Spirit of God, Who Dwells
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You
Infants and Toddlers: Children’s Church (5 – 8 years):
PRESENTATION OF OUR OFFERINGS Prayer Anthem Stand Up and Bless the Lord *The Doxology
Today Darst
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Amen. Be Thou My Vision
Psalm 1 Matthew 22:34-46
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The Greatest Commandment
Rev. Allen
Take My Life That It May Be
Page 610
Postlude in Classic Style
Wed, Nov. 1
Sat, Nov 4 Sun, Nov. 5
CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Mrs. Lori Barnett (Children are invited to go to Children’s Church or back to their seat.) SCRIPTURE READINGS
Chancel Flowers The flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in honor of Robert Conrad for his 83rd birthday tomorrow by Gary, Amy, Adam, Steph and Bailey Goodrich.
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Our congregation extends its Christian love and sympathy to the family of Thelma Yarbrough Boose who passed away Friday, October 20th.
G. Young
*If you are able, please stand. A Cordial Welcome is extended to all who worship today at Olivet Moravian Church. If you are a visitor, please fill out a visitor’s card in the pew rack, place it in the offering plate and sign the Guest Book in the Narthex. If you are looking for a church home, we hope you will consider becoming a part of our church. If you would like to join our church, please call the church office at 336.924.8063. Before the service speak to the Lord; during the service let the Lord speak to you; and after the service speak to one another. This morning we are very thankful to have several of our local firefighters, emergency medical technicians and law enforcement workers with us for our Firefighter, EMS and Law Enforcement Recognition Sunday. We thank Mr. Tim Lasley for leading our liturgy today. We hope you experience God’s blessing in your time with us today and throughout this week. We also hope you will return and worship with us again.
Nursery Workers Angela Golden and Karen Gordon Julie Guffey
Opportunities to Worship and Serve Trunk or Treat Carnival 5:00-7:00 PM Free Chicken Stew and Hot Dog Supper Adult Bible Study 6:30 PM Youth Chorus 6:45 PM Chancel Choir Practice 7:30 PM Turn Your Clocks Back 1 Hour (Daylight Savings Time Ends) Christian Education Meeting 9:00 AM Prayer Time – Parlor 9:30 AM Sunday School 9:45 AM Band Prelude 10:30 AM Worship 11:00 AM Mission Society Lovefeast – Here at Olivet 3:00 PM Provincial Band Prelude will begin at 2:30 PM Youth Fellowship 5:30 PM
Trunk or Treat Carnival and Free Chicken Stew and Hot Dog Supper Tonight, 5:00-7:00 PM Our Senior Highs and Middle Highs invite all the children of the church and friends to come tonight, from 5:00 - 7:00 PM. Enjoy the Trunk or Treat, where many of our members will decorate their vehicle trunks and offer a treat to all that stop by. We will have fun games and activities for all ages! We still need cars for Trunk or Treat and if you are willing to host a trunk, but need a little help with decorating it, we will assign a youth member to help you decorate. You don’t have to make your vehicle trunk an elaborate display, just make sure it’s kid-friendly and non-scary. Make sure you have plenty of candy available for the trick-or-treaters that walk by. If you are interested in participating in our Trunk or Treat contact Andrea Bohn ( or 336-9249073) or call the church office. Please come out for a fun evening of Trunk or Treat and Free Chicken Stew and Hot Dog Supper! Thank you for all your support and remember to invite your friends and neighbors to our Trunk or Treat Carnival! Turn Clocks Back – This Saturday, November 4th Before you go to bed this Saturday Night, November 4th turn your clocks back one hour, as Daylight Savings Time will end.
Annual Mission Society Lovefeast – Next Sunday, November 5th All are invited to the Annual Mission Society Lovefeast next Sunday, November 5th, here at Olivet. The Provincial Band will begin playing at 2:30 PM and the service is at 3:00 PM. Jessy Burcaw and Jamie Dease will speak of their experiences from the month they spent in Nepal this summer. There will also be lots of special music during this time of worship and sharing about missions. Veterans Recognition – Sunday, November 12th On Sunday, November 12th, we will recognize our Veterans and show our appreciation for their service and dedication. Church Council – Sunday, November 12th Our congregation will have its annual Church Council meeting following our worship service on Sunday, November 12th. We will elect new members to our Board of Elders, Board of Trustees and a Regional Conference of Churches Representative and our 2018 Budget will be presented. There will also be a potluck luncheon. Pork Butt Fundraiser – Orders Due Wednesday, November 15th Our Men’s Fellowship is having a Pork Butt Fundraiser and the whole, cooked pork butts will be ready to pick up on Saturday, November 18th, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM in the church kitchen. To place your order contact David Johnson or (336-671-2015). Orders must be placed by Wednesday, November 15th. One pork butt with a container of sauce will be $30. All proceeds will go to The Brenner’s Children’s Hospital for Christmas presents. Bonfire / Weenie Roast -- Sunday, November 19th Fun for all ages! Come out and join in the fun at a fall favorite: 5:30-7:30 PM, Sunday, November 19th. Hot dogs, s’mores, camp songs and fellowship!
Olivet Moravian Church 2205 Olivet Church Road Winston-Salem, NC 27106
PRAYER CONCERNS: Vicky Adams, J.D. Beroth, Winfield Beroth, Charles Binkley, Sheila Binkley, Woody Blake, Teen Burns, Sherry Caudle, Dorothy Davis, Rebekah Ellerbe-Ammons, Mike Handy, Cheryl Johnson, Katherine Loafman, Emily Norman, Pamela Padgett, Sharon Petree, Bill Smith, Jerry Smith, Wilma Tally, Joan Tibbits, Amanda Zaski Homebound / Shut-In / Nursing Care / Limited Activity: Shirley Athan, Ruth Beeding, Vernice Beroth, Jr., Eugene Bigham, Pat Calhoun, Ileana Drake, Ila Frye, Eleanor McGee, Marie Presson, Jack Queen, Betty Shropshire, Melbadene Smith, Wilma Sprinkle, Ruth Trogdon, Bill & Vivian Voss
E-mail address: Web Page: The mission of the Olivet Moravian Church is to enable individuals to find a relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and to reflect His life in our life together and in our outreach to others.
How We Came and Gave Last Sunday Worship Attendance: 122 Sunday School Attendance: 46 2017 Church Budget: $346,194.00 Year to Date Contributions: $258,624.27 Needed Weekly to Meet Budget: $6,657.57 Offering Last Sunday: $5,354.15
Rev. Matthew W. Allen, Pastor 336.413.1482 Choir Director Organist Band Director
Mr. John Golden Mr. Fred Wood Mr. Winfield Beroth
Current and past members of Olivet who have been involved in the Vienna and Mt. Tabor Fire Departments.
June Adams Leonard Algood Matthew Allen Phil Bauguess Jason Beeding Jim Beeding Alex Beroth Allen Beroth Bolton Beroth Charles Beroth Clara Beroth Gene Beroth George Beroth J.D. Beroth M.M. Beroth Odell Beroth Rick Beroth Ruth Beroth Thornton Beroth V.V. Beroth, Jr. V.V. Beroth, Sr. W.W. Beroth Walter Beroth Winfield Beroth Bill Bigham
Pat (Jent) Calhoun Bill Campbell David Carr Josh Caudle Betty A. Conrad John Conrad Mike Conrad Phillip Conrad Michael Cross Grant Darnell Scott Dixon Oscar Doub Ashley Emery Wanda Emery Carol Fincher Justin Guthrie Cindy Harward Kevin Harward Phyllis Heitman Larry Hudspeth James Inman David Johnson Tommy Johnson Virgil Joyce
Arlen Lewis Richard Lewis Jim Lowe Jenny Macemore Kirk Macemore John McKaughn Beverly Moser Jim Moser Perry Myers Cheryl Postlewaite Eugene Postlewaite John Sherrill Sam Sherrill Joe Shields Mike Sloan Karen Sonbert Mike Sonbert Ricky Spainhour Conrad Stimpson Durrell Stinson Glen Stinson Patsy Stinson Donald Winters Tim Wooten
Once again this year, we will be placing poinsettias in the sanctuary in memory of or in honor of loved ones during the Advent season. Order forms deadline is Sunday, November 26th. The poinsettias will be decorated with green wrap and a red bow and include a saucer; and are available in three sizes as follows:
6-inch poinsettias 8-inch poinsettias 10-inch poinsettias
An order form should be filled out for each poinsettia. Extra poinsettia forms are located at the church entrances. Please include your payment with your order. If you write a check, indicate “Poinsettia� on the memo line. Please place the order in the offering plate or mail it to the church office no later than Wednesday, November 22nd.
Person placing the order: ____________________________
In Memory of:
Our sincere thanks and gratitude to all who have given time and energy in the service of our communities.
Given by:
____________________________ ______________________
Serving / have served with the City of Winston-Salem Fire Department: Grant Darnell, Scott Dixon, Jeff Heitman, Phyllis Heitman, Tracy Lee Serving / have served with the County of Forsyth Fire / EMS / Sheriff Departments: Walter Beroth, John Conrad, Gary Goodrich, Eric Hammonds, Tommy Johnson, Tracy Lee, Richard Lewis
$ 8.00 $20.00 $25.00
Amount _______
In Honor of:
Given by:
____________________________ ______________________
Amount _______
Poinsettias can be taken home following the evening lovefeast and candlelight service on December 24.
LITURGY FOR FIREFIGHTER / EMS/ LAW ENFORCEMENT LEADER: In peace let us pray to the Lord. CONGREGATION: We thank those who have given their time, energy, and even their lives in service to our community. May their sacrifice inspire all of us to live a commitment to the ideals for which they served. LEADER: For our Firefighters, EMS Workers, and Law Enforcement officers who have served faithfully on our behalf, and who have often endured suffering, injury, fear, trauma and sorrow that no human should have to face, may they receive healing of their hearts, minds and souls. CONGREGATION: For the men and women serving our communities today in any capacity of public service, may they conduct themselves with honor, love their country second only to God, and receive strength for every challenge they face. LEADER: For families of men and women now serving as public servants, may they support their loved ones as they serve their country and community. CONGREGATION: For the leaders of our Fire Fighters / EMS/ Law Enforcement, may they properly train their personnel to respond effectively and safely. ALL: May we all build up our community and seek peace, harmony, and justice in the world. In your great Name, we pray, Amen.