September Newsletter

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Hello my lovely Key Clubbers! I hope everyone is enjoying Key Club so far. I have been so excited about this year for such a long time. So far we’ve only had our first couple meetings and a few events, but I hope that everyone is already feeling the Key Club bond. After all, Key Club is one big FAMILY. Whether you are a freshman or a senior I hope to get to know each and every single one of you personally. I am here to serve the members as the members are truly the most impo rtant aspect of Key Club. So for our members we have planned a ton of fun service projects for the future. I really wanted to emphasize service this year— serving should be something you want to do because you are helping people and because it is FUN. I would also like to thank all the members who have paid their dues so far. I know that it can seem costly, but every part of the Key Club fee goes back to the members. If you guys have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to contact me and I will reply as soon as I can. Let’s all continue to have FUN, SERVE, and CHEER ourselves into a wonderful Key Club year! With love,

Hey Chargers! My name is Olivia Berenguel and I am your 2013-2014 Bulletin Editor. I ’m so excited to finally start my monthly newsletters, and it ’s all because of you guys! I’ve been receiving so many articles from you dedicat ed members out there and it makes me so happy to see that you all have so much to say about our wonderful service events. August seemed to fly by so fast, and so much has changed! I’m glad to welcome all the new freshmen and the new elected representatives. Lets have a fantastic year chargers! (:








CONTACT Anna Zhang


Ellis Johnson

Vice President:

Sheldon Wong


Shirley Wong


Amber Yun


Olivia Berenguel

Bulletin Editor:

Paul Cho

Sergeant At Arms:

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Meet Your New Freshman Class Representative:

Sophomore Class Representative :

Junior Class Representative:

Senior Class Representative :

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A cloudy morning, bit of drizzle, and intense humidity couldn't stop the force that is Clark Key Club. On Saturday Sept ember 7t h, Clark KC had its traditional car wash at the Elks Lodge. The day was outstanding. Washing cars isn't the most fun activity, but with the ASPCA in mind and fellow key clubbers by our side, we stayed busy pretty much the entire time. Getting to listen to music, especially The Best Song Ever (about three times), helped pass the time and made washing cars a bit more interesting. Seeing Anu jam out to Justin Timberlake and watching Abby Morris twerk with Miley Cyrus sure made for a funny show. During the few instances where we didn't have cars to wash, Andrew Cruz and myself took to teaching cheers. Breeze, a Clark classic, was a hit amongst the club and it was fun to watch everyone learn it so quickly. The division's down remix was a bit more difficult, but seeing the first timers struggle through the "S-EA... MONKEYS" part was pretty funny. All and all, the event was amazing and I can't wait for the next car wash. -Ryan Lim, IP President

On September 13, 2013 I was able to attend the Las Vegas Strip Kiwanis Installations along with Miss Wong and my two board members Sheldon Wong and Shirley Wong. At this event we were able to talk to the Strip Kiwanis and inform them about our club as well as learn more about the activities of the Strip Kiwanis. We were also able to enjoy the extremely delicious food at the Italian American Club, which included pasta, chicken, and cake. Overall, the Las Vegas St rip Kiwanis Installations was a truly wonderful experience and I feel like Clark Key Club's bond with the Kiwanians can only grow strong from here.

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Operation school bell is on my list of top service events. It’s basically when you get a group of element ary school children and take them shopping for clothes and school supplies in a store full of donated clothes. There is no way t o describe the amazing feeling you get when helping out these young kids. Although we didn't get to help t hem go shopping, we were able to spend hours with them just talking and helping t hem with their school work. You really get a chance to connect with these kids and hear Hear their stories. It's amazing how happy they appear to be although their home life is saddening to hear about. I personally connected with one of my first graders. He was a true sweetheart, and a future potential key clubber. His name was Neo and he was the happiest kid I've ever seen. He described his family life to me as he was coloring a picture of "people being nice". It broke my heart but it gave me hope that we were able to help them and set them on the right track although their family life might be bad. My favorite part of the whole day was when we were eating lunch and all the kids were being pushy and demanding for Oreos, while Neo waited patiently. When he finally got his, he stuffed it in his pockets and told me "I'm going to save this so I can share with my mommy and brothers." That just made me want to adopt him and take him home, he was the sweetest cutest little boy I've ever met. After all the kids finished eating and it was time to go, he pinky promised me he would join key club and gave me the biggest hug goodbye

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Future Events:

October Events: -Park Social/RTC Prep(10/5)

-Tailgate (10/11) -RTC (10/12) -Cup o’ Noodle Selling (10/14-10/18) -October DCM (10/16)

Region Training Conference (RTC) When: October 12, 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Where: Centennial HS RTC or Region Training conference is a HUGE meet up of all the div isions in your region. In our case usually we hav e Div ision 28 West, South, and North come to a high school in our valley, and this year we are blessed to have Division 38 East and West LTG’s come and show their support! The part everyone looks forward to is the spirit rally at the end of the day where all schools show their spirit through performing cheers and showing a little of their school with it! It’s a fun way to meet new key clubbers in our Region (Region 5), and make new friends! One of the important concepts we learn at RTC is new division cheers for Fall Rally, new service projects, and learn what DCON is. My Favorite part about RTC is the service projects we do, from making blankets together, making PB&J Sandwiches, and now filling a bag with food for the needy! I do encourage everyone to attend this fun filled day, for it’s one

-Operation School bell (10/19)

November Events: -S.A.F.E annual Run (11/2) -Fall Rally South (11/9)

-Kickball for Cancer (11/16) -Wrestling Tournaments (11/29-11/30) -Ronald McDonald (11/29)

December Events: -Winter I nductions (?) -Ronald McDonald (12/27)

to remember!

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AUGUST MEMBER(s) OF THE MONTH: RUPERT LIWANAG & RAYMOND MENDOZA These members have been absolutely amazing during the month of August and always seem to come in a pair. Not only did they attend the Sprinkler Sprint 5k where they were spirited and helpful, but they also helped out at the Las Vegas Rescue Mission. At the Rescue Mission Raymond and Rupert had the hardest job--washing dishes. Nonetheless, they were hard workers and did it all with a smile. I am so proud of their wonderful attitudes and service and I believe they are both

Grace has demonstrated outstanding dedication and caring during the month of July. While many members avoided helping at the Kiwanis Fireworks Booth due to the extreme Las Vegas heat, Grace went out of her way and helped at the booth when the weather was over 117 degrees. In addition to participating in this event Grace was outgoing and gracious throughout her time at the booth and was truly a joyous spirit in the heat. Later in July Grace also participated in summer school selling at Clark High School. Her help with handling food, inventory, and talking to customers has really been a huge service to Clark Key Club and the Club truly feels that she deserves the title of Member of the Month due to her unwavering dedication even through the stagnant summer months.

truly deserving of Member of the Month.

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