The Olive Press Catalunya magazine December 2011/January 2012 issue 44

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Dec 2011 + Jan 2012 issue 44

Wishing you all a wealthy Christmas & New Year

Thanking ir e clients for th m to s valued cu g and wishin y p them a Hap nd a s a Christm r. New Yea David

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editorial MEET BOB THE EDITOR 

welcome to the december issue covering catalunya. 

What is the favourite food of elves? Answer: "Elf"-aghetti! How did elves climbed up to the top of Santa’s Castle? Answer: Using an "Elf"-evator. Elves use what kind of money? Answer: Jingle bills! What’s the first thing learnt by elves in school? Answer: The "elf"-abet! What would you call the twelfth elf that comes to help other 11 elves in the workshop? Answer: The twelf Who makes toys and rides around in a pumpkin and lives at the North Pole? Answer: Cinder-"elf"-a! Santa rides in a sleigh. What do elves ride in? Answer: Mini vans! What do you call an elf that tells silly jokes? Answer: A real Christmas card! Where do you find elves? Answer: Depends where you left them! What would you call an elf who just has won the lottery? Answer: Welfy Where would a reindeer go to find her lost tail? Answer: "Re-tail" store. Which reindeer has the cleanest antlers? Answer: Comet! Who is very rude? Answer: "Rude"-olph How does Rudolph know when Christmas is coming? Answer: He looks at his calen-"deer"! What is the profession of snowmen? Answer: Playing with angels. What did the reindeer say when he saw an elf? Answer: Nothing, reindeer can't talk. Which elf was the best singer? Answer: ELFis Presley. looking for a business then visit our business directory online. see our web site for daily updates of classifieds and extra useful information.

all advertisers will also be placed in the business directory on our web site with links to their own web sites!

Contributors: | Clodagh & Dick Handscombe | Dr. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. | Jeff Greensmith | Jason M. Berry | Mike Stevens | Sarah Good | Taru Burstall | David Piqué | Paul Ebro Valley Computers|Sabrina-A Casa Tua | TRANSLATION BY SUZANNE HELLYER Printing: Indugraf SA Deposito Legal: MA-1565-2008


"Rudolph the Reindeer."

Elves make sandwiches with what type of bread? Answer: shortbread of course! In Texas a wild elf is known as Answer: Gnome on the range! How long should an elf's legs be? Answer: Just long enough to reach the ground! What do elves sing to Santa? Answer: Freeze a Jolly Good Fellow! Why the turkey was asked to join the band by elves? Answer: Because he had the drum sticks!

Please contact us by: E-mail: Web : www. Telephone: 977 059 364 By post: Aptdo de Correos,147 43895 L’Ampolla Tarragona Deadlines: Adverts 15th & Articles 12th of the month.

No adverts or artwork in the Olive Press Catalunya magazine or web site may be reproduced or used for print, media or web in part or in their entirety without the express permission of the Olive Press Catalunya. Adverts and logos remain the property of the magazine . To use any artwork please contact us.

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Visit our web site & view the magazine online

What’s News -In Spain Can it be True?

Your Horoscope News from California Leisure & Entertainment The Lighter Side PC tips Windows 7

6 10,28&30 11 12

Contents Page 12

16+21 31

Nature & Animals News Hounds and more


Home & Garden Challenges of gardening in Spain Catalonia property News Round

26 29

Page 20

Finance & Law 25 What’s On -Car boots etc. 26+32 From previous years 36 Olives & Popcorn 18 Gourmet Treat your taste buds 22 Crossword- Spanglish 32 Health & Well Being Yoga for All 20 Heart protector 24 Property for Sale by Owner 36 Classifieds 34 Business Card Directory 36 Wealth tax

Page 22

Disclaimer: No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without prior permission in writing from the publisher. The Olive Press does not accept responsibility for the contents of the articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisers



news in spain


pain fines makers of Larry Crowne over 'reckless' poster. Authorities in Spain have fined the producers of Hollywood film Larry Crowne for failing to ensure the lead actors Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts were wearing helmets as they rode on a scooter on the film's promotional poster. The poster, which shows Roberts and Hanks riding without protective headgear, was in violation of Spain's strict traffic rules, which ban "any publicity, in print, audio or video that may incite excessive speed, reckless driving, situations of danger or any other circumstance involving conduct contrary to the principles of the law". ThinkSpain said the makers of the film had been fined more than £25,000 for the breach. Tripictures were so surprised by the fine, they initially thought it was a joke, Cinemania reported. They said that

in the film, all actors riding on scooters wore helmets. The move comes after singer Shakira was fined last year for failing to wear a helmet in one of her music videos. panish shepherds lead 5,000 sheep through Madrid. Jesus Garzon, president of a shepherds council established in 1273, said some 5,000 sheep and 60 cattle crossed the city to exercise the right to droving routes that existed before Madrid grew from a rural hamlet to the great capital it is today. Following an age-old tradition, a chief herdsman paid 25 maravedis – coins first minted in the 11th century – to use the crossing, Mr Garzon said. Shepherds have a right to use 78,000 miles of paths for seasonal livestock migrations from cool highland pastures in summer to warmer grazing in winter. The movement is called trans-humance and in Spain it involves around a million animals, mostly sheep and cattle. Some paths have been used annually for more than 800 years and modern-day Madrid is in the way of


Los Duendes Properties We are looking for properties inland and on the coast Vandellos four storey town (Properties needed house approx 200 sq.mtrs, fully renovated to a high standard. in all areas) This large family house must be Many properties are sold so we need more properties for our clients. At the moment, we have several clients who are looking for properties in the coastal area! Don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to sell your property.

viewed to appreciate its lovely, homely feel and no further work is required before moving in. 189.000€ REDUCED TO 165.000€

L'Ampolla with sea/Delta views you will find a finca with a house on it of 130m2 on a 0,5 hect finca. The house has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen/dining area, fireplace and a porch. REDUCED TO 126.000€

+34 628 091 153 Rita or +34 628 091 050 Peter • 6 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364


two north-south routes, one dating back to 1372. The capital is a relatively modern city by European standards, only receiving its status as the administrative centre of Spain's empire when King Philip II moved his court here in 1561. As a result, the Puerta del Sol – a thronging plaza that is Spain's equivalent of New York City's Times Square – now straddles one of the routes. For the past 18 years shepherds have halted traffic in autumn to assert their rights to cross the city. Many Spaniards treasure ancient shepherding customs and feel particularly proud of native strains such as the Merino sheep that has gone on to form the backbone of important wool industries around the world, such as in Australia. The herds that flocked onto the streets of Madrid recently had spent the summer grazing in Brieva de Cameros, 185 miles north of Madrid. yanair announces agreement with the Catalan government for operations at Girona and Reus. Ryanair announced on Wednesday that, ‘after months of difficult negotiations’, it has reached a preagreement with the Generalitat of Cataluña for increased flight operations at Girona and Reus. The airline spoke of ‘new aircraft, traffic and jobs at Girona from April 2012,’ and said it expects to increase traffic there from the current 2 million passengers annually up to 3 million within the space of 12 months. For Reus, routes, traffic and jobs will be reinstated, also from April 2012, with traffic expected to increase up to 500,000 passengers a year. Both agreements are however dependent on confirmation from AENA Spanish Airports of the cost of airport taxes at the two airports for next year. The low cost airline said in a statement that, ‘If AENA increases its already high taxes at Girona and Reus, these pre-agreements will be cancelled and the aircraft and routes will be transferred to other airports with lower operating costs.’ El País indicates that Ryanair is set to receive 5.8 million € in annual public subsidies for the Girona agreement, plus land to build a hotel. The amount agreed for Reus is 3.2 million € a year.



aughter takes legal action after her mother dies after waiting 65 hours to be diagnosed. A 65 year old woman, Mari Carmen Mesa, who has finally died from a stroke in Barcelona has been revealed to have visited four different hospitals in the region before finally being correctly diagnosed and operated on. She waited a total of 65 hours waiting for attention. The case is being highlighted as an example of the effects of the deep cuts in the health service in Cataluña. Her daughter, Natalia Fuentes, has said that she will be taking legal action against the manager and the chief of service in the neurological department at the Vall d’Hebron hospital in Barcelona following the poor attention and treatment received by her mother. Both the hospital and the Generalitat regional government deny that any medical negligence has taken place. Meanwhile more than 1000 health workers in the region have written to the Cardinal Archbishop Lluis Martínez Sistach to make a statement about the policies of the Artur Mas Government. The health workers think that the church should implicate itself against the spending cuts, describing it as their ‘moral obligation’.



news in spain


panish electoral candidate forced to quit over 'bad taste' Photoshop joke- photoshopped image of a socialist rival baring her breast on her Facebook account. Francisca Pol Cabrer, a candidate for the Popular Party (PP) in Majorca posted the digitally altered image of Carme Chacon, the defence minister, at a meeting with defence officials. The picture carried the tongue-incheek comment: "What a Socialist Party minister has to do to win votes." The image spread quickly across social networking sites and was picked up by Spanish media. Miss Pol apologised and removed the posting from her Facebook page on Tuesday. A thousand pardons for the image of the minister that I posted within the colloquial context of this page, which is an absolutely false montage circulating on the internet and which I immediately withdrew when realising it was an inopportune joke in very bad taste," Miss Pol, 55, wrote on Facebook. On Wednesday she resigned as a candidate so as not to harm her party in the election on November 20. "The candidate for the Senate list for Majorca today submitted her resignation from all public posts," said a statement issued by the PP. The PP is expected to win a landslide victory in the forthcoming general election with recent polls indicating that the party, led by Mariano Rajoy, are 17 percentage points ahead of the ruling PSOE, which has held power since March 2004. Elections were brought forward from March by Jose Luis Rodriquez Zapatero, the Spanish prime minister, who announced that he will not be seeking a third term. Instead the leadership of the party will be passed to Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, 60, who held the role of Minister of Interior for five years until July. Mrs Chacon, 40, was appointed Defence Minister in 2008.

Advice from a single Mum returning to Uk On returning to UK with a child, it will take up to 26 weeks to reinstate family allowance. If your child is not a UK national, it will also take about the same time (unless Polish, Arabic etc, then its instant!) Family tax credits and working tax credits.....Supposedly done in 3 weeks.... in my case, am still waiting after 6!! Some council areas offer a deposit guarantee system, whereby you can rent privately and they will guarantee deposit, but you have to find 1st months rent up front still. This is because of a lack of council housing, I would have to wait 3 years to get a house, even though we are over crowded. There are jobs available, I got mine in less than a week. Best option for single parents is to work 16 hours only...the top ups are phenomenal! This is changing next year to 24 hours. Also all 3 year olds are entitled to 15 hours at nursery each week free. Will let you have more info as I get it. Oh basic minimum wage has risen to ÂŁ6.08 per hour.

8 email: â˜ťTel: 977 059 364

LIVE PRESS Pass the Butter...Please And now, for Margarine.. Pass The Butter .... Please.

This is interesting . .. . Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it killed the turkeys, the people who had put all the money into the research wanted a payback so they put their heads together to figure out what to do with this product to get their money back. It was a white substance with no food appeal so they added the yellow colouring and sold it to people to use in place of butter. How do you like it? They have come out with some clever new flavourings.... DO YOU KNOW.. The difference between margarine and butter? Read on to the end...gets very interesting! Both have the same amount of calories. Butter is slightly higher in saturated fats at 8 grams; compared to 5 grams for margarine. Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over eating the same amount of butter, according to a recent Harvard Medical Study. Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in other foods. Butter has many nutritional benefits where margarine has a few and ONLY because they are added! Butter tastes much better than margarine and it can enhance the flavours of other foods. Butter has been around for centuries where margarine has been around for less than 100 years.

Very High in Trans fatty acids. Triples risk of coronary heart disease .... Increases total cholesterol and LDL (this is the bad cholesterol) and lowers HDL cholesterol, (the good cholesterol) Increases the risk of cancers up to five times.. Lowers quality of breast milk. Decreases immune response. Decreases insulin response. And here's the most disturbing fact.... HERE IS THE PART THAT IS VERY INTERESTING! Margarine is but ONE MOLECULE away from being PLASTIC... And shares 27 ingredients with PAINT These facts alone were enough to have me avoiding margarine for life and anything else that is hydrogenated (this means hydrogen is added, changing the molecular structure of the substance). You could try this yourself: Buy a tub of margarine and leave it open in your garage or shaded area, within a couple of days you will notice a couple of things: No flies, not even those persistent fruit flies will go near it (that should tell you something) It does not rot or smell differently because it has no nutritional value ; nothing will grow on it. Even those teeny weeny microorganisms will not a find a home to grow. Why? Because it is nearly plastic . Would you melt your Tupperware and spread that on your toast? Share This With Your Friends.....(If you want to butter them up')!

Pass the BUTTER ... PLEASE


can it be true???

Eurozone crisis: War breaks out! + Mafia To Offer Berlusconi A Bail Out

As a response to the escalating finance crisis in the European Union, Germany and France have declared war on each other. "It's the only thing we can think of," said German Chancellor, and now Fuhrer Angela Merkel. "We've tried everything else, so why not a war? Who knows? Maybe Germany will win this one." French President Sarkozy agreed. "It's true, we are now at war. The EU is no more." Other European countries began to take sides as news of the conflict spread. The Swedish Prime Minister initially declared neutrality, then decided to join the Germans anyway. Outgoing Italy Premier Berlusconi offered to surrender to either side. Meanwhile in Britain, David Cameron refused to be drawn into the conflict. "This is a European problem, let them sort it out," he said. The war is expected to cost an estimated 20 million lives, but is likely to significantly boost the economies of all countries involved. The Greek President declared it a "life-saver", and immediately invaded Turkey. Financial markets rose rapidly on the news, with the NASDAQ rising almost 10%.


La Cosa Nostra, a Sicilian based business organisation have offered to step in to prevent Italy from slumping into financial meltdown. It is widely believed that the Mafia have offered the mother country a bailout package that the troubled nation simply can't afford to refuse. "Berlusconi must go," Consiglieri Roberto Duvalli told reporters at the gates of Godfather Sylvester Del Muerto's Long Island mansion. "La familia have discussed this and we're ready to hit the mattresses in support of our spiritual home. Thing is, we'll insist that in future, we'll do the bunga bunga parties. We're better at that than that Milanese dwarf. Il Cavalieri my ass." The Italian government are said to be 'seriously considering' the proposed mafia bail out, but some politicians appear concerned about extortionate interest rates and potential mob 'whacks.' "I'm not at all sure about all this," Porn star politician Ilona Staller - better known as La Cicciolina (Cuddles) told reporters. "We certainly need a resolution to this problem, but if it involves squalid apartments, hand held video cameras and horny alsatian dogs they can fucking count me out. I'll go back to Hungary."

10 email: â˜ťTel: 977 059 364

A mafia spokesman then interjected that the whole bailout package is just business. Four out of five Italians can't spell 'Colosseum' correctly, and over 90% don't care about stray cats. 0.2% end up dead in car boots wondering what the hell they ever did wrong.



a more detailed horoscopes can be found on our web site CAPRICORN

Dec. 22 - Jan. 20

So that the


Jun. 23 - Jul. 22 -The group's what's

money you do have doesn't disappear, put

important and this will be what zooms you to the

everything in the bank or in an inflammable safe

top of your professional world. Should you cast

and begin to write down each month the amount

the group aside (co-workers, employees, helpers,

and where money is spent and what's brought

service people, etc.) your recognition in the

in. Place 20% in a tithing account for you (and

world will be tinged with questions as to how you

family), and then find an investing group or a

got to the top and what your motives were/are.

broker you trust.

LEO Jul. 23 - Aug. 23 -Oh, my, you're in the best


Jan. 21 - Feb. 19 -So what's

position for a great big position in the corporate

outmoded and truly old here? Is it your hair, your

world. Even if you scoff at such things, you'd best

clothes, your idea of life, your style of walking,

be prepared for recognition from lots of authority

your shoes, your attractions in relationship, your

figures attempting to find and talk with you, and

artistic endeavours, or your idea of how money

a temptation for growth that even you, king

is made? Perhaps all of these. This Month you

and queen of the zodiac (in your last life) aren't

should hear something concerning a new home

prepared for. Just wear gold and be nonchalant.


-You're beginning

VIRGO Aug. 24 - Sep. 23 -Personal self-identity

to define yourself in terms of what your gifts

is the focus through which your leadership

truly are. This is an important new phase in your

abilities will emerge. Therefore take a deep look

life making you strong & decisive. Don't be too

at yourself, beginning with your appearance.

task oriented this Month. Take time for writing,

What do you look like these days? Next, look at

communicating, counting money & reordering

your emotional life. Are life's vicissitudes tiring

life. What's coming is relentlessly promising.

you? If so, the "Soul Invocation" should help.


For this to occur, you need a spiritual basis.

Feb. 20 - Mar. 20

Mar. 21 - Apr. 20

-Well, you seem

to be the main actor in our zodiacal play this


month with Venus and Mars entering your sign

to be pursued. Today is what makes tomorrow so

and with Jupiter making a link to Mars. But, really,

whatever group you're fostering, either expand

what does all this mean? Well, you may seek a

it, work with it, or eliminate it and start anew.

titillating new relationship. You may aggressively

This is a tricky time for though you're completely

and boldly go where no one else wants to. And

independent, group process is more important.

you may make a lot of money. Life sounds good.

All of these lead to Right Human Relations.

Sept. 24 - Oct. 23 -Future goals need

TAURUS Apr. 21 - May 21 -Almost everything

SCORPIO Oct. 24 - Nov. 22 -Don't waste your

I said to Aries is hidden to you (except the money

energies on long-range desires. They make you

thing). So what's the purpose of life without all

look unattractive with longing looks on your face

those scintillating items to pursue? Well, let's see

while your eyes yearn off into some possible

if I can find anything of importance. Due to the

future. Go home and clean your house. Become a

fact that money's pretty much your purpose in

minimalist in all areas of your life, especially what

life. The rewards come later, don't you worry.

you think are your foundations.


-Your self-

SAGITTARIUS Nov. 23-Dec. 21 - Communications

expression is the focus in all matters of both mind

can fall down and subtly disappear. This may lead

and heart. What you think and what you say are

you to feel unempowered and then crazy. Don't

attempting integration and synthesis. It is vitally

pull at your hair or apologize. You need a really

important that you think clearly before speaking

good vehicle to carry you out of the valley and

because your knowledge base can be a model for

over the plains to a mountain. You need a fencing

others. It will not bode well if you are careless

class and to shine some armour. You need real

with your speech.

communication about wounds.

May 22 - Jun. 22


news from our california correspondent (norfolk) Jingle bells, and all that stuff By your celebrity DJ, you can listen to him live on Thursday mornings 10am-12pm When the editor reminded me that this article was to be destined for the Christmas edition it came as a surprise. After all we’ve had Christmas displays in the shops here since late August. Anyone who bought mince pies for the great day at that time will find they are already well past their ‘sell by’ date. Anyway to give my effort a festive spin I have festooned my computer with bunting and lights and Simon Cowell is on top of my Christmas tree this year. There are few enterprises in the UK at the moment that can be described as booming. The exception to the rule has to be the prison ‘industry’. I won’t bore you with statistics, but suffice to say Her Maj is looking after record numbers of adults and children in our various prisons, detention centres and sundry lock-ups. The recent spell of rioting produced even more customers for this expensive service. However, things are not always as what one would expect when making the punishment fit the crime. A gentleman by the name of Mohammed Rafiq was making a considerable sum of money, estimated at £1million a year, with his various cannabis farming projects. He was brought to justice last year and banged locally up for 6 years after being caught for one of his gardening enterprises after police came upon 3000 cannabis plants at various addresses around the city. Recently he was scheduled to appear back in court to enable the seizure of his ill-gotten gains to be paid back into the public purse. When he failed to appear a letter was received by the Judge stating that Mr Rafiq had “other commitments’’. Further investigation revealed that the prison authorities had no idea he was due back in court and, barely 13 months into his sentence Mr Rafiq had been sent on ‘home leave’, presumably to do some work on his allotment. Understandably Judge Jacobs, who is a fair man, blew his judicial top. Cost cutting is top of the agenda in many parts of Europe. Our local council, after much deliberation and consultation have come up with the following proposals. Topically, number one on the list is reducing Christmas lighting. This year we are having just Father Christmas and not the reindeer as well. This is followed by increasing the cost of a burial plot from £715 to £860. Given the size of some people these days this seems fair given the extra

acreage involved in parking more lardy individuals. Something in the region of £40,000 can be gained by charging for replacement wheelie bins. One wonders what people are doing with them. I could go on, but this is probably sufficient to give the Greeks a head start on how to sort out their Euro crisis. Christmas is the time for family games. Some newcomers into this market, which you may have some difficulty finding, are: Berlusconi A hilarious new card game with a twist. Players are allowed to cheat at every opportunity. The aim is to obtain maximum Bunga-Bunga points. This game is for adults only. Warning: players are requested to remove various items of clothing throughout the game. Dress the Chav A new computer game (X-Box 360, PS3 and Amstrad CPC -128k version) Players assume the identity of Essex Chavs. The objective of the game is to kit them out with all the latest fashion accessories, Nike, Reebok and Kappa sports gear and assorted bling. Get the lady players drunk, vajezzled and pregnant (but not necessarily in that order). Get the guys stoned, court orders and nights out with Jordan. This new 2012 edition includes options for players to batter their way into JD Sports and get stuff for free! Dale Farm Challenge The latest family board game. The objective is to move the Pikeys off the board and at the same time recover lead from Church roofs, copper cable from railway signalling systems, telephone wiring and the metal bits from War Memorials. Extra points can be gained by stopping flytipping and dodgy tarmac drives. The winner is the one who can achieve all this for less than £18million. 2012 Lego Olympics Build a replica of the 2012 London Olympic site and then dismantle it because it is of no further practical use to anyone. Well another year older, but probably not much wiser. May I wish you all a Merry Christmas and may Satander always be with you. Mike Stevens 2011. If you need to contact Mike you can now do so at his blog,

CHARITY SALE FOR ARCA DOGS HOME- Sunday December 18th TABLE TOP SALE AT BAR ESTACION L'AMPOLLA. Sellers 9.30am buyers 10.00. 5€ a stall, this is to raise much needed money for the dogs. PLEASE COME AND SUPPORT US. Many thanks. Call Maeve 678 975 816

12 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

news hounds & more..." No More Quarantine" BY Dr. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M.

No More Quarantine

From EU* (plus a few other countries**) to UK The first of January 2012 signals the beginning of a new era in the area of free travel for pets (dogs, cats, and ferrets) across international borders and into the U.K. This is primarily for transit into and out of E.U. countries, although there are some other countries included, according to the new D.E.F.R.A. (Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs) guidelines, the complete information may be found at: , with more details at : official-vets/guidance/q&a-pet-travel-scheme.htm For your pet to enter the UK from these countries* **, you must answer ‘yes’ to the following questions: • Is it microchipped? • Is your pet currently vaccinated against rabies? • Was it vaccinated after it was microchipped? • Have you got an EU Pet Passport or Official Veterinary Health Certificate from your vet certifying the microchip and vaccination? • Have 21 days passed since it was vaccinated? • Are you travelling into the UK with your pet on an approved route? At the present time only certain transport companies and routes can be used to bring dogs, cats and ferrets into the UK, this may also become more flexible as the first of January approaches. YOU HAVE TO WAIT 21 DAYS SINCE THE LAST (MOST CURRENT) VACCINATION. + the vaccine used must be on the approved list from DEFRA Tick and Tapeworm (Echinococcus ) treatment Requirements for tapeworm treatment are to be confirmed, so you are advised to check with the Defra website prior to travel. Tick and tapeworm treatment is still advised. It is best practice, and best for the health of you and your pet, to treat your pet for ticks and tapeworms before returning to the UK. Consult your veterinarian for further advice. Only the treatment against worms is to continue to be required. Arrange for your animal to travel with an approved transport company on an authorised route – Your pet must enter the UK from a listed country or territory travelling with an approved transport company on an authorised route. Barcelona to London Gatwick Monarch Airlines Barcelona to London Heathrow British Airways World Cargo, KLM Cargo (via Amsterdam) Barcelona to Manchester Monarch

THINGS TO REMEMBER - AGAIN - THIS TIME OF YEAR- Holiday Feasts and Pets Treats like candies, cookies, or leftovers should never exceed 10% of their regular diet, these may lead to weight gain, even diabetes (from giving chocolate - which also could be poisonous), as well as unwanted begging behaviour. Meat, poultry, and fish bones are definite items to avoid. A carnivore is a meat eater not a bone eater; sooner or later their consumption will cause problems that could be fatal. Bones are definitely a bad idea and now there are substitutes, commercially available which will do no harm. Eating grass or other plant material may make them sick or could even be poisonous. Be careful with overdoing the table scraps, the holiday season is approaching and there is a tendency to be generous with turkey skins, crackling or other fatty cast off bits, they may lead to serious pancreatic problems. Watching what our animals eat is good common sense on our part, besides its' being good for them. You will be rewarded with the very least, by a wag of the tail or a purr, as well as saving otherwise avoidable and unnecessary trips to the Veterinarian. Dr Ronald Rosenfeld. D.V.M.

A. M. P. A. R. E. The society for the protection of animals Ebro region. Based in Mora La Nova. We desperately need to re-home dogs to make room for more! We have over 200 dogs for adoption. Susan 689 468752 English Isabel 977 404720 Spanish/ Catalan Donations always appreciated.

14 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364


THINK TWICE ABOUT THE GIFTS YOU GIVEIf for some reason this holiday season you are thinking of giving some one a new pet make sure before hand that it will be appreciated. This is a life and in the case of a kitten or a puppy could keep on giving for 15-20 years, which carries with it an responsibility that lasts a lifetime! An alternative could be adopting an adult from one of the many over supplied shelters. Alberg d'Animals de les Terres de l'Ebre

Dog of the month - Benny from last

month has just been adopted by some nice people. Hello, I’m Manu

I live in the animal shelter Alberg d’Animals in Camarles. I’m about 2 years old and have already been a year in the animal shelter. I’m a young and playful dog. When my big friend Buddy left with his new family, I was sad at first. But then I found that the other dogs in the same kennel love to play with me as well. I love to run after them, play with them and have fun. But I do not only love dogs, being around people is my thing as well. My fur is soft, I’m mainly white with some brown/ginger parts around my ears. They say I’m medium sized as I come to just below your knee. Will you be my new family? Do you want to come and have a look at me, walk with me?


Call for more information or a visit: Encarna (Spanish) 657 181 437 or Anna (English, German, Dutch) 977 265 018 or 680 160 051 col.laboració amb Pinsos Folch, Mora d’Ebre CRY FOR AID The animal shelter Alberg d’Animals in Camarles takes care of about 400 dogs and 40 cats. In order to prevent a breakout of ‘Tos de la Perrera’, the so called kennel cough, we need to vaccinate the dogs as quick as possible. We need extra money to buy all the vaccinations. Can you please help us and donate money to: CATALUNYACAIXA ES59 2013 3072 7002 1016 4055 BIC CESCESBBXXX Thank you for helping our dogs. For more information: Anna 977 265 018

"Moral and cultural progress of a country is measured from its treatment of animals" (Mahatma Gandhi) URGENT ADOPTION REQUIRED CALL ARCA TODAY. A.R.C.A. (Association for Refuge and Taking care of the Animals) it is a non-profit association operating since the summer of year 2001. At this moment they have 300 abandoned dogs. They are in Tortosa in the province of Tarragona (Spain). All the material aid comes from the much appreciated donations but with each new arrival more donations are needed. If you want to donate to Arca if only by 5€ each month, minimum, please send an e-mail with your personal data and account number or call or write. Or just become a volunteer to help with the dogs. email: ARCA mail: Post office 496, Tortosa, (Tarragona) or contact: Mave (English) 678 975 816, Cinta 625 915 605 Carmen 655 040 359

URGENT ADOPTIONS - Last month update. Many thanks to The

Olive Press, we had a good response FOR THE URGENT ADOPTION of Alex and his partners dogs, there were 5 dogs in total, we could not have hoped for better homes, they really are very loving dogs, and the new owners are so pleased with them. Jemma is being fostered until her new owners drive over from England, they looked on the Olive Press web site & fell in love with her right away,they own a property near Camarles & plan to get her a passport, Thank you so much to the new owners, you made it possible for me to keep my promise to Alex and his partner. I would like to thank Gabriella of Residencia Canina Filato in Camarles for boarding, caring & spoiling them with no charge to A.R.C.A. & also Sant Salvador Kennels in Gandesa for placing it on their web site & helping to find new homes. WHAT A LOVELY ENDING TO SUCH A SAD STORY. Mave & All at A.R.C.A. thank you for responding to this appeal.

This month we need a lovely family for Elsa.

This is Elsa, she was found at the rubbish bins in L'Ampolla & only 7 months old, lonely, afraid & very hungry, being so young she was very vulnerable, it took just over an hour to catch her. Elsa is now about 10months, as you can see she is a beautiful dog & has come on

leaps & bounds since being at A.R.C.A. Can you give Elsa a second chance of a life she deserves, if so please contact or visit A.R.C.A.. Many Thanks once again

Mave. 678 975 816



Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

16 email: â˜ťTel: 977 059 364


This is something we can all relate to.

In the line at the store, the cashier told an older woman that she should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags weren't good for the environment. The woman apologized to him and explained, "We didn't have the green thing back in my day." The checker responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment." He was right -- our generation didn't have the green thing in its day. Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled. But we didn't have the green thing back in our day. We walked up stairs, because we didn't have a lift in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn't climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks. But she was right. We didn't have the green thing in our day. Back then, we washed the baby's nappy's because we didn't have the throw-away kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine burning up 220 volts -- wind and solar power really did dry the clothes. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. But the young checker is right; we didn't have the green thing back in our day. Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house - not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen the size of the state of Montana. In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn't have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used a wadded up old newspaper to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. Back then, we didn't fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn't need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity. But he's right; we didn't have the green thing back then. We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull. But we didn't have the green thing back then. Back then, people took the streetcar or a bus and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning their mums into a 24-hour taxi service. We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn't need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 2,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest pizza joint. But isn't it sad the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn't have the green thing back then? PLEASE FORWARD THIS ON TO ANOTHER SELFISH OLD PERSON WHO NEEDS A LESSON IN CONSERVATION FROM A SMART MOUTH YOUNG PERSON !!!!!!!!!The Green Thing


THE Olives & popcorn Welcome to Olives & Popcorn, your monthly guide to great Spanish based films that in my opinion should not be ignored. Any comments are welcome. Also if you want to know more about a particular film and how to get a copy again get in touch via my email below. This month I present a seasonal tale that was originally a Spanish TV series, but I should warn you that this is one Christmas tale you won’t be able to watch on a full belly of turkey and mince pies!…… Películas para no dormir: Cuento de navidad (2005) -(English title: Films to Keep You Awake: The Christmas Tale)

Originally aired on TV this strange little tale featuring Ivana Baquero from Pan’s Labyrinth which can still be viewed mostly on Youtube as well as being released as a DVD set. Plot: In 1985, in a coastal town, the friends Koldo, Peti, Tito, Eugenio and Moni stumble across a woman dressed like Santa Claus trapped in what appears to be a large bear trap in the woods. While two of the boys go to the nearby police station to ask for help, the others find a rope to pull the woman out of the hole. However, the first two boys are informed by the police that the woman is the dangerous thief Rebeca Expósito, who has just stolen two million pesetas from a bank and is a most wanted criminal. The group decides to leave the woman in the hole without any food to force her to give the stolen money to them. Meanwhile, in a strange subplot Peti and Eugenio who are fans of a horror movie "Zombie Invasion", decide to perform a voodoo ceremony using Rebecca transforming her into a zombie. When Rebecca escapes from her imprisonment, she uses an axe to chase the misguided boys.The trailer can be checked out here Jason.M.Berry 7/11/11 Contact

MySpanishome We are looking for properties in any AREA. So if you have a property to sell please contact: 977 446 655 +34 639 041 277 mobile Stephanie +34 679 499 316 mobile Steve Av. Generalitat 70, 43500, Tortosa, Tarragona, email:

18 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364



YOGA FOR ALLEasing Stiff Joints

As the weather cools in Autumn we can really start to feel our age! But with just a few stretches each day we can relieve pain and chronic stiffness through a series of exercises designed to literally lube up your joints and loosen your whole body. Yoga is a form of mind/body exercise that incorporates the holding of a position (pose) for a given amount of time. This is a good way to stretch the nearby muscles and connective tissue that surround the stiff joints. It can improve flexibility, posture and it can also aid in stress relief. What your Stiff Joints are Telling You Chronic stiffness and pain are natural mechanisms to alert you that something in your body is out of balance. If left unattended, they can lower the quality of your life, and ultimately become debilitating. The problem is that many of us tend to work our muscles and do some stretches, but ignore our joints completely. Yoga offers simple and effective exercises to restore and maintain joint health and balance. And the best thing is that no special gear or athletic skills are required. Here's what you'll be able to do when you learn to improve joint mobility: Decompress and nourish your joints Release your muscle tension and tightness Reawaken your joints and feel enlivened Improve your posture without trying too hard Prevent stiffness after getting out of bed or sitting for a long time Improve your balance and prepare your body for unexpected challenges Reduce overall stress, compression and wear and tear on your joints

• • • • • • •

Extended Triangle Pose A great yoga pose to ease stiffness in shoulders and hips at the same time is Extended Triangle. To do this, stand with your feet about three to four feet apart. Turn your right foot in slightly and turn your left foot out 90 degrees. Extend your arms out to your sides so they are parallel with the floor. Shift your hips laterally to your left and lean over to your right. Slide your right hand down your right thigh and lift your left arm straight up in the air. Look up at this hand while making sure not to strain your neck. Go as far over as you can and hold your leg. Both legs should be straight. Hold for 30 to 45 seconds, come up slowly, then change sides.

Sarah Good is a Sivananda trained yoga teacher offering local weekly classes and home tuition. Contact Sarah for more details on 663 140 297

Dogs Go To Yoga

Taking your pet to take relaxation classes and incorporate them into the exercises The days in which humans and their dogs were limited to a walk in the park are over. Now you may swim with them, they race down a field and may even practice meditation with you. The latest craze in Spain is to go to yoga with your pet. The technique called Doga, which is a new hybridized term combining Dog and Yoga and is an adaptation of Eastern art where the owner and the pet participate in it. "Start by sitting down and start breathing. Let your dog find a place beside you, on whichever side is most comfortable to you both. Concentrate, caresses, relax. "This is how to begin the ritual, according to actress and dogi master, Suzy Tietelman ( aboutus.html), who started this craze in America when she decided to add her Cocker Spaniel Coali in the yoga routines adapted to relax not only her but her little dog. She began practicing yoga at her academy in New York back in 2002 and developed the technique around 2006. Today, thousands of people around the world practice the technique (in Spain, some centers may be found @ and follow their steps through the Internet. The routines are modified to be in contact with the animal. They are placed on your lap, lying on your body, held in your arms ... The person caresses the dog and transmits its energy to create a unity between the two. Any contact such as touch, movement, stretching, breathing is acceptable ... They say that for those who practice Doga it helps to relax, exercise and create a common space with the person and the dog and serves to improve communication, mobility, reduce stress and even cure digestive problems. Not everyone agrees. The proponents of traditional yoga – purists - are against these practices, as they say this distorts one of the oldest arts.

Christmas tickles SANTA'S PICK UP LINES

I know when you`ve been bad or good -- so let's skip the small talk, sister! Hey Babe, when was the last time you did it in a sleigh? Ever make it with a fat guy with a whip? Some of my best toys run on batteries... <wink wink> I see you when you're sleeping - and you don't wear any underwear, do you? Screw the "nice" list -- I've got you on my "nice AND naughty" list! Wanna join the "Mile High" club? That's not a candy cane in my pocket, honey. I'm just glad to see you! Silly Christmas Warnings A Government website has warned parents that a visit to see Father Christmas could be 'terrifying' for small children. Pantomimes may also be too scary and traditional party games could have youngsters in tears. The advice for teachers detailed on the website said, 'Younger children in particular have a wide range of fears. For very young children, Father Christmas can be terrifying. Make sure that fearful children are near an exit. Trips to the pantomime can cause alarm, so the same planning applies.' Margaret Morrisey, from the National Conference of PTAs, is reported to have said, 'It is so sad that we have become so politically correct that we are trying to remove the magic of Christmas.' The advice has been taken off the website and the Department for Education said, 'This is not Government policy. It does not reflect our views.'Footnote: I could not find the above reference on the website. Could it be that common sense has forced them to remove the article? Another Silly Christmas Warning We have just purchased a sherry trifle from a supermarket which is described on the packaging as being "Simply Exquisite for Christmas". Imagine our disappointment when, having paid for it, we read further and found the instruction: "Use by 24 Dec". Ten Signs of a Hangover 1. You get it into your head that chirping birds are the Devil's pets. 2. Trying to gain control of the situation, you continue to tell your room to "Stay still." 3. Looking at yourself in the mirror induces the same reaction as drinking a glass of fresh paint. 4. The bathroom reminds you of the fairground cry, "Step right up and give it whirl!" 5. You'd rather chew tacks than be exposed to sunlight. 6. You set aside an entire afternoon to spend some quality time with your toilet. 7. You replace the traditional praying on your knees with the more feasible praying in a fetal position. 8. Your catch phrase is, "Never again." 9. You could purchase a new fridge on the proceeds from recycling the bottles around your bed. 10. Your new response to "Good morning," is "Be quiet!"

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treat your taste buds.

Homemade mincemeat is the perfect ingredient for all your Christmas baking and makes a lovely Christmas gift all by itself. Mincemeat, the traditional filling for mince pies, is a spicy preserve comprising a mixture of dried fruit, apple, suet and candied fruit and spices steeped in rum or brandy. It has been part of British cookery for centuries and did originally contain meat, though now the only meat present is in the suet. This traditional mincemeat recipe is simple, straight-forward and only takes minutes to make. Ingredients 225g/8oz beef/vegetarian suet 225g/8oz Bramley apples, peeled, cored and chopped 125g/4oz candied peel, chopped 225g/8oz sultanas 225g/8oz raisins 225g/8oz currants 175g/6oz demerara sugar 1 tsp mixed spice 1 orange, zest and juice 60ml/2fl oz brandy Preparation method Mix all the ingredients together. Pack into sterilised jars and seal. Store in a cool dark place until you want to use it.

Mincemeat flan with orange Chantilly If you’re looking for a way to use up mincemeat this Christmas, give this frosted flan a go slathered in citrus cream. Ingredients For the flan 250g/8oz plain flour pinch salt 1 tbsp caster or icing sugar, plus extra or sprinkling 125g/4oz butter, in cubes 55g/2oz lard, in cubes 1 free-range egg, separated 2-3 tbsp water

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ysgdMINCEMEAThtukc 1 x 400g/14oz jar luxury mincemeat For the orange liqueur and orange Chantilly 150ml/¼ pint double cream 2 tbsp orange liqueur, such as Cointreau or Grand Marnier 2 tsp caster sugar 1 small orange, finely grated zest only Preparation method Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5. Make the pastry in a food processor: blend the flour with a pinch of salt and the sugar. Add the butter and lard to the processor and pulse briefly. Add the egg yolk and enough cold water to make a stiff dough (set aside the egg white). Use the pulse button on the processor to bring the mixture together. Roll out three-quarters of the pastry and line a 23cm/9in flan tin or pie plate with it. Fill the tin or pie plate with the mincemeat. Roll out the remaining portion of pastry to cover the top, cutting out a 7½/3in hole in the middle with a plain cutter. Place the pastry ring on top of the flan, crimp round the edge to decorate and seal. Cover the hole with a piece of foil cut to the same size as the hole and bake the flan in the oven for 35-40 minutes. About five minutes before the flan is cooked, lightly beat the egg white and brush the top of the flan with it. Sprinkle with caster sugar (or icing sugar) and return to the oven. To serve, whip the cream with the liqueur, caster sugar and orange zest in a bowl. Pile the cream into the middle of the warm flan and serve hot.

This last-minute Christmas pudding recipe comes together in less than 30 minutes. Serve with lashings of brandy butter. Ingredients butter, for greasing handful fresh breadcumbs 1 free-range egg 4 tsp mincemeat 2 tsp soft brown sugar ¼ nutmeg, grated ¼ tsp cinnamon ½ tsp ground mixed spice 1 orange, zest only 1 tsp stout ale small knob of butter 30g/1oz mixed dried fruit 4 tsp brandy Preparation method

22 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

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Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7. Grease a small pudding bowl with butter. Mix all the ingredients, except the brandy, in a bowl until well combined. Spoon the mixture into the pudding bowl, cover with greaseproof paper and cook in the microwave on full power for one minute. Transfer the pudding to the oven and bake for a further 8-10 minutes. Prepare a steamer, then steam the puddings for 8-10 minutes, or until cooked through. To serve, turn the pudding out onto a serving plate and pour over the brandy. Mincemeat streusel Ingredients For the pastry 175g/6oz plain white flour 1½ tbsp icing sugar, sifted 100g/4oz butter a little cold water For the filling approx 450g/1lb mincemeat For the topping 75g/3oz butter 75g/3oz self-raising white flour 40g/1½oz semolina 40g/1½oz caster sugar To serve fresh cream or brandy butter Preparation method Pre-heat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6. Measure the flour and icing sugar into a mixing bowl and rub in the butter until the mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs. Add just sufficient water to mix to a firm dough - if you prefer this can be made in a processor. If time allows wrap the dough in cling film and

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chill for about 30 minutes. Roll out the pastry to a rectangle slightly larger than the tin, then line the base and sides of the tin with pastry. Trim the pastry level with the top edges of the tin and patch any gaps if necessary. Spread the mincemeat evenly over the pastry base. To make the topping - melt the butter and allow this to cool slightly. Pour into a bowl, onto the remaining topping ingredients, and mix together until the ingredients combines to form a dough. If time chill this mixture - this makes grating easier. Using a coarse grater grate the topping over the mincemeat and spread evenly. Bake in pre-heated oven for about 20-25 minutes until golden brown. Divide into slices (makes about 16 slices) dust with icing sugar and serve warm with cream or brandy butter. To freeze: Store the cooked slices in a plastic container - seal, label and freeze for up to three months. To thaw: Thaw in the freezer box for four hours at room temperature or overnight. To reheat: Warm in pre-heated oven 150C/300F/ Gas 2 for about 20 mins - dust with icing sugar before serving.

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Religious symbolism of The Twelve Days of Christmas

1 True Love refers to God 2 Turtle Doves refers to the Old and NewTestaments 3 French Hens refers to Faith, Hope and Charity, the Theological Virtues 4 Calling Birds refers to the Four Gospels and/or the Four Evangelists 5 Golden Rings refers to the first Five Books of the Old Testament, the "Pentateuch", which gives the history of man's fall from grace. 6 Geese A-laying refers to the six days of creation 7 Swans A-swimming refers to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments 8 Maids A-milking refers to the eight beatitudes 9 Ladies Dancing refers to the nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit 10 Lords A-leaping refers to the ten commandments 11 Pipers Piping refers to the eleven faithful apostles 12 Drummers Drumming refers to the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostle's Creed

Health self-help toolkit: Heart Protector (Pericardium) energy This important energy any residues of revenge and channel of the body runs from mistrust. In this way we can the breast down the centre of again choose to shield or the inside of the arm ending radiate as appropriate. via the wrist & palm at the tip of the middle finger. It is To help balance the heart particularly connected with protector energy some of the the quality of intimacy in our most useful points to hold lives & used to soothe the gently and stimulate with spirit and reduce anxiety & steady finger pressure for a fear. Nourishing this channel few minutes a day, or simply via key energy points on its be aware of, are listed below. pathway helps strengthen the They are found between the core sense of safety necessary in order to 2 tendons you can feel running through have the fluidity to manage the inevitable the centre of the inner forearm when you ebbs and flows, slights and challenges, make a fist; relax the arm and press. inherent in relationships. This allows P7: quiets the spirit, eases stress us the nourishment which comes from connected with a relationship breakup, sustaining relationships and friendships. calms fright palpitations & restlessness, & helps carpal tunnel syndrome (on the It is known as the heart protector since wrist crease) it functions as the gateway protecting P6: reduces anxiety, balances the heart the heart. Being open & alive, inevitably and mind, releases chest tension, calms our hearts get bruised many times as we the stomach, & helps clear gall stones (3 are willing to be open. If the protector finger widths above P7) energy is not well balanced sometimes P5: good for insomnia, manic depression, along the way this can lead us to feel for epilepsy, & strengthens the mind to too vulnerable and over-exposed, as if lessen fear (4 finger widths above P7) our inner processes were on show to P4: reduces fear, particularly fear of the world and we lack the necessary surroundings and people, calms the mind, boundaries, or conversely we may create & helps palpitations (7 finger widths rigid walls which shield us from others but above P7) also lock ourselves in, ending up devoid These points can powerfully help reduce of the fresh air, difference of perspective energies of fear and anxiety in our & humour so essential for lightening our life, steadying our hearts and minds. worlds. Balanced Pericardium energy Established with our sense of worth and helps generate the compassion to soften safety we can once again, as Chinese the brittle judgemental-ness we can medicine says, ''bless the world with our feel after being hurt, helping release gaze''. Taru Burstall, Massage, Licensed Acupuncturist and Psychotherapist, Raco de Salut Natural Therapies Centre, 8, Main Pla莽a, El Perell贸. 977 490 333, 629 301 509


The Reintroduction of Spanish Wealth Tax - reintroduccion impuesto de patrimonio by Carlos Prieto Cid A few weeks ago, US President Barack Obama announced to Congress, ”This is not class warfare, it’s math.” If the crisis leads to a fall in revenue for public authorities, spending must either be cut or taxes increased. If we assume that governments cannot cut back on social services because the social rights they have achieved should not be touched due to the crisis, then new tax increases become necessary. Instead of raising existing taxes, the Spanish government has decided to try to maintain the level of revenue it needs by reintroducing a recentlyabolished tax: the IMPUESTO DE PATRIMONIO, or Wealth Tax. This tax was never actually abolished, although the full rate was indeed scrapped in 2009 with a 100% rebate. The government has therefore simply done away with this rebate in order to reintroduce Wealth Tax. The tax will apply from 18 September 2011, although the concession is scheduled to increase once more in 2013. This means that Wealth Tax declarations need only be submitted for the years 2011 and 2012 (due on 31 December each year). It is important to remember that non-residents are also obliged to pay this tax. Declarations must be submitted to the tax office each year together

with the income tax declaration for non-residents, subject to the legislative powers of the autonomous communities (Comunidades Autónomas). The most important changes to the rules on Wealth Tax introduced in the Real Decreto-ley 13/2011 are as follows: 1. Tax allowance on residences: the maximum rate for tax exemptions on residences (for residents) has been raised to €300,000 (previously €150,253.03). 2. Tax allowance for nonresidents: unless the autonomous communities rule otherwise, the tax threshold is generally €700,000 (previously €108,182.18). This minimum exemption applies to non-residents (non-resident taxpayers). Whether these new rules and the reintroduction of the tax will have any real impact or affect public authorities’ revenues is debatable. It appears that the Socialist Party intends to make political capital through the reintroduction of a ‘tax on the rich’ (elections will be taking place shortly), but the real impact of the tax’s reintroduction will not be able to solve the difficult situation surrounding the public finances. CARLOS PRIETO CID – LAWYER


GOOD PLANTING WEATHER AND PRACTICES A good time to plant After recent rains most readers can easily dig their soil so making tree and shrub planting holes, digging over new flower beds and rotovating vegetable plots is a practical proposition without breaking ones back or even tools. If you are in truly frost free coastal situations most things can be planted with the benefit that roots will have grown by the Spring. However if you do get frosts only plant up genuinely frost resistant things. If in doubt check the frost resistant columns in the descriptions of practical plants in ‘Your Garden in Spain’. Good planting practices 1. Size of plants In general smaller plants and trees establish good root systems faster than larger ones sold root bound in small pots in relation to the size of the plant. So if two sizes of a plant are available we would purchase the smaller one for our garden. 2. Size of planting holes In the UK we normally got away with making a planting hole the same size as the compost around a purchased plant. But there the surrounding soil was not metres of clay that can dry out to create the equivalent of a thick walled terracotta pot that soaks away moisture from the soil around the recently planted and watered new plant like a dry sponge. So make planting holes twice as large and infill with a good soil/compost mix with a little added sand and TerraCottem soil improver – search TerraVida on the internet for information about this useful product. 3. Improving the soil If possible improve the soil of an entire new perennial plant or shrub bed before planting. 4. Spreading the roots Entwined roots in a pot bound pot , or plastic tube in the case of trees, are likely to continue to be entwined as they grow

and often start to strangle each other in a growing corkscrew shape. Eventually plants and trees stunt and even die. If the citrus fruit tree planted a few years ago is growing poorly this may well be the cause. So do ensure that roots are spread out downwards and sloping 45 degrees sideways before planting. 5. Splitting root bound perennials Many root bound perennials are best split to create additional plants before planting. We created a dozen separate plants from the last gazania plant we purchased. 6. Staking and tying Ensure you stake trees and tall shrubs at the time of planting to ensure that they do not lean and loosen roots in high winds and heavy rain. Likewise climbing plants need tying onto support frames or screw eyes fixed to walls and fences. 7. Mulching Prevent early drying out by mulching the soil around newly planted plants and trees with compost, grit, rocks, chippings or stone slabs. The latter, especially useful for protecting the roots of climbers. If you have had torrential rains do allow the ground to dry out a little before making new plantings. Happy Autumn gardening. Clodagh and Dicks books are now available from their website www.gardeninginspain. com as well as high street and internet bookshops. They are essential to new gardeners to Spain and make good presents. On their site there is a special offer involving their latest book Living Well from Our Mediterranean Garden. © Clodagh & Dick Handscombe Nov 2011.

'How it all came about' THE HISTORY OF THE EL PERELLÓ CAROL SERVICE Back in 2005 an English lady by the name of Marjorie McDougle who had lived in el Perelló for 2 years decided that as she missed the English style Carol Services she was used to she would try and fulfil a dream and put on her own in the village. She felt that it would serve 2 purposes, to let the local residents see how we celebrated and in turn for the English community to integrate with the local population. Marjorie enlisted the help of Tony Doyle who is an English and Music teacher to try and form a 'choir' for this event to support the congregation with the carols She also wanted the group to sing several upbeat Christmas songs, all in all she wanted a happy service. She approached a few friends living around the area and finally managed to round up a small group that met to rehearse for the first time in November 2005. There was 9 of us. Tony was very enthusiastic and it rubbed off on to all of us. Another volunteer was Douglas who had at one time been a church organist. He had his own organ brought to the church and proceeded to put his ideas into the mix. The church was booked for 16th December 2005 and posters went out advertising the event. Those of us in that first group of singers were really quite nervous about the whole thing and nobody knew how many would turn up, and quite what we had let ourselves in for. However the general opinion was that we at least were going to enjoy ourselves. One friend Yvonne, was persuaded to make mulled wine and organise mince pies to give out after the

service. She catered for around 100 people but really we only thought that we would have 50 or so turn up if we were lucky. On the night we watched with amazement as the church filled to capacity. People were standing everywhere, upstairs they were hanging over the balcony. Yvonne was worrying about the amount of mince pies she had and saying firstly that she would have to cut them in half and then that she would have to cut them into quarters. The choir were shaking in their shoes and hoping all would go well. There was well in excess of 200 people present that night. Not all it has to be said were British, a lot of local people came just to see what was happening I suspect. The Carol Service has gone on every year for the last 6 years, some years better than others. Changes have been made over time, sometimes for the better and others not so good, but most years we have had great support. This year will be a little different. We have been invited to join the Coral Santa Llúcia in their Christmas Concert and so it will be a joint effort. The choirs will sing carols and songs on their own and also both choirs will sing together. We think it will be a really exciting night. This will be held on Sunday 18th December at 7.00pm. For those of you who have never been to the Carol Service or the Santa Llúcia Christmas Concert you don't know what you have been missing please come and support us, you may just enjoy yourselves. We would love to see the church filled to capacity with all nationalities having a good time. Pamela de Luna

26 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

Please contact us for our special Christmas and New Year menus

Freddie Starr ate Fatima Whitbread's testicles Comedian Freddie Starr was dramatically rushed to hospital yesterday after eating Fatima Whitbread's testicles on I'm A Donut Get Me Out Of Here. The pot-bellied scouser suffered an allergic reaction to the Bushtucker Trial but dismissed reports that he had bitten off more than he could chew after his recent heart attack. "My career had hit rock bottom, but eating Fatima's bollocks should get me enough votes to keep me in the jungle" said the chain-smoking comic. But minority groups have complained that the reality TV show is degrading to celebrities after a sick joke appeared on Twitter pointing out that Fatima Whitbread is an anagram of 'I'm fat with a beard'. "People should stop making fun of Fatima, that's someone's son" said I'm A Donut spokesperson Fanny Clunge. Australian fans of the reality show are also whinging after a wildlife expert revealed that the lump of meat scoffed by Freddie Starr was a kangaroo's foreskin and not Fatima's testicles. "If the lesbian drongos from Equal Rights For Gay Kangaroos found out that the pommy poofters were eating protected Roo's dick we would be up shit creek without a paddle", said Gallipoli veteran Crocodile Okker . In another development, midget jockey Willie Carson is 8-1 with the bookies to mount Fatima Whitbread in the 2012 Derby and ride her to victory.

Torch route ‘to share tedium of London Olympics with rest of country’ Lord Coe has announced the official route of the Olympic torch, which will bring the boring spectacle of a burning stick to many parts of the UK. Much of the route passes through towns so far from London that the event won’t cause a whiff of interest, but even the Home Counties are expected to be underwhelmed by the sight of a man carrying a big match while being followed by a van with its hazard lights on. Lord Coe thinks it’s important to show the rest of the country how tedious the build up to a bit of running and throwing can be. ‘While most citizens in the UK are thrilled to be caught up in the spectacular cost of London 2012, many have told me that if the Olympic flame were to be carried directly past their living room window, they’d think twice before glancing outside.’ ‘I’ve seized on this flicker of interest, had a special stick designed at eye-watering cost, and we’re hitting the road. Our first stop is Hatfield: our marketing people told me that the flame looks marginally more interesting against a very dull background.’ The original reason for choosing a flame to symbolise highly specific and limited physical skills are lost in the mists of time, but Lord Coe believes there are still merits in carrying a naked flame through one of the dampest countries in Europe. ‘It’s a stupid idea, and that’s why the world will be impressed when we pull it off’, said Coe. ‘We’ve gone back to a ‘solid fuel’ design instead of gas, the carrier of the flame simply pushes pre-rolled £50 notes up through the bottom of the stick, where each one will light up the drizzle for nearly a minute.’ ‘There’s something very symbolic about burning money in front of the Nation and claiming it’s for their own benefit. But just in case they don’t get the message, I’ve employed a team of urchins to go through the pockets of anyone that comes close enough to gawp. Once they realise it’s their money that’s burning, they’re bound to take a bit of notice eventually.’ Lord Coe defended his decision to burn money both figuratively and literally. ‘We’re on a tight budget, and it’s traditional to come in way over it. People have certain expectations of the organizers of the Olympics, which is why we’re also burning all our spare tickets.’

28 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

Catalonia property news round

Hello again and thanks to everyone who’s asked if I’m still around and OK — it’s been a while since I’ve found time to write! By the time you read this, the delicious autumn sunshine will probably be over and Spain could well have a new presidente. If you follow Spanish politics at all, you’ll know that centre-right Partido Popular leader Mariano Rajoy is widely expected to win by an ample majority. How could this affect you in property terms? One likely change is the return of the tax deduction for acquiring a primary residence in Spain. At the end of 2010, Rodríguez Zapatero’s PSOE government restricted the deduction to those earning under 24.000 Euros a year, causing a rush to complete property sales by the end of the year. Rajoy has said that if his party wins, he will remove the restriction and backdate the tax break for those who bought properties during 2011. This affects Spanish nationals and fiscal residents of Spain. IVA (VAT) tax on the sale of Spanish new-build properties is likely to stay at the superreducido rate of 4% for some time. However, it seems inevitable that IVA on other products and services will rise — whoever wins. Another Partido Popular proposal is tax reductions for owners who need to let their properties and then rent elsewhere in Spain for work reasons. The PP also want to make rental contracts more flexible, providing better legal security for landlords and tenants and speeding up the legal resolution process for conflicts. With regard to the ever-increasing number of property repossessions, if elected, they pledge to introduce online property auctions and to increase the percentage of the valuation price for which a repossessed home can be sold. Unsurprisingly, and despite growing calls for its introduction, the Partido Popular has no plans to force Spanish banks to offer dación en pago to struggling mortgage debtors. This is the process —common in the US— whereby a borrower gives the keys back to the lender, who then discharges the borrower from the whole debt. Whoever wins, let’s hope there is some hope on the horizon for Spain’s many distressed property owners. Proposed quality certificate for new properties Generalitat housing minister Lluís Recoder has announced that Catalonia will introduce ‘in the near future’ a ‘guarantee of quality’ stamp for new-build properties, with a view to reassuring and encouraging overseas buyers. According to the Minister, overseas buyers have been petitioning for legal and consumer assurances and

guarantees that properties meet town planning and construction-quality regulations. Better late than never I suppose. It’s a shame that this kind of guarantee is probably only practical for new-build properties and not resale and rural ones… Cédula de habitabilidad Since I last wrote the process for getting the cédula (occupancy certificate) for rural properties in the Terres de l’Ebre area seems to have remained much the same: The house needs to be registered in a certain way at the Registro de la Propiedad and on the Catastro tax register. An architect or aparejador (technical architect) has to certify that the building is habitable. And crucially, the local council has to issue a municipal certificate; some of the key points it has to certify are: - that there are no demolition orders or fines for planning offences - the house is a dwelling - it was originally built with a licence for a dwelling (unusual in rural areas), or that it was a dwelling before 1984 Some ajuntaments seem to have no problem certifying the last point, but others either can’t – or won’t. But there are indications that the Generalitat finally plans to ease this problem, by modifying the law to allow a simpler municipal certificate. If approved by Catalonia’s autonomous parliament, the modification could come into effect early next year. If they do, expect a lengthy period while the local administration work out just how to apply the changes. We may also see more cédula applications, so whether you are thinking of selling soon or just want peace of mind, now is the time to get your paperwork in order in case you do qualify. Remember that to apply for a cédula your house has to be correctly registered on the land registry and on the Catastro tax register. I will be happy to organise this so please feel free to get in touch for a no-obligation consultation. As always, I love to hear your comments and feedback. Right now I have Spanish and European clients looking for realistically-priced fincas with habitable houses, preferably with nice views and less than 20 minutes from the coast, so please email me at if you are thinking of selling. I will be happy to help organise the cédula application if you qualify for one or find an alternative route-to-sale if you don’t. Look forward to hearing from you! Jeff Greensmith runs and is a registered estate agent and experienced Spanish/Catalan translator and interpreter. He has lived in Catalonia since 1986. While the points contained in this article are true to best of our knowledge, they do not constitute legal advice on the part of Fincas Direct or The Olive Press. Please use this information responsibly and seek professional legal advice if in doubt.


Audi Develops the Audi App

Ingolstadt, Germany - This past week, Audi has announced plans to launch an App for iPhone and Android that will allow any car to become a "smart car." The app, simply known as the Audi App will, as long as your phone is charging in the car, will provide any vehicle to be able to detect road hazards or bad drivers that might cause you to have an accident. Roberto Sanderson, CEO of Audi, is excited about the app in that it will allow anyone to have some of the perks of Audi at the touch of your fingertips. "We realize it's an expensive app at $4000 American dollars, but it's less expensive than an actual Audi. In these tough economic times, we're trying to help out those who would otherwise purchase an Audi be able to have some of the benefits of such a smart car," said Sanderson. Audi App will work in all road conditions including flash floods, space junk falling down from the sky, drunk drivers, texting drivers, and speed traps. However, they admit that there is a conflict with the Trapster app that is also available for most smart phones. If you have Trapster engaged in addition to the Audi app, then Trapster will malfunction and alert the police ahead to your speeding and issue warrants for past due tickets. Additionally, the glitch will cause your car to swerve into guardrails instead of just speed around the texting driver ahead. Audi is aware of the glitch and has no real remedy other than to ask consumers to not use Trapster, and only rely on Audi's app instead. In this way, the car will remain smart and not become stupid. Santa Claus to step down: markets respond positively Santa Claus to step down: markets respond positively Stock markets have responded positively to news that Toyland’s Prime Minister Santo Nicalosi, better known as Santa Claus, or Sugar Daddy Christmas to his closest female admirers, is to step down after arranging a final delivery of toys for December. Leading analyst Jeremy Warner said that without the implementation of severe austerity measures, including the adoption of a payment-based business model which would face severe competition from the likes of Amazon, Toyland would default on its debts and this could lead to a world economic catastrophe far more severe than the 2008 banking crisis. ‘In recent years, Toyland has lived way beyond its means as it struggled to deliver ever more exotic presents free of charge to children in Europe and North America,’ said Warner. ‘It no longer produces most of the toys that are delivered and has had increasingly to rely on cheap goods and credit from China and Southeast Asia.’ Toyland’s manufacturing base is no longer a major

Free spliffs 'calm down A&E patients' London - A pilot study at London's Royal Freak Hospital found that a joint dispensing machine in Accident & Emergency has greatly cut down the number of violent incidents. An adapted cigarette machine was installed last week, filled with spliffs confiscated from nursing staff lockers and operated by keying in a secure code available from triage staff. A designated smoking area near A&E's poisons cupboard then proved very popular with casualty patients who normally have to wait up to four

hours to be seen to. Royal Freak A&E regular Paddy O'Rizzler from nearby Kentish Town gave the scheme a thumbs up today although moaned a bit about 'someone forgetting to remove the seeds' which exploded all over his tracksuit bottoms. "I come here for the free skunk," O'Rizzler explained, "but what with the austerity thing they can only afford Thai weed here - which is kinda ok in an emergency...but not entirely to my taste." He was also critical of nursing station staff for changing the access codes limiting the number of spliffs that can be extracted from the dispenser. Meanwhile other London A&E services are promising to install free wi-fi in their own emergency rooms in a bid to calm down and distract aggressive patients who regularly gum up the works in hospital peak times. "Wi-fi? Who wants bloody wi-fi in A&E," O'Rizzler concluded, "apart from sending an emergency email to the nearest dealer I can't see the bloody point, can you?" employer but service sector employees will be hit hard by austerity measures. ‘I’m due to retire at 35 on full salary next year, said a party facilitator elf. Suddenly there will be no jobs and no pensions. I suppose I’ll have to emigrate, but I was shocked to learn that my skills set only attracts the minimum wage in other countries, even with a Mickey Mouse degree. I might as well work tables or behind a bar.’ Lenders are expected to take a significant haircut as Toyland reschedules its debts after the IMF, ECB and Germany’s Bundesbank refused a euro bailout. However, unlike Never Never Land, Toyland is expected to honour its obligations, although repayments will be redenominated in Monopoly money. More than one banker has said a haircut is the least Santa Claus can expect if he is caught, saying the revenge shaving won’t stop at ‘that manky beard’ or the Movember ‘tache. In addition, after he steps down, Claus will no longer be afforded criminal immunity against charges of creeping into millions of children’s bedrooms at night.

30 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

PC TIPS: Computer Christmas + websites to visit 'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the shop,

The computers were whirring; they never do stop. The power was on and the temperature right, In hopes that the input would feed back that night. The system was ready, the program was coded, And memory drums had been carefully loaded; While adding a Christmasy glow to the scene, The lights on the console, flashed red, white and green. When out in the hall there arose such a clatter, The programmer ran to see what was the matter. Away to the hallway he flew like a flash, Forgetting his key in his curious dash. He stood in the hallway and looked all about, When the door slammed behind him, and he was locked out. Then, in the computer room what should appear, But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer; And a little old man, who with scarcely a pause, Chuckled: "My name is Santa...the last name is Claus." The computer was startled, confused by the name, Then it buzzed as it heard the old fellow exclaim: "This is Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, And Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen." With all these odd names, it was puzzled anew; It hummed and it clanked, and a main circuit blew. It searched in its memory core, trying to "think"; Then the multi-line printer went out on the blink. Unable to do its electronic job, It said in a voice that was almost a sob: "Your eyes - how they twinkle - your dimples so merry, Your cheeks so like roses, your nose like a cherry, Your smile - all these things, I've been programmed to know, And at data-recall, I am more than so-so; But your name and your address (computers can't lie), Are things that I just cannot identify. You've a jolly old face and a little round belly, That shakes when you laugh like a bowl full of jelly; My scanners can see you, but still I insist, Since you're not in my program, you cannot exist!" Old Santa just chuckled a merry "ho, ho", And sat down to type out a quick word or so. The keyboard clack-clattered, its sound sharp and clean, As Santa fed this "data" to the machine: "Kids everywhere know me; I come every year; The presents I bring add to everyone's cheer; But you won't get anything - that's plain to see; Too bad your programmers forgot about me." Then he faced the machine and said with a shrug, "Merry Christmas to All'", as he pulled out its plug!

Christmas is just around the corner and here are a few suggestions to help save time and have a little fun with the internet this December. If you're having trouble choosing a suitable gift for friends or family then there is a perfect website to help - www.giftgen. You start by choosing how much you want to spend, then enter the age and gender of the recipient and finally choose from a list of hobbies or interests in order to get a list of present suggestions. The traditional written letter to Santa is passé. In this technological age you can email Father Christmas. Go to and fill in some details. You get an immediate personal reply, you don’t need an email address and you can print your letter out to show your friends. On Christmas Eve let your children visit Here you can track Santa and his sleigh by radar as he makes his deliveries across the world. If you download GoogleEarth you can watch his progress in 3D (earth. As a bit of fun visit www.houseblinger. com. This quirky website allows you to view photos of houses that have been lit up with outrageous numbers of Christmas lights - you know the sort I mean! Finally, add a bit of animation to your Christmas emails with these free animated images: http:// animated_gif_pictures.htm

Fed up with high price internet? Fed up with poor technical support? Take a look at Eurona Telecom packages “No internet coverage, no problem! If you live in Catalunya in an area where there is no internet via ADSL, WiMax or 3G mobile then you qualify for Subsidized Internet via satellite. This is an initiative between the Generalitat and Eurona. Equipment and installation is FREE (worth around 600 euros) for the basic service (4Gb monthly download limit, 6Mb speed), monthly cost €31.50 + IVA. LIMITED OFFER SO DON’T DELAY.” NOW BEING INSTALLED! -now 1200 minutes free calls to Spanish landlines - UK landline calls 2.5c/minute -Technical support in English - installation 70 € - Keep your existing phone number or have a new number

Contact Nigel Morton: 620 353 138 Special Offers: • installation 70 euros, pay nothing until January 2011.


How to Solve Sudoku Puzzles

Sudoku doesn't require any special math skills or calculations. It is a simple and fun game of logic -- all that's needed is brains and concentration. 1. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each row. 2. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each column. 3. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each 3x3 box. 4. A complete Sudoku puzzle contains the numbers 1 through 9 in every row, column, and 3x3 box. This month, one with difficult classification as evil.

  The Still Rockin Show on 107.3 fm Saturdays at 3pm and Sunday at 11pm An hour of Music and Information In English Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT. "Still Rockin" Talent Showcoming soon email for more info. Please please join in and send your request to me. TEXT TO 617 162 264 EMAIL norman@normanjay,net Regards Norman Jay

Your voice on the radio, ? got something to say ?

“Available for live Performances”

spanglish?-answers next month ACROSS 4. odontólogo (7) (E) 7. acostumbrado (5) (E) 8. pen name (9) 9. shrapnel (8) 10. tapacubos (6) (E) 12. fila (4) (E) 13. cigarette lighter (10) 14. keenness (10) 16. caballito (4) (E) 18. shadowy (6) 19. atlético (8) (E) 21. dibber (9) 22. imperar (5) (E) 23. arrepentimiento (7) (E) 24. arch (7)











10. 11.






19. 20.



ACROSS: 4. mascota 7. barba 8. sombrilla 9. lapicero 10. querer



DOWN 1. plomo (7) (E) 2. balance (7) 3. daunt (10) 4. tundir (4) (E) 5. defendible (7) 6. soldado de caballería (7) (E) 11. afford (10) 14. fit out (7) 15. Ukrainian (7) 16. anteceder (7) (E) 17. recumbent (7) 20. inactivo (4) (E) (E=translate to english otherwise to spanish)


ANSWERS TO THE NOVEMBER ISSUE OF SPANGLISH 12. robo 19. riguroso DOWN: 5. chinese 13. campamento 21. Ukrainian 1. embalar 6. acarreo 14. North Korea 22. hampa 2. ombligo 11. apremiante 16. baca 23. octopus 3. rastreador 14. ninguno 18. notary 24. emporio 4. mama 15. trabajo

32 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

16. bordado 17. abogado 20. dios

CAR BOOT | last Sunday of every month 10am-1pm. stalls 5€. Refreshments, Camping St Jordi, Platje Ayellanes, L'Ampolla Tel 679 115 247 •CAR BOOT SALE | 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month. Situated Hipaca Escornalbou, Vilanova D'Escornalbou. Arrive 9am starts 10am. Bar & restaurant- no fresh produce allowed! Contacts: Cosme on 620215772 or Silvia 665159781 •CAR BOOT SALE | first and third Sunday every month C/ Garcia Restaurant Braseria Can Palomo MORA LA NOVA. Tel Jackie 679741254 •DELTA CLASSICS-CLASSIC CAR MEETING 1st FRIDAY of every month 6PM Bar "Casals" Avda San Jordi, El Perelló. Call for more details and events: 678 718 446. •MASONIC GROUP | Logia de San Jorge A new English speaking lodge of Freemasons approved by GLE, has been established in this area. if you would like more information please telephone Edward Ward on 977416476 (Tarragona area) or Les Beech on 678357713 (Castellon area). •EL PERELLO FREESIA GROUP (working for cancer charities) The next El Perello Bookstall will be held at the Homogenic bar 10am until 1pm on: Saturday 3rd at the Christmas Fair, 17th December. CHRISTMAS FAIR-Our Christmas Fair this year is on Saturday 3rd December at the Music School - l’Antiga Escola de Música (Antic IES) – El Perelló. It will open at 10 a.m ( with the Xim Xim Mig Grau band ) and close at 4.00 p.m. Entrance only €1 – ( Children free ) There will be over 40 stalls ! Home-made Cakes, Cards, Jewellry, Gifts, Books, Crafts, ‘White-elephant’ stall,


Meetings are held at 6.30 pm on the second Thursday of each month (except for August) at:- Edificio Bahia Blanca, C/Paisos Catalans, 74, L’Ametlla de Mar. More information? Either tel: 977267418 or e-mail: BADMINTON CLUB -"Intermediate Badminton Club continues to meet every Tuesday from 11.30am to 1pm from now until Christmas. If you have reached a good club level of play in the past please come and give us a try. Experienced players are always welcome. For more info please contact Marian on 697 353 914". New Beginners group every Friday 11.30 to 1pm starting 23rd September. 50cents per person, all welcome, further info from Chris 638 191 128 PHOENIX GROUP | set up for women by women to offer friendship, support and practical help. Meetings every second Tuesday of each month @ Bar Calxic (opposite Cinema Victoria), El Perelló @ 3 p.m. All welcome. Contact Marge on 977 267 779 or 689 608 611 LINE DANCING | Join us for a morning's Line dancing. Just bring a drink and a smile. Mondays 10.00am-12.00pm at the School of Music in El Perelló. First 1/2 hour dedicated to beginners. Good exercise for the legs and jaws! More details from Irene 630 115 006 or Jo-Ann 634 495 572. “YOGA DAY

CAR BOOT SALES / MERCADILLO Every Sunday 2pm UNTIL DARK!! Furniture - fridges - cookers - pictures - pots, pans & old tin cans - you name it and we will get it.

Car Park Free, to Look Free and Stalls 5 EUROS! no food or drinks without permission

At Mora Caravans C12, km 61 Mora La Nova to Ginestar road Call Ken or Bev on 977 400 375 or 659 418 317 or 660 584 222

NOTE to Buyers & Sellers We at Mora Caravans have the right to refuse entry. local Artisans, English ‘supermarket’ and many more. TOMBOLA with lots of prizes. LIVE MUSIC including The “Santa Lucia” & “The Decibels” Choirs & “Tranquility” -folk & popular music. BBQ and BAR all day! SANTA’S GROTTO with presents for the children including a personal photo with Santa ! •C of E CHURCH SERVICES | Regular services and special events at St Christopher’s English speaking church which covers an area of coast from Castellon to Ametlia del Mar, south of Tarragona. Weekly services are held every Sunday at 10am in Vinaros at the church centre known as Portico, in Plaza Primero de Mayo 5. In Alcossebre Sunday services are at 12pm in the Catholic Church of San Cristabal. The newest and rapidly growing congregation north of the Ebro Delta meets on the first and third Sundays of each month at 12.30pm in the Catholic church at Ampolla, with some special additional services. Each of the three locations also has a Drop-in Centre – in Alcossebre “El Camino” near the seafront, behind Valentin’s Restaurant is open from 11am till 2pm on Monday, Tuesday and Friday with a chance to meet new friends and pick up a book from our second-hand collection or something to wear from our quality used clothing store. In Vinaros, Portico is open to welcome you on Thursdays between 11am and 1pm. – the Parish Priest, Rev Paul Needle is always on call on 662 482 944 and can respond quickly to needs for funerals or hospital visits. Baptisms and Marriage Blessings can also be arranged.

OUT WITH A DIFFERENCE” If you enjoy yoga and the company of like-minded women, why not join us for a day out with a difference? The yoga is held at the Town Hall in La Galera from 11am to 1pm and is led by Pamela Sharp, Yoga Teacher & Reiki Master, who has lived and practised in Spain for 35 years. Pam is an excellent teacher and always does something different. We never know what to expect, but it’s always fun! After yoga we normally go to a local restaurant for lunch, where the food is excellent and very good value for money. The whole day usually costs about €20 and will definitely be no more than €25.00. It is usually held on the first Friday of the month starting again on Friday 7th October, so if you are interested please ring Jeanette Lane for further information & to secure a place (at least one week before) on 977 477 042 or 686 292 823. THE READING CLUB where an English spoken person reads a short English story- members consist of Spanish, Irish and English. For December we have an special event: We are going to celebrate the Short Story Day: 21st December, Wednesday, Library Domingo, Tortosa. During all the afternoon and evening, some readers will read different short stories in different languages: Catalan, Spanish, English, French, ....


personal classifieds

come ist in!


691 036 872

PC FLAT SCREEN | philips 42x36cm, great for an additional

PROF. COFFEE MACHINE | Bravilor Mondo 2 €175,00 (12

screen to your small laptop or for your PC, only 50€. Call 977


059 364

Europa Tools WP30X € 175,00. WOOD BURNER | type PM3

SKIS SALAMON XFREE9 | 180CM with bindings 40€. Tel:

€ 75,00. Please call: 977 265 018 or 686 066 707.

977 059 364



foot rest 20€. SUITCASE | orange with wheels as new 25€.

TV perfect condition + only 122watts!. Only 250€ Tel

GARDEN TOOLS | various offers. Call 977 824 581

977 059 364 Evening/Party Wear | Principles dark green velvet


Cot: sheets, quilt & cellular

blankets, with matching Bumper & curtain (7’ 6” X 50”) + single

trousers with green/gold lacey top. Never worn. 20€. 2 long

bed Valance (Farmyard pattern in primary colours):

black dresses, one lace, one velvet 15€ . All size 10. Tel

Safety Harness €5. Baby Bouncer €10. Tel: 977 477 042



INVERTER | 1500W, Cotek, pure sine wave, GWO 80€.

SWIMMING POOL LIGHTS | new only 60€. call 629 010 529

BANDSAW | small, Kibel, as new 35€. MACULLOCH | petrol

or 626 876 738 or email

hedge trimmer 30€. Call 660 647 123

BURGESS BANDSAW, BBS | Old but serviceable, with


blades, 20 euros. SCROLL SAW | new condition, with blades,

FOR SALE; PIGLETS/WEANERS | Iberico cross. Various

25 euros. Tel 977 059 155 or 661 354 704

colours. Males & Females available. Buyer to collect. €50

PC MONITOR | Ingram 17inch, in good working order.

each. Tel. 600 375 174


25euros. Tel: 977 059 155 or 661 354 704 MARKSMAN PETROL GENERATOR | ISO900 4kva. In very

RENTAL | Due to house sale does anyone have, or know

good condition, easy to start 115v-230v only 350€ ono. Call

of, a rural house for rent between L'Ametlla and Tortosa,

977 477 367

with fenced land, for approx 2 months from 1 June? Tel:

BABY BOYS CLOTHES | up to 4 years old 250euros the

977477092 639545348 610610215

lot,mobile 626 857 963

WANTED; LEGO | for young boy for Christmas. Tel 636104592

LARGE DINING ROOM TABLE | & six chairs,dark stain,125


euros. Call 626 857 963


APPLE IBOOK G4, 12" | Bought second hand for my daughter

WANTED CONTAINER | call 626 876 738 or 629 010 529

last year but she didn't get on with it and went back to

"WANTED, BOOKS AND SELLABLE ITEMS for carboots to raise money for local dogs´homes. Please call W E N D Y 637 981 158" I am pleased to say so far 231euros have been raised so thanks to all !!!

windows...170 euros...... 662 623 073 WHEELCHAIR | with belt and harness, used only 5 times, 160€ ONO. 2 GAS BOTTLES | 1 full 45€, 1x ½ full 30€. VIBRATING CHAIR | as new, cost 1000€ only 350€. Call 977 475 284 or 691 865 385 LG solar panels 230W for only 390,-€ + IVA (incl. delivery). Call Monday to Friday 9:00 - 13:00 on 619 500 202 PANASONIC 42INS FULL HD PLASMA TV | viera link, freeview, cost £1,100 3 years ago, accept 350.00 euro. Tel: 629 125 374 PHILIPS TV | 42 inch plasma flat screen, approx 4 yrs old, hardly used. v.g.c., 260€ ono. Call 672 855 862 GAS BOTTLES | 15€ each. Call 977 593 328

WANTED VOLUNTEERS | help needed to look after the abandon dogs at ARCA near Tortosa. Please call Mave 678 975 816 if you can offer any assistance. Plus anyone interested in organising some fund raising for the dogs would be must appreciated. PLEASE HELP


METAL TABLE | with glass top + 6 matching chairs, good

GRAND JEEP CHEROKEE 2.5 TDI | 1998 left hand drive

condition, 75€ ono. Tel: 672 855 862

with 12 months itv and insurance taxes paid. Tow bar 4x4

DIESEL GENERATOR | unused 375 euros or near offer. Tel

great runner 2800 euros. Call 647 136 336 or 679 830 082

34 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

subject to space ist

FUN IN THE SUN| BE-UP CONVERTIBLE. Sought after limited edition buggy. Spanish registered. very low mileage REDUCED for quick sale ONLY 2500€. MIGHT CONSIDER PART EXCHANGE WELCOME ALL ITEMS CONSIDERED. For more information telephone 977 059 420 OR 660 823 423 LAND


D I S C O V E RY |



HARDWOOD LOGS | for sale inc delivery. Gandesa area. Tel/text: 653 516 183. VAN SPAIN-UK-SPAIN Van going to UK and returning in January and February. All shopping done at very competitive rates Asda, Tesco, Screw Fix, what ever you want I can shop for you and deliver back to Spain. Contact Les on 629 010 529 or TRANSLATIONS and INTERPRETATION SERVICE | (English/Spanish) FLIX AREA: 676 742 500


DRIVER WITH LARGE VAN | Making regular trips between


Spain & England via France. Willing to transport goods to

spanish reg. RHD

& from Spain.

itv July 2012 good

Tel: 977 477 367 or 655 340 596

condition. Recent cambelt and injectors. Runs well. 3200

MISS SHOPPING IN UK STORES | Why not buy in English

euros o.n.o tel 977 493 971.

stores. Have your goods delivered to our UK address and


you collect from our local address in Spain. For as little as

ton, in good condition. 1200€ ono. 632 315 775

10€. terms & conditions apply. 0034 977 477 367

TWO TRAILERS | tatty but solid frames 1.4mX1.8m & 1.5mx1.2m 80€ the pair. Tel 660 647 123 L'Ametlla de Mar.

COMPUTER PROBLEMS | or need a translator (English-

TRAILER | 1.3mX2m, heavy duty, with ladder rack. 420€. Call

Spanish-Catalan?). Contact Alex on 638 894 073 or visit

660 647 123 Also convert VHS tapes

AIYUMO SCOOTER | 50cc, as new,only 1800km, red and white, very smart. 499€. Tel. 660 647 123

to DVD + photo negatives to digital CARPENTER & JOINER WITH GENERAL BUILDING


SKILLS | 30 years experience in UK, based El Perello/

GUITAR LESSONS | Only 15€ for 45 minutes. Call Nico

L'Ametlla. Call Dave 658 355 929

on 977 265 018 or 686 066 707 “Oops, Wrong Planet” new Pop-Rock-Funk band!!

ENGLISH MECHANIC - Basic servicing, maintenance and

Keyboards and vocals: Julio Lobos (Manu Chao), drums

repairs. Tel: 977 407 990. mob. 699 396 053

Nick Arnott and bassguitar and vocals: Nico Majer (The 4 Legends). Info and bookings: 977265018 or 630583102.

CHARITY SALE FOR ARCA DOGS HOME- Sunday December 18th TABLE TOP SALE AT BAR ESTACION L'AMPOLLA. Sellers 9.30am buyers 10.00 5€ per stall-this is to raise much needed money for the dogs. PLEASE COME AND SUPPORT US. Many thanks. Call Maeve 678 975 816 Karen from Redeye would like to say.............. We know there are many of you out there who still don't own a Redeye original T-shirt and Christmas is just around the corner. The designs have all originally been drawn by Adam Pinson using Coloured pencils and have been digitally adapted for use on garments, Please take 5 minutes to check out the new and improved website and support a very dedicated and original artist. For every T-shirt sold we will donate 10% to our local animal shelter A.R.C.A.







Registered legal builder in Catalunya over 5 years. Bricklaying, plastering, tiling, plumbing, electrics, roofing etc. Tel. Jonathan 699 396 053 CONCRETE PAVING SLABS FOR SALE | different designs, sizes and colours. Please ring for a competitive quote. Delivery service available. Also slab laying on request. Tel. 692 751 488 or 692 759 276. CAR BODY REPAIRS AND REPAINTING | all aspects of vehicle preparation and spraying. 20 years experience, references available. Competitive prices. Tel. 692 751 488 or 692 759 276.

property for sale or rent by owner


Country Home For Sale in Los Barrios, Cadiz Spain 750,000€+OFFERS. Unbelievable value has good holiday rental business with a separate cottage and apartment as well as an outstanding family home . Reduced by 400,000 euros for quick sale because of family health problems. Country house situated on a private estate in a nature reserve, only 20 minutes from Sotogrande Polo fields and Valderamma and San Roques Golf courses. ENQUIRIES : 956 236 068 or 657 629 118 or email : info@

MOBILE HOMES FROM 800 EUROS. Mobiles on campsites from 11000€. Want to sell your mobile? Contact Shaun 629 743 327. Our Articles On What's On From Previous Years Issues Can Be Found On Our Web Site www. December 6th The constitutional history of Spain dates back to the constitution of 1812. After the death of dictator Francisco Franco in 1975, a general election in 1977 convened the Constituent Cortes (the Spanish Parliament, in its capacity as a constitutional assembly) for the purpose of drafting and approving the constitution. December 8-Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Inmaculada Concepcion –National Holiday) This holiday in Spain is typically a day of additional church services in and around Madrid as well as in the rest of the country. There is also the commemoration of the events of the Cambrils Siege in 1640,. The livelihood of the township was put in serious jeopardy in December of 1640, when the people of Cambrils experienced one of

the worse episodes of the Catalan Revolt in which Catalonia clashed with King Felipe IV. The Tió de Nadal (roughly "Christmas Log"), also known as "Tió" (trunk or log, a big piece of cut wood) or "Tronca" ("log") and popularly called "Caga tió" (pooping log in English), is a character in Catalan mythology relating to a Christmas tradition widespread in Catalonia. A Caganer is a little statue found in Catalonia, in neighbouring areas with Catalan culture such as Andorra, and in other parts of Spain, Portugal and Italy. Cap d’Any (New Year’s Eve) / "L' Home dels Nassos"31 Cabalgata los Reyes magos- The tradition in Spain and Catalonia is that the biggest Christmas celebration is not on 25th December, when JC is born, but the big day is when “Los Reyes Magos”, the Three Kings of the Orient (also known as the Three Wise Men Balthasar, Caspar and Melchior) arrive to see the new born baby Jesus ( or “Jesús” as he is known here!) This is called the Night of the 3 Kings, the “Cabalgata los Reyes Magos,” - "Cavalcada de Reis" in Catalan and The Three Kings’ Parade and also know as the “Twelfth Night procession” The Reyes Magos parade in Spain is on 5th January every year. This is the evening before Twelfth Night Epiphany on 6th January, which is the day when the children get their biggest haul of presents. El Perello and in many other towns - On January 21-22th is the festival of ‘Els Tres Tombs de Sant Antoni,' which translates as ‘The Three Turns (circuits) of Saint Anthony.' The festival dates back to the mid-1800s and is dedicated to the patron saint of animals, Sant Antoni. Historically, anyone who worked with livestock could go to this fiesta to receive a blessing from Sant Antoni and ask for a good harvest. A procession of horses, carts, mules and farmers makes three circuits of the town and on the third circuit, the blessings are carried out. This is celebrated in many towns so there should be one near you. Wear red underwear for good luck! at midnight everyone stops swilling cava and starts stuffing 12 grapes into their mouths, one for every chime of the bell. If you are able to eat the grapes during the strokes it means that you will have a lucky year. At the end of the strokes they drink a toast with Cava.

FOR SALE, 2 plots of land l'Ametlla de Mar excellent situation and access just off the N340 going

into the village of L'Ametlla. Clean flat land with olive trees and carobs. Adjacent properties have mains electric and mains water. Sea and mountain views Totally fenced in, just 2km from L'Ametlla de Mar. Plot 1 approx 6600 m2 only 39,500 euros Plot 2 approx 4500 m2 only 34,500 euros. Call to view or more details: 977 059 420 or 660 823 423

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Tel: (+34) 616 135 036 APDO 274, L’Ametlla de Mar

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ARCA the dog refuge wish to give sincere thanks to everyone for supporting them. Please keep it up it

you relax...

is truly appreciated. Calenders and t-shirts are also for sale to raise funds for the dogs- www. or email: protectora.arca@

All entries are also listed on our directory online at The Olive Press does not accept responsibility for the contents of the articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisers PLEASE MENTION THE OLIVE PRESS WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS

Are you worried about your water quality. If you haven´t got mains water Fed up of carrying bottles of water home Or you would like clean drinking water from your tap. Then you need to call us for a water purification system today- this is not reverse osmosis and does not use electric or waste water plus it does not use chemicals!

Call 977 059 364 or visit the website for more details

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