We hope you experience God’s blessing in your time with us today and throughout this week. We also hope you will return and worship with us again. If you are looking for a church home, we hope you will consider becoming a part of our church. If you would like to join our church, please call the church office at 336.924.8063. Chancel Flowers The flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in honor of Fred and Linda Wood’s 36th Anniversary on November 21st by their daughters Kelly Wentz and Kim Wood. Nursery Workers Infants and Toddlers: Angela Golden and Karen Gordon Children’s Church (5 – 8 years): Janet Ridings
Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday
Opportunities To Worship And Serve Youth Fellowship 4:00 PM Bonfire / Weenie Roast – Pavilion 5:30 – 7:30 PM Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes Due Community Thanksgiving Service 7:00 PM Bethlehem AME Zion Church HAPPY THANKSGIVING Provincial Holiday – Office Closed Provincial Holiday – Office Closed Prayer Time – Parlor 9:30 AM Sunday School 9:45 AM Band Prelude 10:30 AM Worship 11:00 AM
Bonfire / Weenie Roast – Today Fun for all ages! Come out and join in the fun at a fall favorite today at 5:307:30 PM at the fire pit by the Pavilion, we will enjoy hot dogs, s’mores, camp songs and fellowship! Dress warmly, bring your chair and join us! Community Thanksgiving Service – This Wednesday, 7:00 PM This year our Community Thanksgiving Service will be held at Bethlehem A.M.E. Zion Church, this Wednesday, at 7:00 PM. We will worship with other Christian brothers and sisters from other church families in our community. We hope everyone will come and join others in our community for this meaningful service of thanksgiving. Please Pick Up Daily Texts If you ordered a 2018 Daily Texts, they are on a table across from the members’ mailboxes. Please place your payment in the white envelopes provided and turn into the church office. Nursery Volunteers Needed Beginning in January, we will be staffing the Nursery with volunteers again since we are having 1-3 little ones each week. If you have been drug tested and background checked, and would like to be a part of this ministry, please contact either Angela Golden (agolden961@triad.rr.com 336-408-0516) or Karen Gordon (kweingordon@yahoo.com 336-978-1137).
Poinsettia Orders – Due Next Sunday Once again this year, we will be placing poinsettias in the sanctuary in memory of or in honor of loved ones during the Advent season. Order forms are located at the church entrances and are due next Sunday. Annual Penny Campaign – Due Next Sunday We are participating in the Samaritan Ministries Annual Penny Campaign. The money collected is used to house and feed needy families and individuals. We will collect coins and cash through next Sunday, November 26. Collection cans are located at the Fellowship Hall Entrance and the Narthex. Please contribute! PRAYER CONCERNS: J.D. Beroth, Winfield Beroth, Charles Binkley, Sheila Binkley, Woody Blake, Teen Burns, Sherry Caudle, Dorothy Davis, Rebekah Ellerbe-Ammons, Mike Handy, Cheryl Johnson, Katherine Loafman, Emily Norman, Pamela Padgett, Bill Smith, Jerry Smith, Wilma Tally, Joan Tibbits, Amanda Zaski Homebound / Shut-In / Nursing Care / Limited Activity: Shirley Athan, Ruth Beeding, Vernice Beroth, Jr., Eugene Bigham, Pat Calhoun, Ileana Drake, Ila Frye, Eleanor McGee, Marie Presson, Jack Queen, Betty Shropshire, Melbadene Smith, Wilma Sprinkle, Ruth Trogdon, Bill & Vivian Voss Our Family Members and Friends: Donna Baskins (Wood’s neighbor), Keith Bowen’s Family (Janet Davis’ supervisor), Michael Bowles (Doug Spainhour’s friend), Haley Burcham (Tammy Ridings’ cousin’s daughter), Carol Connor (Phyllis Conrad’s friend), Charles “Chip” Conrad (Donna Livengood’s friend), Carol Cox (Celeste Stanley’s sister), Tom Devlin (Dianne Hoffman’s brother), Dominic Drummond (Kim Woodlief’s coworker’s son), Joe Eckstein (Keli Ewing’s friend), Gail Elliott (Friend of many at Olivet), Mary Gray (Steve Shore’s grandmother), Ransom Hinkle (Kelly Ewing’s cousin), Christy Holcomb (John Golden’s friend), John-John Hollingsworth (George & Brenda Dickson’s grandson), Ann Jones & Family (Hunter Smith’s friends), Jennifer Kircher (Art Beroth's co-worker's daughter), Tricia Kurfees (Rita Roberson’s daughter), Michelle Larsen (Dexter Ewing’s friend), Lester Lawson (George Beroth’s friend), Julius Lippert (Keri Harward’s father), David Mayberry (Doris Snyder’s brother), Jan McComb (Blake’s friend), Ralph Murphree & Family (Has visited Olivet), Natalie Parry (Moyra Gunter’s co-worker’s daughter), Ed Reams (Carolyn Wooten’s father), Maggie Rush (Celeste Stanley’s niece), Martha Sapp (Margaret Ammons’ & William Ammons’ sister), Sasha Saunders (attended Olivet’s VBS), Beth Spainhour (Doug Spainhour’s sister), Jean Summey (John Marchetti’s mother), Russell Valentine (Megan Valentine’s grandfather), Suzanne Vaughn (Dexter Ewing’s friend), Delores Wagner (Lorie Shelton’s mother), Audrey Ward (Gina Handy’s mother) Those Serving in the Military: Jeremy Aaron (Vivian Voss’ nephew), Austin Deheck (Margie Seymour’s grandson), Jeremy Shupe, Ryan Spach (Max Spach’s son), Kyle Tankersley (Jo Zaski’s nephew)
Youth -- Christmas Card Drop Our Youth will have their Christmas Card Drop for church members to exchange Christmas cards starting next Sunday, November 26th. It will be located in the entranceway at the Fellowship Hall for you to leave your cards, and the cards you receive will be put into your church mailboxes. Donations are not required but greatly appreciated. Christmas Decorations – Beginning Friday, December 1st It is time to begin decorating our church for Christmas. The decorations are to be up for the first Sunday in Advent which is Sunday, December 3rd. We will begin retrieving the decorations around 9:00 AM from the attic on Friday, December 1st and will require people who are able to go up and down stairs. Once they are brought down we will need to go over each item to see if any of the embellishments have come loose and repair where needed. We will begin decorating the Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, and exterior areas as soon as possible Friday morning. If needed, we will resume decorating at 9:00 AM Saturday morning. How long it will take us on Saturday depends on how much work was completed Friday. We'd love to have you join us either or both days. If you are only able to help on Saturday, please text Julie Guffey to confirm. Please come help us to make our church beautiful! Any questions please contact Julie Guffey (336-816-1765).
Welcome to Olivet Moravian Church this morning as we partake of a lovefeast in celebration of Thanksgiving. The lovefeast is reminiscent of the “agape” meal in the New Testament Church where the believers would share a simple meal together before the celebration of Holy Communion. The Moravians revived this practice in 1727 after a deep spiritual experience of the Holy Spirit. Worshippers are served a simple meal of a sweetened bun and coffee with cream and sugar. As you partake together, the choir will sing anthems. The lovefeast symbolizes our Christian fellowship and unity in Jesus Christ. May our hearts be filled with gratitude to God for His manifold blessings as we worship Him.
UPCOMING EVENTS Community Thanksgiving Service, Bethlehem AME, Wednesday, 11/22, 7 PM
Church Office Closed, This Thursday, 11/23 & This Friday, 11/24 Decorate The Church – Friday, 12/1 & Saturday, 12/2 Candle Trimming and Potluck, Saturday, December 2nd, 6:00 PM First Sunday of Advent, Sunday, December 3rd
How We Came and Gave Last Sunday Worship Attendance: 123 Sunday School Attendance: 44 2017 Church Budget: $346,194.00 Year to Date Contributions: $277,913.27 Needed Weekly to Meet Budget: $6,657.57 Offering Last Sunday: $4,375.00
Pastor Choir Director Organist Band Director Head Male Diener Head Female Dieners Coffee Makers
Rev. Matthew W. Allen Mr. John Golden Mr. Fred Wood Mr. Winfield Beroth Mr. Leonard Algood Mrs. Jan Payne, Mrs. Loretta Whitt Mr. George Beroth, Mr. Walter Beroth
Give Thanks