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“Little Foxes” by Michael Morpurgo Book Review by Camila

The book “Little Foxes” takes place in the Wilderness. This book is interesting, but it has some sad parts. Michael Morpurgo writes books which are at times sad, at times of war. In many books, the author writes about his personal stories but in this book he doesn't. The book is about a boy that is called Billy Bunch. He is found in a box by Police Constable Fazackerly. In the box where he is found, it says “Handle with care. This side up. Perishable.” Police Fazackerly wants to call him Billy because he does not want the boy to get a disgusting name. Then, Billy goes to a children’s home. He can not pronounce words very well. He goes from a foster home to another but any foster family wants to keep him so he comes back to the children’s place and he has to go to school. However, he goes to live with Aunty May and he always likes to go to the Wilderness because he has a big secret there. This book is recommended for people from 10 to 11, but in my opinion, as this book uses many difficult words, I think it can be recommended for children aged 12 or 13. This book is interesting but I think there are some sad parts. I liked it very much because it intrigues you. There are some parts that you want to keep on reading and never stop.

Cool By: Floro Cool is historical fiction book because it is something that doesn’t happen in real life but is not fantasy. In the majority of Michael Morpurgo’s books, we find that he writes about sadness like in this book When the character goes into a coma. This takes place in Robbie’s house and in the hospital. The main characters are Robbie, Ellie, Tracey, Lucky, Mom, Dad and Dr. Smellybreath. One day, Robbie takes his dog Lucky for a walk. But the front door is open so Lucky escapes to run after a cat. When Lucky is crossing the street a car runs over him. Robbie is taken to hospital and then he goes into a coma and he thinks that Lucky is dead. I think that this book is for boys or girls from 10 to 13 years old because if i recommend it to a child who is 4 years old he is not going to understand the language used in the story.

“Kensuke´s Kingdom” By Paki “Kensuke's Kingdom” is a book with many interesting adventures. It is a book of historical fiction because it has real facts as it takes events from WW2, Michael Morpurgo took the name Kensuke from a boy he met in a school in England. This book happens in a city, on an island and on a boat where the main character fall overboard on 28th July, 1988. In “Kensuke's Kingdom” Michael includes animals and WW2 which is something he includes on the majority of his books, to write this interesting story. He writes this book as if the character tells its own story. I think Michael chooses to write this book in first person because he wants to make the story more interesting. This story is about a kid called Michael who has to go to live on a boat with his mom, dad and his dog. One night he falls off the boat with his dog called Stella Artois but no one sees them so he falls asleep on the water with Stella. When he wakes up, he realises he is on a island. He meets a man called Kensuke and he lives many adventures with him.

I recommend this book to kids from 10 years old to 14 because it has words for children these ages and it’s very interesting. I like this book because I like adventure books and if you like books of adventure like me, buy it and you will see how interested you are going to be while you read it.

“Born to Run” by Isa T This incredible book tells the story of a dog and his three wonderful lives. It all starts in a city, a park, a canal, a farm and finally a barge.It is an amazing fiction book. Morpurgo writes his books expressing his own feelings. Most of them are sad although he also includes other themes that interest him like animals , friendship and war. In this book, Morpurgo tells the story as if the character is narrating the story to the reader. However, in many of his books he tells the story as if he were the narrator himself. After Patrick rescues the puppies from the canal, he is the star of the school, Indeed he never felt like a star in his school. Despite his effort, he couldn't convince his parents to keep one of those puppies. After spending hours crying, finally, he can keep one and he names him Best Mate. They are made for each other. They make so many things together that they can't get separated but Craig, a horrible greyhound trainer, traps Best Mate. Best Mate is taken care by Becky, Craig´s stepdaughter, and calls the dog Brighteyes. Becky hates Craig so she decides to leave the farm when she realizes Craig kills Alfie another greyhound racer. She escapes with Brighteyes but Becky has an accident in the city so she can't keep Brighteyes any more. An old man called Joe takes care of Brighteyes and spend every minute together. When they get to the barge (Joe´s house on the canal) things turn bad.

This heartwarming story was a very good read. From all the happiness it had in the beginning to the anger and sadness from the farm. It is a very incredible story and it made me want to have a dog. It shows how a dog can survive three awesome lives. Every time I finished a chapter I wanted to keep on reading. I liked it very much and enjoyed it a lot.

Kensuke´s Kingdom By Jaime I enjoyed this book a lot because it´s full of friendship and drama in a deserted island. Michael Morpurgo´s narrating the story as if he, himself was the main character. This amazingly touching book tells the story of a three member family, the son, Michael, the mother, and the father. Michael´s parents lose their jobs. They decide to buy a boat called “The Peggy Sue” where they will make a special voyage going around the world. One night, Michael falls off the boat and finds himself on a deserted island, or that´s what he thinks. He finds out that there is an old man stuck on that island for a long time. The man whose name is Kensuke finds Michael and they become best friends. I loved this book and totally recommend it because it´s full of adventure and shows you the real meaning of friendship.

Cool By Jose A This book tells the story of a boy who is in a coma in a hospital. It is very well written and the language is excellent. It is a fiction story and very sad , too. Michael Morpurgo’s stories are sometimes sad. He likes to write about animals, war, feelings, friendship and sadness like in this book. Michael writes this story as if the character was telling the story to us. Robbie is a boy who is in a coma after a car accident. He thinks his dog Lucky is dead. His parents are helping him a lot but he can't move. He can hear but he can not speak. He misses his family very much and also Lucky. One day, his father brings him a surprise. It is the football player Zola, Robbie is very happy and sad at the same time because he can`t speak to Zola. After a few days, his mom and dad bring him something that can wake him up. I think that this book is very sad and interesting at the same time because you want to know if Robbie finally wakes up. I enjoy this book, it is written in an excellent way. Some parts made me cry and I recommend this book to children 8 or more because it is not very difficult to understand or read. I loved reading this book.

“Cool” by Juan Blas This book is a historical fiction book. It takes place in the street and in a hospital. The main characters are a boy Robbie, and his dog, Lucky. Michael Morpurgo likes to write about animals and war. One day, Robbie's mother asks Robbie to take Lucky for a walk. Robbie doesn't like to take Lucky for a walk. The front door of the house is open and Lucky runs out through it. Robbie runs after Lucky but a car runs Robbie over. The men that run over Robbie go and see Robbie. He has gone into a coma. He says to the mother of the boy that he is in a coma. They take him to hospital. Robbie cannot wake up. I like this book because it has suspense and I recommend it to children from 6 to 10 years old. It’s an amazing story. If you like suspense, read this book.

Cool by Julia This book tells the story of a boy called Robbie that goes into a coma. This book is set in a hospital day and night. This book is fantasy because this story doesn't happen in real life. Cool is very well written and Michael Morpurgo makes you think the book is in real life but it is not. This is a very sad book and it made me feel like crying because Robbie can't do anything but listen. Michael always includes animals in his books and when the name of the character in the book is Michael he writes as if he is narrating the story. When the name of the character is not Michael, Michael writes the story as if another person is narrating the story except in this book.

This book is about a boy that goes into a coma after a car accident with his dog, Lucky. His mother and father are separated and the only thing Robbie wants is that they come together again. Robbie can't get out of the coma no matter how much he wants it to happen. By the time the dog comes to the hospital things get better. I loved reading this book because it intrigued me but there were parts that I was about to cry. I really recommend this book to children of all ages because the vocabulary is not so difficult and it was very entertaining to read. I loved this book I hope you like it too.

“Kensuke`s Kingdom� by Manu DZ This story takes place on a island and part in a boat and in a town. In this book, there are animals, war, friendship and sadness. This book is a historical fiction book because it is based in moments of history. The author, Michael Morpurgo, writes in 1st person because he is one of the main characters of the story and when he is the main character of a story he writes in 1st person because Michael talks about himself. The story tells us about a family of four members (father, mother, boy and a dog). The mother and the father lose their jobs and with the money they have, the family buys a yacht that they use as their house. One rainy day, the boy and the dog fall overboard in the Pacific Ocean with a ball that saves their lives from drowning and float to an island. They get to the island where it is difficult to find water or food. Stella Artois, the dog, finds a man on the island who is there since World war II and cast away like them. The man is called Kensuke. Kensuke and Michael share activities or discuss how to escape from the island. I really liked the book a lot because it is full of moments of friendship, and excitement. So, I really recommend this book. When you read it and you finish one chapter you want to read the next one.

“Kensuke's Kingdom” by Manuel S. This book is set in the time when Second World War was taking place. This book is divided into two settings, one is in a city and the other is on an island. Kensuke's Kingdom is a historical fiction book because part of it is based on the Second World War but it wasn't written at that time . This book sometimes has bad, sad feelings and sometimes good, happy feelings. In this book, there are not a lot of animals like in “Little Foxes” or other Morpurgo's books.In the first part of “Kensuke's Kingdom” Michael, a boy, tells his life like a narrator and then to all of us. This book tells the story of a boy called Michael, who lives in a town with his mother, father and Stella Artois (his dog). One day, the factory of bricks where his father and mother work closes down. So, they decide to live on a boat. One night, Stella and Michael are on board, a huge wave comes and Michael and Stella fall overboard. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, and highly recommend it to readers age 8-40. I recommend this book to readers that like adventure and survival. I like this book because Michael has to survive and I like his story a lot!

Adolphus Tips by Manuel F I really think Adolphus Tips is one of the best of Michael Morpurgo’s books. This exceptional story takes, place in a small village on the coast of England. It is a historical fiction book because the author introduces the Second World War with a story that never happened. Michael Morpurgo starts writing this story slowly and some parts are boring but then, it has adventure and you always want to keep on reading because you want to know the end. In this book, the war is a very important theme like the animals, sadness and happiness too, as in many of Morpurgo’s books.In this story the author narrates the story to the reader. This story starts in a small village in the coast of England where a girl named Lily Treganza lives her calm life with a cat, her mother and her grandfather. Lily lives quietly until the war comes to the village.All the village has to go to another place because the U.S soldiers have to practise in the coast to invade France. Lily meets Adolphus and Eddie,two american soldiers. The family has to go to Uncle George’s house. Lily’s cat gets lost.Lily escapes and goes to find Tips in their last home but now that area is very dangerous and you can not enter but Lily can. The soldiers see Lily.Adolphus tells Lily that he will find Tips and will give it to her, and he does.Then, Tips is lost again but this time the soldiers have exploded the hotel. Lily looks for Addie and Eddie says to her that Adolphus is in the hotel.Lily is terribly sad and after that, she gets bad news...Eddie has died.

I recommend this book for people from 10 and more because little boys wouldn't understand the story very well. . For me, one of the best of Morpurgo’s story because it has love and moments of deep sadness.

Cool By Martina G This is a very emotional book as there are people in coma, and there are car accidents. But you always want to know what happens next! This book is set in: England, on a Sunday morning, in a calm and warm house, and in a Hospital… Cool is about a boy called Robbie and his dog Lucky. Robbie has a hard life because his parents are divorced and he thinks its all his fault,because when he was born they got divorced. But one Sunday morning the phone rings. It is Robbie's dad calling to tell Robbie to take Lucky out for a walk. So he did, but the gate is open,the leash is broken, and all that is left is a dog flat under a car in the middle of the road.. Robbie is running but he didn't see the other car..about..to..and they are both gone… I highly recommend this book to people over 7 because it can be hard to read because it has hard words and maybe it’s a little bit sad, but you always want to know what happens next!

Farm Boy

by Paula This book tells the story of a grandparent and his grandson. It is set in an old and well cared farm that is owned by grandpa. Farm Boy is a historical fiction book that touches your heart in some parts of the story. Morpurgo tells this story as if the main character is narrating the story. In the majority of Michael Morpurgo's books, we find that he writes about sadness, happiness and friendship. As it happens in this book, too. For example: sadness when Father misses Joey because he sold him to the army and you feel happiness and friendship when he goes to get Joey and finds him. The grandson loves going to grandpa's farm and getting on the old tractor, but he also goes because of grandpa's stories. Grandpa`s stories are all about his farm and the history that his farm has. But he has a shameful secret that happened after his wife died. With two characters, and one setting, this book shows how a book can succeed even if it is simple and short. Farm Boy gives the word that writing is always about the quality and not the quantity because although this book is not long, it is great fun when you read it and you are never bored. It is an amazing story for all ages because it refers to World War 2 that is interesting if you like historic events and it also talks about the story of a man who was criticised because of the horses he had but who loves them so much that he does everything to show that his horses are the best! .

“Born to Run” By Mora This book is set in in a park, a farm, a barge and in the city. This story is fiction. In the majority of Morpurgo’s books we find that he writes about sadness, happiness and mixed emotions as it happens in this book, too. Michael Morpurgo narrates this story as if he was the main character and in other parts he tells the story. The story is about a dog who passes through many different obstacles as when he was a puppy he was thrown into a sack with his brothers and sisters and thrown into the river. He is lucky because Patrick, a school boy slashed into the river, the very minute he heard yapping sounds. Then, when Patrick goes to school, the headmaster says that he was a hero. Then Patrick’s parents come because they want to know what happened. Patrick plead his parents to have one of the puppies. He chooses one but his parents won’t let him have it. The one he choses has bright eyes and golden fur so he calls him Brighteyes. Brighteyes is a greyhound and he has a sad life but that won’t stop him for having a loving and caring family. I highly recommend this book because it is a very touching story as Brighteyes survives cruelty in his little life. It is beautifully written.I thoroughly enjoyed this book and every page I turned made me keep on reading.

“Kensuke´s Kingdom”. By Pepe The book “Kensuke's Kingdom” takes place on a lost island, after the World War II. This book is historical fiction because World War II is one of the most important themes of this book. The author , Michael Morpurgo often write books about, war, friendship,sadness,adventure,death or animals. He narrates the story as if he was the main character. The characters are: a boy called Michael, his dog Stella Artois, a Japanese doctor called Kensuke and Michael’s family. They are on a voyage and a huge wave crushes their yacht. Michael and his dog Stella Artois float in the ocean until they get to an island, but when everything is turning bad because they didn´t find food they discover that they aren't alone. I would recommend this book to people that like adventure, sadness, friendship and war because this book includes all of them. I would recommend to children from 9 to 14 years old to understand all these feelings better. I really hope you like it. It´s wonderful.

Kensuke`s Kingdom by Pepo This book is set in a little town and on an island. First of all, I am going to talk about the little town. The little town is small with a lot of houses and it´s poor. The island is very colourful with lots of plants and animals. The author writes books of different feelings as war, animals or friendship. The relationship between this book and the others is that they share the same style of writing in this case, the feeling of friendship. Morpurgo style of writing is in 1st or 3rd person because in the majority of the books, he writes as if he was the main character. Michael’s family live happily in a house. They have enough money. His mother and his father work in a brick factory. The factory sells a lot of bricks, but one day, the factory stops selling many bricks,so they close down. Michaels dad is desperate because with no job, he is losing money. So, he buys a yacht called “Peggy Sue”. After some weeks, Michaels family leave.on the yacht. They are very happy. They stop in a lot of places until one day there is a huge storm and Michael and Stella (Michaels dog) fall overboard. Some days later, Michael wakes up on an island. He finds Stella and near Stella a plate full of delicious foods. After some days, looking at the island, he remembers how to make a fire. He has a piece of glass, and he makes a fire . All of a sudden, a man who looks like an orang-utan appears and he says:”No Fire No!”

I recommend this book for people of 9 to 14 years old because it is an amazing story of adventure, and for me it is an excellent book of adventure, because it is very interesting to read all the things Michael does with Kensuke in the island.

Kensuke's Kingdom” by Pipe A little kid called Michael wakes up in a nowhere island with his dog... This fiction book tells the story of a boy living an adventure on an island in the Pacific Ocean. Michael Morpurgo narrates this story as if he himself was the main character in it. In the majority of Morpurgo's books, we find that he writes about adventures and war. We can also find these themes in this book, too. This book is based on a little kid called Michael who is with his family on a long boat trip. He accidentally falls into the Pacific Ocean with his dog “Stella Artois”. They are in the ocean for more than five days. But then, a miracle happens and he is standing on a gigantic island. Days pass until he meets a thin old man that becomes his savior and best friend... I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I highly recommend it. This story tells a great adventure of a brave kid. It’s an amazing story for all ages featuring issues that are still very real today like:war, adventures, and friendship. I would recommend it to anyone aged 9 or more. “

“Kensuke´s Kingdomâ€? By Regi This book is set in on a faraway island many years ago. It is a historical fiction story because it takes parts of a historical moment which was WW2 but the story isn't real. The story has animals and deaths like many incredible Michael Morpurgo stories. Michael Morpurgo narrates the story as if he, himself was the main character. The book has feelings like loneliness and friendship. This book tells the story of Michael, a boy whose parents lose their jobs so they start travelling on a boat to many parts of the world. One day, they are on the Peggy Sue (the boat) but they can't find Stella , their dog, so they look for her until they find her in the water and with a rope they get her.One night, Michael is angry with Stella because she has accidentally thrown a ball to the water that his best friend gave him. He grabs her in his arms. A wind comes and moves all the boat, Michael does not have arms strong enough to grab anything, in the cold sea. The Peggy Sue goes farther and farther. He can not find Stella, Michael thinks he sees her but when he is there, it was his ball. Michael sleeps over her. Michael and the ball are coastaway in a nowhere island. They hear noises from the forest, they think that there is somebody looking at them. They try to find water and food. When they come back to the beach Michael sees food and water. For many days the same thing happens. One day, he lighst a fire for a boat to come and rescue him. Michael sees a man that tells him weird words-

I think that this book is amazing for children 9 years and older because if you are little you are going to be shocked with the deaths of many soldiers of Kensuke's family and other people. However, you will not want to stop reading this book. It is 10/10 great. I recommend it to people who like adventure books.

“Little foxes” by Valentina Billy Bunch and the fox are made for each other, only hope keeps them together. An exciting tale of a boy and a fox running for their lives. In the majority of Morpurgo's books, we find that he writes about sadness, war and all kinds of feelings as in this book Michael writes a book about sadness. Billy Bunch comes in a box one wintery night. It is a large box with these words stencilled across it: “Handle with care. This side up. Perishable.” Billy spends all his spare time in the wilderness down by the canal, the only thing Billy is interested in is the animals in the canal. There’s only one place where Billy feels good, in the wilderness by the canal .There, he protects a big family of foxes and that is what Billy is interested in. Then, his secret is discovered by many people and the fox’s family are in serious trouble. This book is a very interesting book if you like animals and adventure. I recommend to you to read Little Foxes.

“Cool” by Viken The story takes place in a hospital. Robbie goes into in a coma after a car accident.This book is very sad but sometimes it is happy because Robbie helps in the house and he’s very responsible with his dog . Michael loves animals so he includes animals in all his book like the dog in “Cool.”. The story starts when Robbie takes his dog for a walk and the front door of the house is open and Lucky ,the dog, goes running to the road.The boy tried to catch the dog but it was too late.Robbie goes running to the road but the dog was already ran over by a car and the same thing happens to Robbie when he gets to the road but he goes into a coma. I think that this book is very good because it is interesting. In 107 pages you feel that when a problem happens and finishes there is a new one and it is because the writer wants to get you into the story and it makes you keep on reading it. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it.

“ Farm Boy” by Vonig The story takes place in the farmland of a village. In the majority of Morpurgo’s books, we find that he writes about sadness, war, feelings as it happens in this book. The book a historical fiction book. It has quite easy language but some time there is a more difficult language. It is a sad and exciting book the book makes us ask lots of questions like Is he going to make it?Is he going to win?In this book we can see that Morpurgo tells the story as if the character was narrating the story but in another part of the story, it is as if another character was telling it.

The story is about a boy and his dad. Each morning when the boy wakes up, he goes downstairs to the tractor, he hops into it and makes a tour of the farm but when his dad wakes up he can’t find the boy because the tractor does not work properly and each time dad tells him to be careful because the tractor is a very special one. Then, the boy asks why it is so special. He told him that his dad had done a race, but did he won the race or did he lose it? I really enjoyed this book and it was a good experience.I’d recommend this book to 8+ readers you should buy this book because generally children that age love reading about adventure, animals, suspense and friendship.

Kensuke's Kingdom by Juan In 1944 one year before the WW2 finish, a boy gets overboard of a boat and he spent the middle of the story on an island. Michael Morpurgo style of writing is that the most of his books are about animals, War and Adventure. He starts most of his books with real life and then he uses his imagination. These book is about a boy of 11 years old that leaves in England. His mother and father lose their jobs and his father decides to buy a yacht called ´´Peggy Sue´´. His father decides to go around the world and live in the ´´Peggy Sue´´. They go to Brazil, North Korea, Spain, Australia and Cairo. One day, there was a big storm and the boy fell overboard the boat and he got in coma and sleepy… I recommend it to children 11 to 14 years old and to children that like adventure war and animals. You can learn new vocabulary and some words in Japanese. I give these book 10 to 10 stars. By Juan

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