SOL_ID Newspaper

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Sol_id p r o j e c t n e w s pa p e r











HELIOMET unit 4 s o l a r d e c at h a l o n 2 0 15












with special thanks withou t you the following would h av e not been possible Elian Hirsch

Jonas Lundberg Andrew Grant N at e Ko l b e

A n n e M a r ke y Robert Mull

S i g n y Sva l as tog a

S a n d r a De n i c ke - P o l c he r E va Di u

S E NA : S o a c h a

Ch r i s t i a n C a m i l o P a c h o n P a r r a J o a n Se b a s t i a n G u z m a n G u i z a A nwa r H as sa n M a der a Victor

S o l a r De c a t h l o n

L o n d o n M e t r o p o l i ta n U n i v e r s i t y







Masterplan, Cluster & Unit


fa br i c at i o n






m at e r i a l r e s e a rc h




Bogotรก - Colombia


Build & compete

Cali - Colombia

8 -



with thanks

Sponsors, Credits & Exposure



Team introduction

We are Team HelioMet, an organisation operating out of Unit 4 within The CASS Faculty of Art, Architecture, Media and Design at London Metropolitan University. We are a collective of Diploma in Architecture students, Master of Digital Architecture and Manufacturing students and faculty leaders collaborating with industry partners and professionals. Established in 2012, Unit 4 previously competed in Solar Decathlon China in 2013, with an award winning house, SunBloc. Commencing in September 2014, this team has spent the last 15 months designing SOL_ ID, to compete in Solar Decathlon Latin America and Caribbean 2015, hosted in Cali, Colombia. We are one of 15 teams to have been selected to compete in the competition and the only UK representatives.




the solar decthalon & team heliomet

SOL_ID is Team HelioMet’s entry into the Solar Decathlon Latin America and Caribbean competition, 2015. The challenge in this Solar Decathlon competition was to provide sustainable solutions to social housing projects in tropical climates. We approached this challenge with the objective to incorporate innovative cutting edge design and materials to create a fully functional prototype for a family of five people. SOL_ID took the form of a rooftop unit from our large scale solution. We consider it a new typology of housing that can adapt to the varied social housing models within the urban context in tropical climates both locally and globally. The design challenges the utilitarian form of the concrete tower block, as it is stimulating and contextually relevant for the challenges of the 21st century. A fully functional prototype for a family of five people, SOL_ID took the form of a rooftop unit from our large scale solution. We consider it a new typology of housing that can adapt to the varied social housing models within the urban context in tropical climates both locally and globally. It challenges the utilitarian form of the concrete tower block, and it is stimulating and contextually relevant for the challenges of the 21st century.



The Solar Decathlon is an international competition, supported by the US Department of Energy. It invites students from around the world, specialising in Architecture, Engineering, Sustainability and Urban Design to participate in creating a new typology of urban social housing that operates self-sustaining local solutions powered by solar energy.. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.�

We strongly believe that cost efficient bio-materials, flexible and adaptable designs and simple assembly techniques are the future of sustainable design. Therefore, a key objective of SOL_ID was to educate. We strived to create a house which provided a legacy. Using low skill labour techniques and locally sourced materials, we showcased how innovative solutions could be applied by the everyday man.

Left Solar Decathlon site Cali, (© Solar Decathlon) Bottom, Left Team HelioMet logo Bottom, Right © Solar Decathlon logo




2015 7











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left: righ



cali - masterplan


194 199




The crossing points between the Ligh strategic locations suitable for high de street typologies are designed to facil roads or Lightrail lines.

The primary, secondary and tertiary st influences the urban grain in a given r affecting the target density as well as to generate a varied skyline rather tha promoting a polycentric organisation which has shown its limitations in Cal

The current scheme achieves an over per hectare accross the masterplan.

Santiago de Cali faces many problems that are part of a growing global trend. Cities across the world face rapid urbanisation, lack of affordable housing, limited access to capital, poor living conditions, and an environmentally unsustainable construction industry. Despite Cali having one of the fasting growing economies in Colombia, the city faces these same issues and suffers from vast social inequality.

Alongside these social divides and issues with informal housing, are environmental issues with our global construction industry. Our global building sector consumes approximately 40% of our energy through construction and maintenance.

Top Left Masterplan Bottom, Left ELEMENTAL (image Š) Top Right Render and Model photo


masterpl an, cluster & unit

Humanity’s requirement for fast and cheap housing is typically met with concrete construction. A global concrete vernacular has developed that is highly energy intensive and polluting. Furthermore, concrete’s high thermal mass is unsuitable for Cali’s hot and humid climate. The lack of a temperature difference between night and day means that the typical methods of heavyweight construction exacerbate the

need for energy demanding air conditioning. This is unsustainable and unsuited to local climate conditions. Cali is very typical of a city that has grown organically and has not been planned, but expanded over time. The city has sprawled as more people have moved to the city and in turn as the city grew, more municipal buildings were required. This contributes to the city not having a single city centre, but multiple areas of interest. The historic quarter centred on the origins of the city, an educational sector towards the

south of the city as the needs of the population grew. The problem with the format of the city means it is very hard to control or police due to the sprawling nature. Our masterplan proposal is located to the southeast of the City in the Narrvo basin. This site has been selected by the government as the next expansion district to the city. The site is currently occupied by migrants along the river Cauca’s edge, flood plains, landfill and areas of ecological importance. By developing the Narrvo basin the city would be able to directly tackle the intense and often fatal flooding that occurs each year to the City and its occupants. They can also upgrade and provide a better quality housing whist achieving dense urban accommodation for the ever increasing population of Cali. In order to do this, the transportation network needs upgraded to better connect this thriving economic city. The design proposes a variety of

densities: From 120 to 200 units per hectare with an average of 166 units per hectare. This site allows the city of Cali to develop housing over the coming decades for 300,000 people. Furthermore, the strategic location means the site can greatly impact infrastructure for rest of the city. It can deal with flooding, transport, and energy whilst also providing: - 42 Ha of community centres - 71 Ha of hospitals - 350 Ha of public green space - 667 Ha of educational buildings The typical building typologies cluster to form a variety of courtyards. The urban grain passively increases the sustainability of buildings. Streets are aligned 30 degrees off north to aid natural ventilation and building massing is oriented east-west to minimise solar gain. Photovoltaic arrays are located in courtyards and on roofs.


Top left Cluster layout Middle left Unit within cluster Bottom left External perspective Opposite, Top Elevation render of Cluster block

i n s p i r at i o n & i n di v id u a l bl o c k

The Solar Decathlon Latin America & Caribbean 2015 challenged the participants to design the “future of sustainable social housing�. To address this difficult challenge, we spent a long time researching and talking with residents of social housing projects in Latin America. While visiting Potrero Grande and Terron Coloreado in Cali we discovered the need for expansion and flexibility that Latin American families require. SOL_ ID was therefore developed to be a changeable family unit for 5 people, which can be adapted over time. We found inspiration in successful 21st century social housing projects built in Chile, in particularly housing built in Iquique, Chile designed by ELEMENTAL to house the 100 families of the Quinta Monroy. The project has programmed in development options and potential for expansion during the building life cycle. On the scale of the cluster, Team HelioMet proposes an adaptable housing typology, which offers organic bottom up growth within an industrialised top down framework and where users can create their own home. Circulation, services, and open floor slabs are built by government funded organisations. Residents purchase plots on these open floor plates and build their own homes or places to work using lightweight, prefabricated elements. This strategy enables the floor plate to remain open and flexible for the living units. This also ensures the only structure touching the ground are the cores allowing for unobstructed space for social uses or for open plan retail units. The structural design aims to use minimal material by using components in tension rather than compression. A superstructure of Pratt trussed frames are used to hang the spanning beams across each


masterpl an, cluster & unit

floor. The hung system uses less material than a conventional column and beam system. Steel tension bars run vertically, connecting the floors to one another down the building. This strategy enables the floor plate to remain open and flexible for the living units. It also ensures the only structure touching the ground are the cores keeping an open, free ground level open. The emphasis on indoor and outdoor flexible living configurations posed many questions when entering the detailed stage. In essence the superstructure is similar to a car park building in the way it’s open to the elements but also accommodating changing conditions within. The structure therefore had to be detailed so it can exist in isolation to the altering unit designs on the open floor plates.

The structure questions the conventional use of high mass materials such as concrete in Colombian construction. By expressing timber as the primary tectonic and exploring its properties as both a tensional and compressional structure, a move towards a new sustainable agenda is highlighted as viable and better suited to the climate and living styles of South America. SOL_ID was designed to be used in a tropical climate in a variety of geographical locations. The following is a compilation of potential locations and how the cluster would weave into the existing urban fabric of major urban centres and communities of tropical countries.









Opposite, top Cluster unit, with Prototype unit Opposite, Bottom Schematic proposal

Conceptually, the unit builds upon ideas developed in the ‘cluster’. Research into South American housing showed that families change their homes over time. In addition, to this finding, the research showed that children often would remain in their family homes after they married and had children of their own. This would result in more people living in a household than their home was designed for. The cluster design creates a framework for families to expand their units either vertically or laterally over time. However this would require a capital expenditure to do. We wanted to design for adaptability into the unit. Our design is a radical departure from the compartmentalized room layout of traditional housing and instead we have an open plan living arrangement. There are minimal internal walls, only an external envelope that defines one residence from another, and a minimal bathroom and kitchen pod. Internally, there are not rooms but mobile ‘pods’ that can be moved around which contain private spaces such as bedrooms.

12 Protot y pe

As mentioned previously, the ability of the unit to take different forms depending on its users desires is an integral part of SOL_ID’s design. While developing the unit, many different internal options were produced. The variations of the core service pod and sleeping pod design include different locations and designs for the service module as well as a variety of forms and materials for the modules. The design has gone through many iterations over the course of the competition. First of all, we refined a design that we best felt showed off our concept and then as time went on, we thought about the method of construction and affordability for our very limited budget. Here are a series of snapshots of the designs and concepts in various incarnations, before we settled on a layout to take through to detailed design and production in Colombia.

Living Modules can be added or taken away

Extra Area can be brought in time

Moveable ‘Living’ Modules

Utilities come into a fixed Service Module

Fixed ‘Service’ Module


Top Internal render of prototyped unit Middle Proposed gridshell roof structure Bottom Rendered plan Opposite, Top Roof top unit Opposite, Middle New roof gridshell Opposite, Bottom Internal render with new gridshell structure

w h at did w e e n d u p bu i l di n g?

The prototype unit for the competition is an example of one of the roof top units within our cluster. The over arching canopy structure provides Solar shading and a roof to the unit in a similar fashion to ancient cultures in tropical climates who lived for centuries like this before the invention of air conditioning. As the site was slowly turned from a field into the competition venue, we made a number of site visits to check the design would work. We now had a concept, a design and a final site in Cali all that was required now was detailed design and construction on the other side of the world. As you will see we had to make some changes from our preferred design in order to get the building to work with our limited budget and skill set! In the final iteration of the prototype significant modifications had to be made from our design in London. Alterations to the budget meant changes to the roof and the service pod. We re-engineered the roof ultimately opting for the geodesic dome structure as seen in the image to the right. The revised service pod strategy was to split into unit into two modules to optimise services and construction. The first iteration of the geodesic roof we did not engineer properly, and during its lift, the roof collapsed. This set us back a little bit, but with lessons learnt, we quickly re-engineered the roof and with some scientific testing we built the geodesic roof in double quick time overnight and it was successfully lifted into place. Additional factors affecting design changes included accessibility to affordable materials and reevaluating construction ensuring the design could built and produced by ourselves within the SDLAC Competition time scale.

14 Protot y pe

Roof top unit Prototyped unit

Standard unit Not prototyped






london & Colombia

The design of the canopy derived from a series of designs that enhanced our knowledge on the use of plywood and timber through a rigorous testing process. In this section the evolution of our work and working across continents will be explained. One part of the team was in Colombia, the other in London. To begin, a study of the canopy model was required. The canopy model was analyzed critically and completely built in plywood. However, after extensive testing it proved to be exhaustive in material consumption. A process of minimisation of the plywood sheets

16 Lo n d o n

went underway. Our aim was to reduce the number of sheets necessary to achieve an adequate structural resistance. A process of reducing the number of nonload bearing elements went underway but what was achieved was not adequate enough since the cost of the structural elements became over budget. A decision to design new prototypes was taken that satisfied three levels. The diagonal load bearing structure uses beams as a primary structure to support the weight of the whole roof. Each beam was made by coupling sheets of plywood allowing high structural resistance alongside a lighter weight.


Top Studio roof conversation London Middle Potential roof joint prototype Bottom Potential roof support structure Opposite, Top Potential roof gridshell structure

A secondary structure, also made with coupling sheets, forms a 90 degree rotated square of beams which will stand on top of the diagonal and would help support and align the tertiary structure made of cassettes. This design utilizes a cassettes system assembled with slotting pieces. We worked closely with Price & Myers Engineers to achieve a structural solution to the current design. reasons for rejection

The diagonal prototype was discarded due to lack of machine power on site. Even though it was a reduction in material, the lack of crane availability left no option but to abandon it. The cassettes system was discarded because of the crane not being available because the blue components needed to be slotted in from above after the red components were in place. (See Diagram.) Before they were rejected we tried to mix the two ideas together using the cassettes as the tertiary structure of the diagonal prototype but crane availability was still a huge issue. We started working on a simplification of the cassettes system. The previous pattern could be used on its own as a reciprocal structure on a 90 degrees grid since the red crosses could create a system of beams connecting the columns. The side “wings� would then be assembled on the ground separately and fixed into place once the structure was built. The new design would even allow us to assemble the cassettes on the ground and then lift and compose them in a sequence designed not to need external supports. The optimization of the cassettes system proved to be working on some levels but lacking on others. 18 Lo n d o n

For the self supporting feature to work, the joints needed to be as tight as possible but this didn’t work for our need of high tolerance between pieces. Moreover the high number of very similar pieces would require a level of organization and space for storage that we didn’t have. This were then the reason for this design rejection. The final design we achieved in London was different from the one we eventually built in Colombia due to the lack of time. On site we needed to make quick decisions so it became natural to chose the solution we had at hand. In London, the final product is a cassettes roof that is held in position using a main frame system made with 5 layers of plywood that also forms the load bearing columns. A secondary frame holds the cassettes together and is used to connect the cassettes to the main frame once they are in position. Using a parametric software allowed

us to have complete control over the structure so that even a huge change in dimensions could be addressed within minutes. This kind of software also gave us the chance to layout and test all the components on sheets ready for the CNC machine for the building or the Laser cutting machine we used for the 1:25 model. The assembly strategy we use is designed for students to build only with the use of a forklift and 4 ropes. First we joined the four main frame components made with 5 layers of plywood. Using the forklift we lifted them in position one by one connecting them piece by piece. Once the frame is in place we can assemble the cassettes. The assembly of the cassettes can be completed on the ground, when all the pieces are in position, the structure become rigid and can be lifted by eight people using 4 corner ropes.

These to be lifted by eight people using the four corner ropes. Once in position the cassettes system is bolted to the main frame and the ropes can be released. At this stage the rooftop is ready for the cladding since the pieces are cut with the slight slope for the rainwater to flow. Finally, the corner “wings” have to be build on the ground and attached to the main frame just like the cassettes, with the use of the forklift. This structure was within the original budget, but as the budget was decreased, it now was too expensive. We had to go back to the drawing board to think of a cheaper alternative structure. This further changed when the team had to make spur-of-the-moment decisions on site in Bogotá (SENA & Plaza de Bolívar) and Cali.




a brief walk through of the mycelium process

Mycelium is a self assembling material found in the root structure of fungus, that can transform organic waste and other materials into a single fibrous monolith. These characteristics produce a polymer acting material that can be used as a place holder for the polymers that are required in the plastic industry. Unlike other organic materials Mycelium has on average a 85-90% calcium content which after heat treatment leaves a dense, insulating and rigid fire resistant mass that can be cast into any shape. The current variance in microbiological slants allow for different species to be used in any part of the world and spores designed to work with local waste production. Looking for an organic substitute for conventional building materials, the SOL_ID research in material performance has been concentrated this year on Mycelium, taking

20 M at e r i a l r e s e a r c h

advantage of its qualities of almost zero net carbon production footprint, flexibility in building, use of local resources and ideas of circular economies. Feeding on carbon and nitrogen, mycelium has a high performance when grown within substrates such as rice straw, wheat straw, paper waste, cottonseed husks and sawdust. Rigidity in fungi is achieved with the chitin component of polysaccharides. This forms the skeletal structure of the fungi and defines the mycelium cellular structure. Similar to expanded polystyrene, mycelium has the ability to mould into any shape and high insulating properties whilst allowing for an unique lightweight language of architectural development.


(fŭn-jī, fŭnghgī)

Left Mycelium wall build up Bottom Mycelium growth sequence

Myc-eilum (mī-sēlē-em)

Mush-room (’m |ru:m; -rųm)

n, pl -lia

n, pl -lia

1. (Botany) the vegetative body of fungi: a mass of branching filaments (hyphae) that spread throughout the nutrient substratum 2. A similar mass of fibers formed by certain bacteria.

1. (Botany) the fleshy spore-producing body of any of various basidiomycetous fungi, typically consisting of a cap (pileus) at the end of a stem arising from an underground mycelium 2. to Grow rapidly

[C19 (literally: nail of fungus): from myco- + Greek hēlos nail] mycelial adj myceloid adj

[C15: from Old French mousseron, from Late Latin mussiriō, of obscure origin]


Gr o w t h p r o c e s s 1 . Gr a i n s p a w n p r o d u c t i o n 2 . R aw m at e r i a l s s o u r c i n g 3 . M o u l d p r e pa r at i o n 4 . S u b s t r at e p r e pa r at i o n 5 . Pa s t u r e i s at i o n 6 . I n o c u l at i o n 7. C l i m a t i s a t i o n 8 . P o s t Pr o c e s s

Mycelium a nd it s rele va nce

Whilst the use of expandable foam creates a new platform for lowcost production and installation on site. Mycelium defines a production cycle that has a high sustainability performance through its almost no waste manufacturing process. Regenerative use of local agricultural waste and ability to be fully compostable leaves no harmful mark to the environment.

With a heavy industry of agricultural and coffee production and recently developed mycological interest, Colombia has provided us with a great test bed of introducing this material as a responsible option to a predominantly self-built housing market.

Above Mycelium growth structure

22 M at e r i a l r e s e a r c h

Current mycelial arrangements available do not take advantage of the prototypical fibrous characteristics or it’s ability to populate irregular geometries created through moulds.

½ R@@FN

¾ R@@FN


Above, Top Left Mixing agricultural waste with growth spores Above, Top Right Outcome from agricultural waste Above, Middle Left Packing agricultural waste in controlled incubation environment Above, Middle Right Adding spores to agricultural waste ¾ R@@FN


Left Period process of Mycelium growth

The aim of this study was to explore the use of two fungal species (Ganoderma Lucidum and Pleurotus Ostreatus) in various geometric configurations and to create a methodology for the exploration of volumes greater than the standard block. Subsequent to this, substrate and composition variance were tested for optimum configuration and application within the SOL_ID prototype. 23

Structure from mycelium

Above Mycelium wall piece complete!

24 M at e r i a l r e s e a r c h

Following our research into the mycological society currently existing in Colombia we considered the different scenarios available and evaluated which is most appropriate in the context of the competition. Through designing a prototypical portion of the SOL_ID house using mycelium, our aim was to show the capabilities of the material and communicate the benefits of the material to competition spectators. The appropriateness of a solution has been graded on several factors

such as cost, complexity, availability of appropriate facilities and materials and the impact on embodied energy. In July, we set up a partnership with Sandra Montoya and The Bioprocessing Plant of University of Caldas, Colombia. Located in Manizales, a region with strong agricultural ties, and an established mycological department. This partnership helped us secure local materials and necessary facilities for growth of the material.

Following a three day workshop in October, the design and process of growth was defined with the purpose of producing approximately 200 mycelium bricks of various species creating different partition walls part of the prototype.

Left Exhibiting Myeclium at various exhibitions Right Mycelium column prototype


26 B u i l d i n g - B o g o tรก


bu i l di n g at s e n a

The National Training Service, SENA (‘Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje’), is a public institution working on a national scale. SENA provides free technical and practical training to millions of Colombians, everything from cooking to carpentry, with all the facilities necessary. The institution says it is ‘focused on the economic, technological and social development of the country’. On our

first visit the huge public investment in SENA was obvious – from the quality of the facilities to the attitude of its students, the team was majorly impressed. Without the space and facilities provided by SENA, SOL_ID would never have made it beyond the drawing board. Team HelioMet are extremely grateful for their support. Only hand tools and raw materials were now left to source.


c o m p o n e n t s & a s s e m b ly

Time was the most critical element to SOL_ID’s success. ‘Off the shelf’ materials and the need for minimal machining informed the column’s design. Beam number one consisted of the bottom chord only, light enough for a 4 person lift. This taught us the installation method and tested the level of deflection across the 8.5 meters. The unloaded beam showed no failure at any fixing points and remained straight: smiles all around.

All different component parts of the prototype were constructed here, with the exception of the CNC milled living pods. With the help of

our friends at Rutecor Ltd. After much anticipation we began to cut the pieces which would form the Living Pods and the furniture for SOL_ID. At the workshop, the first job was to check and format the files for the router. Then the satisfying part began - cutting the pieces from a single sheet of plywood.

Top left SENA Construction school Middle Forklift at SENA Bottom Assembling prototype walls Opposite, Top Assembling beam Opposite, Middle Assembling prototype in Plaza de Bolivar Opposite, Bottom 2 Prototype (almost) complete in Plaza de Bolivar

28 B u i l d i n g - B o g o tá

Back at SENA, the real fun began. The assembly of the living pods! First was the laborious job of sorting the pieces into a legible order, making assembly much quicker. It was a back and forth process which involved assembling, drilling, screwing, disassembling and reassembling. Roof component assembly: Each joint was fixed manually though not fitting as well as hoped for. After constructing parts of the gridshell structure we took it to Plaza Bolívar to be fully tested on site.

Overlooking the square stands the Parliament of Colombia [18261926], designed by the British trained architect Thomas Reed. Colombia’s Parliament was always intended on having a dome, but to get it finished in time it was deleted from the plans: it would seem this new generation of dome building architects are also struggling with the realities of time... ...and domes! Piped music filling the plaza kept energy levels high. The breeze and the low humidity disguised the burn on arms and face. Sweat, water runs and thieves; just a few of the compromises to working in extraordinary places. The roof made it off the ground but when joints began to fail the lift was halted. It was designed to be held in dome form by the walls, but without being self supporting, lifting into place was impossible. Screens were lifted out and the canopy was walked out to the square for exhibition. The gridshell was propped up in the plaza, and the interiors team moved in. Sleeping pods and service pods were placed and the last minute clean up finished. Bleary eyed and slightly swaying, HelioMet welcomed the public and dignitaries. Incomplete, but nonetheless SOL_ID was met with smiles and intrigue by the public.

Thankfully Bogotรก had no rain throughout the exhibition period. The lorries arrived post inauguration and HelioMet were up against the clock. SOL_ID was disassembled in 8 hours to be packaged for the overnight trip to Cali. Lorries arrived with their own forklift. Now double the weight with plywood attached, the beams needed a different strategy for removal. With a few adjustments, the forklift was adapted to lift each beam up and off the columns. Simple.




Above Happy site, with sleepy crane driver.. 30 C o lo m b i a - ca l i, b u i l d & c o m p e t i t i o n

The competition begins

required to move forward.

SOL_ID arrived at Solar Decathlon 3 days late, with no time to lose it was unleashed immediately. Work began at night, then at dawn the first mosquito brought whispers of the heat rising in the east. With Bogotá being significantly cooler, Team HelioMet had to acclimatise quickly to the hot and humid climate.

Energy levels were low but the need for a new joint was crucial. An early morning mad dash around the competition site to find an arc-welder began.

Discussions with the on site engineer about a last attempt to retrofit the existing canopy were frivolous. Redesign and manufacture were

The steel connector was fabricated externally based on the success of the prototype. Each timber member had its place in the structure, a ‘map’ was drawn and assembly began. As the gridshell the definition understanding

grew, and of

tolerance quickly became understood.

and remained rigid. The construction was sound.

The crane arrived ahead of schedule, and the roof assembly was behind, we worked with borrowed time. This working shift saw a successful lift, a solid roof and two sunrises.

After much needed sleep, the next phase of water proofing began.

SOL_ID has the beginning of a roof. The installation of the roof was done with some members missing

Two membranes with a large air space between reduces overheating. The temperature did not drop as low as intended which drove further development of passive cooling strategies.

The gridshell was structurally sound enough to support workers above. The rain visited site on day one of installing the roof membrane. A matter of cause and effect: The competition schedule forced the premature installation of the solar panels, as a result, the gutter detail at the edge of the roof was compromised. Additionally, the support structure to the PVs prevented a water tight fix or any means of tensioning. Above, Left EUREKA MOMENT! The roof joint works Above, Right The roof joint in all its glory

Shortages in time and suitable materials led to a

diversion from the original drawing. Moreover, the original drawing were infeasible due to the placement of PVs. The sag in the PVC was underestimated and left severe pooling. This was siphoned off. The roof has since been replaced with ridged sheet material. This failure demonstrated to the team the importance of following a strict sequence of events. Our duty of care towards the safety and integrity of the building rather than the competition rules was also put into check.


It wasn’t all pl ane sailing

Fabrication and assembly began with the corner components. A pad was staked to the ground and the corner piece was lifted up and held on a pre installed ‘shelf’. The corner ‘shelf’ was notched creating a yolk to prevent any slippage. This shelf was extended around the perimeter of the building, its purpose was to hold the arches beyond the edge of the PV panels. The installation and assembly of the arches was untried and untested.

32 C o lo m b i a - ca l i, b u i l d & c o m p e t i t i o n

The centre part was split in two and lifted by 4 people, two on ladders and two on the ground. By the second arch, the installation was rapid. Working from ladders was kept to a minimum, a safety line and harness was used by all. The beginning of our service pod in Cali transformation from blocks we exhibited Bolívar.

work on the saw a rapid the simple in Plaza de

Top Roof exploded Axo

The first of the jobs was to build a worktop and cabinets, tidy up the edges of the walls and to prepare the service pod for the much anticipated services.

Middle House in ‘Competition’ mode Bottom A ‘chilled’ team Opposite, Top Assembling gridshell

The idea behind the service pod was to contain almost all the serviced elements within one block. The images illustrate how the electricity and water is taken from the service room, along a bridge over the kitchen and then down through the ceiling of the toilet and shower rooms.

Opposite, Right The hoist Opposite, Bottom Team shot!

[Academic use only]

Power produced by the photovoltaic on the roof is directed to the service room, where it is inverted from DC to AC. The power is directed into the circuit breaker before being distributed into the rest of the house. The sixteen PV panels transformed the photoelectric energy of the sun into electric energy. The panels were an essential element of the overall energy efficiency strategy of our design as they enabled us to produce 3.5-3.7 kWh during its peak power around 12 am equivalent to about 0.6 kg of CO2.

The most complex technical issues were tackled by professionals who guided us through the entire process giving us the tools to understand such intricate system. However the entire team was highly challenged when it came to mount the panels on the main structure. The most challenging aspect of this stage was related to the panels’ mounting, both from a structural and strategical point of view. The issues related to the roof structure held us back on the panel’s final set up. As a result we were running late on the competition schedule had to modify the initial strategy with quick and impulsive decisions. Finally, we decided to alter the original building process affecting the final roof waterproofing.



Arriving late to the Solar Villa competition site resulted in a knock on delay in completing the Prototype. However, on Day 1 of the competition, none of the teams were ready for public exhibition and we had a visit from the British Ambassador. He was really excited to see our prototype having heard so much from our exhibition in Plaza de BolĂ­var. Finally, after Day 4 of the competition we were open to the public. Richard King, the founder of the Solar Decathlon, was Above, Right Jury contest visit Middle, Right Local childrens charity visit Bottom A public tour from Carlotta! Opposite The mayor!

34 C o lo m b i a - ca l i, b u i l d & c o m p e t i t i o n

present to see the finished prototype to commence the beginning of the public tours. During our time at SENA, we had huge support from the staff, one of which, Anwar, came all the way from BogotĂĄ for the opening night. Throughout the Solar Decathlon, we had a total of 10 competitions to compete in. Some of these contests were quantitative, they included hot water draws, measured thermal comfort, electrical energy balance and operating electrical appliances at certain times of the day.

The other contests were marked by a jury. A series of contest captains were in charge of showing the juries of different disciplines around the prototype. The design was marked on several criteria, namely Architecture, Innovation, Communications, Engineering & Construction, Urban Design & Affordability. Each house is responsible for hosting at least one dinner party throughout the competition week. Teams invite members of other teams over for a set menu dinner. We cooked a Thai green curry that went down a treat, receiving our highest score of 97/100. The Solar Decathlon saw an unprecedented number of visitors attending the public exhibition,

it was great to see the local enthusiasm for the cause of affordable sustainable housing. We were operating our tours at full capacity throughout public hours and with the help of Laura, our translator for the event, it was a huge success. There was a great sense of achievement and pride in showcasing our prototype. Seeing the interest from the public was extremely fulfilling. The end of the competition was celebrated in style by the world’s capital city of salsa. Speeches, awards and a live band were followed by a great party for all the decathletes.





Ph oto g r a ph s



Ph oto g r a ph s



SPONSO R S , Cr e d i t s & e x p o s u r e WITH THANKS

the London Festival of Architecture. Suitably named “HelioMet Getting Ready� we hosted a series of events throughout the month, showcasing our efforts as we prepared for SDLAC 2015.

Our first public exhibition was held in March 2015 in Clerkenwell. Kindly sponsored by STO Werkstatt, this enabled us to officially introduce the project to members of the public and potential sponsors. Werkstatt, means workshop in German, and this Werkstatt event creates collaboration and meetings between designers and architects. Each member of the team invited a selection of people, from friends and family members to past work colleges. The turnout we received 40


far exceeded our expectation and it was a great opportunity for us to discuss the project in depth to professionals. Following the opening evening, the exhibition remained open a week, allowing for the passing general public to see the project. Throughout June we hosted a number of public exhibitions at the Cass including the Summer Show and Making. The most important of which, however, was our participation in

In addition to the exhibition of our work, we began with an open critique where members of the public and a preselected panel of industry professionals critiqued our project to date. It was a great opportunity to gain feedback on the SOL_ID. Following the open critique, we held a debate on the value of Design/Build projects for achieving innovation in academia and practice. It was refreshing to hear the views of others and the evening posed some interesting questions. Back in the summer, armed with our trusty countdown board, we took to the streets of London on a social

awareness raising mission. Not only were we promoting our summer exhibitions, we were informing members of the public of our project and the Solar Decathlon Competition, highlighting the importance of innovation and sustainable housing design. After Presenting our Mycelium research to BRE in April 2015 we where selected to be on the front cover of the June edition of Construction Manager. Team HelioMet was mentioned in a article on el Pais looking at the SDLAC 2015.

Opposite, Top Left Exposure in CM magazine Opposite, Top Right El Pais online article Opposite, Bottom Left Exhibition Opposite, Bottom Right Plaza de Bolivar opening day





Business class How four innovators pitched their products to industry “dragons” from the CIOB and BRE

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Top Plaza de Bolivar Opposite Sponsor list

We have a number of social media outlets that the team has used across the competition to promote community engagement. Team Website - Unique Visitors 2567 Facebook - 1229 Likes & 143 Posts Flickr - 11078 Photos Instragram - 112 Followers & 92 Posts Twitter - 172 Followers & 181 Posts Youtube - 45 Videos including daily updates made by the team following the progress of SOL_ID

The pinnacle of our social awareness campaign, exhibiting SOL_ID in Plaza de BolĂ­var was of great significance. Working closely with the UK embassy for a number of months enabled us to successfully showcase UK Innovation in Colombia. Not only did it provide an opportunity for us to discuss the future of sustainable social housing with the community, it proved what can be achieved through synergies working together. Opened by the Mayors Office, BogotĂĄ D.C. and the Government Secretary, the support and feedback we have received far exceeded our expectation.


In December, after a year and half of hard work, Team HelioMet competed in the Solar Decathlon Latin America and the Caribbean 2015 with their latest project SOL_ID. Hosted in Cali, Colombia the competition called for teams to propose low cost sustainable housing for tropical climates. The project seeks to challenge the conventional compartmentalised room layout of concrete based social housing and provides flexible open plan living that can easily be adapted and modified over time. The 18 strong team made up of 4th and 5th year Diploma in Architecture students spent over 2 months out in Colombia building the prototype. Construction

started in the capital Bogotá where the team exhibited the house to the public in the Plaza del Bolivar, the historical heart of the city, in association with the British Embassy and the Mayor of Bogotá’s Office. In Cali, during the competition itself, Team HelioMet welcomed 1000’s of people through the doors of SOL_ID all of whom where impressed by the ambition and innovative ideas within the house. It was a tough couple of months and the team returned to the UK just before Christmas, exhausted but incredibly proud of their achievements and glad to have taken part in this once in a life time event.

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