People in Darkness Are Looking for Light
We thank everyone who helped decorate our church for Christmas.
Jayden York
Angels We Have Heard on High
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WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Please pass the friendship pads both ways in the pew. Visitors, please sign your name, address and telephone number. * LITURGY
Today we begin the season of Advent, which means "coming" and this is the time we prepare our hearts for the coming celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. We hope our Advent and Christmas season will be a very meaningful and significant time in your life. We hope you will attend as many of our worship services and events as you are able. We thank Mrs. Debra Pivetta for sharing her musical talents with us today. We hope you experience God’s blessing in your time with us today and throughout this week. We also hope you will return and worship with us again.
Chancel Flowers The flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Vernice V. Beroth, Sr. by Winfield and Judy Beroth. Infants and Toddlers: Children’s Church (5 – 8 years):
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(Part of our liturgy will include the singing of the The Hosanna (with repeat) on Page 239. Youth Chorus sings the First Part; Congregation sings the Second Part)
Youth Chorus Director: John Golden; Pianist: Amy Goodrich PRESENTATION OF OUR OFFERINGS Prayer Anthem Come, Emmanuel, Come Chancel Choir, Flutist: Debra Pivetta *The Doxology
Price / Besig
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Amen. O Come, O Come, Immanuel
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Isaiah 11:1-10 Romans 15:4-13 Matthew 3:1-12
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Repent and Be Ready
Rev. Allen
Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord
Page 261
N. Sleeth
Vivace from Sonatina in F Major Flutist: Debra Pivetta
CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Mrs. Evie Blum (Children are invited to go to Children’s Church or back to their seat.) SCRIPTURE READINGS
Nursery Workers Angela Golden & Karen Gordon Sharon Petree
G.P. Telemann
*If you are able, please stand. A Cordial Welcome is extended to all who worship today at Olivet Moravian Church. If you are looking for a church home, we hope you will consider becoming a part of our church. If you would like to join our church, please call the church office at 336-924-8063. Before the service speak to the Lord; during the service let the Lord speak to you; and after the service speak to one another.
Opportunities To Worship And Serve Beginner Band – Band Room 6:45 p.m. Olivet’s Youth Chorus 6:45 p.m. Chancel Choir 7:30 p.m. Morning Star Ringers 7:30 p.m. Church Grounds Clean Up 8:00 a.m. Blood Drive 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. JR – Candle Tea – Old Salem 11:00 a.m. Potluck Supper & Candle Trimming 6:00 p.m. Christian Education Meeting -- Parlor 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Band Prelude 10:30 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m.
Samaritan Ministries Penny Campaign – Deadline Today Junior Youth -- Christmas Card Drop Our Junior Youth will have their Christmas Card Drop for church members to exchange Christmas cards starting today. It will be located in the entranceway at the Fellowship Hall for you to leave your cards, and the cards you receive will be put into your church mailboxes. Donations are not required but greatly appreciated. Church Grounds Clean-Up Day – This Saturday, December 3rd - 8:00 AM The Men’s Fellowship will have a church grounds clean-up day this Saturday, December 3rd beginning at 8:00 AM. Please bring gloves, pruning devices, rakes, leaf blowers and tarps. All church members are welcome to help. If you can help, please contact David Johnson (336-671-2015). Potluck Supper and Candle Trimming – This Saturday, December 3rd This Saturday, December 3rd, we will have our annual Potluck Supper and Candle Trimming at the church beginning at 6:00 PM. This event will begin with a potluck supper and then we will trim the many candles that will be used during our Christmas services.
Blood Drive – This Saturday, December 3rd, 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM Olivet is hosting a Blood Drive on Saturday, December 3rd from 8:30 AM 1:00 PM. To schedule an appointment, contact Leila Warren at or you may schedule yourself at and search for Olivet Moravian. There’s a Sign-Up Sheet in the Narthex. Appointments encouraged and walk-ins welcome. Eat iron rich foods and hydrate one (1) week prior. Bring photo ID. “Lessons and Carols” – Sunday, December 11 The Adult Chancel Choir will present a service of Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 11th during worship. After church the Senior Highs and Middle Highs will serve a spaghetti lunch PRAYER CONCERNS: Lori Barnett, Eddie Beroth, JD Beroth, Charles Binkley, Sheila Binkley, Sherry Boose, Carl Boyer, Sherry Caudle, Mike Handy, Betsy Harper, Justin Myers, Leslie Myers, Emily Norman, Pamela Padgett, Carol Pfaff, Aidan Schumaker, Shelly Schumaker, Wilma Tally, Edna Wolf, Fred Wood, Amanda Zaski Homebound / Shut-In / Nursing Care / Limited Activity: Shirley Athan, Ruth Beeding, Vernice Beroth, Jr., Eugene Bigham, Thelma Boose, Gladys Doub, Ileana Drake, Ila Frye, Eleanor McGee, Marie Presson, Jack Queen, Betty Shropshire, Melbadene Smith, Wilma Sprinkle, Ruth Trogdon, Bill & Vivian Voss, Dawn Wrenn How We Came and Gave Last Sunday Worship Attendance: 179 Sunday School Attendance: 73 2016 Church Budget: $353,856.00 Year to Date Contributions: $301,579.27 Needed Weekly to Meet Budget: $6,804.92 Offering Last Sunday: $6,077.00
E-mail address: Web Page: The mission of the Olivet Moravian Church is to enable individuals to find a relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and to reflect His life in our life together and in our outreach to others. Rev. Matthew W. Allen, Pastor 336.413.1482 Head Ushers Mr. Leonard Algood, Mr. Doug Spainhour Director of Christian Education Mrs. Evie Blum Choir Director Mr. David Blum Guest Organist Mr. Andrew René Band Director Mr. Winfield Beroth Pianist Mrs. Kathy Rights
Olivet Moravian Church 2205 Olivet Church Road Winston-Salem, NC 27106 336.924.8063