The Olive Press Catalunya magazine May 2011 issue 37

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a little serious a little humorous

May 2011 issue 37


Wilson Mc Lean began his career in a London silkscreen studio at fifteen. Born in Scotland, he moved to London at the age of ten where he attended various art schools at night while working on the staff of magazines and design studios. This exposed him to the work of American artists and convinced him that eventually he would go to America. At 23, Wilson moved to Copenhagen and this was the beginning of study and serious work. After a period of time working in Spain, he returned to London for several years before deciding to move to New York. After establishing himself in New York City he had a one man show followed by two annual summer workshops in Zurich, working on lithographs, culminating in a one man show of lithographs and paintings. During the years he has participated in group shows in New York and other parts of the country. He is represented at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C., as well as the Air and Space Museum in London and in the London Transport Museum Permanent Poster Collection. In 1985, to commemorate European Music Year, Great Britain commissioned Mc Lean to design and illustrate five stamps for a special edition of British composers. In 1989 he had a one man show in Savannah, Georgia. In 1994 he designed a set of Broadway musical stamps for the United States Postal Service. he contributed to an exhibition and book for the United Nations Environment Program, titled "Art for Survival." Next came a children's book called "If The Earth, A Small Look at a Big Thing," published by the Greenwich Workshop press which features eighteen paintings. In the year 2000, for the Millennium, Great Britain commissioned a stamp based on the Pilgrims journey to the New World, which was one of a number produced by such people as Hockney and Eduardo Paolozzi. His teaching has included Syracuse University, The School of Visual Arts, Kent State University, Savannah College of Art, Ringling Brothers in Florida, as well as workshops throughout the United States. In June 2007, he had a one man show of Jazz paintings at the John David Gallery in Hudson, New York. In 2010 he was inducted into the Society of Illustrators "Hall of Fame" in New York. All art Š 2007 Wilson Mc Lean -more of his work can be seen at

Maryland's Maypole, whose sole album, The Real, was recorded in three days in July 1970, and released in early 1971, shortly before their label folded, dooming the album to stillborn status commercially at the time, and collector want list status today. The LP is an ambitious, 50-minute feast of tight harmonies, powerful arrangements, fluid improvisation, and flat out great songs, and serves as a touchstone for twin guitar-driven, West Coast-styled psychedelia, soaring power pop, and blistering hard rock -- some even call it prog -- everyone wants a piece of the Great One. If you've been looking for an LP to complete an imaginary trilogy with S.F. Sorrow and Parachute, then this is your tonic. The stature of Maypole has been muddied by the previous CD reissues, but this LP edition gets it right. Featuring state of the art remastering and pressing, a high quality full colour 'tip on' jacket featuring original artwork, and a full colour insert loaded with lyrics, photos, and complete historical notes by Maypole founder, Dennis Tobell, this is the closest to 'classic psychedelia' Anopheles Records has delved in to date, and we're glad we didn't settle for something second rate -- Maypole is The Real." The following has been taken from I have tried to put together as much information about the band and our history while at the same time letting the people know that the band lives on albiet with different people but with the same spirit as always. We have four more albums coming in the pipeline. The next release 'Mean Green' will be in the fall of 2007 on Gear Fab Records. Also I would like to thank all the Great Artists, that have come out in support of us on My Space. The outpouring of love and respect has been tremendous. Please visit and see for yourself. www. As we celebrate the 35th aniversary of the release of The Maypole album,sad news reached me that Kenny Ross, one of the original members of Maypole passed away from Liver Cancer in May(2005) in his native Baltimore. I also mourn my great friend and partner Paul Welsh the drummer who made this music with me and co-founder of Maypole in 1969, they both did not live to see the popularity of the groups music, which we worked and fought so hard for. I hope there are still people out there who can understand this bittersweet irony. I dedicate this new music to the two departed friends I loved so well. I had a chance to spend some time with John Nickel when I was in America last year taking care of my mother before she died. He is doing well and he is the same great person as always. On ebay last month the Maypole album sold for two hundred and twenty four American dollars. By the way there is a Band from San Francisco calling themselves May Pole with a space, a Dutch band, a Swedish band and a Polish band calling themselves Maypole, but of course they aren't the original. All young guys in their 20's and 30's, I think they weren't even sperm when we released our album. So don't be confused...There is only one original Maypole.....Demian Bell



welcome to the May issue covering catalunya. we would like to thank all our readers, advertisers and contributors for their 3 years of support as we now now begin our 4th year and 37th issue.


MAY IN BLOOM May is so beautiful: Orchards are fair; Branches of fruit trees Make gardens of air. Flowers of fragrance Bloom in the light; Fall like the snowflakes Showering white. Orchards of heaven Grow with a grace, And like a blessing Perfume the place. Each tree in blossom, Each lovely spray, In this month of Our Lady, Bring glory to May. By Helen Maring The Magnificat. Volume LXVIII. Number 1. May 1941.


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all advertisers will also be placed in the business directory on our web site with links to their own web sites!

Contributors: | Clodagh & Dick Handscombe | Dr. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. | Jeff Greensmith | Jason M. Berry | Mike Stevens | Sarah Good | Taru Burstall | David Piqué | Paul Ebro Valley Computers|Sabrina-A Casa Tua | TRANSLATION BY SUZANNE HELLYER Printing: Indugraf SA Deposito Legal: MA-1565-2008


"MayPole" album cover 197o by artist Wilson Mc Lean - see page 2 for more details

Please contact us by: E-mail: Web : www. Telephone: 977 059 364 By post: Aptdo de Correos,147 43895 L’Ampolla Tarragona Deadlines: Adverts 15th & Articles 12th of the month.

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What’s News -In Spain Can it be True?

News from California Your Horoscope Leisure & Entertainment

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The Lighter Side PC tips Windows 7

Contents Page 2

14 31

Nature & Animals News Hounds and more


Home & Garden Challenges of gardening in Spain Mediterranean gardens Catalunya property Update

28 7 24

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Finance & Law Sudden Deaths

What’s On -Car boots etc. Feria de Abril de Catalunya From previous years

9 32 20 23

Gourmet Treat your taste buds

Olives & Popcorn Crossword- Spanglish Health & Well Being Yoga for All Self Help

Sports Life -Olympic Stadium Property for Sale by Owner Classifieds Business Card Directory A bit of culture

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news in spain


talian wolves heading for Barcelona. El País reports that new Mastiff dogs are being trained in Barcelona as part of an initiative designed to stop a new threat of wolves which is affecting Catalan farmers. All of the wolves were removed by man from Cataluña a century ago, but now the animal is back and killing stock just 40 kilometres from Barcelona. The wild wolves originate in Italy, and it’s taken them just 20 years to cross the Alps and France to reach Spain, arriving in the Catalan Pyrenees ten years ago. Three different individuals have now been tracked in the area of Sierra del Cadí, but despite that some Mayors still say the wolves are just legend, worried about the state of the second home market in the area. Experts consider however that the wolves will have trouble in expanding further, with only one female located among the 13 animals in Spain. There are, of course, other areas in the NW and centre of the country where there are large populations of the Iberian Wolf.


pain's traffic campaign fines almost 3,400 drivers in 7 days for using their mobile phone while driving. The special 7-day traffic campaign launched against driver

distraction issued 4,201 fines to drivers on Spanish roads between April 4 and April 10. The vast majority of them, 3,387, were fined for using their mobile phone manually while they were behind the wheel. The Interior Ministry pointed out in a press release this Monday that using your phone while driving quadruples the risk of an accident and is comparable to the risk of driving while under the influence of alcohol. The campaign monitored almost 4,000 vehicles in all Spain’s autonomous communities, with the exception of Cataluña and the Basque Country where responsibility for such matters falls to each region. The traffico also fined 38 drivers for programming their GPS while driving, and another 169 for using headphones or earphones connected to apparatus other than mobile phones. Twenty four percent of the drivers who were pulled over were found to be using hands-free mobile phones. The Ministry notes that, while this is permitted by law, it is still a risk as it reduces a driver’s concentration. Driver distraction is one of the main causes of fatalities on Spanish roads, and was involved in 48% of the 329 fatal accidents which have taken place so far this year until April 14, killing 169 people. It was the cause of 684 traffic fatalities during 2010.

6 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364


Gardening in the Mediterranean When I came to live in the Mediterranean region, I brought with me, as probably most gardeners, memories of gardens I had tended elsewhere. The characteristics of the Mediterranean climate were new to me. What plants would tolerate such prolonged heat and dryness? Where to find them? How to make the right choice and care for them? Gardening in a Mediterranean Climate is challenging and often frustrating, especially when we buy plants from the garden centre only to find them shrivelled up and dead within a short time. I found help in the form of the Mediterranean Garden Society (MGS) which offers monthly workshops on topics such as How to Dry Garden, Pruning and Design, talks from Horticulturists on topics such as Weeds, Pests & Diseases, private garden visits and the opportunity to meet with like minded gardening enthusiasts and share knowledge and experience. Membership of the MGS gave me access to amateur and professional gardeners, horticulturists, and botanists, and others who appreciate the unique climate called 'Mediterranean'. I was asked last year to take on the challenge to create a Catalonia Branch of the MGS which together with two other members is now up and running. You don’t need to be a member so why not come along to any of our events. However if you want to join the MGS, as part of your membership you will receive a wonderful quarterly journal, an informative website, a seed exchange programme and expert advice on Mediterranean THE MEDITERRANEAN GARDEN SOCIETY

Gardening. For more information or a copy of the Catalonia Branch Activities 2011 either contact or Salvia microphylla - Hot Lips is a “must have” in any Meditteranean Garden. The fast-growing, 30" tall x 6' wide clump is adorned with stunning bicolour flowers

with red tips and white lips. When the nights warm in summer, the new flowers are all red with an occasional solid white one and the fragrance is amazing. As Autumn approaches, the flowers again will be bicoloured red and white. This plant needs little or no water once established and is one of my favourites.

“Sojourns with Mediterranean Flora”

Invites you to a talk “Sojourns with Mediterranean Flora” illustrated with images from MGS trips by John Fielding, at the Tortosa Public Library, Marcel-Lí Domingo in calle de la Mercé No. 6 Tortosa on

Tuesday 3 May 2011 at 19.30hrs.

The talk will be in English with questions taken at the end also in Spanish and Catalan For more information contact or 622 283 917

John Fielding

Plants-man, garden designer, plant breeder, photographer, and author, John is well known in the world of horticulture. He studied at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew and has worked for many years in a large private garden in London. During the intervening years, amongst other things, he spent over a year in total studying and photographically recording the flora of Crete and the result is what must be the definitive book “The Flowers of Crete” - a book like no other.


news in spain


ataluña wants to fine prostitutes and their clients. The Artur Mas Government in Cataluña has announced plans to prohibit prostitution on the public highway in the region, with fines to be placed on both the prostitutes and their clients. Interior councillor, Felip Puig, explained that working on the street would be considered as an ‘administrative infraction’, and said that he hoped it would become law before the summer, when the NII road fills up with prostitutes. Currently some municipalities in Cataluña fine the activity, but the idea is to now have a regional law to bring in standardised legislation. Puig said the objective was to ‘advance in the eradication and abolition of prostitution’, although he admitted that was difficult as the subject currently comes under state administration through the penal code. One of the main problems reported from the municipalities which do have legislation is the difficulty they have in collecting the fines they impose.


wenty percent turnout in Barcelona independence vote. Turnout for an independence vote held in Barcelona and twenty ore Catalan municipalities on Sunday was just 20%, and with just under half of the vote counted the ‘Yes’ campaign had picked up 91% support. ‘No’ had 7,32% and there was over 1% of votes left blank. 1,420,580 people had the chance to vote in the poll which had no legal standing. Despite that 51 international observers supervised the proceedings. Ex Socialist Councillors Ferran Mascarell and Antoni Castells took part, and some computer problems slowed down voting in Puigcercós and Portabella. There was a threat of disruption from the far right Falange, but their protest had little consequence. CiU leader in Parlament, Oriol Pujol, put the success of the referendum in part to the participation of the President of the Generalitat Artur Mas, and the ex President Jordi Pujol.

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by David Piqué

Hi, Just lately we've heard of quite a few sudden deaths locally, three in Gandesa in the last year and heard about the terrible times people have had trying to sort out paper work and payment and the like. Sandra and myself were wondering wether David Pique could write an article on the subject, to try and make this situation clearer for people. In the UK things happen more slowly but over here you hardly have time to die before they dispose of you. What to ask for,type of funeral, costs, what forms you need, where to go etc. The people we know that this has happened to were totally in the dark as regards paper work, where to go and how much it would cost them, these were all sudden deaths, leaving the nearest relative in a complete dilemma. One case in particular couldn't even afford to pay and had to borrow the costs, what happens in a case like this. I know insurance is the answer but not everyone can afford their prices. Look forward to hearing from you. Regards Terry and Sandra. Dear Terry and Sandra, I’m going to try to put your minds at rest regarding the case of a supposed death and the proceedings that have to be followed. a) Well, the first step is to obtain the death certificate. This certificate is the official document certifying death and must be issued by the doctor who treated the sick person (in cases of death as a result of illness) or any other doctor who examines the body. The issue of this certificate is free as far as paying doctor’s fees, it is only necessary to pay for the form. b) Once the death certificate has been obtained, you must register the death at the Registry Office (Registro Civil) at the place where death occurred. Regulations state that registering the death must be done within 24 hours after death has occurred. There is no charge. c) Having completed the previous step, the next is to obtain a burial licence, said licence is issued at the registry office once the death has been registered and it allows for the body to be buried or cremated. This licence is free and issued at least 24 hours after death has occurred. d) Next, the body has to be transferred to the cemetery or the crematorium. The funeral homes are those who take care, either together or separately, of the services

of handling and preparing the body, transferring it to the chapel of rest, cemetery or crematorium and the provision of accessories such as flower garlands, dressing the body, makeup etc. e) Lastly, once all the previous steps have been completed, comes the burial or cremation. That is to say that to do this one must have obtained the medical death certificate by registering the death at the registry office and obtained the burial licence. The same proceedings are required in the case of cremation as well as the last will and testament of the deceased which shows that the person wished to be cremated. If the relatives wish to cremate the body, this must be expressly declared to the doctor and he will include this on the death certificate. I have tried to give a brief and general description of the steps to be taken from the moment of death up to the burial or cremation but, obviously, there are special cases that for the lack of space, cannot be included here. This might be for example, when the examining magistrate’s court intervenes in the case of a violent death, how to proceed with bodies that are contaminated in some way and may be harmful, bodies whose organs have been donated to science… In all cases, remember that if there is an insurance policy, logically the insurance company has to be informed and they will explain what steps need to be taken. If we count on a funeral home, after accepting the estimated cost, they will take charge of everything and if we apply for the free funeral service we have to provide a document from the town hall stating our lack of economic resources.

By David Piqué. Any legal questions can be sent to or The Olive Press direct.


can it be true??? Bank reforms to make it look as if


something is being done + Mario and Luigi not actually brothers but do live together

A PROPOSED shake-up of the UK banking system is to make it look as if someone is doing something about it. The interim report from the Independent Commission on Banking sets out a series of recommendations based on their assumption that you and Vince Cable have no idea how any of this actually works. Meanwhile the report has been given a cautious reception by the British Bankers Association in what experts have described as an insultingly transparent double bluff. Nathan Muir, senior banking analyst at Madeley-Finnegan, said: "The central idea is that if a bank's investment arm fails then ordinary people's savings will be guaranteed and there will be no need for any more bail outs. But of course in 2008 deposits could have been guaranteed without protecting the investment arms anyway, which suggests they have come up with a solution for a problem which did not exist. "At this stage you should feel free to start getting very suspicious." He added: "If an investment bank fails it starts a chain reaction of screwing things up quite tremendously, so the idea that everything will be fine because your little deposit is safe and snug in it's fur-lined box is what we call 'a lot of crap'. "When that amount of money is lost it has to be replaced somehow, otherwise many, many other businesses will collapse. And the only guaranteed way of replacing it is to get it from the government and the only guaranteed way the government can get it is from... do you really not know? "That's right. And the reason you are the only guaranteed source of funding in the whole crooked system is because the government controls what we call 'the police'. "So the idea that these reforms will save taxpayers' money in the event of a future banking crisis is like saying you will never get cancer because you always wear underpants." Muir said: "You see, the thing we've learned from all of this is that unrestrained free markets are not possible without big government. "How cocked-up is that?"

MOUSTACHIOED adventurers Mario and Luigi are not related but they do have a special bond, it has emerged. The Mario 'Brothers' revelation comes in the wake of Dragon Eye 2, a computer game featuring openly gay characters on the mythical fantasy world of Grindr-onia. Mario said: "Luigi and I are two highly compatible individuals who found each other in the eighties and have been together ever since, living in a little red brick house full of vintage theatre posters and overweight cats. "We are not actually brothers, more like soul mates." He added: "It just felt like it was the right time to say something. Unfortunately various lucrative licensing deals prevent me from being more explicit, but let's say we're unlikely to fall out over the favours of the Princess Toadstool." Games reviewer, Wayne Hayes, said: "They wear lurid dungarees. They have matching facial hair. They inhabit a design-heavy environment decorated in bold primary colours. Most of all, they're Italian. "It's questionable whether this is any kind of revelation." Veteran heterosexual gamer, Bill McKay, said: "As a redblooded straight macho male who would definitely be shagging lots of women if he wasn't constantly sat in front of a monitor with the curtains drawn and surrounded by discarded Pot Noodle tubs, I find the thought of same sex relationships disgusting. "However I am less troubled, and in fact somewhat aroused, by the idea of sexual relationships between men and attractive female cat-type humanoids, or busty unicorns."

10 email: â˜ťTel: 977 059 364



a more detailed horoscopes can be found on our web site CAPRICORN Dec. 22 - Jan. 20 You will assist


others this month. You will feel compassion and

your daily life is like, all you may think of is being

it will flow from your lips. You will communicate

rather adventurous, taking trips to places foreign

with concern and care and will help those who

and exotic, trekking to a wild piece of land and

need you with grace, tenderness, kindness and

nesting there and doing it all without informing

mercy. You will consider things religious. You

anyone of your plans. This may sound exciting

will make decisions based on benevolence and

but you'll plop down somewhere and not know

forgiveness. All Soul qualities.

where you are. Look at travel brochures instead.

AQUARIUS Jan. 21 - Feb. 19 -Where did the


money go? And where will more of it come from?

its vicissitudes may leap at you like a raging tiger.

Instead of asking these questions, go on a tithing

Hold steady in the face of other people's ideas,

spree. What's that? Giving to those in need &

sense of power, and sad tales of love lost. You

everyone around you. Know that to those who

may consider the lost loves you've had in the past

give, more is given, so you can give some more. A

and realize they served you in ways that led to

treatise of prosperity.

spiritual insights. Things ease up and you'll be

Jun. 23 - Jul. 22 -No matter what

Jul. 23 - Aug. 23

-Money and some of

PISCES Feb. 20 - Mar. 20 -You may not have

back in your regular sun-filled power seat soon.

clear thinking this month, or next. Instead,

VIRGO Aug. 24 - Sep. 23 -It would be good to

your inner self has taken itself to a monastery,

shift away from the self and focus on partnerships

to places behind the scenes for refreshment.

or your intimate other(s) and achieve more

Inspirations come in the form of ideas on how

cooperation. This helps fulfil your life purpose,

to save the world. Hold off on them for awhile.

actually. And fills in any voids you may feel about

Nothing's realistic at this time.

your life and yourself. Beware of any deception or


Mar. 21 - Apr. 20

-You've become

idealization occurring. Maintain truth.

so Piscean that no one understands you. This

LIBRA Sept. 24 - Oct. 23 -Your home is here and

won't last but beware of feet hurting, stumbling

there for a time. You seek better arrangements

over everything and everyone, and feeling the

for more comfort. Tranquillity is most important

pressure of being lost and abandoned for a

as is order and organization. As you change you

couple of months. You're not lost or abandoned

must inform others of your needs and wants.

but things on an inner level pressure you into

This allows for harmony and cooperation, two

solitude. It's a saving grace for things to come.

qualities that support the core of your work.


-Nothing but the

SCORPIO Oct. 24 - Nov. 22 -You see objects of

group matters and so you will forge ahead with

beauty, artwork, things you can invest in and your

group plans, group dreams & goals and make sure

desire becomes great. Careful. Only use money

discussion occur concern all future endeavours.

that remains after daily needs are met. You seek

Know that the goals pursued are not yet able to

pleasure, more than usual, so you can talk more,

be manifested but don't allow that to burden you

ask more questions, be sociable. You find love in

in any way or stop you in your aspirational tracks.

your environment, more than you realized.



Apr. 21 - May 21

May 22 - Jun. 22


Nov. 23-Dec. 21 -Are you

may not be available. At least not the type you

feeling like home is a place that you both want

seek. Your needs may need to be subordinated

solitude in but also a place you want to flee from?

to another's needs. Actually you can do this

Is the past upwelling and do you feel somewhat

if discussion is allowed with openness and

out of control? Is the money situation so difficult

truthfulness. Careful with sweets and foods you

you want to bury your head in the sand? This will

overindulge in. It's a sensitive health time for

continue and you have the vision and manifesting

your digestion and pancreas.

abilities to gradually make things right again.


news hounds & more..." Be Prepared By Being Aware " BY Dr. Ronald

Rosenfeld D.V.M. It has always been my contention that having infected fleas and flea faeces. However, a very a properly cared for healthy pet at home is few, documented cases have been associated safer than some guests or visitors may be! This with sleeping or being licked by a household being the case there are still some things to pet. be aware of. Nonetheless, the authors write: “Our review In most industrialized countries, pets are suggests that persons, especially young becoming an integral part of households, children or immunodeficiency persons, sharing human lifestyles, bedrooms, and should be discouraged from sharing their bed beds. The estimated percentage of pet owners with their pets or regularly kissing their pets.” who allow dogs and cats on their beds is Especially if the pet is not predominantly an 14%–62%. However, public health risks, indoors kind of creature. including increased emergence of zoonoses Recommendations (diseases which may be transmitted between Zoonotic infections acquired by sleeping with people and animals), may be associated a pet are uncommon. According to the study with such practices. Surveys show that pet that was carried out the researchers made ownership appears to have been on the rise some recommendations, emphasizing that in the U.S. and certainly in Spain, although transmission between us over the last few decades. Of an and our pets does occur it is rare. estimated 60 million pet dogs in The main emphasis is that these the U.S. according to this study, an are things that we need to be estimated 21% to 33% sleep on or aware of so as to limit the passage in their owners' beds – and of 75 of diseases between species and million cats, 60% curl up with their is limited if not controlled. Here owners. In the United Kingdom, an are some suggestions. Persons, estimated 6.5 million dogs live in especially young children or 25% of households. In a survey of immunodeficiency persons, should 260 dog-owning households in a be discouraged from sharing their community in Cheshire, 19% of the bed with their pets or regularly dogs were sleeping on the bedroom floor and 14% on their kissing their pets. Any area licked by a pet, especially owner's bed. A survey conducted in 1995 with regard to for children or immunodeficiency persons or an open cats 12 years of age throughout the United Kingdom found wound, should be immediately washed with soap and that among 1,236 of these older cats, 45% were sleeping water. Pets should be kept free of ectoparasites (especially regularly on the owner's bed. fleas), routinely de-wormed, and regularly examined by You should think twice before cuddling up with your furry a veterinarian. Preventive measures such as anthelmintic friends in bed, you might possibly be exposing yourself to a drug intervention for puppies within the first few weeks nasty disease. According to a paper being published in the after birth or, even better, for bitches during the last few journal Emerging Infectious Diseases. weeks of pregnancy, could help prevent most cases of Are people increasingly being exposed to animal-borne human toxocariasis. Similarly, evaluation of patients with diseases? Bruno Chomel D.V.M a professor at the University recurrent MRSA colonization or infection or Pasteurella of California Davis Veterinary School and Ben Sun of the spp. infection with no obvious source should prompt California Department of Public Health decided to find out. queries about any regular contact with pet dogs, They surveyed the scientific literature and found examples particularly in household settings. of owners who contracted rare, unpleasant illnesses after Conclusion kissing, sleeping in the same bed with, or being licked by Here again, so as not to be alarmist, it needs to be their pets. emphasized that, although uncommon with healthy pets, Some of the more common diseases that may be shared the risk for transmission of zoonotic agents by close contact are: chagas disease, staphylococcus infections, parasites, between pets and their owners through bed sharing, meningitis, cat scratch fever, and even kissing or licking is real and has even bubonic plague. been documented for life-threatening That said, a good number of the cases infections such as plague. The presence they survey are from several decades of ectoparasites or internal parasites ago; the seven-victim plague outbreak is certainly of major concern when it in New Mexico happened in 1974. An comes to this type of behaviour. To example of a meningitis infection they reduce such risks, pet owners should cite comes from 1985. seek regular veterinary care for their Cat-scratch disease is mainly transmitted pets to help keep them and the entire to humans when they are scratched by a family healthy and happy! cat that harbours Bartonella henselae– Dr Ronald Rosenfeld. D.V.M. A. M. P. A. R. E. The society for the protection of animals Ebro region. Based in Mora La Nova. We desperately need to re-home dogs to make room for more! We have over 200 dogs for adoption. Susan 689 468752 English Isabel 977 404720 Spanish/ Catalan Donations always appreciated.

12 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

"moral and cultural progress of a country is measured from its treatment of animals" (Mahatma Gandhi) Last month A.R.C.A. gave you URGENT ADOPTION REQUIRED some really good news, sadly CALL ARCA TODAY. A.R.C.A. this month we have very sad news. The old kennels must (Association for Refuge and close down, the ajuntament will no longer pay to keep it Taking care of the Animals) it is a open, we have 95 dogs there,the new kennels can only take non-profit association operating 15 more the ajuntament say it was built to hold 200, but since the summer of year 2001. is much too small, an organisation in Holland will take At this moment they have 300 15 from us, which is good, which will leave us with 65 to abandoned dogs. They are in Tortosa in the province of re-home. A,R.C.A. are notifying the local tv & newspapers Tarragona (Spain). All the material aid comes from the & putting it on the web much appreciated donations but with each new arrival site. We have worked so more donations are needed. If you want to donate to hard to get these dogs Arca if only by 5€ each month, minimum, please send an from near starvation e-mail with your personal data and account number or call & cruelty into a or write. Or just become a volunteer to help with the dogs. safe & loving email: ARCA : environment Post office 496, Tortosa, (Tarragona) or contact: Mave and its breaking (English) 678 975 816, Cinta 625 915 605 Carmen 655 040 our hearts to 359 know that we will have to put some of them to sleep, we have done all we can & are asking for your help, if you know anyone or if you can possibly take on & save one of these loving dogs, please come & look at them.


There is someone at A.R.C.A. every day from 8 30 until 11am or text Mave on 678 975 816.

Thanking you Carmen & Anna, ARCA

LATEST JUST IN!! WANTED ASSISTANCE TO TRANSPORT 40 DOGS TO HOLLAND (ARCA TORTOSA) ARCA has managed to complete the adoption of 40 dogs in the Netherlands through a Dutch Foundation that works with us. This is great news, but we need all your help as the transport of the dogs is very high. We must make rapid blood tests, vaccinations and neutering before being sent abroad, apart from vehicle hire, fuel and highway. We estimated that these costs can be as high as at least about 4000 € HOW YOU CAN HELP You can make a donation through the following bank accounts ARCA Caixa Tarragona (Caixa Catalunya) 2073-0011-67-0110475303 "La Caixa" 2100-0594-82-0200149224 We need a large van for transport. In principle we have to rent because we do not have any of this size, but if anyone has van, availability and willingness to help out. We expect to go to Holland May 9-10 and the duration of the trip total is 5 days. Very important too, need dog seatbelts + cages to transport the dogs! Para más información y contacto puedes llamar al móvil 630502142 Maribel (mediodías y noches), Anna 667742431 (tardes) o través del correo mia802@ o



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14 email: â˜ťTel: 977 059 364



Increased drinking caused by cancer fears

PEOPLE are drinking more to distract themselves from constantly worrying about cancer. New research shows that every time new research shows a new link to cancer, people respond by getting so drunk they forget they even read about it in the first place. In a review of cancer research projects, the Institute for Studies found that each one of them can cause an average British adult to drink at least 170 per cent more than the recommended daily limit. Professor Henry Brubaker said: "This 1996 report linking cancer to selfassembly furniture is the research equivalent of nine gin and tonics or a cheeky wee bucket of Albanian Chardonnay. "An American study from 2002 linking cancer to looking at a photograph of a cartoon badger smoking a pipe is the same as lining up 14 shots of Jim Beam along the bar and proclaiming yourself 'The King of the Monkeymen'. "And any link of any kind between cancer and chocolate can make a British woman in her thirties drink so much Pinot Grigio she ends up falling asleep upside down on a strange man's toilet." He added: "There is of course a link between stress and cancer and drinking. Stress causes both cancer and drinking, while drinking eliminates both stress and any memory of articles about stress and cancer, which in a nice, neat way are now the single biggest cause of stress. "The answer is to either stop reading newspapers or for every drop of alcohol in this country to be sold at below cost price." Meanwhile, Brubaker admitted that bringing up the subject of drinking and cancer on a Friday, during a spell of warm, sunny weather, does make him seem like the sort of utterly miserable bugger who deserves to be eaten by a crocodile.


news from our california correspondent (norfolk) 'It’s a shore thing… ’ By your celebrity DJ, you can listen to him live on www.

Wednesday mornings 10..00-13.00

The environ-mentalists are at it again! You will recall the local firebreathing hostility to the presence of land based wind turbines. The noise, confused bats, radar distortion and eyesore claims rain down on every planning application. Site them off-shore was the solution; problem solved. Not bloody likely! Now a campaign has been launched to ‘protect our seascapes’. We are not talking of the crystal blue waters of the Mediterranean here, or the wild balmy surf of the Caribbean. It’s about the North friggin’ Sea. The conservation clan want to keep it free of oil rigs, dredgers and, most of all, wind farms. At the best of times the North Sea is grey. The only annual variations are different shades of grey interspersed by oil slicks discharged from ships cleaning their tanks, unprocessed sewage, and passing Spanish trawlers nicking what’s left of our fish stocks. No sign of dolphins leaping into the air, just the occasional seal coughing when he realises his tasty fish snack is actually a discarded prophylactic from the Great Yarmouth sewage outlet. Most of the time the world’s busiest shipping highway has little to commend

itself other than fulfilling the function of separating the land from the sky. The possibility of a place to generate cheap electrical power is entirely overlooked in the argument. The same goes for the latest waste incinerator plant project. The coalition government has imposed a heavy financial penalty on local authorities who continue to bury their environmental waste in the ground. It serves no useful purpose other than providing material for future editions of ‘Time Team’. The resulting mulch leaks into water courses polluting crops. A scheme for a state-of-the art reprocessing and electricity generating plant to be built in the west of the County has met with the full approval of the County Council, backed by the Government, and open hostility by the local populace. The opposition mounted a campaign whereby they claimed that 90% of the electorate voted against the scheme. Now this is from an area that barely musters 50% of the population who can get off their backsides to vote at the time of an election. Present a petition in the shopping

16 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

L' Ampolla


TUESDAYS Bingo Night 8pm EVERY FRIDAY Fish & Chip Night EVERY SUNDAY Traditional Roast Lunch With All The Trimmings

Booking essential Tel: 977 460 387 precinct and you will usually get signature from people who sign just to make annoying buggers go away. Add to being told that the gaseous output from the plant will give their off-spring webbed feet and an IQ equal to that of Katy Price and of course people will sign. Many of the locals have these characteristics already, brought upon by decades of in-breeding. However, one is reassured that the 65,000 people who were afraid of breathing in toxic fumes were of course non-smokers. However, judging from my observations on the High Street, I very much doubt it. Chav’ mums breathing ‘Lambert and Butler No 1’ fumes over their snotty infants tell another story. Still

I expect the arguments will rattle on for months from one expensive enquiry to another. It’s in my contract to end on a note of optimism. A half page ad in the local paper the other day revealed to us that now was the time we should be booking for the Christmas events at the local Holiday Inn. At the time of writing I have yet to unpeel my first chocolate egg. Let me be the first to wish you all a merry Christmas. © Mike Stevens 2011. If you need to contact Mike you can now do so at his blog,

yoga for all- namaste

What is Namaste? Namaste’ or ‘namaskar’ is the Indian way of greeting each other. Wherever they are – on the street, in the house, or on the phone – when Hindus meet people they know or strangers with whom they want to initiate a conversation, namaste is the customary courtesy greeting to begin with and often to end with. It is not a superficial gesture or a mere word, and is for all people - young and old, friends and strangers. Namaste is one of the five forms of formal traditional greeting and refers to paying homage or showing respect to one another when we meet. The Meaning of Namaste In Sanskrit the word is namah + te = namaste which means “I bow to you” my greetings, salutations or prostration to you. The word ‘namaha’ can also be literally interpreted as "na ma" (not mine). It has a spiritual significance of negating or reducing one's ego in the presence of another. How to Namaste Bend the arms from the elbow upwards and face the two palms of the hands. Place the two palms together and keep the touching palms in

front of the chest. Utter the word namaste and while saying the word bow the head slightly. Why Namaste? Namaste could be just a casual or formal greeting, a cultural convention or an act of worship. However, there is much more to it than meets the eye. The real meeting between people is the meeting of their minds. When we greet one another with namaste, it means, ‘may our minds meet’, indicated by the touching palms placed before the chest. The bowing down of the head is a gracious form of extending friendship in love, respect and humility. Spiritual Significance of Namaste The reason why we practice namaste has a deeper spiritual significance. It recognizes the belief that the life force, the divinity, the Self or the God in me is the same in all. Acknowledging this oneness with the meeting of the palms, we honour the specialness in every person we meet. Namaste! Sarah

Sarah Good is a Sivananda trained yoga teacher offering local weekly classes. Contact Sarah for more details on 663 140 297 www.

L' Ampolla

Next to the train station ROYAL WEDDING DAY William & Kate Come and celebrate with us Big screen, BBQ Party

FA CUP final on big screen


on Sat 21st May 12 euro entry to include: Glass of Cava Betting chips Buffet Supper 8 races throughout the night on big screen lots of prizes to be won. Sponsor a horse for big race prizes entry by ticket only

Booking essential Tel: 977 460 387

18 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

Escape from the crowds and enjoy a memorable day afloat Butterfly, a classic yacht in the Delta del Ebro. Relax with an ice cold drink, spread out on the huge deck cushions and experience the tranquillity of sailing around the beautiful Alfaques Bay.

Sail In The Beautiful Alfacs Bay Delta del Ebro Natural Park Sant Carles de la Ràpita

Sailing Trips & Charters

You will sail along the 8 beaches of Sant Carles de la Ràpita and across the bay through the largest mussel farms in the Mediterranean searching for a quiet spot to drop anchor for bathing off the beaches of the Ebro Delta Natural Park. You can visit interesting spots such as the Salinas de la Trinidad, the Sant Joan Tower, the “Banya” Point, and the small fishing harbour of Les Cases d’Alcanar where you will find excellent restaurants. You can find plenty of time to enjoy the tranquillity of the bay and above all the gentle billowing of the sails. Watching of migratory birds like flamingos, is a main attraction in the Delta del Ebro National Park and possible on board Butterfly. Captain Lucas will be happy to teach you how to sail or initiate you into trolling for fish.

Half day and full day tours with delicious snacks from the region included, with the possibility of tasting local sea food. Sunset cruises and full moon cruises are especially romantic. Ideal for celebrations. THE PERFECT GIFT

tel: 660 907 189

Prices starting at 40€ per person (25€ kids under 14)


Captain Lucas welcomes any special requests.

Maximum 12 persons, min. 2 persons

festival is free, however you must pay for food and drinks or any castanets you may want to buy. In 1971, immigrants to Barcelona from Andalusia, and their descendants, began their own version of the Seville Fair, Feria de abril de Sevilla. Since then the Barcelona event has grown to become the second largest Spring Fair in Spain. The 40th April Fair of Catalunya is from Friday 29 April to Sunday 8 May 2011 at the Parc del Forum in the Diagonal Mar district of Barcelona. The feria is a explosion of music, food, dancing and attractions. a festival celebrating Andalucian culture in Barcelona. The original April Fair, which was first held in 1847, is the one that occurs in Seville each year. It usually starts two weeks after Semana Santa (Holy Week). There are also smaller April Fairs held in several Andalusian cities and towns at around the same time. Some of you may be thinking, “Why does a so-called April fair happen in May?” – and those of you who know Spain may be asking, “Isn't the April Fair held in Seville each year?” So, just what is an April Fair? Well, first and foremost, it is fun. Secondly, it's an opportunity to revel in Spanish, especially Andalusian, culture – flamenco, sevillianas, rumbas, boleros, pienetas, mantillas, shawls, riding jackets, castanets, cantaores, bailaoras, Jerez sherry, manzanilla wine, tapas, gazpacho, ham, and, that great Spanish confection churrrrrrrrros! Many tourists arrive in Barcelona expecting to find flamenco dancers and castanets. While there are a few flamenco shows and shops selling ruffled skirts for the tourists, Catalunya has nothing to do with these Spanish stereotypes. Now, for a short time, tourists in Barcelona do not need to travel to southern Spain to experience flamenco. La Feria de Abril de Catalunya is organized by the Federacion de Entidades Culturales Andaluzas en Catalunya and Barcelona's Ajuntament. The 40th year of La Feria de Abril de Catalunya features local music, live performances, traditional food of Andalucía and of course, fabulous flamenco dancing. Entrance to the

The fair is currently held at the Parc del Fòrum fairgrounds, a large area on the shores of the Mediterranean, which is covered with rows of casetas, colourfully decorated marquee tents which are temporarily set up. Most of the casetas are sponsored by cultural associations created by and for Andalusian immigrants and their descendants. There are also casetas sponsored by the cultural associations of other ethnic groups, such as Latin Americans and Moroccans, as well as others sponsored by political parties. Throughout the fairground, many men, women and children walk around dressed in traditional "trajes de corto" (short jacket, tight trousers and boots) and "trajes de flamenco" (flamenco style dresses). In Barcelona's version, the April Fair is also a celebration of multiculturalism. This is in recognition of the fact that Catalunya absorbed hundreds of thousands of “internal immigrants”from Andalusia, Murcia and Extremadura during the 50s, 60s and 70s and is now absorbing a new wave of immigrants, but this time from Latin America, Morocco, Pakistan and Eastern Europe. Visitors to the festival are a mosaic of people from around Spain and the world. However, there are usually not very many tourists. For that last reason, it is a particularly authentic experience. All the pavilions of Barcelona's Feria de Abril are welcoming places where members of the public can rest from walking around the fairgrounds, buy a drink, eat a meal, snack on tapas, listen to music, watch dancers, or get up and dance. Most of the pavilions are sponsored by cultural associations created by and for Andalusian immigrants and their descendants. There are also pavilions sponsored by political parties from just about the entire spectrum. In addition to

pavilions, there are stalls selling clothing, arts, crafts, and food items from around Spain. There is also a funfair for kids, with a Ferris wheel and other rides. Admission to the fairground is free. Prices in the pavilions are regulated by the fair organizers, but prices in the stands and stalls are not. So, the best deals are on food and drink often in the pavilions. The entire thing is an 11 day feast of sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. And the joy is contagious – whether its that of the professional dancers on the stages, the colourfully costumed bands of singers & dancers who roam around the grounds or the civilians strutting their stuff on the pavilion dance floors. ¥Viva la feria de abril!

            ; K F 

treat your taste buds.

Spanish baked prawns -Sizzling Spanish seafood, perfect for a summer's evening or a tapas party INGREDIENTS serves 2 300g raw king prawns , peeled and butterflied a small handful of parsley , chopped a large pinch of chilli flakes 2 tbsp olive oil 2 garlic cloves , thinly sliced 2 tbsp dry sherry , fino is good Method 1. Heat the oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7. 2. Divide the prawns, garlic, chilli, sherry and olive oil between 2 small ovenproof dishes. 3. Cook for 6-8 minutes until pink and sizzling. 4. Sprinkle with the parsley and serve with crusty bread. Preparing prawns To butterfly the prawns simply slit the prawns lengthways but don't go all the way through and remove the vein.

Greek lamb with potatoes & olives Entertain the easy way with this quick-toprepare rustic one-pot - just serve with crusty bread INGREDIENTS for 4 people 800g medium-size potatoes , skin on, thinly sliced 4 large tomatoes , thinly sliced 1 aubergine , thinly sliced 4 garlic cloves , chopped 3 tbsp oregano leaves, plus extra for sprinkling 85g pitted Kalamata olives , halved 5 tbsp olive oil , plus a drizzle 100g feta cheese , crumbled 4 lamb steaks

        h k      

 TREATS FOR AFTER LENT  Method 1. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Layer up half the potato, tomato and aubergine in a baking dish, scattering with garlic, oregano and olives, and drizzling with oil and seasoning as you go. 2. Scatter over the feta, then repeat the layers until all the ingredients are used up. Finish with potatoes and a little oil. 3. Bake for 50 mins or until the veg are tender (cover with foil if they're getting too brown). Top with the lamb steaks, rubbing with a little more oil and seasoning. Bake for 15-20 mins more until the lamb is cooked. Allow to rest and cool a bit before scattering with oregano and serving with crusty bread.

Sticky toffee pudding A sticky treat that the kids and adults alike will love - it has a lovely natural toffee flavour INGREDIENTS FOR 8 PEOPLE 200g dried dates , stoned and chopped. Buy Medjool if you can- they have a lovely natural toffee flavour and sticky texture 250ml black tea (not too strong) ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda 85g unsalted butter , softened 175g self-raising flour 1 tsp mixed spice 175g golden caster sugar 2 eggs , beaten FOR THE TOFFEE SAUCE 100g light muscovado sugar 100g unsalted butter 142ml carton double cream Method 1. Heat the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Put the dates and tea in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Cook for 3-4 minutes to soften the dates. Stir in the bicarbonate of soda. 2. Beat the butter and caster sugar together with electric beaters until pale and creamy, then beat in the egg, flour and mixed spice. Fold in the date mixture and pour into a buttered ovenproof dish or brownie tin. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until the top is just firm to touch. 3. Meanwhile, make the sauce by putting the sugar, butter and cream in a pan over a low heat and simmer until the sugar has dissolved. Cook until the sauce is a lovely toffee colour. Cut the pudding into squares and serve with the warm sauce and a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

22 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

        ; K F     

"TRAPEZI 12-15 MAY REUS". In the year 1997, TRAPEZI was born in Reus as the first and only circus Festival in Spain. The celebration was not based on dangerous or breath taking acts but on an aesthetical global concept and the artistic quality of the performance itself. Only a few years later, the proposal has already produced an important result: the warm presence of the audience, who looks forward to this date year after year. www. "Aplec del Caragol" (the Snail Festival) 27-29 May. The Aplec festival is now well-known throughout Spain and the rest of Europe, and has even been sistered with other festivals. The festival welcomes everyone interested in having a good time and getting to know the gastronomy of the city of Lleida, as well as the people who live there. The Aplec del Caragol is a gastronomy festival held in the city of Lleida each year at the end of May. “THE SAN MIGUEL PRIMAVERA SOUND 2011” Barcelona 25 to 29 May 2011. It takes place at the Parc del Forum, Barcelona. For 2011 it will be held as usual during the last weekend of May in Barcelona. With the novelty that the festival will go back to its original venue the Poble Espanyol for two new days to celebrate the opening and closing of the festival (Wednesday 25th and Sunday 29th of May). Several national and international artists will play on a stage that will be in the square of the emblematic square of the site on the mountain of Montjuic. Another significant change is the increase of the area of the festival site in the Parc del Fòrum. "La Virgen de Los Desamparados" in Alcalà de Xivert & Valencia LA VIRGEN DE LOS DESAMPARADOS / OUR LADY OF THE ABANDONED ONES, PATRON SAINT OF THE TOWNS : is always celebrated the second and third Sunday of May. The feast day is in honour of the patroness of Alcalà de Xivert, during which there are masses and afterwards there are processions of the Virgin during which people wear traditional Valencian fancy dress. Towel day, held every year on May 25, commemoration day for Douglas Adams, the brilliant author of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”. The idea is that you take your towel everywhere you go, as — according to The Guide — “a towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitch hiker can have”. For more information visit:


Edition 5 to 15 May

From the 5th to the 1 5th of May, Tarragona is holding the twelve edition of the Annual Festival of Roman History, better known as Tàrraco Viva, which is organised by the Dissemination Service of the Tarragona Museum of History.

For almost two weeks, a whole range of events will commemorate the city's Roman past. www. Saint Isidore -the Farmer Feast May 15th Feast of San Isidro from 12 May to 16 June. San Isidro is the patron saint of peasants and labourers and is also the patron saint of Madrid. This festivity has been an official festival in Madrid since 1947 and while technically the feast runs from May 12th to the 16th, like good Spaniards they stretch the fun and always start earlier and end later. So that Madrid's biggest "fiesta" is celebrated yearly starting on the Friday before the 8th and running until the following Sunday, 9 days of Saintly jubilee throughout the Community of Madrid.

catalonia property info update Hola! Lovely spring weather is with us once more and with it a flurry of property sales enquiries and visits, with predominantly Dutch and French buyers. While French house hunters tend to be looking for holiday/retirement villas near the coast, Dutch buyers are very often looking for a peaceful rural finca —possibly to refurbish. They come fully prepared and are usually pretty well-informed about potential problems. One of the most common concerns is the essential cédula de habitabilidad certificate. As many of you know, this can not always be obtained for houses on rural land. To recap, the cédula is needed to sell properties that are registered at the Registro de la Propiedad (ie. on the property escritura) as: - viviendas (dwellings) - casas, pisos (houses, flats) - where the building description specifically mentions a division into bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, etc If a building is not registered in this way or not registered at all, no cédula should be needed to sell — if in doubt, take the escritura to a notary and ask.

The British Consul and the cédula issue At the beginning of April, Barcelona’s British Consul Andrew Gwatkin and Vice Consul Mark Smithson came to El Perelló on an initial fact-finding visit about cédularelated problems.

The British Consulate in Barcelona are taking a keen interest in this issue and the Consul told us they have had a series of meetings with the Generalitat’s Habitatge department and have also spoken directly to new president Artur Mas. Also present was new adviser at the British Consulate general in Madrid, Alexandra Brown, who is working on Spanish property-related problems that affect UK nationals. Appointing a specialist adviser seems like a positive step as the Consulate's policy on property problems formerly appeared to be to limited to 'sorry, but we cannot get involved'. The Consul stresses that the Consulate cannot champion individual cases but that they are concerned and are talking to the Catalan government. I think they could be especially interested to hear of cases where, for lack of a cédula, UK nationals are being denied registry on the padrón (local councils’ register of residents) with subsequent problems of access to healthcare, schooling, etc. For more info see Possible solutions include an officially-proposed modification to the Habitatge law at the end of the year, so no fast solution but at least awareness of the problem is growing. Let’s hope the new government of the Generalitat will remember one of their key election pledges: to eliminate the petty bureaucracy and red tape that is slowly strangling Catalonia. Finally, don't forget that the official channel for any complaint about the Catalan administration is the 'Sindic de Greuges'. You can do this in English on their website, see

Compulsory registry for estate agents Reading around the local internet forums the other day I noticed an interesting post asking about the AICAT, the Generalitat’s little-publicised but obligatory register of estate agents in Catalonia. Part of the Llei d’Habitatge housing law, the register sets out to protect consumers and regulate estate agents

24 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

selling and renting properties in Catalonia. Since March 2010, estate agents in Catalonia are required to register on the AICAT. Many have already done so, particularly those that belong to professional associations like API or APEI. Agencies located outside Catalonia —in other regions of Spain or overseas— that sell property in Catalonia are not required to register, neither are agents that only sell property on an occasional basis (quite a few retired agents would fall into this category, as would professionals in other fields that sometimes organise property sales).

To become an AICAT agent you have to: Prove at least 4 years’ professional experience or appropriate qualifications. Certain professions are exempt, like lawyers, architects, economists, and engineers. Take out civil responsibility insurance and a bank guarantee to demonstrate solvency. - Have an office where the public can visit you. In theory you can work exclusively over the internet and have a home office but in practice it is very hard to get the bank guarantee and is much more expensive. - Adhere to the AICAT professional code and procedures.

More info (in Catalan) and a list of registered agents are available at When the law was introduced it was rumoured that similar registers would soon be set up for the rest of Spain. However, given the current low volume of property sales this is unlikely to be a priority for any government, autonomous or central… As always, I love to hear your comments and feedback. And by the way, I have various Spanish and European clients looking for realistically-priced fincas with habitable houses, preferably with nice views and less than 30 minutes’ drive from the coast, so please email me at jeff@ if you are thinking of selling. I will be happy to help organise the cédula application if you qualify for one or find an alternative route-to-sale if you don’t. I look forward to hearing from you! Jeff Greensmith runs and is an AICAT registered estate agent, APEI member and experienced Spanish/Catalan translator and interpreter. He has lived in Catalonia since 1986. While the points contained in this article are true to best of our knowledge, they do not constitute legal advice on the part of Fincas Direct or The Olive Press. Please use this information responsibly and seek professional legal advice if in doubt.

SELF-HELP TOOLKIT: living will options

MY LIVING WILL: Last night, my kids and I were sitting in the living room and I said to them , 'I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine & fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug.'

prefer to have similar safeguards in place regarding our right to determine our care and dying. The website www. is translatable via google and has models to use for tailor-making living wills for use in the State, in both Catalan and Castellano. Like many of us, I have accompanied loved one's through their final stages of life and know that for some of us having the option to end things when we ourselves choose can be an indispensable piece in making that last journey easier to deal with. My sister, for example, relaxed the minute she had access to a method to end her life herself and from then till she died could continue far better working with her cancer and living those last months, relieved of They got up, unplugged the Computer & threw out my wine. the fear of the pain or indignity that haunted her before. They are SO on my [!@#$] list ... The RTD Europe site under Whose life is it anyway?, contributed by Jacqueline Jencquel, contains powerful statements: “Euthanasia is not a I went to an interesting talk on Living choice between life and death, but Wills in my local village recently by the choice between two different Gustau, a member of the Association ways of dying” (Jacques Pohier), and for the Right to Die (RTD) Catalunya, ''Euthanasia, if allowed by the law, and hosted by a club, COP (Club should never become an answer to d'Opinió Perellonenc), that I am a failing care or fear of loneliness.'' member of, which stands for diversity Also on that page Dr. Aycke Smook, of opinion as its name suggests. It a Surgeon-Oncologist, discusses his was a generous, moving, useful, and medical work in Holland, from which brave meeting to attend, particularly come the following extracts: ´´My poignant as some COP members motivation to help patients to die has helped support their founder and always been the patient’s longing for former President by witnessing his a dignified death.......Amazingly, pain living will as requested to ensure that hardly ever was the reason for the his choices regarding his death from request for euthanasia. It was always an incurable condition were respected. the loss of dignity. In many cases, the Living wills are means by which we desired death was a better perspective can choose to put in place at any point for the patient than enduring the in our adult life to state our wishes misery of the sickbed......From 1985 regarding the end of our life, which onwards we could discuss euthanasia more openly to the once witnessed by a notary or 3 (regulated) others can benefit of all involved.......For the patient, the relatives, allow us to have these choices respected by our care and the friends a fond farewell became possible and the team should we be unable to communicate them or make process of mourning could begin before the inescapable a decision in certain extreme circumstances regarding death..... An attending doctor should never let his patient our care. Catalunya regulated the right to make such down in the last vulnerable phase of his existence. .....It is wills through law 21/2000 of the Generalitat and there amazing to see the power of patients in their final stage. is a register of 'testaments vitals' in each autonomous In most cases, they support the future surviving relatives community. instead of the other way around.'' Gustau's presentation began by making the point that your I am grateful to the speaker and club for creating a space body is your own & not anyone else's, not your family's nor for reflection & discussion on this highly personal topic, the medical profession's. A living will could, for example, and further for providing practical tools, such as the preclude the use of artificial means for prolonging our life template for making a living will, that can help us put into in the case of vegetative brain death, or ask for palliative place protection for forethought to safeguard the last care such as sedation to be administered to control pain steps of our precious journeys here. even if its use could have the effect of shortening our life. This can be a support for family members and the medical care team in such extreme circumstances, relieving them Taru Burstall, M.A. Psychology, Licenced Psychotherapist, of the responsibility for making such decisions and letting Acupuncturist & Massage (Tuina) therapist. 629 301 509, them know they are carrying out the person's own express, El Perelló wishes. Taru Burstall, Dip. Massage, M.A. Psych. Licensed Clearly there are complex issues to be explored and the Acupuncturist, psychotherapist and massage (tuina talk was a helpful beginning point for moving towards & holistic) therapist. Any queries, please feel free to making such a document for those of us who would contact me, 629 301 509,

26 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

Olives & popcorn Welcome to Olives & Popcorn, your monthly guide to great Spanish based films that in my opinion should not be ignored. Any comments are welcome. Also if you want to know more about a particular film and how to get a copy again get in touch via my email below. This month I would like to highlight a new film from the director who brought us the very cool film ‘TimecRimes’… Extraterrestre (2011) Produced by Vigalondo's label Arsenico, "Extraterrestre" marks his awaited follow-up to debut time-jumping "Timecrimes," a cult item after winning the Austin Film Fest and screening in Sitges in 2007.

Over the past year or so there has been an invasion (forgive the pun) of Alien films all very similar in plot and as a result all flowing into one quite missable film feature (e.g. Skyline, Battle LA, even a new alien TV series by Steven Spielberg!) so you know what to do if one morning the sky would be absolutely full of UFOs? run as fast as you can. However, what would happen if the invasion started while you are in the flat of the girl of your dreams, the one you have just met? This is the premise of the new comedy/sci-fi film from Nacho Viglondo who brought us Timecrimes which as we speak is been touted for another US remake with Tom Cruise! Featuring Michelle Jenner, Carlos Areces, Julián Villagrán, and Raúl Cimas while little is known about this film at the moment I am however, very certain this film will stop you watching the skies and start watching your heart. When I discover more I will be sure to update you, our loyal readers.

Jason.M.Berry 04/04/2011 Contact

© big fish harvests. By Clodagh and Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners authors and broadcasters living in Spain for 25 years. BIG FISH HARVESTS Some how last months gardening article failed to mention that Dick Handscombe did in fact catch 14 fine fat Ebro fish before frost stopped play during his gardening visit to Riba Roja del Ebro. He broke his personal carp and catfish records and has just phoned to say that on a follow up visit last weekend he did so again with a 36lb carp and 110 lb catfish. Great, but now has a stiff back making gardening painful from lifting fish for photo shots. In total he caught 16 fish weighing in total over 600 lbs. if you want more info email Dick on <yourgardeninspain@>. © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe www.gardeninginspain. com. April 2011.

Alberg d'Animals de les Terres de l'Ebre ´Thank-you´ to all the people who made the effort to put their votes on the Alberg d´Animals project! We got a lot of votes and that´s all thanks to the people. Kind regards, Encarna and Anna Hello, I’m Dave, I’m a American Staffordshire terrier cross and I live in the animal shelter Alberg d’Animals. I’m 1½ years old. I have a very strong character, but I’m very gentle at the same time. Being with other dogs is not my strongest point, I’d rather be alone with a strong leader in my pack. Do you have a nice place for me with a fence around, so I can get my daily exercise? Are you interested in giving me a better life and are you a responsible person, I’d love to invite you to come and meet me. Call for more information or a visit: Encarna (Spanish) 657 181 437 or Anna (English, German, Dutch) 977 265 018 or 680 160 051

28 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

Mobile users spending 100% more than necessary BRITAIN'S mobile phone users could save hundreds of pounds by babbling at a calculator instead, say researchers. As a new study showed that 75% of users are on the wrong contract, further examination of the content of their texts and calls showed that not a single word of it was worth paying for anyway. Campaigners are now calling for legislation forcing phone providers to stop offering lengthy contracts with massive call-time and text allowances to unspeakably dreary self important twats. They want a tightening of the regulations similar to reforms which stopped banks and credit card companies from selling chocolate payment protection fireguards. Phoneologist, Dr Wayne Hayes, said: "The main problem appears to be people getting a much larger contract allowance than they actually need for fear of going over their monthly allowance without once considering the option of getting a cheaper contract." He added: "A simple way of saving money is every time you're about to send a text with 'lol' in it, just punch yourself in the teeth and put 10p into a jar. "And you could wait until you next see your friends before giving them your soul-destroyingly banal views on the latest batch of televised crap. "Or if you're using your phone to browse the internet for videos of kittens just, y'know, don't." Work starts on Olympic Stadium excuses SEBASTIAN Coe has launched the first tranche of excuses about why something in the Olympic Stadium doesn't work. With just 16 months until the games begin, many had feared workers would run out of time to explain why the toilets don't flush and all the seats are facing the wrong way. But Lord Coe said: "It's a beautiful testament to British buckpassing and I can't wait until the opening ceremony to be given the chance to explain why the place is halfempty and smells like a cesspit. "I don't think anybody wants to see a re-run of the disgraceful scenes in China with its breathtaking spectacle running like clockwork. "And if they do, they're barking up the wrong ill-conceived, mindblowingly expensive and ultimately ruinous tree." Some have cited the stadium's completion on time and under budget points to a successful project not requiring excuses, but the builders have promised that will all change as soon as anybody tries using the electrics, the plumbing or any of the floors. Coe added: "Then there's the issue of a transport system unable to cope with a coach party of pensioners from Leeds, let alone the numbers associated with a hamfisted international sporting event, to concoct excuses for. "And, lest we forget, the whole thing is in East London."

Tragedy as 21 year-old earns ÂŁ78,000 for four days work BRITAIN was inconsolable last night as a 21 year-old man was forced to collect the best part of eighty grand for poking a stick around a field. Ulsterman Rory McIlroy carried the hopes of a nation as he went in to the last day of the Masters with a commanding four shot advantage and all the money he could ever possibly need. But the dream collapsed at Augusta's par four 10th when the meteoric youngster drove into the trees after being distracted by a glimpse of a really nice Porsche 911, that he has since bought, grown bored of and abandoned in the car park of a seven-star hotel. TV viewers in the UK wept as McIlroy missed a series of putts that could have been holed by Italian grandmothers, all the while hiding his tragic face beneath the brim of the heavily-branded hat he gets paid tens of thousands of pounds to wear. The BBC responded to McIlroy's collapse by placing a black border around the screen and playing Barber's Adagio for Strings over and over again. Distraught presenter Hazel Irvine screamed 'Roooo-reee! Roooo-reee! Roooo-reee!' before cutting all her hair off, stripping naked and drowning herself in the lake at the par five 15th. Commentators Ken Brown and Wayne Grady self-harmed with plastic forks and sharpened pencils, while Peter Allis said it was worse than watching Shoah, the nine and a half hour-long documentary about the Holocaust. Allis added: "Cruel mistress... young lad... lesson learned... character-building... where am I?" After his catastrophic final round of 374, McIlroy said: "I don't know what I'd do if my job wasn't inconsequential and I had absolutely nothing to worry about." Meanwhile winner Charl Schwartzel said he will use his ÂŁ880,000 prize money to buy back the missing letters from his name.

MySpanishome We are looking for properties in any AREA. So if you have a property to sell please contact: 977 446 655 +34 639 041 277 mobile Stephanie +34 679 499 316 mobile Steve Av. Generalitat 70, 43500, Tortosa, Tarragona, email:


Saudi Arabia bans the wearing of berets and strings of garlic France is up in arms today after learning that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is to introduce a ban against the wearing in public places of berets, stripy black-and-white tops and strings of pungent bulbs used for culinary seasoning. ‘Wearing this sort of dress only serves to emphasise the differences between members of our society,’ said King Abdullah today. ‘Those people who insist on stepping out with baguettes under their arm are undermining the basic standards of our shared society, and such nationalistic costume relegates the wearer to an inferior status. In Saudi Arabia we are proud to uphold the equality of all men, and nobody should be demeaned to the extent of being publicly identifiable as French.’ The ban is a reaction to a growing sense of Francophobia among the Saudi people, including anger at French women being forced to wear stylish couture against their will. There is also a fear that French nationals are seeking to impose Gallic values on the Saudi population by encouraging them to eat croissants and jam for breakfast and smoke unfiltered cigarettes all day. ‘These fundamentalist Francophiles need to adjust to our Muslim way of life and respect our society’s values,’ continued the King. ‘Those caught breaking the law will be given a fine and forced to attend citizenship lessons where they will be taught the rudiments of politeness, personal hygiene and military resistance. Repeat offenders will have their entitlement to drink wine with all their meals removed, along with their hands.’ The move has caused uproar in France where all public services have been brought to a standstill by an impromptu general strike against the Saudi government’s proposal. The strike started late in the morning and, after a three-hour lunch break in the middle of the day, is expected to go on well into the afternoon before everyone knocks off to play boules. Critics of the ban have suggested that Saudi Arabia should first address its own problems, including the gender inequality deeply engrained in its culture. ‘We take a very progressive attitude towards women’s rights,’ said King Abdullah. ‘But we draw the line at French women insisting on going topless on the beach. The breasts are fine, but until they learn to shave their armpits they should all be made to wear the burqa.’

Google Streetview extended to upstairs bedroom windows Privacy campaigners have hit out at the latest version of Google Streetview, which not only shows the front of any selected property, but also allows users to zoom into a close up on any part of the building to peer through into bedrooms or bathrooms. Google’s mobile photography units have been busy recording millions of images over the past two years, and the new upgraded version of Google Streetview went on-line this morning. The images were taken by Google’s mobile photography units, generally on a Saturday night after closing time, although in more sedate neighbourhoods, Sunday mornings were also found to be quite revealing. ‘This is a massive personal intrusion’ said Matthew Hunt of the National Campaign for Personal Privacy. ‘Just with a couple of clicks of my computer I was able to zoom into the home of that young couple who live a few doors down from me and then I was able to go right up to their bedroom and look right in. The couple had been captured in the middle of undressing and then as I scanned across to the bathroom and I was able to see her in the shower, her body glistening through the soap suds. Frankly, I was shocked.’ Google have defended their new facility, saying that the view is no greater than a passer-by could obtain if he glanced across at a house in any given street, noticed a ladder down the side and then propped it up against the front to secretly watch the householders inside. Mr Hunt however has backed down from a threat to take Google to the European Court of Human Rights and has asked that they show different pictures of his own bedroom, adding that he was simply putting on that wet suit to try it on before he went on holiday and that the baby oil on his wife’s best friend was to treat her dry skin.

30 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

PC TIPS: windows 7

How to find your PC Rating on Windows 7? Hardware has a typical life span of 3 - 4 years after which the newer Programs either don't support or they run very slow. This tip is extremely useful to find out overall hardware health of your Windows 7 Desktop. I have explained in details what each score signifies and when you can think of upgrading your PC hardware to increase performance. Find out your PC ratings by following these simple steps on Windows 7: 1. Go to Control Panel 2. Click on System 3. Click on Windows Experience Index. 4. Click on ReRun the Assessment to get your latest PC index. PC hardware is evaluated on various aspects such as CPU processing power, Graphics, Games Graphics Hard disk performance etc. The lowest base score is the one considered for rating. Windows 7 help says:

"The base score can help you buy programs that match your computer's performance level. The base score only pertains to the performance aspects of the computer that affect how well features in Windows and other programs will run on your computer, and doesn't reflect the overall quality of your computer" A score from * 1 to 3 may be considered poor. * 3.1 to 5.49 considered fare. * 5.5 to 7.0 good. * 7.1 to 10 exceptional meaning you don't need a hardware change for the next 2 - 3 years. Now my personal experience: I had played with two different mother boards in the last few months and the corresponding ratings were 5.2 and 5.5. With 5.5 multitasking becomes really smooth which means that at least a rating of 5.5 is required if you make your processor

work overtime with multiple applications running on Windows 7. Tip: Having a Graphic card certainly help your PC rating but it may not be required by all. And Graphics is one of the areas of evaluation you might end up having a low base score, but that's perfectly okay if you do not intend to use high graphical applications such as Games and stuff. In the end if your PC rating is low but you are still not facing any issues don't give these rating much importance they are important only when you are going to purchase some software which has minimum system requirements. These ratings help you in those regards. For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428 or email: web: Tel 977 270 898 ext 388 Skype Ebropc

Fed up with high price internet? Fed up with poor technical support? Take a look at Eurona Telecom packages CONNEXIÓ BÀSICA 1Mb 26,90 €/month CONNEXIÓ PLUS 2Mb 31,90 €/month CONNEXIÓ PREMIUM 3Mb 36,90 €/month -now 1200 minutes free calls to Spanish landlines - UK landline calls 2.5c/minute -Technical support in English - installation 70 € - Keep your existing phone number or have a new number

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• • Already a client? Recommend a friend and get a months

internet free for both of you

Temporary tariff – only pay for the months you are here, min 1 month, from 12 euros a month + iva


Freesia Group for

How to Solve Sudoku Puzzles

Sudoku doesn't require any special math skills or calculations. It is a simple and fun game of logic -- all that's needed is brains and concentration. 1. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each row. 2. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each column. 3. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each 3x3 box. 4. A complete Sudoku puzzle contains the numbers 1 through 9 in every row, column, and 3x3 box. This month, one with difficult classification as easy.

Cancer Charities in Spain

SUNDAY 8th MAY 2011 SALOU FAMILY “FUN RUN” for cancer Start: 10.00am – Paseo Jaime I (in front of McDonalds) 4 Km. (- 12) beginners/ children/ Fun Run 10 Km experienced runners Entry Fee -12€ (10km) - 10€ (4km) - 8€ (under 12’s) Incl. T Shirt, Medal & Gift Bag. Pay on day surcharge 3€ All proceeds to Cancer Charities INFO:Elaine McParland 619 637 795 Maria Ibañez 669 426 591 or info@

Book Online

ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE FROM: Pub Rio Grande c/Amposta (opposite Salou Park Hotel) Àrea Municipal d’Esports, Salou: 977 309 211 Virginia Bay Deportes - C/ Barcelona11 y C/ Valencia 22

Come along and support us or sponsor a runner! Remember prizes for best FANCY DRESS!

spanglish?-answers next month

ACROSS 2. lighter 6. soul 7. Nile 8. tail 9. amigo (E) 10. vivales (E) 13. boa 16. rosemary 17. city 18. palmadita (E) 20. six 23. ugly 24. tall (f) 26. raffle 27. tiempo (E) 28. topaz





















27. 28.

ACROSS: 1. Easter Sunday 7. cuanto


17. 18.



ANSWERS TO THE APRIL ISSUE OF 8. sport 16. struts DOWN: 12. two 10. cortar 13. viento 18. chocolate 2. semanal 11. cal egg 3. erotic 15. entre

32 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364


DOWN 1. something 2. bad 3. ice cream 4. responsabilidad (E) 5. there 8. post, mail 11. vegetable 12. si (E) 13. bailar (E) 14. actuar (E) 15. poner (E) 19. diary 21. salida (E) 22. silla (E) 24. act 25. volume by Sarah (E=translate to english otherwise to spanish)

SPANGLISH 4. sol 9.grand 5. deeper 11. conejo 6. patito 12. tatuaje

13. verano 14. outset 17. sal

CAR BOOT | last Sunday of every month 10am-1pm. stalls 5€. Refreshments, Camping St Jordi, Platje Ayellanes, L'Ampolla Tel 679 115 247 •CAR BOOT SALE | 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month. Situated Hipaca Escornalbou, Vilanova D'Escornalbou. Arrive 9am starts 10am. Bar & restaurant- no fresh produce allowed! Contacts: Cosme on 620215772 or Silvia 665159781 •CAR BOOT SALE | first and third Sunday every month C/ Garcia Restaurant Braseria Can Palomo MORA LA NOVA. Tel Jackie 679741254 •CAR BOOT SALE | 2nd Sunday of every month, Kestrel Riding Stables, El Perello. Arrive 9am starts 9.30am-1pm, Refreshments, Pony rides. Tel: 638 191 128. •DELTA CLASSICS-CLASSIC CAR MEETING 1st FRIDAY of every month 6PM Bar "Casals" Avda San Jordi, El Perelló. Call for more details and events: 678 718 446. •MASONIC GROUP | Logia de San Jorge A new English speaking lodge of Freemasons approved by GLE, has been established in this area. if you would like more information please telephone Edward Ward on 977416476 (Tarragona area) or Les Beech on 678357713 (Castellon area). •EL PERELLO FREESIA GROUP (working for cancer charities) The next El Perello Bookstall will be held at the Homogenic bar 10am until 1pm on: Saturday 14th & 28th May. LUNCH: The next Freesia lunch will be at Fata Morgana, L’Ampolla


Meetings are held at 6.30 pm on the second Thursday of each month (except for August) at:- Edificio Bahia Blanca, C/Paisos Catalans, 74, L’Ametlla de Mar. More information? Either tel: 977267418 or e-mail: - SEE PAGE 36 FOR MORE INFO BADMINTON CLUB - "New Season Badminton starts again on 1st February for Intermediates and 4th February for Beginners. Come along and join in, don't put it off any longer, you know you want to! Sessions run from 11.30am to 1pm. New members are always welcome. Phone Marian for more details on 697 353 914".

CAR BOOT SALES / MERCADILLO Every Sunday Afternoon -YES AFTERNOON!! 1pm Until Dark. Every Sunday Afternoon until further notice. Furniture - fridges - cookers - pictures - pots, pans & old tin cans - you name it and we will get it.

Frozen & Fresh Food & Cafe on site. Car Park Free, to Look Free and Stalls 3 EUROS! no food or drinks without permission At Mora Caravans C12, km 61 Mora La Nova to Ginestar road

Call Ken or Bev on 977 400 375 or 659 418 317 or 660 584 222

NOTE to Buyers & Sellers We at Mora Caravans have the right to refuse entry.

on Wednesday 4th May. Please book in advance by phoning Janet on 977 092 063 ROYAL WEDDING: We will also be having a stall and a raffle at the Carpe Diem Restaurant on 29th April as part of the restaurant’s celebration of the Royal Wedding. ROYAL WEDDING BBQ AT BAR ESTACION •Cof E CHURCH SERVICES | The services are on the 1st Sunday and 3rd Wednesday of every month in the Parish Church in L'Ampolla at 12;30. All are welcome, followed by Menu del dia lunch (optional) Enquiries: 977 593 219. The Anglican Congregation of St Christopher's, Costa Azahar -5, Plaza Primero De Mayo,Vinaros-Services 10am. every Sunday. Also other activities i.e. Thursdays, a "Drop. In" morning from 11.a.m.- 1.00 p.m. to meet for a coffee & a chat. Paul Needle can be contacted on 964 761 641 or mobile 662 482 944 or e-mail for pastoral needs. THE READING CLUB where an English spoken person reads a short English story- members consist of Spanish, Irish and English. On 16th May we will meet 19:30 Public Library Domingo, Tortosa. The reader will be Patricia Manresa Riordain, and it will be the last meeting before the summer holidays. LINE DANCING | we will be meeting in the Escola de Musica (Music School) in El Perelló as usual 3-5 pm Thursday. The fees will be only 1€ per person per week. little bit of exercise for the legs and the jaws! All welcome.

LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO DO AND FRIENDS TO DO IT WITH? English speaking Women´s Club seeks likeminded women. Meetings 3rd Wednesday each month in Riba Roja. Come and join us! For information contact: Alice 671 681 515 “YOGA DAY OUT WITH A DIFFERENCE” Fed up with the daily routine? Want to meet new people or visit somewhere different? Once a month, why not join a very lively bunch of people for 2 hours of yoga with a difference, followed by a fabulous menu of the day at a local restaurant. Pamela Sharp, Yoga Teacher & Reiki Master, who has lived and practised in Spain for 35 years is an excellent teacher and always does something different. In December we are going to be taught how to cure ailments by “Tapping”. (No previous experience necessary!). The yoga is held at the Town Hall in La Galera from 11am to 1pm and afterwards we go to somewhere different for lunch, where the food is always excellent and good value for money. The whole day usually costs about €20 and will definitely be no more than €25.00. Usually the day out is on the first Friday of the month. For further information please ring Jeanette Lane at least one week before on 977 477 042 or 686 292 823. PHOENIX GROUP - set up for women to offer friendship, support and practical help. Meetings every second Tuesday of each month. Next meeting May 10th and June 14th at 3pm Casa Cultura, (Library Building) El Perello. All welcome. Contact Marge on Tel: 689 608 611.


personal classifieds come ist in!



Thanks to George & Mave and to all at the Station Bar for your

WANTED - OLD COINS & BANKNOTES | - worldwide -

great hospitality and the fun we had. Steve & Wally Edwards

collection for my son. Contact - Stevie 639 041 277

“The Plan” new Pop-Rock-Funk band!! Keyboards and vocals:

WANTED OUTBOARD MOTOR | long shaft preferred, please

Julio (Manu Chao), bassguitar and vocals: Nico, drums: Pep

call 658 364 299

(The 4 Legends). Info and bookings: Please call 977 265 018

WANTED PINE TABLE | oblong or round to seat 6-8 people.

or 630 583 102.

Call 629 010 529 or 626 876 738



ONLY 50€, costs over 140 new. Tel 977 059 364

in reasonable condition for earth bag project. Old shade cloth


or fruit nets in reasonable condition, all gratefully received, can

TEL 977 475 284

collect. Tel 638845 837 or email

Anyone interested in Fishing Competitions this Winter,

"WANTED, BOOKS AND SELLABLE ITEMS for carboots to raise money for local dogs´homes. Please call WENDY 637 981 158" I am pleased to say so far 138euros h a v e b e e n raised so thanks to all!!

probably a league fished over eight matches. Please contact Andy on 600890453 or e-mail me on fincajazmin@hotmail. Any likley sponsors please contact. LEC ELAN FRIDGE FREEZER | (half + half)123cm tall x 53cm wide x 60cm deep Fridge has 2 shelves and 2 salad drawers. Freezer has 1 shelf and 1 drawer, very good condition. 75euros E-mail: GOOD CLEAN HARDCORE | Free buyer collects. Call 660 823 423 or 977 059 420 HONDA GENERATOR | 2.5 kva good working condition 250 euros +HOWARD ROTAVATOR | good working condition powered by a 11hp honda petrol engine 750 euros no offers or PX 658 364 299

WANTED VOLUNTEERS | help needed to look after the abandon dogs at ARCA near Tortosa. Please call Mave 678 975 816 if you can offer any assistance. Plus anyone interested in organising some fund raising for the dogs would be must appreciated. PLEASE HELP


220v CIRCULAR SAW BENCH | good working condition 100

34 x 12 STATIC MOBILE HOME | in excellent condition,

euros +COMPRESSOR | 200 litre tank 220 v good working

3 bedrooms, 2 shower rooms with wc, air conditioning,

order 250 euros ono phone 658 364 299

blackout blinds and mosquito nets on all the windows,

NEW BATHROOM SINK | Antique look, vessel/countertop

sleeps 6 people comfortably, but can sleep 8 people.

style ceramic 50€ never used. Call 977 059 364

9250,00 euros, call 676 185 395.


BATTERY CHARGER | 12 volt 22 amp €40 tel 628 596

985 . 2 DIESEL GENERATORS | 6 kva lister petter excellent



to 2200€ 1996/97 Land Rover

Discovery 300 TDI | English Reg. Adjustable tow bar, Diesel.

condition €495 tel 628 596 985 .3 BATTERIES | 6x2volt 550


amp €300 tel 628 596 985

will pass ITV.


service history until

1st. Space for deliveries to help with fuel. Email shaunmet@

2009, serviced here, or 0044 (0)7779 713 993

but book not stamped.

ELECTRIC MIXER | 250ltr, cost 1170 new only 325€. Call

Call: 669 516 244

Condition, Full

0044 (0)790 10 17 261 2 SITE GENERATORS | 2.5kva 1 Honda+1 Spanish 60€

FORD TRANSIT VAN | 3.5 ton,1990 4 seats twin wheels on

each. Call 0044 (0)790 10 17 261

rear. MOT and Tax recently expired, very reliable. UK plates


RHD. 400 euros. Tel 638 845 837

ZEBRA FINCHES | (Taeniopygia guttata) for sale. They sing

CHRYSLER VOYAGER(Automatic) lhd 2.8tdi | 7 seats, a/con,

beautifully. For more information: 977 265 018 or sms 680 160

c/control, dvd, t/bar, Spanish Reg Nov 2005, itv Nov 2011.

051. Also a few of red canaries for sale.

82,000km. L'Ampolla. 12,000€ o.n.o. Tel: John 653395841

34 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

subject to space ist

FUN IN THE SUN| BE-UP CONVERTIBLE. Sought after limited edition buggy. Spanish registered. very low mileage REDUCED for quick sale ONLY 3400€. MIGHT CONSIDER PART EXCHANGE WELCOME ALL ITEMS CONSIDERED. For more information telephone 977 059 420 OR 660 823 423

VAUXHALL FRONTERA 4X4 | air con, MOT and Tax. 1995


Into English or Spanish from English, Spanish, Catalan or French. British national raised in Catalan-speaking area of Spain. BA in Translating and Interpreting. Based near Ginestar. Contact: 667 224 766,,

property for sale or rent by owner

Turbo diesel. Price 990 euros negotiable Tel 638 845 837 IFOR WILLIAMS BUILDERS TRAILER | twin axle 2.6 ton 1195€. Call 0044 (0)790 10 17 261 SSANGYONG MUSO 4x4 | R reg 2.9 mercedes diesel. Mechanically sound 325€. Call 0044 (0)790 10 17 261


GUITAR LESSONS | Only 15€ for 45 minutes. Call Nico on 977 265 018 or 686 066 707 TRANSLATIONS and INTERPRETATION SERVICE | (English/Spanish) FLIX AREA: 676 742 500 FLOOR & WALL TILER | Domestic or commercial. References available. Call Mark 686 069 923 HONEST & RELIABLE COUPLE OFFER - Cleaning Services, Painting and Decorating, (Private or Rental Properties) Meet and Greet service, House Security, dog Sitting (in your own home) Airport Runs. Any Work Considered. References Available. For more details Call 653 654 383 Based in Miami Playa DRIVER WITH VAN | Making regular trips between Spain & England via France. Willing to transport goods to & from Spain. Tel: 977 477 367 or 655 340 596 CARPENTER & JOINER WITH GENERAL BUILDING SKILLS | 30 years experience in UK, based El Perello/ L'Ametlla. Call Dave 658 355 929 GENERAL BUILDER | Over 25 years experience. Registered legal builder in Catalunya over 5 years. Bricklaying,





roofing etc. Tel. Jonathan 699 396 053

Casa Catalan Services for all your maintenance & management needs Competitive rates, References on request, Reliable & professional service, no job to big or to small Call Chris: 680 306 365.


Country Home For Sale in Los Barrios, Cadiz Spain 750,000€+OFFERS. Unbelievable value has good holiday rental business with a seperate cottage and apartment as well as an outstanding family home . Reduced by 400,000euros for quick sale because of family health problems. Country house situated on a private estate in a nature reserve, only 20 minutes from Sotogrande Polo fields and Valderamma and San Roques Golf courses. ENQUIRIES : 956 236 068 or 657 629 118 or email :

NEW FIVE STAR RESIDENTIAL PARK. Close to San Jordi and 10 minutes from the coast at Vinaros. Large plots from €170 per month. English, Spanish & German spoken. Full range of amenities. Call 964 412 645 FOR SALE, AGRICULTURAL ESTATE OF 2,1 HECTAREAS | only 100 meters to the golf course Bonmont (Pratdip). Composed of shed - store, well, garden, fruit trees and 3200 olives trees -arbequinas class I18 superintensive production 4x1,2 m to be gathered by machine -combineharvester. It is possible to construct a family house orrural hotel and sports facilities. Price 380.000 Euro negotiable. Telephone 654355893, e-mail:

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Existing business and shop premises for rent with web site | 1st 3 months rent free allowing you to gain experience and build it up. Call for more details 636 925 582

business card directory Alberg d'Animals de les Terres de l'Ebre

All entries are also listed on our directory online at The Olive Press does not accept responsibility for the contents of the articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisers PLEASE MENTION THE OLIVE PRESS WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS

WANTED VOLUNTEERS | help needed to look after

the abandon dogs and cats at Alberg d'Animals de les

Terres de l'Ebre near Camarles. Please call if you can offer any assistance.

TEL: 977 265 018 - 680 160 051

Volunteers are Age Concern España´s most valuable asset. All of our Volunteers perform roles which are vital to the organisation. We make every effort to ensure that all our Volunteers have the training and support they need and the appreciation that they deserve. We involve Volunteers fully both in delivering our services and in the development of the organisation as a whole. As we have a duty of care to our clients, Volunteers are selected subject to interview, satisfactory references and Criminal Record checks.

Time to Spare? Skills to Share? GET INVOLVED! Volunteering with Age Concern España For more information or to apply, please contact: Age Concern España, British Consulate Madrid Torre Espacio, Paseo de la Castellana, 259 D, 28046 Madrid

Tel: 0034 636 081 239

If someone is advertising and you are in the same business can you afford not to advertise... Call The Olive Press Today On 977 059 364

Email: Website: or

What will volunteering involve?

We offer many services from helping an older person with their weekly shopping to providing tailored information and advice on welfare entitlements.

What skills and attributes are needed?

•An understanding of older people’s needs •A helpful and friendly manner •Reliability •Willingness to learn •Good communication skills •Ability to travel independently in the community •Respect and confidentiality How much time is needed? Most of our vacancies generally require volunteers to be available during normal working hours on weekdays. However, we ask you to be as flexible as possible with your time commitment.




Williams Construction REGISTERED SPANISH BUILDER - NIE PROVIDED Tel: (+34) 616 135 036 APDO 274, L’Ametlla de Mar

New premises opposite Pallares builders, next to carob factory in El Perelló

business card directory

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ARCA the dog refuge wish to give sincere thanks to everyone for supporting them. Please keep it up

Calenders and t-shirts are also for sale to raise funds for the dogs- or email:


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