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Book Review “Cool” “Cool” by Michael Morpurgo is a book that will touch your heart. It is a story about a boy called Robbie that is run over by a car with his dog Lucky. Since the accident he lies in coma on a life support system at the Wondfor Hospital. His family, friends and doctors are doing what they can to wake him up, but they start to lose hope and think he won't come back. Will Robbie wake up? This story will touch your heart and make you smile , with the humor, sad and loving touch that Morpurgo has incorporated. In “Cool” Morpurgo wants to show the friendship between Robbie and Lucky because while Robbie is in coma he always thinks about Lucky. He thinks he is dead, but deep inside, he still has hope for Lucky to be alive. He remembers all the good times they had together. This friendship was really special, because Robbie loves Lucky more than anyone in his family. This love and his family is what makes him keep on going. Morpurgo thinks that we owe animals a duty of care because they don't judge us they accept us as we are, that’s why Robbie and Lucky are so close. “Cool” is a sort of sad, but at the same time entertaining story, because once you start reading it, you can´t stop, especially when Robbie is run over by a car. I felt shocked because I thought he had died and when he appears in the hospital I felt relieved. A very emotive story. It’s a 10 out of 10 stars. Will Robbie wake up? Is Lucky alive? Written by Caro T

Book review: The Butterfly lion “The butterfly Lion” written by Michael Morpurgo tells the story of a boy called Bertie who lived in South Africa. Bertie saved a white orphan lion. They suddenly became best friends and inseparable, but when they grew up they were separate from each other, because Bertie’s parents sent Bertie to a boarding school far away in England and sold the lion to a circus. Although this happened Bertie knew that they would see each other again one day and the lion ensured that their friendship would never be forgotten. Would they see each other again? Morpurgo's writing style is amazing. Sometimes he includes war and different aspects of his life. He includes war because he wants the reader to know what war has done to many people, he wants to show that war, breaks families, destroys homes and much more. He also includes aspects of his personal life, for example the writer went to a boarding school, like the main character of this story. The main character Bertie hates semolina pudding like Morpurgo. Michael Morpurgo writes in first person and names the main character Michael, because he wants to feel he is really in the story. In books like this one, you usually know what is going to happen, but the way he writes makes it an absolutely unexpected story. This book is 10 out 10 stars. When you read this book you find yourself really feeling for the character, a great plot and description. Michael Morpurgo really brings this heart warming story to life, If you start reading “The Butterfly Lion” you won't be able to put it down. It is a sad and beautiful story, when the book finishes, you are say “NOOO!!!” You still want to turn the pages and keep on reading, but you can not do it because the book has already finished. If you want to know what happens to Bertie and the lion read it! Written by Delfi.

Book Review “Cool” The book “Cool” written by Michael Morpurgo is about a boy that lies in a coma, after of a car accident, a car run over him outside of his house. Now he is in a coma and he can't move or speak. “Cool” definitely touches your heart. The only thing he can do is hear. He wants to tell his family he loves them and that he is going to be OK but he can`t. Everyone comes to see him because he is in coma, even the famous, football player Zola, but he does wake up. Will Robbie die or will he wake up? Michael Morpurgo includes a dog in the story, because he think animals are sentient, intelligent, perceptive and funny. He thinks we owe them a duty of care like to children. He thinks they often bring out the best in us because they listen without prejudice. In “Cool” the main character is a boy which has a dog that is sentient, intelligent, perceptive and funny. This book is strange because it is about a boy that is in a coma, because of a car accident. A boy is in a coma, something serious, he could die, is so serious, that the book becomes interest. While reading the book you may feel depressed by Robbie that you want to leave the book; but you can’t because it is so interesting that you can’t leave it. Written by Fran

Book review “The Butterfly Lion� The Butterfly Lion written by Michael Morpurgo is a story about of a boy who doesn't have a lot of friend because he lives in Africa. One day he finds a white lion and they become his friend. Two years later a french man comes and buys the lion. If you want to know what happens to the lion, read this book! Michael Morpurgo wants to show that you never have to give up, you have to keep on going. Like Berty who keeps on looking for his only best friend. The Butterfly Lion is a fantastic story, because it has a adventures like when Berty escapes from of school. If you like white lions and a lot of adventures? Read this book. Written by Franco

Book Review “Born To Run” Born to Run written by Michael Morpurgo is about a dog who was only a puppy when he was rescued by Patrick, a young boy who was his first best friend. He named it Best Mate. After a lot of discussion, Patrick could keep the dog. Soon Best Mate was like a member of the family. One day Patrick went to the park with Best Mate, as they always did, but this time Best Mate went for a run and was stolen by two men and taken to a farm. There he met Becky, who named him Brighteyes and became best friends. There he also met Alfie, a greyhound like him, who automatically became his best friend. Craig, a strict man who was Becky´s step-father obliged his dogs to run races. Alfie and Best Mate were his best racers. Once when Alfie was running a race, he broke a leg and Craig killed him because he couldn't race any more. Then Becky decided she would escape to the city with Brighteyes. At first when they arrived to the city they were fine, but, after some days they lacked food and didn't have a sleeping place. They were in very bad conditions. One night in a parking lot, a man and a dog appeared, they had a fight and Becky’s hand was badly wounded because she was bitten by the dog, so she was taken to a hospital. When Brighteyes was in the hospital he met a man that became his owner called Joe. Joe sold potato in his tatty van and named the dog Paddywack. Together they started a protest to open a nursery. Do you want to know what happens to this incredible dog? will he find his first owner? Here is the answer, buy this book and read it! Through the main character, Morpurgo wants to show how important it is to be determined in life, which means never giving up, no matter what happens, like the dog in this story. he never gives up although he goes through very hard situations. He keeps on going, because he really cares about his owners and he wants to do the best for them. This writer chooses a dog as a main character because he thinks animals are good with their owners no matter the problem they may have, and they do not judge their owners, they just

love them as they are. In this extraordinary book Morpurgo shows the incredible connection that people and animals can have. “Born to Run� is a fantastic story. This heart-warming story is an excellent story that makes you realize that you should do what this dog does in the story. When reading this book you will really feel connected with it, you will understand it perfectly and you will read it without any difficulties. Although it is long, you will read twenty pages without even noticing it. You will love this outstanding book! Written by Felipe

Book Review “Born to Run” “Born to Run” written by Michael Morpurgo, is an exciting story about a boy named Patrick, that on his way to school he saw a sack moving in the canal, he jumped into the canal and got the bag. Although he almost drowned he was able to swim back to the canal bank. As soon as he made it out of the canal, Mr. Boots took him to school and opened the bag, where they found puppies. After that Patrick became the school's hero, but a man in peaked cap took the puppies. Patrick was very sad, so his parents got the puppy he wanted from the rescue center and called him Best Mate. One day Best Mate and Patrick were at the park and Patrick unleashed the Dog so Best Mate could run but Mr. Boots kidnaped Best Mate and put him in a van. Best Mate went through many more situations and had many more owners. Do you want to know what happened to Best Mate? Buy this book and find it out. In this book Morpurgo chooses a dog as a main character because he thinks animals are sentient, intelligent, perceptive and entertaining. He changes Best Mate owners to show animals accept their owners as they are and they adapt to different situations. The author also wants to show animals have a very strong bond with their owner by showing that Best Mate never gives up finding Patrick because of the strong bond he has with him. You'll love “Born to Run”. It is a long, but entertaining story because you always want to know what will happen next in the book. Michael Morpurgo has done it once again! Born to Run will be your Michael Morpurgo's favourite story, it has lots of the characteristics that you'll like. It has lots of different adventures, animals, different points of view and lots more. When you finish reading it you'll keep thinking on the characters because the characters are interesting. You'll feel disappointed with the ending and a little bit surprised. This is a book you'll love. It’s a must read! It´s 10/10! Written by Gero L.

Book Review “Cool” “Cool” written by Michael Morpurgo is a sad, but at the same time beautiful story about a boy and his dog, who were ran over by a car. The boy ended in a coma and his dog died. The boy’s parents were very sad, so they brought people to the hospital, Gianfranco Zola, Robbie’s hero and a Chelsea player, however Robbie did not wake up. They tried everything they could to wake him up but they couldn’t. Will the boy wake up? If you want to know if the boy wakes up, buy the book “Cool” and check it out! In this book Michael Morpurgo wants to show how the boy never gave up. The good and bad memories with his family and his dog, was what made him go on. Morpurgo puts the dog as one of the main characters because he thinks dogs don't judges the owner for how they look, but for what they are. In this case Robbie lays in coma, but Lucky loves him, although he is sick. He loves Robbie, no matter what. “Cool”will touch your heart, but be careful, because at the beginning it is very sad, but when you keep on reading it gets better. “Cool” is a must read!!! When you start reading it, you will never want to stop, and you will want to buy another Michael Morpurgo book!!! Written by Cata.L

Book review ”Cool” The book called “Cool” written by Michael Morpurgo is a must to read. It is about a boy called Robbie that lived with his mum and dad. One day Lucky, his dog ran to the street because he saw a bird. When he was running, a car ran over Robbie. Robbie was taken to the hospital and the doctor said that he was in a coma. Robbie’s mum and dad were very sad about what had happened. One day the classroom and the teacher went to visit Robbie, they said nice things to Robbie but he didn't wake up. Ian MCalister, the one that ran over him, brought him a ball but he didn't wake up. Robbie had a favourite player called Zola, who visited him because he wanted him to wake up, but he didn't wake up. He even brought him the t-shirt that he used in the matches. All these people visited Robbie because they wanted him to wake up but he did not. So....Do you want to know if Robbie dies or wakes up?...Buy this book!!! Is the best one!!!! Michael Morpurgo writes about animals because he likes the relationship between animals and humans. For him animals are sentient, intelligence, perceptive, funny and entertaining. Robbie`s pet, Lucky, has all these characteristics. This is a very good book because it is a book that starts sad and ends happy. Once you read this book you won't be able to wait to read another Michael Morpurgo's story!!!! Written by Ian

BOOK REVIEW “BORN TO RUN” “Born to Run” was one of my favourite M. Morpurgo's books. It tells the story of a kid called Patrik who found a dog in the canal and kept him. After that, Patrik called him Best Mate. This dog changed Patrick's life. Patrik and Best Mate became very good friends but one day Best Mate disappeared. Since that day he searched day and night. Best Mate was already living with a girl called Becky, her mom and stepfather. He was a very cruel person that made greyhounds race. They called the dog Brighteyes, Becky didn’t Stand her stepfather’s cruelty so she escaped with Brighteyes to the city. In the city Becky and Brighteyes were wounded. The paramedics took Becky to the hospital and Brighteyes couldn’t go with Becky. What will happen to Brighteyes? Buy the book and discover it. In this book Best Mate never gives up because he thinks he is going see his first owner again. Michael Morpurgo writes as if the dog is narrating the book and describe how dog feels. 1 “BORN TO RUN” is one of Michael Morpurgo best books of, since its exciting and at the same time sad, because they kidnap Best Mate but he has another good family. Written by Jero

Book Review “COOL” “Cool” is my favourite Michael Morpurgo story. Robbie the character of the book is in a coma because of a car accident. However he still fights for spending time with his beloved dog again. This car accident happens when Robbie is in his house with Luky, his dog, his parents had split up and they are having one of their talks on the phone. Robbie was going to take Luky for a walk, when he goes to the garden the gate is open. Lucky runs towards a cat that is on the other side of the street. At first, Robbie thinks it is funny that Lucky is chasing the cat, but then he realises it is no joke. When Robbie sees a car hitting his dog, Lucky. Unfortunately he doesn't see the car that hits him. When someone comes to visit him to the hospital he can only hear and feel but… he can’t see or speak. Although he can't speak or see he becomes best friends with Tracy, his nurse. He believes that they have a special connection, because every time he thinks about something the next thing you know Tracy is doing it. One day dad told him he has a surprise, and some weeks later Robbie thinks that dad has already forgotten about that surprise, but then Zola his football hero comes and visits him, he leaves a t-shirt and tickets for best seat at a game. Some aspects of Michael Morpurgo's life are showed in “Cool”, because Morpurgo thinks that the animals don't judge people for their aspect, they just see what's inside, and that’s why the writer includes Lucky in this incredible story. Another aspect is that in real life the writer’s parents had split up and in the book “Cool” the same thing happens, Robbie's parents are separated. Cool is a very “cool” story; it has a lot of emotions, it shows Robbie’s grief. If you really want to know what happened to Robbie… BUY THE BOOK. Written by Jazmin

Book review “Kensuke's Kingdom” “Kensuke's Kingdom” an amazing story written by Michael Morpurgo is about a child called Michael. Michael´s dad was laid off since the factory close down. Some days later the dad sold the car and with that money he bought a sailing boat. Michael’s family and their dog Stella sailed through many places until Stella fell off the boat. Next Michael fell off the boat with his football. The boy clung to his football and fell asleep. They were castaway to an island with Stella. They were very hungry and they went to explore, to find something to eat or drink. They didn't find anything. They went to sleep to a cave. The next day Michael found water, food and a piece of glass After that, Michael started to make fire with the piece of glass, he went to get sticks and when he was coming back he saw that a man was turning off the fire. Every day the man left food on the top of the cave. One day Michael met the man and he said that he was called Kensuke. They became friend, however Michael wanted to go with his parents. Some days later the boy saw a boat and…… If you want to know what will happen next buy this excellent book! Morpurgo writes amazing books. Some of his books are about war. In “Kensuke's Kingdom”, Kensuke went to war. He was on a ship that was bombarded. His friends died but he didn't, he was led by the current and arrived to an island. The author talks about war because he wants to show that war is very sad and that it separates people and families. He is really interested in the relationship between animals and humans because he says that animals don't judge people. In “Kensuke's Kingdom” Michael and Stella were very good friends and Kensuke and the gibbons, also had a great relationship. This book is a ten out of ten stars, because it has a lot of suspense. Imagine being on an island without your parents, how would you feel? If you buy this book I am sure that you will love it and be able to experience this feeling of loneliness. Written by Juanchi M

Book review “Born to Run” BORN TO RUN written by Morpurgo is about a kid called Patrick that found a plastic bag that had six baby dogs inside. It was floating in a canal and, as soon as he saw it, he saved them. One day he took his puppy to the park and the dog ran as fast as he could, until he found the traffic police who worked in front of Patrick’s school. He was jealous and kidnapped Best Mate. After that Best Mate was taken to Becky's house. Who is Becky? Is Best Mate gonna see Patrick again? Buy the book and find out. Through almost all the book, Morpurgo writes in first person so it is as if Best Mate told the story. He does this, because he wants us to feel that we are in the book. In this book the dog shows determination, Best Mate never gives up, because he wants to return with his owners because of the good memories he had with them. Morpurgo uses animals as main characters because he thinks that they are sentient, funny, entertaining, perceptive and entertaining. All of these qualities are reflected in the dog throughout the whole story. This is an excellent book for people that love reading. This book makes you have mixed feelings: happiness, intrigue and relieved. When you read “Born to Run” you think that it is gonna be a very long book, but when you finish it you want to read a second part. You are going to love the loyalty between Best Mate and all his owners that develop through the story. Do you want to feel mix feelings? Buy the book. Written by Juan Pedro.

Book Review “Cool” “Cool” by Michael Morpurgo is a sad, wonderful and joyful story. This book is about a boy called Robbie and his dog Lucky who were run over by a car. Robbie laid in a coma for many days. Nobody could wake Robbie up. His father brought Zola, his Chelsea’s hero, but Zola couldn't wake up Robbie, although he invited Robbie to the next Chelsea’s match. His mom and dad were separated and they got together again because they felt bad about Robbie, but Robbie didn't wake up. Robbie was all the time thinking about Lucky because he never came to visit him. Did Lucky die or was he alive? This book is an outstanding book where Michael includes animals because animals don't judge you ,they accept you as you are. The way in which this great author writes and describes the characters is amazing. He includes many details so that you can imagine how the character feels “Sometimes it’s so difficult for me to know whether I’m dreaming or whether I’m awake.” “I know I’m dreaming and I want this dream to go on and on.” This book was sad but interesting at the same time, you learn what a coma means and feels like. Robbie, the main character of the book tells the story, Morpurgo does this to make the reader feel as the character. “Cool” is an exciting book, read “Cool” it is a very very good book, because the idea of having a boy lying in bed in a coma attracts the reader. Once you start reading it, you can't stop! This book is special because it talks about coma and football and that makes it outstanding. Remember “Cool” best book ever written by Michael Morpurgo!

Written by Joaco

Book Review Kensuke's Kingdom. “Kensuke's Kingdom” written by Michael Morpurgo tells the story of a boy called Michael whose father and mother were left without a job. His father decided to sell the car, in order to buy a boat, the Peggy Sue, to sail around the world with his wife, his son and their dog, Stella Artois. Before they left, the family learnt how to sail the boat. They sailed to La Coruña, after to Azores, Canaries and Cape Town, to Perth and Sydney. At the Barrier Reef in Australia they were sailing through a very rough storm, when Stella went out to the bow, Michael tried to fetch her but they fell into the water. Michael clung to a ball to float but he fell asleep. When he woke up the boy found himself in the shore of an island. Michael looked for a cave to sleep with Stella and then found a bowl of water and food! After that he managed to do a fire with a piece of glass. Meanwhile, he saw an old man turning off the fire, a Japanese man. Who was that man? Was that the person that provided him with food? Is Michael going to be rescued? Read this book and find it out! Michael Morpurgo has written this book in first person for the reader to feel that he is part of the book. The author of this book likes writing about war because he was a war baby and his parents split because of war. He wants to show people the pity of war and that it separates families. In this book Kensuke, the Japanese man, is separated from his family because he goes on a war boat, that later is bombarded. Then he was cast away to an island. After that, he hears on the radio that Nagasaki, where his wife and son live, was destroyed by an atomic bomb. In this book Michael wants to show that the main character, Michael, never gives up. He keeps on trying to find new ways to leave the island and what keeps him going are the memories of always good times he had with his family. “Kensuke's Kingdom” is outstanding! While you read this story you will feel like if you were Michael. You will feel fear and happiness. This book will hook you and make you keep on reading it. Read this book it is awesome! Written by Matias B

Book Review “Born To Run” “Born To Run” written by Michael Morpurgo is an amazing but at the same time sad story about a dog who was rescued from being drowned. He has three different lives with three different owners. A boy called Patrick rescued the dog and also adopted it, he called it Best Mate. Later Best Mate became a big and fantastic greyhound that loved to run around the green park when Mr.Boots kidnapped him. The pet was taken to a house owned by a woman and his husband called Craig. Becky an 11 old-year girl, who also lived and was Craig´s stepdaughter hated Craig as much as Craig hated her, As craig trained greyhounds how to run in competitions he kidnapped them and trained them. Best Mate made a friend called Alfie, also a greyhound dog. Becky loved so much Alfie and Best Mate that they escaped together since they hated Craig. Alfie didn’t go with them and Becky called Best Mate Brighteyes. Do you want to know what happened to Alfie, Patrick, Becky and Brighteyes? Check it out by reading “Born To Run.” In this book the author shows how Best Mate has to overcome difficult situations and what keeps Best Mate going on is the love that he has to Patrick and Becky. Since he has true-love for his owners he doesn’t judge them for what they have but for what they are. Michael Morpurgo says animals are funny, perceptive, intelligent and entertaining. He also says that we should treat them as persons and that we have the duty to care for them. In this book Best Mate has all this characteristics and his different owners treat him as a person. This excellent book written by an excellent author is sad but at the same time really exciting, for example when Mr.Boots kidnaps Best Mate it is really sad, but exciting at the same time because you don’t know where he is taken. When you read a page you realize that you want to read the next one and the next one, it is really, really interesting. When you read this 10 stars book you will notice that you read it very quick.

This book has sad parts that will make you cry but it also has happy parts so get ready to have a smile in your face. If you like animals, intrigue and suspense you will love this book. Read “Born To Run� a fantastic book!! Written by Mia Ch

Book Review “Little Foxes” The book “ Little Foxes” written by Michael Morpurgo is about a boy named Billy Bunch, who was found by a policeman inside a box. This man sent the child to many foster families, but nobody wanted him, so he became an unhappy person. Billy stuttered, he had learning problems and he had no friends. Although nobody wanted him there was someone who did, his last foster house, Aunty May's house. There he was happy because he could go to the Wilderness. One day Billy saw five children and a dog bothering a cygnet, so he saved it. He loved the cygnet, so he talked to him. One day, while he was talking to him, he realized he did not stutter anymore, so he kept one lucky feather. One morning the cygnet disappeared, so he was really disappointed. After that, he decided not to go back to the Wilderness. In Spring Billy decided to go back to the Wilderness, and found four baby cubs and one vixen. Billy always watched them play. The vixen was killed by a car , so he secretly promised to look after his cubs. He took food and milk every day. The people discovered the foxes, because they followed him to school. Three of them, were killed but, the eldest one escaped. When Aunty May saw Billy Bunch entering her house with that little monster, she told him “Or you get that thing out of my house or you go to live somewhere else.” Billy and the Fox had to pass through many difficult situations, if you want to know through which situations they went through, buy this book !!! Little foxes is a must read book! If you start reading it, you won't be able to put it down! At the beginning you might find it very sad, but it all changes in the end… Morpurgo loves animals, he loves the relationship between animals and humans, because they can't judge us. He thinks they are sensitive, intelligent, perceptive, funny and entertaining. The main character BIlly Bunch has an excellent relationship with the animals in the Wilderness, although he stutters and had no friends, the animals love him not for what he looked like, but because of his personality and the way he kindly treats animals.

This book is amazing!! It is pretty sad at the beginning, but exciting at the end. The nicest animal is the fox, because he is playful, intelligent, and he loves Billy since the first time he sees him. �Little Foxes� is a book you are going to enjoy a lot, because it has the happiest ending ever !!!! This book is 10 out of 10 stars !!! If you read this book you are never going to regret it. If you wanna live many adventures with Billy, buy this book!! And you will get to know this special character !!! DON'T FORGET BUY THIS BOOK !!! Written by Mia D.

Book Review “COOL” This excellent book “Cool” was written by a very good author, Michael Morpurgo. If you start reading this book you won't be able to put it down! It is about a boy called Robbie who was ran over by a car outside his house, because he took his dog for a walk. He was taken to the hospital, and was in a coma. His mum, dad and doctors don't know if he will live. He is fights for his life. If you want to know what happened to Robbie read the book! Morpurgo in this book is trying to show that we never have to give up, because Robbie never gives up when he is in coma and he does a lot of effort to stay alive. The love he has for his mum, dad and his sister is what keeps him going, especially the love he feels for his dog. Morpurgo says that animals are very important in humans lives because animals are sentient, intelligent, perceptive funny and entertaining like Lucky, the main character’s dog. This is an excellent book. The language the author uses in the story is very good, because you can imagine it in your head, like if you were watching a movie. When you read the end you will be surprised, because you would never expect the story to finish as it finishes. Read this book! Written by Mia P.

Book Review “The Butterfly Lion” “The Butterfly Lion” by Michael Morpurgo is about a boy called Michael who wants to go escape from a boarding school. When he escapes he finds a house with a blue lion. He goes inside and he sees a person, who looks like a grandmother. The Grandma tells him a story about a boy called Bertie, a boy who lived in South Africa. One day he saw a white lion and he wanted to go out of the compound but his father was going to be angry. Same days later he saw again the white lion, it was being attacked by spotted hyenas, so he went out of compound and he kept it, until he went to a boarding school and the feather sold the lion to a Frenchman. Will he find the lion? Read this book to know it.

This book has events that are related to Morpurgo’s life. The main character of this book went to a boarding school and he didn’t like it. Morpurgo also went to a boarding school and he didn’t like it. Michael the main character didn’t like semolina pudding and Morpurgo hated semolina pudding. The main character is called Michael, because the author when he writes wants to feel that he is in the book.

The Butterfly Lion is an exciting story because it has different adventures. If you like adventure and love books this story is perfect for you. I would highly recommend this book to anyone! . Written by Santino P.

Book Review “Cool” “Cool” by Michael Morpurgo is a story about a child called Robie, who was run over by a car and was left on a coma. His father, mother and the doctor tried to wake him up by visiting him but they couldn't. The family was nervous. The grandfather came and tried to wake him up, but he couldn´t. Grandfather bought him a footie for when he woke up. Then Gianfranco Zola, his hero, came to visit him but he couldn't wake him up. Then Robbie was sad because he thought Lucky was dead, because the last time he saw Lucky was under a wheel. If you want to read a heartwarming story Where a boy called Robie was left in a coma, buy this book, and enjoy it. Morpurgo includes Lucky the dog because Lucky changes the life of a child. The author thinks that animals are sentient, intelligent, perceptive, funny and entertaining .Morpurgo include Lucky as a main character because Lucky doesn't judge Robbie, he just likes him for how he is. “Cool” is a very good book because you can see the relationship between characters. It will touch your heart because Robbie never gives up. This book is a sad and beautiful story. Written by Pablo

Book Review Cool This exciting book called “ Cool ” by Michael Morpurgo is a book about a boy called Robbie that had been ran over by a car, leaving him in coma. When he was in the hospital his family, his grandfather and his friends tried to wake him up but they couldn’t. Will he wakes up? Read the book so you can find out. This book has a main character that was determined because Robbie never gave up because he wanted to wake up. Robbie thought about the good times he had with his parents and his friends and the exciting times he had with his dog Lucky. The book “ Cool ” is a book that has suspense because Robbie has been ran over by a car and was left in coma, thinking that his dog Lucky had died. If you like suspense books buy it! Written by Thomas

Book Review “Born to Run” “Born to Run” written by Michael Morpurgo is a story about a dog who is saved from drowning by a boy called Patrick. Pratick keeps it and names him Best Mate. One night Best Mate was stolen and separated from Patrick. The place where they take Best Mate was a farm. There he was obliged to run races. As soon as he gets there he becomes friend with Alfie, a dog, and Becky, a girl, who calls him Brighteyes. They spend a lot of time together, but something happens to Alfie, so Becky takes Brighteyes with her and they escaped together. Becky has an accident and Brighteyes will have another owner. If you want to know how this exciting story finishes read this sad but beautiful story! Morpurgo wrote about determination. Throughout the story the author shows the relationship between the dog and his owners. He shows that the main character never gives up and what makes him keep on going is the love, bond and trust that he shares with his owners. This book is enthralling, heart warming, a true classic of Michael Morpurgo because he includes different adventures and he makes you feel as if you were reading about three dogs, but really it is only one dog. While reading the story, you have like a mini movie inside your head. This book is for people who like adventures and animals, so if you like adventures and animals you must read it! Written by Vicky

Book review “Cool” “Cool” is a must read book by Michael Morpurgo. It is about a boy called Robbie that had a puppy called Lucky, a little sister and his parents, that had split up. One day Robbie went out to the street with Lucky and suddenly a car ran over them. Robbie lied in a coma, and all he could do was hear, feel and think. He always thought about Lucky, but no one told him anything about the puppy. He wanted to wake up because of his family, but somehow he didn't because of the love he had for Lucky and the sadness he would have if Lucky was dead. His parents, friends and doctors tried everything to save poor Robbie. They started losing hope. They didn't know what to do. “Cool” is a very emotive story. If you start reading, you won't be able to stop! Morpurgo’s writing style is really impressive. In his books he shows how real life can be. He writes the best stories. This book makes the reader feel like he or she is really there, makes the reader feel as if he or she was the boy in a coma, because Morpurgo explains very well the feeling of the character in his stories. Lot’s of people love Morpurgo’s books. This is a short, but sad story, so get ready to cry. Morpurgo sometimes writes about something that has happened in his life. In “Cool” he writes about the love of animals with children. Well worth reading. A touch that Morpurgo has incorporated. He tries to make the children understand the important things of life, making the children being interesting. A really recommendable book. If someone has a very easy touching heart, this will be the perfect story. This is a very emotionally sad book, as Robbie fights to live. Read this book and find out why Morpurgo is so famous! Written by Viole L.

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