Reusing old & disused materials to create something comfortable. Changing a harsh environment to something more attractive and inviting.
Looking at plaster to explore objects that work together to create and develop spaces. a rather more basic look at insertions and how objects interact. The idea of using original objects to create new spaces and new surfaces. rather than changing the space, make a space that changes
The crit space houses a range of activities and so invokes the idea of adaptions. a harsh environment that develops into a creative and intimate space a. 1.100 scale drawing of the pit space looking more in detail at the flow into the space b. 1.100 scale section of the pit space, looking at how the elements fit
A series of ideas and concept models to explore the possibility of changing and adapting the pit space without permanently altering the room a. The possibility of a rotating room disappearing into the wall b. Small walls that disappear into a plane c. Walls that extend and emerge from a single section
An exploration of the space and insertion with plaster. the cave - like effect of the images is accompanied with possible arrangements a. Exploration of changing spaces with moveable columns b. Arrangement of columns to produce usable spaces c. A potential look at a model to showcase the insertion
Photograph of a 1:20 scale model of the proposed insertion. trying to capture the shadows and idea of a tectonic plane and adjustable levels
Exploring the model inside the space, using a mixture of drawing, texture and photographs of both the space and the model
a 1:5 model to look at the mechanics of each column. each can expand further and create a personalised space. an ultimate transformation
Ideas and propositions for the use of the upstairs lecture space, which is now inhabited by the cords supporting the suspended columns. a. The possibility of turning each cord into a seat in order for the room to remain a lecture theatre.
arrangements of spaces in the pit with regards to columns and their placements.
Trying to gauge the atmosphere in the space
Photographs of a more conceptual model that captures the heaviness and weight that is trying to be achieved in this insertion. The blocks here are plaster.
Looking at the light of the space and how the dynamic roof and floor changes its’ atmosphere
Emphasising the dynamism of the space
Visualising the mechanism behind the blocks and seeing how the user interacts with them. The changing of the room is a physical and heavy process.
a look into how the space is used and how people can interact with the mechanism and environment around them. The spaces work both upstairs and down, perhaps not coherently, but it is almost a playful battle for flexibility.
Initial thoughts regarding materiality and the mechanism behind the blocks. a. openings in the block change the lighting of the room b. a clunky cog system
Arrangements of columns to maximise the flexibility of the space.
model of the proposed intervention across the two floors
Domesticating the space by looking at potential room arrangments
How the arrangment on the floor below affects the lecture room above