The Olive Press Catalunya magazine April 2011 issue 36

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a little serious a little humorous

April 2011 issue 36

Family Run Swiss Bar & Restaurant With Swimming Pool And Beautiful Sea Views Overlooking The Most Beautiful Idyllic Natural Marina In Catalunya Opening Times from Wednesday to Friday from 16.00 Saturday and Sunday from 12.00 • Monday, Tuesday normally closed but open for Easter Monday 25th + Tuesday 26thApril

Menu 1

Menu 2

Cappuccino of Asparagus Fine terrine with smoked salmon and cream cheese Sweet sour chicken with rice

Cappuccino of Asparagus Fine soya duck carpaccio and confit of wild berries Lamb shoulder from the oven with rosemary potatoes Eggs liqueur parfait ice

Eggs liqueur parfait ice

Easter Menus

Available from 12.00 every day from Good Friday to Tuesday Remember to book early

17,90.Sant Jordi d'Alfarma is a secluded spot hidden away between L'Ametlla and Calafat. You can find it by turning off the N340 opposite the ceramic museum into the urbanisation Sant Jordi d'Alfarma. Continue under the bridge towards the sea and follow the signs for Club Nautico.


Passeig De Velázques 1, Urb. Sant Jordi d’Alfama, 43860 L’Ametlla de Mar email: Take a virtual tour of the Restaurant on: www. propertypanorama. com/mls. asp?id=104066

Tel: 977 486 000 Mobile: 650 540 718



welcome to the April issue covering catalunya. we would like to wish our readers a happy Easter.


The cover artist Marc Chagall (1887 – 1985) had been born Moishe Shagal, a name derived out of Russian language to be Mark Zakharovich Shagalov. He embraced the philosophy that love coloured his paintings. Focusing extensively on his childhood, his happy, optimistic paintings defy the poverty of his upbringing in a Russian Shtetl. After a brief time in Paris, Chagall escaped to the US during World War II where his career reached new heights including a rare exhibit during his lifetime at the Louvre. Chagall had been born in Liozno, close to Vitebsk, Belarus, the oldest of 9 children in a closely knit Jewish family. The family was headed by his father, Khatskl Shagal, a herring merchant, along with his mother, Feige-Ite. This era of his life, said to have been cheerful although poor, is seen in through Chagall's art. Presently the Shagal's home on Pokrovskaya Street in Vitebsk has been reconstructed as a portion of the Marc ...I have found my own Prince Charming... Chagall Museum. time for a royal wedding!..


looking for a business then visit our business directory online. see our web site for daily updates of classifieds and extra useful information.

all advertisers will also be placed in the business directory on our web site with links to their own web sites!

Contributors: | Clodagh & Dick Handscombe | Dr. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. | Jeff Greensmith | Jason M. Berry | Mike Stevens | Sarah Good | Taru Burstall | David Piqué | Paul Ebro Valley Computers|Sabrina-A Casa Tua | TRANSLATION BY SUZANNE HELLYER Printing: Indugraf SA Deposito Legal: MA-1565-2008


"The Bridal pair with the Eiffel Tower" by Marc Chagall circa 1918-1938

Please contact us by: E-mail: Web : www. Telephone: 977 059 364 By post: Aptdo de Correos,147 43895 L’Ampolla Tarragona Deadlines: Adverts 15th & Articles 12th of the month. No adverts or artwork in the Olive Press Catalunya magazine or web site may be reproduced or used for print, media or web in part or in their entirety without the express permission of the Olive Press Catalunya. Adverts and logos remain the property of the magazine . To use any artwork please contact us.

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Home & Garden Challenges of gardening in Spain


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news in spain


he Fallas in Valencia go up in flames in the 'Cremà' Saturday night 19th March, was the Noche de San José, the night of the ‘Cremà’ when the year’s painstaking work put into the creation of the spectacular Fallas statues in Valencia go up in flames. 760 statues which have filled the streets of the city during the fiesta all went up in smoke. Poor blustery and wet weather had complicated the assembly of the structures this year and also the work of the judges. Around 2,000 police were in 12 special police units to guarantee safety during the climax to this year’s celebrations. The 385 largest Fallas cost 6.7 million €, down 800,000 € on what was spent in 2010 as a new top limit of 190,000 € was introduced per entry, a decision considered to have made the competition wide open. The winning entry this year was ‘El Cazador Cazado’ - ‘The Hunter Hunted’, from Pedro Santaeulalia and the Convento Jerusalén-Matemático Marzal, making

this his 13th win. The statue showed a fable of role change, where Zapatero, Rajoy and Obama were held hostage by the animals. Visitor numbers were up this year, as many tourists decided to take advantage of the new AVE high speed train line to Valencia from Madrid.


oung British boy dies after snowplough accident at Spanish ski resort. A five year old boy from the UK has died in a hospital in Toulouse after an accident at a ski resort in the Spanish Pyrenees last month. The child is named by the London Evening Standard as Federico Nicholls López from Islington. It’s understood that his mother is originally from Andalucía. It happened at the Baqueira Beret resort on February 25, while Federico was playing near one of the ski lifts and was buried by a snow plough whose driver had failed to spot him. The boy was buried beneath the mountain of snow which was being pushed by the plough, and was trapped there for around a minute before he was rescued. It was found that his heart had stopped beating when he was freed. He was stabilised at the scene and transferred by helicopter to the hospital in Vielha and, from there, to Toulouse. He died on the Tuesday, 11 days after the accident. The plough’s driver has been questioned as a suspect in the case by the court in Vielha which is investigating the tragedy.

6 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

Acorn Building Solutions is a well established general building company that has been working here, in Catalonia since 2001. • • • •

We are able to undertake all types of projects, From new builds to finca renovations, Bathroom and kitchen refurbishments, Swimming pools and hard landscaping.

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news in spain


nimal rights protestors demonstrate outside the Canadian Embassy in Barcelona. Naked and covered in symbolic red blood, some 20 animal rights activists demonstrated outside the Canadian Embassy in Barcelona on Thursday against the death of thousands of seal cubs. The protestors climbed the façade of the building to hang a banner which read, ‘Rights for Animals – Enough Species ism’. The protest comes at the start of the annual ‘assassination’ of thousands of seal cubs who are no older than 12 weeks, according to a statement from the ‘Igualidad Animal’ organisation, which said that the animals are shot or beaten to death before being skinned. ‘Despite an EU prohibition on the sale of their products or by products, the Canadian Government has signed a treaty with China which will see an increase in the consumption of seal meat and the importing of oil’, claim the protestors.


Spanish woman has claimed to be the owner of the Sun. The 49-year-old from Galicia told El Mundo newspaper that she registered the star at a local public notary. “There was no snag, I backed my claim legally, I am not stupid, I know the law. I did it but anyone else could have done it, it simply occurred to me first,” she told the online edition of Spanish daily newspaper El Mundo. The document issued by the notary public declares Duran to be the “owner of the Sun, a star of spectral type G2, located at the centre of the solar system, located at an average distance from Earth of about 149,600,000 kilometers.” According to the woman there is

an international agreement which states that no country may claim ownership of a planet or star, but it says nothing about individuals, she added. Ms Angeles Duran, who lives in the town of Salvaterra do Mino, said she now wants to cash in with a fee on everyone “who uses the sun” and give half of the income to the Spanish government and 20 per cent to the nation’s pension fund. A further 10 per cent would be granted to research, another 10 per to fighting world poverty and the remaining 10 per cent she would keep herself. She said: 'It is time to start doing things the right way, if there is an idea for how to generate income and improve the economy and people's wellbeing, why not do it?' For those who might be a little too broke to venture out in the sunlight - and risk a large bill at the end of the day - Ms Dueran has not yet figured out a way of enforcing her sun charge.

Alberg d'Animals de les Terres de l'Ebre

WANTED VOLUNTEERS | help needed to look after

the abandon dogs and cats at Alberg d'Animals de les

Terres de l'Ebre near Camarles. Please call if you can offer any assistance.

TEL: 977 265 018 - 680 160 051

8 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364



by David Piqué

It has now been two long months since the no-smoking law took effect, indeed, this controversial law came into force on the 2nd of January, thank goodness for that, because you can imagine what would have happened if it had been on the 1st of January at midnight when the night club and discothèque managers would have been forced to oblige their clients, who were celebrating the New Year, to put out their cigarettes at the moment the New Year started. I prefer not to think about the reactions we might have witnessed! Be that as it may, after more than two months implementation, and from one day to the next, we have all become accustomed to smokeless areas, although it is true that many people in the catering business have warned us of the imminent closures of their businesses due to the decrease in customers because of this law. Personally, I do not believe that this new law is the most important reason for the lack of customers in leisure centres, bars, restaurants etc. and perhaps the serious economic crisis is the principal motive why many, instead of, for example, going out for dinner have it at home, regardless of whether they smoke or not. Nothing prevents people who go to bars and restaurants from lighting up, all they have to do is go outside to have a cigarette, although right now with the cold, perhaps it’s preferable to smoke inside, but many terraces have been fitted out with heaters and in others, they provide blankets for their clients, so that they may continue to smoke outside. An interesting fact is that many have taken advantage of the necessity to go outside for a smoke and then haven’t returned inside to pay for their food or drink. So now, many caterers have begun the practice, which is common in British pubs, to charge for drinks as

and when they are served. However, I am still surprised at the absurd fact that the sale of tobacco is not permitted in petrol stations, supermarkets, shopping centres…, or even in stands or kiosks in the street and yet, on the contrary it is permitted in discothèques, bars and restaurants, because in my opinion it is contradictory and even hypocritical to prohibit smoking in public places yet at the same time facilitate the sale of it in those places where its consumption is vetoed. Buy it, pay the tax, but smoke outside. Also, the fact that many people in the bar/restaurant business fitted their premises out so as to be able to allow smokers inside and this investment has not done them any good with the new law of total prohibition. Many people spent a fortune which they have not been able to recoup. Anyway, that’s the way things are and I suppose, dear readers, that the only thing we can do is accept the new law meekly and with discipline because if you break it, besides the lack of public spirit for disobeying the rules, you will be penalized economically. By David Piqué.

Any legal questions can be sent to davidpique@ or The Olive Press direct.



can it be true??? People still unsure how banks work THE £6.5m bonus paid to Barclays chief Bob Diamond was last night criticised by people with no real grasp of capitalism.

But Cook stressed: "Arsing off about the capitalist system is rather like a fish complaining about the preponderance of water in its life.

Angry online word-flingers roundly condemned the sum which coincidentally was the jackpot amount won in the weekend's lottery by somebody who did approximately 12 seconds' work buying their ticket.

"Unless, of course, you're somehow venting your dreary, uninformed fury on the internet via a computer made from twigs by a worker's collective.

Julian Cook, from Donnelly-McPartlin, said: "I will cheerfully give a weeks' wages to the first internet Paxman complaining about our bonus system that can even vaguely explain what it is we do for a living. "Bob Diamond earned his bonus by maximising Barclay's equity differential market by a factor of six whilst ensuring their contingent capital base stayed under 2.3% Or have I just made all of that up? You haven't the faintest idea, have you?" But taxi driver and part-time financial analyst Roy Hobbs said: "It's all about fat cats and bailouts, isn't it? We own Barclays along with all the other banks so where's my £6.5 million? That's the question I'm absolutely convinced I'm the first person to ever have asked."

10 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

"And complaining that bankers are obsessed with making money is like saying lions are obsessed with eating gazelles. "Perhaps you'd prefer us to sit around weaving fair trade wicker baskets and then use the profits from that to lend you cheap money so you can buy all those things you simply have to have." He added: "We could try communism but then Bob Diamond would earn millions from being in the politburo, only you'd know nothing about it because the newspaper has just the one story and it's about how great your community tractor is. "You could try complaining, just like you are now, but then someone who works for Bob Diamond would shoot you in the face."



a more detailed horoscopes can be found on our web site CAPRICORN

Dec. 22 - Jan. 20



Jun. 23 - Jul. 22 -April is likely to be

energy for spring cleaning is with you this month,

a high profile month for you, dear Cancer. Your

dear Capricorn. Your larger focus in April is on

career continues to pick up pace. While you are

your personal and home life, and with so much

clearer about your goals and work matters are

energy available to you now, it's time to really

mostly straightforward, home and family life is

take charge of domestic matters. However,

vying for your attention. The balancing act you're

challenges can arise if excess energy turns into

doing between your personal and professional

restlessness and conflict with family.

lives can reach a head around the 17th.

AQUARIUS Jan. 21 - Feb. 19 -April promises to

LEO Jul. 23 - Aug. 23 -As adventurous as you're

be an especially busy month, dear Aquarius, with

likely to feel in April, dear Leo, you might find

plenty on your "to do" list. Succumbing to tension

that responsibilities prevent you from scratching

is quite possible, however, because while you are

the itch to get away from it all. You might also

highly motivated to learn, communicate, and

experience some disagreements that can quickly

connect, you can also encounter some frustrating

blow out of proportion, in part because you're


feeling restless and in need of change.


Feb. 20 - Mar. 20

-Financial activity,


Aug. 24 - Sep. 23 -You tend to turn

including pressures or concerns, can be a big

within this month, dear Virgo. Others may

focus this month, dear Pisces. Facing up to recent

seem unduly aggressive or pushy, and it will

excesses may be necessary. However, you are

be especially important for you to find time to

also highly motivated to make money and ideas

relax and rest rather than feel at the mercy of

are abundant. Beware of impulse buys. Love

circumstances or of other people.

matters are generally strong, especially until the

LIBRA Sept. 24 - Oct. 23 -Partnerships and the

20th, when others are seeking you out.

needs of a significant other, figure prominently in

ARIES Mar. 21 - Apr. 20

-A strong month for

April. While a feeling that your fate seems to lie

advancing your personal interests is in store for

in others' hands can be frustrating right now, in

you. However, Mercury's retrograde in your sign

truth you're being reminded just how important

until the 23rd and Saturn's influence this month

it is to get your relationships sorted out. If you

both mean that you should expect some delays

feel that others are running roughshod over your

and roadblocks. With patience, you'll be able to

feelings, be sure to stand your ground, but be

move forward. Watch especially for impatience

clear about what you're doing and why.

and possible poor judgment on the 3rd.



-For most of the

or tasks on the job keep you busy in April, dear

month, you're likely to be more introspective and

Scorpio, sometimes to the point of exhaustion.

hesitant than usual, dear Taurus, as an unusual

Challenges can arise due to delays and lost or

number of influences are highlighting your

misunderstood communications, and you may

privacy sector. Soul-searching is necessary now,

need to contend with difficult personalities and

and important decision making will need to wait.

power plays with co-workers.

Apr. 21 - May 21

Oct. 24 - Nov. 22 -A new position

GEMINI May 22 - Jun. 22 -Relationships with


friends and associates assume more importance

likely to feel exceptionally inspired creatively

in your life in April, but ups and downs are highly

and romantically speaking this month, dear

likely as well. Feelings of being misunderstood

Sagittarius, but you can also experience some

are quite possible this month, and this is just one

drama and emotional ups and downs as you

of the reasons why relationships are so dramatic

pursue your goals. For one, you may be setting

now. Money, values, and romantic tensions can

your expectations too high, and for another, not

be the other issues you are dealing with.

everyone is matching your enthusiasm.

Nov. 23-Dec. 21

-You are


news hounds & more..." eyepet+ cat for jury service " BY Dr. Ronald EyePet unveils its official website

Rosenfeld D.V.M.

On this new website we can play with our virtual pet, flying an aeroplane, High Flyer, with the aim of flying balloons exploding hide hidden prizes, being careful not to use up all the fuel. It is a very useful site for users of the PS3 mascot. Besides playing with EyePet, the website has a gallery which gives one the option to download a large number of photos, videos, screenshots and various images of the mascot with different outfits and practicing various activities. You can choose to get a screensaver to decorate your computer screen or mobile. In the menu "Meet EyePet" there is a practical guide with information to explore the possibilities that offers this game for the PlayStation 3. Playing with him, tickling him or encouraging him to jump, how to learn to draw and sing, how to care for him, feed and customize him by changing his clothing and hair colour, etc. With, Available in 25 languages, can also play with the colours of the screen and give EyePet different aspects.

received a notification for their pet cat, named Sal, for jury duty! Guy and Anna Esposito, Sals' owners think they know where the source of the error is. Considering him as a member of the family, they decided to fill in the census form in the town where they live. "I just wrote 'Sal Esposito', crossed out" dog "and wrote" cat, "says Anna. Apparently, what might have happened is that the registry does not understand these changes and registered him as another member of the household. The owners have requested the disqualification of Sal for said service. However, the commissioner has rejected the request. The date for Sal to serve in the Suffolk Superior Court is 23 March. Anna said that if the matter is not cleared up by then, she will simply take the cat to the court. I would love to be in that jury room when she shows up with the cat for jury duty! Then again, will he be disqualified if it’s a cat burglary case? At least the public can rest assured that if Sal has to serve jury duty he’ll get his fee, which will hopefully help pay for his cat food. Dr Ronald Rosenfeld. D.V.M.

They call a cat for jury duty in Boston

The animal has been named to serve on a jury. An American family is shocked, because they have

IT IS NOT A MIRACLE BUT IT SEEMS LIKE ONE. Carmen and Anna of ARCA animal refuge have driven to Carrefour every day apart from Sundays to buy water to clean the kennels and water for the dogs for TWO AND A HALF years ,now after all that time they finally have the water and electricity connected, Carmen once said to me Mave it will never happen, they are so happy, it is wonderful to see them so excited about it, this was made possible by Matthew and Debbie of The Olive Press, they persevered and found the right organisation to make this happen. Carmen and Anna cannot thank them enough,they also want to thank Lesley and John Cottingham for donating an automatic washing machine,and Doreens husband Peter Gallaway for doing all the plumbing and donating the sink and kitchen units, a Spanish couple have donated a new water heater, so now when the vets return from Holland to do the next spay and neutering project they will be very happy to find the conditions for them to work in so much better. Once again many many thanks to Matthew and Debbie. OH. by the way, after telling a gentleman about this at the Bar Estacion , he asked if he adopted 6 or more dogs from ARCA, could Matthew and Debbie get the electricity and water on at his finca in the campo. now THAT WOULD BE A MIRACLE.

Thanks, Mave and all from ARCA A. M. P. A. R. E. The society for the protection of animals Ebro region. Based in Mora La Nova. We desperately need to re-home dogs to make room for more! We have over 200 dogs for adoption. Susan 689 468752 English Isabel 977 404720 Spanish/ Catalan Donations always appreciated.

12 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

Omertá– Catalan style.letter from a concerned reader So you have bought yourself a finca here in deepest darkest Catalunya – congratulations. I hope for your sake it is not placed in 'el coto' or the hunting grounds of your local hunting society. If you live away from a village or town then it is probably 'coto' and as such subject to local hunting laws. They know all about your land – they have hunted it for generations, and during the hunting season, they can wander about it at will, blasting away at anything they like to. For some finca owners, they are merely a nuisance whilst others have had confrontations with hunters – some hunters are good people, exercising their right to hunt, and others are one step away from trigger happy lunatics. What really is truly upsetting is that at the end of each hunting season they 'cleanse' the land of any stray dogs buy putting down poison. This of course does not 'happen' when you speak to anyone remotely connected with the Hunting Associations. Two years ago 23 dogs did not die up and down our road (including two of ours). Four years ago two people (in official positions) were not imprisoned for exactly this sort of poisoning. Fast forward to this morning, the 13th of March and yet again, one of our dogs is dead – another missing. Another abandoned hunter's dog has been found on a neighbour's land. The poison is fast and induces frothing at the mouth, a blue tongue and convulsions before the dog dies some twenty minutes of agony later. The Agents Rurals tell us that it is fashioned from an insecticide normally used on orange groves, injected into a botifarra or equally tempting piece of meat. "Hello, I Am Encarna From The Animal Refuge Terres Ebre, Please Help Me!!! I have 300 dogs, 60 cats please I need food for dogs and cats…" TEL: 977 265 018 - 680 160 051

"moral and cultural progress of a country is measured from its treatment of animals" (Mahatma Gandhi) URGENT ADOPTION REQUIRED CALL ARCA TODAY. A.R.C.A. (Association for Refuge and Taking care of the Animals) it is a non-profit association operating since the summer of year 2001. At this moment they have 300 abandoned dogs. They are in Tortosa in the province of Tarragona (Spain). All the material aid comes from the much appreciated donations but with each new arrival more donations are needed. If you want to donate to Arca if only by 5€ each month, minimum, please send an e-mail with your personal data and account number or call or write. Or just become a volunteer to help with the dogs. email: ARCA : Post office 496, Tortosa, (Tarragona) or contact: Mave (English) 678 975 816, Cinta 625 915 605 Carmen 655 040 359 Pinky's was born with malformed back legs and can not bend the legs behind, so her front legs take all her weight. She needs someone to adopt her and give her special loving attention, she has had a very sad life because her owner beat her with a stick when he was very drunk. Now living in the shelter but this is not the place for her. Yet again, from sources inside our village, we are assured that it is nothing to do with the hunters as they are still hunting with dogs, but without rifles, or so we are told. The Agents Rurals categorically deny this to be the case as any type of hunting is currently prohibited – hmmm - so who to believe. Keep your dogs safe, not only at night, and pray as we do that over time this barbarity will eventually stop, or die out. Each hunting association knows who does it within their own area – he is always spoken of as a person who does not understand that it is bad, but is merely a job that has to be carried out every year, as it has always been done. Some traditions are not always worth keeping, I guess. On a happier note, our missing dog has just turned up – none the worse for wear. Call Arca Today to Provide A Home To 1 Of 300 Dogs Needing A Loving Home Or If You Can Volunteer Any Assistance With The Dogs



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iii i i side i i

i lighter


14 email: â˜ťTel: 977 059 364



The Four Worms Church Sermon! A minister decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his Sunday sermon. Four worms were placed into four separate jars. The first worm was put into a container of alcohol. The second worm was put into a container of cigarette smoke. The third worm was put into a container of chocolate syrup. The fourth worm was put into a container of good clean soil. At the conclusion of the sermon, the Minister reported the following results: The first worm in alcohol- Dead. The second worm in cigarette smoke - Dead. Third worm in chocolate syrup - Dead. Fourth worm in good clean soil Alive. So the Minister asked the congregation What did you learn from this demonstration??? Maxine was sitting in the back, quickly raised her hand and said, 'As long as you drink, smoke and eat chocolate, you won't have worms!' That pretty much ended the service.

Ron Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock

(MADE IN JAPAN ) for 6am. While his coffeepot (MADE IN CHINA ) was perking, he shaved with his electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG ). He put on a dress shirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA ), designer jeans (MADE IN SINGAPORE ) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA ) After cooking his breakfast in his new electric skillet (MADE IN INDIA ) he sat down with his calculator (MADE IN MEXICO ) to see how much he could spend today. After setting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN ) to the radio (MADE IN INDIA ) he got in his car (MADE IN GERMANY ) filled it with PETROL (from Saudi Arabia ) and continued his search for a good paying BRITISH JOB. At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day checking his Computer (Made In Malaysia ), Ron decided to relax for a while. He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL ) poured himself a glass of wine (MADE IN FRANCE ) and turned on his TV (MADE IN INDONESIA ), and then wondered why he can't find a good paying job In BRITAIN .....


news from our california correspondent (norfolk) 'Britain’s going potty! ’ By your celebrity DJ, you can listen to him live on www.

Wednesday mornings 10..00-13.00

This month is something of a ‘mardle’ which, in case you are not familiar with the Norfolk dialect, is a general gossip. Since the sub Arctic winter of 2010 our roads have become pockmarked with holes, cracks and minor chasms. A local motorist counted over 50 in one street alone. For those who can afford the luxury of filling up at £7 a gallon our roads have become hazardous and painful places to travel. The unwary can expect a sharp thud every time they hit a hole, a burst tyre or expensive bodywork damage. Councils are debating whether it is a more economic option just to pay the resulting insurance claims rather than spend money on fixing the road. Money is supposedly being made available from central Government, but amounts are certainly nowhere near the estimated £5m required. Perhaps we should take a leaf out of the book of the German town of Niederzimmern where local residents were invited to sponsor potholes at 50€ a go. The filled pothole bore the name of the person sponsoring it. On that basis many of our roads would resemble the telephone directory.

On the subject of things to protest about there appears to be another one to add to the list of phone masts, wind turbines, Tesco’s etc. Redundant fields are being looked at as likely sites for solar panels for the generation of electricity. Planning departments have recently been objecting to people who install panels on their roofs and there are fears that fields of the devices will be ‘unsightly’ and ‘targets for vandalism’. It is only a matter of time before someone comes up with a theory that they suck up the light from the sun and as a consequence we will risk living in permanent darkness. Norfolk people fear change in any shape or form. Well that’s enough ‘mardling’ for one day. You’ll excuse me as I have just spotted this headline in the evening paper, “Single mother of six, battling against cancer, rescues kitten from pothole during protest march to prevent construction of phone mast”. Sounds like a winner! © Mike Stevens 2011. If you need to contact Mike you can now do so at his blog,

The current round of cuts and economies continues to hit us from all directions. One of the latest is from our local newspaper publisher. In addition to providing a daily paper and an assortment of fringe interest publications they publish the Eastern Evening News. Forced to make economies the publishers have now decided to save money on distribution costs. Their evening paper is now delivered first thing in the morning alongside the daily paper. Now I have to say that the EEN does not feature the highest levels of journalistic expertise. Typical story-lines generally feature the tragedy of human existence, animals, terminal illnesses, children and protests against anything that will bring Norfolk into the 21st century.

16 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

Dear friends, As you know, we have a big heart and help the abandoned dogs in our region. Alberg d'Animals Starting in the month of March, so right now, the de les Terres de l'Ebre Catalunya Caixa, former Caixa Tarragona, has a project to help charities. Our animal shelter Alberg d’Animals is one of them. If you have an account with the Catalunya Caixa, you can use your votes by giving them to charity. In this time of crisis, we lack donations and adoptions. Even though, the animal shelter is filled with homeless dogs, which we try to help as much as possible. The more votes we get, the more help we get from the bank. The only thing you have to do, is to pay the bank a visit with your bank book and tell them you want to donate your votes to project 0845 Alberg d’Animals in Camarles. This project is only valid during the month of March and April. For those of you who don’t speak Catalan, just say: “votes al project 0845 de Alberg d’Animals”. You can also look on the internet for more information at: votar/projecte/2011/0845. For our over 300 dogs and 60 cats this might be the difference between life and death. Don’t let the animals which are already without a family suffer more than necessary. The welfare of these animals is the concern and responsibility of us all. Not everybody has the ability to help out in a active way, but hopefully you’re able to help out this way. Could you please help us out?! Our need is very big. Please let everybody you know. Kind regards, Encarna and Anna REMEMBER YOU HAVE 3 VOTES SO OTHER NUMBERS ARE FOR : ARCA - 1366, AMPARE - 0860 AND PROGAT - 1057

16th Fira del Vi Falset 30th April, 1st & 2nd May The wine fair in Falset is organized by the D.O. Montsant and the D.O. Priorat. It is a fair with countless stands that offer wine tasting, with payment of ticket of course. It´s an event that attracts people worldwide. There prestigious wine makers such as Alvero Palacios, René Barbier, Carles Pastrana, and countless more offering wine tasting at this fair. It is held in Falset, and the setting is at the Renovated castle in the centre of town. All the hotels are booked and there is a huge happy buzz here in town. Deals are made, wine is sold, people have a really good time. Up until now in the evening there has not yet been an option for people to "Party On", and also to market their products... It´s like Italian olive oil, everybody knows the best Italian olive oil comes from Spain! Italy got the Dutch to do their marketing and now it´s the worlds best known olive oil market, even though they buy most of it here. So, apart from having a really nice fun party for people to enjoy themselves after the day of tasting, talking and the general swooning they do at these events, there has always been little to do afterwards. That is why we have decided to have a big "DO" after hours to continue the festivities. Plus with every ticket there are 2 FREE DRINKS. We are working in cooperation with the ayuntamiento, the wine fair, and Radio Falset. The party will have big screens, various bars, all kinds of effects.... etc. The music is varied.... 80´s, 90´s, some house and some dance. No tecno rave non music, but good old stuff that everybody can´t help dancing to. Lets make a party, have fun, and join in the celebration with the I FESTIVAL ROYAL FIRA DEL VI, FALSET- 606 424 425

L' Ampolla

Next to the train station

Tel: 977 460 387 Forthcoming Events FRIDAY 1st APRIL Fish & Chips Served with KARAOKE SUNDAY 3rd APRIL Mothers Day 3 Course Lunch with Wine 15€ SUNDAY 10 APRIL Table Top Sale 5 EUROS PER TABLE PROCEEDS TO ARCA th




GOOD FRIDAY Fish & Chips Karaoke with Amanda SATURDAY Fun & Games All Day EASTER SUNDAY 3 Course Lunch with Wine 15€

977 460 387

royal wedding trivia

Height HRH Prince William, once he is crowned King, will be tallest monarch the country has ever had since the reign of His Majesty King Edward I (1272-1307), breaking the 704 years (and counting) record. Edward Longshanks, as King Edward I was known, was estimated to be 6’ 2” (188cm) tall, based on skeletal remains, the same height as HRH Prince Harry, the younger brother of HRH Prince William, who stands at 6’3” (191cm). Billy The Fish While serving with the Royal Air Force, HRH Prince William, known affectionately as Billy The Fish by his fellow RAF soldiers, was involved in the repatriation of the body of their fallen comrade, Robert Pearson, from Afghanistan in a Boeing C-17 Globemaster III military aircraft. The Pirate Hunter While on secondment with the Royal Navy, HRH Prince William, serving in the HMS Iron Duke, was involved in the capture of a smuggler’s vessel in the Caribbean that was loaded with cocaine worth over £40 million in street value. What’s Your Poison, Baby? "Crack baby" -vodka, champagne and passion fruit juice. The favourite drink of both HRH Prince William and Ms. Kate Middleton. The Guardian HRH Prince William, serving in the Royal Air Force Search and Rescue Unit in Anglesey, Wales (which he is still currently attached with), participated in the dramatic rescue of a heart attack victim in October last year. Responding to an emergency request from the Liverpool Coastguard, HRH Prince William copiloted a Sea King Helicopter to airlift the man from an offshore oil rig in Morecambe Bay to a hospital. Waity Kaity No More Ms. Kate Middleton, for whom the derisory term ‘Waity Kaity’ was coined for, will be the oldest royal bride ever. Born in 9 January 1982, Ms. Middleton will be exactly 29 years, three months and 20 days old on the day of the wedding – a new record. Shades of Diana Ms. Kate Middleton has been regularly cited as one of the best dressed women in the country. She was included in numerous Best-Dressed Lists in a number of acclaimed publications over the past several years, including Vanity Fair, People and Tatler. We’re Cousins! Twelve times removed that is. Both HRH Prince William and Ms. Kate Middleton are related through Sir Thomas Leighton of Feckenham, the husband of Elizabeth Knollys, cousin of the Queen and grandniece of the legendary Anne Boleyn. Having said that, experts have estimated that there is a 99.9% chance that anyone with a drop of English blood in them is a descendant of King Edward III!

The hip, cool and socially awkward circles of royal genealogy are feverish with the anticipation of some royal grave diggings after the wedding. The speculation is centred on the idea that the Royal Family might wish to conduct DNA testing and determine if Ms. Middleton’s family did indeed came from the lines of Mary Boleyn, sister of Anne, mistress of Henry VIII, thereby confirming her royal bloodlines. Whose turn is it to curtsy? The distance of the royal ladies, as well as their consorts, to the throne determines the order of curtsying in the Palace. After the marriage of Ms. Middleton to HRH Prince William, the ranking of the female members of the royalty is expected to be as such: The Queen Kate Middleton Princess Anne Princess Beatrice Princess Eugenie Princess Alexandra Duchess of Cornwall Countess of Wessex Lady Louise Windsor Zara Phillips Lady Sarah Chatto Lady Davina Lewis of Gloucester Lady Rose Gilman of Gloucester Lady Helen Windsor This would imply that, by protocol, Ms. Middleton would only need to curtsy Her Majesty The Queen. In fact, Ms. Middleton should expect her step-mother in law Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, the second wife of HRH Prince Charles, to curtsy to her. Unless of course HRH Prince Charles is present in the room, in which case, no curtsying is required. But, in the absence of HRH Prince William, Ms. Middleton would be required to curtsy to the elder couple instead. And you people thought all those curtsying was easy… In The Name Of Love Ms. Middleton is allergic to horses, but she hardly ever misses the chance to watch HRH Prince William playing polo. University of St. Andrews, The Unofficial Matchmaking Agency of The Rich and Famous So not only do you go to the University of St. Andrews to study, you are also there to search for your life partner. As hard as it is to believe, that statement is supported by the fact that one in ten former students married their former alumni or alumna. The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating In the days of old, the best man and maid of honour of a royal wedding had one additional task – they have to bear witness to the royal consummation of the royal couple on the wedding night. HRH Prince William and Ms. Kate Middleton are probably very relieved that this particular tradition has somehow become extinct.

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treat your taste buds.

Tagliatelle Happy Easter INGREDIENTS- Serves 6 400g of green Tagliatelle 200g fresh ricotta cheese (or Mato), kept at room temperature 2 courgettes 1 onion 50g butter 1 vegetable stock cube 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil a dozen chopped basil leaves 50g grated Parmesan cheese a few tablespoons of milk salt, pepper Preparation: Wash the courgettes, then cut into thin slices, cook them at high heat in olive oil with the onions for 3 minutes. Stir often. Crumble and add the stock cube to the courgettes, cook for about 20 minutes on medium heat adding water when necessary. Place the ricotta in a bowl and whisk with a fork, add 2-3 tablespoons of milk, a pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper. Keep the ricotta warm by placing the bowl over a pan of boiling water, but off the heat. In a small frying pan cook the butter and the basil until the butter starts to foam. Meanwhile cook the tagliatelle, drain, dress them immediately with butter and basil. Put the tagliatelle in the ricotta bawl, add the courgettes and mix well. Add Parmesan and serve hot.

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 special picks for Easter 

Lobster au gratin INGREDIENTS for 2 people 2 lobsters from 800g each 6 slices of white bread half a clove of garlic 
 2 lemon's juice + zest 
 a slice of fresh ginger 
 onion 2 carrots 
 3 shallots 
 2 sticks of celery 
 a glass of white wine 
a bay leaf 
 extra virgin olive oil 
salt, pepper 
 To make the filling: Chop the carrots, the celery sticks, the shallots in half, add the bay leaf, thyme, and cook in 4 spoons of olive oil for 10 minutes. Add salt, pepper, white wine, lemon juice and half glass of water. Cook for 20 minutes and let it rest. Cut the lobsters in half. Mix the bread without crust with garlic, a handful of parsley, ginger, onion, lemon zest, salt and pepper, then add to the filling. Spread the filling on the lobsters tops and add a little butter. Bake in a hot oven at 200 degrees for 10 minutes and serve immediately.

22 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

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Fillet of sea bass with cherry tomatoes INGREDIENTS for 4 people 5 artichokes (only use the tender middle 4 sea bass from about 400g each 300g cherry tomatoes 50g of mushrooms 6 tips of white asparagus or 100g of green beans oregano extra virgin olive oil, Salt and pepper Preparation Wash the sea bass, removing the skin and filleting. Peel the asparagus, wash and cook in boiling salted water for about 15 mins. Place the asparagus tips with the fillets of sea bass, salt them and placed them on an oiled glass baking tray. Bake in the oven at 130 degrees for around 15 mins. In the meantime, wash the tomatoes, wipe the mushrooms and cut into wedges. Sauté in a pan with fresh oregano, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. Serve everything together. Colomba di Pasqua -The Easter Dove is a leavened cake shaped like a dove - it is said that the in mid-sixth century a Colomba was offered to Alboino King of the Lombards, who was besieging the city of Pavia. This was an offering for much desired peace, which is why the Colomba is now the protagonists of Easter and symbolises peace and serenity.

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INGREDIENTS 500g of flour 150g sugar 4 egg yolks +2 whole eggs, 150g of butter a teaspoon yeast 100g of almonds 1 glass of milk 100grams of candied orange peel 50g granulated sugar. salt Blanch the almonds in boiling water and peel them. Dissolved the yeast in a little warm milk, add the flour, shape into a loaf and let it rise by covering with a cloth. When its increased by double, add the eggs, egg yolk, the remaining flour, sugar, butter, a pinch of salt, the orange pieces and milk. Let this rise again on a greased plate, shaped in a dove shape. Brush the dove' surface with the egg yolk and sprinkle with remaining almonds and sugar in pieces. When the dough is increased by double, bake and cook for about 1 hour at max temperature, then moderate the heat and continue cooking until lightly golden. Delicious home-cooked Italian food for takeaway! Visit my web site to see my selection of ready-made takeaway dishes which I freshly prepare with only 24hrs notice. All dishes are available for collection, or delivery around the El Perello area. Call 653 186 446 or email

     ; K F


From the view of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) people struggling with some excess weight may simply have a weakness of their digestive system, so that it is harder for them to break down the accumulation of fat or adipose tissue, which is seen as an accumulation of dampness, an excess of Yin and imbalance of the water element. The Spleen is the organ in the TCM view which carries out the function of breaking down food into energy and of transporting water and fluids in the body so that they do not build up to create dampness. The balance of fire and water in the body naturally starts to change after about 35 years of age & the fire/Yang element starts to decline, which can be why we may put weight on after that age which we would simply have burned off before. Fire is needed to break down and metabolise the food we take in, so it becomes important to try and help assist the digestive/Spleen function so that we end up with energy rather than overweight.

Eating more easily digestible foods is one way we can help this happen is by avoiding too many sweet, damp and greasy foods which hamper the Spleens operation. It also helps to not eat too much cold food or drink cold liquids in excess, rather drink a small amount of warm water with meals. Drinking a lot of cold water before meals to fill up just ends up flooding and inhibiting the Spleen's transforming function, so not only do you not breakdown food properly but it can lead to other digestive problems. The Chinese believe that drinking green tea with meals is useful for excess weight, as a Spleen strenghtener, & some other foods helpful for dispersing damp are aduki, alfalfa, asparagus, capers, celery, cherry, lettuce, marjoram, pumpkin, papaya, rye, scallions, turnip, & tuna. Exercise obviously warms up the body and therefore the digestive system just as blowing on a fire rekindles it, so regular moderate exercise helps breakdown of food and helps the Spleen transform, transport and release liquids and fat.

Some self-help acupuncture points to use with gentle pressure to stoke the fires of digestion are the following: • Spleen 3 & 4 Point 3 is on the arch of the foot, and 4 a thumbwidth in from the ball of the foot towards the heel. Both points strengthen the Spleen and help clear damp. 4 is also good for calming the mind. • Stomach 36 Four finger-widths below the kneecap, one thumb width outside the shinbone. Boosts the Spleen and Stomach, resolves damp, boosts qi (energy) and calms the mind.

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There are also a number of key acupuncture points on the ear that can be used, often by taping a small magnet onto the skin for up to a week at a time, such as the Hunger/Appetite control point, which helps interrupt the wish to change the channel/ seek comfort by putting something in your mouth - whether it is food or a cigarette; the Triple Warmer point, which helps regulate the entire energy balance of the body; & the Pancreas which helps regulate blood sugar levels. Regular use of these points can help weight issues to start stabilising and reduce compulsive eating patterns related to swings of sugar levels, just as they can be similarly helpful with regulating other health imbalance patterns such as overuse of drugs or alcohol.

So there are multiple ways to help ourselves work with our particular constitutional makeup, to support our body so we can enjoy as far as possible the energy created when the fire of the digestive system is well-tended, moving damp and its accumulated overweight out of our system, and to enjoy the freedom that comes with that energy. Taru Burstall, Dip. Massage, M.A. Psych. Licensed Acupuncturist, psychotherapist and massage (tuina & holistic) therapist. Any queries, please feel free to contact me, 629 301 509,

yoga for all- detox for spring

April is here, and as the days get longer and brighter, our bodies and minds relax and begin to absorb the energy of sunlight and the bloom of spring plants. In springtime, yoga is a fabulous way to get in shape and cleanse your body and mind from the winter season, in preparation for many summer events and activities. Spring is a time of rejuvenation, if you take a walk in the campo you’ll likely see spring flowers pushing up through the ground and tightly wound buds forming on the ends of tree branches, it´s no wonder that we use the expression, “spring is in the air.” A spring yoga practice is different from a winter yoga practice. Where winter is about turning inward, spring is about opening up —blossoming, and inhaling new experiences. Here´s a simple rejuvenating and detoxifying yoga pose to try this month:

twist is released. This pose is great for speeding up the elimination and assimilation of nutrients into your body.

Simple spinal twist

Why it works: Twisting your torso coils the organs that are vital to digestion. When you twist, blood flow is constricted to the liver, gallbladder, stomach, spleen and intestines, allowing newly oxygenated, clean blood to enter when the

How to do it: Lie flat on your back and bring your knees into your chest. Extend the arms along the floor straight out from the shoulders, turning palms up to the ceiling. Keep the legs, feet and bent knees together as much as possible as you exhale, lowering your knees onto the floor toward the left elbow while you keep reaching your chest and right arm to the right. Keep your gaze over to the right shoulder or up at the ceiling, which ever feels best on your neck. Hold pose for at least five complete inhales and exhales. Repeat the pose with knees bent and on the floor to the right side of your body now. As you become more comfortable with the twist you might like to inhale with your bent knees and legs above you, then on each exhale lower knees to either right or left each time, flowing with the breath and your movement like this brings great relief to any lower back issues too. Sarah Good is a Sivananda trained yoga teacher offering local weekly yoga classes. Call 663 140 297 for more details.

26 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

Olives & popcorn Welcome to Olives & Popcorn, your monthly guide to great Spanish based films that in my opinion should not be ignored. Any comments are welcome. Also if you want to know more about a particular film and how to get a copy again get in touch via my email below. This month marking the recent Oscars is a film of great interest to anyone wanting to understand the impact of Spanish film in the international market….Biutiful (2010)

Directed by Mexican director Alejandro González Iñárritu and starring Javier Bardem. It is González Iñárritu's first feature since Babel and fourth overall, and his first film in his native Spanish language since his first feature Amores Perros. The title Biutiful refers to the orthographical spelling in Spanish of the English word beautiful as it would sound to native Spanish speakers. It has been nominated for two Academy Awards in 2011 - Best Foreign Language Film and Best Actor. Bardem's nomination makes his performance the first entirely Spanish language performance to be nominated for that award. Bardem also received the Best Actor Award at Cannes for his work on the film. Biutiful is the story of Uxbal (Javier Bardem), a single father who struggles with fatherhood, love, spirituality, crime, guilt and mortality amid the dangerous underworld of modern Barcelona all before his time is up. He must deal with his loving but unreliable, reckless, bi-polar wife and a large group of illegal immigrants for whom he obtains material so that they may not be deported. In the middle of all of this, he is diagnosed with terminal cancer, which he tries to hide from his two children. Fellow filmmakers Sean Penn, Werner Herzog and Michael Mann have all expressed their admiration for the film. The film was also nominated at the 16th Critics' Choice Award for Best Foreign Language Film and the 68th Golden Globe Awards for Best Foreign Film, but lost to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and In a Better World, respectively. As always if you want to check out the trailer, you can do so at -

Jason.M.Berry 04/03/2011 Contact

© ENSURING HEALTHY SUMMER HARVESTS. By Clodagh and Dick Handscombe Practical gardeners authors and broadcasters living in Spain for 25 years.

When Dick recently travelled by train from Tarragona to Riba Roja del Ebro he noticed the many abandoned orchards and vegetable plots on the fertile land either side of the river. Later chatting to elderly folk in the village he learned that many of the tall once elegant village houses – many now in ruins - were built when the village made lots of money by exporting fruit and vegetables on the sailing barges which traded along the Ebro prior to the construction of the electricity power station dams in the 1960’s. Today many abandoned plots still have the old water wheels once driven by donkeys to raise water to irrigate the fields. But all is not lost. Although many riverside plots are abandoned there are small vegetable plots attached to village houses, some elderly folk grow vegetables on rooftops as suggested in ‘Apartment Gardening Mediterranean Style’ and expatriates are buying up riverside plots to not only fish but also to grow ecological fruit and vegetables for their families. Both are what prompted Dick to take a March busman’s holiday away from our own garden to help a friend, fishing guide and coach Nick Shaddock, layout and start to plant up 300 square metres of recently manured land with his first ecological herbs, soft fruit and vegetables. Having seen the patch of land Nick is able to use we envy him. Fine alluvial soil, a high water table, irrigation water laid on, and facing south to be soon warmed up by the Spring sun. No need to lighten heavy red clay or flood the plot as we have to do and there is fishing within yards. It was only natural that Dick coached Nick in the morning

on the veggie plot and later Nick coached Dick on the river bank. The first two evenings were warm and cloudy so fishing was successful. Dick soon caught a personal best 32 pound carp and a good number of smaller ones. But then the new moon brought clear skies and frost. Fish stopped feeding so no chance of matching the 40 pounder or 145 pound catfish caught by Nick during the winter. So Dick packed up and took a train home to work on our own vegetable plot but planning to return for another gardening/ fishing busman’s holiday in April when the frosts are past. In the meantime Nick plants more vegetables and fruit trees following the practical advice in our books ‘Growing Healthy Vegetables in Spain’ and ‘Growing Healthy Fruit in Spain’ which he now reads waiting for bites.

The above books can be conveniently purchased by mail order from the websites of Angloinfo Spain, Amazon and Santana Books. If in Riba Roja Ebro Valley Properties stock the books. ----------------------------DON’T MISS OUT ON FISHING THE EBRO Guided day, weekend or week long fishing trips around Riba Roja del Ebro for individual or groups of experienced and learner anglers. All equipment and baits provided. Pick up from coastal hotels or trains possible. Phone Nick Shaddock on 680-820-728 to discuss. -------------------------© Clodagh and Dick Handscombe www.gardeninginspain. com April 2011.

28 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

Fed up with high price internet? Fed up with poor technical support? Take a look at Eurona Telecom packages CONNEXIÓ BÀSICA 1Mb 26,90 €/month CONNEXIÓ PLUS 2Mb 31,90 €/month CONNEXIÓ PREMIUM 3Mb 36,90 €/month -now 1200 minutes free calls to Spanish landlines - UK landline calls 2.5c/minute -Technical support in English - installation 70 € - Keep your existing phone number or have a new number

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The man that sent this information is a computer tech. He spends a lot of time clearing the junk off computers for people and listens to complaints about speed. All forwards are not bad, just some. Be sure you read the very last paragraph. Please read: By now, I suspect everyone is familiar with www. and/or for determining whether information received via email is just that: true /false or fact /fiction. Both are excellent sites. Advice from Very important! 1) Any time you see an E-Mail that says forward this on to '10' (or however many) of your friends, sign this petition, or you'll get bad luck, good luck, you'll see something funny on your screen after you send it, or whatever, it almost always has an E-Mail tracker program attached that tracks the cookies and E-Mails of those folks you forward to. The host sender is getting a copy each time it gets forwarded and then is able to get lists of 'active ' E-Mail addresses to use in SPAM E-Mails, or sell to other spammers. Even when you get emails that demand you send the email on if you're not ashamed of God / Jesus .....that's E-mail tracking and they are playing on our conscience. These people don't care how they get your email addresses - just as long as they get them. Also, emails that talk about a missing child or a child with an incurable disease "how would you feel if that was your child"....E-mail

Tracking!!! Ignore them and don't participate! 2) Almost all E-Mails that ask you to add your name and forward on to others are similar to that mass letter years ago that asked people to send business cards to the little kid in Florida who wanted to break the Guinness Book of Records for the most cards. All it was, and all any of this type of E-Mail is a way to get names and cookie ' tracking information for telemarketers and spammers - - to validate active E-Mail accounts for their own profitable purposes. You can do your Friends and Family members a GREAT favour by sending this information to them; you will be providing a service to your Friends, and will be rewarded by not getting thousands of spam E-Mails in the future! Do yourself a favour and STOP adding your name(s) to those types of listings regardless how inviting they might sound!...or make you feel guilty if you don't!'s all about getting email addresses nothing more! You may think you are supporting a GREAT cause, but you are NOT! Instead, you will be getting tons of junk mail later and very possibly a virus attached! Plus, we are helping the spammers get rich! Let's not make it easy for them! Also: E-Mail petitions are NOT acceptable to Congress or any other organization - i.e.. social security, etc. To be acceptable, petitions must have a signed signature and full address of the person signing the petition, so this is a waste of time and you're just helping the Email trackers.


Third world development: UN suggest internet fraud The United Nations is proposing a radical new way to end poverty in Africa; training farmers to switch from subsistence agriculture to internet fraud. ‘It’s simple;’ said Mr James Bowen, UN Spokesman for Development. ‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to phish, and before you know it he’s ordering a Merc and moving fast up the Nigerian rich list.’ The so-called ‘ScamAid’ initiative will teach modernday Robin Hoods to empty the bank accounts of rich Westerners to pay for schools and health clinics in third world communities. According to the United Nations, only 0.5% of the developed world would have to be thick enough to hand over their personal details to a local ScamAid partner in order to vaccinate and educate every child under twelve. ‘It’s basically a tax on stupidity’ explained the UN spokesman. ‘So we’re forgetting all that worthy water pumps and irrigation stuff. Instead local church leaders are learning how to send emails about penis enlargement and Viagra samples.’ A pilot scheme in Burkina Faso raised millions of dollars sending out messages telling Western office workers that they have won the Nigerian lottery. Speaking through an interpreter, a local villager elder explained how ScamAid had helped his family. ‘In my land there is no water. The cattle die. My wife walk many miles for water and firewood. But now I have laptop and Paypal account. Sell stuff on eBay I don’t have. Thank you United Nations.’ However some local politicians have grown so rich siphoning money out of the ‘ScamAid’ project that they are now spending all day on their expensive new computers. One military leader has complained that he sent off thousands of dollars in response to a Spanish time-share investment opportunity, but has yet to hear anything back.

Italy evacuates 120,000 teenage girls from vicinity of Silvio Berlusconi The Italian government has announced the urgent evacuation of nearly 120,000 teenage girls from the area around Silvio Berlusconi, the ageing prime minister has recently been damaged by a huge wave of allegations about his moral conduct. Italy's Interior Minister, Roberto Maroni, announced the measures in an emergency broadcast. 'If you are under twenty years of age, busty, blonde, naive or possibly just a frisky little minx, then you are in danger,' he said in the broadcast. 'We will be sending minibuses to pick you up and move you at least 150km away from Silvio Berlusconi in the next 24 hours. We urge you to dress sensibly, tell your parents, and cooperate with the authorities, but not in the way that Silvio Berlusconi means it.' The move is said to be in response to signs that Mr Berlusconi, 75, has finally begun to overheat dangerously. 'This old facility has been generating power for a surprisingly long time now,' said Mr Maroni. 'But in recent years, its facade has needed a great deal of expensive but unconvincing repair work, and it has started to consume ever greater amounts of the politicallytoxic fuel Bungabung-A just to keep going'. The danger is that Berlusconi's final meltdown will cause a chain of thirteen sexual reactions, blowing its dangerous load for miles around. The Interior Ministry has despatched a team of erotic engineers, clad in their protective birthday suits, to attempt a delicate cooling operation on the ageing premier, which has has been under increasing criticism in recent years for its poor safety record, inefficiency, and tendency to miscalculate. 'This thing has been all over the media for years,' said Mr Maroni, 'so nobody should be surprised at the peril we find ourselves in. If Berlusconi's main fuel rod finally gives out after all these years, then the resulting explosion will leave a huge power vacuum - and God knows what we'll all end up covered in. It could be worse than one of his late night Cabinet meetings.'

30 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

Shoplifter Peaches Geldof cursed by anagram karma London - Is the 'Feels Dog Cheap' name rearrangement at the core of Peaches' attraction to petty shoplifting? Ms Geldof's PR was staying schtum today as Red Tops poured scorn over the latest 'misunderstanding' over a £70 dress than vanished from a Camden Lock boutique rail. The Three Desperados shop said one of their popular slutty-style skating frocks 'simply walked' out of the store last weekend - along with the 23 year-old TV presenter. A previous eight shopping 'misunderstandings' with other shops have seen Geldof exonerated after returning items from her amnesia-fuelled High Street rampages. "This time we've got her over a barrel," the Camden store's Manolo Dinos said today as he handed CCTV footage over to police. Her April 29 royal wedding invite is now under review. Volleyball sold out OLYMPICS organisers have pleaded with the public to buy tickets for events not based on bikinis or hotpants. The 2012 website crashed within minutes of being launched as Britain's men clamoured to apply for the various thinlyveiled excuses for jiggling. Front-row seats for beach volleyball, rhythmic gymnastics and the warm-up area for the women's high jump have been most in demand. Ruddy-faced Olympic enthusiast Wayne Hayes said: "I've applied for the most expensive seats as I'm going to need plenty of elbow room. "I've always enjoyed myself vigorously when watching the games but to actually be there to witness the magnificent spectacle and be able to see every bead of sweat trickling down the....sorry I´m getting distracted." Organisers are desperately trying to raise interest in the more heavily-clothed events with the introduction of qualifying swimsuit rounds for judo, three-day eventing and women's cricket. Olympic Führer, Lord Coe, warned that without more flesh, tickets for events like fencing and archery will remain unsold unless local people are allowed to bring their own weapons and join in. Coe added: "The Olympic ideal is to bring harmony between nations, but I don't see why we can't have loads of tight, hot arses bouncing up and down at the same time. And thighs." Meanwhile, ticket helpline operative Nikki Hollis is fielding up to 200 calls a day from furtive, grunting customers asking whether they are allowed to pay extra to take home the competitor's towels. She added: "Putting banknotes in an athlete's waistband will get you thrown out of the stadium."

Formula One is rubbish, admits Ecclestone BERNIE Ecclestone has confessed that Formula One is bollocks and he's sick of looking at it. The world's longest midlife crisis has spent the last 30 years somehow managing to convince people to gawp at a 200mph rollerskate that weighs less than your dinner and costs more than your house. The deception has made him one of the world's richest men under four foot tall and has been described by financial experts as 'a sporting ponzi scheme with lots of big-titted blonde women milling around for no apparent reason'. Now Ecclestone has finally admitted that Formula One is not so much a spectacle as it is an unremitting procession of eye-clawing dreariness, enjoyed by people who need to have a right good word with themselves. He said: "Even if we make it rain spaceships onto the track every five minutes and tune the engines to sound like Kylie Minogue reaching a spectacular climax it's still going to be like staring at a stretch of the M25 but with an even higher concentration of tedious men with too much money sitting in pointlessly expensive cars. "You can carry on watching in the hope of a really good pile-up but you may as well watch Eastenders in the hope that Arthur comes out of his allotment shed with Dirty Den's head on a stick." Earlier this year Ecclestone drew up a series of ideas to make the sport more exciting, including the use of agent provocateurs to provoke a revolution in Bahrain and then attempting to stage grand prix right in the middle of it. But the plan was abandoned when a feasibility study showed motor racing was better at quelling unrest than a job-lot of tranquilser darts. Ecclestone now hopes to spice up this year's British grand prix by stopping it halfway through for a poetry reading by Sir Ian McKellen.

MySpanishome We are looking for properties in any AREA. So if you have a property to sell please contact: 977 446 655 +34 639 041 277 mobile Stephanie +34 679 499 316 mobile Steve Av. Generalitat 70, 43500, Tortosa, Tarragona, email:


Freesia Group for

How to Solve Sudoku Puzzles

Sudoku doesn't require any special math skills or calculations. It is a simple and fun game of logic -- all that's needed is brains and concentration. 1. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each row. 2. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each column. 3. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each 3x3 box. 4. A complete Sudoku puzzle contains the numbers 1 through 9 in every row, column, and 3x3 box. This month, one with difficult classification as medium.

Cancer Charities in Spain

SUNDAY 8th MAY 2011 SALOU FAMILY “FUN RUN” for cancer Start: 10.00am – Paseo Jaime I (in front of McDonalds) 4 Km. (- 12) beginners/ children/ Fun Run 10 Km experienced runners Entry Fee -12€ (10km) - 10€ (4km) - 8€ (under 12’s) Incl. T Shirt, Medal & Gift Bag. Pay on day surcharge 3€ All proceeds to Cancer Charities INFO:Elaine McParland 619 637 795 Maria Ibañez 669 426 591 or info@

Book Online

ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE FROM: Pub Rio Grande c/Amposta (opposite Salou Park Hotel) Àrea Municipal d’Esports, Salou: 977 309 211 Virginia Bay Deportes - C/ Barcelona11 y C/ Valencia 22

Come along and support us or sponsor a runner! Remember prizes for best FANCY DRESS!

spanglish?-answers next month

ACROSS 1. Domingo de Pascua (E) 7. how much 8. deporte (E) 10. to cut 11. limescale 12. dos (E) 13. wind 15. between 16. tornapuntas (E) 18. huevo de chocolate (E)





5. 6.


8. 9. 10.


12. 13.



16. 17.

DOWN 2. weekly 3. erotico (E) 4. sun 5. mas profundidad (E) 6. little duck 9. magnifico (E) 11. rabbit 12. tattoo 13. summer 14. comienzo (E) 17. salt by Sarah (E=translate to english otherwise to spanish)


ACROSS: 1. triste 3. madera 7. breed

8. sonic ANSWERS TO THE MARCH ISSUE OF SPANGLISH 9. cal DOWN: 4. dios 14. gafas 20. avena 25. event 10. llaga 11. primo 15. nariz 21. oca 26. amante 1. tabaco 5. anchoa 11. plaza 13. uno 19. una 24. ramps 27. saltar 2. stem 6. lapiz 12. osada

32 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

13. unico 18. cantar 16. puerta 22. open 17. pecho 23. oval

CAR BOOT | last Sunday of every month 10am-1pm. stalls 5€. Refreshments, Camping St Jordi, Platje Ayellanes, L'Ampolla Tel 679 115 247 •CAR BOOT SALE | 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month. Situated Hipaca Escornalbou, Vilanova D'Escornalbou. Arrive 9am starts 10am. Bar & restaurant- no fresh produce allowed! Contacts: Cosme on 620215772 or Silvia 665159781 •CAR BOOT SALE | first and third Sunday every month C/ Garcia Restaurant Braseria Can Palomo MORA LA NOVA. Tel Jackie 679741254 •DELTA CLASSICS-CLASSIC CAR MEETING 1st FRIDAY of every month 6PM Bar "Casals" Avda San Jordi, El Perelló. Call for more details and events: 678 718 446. •MASONIC GROUP | Logia de San Jorge A new English speaking lodge of Freemasons approved by GLE, has been established in this area. if you would like more information please telephone Edward Ward on 977416476 (Tarragona area) or Les Beech on 678357713 (Castellon area). •EL PERELLO FREESIA GROUP (working for cancer charities) The next El Perello Bookstall will be held at the Homogenic bar 10am until 1pm on: Saturday 16th & 30th April. If the weather is bad, the bookstall will be inside the Homogenic bar. Further information please phone Liz on 977 059 783. HONEY FAIR: Visit us at the El Perelló Honey Fair on the


Meetings are held at 6.30 pm on the second Thursday of each month (except for August) at:- Edificio Bahia Blanca, C/Paisos Catalans, 74, L’Ametlla de Mar. More information? Either tel: 977267418 or e-mail: - SEE PAGE 36 FOR MORE INFO BADMINTON CLUB - "New Season Badminton starts again on 1st February for Intermediates and 4th February for Beginners. Come along and join in, don't put it off any longer, you know you want to! Sessions run from 11.30am to 1pm. New members are always welcome. Phone Marian for more details on 697 353 914".

CAR BOOT SALES / MERCADILLO Every Sunday Afternoon -YES AFTERNOON!! 1pm Until Dark. Every Sunday Afternoon until further notice. Furniture - fridges - cookers - pictures - pots, pans & old tin cans - you name it and we will get it.

Frozen & Fresh Food & Cafe on site. Car Park Free, to Look Free and Stalls 2 EUROS! no food or drinks without permission At Mora Caravans C12, km 61 Mora La Nova to Ginestar road

Call Ken or Bev on 977 400 375 or 659 418 317 or 660 584 222

NOTE to Buyers & Sellers We at Mora Caravans have the right to refuse entry.

9th/10th April where we will be selling home-made cakes and savouries. R O Y A L WEDDING: We will also be having a stall and a raffle at the Carpe Diem Restaurant on 29th April as part of the restaurant’s celebration of the Royal Wedding •Cof E CHURCH SERVICES | The services are on the 1st Sunday and 3rd Wednesday of every month in the Parish Church in L'Ampolla at 12;30. All are welcome, followed by Menu del dia lunch (optional) Enquiries: 977 593 219. The Anglican Congregation of St Christopher's, Costa Azahar -5, Plaza Primero De Mayo,Vinaros-Services 10am. every Sunday. Also other activities i.e. Thursdays, a "Drop. In" morning from 11.a.m.- 1.00 p.m. to meet for a coffee & a chat. Paul Needle can be contacted on 964 761 641 or mobile 662 482 944 or e-mail for pastoral needs. THE READING CLUB where an English spoken person reads a short English story- members consist of Spanish, Irish and English. In April we will meet on the 18th, 19:30 Public Library Domingo, Tortosa. LINE DANCING | we will be meeting in the Escola de Musica (Music School) in El Perelló as usual 3-5 pm Thursday. The fees will be only 1€ per person per week. little bit of exercise for the legs and the jaws! All welcome.

LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO DO AND FRIENDS TO DO IT WITH? English speaking Women´s Club seeks likeminded women. Meetings 3rd Wednesday each month in Riba Roja. Come and join us! For information contact: Alice 671 681 515 “YOGA DAY OUT WITH A DIFFERENCE” Fed up with the daily routine? Want to meet new people or visit somewhere different? Once a month, why not join a very lively bunch of people for 2 hours of yoga with a difference, followed by a fabulous menu of the day at a local restaurant. Pamela Sharp, Yoga Teacher & Reiki Master, who has lived and practised in Spain for 35 years is an excellent teacher and always does something different. In December we are going to be taught how to cure ailments by “Tapping”. (No previous experience necessary!). The yoga is held at the Town Hall in La Galera from 11am to 1pm and afterwards we go to somewhere different for lunch, where the food is always excellent and good value for money. The whole day usually costs about €20 and will definitely be no more than €25.00. Usually the day out is on the first Friday of the month. For further information please ring Jeanette Lane at least one week before on 977 477 042 or 686 292 823. PHOENIX GROUP - set up for women to offer friendship, support and practical help. Meetings every second Tuesday of each month. Next meeting April 12th, May 10th and June 14th at 3pm Casa Cultura, (Library Building) El Perello. All welcome. Contact Marge on Tel: 689 608 611.


personal classifieds

come ist in!


SATELLITE DISH | + 2 LNBs 20€ , call 977 409 325



ONLY 50€, costs over 140 new. Tel 977 059 364


GOOD CLEAN HARDCORE | Free buyer collects. Call 660

| 40 euros . both surplus to requirement due to house move.

823 423 or 977 059 420

Tel. 977 054 878

HONDA GENERATOR | 2.5 kva good working condition 250


euros +HOWARD ROTAVATOR | good working condition

BABY PYGMY GOATS | contact Emily on 666 956 917

powered by a 11hp honda petrol engine 750 euros no offers

PIGLETS/WEANERS | for sale. Tel. 650 226 342

or PX 658 364 299

SEEKING STUD JACK RUSSELL | for our bitch that will be in

220v CIRCULAR SAW BENCH | good working condition 100

season soon. Fee or pup. Tel Andy 600 890 453

euros +COMPRESSOR | 200 litre tank 220 v good working


order 250 euros ono phone 658 364 299

ETC. | will be given a good home. Tel 686 299 730


GENSET | 6kva diesel generator electric start, good working condition 1,000 euros no offers telephone 661 190 046

WANTED OUTBOARD MOTOR | long shaft preferred, please


call 658 364 299

GX200(65). Just fully serviced. Easy to start. €350 ono. &

WANTED 2 SINGLE BEDS | very reasonable price good


condition, phone 680 371 352

very good condition. Easy to start. 115v/230v. €350 ono. Tel:

ALL ROUND BASS-PLAYER | is looking for band or orchestra.

977 477 367

Call Nico 977 265 018 or 686 066 707

BALAY FRIDGE/FREEZER | white, 185x60x60cm electric,

"WANTED, BOOKS AND SELLABLE ITEMS for carboots to raise money for local dogs´homes. Please call WENDY 637 981 158" I am pleased to say so far 138euros h a v e b e e n raised so thanks to all!!

3 draw freezer, large fridge, ex.cond., frost free, 2 years old €295 ono. Tel 977 477 367 ACOUSTIC GUITAR | make Westfield, colour electric blue, with a Hiscox liteflite hard carring case. 260 euros O.V.N.O. Tel 667 347 645 NEW STAINLESS STEEL COOKER BACK(splash guard) | to fit range type €30. Call 977 059 364. SKIS SALAMON XFREE9 | 180CM with bindings 40€. Tel: 977 059 364 NEW BATHROOM SINK | Antique look, vessel/countertop style ceramic 50€ never used. Call 977 059 364 GREY METAL FRAMED DOUBLE SOFA BED | with a single bunk bed on top, colour large yellow check. Good condition

WANTED VOLUNTEERS | help needed to look after the abandon dogs at ARCA near Tortosa. Please call Mave 678 975 816 if you can offer any assistance. Plus anyone interested in organising some fund raising for the dogs would be must appreciated. PLEASE HELP


150 euros O.V.N.O. tel 667 347 645

34 x 12 STATIC MOBILE HOME | in excellent condition,

GENERATOR KIPOR | 5,5 kva air cooled diesel engine,

3 bedrooms, 2 shower rooms with wc, air conditioning,

3 phases, electric start, silent

blackout blinds and mosquito nets on all the windows,

499€ NEG. 977 059 261


sleeps 6 people comfortably, but can sleep 8 people.

CAST IRON 3 LEGGED CAULDRON | black (potjie pot) very

9250,00 euros, call 676 185 395.

large new 200€ NEG. 977 059 261 CATHERINE

RANGE ROVER-1991 | V8 4.0L, 12 months ITV, alloys/good

ICE MAKER | palm springs table top model. Excel. Condition

tyres. Good reliable motor. Spanish plates €1250. Tel: 977 265

95€. 977 059 261 CATHERINE

066 or 692 905 946.

FRIDGE FREEZER | Sensei, full working order, can deliver,

AUDI 80 SALOON | L.H.D., automatic, new voluntary ITV,

€90, near Bitem, Tortosa, tel. 672 825 734

English reg. 55000 miles, electric sun roof, windows, w/

ROWENTA VACUUM CLEANER | almost new 80€. Call 977

mirrors, A,C., power steering, UK reg 2003, good cont. 1100€.

265 057 near Rasquera

Call 642 243 711

34 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

subject to space ist

FUN IN THE SUN| BE-UP CONVERTIBLE. Sought after limited edition buggy. Spanish registered. very low mileage REDUCED for quick sale ONLY 3400€. MIGHT CONSIDER PART EXCHANGE WELCOME ALL ITEMS CONSIDERED. For more information telephone 977 059 420 OR 660 823 423

HOBBY TOURING CARAVAN | 1980´s, 4 berth+awning, old but dry. 300€ o.n.o. Call 699 106 951 IFOR WILLIAMS TRAILER | with rear ramp. Gross weight: 2600kg. 305cm x 153cm. Dual axle. Spare wheel. Excellent condition. 1,470Euros. TEL: STEZ

675 444 338 or 977 057 044 or 617 836 923


GUITAR LESSONS | Only 15€ for 45 minutes. Call Nico on 977 265 018 or 686 066 707 TRANSLATIONS and INTERPRETATION SERVICE | (English/Spanish) FLIX AREA: 676 742 500

RENTALS, PROPERTY FOR SALE NEW FIVE STAR RESIDENTIAL PARK. Close to San Jordi and 10 minutes from the coast at Vinaros. Large plots from €170 per month. English, Spanish & German spoken. Full range of amenities.

Call 964 412 645

OUR ARTICLES ON WHAT'S ON FROM PREVIOUS YEARS ISSUES CAN BE FOUND ON OUR WEB SITE - - St. George is the patron saint of Aragon, Catalonia, England, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Lithuania, Palestine, Portugal, and Russia, as well as many cities. INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE BOOK - to mark the nearly simultaneous deaths of Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare, the two giants of literary history, on April 23, 1616. (the rose as a symbol of love and the book as a symbol of culture)

FLOOR & WALL TILER | Domestic or commercial. References available. Call Mark 686 069 923 CARPENTER & JOINER WITH GENERAL BUILDING SKILLS | 30 years experience in UK, based El Perello/ L'Ametlla. Call Dave 658 355 929 DRIVER WITH VAN | Making regular trips between Spain & England via France. Willing to transport goods to &

(honey and oil fair) is held every year in April and it shows the importance of the village in Baix Ebre as a main producer of honey in Catalunya. Alongside the fair, a honey competition is organised, and beekeepers from all over Spain take part. There are 4 categories: orange tree honey, rosemary honey, a thousand flowers honey and high mountain honey. More info

from Spain. Tel: 977 477 367 or 655 340 596

Casa Catalan Services for all your maintenance & management needs Competitive rates, References on request, Reliable & professional service, no job to big or to small Call Chris: 680 306 365. TRANSLATING, INTERPRETING AND EDITING

Into English or Spanish from English, Spanish, Catalan or French. British national raised in Catalan-speaking area of Spain. BA in Translating and Interpreting. Based near Ginestar. Contact: 667 224 766,,

In Spain is an experience that will move you and push your senses to their limit and suck the life out of you, and then replenish you back to sheer happiness in a glorious experience that is only repeated once a year.

Children across the country honour their mothers by sending them a card or giving them a bunch of flowers on the fourth Sunday in Lent.

property for sale or


Country Home For Sale in Los Barrios, Cadiz Spain OFFERS 750,000€. Unbelievable value has good

business card directory

holiday rental business with a seperate cottage and apartment as well as an outstanding family home . Reduced by 400,000euros for quick sale because of family health problems. Country house situated on a private estate in a nature reserve, only 20 minutes from Sotogrande Polo fields and Valderamma and San Roques Golf courses. ENQUIRIES : 956 236 068 or 657 629 118 or email :

Volunteers are Age Concern

All entries are also listed on our directory online at The Olive Press does not accept responsibility for the contents of the articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisers PLEASE MENTION THE OLIVE PRESS WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS BUSINESS CARD DIRECTORY in full colour 36€ single or 65€ double *special 6 months only 180€ for single card paid in Advance or pay for 5 + 1 FREE! i.e. pay 36 € per month for 5 months and get month 6 free! 62X34MM single 62x70mm double. PRICES ARE IN EUROS PER MONTH AND EXCLUDE IVA PAYMENT IS DUE WITH PRESENTATION OF ADVERTISEMENT

España´s most valuable asset. All of our Volunteers perform roles which are vital to the organisation. We make every effort to ensure that all our Volunteers have the training and support they need and the appreciation that they deserve. We involve Volunteers fully both in delivering our services and in the development of the organisation as a whole. As we have a duty of care to our clients, Volunteers are selected subject to interview, satisfactory references and Criminal Record checks.

Time to Spare? Skills to Share? GET INVOLVED! Volunteering with Age Concern España For more information or to apply, please contact: Age Concern España, British Consulate Madrid Torre Espacio, Paseo de la Castellana, 259 D, 28046 Madrid

Tel: 0034 636 081 239

Email: Website: or

What will volunteering involve?

We offer many services from helping an older person with their weekly shopping to providing tailored information and advice on welfare entitlements.

What skills and attributes are needed?

•An understanding of older people’s needs •A helpful and friendly manner •Reliability •Willingness to learn •Good communication skills •Ability to travel independently in the community •Respect and confidentiality How much time is needed? Most of our vacancies generally require volunteers to be available during normal working hours on weekdays. However, we ask you to be as flexible as possible with your time commitment.

There are some part time paid positions for people willing to clean and care for the 300 dogs & cats TEL: 977 265 018 - 680 160 051

Radio La Cala "Still Rockin show" on 107.3fm

An Englishman on your Radio. GREAT MUSIC, Golden Oldies and Rock. We have had some great comments about the

The Saturday Show On Radio Cala If You don’t use it you loose it.

Due to lack of response from Listeners I have Discontinued the Radio Mora la Nova Show. My Focus will now be firmly, on Radio La Carla. The Guys at the station are behind me and are promoting the show extensively.

You !

The audience, are the most important part of the program. Your input is crucial to making the show complete. Please please join in and send your request to me. The Still Rockin Show on 107.3 Saturdays at 3pm and repeat show Sunday at 11pm Kind Regards, Norman Jay You can text requests to the number below or email. There are podcasts of recent shows available just go to email: Norman Jay Still Rockin on the Radio Telephone 617 162 264


Your Voice on the RADIO.

Your Olive Business Directory For English Speakers Plus Available 24/7 On Our Web Site. "Regular advertising is essential to let people know you are still in business and are reliable." Call To Add Your Business Here Today On 977 059 364


New premises opposite Pallares builders, next to carob factory in El Perell贸

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977 059 364 u n

Aptdo. de Correos, 147 • 4389 43895 8 L’Ampolla • Tarragona

ARCA the dog refuge wish to give sincere thanks to everyone for supporting them. Please keep it up

Calenders and t-shirts are also for sale to raise funds for the dogs- or email:


All entries are also listed on our directory online at The Olive Press does not accept responsibility for the contents of the articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisers PLEASE MENTION THE OLIVE PRESS WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS

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