Autumn 2011
A warm welcome: As the nights draw in and thoughts start to turn to cosy evenings by the fire and mulled wine, you’re always sure of a warm welcome at OMH Therapies with a range of special Autumn offers.
Renew, refresh, revive Embrace the magic of Autumn with OMH Sadna Sodha, founder
OMH celebrated its 1st anniversary at its new location on at Thistle Street last month and we have been reflecting on past seasons as we return full circle once more into Autumn. The focus for this issue is to bring a new insight into how to deal with Autumn turning into Winter and help stave off those negative feelings and use them positively. As the dark nights approach nature begins to shed what it no longer needs, we may begin to feel a little lower in our mood and need to find ways in which to nurture ourselves to beat off fast approaching blues.
It is very easy today to forget that we are as much a part of nature as the plants, trees and animals that we share this planet with. We are a product of nature and the environment in which we live and respond to the cycles and seasons to which we are exposed. So when you look out the window and see the changing colours of the leaves that eventually wither, dry up and drop from the trees our bodies begin to dry up in Autumn and often feel a little weaker physically and mentally we replicate this closing up and getting ready to hibernate until Spring returns.
This is no coincidence of course and why we become more susceptible to colds, flu’s and viruses and there is a marked increase in disorders like Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D). We can either succumb to this or we can embrace the changes and gather strength and a renewed meaning to Autumnal feelings.