Lucid Oils Brand Book

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Luc i d La bs | Luc i d Oils Style Gu id e

Lucid Labs 1631 15th Ave W, STE 108 Seattle, WA 98119


About this Book About the Brand About the Brand Principles & Values Visual Guidelines Overview Applied Guideline Examples Logo Primary Logo Horizontal Logo Monochromatic Logo Icon & Type What Not to Do Colors Color Use Color Breakdown Typeface Font Font Hirearchy Brand Patterns Patterns & Variations Imagery Landscape Clean & Natural Enlightened in Nature Tone & Voice Tone & Voice Company Information

2 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 21 23 25 26 27 29 30

FIND YOUR VOICE AMONGST MILLIONS. In any discovery process... a brand is born, it evolves, it erases, it is rewritten, it is brought to it’s true voice. This brand book is a guide to company principles, benchmarks, ideals, lovemarks and gives cadence to exactly what Lucid Oils and Labs is to the burgeoning world of Cannabis extracts.

This overview will serve as a summary of imagery, colors, type, logos, tone of communication and will promote proper B2B and internal communications.

u o b A

d n a r B e h t t

ABOUT THE BRAND Mission Statement To provide the finest quality cannabis concentrates of today and the world changing cannabis research of tomorrow.

In a world of confusion, let us guide you to Lucid. Cannabis concentrates developed for the discerning conoisseur backed by unparalleled scientific research and development.


Main Principle We provide our customers with a product that is pure

Product Quality Our oils are uniquely formulated after meticulous scientific research and analysis. We stand behind our products from conception to cultivation.

- solvent-free, mold-free, adulterant-free and with a guarenteed standard of potecy and purity that is unrivaled.

Main Principle Lucid Oils is a high-end cannabis concentrate with a scientific background

Ingredient Transparency Using only the very best cannabis for extractions is the cornerstone of our commitment to premium extracted oils. We use only what the earth intended us to use in all of our processes.

Consumer Education

Not only do we think that it’s important to educate our customers, we believe it is essential. We express our love for our clients and ourselves by spreading knowledge each and every day.

a u s i V

s e n i l e d i u lG

Logo styles



The Lucid Oils brand has two logo variations and two icon variation, with a golden color pallette. Lucid Oils uses Brandon Grotesque as the dominant font with Clear Line as a decorative element. The imagery ties into the voice of Lucid being pure, natural and brings the feeling of being enlightened when using their products.



Clear Line AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj 1234567890! Brandon Grotesque AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj 1234567890!



Pure. Premium. Educational.


o g o L

Primary logo on light (gold color)

Primary logo on dark (yellow color)

PRIMARY LOGO The primary logo is the Lucid Oils inside a hexagon with a horizontal line gradient in the background. The slogan distilled, exquisite is on the top of the hexagon with oils below the Lucid graphic.

Clearspace Keep a half inch margin on all sides of the logo on print designs. Web designs should have a fourty-eight pixel margin on all sides of the logo.

Clearspace NOTE: When using the logo on a dark background the lighter colored, yellow version is used. On a light background the gold version is used.

0.5 in 48 px

0.5 in 48 px

Smallest Size 0.5 in

The primary logo’s smallest size is a half an inch in width and a fifty pixel width for web design.

48 px

0.5 in 48 px

Minimum size minimum print size: 0.5 in minimum web size: 50 px minimum clearspace print: 3 mm minimum clearspace web: 8 px

Horizontal logo on light

Horizontal logo on dark

HORIZONTAL LOGO The horizontal logo removes the hexagon shape, and sologan so the Lucid graphic is the main focal point.

Clearspace Consistent to the primary logo, keep a half inch margin on all sides of the printed horizontal logo. Web designs should contain a fourty-eight pixel margin on all sides.

Clearspace 0.25 in 24 px

Minimum size Smallest Size 0.5 in

The minimum size for the horizontal logo is slightly smaller than the primary logo with the same clearspace as the primary logo for print and web designs.

48 px 0.5 in 48 px 0.25 in 24 px

minimum print size: 0.5 in minimum web size: 25 px minimum clearspace print: 3 mm minimum clearspace web: 8 px


Monochrome white primary

Monochrome black primary

Clearspace primary 0.5 in 48 px

Use the monochromatic variations of the primary logo and horizontal logo when a black or white version of the logo is required.

0.5 in 48 px

0.5 in 48 px

0.5 in 48 px

Clearspace Monochromatic clearspace has the same dimensions as the primary and horizontal logos.

Monochrome white horiz.

Monochrome black horiz.

Clearspace horiz. 0.25 in 24 px

0.5 in 0.5 in 48 px 0.25 in 24px

Smallest size The minimun size for the monochromatic variations are the same as the primary and horizontal logo. If a smaller size is required, use

Minimum size

minimum print size: 0.5 in minimum web size: 50 px minimum clearspace print: 3 mm minimum clearspace web: 8 px

Minimum size horiz.

minimum print size: 0.5 in minimum web size: 25 px minimum clearspace print: 3 mm minimum clearspace web: 8 px

48 px


Primary icon

White icon

Black icon

Icon clearspace

The icon and text icon is to be used when there is minimal space or the primary and horizontal logo are too complex for the design. The horizontal logo should be used in place of the primary icon when enough size is available.

print clearspace: 0.25 in web clearspace: 24 px

Minimum size Smallest Size The minimum size for the primary icon is the smallest the brand logo can be displayed on both print and web designs.

Maximum size

minimum print size: 0.25 in minimum web size: 10 px

Primary text icon


maximum print size: 0.75 in maximum web size: 50 px

Black text icon


White text icon


Maximum Size The maximum size is a good indication whether to use an icon or a logo. Use the logo over an icon if the design and space provides.

Minimum size L U CID O I LS

minimum print size: 0.5 in minimum web size: 20 px

Maximum size


maximum print size: 2.0 in maximum web size: 150 px


Do not Slant hexigon

Do not use color overlay

Do not use gradient overlay

Do not remove gradient in hexagon

Do not change or add text within the hexagon

Do not put text too close to logo

Do not alter the primary logo by changing the color, removing, or modifying elements in the primary logo.

Icon vs Logo Never use an icon in place of a logo when proper space is available. The primary logo is the brand stamp and the most recognizable in shape and color, compared to an icon or text icon.

Ex expli

Spacing Follow the clearspace guidelines when spacing the logo in a design. For web designs, take special care that there is enough padding between the bottom of the logo and right-side of the logo, so it stands out among the rest of the design.

Do not use the yellow logo on a light background

Do not use icon when horizontal logo can be used

Do not use text icon if enough space for logo or icon


s r o Col

COLOR We have chosen a three color palette which include two primary colors, gold and bronze, and black.

Color Usage Use the gold color as the overall main primary color for brand identity on the logo. The bronze color is to be used as an accent color along with the gold.

Primary Color

Primary Color

Secondary Color


20% 40% 60% 80%

20% 40% 60% 80%

20% 40% 60% 80%













Pantone #7408 C

Pantone #457 C

No’s & Tints Here we have shown the breakdowns for each of the colors in your palette. RGB & hex colors are for screen use only. CMYK & Pantone numbers are for print. Tints are useful as they provide additional colors at no extra print cost. Tints are shown at 20% increments.

Pantone #Neutral Black C

e c a f Type


Typography Clear Line is the font to be used as a title. The font is to be used sparingly and strategically, since it’s the same font as the logo. Do not use Clear Line for large sections of text . Clear Line is located in the fonts folder in the style guide assets.

Clear Line A B C D E F G H IJ KLMNOPQRST UV WX YZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890!&?,.


Typography Brandon Grotesque font is used for all content in a design. This includes paragraphs, contact information, captions, ect. Brandon Grotesque is located in the font folder of the style guide assets.

AaBbCc123@£$ Brandon Grotesque Brandon Grotesque Black ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890!@£$%

Brandon Grotesque Bold ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890!@£$%

Brandon Grotesque Medium ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890!@£$%

Brandon Grotesque Regular ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890!@£$%

Brandon Grotesque Light ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890!@£$%

Brandon Grotesque Thin ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890!@£$%


T1 (Title)

Clear Line— 37pt/37pt AaBbCcDdEeFfGg 01234567890!&?

H1 (Headline)

Brandon Grotesque Bold — 18pt/23pt AaBbCcDdEeFfGg 01234567890!@£$%

Font Hierachy Use this font hierarchy when designing the typography. Clear Line should only be used for titles and main attention getters. All other text should be in Brandon Grotesque.

SB1 (Subtitle)

Brandon Grotesque Medium — 12pt/17pt AaBbCcDdEeFfGg 01234567890!@£$%

BC (BodyCopy)

Brandon Grotesque Regular— 9pth/13pt AaBbCcDdEeFfGg 01234567890!@£$%

Caption (Subtitle)

Brandon Grotesque Light — 8pt/13pt AaBbCcDdEeFfGg 01234567890!@£$%


s n r e t t a P rand


Pattern Variations Keep variations in the same warm golden tones. White and black overlays are also acceptable. When using color overlays make sure it is in the same color pallatte as the primary brand colors for example, golden, yellow, and orange.

y r e g Ima


Pattern Variations Keep variations in the same warm golden tones. White and black overlays are also acceptable. When using color overlays make sure it is in the same color pallatte as the primary brand colors for example, golden, yellow, and orange.


Pattern Variations Keep variations in the same warm golden tones. White and black overlays are also acceptable. When using color overlays make sure it is in the same color pallatte as the primary brand colors for example, golden, yellow, and orange.


Pattern Variations Keep variations in the same warm golden tones. White and black overlays are also acceptable. When using color overlays make sure it is in the same color pallatte as the primary brand colors for example, golden, yellow, and orange.

e c i o V & e n o T

TONE & VOICE Lucid Oils is unparalleled in the cannabis concentrates industry. Our communications are reflection of the pride we take in our products. Tone Objectives Pure. Premium. Educational.

We choose clean, pure, fresh observations within our field to describe who we are. Our stories and communications engage the premium users and call to action those that have limited education about what distinguishes us from the rest. We use relevant and timely content to inspire our target audience. We leave the conversations open, we guide users to discovery by telling timeless stories about our development from A to Z. Our namesake is our communication stamp, we have clarity in spades.


Contact address: Lucid Labs 1631 15th Ave W, STE 108 Seattle, WA 98119

Mission Statement To provide the finest quality cannabis concentrates of today and the world changing cannabis research of tomorrow.





Social Media Facebook:

Twitter: @LucidOils

Instagram: @LucidOils

Company Values Product quality Product transparency Consumer education

Slogan Distilled | Exquisite

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