Welcome to UPSU President Abi Pettit
info@upsu.com www.upsu.com 01752 588388 twitter.com/upsu facebook.com/upsunion facebook.com/ plymouthfreshers11
facebook.com/UPSUthepresident twitter.com/UPSUpresident president@upsu.com 01752 588379
Welcome to the University of Plymouth Students’ Union, I’m Abi your President for this academic year. The first few weeks whether you’re on campus or at one of our partner colleges will be packed full of activities and excitement. I want to tell you about some of the lesser known information about your Students’ Union, UPSU may be known for it’s events, bar and shop, but I can assure you UPSU is far more than just a bar. UPSU is YOUR union, run by students, for students. We are a democratic body which is primarily here to represent you individually and the rights of students on campus, locally, nationally and even internationally. Plymouth University has around 30,000 students both on and off campus, all of which become automatic members of UPSU when they enrol into the university.
As a democratic body, our members elect both full time (“sabbatical”) officers and part-time officers (Parliamentarians) to represent them in university decision making and the running of the students Union. There are 5 sabbatical officer roles in the Students’ Union– President, Deputy President, VP Sports, VP Education and Welfare and VP Activities and Communications. Each Sabbatical Officer holds a different remit within the Students’ Union and is also responsible for representing a Faculty in the University. We attend meetings with elected school representatives to ensure your concerns are raised in the university. Sabbatical Officers represent you in academic appeals, complaints and disciplinaries, to ensure fair decisions are made, as well as representing student views in University meetings and decision making. To find out which Sabbatical officer is representing your Faculty, please come into the Students’ Union and out on our welcome board in the entrance.
As President I hold, along with our chair of Student Parliament, an additional responsibility as we are additionally members of the University Board of Governors. This means we can ensure the student voice is heard at the highest level in the institution. UPSU is in fact a charity, most Students’ Unions are becoming ‘educational charities’ registered with the charity commission. Your sabbatical officers are in fact trustees of the UPSU alongside 2 student and 3 independent trustees. The Board of Trustees are responsible for making major decisions which affect the organisation, however do not have any say in UPSU policies or campaigns. These are decided and guided by our Student Parliament. Student Parliament is made up of Parttime elected officers, or parliamentarians who are there to represent a broad range of groups. Parliament meets once a month and makes important decisions on what campaigns we run, our policies and most importantly hold the Sabbatical Officers to account. In fact the bi-election for part time officers will be happening in October with nominations open throughout the welcome period, so if you want to find out more about parliament or running for a position, have a look at www.upsu. com or come talk to us in the Hive in the Students’ Union.
Welcome to The Knowledge Editors welcome by Steph Driscoll
Hello and welcome to this years first Knowledge edition!! We have so much planned and its fair to say its going to be an amazing year. In this edition we offer you a what’s on guide to fresher’s plus loads of info about the union and what we do. Hope you enjoy Lots of Love Steph Xxx knowledge@upsu.com
WIN Katy B tickets Our kind friends at Plymouth Pavilions have given us 2 pairs of Katy B tickets to be won for her huge November 2nd gig at the Plymouth Pavilions After huge demand for her sell out debut UK tour, dubstep superstar Katy B has announced her second solo UK tour “On A Mission”, heading to Plymouth Pavilions in November!
To win a pair of tickets simply tells us: How many sports clubs and societies we have at UPSU?
NAME: EMAIL: MOBILE: Fill out this form and return it to the Hive at UPSU. Closing date: October 25th. The editor will choose 2 winners at random and each winner will recieve a pair of tickets
We are looking for people who want to get involved in this years Knowledge. Designers, writers, editors everything. If your interested email us at knowledge@upsu.com or come visit our stall at the sports and societies fair!!
Your Sabbatical team 2011 /12 The University of Plymouth Students’ Union is a democratic organisation led by students for students. The role of our Sabbatical Officers is to lead UPSU representing the views of students to
the university and the community. The Sabbatical Officers hold a full time role at the University of Plymouth Students’ Union. There are 5 Officers in total, and despite having different remits they
are all willing to talk to you about any issues regarding University life that you may wish to raise. If they can’t help you personally, they’ll certainly know where to go for help.
You may just think of your Students’ Union as a bar, although we have a pretty amazing one (even if we do say so ourselves), UPSU offers so much more. We have over 100 clubs and societies, a wide range of volunteer opportunities and a free confidential and independent advice centre. UPSU is here to actively campaign on issues that affect you, our members, be it locally, nationally or internationally! We are also here to represent you academically, through our presence at faculty and university-wide meetings. As your President I will work around the clock to make sure that UPSU does all those things and more.
for community problems, I want to remind individuals that our students are part of the community and shout about the amazing ways in which our students give back. I will also be representing mature and postgraduate students and ensuring we offer opportunities and events that appeal to all our members.
Over the coming year I hope to make your Students’ Union the most environmentally friendly place it has ever been, working with the university and our student societies in spreading the green agenda among our campus buildings and even out into our partner colleges. I also want to improve our relationship with our local community, students can sometimes made a scapegoat
I hope that you have a brilliant year here at the University of Plymouth and get to enjoy the Students’ Union, University and City of Plymouth as much as I do.
Bonjour as they say, if you’re French. My name is Rich Garratt and I am your Deputy President of the UPSU.
The University offers countless opportunities from being able to engage with a variety of diverse cultures which is spearheaded by the OH! (overseas and home) campaign to representing the University in one of our many sports teams.
President Abi Pettit
facebook.com/UPSUthepresident twitter.com/UPSUpresident president@upsu.com 01752 588379
Deputy President Rich Garratt
Whether you are a new student or returning to the theatre of dreams, as the University of Plymouth has been dubbed, for another year of study. UPSU is an organization that is solely there to represent you! Whether this be academically or in relation to personal issues that may be troubling you our door is always open.
facebook.com/UPSUdeputy twitter.com/UPSUdeputy deputypresident@upsu.com 01752 588372
You will hopefully see me in and around campus over the next year and will be based along with the other sabbatical officers in the Hive. So feel free to drop in and say hi, or email us with any questions, comments or suggestions that you might have.
The students’ union pride themselves on having something for everyone. Should you have an idea about how University life can be improved please do not hesitate to contact me. I am here to represent you and will do my up most to aid any visions to become a reality. I look forwards to the upcoming year and meeting you.
Vice President Activities and Communications Jazz Singh-Khaira Hello, my name is Jazz I’m your Vice
President Activities and Communications here at UPSU. I am here to ensure that students get the best out of Societies & Volunteering and that all UPSU activity is communicated back to you through our website (upsu.com), UPSU Facebook and Twitter. I also help out our student led media; UPSU Radio & The Knowledge , our paper, we are always looking for contributors for both!
facebook.com/UPSUactscomms twitter.com/UPSUactscomms vpactivities@upsu.com 01752 588378
Joining a society is an awesome way to meet like minded people and will give you invaluable experience doing something you
Vice President Education and Welfare My task for the coming year is to gather Emma Wilson the views of students and represent you
facebook.com/UPSUedwelfare twitter.com/UPSUedwelfare vpedandwelfare@upsu.com 01752 588372
Vice President Sport Tom Davidson
facebook.com/UPSUsports twitter.com/UPSUsports vpsports@upsu.com 01752 588378
within the university. I attend high level committees within the University and feed up issues which are raised by students on the ground to ensure that every student studying with Plymouth University feels that they are represented academically and are supported throughout their studies. I will also be promoting the great services UPSU has to offer including our fantastic Advice Centre (above the Hive) and getting out to speak to as many students as possible to hear first-hand what issues you are facing. This will help me represent you and strive to ensure that every students university experience is a fun, exciting, fair and most importantly, enjoyable one. From looking after Course Reps, to training you to run your own campaigns or signposting you to support
Hi everyone, as Vice President Sport it’s my job to make sure that all students at Plymouth have the best possible opportunities to get involved in sport and physical activity; be it representing the university in BUCS competitions or playing intramural sport with some of your mates on a Sunday afternoon.
love, or just trying something new! Volunteering while you are at University is not only a rewarding experience but will help you with essential skills and looks great on a CV, we offer many opportunities, just pop in to the Hive in the SU and speak to our volunteering department! As Sabbatical officers we are also here to represent you, the students at various different levels within the University and spend a lot of time in meetings with them to make sure students get a better deal! If you have any questions or queries contact me.
services in terms of accommodation advice, counseling, or even information about how to get more involved in UPSU whilst you are here - the union is here for you, and as a Sabbatical Officer I can help point you in the right direction! I can’t encourage you enough to get as involved as possible with university life, whether as signing up to be a course rep or a UPSU parliamentarian, both are vitally important in getting the voices of students heard around the University and ultimately can really drive change at Plymouth for the benefit of all students. If you have an issue you feel strongly about that you would like to share with other students, or that you think that UPSU or the University should be addressing then please do get in touch. Have a fantastic year!
My remit is to work with the university and local partners to make sure that sports development, from new facilities to volunteering opportunities, is at the forefront of development within the University. If you have any questions then please drop me an email or drop by the office and say hi in person. Cheers!
UPSU DEMOCRACY Ah democracy… it is defined as ‘the government of a country by its people, usually by a parliament or representatives elected by them.’ Well... although UPSU is not a country, we do have a Parliament (made up of elected student Campaigns Chairs, Sabbatical Officers, representatives and School reps), and of course we also have people-YOU! So together we can ensure that all our voices are heard so that our Union can improve and represent all of our 30,000 students. Now that we have understood that UPSU is a democratic organisation, we need to understand WHY? What’s the point? Well, if you encounter any problems you want to rectify or want to help make positive changes to UPSU, you need democratic structures to ensure that your union isn’t being run in a corrupt, underhand kind of way! Ok, well that’s a bit extreme, but to make sure that YOUR union is run the way YOU want it to be, there are a number of democratic procedures in place so that you can make your voice heard; such as the Annual General Meeting (AGM), Student Parliament and subcommittees or our Elections to become an NUS delegate to attend national NUS conferences so your vote can affect students nationwide. The University of Plymouth also has 18 partner colleges (UPC) at which students can study degree level courses all across the South West. 10,000 UoP students study at partner colleges, but these students are often underrepresented, as they don’t study on the main Plymouth campus. To prevent this, UPC Representatives are elected annually, from HE students at their college, to sit on Student Parliament and have monthly meetings with the Deputy President to help Partner College students get involved in the democratic processes of UPSU. So although democracy may sound a tad boring, it involves every single one of us, and we’re not boring… in fact we’re pretty damn awesome...so in a roundabout way, democracy must be awesome too! The power of democracy is brilliant, and all you need to do to is get involved and VOTE in our elections!
Student Parliament Student Parliament is one of the highest democratic structures at UPSU; it consists of student representatives elected by students at the University of Plymouth to make sure that UPSU is doing what it is supposed to do in the way that it is supposed to do it. Parliament discuss and approve UPSU policy, run campaigns and invite key University staff, such as Bill Rammell - Deputy Vice Chancellor, to discuss areas of change or concern and to ask them the questions that YOU want to know the answers to.
At Student Parliament you can even mandate your executive officers to follow up issues with the University on your behalf. Remember, any student can attend Student Parliament or question their Sabbatical Officers at any time. Representatives from the Sports and Societies Committee also attend the meeting along with the Presidents of the RAG and Volunteering Societies, School Reps and Partner College Reps.
Student Parliament 2011 members are: Independent Reps
Welfare Campaigns Chair
Ben Lipscombe, Gareth Denney, Richie Skipper
Anthony Walsh
Mature Students Campaigns Chair
Rob Young, Thomas Starnes
LGBT Campaigns Chair Simon Griffiths
Media Representative
Natalie Shilton
Students With Disabilities Campaigns Chair
Jack Kenyon
Women’s Campaigns Chair
David Fraser
Parliament meetings
Emily Robson
Thursday 27th October, 18:30, venue to be confirmed Thursday 24th November, 18:30, venue to be confirmed
AGM – Monday 12th December, 18:30, SUBlime Bar, UPSU Tuesday 24th January, 18:30, venue to be confirmed Tuesday 21st February, 18:30, venue to be confirmed Wednesday 21st March, 18:30, venue to be confirmed
We need to elect the following positions in our By-elections: Parliament Chair
The Parliament Chair is solely responsible for chairing Student Parliament once a month. The Chair must remain impartial and run meetings with an agenda of being unbiased and neutral. The Chair also attends the University Board of Governors meeting alongside the President, an opportunity that no other students have.
Campaigns Chairs
There are also several Campaign Chair positions on Student Parliament. These positions are responsible for chairing specific campaign sub-committees on Parliament. The Chairs must recruit volunteers to sit on the committees and ensure that the sub-committee works effectively. Any student can represent on a sub-committee and attend Student Parliament. The Chairs are one of the main representatives for all Union issues regarding their campaign area and will attend national and local conferences as appropriate. Vacant Campaign Chair positions are: * Racial & Ethnic Campaigns Chair * Postgraduate Campaigns Chair * International Students Campaigns Chair * Ethics & Environment Campaigns Chair * Education Campaigns Chair * Part-time Students Campaigns Chair * Placement Students Campaigns Chair * 3x Independent Reps
NUS Delegates
Elected to attend NUS Annual Conference, ensure that the issues from the University of Plymouth students are heard and not ignored and to feed into national policy. We need to elect 7 students to attend, the Union’s Lead Officer gets to go in an ex-officio capacity.
Nominations for By-election positions: Open: 19th September 12:00 noon Close: 7th October 12:00 noon Voting for By-elections positions: Open: 14th October 12:00 noon Close: 20th October 12:00 noon
If you would like more information about a vacant position or would like to nominate yourself email elections@upsu. com or check out the website www.upsu.com
Whats on during freshers: #Welcome Week 2 MON 19th
TUE 20th
WED 21st
Until 7the October By-Elections Nominations Open SEE UPSU.COM FOR DETAILS
9:30 - 16:00 NUS Cards onsale SUB:LIME BAR
9:30 - 16:00 NUS Cards onsale SUB:LIME BAR
10:00 - 12:00 Student Parents Coffee Morning THE LOUNGE UPSU
10:00 - 12:00 Post Graduate Coffee Morning THE LOUNGE UPSU
11:00 - 16:30 Inflatable fun games Outside the SU
11:00 - 18:00 Welcome Fayre (Day 1) ILLUSION BAR & Roland Levinsky Building
9:30 - 16:00 NUS Cards onsale SUB:LIME BAR 10:00 - 12:00 Mature + Returners Coffee Morning THE LOUNGE UPSU 19:00 - late Salsa Lessons and International night ILLUSION BAR 19:00 - late 3 Bands 1 Night, Launch of Open Mic Night SUB:LIME BAR
20:00 Bingo-Bango SUB:LIME BAR 22:00 - late Reloaded Beach/Foam party Walkabout (official student night)
22:00 Fuzzy Logic School Disco Oceana (official student night)
14:00 - 20:00 Outdoor Headphone Disco +BBQ Outside the SU 20:00 Score (Sports & Societies night) ALL SU barS 21:00 - 23:00 Outdoor Cinema Outside the SU 22:00 - late Boogie Nights. Mr & Mrs Hoff. Win free entry for a year! C103 (official student night)
THU 22nd
FRI 23rd
SAT 24th
SUN 25th
9:30 - 16:00 NUS Cards onsale SUB:LIME BAR
9:30 - 16:00 NUS Cards onsale SUB:LIME BAR
11:00 - 15:00 Meet the Parents Picnic Drake Gardens
12:00 - 18:00 Sports and Societies Fayre ALL SU, Roland Levinsky Building
11:00 - 18:00 Welcome Fayre (Day 2) ILLUSION BAR & Roland Levinsky Building
11:00 - 18:00 Well-Fayre ILLUSION BAR
Throughout the day Premier League Screenings See upsu.com for details ALL SU barS
11:00 - 16:30 Outdoor Jam Outside the SU 14:00 - 20:00 Outdoor Headphone Disco + BBQ Outside the SU 18:00-21:00 Ice Age vote Screening. Family film fun. Jill Cragie CINEMA 20:00 - 03:00 Dappa Thursdays Launch Night. ILLUSION & SUB:LIME BAR
14:00 - 15:00 Global Poverty Talk Guest lecturer Jill Cragie CINEMA 16:00 - 20:00 TFI Friday ALL SU barS 19:00 - 21:00 Zumba ILLUSION BAR 20:00 - 03:00 Coocoocachoo Back to School Fancy Dress Party ALL SU barS
13:00 - 16:00 Circus Skills SUB:LIME BAR 13:00 - 16:00 Treasure Hunt start in the SU 20:00 - 03:00 The Saturday Night Project! ALL SU barS 23:00 - late The Sound Live ILLUSION UPSU
You need a sports card to join a club See upsu.com for details
20:30 - 0:00 Radio 1’s Folk Face LIVE SUB:LIME BAR
Folk Face Tickets available from upsu.com & su bars
19:30 - 03:00 Dappa Boat Party ILLUSION & SUB:LIME BAR
22:00 - late Sunday Session Revolution (official student night)
22:00 - late Bang Tidy Where’s Wally popcorn party K2 (official student night)
22:00 - late Dairy The dairy (official student night)
For all up to date events and info see upsu.com and facebook.com/upsunion
#Welcome Week 3 MON 26th
TUE 27th
WED 28th
10:00 - 12:00 Post Graduate Coffee Morning THE LOUNGE UPSU
9:30 - 16:00 NUS Cards onsale SUB:LIME BAR
9:30 - 16:00 NUS Cards onsale SUB:LIME BAR
10:00 - 12:00 Mature + Returners Coffee Morning THE LOUNGE UPSU
10:00 - 12:00 Student Parents Coffee Morning THE LOUNGE UPSU
11:00 - 20:00 Paint the town red Outside the SU
10:30 - 15:30 Craft Fayre Roland Levinsky Building
20:00- late Bingo-Bango SUB:LIME BAR
20:00 Score (Sports & Societies night) ILLUSION bar
19:00 - late Salsa Lessons and International night ILLUSION & SUB:LIME BAR 19:00 - late Open Mic Night SUB:LIME BAR 22:00 - late Fuzzy Logic UV Party OCEANA (official student night)
20:00- late Freshers Comedy Night Illusion bar 22:00 - late Reloaded Danny from McFly Walkabout (official student night)
21:00 - late Ben Howard LIVE SUB:LIME BAR 22:00 - late Boogie Nights. Cops & Robbers C103 (official student night)
THU 29th
FRI 30th
SAT 1st
SUN 2nd
9:30 - 16:00 NUS Cards onsale SUB:LIME BAR
9:30 - 16:00 NUS Cards onsale SUB:LIME BAR
10:30 - 15:30 Campus Market Roland Levinsky Building
16:00 - 20:00 TFI Friday ALL SU barS
Throughout the day Premier League Screenings See upsu.com for details ALL SU barS
Throughout the day Premier League Screenings See upsu.com for details ALL SU barS
18:00 - 20:00 Volunteer Fayre Roland Levinsky Building
19:00 - 21:00 Zumba ILLUSION BAR
20:00 - 03:00 Fresh Fest! ALL SU barS & Outside the SU
20:00 - late Freshers Fancy Dress Ball OCEANA
20:00 - 03:00 Dappa Thursdays SCRATCH PERVERTS ILLUSION & SUB:LIME BAR
20:00 - 03:00 Coocoocachoo OAP Fancy Dress with DJ Grammafone ALL SU barS
19:30 - 03:00 Dappa Boat Party ILLUSION & SUB:LIME BAR 22:00 - late Bang Tidy. Geeks party K2 (official student night)
Get your Ball ticket early this is always sell out. See upsu.com 22:00 - late Sunday Session Revolution (official student night) 22:00 - late Dairy The dairy (official student night)
Volunteering at UPSU? Welcome to the new academic year, and hello to you if you have just arrived in sunny (!?!) Plymouth. The UPSU Volunteer Department is here to develop and promote student volunteering and can help you find the perfect activity to suit your interests. This is a quick guide designed to let you know how to get involved in volunteering, where to find out more information, and to give you a few examples of the sorts of things you can do. Check out the volunteer pages at www.upsu.com for lots of useful info, opportunities, contacts and advice, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Get in touch www.upsu.com volunteer@su.plymouth.ac.uk facebook.com/UPSUVolunteers twitter.com/UPSUVolunteers Visit us: Volunteer Office is located in the Hive in the Students’ Union We look forward to meeting you soon! The Volunteer Department Team
What can you do as a volunteer? You may have a very clear idea of the area that you wish to work in already, however not everyone is sure about the area in which they would like to volunteer as they do not know what is on offer in the local community for example, and others may be interested in several different activities and want to gain experience in different areas.
Why Volunteer? As a volunteer you will have the opportunity to make a real difference to your local community, as well as the chance to learn valuable skills and practical experience that cannot be achieved from academic studies alone. During your time at Uni you will hear a lot about transferable skills, training and accreditation. Volunteering you help can gain these and gives you access to free training courses. It also gives you the chance to do something completely different and challenging! Details of all the training and opportunities can be found via www.upsu.com/volunteering
If you are unsure about what you would like to do, don’t worry. We have information on a vast range of activities and projects; from one-off events, those that run twice a term, to the more time intensive opportunities that require a commitment of three hours a week or more. We are happy to arrange for you to ‘try out’ and visit several projects in order to find the right opportunity. Here are a few examples of the types of things you can do……. • •
• • • • • •
Assisting with English classes for refugees and asylum seekers. Conservation work and gardening activities at community projects. Help with after-school arts clubs or football sessions. Running dj workshops or media projects at Youth Clubs. Assisting with the designing and running of events for local charities. Serving lunches and assisting with exercise classes for older members of the community. Science projects within schools or with the open air laboratories group. Being an online mentor for antibullying programmes. Taking part in sports and cultural events for young people across Devon and Cornwall as part of the RELAYS project….and many more!
How to get involved‌. in 7 easy steps!
Check out www.upsu.com for information on projects and volunteering opportunities, and the Volunteer Policy and guidelines.
Join the UPSU Volunteers facebook group at www. facebook.com/UPSUVolunteers Follow us on Twitter www.twitter.com/UPSUVolunteers
Complete the Volunteer Enrolment form. This can be picked up from the Volunteer Department which is situated in the Hive in the Students’ Union, or downloaded from the volunteering pages on www.upsu. com/volunteering. If you require assistance with the completing of the form contact the Volunteer Office.
Once we have your form you will be invited to come and meet with a staff member to discuss your interests and to receive information on opportunities and activities.
Sign up for any relevant training. Visit the training section on the volunteer pages for all the info.
Visit your chosen projects and activities and start volunteering!
Keep in touch and tell us how you are getting on.
Volunteering and Training Dates 2011 28th September 29th September 1st October 4th October 5th October 5th October 14th October 15th October 16th October 16th October 18th October 26th October 29th October 1st November 9th November 9th November 7th December 8th December 9th December 23rd November 14th December
Moor Trees Volunteer Fair Rural Stations Project Child Protection Training Moor Trees Rural Stations Project First Aid Refresher Basic First Aid Stover Canal Basic First Aid Child Protection Training Moor Trees Cybermentor Training Child Protection Training Moor Trees Rural Stations Project Moor Trees Foodbank Collection Foodbank Collection Moor Trees Moor Trees
The Advice Centre team is made up of Lynne, Sue, Heather and Angela. The UPSU Advice Centre staff offer free, confidential advice and are totally independent from the University. Think of us as the Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) for students, we are members of AdviceUK, which like the CAB is a national support network for advisors.
The Advice Centre offers advice to students of Plymouth University on a wide variety of issues including; Student funding – loans, bursaries, problems with forms and entitlement issues Housing – contracts, deposit issues, disputes with landlords or housemates, council tax problems Debt – what to do, how to budget Benefits – are you eligible and how does this affect your student loan Academic advice – course problems, appeals, retaking modules Personal Advice –not sure where to go or what to do next. Includes pregnancy tests and information to other local specialist services. Consumer advice – know your rights and what you can expect Legal advice – referral for legal advice
Whilst the Advice Centre may not deal specifically with your particular problem they have access to many resources and will be able to point you in the right direction.
The Advice Centre is open Monday to Friday, 09:30 – 16:30 during term time, this is a drop in service so you are welcome any time but there may be a waiting time during busy periods.
The Advice Centre is on the first floor of the Students’ Union, Plymouth Campus. To find us enter the SU through the door to the right of Loafers Sandwich Shop or go up the stairs next to the lift on the ground floor. Or email us advice@su.plymouth.ac.uk Call us on 01752 588373 General information can also be found on our website www.upsu.com
A reduced service operates during the vacation period, see the website for details. If we are closed or no-one is answering the phone please email us or leave a message and we will get back to you. You know that doctors say they have ‘seen it all before’, well, we have heard it all before. Don’t feel embarrassed or think that you have a silly question, problems big or small we are here to help.
Having a job at University skint or mint? by James Beck
If we weren’t at uni, living and loving the life we all worked so hard to get - we would all HAVE to work. However the job market at the moment is obviously abominable, it is difficult to get a job, especially a full time one! So, take a second, and think about all the times you have taken the dreaded step and clicked ‘show balance’ on the ATM. How many times have you been distraught at your fiscal position? I bet all of you have at least done it once. But, is it a choice to struggle through? I say yes, of course it is! Everyone constantly complains about not having enough money at university. Buying basics mince instead of a whole chicken - gin in plastic bottles from Sainsbury’s, instead of chilled Kopparberg from co-op and having to buy a low-quality, easily ruined t-shirt from primark or a high quality, rugged shirt from cult. Why not use up the hours we all spend watching Jeremy Kyle, repeats of Top Gear and Family Guy to work some extra hours.
Don’t get me wrong we are here to get a degree, a good one and most of our time should be spent revising, looking over lecture presentations and completing extra reading. But how many of us waste our time. Realistically, going back to the issue of the job market, how many employers are looking for another person, with another degree who have sat and done nothing over their time at university? The unfortunate reality is – none. How many of you have actively looked for a job? I bet it’s a very small percentage. You will be surprised but the margin that does, generally, get them! Your student union, the money centre and the countless shops in Plymouth all hire every year. All it takes is a quick visit into these places and inquire about the perfect time to apply. Can you really afford not to?
To have a job doesn’t just mean extra income, more money for nights out, more money for a better quality lifestyle or more money for a healthier way to eat. It means an improved CV, a more rounded candidate for employers to recruit and better career prospects in the long-run. Placement and summer internships have the same effect. Employers are impressed by them in, the same way they are impressed by those who have had jobs. Having a job is a fantastic opportunity to meet new people, earn more money and improve your career prospects. For the sake of missing a few episodes of Gilmore girls or the only way is Essex we all know that it’s more than worth it.
Entertainment and events at UPSU?
UPSU prides itself on delivering and varied range of entertainments and evnts to cater for all students tastes. Indie, rock, metal, punk, ska, funk and more, we get you some of the best up and coming bands and performers as well as national names and local heroes. Highlights have included Professor Green, The Wombats, Modestep, Wretch 32, Seth Lakeman, Diana Vickers, Jo Whiley, Zane Lowe, Jaguar Skills, The Hoosiers, The Courteeners, Young Knives, Dizzee Rascal, Mr Scruff, Reel Big Fish and much more.
Get in touch www.upsu.com facebook.com/UpsuPartyboy twitter.com/upsupartyboy
OH! and Latino society present Salsa Mondays Salsa lessons followed by International Music 7pm until late
TFI Friday Its Friday! It can only mean one thing, time to chill in UPSU with some amazing drinks deals, free juke box and great offers on food 4pm till 8pm
Open Mic night 8.30pm until late
Zumba Fancy getting toned for your night out? Get down to Zumba classes in Illusion every Friday! 7pm till 9pm
Tuesday Twisted Tuesdays Regular events include: comedy, free haircuts, sumo suits, free pool, karaoke, film and much more. 8.00pm until late Bingo Bango Its good old fashioned bingo with cash prizes every week. 8.00pm until late
Wednesday Sports and Societies night It’s Sports and Societies night find out how your club performed and help them celebrate a victory or commiserate a defeat. 8.00pm until late
Thursday Dappa Thursdays The baddest Hip Hop, Drum & Bass, Dubstep, UK Funky. From 10pm
Cucucachoo This is a night not to be missed with the biggest cheese and party anthems in town with some crazy fancy dress parties! And always loads of freebees to be had! 10pm until late
Saturday The Saturday Night Project The ultimate student night with legendary DJs every week bringing you Indie, Rock, Hip Hop, House and Party Anthems. 10pm until late
Sunday The Big Bouncey Quiz Always a good laugh with cash prices to be won and great food offers! 8.00pm until late
Partner nightclubs We work with a selection of some of the finest clubs in Plymouth to bring you student only nights. You get cheap deals, great entertainment in a safe and relaxed environment. Your SU gets a donation to help finance Sports, Societies, Advice, Student Representation and all the other services we provide to help students through Uni. So please support them and your SU to ensure the best possible experience for all students. No other clubs work with us in this way so be a stakeholder in your Students’ Union and join us for the best nights out in Plymouth.
Monday Oceana
Mondays: Oceana, Fuzzy Logic
Tuesdays: walkabout, reloaded
Wednesdays: c103, boogie nights
Wednesday C103
K2 formerly known as Karma
Thursdays: K2, bang tidy
Under new management!
Revolution + The Dairy
Sundays: Revolution & THE DAIRY
With a reputation as one of the finest student venues in the country, University of Plymouth Students’ Union provides only the very best in entertainment. Artists, acts and performers from around the world regularly take the stage to give Plymouth students what no other Students’ Union can! With many of our events frequently selling out during peak times, these pre-pay cards mean you’re ready to take on the year one night at a time, without having to worry about missing a thing. We will issue cards from the 5th September, from 10am to 4pm in the Student’s Union Building. The year ahead looks set to make history, and it starts as it means to go on!
PLATINUM CARD PLATINUM PLUS CARD Basic Price: £99.00 (offers may apply relating to other memberships)
Basic Price: £199.00 (offers may apply relating to other memberships)
• Free entry & q-jump Friday & Saturday throughout the year • Free NUS Extra • Free Sports Card
• Free entry & q-jump Friday & Saturday throughout the year • Free Freshers’ Ball • Summer Ball £5 discount • Free NUS Extra • Free Sports Card • 10% discount on U:Shop clothing • 10% discount at The Lounge • Pre-launch special event notification • 10% discount on UPSU promoted and managed events • Exclusive drinks offers
Total value in excess of £200 sale price £99 Limited to 1,000 cards
Only a 1000 cards available
Pay online and collect your card from the Students’ Union anytime after the 5th September. You will be sent a unique code to redeem your free NUS Extra card from the www.nus.org.uk website. Delivery of this card will take up to 10 days.
Total value in excess of £600 sale price £199. Only a 800 cards available
Pay online and collect your card from the Students’ Union anytime after the 5th September. You will be sent a unique code to redeem your free NUS Extra card from the www.nus.org.uk website. Delivery of this card will take up to 10 days.
How to Fulfil Your First Year as a Fresher by Lucia Paulis
There is always a first for everything and this is what you will find when embarking on your first year at Plymouth University. Year one is a year for firsts... First year at uni, first year living away from home and for many of us and first year of fending for ourselves. For many, first year can be daunting. Familiarising yourself with new surroundings, living with people you have never met before, and preparing yourself for a degree. Just that word itself sounds grown up. But in-between the originally awkward hellos and the only finding out how to use the library at the end of the year, there is a whole lot of fun: societies, socials, house warming parties, living in halls, student promotions, independent study, friends for life, a lot of drinking games, fancy dress, fancy dress and more fancy dress. Most of all there are opportunities available to you which you will never experience again after your life as a student. From volunteering, work experience, working within the SU, NUS cards, cheap student prices, free access to computers and library books, student support, and crazy nights out. Remember to make the most out of every opportunity cast your way.
There is so much to do when you are a Plymouth University student so here are a few things that I think should be on your to do list:
Buy an NUS card. They will save you a lot of money in the long run so it pretty much pays for itself.
Take a trip to the Hoe. Pretty and peaceful and is perfect for an early morning jog or to escape the hustle and bustle of the city centre.
Have at least one night a week at the SU. It will become your new best friend. Cheap drinks and lots and lots of music, from dance to rock. What’s not to love?
Visit the Uni church every Friday night for pancakes, tea and toast. Perfect midnight snack.
Join a society.
Buy a late night breakfast at Goodbody’s along with a pint of tea!
Watch your favourite sport team at the SU and make mates with fellow fans that will be there every week without fail!
Buy a Plymouth University hoodie.
Go to the Fresher’s Ball.
These are just a handful of things available to you as a Plymouth University student. Do at least one of these things and along the way you will stumble across many more. Check out the Plymouth University webpage as well as the Students’ Union www.upsu.com to keep track of all the events happening over the next few weeks and to discover which place will be best to visit on which night. But don’t forget to enjoy your first year because, trust me time goes by very quickly, and you want to make this first year one to remember!
Paphos Restaurant Plymouth 4 frankfort gate 01752 664754 5% Wah Tin Garden Restaurant 59 North Hill 01752 660660 / 660632 www.wahtin-plymouth.co.uk 10% Ppurple Handmade Bags Barbican 44 southside st 01752 262200 www.ppurplehandbags.com 15% Urban Roots 23 Mutley Plain 01752 266050 www.urbanhairandbeautyplymouth.com 10% Tudor Rose Tea Rooms Barbican 36 Now Street www.tudorrosetearoom.co.uk 10% Plymouth Inkjets Unit 68 plymouth city market 01752 222527 www.plymouthinkjets.com 10% off refill service & compatible range of catridges Bits’n’Bows Fancy Dress 17 Frankfort Gate Plymouth 01752 603893 www.bitsnbow.com 10% if you spend under £10 15% if over £10 Jama Uneek 134 Cornwall St Plymouth 01752 225943 www.jamauneek-plymouth.co.uk 10% Roots Clothing 136 Cornwall St Plymouth 01752 226721 rootsclothing@hotmail.co.uk 10% Sandwich Inn Courtney Street & 43 bretton side seanpridham@googlemail.com 10% Elite Hair & Beauty 45 north hill plymouth 01752 223383 www.elitehairandbeauty.co.uk 10% off with selected stylists
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Do you want to find out more about our 64 societies or the 54 sports clubs we have to offer, come along to the UPSU Sports and Societies Fayre. All the clubs and societies will be there to introduce you to what they do and give you the opportunity to sign up.
UPSU’s Clubs and Societies offer you the opportunity to really pursue your passions and be part of a group sharing your interests - from climate change to canoeing, or big band to basketball. Being a part of a club or society offers you the chance to gain valuable experience and develop transferable skills which really do make you stand out from the crowd, if you’ve got the commitment the Union offers you the chance to ... represent the University in BUCS (British Universities and Colleges Sport)... plan a campaign... fundraise for charity... stage a musical... lead an expedition... organise a ball – the list is endless but if you want to make the most of your time at Plymouth then come to the Hive to find out more about our Clubs and Societies there are over 100 of them. Vice President Sport
Tom Davidson
More info on sport contact Tom on: facebook.com/UPSUsports twitter.com/UPSUsports vpsports@upsu.com 01752 588378
Vice President Activities and Communications
Jazz Singh-Khaira
More info on societies contact Jazz on: facebook.com/UPSUactscomms twitter.com/UPSUactscomms vpactivities@upsu.com 01752 588378
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Adventure & Expo Airsoft All Terrain Boarders American Football Archery Athletics Badminton Basketball (W) Basketball (M) Boxing Brazilian Ju-Jitsu Breakdance Canoe Cheerleaders Clay Shooting Cricket Cycling Dance Fencing Football (W) Football (M) Futsal Golf Hockey (W) Hockey (M) JKD – Kung Fu Judo Ju Jitsu Karate Kickboxing Lacrosse Motorsport Netball Octopush Paintball Pole Dancing Riding & Polo Rowing Rugby (W) Rugby (M) Sailing & Powerboat Snowriders Squash Surf Surf Lifesaving Swimming & Water polo Table Tennis Tae Kwon Do Tennis Trampoline Ultimate Frisbee Wakeboard Windriders Yacht
You need a sports card to join a club
Afro Caribbean Amateur Dramatics Amnesty International Asian Soc Assassins Guild Big Band Cam Cru Chemistry Soc Chinese Soc Choir Christian Union CivSoc (Civil Engineering) Climate Change Computer & Info Security CrimSoc Designers DentSoc (Dentistry) DJ Soc (UpBeat) Environmental Engineers without Borders ESN (Erasmus Student Network) Food Society Free Tibet Game soc Geol Soc Geog Soc Hindu Society History Society Howard League for Penal Reform Islamic Juggling Krishna Consciousness Latinos and Spanish Law & Criminal Justice LGBT Literature Society I=ÉH aVg\Zhi Marine Biology EANBDJ \ZcXn d[[Zgh aZii^c\ V hijYZci MedSoc d[ Musical Theatre VXXdbbdYVi^dc l^i] Vaa W^aah Z d[ i]Z VcY cdc i]Z [g^aah Plymouth Education Plymouth Events\hec -/ f[h m[[a ^cXajY^c XZ VcY gZ\ja Plymouth Links (St John’s ^chjgVc Ambulance) XdciZcih Plymouth PiratesXaZVc^c\ d[ XdbbjcVa VgZVh# PLUGS (Plymouth Guides & Scouts) Poker Politics & International Affairs Pool & Snooker Postgraduate Society PsySoc (Psychology) RAG Plymouth Real Ale & Cider Robotics Society Rock & Live Music Sexpression SIFE (Students’ in Free Enterprise) Sikh Soc Socialist Workers (SWSS) Steiner Waldorf Education Termisoc (Computing) United Nations Video Games VIP (Volunteer) Welsh Society Zoological
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