April 17, 2016 Bulletin (Fourth Sunday of Easter)

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Chancel Flowers The flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in loving honor of Betty Lewis for her birthday on April 18th by Richard and Sandy Lewis.

FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER April 17, 2016 Ministers: All Who Serve Jesus BAND PRELUDE

Infants and Toddlers: Children’s Church (5 – 8 years):


Take My Life, O Lord, Renew


To God Be the Glory

Hoekman Page 550

WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Please pass the friendship pads both ways in the pew. Visitors, please sign your name, address and telephone number. LITURGY


PRESENTATION OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS Prayer Anthem Trust and Obey God’s Word *The Doxology

How Great the Bliss

Shafferman Friday Sunday Page 593

CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Mr. John Golden (Children are invited to go to Children’s Church or back to their seat.) SCRIPTURE READINGS

Psalm 23 Revelation 7:9-17 John 10:22-30


A Double-Edged Image Called Together and United

Page 476 Page 1076 Page 934 Bishop Rights Page 624


A Mighty Fortress Is Our God


Page 133

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Amen.


Today Tuesday

J. Pachelbel

*If you are able, please stand. A Cordial Welcome is extended to all who worship today at Olivet Moravian Church. If you are looking for a church home, we hope you will consider becoming a part of our church. If you would like to join our church, please call the church office at 924-8063. Before the service speak to the Lord; during the service let the Lord speak to you; and after the service speak to one another. We welcome The Rt. Rev. Graham Rights and thank him for speaking this morning. We hope you experience God’s blessing in your time with us today and throughout this week. We also hope you will return and worship with us again. Our congregation extends Christian love and sympathy to Monroe Whitt and his family upon the death of his mother, Inez Wear Whitt on April 10th.

Nursery Workers Brett & Jane Duffey Sharon Petree

Opportunities to Worship and Serve Junior Youth – Gardening After Worship Missions – Ronald McDonald House 5:30 p.m. (Those carpooling meet at 5:00 p.m.) Friends’ Circle -- Wax Removal in the Sanctuary 6:30 p.m. Newsletter Deadline Senior Friends – Bingo 10:30 a.m. Beginner Band at Winfield Beroth’s home 4:00 p.m. Moravian Star Ringers (Elementary / Middle Schools) 5:30 p.m. Olivet Children’s Chorus (Grades 2-5) 6:15 p.m. Shepherd’s Chorus (Grades 6-12) 6:45 p.m. Morning Star Ringers (High School) 7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir 7:30 p.m. Sewing Group 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Band Prelude 10:30 a.m. Worship -- Moravian Music Sunday 11:00 a.m. Senior & Middle Highs – Prepare for Youth Sunday 4:00 p.m.

Moravian Music Sunday – Next Sunday Next Sunday we observe Moravian Music Sunday. We hope you will be here as we worship and celebrate our church’s great music heritage. Pastor Matthew Away Pastor Matthew is still away through this Thursday evening, April 21st attending the Moravian Music Foundation Board of Trustees Meeting in Bethlehem, PA and enjoy a few days of vacation. If there are any emergencies, please contact our Vice Chair of Elders, Doug Gordon (336.416.5797) or call the church office. April Missions The April Mission Project is the Ronald McDonald House. We will go there this Tuesday, April 19th and work from 5:30 - 7:30 PM. Those that wish to carpool can meet at the church at 5 PM. Our April Item of the Month is also for the Ronald McDonald House and will be collected through today. We will be collecting single serve snacks such as: chips, pretzels, cookies, raisins, nuts, etc. Also single serve breakfast items such as cereal, granola bars, etc. Wax Removal – This Tuesday, April 19th This Tuesday, April 19th, at 6:30 PM, the Friends’ Circle will be removing the wax in the Sanctuary. All ladies of the church are invited to come help. Bring your iron, extension cords and brown paper bags. Please contact Kathy Rights, 9225602 if you are able to help.

Newsletter Deadline – This Wednesday, April 20th If you have information that needs to be included in the May issue of The Olivet Reporter please have it in the church office no later than this Wednesday, April 20th. Please type your information in Arial, 10 font. If your information is not on time, it will be added to the next month’s newsletter. Senior Friends – This Wednesday, April 20th The Senior Friends are Playing Bingo this Wednesday, April 20th, beginning at 10:30 AM, then we’ll enjoy a light lunch. Please sign up on the Senior Friends Bulletin Board outside of the Library. Sewing Group – Meeting This Friday The Sewing Group is meeting this Friday at 9:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. We are making lap quilts for the shut-ins. No experience is needed, come join the fellowship. If you have any questions, please call Marilyn Mankins at 945-5450. Recycle Container in the Kitchen If the recycle container in the Kitchen is full, please call Dave Cukiernik (336671-5279).

PRAYER CONCERNS: Lori Barnett, Charles Binkley, Sheila Binkley, Andrea Bohn, Carl Boyer, Pat Calhoun, Grayson Comer, Ila Frye, Gina Handy, Thomas Jones, Candy Kellner, Kaye McKaughn, Jane Ruhlman, Will Sechler, Aidan Schumaker, Bill Smith, Vivian Voss, Paige Wheeler, Amanda Zaski Homebound / Shut-In / Nursing Care / Limited Activity: Ruth Beeding, Kristy Beroth, Vernice Beroth, Jr., Eugene Bigham, Thelma Boose, Gladys Doub, Ileana Drake, Mary Fearrington, Eleanor McGee, Marie Presson, Jack Queen, Sue Shields, Betty Shropshire, Melbadene Smith, Wilma Sprinkle, Bill & Vivian Voss, Dawn Wrenn How We Came and Gave Last Sunday Worship Attendance: 194 Sunday School Attendance: 65 2016 Church Budget: $353,856.00 Year to Date Contributions: $93,134.51 Needed Weekly to Meet Budget: $6,804.92 Offering Last Sunday: $5,333.25 Laurel Ridge -- Dates to Remember Sunday, May 8th, Mother’s Day Luncheon – enjoy a special meal and time together on the mountain at Higgins Lodge! Make memories that will last a lifetime and show Mom just how much she means to you! Call before May 1 st and reserve your table for lunch! Adult meal is $15, children 5-12 are $7 and Mom eats free. Sunday, June 19th, Father’s Day BBQ – enjoy a fabulous BBQ lunch at the picnic shelter. You can play volleyball, corn-hole, go fishing, hike a few trails, or just hang out together as a family for a while! Make lasting memories together and let Dad know that you really do love him. Call the office before June 12th and reserve your spot for Father's Day! Adult meal is $10, children 5-12 are $5 and Dad eats free!

Olivet Moravian Church 2205 Olivet Church Road Winston-Salem, NC 27106 336.924.8063

E-mail address: olivet@windstream.net Web Page: www.olivetmoravian.org The mission of the Olivet Moravian Church is to enable individuals to find a relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and to reflect His life in our life together and in our outreach to others. Rev. Matthew W. Allen, Pastor pastor.mwallen@gmail.com 336.413.1482 Guest Minister Bishop Graham Rights Head Ushers Mr. Leonard Algood, Mr. Doug Spainhour Director of Christian Education Mrs. Evie Blum Director of Music & Choir Director Mrs. Nancy Whicker Co-Choir Director Mr. David Blum Organist Mr. Fred Wood Band Director Mr. Winfield Beroth

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