SOL_ID Diary of events

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oliver hester / unit 04 / personal term diary autumn semester 2015


With thanks Its been brilliant fun and has had its ups and downs, but its been great to share all the memories with these amazing people! Elian Hirsch, Pete Dew, Nick Stone, Julie Hutchinson, Rich O’Hanlon, Meis Alsaegh, Carlotta Conte, Oleg Sevelkov, Clare Reid, Zaeem Ahmed, Ana Laura, Derek Opara, Eddie, Jonas Lundberg, Johan, Cristian and all involved...







CONTENTS PAGE Week 17 (11/1/15 - 18/1/16)   ‑70 CONTENTS PAGE    ‑1 First studio week back   ‑70 Week 1 (28/09/15 - 4/10/15)   ‑2 Project introduction   ‑2 Week 18 (18/1/15 - 25/1/16)   ‑72 Week 2 (5/10/15 - 11/10/15)    ‑3 Familiarization with the project    ‑3 Week 19 (25/1/15 - 1/2/16)   ‑74 Week 3 (12/10/15 - 18/10/15)    ‑5 Allocation   ‑5 Week 20 (1/2/15 - 8/2/16)   ‑76 Week 4 (19/10/15 - 25/10/15)    ‑8 Organising    ‑8 Week 21 (8/2/15 - 15/2/16)   ‑78 Week 5 (26/10/15 - 1/11/15)    ‑13 Sorting   ‑13 Week 22 (15/2/15 - 22/2/16)   ‑80 Week 6 (2/11/15 - 8/11/15)    ‑16 Deliverable D#4   ‑16 Week 23 (22/2/15 - 29/2/16)   ‑82 Week 7 (9/11/15 - 15/11/15)    ‑19 Travel to Colombia   ‑19 Week 24 (29/2/15 - 7/3/16)   ‑84 Week 8 (16/11/15 - 22/11/15)    ‑24 SENA to Bolivar   ‑24 Week 25 (7/3/15 - 14/3/16)   ‑86 Week 9 (23/11/15 - 29/11/15)    ‑30 Plaza Bolivar - Cali   ‑30 Week 26 (14/3/15 - 21/3/16)   ‑88 Week 10 (30/11/15 - 06/12/15)    ‑35 Solar Decathalon   ‑35 Week 27 (21/3/15 - 28/3/16)   ‑90 Week 11 (07/12/15 - 13/12/15)    ‑42 Finishing and the competition   ‑42 Week 12 (14/12/15 - 20/12/15)    ‑50 Competition week & Disassembly   ‑50 Competing houses!   ‑59 Week 14 (21/12/15 - 28/12/15)    ‑60 RELAX - touring Colombia!   ‑60 Project summary / Individual appraisal   ‑62 Week 15 (28/12/15 - 4/1/16)    ‑66 Home!   ‑66

Week 16 (4/1/15 - 11/1/16)    ‑68 Advocacy week!   ‑68 photos/132872091@N02/ oliver-hester-06900731 OLIVER HESTER









Week 1 (28/09/15 - 4/10/15) Project introduction

Wired magazine extract

Rule book and building code

We were introduced to the project briefly by the current team. They then gave us the current Rule book and we were told to study this over the week end, just to get really familiar with the current rules and what the competition is all about. Researching into Mycelium also was an area that I was particularly interested in. I saw an article in Wired magazine




Week 2 (5/10/15 - 11/10/15) Familiarization with the project This week we have mainly focused on getting more involved in more specific areas within the project. This began by having more specific meetings regarding ventilation and mechanical and electrical services with BOOM collective. We then discussed about the electrical Ventilation sketch with condensation on rocks idea services and the connectivity between the relevant appliances. We discussed how we are going to connect the bedroom pods, this was mainly achieved by providing a “plug and un plug� pod, this was achieved by providing a grid system services panel above. We then discussed how we would provide power to these pods, if it could be a low voltage system then it we could simply provide 2 USB plug sockets to each space. This would be a really easy install and also provide a smaller power demand in the bed room pods. We also spoke about a company called Bear

AECO-sim tutorial

Introduction lecture OLIVER HESTER

systems who have developed a paint that is conductive. We then discussed a previous idea with Mike about ventilating the pods 9


separately with an intake into the base of the pods from below the structure, as there is a 300mm gap beneath the floor to the ground. We then mentioned that this could be filled with rocks to provide a surface for water to cool on and therefore creating a pressure difference drawing cooler air though each pod. Controlling each pod we think will be easier than managing the entire space as the humidity is very high in Cali, Columbia. We also had a solid modeling workshop on AECO sim, in which we

Jonas talk with minecraft model

modeled some of the existing drawings, and learned the techniques of using solid modeling and using feature modeling to stream line a process parametrically. At the end of the week we took a short 10 question test too, just to see how familiar with the project we are.




Week 3 (12/10/15 - 18/10/15) Allocation Starting the week we were divided up into teams to work on specific parts of the project. These teams were Architecture Interiors Environmental Communications

Project management and logistics We Then decided amongst each other to select a certain group that you would be interested in. I was particularly interested in the Project management and logistics area having had some experience

Prototype render

in this before. We then discussed what each of these tasks were going to be Unit04 & MA DAM Building Lab; SOL-ID-s and how they were going to be executed. I am in a group with Nick Stone and Laura. We had a slightly different introduction to the tasks as we were then immediately introduced to the live project as nearly all the fifth years who had been working on the project last year were leaving for Colombia very soon.

We started by being introduced to the filing system on google drive, we then got started on some small tasks like costing up parts of the project and working out areas of plywood and weights etc. This has been and is proving to be a very fast learning process as I feel I am picking up

Unit04 & MA DAM 2015-2016 | Building Lab; SOL-ID:s | Andrew Grant, Elian Hirsch, Eva Diu and Jonas Lundberg of Urban Future Organization | |




The new team!

parts of the project that I have never dealt with but need to be very familiar with.

At the start of the week we also had our group photographs taken, and individual head shots that are going to be used for the website. They were taken by Katrina. We then had an exam to test if we were ready to be on the Live project and everyone passed it which was good. We then had lengthy discussions about health and safety and I put myself forward for doing the health and safety course so that I can become a health and safety officer for the site. The afternoon was then filled up with getting flights sorted for some of the 5th year students. After this we then spoke with Price and Meyers about the structural aspects of the building. This was useful as it opened up many questions that were un resolved. Matt suggested having an I beam structure that would span diagonally, this would then open up the opportunity to have a slightly lighter spanning material between the main diagonal structure. However this would not be visually inspiring and would look quite clunky, we were mainly looking for something that is going to be lightweight and looks like it hovers over the adaptable space below. The students mainly working on this part of the course are the Masters in Digital Architecture and manufacturing (MADAM) course. They were present in these conversations and were able to give a good insight 12


into the problems we faced.


you need to know exactly what is arriving, how you are going to The main problem was joining move it around the site and in what the plywood and trying to get it order you will be constructing the to be structurally sound. Pete structure. suggested a core square structure that would then have the arch We had a BIM workshop also shaped pieces lent up against it. on Saturday that helped us learn This is a great idea however this some new concepts with Eva would mean losing the openings on solid modelling and placing on the side of the structure, as the elements that you are able to edit forces would be too great to not later on in the process. have some form of stud walling between the corners. I also went and purchased a load of construction equipment, hopefully Nick and I then met with Jonas it will be good quality and will last to discuss the BIM model I have the test of time in Colombia! some experience in this, but will need to learn quite a bit to be able to produce the correct amount of drawings that are required. We discussed how we are going to condense the current file system so it becomes easier for each team to input directly into the live model. We were going to try and do that this week end but haven’t managed to get round to doing it. I spoke with Laura, she is in Colombia, the agenda was as follows ; Site Operation - Thursday tutorial update Site Operation - w/c 19th October Communication - biweekly Skype meeting - set up PM I am now working on putting together the Inside and outside logistics this takes a bit of time as OLIVER HESTER



Week 4 (19/10/15 - 25/10/15) Organising This week began by having tutorials with Andrew, this was mainly to confirm our part of the brief, I have mainly been working on the inside site logistic of the Project manual this has been challenging as I am not fully aware of what the building is going to be constructed out of but it feels that I am learning all different ideas of site operations. Tuesday Nick and I spoke to the rest of the team in Colombia, we discussed what we were going to try and get done during the week, these tasks were to sort out the BIM model which Nick was mainly going to do and I was to work on sorting out parts Discussion about different pods

of the project manual and starting to get everyone working on the drawings that they needed to produce for the deliverable. This was a challenge as I couldn’t find exactly the correct google sheet document, I created my own sheet but was later to find out there was already a sheet set up. I printed the correct sheets off and allocated what each team had to achieve for the deliverable, this coming week. 14

Discussion with Price and Myers regarding structure

We then issued a



BIM manual with diagrams and instructions on how to use the model correctly as this was a relatively new way of working for most members of the team. Wednesday we mainly worked on putting the correct drawing list together, we also went climbing as a team activity. I then started doing some sketch drawings to see if parts of the design would work and fit together logistically on site. An area that needs current work on in the project manual and some of the drawings is the Engineering and construction section of the project manual. Thursday we had group tutorials after speaking with Jonas about the BIM model and making it live for everyone to work on, we then introduced everyone to the main google drive (SOLID AECOSIM AGAIN!

Master) and the current way of working with the BIM model. I went through how the file structure works and mentioned how it was very important not to delete anything. I then worked on a sketch up model showing a quick method of construction whilst referencing drawings sent from Colombia with material references. Nick and I then minuted every meeting with all members.

Communications team showing AUGMENT app OLIVER HESTER


TEAM HELIOMET - PERSONAL DIARY Site Operation, Logistics, Health & Safety & Project Management

Ana-Laura, Henriette, Oliver & Nick

The Site Operation & Health & Safety sections are primarily concerned with the safe, timely and professional delivery of the project to site, the assembly and disassembly process of the competition prototype. The design task is to develop concept and design of the logistic strategy and site operation demonstrating loading, unloading and assembly and disassembly sequence. The developed design concept should be presented in the correct minimal format for discussion and possible appropriation by the “live project” after the examination. The work developed here is likely to form the basis for the finalization of the site operation and health and safety drawings as an integral part of the next project drawings deliverable. Contents:

Develop and refine the logistic model of the competition prototype Develop and refine the site operation of the competition prototype Develop the health and safety plan for the assembly and disassembly and exhibition of the competition prototype Develop a construction program and gantt chart Manage and develop the BIM model Deliverables: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

● ● ● ● ● ●

1 _A_Master SOL-ID.dgn and __Master SOL-ID.dgn up to date with all information coordinated 1 1:10 physical assembly model developed from last years 1:10 physical model (to be discussed) Site operation drawings Logistics drawings Health & safety drawings Construction program and gantt chart

Project brief

Project manual and the drawing package that we need to submit. I Deadlines did this by finding a previous spreadsheet that has been made to show SD LAC Examination 15 October 2014 at 09.30 hours all the deliverable requirements, printing this off and then allocating The examination will be held in the central House computer lab and it will be an open book exam that will take around 60 minutes. teams to input into the sheet. There are three separate sheets one The examination is followed by a health and safety briefing that is critical to attend. for drawing requirements, one for the project manual and one for the overall status of the project. After this meeting I was more clear what Tutorials 15 October 2014 at 14.00 hours teams were doing what. We expect you to have started with design sketches, development of your parts of the bim model and having an understanding what drawings your package include and what you would need to get involved with.

My main task was to collate all of the Project manual, Nick was working Pin-Up Monday 19 October 2014 at 14.00 hours on setting up the drawings. We were both then going to work on the Most of the work should be underway and most of the digital 3D content should be there to be reviewed health and safety and site operation drawings together. Deadline Thursday 22 October 2014 at 14.00 hours

All the deliverables above should be there in some form and we should be able to assess and understand the potential of the package Tuesday afternoon I had a skype conversation with Henriette, she the team has been responsible for. We should also be able to adopt some of the info directly for use on the “ live Project” said that the deliverable deadline was going to be moved to the 10th November at 5pm UK time. We then were able to work on the project a lot more thoroughly as we would of been able to submit a deliverable it just would not have been as good as it now will be.

Tutorials on Thursday went quite well we as a group we had to have a draft deliverable completed, the majority of the drawing sheets had been produced and most teams had a first draft set of drawings and had edited different parts of the project manual. We then spoke through the pack that we had all been working on and there were a few parts that needed editing quite significantly. These were mainly the drawings for the structure team a few drawings for the Architecture team and some sections in the project manual, these being the engineering and construction section and the energy efficiency section. I have been trying to work on the project manual and the construction Unit04 & MA DAM 2015-2016 | Building Lab; SOL-ID:s | Andrew Grant, Elian Hirsch, Eva Diu and Jonas Lundberg of Urban Future Organization | |




sequence of how things are going to be put together, this has been difficult as different sections of the design are changing.

Elian sketch for making panels

Sketch up model to work out process quickly

Sketch up model to work out process quickly

The work was progressing well and the teams had managed to get nearly all of their work together, however they had come out with different alternatives and they were then encouraged to develop three ideas to then show to the other team members in Colombia. The current site for assembly before the competition is in a university in Bogota. This would be a perfect place to assemble the pavilion for the first time as they have access to workshops and good facilities for us to be able to build the prototype. We are often getting sent photographs on the flickr page that include information for the competition. OLIVER HESTER



Project manual exert

Elian Lorry loading sketch

Materials and items photographed in homecentre

The site in Cali




Week 5 (26/10/15 - 1/11/15) Sorting We had tutorials at the start of the week, this was mainly to catch up and sort out exactly what tasks were going to be completed by who for the deliverable deadline which is this Thursday 29/10/15. I have mainly been working on this and trying to get the team to work on specific parts of the project whilst also working on drawings and different parts of the project. This was mainly focusing on the Project manual and the drawing package that we need to submit. I did this by finding a previous spreadsheet that has been made to show all the deliverable requirements, printing this off and then allocating teams to input into the sheet. There are three separate sheets one for drawing requirements, one for the project manual and one for the overall status of the project. After this meeting I was more clear what teams were doing what.

safety and site operation drawings together. Tuesday afternoon I had a skype conversation with

DTU lorry layout

Tutorials on Thursday went quite well we as a group we had to have a draft deliverable completed, the majority of the drawing sheets had been produced and most teams had a first draft set of drawings

My main task was to collate all of the Project manual, Nick was working on setting up the drawings. We were both then going to work on the health and OLIVER HESTER

Site operations sketches

Henriette, she said that the deliverable deadline was going to be moved to the 10th November at 5pm UK time. We then were able to work on the project a lot more thoroughly as we would of been able to submit a deliverable it just would not have been as good as it now will be.



and had edited different parts of the project manual. We then spoke through the pack that we had all been working on and there were a few parts that needed editing quite significantly. These were mainly the drawings for the structure team a few drawings for the Architecture team and some sections in the project manual, these being the engineering and construction section and the energy efficiency section.

SOLID Homecenter Version MATERIAL COST ESTIMATION 3-Sept Quantity



144 units


150 units


FLOOR SLAB Floor Cassetts 1"x10" x 2.9m studs Insulation Laquer Plywood 122x244x12mm Bolts FloorFinish

6 rolls accurate 15 cans accurate 80 sheets estimate missing 80 m2 accurate Sub-Total

or C

I have been trying to work on the project manual and the construction sequence of how things are going to be put together, this has been difficult as different sections of the design are changing.

FOUNDATION Foundation Concrete tiles 40x40x6


Ramp Plywood 122x244x12m

7 u


6 m2





Deck cassettes (Balcony)



Frame Vertical Studs 2"x4" "

40 u 40 u

accurate accurate

Translucent walls - floor to ceiling

8 u


Translucent walls - +70 to ceiling

6 u


Plywood 122x244x12mm

13 sheets accurate

Translucent envelope - roof

6 u


Entrance Door Windows




D SERVICE MODULE Kitchen Appliances C#6.1 Fridge C#6.2 Freezer

1 1

accurate accurate

C#6.3 Washing & Drying Machine C#6.4 Microwave

1 1

accurate accurate

C#6.5 Blender C#6.6 Stove-Hobs

1 1

accurate accurate

Sub-Total Oven Oven hood

accurate accurate



Plumbing Copper Pipe Type L (Blue) Copper Elbow Copper Tee Copper Sealent (High Strength) Ball Valve Switch

2 1 1 2 10

accurate accurate accurate accurate accurate

PVC Tube 3M




7 m2


1 1 1 1

accurate accurate accurate accurate


BATHROOM MODULE Toilet Sink Ironmongery Sink Ironmongery Shower Sub-total Structure

missing TOTAL

F C#6.7 C#6.7 C#6.7 C#6.7

MEDIA MODULE TV DVD player Sound System Computer

1 1 1 1

accurate accurate accurate accurate





SLEEPING CABINS 1 adult box Walls


estimate 14 sheets accurate



$7,900 $140,900 $30,900 $48,900 $13,900

£0.00 GBP

We began drawing our site operation sheets and started looking into the dimensions of each of the components that will be making up the building. This was difficult as quite a few of these are estimations but we have been going off what has been costed and then editing out parts of it and then adding some relevant parts in.

Sub-Total COP





£228.51 Loseta Lisa Pulida







35 foots = 35*2 + 10% extra=80

10 studs x casette. 15 cassetes


£250.72 Madera de Construcción



$845,400 $463,500 $3,912,000 $0 $1,112,000

£178.87 Aislamiento frescasa £98.07 £827.71 Triplex Muebleria £0.00 £235.28 Piso 6mm ac3 23 haya natura Cj 2.92m2 Holztek

39169 2915 79208

http://www.homec http://www.homec 1 gl = 25m2, we have 365m2 http://www.homec 24*2 layers + 30 = 80







Towards the end of the week I spoke to Laura and discussed where we are currently at with the project. Parts of the project need to be updated significantly but generally it seems in a relatively good state.





£72.42 Triplex Muebleria

Parts that are slightly behind are the structures team and the MEP team. The structures team have had quite a difficult job of compiling relevant information from some of the project leaders, things seem to be changing on the ground in Bogota and they are always slightly behind what is being built or researched. The MEP team have a large amount of work to complete and certain parts of the drawing package they have to submit are very detailed. The BIM model has been very useful for them however there have been a range of issues with the model. £123.14


£151.49 Pino 2 x 4 pulgadas 3,2 metros cepillado 4,1 x 9 cm £134.57 Pino 2 x 4 pulgadas 3,2 metros dimensionado 4,5 x 9,5 cm Refocosta

$17,900 $15,900

$716,000 $636,000

191882 1806205

http://www.ho 1 stud each 0.84 cm http://www.homec



£964.64 Lamina Alveolar 8mm 5.90x2.10m


http://www.homec 16 panels of 2.1x2.8. 2 panels x unit



£723.48 Lamina Alveolar 8mm 5.90x2.10m


http://www.homec 6 full



£134.50 Triplex Muebleria




£723.48 Lamina Alveolar 8mm 5.90x2.10m







24*2 layers + 30 = 80

http://www.homec 16 panels of 2.1x2.8. 2 panels x unit http://www.homec

Costing plan

$609,900 $794,000

$609,900 $794,000

$2,139,900 $144,900 $34,900 $1,585,000

$2,139,900 $144,900 $34,900 $1,585,000 $5,308,600

$ 489.900 $752,900

$490 $752,900




$57,900 $12,900 $13,900

$115,800 $12,900 $13,900

£24.50 £2.73 £2.94

$10,900 $8,900

$21,800 $89,000

£4.61 £18.83


$27,900 $281,300

£5.90 £59.52


$364,900 $116,240 $66,967 $171,900

£129.04 Mabe £168.00 Challenger £452.76 £30.66 £7.38 £335.36 £1,123.20


£143.66 £1,326.38

$364,900 $116,240 $66,967 $171,900 $1,171,083

£77.21 £24.59 £14.17 £36.37 £152.34




$69,000 $54,900

$69,000 $54,900


$950,000 $1,842,900



£102.88 Challenger £158.11 Haceb



Haceb Haceb Garrity

272559 167772

Compliant with Rules? http://www.homec 210L http://www.homec 230L

203375 181894 134147

http://www.homec http://www.homec http://www.homec



These are mainly to do with people trying to work on the same Master model spaces at the same time. There has been a structure put in place to help with this however the inevitable “clashes” occur. 234457 http://www.homec 229375 http://www.homec

85631 221675 221676 66766 21159 65882

Corona Boccherini Boccherini Praga

£162.71 Challenger 32 Pulgadas Hd Ld32b28 £14.60 RCA £11.62 Genius Sw-u2.1 200 £201.00 Toshiba Satellite C55d-b5308

258617 N/A N/A 192307

http://www.homec not wall mounted, need to ask for quote from indiv http://boccherini.c http://boccherini.c http://www.homec



263626 N/A

http://www.homec http://articulo.merc http://articulo.merc



Editing team video




£124.11 Plywood 122x244x9mm




Week 6 (2/11/15 - 8/11/15) Deliverable D#4 The last week has only been focusing on the deliverable no.4 this is a document that has to include many different parts of the project, this will include the project drawings, project manual, jury reports, relevant communications sections and certain aspects of the live project.

Nick and I used the existing deliverable status control sheet. This was mainly to have a check list of all the items that we needed to compile for the deliverable deadline, which was moved to two weeks on from when it was originally set up. This sheet has

SOL_ID Render by Oleg

looked more further into or which drawings have been completed. This has been set up through the entire process even before we joined and had comments from the previous deliverables that had been submitted.


been so useful as each team can then update all of their drawings and relevant sections accordingly. This has helped us keep track of what drawings need to be

[Academic use only]


Initially at the start of the week we agreed to try and have a full draft deliverable set by Thursday afternoon, so that it could be reviewed by the Colombian team. OLIVER HESTER



We managed to do this but the submission was slightly late, but we had a first draft. We then the next day went through and marked up all the drawings and made notes what needed to happen to each part of the project. Mainly most of the

Cluster module close up

drawings needed to be changed, however they had the basis to work on and this was a crucial part of the


process, as we will need to do this when we are in Colombia! Nick mainly worked on getting the project drawings together and I focused on all the other parts to the submission such as the project manual and gathering all the relevant information together and compiling the document. Generally this has been a relatively simple task but co -ordinating all the documents in one place has been difficult. Saturday, we began by starting to film the Audiovisual submission which is a video of the project and

Cluster module

each relevant part of the body of work.



Master plan

Cluster render

Unit prototype in cluster




Week 7 (9/11/15 - 15/11/15) Travel to Colombia We travelled to Bogota on Monday and tools. evening. It was a long flight about We had a good catch up with the

10 hours direct. We arrived at about 5am and went to the hostel. The hostel is really nice and is very central which is nice. We walked to Plaza de Bolivar and waited for Elian which was difficult as he ended up not meeting up with us. We then got the bus to SENA

Internal render

Service pod

rest of the team and didn’t fully get involved in building anything. This was to start the next day.

Cluster render (Oleg)

and started looking around the university site. This was brilliant they have a really good set up and there are construction DIY shops nearby, one called EASY and the other Homecenter. These are both good for getting materials OLIVER HESTER

Tuesday we started by laying the decking floor, which is called SAPAN floor, we laid this the wrong way round and so this was difficult, each piece was cut ordered and then placed down with 2 decking screws. This took quite a while and we worked on it for nearly 3 days. This was nearly finished at 4am on Wednesday morning. 25


Air plane display

Typical breakfast in Bogota

Hostel garden / Bogota

We laid the decking around the edge, with the help of 2 Colombian guys. We then started to address the detail of the polycarbonate screens to the edge of the floor, this was difficult as we had to cut down the existing planks to 10mm strips. As they are decking they are difficult to cut down into strips. We then had a mixed day of activities where I was helping secure the columns and also fixing in more floor areas. This was difficult as we needed to make certain that we could take up certain parts of the floor to then get to the cassettes. The build was beginning to take shape but there are still some




outstanding issues with quite significant parts of the project like the roof canopy structure.

Plaza Bolivar, the day we arrived

Building one of the sleeping pods


Floor cassettes laid






Decking almost done!

White board timeline of events




Week 8 (16/11/15 - 22/11/15) SENA to Bolivar The building is almost complete! We have managed to sort most of the building out. The week began by starting to build the join of the columns to the beam. This was a bit tricky as they didn’t join very well at the top of the beam. Arranging the scaffolding was also quite tricky and we started arranging them late at night ad this was difficult. We then the next day had some great food for lunch and also has issues when we had a group meeting. This was to say that they didn’t think that the building was going to be in a fit state for exhibiting in the Plaza de Bolivar. We suggested to put all the tasks on the white board to make it more clear for us all to understand what we needed to do. We ended up securing all the beams in position, we had to make sure all the columns were level and


Sketch idea of column construction

Construction of different structural elements



Beam working out sketch

Plumb as this was a problem because when they weren’t level they did not sit correctly on the top of the column. We then constructed the beam structure and this was then clad in plywood with another beam on the top. We moved onto the canopy and things are very difficult with this as there have been many different alternatives in how to resolve this issue. The connections between the wooden columns are not very stable as they are only made from mild steel, this means they are not strong enough to be able to keep the canopy.

Beam component OLIVER HESTER

The lorries then started arriving and they then were loaded into two trucks. This was difficult as we knew we were going to have to put a lot of it together that evening, knowing it was going to be a late one. However this was the final push and we didn’t mind putting in a long shift to be able to get the structure complete so we could then move on with it the next day. The square is very open and so is exposed across all areas of the site so we need to have security guards to make certain that everything is fine. That evening 33


Construction of different elements at SENA

Internal panorama from top corner.

Lorry loading

we managed to get most of the structural frame up and complete, this was a strong effort and we then closed it off with the screens to add extra security. The next day we knew would be an all nighter to be able to finish the exhibition by Monday morning at 11. The main workflow of the night was getting the prototype ready for the exhibition opening. We needed to clad all beams, fix the floor, make all screens correct, add all internal elements that had been pre cut in a CNC mill place in Bogota, the canopy. The day went well but in general things progressed slower than usual, so the canopy and certain elements were not finished, however we managed to get a boom lift to try and help us lift the dome into position, we made the fixings for the canopy on the edges with T shaped bars. However this didn’t really work as the canopy structure wasn’t very stable. The canopy was the placed down and walked out through one of




Joint options

Initial canopy construction

Initial hoist options by hand!

the openings of the frame. This was done by all the team. The site was then tidied up and made ready for the exhibition, we had a quick shower and came back to site just in time to be able to be on stage for a presentation.


Initial hoist options by hand!

Hoist attempt with borrowed boom lift




Team shot!




Prototype in Plaza Bolivar


Prototype in Plaza Bolivar



Week 9 (23/11/15 - 29/11/15) Plaza Bolivar - Cali

The week began by exhibiting the prototype in Plaza de Bolivar, this was completed very early in the morning and we only just had it finished enough to be able to display it, there were many issues with certain parts of the construction, firstly the roof did not work in the desired way. This was mainly to do with the weak structural joints. The main issue with these joints was that the mild steel was not a deep enough section and they were also not able to take the desired load of the roof, the canopy was laid out on a horizontal plane, we were then able to borrow a boom lift from a nearby Christmas tree 44

Route approx 5 hrs, reality 12hrs

installer. This was very useful however the structure did not perform well under the stress and was lowered back into its construction position in the inside of the envelope, so we took off one side of the envelope and removed the canopy and walked it around to one side of the prototype. We then made the pavilion ready for the exhibition, as we were very tired this took a long time. Once we had finished this we were pretty much going to have to take it down and then move the prototype to Cali for the Solar decathalon. Elian had his laptop stolen from a restaurant which was at a critical stage of the project as parts of the model were needed to develop the structure. OLIVER HESTER


We then had various interviews with different TV crews and made certain that they knew about our idea and concept, this ranged from the British embassy to the BBC equivalent in Colombia. Team members spoke about it to the cameras and it gave a lot of exposure to SOL_ID and the project in general. The exhibition take down happened during the afternoon the next day, and into the early hours of the morning. This was with added pressure as we weren’t going to be able to

Bus trip

source certain things when we got to Cali. The ease of SENA and Bogota would not be available so we needed to make certain that we had all of the relevant things with us! The transport team would then leave that evening and only just get there before we arrived in Cali. We chose to get the bus as we wanted to see different parts of the country as we have felt that we haven’t had the opportunity to see the country as much as we would of liked to. A long bus journey from Bogota to Cali, this took 12 hours. We arrived and almost straight away OLIVER HESTER

began constructing the prototype. It was essential that we began work quickly so that certain parts of the project could begin running in parallel so the entire team would be able to work on the project simultaneously. Elian, Pete, Nick, Derek, Eddie and myself began by laying all the structural elements out we marked out the floor, then laid the steel sections down and continued to lay the floor cassettes across these.









The ground underfoot here is a lot more level and easy to work with than in plaza bolivar. We found some hard core and used this to pack out the bases of the columns, this helped get a really good footing for the columns and has helped to keep them level. We had to sift the hard core to get a fine grain of sand so that it was easy to level them.

Forklift lifting beam into position

The main components were all in place by Thursday 26th. This really helped the project to proceed. We had some problems with the forklift on the West Forklift lifting beam into position side of the prototype, as there was a small ditch and the forklift continued to fall into the ditch and was lifted out with a larger forklift. This is where being on the competition site was very useful as there were many different options of borrowing or loaning and using other teams materials, tools and vehicles which later on down the line would be very useful. The cladding was then put onto the edges of the beams, this was partly done with a forklift and was then fixed correctly by hand as it was up there. The roof is still un resolved at this point and is proving to be quite difficult to Forklift PROBLEM design, this has mainly been because there has been a group of people thinking they can design it in there own way. This has been a problem as if a small group could work easily and simply together on it then they would of been able to solve it very quickly and simply. We spent all night fixing the panels to the edges of the screens. 48



Early in the morning we spoke with Elian about a revised metal roof connection detail, these conversations were the initial start to the fabrication and assembly of the roof. We started by finding different parts of 40 x 90 mm timber and connecting them in a similar fashion to before. However this was slightly different as they have been

Testing roof joint

placed a lot closer together. This was then going to be welded with a different section of steel that is almost double the thickness. The day before we had purchased some thick steel, this was then what we used for the test prototype section. We then had to beg borrow and steal many different things to be able to assemble this test piece. This included a circular saw to cut the piece of steel, a welding machine with electrodes and also a circular saw to cut a section into the timber to be able to place the steel in a slot. We managed to get all of this working correctly, it took a while




Roof in pieces!

but the prototype ended up working and holding a considerable amount of weight. The joint was good however the timber failed at 160kgs approx, we later worked out that this was because we hadn’t distributed the load in an outwards manner. So the prototype wasn’t fully representative of the real situation.

T section to hide join between cassettes

These joints were then approved by the structural engineer of the competition. This was then sent off to a metal worker that Elian had found and each of the joints were then constructed there were 3 different sections of joints.

Constructing roof frame on floor around scaffold

The ‘Bible’ to work out the placement of the different lengths of timber


Roof frame supported by scaffold waiting for lift OLIVER HESTER


Week 10 (30/11/15 - 06/12/15) Solar Decathalon The competition has begun and we are still building! However we are getting close to finishing and the roof is getting to point where we are going to be able to start placing it into the envelope. The crane arrived on the 1st and it then had to wait pretty much all night until we used it first thing the next morning, we delayed him many times. We needed the crane to

be able to complete this point in the build, we placed the roof in and out of the building 5 times and on the 6th we managed to get it positioned correctly, at first I thought it wasn’t going to fit and we were going to have to change the entire layout of the canopy, however after we tweaked some of the edges we were able to fit it OLIVER HESTER

Typical joint

Roof lifted by crane

into the gap. We used an inventive way of rigging on the canopy, this was in an angled way so we were able to position one side in and then almost wiggle the rest of the sides into position. Once they were in we had to secure the corners onto the T bars that we had positioned in the correct places before. 53


Roof lifted by crane 7th time lucky!




Positioning frame onto T junctions

T section, and typical steel roof joint

Internal shot with the roof finally in place OLIVER HESTER



The next area that I began working on was the support beam for the solar panels, this would of been an easy job if they were at floor level however they were the highest point of the beam. This meant I had to sit on the beam all the way around the structure, this took a while but all were levelled and it made for a relatively quick install of the solar panels. The solar panels are connected all around the perimeter of the building. This was a simple solution. The competition then wanted us to fit the solar panels, if we didn’t have them fitted in a fixed time then we wouldn’t of been able to take part in any of the competition so there was a significant push to place these as they needed to be placed in about 4 hours. We then began by placing the tarpaulin sheets over the roof framework. This was again an awkward job as each of these pieces although they were all the same size they had to be fitted in quite a specific order, as you

Roof measurements for second membrane

Ideas for covering the roof with second membrane

would struggle fitting the next piece if you fit the piece next to it! The arches have also been made and are ready to be fixed into position, the arches are made with a simple framework and they will 56

Fixing internal roof triangle pieces, with staples



Lower membrane of roof from above

Timber flap joint sketch

‘Bye’ to our SENA Colombian friends

then be placed onto the edge of the structure. We also said bye to our friends that helped us from SENA, they came to Cali to help with a few parts of the construction and stayed in our flat. Internal work has also been a priority, this process has involved making and connecting all service pods and different services to them. This has been plumbing and internal fittings also putting a fully working kitchen in and also placing a variety of cabinets.


Securing triangular roof pieces



Roof outer membrane construction

Testing different options for roof joint

‘Bye’ to our SENA Colombian friends

The next major problem we needed to resolve is the second membrane as the current internal canopy has no drainage and is not able to with stand any weather. We had already spoken about this issue approximately 6 weeks ago and detailed quite a quick and working detail. This was not adopted and we went with a similar method of construction to the canopy dome frame below. We made a battoned out framework which then supported the external roof membrane. We then made a




system in which we would be able to install the roof structure as this would be difficult because the only access point is through the centre of the structure, where we had a roof light. This roof light you were able to place a ladder up and so you could work on the roof whilst people were working below. We divided the pieces in to an A and a B section, the A sections were a lot smaller, the B section could then also be placed along one side of the perimeter and then tensioned towards the A pieces. This meant we were able to tension the roof as we went, we came across a few problems though and the outcome was not quite exactly what we had in mind. The B pieces were constructed by gluing a seam along the edge of two 11 metre long pieces, we left a metre over hang for the edges, so that you were able to get enough membrane to pull it underneath the solar panels. The join between the two membranes was designed to have a lapping folding seam, this was so that the flow of the water would not hit the edge of the structure.


‘Bye’ to our SENA Colombian friends

The first problem was the ability to move around on the canopy dome structure underfoot, this was particularly slow as you were only able to stand on the timber or the joints, so this made access and movement slower. We had also installed the solar panels too early and so the membrane had to be cut to fit around the solar panel supports, we couldn’t avoid this as the competition required us to fit the solar panels earlier than we would of liked. We got around this problem by fixing the lapping edges to the sides and also above the solar panel supports, this may not be the most secure fix but the membrane is thick and so will repel water. One of the main issues however is the drainage off the roof, there is only approximately 80mm fall from the center of the roof light to the edge of the beam. This is not significant enough to be able to drain a roof of this size. As we were fitting the roof certain problems were becoming more apparent that we weren’t going to be able to tension such a large piece of membrane. This took quite some time, also there were some issues with the distances of the overlap. This meant that we need to cut a strip that overlaid the area that had a gap, this was then glued with the same membrane glue that we used.



Week 11 (07/12/15 - 13/12/15) Finishing and the competition This week we have made a lot amount of progress and the building has now been completed to a level where we can take part in all levels of the competition. We had a big final push to get a lot of it done so that we could open for the juried competitions. This happened and we made good progress.


Internal shots of internal roof membrane OLIVER HESTER


Whilst fitting the last parts of the roof membrane it started to rain and this really impacted the progress of the work. It seemed to slow the progress but we managed to get on with it and luckily it was only a small rain shower. We also needed to finish the plumbing too, this was mainly being looked after by Carlotta and she had some issues with this. However most of it is now working and the competition have allowed us to open the house to the public which is great news! We lost two members of the team back to the UK Pete and Clare left at the end of the OLIVER HESTER

assembly and just after the start of the competition. The prototype has got all of its communication tools in it. That evening we had a juried contest presentation ceremony. The ceremony was for Architecture and Innovation. Which are both juried contests. This was mainly for the teams that had been competing however we were included too, we came low on innovation 14th out of 15 teams and we came 10th in Architecture. We are currently (10-12-15) in last place, this is only by a couple of points though and we have been second from bottom for quite a while! The next day we then had some 61





Attaching outer roof membrane

Attaching outer roof membrane

Layout of roof membrane OLIVER HESTER



Jury contest meeting and filming for competition

public tours in the morning and we organised one final push to finish the prototype. This was mainly to fit the final pieces of the solar arches and also to fix the current issues with ventilation. This was mainly a problem with how little the amount of air flow we were getting through the prototype. It was performing like a green house and the heat

had nowhere to go. We made the skylight raised off the edge of the canopy, put two louvered parts to the panel, these were quick fixes and we weren’t sure if they would work, but had to wait until the next day. Fitting the final pieces of the solar arches was a rewarding experience however it took a while! We had to fit the framework boxes behind each panel on both ends. These were already constructed, as simple plywood boxes with an angle. We fitted these and then 64

Competition award ceremony

Internal join between plywood screen and prototype OLIVER HESTER


had to prop them with some off cuts of 40 x 90 mm timber. We then placed them on and made cut lines on the pieces where they did not fit and fitted them to the shape accordingly. A slight issue occurred when we found out that we were missing a panel,

Competition fun!


we managed to find some 8 mm plywood that was not being used. So we fixed two of these together to almost match the 15mm plywood that was being used for the current solar shades.


Attaching outer roof membrane



Competition scoring system

We then had a few days of helping with competition things. This varied from helping with the competition and also taking a helping take a few jury contests, these were Urban design and affordability, and Engineering and construction. These seemed to go quite well but we will have to wait until the award ceremony to see if they liked the ideas or not. Hopefully we will score slightly better than last our last contest.

out on google it seems to working well. Jonas has left so has Elian things seem t under control going well! is returning Tuesday w we will begin disassembly p

In the afternoon Nicolaus brought along a group of children from a local charity that his parents both run, they sang songs and danced, they were engaged with the prototype very well and it was great to see it being used in such a versatile way. We are all being kept to a schedule which has been set 66


docs, o be

t and n so to be and Elian on where n the phase.


Children from Fundaci贸n Rodacanto a local children charity

We are looking for someone to buy the prototype and then we can load it onto trucks and give it to the potential buyer. I am really hoping that this is the outcome as the entire concept of the project would be flawed if we ended up disposing of the prototype in a skip in Cali. Hopefully this next week I will be writing this and explaining how we transported it and disassembled it in a short amount of time. I think it will take around 2 full days to disassemble the entire building.


Competition individual schedule



Week 12 (14/12/15 - 20/12/15) Competition week & Disassembly

The week began by showing quite a few different groups round on the public tour this we managed to get done quite quickly, as the prototype got very busy and so we had to cycle through each group very fast.

The queue!

The tours were accompanied by a translator, this was Laura and she helped a lot to be able to explain the project in Spanish. I had a rough format of the tour. 1. Welcome to SOL_

Party at PEI house

Public tour

ID, team from London met, The current house displayed is a single unit within the cluster 2. Main concept is flexible living, shows the sleeping pods. The prototype is designed for low income families and cost approx $15,000 dollars without solar panels and $25,000 with. 3. Speak about sleeping pods and the layout of the space and why it is this way, mention canopy dome structure to create an open floor space and to help with ventilation somewhat 4. Service pod, this is a fixed unit with a range of different services inside, mention solar water heater and 16 solar panels on the roof creating 5kwh of power. 70



5. Mycelium, what it is and how it can be used? However we have not had it certified for construction so we only display it around the outside of the structure. 6. Questions!

These tours took roughly 10 minutes each, and we did this with approx 10 - 15 people, each door was monitored otherwise people would just enter and we could not control the tours. We then went out for some food as most of the team were available, this was San Antonio and we managed to find a great restaurant that overlooked the city! Pei then had a party at the solar village we got a lift there with Laura in her tiny car and managed to fit us all in the back!

Entrance with renders on display

The crew!

Casa Uruguay won! I really wasn’t that impressed by the house they had created however I think it was a very well thought out house and many different aspects had been considered, although it did cost them a rumored $80,000. Which does seem to stray away from the brief as a low income family home. It had some very impressive systems that you currently only find in very expensive private accommodation. This evening most of the teams opened their houses to the other competitors and they put music on and had some drinks and danced in their houses. This was great as we mainly spent our time in Kuxtal’s house from Mexico, which was really good fun and their house seemed to be very good for a party as it had am open area in the middle of the building which acted as the salsa floor! OLIVER HESTER



The next day we had issues with the water supply in our apartment so we had to move to our hosts other Air BNB place which was amazing, it had a pool and was really quite nice! The competition was now officially over and the disassembly phase had started, Elian had been back a day or so and was beginning to make more certain ideas about the legacy of the prototype. The current situation is to make certain adjustments to the building to make it work, and then leave it in the university campus. So we were going to have to continue certain parts of the building. This was mainly the roof and the doors, however we made a list which was quite extensive for what needed doing. Certain components of the building needed returning, especially the solar water heater as this was

Siphoning collected water from roof

Finishing party

on loan from a company. Rich and I then started to disassemble it, which was good fun but it had a lot of quite hot water stored in it, so we released the pressure and then began to drain the water into the mattress that was being used as our grey water storage. We then began cleaning the building to have it ready for potential buyers that were being lined up. This was an annoying process but




Sketch options for solution of sealing roof

with a group of us we managed to get it done quite quickly, this was wiping all the screens down, cleaning the floor and also tidying away all the tools and sorting out the container that we had been borrowing from MiHouse. The main tasks were beginning to become more obvious, we began the roof by draining it with a hose pipe and placing it into the pooled

Propping up centre area to create larger fall

Old void to be made larger

areas on the roof and then sucking from below, this process worked however we must have drank about a pint of roof water each in the


Water pooling on roof

process! This process worked well and we managed to drain quite a bit of the water off the roof. Once this had been done we then went for some rest, we then met Nico one of the observers that was 73


looking after us. We then sung Christmas carols at his house with his parents, this was particularly interesting as the carols were a mix of Spanish and English which makes things very interesting! We then got a lift to the farm house just outside Cali in a nearby village called Jamunda. We overstayed our time here for quite a while as we were meant to get back to complete the roof, as it currently pooling with water in many different locations. Returning to Cali from the farm we had two teams doing different tasks, the first was the door team that were solving the locking mechanism in the door and then the roof team that had a variety of different options for solving the roof. The main ideas were actually already drawn but had not been


considered at all which was very frustrating. We had three main ideas, each of these were discussed into quite some depth. These discussions may not have been what actually happened in the end but they were vital ideas that would help us reach a singular point. There were two kinds of ideas, one kind being what will the roof shape actually take up and where will it fall, there was then another consideration about how we would drain it away from the roof. Starting with the roof shape 1. A pitched roof shape down the centre of the building. 2. A set of trapeziums in plan draining to each of the 4 edges. 3. L shaped sections that would

Major issues were caused from this section of laying the roof membrane OLIVER HESTER

overlap to create a fall.


These ideas were then followed up with practical decisions about timber and polycarbonate and quantities that we needed. Guttering options were discussed as the ideas proposed does not fully eliminate the pooling effect we are currently getting on the roof. 1. Guttering around the edge after having a steep enough fall to the gutter, this would be along the edge of the internal beams. 2. Drain it over the solar panels by adding in more batons to reduce the pooling.

Sketching to work out problems with angles

Layout of membrane sketch idea

3. Running all areas of the roof to the centre and either having a chain downpipe there or draining it out towards the edge of the prototype. We then discussed these ideas with Elian and he suggested how we could just raise the internal skylight square and in doing so we could add a significant amount of height to the fall and so this would be able to drain the water off better. OLIVER HESTER

Using scaffolding feet to prop up centre sky light

The main issue we are continuing to have is the detail of the membrane to the edge of the envelope, the solar panels have been put in very early on and this is making working in this area very difficult as you cannot really move them whilst they are in position. We came to a conclusion by holding up a broom to see where you are able to start seeing he top of the further extruded roof, we measured this and it was approx 750mm so we cut 40 x 90mm off cuts to fit this gap and then had some issues with how we were to raise the central skylight frame. The initial issue is that the existing battons are fixed to the dome structure below and are also fixed to the batons above! We got around this issue by un screwing them and then leaving 75


them hovering on top of the dome triangle membrane structure once we had raised it. This was proving very difficult as we were trying to do it from the base, we did not want to stretch the membrane too much as we would then maybe snap it and that would be a very big problem! We increased the height by 750mm Hopefully it will help with some cross ventilation and heat can more easily be expelled through the roof light.

because we don’t have an issue in finding the correct screws. The other main issues were that it would not drain at all. We proposed a few of these ideas, mainly because of time and also lifting them in tension within the

After this we then tried lifting the existing support systems for the beams up, we discovered that they still had the triangle pieces cut to fit into the gap perfectly. This made them very hard to get out but we managed to in the end. The screws were pre drilled so when we decided to choc it up we could immediately save time Internal sleeping pods

Internal sleeping pods




External view of SOL_ID

roof. These issues were solved and we managed to finish building at 9pm we weren’t supposed to do this but I don’t think they really minded all that much. The next day we go to Salento for some relaxing and trekking. We went trekking up a Valle called OLIVER HESTER

External views of SOL_ID

Cocura, near to Salento. We managed to get a lift all the way to the edge of the national park where the walk started in the back of a pick up truck. We had two night in Salento and then got the bus back to Bogota and now we are currently on the flight back 77




External SOL_ID view



Competing houses!

Mas casa huerto casa Lots of solar panels!

AYNI from Peru Green wall

Vrissa, from Cali SENA Very energy efficient, won lots of tasks for this

PEI, very well designed open plan configurable space


Kuxtal, Mexican team, really friendly, good mix of sustainable recycled materials, left their building on site to be used as research

Habitec, Good design different approach to using water

MI House, brilliant ideas across all levels of competition, very well designed and great water re use strategies, concrete construction .

SMART Panama team. Shipping container construction, very fast assembly period.

Un solar, good open plan living with interesting ideas on vents at top of structure

Cali University Gudua construction, not taking part in competition fully

Casa Urugaya Winner of overall competition, high spec HVAC systems very impressive services, quite expensive

His Cali. Modular system craned into place and bolted together, very easy construction OLIVER HESTER

Yarumo, Two floors and great planting ideas, well branded and connected on social medias etc

Calcevita, Colombian team. Great design in a modular construction



Week 14 (21/12/15 - 28/12/15) RELAX - touring Colombia!

Hostel in Salento

Trekking up the Valle de Cocora





Hostel Sue Candelaria, Pratrica!

Candelaria, Bogota

Candelaria, Bogota

View from Montseratte in Bogota OLIVER HESTER



Project summary / Individual appraisal The project has been a brilliant experience, on a range of different levels. Being introduced into the project at the stage we did was quite representative of working in practice. The initial stages of the project were really difficult at the start as we had to begin working on the project without fully knowing what was going on. This was a quick learning process, and deadlines for deliverables were produced. This was mainly an indicative process but we started to work on these as if they were concrete deadlines. This changed when we got to Colombia as the competition was very fast paced and they weren’t that worried about us missing deadlines.

not have been the most resilient but they were a quick solution to a problem, which was always what was needed. The competition put pressure on us to construct it within a certain time frame which was good but also meant that the construction, finishing and detailing of the building were not to a good standard. The local hardware shop was our main port of call, homecentre and easy were the two places that we got all of our materials from. The roof was one of the main issues we encountered, initially the geodesic framework did not

The workflow when we got to Colombia was great, however we were working very long hours for most of the time we were there. This was quite risky but we managed to make the most of the time available and ate a lot of fast food! Learning directly from sketching and building was a main concept that was developed throughout the building process. This was a valuable point to learn from. The majority of the building had to be changed as we were developing the idea. This was the best part of the process. These details that were being sketched and built may 88



these pieces had to be cut to fit the triangular frames. This was the last phase that we went through for the construction which was totally the wrong way to go about it. In tropical climates the roof always goes first! The solar panels were fitted very early onto the top of the beams, this was a problem as we could not fit adequate water proofing to get the roof to drain. As the roof could not drain a large amount of water pooled on the top. This we tried to fix by making a larger fall on the roof but it didn’t work correctly and so we left the building in a state that needed some extra work doing to it. However the overall learning experience was excellent! The team bonded well and to be able to achieve a constructed fully functioning building by the end of the trip was an amazing achievement, especially in South America.

work as we expected when it was constructed in SENA. The second attempt, was to construct a better joint and to then fit this into the current envelope system. Cladding the roof with a thick membrane was difficult as each of




SOL_ID finished!

Colombia Uk Relations!




Team HelioMet Mr Alessio Colizza Mr Alquino Ms ANA-LAURA MOHIRTA Ms ANN LIN MS Anne Markey Ms Carlotta Conte Mr Christian Parra Ms CLARE REID MR CONOR SCULLY MR DEREK OPARA MR EDOARDO PERANI MR EDWARD COUPER MR Elian Hirsch MR ELLIOT DUNN MS EVA DIU Ms HEATHER GRAHAM Ms HENRIETTE BACKER MR JONAS LUNDBERG MR Johan Guzman Ms JULIE HUTCHINSON Ms Laura Penman Ms Meis Alsaegh Mr Nicholas Stone Mr Oleg Sevelkov MR OLIVER HESTER Mr Peter DEW MR REGINALD REYNOLDS Ms Riam Ibrahem Mr Richard O'Hanlon Ms Selini Serefoglou MR Zaeem Ahmed




Week 15 (28/12/15 - 4/1/16) Home!

I spent most of Christmas up in Scotland, stopped in Northumberland for a night on the way back down. It was great to have a bit of a break. Started working on Advocacy after this and managed to get quite a bit of it done, although there was a bit of a rush towards the hand in as always, we also had an exam on it which went ok but I didn’t manage to revise as much as I would of wanted to but the test went ok.

Glen Lyon, Scotland walk


Northumberland beach OLIVER HESTER


Week 16 (4/1/15 - 11/1/16) Advocacy week!

This week I have mainly been focusing on Advocacy as we had a hand in. My essay was about the homelessness in London and around the

world and the issues that people are currently facing.


Essay main images



Essay cover and first page




Week 17 (11/1/15 - 18/1/16) First studio week back We met in studio to discuss the coming weeks hand in. I have said that I will edit the SOL_ID Bible which is the entire document to explain the process of SOL_ID and the general walkthrough of the project. I

Back to studio!

have started by setting up relevant templates and different layouts for the document. We are using Blurb Book creator in Indesign. Which hopefully will be an ok way to go about formatting the document. It is going to be particularly difficult putting the entire document together. There are a lot of people going to be editing there sections,









/ logistics / team helliomet

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