October newsletter

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From The Editor Hello my lovely key clubbers! It’s already October, and the quarter is coming close to an end. Is it just me or is this year already going by so fast? So much has happened this month, from regular service events, preps, socials, and RTC! You guys make me so proud to be your bulletin editor; our club was truly amazing at RTC. I hope you enjoy reading about all of your fabulous experiences in this month’s newsletter. Your Editor,

Olivia Berenguel 2


M E S S A G E Hey everyone! I hope you all have been enjoying your time in Key Club so far. Regional Training Conference, RTC, just past and I am so proud of each and every single member that attended. In addition to that I want to thank all the members who were unable to attend RTC and still came to the preps to learn the cheers and raise our club spirit. Although our RTC was relatively undeterred, there were a few problems along the way that I wanted to address. Please be respectful at all times. You are all representatives of Clark Key Club and your actions, no matter how seemingly small, can have a huge impact on the club. Key Club is a HUGE family, with relatives from across the world. I hope that everyone will begin to view every Key Club in the world as an extension of our Clark Key Club family—there is no competition, only encouragement among our clubs. Now that RTC season has passed I am definitely looking excited for Fall Rally! Please look forward to a large variety of fun service projects in the future and always remember to stay young, wild, and free! 3

OCTOBER Tailgate

Tailgate- this event was a school wide event at Clark High School that all clubs participated in raising funds for their business. Clark sold boba and sold everything, which was a great accomplishment for our club. Though tailgate also was a way for the clubs to come together and become closer as a school. As always, this event is one to remember.

-Andrew Cruz Andrew Cruz, Junior

Haunted Harvest The Haunted Harvest took place at the Springs Preserve in Las Vegas, where we volunteered and helped with set up, running booths, giving people breaks, and a lot of fun entertainment was there as well. It was enjoyable and very fulfilling to see kid’s faces glimmer with happiness and sunshine after they went through booths of games and such. Throughout the day, it was a fun event, and very nice to know that even small events such as these can do a great deal of good for the community for which I live in.

-Eric Trang Eric Trang, Junior


ARTICLES Operation School bell

The Haunted Harvest took place at the Springs Preserve in Las Vegas, where we volunteered and helped with set up, running booths, giving people breaks, and a lot of fun entertainment was there as well. It was enjoyable and very fulfilling to see kid’s faces glimmer with happiness and sunshine after they went through booths of games and such. Throughout the day, it was a fun event, and very nice to know that even small events such as these can do a great deal of good for the community for which I live in.

-Eric Trang Eric Trang, Junior

Canes Fundraiser The Haunted Harvest took place at the Springs Preserve in Las Vegas, where we volunteered and helped with set up, running booths, giving people breaks, and a lot of fun entertainment was there as well. It was enjoyable and very fulfilling to see kid’s faces glimmer with happiness and sunshine after they went through booths of games and such. Throughout the day, it was a fun event, and very nice to know that even small events such as these can do a great deal of good for the community for which I live in.

-Eric Trang Eric Trang, Junior



Region Training Conference MEMBER ARTICLES

ROBE BAUTISTA // SOPHOMORE L-O-V-E, WE LOVE RTC! RTC this year was over 9000 times better than it was last year! It was so amazing to see Clark have so much spirit for not only ourselves, but SWCTA too! However, things didn't really start so bright and dandy at first. When we were supposed to register, we were short a few volunteers, so we wouldn't be able to enter like the ohana we are. Luckily, we were able to get some volunteers, and we were finally able to enter RTC. Unfortunately, things didn't really pick up too much once we entered either; my group was stuck in the gym for a workshop. But, once lunch came around, things started to look good! With starving stomachs, we made some rockin' quilts and sandwiches! Then, after we filled our stomachs, we got into some spirit battles with the other clubs, which is always fun! Anyways, a few workshops later, it was finally time for the spirit session. You could feel the nerves in the air as each club gave it their all to win their respective spirit sticks. Fortunately, Clark was able to move onto the second round. Then, giving our all again, we clapped and shouted our second cheer. Afterwards, the hardest part of RTC came; waiting to see if we won the D28W spirit stick. We waited, and waited, and waited. Eventually, Jerry then announced that the winner of the spirit gear for 2013 was.....Southwest CTA. It was heartbreaking, but we still had enough spirit left in us to cheer them on. Anyways, the 30 minutes after that announcement were pretty blurry to me, probably because I was too busy wiping away my invisible cheers. But after I put a little dinner in my stomach, I went back outside to enjoy the dance. It was too dark at first to really do anything, so I went away from the dance area to a little square in the back that was playing an icebreaker. "Ride around that big fat pony," they said, "Ride around that big fat pony." I decided to join, and before I knew it, I was having the time of my life. A few minutes later, Anu, Alan and his cousin, and I went to the middle of this little group and made this little icebreaker into an African dance ritual! It was tiring yes, but the fun we were having just kept fueling us with more and more energy! Before I knew it, time had run out. It was time for us to go, and me giving up my paper ID was the sign that this year's RTC was finally over. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. But, I can just tell, that the experience I had at this RTC is a type of foreshadowing to how much more fun I'll have next year! 7

HOLLY WONG // SOPHOMORE RTC is one of my all time favorite events. I had no idea what RTC was last year, but I learned that it was a really great experience. I learned a lot about key club and felt the spirit of many key clubbers around me. This year, I was super pumped up about it. I stayed up making tutus with Kristine and Jocelyn and we spent a total of $40 on materials for RTC, which was worth it. It was nice meeting old and new friends from different schools at RTC. The workshops were really informational and I learned a lot of things like the KEY in keyclub stands for Kiwanis Educating Youth. I also loved making the blankets for the kids. I was really excited for the spirit competition, and even though we lost, I actually enjoyed cheering at the top of my lungs and I was really happy that Clark had such great sportsmanship and spirit throughout the whole day. At the end, I played the "ride that pony" game for an hour and lost my voice even more. It was an overall great experience and I hope to attend RTC for the next two years as well.

HARLEY ZHU // SOPHOMORE It'll be close to impossible to describe RTC 2013 in just a few words. This was my second year going to RTC and I didn't believe that it could get any better than last year, but it did. RTC 2013 was an amazing experience as I learned so much about the club I love. The day didn't start off so well as our key club wasn't able to find enough chaperones but in the end we pulled through and had an amazing time. It was a great experience seeing so many different key clubs and people who were just as passionate for key club as you are. Not only did we learn so much about key club, we also did service projects such as making blankets and sandwiches. I was extremely proud to be able to say that I was a part of Clark key club as many of our members did service projects first instead of going to lunch. The spirit competition was also a great experience as we saw all the effort put into each and every cheer each key club did. During the spirit competition, I had chills running throughout my body as all the clubs cheered their hearts out, especially Clark. At the end of the day, I'm extremely proud to be able to say that I'm part of Clark key club. 8


T h e


Lucille Nual There goes a saying that “actions speak louder than words,” and I think it is definitely fitting for Lucille! She is a dedicated member who is constantly thoughtful towards others, showing her compassion in small, meaningful ways. Whether it’s waiting in line despite a rush of other members or writing small “thank you” notes to the Key Club board, Lucille’s actions have definitely shined. Her actions are the epitome of Key Club’s motto—caring, that’s her way of life. Sometimes it isn’t the big, publicized actions that mean the most, but the small ones that almost no one knows about. While Lucille’s quiet help is definitely applauded, I want to give her a big shout out for truly exemplifying what a Key Club should be! 9

CONTACT INFORMATION President: Anna Zhang clark.kc.pres@gmail.com

Vice President: Ellis Johnson clark.kc.vp@gmail.com

Secretary: Sheldon Wong clark.kc.sec@gmail.com

Treasurer: Shirley Wong clark.kc.tr@gmail.com

Historian: Amber Yun clark.kc.hist@gmail.com

Bulletin Editor: Olivia Berenguel clark.kc.be@gmail.com

Sergeant At Arms: Paul Cho clark.kc.saa@gmail.com


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