TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Festival of August Thirteenth
Nursery Workers Infants and Toddlers: Lorie Shelton & Janet Sheppard Children’s Church (5 – 8 years): Vanissa Zwigard
August 16, 2015 Today Welcome to Olivet Moravian Church today as we continue our celebration of the August Thirteenth Festival. Today we partake of a lovefeast in celebration of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit among the early Moravians in Germany. It was during a service of Holy Communion on August 13, 1727 that the Moravians experienced a true visitation of the Holy Spirit which transformed them into a “living congregation of Jesus Christ.” Formerly they had been in conflict with one another and the community of Herrnhut was nearly destroyed by the divisiveness. During the communion service on August 13th the assembled congregation was renewed and they reconciled their differences. As one recalled, “We learned to love that day.” After the service, as they were enjoying newfound fellowship with one another, they didn’t want to leave each other’s company. As it was lunchtime, Count Zinzendorf had food sent from his manor house and they all ate together. It reminded Zinzendorf of the “agape” meal in the New Testament Church when the early Christians shared a meal together before the partaking of Holy Communion. To commemorate the great August 13th experience, the “lovefeast” service was born. Today we celebrate lovefeast for special occasions and it is a service of hymns, partaking of a simple meal together (usually a sweet bun and coffee), and a short message. It is a service of fellowship to signify our unity in Christ and with one another. This morning as we celebrate lovefeast during the worship service, may we experience love and unity and the presence of the Holy Spirit among us. ******************************************* A cordial welcome is extended to all who worship at Olivet this morning. If you are a visitor we are especially glad to greet you and if you are looking for a church home, we hope you will consider becoming a part of our church family. If you would like to join our church, please call the church office at 924-8063. Before the service speak to the Lord; during the service let the Lord speak to you; and after the service speak to one another. Our congregation extends its Christian love and sympathy to Jenna Burns and her family upon the death of her maternal grandmother, Leslie Glaspey on Tuesday, August 11th.
Chancel Flowers The flowers in the Sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Lois H. Conrad by Gary and Amy Goodrich and family. Today would have been her 80th birthday.
Monday Thursday Wednesday Sunday
Opportunities To Worship And Serve Children’s Festival – Bethania Moravian Activities 2:00-3:45 p.m. Lovefeast 4:00 p.m. Missions Committee 7:00 p.m. Newsletter Deadline Chancel Choir 7:30 p.m. Inquirer’s Class – Parlor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Band Prelude 10:30 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Interested Youth Leaders / Advisors Meeting 5:00 p.m.
Newsletter Deadline – This Thursday If you have information that needs to be included in the September issue of The Olivet Reporter please have it in the church office no later than this Thursday, August 20th. Please have your information in Arial, 11 font. Inquirers / New Members Class – Next Sunday Next Sunday at 9:45 AM, Pastor Matthew will be holding an Inquirers / New Members Class in the Parlor. This class is for those that want to inquire information about the Moravian Church and Olivet Moravian Church in particular and for those seeking new membership in our church. Youth Leaders Meeting – Next Sunday There will be a meeting at 5:00 PM next Sunday, August 23rd of all adults interested in serving as a Youth Fellowship Leader for the 2015-2016 year. Our youth program uses a team approach as several leaders share the responsibility. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Matthew. August Item of the Month -- Next Sunday We are collecting school supplies as the Item of The Month for August to give to children at Old Town Elementary School. Please consider bringing an item or two to help provide a child a good start to their school year. Please have the school supplies to the church by next Sunday, August 23rd. Road Clean Up – Saturday, August 29th Our Men’s Fellowship and anyone else who would like to help will be cleaning Olivet Church Road on Saturday, August 29 th beginning at 8:00 AM. At 7:00 AM, for those who are hungry, we will meet at McDonald’s for breakfast. If you would like to help us clean, please come! Youth Fellowship Begins – Sunday, August 30th We begin a new year of Youth Fellowship with our Youth Fellowship Cookout on Sunday, August 30th. This cookout is for all of our young people in the third grade through the twelfth grade and their friends. The cookout will begin at 6:00 PM. Plan to attend and bring a friend!
Fall Golf Tournament -- Saturday, September 19th, 2:00 PM Blood Drive – Saturday, October 3rd,, 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM PRAYER CONCERNS: Our Church Family and Church Friends: Louise Beck, Eugene Bigham, Thelma Boose, Carl Boyer, Betty (Ned) Conrad, Ileana Drake, Mary Fearrington, Ila Frye, Candy Kellner, Eleanor McGee, Kaye McKaughn, Marie Presson, Jane Ruhlman, Aidan Schumaker, Sue Shields, Vivian Voss, Paige Wheeler, Amanda Zaski Our Family Members and Friends: Linda Barnett (Lauren Campbell’s friend), Donna Baskins (Fred & Linda Wood’s neighbor), Ashley Bernette (Penny Perryman’s co-worker’s daughter), Darryl Bechler (Steve Shore’s neighbor), Haley Burcham (Tammy Ridings’ cousin’s daughter), Cathy Burroughs (Bruce Gouge’s friend), Joyce Caldwell (Kim Woodlief’s mother), Brian Caston (Jacobius family’s friend), Gary Chandler (Shannon White’s friend), Randi Conard (Kim Woodlief’s co-worker), Charles “Chip” Conrad (Donna Livengood’s friend), Carol Cox (Celeste Stanley’s sister), Tom Drake (Ileana Drake’s son), Gail Elliott (friend of many at Olivet), Trisha Gallagher (Shelly Schumaker’s friend), Barry Graham (Marla Young’s brother-in-law), Mary Gray (Steve Shore’s grandmother), Barbara Greene (Robin Tower-Hendricks’ mother), Sue Harkrader (Marla Young’s friend), Tracy Harmon (Donna Livengood’s friend), Ian Hill (Bill Mankins’ great nephew), Ransom Hinkle (Kelly Ewing’s cousin), Linda Isom (Kelly Jacobius’ neighbor), Carol Johns (Jenny Braswell's niece), Irene Johnson (Kelly Jacobius’ mother), Alex King (Adam Mitchell’s student), Vickie Lawson (Rowenna Shore’s co-worker), Julius Lippert (Keri Harward’s father), Tony Marshall (Doug Gordon’s cousin), Ross Mason (Kenny White’s co-worker’s son), David Mayberry (Doris Snyder’s brother), Anna McCahan (Lauren Campbell’s mother), Becky Nelson (Sharon Petree’s coworker), Reyna Nogueras (Alina Cukiernik’s aunt), Drew Owen (Rachel Desmarais’ co-worker’s son), Peggy Pappas (Bill Voss’ sister), Natalie Parry (Moyra Gunter’s co-worker’s daughter), Ed Reams (Carolyn Wooten’s father), Maggie Rush (Celeste Stanley’s niece), Sylvia Shelton (Doug Spainhour & Dianne Hoffman’s friend), Sharon Taylor (Eugene Bingham’s sister), Calvin Tsai (Macemore’s friend), Suzanne P. Vaughan (Dexter Ewing’s friend), Audrey Ward (Gina Handy’s mother), David Wilson (the Henshaw’s friend), Sofie Zuluaga (Tammy Hughes’ friend) Those Serving in the Military: Patrick Clendenning (Terry Cochran’s nephew), Jeremy Shupe, Ryan Spach (Max Spach’s son), Kyle Tankersley (Jo Zaski’s nephew) How We Came and Gave Last Sunday Worship Attendance: 143 Sunday School Attendance: 73 2015 Church Budget: $357,197.00 Year to Date Contributions: $206,545.85 Needed Weekly to Meet Budget: $6,869.17 Offering Last Sunday: $5,652.00
Berthelsdorf Parish Church (Where the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit Occurred on August 13, 1727)
Olivet Moravian Church 2205 Olivet Church Road Winston-Salem, NC 27106 336.924.8063