Monday, May 8 7PM
Tuesday, May 9 8AM 7PM
Wednesday, May 10 8AM 9AM Noon 2PM 7PM
Thursday, May 11 9AM - Noon
An Evening of Worship with Charity Gayle
$10/Person - Purchase tickets when you register for District Council
Speed the Light Golf Tournament
More info at stxym.org
Opening Service
Keynote Speaker | Tim R. Barker, Superintendent, South Texas Assemblies of God
Legacy Memorial Service Speaker: Angela Okotie-Eboh, Lead Pastor, The Ark Fellowship, Houston
Business Session
$20/person, all you can eat Ca ish, Shrimp, French Fries, Cold Slaw, Baked Beans, and Hush Puppies. Children under 11 can eat free.
(Must purchase when registering for council)
Missions Rally Celebration
Maricela Hernandez, Secretary/Treasurer, Texas Gulf Hispanic District General Council Executive Presbyter
Ordination Service
Dr. Doug Clay, General Superintendent , General Council of the Assemblies of God
Dan Hunter Pastor, Grace Church, Houston
$25/person OR Free if registered for District Council as a minister.
Kidz Council during evening service (Ages 5-11)
Childcare ages 0-4 is available during evening services only.
Courtyard Houston Northeast
120 N Redemption Square Rd
Houston, Texas 77044
Rate: $123 To $133/night | Book By: April 24, 2023
Breakfast included | Parking complementary
Rate only available through link at: stxag.org/district-council
Registration available at STXAG.org
Give to our District Council Budget, and to the ministers we will be honoring for 50 years of ordained ministry. There’s three easy ways to give.
Mail to Give Mail your o ering to 12106 E Sam Houston Pkwy N, Houston, TX 77044
Text to Give
Text the message STXAG to the number 73256.
Give Online Visit stxag.org/give
Where do we find it when we need it?
We sing of Joseph and his coat of many colors, but do we picture him in the dungeons of Egypt? Where was his source of courage in that dire situation?
Or Daniel? We love the image of him safely emerging from the den of lions, but what about when he first heard the roar of the mighty beasts, and the people taunted him as he was led to his doom?
Did his stomach twitch even one time?
And Peter ... he is known as the Rock, the faithful apostle upon whom the modern church is built.
Yet, he faced disgrace after disgrace. How could he know the Lord still loved and trusted him?
Abraham, expelled from a land of milk and honey to wander in the desert. Even as an old man, the promises of God seemed few and far between.
Surely there were times he considered giving up.
Moses had to run for his life after killing an Egyptian.
Paul was arrested ... multiple times and thrown in prison for years.
And Elijah, God’s faithful prophet, survived in the desert for three years on the leavings of ravens ... where was his God then? How did he manage to find the courage to speak up for God then?
When we do the right thing, when we take a stand for God, when we look beyond ourselves and in faith allow the hand of God to lead us, we can cross the Red Sea, reach the other side, and step into God’s blessing.
We take on the role of Child of God, and we begin to see the world through His eyes.
We become the active and vibrant Christian Christ intends us to be.
Announcing SAGU tuition discount’s for ministry majors and credentialed AG ministers/missionaries and dependents:
All students living on-campus and are ministry majors receive 50% o tuition including all federal, state, and SAGU scholarships and grants have been awarded. Students must be seeing a bachelor’s degree in Ministry related degrees, enrolled full time and live on campus, and complete a FAFSA at www.studentaid.gov Details are at: www.sagu.edu/50
Lastly, All Assemblies of God credentialed ministers/missionaries and dependents receive discounts on tuition. Details are at:
I would like to congratulate Jason Bone on his re-election as National Royal Rangers Council President. What an incredible honor for Jason to be elected to this position. Jason joined Royal Rangers in 1989 at Lindale Assembly of God at the age of 5 and has been involved ever since. He leads the Adventure and Expedition Rangers groups at Spring First Church where has attended since 1993 and has served as the South Texas District Royal Rangers Director since 2010. In 2017, he was elected by members of the National Royal Rangers Council to serve as the National Council President. Growing up in Royal Rangers as a young man, Jason earned the Gold Medal of Achievement in 1999, became a member of Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF) in 1997, served as Chapter FCF Scout from 2000-2002, and completed his Wilderness Vigil in 2005.
As a leader, Jason has completed the Platinum level of the Organizational Leaders Training, earned 5 Medals of Excellence, completed the ‘Advanced’ level of the Outpost Leaders Advancement Levels and attended Advanced Academy, the Johnnie Barnes Excellence Initiative, National Rangers Ministry Camp, World Class Outpost, Ranger Kids Training Conference, National Training Camp, and Advanced National Training Camp. He also serves as an Instructor Trainer and Academy Instructor within the Rangers Ministry Academy.
Jason is a third-generation Royal Rangers leader and his number one desire in ministry is to see Spirit-filled leaders mentor young men into Christlikeness through effective discipleship and training.”
“. . .the eye is a complex optical system which collects light from the surrounding environment, regulates its intensity through a diaphragm, focuses it through an adjustable assembly of lenses to form an image, converts this image into a set of electrical signals, and transmits these signals to the brain through complex neural pathways that connect the eye via the optic nerve to the visual cortex and other areas of the brain.” -Wikipedia
If the human eye were a camera, its resolution would be 576 megapixels. What an amazing human organ! What an incredible gift from our heavenly Father!
Around 2010 I was personally reminded how precious eyesight is. I had a tear in my right eye which required no surgery and then a couple months later a tear in my left eye which required laser surgery to prevent damage to my retina. My eye doctor in Seguin took my situation very seriously and that very day I was in downtown San Antonio having surgery. My eyesight was preserved.
Physical blindness is such a challenging disability but more so is spiritual blindness. Friends of ours who have been physically blind do incredibly well with every aspect of life. Those who are spiritually blind struggle with so many aspects of life.
Fanny Crosby - (March 24 1820 – February 12 1915), was an American lyricist most famous for her Protestant Christian hymns. A lifelong Methodist, she was one of the most prolific hymnists in history, writing over 8,000 despite being blind from shortly after birth.
Fanny is quoted saying -
“If I had a choice, I would still choose to remain blind...for when I die, the first face I will ever see will be the face of my blessed Saviour.”
“Oh what a happy soul am I although I cannot see, I am resolved that in this world contented I shall be. How many blessings I enjoy that other people don't. To weep and sigh, because I'm blind? I cannot and I won’t."
But the people’s minds were hardened, and to this day whenever the old covenant is being read, the same veil covers their minds so they cannot understand the truth. And this veil can be removed only by believing in Christ.
2 Corinthians 3:14 NLT
If the Good News we preach is hidden behind a veil, it is hidden only from people who are perishing. Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.
2 Corinthians 4:3-4
Jesus says,
“No one lights a lamp and then hides it or puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where its light can be seen by all who enter the house. “Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. But when it is unhealthy, your body is filled with darkness. Make sure that the light you think you have is not actually darkness. If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light.”
Luke 11:33-36 NLT
It matters what your physical eyes or desires are fixed on. It affects everything else. And more importantly it matters what your mind is thinking about and meditating on. - the eye of the mind. In the original language the word translated “eye” can be the physical eye or it can also mean the eye of the mind and how you think about things. Replace eye with mind
Jesus’ words in Luke 11 - When your (MIND) eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light.
You’ve heard the quotes.
“What you think about you bring about”
Every person needs the spiritual transformation that Jesus gives us when we believe in Him and when we receive Him as our Savior. But we also need the ongoing upkeep and renewal and care of our mind’s eye. Caring for what we think and put into our thinking.
Jesus teaches us to do battle with what we think, with what we’re tempted with, with what others say and with what others try to convince me of.
3We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. 4We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. 5We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.
I Corinthians 10:3-5 NLT
“We do this by keeping our eyes / mind / thoughts on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Hebrews 12:2 NLT
“I look to you eyes / mind / thoughts for help, O Sovereign Lord. You are my refuge; don’t let them kill me.” Psalms 141:8 NLT
“I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. eyes / mind / thoughts I hate all who deal crookedly; I will have nothing to do with them.” Psalms 101:3 NLT
“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts eyes / mind / thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8-9 NLT
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.
Proverbs 23:7a NKJV
Dr. Tony Evans says,
“Gain mastery of your thoughts and you will master your emotions. Master your emotions and you will overcome any addiction or stronghold that holds you hostage.”
There is an all out battle for your mind. Nations are battling for your mind. Politicians are battling for your mind, even lying and manipulating the facts to sway your mind. Social media is very active in swaying your thinking in every area. Foreign governments are actively trying to sway your thinking. Public dialogue in regards to human sexuality is trying to get you to think this way or that way. There is major persecution for Christians who publicly voice their support for the unborn or voice their support for Biblically defined human sexuality. Satan is in full battle mode for your mind. That’s why we need to stay in God’s Word. And add to this the daily battle with our own sinful nature. So be careful who you listen to and what you allow your mind to think about. Your physical eyes are very important but the eye of your mind is more important.
Audra Rowe
Stephen Meredith Briana Reynolds Miguel Valtierra
David Calderon Adam Sanchez
Ryan Manes Courtney Danae Mussett
Transfers in Transfers Out
Huey P. Bradford Jr. – Louisiana District
Ronald Delgado – Mississippi District
Michael Erlund – Louisiana District
Celeste Austin – Arizona District
Alexandra Correa – New Mexico District
Jerome Douglas – Illinois District
Michael Gocke – Kentucky District
Otoniel ‘Tony’ Garza – North Texas
Thomas Varghese – Illinois District
Patrick Washburn – North Texas
Luis Guzman – Arizona District
Kalli Holladay – Rocky Mountain District
Jeffrey Mead – Illinois District
Karen Wittman – Mississippi District
Bethel Assembly of God – Divine, TX | Lead Pastor: Russell W. Nixon
First Assembly of God - Carrizo Springs, TX | Lead Pastor: Russell W. Nixon
Quemado Assembly of God – Quemado, TX | Lead Pastor: Russell W. Nixon
Discovery Church – Houston, TX - Pastor Samuel Reynolds | Formally: Glad Tidings
Tomball Assembly of God Church – Tomball, TX - Pastor Greg Jenkins | Formally: Tomball A/G
Grace Lytle Church – Lytle, TX - Pastor Jacob Lindsey | Formally: Gospel Temple AG in Lytle
Ephesians 5:8-17 are powerful “Seniors” verses for several reasons. Read them! For now, here are verses 15-17: “Be very careful, then, how you live— not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”
Here are some reasons these verses speak to us as an age group and why we should always be at the ready, making the most of every opportunity:
1. The wisdom of years and experience (vs 15) can only be gained by years and experience! Seniors are uniquely equipped with a special wisdom that today’s circumstances could desperately use. While younger generations have grown up in a very different world and know much more about technology and have experience in areas that were decades away from us as youth. They are missing many life skills. Life is still life. The moral, ethical, spiritual and practical elements of life today are desperate for what you, Senior, have to offer. Use Wisdom!
2. Indifference (vs 14) steals and blinds people to the opportunities that are there, preventing some from “Making the most of every opportunity”! It is relatively easy to fall prey to indifference when you feel unimportant, not useful, neglected, cut off, tired and worn out or even isolated! But how did Paul put it? We must not be asleep and miss the everyday moments for good that come our way. Indifference Is a powerful enemy! Lets put it to sleep!
3. Take the initiative. (vs 16) Be proactive. Uncover the many opportunities for good that are there, but might not present themselves unless you dig them up. Call your family, your Grandkids, old friends, neighbors, pastor, church family members. Out of the blue, ask someone if there is anything you can pray for! Or any other of the plethora of things we can proactively do. Be creative and invest your years of Godly life into others! Don’t forget to be ready to volunteer and serve at church. It’s true, you are not too young to serve!
4. Covet Fellowship, (vs 15) Prayer, the Word and your Church! These help keep our spiritual senses sharp to help detect opportunities.
5. Be careful how you handle negative responses. That could lead to foolishness! (vs. 17) A redheaded, freckle faced teenage boy gives us a lesson here. When in obedience to his father, David went to the battlefield to check on his older brothers, he encountered a beast of a man that had the entire army of Israel shaking in their boots and retreating. In his simple and wise beyond his years faith, David said, “He can’t do that”! Don’t you guys know how much bigger God is
than that guy? (CUV- Clarks Unofficial Version) His oldest Brother chided him and called him names! David could have just went out in the lobby and sat down… but he didn’t! He didn’t say anything to Eliab! He just went to another soldier and asked the same questions. He was finally brought to Saul who told him, “NO, you could never beat that Giant!” David simply said, Yes I can, and here’s why! You know the rest of the story.
Our response to hurtful or negative people can be tragic if we just give up and CHOOSE to be hurt. Then we wallow in it and it positions us far from the opportunities for good that are waiting for us. Oh, I’m not suggesting you look for a Goliath to fight. I think I would trip and fall running through the creek bed! But, if I were in the creek bed I could probably find a few smooth stones to put in the hand of a David! Most people wouldn’t think of being face down in a dried-up creek bed as an opportunity! Maybe it depends on why we were there and our understanding the need that was present!
There’s a world of opportunities out there! Make the most of them. God says we should do that! No Excuses! “No Coasting to the Finish Line!”
Wayne and Judy Clark Seniors With Purpose2023 SWP Fishing Trip- We will do a Seniors Fishing Trip May 2427- Details will be emailed and on our Website. We will have pricing and a brochure available in early December. If you love to fish, save the date! We will have guides!
Then a Memorial Day SWP Fish Fry. Location to be determined.
2023 SWP Missions Trip- We have a second SWP Missions trip set for the window of October 23-30. We are waiting on Builders International to give us final details. If you love Missions this is for you. There will be some physical labor involved, but no heavy lifting, etc. Designed for Seniors!
2023 SWP Cruise- We have a 2023 cruise set for Dec 4-9. We have invited three other Districts to join us. We depart Monday afternoon, the fourth, and return to Galveston on the morning of Saturday, the 9th. Brochures and pricing will follow soon. Save the date!
The past few years have been interesting to say the least. There has been unrest and upheaval. People that I know have died in larger amounts than I can remember, from my whole life. In the midst of this movement and change, the landscape of ministers has shifted. People have left for the business world. Church numbers have fallen. The already present challenge of fighting for time and for community within the church has gotten even more disconnected as online church has emerged. There has been discouragement and disappointment, and if I’m honest, I have been one of those that has explored what a different job would look like for the next 10-20 years, as well.
To continue to pile on with more sadness, it now feels like we are always on the brink of something bad happening. I don’t know if it is the residual effects from 2020-2021, or if it is something tangible in the air (que Phil Collins “In the Air Tonight”), but there has been a shift.
It has made me wonder what kind of precipice we are standing in front of – revival? Or some kind of implosion? Maybe the Lord’s return? Come Lord Jesus, come.
In my own life, through unexpected challenge, or blips of seeing His Kingdom surface, there is an undeniable stirring. I don’t know what it looks like in your life, but I know that in my own life and ministry there seems to be more distinct darkness and light in the everyday. While I work in a community that is the most intellectually gifted people I have met in my life, I see more adamant denial of the existence of God, but also very passionate devoted fiery people hungry for the reality of Christ every part of their lives.
Even in the day to day going to work, it seems I never know what I’m going to get. Did life seem to be a little more predictable 3 years ago, or is it just me? One day, I’ll be walking between buildings headed to a meeting and feel that move in my heart for prayer in the Spirit. The next day, I show up to another meeting and it feels like hell has just shown up like food poisoning – violent and sudden.
So how do we navigate a time like this? How do we do all that we are called to do? How do we keep hope and faith alive? I think it’s the right in front of you, softball pitch Sunday school answer of staying connected to The Source. Basic, right? But if there’s one thing I have learned from almost 10 years in the military, it is that you train over and over so that when you’re in the middle of the mess that IS coming – you don’t have to think. Basics. Be brilliant in the basics. Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.
So what are the basics for you? For me, the first thing has always been talking to my Lord. If I go back to the beginning, when my heart was really coming alive with understanding His love, I remember just sitting in my college dorm room, pulling up a chair for Jesus, and simply talking to Him. I can’t capture with words exactly why this was and is, so sweet to me, but it is the foundation. Today, this week, the past few months, it has been this same thing again. Circumstances
are different now. I’m not worried that my roommate will come in, or that one of my neighbors will knock and want to borrow my grilled cheese maker, but my time is a little more fought over than when I was in college. The sweet, quiet hours of the morning are when we meet together now – not the late hours of the night. And sometimes, Jesus rides shotgun on the way to work.
But this does not come without cost. The truth is that I PT (run) better in the morning. But that time had to move because Jesus connection is critical. Moving PT is not ideal, and it messes up my hair washing routines (can I get a witness from the ladies?!), but the stuff just had to move. The basics had to be prioritized.
That’s not all. I find myself not able to watch some of the stuff I could watch on TV a year ago – or even listen to, or read. Not out of rules, but because this morning routine with the extended prayer is making my heart more sensitive. I used to love me some murder mysteries, but I find that my heart just can’t – and I’m trying to listen to that pause. There is a hunger stirring, and I don’t think it’s just me. Even the past two weeks, with what is happening out of Asbury College – it seems like the hunger for His Presence is spilling over. Or maybe all the stirring in the earth is letting that hunger drive up to the surface?
Prioritizing the basics hasn’t taken away all of the challenges, but it’s helping the challenges not distract me from what God is trying to do in the earth, in our country, in our region, and in our lives.
I heard earlier this week that it’s the mundane love that ends up having the reward that everyone wants. The basics – even if they look slightly different. No roommates interrupting, but maybe it’s planning around your 3 kids? Maybe you pull up a seat for Jesus to talk to him and keep getting interrupted, but the heart behind what ends up being only 3 ½ minutes is what keeps connection. Your basics may even look constrained. But remember that you are in a relationship with a God, who, if we could see His face when your kids came in, would for sure be smiling and scoop them up Himself! Remember that His heart sees your life and He is pulling for you! You are His beloved. Listen to the Holy Spirit that guides you on days where you’re hearing Him well, and on days where you miss Him – his mercies are new every morning. Whatever your basic looks like – take heart in the stirring. Take heart that He’s with you. Take heart that His Spirit is moving.
LCDR Holly Short, CHC, USN Command Chaplain NIOC TXPSALMS 85:6 Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?
David asked God a question concerning Revival. Really David answers his own question by suggesting that he wanted to hear from God.
In The Book of Revelation, Jesus told all seven churches to hear what the Spirit said to the churches.
Really the teachings of Revelation 2 and 3 was a Revival by the Evangelist of all Evangelist Jesus Christ. One of the purposes of revival is to have an Appraisal or Test of the character of all seven Churches.
The reason why our South Texas A/G churches need revival is because Revival reminds us who we are, what we are, and what we must be in the Last Days harvest.
The five M&M's we must Revive are the following:
1. MESSAGE – The Cross and the tomb of Jesus are empty and the message must be preached that Jesus died on the Cross, was buried, and rose from the dead and that proves Jesus’ Deity. False Doctrine does not enable an atmosphere of conviction.
2. MANDATE – We must continue the Apostles Doctrine (Acts 2:42), we are still to preach our Four Cardinal Doctrines, which are: Jesus Saves, Fills, Heals, and is coming back for His Bride.
3. MANTLE – We must understand the theology of the anointing and its purpose. Being filled with the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues is still the initial Physical Evidence. It edifies our soul and helps us crucify the flesh.
4. MISSIONS – We need to revive our great Commission. Yes, we must provide ANOINTED MISSIONARIES oversees, but we must not forget the Missionaries to America. We need ANOINTED MISSIONARIES to America. We must let the Seeds of our lives Bloom into a Harvest.
5. METHODS – In John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. True worship enables the church to desire Jesus in the house. True worship will not enable “Strange Fire” or “Strange Doctrines” in the Father’s house. False worship does not enable an atmosphere of conviction.
Pastors, we are in the final hours of the Church Dispensation of Grace and we are running out of time. In order to win your Harvest fields and Revive your church to win the Lost, I encourage every South Texas Pastor and church to: Seek God in your prayer altars and to schedule a Spiritual Event called REVIVAL with a Jesus called Evangelist to assist you. Time is running out!
Until next time!
We Keep Marching!
South Texas District Evangelist Department
Evangelist Representative
Evangelist Rod and Cathy Vincent