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You live and something changes in you every day. Something very, very little changes. You don’t notice it, just live. But, at some point, you look back and realize, that you have changed. A rather strange feeling. But it is not only this process of changing, it’s also the realization of your past, your new past. Things from your present day life become something from the past. And in this new past there are things that you once loved, which in this shift are not less beloved. You continue to love them through a different sort of love: the love from the new experience, through new things, from people that have come in your life. But you still remember the old feeling, and the understanding of this difference will also make you feel the change, that something of you has gone away.

All photographs were taken in Chernovtsi, a small city in Western Ukrane, during 06-07th May 2007 Š Andrei Chekunov, Moscow — Berlin, 2011

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