The Presentation of Our Offerings Prayer Offertory Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott
J G Walther
August 13th Festival Lovefeast Band Prelude
Scripture Sermon
John 17:1-26
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“That They May All Be One”
Rev. Allen
Chiming of the Hour 159 D
Call to Worship
Sing hallelujah praise the Lord, Sing with a cheerful voice; Exalt our God with one accord, And in His name rejoice: Ne’er cease to sing thou ransomed host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Until in realms of endless light Your praises shall unite.
Toccata on “Darwall’s 148th”
Phelps 39 A
What brought us together, what joined our hearts? The pardon which Jesus, our High Priest imparts; ‘Tis this which cements the disciples of Christ, Who are into one by the Spirit baptized. Is this our high calling, harmonious to dwell, And thus in sweet concert Christ’s praises to tell, In peace and blessed union our moments to spend And live in communion with Jesus our Friend?
There we to all eternity Shall join the angelic lays, And sing in perfect harmony To God our Saviour’s praise; He hath redeemed us by his blood, And made us kings and priests to God; For us, for us, the Lamb was slain; Praise ye the Lord: Amen. Postlude
Spirit of God Rory Davis, Trumpet
O yes, having found in the Lord our delight, He is our chief object by day and by night; This knits us together; no longer we roam; We all have one Father, and heav’n is our home. G. Young
**************************************** The mission of the Olivet Moravian Church is to enable individuals to find a relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and to reflect His life in our life together and in our outreach to others. E-mail address: Web Page: Rev. Matthew W. Allen, Pastor 336.413.1482 Head Ushers Mr. Leonard Algood, Mr. Doug Spainhour Director of Christian Education Mrs. Evie Blum Director of Music & Choir Director Mrs. Nancy Whicker Co-Choir Director Mr. David Blum Organist Mr. Fred Wood Band Director Mr. Winfield Beroth Pianist Mrs. Kathy Rights Head Female Dieners Mrs. Jan Payne, Mrs. Loretta Whitt Head Male Diener Mr. Leonard Algood
Welcome and Announcements Please pass the friendship pads both ways in the pews. Visitors, please sign your name, address, and telephone number. Liturgy
Christian Unity
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Children’s Message Pastor Matthew There will be no Children’s Church today so that the children may participate in the entire service. (Serving of Lovefeast) 151 L The Church’s One Foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord; She is His new creation by water and the Word; From heaven He came and sought her to be His holy Bride; With His own blood He bought her, and for her life He died. ‘Mid toil and tribulation, and tumult of her war She waits the consummation of peace for evermore; Till with the vision glorious her longing eyes are blest, And the great Church victorious shall be the Church at rest.
159 A We in one covenant are joined And one in Jesus are; With voices and with hearts combined, His praise we will declare; In doctrine and in practice one, We’ll love and serve the Lord alone; With one accord sound forth His praise, Till we shall see his face. E. Artis W. Weber
582 K Spirit of truth, come down, Reveal the things of God, Make thou to us Christ’s God-head known, Apply His precious blood. The grace which all may find, The saving power impart; O testify to all mankind, And speak in every heart.
185 A In essentials let us be united, Joining in God’s sovereign truth, That our Father is the Lord Almighty, Maker of the heav’ns and earth; That God sacrificed his Son, Christ Jesus, Who became for us salvation wondrous; That the Holy Spirit lives In each heart that does believe.
Moravian Blessing: Come Lord Jesus, our guest to be and bless these gifts bestowed by Thee. Bless Thy dear ones everywhere and keep them in Thy loving care. Amen Anthems
We Thank Thee, O God Rory Davis, Trumpet Song of Fellowship To God Let Us Sing Our Praises Rory Davis, Trumpet and Chancel Choir
In the non-essentials of church doctrine Let us open-minded be, Showing kindness, mercy, understanding, And respect diversity; Let us practice tolerance and goodness, Walk in love and be our Savior’s witness; For we are God’s family Even though we diff’rent be.
Norton Besig/Price Charpentier
(Collect Mugs) 167 A Christian hearts, in love united, seek alone in Jesus rest; Has He not your love excited? Then let love inspire each breast. Members on our Head depending, lights reflecting Him, our Sun, Brethren His commands attending, we in Him, our Lord, are one.
In all things our Father, Lord, and Savior, Teaches us the law of love; Then let love determine our behavior, For ’tis God’s command to all; May this motto live in all God’s children As we strive to follow love’s direction; May God bless us as we show Charity in all we do.
Come then, come O flock of Jesus, covenant with Him anew. Unto Him who conquered for us, pledge we love and service true; And should our love’s union holy firmly linked no more remail, Wait ye at His footstool lowly, till He draw it close again.
81 K ‘Tis a pleasant thing to see, Brethren in the Lord agree, Children of a God of love, live as they shall live above, Acting each a Christian part, one in lip and one in heart. Where divine affection lives, there the Lord His blessing gives; There His will on earth is done; there His heaven is half begun. Lord, our great Example prove; teach us all like Thee to love.
Grant Lord, that with Thy direction, “Love each other,” we comply, Aiming with unfeigned affection thy love to exemplify; Let our mutual love be glowing; thus the world will plainly see That we, as on one stem growing, living branches are in Thee. O that such may be our union as Thine with the Father is, And not one of our communion, e’er forsake the path of bliss; May our light break forth with brightness, from Thy light reflected shine; Thus the world will bear us witness that we, Lord, are truly Thine.