August 6, 2017 Bulletin (Ninth Sunday after Pentecost)

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Chancel Flowers The flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God, in celebration of Neal Snyder's 67th birthday on the 7th, in Heaven and for the love and service of Kathy Rights by Doris Snyder and Josh Snyder.

NINTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST August 6, 2017 BAND PRELUDE CHIMING OF THE HOUR CALL TO WORSHIP Be Thou My Vision Guitarist: Adam Mitchell; Soloist: Elizabeth Mitchell

M. Byrne


Page 631

Church Rejoice!


Ms. Cassie Smith

World Mission

PRESENTATION OF OUR OFFERINGS Prayer Anthem Jesus is Love Adam Mitchell *The Doxology



L. Ritchie

Page 783

Romans 9:1-5 Matthew 14:13-21

Page 920 Page 796

Little is Much When God is In It

Rev. Allen

Break Now the Bread of Life

Page 502


Fuge in F-Dur

Mon., Aug. 7 Tues., Aug. 8 Wed, Aug. 9

CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Mrs. Kathy Rights (Children are invited to go to Children’s Church or back to their seat.) SCRIPTURE READINGS


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Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Amen. Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound

Infants and Toddlers: Children’s Church (5 – 8 years):

J.S. Bach

*If you are able, please stand. A Cordial Welcome is extended to all who worship today at Olivet Moravian Church. If you are a visitor, please sign the Guest Book in the Narthex and fill out a visitor’s card in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate. If you are looking for a church home, we hope you will consider becoming a part of our church. If you would like to join our church, please call the church office at 336.924.8063. Before the service speak to the Lord; during the service let the Lord speak to you; and after the service speak to one another. We thank Adam and Elizabeth Mitchell for sharing their musical talents with us today. We hope you experience God’s blessing in your time with us today and throughout this week. We also hope you will return and worship with us again.

Sun, Aug. 13

Nursery Workers Angela Golden & Karen Gordon Kim Flippin

Opportunities to Worship and Serve Appreciation Luncheon for Kathy Rights Female Dieners Meeting – Parlor Joint Board / Elders / Trustees Youth Leaders Meeting – Parlor Congregational Care Team Meeting – Parlor Women’s Bible Study – Parlor Adult Bible Study Chancel Choir Practice Prayer Time – Parlor Sunday School Band Prelude Worship August 13th Festival – Communion Andrew René Concert Homemade Ice Cream / Light Supper

After Worship After Worship 6:30 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM

Appreciation Luncheon for Kathy Rights – Today For over 20 years, Kathy Rights has contributed her time and many talents to Olivet Moravian Church as Sunday School Teacher for both children and adults; giving creative Children’s Messages; Women’s Fellowship Leader; Leader of Friends’ Circle; Bible Study Leader; VBS volunteer; Piano Player and let’s not forget “page turner” for Fred. The list goes on and on for what she has done even after Doug left as our Pastor five years ago. The Women of the Church are honoring her with a luncheon following the worship service today. Everyone is invited to stay for lunch and tell Kathy “Thank You” for all she has done! Female Dieners Meeting – Today After Worship The Female Dieners will meet today after the worship service in the Parlor. Youth Leaders Meeting – Tomorrow, 6:00 PM The Youth Leaders will meet tomorrow at 6:00 PM and anyone interested in helping with our Youth Program is encouraged to attend. We need more leaders for the Junior Youth age group. Mizpah Moravian’s VBS – This Saturday, August 12th Mizpah Moravian is holding their Vacation Bible School this Saturday, August 12th, 10 AM – 2 PM and you’re invited! This year’s theme is “Fishers of Men” and there are plenty of things planned to get kids excited about fishing for Jesus. Robert Tuttle, from Clemmons Moravian, is a woodworker who has constructed a scale model of the boat that Jesus would have used on the Sea of Galilee. He has promised there will be surprises and adults you’re invited to join us at 11:15 AM for the Jesus boat story and then stay for lunch. Jesus said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men." Matthew 4:19.

The August 13th Festival of the Moravian Church Next week we will begin our observance and celebration of the August 13th Festival of the Moravian Church as we remember the spiritual renewal event of the Moravian Church which occurred on August 13, 1727. Our observance of this special time in our church’s history will include celebrating Holy Communion at our service next Sunday, and sharing a lovefeast at our service on August 20th. Youth Parents Meeting – Next Sunday, After Worship The Youth Parents will meet next Sunday, August 13th following our worship service in the Fellowship Hall. Pizza and salad will be provided for lunch. Andrew René Concert / Homemade Ice Cream / Supper – Next Sunday Andrew René will return to Olivet and present an organ concert next Sunday, August 13th, at 5:00 PM. Following his concert, we will enjoy homemade ice cream and a light supper in the Fellowship Hall. Children’s Church Volunteers Needed Are you willing to lead the Children’s Church program in the PreschoolKindergarten Room #105? The lesson is planned and provided for you. Please contact Kim Flippin, 336.757.1343 if you can help. August Item of the Month – Through August 27th We will be collecting school supplies for Old Town Elementary and Anthony’s Plot through Sunday, August 27th. Items may be placed on the donation table at the Fellowship Hall entrance. Thank you! PRAYER CONCERNS: Lori Barnett, J.D. Beroth, Charles Binkley, Sheila Binkley, Woody Blake, Dorothy Davis, Rebekah Ellerbe-Ammons, Betsy Harper, Katherine Loafman, Leslie Myers, Emily Norman, Pamela Padgett, Bill Smith, Jerry Smith, Wilma Tally, Joan Tibbits, Amanda Zaski Homebound / Shut-In / Nursing Care / Limited Activity: Shirley Athan, Ruth Beeding, Vernice Beroth, Jr., Eugene Bigham, Thelma Boose, Pat Calhoun, Ileana Drake, Ila Frye, Eleanor McGee, Marie Presson, Jack Queen, Betty Shropshire, Melbadene Smith, Wilma Sprinkle, Ruth Trogdon, Bill & Vivian Voss How We Came and Gave Last Sunday Worship Attendance: 129 Sunday School Attendance: 55 2017 Church Budget: $346,194.00 Year to Date Contributions: $185,226.92 Needed Weekly to Meet Budget: $6,657.57 Offering Last Sunday: $4,340.00

Olivet Moravian Church 2205 Olivet Church Road

E-mail address: Web Page:

Winston-Salem, NC 27106

The mission of the Olivet Moravian Church is to enable individuals to find a relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and to reflect His life in our life together and in our outreach to others.


Ministers: All Who Serve Jesus Head Ushers Interim Choir Director Organist Band Director

Mr. Leonard Algood, Mr. Doug Spainhour Mr. John Golden Mr. Fred Wood Mr. Winfield Beroth

Rev. Matthew W. Allen, Pastor 336.413.1482

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