The Olive Press Catalunya magazine February 2012 issue 45

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Feb 2012 issue 45


for all English speakers


The Year of the Dragon

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At Valentines a few thoughts from the master For me, love and sex tend to be casual and not endowed with seriousness. Flirtations, bedroom games, and short-term liaisons are common among nobles like myself who marry for social connections rather than love. For me it is an open field of sexual opportunities. My personality is dominated by my sensual urges: “Cultivating whatever gives pleasure to my senses will always be the chief business of my life; I never found any occupation more important. Feeling that I was born for the sex opposite of mine, I have always loved it and done all that I could to make myself loved by it. My ideal liaisons have elements beyond sex, including complicated plots, heroes and villains, and gallant outcomes. In a pattern I often repeat, I will discover an attractive woman in trouble with a brutish or jealous lover (Act I); I will ameliorate her difficulty (Act II); she will show her gratitude; I will seduce her; a short exciting affair would ensue (Act III); feeling a loss of ardour or boredom setting in, I will plead my unworthiness and arrange for her marriage or pairing with a worthy man, I then exit the scene (Act IV). The secret of my success with women has nothing more esoteric in it than offering what every woman who respects herself must demand. all I do is offer the dazzling attraction of the lump sum over what is more regularly doled out in a lifetime of instalments. There is no honest woman with an uncorrupted heart whom a man is not sure of conquering by dint of gratitude. It is one of the surest and shortest means. Alcohol and violence, are not proper tools of seduction. Instead, attentiveness and small favours should be employed to soften a woman’s heart, but “a man who makes known his love by words is a fool”. Verbal communication is essential “without speech, the pleasure of love is diminished by at least two-thirds” but words of love must be implied, not boldly proclaimed. Mutual consent is important, but avoid easy conquests or overly difficult situations. I strive to be the ideal escort in the first act—witty, charming, confidential, and helpful then moving into the bedroom in the third act. I am not predatory (“my guiding principle has been never to direct my attack against novices or those whose prejudices were likely to prove an obstacle”); however, my conquests do tend to be insecure or emotionally exposed women. I value intelligence in a woman: “After all, a beautiful woman without a mind of her own leaves her lover with no resource after he had physically enjoyed her charms.” My attitude towards educated women, learning is out of place; But in simple reasoning and in delicacy of feeling we must yield to women. Casanova de Seingalt Giacomo Girolamo or (Casanova to you)


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 welcome to the February edition of “The Olive Press” 

There have been some changes to the magazine over Christmas and the New Year. Matthew and Debbie after nearly 4 years of publishing the magazine have decided to move on to “new ventures”. I think everyone will agree they have done an excellent job of “giving birth” and “nurturing” the mag through its early years (Not easy I know!!). We hope to have a seamless changeover to the new team…. We are expanding the distribution points up to and including Barcelona. Below is a list of Towns etc we are delivering the magazine to from February 2012 (Exact details of the venues will be on the web site) Barcelona, Sitges, Castelldefels, Cubelles, Cunit, Calafell, Coma Ruga, Vilanova I la Geltru, Torredembarra, Altafulla, Tarragona, Salou, Cambrils, Mont Roig, Vandellos, Miami Playa, L’Hospitalet de L’Infant, Calafat, L’Ametlla de Mar, El Perello, L’Ampolla, Tortosa, San Carles de La Rapita, Vinaros, Ulldecona, Freginals, Bitem, Xerta, Tivenys, Benifallet, Gandesa, Ginestar, Mora D’Ebre, Riba Roja D’Ebre, Flix, Rasquera. looking for a business then visit our business directory online. see our web site for daily updates of classifieds and extra useful information.

all advertisers will also be placed in the business directory on our web site with links to their own web sites!

Contributors: | Clodagh & Dick Handscombe | Jeff Greensmith | Sarah Good | Taru Burstall | David Piqué | Carlos Prieto Cid | Stuffed Olive Designs

Printing: Indugraf SA Deposito Legal: MA-1565-2008


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Please contact us by: E-mail: Web : www. Telephone: 977 457 201 Deadlines: Adverts 15th & Articles 12th of the month.

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What’s New -In Spain PC Tips


Contents Page 8


Your Horoscope 11 Can it be True? 12+30+31 Agony Aunt 13 The Lighter Side 16+17 Lonely Hearts 18 Health & Well Being 20 Gourmet Treat your taste buds 22+23 Law 24+25 Home & Garden 26 Property News Roundup 28+29 Crossword- Spanglish 32 What's On 33 Classifieds 34+35 Business Card Directory 36-39

Page 20

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Disclaimer: No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without prior permission in writing from the publisher. The Olive Press does not accept responsibility for the contents of the articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisers


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More than 200 bagpipe players played the Galician hymn Hundreds of people said goodbye to Manuel Fraga at the funeral for the Partido Popular veteran in the Plaza del Obradoiro and the Santiago de Compostela cathedral on Saturday. The ex President of Galicia was honoured at the place

where he took possession of the regional government four times. The Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, and several of his ministers attended the ceremony along with the current Galician President, Alberto Núñez Feijoo. The Archbishop of Santiago, Julián Barrio, defended Fraga as a ‘good man’ and he called for the mercy of Christ for his memory and persona. Photos were shown on the TV coverage of Fraga with different personalities including the King and Fidel Castro. Hundreds followed the service on a screen outside the Cathedral and some 200 bagpipe players from the Real Banda de Gaitas from the Ourense and Pontevedra Diputaciones, played a version of the Galician hymn.

Los Duendes Properties We are looking for properties inland and on the coast (Properties needed in all areas) Many properties are sold so we need more properties for our clients. At the moment, we have several clients who are looking for properties in the coastal area! Don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to sell your property.

Long and Short term rentals wanted urgently! L'Ampolla with sea/Delta views you will find a finca with a house on it of 130m2 on a 0,5 hect finca. The house has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen/dining area, fireplace and a porch. REDUCED TO 126.000€

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PC TIPS Being a better computer user doesn’t require you to sign up for course at college or to read those huge books that geeks have on their desks. Truth is, we don’t read them either. We just refer to them every now and again when you stump us with a question. Being a better computer user just takes a willingness to learn and to try. Here we give a tip each month for the beginner that should help you immediately. Learn to Use Your Keyboard Since PCs with a mouse attached were introduced, almost every user has become dependent on it. It seems like

Keyboard shortcuts are awesome. Possibly the biggest

a good idea, but don’t you hate it when it dies, or gets

time saver is the Tab key. It might say Tab on it or it might

clogged, or the right-click gets worn out? I know I do.

have two arrows – one pointing right and one pointing

Learning how to type and use your keyboard shortcuts will

left. What the Tab key allows you to do is to move your

help you to avoid the mouse. Remember, the keyboard

cursor from field to field. This is especially time-saving

was invented before the mouse, so everything you can do

when going through a form. Try it, just hit the Tab key a

with your mouse, you can do with the keyboard.

few times to see where the focus ends up. You’ll see a

There are plenty of freeware programs available for

dashed line around whatever you tabbed to, or a blinking

learning how to type. It just takes patience and practice to

cursor if it’s in a text field. If you go one field too far, hold

master typing. When I started, I was a hunt-and-peck typer

down your Shift key and then hit the Tab key once to go

and now I can type almost anything without looking at the

back one element. I use these shortcuts all the time when

keyboard – which drives my wife nuts as I type and “listen”

the batteries in my mouse are dead.

to her. She really hates it when I transcribe what she just


told me. I don’t recommend doing that, guys.



news in spain

His remains were found in an abandoned suitcase two years after he died A mother who drowned her nine year old son in the bath and then dumped his body inside a suitcase faces a possible 20 years in prison when her case comes up for trial. Mónica Juanatey, from A Coruña in Galicia, has been on remand since her arrest in November 2010 for the murder of her son, César, after human remains found in a suitcase that month near a river in Mahón, Menorca, were identified as her son’s.

The new requirements come into effect in July.

His mother confessed after her arrest that she had killed him in 2008. Her defence is arguing for acquittal on the grounds of temporary diminished responsibility and has asked that Juanatey undergo a new examination by a forensic psychologist and a social worker.

A Frenchman has also been arrested in Torremolinos Two members of the Italian mafia have been arrested in a Marbella villa. The two Italians are from the Mazzarella clan of the Camorra mafia and were arrested last Wednesday morning by UDYCO police on the Costa del Sol working with Italian police. They face charges of belonging to a criminal organisation dedicated to the traffic of drugs into Europe from Morocco. They have been named as Clemente Amodio and Pasquale Mazzarella. European arrest warrants are in place and the two men have been taken to Madrid where the National Court will handle the extradition. The Italian anti-mafia prosecutor has said that these arrests are more confirmation that the south of Spain in general, and the Costa del Sol in particular, has become one of the favourite refuges for members of the Camorra. Meanwhile in a separate incident, police have arrested a 24 year old Frenchman, named with the initials Y.K. in Torremolinos. He’s wanted in France on charges of attempted homicide and drugs offences, and was seized on December 28 after being stopped at a routine control. Police noted that his driving licence photo looked nothing like him.

Buildings which are more than 50 years old are to be obliged to have a so-called ITV/MOT inspection from July. The new legislation affects buildings older than 50 years in towns of more than 25,000 inhabitants. Buildings will be obliged to display a certificate before any flats can be sold The ITE Inspección Técnica de Edificios has been in existence for some time, but only from July 7 2012 will it become obligatory. The buildings will be subjected to a complete technical inspection by a competent architect or engineer who will draw up a report on the state of the building, indicating any deficiencies detected and whether they are serious or not. In the case that work needs to be done, a further inspection is needed when the work is completed. Fines of 1,000 – 6,000 € are envisaged for those who don’t comply. The process will have to be repeated every ten years.

Two other sons have been granted conditional release Two of the four people arrested in connection with the death of a Senegalese man, Ibrahima Dyey in Barcelona last Tuesday have been sent to prison on remand, while the other two have been granted provisional release by the judge in Instruction Court 12 in Barcelona.

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The father of a gypsy clan, Antonio F.P., is one of those being held in custody, along with one of his sons, 28 year old Antonio F.G who is believed to have actually carried out the killing. The tragedy has caused serious friction between local gypsy residents and the Africans in the Besòs district of the city. The judge ordered that the other two sons face charges of making threats and causing injury and they have to report every day to the court. Their passports have been removed and they are not allowed to leave Barcelona, or be closer than 500m to any of the witnesses called to the court.

King Melchior dies in Three Kings parade in Valencia


LIFES A BEACH FOR BONNIE. Bonnie was found up in the mountains almost at deaths door, very thin and had recently had pups, which were not found with her, we adopted her from A.R.C.A. 6 years ago, she is such a loving, gentle dog & so happy to be loved & in a safe home. A.R.C.A. have many loving dogs like Bonnie, wanting a second chance, sadly they have a short life and for many a very sad one, if you can change a life of just one dog the reward is amazing, you have a true friend & companion which is unbeatable. You can text or call me on 678 975 816. Many thanks once again, Mave.

It happened during the parade in Pobla de Farnais Drama of an unexpected sort in the Valencia town of Pobla de Farnais, during the Three Kings Parade on Thursday night. Levante EMV reports that King Melchor had a heart attack and died while sitting atop his float. The man, who was in his 50’s and a great fan of the local fiestas and traditions is reported to have told people to carry on with the procession, although he was not feeling well. Finally witnesses reported that J.M. Martínez fainted and fell unconscious from his chair.


LONDON - England – In the aftermath of the London Riots the Olive press try to make sense of the situation and tracked down some ”hoodies” and “Chavs” (Council House Adult Vermin) to interview, unfortunately we could only understand one individual and the interview is below. "Want plasma TV!. just went and got one. Init,". The chavs have all come out of their overheated, social security paid for housing and in a massive change to their usual method of supplementing their social security payments which entailed stealing within 200 metres of their home, which meant their Neighbours, Friends, Family and Mr Singh’s Off licence round the corner :- have now evolved a stage. This is an absolute turn up for the book says anthropologist Dr Foster, we had believed the “CHAV” was a Darwinian first to set natural selection in reverse. Dr Foster continued …. “Some say these vile creatures come from space, unfortunately it is not as glamorous as that”. I believe the chav is a result of inbreeding and with a generation gap on average of 14 years the breeding power alone is awesome . This sudden change in behaviour is quite worrying though, when they spent their time in bed or stealing from Old Age Pensioners we knew where we were. We need more data and anyone who spots one outside of their usual habitat (usually outside a fried chicken takeaway) we would be grateful of that knowledge. There are many ways to spot one, but I find the acid test is the walk, It's not a walk a normal person does, no, instead they somehow manage to keep the slouch and stumble towards you dragging one arm by their side like a monkey who just had a stroke. They may even try and communicate with you, it's not English they speak but their own garbled language of words they somehow seem to all understand but is gibberish to most.” Dr Foster concluded “For those who are lucky enough to not live in this dump we call England you must learn by our mistakes” A recent survey done by marriage experts shows that the most common form of marriage proposal these days consists of the words: "You're what?!?"


Astrology is part of Chinese life. In Chinese astrology dragon people excel. The dragon Chinese zodiac year is special. Many people are looking forward to the Chinese zodiac year of 2012. Astrology is so important to the Chinese and the Chinese year of the dragon is so special. Think about the dragon! In Chinese astrology the dragon is the only animal of the Chinese zodiac year that is not real. In Chinese astrology the dragon is quite special and very much revered. The dragon holds special significance for the Chinese people. More than 4,000 years ago, there were two large tribes and many smaller tribes in China. The tribes had animals as emblems. The two large tribes unified and chose the dragon as their symbol. In fact, the Han Chinese still call themselves the descendants of the Dragon. In Chinese astrology the dragon was seen as a powerful almighty king because it was made up of different parts of animals such as a tiger, fish, snake and an eagle. The Chinese dragon was not seen as a threatening evil being as we do in the west - rather a symbol of power, superiority and rule. Still today, the Dragon is a revered symbol. You can see many sculptures and carvings of the dragon. Even today, the Chinese associate the dragon with power and wisdom. In Chinese astrology a dragon person is special. Born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon they usually stand out as befits a dragon. They are powerful and wise. In a group of people, "the Chinese Year of the Dragon person" stands out. There is a certain aura about them. They certainly are not shy – they demand attention and respect. The dragon is a symbol of power. Therefore in Chinese astrology the dragon person born under this Chinese Zodiac sign tends to be a "doer" – they do things and achieve power by getting things done. A dragon can breathe out fire so the person born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon can be a hothead. Watch out if you make them angry! However, the dragon has a soft underbelly and so in Chinese astrology the dragon person born in this Chinese Zodiac year has a "soft spot" to them. They may get angry at someone who annoys them but they also show great compassion to people in need. A dragon has a long tongue which is often seen. So in Chinese astrology the dragon person born in this Chinese Zodiac year has a sharp tongue –they will say things that can be quite sarcastic and biting. The person born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon can be quite a confronting person but if you can reach their "soft heart" they are worthwhile allies.

AQUARIUS Jan. 21 - Feb. 19 -Your talents need to expand this month to

LEO Jul. 23 - Aug. 23 -You seek more depth within relationships. Not

include artistic endeavors. This will bring greater

necessarily sexually, though that too may occur.

financial possibilities and a sense of being within

But more specifically you seek to express yourself

the stream of culture. Careful in the meantime

emotionally through communication, which creates

with money. Use it for books, film, stock in oil and

understanding (a standing under) and wisdom.

the oceans, gifts, religious icons, and art classes.

Monetary situations may disrupt your mysterious thoughts. But wait awhile. They'll disappear in a moment's time.

PISCES Feb. 20 - Mar. 20 -Being most sensitive during this time, it's important to tend to health

VIRGO Aug. 24 - Sep. 23 Brightness follows you

and to remove oneself from environments that

wherever you go. If not the brightness of gold, then

are unnatural, overstimulating, difficult, and

the gold of confidence, knowledge, and illumination

contain not a shred of the artistic and cultural. Try

are yours this month. Careful with others though. A

not to swim into nets of confusion. Solitude and


funny sort of power problem may occur. Speak your truth in careful, measured, and neutral terms. Stand your ground.

withdrawal, most days, is imperative. Everything about

LIBRA Sept. 24 - Oct. 23 You seek to bring beauty

you is and must be private for the next several

Mar. 21 - Apr. 20

and comfort into your daily life, whether it's serving

months. Although you strive to be out and about

others in your profession or tending to the ill and

succeeding in all endeavors, the planets are

housebound. Actually, your presence becomes the

pulling you inward to gather strength and wisdom

beauty people seek and when you realize this all tasks

for the next leap forward. Tremendous change

take on a luminous and compassionate light. Beware of

in your professional life is about to occur. You'll need courage, which is

an emerging sensitivity to everything, especially drugs, medicines, foods,

drawing itself around you.


and the auras of others.

-Your mind is

SCORPIO Oct. 24 - Nov. 22 Films speak to you this

attempting to be spiritualized. What does that

month. So watch them endlessly. Everyday and

mean? That a new state of consciousness is

every night. Look for love in dance, photography and

available due to new levels of information being

music. Bring these arts to children or take them with

Apr. 21 - May 21

beamed down through the crown of your head

you. All things personal will be synthesized in the art

into the cells and atoms of your physical brain. Be aware of this. It's like

forms you choose to be around. But most of all you need to choose one (or more) artform to become proficient in. It's time.

catching a fiery star.

GEMINI May 22 - Jun. 22

-As the Sun transmits

SAGITTARIUS Nov. 23-Dec. 21 Careful with all

Pisces into your life, compassion grows bigger and

relationships, especially those intimate. Be cautious with

brighter, like your twin star Pollux. You swim about

outgoing energy. You may find yourself in a warrior's

seeking to find who to care for and how to serve.

stance. This may or may not be appropriate. The

In between being the server you do need the arts,

important thing is not to hurt or be hurt. If you are (or

too. All the arts, both visual, tactile, moving, and

do), wounds will appear. They are lessons and they are not easy. Healing

blinking (neon). Careful of where and how you walk. And stay away from

eventually occurs but not before battle


spirits (alcohol).

22 - Jan. 20 Perhaps you are being rather dreamy


Jun. 23 - Jul. 22 The prayer website may

these days and perhaps you're also stumbling about

be of great interest because of its comprehensive

(literally) as if you have fins instead of feet. Don't

overview of spiritual paths. You are rather "universal"

fret. This is natural during this time of year when

this month, which means all-inclusive. You resonate

Piscean waters deeply sensitizes you. Get some new

with all religions and philosophies. The power of

shoes, drink lots of water, speculate endlessly (take

prayer takes on great potential for you. It provides insight and imagination.

notes), attend church, and know that no one escapes reality. You're just

Travel, as a spiritual journey becomes vividly meaningful.

in another state (of expanded reality).


DOG WALKING THE NEW DATING In these financially troubled times, why bother with restaurants and theatre’s for that bit

of romance. Dog walking in Barcelona especially with dogs the size of an average rat (and usually twice as nasty) is all the rage.

The Olive Press Spoke to one of the new "doggers" Julio Gomez, a 43-year old analyst from Born, has reported mixed results in his attempts to get a local woman into bed using his p e t dog. Gomez met attractive divorcee A n n a Montar, 37, in the local park when his West Highland terrier Pepe started playing with her Jack Russell bitch Molly. The sight of the two small dogs rolling happily around in the grass together prompted other dog owners to start referring to them as an engaged couple. ‘I made a wry comment about how dogs are lucky not to have to bother with corny chat-up lines, which made her laugh,’ said Gomez. ‘Next time they met, they were even cuter together, so I made a crack about Pepe going through his sex-crazed teenage phase and she smiled and nodded.’ In the past few weeks, however, the internet and other commitments have restricted Gomez’s dogwalking activities. More seriously, Molly has become increasingly indifferent to Pepe and has begun playing with a boisterous springer spaniel called Charlie. ‘Anna was obviously embarrassed that time when Molly started snarling at Pepe,’ said Gomez. ‘That’s probably why she didn’t reply when I said what a typical bitch, always falling for a bit of rough.’ With only two weeks before his annual holiday in Thailand, Gomez is keen to see some progress in the relationship. However, he admits to being frustrated that it is so dependent on the whims of two unpredictable animals….

SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS TO BE GIVEN UNIVERSITY STATUS Growth in our courses have been amazing” said Principal, Adolf Hardman. "This has been a growth year at the school following on from our last two years" said Mr Hardman, "our recent course in 'Economic and Legal Consequences of Riot and Violent Disorder' has been very popular with students across Europe with some reporting from their cells that this has been the most educational time of their lives" "Our continuing adult education courses in 'Poverty Economics', 'Personal Bankruptcy' and 'The hidden long term costs of credit cards' have been heavily oversubscribed this year" continued Mr Hardman "and without the continuing support of our corporate banking sponsors we would not be able to run these crucial life lessons - or even need to" "Our European school has recently welcomed the entire Government of Greece into our courses on 'Austerity Budgeting for European Nations', 'Reducing the financial expectations of pensioners' and 'Why large scale tax evasion by the middle classes may be a bad financial choice', boasted Mr Hardman "and we've already had inquiries from the Governments of Portugal, Spain and Italy about late enrolments to these courses. The Government of Ireland is focussing on 'The long term economic consequences of property bubbles' as taught by our Japanese Professors having already passed the 'Austerity Budgeting' course with flying colours" "Looking forward, we continue to see growth in our Personal Financial Planning courses and by this time next year we expect to rollout our new courses for investors in "Why Carbon Credits are Junk Bonds in disguise" and "Gold and Precious Metal Bubbles - your part in cyclical historical inevitability" "We look forward to all of you joining us for our 'Continuing Life Lessons'", But concluded Mr Hardman “You may have enrolled with us already and not realised"

12 email: ☻Tel: 977 457 201

Agony Aunt Aussie style Dear Bruce, I hope you can help me. The other day, I set off for work, leaving my husband watching TV. My car broke about a mile down the way. I had to walk back to my house to get help of my husband. When I got home I couldn’t believe my eyes. My husband was having sex with our neighbour’s daughter! I am 32, my husband is 34 and the neighbors daughter is 19. We have been married for 10 years. When I confronted him, he broke down and told me that they had been having an affair for 6 months. He won’t go to counselling and I am a wreck and need advice immediately. Can you help me? Sincerely,

Dear Sheila,

A car stalling after being driven a short


distance can be caused by a variety of faults with the engine. Start by checking that there is no debris in the fuel line. If it is clear, check the hoses and vacuum

Two cows explanation of a corporation

pipes on the intake manifold and also check all grounding wires. If none of these approaches solves the problem,

AN AMERICAN C O R P O R AT I O N : You have two cows. You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows. You are surprised when the cow drops dead. A FRENCH CORPORATION: You have two cows. You go on strike because you want three cows. A JAPANESE CORPORATION: You have two cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk. You then create clever cow cartoon images called Cowkimon and market them World-Wide. A GERMAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You reengineer them so they live for 100 years, eat once a month, and milk themselves. A BRITISH CORPORATION: You have two cows. They are mad, you try to sell them to Europe. AN ITALIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows, but you don't know where they are. You break for lunch. A RUSSIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You count them and learn you have five cows. You count them again and learn you have 42 cows. You count them again and learn you have 12 cows. You stop counting cows and open another bottle of vodka.

then the fuel pump itself is faulty, causing low delivery pressure to the engines. I hope this helps. Bruce

A SWISS CORPORATION: You have 5000 cows, none of which belong to you. You charge others for storing them. A BRAZILIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You enter into a partnership with an American corporation. Soon you have 1000 cows and the American corporation declares bankruptcy. AN INDIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You worship both of them. A CHINESE CORPORATION: You have two cows. You have 300 people milking them. You claim full employment, high bovine productivity, and arrest the newsman who reported on them. AN ISRAELI CORPORATION: They open a milk factory, an ice cream store, and then sell the movie rights. They send their calves to Harvard to become doctors. So, who needs people? A SPANISH CORPORATION: You wake the cows up at 6am, you finally get round to milking them at 11am, You are distracted by the latest farm machine that makes a lot of noise…You sell the cows and buy the noisy machine…to prove you are no longer in the middle ages.


London 2012 We’ve got the Olympics in us!

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Purists may be alarmed, but the fact is that Spanish is changing, as do all living languages. And these days, the biggest change is the infiltration of English vocabulary and, less commonly, even syntax into the Spanish language. Examples can be seen all over la Internet, where English words, especially those related to technology, often replace the Spanish equivalents. English words also are creeping into everyday speech in Spain and Latin America, spread through advertising, movies, and the other media of popular culture. Despite some grumbling from editors and professors, among others, the incursion of English into Spanish hasn't yet generated the intense reaction that it has for French. Most of the linguistic battles in Spanish-speaking countries involve minorities such as Basques in Spain or indigenous Mayan and Incan groups in Latin America. So far, no countries have taken the extreme step of banning or limiting English words in advertising, as has been done in France and part of Canada. But then again, while French has declined from being a contender as a true international language to its sometimesembattled position today, the number of people speaking Spanish is increasing, if only because of relatively high birth rates in Latin America.

In fact, there are more people who speak Spanish as a first language than speak English as a first language. In short, Spanish is in no danger of dying out in fact it is second only to Chinese

 



           A. M. P. A. R. E. The society for the protection of animals Ebro region. Based in Mora La Nova. We desperately need to re-home dogs to make room for more! We have over 200 dogs for adoption. Wendy 637 981158 English Isabel 977 404720 Spanish/ Catalan Donations always appreciated.






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So there's this man with a parrot. And his parrot swears like a sailor, I mean he's a pistol. He can swear for five minutes straight without repeating himself. The trouble is that the guy who owns the parrot is a quiet, conservative type, and this bird's foul mouth is driving him crazy. One day, it gets to be too much, so the guy grabs the bird by the throat, shakes him really hard, and yells, "QUIT IT!" But this just makes the bird mad and he swears more than ever. Then the guy gets mad and says, "That's it. I'll get you." and locks the bird in a kitchen cabinet. This really aggravates the bird and he claws and scratches, and when the guy finally lets him out, the bird cuts loose with a stream of invective that would make a veteran sailor blush. At that point, the guy is so mad that he throws the bird into the freezer. For the first few seconds, there is a terrible din. The bird kicks and claws and thrashes. Then it suddenly goes very quiet. At first the guy just waits, but then he starts to think that the bird may be hurt. After a couple of minutes of silence, he's so worried that he opens up the freezer door. The bird calmly climbs onto the man's outstretched arm and says, "Awfully sorry about the trouble I gave you. I'll do my best to improve my vocabulary from now on." The man is astounded. He can't understand the transformation that has come over the parrot. Then the parrot says, "By the way, what did the chicken do?

A man from the “campo� walks into his local Spa and loads up his cart with a carrot, a Mars bar, a packet of soup, 1/2 Litre of milk, 5 bottles of vodka and 96 cans of San Miguel . As she rings up his items, the cashier says, "I bet you're single." "How can you tell?" the guy asks. Because you're bl**dy ugly.

LONELY HEARTS Women Seeking Men

THE Men Seeking Women Demented Sitges hunchback (NSOH) seeks humble wench to empty drool cup, also likes visiting bell towers. Ref a263 Angry, simple minded, balding, ex circus clown with very bad breath with a passion for covering lovers in onion gravy and gherkins seeks soul mate…must be hairy and heavily tattooed with piercings in novel share whippings, bizarre sex and fashion consulting….No Freaks Please! Ref a631

Bitter unsuccessful middle aged woman (WLTM) pathetic fifty year old who still lives with his mother and has a shopping bag, so that for once in my life I feel superior to someone, and for meals and the cinema. Ref b326 Romantic lady (WLTM) man who will allow me to go through his sock drawer looking for all those ones with holes and replacing them with ones with pastel shades and nice diamond patterns. Ref b527 Defrocked Nun (NSOH) (WLTM)a leech like, needy, hanger on of a man with huge guilt complex to start new Religion (must supply own sandals) Ref b231

Just released! “fifty something” Raval man (WLTM) female with dentures, all her limbs and no identifying scars. Ref a182 Athletic man (GSOH) enjoys marking territory with Urine (WLTM) female with good sense of smell. Ref a521

Jordi rushes into his house and yells to his wife, "Maria, pack up your things! I just won EL GORDO!" Maria responds excitedly, "Shall I pack for warm weather or cold?!" The man responds, "I don't care ... just so long as you're out of the house by noon!"

MySpanishome We are looking for properties in any AREA. So if you have a property to sell please contact: 977 446 655 +34 639 041 277 mobile Stephanie +34 679 499 316 mobile Steve Av. Generalitat 70, 43500, Tortosa, Tarragona, email:

18 email: ☻Tel: 977 457 201



Health self-help tool kit

Symptoms that in Traditional Chinese Medicine show you may be particularly susceptible to the effects of 'Damp' in your internal &/or external environment include feeling tired & heavy, a stuffy chest, chronic blocked sinuses, muzzy head, lack of concentration, depression, overweight,, oozing discharges, loose stools, dislike of damp weather, & achey joints that are worse in damp or humid weather. Damp can turn into Phlegm if it builds up, causing lumps and bumps & blocking things, not good, and we need to support the Spleen organ particularly to transform water and food so that Damp & Phlegm don't bulid up. Damp goes down, it sinks and affects the lower body particularly as it is heavy & lingering. This is unlike Wind, which rises as does heat, but also moves around and changes quickly. Chinese medicine says Damp is the hardest ''influence'' to shift, slow and heavy, so how can you help prevent it or minimise its sticking around? Living in dryer conditions helps, as many of us have noticed moving over here with less damp related joint pain, so invest in a dehumidifier or damp-proof course if you live in a damp house or place.Our grannies were no fools & always aired their clothes in the airing cupboard to prevent rheumatism, removing any last traces of damp. They told us to always change out of wet clothes. If your clothes are wet from sweat do of course change but only after you have finished sweating: if you change before finishing the pores are still open and changing too early leaves you too unprotected, letting cold, wind & damp enter your body. Drying hair before going out or sleeping is also a good basic to prevent chest infections. Some foods are Damp-forming and if Damp affects you it is worth avoiding excess of the following: dairy, fatty and fried foods, alcohol, wheat (bread, pasta, etc.), concentrated fruit juices (e.g. orange juice,


tomato puree) and other sweet things, peanuts, bananas, and cold foods. A lot of these are sticky, like Damp itself. Some people think regular dairy intake is essential for avoiding osteoporosis, but there are plenty of other ways to get calcium. Onions, for example, are high in calcium. A diet to help counter Damp on the other hand would include plenty of unrefined grains like rice, rye, or millet, plenty of beans, soy products like tempeh and tofu particularly for women, some lean meat, a little fresh or cooked fruit though not fruit juices, and plenty of lightly cooked vegetables. Regular light exercise as ever is another counterweight against the voice of Damp with its sinking, heavy and lethargic suggestions which say to get basically horizontal whenever possible and miss the festa of life - just not an option.

Dealing with Damp

Taru Burstall, Licensed acupuncturist and massage therapist, registered psychotherapist. Rac贸 de Salut Natural Therapies Clinic, Pla莽a Jaume 11, 8, El Perell贸. Tel. 977 490 333, Mob. 629 301 509. A store that sells husbands has just opened in Barcelona , where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates. You may visit the store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and the attributes of the men increase as the shopper ascends the flights. There is, however, a catch . . .. you may choose any man from a particular floor, or you may choose to go up a floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building !! So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband On the first floor the sign on the door reads: Floor 1 - These men have jobs. The second floor sign reads: Floor 2 - These men have jobs and love kids. The third floor sign reads: Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love kids, and are extremely good looking. "Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going. She goes to the fourth floor and sign reads: Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love kids, are drop- dead good looking and help with the housework "Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!" Still, she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads: Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love kids, are drop- dead gorgeous, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak. She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor and the sign reads: Floor 6 - You are visitor 4,363,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please! Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. Watch your step as you exit the building, and have a nice day!

LIVE PRESS Valentines Facts

Roses A single perfect red rose framed with baby's breath is named by some florists as a "signature rose," and is the preferred choice for most for giving on Valentine's Day, anniversaries and birthdays. The red rose was the favorite flower of Venus, the Roman goddess of love. The color red stands for strong romantic feelings making the red rose the flower of love. Cupid was associated with Valentine's Day because he was the son of Venus, the Roman god of love and beauty. Cupid often appears on Valentine cards and gift tokens holding a bow and arrows as he is believed to use magical arrows to arouse feelings of love. Love Letters and Poems Verona, the Italian city where Shakespeare's play lovers Romeo and Juliet lived, receives about 1,000 letters every year sent to Juliet on Valentine's Day. The oldest surviving love poem till date is written in a clay tablet from the times of the Sumerians, inventors of writing, around 3500 B.C. Wear your Heart on your Sleeve In the Middle Ages young men and women drew the names from a bowl to see who would be their Valentine. They would wear this name pinned on their sleeves for one week. This was done so that it becomes easy for other people to know your true feelings. This was known as "to wear your heart on your sleeve" Valentine Gifts On February 14th wooden lovespoons were carved and given as gifts on Valentine's Day in Wales. Hearts, keys and keyholes were favorite Valentine decorations on the wooden spoons. This Valentine decoration meant, "You unlock my heart!"•The most beautiful and incredible gift of love is the monument Taj Mahal in India. Built by Mughal Emperor Shahjahan as a memorial to his wife it stands as the emblem of the eternal love story. Work on the Taj Mahal began in 1634 and continued for almost 22 years and required the labor of 20,000 workers from all over India and CentralAsia.•In America, the pilgrims used to sent confections, such as sugar wafers, marzipan, sweetmeats and sugar plums, to their affianced. Lot of value was placed on these gifts because they included what was then a rare product, sugar. After the late 1800's, beet sugar became widely used and more available, and sweet gifts continued to be cherished and enjoyed. Amongst the earliest Valentine's Day gifts were candies. The most common were chocolates in heart shaped

Happy Valentines Day!

boxes. The Valentine Heart The heart is associated to Valentine's Day as it is considered the source of all human emotions. The custom of drawing a heart shape is supposed to have come from early attempts to draw an organ that no one had seen. The symbol came on to become as a sign of love. The heart has been the most common figure of romantic love over the decades. Ancient cultures believed the human soul lived in the heart. The heart may be linked with love because the ancient Greeks believed it was the goal of Eros, known as Cupid to the Romans. Anyone shot in the heart by one of Cupid's arrows would fall hopelessly in love. Because the heart is also closely linked to love, its red color is considered as most romantic. Birds Lovebirds are often associated with valentine's Day. These lovebirds found in Africa, are brightly colored and sit very close together with their mates, earning them their name. Doves are also part of the Valentine tradition. These birds are symbols of love and loyalty because they mate for life. A pair of doves will also share the care of all their babies.

So folks now you know the valentines facts start your shopping and express your love to your sweetheart


range marmalade Ingredients 500g/1lb 2 oz Seville oranges 50ml/2 fl oz lemon juice 1kg/2lb 4 oz white sugar: regular, not with added pectin soft dark brown sugar, optional Preparation method Weigh the oranges and make a note of the weight, as this will tell you how much of the other ingredients you’ll need, to ensure the marmalade sets well. My basic ratio is: both the sugar and the strained liquid from the sliced and simmered oranges should roughly equal twice the weight of the uncooked whole oranges. So if you start with 500g/1lb 2 oz whole oranges, after cooking you want to be left with a litre/1¾ pint of liquid once the peels have been strained out, and you need 1kg/2lb 4 oz of sugar. Cut the oranges in half and squeeze out the juice, as this makes chopping the peel less messy. Remove any pips from the juice, spoon any remaining pips out of the peel, place them in a tea cup and cover with water. Then chop the peel into shreds about 0.25cm/⅛in across and place these in a bowl with the juice and cover with water. Leave both overnight, as this will help the marmalade set well. The next day, place the peel and water in a saucepan. Sieve the pips, place their soaking water (which will have jellied slightly) into the saucepan, then tie the pips in muslin and drop this into the pot. Bring to the boil then simmer for 2-3 hours, topping up with water so that the fruit stays well covered, until the peel is soft when squished between your fingers. Alternatively, cook in a pressure cooker for about 30 minutes. Strain the juice from the peel and measure it. Whatever the original weight of fruit was at the beginning, you want about double that in cooking liquid. So if you started with 500g/1lb 2 oz fruit, then try and have roughly a litre/1¾ pint (in other words 1000ml or 1000g) of cooking liquid left. If you have more, boil it down in a saucepan


to intensify it. If you have less, top it up with water to dilute it. Then add the sugar (double the weight of the oranges), plus 1-2 tbsp brown sugar if you like to make the colour darker. Add the strained peel, plus 50ml/2 fl oz of lemon juice for every 500g/1lb 2 oz uncooked whole oranges used. Bring to the boil, skim off any white froth and pips that rise to the surface, and then boil until the temperature reaches 105C/220F. Meanwhile sterilise enough jars in the oven and have the lids washed and ready. When the marmalade reaches 105C/220F, turn the heat off and leave for 10 minutes. Ladle the marmalade into a jug then pour this carefully into the jars, leaving just a bare 0.5cm/¼in gap at the top. Screw the lid on tightly and leave undisturbed until completely cold.

A man walking down the street sees another man with a very big dog. The man says to the other,"Does your dog bite", the man replies "No my dog doesn't" The man pats the dog and has his hand bitten off, "I thought you said your dog didn't bite" said the injured man. "That’s not my dog", replied the other.

Pa amb tomàquet Pa amb tomàquet = Bread with tomato Now there are two very important things to bear in mind, the first is that this is soooooo much better than the name implies that it is going to be, and the second is that this is NOT just a Spanish/Catalan version of bruschetta. The Catalan national dish Pa amb tomàquet embodies everything that is great in Mediterranean food. Crispy bread, pungent garlic, beautiful sun ripened tomatoes, sea salt, and bewitchingly good olive oil. Catalans eat pa amb tomàquet morning, noon, and night, and it is beloved that many people refer to it as the Catalan national dish. It can be breakfast, lunch, supper, a snack for children coming home from school, or as tapas at any moment of the day. It could be eaten on its own, but is more often served with cured sausages, cold meats, anchovies, cheeses, or grilled vegetables. It’s fantastically simple and shockingly good! Notes on ingredients This isn’t really cooking, this is just combining fantastic ingredients and letting magic happen, so the ingredients have to be the best they can be. The bread should be white and rustic, denser and chewier than a French baguette. Your tomatoes don’t have to be from the Mediterranean,

and in fact unless you live there they really shouldn’t be. They should be locally grown, ideally ripened on the vine, and as ripe and juicy as you can get them. You can use whatever good quality extra virgin olive

oil you like, Spanish is obviously traditional, but that doesn’t mean you have to use it. Now, the Mediterranean countries do produce some very good sea salts, but my favourite to use for this dish is actually Maldon salt from England.

The recipe (if you can call it that) Ingredients • Bread • Garlic • Tomatoes • Olive oil • Salt As with so many great dishes, the recipe is ludicrously simple. 1. Lightly toast a thick slice of bread on both sides. Ideally do it over a wood fuelled fire, but since most of us don’t have one handy most of the time, a grill or a toaster will do just fine. 2. Cut a clove of garlic in half and rub it all over the surface of the bread. 3. Cut a ripe tomato in half, and rub the cut side into the bread, so that all of the juice and pulp of the tomato is left on the bread, and you end up with just the skin in your hand. 4. Drizzle a good amount of olive oil over the tomatoey bread. 5. Sprinkle on some rough sea salt (to taste). That’s it, sit back with a glass of cava and eat it while it is still warm.



Last week an event occurred in the town of L'Hospitalet de l'Infant that shocked the entire population. The murder of two people in a downtown bar at the hands of the husband of the lady who ran the establishment. In the absence of concrete information, the investigating judge has ordered a gag, it seems that the motive which led to the brutal murders was the fact that the former wife of the alleged murderer, the owner of the bar, have begun a relationship one of the deceased, so the ex-husband, presumably because of jealousy, gave him more than fifteen stab wounds with fatal outcome, while it is assumed the second man would have intervened to prevent the attack and in turn recieved multiple stab wounds that killed him . This horrific episode, along with the deaths of five other women in Catalonia because of gender violence


so far this new year. I have performed a little research which I share here with you today, the data I have got is truly frightening , it turns out that between 2003 and so far in 2012, 610 women have died at the hands of their partners or former partners in the Spanish state, 159 women over the past 3 years, since the end of 2009 was 73, the 2010 78, 2011, 66, and five deaths have already occurred this year. The legislature tried to solve this serious social problem and so in 2004, for 7 years now, adopted the Comprehensive Law against Gender Violence. With a protectionist mood the results are far from that can be described as optimal and we cannot but doubt the effectiveness of law in this field, despite the undoubted efforts invested by all agents in a direct or indirectly intervene to prevent or manage events as they occur. Thus, the security forces treat any complaint or suggestion in this area preferentially, taking

Please ring for Reservations tel: 678 477 700 Follow us on Facebook : appropriate action in each case immediately, the victim has from the start of legal aid to be served 24 hours a day 365 days a year with a lawyer, also psychological support is given throughout the process, special courts have been enabled to process this kind of cases, and are given stringent measures of protection ... but the truth is that all these efforts are totally inadequate and that these crimes are still happening in alarming numbers. Although this point seems to be that victims should be informed of their rights,but only 31% of cases were reported prior to the crime, nor is there a pattern as a reference for potential risk, since the experts conclude that violence is an attack without justification on the human rights of victims, demystifying the falsity of the myth that the murderers of women are acting under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Finally, just note that the assailants met an average of 18 years in prison and pay about 217,000 euros in compensation. Well, if there are many who disagree that the law is designed to protect women and branded as sexist prejudice

against the rights of man, the truth is that in 91% of judgments the perpetrators where males and only 9% were women, so most of the crimes are in the area gender violence and a "minority" are domestic violence, ie, the women exercised on man. by David PiquĂŠ any legal questions can be sent to

An Englishman, an Irishman, a Scotsman an Aussie, a Yank,

a Canadian, a Frenchman, a German,

a Spaniard, an Argentinian, an Italian, a South Africaan, a Brazilian, a Chinese, a Swede, a Finn, a Czech, a New Zealander, a Swiss, a Turk, an Iranian, a Peruvian, a Russian and a Japanese went to a night club.

The doorman said “sorry gentlemen I can not allow you in without a thai�


Lifestyle Gardens

This gardening section is contributed by Clodagh and Dick Handscombe well known gardening authors and broadcasters who have lived in Spain for 25 years and been visiting Spain since the 1960’s when the Mar Menor gardening scene was very different to now. We have taken ‘Lifestyle Gardens’ as the theme for this winter edition of the magazine as the most common reasons given by those moving to Spain is the climate and the opportunity for a more relaxed, open air and healthier lifestyle than in northern Europe. Yet when we talk to those new to Spain or old stagers this is not always being achieved for a variety of reasons including the mismatch of the garden or apartment terrace design with lifestyle ambitions. Luckily the winter months are the best time of year to make changes ready for next spring and summer. WHAT IS NEEDED? Recognise that in Spain a garden is to live in for most months of the year rather than look out on through northern Europe rain spattered windows. For most the need is for a garden that is colourful and perfumed and designed to make it possible to relax, work, eat and drink, exercise and entertain throughout the year except of course when it rains. For some it is also important that the garden is a major source of ecologically produced herbs, fruit, vegetables and edible flowers. Some will want to design develop and maintain the garden themselves while others prefer to hire a gardener for all or some of the tasks but in hard economic times both groups will be looking for a garden than is economic in the time and money required for maintenance. Those with roof tops or large apartment terraces have similar needs. DOES IT ALWAYS HAPPEN? The answer is no! All to often plants selected are not suitable for the microclimate of the garden either when it is the initial bare patch or years later when surrounded by hedges and trees that give shelter from the harshness of hot and cold winds. Plants are planted without first preparing and enriching the soil for flower beds and trees or composts for containers. Non sensible very thirsty plants are co-planted with more sensible drought resistant plants which often leads to the very unnecessary insect and fungal attacks to the drought resistant plants. Mature trees are felled and not replaced with new flowering or ever green trees to give shade for the summer and shelter for sitting out on sunny but breezy winter days. Often the eventual size of mature shrubs and trees are not recognised and small gardens especially become


by Clodagh & Dick Handscombe over planted and plants become leggy and produce less flowers. In providing for shade sheets of canvas are sailed instead of perfumed plant covered gazebos and in providing for a greater degree of cooling off and exercise the pool is allowed to be the dominant feature of the garden although only used for five or six months unless heated all year round and then a plastic pool cover is not the most aesthetic centre piece of a garden. WHAT CAN BE DONE? Keeping things to basics we suggest the following plan for 2012. 1.Audit the good and not so good things about your garden villa, town house or apartment garden in 2011 and decide what would best be changed. 2. If you are starting a new garden recognise that the climate especially the maximum and minimum temperatures and pattern of rainfalls, soils, many plants, hot drying winds are very different to the UK and other northerly locations.. 3. Reduce the risk profile of your collection of plants. 4. Improve the soils and composts you use. 5. Expand the range of herbs, fruit and vegetables currently grown. 6. Change over from manufactured chemical insecticides, pesticides and fertilizers to organic/ ecological and natural ones to ensure that the atmosphere and garden produce is as unpolluted as possible to the benefit of the health of plants, the family, neighbours, pets and beneficial wildlife. 7. Make the major structural changes over the next three months THE GARDEN AUDIT We suggest that you do this annually at this time of the year remembering back to the best and worst things last winter, spring, summer and autumn whether you have a garden or only an inner patio or apartment terrace. Consider how you could extend or repeat the best things and how to overcome or replace the worst. Chapter 1.7 of ‘Your Garden in Spain’ provides a practical check list to help you do this in a systematic manner. If you are about to layout a new garden the ‘garden lifestyle questionnaire’ included in chapter 2.1 and the descriptions of fifteen types of gardens included in Chapter 2.2 provide practical start points.


Catalonia property news round-up

Hello, and a belated Bon Any Nou to everyone! How are those New Year resolutions going? One man with an unenviable resolution list is Spain’s new president, Partido Popular leader Mariano Rajoy, who is now tackling the Herculean task of cleaning up the Spanish economy. Unsurprisingly, his campaign promise not to raise taxes has swiftly been dropped. While IVA (VAT) is so far untouched, IRPF (income tax) and local IBI rates are both set to rise this month, in principle as a temporary measure for 2012 and 2013. Municipal IBI rates to go up The Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles is Spain’s equivalent to local rates. In Tarragona province it is usually collected by the BASE agency —some towns and villages collect it directly— and is paid

With cédula: a large, well-located riverside farmhouse yearly or every six months. The government has passed a measure that allows local councils to raise IBI by 4% to 10%, depending on when rateable values were last

revised. This is in addition to any increases that councils may have approved beforehand. Basura (rubbish collection) charges are also likely to rise. Apparently, these increases will only apply to properties whose value is over the average for the municipal area. My guess is that many rural properties will not be greatly affected. According to the Diari de Tarragona, IBI will not increase in Alcover, Almoster, Altafulla, Benissanet, Els Garidells, Garcia, La Secuita, Flix, Les Borges del Camp, Les Piles, Móra d’Ebre, Móra la Nova, Riudoms, Rodonyà, Sarral and Vilarodona. Elsewhere, some owners may see no or little change to their IBI bill, others will have to pay an extra 4-10%, while some house owners in towns where councils have also agreed their own rises could face paying an extra 20% or more. These measures will apparently bring an extra and desperately-needed 918 million Euros into Spain’s municipal coffers — let’s hope it’s spent wisely. Back again: tax relief on main residences As promised, the Government has reinstated the tax deduction for acquiring a primary residence in Spain. At the end of 2010 the former government restricted it to those earning under 24.000 Euros a year, causing a rush to complete property sales by the end of the year. The unrestricted tax deduction applies to Spanish nationals and residents and is backdated, good news if you qualify and bought a property in 2011. As expected, the Government is to keep IVA tax on the sale of Spanish new-build primary residences at the superreducido rate of 4%, and plans to apply it to second homes too. Whether this will help stimulate Spain’s property market

28 email: ☻Tel: 977 457 201

remains to be seen… Mortgages - mission impossible? Until about a year ago, around 40% of my sales were to Spanish clients, mainly from the Barcelona area. While many of these would-be buyers have now put off buying because they are uncertain about their economic future, lack of mortgage funding is a key obstacle. For non-Spanish buyers who are not residents, getting a loan from a Spanish bank is harder still. In the current climate it’s vital not to lose a

Well-located 2 bed finca between El Perelló and the sea

de habitabilidad, which brings me to… Cédula changes: still waiting… In my last article I wrote that getting a cédula (occupancy certificate) for rural properties in the Terres de l’Ebre area could soon get a little easier. The law is set to be modified to allow a simpler municipal certificate – an essential requirement for the cédula. This seems likely to be approved by the Catalan parliament and could come into effect in the next few months. To qualify for a cédula your house must be correctly registered on the land registry and the Catastro tax register, allow plenty of time if you need to do this. I will be happy to organise the whole process, so do contact me for a no-obligation consultation.

Finally, if you are thinking of selling your house I have buyers looking for realistically-priced fincas with habitable houses, preferably with nice views and less than 20 minutes from the coast: email me at Jeff Greensmith runs and is a registered estate agent and experienced Spanish/Catalan translator and interpreter. He has lived in Catalonia since 1986. While the points contained in this article are true to best of our knowledge, they do not constitute legal or tax advice on the part of Fincas Direct or The Olive Press. Please use this information responsibly and seek professional legal advice if in doubt.

potential buyer if there is even a small chance of getting finance. Contacting a whole series of Spanish banks can be a frustrating and time-consuming business though, so when recently I found a handy resource that compares Spanish mortgages, I thought I’d share it with you. Bankimia ( is an easy-to-use, independent website that compares all kinds of different mortgages in Spain, along with other loans and financial products. At the moment it’s Spanish only, but you can easily translate it at Mortgages for rural properties are notoriously difficult to obtain, especially for non-residents, so if you need a mortgage or are selling to a buyer who is struggling to get one, why not use my specialist brokers? They do the searching for you, and you only pay their fee if and when they find a mortgage. Note that for rural fincas to qualify the house must be correctly registered and have a cédula


In a move that as angered married men in the ex soviet enclave of schmeckistan it has been announced that from 2012 women will be allowed to travel inside the car, as opposed to in the boot or trunk. There are of course strict parameters to be followed, 1. Women are not allowed to give misleading directions from an upside down map. 2. Goats are given priority of the front seat. 3. If lucky enough to be in the front seat they must not fall asleep with their mouths open and then wake up in a vicious mood. Taq Al Akhbar, a spokesperson for the men told the Olive Press…this is the sharp end of the wedge…what will happen next… they will be demanding their own shack keys…even walking within 5 metres of us…but worst of all they may start having a personnel preference and opinion on sporting fixtures regardless of knowledge or experience…

façade,” said the Premier. “In the company of any Brits we would try to make convincingly “French” sounds, a mixture of guttural grunts and look superior whilst saying “Je ne sais pas.” But as soon as we were on our own we’d all heave a huge sigh of relief and revert to our mother tongue. We developed a heavy reliance on hand gestures to cover up when we ran out of likely noises, and the shrug was a particular boon if inspiration dried up. Sarkozy claims Wikileaks will soon expose a number of other “languages”. “I mean, seriously guys, has anyone ever actually listened to “Arabic”

Zombies throughout Britain who had been looking forward to Halloween all year have expressed their abject disappointment at the standard of living in their former abode. Their annual opportunity for a few hours amongst the flesh and blood is the keenly anticipated highlight of the calendar for the “Undead”, but is seems that austerity Britain was a massive let-down and a world apart from the vibrant round the clock party reported by previous visitors. After yesterday’s Wikileaks revelations, Nicolas Sarkozy confirmed that the “French A first time returnee language” is indeed a one thousand year old heading back to the hoax. The president of other side after a France revealed that night of fun-free what purported to be misery bemoaned the his native tongue was in depressing state of fact complete gibberish, Britain in 2011. admitting the French really speak English, The “friendly “ zombie except in the presence of told the Olive Press “Where I come from we spend all the British. our time shuffling around aimlessly and moaning mournfully This comes as Wikileaks to try and drown out the sound of everyone else moaning published cables sent by mournfully. I turned up last year and it’s all too French diplomats to countries such as Spain, apparent that the entire underworld is modelled on the China and Russia which were all found to be council estate just outside Manchester that I visited. written in English. During a speech given in a cockney accent, the I had been looking forward to it all year, but it was just French President came clean, stating that it the worst evening of rain, rats and gunfire I’ve had – all started off as a joke during William the and I died on the Somme in 1915.” Conquerer’s invasion to make the aggressors “On behalf of the billions of dead people, I’d just like to seem a bit more exotic. say that if this is the best you have got up there, you “What was initially a prank snowballed and might as well move down to our place”. after a few years we realised we’d look silly “I’m not sure you’d notice the difference.” revealing the truth, so we had to keep up the 30 email: ☻Tel: 977 457 201

Grim Reaper Apologises To Keith Richards

A clerical error by Death, the Grim Reaper has permitted the Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards to enjoy three decades of life on earth beyond his allotted time. ‘We just found his collection form down the back of the old desk’ admitted an embarrassed Grim Reaper, ‘he was due to be collected back in 1977, at the pit of a downward spiral of heroin addiction and cocaine use.’ Yet despite the raddled, deathly appearance of the ageing rock star, no-one seemed to notice the bureaucratic oversight, and Richards was permitted to carry on living for thirty years longer than he was supposed to. ‘It’s all very embarrassing…’ said a spokesman for the office of the Grim Reaper, ‘we have apologised to Keith Richards and his family, and said that we will do our best to rectify the situation at the earliest convenient date. Although at the time of speaking, they still haven’t got back to us.’ This is not the first time that the Grim Reaper’s office had let a collection slip through the net. Other major figures well past their death-due-date include Jimmy Carter, Gary Glitter and half of the House Of Lords. The Grim Reaper’s office explained that the process of converting from a manual to digital indexing system had left a number of individuals disappearing from the records altogether, with the result that they may never be called to meet their maker at all. ‘We can’t seem to locate the file on

Lady Thatcher either. It means she will just have to remain on Earth forever, going older and madder, but always ready to return to 10 Downing Street to bring the public sector borrowing requirement back to reality… An Ostrich walks into an employment agency and asks for work...the man behind the desk says in a superior manner “ perhaps you had better try the circus”

The ostrich looks puzzled by this and replies…”What does a circus want with a bricklayer”

Fed up with high price internet? Fed up with poor technical support? Take a look at Eurona Telecom packages “No internet coverage, no problem! If you live in Catalunya in an area where there is no internet via ADSL, WiMax or 3G mobile then you qualify for Subsidized Internet via satellite. This is an initiative between the Generalitat and Eurona. Equipment and installation is FREE (worth around 600 euros) for the basic service (4Gb monthly download limit, 6Mb speed), monthly cost €31.50 + IVA. LIMITED OFFER SO DON’T DELAY.” NOW BEING INSTALLED! -now 1200 minutes free calls to Spanish landlines - UK landline calls 2.5c/minute -Technical support in English - installation 70 € - Keep your existing phone number or have a new number

Contact Nigel Morton: 620 353 138 Special Offers: • installation 70 euros, pay nothing until January 2011.


How to Solve Sudoku Puzzles

Sudoku doesn't require any special math skills or calculations. It is a simple and fun game of logic -- all that's needed is brains and concentration. 1. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each row. 2. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each column. 3. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each 3x3 box. 4. A complete Sudoku puzzle contains the numbers 1 through 9 in every row, column, and 3x3 box. This month, one thats nice and easy. good luck

A chap was sitting on the bus and a very pretty girl came and sat opposite. She sneezed, and her glass eye flew out he caught it and handed it back. She asked "Could you see me safely home?" He did, at her place she asked him to come in - and he stayed all night! They had a very active couple of hours, and in the morning he asked "Do you treat all men like this?" She said "No, only the ones that catch my eye"

spanglish?-answers next month Across 4. cheek (7) 7. greyhound (5) 8. proud (9) 9. frost (8) 10. bra (6) 12. ass (4) 13. glamorous (10) 14. Marsella (10) 16. seaweed (4) 18. sleep (6) 19. label (8) 21. freshen (9) 22. water (5) 23. cabbage (7) 24. furlong (7) ACROSS: 4. dentist 7. usual 8. seudónimo 9. metralla 10. hubcap












10. 11.






19. 20.




Down 1. blindness (7) 2. ungrateful (7) 3. picaporte (4,6) 4. magus (4) 5. church (7) 6. ornament (7) 11. heat up (10) 14. ripen (7) 15. somber (7) 16. smartness (7) 17. cartage (7) 20. eight (4)


ANSWERS TO THE DECEMBER ISSUE OF SPANGLISH 12. tier 19. athletic DOWN: 5. tenable 13. encendedor 21. plantador 1. plummet 6. trooper 14. entusiasmo 22. reign 2. cuadrar 11. permitirse 16. pony 23. remorse 3. desalentar 14. equipar 18. umbrío 24. empeine 4. drub 15. ucranio

32 email: ☻Tel: 977 457 201

16. precede 17. yacente 20. idle

CAR BOOT | last Sunday of every month 10am-1pm. stalls 5€. Refreshments, Camping St Jordi, Platje Ayellanes, L'AmpollaTel 679 115 247 CAR BOOT SALE | 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month. Situated Hipaca Escornalbou, Vilanova D'Escornalbou. Arrive 9am starts 10am. Bar & restaurant- no fresh produce allowed! Contacts: Cosme on 620215772 or Silvia 665159781 CAR BOOT SALE | first and third Sunday every month C/ Garcia Restaurant Braseria Can Palomo MORA LA NOVA.Tel Jackie 679741254 DELTA CLASSICS-CLASSIC CAR MEETING 1st FRIDAY of every month 6PM Bar "Casals" Avda San Jordi, El Perelló. Call for more details and events: 678 718 446. EL PERELLO FREESIA GROUP (working for cancer charities) The next El Perello Bookstall will be held at the Homogenic bar 10am until 1pm on: Saturday 11th and 25th of February. Please note if the weather is bad the bookstall may not be held. In Aid of Charity the Freesia Cancer Charity Peter Kelly/Diamond & Layton have combined a Mixture of Slapstick Comedy Routines As performed on Opportunity Knocks & German TV In 1998 we won Opportunity Knocks and worked with The Late Great Bob Monkhouse & Les Dawson before working all over Europe in Variety and many TV shows. You can get a preview at youtube/peak1942 Tel 977457654 Mob 654270550

What's on IESG-INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH SPEAKING GROUP Meetings are held at 6.30 pm on the second Thursday of each month (except for August) at:- Edificio Bahia Blanca, C/ Paisos Catalans, 74, L’Ametlla de Mar. More information? Either tel: 977267418 or e-mail: PHOENIX GROUP set up for women by women to offer friendship, support and practical help. Meetings every second Tuesday of each month @ Bar Calxic (opposite Cinema Victoria), El Perelló @ 11.00 am. All welcome. Contact Marge on 977 267 779 or 689 608 611 LINE DANCING Join us for a morning's Line dancing. Just bring a drink and a smile. Mondays 10.00am-12.00pm at the School of Music in El Perelló. First 1/2 hour dedicated to beginners. Good exercise for the legs and jaws! More details from Irene 630 115 006 or Jo-Ann 634 495 572. Would you like to know more Spanish people? Participate in groups to speak English and Spanish Working for mutual improvement, Please contact or 652 032 025.

THE READING CLUB where an English spoken person reads a short English storymembers consist of Spanish, Irish and English. Next meeting 13th February , 19.30 pm At the Library Marcel Li Domingo, Tortosa when Matthew Tree will read one of his short stories

CAR BOOT SALES / MERCADILLO Every Sunday 12pm while 6pm Furniture - fridges - cookers - pictures - pots, pans & old tin cans - you name it and we will get it.

Car Park Free, to Look Free and Stalls 5 EUROS! no food or drinks without permission

At Mora Caravans C12, km 61 Mora La Nova to Ginestar road Call Ken or Bev on 977 400 375 or 659 418 317 or 660 584 222

NOTE to Buyers & Sellers We at Mora Caravans have the right to refuse entry.


personal classifieds

come ist in!

GENERAL FOR SALE PC FLAT SCREEN | philips 42x36cm, great for an additional screen to your small laptop or for your PC, only 40€. Call 977

SOLAR PANELS 12v 135 WATT | 300 euro. Also other sizes available. Ring for prices. 622 448 341

059 364 SKIS SALAMON XFREE9 | 180CM with bindings 40€. Tel:

SECURITY DEVICES for your home at reasonable rates.

977 059 364

Ring for a quote 638 894 073 or


TV perfect condition + only 122watts!. Only 200€ o.n.o. Tel 977 059 364 SWIMMING POOL LIGHTS | new only 60€. call 629

010 529 or 626 876 738 or email

CHAINSAWS & STIMMERS Husqvarna & Stilh various models, Fully serviced & ready to work For stock details & prices Call 671808096

LG solar panels 230W for only 390,-€ + IVA (incl. delivery).


Call Monday to Friday 9:00 - 13:00 on 619 500 202 .22 AIR RIFLE | vgc €125. DIAMOND BACK 21 SPEED

GOATS | 2 castrated, 18 months old, 20€ each.


Tel 651 655 462

| suitable lorries, Transits, tractors etc €50. Call 629 959 569

GOOD HOME WANTED | for 3 medium sized loving dogs,18

WOODEN BEAMS | for sale up to 8m long, 5 euros per lineal

months old. Mob 626 857 963

metre. mob 626 857 963

WANTED YOUR UNWANTED BIRDS budgies parrots etc will

GENERATORS | 2 petrol total 4.4kva, both unused in original

be given a good home tel 686299730

sealed boxes, sale due to mains connection. 250€ each or

DOGS TO GOOD HOMES...Chico is 1 1/2 and his son,

400€ the pair. Call 628 283 861

Bruce, is 7 months.

GAS BOTTLES | 25 euros each. LADIES BIKE | fair condition

tempered7intelligent. they are both Catalan sheepdogs. chico

30 euros. PETROL ROTOVATOR | very powerful 450 euros.

has been castrated. They get along very well but we would

Contact Barry 977 267 941

separate them to the right homes. If people would like to

WIND GENERATORS: 24v, good condition, only few years

telephone me, I can email photos etc. Tel 649429056

Both are good guard dogs and well

old, with cable and mountings. Aerex, needs service – 110


euros; Hornet 1000+, working order – 380 euros. Stephen 636 682 993


HONDA GENERATOR 2.5kVA, latest model, not cheap

guitarist\singer for covers and original songs with aim of

chinese copy. Very little use, 200 euros no offers, call 661

gigging at weekends. E-mail

190 046.

start and run well but they have been sat in my garage for over

WANTED VOLUNTEERS | help needed to look after the abandon dogs at ARCA near Tortosa. Please call Mave 678 975 816 if you can offer any assistance. Plus anyone interested in organising some fund raising for the dogs would be must appreciated. PLEASE HELP

a year and now they are surplus to requirements

WANTED 14ft fishing boat and outboard engine, preferably

phone 658 364 299.

with trailer, Cash waiting. call 658 464 299.

TWO GENERATORS one 2.5KVA GENRAC, good working order, 100 euros. And one generator with Robin engine 3.5 KVA, good working order, 100 euros.Both these generators

1000 LTR WATER DEPOSITS with metal caging and fixed


on a pallet, very clean 10 available 50 euros or 60 euros delivered call 632 362 112. FOR SALE: prof. coffee machine Bravilor Mondo 2 € 175,00

DRIVER WITH LARGE VAN | Making regular trips between

(12cups in 5 min). Brand new gasoline water pump Europa

Spain & England via France. Willing to transport goods to

ToolsWP30X€ 175,00. Wood burner type PM3 € 75,00. Please call: 977265018 or 686066707

34 email: ☻Tel: 977 457 201

& from Spain. Tel: 977 477 367 or 655 340 596

subject to space ist MISS SHOPPING IN UK STORES | Why not buy in English stores. Have your goods delivered to our UK address and you collect from our local address in Spain. For as little as 10€. terms & conditions apply. 0034 977 477 367

MOTORS RENAULT EXPRESS, COMBI, Aug:2000, 1.9 diesel Tow bar, I.T.V. 2012, 121000 Km 1500.00 euros o.n.o. or part

COMPUTER PROBLEMS | or need a translator (EnglishSpanish-Catalan?). Contact Alex on 638 894 073 or visit Also convert VHS tapes to DVD + photo negatives to digital ENGLISH MECHANIC - Basic servicing, maintenance and repairs. Tel: 977 407 990. mob. 699 396 053 GENERAL BUILDER | Over 25 years experience. Registered legal builder in Catalunya over 5 years.

e/x for r.h.d. Tel: Paul 690805947

FUN IN THE SUN| BE-UP CONVERTIBLE. Sought after limited edition buggy. Spanish registered. very low mileage REDUCED for quick sale ONLY 2500€. MIGHT CONSIDER PART EXCHANGE WELCOME ALL ITEMS CONSIDERED. For more information telephone 977 059 420 OR 660 823 423

Bricklaying, plastering, tiling, plumbing, electrics, roofing etc. Tel. Jonathan 699 396 053 CONCRETE PAVING SLABS FOR SALE | different designs, sizes and colours. Please ring for a competitive quote. Delivery service available. Also slab laying on request. Tel. 692 751 488 or 692 759 276. CAR BODY REPAIRS AND REPAINTING | all aspects of


vehicle preparation and spraying. 20 years experience, references available. Competitive prices. Tel. 692 751 488 or 692 759 276.

VAN SPAIN-UK-SPAIN Van going to UK and returning first week of February. All shopping done at very competitive rates Asda, Tesco, Screw Fix, what ever you want I can shop for you and deliver back to Spain. Contact Les on 629 010 529 or

MECHANIC SERVICING , general repairs & ITV preparation Call Dave 671808096 FLOOR AND WALL TILER Domestic or Commercial References available. Call Mark 686 069 923

EMPLOYMENT ACORN BUILDING SOLUTIONS are looking for a good all round builder, initially for a 3 month period, must be capable of high standard finishes. Call 655048813


property for sale or rent by owner


Country Home For Sale in Los Barrios, Cadiz Spain 750,000€+OFFERS. Unbelievable value has good holiday rental business with a separate cottage and apartment as well as an outstanding family home . Reduced by 400,000 euros for quick sale because of family health problems. Country house situated on a private estate in a nature reserve, only 20 minutes from Sotogrande Polo fields and Valderamma and San Roques Golf courses. ENQUIRIES : 956 236 068 or 657 629 118 or email : info@

MOBILE HOMES FROM 800 EUROS. Mobiles on campsites from 11000€. Want to sell your mobile? Contact Shaun 629 743 327.

5th February 12 – 4pm ****************************************************** Lamps, chandeliers, tables, chairs, beds, iron work, fire guards, garden tools, doors, paintings, And much more. ********************************************************* Mas Munté no 5 1st left on the road (T321) to Vilanova d’Escornalbou Village. Along the dirt track to the old house with a tower. Parking at the back of the Masia.

FOR SALE, 2 plots of land l'Ametlla de Mar excellent situation and access just off the N340 going

into the village of L'Ametlla. Clean flat land with olive trees and carobs. Adjacent properties have mains electric and mains water. Sea and mountain views Totally fenced in, just 2km from L'Ametlla de Mar. Plot 1 approx 6600 m2 only 39,500 euros Plot 2 approx 4500 m2 only 34,500 euros. Call to view or more details: 977 059 420 or 660 823 423

business card directory All entries are also listed on our directory online at The Olive Press does not accept responsibility for the contents of the articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisers PLEASE MENTION THE OLIVE PRESS WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS





Tel: (+34) 616 135 036 APDO 274, L’Ametlla de Mar



Ctra. Antiga de Xerta, 43590 Jesús-Tortosa Tel. 977 50 26 64


business card directory


Olivia Snaith

L'Ampolla Church Hall Thursday 11am tel: 642 913 047

ZIN_MM_1side_bizcard.indd 1

7/27/10 12:17 PM

ARCA the dog refuge wish to give sincere thanks to everyone for supporting them. Please keep it up it

you relax...

is truly appreciated. Calenders and t-shirts are also for sale to raise funds for the dogs- www. or email: protectora.arca@


All entries are also listed on our directory online at The Olive Press does not accept responsibility for the contents of the articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisers PLEASE MENTION THE OLIVE PRESS WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS

Are you worried about your water quality. If you haven´t got mains water Fed up of carrying bottles of water home Or you would like clean drinking water from your tap. Then you need to call us for a water purification system today- this is not reverse osmosis and does not use electric or waste water plus it does not use chemicals!

Call 977 059 364 or visit the website for more details


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