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A/L Media Statergy







Athleisure is a buzzword for the fashion industry, a hybrid of sportswear and the rest of your wardrobe. It translates to clothes that look a bit sporty but don’t need to be accessorised with a yoga mat and a smoothie. Like designer Richard Nicoll said, ‘I think performance clothing will become increasingly stylish and less ‘sporty’-looking’. Athleisure as a trend is suddenly becoming less of a made-up word and more a real thing. This sector will grow by around 24% in the next five years, suggests Jessica Fioriti of retail analyst Verdict: “It used to be that only sportswear brands like Nike and Adidas were popular. We’ve seen a change recently where consumers are willing to buy fashion brands doing sportswear.” This isn’t a sportswear brand nor a fashion brand, its simply as fashionable sportswear brand that targets the generation who seems to be stuck. 16-18 year olds are placed between the junior and adult section for most brands and it’s time that something was brought out just for them. These students are of those that are most concerned how people perceive them. So Athleisure is giving them something different. As a brand, we wants our customers to feel as if they’re a part of the decisions made and to feel as though this is something new and exciting for them to share. ‘By demonstrating the behaviour that your fans want to see, in turn, you’ll build their trust,’ Sedge Beswick. And that’s all we want in return, trust and loyalty. Athleisure mainly focuses on the fashion element of sportswear but will remember that the performance element is also important to many of this generation. Who knows, this could be the start of something new and this next generation will be the ones to be setting the trends of the industry!

Olivia Few…Founder of Athleisure





Nottingham, UK, May 4, 2015 – Athleisure is an online fashionable sportswear brand targeting 16-18 year olds. Athleisure, available online at, provides consumer with sportswear that is stylish and practical for those who find it hard to buy a combination of both. It focuses on the fashion but remembers that performance is still key to this generation. Athleisure has many benefits for its consumers including monthly look-books online to show the latest of Athleisure’s collection. The website also offers; - A virtual fitting room that allows consumers to input their measurements and try clothes on a real life avatar of themselves. - A blog where celebrities, designers, and our consumers can post about Athleisure’s collections, ideas, and articles that might help the brand. - Events that show the audience where Athleisure will be travelling on their first pop-up tour, as well as upcoming events. The tour will be showcasing the best of Athleisure’s first collection allowing its consumers to get a first time and only time look before buying. - A link to download the A/L fitting app onto their phones. This is the latest brand to the sports and fashion industry that is offering something new. It is a collection of promises to assure customers that Athleisure is always by their side and ready to hear their voice. Athleisure values their customers opinions and wants to do the best they can to provide for them. We provide a different service different to other brands out there and want to accessible as much as possible for our audience. Being online offers the consumers everything they want without leaving their homes. Athleisure’s audience are the generation that has grown up with technology and have never known any different. Therefore this is the perfect way for Athleisure to sell. With an ap like A/L Fitting, it allows them to see the clothes and try them on their own figure type as if they were in store. The pop-up tour will be around 30 of the major colleges in the UK and has the potential to travel around the more. Athleisure wants this tour to be unique, offer the students everything they need and show them how they can be a part of the brand. This one off tour offers Athleisure’s customers the change to see firsthand the outfits which they can purchase via the website.


The launch of this brand won’t be until the beginning of June, when these students are finishing of their studies and wanting to prepare for their holiday. Athleisure feels they need to time the launch at the right time, not when deadlines are or in the middle of the month. It needs to be when the students are starting to feel relaxed and are getting ready for the summer. Athleisure is fitting with the current trend within these industries and wants to demonstrate to this generation just what the brand has to offer. The Athleisure will be available on – Twitter - @ath-eisure Facebook – Athleisure Instagram – Ath-eisure Snapchat – ath15






Athleisure has created a Facebook page to share with their consumers all relevant information, photos and videos. The site will allow for consumer/ brand conversation, consumers to share feedback and allow them to input any ideas they may have. Many competitions will be held on Facebook in the hope the brands name will be shared many of our consumers pages. This first competition will be a like and share competition from the Athleisure page itself. It will be hard to start this off but hopefully with the success of the pop-up store, people will want to see more updates and on a more regular basis. The photo used for the page will be from the first pop-up store to show people what they can expect. Here’s a look at the page and the first competition poster.


TWITTER The hashtags #athleisure #athleisurewhat #sportswear #fitnesswear #activewear and #fashionissports will be the main hashtags Athleisure will use. These hashtags sum up what the brand is about and the items people purchase stand for all the above. Athleisure will want their consumers to be hashtagging from home, the gym, the shopping centre and even the pop-stores to create awareness that there is a new brand on the scene for them when it comes to sportswear. This will be a 2 week long competition to get the bowl rolling and get Athleisure’s audience buzzing around the brand. Of course these hashtags are ongoing and as a brand, they want them to be used every time someone buys ones of their products. Here’s a look at there twitter account.


INSTAGRAM Instagram will have a combination of the Facebook competition and the one on Twitter. The photo will need to be shared across Athleisure’s audience but with the hashtags used on Twitter. Athleisure will be looking for creative phrases and extra hashtags to go along with the photo. The better Athleisure look the better the chance of winning.


SNAPCHAT This one’s quite hard. Recently Snapchat has introduced Discover for different editorial teams. It’s the result of collaboration with world-class leaders in media to build a storytelling format that puts the narrative first. This format will allow Athleisure to tell their story to all their consumers without contacting them directly. However, for those that want more, quick sneak peeks to get them excited, they’ll be able to add Athleisure on their Snapchat account, ath15.





BANNER ADVERTISING & CAMPAIGNS Looking at the promotional material for Athleisure, it seems fitting to have a lot of visuals for the audience to see. These will be in the form of campaign images to generate awareness of the brand coming to life. Then banner advertising that will go alongside the tour, being placed in all colleges including those that they don’t attend, this way everyone is aware of what this new brand has to offer. These both will be used on Facebook for advertising as well as on the side of college buses. This way this audience won’t be able to get away from the brand. Here’s a few examples...keep an eye out for more!





MONTHLY TEXTS Those that have signed up to the website will receive monthly texts to make them aware that the site has more to offer than it did before. It will let those loyal consumers know about offers, collaborations and new collections before anyone else, including the media. Athleisure want their consumers to feel as if they’re apart of the brand and apart of the process for everything. Here’s a couple of examples at the sort of texts Athleisures consumers can expect




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