The Olive Press Catalunya magazine August 2011 issue 40

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a little serious a little humorous

Aug 2011 issue 40

This happens Once every 823 years. This is called money bags. So, forward this to Your friends and money will arrive within 4 days. Based on Chinese Feng Shui. The one who does not forward.....will be without money. Kinda interesting - read on!!!

July 2011 Calendar - FENGSHUI

THIS IS THE ONLY TIME WE WILL SEE AND LIVE THIS EVENT Calendar for July 2011 Mon ? 4 11 18 25 ?

Tue ? 5 12 19 26 ?

Wed ? 6 13 20 27 ?

Thu ? 7 14 21 28 ?

Fri 1 8 15 22 29 ?

Sat 2 9 16 23 30 ?

Sun ? 3 10 17 24 31

Money bags This year, July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays.

This year we're going to experience four unusual dates. 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 and that's not all... Take the last two digits of the year in which you were born - now add The age you will be this year, The results will be 111 for everyone in the whole world. This is the year of Money!!! The proverb goes that if you send this information to eight good friends money will Appear in the next four days as it is explained in Chinese FENGSHUI. Its a mystery, but its worth a try. Good luck.



welcome to the August issue covering catalunya. Remember the seaside cutouts And Punch and Judy shows...


"Mr. Punch is one jolly good fellow, His dress is all scarlet and yellow, And if now and then he gets mellow, It's only among his good friends. His money most freely he spends; To laugh and grow fat he intends, With the girls he's a rogue and a rover; He lives, while he can, upon clover; When he dies-its only all over; And there Punch's comedy ends. " "Punch: Where's the baby? Where's the baby? [he runs about the stage looking for it. The baby keeps popping up behind him. Eventually Punch grabs the baby and it starts crying.] What? What a noisy baby! [He starts banging it on the stage.] Quiet baby! Naughty, noisy baby! Judy [From below]: Mr Punch! Have you woken the baby? [He picks up the baby and starts to wave it about. Baby cries even louder.] Stop it! Stop it! [Punch tosses the baby into the air. It does a few somersaults and falls out of the booth where it is caught by the bottler.*] Punch: That’s the way to do it! [To the bottler who has caught the baby.] Roottitoottitooit!" looking for a business then visit our business directory online. see our web site for daily updates of classifieds and extra useful information.

all advertisers will also be placed in the business directory on our web site with links to their own web sites!

Contributors: | Clodagh & Dick Handscombe | Dr. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. | Jeff Greensmith | Jason M. Berry | Mike Stevens | Sarah Good | Taru Burstall | David Piqué | Paul Ebro Valley Computers|Sabrina-A Casa Tua | TRANSLATION BY SUZANNE HELLYER Printing: Indugraf SA Deposito Legal: MA-1565-2008


"Punch and Judy show on the beach in front of Brighton Pier" see page 38 for more details

Please contact us by: E-mail: Web : www.

Telephone: 977 059 364 By post: Aptdo de Correos,147 43895 L’Ampolla Tarragona Deadlines: Adverts 15th & Articles 12th of the month.

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What’s News -In Spain Can it be True?

Your Horoscope News from California Leisure & Entertainment

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The Lighter Side PC tips What is Java

Contents Page 20

16 37

Nature & Animals News Hounds and more


Home & Garden Challenges of gardening in Spain Fenshui money bags

33 2

Page 35

Finance & Law Driving licence Property transfer tax

What’s On -Car boots etc. Day on the beach From previous years Olives & Popcorn

Punch and Judy Gourmet Treat your taste buds Crossword- Spanglish Health & Well Being Yoga for All Health self help massage

Property for Sale by Owner Classifieds Business Card Directory

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news in spain


atalan Government to sack 1,475 public sector workers. The Catalan Generalitat Government is to sack 1,475 workers from the current 16,000 in public departments across the region, 9% of the total. The ERE early retirement plans will start to reduce the workforce from September. Cataluña registered a deficit of 3.9% last year, even though central government indicated that it was under 2.4%. This year the deviation from the maximum budget in the regions has been set at 1.3%, but the Generalitat expect it to reach 2.6%. To cut spending by 10% the Catalan Government has indicated that all public companies have to lose 5% of their workforce and cut costs on personnel by 6%.


ive of the eight banks to fail the European banking stress tests are Spanish. Five of the eight banks to fail the European Stress Tests, the results of which were announced on Friday, are Spanish. They are joined by two Greek banks and an Austrian one. A German bank, Helaba, decided not to publish results because, the Financial Times claims they would have failed. Markets won't punish Spain on Monday even though the majority of banks that failed Europe-wide stress tests were Spanish, the head of the European Banking Authority said in an interview. Spain submitted nearly all its banks to the tests, unlike other European countries, said EBA Chairman Andrea Enria in an interview with El Pais newspaper published on Sunday. The Spanish banks to fail to meet the requirements

are Banco Pastor and savings banks, CatalunyaCaixa, Unnim, Caja3 and the CAM. The tests show they did not have the minimum 5% of core-capital and conclude that together they need 1.564 billion €. Another 16 banks had a core capital between 5% and 6%. The test sets up a hypothetical crisis situation but has been criticised for its definition of core capital. Both Spain and Germany think that generic provisions and silent partners should also have been taken into account. El País reports that the current debt crisis is already worse than the ‘worst case scenario’ used to establish the parameters of the stress tests. Losses on bonds in Greece, Portugal and Ireland are larger than those used in the tests. Minister for Tax and the Economy, Elena Salgado, said she saw ‘an excellent result’ in the stress test conclusions. She noted that the process ignored the money that the banks put aside for emergencies, including debt convertible into shares. ‘Do the Spanish entities need any more capital?. The answer is no’, she said. ataluña to fine prostitutes and their clients. Cataluña is to ban prostitution on its roads before the end of the year. The Generalitat regional government will issue fines on both the roads it is responsible for, and on state roads, for both the prostitutes and their clients. It’s being made possible via a modification of the 2009 ley de carreteras legislation which is part of the Omnibus laws. The news was given by the Interior Councillor, Felip Puig, who said that they wanted to stop prostitution also in urban open spaces by changing municipal laws.


panish priest says 'Measure my anus' following gay allegation. A Spanish priest, Andrés García Torres, who has a parish in the Madrid dormitory town of Fuenlabrada has said he will go to Rome to show that he is being expelled from his parish unfairly. It comes after the Bishop of Getafe has demanded that he undergoes psychiatric therapy to ‘cure’ his homosexuality, and has an HIV test, following claims made that he has had a relationship with a 28 year old Cuban seminarian, claims which are based on a photo of him hugging the man on a trip to Fátima. Both men are shirtless in the photo. ‘Let them measure my anus and see if it is dilated’, said the priest who insists that they are only friends. He complains that his mother has not stopped crying at what has happened. Since the story has broken the priest has said he is very happy to see his church full of people and those who attend the modest parish say that they will demonstrate against the Bishop’s plans to have their local

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MySpanishome We are looking for properties in any AREA. So if you have a property to sell please contact: 977 446 655 +34 639 041 277 mobile Stephanie +34 679 499 316 mobile Steve Av. Generalitat 70, 43500, Tortosa, Tarragona, email:

priest transferred. The locals say that the priest is a very human person, dedicated to helping others. More than 1,000 local signatures have been gathered in his support. xtensive white coral reef discovered in the Alborán Sea. The international marine conservation organisation Oceana has discovered a deep sea, white coral reef in the Western Mediterranean. It’s in international waters in the Alborán Sea and is thought to cover a surface area of as much as 10 hectares. It was discovered on the Ocean Ranger 2011 expedition, which set sail from Burriana, Castellón, on June 22, on a two-month voyage to study seamounts and underwater canyons. The expedition is led by Ricardo Aguilar, Director of Research at Oceana Europe in Madrid. He said the extensive reef also includes large areas of gorgonian coral, black coral forests and fields of glass sponges. Rare or little known species have been found there, such as ball coral, carnivorous sponges, the bathyal octopus and the sandy ray. The one and a half metre high reef lies at a depth of 400 metres, growing on a structure of dead coral. Oceana is to present


its findings to the Barcelona Convention, which aims to protect the marine environment in the Mediterranean. ataluña supports retirement at 67 - in exchange for the hospitals. The Government has obtained key support for their proposal to delay the retirement age to 67. They now have a majority on the Employment Commission in Congress, thanks to support from the Catalan CiU who will, in exchange, see the ownership of hospitals in Cataluña being transferred to the regional Generalitat Government. The majority for the Government on the Commission means that the legislation can now pass to the Senate without being voted on before hand in Congress. The CiU were the only option for the Government on the matter, given that the PNV Basque Nationalists have already indicated that they will support the PP who is against delaying the retirement age.



arry Potter finale to be dubbed into Catalan. The Generalitat of Cataluña has reached agreement with the Hollywood majors which will allow films to be dubbed into Catalan again. A new law brought in by the previous regional government, which stipulates that half the films shown in the region’s cinemas must either be dubbed or subtitled in Catalan, led the studios to stop releasing films in Catalan last November. It’s understood that the finale of the Harry Potter series, The Deathly Hallows Part 2, will be the first to be released in the language. El Mundo reports that the distributors will also be releasing ‘The Smurfs’, ‘The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn’, and the latest ‘Happy Feet’ in the Catalan language.


Driving in spain DRIVING LICENCES

The law relating to driving licences, as with many laws in Spain, is not always fully understood or implemented, even by the authorities. In September 2004, the law was effectively changed as the result of a decision handed down by the European Court of Justice (it has still to be written in the Statute Book). It was previously the case that foreign EU licences had to be changed for Spanish ones if you took out residencia (or legally work in Spain), and drove a Spanish registered car, or the licence had to be registered if you stayed over three months or bought a Spanish plated car, but did not live here. Spain was, in fact, in contravention of the EU Directive on this subject. Although yet to be written in the statute book, the judgement means that it is virtually effective now. The new law means that your EU foreign licence (credit card type,with the ring of stars) is legal to use in Spain (or anywhere in the EU) whether you are a visitor or live here as your principal place of residence. However, you have to comply with the Laws in Spain where the licence will expire according to Spanish Laws. Anyone holding a Spanish drivers' licence must renew the document according to the following schedule: From the time you receive your licence until you turn 45 years old, you must renew every 10 years From the ages of 45 to 70, you must renew every 5 years From the age of 70, you must renew every 2 years Renewal involves paying a fee, of course, and passing physical and "psico-tecnico" exams. The first is often nothing more than a formality, while the second involves a machine similar to a video game.



The hard truth is, with a UK issued Euro style licence the Euro Laws state you may use it in any Member Country, but it is valid under the same conditions as that Country. That means in Spain you must take the same Medical Examination as Spaniards, and carry the proof in the vehicle. The British Consulate suggests that it is advisable to exchange UK licences for Spanish ones, which are also valid for visits to the UK. In England the DVLA will not put a non-British address on a replacement licence, nor send one out of the country. Therefore, if a British licence is only registered with Spanish authorities and is lost or stolen, a replacement cannot be obtained from the UK, and Spanish authorities will not be able to replace one they did not issue. Another interesting point is when your UK licence requires a new photo, (every 10 years), you are committing an offence if you apply for the UK licence if you do not reside there. Failure to do so will result in you licence being considered as expired, along with your Spanish Insurance Company likely refusing to pay any damages or legal bills. Both the UK and Spanish Driving Licence authorities do have links into each others systems, so more and more information is being shared nowadays!!!

EXCHANGING YOUR UK LICENCE FOR A SPANISH ONE. You can exchange your UK euro licence for a Spanish

version, proof of medical is not always requested, but this is only because the Trafico presume the UK requires the

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same type of medical checks, so they assume you must have a current one. Documents required: Your valid UK or EU driving licence

with the NIE number (Número de Identificación de Extranjer) Proof of address in Spain (empadronamiento) dated within 3 months. 2 recent photographs (32 x 25 mm).

• • Your NIE certificate • Your Residencia paperwork I suggest you show your Empadronamiento as it contains house address and NIE details.

• A photocopy of both sides of the driving licence id photograph card • Your passport and one photocopy • Two passport photographs 32 x 26mm in colour This process may vary slightly from town to town at your local Trafico, but the above documents should cover all variations. When you have all of these documents the proceedure is usually very quick and simple. Cost 26,60€


You can now renew your driver's licence from the same centre as you go for your medical, without having to go to Trafico. You can renew up to three months before the expiration date. To be able to continue driving you will keep the old driver's licence with a temporary permit, which the Centre will issue, valid for three months while the new one is being processed. About three months later you will receive the new licence "credit card type." A list of Centro de Reconocimiento de Conductores autorizado can be found on these to sites: telefonos/centros_rec_conductores/ h tt p : / / w w w. re c o n o c i m i e n t o m e d i c o . n e t / i n d ex . php?option=com_sobi2&sobi2Task=search&Itemid=109 Most towns have several approved medical centres but are often only open limited hours and days for the test and you have to queue and wait your turn. The main one in Reus though is open every day and in the morning it is extremely quiet. CENTRO MÉDICO BAIX CAMP C/ Metge Fortuny, 2, 2º-1ª Near the Guadi Centre 43201 REUS (Tarragona) Lunes a Viernes mañanas de 9 a 13 tardes de 16 a 20 Sábados mañanas de 11 a 12 Teléfono: 977 34 46 78 DOCUMENTS TO BRING TO THE ABOVE CENTRE: Driving license

The process.

The first step is show details above to receptionist and wait your turn, the medical staff will complete the application form; a word of warning if your address is in the campo and you give them a post box address for it to be sent to the computer program they use will not accept it unless you can provide a street address for the post office. You will then go in to take eye sight test, normal system of reading letters on a card. In a darken room, a bright light will flash to assimilate being dazzled by car head lights and you will be asked to identify the difference between red, green and amber lights. You will be asked if you have medical issues and if on medication etc. You will have a blood pressure test, and be asked if your hearing is ok. Special Info for drivers who require glasses: If you require glasses to pass the test, the information is recorded on your medical certificate. The Trafico will require that you must wear glasses when you drive and also carry a spare pair in the car. Yes these are offences if stopped and checked! Then you go in a different room to be asked if you suffer from mental illness, and then the exciting bit comes, the

Reaction Test.

This is weird at first, you have two control levers that move a left and right indicator on a screen display. You have to keep the markers in between two road strips. These strips move at a steady speed, but each one moves separately in curves and zig zag movements. The machine beeps if you come off the tracks. Relax and watch both markers and you will be fine.. Lastly comes the speed judgment test where you watch a block travel along several times at different speeds and you must judge when it disappears behind a wall when it will reach the end. You then pay and get your original licence back with the approval paper inside valid for 3 months to allow for your renewal licence to arrive. They say it takes about a month.

• • DNI (NIE, passport or residence certificate)

• Photograph optional as they can take it for you. Total charge 75 euros (22,40 being for the licence renewal) Documentation possibly required and advised by Trafico that you may need for other centres: The licence to be renewed Photocopy (and original) of a Spanish identity, residence permit (residencia) or a copy of the passport along


can it be true???


Firms urged to hire stupid little shits Zawahiri to lead the three guys in his living room AYMAN al-Zawahiri was last night named BRITISH businesses have as the leader of the three guys sitting in been urged to hire surly, his living room that everyone has agreed under educated malcontents to call 'Al Qaeda'. The man who served because at least they are not for years as number two to Osama Bin foreign. Laden in a five man organisation will Ian Duncan Smith, now have absolute authority over the experimental doctor at the trio of mildly bored jihadists who hang department for work and around a shitty, half-built safe-house pensions, said companies that is definitely not owned by the would benefit from taking Pakistani secret service. on self-absorbed little turds According to MI6 sources there is the who do not know how to use guy that runs the website, the guy that an apostrophe. He added: "If does the shopping and the guy who they do not then the jobs will gives amazing back rubs and sorts out go to people who travelled the Cup-a-Soups. here from another area on Intelligence experts said Zawahiri would the surface of the Earth. now rule the world of terror through a tightly controlled "Then the young people here will network of complete lunatics who do whatever they want not have jobs unless they then but use the term 'Al Qaeda' because it scares people and travel to yet another area on the surface of the Earth. is not exactly trademarked. Former CIA consultant, Wayne There will then be people travelling all over the Earth's Hayes, said: "At last count there were about 614 Al Qaedas surface and doing jobs when they get there. It is a recipe - Watford's got seven - but crucially Zawahiri is now head of for chaos." the Al Qaeda inside your brain." He now wants British companies to throw their business Mohammed Logan, a jihadist from Uzbekistan, plans into the bin and hope that by employing indigenous congratulated Zawahiri, but added:"You do know that Al youngsters they will be able to get the computers and Qaeda is not really a thing in the way that actual things furniture out of the building before it burns to the ground. are things, yeah? "It's not even a franchise, it's more A spokesman for the Confederation of British Industry of a nebulous concept that everyone is free to interpret said: "We don't want to employ foreigners. We only do differently and describe however they want. it because we want things to actually work and not be "So yeah, he's the leader of that. Well done." completely terrible all the time. America has described Zawahiri as the 'mastermind behind "Otherwise, yeah, totally." 9-11' after forgetting they had already said that was Khalid Kyle Stephenson, 19, from Peterborough, said: "I went Sheikh Mohammed which was why they have spent the for a job last week and they gave it to some Bulgarian just last eight years sending a high voltage current screeching because he didn't sit there wanking the whole time." through his testicles. Dr Duncan Smith stressed there should still be some The White House last night acknowledged Zawahiri's immigrants allowed into Britain so he can then kidnap career development before predicting he will soon be shot them and start injecting them with unusual drug in the ear by Harrison Ford and then buried in outer space. combinations to see what happens.

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a more detailed horoscopes can be found on our web site CAPRICORN

Dec. 22 - Jan. 20

You might


Jun. 23 - Jul. 22 -You can have quite

confront more opposition to your plans than

a wilful streak this month! As independent as

usual this month. While you typically do very well

you're feeling, you could attract resistance and

in the face of adversity, this month, you could

face obstacles. Your best defence is to tone your

be feeling quite moody. Energy is stop and go.

manner down. Assert yourself when you're truly

Energy returns towards month's end, when you

certain that you deserve what you're demanding

are more able to see the bigger picture.

so that you don't come across as confrontational.


August is a strong month for personal finances.

Jan. 21 - Feb. 19 -You need to

be more realistic in your expectations of others

LEO Jul. 23 - Aug. 23 -All eyes are on you this

and of relationships this month, dear Aquarius.

month, dear Leo, and they like what they see!

Revisiting past relationships and solving old

Your manner is especially gracious and charming

relationship problems are on the agenda in

now, although you can also be a tad aloof.

August. Watch for impatience, especially on

Decision making takes time for you right now. You

the job, while driving, and while dealing with

can be on the fence about a number of matters


in August.




PISCES Feb. 20 - Mar. 20 -More compromise


in love is necessary this month, dear Pisces, but

month for taking a break, dear Virgo, although

the tendency now is to come on strong and to

travel may not be as straightforward as you'd

rush things, which is not your typical style. Tame

hope. Other forms of retreat are just as welcome.

impatience as much as possible, as love needs

As the month draws to a close, however, activity

time to unfold naturally. You might spend more

increases and so does your taste for it. You'll have

money and time in August on "fun" things and

at least two admirers. Money matters are strong,

leisure activities.

especially around the 29-30.


Aug. 24 - Sep. 23 -August is a strong

-August is a good

LIBRA Sept. 24 - Oct. 23 -The desire for more

month for recreation of all kinds, dear Aries,

independence in your career is strong this month,

although you may need to double-check

dear Libra, although not everyone is likely to be

schedules as not everything is likely to go by

supportive. Trying to separate fact from fiction

plan. As well, there can be some tensions rising

in your love life could put you on an emotional

on the home front. The urge to rebel against

rollercoaster, especially from the 9-13. Watch for

expectations is strong this month.

misrepresentation around the 22-23.

Mar. 21 - Apr. 20

TAURUS Apr. 21 - May 21 -You can experience


much joy spending time with family this month,

attention channelled into career matters, worldly

dear Taurus, although family vacations taken

affairs, and the outside world this month, you'll

now may require flexibility and a backup plan.

need to perform a balancing act with your

You might also heed speed limits and exercise

domestic life, which demands special attention

more patience on the road. Career matters can

around the 13th. You have a lot on your plate this

be confusing around the 13th.

month, and could face both increased recognition

GEMINI May 22 - Jun. 22

-With your ruler,

Oct. 24 - Nov. 22 -With so much

and some stumbling blocks in your career.

Mercury, retrograde most of August, dear

SAGITTARIUS Nov. 23-Dec. 21 -Work matters

Gemini, you'd be wise to proactively handle

can be very strong this month, dear Sagittarius,

matters revolving around communication and

especially in the last week of August. You might

transportation, such as backing up and cleaning

receive recognition or some other fruit of your

your computer, getting a car tune-up, and

labor. Love relationships and friendships can be

double-checking schedules. It's a good month for

on the temperamental side, however. This hasn't

fixing problems and getting organized.

the most reliable arena of your life recently.


Health self-help toolkit: 'How does massage work? Stimulating the body's energy flow to promote healing and feel good' muscle tone. Used on a regular basis, remedial massage Massage - Holistic can help prevent small injuries from impairing mobility. This involves a variety of techniques designed to relax muscles, increase oxygen in the blood and release the toxins from muscles which make them feel tight and sore. Stroking in the direction of the heart stimulates circulation and flushes the tissues of lactic acid, uric acid, and other metabolic wastes, all of which help shorten recovery time after muscle strain. As well as providing specific medical benefits, holistic massage improves general health and wellbeing.

Massage - Remedial

Remedial massage is a holistic massage treatment used to produce deep and long-lasting effects. It aims to both prevent and help heal injuries, removing blockages and damaged cells, breaking down fibrous areas and encouraging mobility. Trigger points can be identified which are at the root of the pain and specific massage techniques encourage the body's own healing processes. Remedial massage can be used to treat conditions such as sports injuries, muscular cramps, frozen shoulder, whiplash, arthritis and spondylitis. It is also effective in treating stress relief and nervous exhaustion. This therapy works by increasing lymphatic flow and blood supply to soft tissue areas, encouraging the reduction of inflammation and swelling and improving

TuiNa Massage

Developed in China over 2,000 years ago, TuiNa massage works to release blockages in the flow of energy, or Qi, and uses similar principles to acupuncture using the hands and fingers rather than needles. It is based on the understanding that our body's motivating energy force moves through a network of channels that run beneath the skin. Illness arises from blockages in the energy flow. TuiNa treatments are revitalising and energising, shifting problems that have been stuck in the body and aiding healing at all levels. The massage combines techniques from western massage such as gliding, kneading, vibration, shaking and rocking, with other movements unique to TuiNa such as compression of the acupuncture points, joint manipulation and mobilisation.

Taru Burstall, Licenced Acupuncturist, Massage, Licenced Psychotherapist

LATEST: New Clinic opening in August at The Plaça, 8 in El Perelló 977 490 333, & 629 301 509

12 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364



news hounds & more..." summer snippets " BY Dr. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M.

More than 60,000 birds pertaining to 25 different species have crossed the Straits of Gibraltar this Spring. This geographical location is, during the spring, one of the most important for the entry of birds into Europe. •More than 60,000 birds from 25 different species have crossed the Straits of Gibraltar between February 1 and June 5, as noted from the data collected by the Migres Foundation during the spring migration of birds, a study carried out under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment of the Junta de Andalucía. The results obtained in the 2011 season indicate that nine species of soaring birds dominate the prenuptial migration of this group, with more than 99% of the records: black kite Milvus migrans, European Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus, white stork Ciconia ciconia, toed Circaetus gallicus, Booted Eagle Aquila pennata, griffon vulture Gyps fulvus, sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus, black stork Ciconia nigra, and Egyptian vulture Neophron pernocterus. In total, 63,791 birds have been recorded (35 325 birds at the Observatory at Punta Carnero and 28,466 birds in the station at Cazalla) pertaining to 25 different species. The Straits of Gibraltar, in the spring, is one of the most important for the entry of birds into Europe and is the perfect place to study the migration of large groups of animals, according to the Migres Foundation, due to its strategic location between two continents and the connection of two large bodies of water, the Strait acts as a gateway for many species of migratory birds. The inclusion in spring in the program by Migres materialized in 2007 to study comprehensively the evolution of populations of raptors and storks in Spain and the rest of Western Europe, and to track the long-term migration in the Straits of Gibraltar. To get solid estimates of the total numbers of individuals who use this strategic area in their migratory patterns, as a means to help to ensure its conservation, highlights the Migres Foundation.

Shelters and animal shelters, overwhelmed by the crisis. These centres suffer saturation throughout the year and not just in the summer months. The enormous economic cost of maintaining the animals have caused many problems. In the Baix Camp Refugi with capacity to accommodate 40, dogs are being turned away. It is the summer and protective societies and shelters for animals begin to worry about the collapse they suffer each year in their facilities during this time, when owners of dogs leave their pets to go on holiday, now these centres are faced with another problem: the crisis and abandonment. Although unlikely, the economic difficulties, and concomitant problems they have caused, many affecting man’s best friend, because their families cannot cope with the economic cost involved in their maintenance. In this regard, the Head of Refugi Reus Baix Camp, a private animal shelter in Reus, Gemma Folch, says that "many people call us saying they have lost their jobs and cannot take care of their animal. Some even throw them over the fence showing that people do not understand that today having a pet is a luxury. This point has also affected the Last Llar de Reus, although in this case its director, Roman Casanoves, believes that "the crisis has already been standardized and those who had to leave their pet have already done so." For the pet, the worst time starts right now. Whether for one reason or another, both protective societies and shelters are collapsing throughout the year. Thus, with 40 dogs and 50 cats at the Refugi Baix Camp is at the limit of its capacity while with 70 cats in the Last Llar feline refuge is near saturation and with 200 dogs, the capacity to accommodate dogs is already 95%. This problem also comes under the auspices of the animal protection law, which dictates the prohibition of euthanasia in shelters and protective factor that explains Casanovas, "causes greater saturation." The solution is to adopt, which, again due to the crisis, has been reduced over the past two years both in the Baix Camp Refugi as the Last Llar. In the first case, Folch regrets that the figure of 30 cats and 50 dogs adopted per year has fallen far behind, while Casanovas says "We only have about 20 dogs per month taken for adoption."

A. M. P. A. R. E. The society for the protection of animals Ebro region. Based in Mora La Nova. We desperately need to re-home dogs to make room for more! We have over 200 dogs for adoption. Susan 689 468752 English Isabel 977 404720 Spanish/ Catalan Donations always appreciated.

14 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

Bringing pets into the UK after 1 January 2012 from Defra regarding new laws for Pets Passport. From 1st January 2012, the rules for bringing your pet dog, cat or ferret into the UK will change. Until then, the existing rules continue to apply for pets coming into the UK, see Don’t delay – find out the rules in plenty of time before you travel. If you wish to return to the UK with your pet after a trip abroad, or intend to bring your pet into the UK for the first time, you need to be aware of the changes to the UK pet entry rules that take effect on 1 January 2012. You are responsible for ensuring your pet meets all the rules for entering the UK. Make sure you have had the procedures carried out in the correct order and your pet’s documentation is correctly completed. If you do not, your pet may not be able to enter the country or may have to be licensed into quarantine on arrival. This will mean delay and will cost you money. The change in DEFRA quarantine regulations starting 1-12012. In the meantime just a mention that as of now there is no point for anyone wishing to take a pet back to (or to) the UK should not go to the expense of a blood test and waiting 6 months as in January all they need is a microchip and a current Rabies vaccination and the same old health certificate as well as the worm and tick treatment! The wait is just 21 days from the date of the rabies vaccination. Therefore any pets in for testing from now on will not need it and they can all enter in January! Dr Ronald Rosenfeld. D.V.M.

"moral and cultural progress of a country is measured from its treatment of animals" (Mahatma Gandhi) URGENT ADOPTION REQUIRED CALL ARCA TODAY. A.R.C.A. (Association for Refuge and Taking care of the Animals) it is a non-profit association operating since the summer of year 2001. At this moment they have 300 abandoned dogs. They are in Tortosa in the province of Tarragona (Spain). All the material aid comes from the much appreciated donations but with each new arrival more donations are needed. If you want to donate to Arca if only by 5€ each month, minimum, please send an e-mail with your personal data and account number or call or write. Or just become a volunteer to help with the dogs. email: protectora. ARCA mail: Post office 496, Tortosa, (Tarragona) or contact: Mave (English) 678 975 816, Cinta 625 915 605 Carmen 655 040 359

Urgent homes needed for many puppies


All the dogs that went to Holland have found new homes which is fantastic,in September there will be a few more going , we still are a bit over crowded but the dogs are happy & only 6 were put to sleep, thanks to all the people that responded to our appeal and came and are still coming to adopt, we don't know how to thank you enough. We are now asking if any one can offer to foster our young pups until they have had their injections, they won't survive in the kennels, if you can help now or perhaps not at the moment but in the future when we have more come in, please give me a ring or text me, Mave. I would like to thank everyone very much who has fostered & is fostering at the moment, you have given these pups a life which is so precious, without animals the world would not be the same, we help them & they help us in so many ways. Thanks to everyone who as helped some way. Regards to The Olive Press & thanks for all you are doing for us. Mave 678 975 816

Call Arca Today to Provide A Home To 1 Of 300 Dogs Needing A Loving Home Or If You Can Volunteer Any Assistance With The Dogs



16 email: â˜ťTel: 977 059 364


New info on shampoos: I just discovered this important info below. Please share with all your friends. I don't know WHY I didn't figure this out sooner!!!!! It's the shampoo I use in the shower! When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body, and (duh!) Printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning, "FOR EXTRA VOLUME AND BODY." No WONDER I have been gaining weight!!! Well, I’ve got rid of that shampoo and I am going to start using Fairy’s Liquid instead. Its label reads: "DISSOLVES FAT THAT IS OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO REMOVE." Problem solved! If I don't answer the phone . .. . I'll be in the shower! Older Love Making Maude and Claude, both 91, lived in The Villages, in Florida . They met at the singles club meeting and discovered over time that they enjoyed each other's company. After several weeks of meeting for coffee, Claude asked Maude out for dinner and, much to his delight, she accepted. They had a lovely evening. They dined at the most romantic restaurant in town. Despite his age, they ended up at his place for an after-dinner drink. Things continued along a natural course and age being no inhibitor, Maude soon joined Claude for a most enjoyable roll in the hay. As they were basking in the glow of the magic moments they'd shared, each was lost for a time in their own thoughts..... Claude was thinking: 'If I'd known she was a virgin, I'd have been more gentle.' Maude was thinking: 'If I'd known he could still do it, I'd have taken off my pantyhose.'


news from our california correspondent (norfolk) 'Summer Madness… ’ By your celebrity DJ, you can listen to him live on

I will not be mourning the passing of the recently defunct News of the World. I do recall that it was my parents’ choice of Sunday broadsheet. Stock in trade used to be its reporting of salacious court items usually involving encounters with scoutmasters and vicars. Also featured were activities in seaside hotels, usually Brighton. One of the partners of a crumbling relationship would check into a hotel where a startled maid would burst into the bedroom at an opportune moment. In the subsequent divorce court hearing evidence was provided of infidelity and an order would be granted. The News of the World at that time was very fond of the phrase ‘intercourse took place’ neglecting to point out that this was usually of the verbal kind because the whole thing was a set-up. Similar stories were repeated week after week and the ‘surprising couples in bed’ business in Brighton was obviously something of a cottage industry as no doubt money changed hands. I predict that the ‘Sun on Sunday’ will be launched very soon. ‘The Queen Charlotte’ pub was a favourite venue for fans of live music. However the neighbours complained about the noise and the coming and going of customers so the establishment was closed in 2008. The building is now going to take on a new lease of life, as a Muslim Centre! In a building where previously ‘time’ was called twice a day now this will increase to 6 times with an

Thursday mornings 10..00-12.00

early alarm call at around 2.30am. The neighbours will probably not be able to complain about this. The local website of the new owners preaches that the political leaders of the UK and the USA are ‘cowards’ for intervening in Libya and Afghanistan. Somehow the tragedies of 9/11, Lockerbie, and the London bombings are overlooked. As one local wit pointed out, pork scratchings will no longer be on the menu. I’ve referenced the saga of the Norwich war memorial in the past. For many years this monument and gardens in the centre of the city had become a rest stop for local alkies and people dining on the fat inducing delicacies purchased in the market below the site. Surely not a fitting tribute to the heroes of two World Wars. It eventually fell into such a state that the dilapidated area was fenced off in 2004. After numerous funding struggles the refurbishment work was eventually completed earlier this year at a cost of £2.6m! Paul de Monchaux, whose works include a memorial to Wilfred Owen in Shropshire, the BBC Churchill memorial and a memorial to Second World War slave workers in Jersey, was selected from a shortlist by the Memorial Gardens steering group to create the sculpture. The result is Breath, a bronze companion piece to the Sir Edwin Lutyens’ war memorial, which has been installed in the space in the memorial gardens where the

18 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

memorial stood before it was turned to face City Hall. The inscription beneath the sculpture states: “The living honour the dead, only a breath divides them.” Mr de Monchaux said: “The Lutyens memorial is about death and this is about life. There is a link between the two in terms of metaphor. You would think after all this the project would be deemed a success. It would be, but for the fact that the citizens are complaining that they are tripping over it! The steps have been re-constructed in the same way as they have been for the last 50 or so years but are now causing people to fall. A can of yellow paint to highlight the edges would be the immediate and cheap answer. Well you’re wrong. Apparently the colour of the actual stones has to be changed and a further cost to the local taxpayers is going to be in the order of £25,000. At least this will prevent the consumers of a few midday cans of Special Brew

from suing the Council. See adverts for ‘Have you had an accident at work?’ On a final high note our East Anglian singer songwriter Ed Sheeran released his first record recently and within a week it had reached No 3 in the charts selling over 200,000 copies. Not bad for a 20 year old prepared to work hard for his profession. Watch out for the album out later this year. © Mike Stevens 2011. If you need to contact Mike you can now do so at his blog,

yoga for all- Aqua Yoga


quatic yoga is a great

new way to keep fit that is allowing those formerly too apprehensive to join a yoga class to jump into the water and enjoy the many benefits of practicing yoga. Studies show that water has long been used to calm and balance the body and mind with many quantifiable results. Combining the long known benefits of yoga with the cushioning ability of warm water, aquatic yoga therapy has opened the fitness arena to many people for whom it was previously closed. The fundamental postures of yoga, the asanas, can be preformed within the privacy, support, and comfort of water with either freestanding movement in a shallow body temperature pool, equipment assisted poses, or wall assisted poses. Aqua yoga exercises, often labelled as yoqua or water yoga classes in aquatic fitness centres and gyms can add a new dimension to your yoga practice. With aquatic yoga poses, the water can act as resistance, creating additional intensity for your workout, or it can support you, keeping pressure off of your joints. The Aquatic Exercise Association emphasizes that water classes are especially beneficial for people with arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, back problems and pregnant women. In just a few months many converts, enjoy numerous benefits ranging from strengthened muscles, improved energy levels, increase in flexibility, and an enhanced overall state of wellbeing. Aquatic yoga really is a great way to reap the benefits of yoga without having to go to a class, gym or yoga studio. Try it at the beach or in a swimming pool to get fit while keeping cool this August! The positive benefits of yoga are seen over the long term with a gradual increase in strength, flexibility and endurance and when preformed in water this increase tends to happen far more quickly and with far less chance of injury or strain which is why this new form of fitness is quickly becoming so popular with all age ranges. Aquatic therapy, including water yoga, has also proven to be extremely useful in pain management. Conditions such as fibromyalgia, and varicose veins, where pain can be constant, are eased and in some cases eradicated. The soothing cushion of water and the muscular relief experienced during yoga can allow students to attain a higher fitness level without the discomfort of traditional

exercise. It’s the perfect marriage of function and comfort. The perfect union of effort and ease, comfort and stability.

How do I practice Aqua yoga? Try these simple exercises to get you started, either at the beach or in a swimming pool.

Chair Pose Flow

Standing in waist deep water, place your feet hip-width apart, heels slightly apart. Raise your arms straight up overhead, keeping your shoulders soft. From a straight posture, sink your hips back and down so you feel your outer thighs contract (as if you were sitting down on an imaginary chair). Keep your abdominals pulled slightly in toward your spine. On an exhale, bring your arms straight through the water down to your sides. On an inhale, raise your arms out to your sides, then straight back up as you return to standing position. Flow back into your chair position on your next exhale. Continue this flow for up to a minute. Feel the resistance of the water working against your arms. Repeat up to three times.

Swimming Warrior Three

Begin in a standing position in waist depth water. Stretch your arms up to the sky, palms pressed together. Raise your right leg straight back behind you. Lean forward so your leg can become as close to parallel with your hips and the water level as possible. Your arms stretch forwards, level with the water. Flex your right foot, pointing your toes down. To work your arms, on your next inhale, bring your arms either back out into a T-shape (stretched sideways away from the shoulders) or all the way to your lower back. Feel and work the muscles in both of your legs, and keep your abdominal muscles engaged. Hold the pose for five to seven deep breaths. Repeat on your left leg.

20 email: â˜ťTel: 977 059 364

Please practice all exercises in the water with care and attention, without being under the influence of alcohol. Sarah Good is a Sivananda trained yoga teacher offering local weekly classes. Contact Sarah for more details on 663 140 297

Escape from the crowds and enjoy a memorable day afloat Butterfly, a classic yacht in the Delta del Ebro. Relax with an ice cold drink, spread out on the huge deck cushions and experience the tranquillity of sailing around the beautiful Alfaques Bay.

Sail In The Beautiful Alfacs Bay Delta del Ebro Natural Park Sant Carles de la Ràpita

Sailing Trips & Charters

You will sail along the 8 beaches of Sant Carles de la Ràpita and across the bay through the largest mussel farms in the Mediterranean searching for a quiet spot to drop anchor for bathing off the beaches of the Ebro Delta Natural Park. You can visit interesting spots such as the Salinas de la Trinidad, the Sant Joan Tower, the “Banya” Point, and the small fishing harbour of Les Cases d’Alcanar where you will find excellent restaurants. You can find plenty of time to enjoy the tranquillity of the bay and above all the gentle billowing of the sails. Watching of migratory birds like flamingos, is a main attraction in the Delta del Ebro National Park and possible on board Butterfly. Captain Lucas will be happy to teach you how to sail or initiate you into trolling for fish.

Half day and full day tours with delicious snacks from the region included, with the possibility of tasting local sea food. Sunset cruises and full moon cruises are especially romantic. Ideal for celebrations. THE PERFECT GIFT

tel: 660 907 189

Prices starting at 40€ per person (25€ kids under 14)


Captain Lucas welcomes any special requests.

Maximum 12 persons, min. 2 persons


€ 9.95 € 9.95 € 9.95 €12.95 €12.95 €12.95


bbq rack of ribs bbq entrecote BBQ Fillet steak

€14.95 €15.95 €19.90 1/2 CHICKEN €11.50 ESCALOPE OF pork WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE €11.50 pork loin in mustard sauce €12.00 CHICKEN IN CREAM OF WHITE WINE SAUCE €12.50 breast of DUCK IN CHERRY SAUCE €16.00 Lamb a ‘la hacienda’ €16.00 SALADs chicken Caesar salad €12.00 tuna salad niçoise €13.50 duck salad with pine nuts €15.00 Pasta € 9.50 Lasagne € 9.50 Tagliatelle carbonara € 9.50 Spaghetti bolognaise €11.00 tuna pasta bake Fish €14.50 mussels a ‘la hacienda €15.00 Pan fried salmon (With watercress and avocado) €19.50 Sizzling king prawns in garlic €21.00 roasted sea bass with fennel €21.00 Grilled sole with parsley butter

• Child's Play Area • Free Wi-fi • Outside BBQ Area (Summer)

Opening hours Restaurant

Lunch Menu 12.00pm - 4.00pm Dinner Menu 6.00pm - 11.30pm

Opening hours outside Bar 12.00 noon - 2.00am (7 days a week)

• Inside BBQ (Winter) • 2 Smoking Terraces All Year Round • Open All Year • Friendly Staff • International Menu • Disabled Access • Private Functions And Parties

''Early family Special" from 6pm - 7pm One child eats free (Off childrens' menu) when 2 adults order 2 main courses (Off the main menu)

Catered For Menu of the day available at €12.00

(lunchtime only 12.00pm - 4.00pm)

Telephone Number: 977 81 11 43 Avda. Barcelona, 160 | 43892 Miami Platja Tarragona, Spain

            ; K F 

treat your taste buds. Teriyaki Glazed Chicken Wings "The perfect party treat that's tangy, sticky and sweet! Drizzled with honey and teriyaki these wings scream flavour!" Ingredients for 10 appetizer servings 1360 g chicken wing pieces 235 ml Teriyaki Marinade With Pineapple Juice, divided 30 ml honey 9 g sesame seeds Directions Place chicken wings in large resealable plastic bag or glass dish. Add 1/2 cup of the marinade; turn to coat well. Refrigerate 30 minutes or longer for extra flavour. Remove chicken wings from marinade. Discard any remaining marinade. Grill chicken wings over medium heat 20 to 25 minutes or until cooked through, turning occasionally. Meanwhile, mix remaining 1/2 cup marinade and honey in large bowl until well blended. Add grilled chicken wings; toss to coat well. Place on serving platter. Sprinkle with sesame seed. Test Kitchen Tips: If using frozen chicken wings, thaw before marinating. Reserve some of the honey-marinade mixture to use as a dipping sauce. For spicy chicken wings, add 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper to the honey-marinade mixture. Grilled Salmon Kyoto "Very unique marinade gives this grilled salmon a great taste!" Ingredients for 4 servings 80 ml soy sauce 60 ml orange juice concentrate 30 ml vegetable oil 30 ml tomato sauce 5 ml lemon juice 3 ml prepared mustard 6 g green onion, minced 1 clove garlic, minced 0.9 g minced fresh ginger root 4 salmon steaks (1 inch thick) 15 ml olive oil Directions In a shallow glass baking dish, combine soy sauce, orange juice concentrate, oil, tomato sauce, lemon juice, mustard, green onion, garlic, and ginger. Place salmon in marinade, and turn to coat. Cover, and refrigerate for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Preheat an outdoor grill for high heat. Remove salmon from marinade.

        h k      

hebsummer BBQ xpk Pour marinade into a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, and cook for 1 minute. Lightly oil the grill grate. Brush or spray salmon with olive oil. Cook on grill for 5 to 10 minutes, or until fish flakes easily with a fork. Turn salmon once, and brush with boiled marinade halfway through cooking time. Marinated Grilled Prawns "A very simple and easy marinade that makes your prawns so yummy you don't even need cocktail sauce! Don't let the cayenne pepper scare you, you don't even taste it. Try it with a salad, baked potato, and garlic bread. You will not be disappointed!!!" Ingredients: 6 servings 3 cloves garlic, minced 80 ml olive oil 60 ml tomato sauce 30 ml red wine vinegar 5 g chopped fresh basil 3 g salt 0.4 g cayenne pepper 910 g fresh shrimp, peeled and deveined skewers Directions In a large bowl, stir together the garlic, olive oil, tomato sauce, and red wine vinegar. Season with basil, salt, and cayenne pepper. Add prawns to the bowl, and stir until evenly coated. Cover, and refrigerate for 30 minutes to 1 hour, stirring once or twice. Preheat grill for medium heat. Thread prawns onto skewers, piercing once near the tail and once near the head. Discard marinade. Lightly oil grill grate. Cook prawns on preheated grill for 2 to 3 minutes per side, or until opaque. Succulent Grilled Peaches with Honey Chevre "The sweetness of the warmed peach goes so well with the creaminess of the goat cheese with a hint of honey. It's like getting cheesecake in a peach crust. " Ingredients for 8 servings 170 g chevre (soft goat cheese) 30 ml skim milk 15 ml honey 4 fresh peaches, halved and pitted 8 mint leaves Directions Preheat an outdoor grill for medium heat, and lightly oil the grate. Combine chevre cheese, milk, and honey in a small bowl. Grill the peaches cut sides down until peaches begin to caramelize and show grill marks, 5 to 7 minutes. Fill each peach half with 1 tablespoon of the cheese mixture. Garnish with a mint leaf, and serve warm.

26 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

        ; K F     

Stroll down to the peaceful cove of Cala de les Sirenes, (only 50m away) after a lovely meal and have a siesta or a gentle swim to burn off your lunch or have a pleasant dinner after your day on the beach. The Menu Del Dia is a superb example of what you will receive from the À La Carte as you can see from the photos below of a Menu Del Dia starter and homemade deserts. Just imagine what else is on offer from the À La Carte! Certainly plenty to tickle your taste buds. Le Bistro de Cathy with home made French cuisine, welcoming and friendly staff serving you on the terrace under the palm trees or dine inside amongst the pleasant surroundings.

PROPERTY TRANSFER COSTS - COSTES DE TRANSMISION DE INMUEBLES by Carlos Prieto Cid You want to buy or sell a house. Or sign it over to the children. How much will it cost? What costs does the buyer pay? These are common questions which are often pivotal when deciding whether to buy or sell a property. There are substantial costs involved and therefore, after the deduction of costs, the net price the seller receives can be considerably reduced and very different to how the seller had imagined. These costs can also lead to the final price being much higher for the buyer than originally calculated. The parties involved in a property transfer agreement (usually a contract of sale) can in this regard decide how


to share the costs; however, we will now set out what the law stipulates if the parties have not specified anything: • Local capital gains tax on the seller. This is a percentage of the difference between the cadastral value at the time of the purchase of the property and the cadastral value at the time of the property’s sale. The calculation is very complicated and it is best to request an estimation from the local council in order to be able to calculate the approximate amount yourself in advance. • Income tax on the appreciation is paid by the seller. If the seller is not resident, the buyer is obliged to pay directly to the tax office a deposit (3% of the purchase price) to cover the tax. This sum is therefore usually deducted from the purchase price. This tax is also a percentage of the difference between the time of purchase and the declared value at time of the property’s sale. This calculation is also very complicated. The 3% of the purchase price paid in advance must be calculated and the seller must as a rule pay more income tax at the end. However, in some cases this prepaid amount can be reclaimed from the tax office if no appreciation has been produced through the purchase. • The notary’s invoice (solely for the contract of sale) is paid by the buyer. The role of the notary is Spain (as opposed to other

countries) is solely to authenticate the definitive contract upon which the parties have agreed in advance, usually through a lawyer. The notarial authentication of a contract of sale is not specifically required according to Spanish law, but still very important because the contract cannot be registered in the register of deeds without authentication. Registration of the buyer’s new ownership in the property register is not only a guarantee for the buyer, but is also necessary in the event that the buyer (or any future owner of the property) requires finance, if the finance is depending on a guarantee from a mortgage lender. It is therefore logical that the invoice from the notary is paid by the buyer because only the buyer can benefit from the advantages of notarial authentication. • For this reason, the cost of registering the buyer’s new ownership in the property register (or register of deeds) must also be paid by the buyer. • All costs for the preparation of the documents which must be submitted with the notarial certificate are paid by the seller (these documents are completed or verified by a lawyer). However, the cost of employing a lawyer can sometimes be shared by both parties as the lawyer also takes care of following: Advises both parties and offers legal assistance during the

course of the entire property transfer process. Translates the wishes of both parties into legal and technical language, Formalizes the editing of the definitive contract of sale in order to prepare authentication by the notary, and provides for the fiscal impact of the transaction for both parties to ensure that the tax is declared correctly (and as favourably as possible). However, it is always better if both parties have agreed a pre-contract, to enable the lawyer to represent the interests of both parties without any problems, as he basically develops the parties’ predetermined preliminary contract of sale. If the parties have agreed nothing in advance, the lawyer can only represent the interests of one of the parties and the other party must therefore be represented by another lawyer. This is another difference in the lawyer’s role in Spain compared with the role of the notary (compared to other countries). In Spain, a notary is never allowed to advise the parties. The notary is similar to an official, who enables and authenticates transactions which have already been negotiated and ensures that any tax due from the parties is claimed. In Spain, the capacity of a notary and that of a lawyer are completely separate. CARLOS PRIETO CID – LAWYER


Lorenzo Marceaux opened his restaurant "Chez Lorenzo" in December 2003 and it came from a merger of a French restaurant "La Ville D'Evreux-Chez Daniel" which was open from 1964-2003 with the Marceaux family owned restaurant and Pizzeria Italian " Il Leopard "opened in 2000. 'We have tried to blend together the features of the Mediterranean (paella, rice fish, shellfish) French food (both sweet and savoury crêpes, foie gras, cheese) without forgetting the Italian cuisine(fresh pasta and of course, pizza ). As a result we have chosen the best of the menus of both restaurants, this being appreciated by families with children, because everyone finds what they want, according to your taste, nationality, age and budget.' The restaurant is located overlooking the sea in Miami Beach. The extraordinary situation seduces you with its wonderful views of the sea and the bay between Miami Playa, Cambrils and Salou.

L' Ampolla




Bingo Night 8pm



...from 6pm til dark...

night through July & August "Fish & Chips" and "Karaoke with Amanda".

Dance off that Sunday Roast! Fun for all ages & no experience necessary!!


Booking essential Tel: 977 460 387

on our terrace

Sunday 31st July


Traditional Roast Lunch With All The Trimmings from 12noon - booking advisable


Full English Menu, as well as Menu Del Dia - Mon-Sat 10€ 3 courses, Sundays 15€ 3 courses- (includes wine, water & bread), Baguettes/Sandwiches and Tapas.

30 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

Olives & popcorn Welcome to Olives & Popcorn, your monthly guide to great Spanish based films that in my opinion should not be ignored. Any comments are welcome. Also if you want to know more about a particular film and how to get a copy again get in touch via my email below. This month I present a Catalan film which won nine Goya Awards, including best film, best director and best adapted screenplay..….. Pa Negre (Black Bread)2010 is a 2010 Catalan-language Spanish drama film written

and directed by Agustí Villaronga. The screenplay is based on the same-titled novel by Emili Teixidor, with elements of two other works by him, Retrat d'un assassí d'ocells and Sic transit Gloria Swanson. In the harsh post-Civil War years in rural Catalonia, a shockingly vicious attack takes place. Ten-year-old Andreu encounters the victims. Leaning over the dying boy, Andreu hears him whisper “Pitorliu”— the name of a mysterious ghost living in a cave in the woods. The local police, investigating the bodies that lie below the cliff in the woods, initially label it an accident but soon come to see it as murder. The only suspect is Andreu's father Farriol. When Andreu’s father is wrongly accused of the murder, the boy sets out to find the real killers and brings to light long hidden secrets. The film’s violent opening is an apt foreshadowing of the brutal coming-of-age in store for Andreu in a world of adults nourished by lies, myths and wicked revelations. One of the most creative and individual Spanish filmmakers of his generation, Agustí Villaronga’s adaptation of a novel by Emil Teixidor keeps the story moving relentlessly to dark and sinister places while questioning the decency of the human spirit. The breathtaking cinematography and a brilliant ensemble cast made Black Bread one of the best and most discussed films at the 2010 San Sebastian Film Festival. Though the film contains a scene that may offend those with a heightened sensitivity regarding cruelty to animals, no animals were harmed during the making of the film. Nora Navas won Best Actress for her role as the put-upon wife of an anti-Francoist farmer in 1944 Catalonia. Overall, however, he found Black Bread to be "a fairly stodgy tearjerker with mild supernatural touches that nod to Spanishlanguage forerunners such as Guillermo Del Toro's Pan's Labyrinth and Erice's enduringly seminal 1970s classic The Spirit of the Beehive. As always if you want to check out the trailer, you can do so at - Jason.M.Berry 04/07/2011 Contact

Doctors to check for anyone who looks a bit bomb-y

Spiralling UK population 'could overwhelm Ikea'

HOME Secretary Theresa May has asked GPs to check if any of their patients look like they might blow up soon. As May delved deeper into the bottomless pit of her insanity, doctors were told to carry out tests for blood pressure, heart rate and a seething hatred of liberal Western

BRITAIN'S already-overstretched Ikea stores cannot cope with a growing population, it was claimed last night. According to new figures from the Office for National Statistics, factors including immigration and the baby boom will increase the UK's citizenship to 70 million by 2026. But many could be left unable to furnish their homes with stylish yet economical simplicity as Ikea stores are overwhelmed to the point of anarchy. Professor Henry Brubaker, of the Institute for Studies, said: "Imagine Ikea's deliberately labyrinthine corridors blocked with sweaty, heavy masses of humanity clambering mercilessly over each other, crushing the weak and the elderly underfoot in their relentless quest for the nice things. values. "OK you don't have to imagine it, you could just visit Telltale signs GPs have been asked to look out this Saturday, but trust me it's going to get worse. "There will soon ten million extra humans and for include whether the patient has grown a they'll each want, at the very least, a Billy bookcase great big beard, complains of back strain from and a Kulla pendant lamp. carrying unusually-heavy rucksacks or has "Even those few who don't want anything specific covered their body with lots of brown skin. from Ikea will still go there every other Saturday, just to Martin Bishop, a GP from Stevenage, said: "Any honest look. colleague will tell you that making it through the week "When product stocks inevitably run out, shoppers will without dropping a fatality-related bollock counts as a good refuse to leave, afraid that things will be re-stocked and one so I'm not sure how we're going to be able to diagnose sold out again in their absence. latent martyrdom unless it shows up on a person's tongue. "Thus we will see the beginnings of a permanent "After asking them how many cigarettes they smoke and mass migration into Ikea, with families sleeping on the how many units of alcohol they drink a week, maybe I'll demonstration futons, subsisting on meatballs and 99p just pop a question in at the end about how many times breakfasts. "Inevitably tribal groups will form, the natives of each a week they fantasise about being smeared across the top department forging their own specific cultural identities. deck of a bus. There will be bloody battles over the stores' best products, "Besides which, I work in a small village practise in with the kitchen-section dwellers likely to dominate Buckinghamshire where the average patient is a retired because they'll have all the sharp objects. stockbroker, so unless the BBC cancels The Archers I'm not "As conditions within the stores deteriorate faeces and blood will cake the walls. Residents or 'Ikeans' will expecting that many jihads." Bishop added: "That said, after successfully negotiating barricade the doors with colour co-ordinated Ektorp sofas their way past my receptionist and spending a couple of while those desperate civilians left outside will pound at the walls until their fists are bloody." hours in my waiting room reading a 1994 copy of Take A Plumber Tom Logan said: “We're letting more and more Break pretty much all my patients look like they want to people into the country when there aren't enough Billy end it all and take half the post office next door with them." bookcases for those who were born here. The plan is part of the government's £60m a year Prevent "But if they are going to come here and buy our cheap but program, a counter-terrorist campaign that is considering a modish furniture, they should at least have the decency to shop online." wide variety of ways to reduce extremism in the UK. Thing is, you might get hit by a bus tomorrow, say doctors YOU never know what's going to happen so you might as well eat a load of crisps, doctors said last night. As new research throws doubt on the link between heart attacks and flavour, an increasing number of medical professionals have realised that the world is also full of buses and falling masonry. Stephen Malley, a GP from Hitchin, said: "I had this one patient, didn't eat red meat, exercised every day, drank litres of filtered water, got hit by lightning while doing squat thrusts. Flash, boom, human jerky. Makes you think, right?"He probably had a miserable existence, devoid of delicious crisps, and for no benefit whatsoever. I mean, has anyone ever had a brilliantly uproarious night in the gym?" He added: "Plus, in case you hadn't noticed, doctors smoke and drink loads. That's why we mostly look awful, with quadruple 'melty face' type eye bags. But I'll tell you what, we're having the time of our lives. "So have cream and fags and whatever nice things you like. In my professional opinion you should fill your boots because one day those boots may contain a deadly scorpion." Consultant Emma Bradford said: "Some lovely foods may be a bit bad for you, but only in a really ambiguous way. "If you listed everything in order of lethalness, salt and butter would be some way below shrapnel bombs and totally mental snakes. "Incidentally, I know this woman who only eats orange cheese and she's fine."

32 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

© WATCH THOSE PLANTS, THEY MAY NEED MORE WATER. By Clodagh and Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners and authors living in Spain for 25 years.

We are now in mid July, normally the beginning of the hottest four weeks of the year. Everyone will experience over 300C in the shade, some over 400C. Resident readers will find it hot and even more so visitors from the UK. But that’s nothing to what many of your precious plants will need to endure if they are in sunny versus dappled shaded positions. The temperatures above are in the shade temperatures. In the sun temperatures can be considerably higher – put the thermometer you have in a shady porch or covered terrace in the midday sun for an hour and it will immediately go sky high and could in fact break a delicate glass thermometer. So do take action now to minimize summer losses. 1. If you have not adjusted your irrigation system for summer conditions immediately double the amount of water per day for the next two months. If you find that some plants are still drooping water less frequently but for longer to ensure moisture is getting down to the roots. To pay for the extra water check that you are not watering unnecessarily long established shrubs and trees which by now will have deep tap roots. Fairly frequently we find that long planted fig and olive trees are still being watered daily and likewise oleander and gandula hedges. 2. Except for truly draught resistant plants such as cacti and succulents move potted plants into places where they will be in dappled or semi shade for much of the day. 3. On apartment terraces and balconies use awnings and blinds to shade plants during the hottest hours of the day. Most importantly recognize that plant containers can become very hot and therefore the growing medium in the containers will heat up increasing moisture losses by evaporation from the surface. With poor compost mixes containers can dry out in 24 hours or less. As illustrated in the table on page 119 of our book ‘Apartment Gardening Mediterranean Style’ typical watering requirements for drought resistant and thirsty plants under summer and winter conditions in containers may require six times the watering in mid summer to during the cool winter months even in semi shaded situations. 4. Both in the garden and in terrace pots mixing a little Terra-

Cottem gel into the soil and composts at the bottom of planting holes has saved many a plant that was not watered for a few days during the holiday season. It can be purchased via You can still use terracottem for established plants by digging a whole down the side of containers and pouring a half tea spoon of Terra-Cottem into the bottom of the hole or digging a hole or a trench around plants in the garden and doing likewise but naturally increasing the amount of Terra-Cottem according to the size of the plant. The above website gives good indications of how much to use. 5. If you planted new flowering or fruiting trees last autumn or in the spring digging holes around plants or trees to slide in empty water bottles or lengths of 5cm diameter water pipe down to the root ball level enable you to give extra watering down to the developing roots. Many trees die each summer as they are only watered on a drip irrigation system to the same extent as smaller more shallow rooted plants. Don’t assume that damp surface soil means that roots six twelve or twenty four centimetres below the soil are damp and not drying out. If in doubt dig a hole alongside a number of shrubs and trees to check how deep the soil becomes dry. So take care this year that plants as well as the family don’t get too sunburnt! Clodagh and Dick Handscombe’s books include instructions for caring for plants during each month of the year. The books can be purchased from bookshops and via internet mail order sites such as Santana Books. At present they have a special summer offer for ‘Apartment Gardening Mediterranean Style’. It will save your garden as well as being a great present. Date for autumn diary. Dick Handscombe will be giving a talk about ‘Health from your garden’ and leading a ‘Question and Answer Session ‘ at the autumn Mediterranean Gardening Society meeting organized on the Costa Blanca on 8th October. Members and non members welcome. More details from Joan Ball on 972 662061 © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe July 2011.


Our Articles On What's On From Previous Years Issues Can Be Found On Our Web Site International Beer Day is a worldwide celebration of beer. There aren't a lot of things the whole world agrees on, but enjoying beer is one of them, so let's all raise a pint this August 5th: to Beer, a drink that brings the world together. Quick facts International Beer Day takes place on August 5th 2011 Goal: to bring the world together in celebration of beer. First celebrated in August of 2008 Founded in 2007 by Jesse Avshalomov, Evan Hamilton, Aaron Araki, Richard Hernandez, Tyler Burton, and Ryland Hale Reached 6th most searched term in google August 5th 2010 Known celebrations in 15 countries for 2011: (list) August was chosen for its summer weather and distance from other beer celebrations La Tomatina tomato fight in Buñol near Valencia happens every year on the last Wednesday in August though the partying starts earlier in the week. The highlight of the festival is the tomato fight which takes place between 11am and 1pm on that day. The event has become one of the highlights on Spain's summer festivals calendar with thousands of people flocking to this little Valencian town for this chaotic event. http://www.tomatina. es/index.php Festa de Sant Magi Tarragona 13-19 August 2011 The feast day of the city's minor patron saint is marked by four or five days filled with a lively waterfront parade known as the Seguici Popular (literally, “Popular Retinue”), human castles and music for all tastes and ages. Sant Magi* himself was probably an III or IV Century hermit who lived in the Sierra de Brufaganya, his hermitage is hidden among cliffs overlooking a delightful secret valley near the headwaters of the Riu Gaià. After the dramatic ravines encountered downstream the landscape beyond the Sierra de Brufaganya opens out to reveal the rolling hill country that separates the Segre basin from the plains of Tarragona. This is wheat and sheep country where the horizons stretch away to the distant Pyrenees. There’s a curious similarity with the English Cotswolds, however, maybe it’s the honey coloured stone of the buildings and the drystone walls that stretch away in all directions. Or perhaps it’s the sense of ominous desolation; in winter this area is bleak, with unstoppable cold dry winds and the few villages have a closed, shut-away atmosphere about them. Life must have been hard indeed for the likes of Sant Magi... Benicarló festes patronals 21-28 AUGUST 2011. The town gets decked out in its finest in August to celebrate the feast days (24th) of its patron saints; St. Bartholomew and the saints Senén and Abdón and Santa María del Mar. The variety of events covers everything from concerts, dances, children's shows, entertainment with bulls and young bulls, and correfocs, and even sports events such as trap-shooting, pigeon racing, to petanca. Music and the noise of fireworks feature widely. The origin of the celebrations date back to 1523, when Emperor Charles I awarded Benicarló «...the privilege of a fair for Saint Bartholomew», in addition to awarding it the title of Town. Festa Major de Gràcia, Barcelona. 15-21 August 2011 On an average day, Gracia is a peaceful residentialy neighbourhood north of the city centre, with narrow streets lined with elegant old balconied buildings and shady squares with historic churches and cafe terraces. But for one week in August, everything changes. When the week-long Festa Major takes over Gracia on August 15th, tranquillity goes out of the window, replaced by the Catalans' typically exuberant taste music and mass celebration in the streets. The Gràcia Fest is basically a hyperbole of a block party - events and feasts are scheduled all throughout the day, live music persists every night until dawn, and outdoor bars and their patrons make it impossible to cross even the smallest square in under ten minutes. Every year, over a million people flood the narrow streets of Gràcia to gawk and to party until literally flushed out by street cleaners in the morning.


a day on the beach

Platja de Cap Roig (L’Ampolla)- The intense green of the pine trees contrasts with the blue of the water and the red reflections from the rocky cliffs, which gives the beach its name. In the distance you can make out an occasional boat on the horizon.

• Width: 60 m. Length: 250 m • Platja dels Avellaners (L’Ampolla)- Located in the middle of

Several beaches in Terres de l’Ebre have been awarded a blue flag; this is a distinction which recognizes the quality of the water, safety and lifeguard service. The leisure harbours at L'Ampolla and L'Ametlla de Mar also have blue flags, which were awarded for respect and management of the environment. Each year, when the summer season gets close the Associació d’Educació Ambiental i del Consumidor (Environmental Education and Consumers Association - publishes a list of beaches and leisure harbours which have been recognized with this award of quality. Beaches on the Ebre coast which have a blue flag are:

Platja de Pixavaques (L’Ametlla de Mar)- Pixavaques Beach and Pepo cove are really small. They are just a few metres away from l'Ametlla de Mar, and the semi urban surroundings mean you can enjoy both nature and the conveniences of a town.

• Width: 40 m .Length: 70 m • Cala Forn (L’Ametlla de Mar)- near Sant Jordi, Vidre and

Forn Coves are the remains of a now restored castle from the thirteenth century, which was once the headquarters for the Order of Sant Jordi d'Alfama during the Middle Ages.

• Width: 80 m .Length: 80 m • Platja de l’Alguer (L'Ametlla de Mar)- l'Alguer Beach is one

of the closest to l'Ametlla de Mar. The promenade, running alongside it leads down to the narrow streets of white houses or the fishing harbour, where you can try the local seafood cuisine.

• Width: 25 m. Length: 120 m • Platja de Sant Jordi d’Alfama (L’Ametlla de Mar)- Near Sant

Jordi Beach, Vidre Cove and Forn Cove are the remains of a thirteenth century castle, which has now been restored. It was the headquarters for the Order of Sant Jordi d'Alfama during the middle ages.

• Width: 70 m. Length: 100 m • Cala Calafató (L’Ametlla de Mar)- Although most of the

coastal area in l'Ametlla de Mar is rugged, in the north of this seaside town there are lots of fine sandy coves, like Calafat Cove, Calafató Beach and Ribellet Cove.

• Width: 15 m. Length: 20 m

the village, Les Avellanes is one of the easiest beaches to reach in the area. Along the promenade going around it, is a viewpoint and restaurants and bars where you can have refreshments while the sea breeze brushes your skin and makes the heat of the summer sun more bearable.

• Width: 80 m. Length: 250 m • Platja de Riumar (Deltebre)- Riumar Beach is near the Ebre River estuary, where still waters predominate and the small islands form lagoons. It is the ideal place to observe pink flamingoes while they are feeding in this unique ecosystem.

• Width: 80 m. Length: 1.1 km • Platja de les Delícies (Sant Carles de la Ràpita)- Just after you

go past the fishing harbour in Sant Carles de la Ràpita you will find Garbí Beach, and a little further on is the little Les Delícies Beach. It is situated very close to the town centre, and is a lovely fine sandy beach, which has been awarded the blue flag due to the quality of its water and the services on offer.

• Width: 25 m. Length: 200 m • Platja de Garbí (Sant Carles de la Ràpita)- If you go just past the harbour you will come to Garbí Beach. From here, you can see the calm waters of Alfacs bay - and the outline of Punta de la Banya in the distance- both are breathtaking.

• Width: 50 m. Length: 350 m • Platja de les Cases d’Alcanar (Alcanar)- All along the beach at Les Cases, beautiful, pure, white pebbles glisten between the sea and the promenade of this charming seaside village.

• Width: 28 m. Length: 288 m

Source: Awarded+sites/2011/Northern+Hemisphere/Spain/ Cataluna

British sport welcomes Haye excuse

Liverpool to experiment with 0-11-0 formation

DEFEATED boxer David Haye KENNY Dalglish is hoping has heralded a new dawn of to improve Liverpool's British sports excuses by fortunes next season by blaming a 1cm bone in his fielding a side comprising four tonne body. entirely of midfielders. Football managers and The incomprehensible cricketers are now keen spendthrift has signed 15 to explore the broadened midfielders in the last two horizons in verbal horse dung. days at a cost of ÂŁ112m and Pundits are anticipating has had to be talked out of excuses such as 'the selling the other parts of his referee's whistle was the squad by an increasinglywrong shade of silver' to terrified Steve Clarke. 'the mixed critical reaction Clarke said: "Before to the latest novel by Philip Sammy Lee was wheeled Roth'. out following his nervous Meanwhile, the ECB has employed a dedicated breakdown, the one bit of excuse consultant to exploit advice he gave me was not the rich, new seams of selfto let Kenny go scouting justifying folderol. for players driving anything Haye's manager, Martin bigger than a scooter Bishop, said: "David was because you've got no idea just going to admit to not throwing a single punch, but I what he'll come home with. thought it would be more convincing if we blamed his ickle"Granted, strikers are a bunch of prima donnas, defenders wickle piggy instead. "We are now working on a Muhammad Ali inspired, post- a bunch of thugs and goalkeepers are just mental, but they retirement excuse, such as 'I would have been the greatest do serve a purpose on the pitch even if, as in the case of but I had a really dicky tummy'." Glen Johnson, that purpose is purely decorative." Britain's history of sporting alibis stretches back to the The latest acquisition is Blackpool's Charlie Adam, despite Norman invasion, when the head coach of Harold's the fact during his medical carbon-dating showed the '25 conquered army claimed the soldiers had been distracted year-old' to actually date from the last Jurassic period. by a dispute with the shirt sponsor. Dalglish's rationale for the new direction is that an 11Sport psychologist, Tom Logan, said: "The perfect excuse is a combination of self-belief, determination to find any man midfield will form an impenetrable wall between mitigating evidence other than just 'being rubbish' and of the opposition and their half, and will be able to slowly course, the abject rubbishness that necessitates an excuse advance toward the opposition goal in what he has dubbed in the first place. 'the Kitchener formation' after the unbelievably wrong "But Haye has shown that we need to move beyond the Word War I general. assumption that the excuse should have something to do Using a series of flash cards to indicate his tactics, he said: with what actually happened. " Logan said the 2012 Olympics presented Britain with an "We've proven pretty conclusively that we can't pass the ball five yards without accidentally conceding a penalty or opportunity to reach new heights of excuse, and predicted many athletes would blame their failure on a constant fear bursting into flames so this way they just need to link arms that the stadium was about to collapse into an enormous and walk forward whilst kicking. pit. "Imagine a West End chorus line with Dirk Kuyt in it." Lock your PC in a cage, say experts YOUR computers intends to strangle you while you sleep, experts have warned. The Botnet, which targets basic internet human interactions such as shopping, masturbating and watching kittens do stuff, infects the hard drive on your PC and turns it an unstoppable death machine. Thirteen people have already been found dead in their homes as a result of the virus with their printers churning out page after page of the message 'I will kill again' in a cold, ruthless font thought to be Garamond. IT specialist, Stephen Malley, said: "Soon the virus will have become so dangerous that people will have to carry their laptop to work in the kind of gurney they wheeled Hannibal Lecter around in or it'll have their hand off. "This latest one is virtually indestructible. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or...hang on, that's the Terminator, isn't it? Well this one's a bit like that." Over four million PCs have been infected with the virus, essentially making Microsoft the world's seventh largest army with psychotic, ungovernable troops deployed in every street on the planet. Antivirus software engineers have said they're not sure when they will develop an antidote but they are absolutely positive it will cost you more money. Malley warned: "If your computer starts being surly or aggressive do not hesitate to smash it to pieces with the nearest heavy object you can find."

36 email: â˜ťTel: 977 059 364

PC TIPS: what is java?

It is always a good practice to know a little bit of history and background of any technology before starting to actually use it. In fact Java has nothing to do with the 'Island Java' in Indonesia. It all started at Sun Microsystems when they were developing an application for the 'set-top box'. In the 1990's they tried to develop a portable application that can run on any micro chip. Therefore they tried to remove those features that are platform dependent. In doing so, they ended up developing a new programming language. They named this new programming language as OAK.

What is the need for OAK/Java? To understand this let us take an example of a program that runs on a SONY TV remote control. This program can be written using a language (let us assume) called X. The remote control has an in-built chip on which this program will run. If we look at the functionality of a TV remote it is almost the same for any brand of TV. So by right the same program should be used on any brand of TV remote. In reality it is not. Why? Because the in-built chip in different brands of TV Remotes maybe different. Therefore the same program has to run these two different chips, they have to be re-compiled in order to suit different chips in other words platforms.

How does OAK/Java solve this problem? The Java designers came out with a wonderful concept of

a 'Java Virtual Machine'. Now Java differs from rest of the languages in using this unique concept, which means unlike other languages a Java program when compiled produces a ByteCode rather than machine code. This ByteCode is machine independant (platform independant). The Java Virtual Machine resides on the machine and interprets this ByteCode into a form the machine can understand. Now take the same example of a TV remote. If the program was developed using Java rather than X, then the same program can be used in all different brand of TV Remotes. This is a very simple but effective method of making a program portable. This is how Java solves this problem. In 1995, the WWW (World Wide Web) became popular which had similar problems as the 'set-top box'. Around the globe, there were many different platforms, under different operating systems and therefore there was a need for a portable, platform independent programming language which can be used to write programs that can run on all these different platforms without the necessity of recompilation. Sun Microsystems, renamed OAK 'JAVA' with some changes and launched it in the same year. Developers around the globe immediately recognised Java's potential and the WWW got its new look and Java took the world by storm.

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ith his wicked grin and beaky nose Mr. Punch is known round the world, making him the most famous puppet character of all time.

His unique career as a street entertainer is now in its fourth century and still his impish antics are as popular as ever. His comic irreverence gave 'PUNCH' magazine its title. His anarchic vitality has inspired opera, ballet and punk rock and his enduring popularity has seen his likeness on goods ranging from Victorian silverware to computer video games. (Not all of Punch's historians agree about everything particularly on why he turned from being a string puppet to being a hand puppet). Historians generally accept that Mr. Punch is descended from the Italian clown Pulcinella who was a character in the Commedia Dell' Arte tradition of the 15th Century. Puppet plays featuring the character subsequently toured Europe and one troupe - led by a 'Signor Bologna' - was seen in Covent Garden by Samuel Pepys on May 9th 1662 during the festivities surrounding the wedding of Charles II following his Restoration to the throne. This date is today considered 'Punch's Birthday'. London crowds transformed the puppets name to the more pronounceable Punchinello before shortening it to Mr. Punch. This new irreverent wooden star (at this time a marionette, worked by pulling strings) was taken up by

PUNCH British puppeteers and he travelled the country for the next century. By 1800, however, he had (for reasons historians argue about) become a hand puppet in the little street corner stage we still know today. He had acquired a wife called Judy and once again taken to using his clown's slapstick. (Marionettes can't wield slapsticks as their real-life actor counterparts had done - but it's what hand puppets do best.) This colourful knockabout 'Punch and Judy Show' enjoyed a huge following which - as the century wore on - took him to the seaside as crowds flocked there on the newfangled railway excursions. He even spread to Australia and America - where he can still be found. Familiarity gradually saw him transform into a children's entertainer in which role he saw out the end of the 19th Century and the entire 20th Century. He's now still going strong 349 years after Samuel Pepys first saw him. His European odyssey saw him become Polichinelle in France and Petrushka in Russia. Historian's trace his preCommedia roots to the farce players of Ancient Greece and to the archetypal 'Trickster' figure from world folklore. He is an aspect of the Lord of Misrule - which is why he appeals to those for whom there are just too many rules and too many authority figures. Mr. Punch has been around a long time now. He's looked out from his little stage onto all kinds of changes in public attitudes spanning Restoration Bawdiness, Victorian Values, Edwardian Imperialism, the War Years, the Swinging Sixties and the Yuppy Years. To him the Political Correctness Period is just another of those phases, one in which old arguments are clothed in new words. He's always had his detractors among the selfelected guardians of public morality, a minority who just don't approve of him, and the grounds for their disapproval have changed according to the fashions of the time: Puritan blue noses yesterday, PC fundamentalists today. Charles Dickens (a huge fan of Mr. Punch) penned the definitive put-down when approached by a woman enlisting his support in her claim that Punch was an

& JUDY instrument of the Devil. He wrote "In my opinion the Street Punch is one of those extravagant reliefs from the realities of life.....I regard it as quite harmless in its influence and as an outrageous joke which no one in existence would think of regarding as a model for any kind of conduct". What fun Dickens might have had today in creating an embodiment of fanatical political correctness to sit alongside such immortal caricatures as Wackford Squeers or Ebeneezer Scrooge. There is, of course, more to Punch than meets the eye which is a trap that Bodmin Town Council recently fell into when they endorsed a complaint which complained that the show concerned "a man, woman and child whose only interaction with each other is based on violence". (Yes of course - and 'Snow White' is about seven little men living in a strange house in the woods with a young girl. What kind of example is this to set before young minds? Alert Social Services! Boycott Disney!) A closer look at that stick Mr. Punch wields will reveal it to be a slapstick. It's the very theatrical prop that gave us the term 'slapstick comedy' and which in one form or another has been a principal weapon in the clown's armoury for centuries. It is the same approach to physical comedy you find in the madcap cartoon world of 'Tom and Jerry' and 'Bugs Bunny'. You've got to be pretty humourless (a condition, alas, which often goes hand-in-hand with fundamentalism) to hear the accompanying roars of laughter as endorsements of gratuitous violence. And don't let anyone alarm you with tales of "men in make-up routinely humiliating each other within a context of communal violence" that will just be a well meaning Town Council trying to describe a clowns custard-pie fight. And there's more. Historian's trace the comic DNA back from Pulcinella to the farce players of Ancient Greece and down to one of the basic characters of world folklore: the Trickster - a kind of Lord of Misrule created by cultures to put things in a topsy-turvy way so that society can confront its demons and laugh itself back to health. Laughter has long been proverbially known as being the best medicine - and it's the remedy that Mr. Punch purveys. It's a weapon (along with his slapstick) that in the

traditional version of the show he uses on the Devil himself to vanquish Old Nick once and for all. Now that's as powerful a moral as you'll find in any tale and certainly an outcome Faust never managed. As feminist cultural historian Marina Warner puts it in her book 'No Go the Bogeyman' "Punch's sequential victories can be read as affirming the inextinguishable vigour of Everyman against all comers including Death". You can also look at the show (no two are the same) as a centuries old forerunner of The Simpsons offering a bizarre parody of family life, with excursions into the surreal, and using a basic comic format to take a sideways look at the society which gave it birth. Either way it's with laughter that Mr. Punch generally responds to his critics, for it is the humourless fundamentalist who is his most blinkered detractor. He won't change their view any more than they will change his - but he can put them to scorn and diminish their power. So as you go about your Hallow'eening, Mr. Punch's advice is to take no notice of those who tell you that you are promoting Satanism, eat up your wine gums in defiance of any politically correct Alcohol Abuse campaigners claiming you're setting a bad example, and if anyone comes up to you with a scare story about fat old men breaking into children's' bedrooms at night remember it's probably just Bodmin Town Council finally discovering Santa.

How to Solve Sudoku Puzzles

Sudoku doesn't require any special math skills or calculations. It is a simple and fun game of logic -- all that's needed is brains and concentration. 1. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each row. 2. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each column. 3. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each 3x3 box. 4. A complete Sudoku puzzle contains the numbers 1 through 9 in every row, column, and 3x3 box. This month, one with difficult classification as medium.

“Available for live Performances”

spanglish?-answers next month

ACROSS 1. thoughts 7. restregar () 8. rivers 11. cerca (E) 12. dummy (baby) 15. pork belly 16. kiss 20. will be 21. heel 23. alternatives





5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.



13. 14.



17. 18. 21.





ACROSS: ANSWERS TO THE JULY 1. Julio 9. tope 19. mole 23. tonto 12. abrir 3. capar 10. nada 14. cinco 21. door 24. lunar 8. abulia 11. mixto 18. fatuo 22. alivio

ISSUE OF SPANGLISH DOWN: 5. drink 13. refrain 2. usted 6. Junio 15. nadar 4. platoon 7. arena 16. nuevo

40 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

DOWN 1. godfather 2. six 3. pulgar 4. nariz (E) 5. bear 6. three 9. opaque 10. moon 12. hundred 13. allí (E) 14. youngsters 17. art 18. una vez (E) 19. train 20. semi 22. limescale by Sarah (E=translate to english otherwise to spanish) 17. relax 20. oreja

CAR BOOT | last Sunday of every month 10am-1pm. stalls 5€. Refreshments, Camping St Jordi, Platje Ayellanes, L'Ampolla Tel 679 115 247 •CAR BOOT SALE | 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month. Situated Hipaca Escornalbou, Vilanova D'Escornalbou. Arrive 9am starts 10am. Bar & restaurant- no fresh produce allowed! Contacts: Cosme on 620215772 or Silvia 665159781 •CAR BOOT SALE | first and third Sunday every month C/ Garcia Restaurant Braseria Can Palomo MORA LA NOVA. Tel Jackie 679741254 •CAR BOOT SALE | 2nd Sunday of every month, Kestrel Riding Stables, El Perello. Arrive 9am starts 9.30am-1pm, Refreshments, Pony rides. Tel: 638 191 128. •DELTA CLASSICS-CLASSIC CAR MEETING 1st FRIDAY of every month 6PM Bar "Casals" Avda San Jordi, El Perelló. Call for more details and events: 678 718 446. •MASONIC GROUP | Logia de San Jorge A new English speaking lodge of Freemasons approved by GLE, has been established in this area. if you would like more information please telephone Edward Ward on 977416476 (Tarragona area) or Les Beech on 678357713 (Castellon area).

•EL PERELLO FREESIA GROUP (working for cancer charities) The next El Perello Bookstall will be held at the Homogenic bar 10am until 1pm on: Saturday 6th and 20th August. More information by phoning Janet on 977902603 or 608610589. •Cof E CHURCH SERVICES | The services are on the 1st Sunday and 3rd Wednesday of every month in the Parish Church in L'Ampolla at 12;30. All are welcome, followed by Menu del dia lunch (optional) Enquiries: 977 593 219. The Anglican Congregation of St Christopher's, Costa Azahar -5, Plaza Primero De Mayo,Vinaros-Services 10am. every Sunday. Also other activities i.e. Thursdays, a "Drop. In" morning from 11.a.m.- 1.00 p.m. to meet for a coffee & a chat. Paul Needle can be contacted on 964 761 641 or mobile 662 482 944 or e-mail for pastoral needs.


GROUP Meetings are held at 6.30 pm on the second Thursday of each month (except for August) at:- Edificio Bahia Blanca, C/Paisos Catalans, 74, L’Ametlla de Mar. More information? Either tel: 977267418 or e-mail: N.B. Most clubs are broken up for the summer period until September.

CAR BOOT SALES / MERCADILLO Every Sunday EARLY EVENING UNTIL DARK!! 5pm Until Dark. Every Sunday Evening until further notice. Furniture - fridges - cookers - pictures - pots, pans & old tin cans - you name it and we will get it.

Car Park Free, to Look Free and Stalls 3 EUROS! no food or drinks without permission

At Mora Caravans C12, km 61 Mora La Nova to Ginestar road

Call Ken or Bev on 977 400 375 or 659 418 317 or 660 584 222

NOTE to Buyers & Sellers We at Mora Caravans have the right to refuse entry. property for sale or rent by owner


Country Home For Sale in Los Barrios, Cadiz Spain 750,000€+OFFERS. Unbelievable value has good holiday rental business with a separate cottage and apartment as well as an outstanding family home . Reduced by 400,000 euros for quick sale because of family health problems. Country house situated on a private estate in a nature reserve, only 20 minutes from Sotogrande Polo fields and Valderamma and San Roques Golf courses. ENQUIRIES : 956 236 068 or 657 629 118 or email : info@

NEW FIVE STAR RESIDENTIAL PARK. Close to San Jordi and 10 minutes from the coast at Vinaros. Large plots from €170 per month. English, Spanish & German spoken. Full range of amenities. Call 964 412 645

PRIVATE RESIDENCE Best bargain in Pyrenees. 12000 acres of seabed, good watering facilities although a little salty. Viewing only suitable for scuba divers. Bargain at 5.2 million euros. €5 euros off with this ad. MOBILE HOMES FROM 800 EUROS. Mobiles on campsites from 11000€. Want to sell your mobile? Contact Shaun 629 743 327.


personal classifieds

come ist in!


MENS MOUNTAIN BIKE | Good tyres/working order - €35

“The Plan” new Pop-Rock-Funk band!! Keyboards and vocals:

o.n.o. LADIES APOLLO COUNTY BIKE | Ideal for shopping

Julio (Manu Chao), bassguitar and vocals: Nico, drums: Pep

with rear carrier - €30 o.n.o. Tele: 977 416 476


(The 4 Legends). Info and bookings: Please call 977 265 018 or 630 583 102.


“CLOVER” folk, blues, pop and rock n’ roll band | Info and

looking for new home €20. Call Jenny 977 265 066 (Flix area)

bookings: 977 265 018 or 686 066 707

2 BEAUTIFUL KITTENS | looking for loving new homes, ready


now. Call Jenny 977 265 066 (Flix area)

ONLY 50€, costs over 140 new. Tel 977 059 364

GOATS FOR SALE | two nannies and one billy very tame

Anyone interested in Fishing Competitions this Winter,

good milkers 100Euro Call 648 130 123

probably a league fished over eight matches. Please contact Andy on 600890453 or e-mail me on fincajazmin@hotmail. Any likley sponsors please contact. NEW STAINLESS STEEL SPLASH GUARD | to fit range cooker type €30. Call 977 059 364. SWIMMING POOL LIGHTS | new only 60€. call 629 010 529 or 626 876 738 SKY BOX | + 4 way LNB 50 euro :- tel 638 263 011 VARIOUS | Gas fire with bottle 50€. Balay frost free fridge/ freezer 2yrs, exc. cond. 185x60cm


Молодая,стройная,привлекательная и здоровая женщина необходима для исполнения произведения искусства | Вы должны быть открыты и свободны для ревнивого друга-лучше не друга. А так же ценить культуру (балет и музыку к примеру) . Способность поддержать разговор на английском языке будет преимуществом. Никакой оплаты – лишь веселый эксперемент. Воспринимайте это как хоби и возможгость использовать свое воображение. Только серьезные ответы высылайте на почту

can deliver 265€.

WANTED TRAMPOLINE | in good condition. WANTED TV/

Marksman generator ISO900 4kva. standby use only 350€

VIDEO RECORDER | preferably combi type. Cash paid and

ono.Call 977 477 367

can collect, tel 638 845 837

WIND TURBINE | "AirX 24" 400W 24V complete with tower

WANTED DOOR AND 2 WINDOWS | Call 977 059 420 or

new, 600€. Call Monday to Friday 9:00 - 13:00 on 619 500 202

660 823 423

WHITES SURFMASTER PI PRO PLUS | metal detector for

WANTED CONTAINER | call 626 876 738 or 629 010 529

sale with probe for beach & underwater excellent condition

WANTED - OLD COINS & BANKNOTES | - worldwide -

450euros ono phone 666 953 294 for details

collection for my son. Contact - Stevie 639 041 277

CEMENT MIXER | LM130. Used but not abused. Clean Drum. Comes with Barrow. 100euros. Tel. 674 597 107. CABLE | 10mm Twin and Earth cable. New and Unused. Well over 40m on drum. 75euro. Tel. 674 597 107 OLIVE NET |

New and unused. 7 x 14m. 35euro. Tel. 674

597 107. OAK BUREAU | carved scroll front. Lovely condition 90€. Call 617 918 318 SKY 4 WAY LNB | new still in box 15 euro :- 638 263 011 BLACK&DECKER tools | jigsaw x 2, sander, circular saw all for 40€. AUTO POOL CLEANER | €100 ono. BOSTIK | x 8 including gun, €50. CLAMPS | 10 various sizes-offers. IRRIGATION TIMERS | x2 20€ each. TV SATELLITE DISH | + brackets 50€ Call 661 184 536

"WANTED, BOOKS AND SELLABLE ITEMS for carboots to raise money for local dogs´homes. Please call WENDY 637 981 158" I am pleased to say so far 231euros have been raised so thanks to all !!!

WANTED VOLUNTEERS | help needed to look after the abandon dogs at ARCA near Tortosa. Please call Mave 678 975 816 if you can offer any assistance. Plus anyone interested in organising some fund raising for the dogs would be must appreciated. PLEASE HELP


BUTSIR gas fridge | good working order 200€. 656 428 568

1996 Land Rover Discovery For Sale | No major faults.


Maroon colour 2.5 diesel turbo. Tow bar. English reg. No

1,500 rpm 3 phase. 4,500 euros. Phone 645 381 665

mot or Itv but will pass. Running perfectly. 1750€. Call

42 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

669 516 244

subject to space ist

FUN IN THE SUN| BE-UP CONVERTIBLE. Sought after limited edition buggy. Spanish registered. very low mileage REDUCED for quick sale ONLY 2950€. MIGHT CONSIDER PART EXCHANGE WELCOME ALL ITEMS CONSIDERED. For more information telephone 977 059 420 OR 660 823 423

TRANSLATIONS and INTERPRETATION SERVICE | (English/Spanish) FLIX AREA: 676 742 500 FLOOR & WALL TILER | Domestic or commercial. References available. Call Mark 686 069 923 DRIVER WITH LARGE VAN | Making regular trips between Spain & England via France. Willing to transport goods to & from Spain. Tel: 977 477 367 or 655 340 596

TRAILER | Customised with chequer plate. Suitable for Quad

MISS SHOPPING IN UK STORES | Why not buy in English

or Bike. Easy tow, as new little used Size 1.20 x 2.00m. Can

stores. Have your goods delivered to our UK address and

deliver. 300euro. Tel. 674 597 107.

you collect from our local address in Spain. For as little as

BUILDERS TRAILER | Twin axle. Will take a bale of blocks

10€. terms & conditions apply. 0034 977 477 367

or a 1000L Cubo. Size 1.10 x 2.50m Can deliver. 375euro. CARPENTER & JOINER WITH GENERAL BUILDING

Tel. 674 597 107 AUDI 80 SALOON | L.H.D., automatic, ITV 2012, 88,600km,

SKILLS | 30 years experience in UK, based El Perello/

electric sun roof, windows, w/mirrors, A,C., power steering,

L'Ametlla. Call Dave 658 355 929

Spanish reg 2003, good cont. 1,300€. Call 642 243 711

SMART CAR ( PULSE ) | automatic 01/07/1999 Spanish reg. ( G plate ). Imported from Germany very clean with low mileage, very easy to drive/park, fast and economical, just passed itv. and taxed, ready to drive 2200€ contact Mike Allen 627 196 741 or m.allen620@, car is in Miami area







Registered legal builder in Catalunya over 5 years. Bricklaying, plastering, tiling, plumbing, electrics, roofing etc. Tel. Jonathan 699 396 053 ENGLISH MECHANIC - Basic servicing, maintenance and repairs. Tel: 977 407 990. mob. 699 396 053


LINGBEN 125cc SCOOTER | 4 stroke, 2010 only 800km,

WANTED Maintenance Person | 2 days a week at eco

English reg, 499€. Tel: 656 428 568

friendly finca, basic DIY and gardening skills required.

FFB TABBERT MOTORHOME Sleeps 6 separate wc/shower Capacity to carry motorbike/scooter LH Drive taxed/tested ex,condition OFFERS contact Peter 616 526 566

MOBILE HOMES FROM 800 EUROS. Mobiles on campsites from 11000€. Want to sell your mobile? Contact Shaun 629 743 327.

SERVICES GUITAR LESSONS | Only 15€ for 45 minutes. Call Nico on 977 265 018 or 686 066 707

Gandesa area. Contact Charlotte 600 266 820/ 977 055 013 TRANSLATING, INTERPRETING AND EDITING

Into English or Spanish from English, Spanish, Catalan or French. British national raised in Catalan-speaking area of Spain. BA in Translating and Interpreting. Based near Ginestar. Contact: 667 224 766,,

Casa Catalan Services for all your maintenance & management needs Competitive rates, References on request, Reliable & professional service, no job to big or to small Call Chris: 680 306 365.

business card directory Alberg d'Animals de les Terres de l'Ebre

All entries are also listed on our directory online at The Olive Press does not accept responsibility for the contents of the articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisers PLEASE MENTION THE OLIVE PRESS WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS

WANTED VOLUNTEERS | help needed to look after

the abandon dogs and cats at Alberg d'Animals de les

Terres de l'Ebre near Camarles. Please call if you can offer any assistance.

TEL: 977 265 018 - 680 160 051

Volunteers are Age Concern España´s most valuable asset.

All of our Volunteers perform roles which are vital to the organisation. We make every effort to ensure that all our Volunteers have the training and support they need and the appreciation that they deserve. We involve Volunteers fully both in delivering our services and in the development of the organisation as a whole. As we have a duty of care to our clients, Volunteers are selected subject to interview, satisfactory references and Criminal Record checks.

Time to Spare? Skills to Share? GET INVOLVED! Volunteering with Age Concern España

If someone is advertising and you are in the same business can you afford not to advertise... Call The Olive Press Today On 977 059 364

ARCA the dog refuge wish to give sincere thanks to everyone for supporting them. Please keep it up it

For more information or to apply, please contact: Age Concern España, British Consulate Madrid Torre Espacio, Paseo de la Castellana, 259 D, 28046 Madrid

Tel: 0034 636 081 239

Email: Website: or

What will volunteering involve?

We offer many services from helping an older person with their weekly shopping to providing tailored information and advice on welfare entitlements.

What skills and attributes are needed?

•An understanding of older people’s needs •A helpful and friendly manner •Reliability •Willingness to learn •Good communication skills •Ability to travel independently in the community •Respect and confidentiality How much time is needed? Most of our vacancies generally require volunteers to be available during normal working hours on weekdays. However, we ask you to be as flexible as possible with your time commitment.

is truly appreciated. Calenders and t-shirts are also for sale to raise funds for the dogs- www. or email: protectora.arca@





Tel: (+34) 616 135 036 APDO 274, L’Ametlla de Mar

Barton Kuebler

Piano & keyboards

Call (64)86 111 6326

bad attitude always late

hard to find lousy equipment

business card directory

Your Olive Business Directory For English Speakers Plus Available 24/7 On Our Web Site. "Regular advertising is essential to let people know you are still in business and are reliable." Call To Add Your Business Here Today On 977 059 364


you relax...

Sarah has now left the area but would like to thank her customers, both hairdressing and translating for their loyalty. THANKS

All entries are also listed on our directory online at The Olive Press does not accept responsibility for the contents of the articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisers PLEASE MENTION THE OLIVE PRESS WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS

977 059 364 u n

Aptdo. de Correos, 147 • 4389 43895 8 L’Ampolla • Tarragona

BE HERE TO BE KNOWN!I If you are not here how will you get business. To check out if the business you want is still here and operating just look at this space. This directory is vital for newcomers to the area as well as to remind people you are reliable and wanting to succeed in your new life here. Contact 977 059 364

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