Omaha Star Newspaper, Vol 85, No. 14, Omaha, Nebraska

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Omaha Star


Great Plains Black Museum hosts Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Exhibit

Proudly Serving Our Community for Over 80 Years

Dedicated to the Service of the People that NO Good Cause Shall Lack a Champion and that Evil Shall Not Go Unopposed

Nebraska’s Only Black Owned Newspaper Vol. 85 - No. 14 Omaha, Nebraska

Friday, April 7, 2023

75 cents

Publisher’s Pen Terri D. Sanders

In my reading I found several personal finance tips that I want to share to make you go HMMMM… about your personal finances.

This is the first month of the second quarter of 2023. Reflect. What went right in Q1? Did you make a plan for Q2? What are your goals? Personal? Professional? Financial? Social? Do you have a list on your phone? In your head? In a journal/ notebook? Will you be learning in this quarter or expanding your territory? Personally, these are a few of the questions that I am pondering.

Here are 5 ways to save on household bills: • Skip the heat dry setting on the dishwasher (I do this ALL the time) • Switch to LED light bulbs • Use task lighting • Fix the leaky faucet or toilet • Take shorter showers How can you improve finances if you have a family: • Keep birthdays simple • Price match when shopping • Plan ahead for holidays • Buy items in bulk • Dine where and when kids eat free

What can you do about food/grocery store runs: • Use cash only to make purchases • In the grocery store, get in and get out—do not linger in the aisles • Shop in season items • Shop weekly, with a list, and not daily • Always check your pantry/ cupboards before you buy These are just a few things to consider as you review your personal finances in this spring season. On another note…Have you seen our website? On our website there is a calendar. Consult the calendar as you make plans for your family, organizations and events. If you have information: dates, times, locations that you would like to see included on the calendar, please send to: ★

Great Plains Black History Museum is proud to host the diving nine as part of its 2023 rotating exhibition. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. was part of the March exhibit; AKA is the first black sorority in history. The exhibit was hosted as part of the divine nine exhibit as well as to highlight women’s history month. Eric Ewing, Executive Director – Great Plains Black History Museum, said, “We created this exhibit to help in educating people about the great community work that these nine African American fraternities and sororities, Divine Nine, have contributed since 1906. We started this nine-month exhibit in February, so it would allow us to feature the first African American sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Incorporated, during the month of March as part of our celebration of Women’s Herstory month.” The AKA Delta Epsilon Omega chapter (Omaha graduate chapter) planned the display and hosted an afternoon reception March 19, 2023. The day offered an opportunity for friends and family of the

sorority to join the sisterhood in honoring AKA history. “I would like to thank Mr. Eric Ewing for taking time to showcase the rich history of the Divine Nine organizations. We have a powerful story of how Greek organizations have been there supporting communities through historical movements,” said, Anita Johnson, President of AKA Omaha Graduate chapter,“ We also have some amazing trailblazers who are from Omaha. My hope is the community takes a moment to stop by the Great Plains History Museum to experience these breath-taking exhibits.” The mission of GPBM is to preserve, educate, and exhibit the contributions and achievements of African Americans with an emphasis on the Great Plains region, as well as provide a space to learn, explore, reflect and remember our history. For more information about the Great Plains Black History Museum exhibits, got to Figure 1 Members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority , Inc. ★

Why the Omaha Star? Information submitted to the Omaha Star Newspaper appears in print, on social media and on our website ( Not everyone is on social media and may miss the information that you have only posted on that particular platform, but you want to see everyone at your event. The Omaha Star tells the story that no other platform tells.★

Heart Ministry Social Enterprise FRESH FLORAL, Director: Rayna Pollock Rayna Pollock greets everyone who comes into FRESH FLORAL with a bright smile and kind greeting that immediately makes them feel welcome. FRESH FLORAL is Heart Ministry Center’s second social enterprise, and Pollock has been named the director. She takes pride in leading a talented, dynamic team in this new venture. Heart Ministry Center recently acquired Voila! Magdalene Blooms and is excited about launching FRESH Floral. Voila! has been providing floral services to the Omaha community since it opened in Dundee in 2003, and FRESH FLORAL is honored to continue that tradition. The specialty flower boutique and expert team are committed to providing customers with an excellent experience and the highest quality arrangements -- from treasured favorites and time-honored classics, to wonderfully unexpected varieties. FRESH FLORAL is more than the typical flower store; it is a community-minded social enterprise where quality and dignity go hand in hand. Floral purchases support Heart Ministry Center, a nonprofit organization located in north Omaha that provides food, healthcare, and a way forward to people severely affected by poverty in the Omaha area. In addition, FRESH FLORAL provides job training and short-term employment for graduates of Heart Ministry Center’s Fresh Start Program. When customers shop at FRESH FLORAL, they are part of something special, and Pollock and her team embody that. With 20 years of managerial experience and a penchant for extraordinary customer service, Pollock

oversees operations at FRESH FLORAL. Prior to this role, Pollock served as the director of the Fresh Start Laundromat, Heart Ministry Center’s inaugural social enterprise located on its campus on North 24th Street. Pollock lives in her childhood home in north Omaha with her husband and three of her children. She had her oldest daughter when she was a teenager and that shaped her in a lot of ways. “I grew up with a sense that family is important. My neighbors are part of my family. My kids are going to the same schools I went to. It is kind of a legacy.” A graduate of Omaha Centra, Pollock worked her way up to management roles at Lady Footlocker and Gordmans. She learned about Heart Ministry Center when her husband entered the organization’s Fresh Start Program after battling substance abuse and attending rehab. The Fresh Start Program is a holistic, intensive human resource training program empowering participants to achieve a fresh start in life and be self-sufficient. It encompasses mental and physical health, financial and household management, communication, and job skills. “Heart Ministry Center provides multiple resources to help people experiencing poverty and issues associated with poverty.” When Gordmans closed, Pollock joined Heart Ministry Center as a Fresh Start facilitator in August 2020. “Rayna embodies all four of our core values: Compassion, Community, Accountability, and Excellence,” said Mark Dahir, CEO of Heart Ministry Center. “She does so with a quiet courage and grace that is both highly effective and also empowers her team members. She makes the people around her better, myself included.”

How are you handling your assignment in life? Age is just a number, young and old is not qualified based on your birthdate. Walk in the manner worthy of what you are called to do…




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Pollock is looking forward to this new opportunity at FRESH FLORAL. “I’m excited to be in historic Dundee and bring awareness about north Omaha and Heart Ministry Center.” Visit for more information about Heart Ministry Center and its resources. Visit to order a beautiful floral arrangement and for more information about FRESH FLORAL. ★

If it makes you HAPPY, it does not have to make sense to anybody else…

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