'Local Volunteer'
Application Form
Ready to challenge yourself and bring new product to LC? I can promice you, that it will be unforgetable and super challenging experience, that you and AIESEC in Kyiv, for sure, will remember for a long time. -Olya. LC VP TM 1617
Hey, dear future applicant! Now you are looking through an opportunity to open one more AIESEC product in AIESEC in Kyiv! You may become a person, who will make a first iGV project with Local Volunteers there and you may become a person, who will create a huge trend starting from simple 'booklet'.
But fit st, let' s chec k, what i s 'Loc al Volun teer'
APPLICATION PROCESS: 1. Fill in an Application Form, that consist of 2 parts: general and specific. 2. Fill in the test for 16 personalities and save a screenshot of the results. https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test 3. Send this package to office.kyiv@aiesec.net till the DDL.
TIMELINE: 27/09 - DDL for AF sending; 28/09 - Interviews finished; 30/09 - Announcement; after -
Work hard - achieve big!
GENERAL QUESTIONS: 1. Name & Surname. 2. Current/last position in LC. 3. E-mail and phone number. 4. Date of birth. 1. Why do you want to apply for this specific position? 2. What is AIESEC Way? Describe in details. 3. How will your position contribute to the achievement of 'Brand Ukraine'?
SPECIFIC QUESTION: Choose any current iGV project (choose wisely) for winter and create a weekly detailed planning of activities for Local Volunteers there during realization period. Check, if your planning is alligned to value proposition, definition of GV and agenda for the project.
In case you'll have any questions - feel free to approach Olya Nagorniuk: 096 436 56 34 olya.nagorniuk@aiesec.net