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BENEMÉRITA ESCUELA NORMAL MANUEL ÁVILA CAMACHO ENGLISH V– Demonstratives (this, that, these & those) Jimena Murillo Arellano

Student’s name:__Carolina Olguín Vargas_____________________________ Date: __07/11/2020____ Program: _LEPREE_______ Semester:__5°______

A. Complete the charts with the correct word. Complete with this or these.

Complete with that or those.

this_______ book these_____ books this_______ house these____ houses these____ pencils

that______ house those____ houses that_______ horse those____ horses that________ girl

These_____ children these______ trousers this_______ tooth these_______ jeans this________ men

those_____ boys those_____ animals that________ man those_______ people that_______ car

B. Complete the sentences with this, that, these or those. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

__This_____ is my ball in my hand and ___that_____ is your ball over there. __This______ is my cup here and ____that______ is your cup on the table over there. __That_____ is Sally's bike in front of the door and ___this_____ is her coat here. __That____ is Simon's pen on the floor over there and ____this____ here is his rubber. __These___ are our parents and ___those____ are our neighbours over there. __This ____ is my sandwich here and ___that___ is Tom's sandwich over there __These__ are Tony's friends and ___those______ are my friends over there __These____ are't Johnny's books but __those___ are his books under the table over there.

C. Complete the conversation with phrases from the box. *Do you have it in red?

*It’s too loose.

*Thank you!

*Yes, here you are.

*How much is it?

*Do you have any evening dresses?

*The fitting rooms are right here.

*Good afternoon, do you need any help?

Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk:

Good afternoon, do you need any help?_________ Yes, it’s going to be my graduation soon. _Do you have any evening dresses?______ Yes, They’re on the other side of the store. I like this one, but purple is not my color. __Do you have it in red?____________ No, sorry. But we have it in blue and black. Can I try on the blue one in a size small? Of course. The fitting rooms are right here.______, Thank you. _It's too loose_________. Do you have an extra small? _Yes, here you are_______________.

Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer:

This one fits perfect. I love it! How much is it__________. $It’s 789.00. Never mind. It’s not that pretty. I’ll just keep looking. No problem. _Thank you!______________.

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