August 30, 2015 Bulletin (Liturgy for Installation of Sunday School Teachers)

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Pastor: Brothers and Sisters in Christ, the church gathers to receive instruction, strength and comfort, to be renewed and reformed, and to speak and act on behalf of our Lord in the world in which we live.

Pastor: Brothers and Sisters in Christ, the church gathers to receive instruction, strength and comfort, to be renewed and reformed, and to speak and act on behalf of our Lord in the world in which we live.

Each of us is an integral part of the Church, the Body of Christ. Every one of us is endowed by the Spirit with some gift of ministry and is responsible for the integrity of that witness. We gather this day to recognize and bless those called by Christ and this church to the ministry of teaching, guiding, and leading.

Each of us is an integral part of the Church, the Body of Christ. Every one of us is endowed by the Spirit with some gift of ministry and is responsible for the integrity of that witness. We gather this day to recognize and bless those called by Christ and this church to the ministry of teaching, guiding, and leading.

(Teachers stand)

(Teachers stand)

Pastor: You have been called to teach the people the good news of God’s redeeming love in Jesus Christ. You have been chosen to guide and nurture them in response to Christ’s call to discipleship. Do you accept this responsibility?

Pastor: You have been called to teach the people the good news of God’s redeeming love in Jesus Christ. You have been chosen to guide and nurture them in response to Christ’s call to discipleship. Do you accept this responsibility?

Teachers: I do.

Teachers: I do.

Pastor: Will you be led by the Holy Spirit who imparts various gifts of grace to you as you follow Christ?

Pastor: Will you be led by the Holy Spirit who imparts various gifts of grace to you as you follow Christ?

Teachers: I will.

Teachers: I will. (Congregation stands for prayer)

(Congregation stands for prayer)

Pastor: Let us pray. O God, by your grace we have been made a part of your family. You call us your children. We call you Father. You watch over us in all that we do. You nurture our growth and wisdom. You send the Holy Spirit as a guide for our wanderings, and give the promise of Christ’s redeeming love to save us.

Pastor: Let us pray. O God, by your grace we have been made a part of your family. You call us your children. We call you Father. You watch over us in all that we do. You nurture our growth and wisdom. You send the Holy Spirit as a guide for our wanderings, and give the promise of Christ’s redeeming love to save us.

Congregation: By God’s grace we are all a part of the household of God.

Congregation: By God’s grace we are all a part of the household of God.

Pastor: We thank You for the innocence of children and the trusting nature they bring to the classroom. Teach us that same love and trust as we look to You for help.

Pastor: We thank You for the innocence of children and the trusting nature they bring to the classroom. Teach us that same love and trust as we look to You for help.

Congregation: We have been called to be members of the household of God. Help us to grow as brothers and sisters in response to your grace. Amen.

Congregation: We have been called to be members of the household of God. Help us to grow as brothers and sisters in response to your grace. Amen.

Pastor: I now declare our teachers as duly installed in the Olivet Moravian Congregation.

Pastor: I now declare our teachers as duly installed in the Olivet Moravian Congregation.



Sunday School Classes Sundays at 9:45 a.m.

Sunday School Classes Sundays at 9:45 a.m.

Adult Classes Gladys Doub Women’s Bible Class Jim Barnes Men’s Bible Class Bible 101 Servant Children’s Classes Nursery Pre-K – Kindergarten 1st – 3rd Grades 4th – 6th Grades 7th – 9th Grades 10th – 12th Grades

Teacher(s) Rick Petree Tommy Smith, Kyle Stimson Ken Brown Rachel Desmarais

Adult Classes Gladys Doub Women’s Bible Class Jim Barnes Men’s Bible Class

Teacher(s) Angela Golden, Karen Gordon Keli Ewing Doris Snyder Kathy Rights Jenifer Shadrick Art Beroth

Children’s Classes Nursery

Substitute Teachers John Desmarais Julie Guffey Adult Bible Study Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. (September – June) Youth Fellowship Sunday Afternoons (September – June) Women’s Bible Study Second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.

Bible 101 Servant

Pre-K – Kindergarten 1st – 3rd Grades 4th – 6th Grades 7th – 9th Grades 10th – 12th Grades

Teacher(s) Rick Petree Tommy Smith, Kyle Stimson Ken Brown Rachel Desmarais Teacher(s) Angela Golden, Karen Gordon Keli Ewing Doris Snyder Kathy Rights Jenifer Shadrick Art Beroth Substitute Teachers John Desmarais Julie Guffey

Adult Bible Study Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. (September – June) Youth Fellowship Sunday Afternoons (September – June) Women’s Bible Study Second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.

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