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ADOLPHUS TIPS By Juan SB The book is about a very happy family. Fortunately, before war started, they lived in Devon, a place free of war. “Toonies”arrived from evacuating London. The life was peaceful until the U.S army arrived to the “out of war” place. They said they needed that place to train for war. In seven weeks all the people have to be evacuated from that place. They were sad, nobody could believe it. But all was true, they had to move. After all they did it. But Tips Bowie´s cat did not go with them. Instead, she decided to put her kittens in the restricted area. Addie and Harry made their best to find her but a real surprise appeared... For me this is a great book. If you start to read it you won't put it down. The writing and drawings made me feel part of the story, It will be one of your favourite books on the shelf.

Book Review of “Cool” By Marco G. This book is about a boy called Robbie and his dog, Lucky. They have a car accident and Robbie lies in a coma. He wants to tell his family that he is okay but he can't move, he can only hear. He can communicate by his mind. His only hope is Lucky. WILL HE WAKE-UP??? WILL HE DIE??? This book is written by Michael Morpurgo. Michael has a very good writing style. In most of the books he writes about war or pain. He likes children. Michael writes very good books, he wrote “War Horse”. If you like books about accidents and suspense this is the one you have to read.

Farm Boy” By Agus G. This book really touched my heart because it is full of joy and it teaches you that you never have to give up, it doesn’t matter if you are not the best, it is about making your best effort. The story is about a teenager that visits his grandpa’s farm and grandpa tells him the story of the old tractor they had in the farm. He won it in a hay plough competition. Grandpa competed with 2 horses and Harry Medlicott with his tractor. Grandpa said that if he lost he would give all the hay he got in the year, but if Harry lost, Harry would give the tractor to grandpa. Who will win? Will grandpa lose everything? If you want to known the end, read it! I personally loved the book because it teaches you to always work hard for what you want, like Michael Morpurgo does. Michael loves to write stories that teach about life, I give the book four stars and a half.

Cool By Vicente C

This story is about a Chelsea fanatic boy called Robbie that was knocked by a car and now is in coma. He lies in coma and nothing has changed.He receives lots of visits of his mother, his father, Ellie and all his classmates.His favourite celebrity, Gianfranco Zola visited him, but nothing changed yet ‌ Michael Morpurgo writes about tragedies, it gives you lots of intrigue. He loves animals, that´s why he writes about the communication between animals and people. He bases his stories on real things because accidents can happen. I liked this book because it is about soccer and it gave me lots of intrigue.Will Robbie wake up?If you want to know read the book.

Kensuke´s Kingdom By Lucas C This book is a very intriguing book. One day Michael’s family received the horrible news that the Grand Factory where mom and dad worked was closing. Dad had the great idea to move of houses but to a boat called Peggy Sue. One day, Michael was on watch on the boat and suddenly he saw Stella Artois, his dog, was listening to something. When he went to get her, Stella didn’t move so he had to pick her up. Suddenly the boat moved and Stella ,Michael, and the lucky ball fell. When Michael was in the sea, he held to the ball and fell asleep. If you want to know what happens next, read the book. Michael Morpurgo writes always in past. He always includes something about the second world war. In this book Kensuke tells Michael that they killed all his family with a bomb during the second world war. Michael Morpurgo loves wilderness too. He and his wife built a farm for children that live in the city and want to know how it feels to live in a farm. In my opinion this is the best book I have read up to now. It has a lot of intrigue and when you finish a chapter you want to read the next one. If you love action, wilderness and intrigue you seriously have to read this book.

Cool By Lucca Ch Cool is a book written by Michael Morpurgo. Michael has a writing style for kids. This book is about a boy that lies in coma from an accident. The author really makes you feel what being in coma is like. It is a very intriguing book, if you start reading you will not be able to stop. A boy goes has a car accident with his dog Lucky. The boy is called Robbie and he can hear all the visitors he receives while they talk to him to wake him up. But people around him are starting to give up. Will he ever wake up? To find out read this book! You will love it!! In my opinion this is a very good, sad and intriguing story. I would recommend it to people from 10 to 15 years old. Read it and you will love it. It is a very, very good book.

Born to Run By Marcos V

This book is about a dog that was saved by a boy called Patrick. But later Patrick’s dog called Best Mate was robbed by two men. Then Best Mate went with a girl called Becky and they passed lots of adventures together. Unfortunately he had to go with a man called Joe who called him Paddywack, they saved an old people's home but then Paddywack escapes… Will he come back with Joe? Will he find Patrick or Becky? The author, Michael Morpurgo is an englishman born in Devon in 1943. Most of his books have animals because he loved animals or their setting is during war time because he was a soldier in World War II. His books are also based on real things but not completely true. This story is great and it’s a very intriguing one, so start running to get the book now!

“Cool” By Lupe Robbie, the main character of the book Cool, has a very important accident in his life. After his terrible accident he lies in a coma and can’t do anything,. That is terrible for his family because they don´t know anything about him. Michael Morpurgo’s books are special because they are based on his life. He writes in first person because he wants to feel he is part of the story. For me it is a fantastic style. It is a very good story for boys and girls from 10 to 13 years old because Robbie is that ages and we can understand him. I liked it very, very much, and it made me want to read more stories from Michael Morpurgo. Cool is an amazing story and it’s going to attract you so much that, it will be the best and unforgettable book in your long life. If you want to know if Robbie qets up ….

“Born to Run” By Trinidad

Michael Morpurgo brought us this time the amazing book of “Born to Run”. Michael was Born in the year 1943, he is known for his “magical storytelling”. He has won three times the Prix Sorciere. This story starts with Patrick, a common boy of city who was going to school just like another common day in his daily life. But he didn't know what lucky thing was going to happen that incredible morning. He was walking down the channel ( that was Patrick´s common way of going to school) when suddenly he saw a giant bag moving desperate in the channel. The curiosity brought him to swim through the channel and grab that mysterious bag that made him have restless feelings. He opened it and … saw four charming puppies! Since that moment he knew who was the one, that little greyhound with dark black eyes and bright yellow fur became his favourite. Soon he decided to name him Best Mate. Best Mate and Patrick grew together, became best friends… However a mysterious man would separate Patrick and Best Mate… Would Patrick see Best Mate again? I think this is a gorgeous book because it is a story of friendship and adventure. I basically recommend this book for the people that like animal books or friendship stories. I will recommend this book for children 11 years old or more

because this masterpiece had complex vocabulary to understand but interesting to read … this book could become one of your favourites on your shelf. If you like “Born to Run” I will recommend the spectacular award winning book “Kensuke´s Kingdom”.

Cool By Fini B. This book is about a boy that stays in a coma. While he was in coma in bed, he thinks about all the things he wants to do. His hero is the most famous Chelsa footballer, Zola, and he goes to visit him but nothing happened (nothing was waking him up) .Will they ever bring him back? I like this book because it is very sad and then it is happy. It is a trusty and positive book. My favorite event is the ending because it is happy. I think Michael Morpurgo is a very good writer. He is always giving intrigue and suspense in his stories and then you want to know what will happen. The vocabulary is very good because it is very easy to understand. This book is for children 10-11 years old to read it. READ IT YOU WILL ENJOY IT!!!

Kensuke's Kingdom By Natalia P.

Up on an island in the Pacific, Michael tries to survive on his own with his dog. With no food and no water he curls up to die. The next day he wakes up with a plate of fish, fruits and a bowl of water. Is Michael alone? Sometimes Michael Morpurgo writes about his life, like when he met a japanese man once that was called Kensuke. He used the name for one of the characters of this book. The story also talks about war. He was a soldier too, but he didn't like war. . I think this book is for a kid who is 10 or 11 year old because it has adventure, hope, animals, things for children that age.

Cool By Vicky This contemporary book by Michael Morpurgo will catch your attention from the moment you open it, until you finish it. Its author, Michael Morpurgo, writes a lot about his life in his books. He usually writes about war because he hates war. The story talks about a boy called Robbie who was sent to walk his dog Lucky. But something terrible happened, and Robbie woke up in a hospital. Then, he realized he had woken up with his mind, not his body‌ After lying in coma, Robbie doesn't seem to get better and everyone is worried about him. Will he ever get better? What happened to Lucky? Exciting, heartwarming and sad. A mixture of emotions. I think Michael Morpurgo did a great job writing this book; he brought it to life, as usual. This book is a great read. I think this is a very original book, because I have never read about someone being in coma. If you start reading it, you won't be able to put it down.

Kensuke's Kingdom By Maxi V Kensuke's Kingdom is about a mom and father who lose their work so they need to sell the house to buy a boat. They go in it with all the family, Stella the dog and a lucky ball. When they are sailing a very strange thing happens and Michael falls into the sea with sharks‌ Michael Morpurgo always writes books including a part about war except this one and some more books. Kensuke's Kingdom is a book that starts in a house then an unexpected thing happens and after that the setting changes and it is a boat and an island. This book links with the author’s life where people get separated. This book is very well written because it has intrigue and the connection between animals and people. To find out read it now and don't lose any time. It starts real and finishes with a link of fiction. If I were Michael it would be a very bad experience. I liked the setting of being on board because I like to sail. It will be a great read. It will be the best book on your shelf. I liked it a lot.

Cool! By Cande G. This wonderful book is about a boy called Robbie that has a car accident, and lies in a coma and he is at Wonford hospital. While he is in the hospital he has a lot of visitors, even his football hero comes. He can hear, feel, think, but he is stuck in his head and cannot get out! Is Robbie going to wake up? Or will he get stuck in his head for ever? This book is good because it is a life fighting book and there is faith in people and love for animals. I discovered just how important, just how special this short and wonderful book is. Michael Morpurgo is the writer of this exciting book ´´Cool´´. This author was born in 1943. He has written over 100 books. He likes to feel he is part of the stories he writes. He was a soldier although he hates war. He links his books to his life. The settings of his stories are related to war or nature. His characters are usually boys and their pets.

COOL By Juan G. One morning, Robbie went out to have a walk with his dog but they got ran over by a car. He is in coma for a long time and his dog is in a veterinarian. This boy is a big Chelsea fan. His hero Gianfranco Zola went to visit him. Zola tells Robbie that he will reserve a special seat for the match between Manchester united and Chelsea. Will Robbie wake up ?? Will he die?? I liked this book because it has a connection with the England football league. It mentioned a lot a historic football players that caught my attention. Michael Morpurgo writes in the time of the World war II. It is a sad and tragic story because it has connection with his life. As he lives in England he writes about the English football league. When he was a child he got split from his father because of the war, so he had a sad life. He is a Chelsea fan so he writes about a boy who is a Chelsea fan. When he was a kid he liked animals, so he wrote about a connection with the animals.

Little Foxes By Greta P. This Morpurgo book is about a boy who was found by a policeman. They gave him in adoption and nobody wanted him. He had one foster mother called Aunty May and the last one… Near his house he found a family of foxes but all were killed except for one. He also found a swan but he never saw her again. At last he escapes with the fox that didn't die and together they go through terrible and awesome experiences. At last everything changes and he is happy. If you want to know how the story finishes, read this book.

I liked this book. The writing style of Morpurgo has lots of details and strange moments. If you like adventure you will love this book and I recommend you read “Kensuke’s Kingdom”. It is an incredible book. Little Foxes is a very sad story, so sad that you will flood your house in tears, but in the end it is very nice. This is a long book so get ready to cry! Will something happen to them? Buy it to find out. It will be your favorite book.

Cool! By Lola This book is about a boy called Robby. He had a terrible car accident. A man called Mr Mcallister knocked Robbie down, so he ended at the hospital in coma. Mr McAllister knocked Robbie´s dog called Lucky too. Robbie could not wake up, he could listen but not move or talk. His family was very sad. He could not tell his family that he was ok and that he loved them. At the hospital he had lots of visitors....... Will Robbie wake up ? What will happen then? What will happen to his dog ? Michael Morpurgo wrote this fantastic book. Morpurgo is an incredible writer, his books are fantastic.

I liked this book very much. It had a lot of suspense. I enjoyed this book so much, it made me read more Morpurgo’s books. Cool is an emotional, unforgettable book which made me feel like crying in some parts. I recommend this book for boys and girls 10 years old or more.

Kensuke's Kingdom By Santino L. This Michael Morpurgo book is about a boy called Michael whose parents lose their job and they decide to live in a boat and travel all around the world. One night, Michael and his dog fall off the boat. Fortunately they stop in an island and live with a man called Kensuke, will they be rescued‌? Michael Morpurgo is a contemporary author that writes about war because he lived in World War II and he was a soldier. He writes sad stories that are based on real things. Most of his books are for children but he also writes adult books. In most of his children books the main character is a child and most of the times the child is with an animal. He names his characters Michael because he likes to be part of the story. I liked this book because it is adventurous and it was very intriguing. If you like adventure books with animals I recommend you read it now!

Cool By Matías S. This is a Michael Morpurgo’s story. Morpurgo liked tragedy and this book is about that. He writes about the connection of animals and humans. It is about a boy called Robbie, who loved dogs, his dog called Lucky and Mom and Dad. The setting is at a hospital. Robbie who took his dog for a walk, but on that walk a car crashed against Robbie and Lucky. Robbie appeared in hospital, he was in a coma. Lucky was at the veterinarian, but it wasn’t so bad. At hospital, Mom and Dad went to visit Robbie. He never woke up. Robbie dreamt a lot with football, he was a Chelsea fan and also a Gianfranco Zola fan. After some days, someone appeared… Michael write including a lot of expression and intrigue. The theme of the story is about tragedy and football. I like this book because I like football.

Cool By Santi L. Cool is about a boy called Robbie who had a car accident with his dog Lucky. He lies in a coma, but nothing seems to wake him up! Even his favourite football player visited him, Zola from Chelsea. While he lies there without doing anything he thinks about his dog all the time. But, will he ever wake up‌? Michael Morpurgo wrote this book in such a good way that when you are reading it you can feel like you are the boy in coma. He explains the characte’s feelings in such a good way that you feel the same thing is happening in your head. He also adds a strong moment when Zola visited him. I think Michael Morpurgo did a great job writing this book, this is a book you would not like to put down. I can also say its one of my favorite books, I would give it a 10 out of 10.

Cool By Franchi M Cool talks about a boy and a dog that had a terrible car accident. Robby’s life is in danger. Robby is all the book long in hospital. He can hear, but cannot move or speak. He is angry because he cannot tell his family he really loves them . During the story, his hero comes and visits him. That helps Robby to think he was not dead and that his dog Lucky was well. His family is hopeful that he will get out of his coma, but doctors say it is very difficult to get Robby out of it… Will doctors and people be able to bring Robby back? If you had a family accident you would prefer not to read it, but it is a very nice story, you must read it !!! Michael Morpurgo writes a lot of books for children. He was born during World war 2. That is why he writes about war in his stories. In this story the characters are Robby, Lucky and his family. All of Michael's books have something true. In war families get separated, so Morpurgo’s story is about that. I would love you the reader of the book recomendation to read COOL. I hope you enjoy it!!!

Little Foxes By Isabella E. This story is about a boy named Billy who is adopted by a woman called Aunty May. Billy does not like her home but near the house he finds wilderness. He makes friends of four foxes. All together have a lot of adventures but sadly the four foxes have an accident. Will they survive? Michael Morpurgo includes in his books because a part that is invented; and another part that has a relation with his life. This book is amazing because the ending is an unexpected one. Maybe in most of the books you can predict what will happen, but in this book you can't even imagine what will happen next. I think people would like this book either if they are children or adults.

Cool By Malu R. This Michael Morpurgo book is a mixture of emotions, you will have to read it. It takes place in a hospital with a boy lying in a bed in a coma because of a car accident. It is about a boy called Robbie that was sent to take his dog for a walk and he was knocked down by a car. He wakes up in hospital realizing he didn't wake up, his mind did. Zola, his hero, a football player, goes to visit him and tries to wake him up but nothing changed... This book has called my attention because when I stopped reading it, it give me a lot of intrigue. I liked the surprising ending it was heart warming.

Little Foxes By Lucas S. This book is written by Michael Morpurgo. He was born in 1943 in london. The theme of this book is about a boy, Billy Bunch, who was adopted by Aunty May and took care of a family of foxes. He always went to the wilderness. Billy Bunch likes the house of Aunty May a lot because he can go always to the wilderness and there he can feed the foxes. One day, someone kills three foxes and he decides to stay with one of the foxes. So Billy brought it to the house. But Aunty May discovered him so he ran to the countryside and he didn't come back. One day Billy and the fox find a man called Joe and they decided to live with him. I like this book because it is a dramatic story and if you like this kind of stories I recommend this book.

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