickets, boarding passes etc regarding travel and other expenses.
Filling the online participant form shared by coordinator and to join Facebook group.
It is recommended to buy health insurance covering during your stay in Belgium.
The project will be held in recreational center “de Hoge Rielen ” surrounded by nature. Food and catering will be served at the spot. It offers training room, kitchen, accommodation at dorm and a large garden as well as outdoor spaces with different kind of social activities. The toilets and bath will be common separated by genders. There are golf car and bicycles available for participants to enjoy. Strong alcohols and drugs is prohibited during the program. The sleeping rooms are separated based on gender in shared dormitories. The accommodation is in dormitory format in bunkbeds. Group of participants will help kitchen staff with dishes and we will clean after ourselves in the venue. Locationofvenue:
Molenstraat 62, 2460 Kasterlee,
TravelInstrıctions? ThenearestairportsareCharleroiAirportandBrusselsAirportZaventem. Thosewhoarrivesinthisairports shouldarriveinAntwerp,Belgiumthroughtrainorbus. ForhosewholandsinBrusselAirport,theyshouldgetICtraintoAntwerpen-CentraalfromBrusselAirport. ThosearrivesinCharleroishouldget"Flipco"bustotheBrussel-MidiandgetthetraintoAntwerpfromthere. Payattentiontobuy"youthtrainticket"whichisdiscounted. FromAntwerpCentraltrainstation,youshouldgetthetrainto"Turnhout"or"Leuven"andgetoffat"Tielen" station. Ourteamwillpickyouupfromthere. Thistriptakesaround1hour.
Duringthemobilityallexpensessuchasaccommodation,catering,trainingetc.willbefreeofcharge,%100 coveredbytheprogram.Outsidethemobilitydatesparticipantsareresponsiblefortheirownexpenses. 30EURfeeforcarserviceduringtheevent /topickupfromtrainstationanddailysupermarketlogisticsThisfeewillbedeductedfromthereimbursement. RealcostoftravelwillbereimburseduptoErasmus+rulesforeachparticipant.Participantswhoprefers GREENTRANSPORTATION(bus,train,carpooling)willhavemoretravelbudgetanditisrecommendedby theErasmus+programe.(GreentransportisavailableonlyforparticipantsfromGermany)-anightoftheir accommodationcostwillbecoveredifneededbothforarrivalanddeparture. Belgium:23€ Austria: 275€ Czechia:275€ Hungary:275€ Germany:180€ /GreenTravel:210€ Italy:275€ Turkey:360€ Note:Alldigitalandphsyicalinvoices,receipts,boardingpasses,ticketsrelatedtotravelmustbekeptandsentor broughttothecoordinatorsinordertobereimbursed. FINANCIALASPECT
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