Green Junky Farms Brand Book

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About this Book



About the Brand Principles & Values

4 5




Overview Applied Guideline Examples

7 8


Primary Logo Logo Variations What Not to Do

10 11 12


Fonts Font Hirearchy

14 16


Patterns & Variations






Tone & Voice Company Information

22 23

Seed to Stem, Harvest to Home. Welcome to the pre-eminent user’s guide and Green Junky Farmer’s Almanac. Let this brand book be your guide into who we are as a company. From modest beginnings to our core values, deeply American heritage is the calling card of what we produce. This summary of images, communication style, logos, color schemes and concepts, will help shape public and internal perceptions and reality. This is... Green Junky Farms.

a b ou t the b r a n d


Open fields of the greenest green, crisscrossing the upper left U.S., a harvest grows. The perfect northwest conditions are pushing up a hemp god’s most enlightened creation. Precisely measured, maintained and watered in the original, old school, of the earth manner, our seeds are set out to provide a mental scenery of the most lavish of highs. We invite each and every one of you to live out the red, white and green American dream. This is our lifestyle, we are farmers of a meticulous nature, diligent through and through. We drive pick ups, we believe in hard work, cold drinks and the right to cultivate the best cannabis on earth. Welcome to Green Junky Farms, enjoy the ride!


Seed-to-Stem We’ve taken every meticulous step with great care on our way to the lovely products with our namesake stamped on them.

Harvest Techniques

We approach the harvest and drying processes in a unique manner, guaranteeing the perfect levels of moisture and smokablility. We have worked tirelessly over the years to dial in the perfect science of the harvest. We’re sure that you’ll recognize our strain’s distinctive flavor and consistency from your first experience.

v i sua l gu ide li n e s

Logo styles


Type The Green Junky brand has two logo variations and one icon variation. Green Junky uses Brandon Grotesque as the dominant font with Carnivalee Freakshow as a headline element. The imagery ties into the voice of Green Junky being fresh, bright and rustic.

Carnivalee Freakshow AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj 1234567890! Brandon Grotesque AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj 1234567890! Imagery


Fresh. Bright. Rustic.


U P A N D CO M I N G S T RA I N S Green Junky is an all-american cannabis company commited to producing the highest quality product possible. On the back of this card you’ll find information about our upcoming harvested strains. We are excited for you to experience cannabis the Green Junky way!

l ogo

Primary logo on light

PRIMARY LOGO The primary logo is oriented horizontally and should be used whenever space allows.


Primary logo on dark

Keep a half inch margin on all sides of the logo on print designs. Web designs should have a forty-eight pixel margin on all sides of the logo.

Smallest Size The primary logo’s smallest size is an inch in width and one hundred pixel width for web design.

Clearspace 0.5 in 48 px 0.5 in 48 px

0.5 in 48 px

Minimum size 1 in

0.5 in 48 px

100 px

minimum print size: 1 in minimum web size: 100 px

Stacked logo

Intials logo

LOGO VARIATIONS In addition to the primary logo there is also a vertically stacked version and an initials only version.

Clearspace Consistent to the primary logo, keep a half inch margin on all sides of the alternate logos. Web designs should contain a forty-eight pixel margin on all sides.

Smallest Size The minimum size for the alternate logos is smaller than the primary logo with the same clearspace as the primary logo for print and web designs.

Minimum size 0.25 in

Minimum size 0.75 in

75 px

20 px

minimum print size: 0.75 in minimum web size: 75 px minimum print size: 0.75 in minimum web size: 75 px


Do not use color overlay

Do not use gradient overlay

Do not alter the primary logo by changing the color, removing, or modifying elements in the primary logo.

Icon vs Logo Never use an icon in place of a logo when proper space is available. The primary logo is the brand stamp and the most recognizable in shape and color, compared to an icon or text icon.

Do not use intials when the full logo can be used instead

Do not put text too close to logo

Spacing Follow the clearspace guidelines when spacing the logo in a design. For web designs, take special care that there is enough padding between the bottom of the logo and right-side of the logo, so it stands out among the rest of the design.

Ex expli

typ efa c e


Typography Carnivalee Freakshow is the font to be used as a title. The font is to be used sparingly and strategically, since it’s the same font as the logo. Do not use Carnivalee Freakshow for large sections of text . Carnivalee Freakshow is located in the fonts folder in the style guide assets.

Carnivalee Freakshow ABCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRSTUV WXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstu vwxyz


Typography Brandon Grotesque font is used for all content in a design. This includes paragraphs, contact information, captions, etc. Brandon Grotesque is located in the font folder of the style guide assets.

AaBbCc123@£$ Brandon Grotesque Brandon Grotesque Black ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890!@£$%

Brandon Grotesque Bold ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890!@£$%

Brandon Grotesque Medium ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890!@£$%

Brandon Grotesque Regular ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890!@£$%

Brandon Grotesque Light ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890!@£$%

Brandon Grotesque Thin ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890!@£$%


T1 (Title) Font Hierarchy Use this font hierarchy when designing the typography. Carnivalee Freakshow should only be used for titles and main attention getters. All other text should be in Brandon Grotesque.

H1 (Headline)

Carnivalee Freakshow 37pt/37pt AaBbCcDdEeFfGg 01234567890!&? Brandon Grotesque Bold — 18pt/23pt AaBbCcDdEeFfGg 01234567890!@£$%

SB1 (Subtitle)

Brandon Grotesque Medium — 12pt/17pt AaBbCcDdEeFfGg 01234567890!@£$%

BC (BodyCopy)

Brandon Grotesque Regular— 9pth/13pt AaBbCcDdEeFfGg 01234567890!@£$%

Caption (Subtitle)

Brandon Grotesque Light — 8pt/13pt AaBbCcDdEeFfGg 01234567890!@£$%

br an d p a tt e r n s


Pattern Variations Burlap patterns include two variations. These patterns are used to create the unique “hemp sack� packaging style. They can also be used as backgrounds in other mediums.

im a gery


Imagery The photography used should be warm and inviting. Imagery includes farmland, old trucks, fields of grass, etc.

ton e & v o i c e


Inside the Green Junky Mind Tone Objectives Fresh. Bright. Rustic.

Imagery, tone and voice ties into the westward leaning great Americana lifestyle, focusing on rustic, down to earth, country side images. Bright, vintage, warm and inviting. Washington State, mountains to ocean, east to west, open fields, incredible sunsets.

Why We Are Who We Are

From Route 66 to rural Ohio, the cannabis revolution is in full American swing. Our freedoms to renew the hemp and cannabis cultivation have sparked the minds of many. At the forefront of the movement Green Junky Farms has incorporated a deep commitment to the best natural practices available, with a keen and discerning eye for only the very best cannabis strains.


Contact Address:

Phone: Email: Website:

Social Media Facebook:



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