December 4, 2016 Second Sunday of Advent Bulletin

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We hope you experience God’s blessing in your time with us today and throughout this week. We also hope you will return and worship with us again.

SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT December 4, 2016 Ministers: All Who Serve Jesus

Chancel Flowers The flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in memory of Helen Davis for her birthday on December 5th by her husband, Joe Davis and her daughter, Sherry Caudle.


What Child is This Silent Night Morning Star Ringers, Doug Rights, Director


arr. Thompson arr. Kerr

People in Darkness Are Looking for Light


Infants and Toddlers: Children’s Church (5 – 8 years):


Silent Night, Holy Night


Page 297 Serenity Faircloth

WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Please pass the friendship pads both ways in the pew. Visitors, please sign your name, address and telephone number. * LITURGY

Second Advent

PRESENTATION OF OUR OFFERINGS Prayer Anthem Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord John Golden & Amy Goodrich, Soloists *The Doxology



V.D. Thompson

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Amen. How Shall I Meet You, Jesus


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Isaiah 2:1-5 Romans 13:11-14 Matthew 24:36-44

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Stay Awake. Be Ready.

Rev. Allen

The King Shall Come

Page 257


Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates


Friday Saturday Sunday

Opportunities to Worship and Serve Female Dieners Meeting – Parlor 2017 Flower Calendar Posted Women’s Bible Study – Parlor Beginner Band – Band Room Olivet’s Youth Chorus Chancel Choir Morning Star Ringers Senior Highs & Middle Highs – Assemble & Deliver Chick-fil-A Christmas Stockings Men’s Fellowship Special Christmas Project Sunday School Band Prelude Worship -- “Lessons and Carols” Service Spaghetti Luncheon by Senior & Middle Highs

After Worship 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. After Worship

Female Dieners Meeting – Today After Worship The Female Dieners will meet today in the Parlor after the worship service.

CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Pastor Matthew (Children are invited to go to Children’s Church or back to their seat.) SCRIPTURE READINGS

Today Tuesday

Nursery Workers Angela Golden & Karen Gordon Sharon Petree

arr. J. Biery

*If you are able, please stand. A Cordial Welcome is extended to all who worship today at Olivet Moravian Church. If you are looking for a church home, we hope you will consider becoming a part of our church. If you would like to join our church, please call the church office at 336-924-8063. Before the service speak to the Lord; during the service let the Lord speak to you; and after the service speak to one another.

“Lessons and Carols” – Next Sunday, December 11th The Adult Chancel Choir and Olivet’s Youth Chorus will present a service of Lessons and Carols next Sunday, December 11th during worship. After church the Senior Highs and Middle Highs will serve a spaghetti lunch. Junior Youth -- Christmas Card Drop Our Junior Youth will have their Christmas Card Drop for church members to exchange Christmas cards starting today. It will be located in the entranceway at the Fellowship Hall for you to leave your cards, and the cards you receive will be put into your church mailboxes. Donations are not required but greatly appreciated. 2017 Flower Calendar – Posted This Tuesday, December 6 At 11:00 AM this Tuesday, December 6, the 2017 Flower Calendar will be posted. You can sign up to remember or honor a special person(s). The Flower Calendar is located across from the church office. Women’s Bible Study – This Tuesday, December 6 The Women’s Bible Study is this Tuesday, December 6, 7:00 PM in the Parlor. This month, we’re meeting on the first Tuesday instead of the second Tuesday.

Please Pick Up Daily Texts If you ordered a 2017 Daily Texts, they are on a table across from the members’ mailboxes. Please place your payment in the white envelopes provided and turn into the church office. December Newsletters Are Available Our December newsletters are available for those who pick up their newsletter at the church. They are in your mailboxes located across from the History Room. Senior Friends – Wednesday, December 14th, 10:00 AM Please join the Senior Friends for our “Christmas Gathering” on Wednesday, December 14th, at 10:00 AM (30 minutes earlier than usual). Bring your favorite appetizer or dessert to share. We’ll meet at 10:00 AM in church parking lot at the Fellowship Hall and carpool to Pastor Matthew’s home to see his Christmas decorations and enjoy our appetizers and desserts. Please sign up on the Senior Friends Bulletin Board outside of the Library. Friends' Circle Christmas Party -- Thursday, December 15th, 6:00 PM All ladies of the church are invited to the annual Friends' Circle Christmas Party at the home of Kathy Rights (3445 Willow Wind Dr.). The party will begin at 6:00 PM on Thursday, December 15th. Bring a covered dish to share and a wrapped $15$20 gift for the gift exchange. Please let Kathy (336-922-5602) know if you will be able to attend. Unclaimed Dishes and Containers If you are missing any dishes or containers, please check in our Kitchen and take them home.

PRAYER CONCERNS: Lori Barnett, Eddie Beroth, JD Beroth, Charles Binkley, Sheila Binkley, Sherry Boose, Carl Boyer, Sherry Caudle, Mike Handy, Betsy Harper, Justin Myers, Leslie Myers, Emily Norman, Pamela Padgett, Carol Pfaff, Aidan Schumaker, Wilma Tally, Edna Wolf, Fred Wood, Amanda Zaski Homebound / Shut-In / Nursing Care / Limited Activity: Shirley Athan, Ruth Beeding, Vernice Beroth, Jr., Eugene Bigham, Thelma Boose, Gladys Doub, Ileana Drake, Ila Frye, Eleanor McGee, Marie Presson, Jack Queen, Betty Shropshire, Melbadene Smith, Wilma Sprinkle, Ruth Trogdon, Bill & Vivian Voss, Dawn Wrenn How We Came and Gave Last Sunday Worship Attendance: 155 Sunday School Attendance: 84 2016 Church Budget: $353,856.00 Year to Date Contributions: $305,583.27 Needed Weekly to Meet Budget: $6,804.92 Offering Last Sunday: $4,004.00

Olivet Moravian Church 2205 Olivet Church Road Winston-Salem, NC 27106 336.924.8063

E-mail address: Web Page: The mission of the Olivet Moravian Church is to enable individuals to find a relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and to reflect His life in our life together and in our outreach to others. Rev. Matthew W. Allen, Pastor 336.413.1482 Head Ushers Mr. Leonard Algood, Mr. Doug Spainhour Director of Christian Education Mrs. Evie Blum Choir Director Mr. David Blum Guest Organist Mr. Andrew René Band Director Mr. Winfield Beroth Pianist Mrs. Kathy Rights

Second Advent (All shall stand) Judgment (585 A)

Christ is coming! Let creation from her pain and anguish cease; Let the glorious proclamation hope restore and faith increase; Christ is coming; Christ is coming! Come, Thou blessed Prince of peace. I believe in the name of the only-begotten Son of God, by Whom are all things, and we through Him. I believe that He was made flesh, and dwelt among us; and took on Him the form of a servant; by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit was conceived of the Virgin Mary; as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise took part of the same; was born of a woman; and being found in fashion as a man, was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin. This I verily believe. He is the Lord, the Messenger of the covenant, in Whom we delight. He spoke of that which He knew, and testified to that which He had seen. As many as received Him, to them He gave power to become children of God. Let not your heart be troubled: believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. Even so come, Lord Jesus.

The Lord will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, to judge both the quick and the dead. For the hour is coming, in which all who are in the graves shall hear His voice, and shall come forth to judgment. Then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory, and all the holy angels with him, and before Him shall be gathered all nations. But who may abide the day of His coming? And who shall stand when He appears? (All shall be seated.) Rhaw (22 A)

The Savior’s blood and righteousness my beauty is, my glorious dress; Thus well-arrayed, I need not fear, when in His presence I appear. In Him I’ll stand in that great day, for none against me charge can lay; Absolved am I through His blest Name, from sin and fear, from guilt and shame.

(All shall stand.) Rejoice (151 I)

Our Hope and Expectation, O Jesus, now appear! Arise, Thou Sun so longed for, o’er this benighted sphere! With hearts and hands uplifted, we plead, O Lord, to see The day of earth’s redemption, that brings us unto Thee.

By Your atoning death, by Your rest in the grave, by Your triumphant resurrection and ascension, by Your sitting at the right hand of God, by Your sending the Holy Spirit, by Your prevailing intercession, by the holy sacraments, by Your divine presence, by Your coming again to You Church on earth, or our being called home to You, Bless and comfort us, gracious Lord and God.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who was, and is, and is to come. Regent Square (585 D)

Behold, the Lord God will come with a strong hand, and his arm shall rule for Him; behold, His reward is with Him, and His work before Him. Since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Then comes the end, when He shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when He shall have put down all rule, and all authority, and power. For He must reign, till He has put all enemies under His feet. And when all things are subjected unto Him, then shall God be all in all. This is I most certainly believe.

Amen; yea, let all adore You, high on Your eternal throne; Savior, take the pow’r and glory, claim the Kingdom for Your own. O come quickly! Hallelujah! Come, Lord Jesus, quickly come. AMEN.

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