06 Module Code OUGD303FMP
Module Title
Doc. Code OUGD303FMP
Brief/Session/Document Title
Create a series of informative publications exploring the process and projects of a selection of minimalists architects, accompanied by an exhibition, information / way finding and promotional material for the exhibition, a web presence will be appropriate in order to reach a wider audience.
Background / Considerations
In depth research of the backgrounds of all architects, their approach to design and their buildings. Materials used by each architect. Appropriate stock choice to represent materials used by the architects.
Mandatory Requirements Deliverables
Explore book binding, stock choice, print finishes and typography and layout in order to create an informed design. Explore information and way finding in order to further my skills as a designer. The publication must be informative and simple.
3 - 5 publications, each focusing on a specific architect. Information and way finding for an exhibition / Lecture series. Promotional material for said event. Packaging for publication series. Studio Deadline Module Deadline
This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.