The Olive Press Catalunya magazine July 2011 issue 39

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a little serious a little humorous

July 2011 issue 39


...Born in Kent, England in 1937, I served in the British Army and French Foreign Legion where I was shot in 1966... In a Marseilles hospital with time to reflect on past events, I put down my thoughts as doodles in a notebook, They were influenced by the early Cubists Picasso, Braque, Legere and others... After returning to England I settled down working in Stained Glass, Armorial Painting and Wrought Iron Work... By 2003 with a dicky ticker I had to retire ( my past catching up with me ) and it was then I started to re draw those early doodles done in France...Over the past few years I have developed my own style and mix of paints etc and by 2008 I was ready to go! (so I left it a bit late )...most of my work is of cubist origin but abstracted out to my own style. I use raised line work and flood my colour on in separate glazes to achieve the finish I want, a dash of humour sometimes helps... I`m 73 years old and painted my first Canvas last year 2009,I still get get a buzz when I complete a piece of Artwork ,I`ll stop when I don`t... I hope you enjoy them as much as I do painting them...

Pat Mansen.


editorial MEET BOB THE EDITOR welcome to the July issue covering catalunya.


"Mosquito is out, it's the end of the day; she's humming and hunting her evening away. Who knows why such hunger arrives on such wings at sundown? I guess it's the nature of things." - N. M. Boedecker, Midsummer Night Itch "Summer is the time when one sheds one's tensions with one's clothes, and the right kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit. A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all's right with the world." - Ada Louise Huxtable "Many public-school children seem to know only two dates: 1492 and 4th of July; and as a rule they don't know what happened on either occasion." - Mark Twain

Time for a break Apparently it's no longer politically correct to direct a joke at any racial or ethnic minority, so try this one: AND IT'S CLEAN !! An Englishman, a Scotsman, an Irishman, a Welshman, a Gurkha, a Latvian, a Turk, an Aussie, a German, a Yank, an Egyptian, a Jap, a Mexican, a Spaniard, a Russian, a Pole, a Lithuanian, a Swede, a Finn, an Israeli, a Romanian, a Bulgarian, a Serb, a Swiss, a Greek, a Singaporean, an Italian, a Norwegian, a Libyan, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Kiwi, a Yarpee, a Brazilian, an Argie a Chilean, a Buddhist and an African went to a night club. The bouncer said, "Sorry, I can’t let you in without a Thai. "


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all advertisers will also be placed in the business directory on our web site with links to their own web sites!

Contributors: | Clodagh & Dick Handscombe | Dr. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. | Jeff Greensmith | Jason M. Berry | Mike Stevens | Sarah Good | Taru Burstall | David Piqué | Paul Ebro Valley Computers|Sabrina-A Casa Tua | TRANSLATION BY SUZANNE HELLYER Printing: Indugraf SA Deposito Legal: MA-1565-2008


"The Mermaid by Pat Mansen" see page 2 for more details

Please contact us by: E-mail: Web : www. Telephone: 977 059 364 By post: Aptdo de Correos,147 43895 L’Ampolla Tarragona Deadlines: Adverts 15th & Articles 12th of the month. No adverts or artwork in the Olive Press Catalunya magazine or web site may be reproduced or used for print, media or web in part or in their entirety without the express permission of the Olive Press Catalunya. Adverts and logos remain the property of the magazine . To use any artwork please contact us.

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What’s News -In Spain Can it be True?

Your Horoscope News from California Leisure & Entertainment

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The Lighter Side PC tips broadband

Contents Page 16

16 37

Nature & Animals News Hounds and more


Home & Garden Challenges of gardening in Spain Catalonia Property update

33 28

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Finance & Law Help paying rent & mortgages

What’s On -Car boots etc. Grec Barcelona From previous years

9 32 38 34

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Olives & Popcorn Crossword- Spanglish Health & Well Being Yoga for All Sun worshippers

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news in spain


earing a swimsuit in the streets of Barcelona is now an offence. A new by-law came into effect in Barcelona recently, making it an offence to walk through the streets naked or wearing nothing more than a bathing costume. Those caught naked in the street and who continue to refuse to comply after being warned by the local police could be met with fines ranging from 300 to 500 €. A lower amount has been set for the ‘seminaked’, of between 120 and 300 €. El País notes that the penalties are higher than those imposed on a driver for jumping a red light. It’s understood that no action will be taken against those who are seen in a bathing costume on the paseo marítimo or on the streets nearest to the beach, and the by-law does not affect the city’s nudist beach, La Duna, on Mar Bella.


ore than 200,000 demonstrated on the streets of Spain on Sunday, 19th June. There were demonstrations organised by the M-15 indignant protestors across the country on Sunday. Marches were well attended and ended in rallies in all the main cities of the country, and were all peaceful. In Madrid the entire city centre was taken over by a sea of protestors, estimated by the Lynce counting system to be 37,000+ and by the demonstrators 150,000. Several different marches converged in the city centre, and saw the participation of people of all ages, workers and the unemployed. At the

MySpanishome We are looking for properties in any AREA. So if you have a property to sell please contact: 977 446 655 +34 639 041 277 mobile Stephanie +34 679 499 316 mobile Steve Av. Generalitat 70, 43500, Tortosa, Tarragona, email: centre of their demonstrations were the banking crisis and the so-called Euro Pact which will see more spending cuts enforced by Brussels with the crowd making their demands in a peaceful and festive way. They say that Banks and Governments have to listen to the fact that the public are not in agreement with the cuts they have made, and at the end of a statement also called for a General Strike. They called for a referendum to be held on October 15, along with the Democracia Real Ya groups, as part of a worldwide demonstration on the same day. Nearly 1,000 police were reported to be on duty in the capital as holiday time was cancelled to keep the crowds under control. Following previous trouble in Barcelona anti-riot police were stationed in the Parque de la Ciutadella, by the Parliament prepared to clear away the demonstrators if necessary. Barcelona City Hall has put the number of demonstrators at 75,000, while the demonstrators in the city estimated the crowd at 260,000.


nited States heaps praise on the Spanish AVE - 'The best in the world'.The United States wants Spanish companies to build their new high speed train lines. The US Secretary for Transport is on an official visit to Spain to see the AVE network, and has called on Spain to ‘come to the United States and help us make President Obama’s high speed dream a reality’. It is the second time that Ray LaHood has visited the AVE which he has described as ‘The best high speed train in the world’. ‘I have been to 15 countries over the last two years, and I have seen all the high speed train systems in the world, and I can tell you that Spain’s is the best’, he said. ‘The Madrid-Sevilla AVE works so well that it now carries more people than the car and the plane. This is what the United States wants to see in the corridors between Boston and Washington, Detroit and Chicago or between Los Ángeles and San Francisco’. He referred to the investment of 8 billion dollars already approved in the United States for high speed rail. Spanish

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LIVE PRESS Development Minister, José Blanco, has highlighted what he said was ‘intense collaboration’ with the United States on transport. He said that Spanish Companies would be happy to participate in the development of Obama’s AVE plan. ‘You can count on our help’, he told Lahood. After their press conference together the two men took an AVE train to Cuenca, on the Valencia line, the latest to be opened in Spain.


ozens of baby Loggerhead Turtles released on the beaches of Almería. More than 150 Loggerhead Sea Turtles were released on the beaches of Almería on Wednesday, as part of a programme to establish a stable population of this threatened species in the area. The turtles come from eggs which were brought from Cabo Verde and buried on the beaches where they have now been released. After hatching, they were reared at a special centre in Algeciras, Cádiz province, until they reached a size which would help to guarantee their survival. EFE notes that the Tortuga Boba weighs just 20 grams when it hatches, but at a year old and with a harder shell, stands a better chance against its natural predators. It’s hoped that they will return to the beaches to lay their eggs once they have reached sexual maturity, in 15 to 20 years time. A further 120 or so are due to be released later in the year. yanair passengers left on Sevilla tarmac with no airconditioning and at 50 degrees. An 18 month old baby needed treatment for dehydration and several adults fainted after Ryanair left the passengeros on one of its flights on the tarmac at Sevilla airport for over two hours without air-conditioning. El Mundo reports that temperatures rose to nearly 50 degrees as the delayed flight from Sevilla to Pisa sat on the tarmac between 1240 and 1450 during the heat of the day. What’s more there were not enough bottles of water to go round, and so these were given only to the children. The captain told the passengers, only in English and Italian, that the compressor had failed, and that he was unable to start either the plane’s engines or the air conditioning. He said that if the steps were lowered they would lose their flight slot. Canal Sur reports that one fed up passenger finally went to one of the front doors and opened it so some fresh air could reach the passengers, thus triggering the emergency ramp. This was the trigger for the others to make their way off the plane, and it was then that the baby’s need for treatment for dehydration was handled by an ambulance crew which was scrambled to the plane.




news in spain


panish village declared the first Smurf village in the world. The General Director of Sony España, Ivan Losada, was in the small Málaga village of Júzcar, in the Serranía de Ronda, on Thursday morning, where a plaque was unveiled in the village square declaring Júzcar the first Smurf village in the world. It’s been chosen by Sony for the world premiere of The Smurfs 3D, which premieres in Spain in August, and has undergone a transformation which has needed 9,000 kilos of paint to turn the village blue. The Town Hall, the church and even the cemetery have changed colour. Hundreds of tourists were in Júzcar for the Smurf party on Thursday, with children dressed up in their Smurf outfits and a local man playing the part of the Smurfs’ sworn enemy, Gargamel the wizard, accompanied, of course, by his cat, Azrael. Júzcar has thrown itself wholeheartedly into Smurf fever. A bar is to be opened here with the name Gargamel, and EFE reports that the Virgen de Moclon will be wearing a blue mantón at the local fiesta later in the year. The village will remain blue until September, when the locals will decide if they want their houses to return to their original white colour or not. C warns Spain about drinking water in San Miguel de Las Salinas. The European Commission gave Spain an ultimatum this Thursday to adopt measures to improve the quality of drinking water on the urbanisation Las Filipinas in San Miguel de Las Salinas. The Commission


noted concerns that local residents have suffered from water that is not fit for human consumption for more than a decade and that, despite petitions to the European Parliament, and Spain acknowledging that the drinking water is not fit, no ‘tangible action has been taken to solve the problem. The EC had already warned Spain with a letter of formal notice in 2009, but said that despite receiving a number of replies, no satisfactory action has been implemented and has concluded that breaches to the EU Drinking Water Directive are still ongoing. The EC said if Spain fails to fulfil its legal obligations after receiving its reasoned opinion, it may refer the case to the European Court of Justice. It’s understood from Europa Press that analyses of drinking in Las Filipinas have repeatedly shown excess levels of sodium, nitrates and chloride.

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by David Piqué

I have never liked to err on the side of pessimism and always try to be as positive as possible but these days I believe that to be fair and realistic I can only say that this recession is hitting really hard and that an improvement in the situation does not seem to be near, but on the contrary, all points to the situation becoming even worse. As is appropriate in these times in which many families, especially young people, require help, I’m going to point out various helplines which are offered by the Generalitat of Cataluña regarding housing and also for those who have difficulties facing up to their obligations once they have managed to get their own home. So we can find: 1.- BASIC EMANCIPATION INCOME. This is a benefit for young people between 22 and 30 years of age, Spanish nationals or members of the European Economic Community and also for non-nationals with permanent residence in Spain. To apply, one needs to have signed a rental contract and make the benefit application within 3 months of signing said contract. The maximum duration is 4 years or until reaching 30 years of age. This gives the person the right to receive €210 per month towards rental payment, but one can also apply for a loan of €600 in order to pay the deposit but which must be repaid once the benefit has finalized and there is even the right to a benefit of €120, to cover the cost of a banker’s reference if necessary. If the decision of emancipation or not depends on obtaining said benefit, one can apply for a provisional benefit in advance as long as the age requirements are taken into account and once the benefit has been granted the rental contract and certificate of registration of residence (empadronamiento) must be presented, besides that, it requires the beneficiary to have been registered with Spanish Social Security for six consecutive months ( although there may be interruptions of up to a month during the 6 months period) prior to the application for the benefit or from the time of application. Finally, the last requirement, to have an income of not

more than €22,000 gross per year. WHERE TO APPLY: At the Offices of Mediation for Social Housing Rental (Bolsas de Mediación para el Alquiler Social), Offices for Young Peoples’ Housing (Bolsas Joven de la Vivienda), Local Housing Authority (Oficinas locales de la vivienda), Catalan Housing Agency (Agencia de la Vivienda de Cataluña) and the Housing and Urban Improvements Office (Secretaria de vivienda y mejora urbana). 2.-BENEFITS OF AN URGENT NATURE This is a non-recoverable aid of a personal nature to help with unpaid rent or mortgage installments in exceptionally urgent situations in order to guarantee the permanancy in said residence of the applicant and his/her family. Certain requirements have to be observed: Reside in Cataluña, a minimum income during the year in question, not being able to pay the rent or mortgage with some limits. The maximum amount to be received is €3,000 and this quantity depends on the debt accumulated and according to the report of the social services. WHERE TO APPLY: Welfare offices, Housing and Urban Improvements office, Catalan Housing Agency. I hope dear readers, that the previous comments could be of use to you, in the case of necessity.

By David Piqué. Any legal questions can be sent to or The Olive Press direct.


can it be true??? Greek butlers all round + Council


offices to grind to whatever is slower than a halt

EVERYONE in Britain is to receive part of a Greek person in exchange for large amounts of cash. As the European Union confirmed it will take all your money and throw it into a giant flaming pit on the outskirts of Athens, there were demands that the populations of Britain, France, Germany and Holland get a timeshare in a Greek butler. Plans are now being drawn up to train everyone in Greece to perform a variety of household tasks with absolute discretion. They will then be bussed across Europe while thousands of EU helicopters drop your children's tuition fees into the unquenchable Greek money furnace. The move has been welcomed by millions of Britons who said they would much rather have a full-sized Greek human to play with than send their horrible mistakes to university. Tom Logan, from Finsbury Park, said: "I want one of those wrinkly old grandmothers who will be all loud and gesticulate wildly, but will make me fantastic food and pull me to her bosom and tell me how proud she is before sending me off to work while weeping hysterically. "I would also like the prime minister of Greece to clean my bog with his tongue." Julian Cook, from Stevenage, said: "I want Vangelis to follow me on a scooter when I go jogging and play Chariots of Fire on a Stylophone." And Martin Bishop, from Grantham, added: "Generally speaking I'm quite self sufficient but I would like a young Greek man to wash my car on a hot summer's day. "Or perhaps a young Greek man to help me look for change down the back of the sofa." Helen Archer, a housewife from Peterborough, said: "My friends and I are going to apply for a swarthy man in his mid 40s and then we'll take it turns to play Shirley Valentine until we break him and get another one."

STRIKE action by council workers could lead to a redefinition of the concept of movement, it emerged last night. Unison members will be balloted over whether they should be allowed to avoid the same shit as the country's other 28 million workers and will down whatever their equivalent of tools are if they are not told they are really, really brilliant. Ninety-two grand a year general Secretary Dave Prentis said: "If our demands are not met, bins will continue to just sit there forever and ever while council offices will grind to whatever is slower than remaining completely and utterly motionless."If nothing else it could herald a new golden age for theoretical physics." He added: "You'll know they are on strike because they will be wearing a big badge that reads 'my union says I'm special'. "After spending their allotted 20 minutes on the picket line they will then break for a three-hour encounter session on Placard Sensitivity." The disagreement is over pensions, with public sector workers being asked if they would actually like to contribute some money towards them. But the arbitration experts Acas said many Unison members struggle to differentiate between employment and retirement and currently believe they are being asked to pay for going to work. A spokesman said: "Most former employees only notice they've retired because they don't spend as much time guzzling free Chardonnay in four star hotel conference rooms as they used to. "They then get terribly frightened and demand some nice, fresh money."

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a more detailed horoscopes can be found on our web site CAPRICORN Dec. 22 - Jan. 20 Your romantic


and creative worlds expand and grow this month,

especially pleasant and supportive this month, A

dear Capricorn. You are learning to express

friend might be an important player in achieving

yourself playfully and creatively without apology,

your goals. Partnerships tend to be more goal-

and more willing to take some personal risks in

oriented, free-spirited, and tolerant in July. Some

order to do so. You have a stronger ability to hold

of you may take a friendship into unexplored

the attention of an audience.

romantic territory, or meet a significant person


through a friend or group association.

Jan. 21 - Feb. 19 -Your personal

Jun. 23 - Jul. 22 -Friendships can be

life tends to overshadow your professional life


and material activities these days, dear Aquarius.

productive month for you, dear Leo. Your

Periods when you completely relax and retreat

sometimes Herculean efforts, and your close

from everyday affairs will be especially beneficial

attention to performance and details, will not go

and desirable now. You are motivated to pursue

unrewarded! Some of your most natural talents

recreational activities this month.

meet with reward and acceptance. Romantic


Feb. 20 - Mar. 20

-You are likely

Jul. 23 - Aug. 23

-July can be a highly

relationships deepen and intensify in July, and

to enjoy more opportunities through your

home life may be easier and happier.

communications and contact with others this


month, dear Pisces. Chances are excellent that

and transportation issues improve in July, dear

you will find a lovely confidante. Networking

Virgo. Studies are successful, and you are more

opens you up to many new possibilities and

ambitious and go-getting in your career. Those

ideas. Educational, publishing, and promotional

Virgos in the creative arts can inspire others

activities are favoured in July.

with what they create, and can reach a broader

ARIES Mar. 21 - Apr. 20 -You're winding down


Aug. 24 - Sep. 23 -Communications

from an especially hectic June, dear Aries, but

LIBRA Sept. 24 - Oct. 23 -Career matters take

life definitely isn't slow in July! There are more

priority in your life in July. You might enjoy strong

errands to run, busy mental work, and plenty of

opportunities for presenting your ideas with

diverse activities for you. Your heart, however, is

charm, and you could find that your influence

with home and family, and making changes that

and powers of persuasion are enhanced. You

help to bring more peace and beauty to your

might also enjoy benefits or support, particularly

domestic life.

for home or home improvement endeavours.

TAURUS Apr. 21 - May 21 -July is strong for


gaining support, both financial and moral, dear

the emphasis is on strengthening a close

Taurus. Your powers of persuasion are excellent.

relationship, dear Scorpio. You learn a lot through

Close partnerships grow, and some of you might

your experiences and interactions, and the lines

form new partnerships. You take better charge

of communication open up between you and a

of your finances, particularly money shared with

special someone. Negotiations tend to work in

others or derived from other sources than your

your favour.

Oct. 24 - Nov. 22 -This month,

personal income.


GEMINI May 22 - Jun. 22 -Friends are seeking

known for a love of adventure, dear Sagittarius,

you out in July, and you are in high demand!

but recently you're finding more benefits from

Asserting yourself comes naturally. Motivation to

staying closer to home and concentrating on

get going on pet projects and for pursuing your

practical matters. You might enjoy financial

dreams is strong, so take advantage of this steady

benefits from increased attention to work in July.

flow of energy. You're unlikely to run out of steam

You can be very focused on what truly matters

easily, particularly in the first week of the month.

to get ahead.

Nov. 23-Dec. 21 -Your sign is


for all sun worshippers

After a day in the sun, you may find yourself with an itchy, peeling sunburn. Peeling skin is not only unattractive, it can also be quite painful. Here are a few simple ways to deal with the peel. Cool it down If you notice your skin starting to peel, the first thing you should do is take a cold shower or bath. The cold water will help your skin cool down & slow the peeling process. When you are drying your skin, be sure to pat dry with a clean, soft towel & avoid rubbing. By rubbing your skin, you can actually speed up & spread the peeling of your skin. Moisturize your skin Once you get out of the shower and dry your skin, apply a moisturizing lotion. Look for a moisturizer that is specifically designed to work on sunburn or peeling skin. Generally, the lotion should contains aloe vera, which will cool your skin, reduce inflammation and slow the peeling. Aloe vera is a natural cactus extract that has long been hailed for its soothing properties. You can actually buy pure aloe vera gel (or break open the plant, if you have it) and apply it directly to the peeling skin to aid healing, fight pain and avoid infection. Drink up Now that you have cooled your skin from the outside, it’s time to start working on your skin from the inside. Truth be told, nothing helps your skin as much as a tall glass of water. Healthy skin needs to stay hydrated. When your skin is damaged – like after a sunburn – water becomes even more important. Drink a lot of water to give your skin all the fuel it needs to repair and revive itself. If you notice

your skin beginning to peel, be sure to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. Stop the itch At all costs, you should avoid scratching your skin when it’s peeling. You can actually do permanent damage to your skin in the form of scars. If you get the urge to scratch, the best thing to do is to use ice to dull the sensation. Put ice in a piece of soft cloth and gently place the cloth on top of the area of your skin that itches. The itch should subside once the ice begins to cool down the skin. Don't peel it Flaky, peeling skin is more than just irritating and unattractive. It can also lead to an infection. Peeling skin can become infected if you scratch or try to forcefully peel the skin. If there is a segment of dead skin that is hanging off and you want to remove it, don't pull on it - no matter how tempting it is. Instead, get a small pair of scissors and carefully cut away just that section of skin. Be sure you are only cutting away dead skin and you don’t tear skin that is trying to heal. Once you cut away the dead skin, apply an antibacterial ointment (such as Neosporin) to the area. Be prepared Prevention is the best cure for peeling. Plan ahead and don't get sunburned in the first place. By the time your skin starts peeling, that means that the damage has already been done. Before you go out into the sun, always wear sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays. If you are going into the water, be sure to re-apply sunscreen each time you get out. When applying sunscreen don't forget about hidden areas, such as behind your ears, which are often forgotten and end up burned.

12 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364


news hounds & more..." Pets also spend the summer vacationing " BY Dr. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M.

With regard to the cottages, the Castilla y León autonomous community are more readily accepting pets, the Balearics are located in the tail end of the ranking. In just one year, however, the number of establishments with houses available there has passed from 2,200 to 3,000 houses there today.

The number of pet-friendly hotels has increased by 30 percent in this country / Some 38 percent of Spanish are living with pets. When summer arrives and with it the desire to travel or plan a getaway, but what to do with our pets? Many people leave their animals with family and others want to travel and have them along, but many are unaware of the sites that can be found with suitable accommodations.

The campsites are a more permissive accommodation, 81% pet friendly. For communities/ region, Catalonia, again in the forefront with about 292 campsites. The guide also offers practical advice and information on 1,500 veterinary hospitals and veterinary centres and 240 emergency service and cat kennels where dogs and cats may be boarded. Here are a few additional bits to be conscious about and some tips before you travel: - Health Before beginning a journey you should visit the veterinarian for a check-up and a review of the pet passport.

Each year in Spain there are increases in the number of establishments that accept pets. In order to avoid the stark reality of animal abandonment which occurs both in summer as well as in any other holiday period, the Affinity Foundation has made a guide for travelling with animals that is intended to help owners to plan holidays with your dog or cat. The guide is available at bookstores and on the website of the Foundation for 12.50 euros. In total there are 7200 hotels, cottages and campsites that accept pets. For the autonomous communities, most hotels that accept animals are found in Catalonia (679 ), followed by Andalusia (542) and Castilla y Leon (293). At the other end of the scale are the Balearic Islands, Galicia and the Canary Islands. The latter has doubled the number of "petfriendly hotels" since 2001 and throughout all the regions of Spain they have experienced a 30% growth rate. It is important to note that the hotels with more stars, a higher rating, are those that are more permissive. All in all about 21% of hotels in Spain permit dogs and/or cats.

- Passport Dogs , cats and ferrets travelling within Member States of the European Union need a passport . - Means of transport The car is the most simple and convenient means of travelling with animals. When needed , the animal can get out, walk, eat, drink or relieve themselves. - Baggage musts to take for the animal Do not forget the collar, leash , food, toys and shampoo. It is important to bring a bottle of fresh water for the journey (not only for them!). Dr Ronald Rosenfeld. D.V.M.

A. M. P. A. R. E. The society for the protection of animals Ebro region. Based in Mora La Nova. We desperately need to re-home dogs to make room for more! We have over 200 dogs for adoption. Susan 689 468752 English Isabel 977 404720 Spanish/ Catalan Donations always appreciated.

14 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364


Alberg d'Animals de les Terres de l'Ebre

Dog of the month

´Thank-you´ Marc featured in the June issue is now happily settled in his new home. Hello, I’m Laika, I’m a podenco type of dog and I have lived for over three years in the animal shelter Alberg d’Animals in Camarles. I’m about 4 years old. I was brought in by the police, so they don’t know where I came from. Now it’s time for me to show people what a great dog I am. I am a very sweet dog but also a little shy at the same time. I like to be around other dogs, but being on my own isn’t a problem either. I’m a quiet type of dog. I always wait and let other, more dominant, dogs go first, then I’ll get to my food bowl as well. And if you have the time to cuddle with me, I would love that. Do you have a nice place for me with a fence around or can you walk me daily, so I can get my daily exercise? Are you interested in giving me a better life, I’d love to invite you to come and meet me.


Call for more information or a visit: Encarna (Spanish) 657 181 437 or Anna (English, German, Dutch) 977 265 018 or 680 160 051 col.laboració amb Pinsos Folch, Mora d’Ebre

"moral and cultural progress of a country is measured from its treatment of animals" (Mahatma Gandhi) URGENT ADOPTION REQUIRED CALL ARCA TODAY. A.R.C.A. (Association for Refuge and Taking care of the Animals) it is a non-profit association operating since the summer of year 2001. At this moment they have 300 abandoned dogs. They are in Tortosa in the province of Tarragona (Spain). All the material aid comes from the much appreciated donations but with each new arrival more donations are needed. If you want to donate to Arca if only by 5€ each month, minimum, please send an e-mail with your personal data and account number or call or write. Or just become a volunteer to help with the dogs. email: ARCA mail: Post office 496, Tortosa, (Tarragona) or contact: Mave (English) 678 975 816, Cinta 625 915 605 Carmen 655 040 359

Call Arca Today to Provide A Home To 1 Of 300 Dogs Needing A Loving Home Or If You Can Volunteer Any Assistance With The Dogs


THE Denmark kicks your grandmother in the face

DENMARK may as well have kicked your lovely old grandmother right in the teeth, it emerged last night. The small, poorly defended nation has banned Marmite, confirming its status as by far the worst and most perverted of all the Scandinavian countries.

It is the latest move to de-Anglify Danish society following bans on Rice Krispies, Cannon and Ball, angry, drunken racism and complaining about everything all the time. As your grandmother screamed in agony and clutched at her bleeding mouth, a Foreign Office spokesman said: "If they want a war then they can have one, though we will probably have to start off with some kind of food war. "That means no more dry, salted fish or sweet pastry dumplings and anyone who is planning a buffet that will be laid out on a long table had better not call it a smorgasbord. We're suggesting they call it a 'dadsarmybord'." He added: "And do you think we can't make our own bacon? Okay, maybe we have forgotten but we can look it up on the internet, which is a load of computers all joined together with wires which you probably don't even have, you Viking morons." But experts have warned against a knee-jerk reaction to the Marmite ban stressing the Danes are generally right about everything and that Denmark is an utterly fantastic place to live. Professor Henry Brubaker, from the Institute for Studies, said: "There is literally nothing they cannot teach us. Everything that doesn't work here, works incredibly well there. "I was a Marmite fanatic and now I won't have it in the house. To paraphrase John Maynard Keynes 'when the facts about Marmite change, I change my mind - what do you do?'." Tom Logan, professor of Scandinavian studies at Reading University, said the cultural and social links between Denmark and Britain had enriched both nations, adding: "Some of my favourite Danish pornography is positively awash with Marmite. "It won't be the same if they switch to Nutella."

16 email: â˜ťTel: 977 059 364

LIVE PRESS Things you don´t see everyday.... Spot the blunder!


news from our california correspondent (norfolk) 'Norfolk snippets… ’ By your celebrity DJ, you can listen to him live on www.futureradio.

Thursday mornings 10..00-12.00

We have not seen any substantial amounts of rain for almost two months now. Unlike the rest of the UK East Anglia has avoided any heavy downpours. The grass is starting to look a bit brown, all except for the extreme end of my front lawn. A neighbour has a leak originating from his water meter. As a result a slow, but steady, trickle of water rises from the ground causing a sort of mini water hole. This is much to the delight of passing animals and birds that stop by for a drink. Whilst one half of my lawn is starting to resemble a desert in the other part herds of wildebeest graze in the luscious grassland. We have contacted the Water Board. Their response was that they would send someone in a couple of days to ‘paint a circle round it’. Strapped for resources for an immediate repair they need to make some gesture that something is requiring their attention. However two weeks later we have seen neither painter or repair crew. There has been a flurry of interest locally in that a young lad had risen to the dizzy height of being in the final of the annual karaoke-fest and freak show ‘Britain’s Got Talent’. Twelve year old Ronan Parke from Norwich was heavily tipped as being the winner of this year’s event. It was heavily featured in the Press that he had been ‘groomed’ for some time by Simon Cowell and was already in possession of a record contract from the Svengali of Pop. All these rumours were so strenuously

denied by Mr Cowell that one might be led to believe there might be a modicum of truth in some of it. However, our little sparkle of talent was pipped at the post by another singer. Doubtless both will be swept up in a flurry of promotion and exposure for a few months before they are relegated to cruise ships and holiday camps which is hardly an international career of stadium performances and repeated album releases which every successful entrant is led to expect. Still it keeps the wolf from Simon’s door. Doubtless young Ronan’s career will be cut short anyway through nature’s way of dealing with every pubescent teenager when he wakes up to find he has a voice like a raspy saw. Real success comes from being original and gifted, and through sheer hard work. Another young performer from East Anglia has been gigging around the country since he left school. He has released his own CD’s which he sells from his backpack whilst on his travels. Largely unsupported commercially he has built up a loyal fan base without the need for appearing on TV talent shows. Although never having a record in the charts he made a recent appearance on ’Later with Jules Holland’ and now has a major record contract with an album coming out in the autumn. Check out the name Ed Sheeran. He’s certainly destined for a big success. "3 years ago (at 17) he won our ‘Next Big Thing’ competition despite breaking 3 guitar strings in one song. He just carried on singing. He has worked very hard doing almost 1000 gigs since then. He now has the same agent

18 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

as Elton John and is just embarking on a promotional tour for his first official CD which comes out in August. He comes from Framlingham in Suffolk. Check out the solo version of Wayfarin’ Stranger which he did live on TV. No room for error. =related" ,Mike Doubtless you will have seen or heard about the scandals featured in a recent Panorama programme surrounding residential health care facilities bought in by many local authorities, including our own. Many elderly and infirm

people are now left wondering what will happen to them if their needs can no longer be met by a badly run, and near bankrupt, private care company. Doubtless a man will be sent out to paint a line around the hapless individuals in order to identify them for future attention. Š Mike Stevens 2011. If you need to contact Mike you can now do so at his blog,

yoga for all- Pranayama - The Art of Yoga Breathing

When the Breathe wanders, the mind is unsteady, but when the Breathe is still, so is the mind still." - Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Pranayama (deep breathing exercises)

Seasonal nasal allergies, often referred to as hay fever, are triggered by pollen in the air. Ragweed pollen appears each autumn, while newly blooming trees, grasses, and weeds are the culprits in the spring and summer here in Catalonia. Though many find relief in doctorprescribed medications, there are several yoga practices that will help to alleviate allergy symptoms, including runny noses and inflamed sinuses. Pranayama is one of the most effective ways to relieve these symtoms.

What is Pranayama?

Pranayama, the formal practice of controlling the breathe, lies at the heart of yoga. It has a mysterious power to soothe and revitalize a tired body, a flagging spirit, or an unfocused mind. The ancient sages taught that prana, the vital force circulating through us, can be cultivated and channelled through a range of breathing exercises. In the process, the mind is calmed, rejuvenated, and uplifted. Pranayama serves as an important bridge between the outward, active practices of yoga (asanas) and the internal, surrendering practices that lead us into deeper states of meditation. Yoga breathing exercises are an important part of a developing yoga practice. One of the Five Principles of Yoga is Pranayama which promotes proper breathing. In a Yogic point of view, proper breathing brings more oxygen to the blood and to the brain, and to control Prana or the vital life energy. Pranayama is one of the Eight Limbs of Yoga, as defined by the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. In addition to deepening your yoga practice, learning ways to calm or invigorate the body through breathing will greatly benefit your life off the mat. Breathing is an involuntary act; it is an essential part of life. Although we can´t control whether or not we breathe, we can control the way that we breathe. A belief that different methods of breath affect the body's

health and life force is the core of Pranayama practice.

How do I practice these breathing exercises?

Dirga - Three part breath. This pranayama exercise is often done while seated in a comfortable, cross-legged position, but it is also nice to do while lying on the back, particularly at the beginning of your practice. When you are lying down, you can really feel the breath moving through your body as it makes contact with the floor. 1. Lie down on your back with the eyes closed, relaxing the face and the body. 2. Begin by observing the natural inhalation and exhalation of your breathe without changing anything. 3. Then begin to inhale deeply through the nose. 4. On each inhale, fill the belly up with your breath. Expand the belly with air like a balloon. 5. On each exhale, expel all the air out from the belly through your nose. Draw the navel back towards your spine to make sure that the belly is empty of air. 6. On the next inhale, fill the belly up with air as described above. Then when the belly is full, draw in a little more breath and let that air expand into the rib cage causing the ribs to widen apart. 7. On the exhale, let the air go first from the rib cage, letting the ribs slide closer together, and them from the belly, drawing the navel back towards the spine. 8. On the next inhale, fill the belly and rib cage up with air as described above. Then draw in just a little more air and let it fill the upper chest, all the way up to the collarbone. 9. On the exhale, let the breathe go first from the upper chest, then from the rib cage, letting the ribs slide closer together. Finally, let the air go from the belly, drawing the navel back towards the spine. 10. Continue at your own pace, eventually coming to let the three parts of the breathe happen smoothly without pausing.

20 email: â˜ťTel: 977 059 364

Sarah Good is a Sivananda trained yoga teacher offering local weekly classes. Contact Sarah for more details on 663 140 297 www.

Escape from the crowds and enjoy a memorable day afloat Butterfly, a classic yacht in the Delta del Ebro. Relax with an ice cold drink, spread out on the huge deck cushions and experience the tranquillity of sailing around the beautiful Alfaques Bay.

Sail In The Beautiful Alfacs Bay Delta del Ebro Natural Park Sant Carles de la Ràpita

Sailing Trips & Charters

You will sail along the 8 beaches of Sant Carles de la Ràpita and across the bay through the largest mussel farms in the Mediterranean searching for a quiet spot to drop anchor for bathing off the beaches of the Ebro Delta Natural Park. You can visit interesting spots such as the Salinas de la Trinidad, the Sant Joan Tower, the “Banya” Point, and the small fishing harbour of Les Cases d’Alcanar where you will find excellent restaurants. You can find plenty of time to enjoy the tranquillity of the bay and above all the gentle billowing of the sails. Watching of migratory birds like flamingos, is a main attraction in the Delta del Ebro National Park and possible on board Butterfly. Captain Lucas will be happy to teach you how to sail or initiate you into trolling for fish.

Half day and full day tours with delicious snacks from the region included, with the possibility of tasting local sea food. Sunset cruises and full moon cruises are especially romantic. Ideal for celebrations. THE PERFECT GIFT

tel: 660 907 189

Prices starting at 40€ per person (25€ kids under 14)


Captain Lucas welcomes any special requests.

Maximum 12 persons, min. 2 persons

Just a small sample taken from the menu

The previously known restaurant El Rancho in Miami Platja has recently been rescued by new owners and has had a complete face-lift and now re-opened under the name LA HACIENDA.

STARTERS ‘LA HACIENDA’ Salad € 5.00 FRESH Asparagus with Melted Butter € 6.50 Avocado Prawns € 10.50 BBQ ‘LA HACIENDA’ Chicken Wings € 6.50 BBQ Baby Rack of Ribs € 5.50 Warm Chicken Liver Salad € 6.50 Main courses bbq entrecote € 14.95 mustard pork chops € 9.50 CHICKEN KIEV € 9.95 DUCK IN CHERRY SAUCE € 15.00 ‘LA HACIENDA’ beef BURGER € 12.00 (LETTUCE, TOMATO, ONION, BACON AND CHEESE) Pasta lasagne € 8.50 Fish pan fried salmon € 15.00 (with watercress and avocado) roasted sea bass with fennel € 21.00 grilled sole with parsley butter € 21.00

The restaurant and bar will please all the family with dishes to suit all with daily specials to suit the time of year chosen by the Scottish chef. There is an international menu as well as the BBQ and Specialist Catalan dishes to tempt you. All the food is home-made from produce sourced locally to ensure that freshness and quality you deserve. Wide selection of local and international spirits as well as coffees and specialist teas. In the winter rotisserie chickens will be available. There is as you would expect an excellent choice of locally selected wines House wines all locally sourced (Tarragona). Great ambience inside and out plus a wonderful large garden terrace area where you can dine under the trees or just chill out by the outside bar. Also a play area to entertain the children so you can relax. Private functions and parties for up to 300 people can be catered for. Disabled access and toilets. Sky TV will be available for all sports as of end of August. Telephone Number: 977 81 11 43

            ; K F 

treat your taste buds. Tasty and quick salad recipes ideal for picnics and trips to the beach. All you will need is 15 minutes and a fridge! Buon appetito!

Insalata With Ham And Artichokes Ingredients: 300 gr fusillli 250 gr marinated artichokes 150 gr sun-dried tomato 150 gr ham chives olive oil Salt and pepper Cook pasta until tender but still firm to bite, drain, dress with a little olive oil and cool. Add all the remaining ingredients, season and keep refrigerated.

Pasta Campagnola (Country Salad) Ingredients 500gr of penne or maccheroni 2 courgettes 250 gr of green beans 200 gr of tomatoes 1 red pepper 1 yellow pepper 1 medium aubergine 2 cloves garlic 1 / 2 onion 2 tablespoons of greater Parmesan cheese 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil basil a handful of pine nuts 2 tablespoons black olive oil 150 grams of chopped sausages, parsley and rosemary Chop and cook all the vegetable together until tender but not too soft, let them cool. Cook the meat with garlic, onion parsley and rosemary, let it cool. Cook pasta until tender but still firm to bite, drain, dress with a little olive oil and cool. When all the ingredients have reached room temperature, mix well, add basil, Parmesan, pine nuts and olives. Season and keep refrigerated.

        h k      

 italian summer salads 

Insalata Alla Caprese Ingredients 500gr of maccheroni 6 plum tomatoes, seeded, coarsely chopped 2 mozzarella cheese, cut into small pieces olive oil chopped fresh basil Salt and pepper Mix tomatoes, mozzarella and oil in medium bowl. Season with salt and pepper.Mix in basil. Cook pasta until tender but still firm to bite, drain, dress with a little olive oil and cool. Add the mixture and toss gently to blend. Season and keep refrigerated.

Insalata Felicita' (Happy Salad) Ingredients 500 gr fusilli 2 chopped carrots 3 chopped green tomatoes 200 gr smoked bacon 2 chopped courgette 1 yellow pepper 2 onions 200 cooked peas 80 gr sultana parsley olive oil, salt and pepper. Cook pasta until tender but still firm to bite, drain, dress with a little olive oil and cool. Gently fry the bacon, onion, courgette and peas for 5 minutes and let these ingredients cool. Mix all the ingredients together, season and keep refrigerated. Delicious home-cooked Italian food for takeaway! Visit my web site to see my selection of ready-made takeaway dishes which I freshly prepare with only 24hrs notice. All dishes are available for collection, or delivery around the El Perello area. Call 653 186 446 or email

26 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

        ; K F     

Family Run Swiss Bar & Restaurant With Swimming Pool And Beautiful Sea Views Overlooking The Most Beautiful Idyllic Natural Marina In Catalunya

OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 10am With Daily lunch Menus Only 9,90€ PLUS Specials Like the Fantastic "Steak On Hot Stone", Fresh Fish, Paella Every Tuesday Jazz and And Other International Blues with 'Geoff Gilvey' Cuisine Specialities. Food (live music) Every Thursday + served the Saturday Country and Rock 'n' whole day. Roll with 'Peck & Peck' (Live Band) Every Friday with 'Norman Jay' live music (Evergreens) Special Events open for private parties and functions - weddings & birthdays

Come And Dine Inside Or Out On The Terrace Or Just Chill Out By The Pool And Soak Up The Atmosphere. Sant Jordi d'Alfarma is a secluded spot hidden away between L'Ametlla and Calafat. You can find it by turning off the N340 opposite the ceramic museum into the urbanisation Sant Jordi d'Alfarma. Continue under the bridge towards the sea and follow the signs for Club Nautico.

Passeig De Velázques 1, Urb. Sant Jordi d’Alfama, 43860 L’Ametlla de Mar email:

Tel: 977 486 000 Mobile: 650 540 718

Catalonia property news roundup | Selling and staging tips Hello again, hope you’re all enjoying this delicious, earlysummer weather! If you’ve been following the news in Catalonia at all you may have heard about the controversial ‘Llei Omnibus’ law, a large batch of measures that could radically change many of Catalonia’s autonomous laws. Currently being debated by the Catalan parliament in Barcelona, it’s intended to simplify bureaucracy, slash red tape and stimulate and liberalise Catalonia’s ravaged economy. I’ve skimmed through some online summaries and picked out a few of the main points: Proposed property law changes Drastic reduction of the environmental studies and reports currently needed to authorise new housing and other developments. Owners of protected housing apartments to have the right to acquire a second property. Radical changes to the current sole registry for protected housing —giving more power to individual promoters— plus changes to allocation procedures and quotas. Abolition of the controversial law that in theory —never put into practice— can force owners to rent vacant flats. Promoters would no longer need to provide a lift in smaller multi-apartment blocks. As far as I know, no mention of any changes relating to the cédula de habitabilidad… Fewer funds for neighbourhood improvements The 2004 Llei de Barris provided regular funds for the regeneration of depressed towns and areas throughout Catalonia, such as Tortosa’s old quarter. The Llei d’Omnibus would remove set annual funding in favour of discretional financing by the Generalitat. Health service shake-up Eight Generalitat-administered hospitals and 360 local CAP health centres to lose their status as public-sector-only institutions, paving the way for mixed private-public centres and partial privatisation. Healthcare to be provided only for those immigrants who have been registered on the local padrón for six months or more, excluding newly-arrived immigrants and long-term tourists.

Note that the law is still under debate and has not been passed yet, and that EU citizens’ rights may well not be affected anyway. Vehicle access in rural areas Relaxation of current vehicle access restrictions in protected ‘PEIN’ rural areas. If the law is passed, expect to see more motorbikes, quads and 4x4s in the campo… As you can imagine, this has not pleased local ecological groups. Other proposals include a ban on roadside prostitution, privatisation of one of Barcelona’s main water authorities, reduced funding for arts and literature councils, and more cash for industrial institutions. The Llei d’Omnibus is attracting fierce criticism from opposition parties in the Catalan government, and President Artur Mas does not have an absolute majority, so he will need to make a pact to get the law passed. Make your sale trouble-free For me, one of the things I love about selling property here is getting to meet a fascinating range of people from different countries. One of an estate agent’s key tasks is to manage expectations of course, and I find that different nationalities’ expectations can differ when it comes to buying a property. With buyers thin on the ground and so many properties on the market, it makes sense to do everything possible to ensure a trouble-free sale. Unless you are selling an unrefurbished property, it’s reasonable for a buyer to expect that a property will be sold with everything working and in good order, with repairs carried out unless otherwise agreed.

28 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

Savvy buyers will have a survey organised and will carefully inspect and list any work needed before the deposit contract stage, making completion of any repairs a condition for the completion of sale. But most don’t, so avoid potential problems by having any minor repairs done and commenting on any known or suspected defects with your estate agent well in advance. Perhaps the most common cause for contention is what furniture or equipment is to be left in a property. Village houses left full of an astounding array of junk, water heaters ripped off walls on the morning of the sale… every estate agent has stories to tell! Avoid all this by preparing a detailed inventory, and bear in mind that smart buyers may demand an inspection before completion at the notary’s office. Presenting your home: the art of staging Anyone that’s met me will know that I’m passionate about presenting and photographing properties as well as I can. In today’s saturated and internet-based market you get one short chance to make an impression so it had better be a good one! So when I came across a handy website article recently I thought I’d share it with you. Check it out at http://www. The site is American but the content is relevant to any property, and goes beyond the simplistic paint-itbeige-and-declutter school. Plenty of useful tips and an interesting video in part 10. As always, I love to hear your comments and feedback. By the way, I have various Spanish and European clients looking for realistically-priced fincas with habitable houses, preferably with nice views and less than 30 minutes from the coast, so please email me at if you are thinking of selling. I will be happy to help organise the cédula application if you qualify for one or find an alternative route-to-sale if you don’t. Look forward to hearing from you! Jeff Greensmith runs and is a registered estate agent and experienced Spanish/Catalan translator and interpreter. He has lived in Catalonia since 1986. Call 977 082 244. While the points contained in this article are true to best of our knowledge, they do not constitute legal advice on the part of Fincas Direct or The Olive Press. Please use this information responsibly and seek professional legal advice if in doubt.

Lorenzo Marceaux opened his restaurant "Chez Lorenzo" in December 2003 and it came from a merger of a French restaurant "La Ville D'Evreux-Chez Daniel" which was open from 1964-2003 with the Marceaux family owned restaurant and Pizzeria Italian " Il Leopard "opened in 2000. 'We have tried to blend together the features of the Mediterranean (paella, rice fish, shellfish) French food (both sweet and savoury crĂŞpes, foie gras, cheese) without forgetting the Italian cuisine(fresh pasta and of course, pizza ). As a result we have chosen the best of the menus of both restaurants, this being appreciated by families with children, because everyone finds what they want, according to your taste, nationality, age and budget.' The restaurant is located overlooking the sea in Miami Beach. The extraordinary situation seduces you with its wonderful views of the sea and the bay between Miami Playa, Cambrils and Salou.

30 email: â˜ťTel: 977 059 364

Olives & popcorn Welcome to Olives & Popcorn, your monthly guide to great Spanish based films that in my opinion should not be ignored. Any comments are welcome. Also if you want to know more about a particular film and how to get a copy again get in touch via my email below. This month I present a rare Spanish film based on events after and not during the Spanish civil war……Pájaros de Papel (Paper Birds) 2010. After the civil war has destroyed their lives, an odd assortment of vaudeville

artist’s band together to perform in a travelling troupe. Scenes of rehearsal and joyous performance are contrasted with the oppressive gaze of Francoist agents, as the troupe struggles for subsistence on days when applause must suffice to sate the hunger pangs. Part celebration of this lost art, and part a touching tale of the bonds of friendship that develop between the artists, the film retains a sincere tone without lapsing into melodrama. This loyal and accurate portrayal of vaudevillians comes from first time director Emilio Aragon, once a clown himself (performing as the famed Milikito) and features superb performances from Imanol Arias, Lluis Homar and Carmen Machi. Set in the dark days of the Franco dictatorship with the shadow of Nazism looming, this story shows us how the pursuit of excellence one’s craft, no matter how humble, can elevate us out of the daily drudgery of survival, even if fleetingly so. Winner, Audience Award, Montreal World Film Festival. As always if you want to check out the trailer, you can do so at -

Jason.M.Berry 04/06/2011


Airlines crack down on fraudulent vegetarians

Bob Crow successfully infiltrates bourgeoisie

AIR passengers will have their in-flight meal choices stored on a database in a bid to catch fake vegetarians.

CUNNING socialist and hypocrite Bob Crow has successfully completed a daring reconnaissance mission at an exclusive capitalist restaurant.

Airlines claim they are currently losing millions of pounds a year to bespoke meal fraud by deceitful carnivores.

The anti-establishment operative cleverly duped staff and diners at Scott's in Mayfair into believing he was simply enjoying a decadent champagnedrenched lunch with friends.

A US Airlines spokesman said: "Meat eating passengers are ticking the vegetarian meal box when booking their ticket just because it makes them feel a bit special for a while. "Others simply claim to be vegetarians during a flight so they will get their meal sooner or because, for some reason, they don't like the look of the chicken."

But, it has emerged, he was undertaking a revolutionary mission code named Operation Biteback, for which he had been briefed to observe the eating, drinking and conversational habits of the ruling elite as a first step towards the longer-term goal of overthrowing them.

One airborne vegetarian admitted: "On the ground I would eat rare veal but I just don't trust meat once you get it past 30,000 feet. "And why is all airline meat the same shape? Is a chicken the same shape as a pig? No, it is not. Under the proposals any 'new' vegetarians boarding planes will be asked to take a 'vegetarian citizenship test' where they must identify various roots and pulses from picture cards as well as demonstrate how to make a black bean and zucchini quesadilla. The spokesman added: "Coming on our planes, eating all our couscous. And as for pretend vegans, we should be allowed to throw them into the ocean."

A spokesman for Crow said: "Showing characteristic disregard for his own personal safety, brother Bob entered the viper's nest at 12.45pm yesterday, knowing full well that if he slipped on a point of etiquette he would be caught and tortured. "Despite being entirely unaccustomed to the ways of a socalled 'restaurant' or indeed the bourgeois concept of food as something other than a utilitarian means of sustaining physical strength, Bob negotiated the menu, successfully ordering bottles of a revolting drink called 'Morgassi Superiore 2009 Piedmont' which apparently tastes of workers' tears. "Naturally there were various tricks and traps in place to lure the working class spy, for example a dish called 'sorbett' which is in fact pronounced 'sor-bay'. "Apparently this foodstuff had a delicate yet repugnant wild strawberry flavour, redolent of the type of perfect English summer's day which in this unjust society only stripey-blazered fops have the freedom to enjoy." He added: "After several hours of expert pretence brother Bob left the restaurant and quickly vomited the corrupt culinary delights into a plain builders-type bucket. "His stomach was dreadfully upset for days before he returned to his normal diet of recycled rain water and thin soup flavoured with coal."

32 email: â˜ťTel: 977 059 364

© July in the garden. By Clodagh and Dick Handscombe resident and gardening in Spain for 25 years. Things are hotting up. It’s now time to enjoy summer leisure activities to the full and cut back gardening activities to the minimum. But some things will need to be done to have a colourful, perfumed and scenically enjoyable garden during the summer. Make sure that at least the following ten things are done. 1. Deadhead and prune back flowering plants to stimulate speedy next flowerings. 2. Prune back untidy and spiky growth from the sides of paths and terraces. 3. With a delay in turning on watering systems due to the damp Spring check and clean all spray heads on watering systems. Some could be at least partially blocked. 4. Give stone fruits such as peaches and plums a light summer pruning to stimulate fruit buds for next year. 5. Cut back the excessive growth of pond plants so that you can see and feed the fish. If a hungry heron appears in the garden as we have at present drape pea netting over canes across the pond.

6. Weed the vegetable plot to maximize the moisture available to the roots of vegetable plants. 7. Mulch soft fruit bushes with cuttings of comfrey leaves. If you don’t have any comfrey contact us via our website. 8. To clear weeds from areas of stone chippings a safe ecological weed killer is 3 to 5 % vinegar in water. 9. Leave some seed heads to develop and ripen for keeping the seeds for sowing in the autumn or spring. 10. Train and tie in climbers on gazebos fences and walls. Each of Clodagh and Dick’s practical and comprehensive gardening books include seasonal checklists of what needs doing month by month. By the way if you are learning Castellano or get stuck in garden centres and shops each book includes an English-Spanish vocabulary For convenience buy the books by mail order from Santana Books or Amazon UK. Inland Ebro Valley Properties shop in Riba Roja del Ebre stock the books. © Clodagh and Dick Handscombe July 2011.


L' Ampolla





Bingo Night 8pm


night through July & August "Fish & Chips" and "Karaoke with Amanda".

EVERY SUNDAY Traditional Roast Lunch With All The Trimmings from 12noon

Booking essential Tel: 977 460 387


on our terrace Sunday 31st July ...from 6pm til dark... Dance off that Sunday Roast! Fun for all ages & no experience necessary!!

on Sat 9th July ...back by popular demand...our 2nd "Race Night". Lots of fun and prizes to be won. 12€ pp includes Betting chips, Race cards, Glass of Cava and Buffet Supper. Booking essential, call to reserve your ticket now!! Full English Menu, as well as Menu Del Dia - Mon-Sat 10€ 3 courses, Sundays 15€ 3 courses- (includes wine, water & bread), Baguettes/Sandwiches and Tapas.

Our Articles On What's On From Previous Years Issues Can Be Found On Our Web Site EUROPEAN BALLOON FESTIVAL - IGUALADA and www.globuskontiki.comis from the 6th to the 10th July 2011. Every year in Catalunya in the town of Igualada, 40 or more hot air balloons from around the world take to the sky during the biggest balloon festival in Spain, and one of the largest in Europe. Around 25,000 spectators come to watch, fascinated as the balloons inflate and eventually fill the sky with an array of colours. The activities don't stop there - market stalls and the opportunity to try some local cuisine plus balloon flights, music and then finally fireworks. The 22nd International Fireworks Competition Ciutat de Tarragona will take place from the 5th to the 9th July at the Punta del Miracle of Tarragona at 22.30 each night: Tuesday 5th of July 2011 SPAIN Wednesday 6th of July 2011 ITALY Thursday 7th of July 2011 SPAIN Friday 8th of July 2011 CANADA Saturday 9th of July 2011 SPAIN You can find informations about the fireworks display competition and the participating companies in the Latest Competition News on LA MÓRA MORISCA A MÓRA D’EBRE 9-10th July 2011 is a historical fair with its own identity. It is a mixture of cultures, religions and in short an example of historical communal life. In the 15th century in Móra there lived 34 Jewish families, 51 Saracens and 130 Christians- taken from the census ordered by the church, mosque and synagogue. 16th Festa del Renaixement Tortosa Del 21 al 24 Julio de 2011 The walls of the town's oldest districts are the chosen venue for Tortosa's Renaissance Festival, the festival takes us back through a whole host of entertaining and cultural activities to the 16th century. Over 500 actors, 60 shows, 3000 people dressed in traditional costume , merchants and taverns fill the town's streets and squares with festivities, music, joy and colour 14-17 July L'Ampolla Festival Verge del Carme 2011. -16 July 21:30 h Harbour Procession by sea and fireworks .Sea-land procession in honour of the Patron Saint of seafarers and fishermen. "The star of the seas". The evening of the 16th July is a very special time for the residents of many towns in Spain for this is the night when the patron saint Virgen del Carmen is celebrated. This is one of the most deeply rooted traditions of the fishing villages and the celebrations begin with the image of the Virgin being carried through the town. FIRA DE SANT JAUME DE REUS: 23-24 July 2011 Reus' most traditional fair since 1343. The most important part in the programme is the "Horse Fair" (with different championships, exhibitions...), the degustation of local food every night. FIB HEINEKEN BENICASSIM 14-17 JULY 2011 - -Cities can be born a thousand and one times; reconstructed from their ashes or reinvented through imagination. The reborn Benicàssim that we know today owes as much to its sun, surf and sand as it does to Oasis and Leonard Cohen; as much to its peculiar mountain range, polkadotted with caves, crags and cliffs, as to the magic of Björk and the howling of Jon Spencer; as much to the Las Palmas desert as to the Festival’s concert venue.


Stroll down to the peaceful cove of Cala de les Sirenes, (only 50m away) after a lovely meal and have a siesta or a gentle swim to burn off your lunch or have a pleasant dinner after your day on the beach. The Menu Del Dia is a superb example of what you will receive from the À La Carte as you can see from the photos below of a Menu Del Dia starter and homemade deserts. Just imagine what else is on offer from the À La Carte! Certainly plenty to tickle your taste buds. Le Bistro de Cathy with home made French cuisine, welcoming and friendly staff serving you on the terrace under the palm trees or dine inside amongst the pleasant surroundings.

Olympic ticket applicants receive first set of clues OLYMPICS ticket applicants have been posted an elliptic set of messages that will eventually reveal what sport they will be watching. As entirely random amounts of money were taken from bank accounts, the person behind the clues for Ted Rogers' 3-2-1 was brought out of retirement, along with an army of cryptic crossword compilers, to write the receipts. Baffled Carlisle purchaser, Wayne Hayes, said: "I got a slip confirming I'd paid £385 and a scroll of parchment saying ‘What walks on the earth but cannot see sky? Its eyes number 20, but has just six thighs'. "There was also a train ticket to Knutsford and a false moustache. "Am I going to the rowing, the opening ceremony or the official firing of Seb Coe? For all I know I may even be competing in the bloody thing." The next stage will be a series of adverts directed by David Lynch and Darren Aronofsky featuring dream sequences and mathematical equations that will, according to organisers, 'spark image clouds in the collective unconsciousness of the public which will gradually reveal to them whether they managed to get to see any athletics or not'. The ticket lottery method is being adopted by other companies including Ryanair, whose chief executive Michael O'Leary was drawn to the arbitrary and completely unfair aspects of the process.

Multi-billion pound outdoor pastime still struggling with liquid FORMULA 1 bosses have been urged to make their multimillion pound cars slightly more adaptable than a 10-yearold Nissan Micra. As Jenson Button pointed the remains of his car over the finish line before anybody else in the Canadian Grand Prix, many viewers wondered how several billion pounds worth of design had struggled so much to cope with the average road conditions of Manchester in July. Ferrari boss Stefano Domenicali said: "While I realise that our racing cars might not have a decent cup holder due to weight considerations, I would hope that after spending the GDP of Burkina Fasso they might be able to turn the odd corner when there's enough water on the road to drown a millipede without hurtling themselves over a crash barrier or just bursting into flames. "In fact, by now I'd really expect them to generate their own microclimate which not only dried the track around them but also encouraged the driver to change into his shorts by the time he's finished the race." Footage from the race is already being pored over by Hollywood producers who believe it could be invaluable in their upcoming reboot of Harold Lloyd and the Keystone Cops Go Ice Skating. F1ologist Wayne Hayes said: "It's difficult to hear over the sound of the engines and Lewis Hamilton voicing his opinion of Button, but in the background you can actually hear the cars generating the noise of swanee whistles and trombones. "While all eyes were on Button's dramatic not-suddenlyforgetting-how-to-drive-like-Vettel-did, at the back of the race you can clearly see the last car crossing the finishing line with 37 old-fashioned policemen clinging to the sides of it."

A spokesman said: "From next April a customer who wants to go to Alicante could find they have actually bought 200kg of freight space on a flight to Uzbekistan." But the process was criticised by Olympologist, Tom Logan, who said: "In China everybody knew seven years in advance what event they'd be going to see and how many times they would be required to clap their hands together.

36 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

PC TIPS: broadband anywhere!

Ok this month I would like to mention an experiment carried out by Google, please note that I had had a few beers When I Discovered this!

months Keep an eye on the BBC´s Website for updates.

Google translate has taken on a whole new dimension this month thanks to the new service by Google developed for animals! (Americans seem to have far too much time on their hands! Perhaps we should all live there instead???) Have a look at the video. en/landing/translateforanimals/ Apparently the next time your dog barks you can bark back in their own language? Or swear at your chicken etc… (Red

And Finally to follow up, The EU are now offering Grants to cover the cost of the equipment for satellite broadband (for those who have no other choice), I will make more information available on my website as soon as its available. For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428 or email: web: Tel 977 270 898 ext 388 Skype Ebropc

wine or Copious amounts of BurgeMeester required!) (Visit Bon Prou or Esclat for this!) Ok so you need a Google android device to do this available from between €100 - €200 or a clever mobile phone from the UK with Google Android! Another point of Interest Is the BBC are planning to launch BBC IPlayer across Europe within the next couple of

Fed up with high price internet? Fed up with poor technical support? Take a look at Eurona Telecom packages “No internet coverage, no problem! If you live in Catalunya in an area where there is no internet via ADSL, WiMax or 3G mobile then you qualify for Subsidized Internet via satellite. This is an initiative between the Generalitat and Eurona. Equipment and installation is FREE (worth around 600 euros) for the basic service (4Gb monthly download limit, 6Mb speed), monthly cost €31.50 + IVA. LIMITED OFFER SO DON’T DELAY.”

Contact Nigel Morton: 620 353 138

-now 1200 minutes free calls to Spanish landlines - UK landline calls 2.5c/minute -Technical support in English - installation 70 € - Keep your existing phone number or have a new number

Offers: • First 3 months free -Special only pay for the installation • Already a client? Recommend a friend and get a months internet free for both of you • Temporary tariff – only pay for the months you are here, min 1 month, from 12 euros a month + iva



he Grec Festival of Barcelona is an international theatre, dance, music and circus festival. Over the course of its history, this long-standing event, which will take place for the thirty-fifth time in 2011, has become not only the major summer attraction in Barcelona, but also a date on the European performing arts calendar. The festival takes its name from of its main venue: an open-air theatre (the Teatre Grec) built on Mount Montjuïc for the 1929 Universal Exhibition. At first, this “Greek Theatre” was the only venue used for festival productions, but, today, the Grec programme embraces many other theatres, cultural facilities and public spaces all over the city of Barcelona. The Grec Festival is promoted by Barcelona City Council, but no other public administrations are involved; instead, the shows are organised and produced by a large number of theatres and promoters. The main sources of income for the festival are public

grants, sponsorship and ticket sales. In 2010, a total of 101,181 tickets were sold for the events on the programme. With a history stretching back thirty-five years, the Grec Festival of Barcelona has become the leading producer of shows in Catalonia. The festival pursues a two-fold mission: firstly, to stage the most outstanding works by Catalan artists and companies, providing them with support by producing their shows for performance at the festival; and, secondly, to present all the most interesting shows from Spain and the rest of the world every year. Indeed, the Grec Festival is Catalonia’s main showcase for works produced abroad, and in recent years the organisers have been keen to make the event more international, focusing on presenting the most innovative pieces from such countries as the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan and France. Moreover, since 2009, the organisers have worked with other European performing arts festivals to engage in joint projects aimed at producing shows and promoting artists, exchanging know-how and working experiences and “integrating political and social thinking regarding the Mediterranean”. This work takes place under the aegis of the Kadmos network, whose partners are: the Grec Festival of Barcelona, the Avignon Festival, the Athens-Epidaurus Festival and Istanbul International Theatre Festival.

Brief history In the years leading up to the restoration of democracy in Spain, the Barcelona theatre scene witnessed the birth of an innovative, independent approach to the performing arts, a movement that broke radically with the more conventional fare that had dominated the listings in the city until that time. The key figures in this alternative scene were, precisely, those that, in 1976, set up the Assembly of Actors and Directors. The Assembly was able, in just a few weeks, to programme a summer theatre season at the Teatre Grec in Montjuïc. Nearly 47 years after its inauguration, Barcelona’s littleused “Greek Theatre” had fallen into a semi-abandoned state. Besides setting an example in self-management, the first Grec Festival both salvaged the theatre in Montjuïc and achieved considerable public success. For the first two seasons, the Assembly of Actors and Directors organised the Grec Festival. The event did not take place in 1978 but, following the first democratic elections after the end of the Franco dictatorship (1979), Barcelona City Council took over the task of organising the festival. From that moment, the Grec became increasingly consolidated and enjoyed constant growth. In 1980, the programme was opened up to include productions from

other countries, and this aspect of the Festival has been strengthened in recent years, along with support for local artists and productions, this international dimension is one of its essential characteristics. Over the course of its history, the Grec programme has gradually occupied more and more venues and spaces, spreading to different areas of the city and supporting the work of alternative theatres and companies whilst always maintaining a balance between initiatives of this

type and shows aimed at broader audiences. Moreover, the organisers have long worked in close cooperation with the private sector. The latest stage in the Festival’s history has been marked by a clear interest in emerging, innovative art and the search for new audiences, as well as a firm commitment to dance and the circus (besides the usual programme of theatre and music) and to make the event more international, a focus that helps to bring the most interesting new productions from a particular country to the attention of Barcelona audiences every year. http://

How to Solve Sudoku Puzzles

Sudoku doesn't require any special math skills or calculations. It is a simple and fun game of logic -- all that's needed is brains and concentration. 1. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each row. 2. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each column. 3. Fill the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear in each 3x3 box. 4. A complete Sudoku puzzle contains the numbers 1 through 9 in every row, column, and 3x3 box. This month, one with difficult classification as easy.

“Available for live Performances” ACROSS 1. July 3. to castrate 8. apathy 9. limit 10. nothing 11. mixed 12. to open 14. five 18. fatuous 19. mass 21. puerta (E) 22. relieve 23. silly 24. mole

spanglish?-answers next month 1.







8. 9. 10.





14. 16.






DOWN 2. you 4. sección (E) 5. bebida (E) 6. June 7. sand 13. estribillo (E) 15. to swim 16. new 17. relajar (E) 20. ear by Sarah (E=translate to english otherwise to spanish)




ACROSS: ANSWERS TO THE JUNE ISSUE OF SPANGLISH 1. huerta 9. pole 3. alto 14. comprar 20. ninera 25. orange DOWN: 7. olor 4. moreno 11. correr 16. limpiar 23. arts 26. chicos 1. hospital 5. otro 10. leg 8. gato 13. gol 24. spin 2. rage 6. entrar 12. scarf 18. arm

40 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

15. revistas 21. ring 17. manana 22. epic 23. anti 19. mar 20. nino

CAR BOOT | last Sunday of every month 10am-1pm. stalls 5€. Refreshments, Camping St Jordi, Platje Ayellanes, L'Ampolla Tel 679 115 247 •CAR BOOT SALE | 2nd & 4th Sunday of every month. Situated Hipaca Escornalbou, Vilanova D'Escornalbou. Arrive 9am starts 10am. Bar & restaurant- no fresh produce allowed! Contacts: Cosme on 620215772 or Silvia 665159781 •CAR BOOT SALE | first and third Sunday every month C/ Garcia Restaurant Braseria Can Palomo MORA LA NOVA. Tel Jackie 679741254 •CAR BOOT SALE | 2nd Sunday of every month, Kestrel Riding Stables, El Perello. Arrive 9am starts 9.30am-1pm, Refreshments, Pony rides. Tel: 638 191 128. •DELTA CLASSICS-CLASSIC CAR MEETING 1st FRIDAY of every month 6PM Bar "Casals" Avda San Jordi, El Perelló. Call for more details and events: 678 718 446. •MASONIC GROUP | Logia de San Jorge A new English speaking lodge of Freemasons approved by GLE, has been established in this area. if you would like more information please telephone Edward Ward on 977416476 (Tarragona area) or Les Beech on 678357713 (Castellon area). N.B. Most clubs are broken up for the summer period until September.

•EL PERELLO FREESIA GROUP (working for cancer charities) The next El Perello Bookstall will be held at the Homogenic bar 10am until 1pm on: Saturday 9th & 23rd July. The next Freesia lunch will be at The Carpe Diem on Wednesday 6th July. Please book in advance by phoning Janet on 977902603 or 608610589. •Cof E CHURCH SERVICES | The services are on the 1st Sunday and 3rd Wednesday of every month in the Parish Church in L'Ampolla at 12;30. All are welcome, followed by Menu del dia lunch (optional) Enquiries: 977 593 219. The Anglican Congregation of St Christopher's, Costa Azahar -5, Plaza Primero De Mayo,Vinaros-Services 10am. every Sunday. Also other activities i.e. Thursdays, a "Drop. In" morning from 11.a.m.- 1.00 p.m. to meet for a coffee & a chat. Paul Needle can be contacted on 964 761 641 or mobile 662 482 944 or e-mail for pastoral needs.


GROUP Meetings are held at 6.30 pm on the second Thursday of each month (except for August) at:- Edificio Bahia Blanca, C/Paisos Catalans, 74, L’Ametlla de Mar. More information? Either tel: 977267418 or e-mail:

CAR BOOT SALES / MERCADILLO Every Sunday EARLY EVENING UNTIL DARK!! 5pm Until Dark. Every Sunday Evening until further notice. Furniture - fridges - cookers - pictures - pots, pans & old tin cans - you name it and we will get it.

Car Park Free, to Look Free and Stalls 3 EUROS! no food or drinks without permission

At Mora Caravans C12, km 61 Mora La Nova to Ginestar road

Call Ken or Bev on 977 400 375 or 659 418 317 or 660 584 222

NOTE to Buyers & Sellers We at Mora Caravans have the right to refuse entry. property for sale or rent by owner


Country Home For Sale in Los Barrios, Cadiz Spain 750,000€+OFFERS. Unbelievable value has good holiday rental business with a separate cottage and apartment as well as an outstanding family home . Reduced by 400,000 euros for quick sale because of family health problems. Country house situated on a private estate in a nature reserve, only 20 minutes from Sotogrande Polo fields and Valderamma and San Roques Golf courses. ENQUIRIES : 956 236 068 or 657 629 118 or email : info@

NEW FIVE STAR RESIDENTIAL PARK. Close to San Jordi and 10 minutes from the coast at Vinaros. Large plots from €170 per month. English, Spanish & German spoken. Full range of amenities. Call 964 412 645 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY

Existing business and shop premises for rent with web site | 1st 3 months rent free allowing you to gain experience and build it up. Call for more details 636 925 582 MOBILE HOMES FROM 800 EUROS. Mobiles on campsites from 11000€. Want to sell your mobile? Contact Shaun 629 743 327.


personal classifieds

come ist in!

GENERAL FOR SALE “The Plan” new Pop-Rock-Funk band!! Keyboards and vocals: Julio (Manu Chao), bassguitar and vocals: Nico, drums: Pep (The 4 Legends). Info and bookings: Please call 977 265 018

SOLAR PANELS 120 WATT | 12v, Polycrystalline, Brand new in the box. 260 euro. Tel 658 874 751

or 630 583 102.

SWIMMING POOL LIGHTS | new only 60€. call 629 010 529


or 626 876 738

ONLY 50€, costs over 140 new. Tel 977 059 364

PINE DOUBLE BED | 4'6 with mattress, good condition, 120€.

Anyone interested in Fishing Competitions this Winter,


probably a league fished over eight matches. Please contact

top, lockable door at bottom excellent condition 110 euros.

Andy on 600890453 or e-mail me on fincajazmin@hotmail.

WOOD INTERIOR DOORS | pine 60€ each, THE FAMOUS Any likley sponsors please contact.


27" TELEFUNKEN TV | 2 1/2 years old all normal features El

never worn, 30euros, FRAMELESS RUCKSACK | 60lt,make

Perello area Bargain at 60 euros Call Linda on 977 475 291

ottowa 60 highpoint,water proof exellent condition 35 euros

WHEELCHAIR | with belt and harness only used 5 times.

977 050 104/mob 669 539 676


180€ o.n.o.. Call 977 475 284 LARGE WOODEN GARDEN SEAT | new never used 40€. 2

Re-advertised due to price change FIVE GOATS FOR SALE |


4 females, 1 castrated male. Good milkers, 2 twin producers.

| in good condition 30€ : Tel: 977 824 581

220 euros lot. Contact Jackie, 638 738 644


BUTANO GAS BOTTLES | for sale (orange) standard size. 25 euros each. Please ring:- 654 765 340

WANTED | Pedigree rottweiler dog. Call 689 468 752



fit range type €30. Call 977 059 364.

Spanish registered and LHD. Finance-clear, service history

OAK BUREAU | 1mx66cm wide, scroll front. V.G.C. 100€. Call

and good ITV. 658 044 341.

617 918 318

WANTED DOOR AND 2 WINDOWS | Call 977 059 420 or

VARIOUS | Exercise Bike Suntrack 20€. Waterskies Conquest

660 823 423

Combo 99€. Adjustable dog guard for car 20€. Electric water

WANTED CONTAINER | call 626 876 738 or 629 010 529

pump Pentax 5.35ltr/min pumps to 45m high Max press 10 bar


works on 240v 99€. Contact tel 618 199 417

gross suitable for 6m boat SKYPE ashgrove or call 620 412

GAS BOTTLES | 25 euros each. call 977 267 941

008 July 6th till August 18th

FOR SALE ALBARA CORNER FIRE | with two doors. Height 1.40M

collection for my son. Contact - Stevie 639 041 277

width 1.10 M

Including chimney flue and flue casings 474 Euros ono Contact 617 839 906 1 METER SATELLITE DISH | with stand & bracket.

WANTED - OLD COINS & BANKNOTES | - worldwide -


euros. Call 977 267 941 LADIES PUSH BIKE | 25 euros. Call 977 267 941 GAS FRIDGE | Butsir for sale nearly new, very good condition 450 euros Tel: 617 162 264 VARIOUS | 2 Freeview sky boxes 25€ ea. Gas fire with bottle 50€. Ceiling light with fan as new 35€. Balay frost free fridge/ freezer 2yrs, exc. cond. 185x60cm 275€. Marksman generator ISO900 4kva. standby use only 350€ ono.Call 977 477 367

"WANTED, BOOKS AND SELLABLE ITEMS for carboots to raise money for local dogs´homes. Please call WENDY 637 981 158" I am pleased to say so far 216euros have been raised so thanks to all & to Ken from Mora Caravans waived the car boot fee!!!

WANTED VOLUNTEERS | help needed to look after the abandon dogs at ARCA near Tortosa. Please call Mave 678 975 816 if you can offer any assistance. Plus anyone interested in organising some fund raising for the dogs would be must appreciated. PLEASE HELP

42 email: ☻Tel: 977 059 364

subject to space ist

FUN IN THE SUN| BE-UP CONVERTIBLE. Sought after limited edition buggy. Spanish registered. very low mileage REDUCED for quick sale ONLY 2950€. MIGHT CONSIDER PART EXCHANGE WELCOME ALL ITEMS CONSIDERED. For more information telephone 977 059 420 OR 660 823 423


AUDI 80 SALOON | L.H.D., automatic, ITV 2012, 88,600km, electric sun roof, windows, w/mirrors, A,C., power steering, UK reg 2003, good cont. 1,300€. Call 642 243 711


GUITAR LESSONS | Only 15€ for 45 minutes. Call Nico on 977 265 018 or 686 066 707 TRANSLATIONS and INTERPRETATION SERVICE |

(English/Spanish) FLIX AREA: 676 742 500 FLOOR & WALL TILER | Domestic or commercial. References available. Call Mark 686 069 923


DRIVER WITH LARGE VAN | Making regular trips

DINGY | oars, engine

between Spain & England via France. Willing to transport

mount, excellent

goods to & from Spain.

condition. 500 euros. Call

Tel: 977 477 367 or 655 340 596 MISS SHOPPING IN UK STORES | Why not buy in English

629 692 952 TYPHOON



stores. Have your goods delivered to our UK address and

50cc 400 euros. L´ Ametlla De Mar Call 660 697 135

you collect from our local address in Spain. For as little as

OSPREY SAILING DINGHY | with trailer. Wooden, suitable

10€. terms & conditions apply. 0034 977 477 367

for a crew of 2 or 3, with one trapeze. Length 5.35m, beam 1.75m, sail area 31m2. €395 Tel 616 887 298

MOBILE HOMES FROM 800 EUROS. Mobiles on campsites from 11000€. Want to sell your mobile? Contact Shaun 629 743 327. LDV CONVOY | long wheel base twin axle van. Taxed and

CARPENTER & JOINER WITH GENERAL BUILDING SKILLS | 30 years experience in UK, based El Perello/ L'Ametlla. Call Dave 658 355 929 GENERAL BUILDER






Registered legal builder in Catalunya over 5 years. Bricklaying, plastering, tiling, plumbing, electrics, roofing etc. Tel. Jonathan 699 396 053

mot till Oct 2011. On a 51 plate. Full service before setting off from UK including belt changed. Good all round

ENGLISH MECHANIC - Basic servicing, maintenance and

condition. Excellent reliable runner, van in Mora area. Tel

repairs. Tel: 977 407 990. mob. 699 396 053

679 839 973 or 626 816 349. Cost 1450 euros MOBILE HOME |

29 x 10, 2002, sleeps 6, excellent

condition, 2 bedrooms (1 double, 1 with bunks), shower room/WC, double sofa bed, f/freezer, gas cooker/ fireplace, modern decor/interior, no shortage of storage space. 5,500 euros ono, call 680 835 278 4x4 RENAULT SCENIC | R.H.D. but recently Spanish registered. ITV to Feb 2012, all taxes paid. 56000 miles and test drive given if required. 2900€. Call 638 057 264

Horse Riding in Girona

Set in the stunning countryside near Girona Offering lessons, treks, livery and holidays. Horses are barefoot and live out 24\7 Please contact Tracy on 634 151 240


Into English or Spanish from English, Spanish, Catalan or French. British national raised in Catalan-speaking area of Spain. BA in Translating and Interpreting. Based near Ginestar. Contact: 667 224 766,,

Casa Catalan Services for all your maintenance & management needs Competitive rates, References on request, Reliable & professional service, no job to big or to small Call Chris: 680 306 365.

business card directory Alberg d'Animals de les Terres de l'Ebre

All entries are also listed on our directory online at The Olive Press does not accept responsibility for the contents of the articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisers PLEASE MENTION THE OLIVE PRESS WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS

WANTED VOLUNTEERS | help needed to look after

the abandon dogs and cats at Alberg d'Animals de les

Terres de l'Ebre near Camarles. Please call if you can offer any assistance.

TEL: 977 265 018 - 680 160 051

Volunteers are Age Concern España´s most valuable asset.

All of our Volunteers perform roles which are vital to the organisation. We make every effort to ensure that all our Volunteers have the training and support they need and the appreciation that they deserve. We involve Volunteers fully both in delivering our services and in the development of the organisation as a whole. As we have a duty of care to our clients, Volunteers are selected subject to interview, satisfactory references and Criminal Record checks.

Time to Spare? Skills to Share? GET INVOLVED! Volunteering with Age Concern España

If someone is advertising and you are in the same business can you afford not to advertise... Call The Olive Press Today On 977 059 364

ARCA the dog refuge wish to give sincere thanks to everyone for supporting them. Please keep it up it

For more information or to apply, please contact: Age Concern España, British Consulate Madrid Torre Espacio, Paseo de la Castellana, 259 D, 28046 Madrid

Tel: 0034 636 081 239

Email: Website: or

What will volunteering involve?

We offer many services from helping an older person with their weekly shopping to providing tailored information and advice on welfare entitlements.

What skills and attributes are needed?

•An understanding of older people’s needs •A helpful and friendly manner •Reliability •Willingness to learn •Good communication skills •Ability to travel independently in the community •Respect and confidentiality How much time is needed? Most of our vacancies generally require volunteers to be available during normal working hours on weekdays. However, we ask you to be as flexible as possible with your time commitment.

is truly appreciated. Calenders and t-shirts are also for sale to raise funds for the dogs- www. or email: protectora.arca@




Williams Construction REGISTERED SPANISH BUILDER - NIE PROVIDED Tel: (+34) 616 135 036 APDO 274, L’Ametlla de Mar

business card directory

Your Olive Business Directory For English Speakers Plus Available 24/7 On Our Web Site. "Regular advertising is essential to let people know you are still in business and are reliable." Call To Add Your Business Here Today On 977 059 364


you relax...

BE HERE TO BE KNOWN!I If you are not here how will you get business. To check out if the business you want is still here and operating just look at this space. This directory is vital for newcomers to the area as well as to remind people you are reliable and wanting to succeed in your new life here. Contact 977 059 364


All entries are also listed on our directory online at The Olive Press does not accept responsibility for the contents of the articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisers PLEASE MENTION THE OLIVE PRESS WHEN CONTACTING ADVERTISERS

977 059 364 u n

Aptdo. de Correos, 147 • 4389 43895 8 L’Ampolla • Tarragona

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