Onboard magazine winter 2016

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Daniel Craig interview The good galley Fly the flag Stay connected

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The ultimate toy

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FreeStyle Slides, Inc. 1.866.694.4776 / 727.563.2003 info@freestyleslides.com 2399 26th Ave. N. St. Petersburg, Florida, 33713

Freestyle.indd 96 Freestyle.indd 96

24/11/15 09:53 1/7/15 10:14 PM


winter 16

features 20

Into The Blue Daniel Craig talks about swanning around on superyachts


Enter The Dragon A cruise in Komodo Island is a journey into one of the most diverse and unique regions in the world


Rotary Action Chris Clifford recommends his top five helicopters for superyachts


Training The Manila amendments and specialist crew training


A Weighty Issue Yachting is associated with glamour. But at what cost?


Queen Of Tides Sarah Outen talks exclusively about her recent worldwide expedition


Take A RIB Chris Clifford recommends his favourite RIBs


Sloping Off Alf Alderson hits the slopes above Bonneval-sur-Arc


Stay Connected The need for higher bandwidths


Bajan Bound Sue Pelling prepares for the Mount Gay Round Barbados Race


The Good Galley A look at galley design and essential equipment


Running A Smooth Ship Captain & Management relationships



100 Fly The Flag Choosing the right flag to fly from your stern


regulars 05 Comment Salty Seadog asks why tender drivers don’t wear a kill cord?


07 Upfronts Tips, people, advice and myths 15 My Opinion Franc Jansen calls for an independent yacht managers association 22 New Launch Atalante, Truly Classic 127 series 42 Crew Profile Maria Hawkes, 2nd Officer on board The Maltese Falcon 3 | AUTUMN 2015 | ON BOARD

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23/12/15 18:19


regulars 79 Food & Drink The latest food and drink trends for you to try over the winter months 82 Table Talk O O s favourite eateries in palates and pockets

russels to fit all

84 Galley Gadgets A culinary collection for the galley 110 Yacht Essentials Editor Chris Clifford’s favourite products and services for 2016

31 76

137 Body The latest facts, fads and tips to keep you in shipshape condition this winter 144 Navigator A guide to Tivat, the Boka region’s youngest and most fascinating town 155 Training ars ippuner looks at fle ible learning for yacht crew 157 Currencies ippa Maile talks about the benefits of using a currency transfer specialist 159 Recruit aurence ewis offers advice and tips on how to recruit in a candidate short marketplace 161 Finance Rob Kay takes a strategic approach to tailor made strategic investments


Editor Chris Clifford Editorial Assistant Carol Kenyon Advertising Manager Tim Morris Sales Executive Terry Hurley Art Direction Katie Prentice Accounts Julie Hewitt Contributors Frances and Michael Howorth, om Harrow, Claire riffiths, aurence ewis, Alf Alderson, Sue Pelling, Adam Fiander Front cover Kristina Strobel Distributed by Superyacht Distribution www.superyacht-distribution.com info@superyacht-distribution.com ONBOARD is published quarterly by Plum Titles Ltd



8 Rue D’Opio, 06560, Valbonne, Alpes Maritime, France tel: 00 33 (0) 4 93 06 09 12 email: info@onboardmagazine.fr web: www.onboardmagazine.fr The editor and publishers do not necessarily agree with the views expressed by contributors nor do they accept responsibility for any errors in the transmission of the subject matter in this publication. In all matters the editors decision is final.


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23/12/15 18:22


Get connected Salty Seadog asks why tender drivers still refuse to wear a kill cord


o one in the superyacht industry can claim to be ignorant of the spate of accidents caused by drivers of tenders and open sports boats. In the eight years between 2005 and 2013 the Marine Accident Investigation Branch MAIB in the UK has recorded seven fatalities caused by people being thrown from a boat while not wearing a kill cord and then being mown down by the same boat. After an incident in the south west of Cornwall last year the MAIB took the unusual step of issuing a safety bulletin on the incident confirming that the boat s kill cord was not being worn at the time of the accident. More recently, and now that all the facts have been established, the MAIB has published a three page report on the family boating trip that ended in tragedy when the engine kill cord was not used. Then, again, this time in Cannes during the Cannes Boat Show, a woman reporter was killed by a runaway RIB, having jumped out of it in, what people report was, a panic attack. So I have to ask myself what dim wit drives tenders at the Monaco Yacht Show to and from what is indisputably a very busy harbour without wearing a kill cord? Yet there they were macho man to the last with an it can t happen to me attitude and everyone not wearing what is a rudimentary safety device. What is it with these people? Do they drive down a motorway while typing on their iPhone? Do they not do up their seatbelts when they get in car? Do they still ride a motorcycle without donning a crash helmet o don t think so ut they are uite prepared to drive at speeds of up to 40 knots out of the harbour into a crowded anchorage carrying brokers buyers, managers and their fellow crewmembers and not give a fig about the safety of the people they carry or even their own lives. o wake up stupid ook at what happened and ask yourself, Can live with myself if ruin a life chopping off someone s legs with my boat s propeller or worse terminate their lives all together The incident at Cannes involved a MX-12 Gran Sport by Cantieri

Magazzù while on a test drive with two journalists on board. The journalist at the helm during a test drive was not wearing a cord and the boat s passengers included the managing director of the shipyard and another journalist. Talking to those who were there, I have discovered that these two men were thrown from the boat by a large wave and the female journalist driving the boat realising she was on her own and her colleagues were in the water jumped over the side while the RIB sped on. The boat began turning circles under its own power with no one at the helm and she was killed when she was struck in the head by the propeller. Kill cords had earlier hit the headlines in May 2013 when two people died and two more were badly injured near Padstow in Cornwall. Six members of the same family were thrown from their 8m RIB driven onwards by a powerful engine, which continued to circle around them killing the father and eight year old daughter. Both of these accidents highlight the dangers involved in allowing people, possibly un ualified or ine perienced, to take the helm of powerful craft. But critically each tragic accident would have been avoided if the kill cord had been attached to the driver at the time of the accident. nbelievably, there is no legal re uirement for a kill cord to be fitted to any kind of boat he ecreational Craft irective (RCD), the safety standards to which all boats in the EU have to conform, makes recommendations but unbelievably it is not the law. That being the case we the more responsible and dare I suggest more professional members of the superyacht community should set an e ample et s see no more high speed dashes out into an anchorage without wearing one and let s stop the attitude where we deem it acceptable not to wear one because we are just driving across a harbour doing 3 knots.It can happen to you and if it does you will no doubt be sorry but by then chum, it will be too late. ONBOARD | WINTER 2016 | 5

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12/12/15 13:06




Flirty Stew

Well who doesn’t love having a flirty pretty lovely stewy around to make you feel good about yourself? I’ll tell you who. The other stews. Batting your eyelashes at the boys might get you ahead of the game love but if you carry on like that, guess who’s on heads and beds duty for the rest of the season? You might want to rethink that behaviour around the rest of the crew. Although, to be fair, the other stews might well thank you when your flirting with the engineer gets the dishwasher and washing machine fixed in record timing so hey ho swings and roundabouts….

EXPERIENCES Choosing experiences instead of tangible things to spend your hard earned cash on. Crew seem to be gravitating towards more trips and life changing hobbies, rather than just buying the latest phones or gadgets. Maybe we’re all becoming a bit more deep and meaningful?

YACHT SHOWS They were busier than ever last autumn, starting with a huge effort in Cannes then on to Monaco, FLIBS and METS in Amsterdam for the techy fans. And of course who can forget Antigua… (actually, anyone who attends usually due to the legendary parties).

BLUE IS THE NEW GREEN BLUE Marine Foundation is a UK charity founded in 2010 by some of the team behind the award-winning documentary The End of the Line. They are dedicated to fixing the biggest solvable problem on the planet – the crisis in our oceans.

SCAM COMPANIES The amount of “companies” popping up declaring to have all the solutions to finding a yacht job. From “professional CV writers” (where does one get that qualification?) to declaring CVs are dead or, some shysters claiming they will introduce you to the “right” agents for a small fee... Watch out for extortion!

MYTHICAL SEA CREATURE Ningyo is a fish like creature from apanese folklore t is described as having a monkey s mouth with small teeth like a fish s and covered in shining golden scales, with a uiet voice like a skylark or a flute Catching a ingyo was believed to bring storms and misfortune, so fishermen who caught these creatures were said to throw them back into the sea ingyo washed onto the beach was an omen of war or maritime calamity

Did you know octopuses have three hearts. Two of them move exclusively to move blood beyond the animal’s gills, while the third keeps circulation flowing for the organs

ASKING PEOPLE TO WORK FOR FREE After paying thousands of euro for qualifications, is 100euro for a day’s work really too much to ask from a billionaire? Plus, it just cheapens the industry and spoils it for everyone else.

INAPPROPRIATE PROFILE PICTURES ON CVs AND FACEBOOK Come on guys and mostly girls. Do you think you’ll get a job quicker just because you own very tight t-shirts and have the camera focused on your cleavage? Actually, maybe you will, but guys, please don’t comment on these photos with lewd remarks….

We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch - we are going back from whence we came

PHIL COLLINS COMING OUT OF RETIREMENT Surely, there is far too much suffering in the world as it is. This must be stopped. They had gathered nearly 5,000 signatures, but its still not clear whether the UN will step in and save us all.

John F. Kennedy


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23/12/15 18:28

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DO THE MATHS: SKIWEAR FAUX PAS What crew consider the biggest fashion no-nos on the slopes this season Fluorescent tops



Comedy hats










The difference between low and high tide in the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia

FICTITIOUS CAPTAINS Captain Blood FACT At the time of casting the young Tasmanian Flynn was totally unknown in the cinematic world MODUS OPERANDI Cruising the Caribbean doing what pirates do…… WEAPONS

MOST LIKELY TO SAY Up that rigging you monkeys, there’s no chains to hold you now! DID YOU KNOW? Captain Blood was the first of eight films brining together rrol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland

DAVID BUCHANAN Head Chef 140m MY Personally I think the MLC approach would be better if time off in lieu was mandatory “at the boat’s next convenient opportunity”. To get everybody hitting their hours whilst doing what’s expected of a chef/deckhand/diver/stewardess is super difficult.

NIGEL DIXON Engineer 37m SY Hours of rest have to be achieved. Even if it means saying no to Owners/guests. Obviously flexibility needs to be shown, but in the event of an accident, hours of rest will be audited. Hours of rest are based on human performance research. Above all, safety needs to be a priority.


A blue whale can swallow half a million calories in a single mouthful...greedy guts

rapier of flashing steel

VESSEL NAME The Arabella

Do you think the MLC hours of rest are realistically achievable?





DID YOU KNOW? According to urban legend it is often considered lucky to touch the collar of a sailor’s suit. Go spread some luck boys and girls

23°6’23”N 75°0’31”W Dean’s Blue Hole is the world’s deepest known salt water blue hole with an entrance below the sea level. It plunges 202m in a bay west of Clarence Town on Long Island, Bahamas. Dean’s Blue Hole is roughly circular at the surface, with a diameter ranging from 25-35m. After descending 20m, the hole widens considerably into a cavern with a diameter of 100m.

I know first hand that MCA does check the hours of rest as the boat I work on was called in to question about my hours. I do think it’s in the best interests of the crew but some yachts do not have enough crew to make it happen. And logistically having support crew ashore will not work.

CORNEL SANDU Chief Officer 43m MY I work on a 43m yacht and I had no problem implementing MLC, it is all about organisation to the minute. The problem is that it’s easier to forget about it than actually implementing it. I organise my deckhands and I guarantee that they worked between 10 to max 12 hours.

ROBIN HERBERT, Chief Engineer 52m MY We can only abide by the rules. It is up to flag state and management to enforce the rules that have been brought in order to protect our physical and mental health. Of which they are failing miserably!


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23/12/15 18:28


Superior sea keeping Adventure Boats and Yacht Tenders from 6 to 12 meters in length, designed and built to meet your operational requirements and to ďŹ t aboard your parent craft. Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. 7830 Vantage Way Delta, B.C. Canada V4G 1A7 Contact John MacKillop Tel: +1 604 940 2702 www.zodiacmilprotenders.com

Zodiac final.indd 96

23/12/15 13:24




Add some apps with these ONBOARD favourites GTFO Are you getting itchy feet? Want to get out of town in a hurry ust fly somewhere, anywhere, get the flight now? GTFO helps you be spontaneous. Get The Flight Out of there!

Pause Based on the ancient principles of Tai Chi and mindfulness practice, Pause brings the act of focused attention to your mobile device for that little bit of extra zen

Been Keep track of countries that you have visited. The app visualises the visited countries both as a list, along with a ratio for each continent, and as an easy to read world map

My Favourite Destination MARISKA BIESHEUVEL New Business and Marketing Manager, Hill Robinson This city offers so much for young and old, it should be on everyone’s bucket list! I love walking around the nice little streets, along the canals and have a glass at one of the many terraces on the Rembandstplein or Leidseplein. Both of the squares offer great night life too! Amsterdam has an international vibe with tourists from all over the world coming down to visit amongst others the Anne Frank house, Vincent van Gogh museum, Rijksmuseum, Madame Tussauds and the famous flower market. Discover the city by a hop on-hop off bus or through a canal cruise and when the weather is nice you can train your legs on a pedalo. Amsterdam also is great for shopping, with “De 9 straatjes” (the 9 streets) being the most charming part. The PC Hooftstraat is the shopping street for the ones who have a bit more to spend, since this holds the most expensive shops in The Netherlands.

Nautical Etymology...

WallpaperCity Guide Your passport to the best the world has to offer, the guides present an insider’s checklist of all you need to know about the world’s most intoxicating cities and what each one has to offer


Hotchpotch was a maritime term describing the method of equally dividing cargo and property damaged when two ships have collided and both are deemed to be responsible. Current usage of hodgepodge means ‘a jumble’.

WHAT A SHOCK Postagram Postagram turns your i hone, nstagram, and Facebook photos into beautiful postcards delivered by mail to your loved ones. Get back to traditions with this app

Admiral Nelson suffered from chronic seasickness

When I forget how talented God is, I look to the sea Whoopi Goldberg

ONBOARD | WINTER 2016 | 11

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23/12/15 18:29

Smart Ship concepts can bring full automation to yachts from the point of port departure to reservation of berths in other ports, whether a last minute reservation for lunch, or a more long term arrangement. Upon arrival at the destination port, Smart Ship can dock your yacht automatically, no matter what the dock configuration is: this is achieved using robotic artificial intelligence and automatic fenders. The option of berth modification allows Smart Ship to connect all electrical and water services, thereby avoiding numerous, messy cables & hosepipes. Many aspects of Smart Ship are patented.


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12 | WINTER 2016 | ONBOARD

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TO THE RESCUE OCEAN SIGNAL EDF1 The unique lens design combined with the use of advanced LEDs and highly efficient circuit technology ensures a constant level of light output throughout the life of the user replaceable battery. The light output is a beam of over 30° throughout the full 360° azimuth, providing in excess of 6 times more light coverage than other electronic flares. Light is also distributed throughout the hemisphere above the unit to ensure visibility from the air. www.oceansignal.com €139

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SEE THE LIGHT ONBOARD’s favourite electronic distress flares offering users a safe and long lasting solution to visual signalling in an emergency

GREATLAND Green Rescue Laser Flare €275

ODEO FLARE LED Flare (eVDS) €166

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ONBOARD | WINTER 2016 | 13

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Adorning the most famous yachts in the world.

Hacker-Craft速 tenders are custom designed for each client and hand-built to perfectly balance luxury and utility. Our world-class vessels provide optimum comfort and performance, even in the harshest coastal conditions. To begin your dream design, please contact us at (866) 540-5546. SILVER BAY, NY & DANIA BEACH, FL | (866) 540-5546 | HACKERBOAT.COM


14 | WINTER 2016 | ONBOARD

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New direction Franc Jansen calls for an independent yacht managers association


n November I was asked to join a panel at GSF 2015 in Amsterdam to contribute to a discussion on the future of superyacht management. I was very interested in this because the future of yacht management has never been more important if we are to attract Owners to yachting. So the experience for an Owner must be pleasant throughout. That boils down to good management of the interests of Owners. At the moment there is a host of topics affecting Owners, from both inside and outside the industry, that should be determining the way we as managers operate yachts in the future. As yacht managers we can be influencing these issues but that means we must take proactive steps now. Needless to say then that I never envisioned that this panel discussion would simply seek to justify why yacht management is a good idea. An interesting discussion that was germane 15 years ago. The industry has moved on, or at least it should have. The position of the Captain and how a competent and honest manager can represent that Captain, and thus the Owner, is already well established. As it turned out, most indicting was an observation that managing a yacht is actually no more than camouflage for yacht brokerage companies, whose real ob ective is to keep their fingers firmly and directly on the pulse of Owner. The big issue - the elephant in the room, if you will - is that many yacht brokerages do also have management divisions and as a result have a conflict of interest which fundamentally brings into question whether they can or should represent the Owners. On the other hand, there are many independent management companies like my company who specifically will not do charter or sale and purchase brokerage, avoiding this undeniable conflict of interest in the way they manage the yachts trusted to them. However, regardless weather the yacht manager is independent or a part of a brokering house, as managers we deal at the coalface with technical, crewing, financial, regulatory and operational issues on a daily basis. The skill, experience and knowledge of

how to operate yachts cannot be found elsewhere. We are also the only group actually contracted by the Owners to represent them in managing their yachts. This makes a competent, honest and un conflicted yacht manager an invaluable partner in any discussion with organisation like lag tates, Classification Societies, the IMO and the ILO, as well as NGOs, shipyards, and other industry organisations. Unfortunately, the yacht management side of MYBA has been trying to fulfil this role, but has seemed inactive, disorganised and/or ineffective. This should not be surprising because MYBA is essentially an organisation of brokers with an obvious inherent conflict of interest So after GSF I am now convinced that it is past time for a global, independent, autonomous yacht management association for pure managers who are not conflicted by brokerage ut to be effective it must: • Be truly international because this is an international industry by definition • Be completely independent from other professions in the industry, including brokerage, while promoting the common interest of yacht management companies, the Owners • Act as the voice of pure yacht managers as well as providing a forum for these managers to identify the need for rules and regulations and then actively work with the respective authorities to develop and implement them • s a unified body, not only encourage individuals to consider the superyacht industry as a life’s career, but also work with educators to ensure that these candidates have access to the skills and knowledge needed to operate ever more sophisticated yachts • Above all, represent and defend the interests of Owners so that regulations and standards don’t end up being onesided, like those for paint developed by paint manufacturers, paint applicators and ship yards or, worse yet, without any consideration of the uniqueness of the superyacht industry • Lastly, develop and promote the highest global standards of yacht support and operation to every stakeholder. ONBOARD | WINTER 2016 | 15

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23/12/15 10:22


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United front Matthew Fisher looks at the importance of crew and brokers working together to achieve a sale


he sale of a yacht is an exciting process characterised by many variables and, as such, it requires expert handling. One of its fundamental requirements is teamwork. In order for the process to run smoothly from beginning to end, all parties involved must work in harmony. The broker, captain and crew need to build a relationship that is based on honest communication, clear roles and trust. They need to become one team working towards a common goal and that is to sell the boat. There is really no place for insecurities or misunderstandings as these can be effectively eliminated through communication and a professional attitude. The fact is that the whole team is acting in the owner’s best interests and a united approach is the best way to achieve the desired result. It all begins with the relationship between captain and broker, which is vital to the sales process. Together they will lay down a master plan and adhere to it to the best of their abilities. hey will prepare the yacht s specification sheet, recommend corrections for any issues, find the time for a photo shoot if necessary, and cooperate closely in order to arrange viewings. Scheduling viewings can be a challenging affair due to the yacht’s location and the busy programmes of potential buyers. ast minute notifications are not uncommon and that is why an open line of communication between broker and captain is important. If the captain deems that the yacht is not in the proper condition to be viewed and cannot be prepared in time, he should be honest with the broker about it. The broker is in a position to understand and possesses the skills to manage the situation accordingly. It’s all about trust and, once that is gained, it’s smooth sailing for captain and broker. The captain and crew are the ones responsible for the yacht being as presentable as possible when a potential buyer is to be brought on board. They possess an in-depth knowledge of

the yacht and should be committed to making it appear as attractive as possible, providing the broker who will show it with multiple selling points. Ideally, the potential buyer should leave feeling enamoured with the yacht and its positive attributes. Appearance alone, however, is not enough. All the equipment that is listed on the specification sheet should be in e cellent working order and fit to pass a surveyor s e amination even though that may come at a later date. Engineers can become the quiet protagonists, adding ‘gravitas’ to various aspects of the sales process ranging from an engine room inspection to assistance with the survey process. rokers play an e tremely significant role in the sale of a yacht Apart from liaising with captain and crew, they come to the table armed with tools such as experience, professional indemnity insurance, and an excellent understanding of the sales contract and survey process. They have access to an extensive network of other brokers, a wide client base, and global advertising media. This is a winning combination that is reassuring for all owners as it increases the chance of reaching the most interested audience and getting the boat sold. ine print also lies in a broker s field of e pertise rokers who are MYBA Members have a plethora of tools at their disposal including the MYBA Central Agency Sales Agreement, the Certificate of ppointment which is obtained from the owner , the M Memorandum of greement Mo and the ddendum These contractual documents have been developed over the years and provide an industry standard throughout the world. When in the hands of seasoned professionals, who are well versed in their use, they ensure that adequate protection is provided and that business is done to the highest of professional and ethical standards. Simply said, the sale of a yacht requires resources and relationships! ONBOARD | WINTER 2016 | 17

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Tribos.indd 96 NT_Revised_Marine_Onboard magazine ad_aw.indd 1

12/12/15 13:09 07/12/2015 11:50


GAME CHANGERS Forget Candy Crush, these are the 15 best phone games that you should be playing 01 The wolf among us Fairytale characters are murdered in this hard boiled, uber violent thriller based on the Fables comics. See if you can solve the crime. Android: Free + IAP

06 Badland Action/adventure puzzler with endless awards. Guide your forest dweller through a scary fairytale land. iOS/Android: Free

11 Goat Simulator Cause as much destruction as you can...as a goat. Genius!! iOS: €0.79

02 Need for Speed: Most Wanted Braking-is-cheating street-racing game with revved up graphics and 40+ customisable cars. Three years old now, but satisfyingly updated. iOS: €O.79

07 OT Hitman GO The long running strategy game franchise re-imagined as a board game. Fantastic stylised graphics. iOS: €3.99

12 Lara Croft Relic Run Run, swing and drive your way while collecting relics in this phone version of the parkour console favourite. Epic boss fights included. iOS/Android: Free

03 Frozen Synapse Prime Turn based tactical shooter across 40+ missions leading rebels to overthrow an evil corporation. The best Android strategy game. Android: €2.99

08 The Simpsons Tapped Out Homer’s caused a meltdown in Springfield. Now it’s up to you to rebuild it! Charming, constantly updating city building game. Android: Free

13 Radiant Defense Strategy shooter that involves preventing hordes of aliens from infiltrating your tower. Warning…very addictive. Android: Free + IAP €1.10

04 Beach Buggy Blitz Cartoon buggy racer with “infinite drive” (you can go for miles, never passing the same scenery) plus swamps, caves, giant crabs etc. Android: Free

09 Leo’s Fortune Beautiful platform game that pits moustachioed bug Leo against various physics based puzzles, with long lasting addictive gameplay. iOS: €3.99

05 Ridiculous Fishing Tilt, tap and swipe to catch fish using guns, chainsaws and toasters in this homage to 8-bit-style arcade games. iOS/Android: €2.29

10 Monument Valley Apple’s Game Of The Year 2014 is a beautiful, surreal platform game inspired by geometry and 3D design. iOS: €2.99

14 The Executive Battle werewolves and protect your trillion dollar mining company by acrobatic stunts/kung-fu over 12O levels. iOS: €3.99

15 Modern Combat 5: Blackout Certificate 16 “strong violence” shooter and successful transfer of the evergreen console classic. Android: Free

ONBOARD | WINTER 2016 | 19

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22/12/15 14:23


INTO THE BLUE It’s a dirty job but someone’s gotta do it… actor Daniel Craig has the rather enviable job of swanning around on superyachts and speed boats. Words: Liz Alvis Parry


rom the Kingdom 5KR in Never Say Never Again to the Northern Cross in GoldenEye, superyachts have enjoyed a starring role in many a ond film over the years s symbols of power, status and wealth, they provide the perfect mobile operations centre for a villain to plot world domination as well as a glamorous setting for 007 to seduce his latest female con uest As the sixth big screen incarnation of James Bond, actor Daniel Craig is a familiar figure on lu ury superyachts and high speed motorboats ho can forget his 2 debut in Casino oyale, when Craig made an unforgettable entrance into Venice in the 54ft British yacht Spirit? The classic vessel was the perfect choice for the suave secret agent, despite the fact that it needed to be de masted to fit under the bridge Oo ing class and elegance, pirit made history by becoming the first sailing yacht to travel along the rand Canal in years ast year, during filming for the latest blockbuster in the ond franchise, pectre, Craig was spotted filming high speed action scenes in a motorboat along the waters of the River Thames, in keeping with the strong maritime history of the ond films Having launched in October, the hotly anticipated Spectre was the 2 th ond film and Craig s fourth outing as the super spy Sam Mendes returned to direct, following the spectacular box office success of kyfall ith another couple of glamorous ond girls, Italian bombshell Monica Bellucci and French actress Léa eydou oining the cast Continuity came with the return of alph iennes, taking over as M, en hishaw as , and aomie Harris as Miss Moneypenny, while Oscar winning actor Christoph alt played the arch villain ran Oberhauser

director arren ronofsky He takes a lot of battering, and so he should, he s an agent ut it s how he stands up against adversity because he s one against many Craig has invested heavily in the character s barely suppressed rage, bringing a brutal yet vulnerable take to one of the most legendary figures in film he greatest asset you have as an actor is your ego, but it s also your greatest enemy, Craig admits ou ve got to pro ect an image and have the balls to get out there and do the work and create this wonderful illusion, but you ve also got to remember that it s all about emotion and bonding with the actor standing opposite you and connecting with him or her and with the audience t s all about making that connection

The greatest asset you have as an actor is your ego, but it’s also your greatest enemy

The franchise is still synonymous with high speed action se uences as well as an air of glamour and intrigue he various superyachts that have appeared over the years have helped to create this lu urious image ake the ingdom in s ever ay ever gain, as the lying aucer, the mobile H of villain Ma imillian argo uilt in by enetti at a cost of m, it was one of the largest yachts in the world at the time

kyfall made a whopping billion at the bo office in 2 2, but that figure could well be beaten by pectre once all the receipts are in cryptic message from s past sent him on a trail that took him face to face with the sinister pecial Executive for Counter intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and tortion, aka C Meanwhile areth Mallory iennes , the newly appointed M, continued to battle political forces which threatened the future of the secret service ith key scenes shot in Rome, London, Mexico City, Morocco and the ustrian lps, pectre promised to be an action packed and visually thrilling piece of cinema

These spectacular vessels have not only contributed to the glamour and mystique of the Bond franchise, but have also provided the settings for some of the most memorable moments along the way n s olden ye, villain enia Onatopp lured dmiral Chuck arrel on board the iconic vessel the Manticore the m superyacht the orthern Cross , where she suffocated him by s uee ing her legs around his ribcage during an erotic encounter nd in s he iving aylights, imothy alton memorably parachuted onto the Moonmaiden during the film s opening credits

or Craig, it certainly delivered uggedly clad in a brown leather bomber acket and slick viator shades, the year old is animated and enthusiastic as he talks about his fondness for the role of the dashing secret agent love playing him, he says t s an honour to play him get such a big kick out of doing it Craig is obviously passionate about bringing 007 to life, and reveals his fascination for the character s inner conflict t s about when he s knocked down, it s how he gets up, says the ritish actor, who lives in ew ork with actress wife achel eis and her nine year old son Henry from her previous relationship with

t s moments like these that help to perpetuate the ond legend and keep audiences enthralled s Craig says f you re going to do that sort of stuff, you ve ust got to get it right ou ve got to give it your best shot t s a ond movie ou want people to go, oah sharp intake of breath during a movie is never a bad thing o what s the secret to such a long and successful franchise like the ond films ccording to Craig, it s uite straightforward ou simply stick to the old adage that a good story goes a long way nd blow sh t up every half an hour, he laughs heartily hat s how it s done

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Atalante Frances and Michael Howorth revie t e rst of t e ruly lassic series from laasen i yards


uccessor to a Truly Classic 90 of the same name, talante the first of the ruly Classic 2 series, has been delivered by Claasen Shipyards in the Netherlands to a delighted and highly experienced repeat client. The owner’s brief called for a larger, faster yacht with more comfortable accommodation for both guests and crew, without being so large as to lose intimate contact with the water, and the ability to ‘spin the boat on a sixpence’ when racing. She is equally suited as a cruising boat for a family

and a charter yacht. Her interior is executed in raised and fielded panelling of carefully selected est ndies mahogany The yacht’s experienced Captain/crew couple James and Kate Prince have incorporated a great deal of their knowhow into Atalante. The relaxed crew mess to starboard has a table with adjustable height and position so that it can provide either a crew dining space or a coffee table or footstool. Originally conceived as a 35 metre boat, Atalante was extended to 39 metres to enhance the crew space,

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SPECIFICATIONS Length hull overall Length on waterline Beam overall Draught on design waterline Displacement Mast height above waterline Class approval Compliance Shipyard Naval Architect Crew Cabins Guests Engine Type

which is finished to the same high standard as the rest of the boat. In the extension to starboard is the captain’s office, which doubles as an e tra crew cabin o port is a laundry room with two pairs of washing machines and driers his space also provides an additional shower toilet for any e tra crew nder the floor is a huge free er he captain s cabin to port features a double bed and ensuite head and shower, as well as a monitoring screen in the wall to follow developments on board he double crew cabin to

38.8 m 28.0 m 7.7 m 4.5 m 140 tonnes 48.3 m ABS A1 Commercial Yachting Service MCA LY2 Unrestricted Claasen Shipyards BV Hoek Design Naval Architects 4 3 6 Scania

starboard also has an ensuite head and shower he detailed design of the crew area underscores how important a happy crew is to the successful operation of a yacht of this uality he control room, which contains all the electrical switch panels, is fully air conditioned he engine room benefits from a lot more space than is normally seen on boats of this si e he main engine is from cania and it drives a controllable pitch propeller while the two generators are from orthern ights

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all your tenders all your toys


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ON THE CASE One of the most common culprits of smartphone damage is liquids. Protect your phone from spills, splashes and submersion with one of these great waterproof cases

Hitcase Pro 5 €119 www.hitcase.com

Lifeproof Iphone5s €80 www.lifeproof.com

Incipio Atlas ID Ultra Rugged €80 www.incipio.com

Lifedge Omugi €90 www.lifedge.co.uk

The Joy Factory Action Go €36 www.thejoyfactory.com

Incipio Atlas Intelligent Touch €80 www.incipio.com

Cascade eSeries 9 €28 www.cascadedesigns.com

Overboard iPhone 6 compatible €26 www.over-board.co.uk

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BUGGIN’ AROUND The lightweight, Atom-based on and off-roader is an entirely new type of all-terrain high-performance driving experience. The car is powered by a 2.4-litre, long-stroke four-cylinder Honda engine that has been configured with Ariel electronics to help it produce 235bhp at 7200rpm. Its torque output of 221lb ft is especially impressive. The result is a car with an on-road 0-60mph sprint time of just 3.4sec and a 125mph top speed. www.arielmotor.co.uk €41,500

THAT’S WHAT I WANT The latest eye catching innovations and design trends

SPEAKER’S CORNER The highly sophisticated 90th Anniversary BeoLab 90 Loudspeaker contains a multitude of technologies. It is a perfect mix of world class design and acoustics in, what may well be, the most complete and powerful digital loudspeaker ever designed for use in the home. The BeoLab 90 is an insane 360-degree, 8200watt speaker with 18 drivers and amplifiers. www.bang-olufsen.com €35,600

CROWN JEWELS These ornate headphones are crafted in collaboration by Dolce & Gabbana with California-based brand Frends. First seen on the label’s Fall ‘15 runway, this luxurious pair is covered in bronze leather and exquisitely embellished with gold-tone filigree, Swarovski crystals and faux pearls. www.net-a-porter.com €6,350

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WOODEN TOPS You’ll never see anything else like this timeless elegance on or off-piste. The outer shell is made of genuine, oiled bamboo making this helmet a timeless trendsetter. Despite its unique construction, this helmet is still very sturdy and certified to meet European standards. www.bogner.com €599

GAMMON STAKES Alexandra Llewellyn has designed a collection of 14 backgammon boards all made in England. The interior ironwood backgammon board shown above has a photographic feather playing surface, finished with hand-applied lacquer. The playing pieces are antique gold and black weighted aluminium, dice cups are rosewood and lined to ensure fair and random rolls of the precision laser cut dice. www.alexandralldesign.com €4,700

UP, UP AND AWAY James Bond eat your heart out. The Martin Jetpack is the world’s first practical jetpack. It consists of a purpose-built gasoline engine driving twin ducted fans which produce sufficient thrust to lift the aircraft and a pilot in vertical take-off and landing. The P12 is said to reach a maximum of 46 mph, with a max flight time of 30 minutes. At a normal speed of around 35 mph, the Martin Jetpack can transport an individual about 20 miles. www.martinjetpack.com €92,500

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ENTER THE DRAGON A cruise in Komodo Island is a journey around one of the most diverse and unique regions of the natural world, a world of dragons and dramatic landsca es erce currents and sparkling coral seas


he Lighthouse Consultancy team, based in Bali, Indonesia, have been supporting cruises in the country over the past decade. In addition to “360 Degree Yacht Support” across this astonishing archipelago Lighthouse also develops personalised itineraries for yachts cruising the country. These bespoke cruising guides enable owners and captains to truly experience the attractions of the many diverse regions and specialised cruising grounds. Here Garry Bevan, one of the Lighthouse team of cruising guides, describes an excursion through one of Indonesia’s most talked about destinations, the mythical island of Komodo and the surrounding national park. Komodo! Mention the word in company almost anywhere and you are likely to get the same reaction: hushed whispers

about a mythical, far away land dominated by barren sun scorched mountains and low lying primordial forests surrounded by dazzling coral reefs. The conversation would then follow that these islands are protected by the fierce currents of a treacherous deep blue sea and ruled over by one of the most awe inspiring predators on the planet! And you know what? This description is as close as it gets. Intrepid explorers can experience one of the richest marine environments in the world; get up close and personal with ferocious Komodo Dragons or trek along desolate jagged ridges to the peaks of the park’s breathtaking landscapes. So let’s not waste any more time and begin our virtual tour. Welcome to Komodo, the “Land That Time Forgot”, a real life Jurassic Park.

©Thomas Fowle

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THE GILI LAWAH ISLANDS Our first destination is the north shore of omodo and the seascape around two of the park s most iconic islands, ili awah aut and ili awah arat he comple shoreline and channels that border the islands provide spectacular snorkelling and kayaking he islands feature a savannah type topside with many grassy hills, perfect for trekking without having to deal with any omodo ragons antastic dive sites, within close range of the easy anchorage spots, are world famous pectacular current washed seamounts and passages are the most popular featuring colourful reefs teeming with marine life BATU MONCHO Our ne t location is the incredibly scenic bay formed by the north west tip of omodo island Commonly called atu Moncho the bay is a sight to behold ast but sheltered and with an impressive 2 m high backdrop this is a favourite anchorage for many yacht captains Most of the year the bay en oys flat calm water, perfect for et skiing and kayaking and the surrounding reefs are an absolute delight for snorkelling On land there are a couple of hard and high treks but the views from the top of the ridges over to he omodo ational ark in the east and the twin peaked volcano of angeang to the west are mind blowing he rocky cliffs on the outskirts of the bay provide us with some fine dive sites including en oot eef, one of the best coral gardens in the park LANGKOI BAY his morning we are going to en oy the spray splashed rocks in the e pansive bay at angkoi on the hunt for the magnificent manta rays hey are a great favourite with divers and snorkellers alike and angkoi is one of the very best sites in ndonesia to have up close and personal interactions with them he huge bay is studded with wild rocky islets and it s in the channels and cuts around the rocks that the mantas like to feed and get cleaned at the pit stop cleaning stations

Images: Garry Bevan, Luca Vaime, Mike Veitch, Thomas Fowle

HORSESHOE BAY aking up this morning it seems we have moved to another country, we are in primeval Horseshoe ay on the south end of inca sland urrounded by impenetrable towering hills the bay is dominated by the enormous island of usa ode that creates a huge waterway open to the sea in two places opside there is the real chance of coming face to face with the local population of omodo ragons while the waterway has some e cellent kayak e ploration areas he bay is a scuba diver s dream with world renowned sites like Cannibal ock with its da ling corals and very diverse marine life CURRENT CITY he ominously named Current City , is an area of the inta trait littered with pretty islands and sparkling reefs washed with almost constant currents Current City features great diving, e cellent snorkelling with an ama ing array of marine life a ling beaches and sand bars provide wonderful e ploration opportunities as well as great places for a barbecue very e citing location to complete this whistle stop adventure LIGHTHOUSE EXPERTISE rmed with he ighthouse Consultancy s e perienced, professional and dedicated superyacht support with our knowledgeable team of guides on board, remote cruising in he omodo ational ark, will live long in the memories of yacht owners and their guests Contact ndy horten, el 2 2 or visit www thelighthouseconsultancy com ONBOARD | WINTER 2016 | 29

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Individual Cinema Experience A New Paradigm in Quality, Aesthetics and Performance

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Anz 180x130 ONBOARD Magazine GT Marine Division 15-12 RZ.indd 1

08.12.15 11:55

S t a t e g i c Av i a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t w w w. l u v i a i r. c o m | m a n a g e m e n t @ l u v i a i r. c o m | + 4 4 ( 0 ) 1 6 2 4 8 1 1 3 6 5

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ROTARY ACTION ris lifford recommends is to ve elico ters for su eryac ts AIRBUS H145 Designed to deliver excellent performance throughout the flight envelope, Airbus Helicopters’ H145 (formerly called the EC145 T2) is the latest member of its 4-ton-class twin-engine rotorcraft product range, with designed in mission capability and flexibility, especially in high and hot operating conditions. MTOW 3,650 kg Crew/passengers 1 or 2 pilots with 7 or 8 passengers Max speed 268km/h

ROBINSON R44 Raven II The high performance R44 Raven II has a Lycoming IO-540 fuel-injected, angle-valve, tuned-induction engine, which eliminates the need for carburetor heat. The standard 28volt electrical system ensures good starting performance in hot or cold weather, and provides additional electrical power for optional on board equipment. MTOW 1,134 kg Crew/passengers 1 pilots with 3 passengers Max speed 240 km/h

AUGUSTAS WESTLAND GrandNew The GrandNew is the premium, latest generation light twin helicopter, evolved from the globally successful Grand platform, enhanced with the latest global navigation satellite system for all weather operations. MTOW 3,175 kg Crew/passengers 1 or 2 pilots with 6 or 7 passengers Max Speed 311 km/h

BELL 407GX In the new 407GX, the superior performance of the 407 reaches a higher level. Its Garmin G1000H flight deck provides critical flight information at a glance for greater situational awareness and safety. It’s just one more way the 407GX offers enhanced performance. MTOW 2,268 kg Crew/passengers 1 or 2 pilots with 5 passengers Max speed 260 km/h

MARENCO SKYe SH09 Multiple layouts for Corporate Transport, offering the largest legroom in its category and added flexibility for cargo through the rear access clamshell doors. A unique high ceiling cabin brings added space, comfort and unobstructed visibility. MTOW 2,800 kg Crew/passengers 1 or 2 pilots with 5 passengers Max Speed 260 km/h

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Don’t get left behind Frances and Michael Howorth shine a light on what the Manila Agreement lays down and explain what it means for working yacht crew


ith the debate about the new STCW updating requirements heating up ahead of the enforcement date of 1 January 2017, there is still much misinformation circulating within the industry and as a result the ogre of the beast is more frightening than the reality. The original tandards for raining, Certification and atchkeeping (STCW) convention was drawn up in 1978. It sought to ensure that all professionals working at sea were sufficiently trained and ualified to perform their role safely n the convention had its first ma or revision, which is why elements are often referred to as STCW95. Further revisions were made and adopted at the Diplomatic Conference in Manila in June 2010 to cover off the technological advancements in modern ships. As of July 2013 these so-called Manila Amendments are now in place. STCW basic safety training is made up of the following separate modules; Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting, Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities, Elementary First Aid, Personal Survival echni ues and as of the Manila mendments roficiency in ecurity wareness or roficiency in esignated ecurity uties Previously, crew on board yachts have always been obliged to hold all four C basic safety certificates fire prevention and fire fighting, personal survival techni ues, elementary first aid and eck and engineer officers also had to hold the three advanced C safety certificates proficiency in medical first aid, advanced fire fighting, and C Lars Lippuner, Business Development Manager at Warsash Superyacht Academy, is happy to explain why these new measures are so important, and will when ever approached, advise on training availability and suitability. He told ONBOARD “These original requirements remain in place but what has changed is that the two courses relating to fire fighting, personal survival techniques and PSCRB must have been completed within the last five years, after which they will need to be updated

Many crew believe that because they do not work in commercially registered yachts there is no need for them to upgrade their certificates hey should however heed the advice, which suggests that in the interests of their own safety and the safety of others (and especially since the introduction of the MLC in August 2013) most owners or captains will require all their crew to hold the C ratification regardless of the yacht’s registration or type of operation. The story does not end there! The Manila Amendments Personal Survival Techniques and Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting also have to be renewed every five years rom anuary st 2 the MC will not renew a Certificate of Competency without documented evidence that all the STCW modules are up to date. autilus, the union that looks after acht Captains and crew at all levels of competency are warning members to be aware of the proper terminology. The correct reference to the convention is STCW’78 as amended. In the past the wording C has been accepted on certificates, but more recently the MC are insisting that on official paperwork the correct terminology is used. Danny McGowan the Director of Campaigns and Communications at Nautilus International has a special responsibility for crew working in superyachts and he warns, ny e isting paperwork should be fine, but yacht crew should look out for it on any new certificates issued Commenting at the start of the last Monaco acht how, ippuner said, pdating to the new certificates is done by very short refresher courses, half a day for personal survival and one day each for all other safety training certificates In other words, crew will need to do one and a half days and officers three and half days in total, every five years Evidence of having completed the updated training, if the original course was more than five years ago, will be re uired on a number of occasions including: when the Port State Control (PSC) inspector comes up the passarelle; when applying for

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a Certificate of Competency CoC and when revalidating an e isting CoC t s worth mentioning that the new MC M otices say that companies must ensure that seafarers assigned to any of their ships have received updated training as re uired by the Convention , assigning an obligation to management companies and owners too

Many crew believe that because they do not work in commercially registered yachts there is no need for them to u grade t eir certi cates eside the regulatory reason, the updating re uirements have been introduced by the MO because research shows that more than half of everything learnt on an C safety course has been forgotten again after ust si months his is known as skills fade , says ars moreover, we are always learning valuable lessons from recent accidents and developing new e uipment and techni ues he success of the updating re uirements will also depend on the uality of the training courses, which should not take the format of a tick bo multiple choice e ercise oth trainers and crew are well advised to approach these courses with the seriousness they deserve here is simply too much at stake




If you want to learn to sail go sailing with Sunset Sailing School on their comfortable cruising yacht, the Meander K out of Alcaidesa Marina in Gibraltar! They offer the full range of RYA practical sailing courses. Skipper Jeff is one of the best sailing instructors in Gibraltar. The company also offer a fast track programme. If you just want to get afloat with no agenda, Sunset offer crewed charters for anything from a half day cruising the Strait of Gibraltar and seeing its varied marine life, to trips further afield. For more details Tel: +34 638 184828 or visit www.sunsetsailingschool.com

arsash uperyacht cademy was the first yacht training provider to roll out these courses during 2 and while updating training won t be re uired for another year or so, yacht crew are well advised to start planning ahead as mariners worldwide will be wanting to complete their updating training by that date he biggest impact of the Manila mendments for most crewmembers working on superyachts is the re uirement to hold either roficiency in ecurity wareness or roficiency in elegated ecurity uties , says le andra Henry, raining Co ordinator at ephyr achting in ntibes very crewmember who has not been allocated security duties as outlined in the hip s ecurity lan has to hold a Certificate while a is a must for those that do have security duties outlined in the hip s ecurity lan le suggests, is now included in the new C as its th module but those who passed their C before the Manila mendments, need to pass it as soon as possible n that case as the certificate does not e pire and due to a slight difference of price is at € and at €2 , we recommend to attend directly the as the is included in the as their crew may well get a position involving designated security duties ensi Chapela, Course dvisor at the unset ailing chool advises those new to the industry to consider enrolling in their ast rack achtmaster Offshore course to begin a seafaring career he says, Our ast rack achtmaster Offshore comes in three modules over a week period, designed

ephyr achting Zephyr Yachting is an established brand within the yachting industry, providing professional training certification to superyacht crews and the wider public through their fully accredited training academy. As well as crew training, Zephyr Yachting also supply luxury water toys and tenders. Together with delivering the toys, they also provide clients with their own personal, certified instructor to teach them exactly how to use (and make the most of ) the toy they’ve chosen. They currently provide this service to superyachts and luxury hotels throughout the Mediterranean and Caribbean. For more details Tel: +33 [0] 4 93 33 34 04 or visit www.zephyr-yachting.com

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to get your minimum sailing experience up to the required level. The course will train you in the navigation, seamanship, engineering and sailing skills to get you to the required level to pass the course. Additionally we offer First Aid and VHF certification to ualify for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency approved course.” She adds, “You will need to do a number of professional modules as shown above to meet the re uirements of a registered professional seafarer on a yacht of up to 24m in length. Here at Sunset Offshore we have a relationship with a local MC accredited training provider to help you get the certification re uired

Every seafarer can expect a bottle neck towards the end of 2016. Bearing in mind that one is no longer allowed to serve onboard a ship with outdated certi cates ow you must renew your C certification every five years, it is important to remember that for those who are already professional seafarers there is no requirement to provide documentary evidence for having completed updatingrefresher training if a seafarer applies for CoC revalidation before anuary 2 eafarers revalidating their Certificates of Competency CoC after anuary 2 will be re uired to submit documentary evidence of having completed MC approved updating-refresher training.”

Warsash Warsash Superyacht Academy is part of Southampton Solent University and home to the world renowned Warsash Maritime Academy. Their reputation for delivering high quality superyacht training for crew, officers, captains and shoreside staff is second to none in the industry. In collaboration with reputable business service and training partners, Warsash run over 150 accredited entry, managerial and advanced maritime courses. Based near Southampton, their purpose built waterside campus provides high-tech learning environments and facilities. There are over 120 highly experienced maritime lecturers and technicians, providing outstanding, hands-on professional development. For more details Tel: +44(0)238201 4242 or visit www.warsashsuperyachtacademy.com

The courses are: Personal Survival Techniques, Fire Prevention and ire ighting, roficiency in urvival Craft and escue oats other than ast escue oats, roficiency in ast Rescue Boats, and Advanced Fire Fighting. You will need to find five days to do the refresher courses together to ensure that you meet the minimum requirements. The skills and techniques in these areas of seafaring are constantly evolving and it is important for the seafarer to keep up to date irst id has always been renewable every five years because the medical understanding of how best to keep someone alive in an emergency is evolving. The same applies to fighting fires and staying alive during a survival situation at sea and this is recognised under the new C regulations On a large yacht this will mean that everyone will be doing the same thing in the event of an emergency, and will ensure that the best practice is followed to achieve the best possible outcome for all involved. rg endt at and Crew raining cautions those who do not yet have all their paperwork in order saying, “Every seafarer can expect a ‘bottle neck’ towards the end of 2016. Bearing in mind that one is no longer allowed to serve onboard a ship with outdated certificates from st anuary 2 my advice is to take care of updating the re uired certificates before everybody else does!” He adds, “Otherwise one may face flights half around the world to find a training provider with vacancies or in the worst case scenario get dismissed from the job.”



A specialist provider of professional crew training that have MCA & RYA Approved Centres in Southampton and Antigua. As industry specialists, they are committed to assisting all crew with the updating of the new 2010 Manila Amendments ready for the deadline in 12 months. With training locations in Southampton and Antigua, they are well placed to assist yacht crew on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. They specialise in the personal approach, taking every effort to ensure that the crew enjoy their learning experience by employing a select number of regular, fully qualified Instructors with excellent credentials and, above all, patient and fun personalities! For more details Tel: +44 (0)238 063 9997 or visit www.omt-uk.com

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The specialists it su eryac ts carrying ig ro le assengers cre need s ecialist training to guard t em ile t ey are on oard and as t ey fly to and from t e yac t in elico ters ords rances and ic ael o ort


oday’s modern superyachts generally pack away an impressive inventory of modern and frequently expensive on board security systems. Designed to protect the yacht, her systems and on board personnel, they are however, only as good as the yacht’s least prepared crew member. With mandatory requirements for security training and C certification now in force for yacht crew, there are strong imperatives to take crew training to the next level. Yachts with hi-tech intruder detection and alarm systems need to have crews that are trained not only in the interpretation of the system controls, they also need to have a good understanding on what to do if and when an intruder is spotted on board a yacht. Among those companies offering to train crew in such matters is Veritas International. Founded in 2004 by former serving members of the UK Special Forces, the company provides bespoke training to superyacht crew. It also has officers who are trained to protect superyachts from piracy and terrorism. The company is also able to supply risk consultancy and high level security services for individuals, governments, companies and corporations. They are able to increase the crew’s understanding of the methods used by intruders to circumvent security, whilst at the same time gaining ISPS compliance. Their 3 day Restrain, Overcome and Control (ROC) course offers 8 hours of theoretical presentations to achieve roficiency in esignated ecurity uties certification and realistic demonstrations in practical scenario based exercises to instil any Captain and crew with confidence, ability and the capacity to deal with any security related incident on board. The course adds considerable uality to the achievement of level certification Over the period of training, two specialist ROC instructors add excitement and realism to this course. One is a former UK Special Boat Service Maritime Interdiction Operative and the other a professional MMA competitor. Having done the course, one crew member of an 80m superyacht was moved to write to the company saying, “I genuinely thought the course was fantastic. As a long term crew member I’m familiar with most of the topics but it was all conveyed in a way that wasn’t repetitive. I thought the practical course was great, and I really learnt a lot, and would love to do more would definitely recommend this course to other crew members.” All STCW security courses are derived from MCA / MNTB specifications and are MC approved and accredited he courses they run include he hip ecurity Officer O

course Only the appointed hip ecurity Officer needs to hold this certificate but by holding it crew are able to greatly enhance their CV and make themselves more readily hireable. The course meets the requirements of STCW’78, as amended by regulation VI/5 and STCW code section he roficiency n ecurity wareness course needs to be undertaken by all crew who do not have specific designated security duties on board any vessel to which the code applies he roficiency n esignated Security Duties (PDSD) course, on the other hand, needs to be undertaken only by all seafarers who have designated security duties within the Ship Security Plan. Here again the holding of such certificate can improve the uality of the C

ac ts t at ave ig ro le guests on oard in need of security and rotection are ust as li ely to e e ui ed it on oard eli ads Having hired Veritas to come on board and give his crew training, the Captain of a 90m superyacht stated, “The briefing given by eritas to my crew on security procedures was informative and detailed without being overpowering and scaring them off. The drills they organised with us were hugely beneficial and a good e ercise for all to e perience We would love to have them on board again should the opportunity arise once more.” achts that have high profile guests on board in need of security and protection are just as likely to be equipped with on board helipads. The added value that helicopters bring to yacht owners is clear but the specialist training of crews for operating helicopters safely on board their vessels is becoming a major consideration for Captains and yacht managers. Trained personnel are vital in the safe operation of a helideck and, along with procedures, they are fundamental in the mitigation of the risks involved in operating helicopters at sea. Helidecks is a training and consultancy company specialising in helicopter operations to superyachts and other vessels. It is predominantly made up of ex-military helicopter pilots and engineers who have a wealth of experience in seagoing helicopter operations. hey were the first company to become accredited by the MCA as a training provider for the Large Yacht course and have conducted training on over 40 superyachts worldwide in the last few years.

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WHO WE ARE Veritas International operate a specialised risk consultancy providing bespoke solutions to your security requirements. We focus on tailoring levels of protection and security to minimise risk through detailed planning, management and intelligence. We are industry leaders with an exceptional team whose backgrounds are in British Special Forces.

SECURITY SOLUTIONS Security Chaperone – Owner & Family Support Superyacht Transit Security New Build Security Consultation Crisis Management & Emergency Response Team Building & Leadership Training Travel Management Crew Training


Yellow Admiral is a specialist marine employment agency providing a highly professional recruitment service to the leisure marine and superyacht industries T +44 (0) 1621 779900 E enquiries@yellowadmiral.co.uk www.yellowadmiral.co.uk

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The engines, main and tail rotors of a helicopter all give rise to significant ha ards especially when they operate in the close confines of the superyacht environment On a yacht s helideck it is the job of helideck assistants (HDAs) to keep arriving and departing guests clear of these dangers along with those posed by the helideck itself, such as deck edges, steps, tie down lines etc uring all helicopter activities on the helideck there should always be a third person with an independent vantage point able to oversee operations his is the Helideck anding Officer H O

The drills they organised with us ere ugely ene cial and a good e ercise for all to e erience pecialist training can provide theoretical knowledge and practical understanding of both the risks of helicopter operations and the control measures used to mitigate them or aviation capable, large commercial yachts, having certified helideck crews is largely compulsory Helideck raining olutions train H Os and H s on a single combined course, on board any yacht, anywhere in the world raining courses can be either full commercial, as accredited by the MC , or e uivalent private training for non commercially certified helidecks Courses use the yacht s own e uipment and layout and are delivered by highly ualified and professional trainers who have a wealth of e perience in maritime helicopter operations he number of yachts with a helideck is on the increase o operate helicopters safely and have the appropriate ualification Captains and crew need to be trained

Helidecks Specialising in Superyacht aviation Helidecks Training Solutions provides Helideck training and consultancy services to many of the world’s most prodigious yachts. Some of the many services offered include: MCA accredited HLO/HDA training on board individual vessels anywhere in the world, guidance and advice during design and build stages, assistance in the achievement of commercial Helideck certification, helicopter operating risk assessment, safety management and the development of bespoke operating manuals. When it comes to landing helicopters on Superyachts, whatever the need, Helideck Training Solutions has the expertise and experience to help Superyacht operators achieve their goals. For more details Tel: +44(0) 1872 262 819 or visit www.helidecks.co.uk

he H O is also the on scene commander for any emergency that develops including that of a crash re uiring fire fighting and passenger rescue H s and or separate prepared fire fighters will be used by the H O as the situation demands with the priority being on e tinguishing fires and saving lives uch activities re uire knowledge and skills for both H Os and H s espite the fact that private yachts do not need to have certified helideck crews, ever more Captains and managers of private superyachts are realising the myriad benefits of having properly trained helideck crews, not least with regard to their obligations towards the effective safety management of a yacht his trend towards helicopter operations also provides individuals with a valuable opportunity to enhance significantly their professional skillset and potential desirability, by undertaking elective training in safe helicopter operations or anyone with ambitions to climb the career ladder, work on larger yachts with helipads or work ashore as yacht managers and s, having a sound understanding and practical e perience of superyacht helicopter operations offers an added dimension to professional portfolios Crews working on high profile yachts need to be trained to be alert not only to the potential for on board terrorism, piracy and kidnapping but also in the handling of helicopters that ferry these people to and from the yacht n short the need to be trained by the specialists

Veritas Veritas International is a privately owned UK group formed in 2004 operating specialist risk consultancy, providing bespoke solutions for all your security requirements. Veritas’ dedicated Superyacht Cell bring expertise from the elite UK Special Boat Service (SBS) to deliver bespoke on board training that brings realism through practical lessons and assessment, increasing the crews understanding of the methods used by intruders to circumvent security. MCA accredited for STCW security elements SSO, PDSD and PSA all delivered at a high intensity pace going far above and beyond the syllabus giving the crew security readiness they will continue draw upon. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1202 283 166 or visit: or visit www.veritas-international.com

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SEAFARER’S ART The modern history of tattoos is inextricably linked with the sea and it’s no surprise much inked iconography is heavily indebted to the sailors who popularised them in t e ider orld ords ris lifford


ailor tattoos refer to a type of tattoo traditionally favoured by seafarers and the traditions that accompany these tattoos. Old school tattoos were common among sailors, depicting images like swallows on either side of the chest, girls in sailor hats, and pairs of dice ailor erry s work a prolific tattoo artist in Honolulu during the second world war typified this style of tattooing during the early-mid twentieth century. After falling out of style for several decades, these stylized tattoos are regaining popularity again among young people, together with the very popular tribal tattoo designs. It is believed that tattooing on European sailors originated with Captain ames Cook s crew after he arrived in the acific Sailor tattoos eventually became one of the attributes that identified a sailor Many other cultures had long used tattoos for identification or aesthetics, such as the apanese, Chinese, and acific slanders, but the connection with a seafaring lifestyle in European culture developed into its own unique style of tattooing. Tattoos and sailors can be traced back as far as the 1700s when Captain ames Cook came across the Maori of the outh acific, and his crew decided to get tattoos as ‘souvenirs’ of their visit. After that, the connection between sailors and tattoos steadily increased. A focus on the regulation of tattoos did not begin until the early 1900s when the United States government declared that anyone with an ‘obscene’ tattoo would not be allowed in the navy. With this declaration many young men took advantage of the easy way out of serving, thus creating a boom in tattoos of nude women. However, if they later decided to join the navy they had to have a tattoo artist ‘dress’ the woman. Sailing cultures tend to be rich in traditions. Over time, tattoos became one of the more popular traditions among mariners. Since their introduction, tattoos became a graphic language and a way for sailors to express themselves through body art, as well as

a means of visually identifying with a broader social group. The purpose of sailor tattoos was also to record important events or experiences such as travels, achievements, naval hierarchy, rank, status, membership and any other significant event in life Sailor tattoos are also a visual way to preserve the culture of sailors’ superstitions. Throughout history sailors were a very superstitious group and believed that certain symbols and talismans would help them when facing certain events at sea and in life. They thought that those symbols would attract good luck or bad luck in the worst of cases. For example, the images of a pig and a hen were considered to ward against drowning; both animals are not capable of swimming and according to superstition God would look down upon a shipwreck and see the image of an animal incapable of swimming, take the tattooed sailor into his hand and place them on land. Another example is the North Star (Nautical Star or compass rose); sailors had the belief that by wearing this symbol it would help them find their way home. Tattoos developed in the under class of mariner culture; in time, they grew in popularity in the port districts frequented by those sailors. Consequently, tattoos became associated with the criminals, prostitutes, and gangs who dwelled in these same districts. Sailor tattoos differentiated from these terrestrial tattoos as sailors continued to design new mariner motifs of their own, creating a distinct tattooing culture among sailors. By the 19th century, about 90% of all United States Navy sailors had tattoos. In 2003 the US Navy issued revised policies on sailor tattoos, prohibiting tattoos that were above the shoulders or visible through clothing, and banning certain subjects considered “detrimental to good order”. This remains true to this day with visible tattoos on superyacht crew being greatly frowned upon.

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In addition to indicating that a sailor had sailed 5000 miles, swallows were also associated with the idea of return. It was believed that if a sailor died at sea, birds would carry his soul home to heaven

Usually inked as totems of prowess, virility and beauty, sometimes also symbolising a link to nature. The Panther is also thought to be the sacred keeper to magical lands

At sea, the anchor is the most secure object in a sailor’s life, making it the perfect representation of stability. This is why you’ll often see them emblazoned with “Mum” or a sailor’s sweetheart




The creature has strong ties with several cultures, from European folklore and Middle Eastern mythologies to Asian influences. They symbolise masculinity, strength and power

Pin ups represent the ideal and extremes of femininity from maidenly perfection to vixen-ish temptation. The girl inked on a sailor’s arm would be the only feminine form he would see for months

Representing the North Star (historically used by sailors for navigation) a nautical star was believed to keep a sailor on course. As such, they were also considered to help guide a sailor home




A sailor staring down a long stint at sea including the possibility of not returning home often wanted a heart to keep his loved ones close. Hearts still remain one of the most popular tattoos today

For a sailor, ships are both practical and metaphorical. It’s where you go for work but also for adventure. They represent both the call to adventure and the determination to be “Homeward Bound”

A tattoo is one of the few indelible decisions we make in life, representing a commitment to your dying day. In the ancient world they were often marks of warriors, mercenaries and adventurers

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Maria Hawkes talks to Frances and Michael Howorth about er o as nd cer on oard e altese alcon What made you join the superyacht industry? I have always had a passion for the sea. It probably stemmed from my boat oriented childhood. The nature of the beast is more intriguing than land’s relatively more stable environment. My discovery of the industry was purely accidental whilst on holiday in Cannes seven years ago. I swiftly canned my plans for a future in advertising in favour of life and work at sea! Which is your favourite Mediterranean port and why do you like it? As a base, I love the diversity, food and beaches Barcelona has to offer. When cruising, I think Kotor and Tivat in Montenegro are uite underrated, find them beautifully serene with plenty of good restaurants and amenities. In the Mediterranean which is your favourite restaurant or bar and why is it special? The CDLC beach club bar and restaurant in Barcelona has a bit of everything. Quality entertainment, great food and atmosphere and it’s on the beachfront. Which is your favourite Mediterranean anchorage and why do you like it? I really like Girolata on the west coast of Corsica but it can be inaccessible when the Mistral is blowing. The lovely blue waters of Santorini are very impressive as is Elaphonisos and Syvota in Greece. Where in the Mediterranean is the best spot to get away from the others? In general Croatia is less crowded than other places whilst still having lovely bays for watersports and accompanying ports. Who would you recommend as a yacht service provider in the Mediterranean? n reek waters, find arsifal achting are good at problem solving and getting things done. What makes your yacht special? We are totally unique! Both in yacht design and the experience we offer to charter guests. Think motor yacht service then add to that an exhilarating sailing experience, that only an 88 metre three masted square rigged yacht can provide. ‘Falcon’ flies across the sea powered purely by nature hile she does so, the stews are serving champagne and canapés to guests enjoying their serene sail without engine noise, vibrations or fumes. How does the confidentiality concept in the industry help or hinder you? I think it is an imperative enhancement of our service offering to high profile guests, enabling them to fully rela with the comfort that nothing will ever be disclosed. However, Non Disclosure Agreements are often unnecessarily broad and vague. This sometimes results in crew feeling unable to speak about and gain advice on aspects of their employment in fear of breaching the rules. In your career have you learned any important lessons watching other crewmembers? Once during an emergency situation, I marvelled at how cool, calm and collected the Captain remained. Consequently this resulted in the crew working better together, without being additionally panicked, they safely solved the situation and gained the ultimate in guest respect.

hat makes you stand out as a eck Officer Ability to manage a good deck team and gain willing help from other departments. I believe that I am approachable and trustworthy. Crew often turn to me to speak of things in confidence have very high standards for the maintenance of the yacht and service delivery to the guests, am firm in what I would like, but I have learnt how to achieve this in calm and effective ways. How would you like to be remembered as a eck Officer Work ethic, attainment of high standards, fair, professional. How do you think your crew talk about you behind your back? Hopefully positively but undoubtedly there are times where people disagree with me and voice this amongst others!! What would you like to do when you cease working on superyachts? Currently I am undecided, but hopefully it will be something where I can implement the skills and knowledge I have obtained during my yachting career.

Quick Fire Are you a morning or night time person? Morning (for work!) How do you like your steak? Rare hat was the last film you saw in a cinema Insurgent What did you eat for breakfast this morning? Scrambled eggs What is your favourite style of cuisine? Italian What foods do you dislike most? Fish What would your last supper be? Beef Carpaccio Three dream dinner party guests? Russel Howard, Albert Einstein and Hunter S Thompson What are your favourite clothes? Jeans and T-shirt What is your Nickname? Muz, Brucie What have you done spontaneously lately? Spent 2 weeks backpacking in Central America What is your biggest regret to date? No regrets! What superpower would you like? o be able to fly

CREW’S CV Name Maria Hawkes Age 30 Nationality British/Australian revious yachts

alladium, Harle,


Current yacht The Maltese Falcon Number of crew 19 Charter Central Agent Burgess Charter fee per week

€ , per week high season €350,000 per week (low season)

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A weighty issue Yachting. It’s right up there with sports and modelling when it comes to obesity problems, basically there aren’t any. It’s not an industry associated with overweight people struggling with food; it’s more about the glamorous hot looking boys and girls isn’t it? But at what cost?


s captain Frank says “of course weight is a factor when hiring crew. As well as crew maintaining their weight whilst being employed. Being overweight has the stigma attached to it already, we are in the service industry not “changing the way the world thinks industry”. And from the owner’s point of view, if you can’t look after yourself, how can you look after my megayacht?” How many job applications in the real world ask for full length photos? And how is this still acceptable in yachting when it’s pretty much a litigious re uest in every other nofficially people are not hired due to the fact they won t fit into the uniforms on board. Although uniforms are available in all shapes and sizes, some yachts have an unwritten policy that if a crew member can t fit into the si es already available on board, they don t get the ob, regardless of their e perience, abilities and ualifications Through researching the issue of weight in yachting, the author heard do ens of stories of crew who were fired due to their weight, albeit unofficially It’s not just about looks though; we have to consider the health and safety implications of employing overweight people on yachts. It’s a physical role and in an emergency situation we need to be able to depend on the crew to evacuate the yacht or to fight the fire not to endanger others irst officer ob tells of when he was working on cargo ships prior to yachting, “We once had a deckie so fat that when he climbed up the ladder from the cargo hold (about 7m) he vomited on deck from the strain. I hate to think how we would get him up in the event he had fallen into the hold.” Extra procedures would have to be put in place to deal with getting an injured person of this size to a position of safety; is that fair to put the extra strain on the crew? Bob has more stories though, “I also recall another stew from a cruise ferry that stepped a bit askew onto the jetty from an elevated gangway and broke her ankle due to her body weight f she d been slimmer and fitter would this have happened? Probably not.

It’s hard to pick healthy options when you’re working long hours, tired and need a kick to keep going. The yacht chefs have their hands full trying to keep crew happy food wise and it’s their job to ensure a healthy meal is provided three times a day. But crew are all adults. If they want to raid the snack drawer who can stop them? Some people do seem to be naturally able to burn off those calories. Not fair, but it’s an exercise in self control for those who need to be careful what they eat and also make sure they exercise. The phrase “stewy bum” is well known in yachting, a reflection of the weight gain of many interior crew due to working long hours all season and reaching for the sugary snacks when exhausted just to keep going. Speaking to a crew of a large motor yacht, they told me of an annual game they play. At the start of the Med season, each deckhand is allocated a stewardess, without the interior team’s knowledge. Their mission is to fatten them up the most, the prize being drinks paid for them by all the other crew. Over the course of the season, they encourage the girls to eat chocolate and fatty foods, drink beers and just pile on as much poundage as possible! Cruel yes but surely the girls should tell the boys to get stuffed and cotton on to their game? Controlling your weight working on yachts is very hard, in particular for those not doing a super physical role. The deck team are usually more physically active and get to burn those calories off but when you’re making beds or cooking lunches or navigating, it s not like it s easy to go for a run especially on those yachts who sit at anchor for most of the season. Larger yachts have gyms on board and the crew are actively encouraged to make the most of it. Easier said than done when you’ve just worked hours and you ve had no sleep due to a rough crossing A darker side of the weight obsession on board is eating disorders. Some girls have spiralled into having serious issues from the pressure to maintain their weight; Chief Stew “Fiona” told us

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about one of her crew who had developed bulimia. The boys had started teasing her over her “stewy bum” after she gained a few pounds and suddenly she started losing weight rapidly, becoming withdrawn and anxious around meal times. “It put a lot of pressure on the rest of the crew; we heard her making herself sick and it was difficult to know how to address it as she consistently denied it. Eventually I sat her down away from the yacht and told her how worried we all were and she admitted she had a problem and didn’t know how to cope with it. We were able to get her to see a doctor and begin to deal with it, however she left the yachting industry shortly after which was a real shame. It did bring a strong message to the rest of the crew though about bullying over weight issues.”

How many job applications in the real world ask for full length photos? And how is this still acceptable in yachting when it’s pretty much a litigious request in every other? A side effect of eating disorders is the personality changes. People become sneaky when they’re lying about food; be it binging and purging or starving themselves to the point of anorexia. Stewardess “Lydia” told us “I started to starve myself, skipping meals but then others noticed, so I just ate what I had to in front of others and would go and make myself sick. I timed it well, I knew the best time to vomit was 30 minutes after I ate and after plenty of water. I became incredibly sneaky and proud of the fact I could be sick quietly. How awful is that?” Her obsession got the worst of her when one day she was so violently sick she ruptured her oesophagus. Yes, that can really happen. “It was a hell of a wake up call. I realised how much damage I had been doing to my body; I’m lucky I recovered and now have a better relationship with food. I make better choices; for me, I couldn’t pick the nice light salads the chef prepared when there was a bowl of sticky pasta next to it for the boys who’d burn it all off on deck.” Lots of crew told us the way they deal with a bit of weight gain is to not worry about it too much but hit the gyms or go for a run whenever they hit land. Mate “Karl” told us, “I don’t particularly like e ercising, but it s up to me to keep fit and healthy in order to encourage the rest of the deck team. If I’m sat with my feet up eating jaffa cakes with a fat belly I am not in a position to tell them to move their butts and get fit when we’re off charter!” He believes it’s up to heads of departments and seniors to lead by example and encourage healthy crew. “I have worked on dry boats, so why not sugar free boats?” Good point Karl… why not? Just indulge in sugary stuff when you’re off the boat! achting is a very high profile and high pressured environment and it’s up to the crew to look after each other and themselves. Keep healthy out there!

5 SIGNS OF WEIGHT OBSESSION Over excercising When exercise becomes a compulsive behavior, it can actually whittle away muscle mass and damage the heart. Compulsive exercising, which is also called anorexia athletica or obligatory exercise, is characterised by the desire to exercise above all else, even if that means giving up friends, missing social engagements, or pushing through workouts if you feel ill, injured or exhausted.

Excesively restricting or counting calories Obsessively counting each and every calorie that passes through your lips, being constantly hungry because you are not taking in enough food or setting severe eating rules for yourself can all indicate that a healthy behaviour has become an unhealthy obsession. Another facet of this type of obsession is placing yourself on a severe diet, such as one in which you eat only a single type of food, replacing full meals with a glass of water, or chewing gum in lieu of getting yourself a nutritious plate of food.

Constantly weighing yourself Checking the scale more than once a day and it could be a sign that you’re too fixated on your weight. Not only is compulsive weighing bad because of the stress it’ll add to your day, it’s also important to realise that body weight naturally fluctuates throughout the day, so multiple weigh-ins don’t really tell you much about true weight loss or gain. Another sign that you’re “scale obsessed” is that the little number you see in its window feels more like a judgment than a piece of information.

Having a warped image of yourself For some people, the image that stares back from the looking glass can be as warped as Alice’s size-shifting body in Lewis Carroll’s famous tale. If you begin to focus too strongly on how fat one part of your body is (say your abs or triceps) it could be a sign that you are developing body dysmorphic disorder. Those afflicted by this condition, tend to be extremely self-conscious, constantly comparing themselves to others, obsessively checking (or avoiding) mirrors, and believe that others share the same negative opinion of their looks that they have.

Eating disorders At its most severe, a weight obsession can turn into an eating disorder, which the National Institutes of Health define as “an illness that causes serious disturbances to your everyday diet. There are three primary types of eating disorders: •

Anorexia nervosa is characterised by an irrational fear of gaining weight, an extremely restricted caloric intake that leads to emaciation, a distorted body image and lack of menstruation in females.

Unlike anorexics, those who have bulimia nervosa will, in fact, eat large quantities of food. But these binging sessions are followed by a sense of guilt and subsequent extreme behaviors such as purging through the use of forced vomiting or laxatives and/or diuretics; excessive exercise; fasting; or any combination of these methods.

While most eating disorders result in unhealthily low body weights, with binge-eating disorder, the opposite may occur. That’s because binge eaters lose control over the quantities they consume, but don’t follow these sessions with purging, severe calorie restriction or excessive exercising. It’s the most common of the eating disorders.

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Crew matters Abi Dunlop describes the search process for interior yacht crew

Greycoat Lumleys search for the following skill sets for placing crew


reycoat umleys specialises in providing e cellent nterior Crew placements for motor yachts or sailing vessels worldwide e have been placing staff for 2 years and we know a thing or two about good service e always aim to provide our acht Clients with the consistently high level of service offered to our rivate Household clients inding carefully vetted and interviewed candidates, selected to meet the e acting standards of private owners, is our raison d tre e have a dedicated acht Consultant, bi unlop, who has the personal e perience and recruitment e pertise to enable her to assist captains with all their staffing re uirements bi endeavours to find the very best easonal or ermanent interior crew by utilising reycoat umleys e tensive database of ualified and or e perienced Chefs, tewards and tewardesses, ursers, annies, Couples and Housekeepers to select the best options to oin a client s team lternatively, bi can also undertake a proactive search if your needs are more bespoke bi undertakes annual recruitment drives to seek out top candidates and meet with e isting and potential clients his year she visited ntibes, Monaco and Cannes with Managing irector ebbie alter, and is currently diarising some of urope s infamous yacht shows for ne t year One ob picked up whilst in ntibes was filled very uickly and successfully s luck would have it, bi and ebbie happened to meet a few e cellent candidates in ntibes and would you believe it that the most ideal tewardess, trained in all levels of service and e actly the right personality for this ob came along

YACHT STEWARDS • elevant ualifications where necessary • great eye for detail • ositive, self motivated attitude • iscretion • nowledge of activities in all cruising areas • ood service skills YACHT PURSERS • orking closely with and assisting the Captain • Management Company and Head of epartments • Maintaining budgets and accounts, including payroll • rranging all guest and crew travel and documentation • Orchestrating guest activities and events • nterior inventory, purchasing and provisioning YACHT CHEFS & COOKS • perience working on motor yachts and sailing vessels of any si e and for both charter and private use • cellent cooking skills perience on lu ury catering on board and working • within different styles and nationality of cuisines • kills to cater for employers, their guests and crew MARITIME SECURITY STAFF • ecurity rained Crew • rotective urveillance • urveillance echnical • nti urveillance • essel ecurity udits • ecurity lanning raining • Crew Medical raining hether you have a yacht in the Mediterranean, or run a charter in the Caribbean, or run any other kind of private rental, contact bi to discuss your needs he would be delighted to help you find the very best nterior acht Crew or more details el 2 2 or visit www greycoatlumleys co uk ONBOARD | WINTER 2016 | 47

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Naval gazing The Oxford Dictionary dates the origin of the pea jacket or peacoat to the early 18th century, claiming that it was probably derived from the Dutch word pijjakker, from ‘pij’ for ‘coat of coarse cloth’ plus jekker for ‘jacket’. The change from ‘jekker’ to ‘jakker’ was due to the association with the jacket. Since the Dutch were a naval power back in the day, and the peacoat is commonly associated with seafaring, it does not seem far fetched that the jacket was in fact from the Netherlands. SCHOTT classic melton wool peacoat www.mrporter.com €460

PERSONAL SHOPPER It’s time to unleash your individual style this winter

THOM BROWNE Striped cotton beanie €390

DOLCE & GABBANA Ribbed wool beanie €145

THOM BROWNE Camel beanie €330


LANVIN Ribbed cashmere beanie €210

Every man needs a woolie hat to see him through the winter

DOLCE & GABBANA Cable knit wool beanie €165

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SOREL Waterproof suede & leather €170

MIU MIU Shearling lined nubuck & rubber €890

ALEXANDER MCQUEEN Shearling trimmed textured leather €845

SUPER FURRY FEET Ladies, stop the chill nipping at your ankles this winter SOREL Waterproof suede & rubber €130

BURBERRY LONDON London shearling lined suede €795

NICHOLAS KIRKWOOD Polly shearling, velvet & patent €1095

3.1 PHILLIP LIM Mallory leather & shearling €860

GIANVITO ROSSI Shearling trimmed suede €850

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Think service, think Huisman

Photo: Jeff Brown

Huisman, established in 1955, expanded its service for the mediterranean yacht industry by establishing Huisman Etech Yacht Services in Monaco to provide the next level service. Huisman’s comprehensive service ensures you can enjoy sailing to max. Our specialists are at your service whenever you need them. Huisman Etech Yacht Services Sarl Talaria Business Center 7 rue de l’industrie 98000 Monaco T +377 99 99 47 25 M service@huismanetech.com


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WRISTY BUSINESS It’s not just Johnny Depp and Keith Richards anymore. Now everyone’s piling on more bracelets than a pirate

PAUL SMITH Woven leather wrap bracelet €130

MIANSAI Casing woven leather and silver plated wrap bracelet €95

MIANSAI Woven cord and silver tone wrap bracelet €65

MIANSAI Leather and silver plated anchor bracelet €115


All bracelets available from www.mrporter.com

Woven leather Wrap bracelet €155


natomical silver tone cuff €195

Silver-tone leather anchor wrap bracelet €70

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Luxury hand made express cruisers & VIP passenger Sea Taxi

BOLTON MARINE specialises in the design and construction of handmade luxurious R.I.B. Cruisers. It combines the air-chambers and deep-V hull of inatable boats with the spacious accommodation of larger cruisers to create the ultimate boat for every destination. T +30 6945 567192 www.boltonmarine.com

Reaching wider horizons together with ABB?


ABB offers an extensive portfolio of integrated marine systems and solutions. Our Azipod ÂŽ propulsion concept has proven its efficiency and reliability on a number of yacht vessels with its ultimate silent and ecological solution. We provide innovative, reliable, safe and environmentally-friendly solutions and qualified services worldwide. www.abb.com/marine

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Members only

Hugo Jacquot highlights the advantages of superyacht insurance with a P&I Club


rotection & Indemnity Clubs have for over a hundred years covered the interests of owners and are regarded as the most reliable of marine liability insurers, whose certificates and letters of undertaking are accepted everywhere. A P&I Club is a mutual insurer, whose purpose is to provide its members with exceptional service at the most cost effective price possible. The Members own the Club and so there are no shareholders seeking profits, which should allow Clubs to provide long term pricing benefits to its members. Historically few yachts were insured by P&I Clubs and these normally belonged to commercial shipowners and were insured alongside their bulkers or tankers. Pleasure yachts tended to be covered for liability risks by commercial underwriters, very often as an extension of the hull & machinery cover. However as yachts have become larger and more adventurous in their trading, the need for specialist liability underwriters has grown and a number of P&I Clubs have ventured into this market. Clubs recognise that the pleasure yacht market is different from traditional areas of business and many, including Steamship

Mutual, have developed unique yacht policy terms underwritten on a fi ed premium basis with limits up to $1bn. Whilst these limits are high compared to hull values, the increasing size of yachts and the never ending wave of new statutory, legal and regulatory regimes, means owners face a more volatile liability environment than ever before. P&I Clubs specialise in this arena and can provide their members with support in navigating liability issues in jurisdictions all over the world. The introduction of the Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention requires many yachts over gt to have specific lue Cards Blue cards issued by Clubs are accepted by all countries. Owners need to ensure their commercial insurer is willing to issue such Blue Cards and that those will be accepted in the countries visited. Many commercial underwriters continue to offer liability cover to their clients either on a standalone basis or as an adjunct to the hull & machinery cover. However, there is still an important difference between placing the liability risk with a P&I Club and a commercial underwriter. P&I Clubs treat their fi ed premium members with the same state of mind as their Mutual

members, which means their primary objective is to assist the member and make sure they feel supported at any time. P&I Clubs stand shoulder to shoulder with yacht owners and are not driven by profit For instance Steamship Mutual includes in its Yacht Terms & Conditions an “Omnibus Rule”. This means that even if a claim falls outside the terms of a yacht owner’s cover, he has the right to seek cover on a discretionary basis from the Club. The Steamship Mutual Yacht Liability Terms and Conditions are wider than others generally found in the market Cover for Legal Expenses, Accident & Illness for crew members, Hull War Risks and Kidnap and Ransom is also available. For more details Tel: +44 (0)207 650 6646 or contact Hugo.jacquot@simsl.com

P&I CLUB BENEFITS The Clubs have a large network of correspondents in the most popular ports in the world with the ability to dispatch a Club representative anywhere in the world quickly and cost effectively. Steamship Mutual, prides itself in offering an exceptional service, in assisting the yacht owner, not only at renewal or in case of claim, but also throughout the course of the year, offering assistance at every step in life of the yacht; whether it is to review a crew or shipyard contract or answer questions about coverage. The Yacht Team allows the Club to provide comprehensive answers to the questions or concerns of the yacht owner. The underwriting team provides insurance solutions tailor made to the requirements of every yacht and our claims team offers high quality service, providing a 24/7 emergency response to help anywhere in the world.

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Beyond transformation Will Blair takes us through the recent restoration project of the 25 metre Tecnomar MY Beyond

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hen Hamble acht ervices efit & Repair (HYSRR) was asked to transform an old, dilapidated 25m Tecnomar Motor Yacht into an up to date luxurious superyacht, they dedicated all of their passion, skill and expertise into turning the owner’s dream into a reality. Highly customised to the owner s uni ue specifications and style that stood out from all of the rest and which the whole team and the owner are immensely proud of. ONBOARD take a look behind the scenes of one of H s most challenging refit pro ects to date... The choice to renovate The 15 year old motor yacht arrived in the UK in a state of extreme disrepair, but the yacht’s new owner wanted to turn this run-down vessel into a luxurious and relaxing space where he could entertain his friends, spend time with his family and escape his high pressured and busy work schedule. Although the owner had the choice of buying a new yacht, he chose to renovate so that he had the fle ibility to customise everything to suit his needs and wants exactly. Full service and convenient location The owner chose HYSRR to complete the pro ect for many reasons he space available in the yard, a big enough shed to house the vessel for 12 months and the expertise and skill available to fully customise the boat were some of the attractions. It was also due to the yard’s convenient location in Hamble, ust a couple of hours from London so that the owner was able to visit the yacht on a regular basis and be involved through every step of the refit fter taking it back to a bare shell, over the next 12 months the HYSRR team worked relentlessly to bring this run down yacht back to life. Much of the yacht’s technical equipment was either serviced or replaced dependent on its condition. Every effort was made to keep the existing equipment where possible but no expense has been spared on making sure the yacht has the best and most advanced systems on board including the installation of two Seakeeper 9 gyro stabilising units reducing roll by up to 80%. A full aymarine package was also fitted and all of the electrics and plumbing updated to the highest standards. First impressions From the outside, “Beyond” looks like new. All of the sunbleached beige topsides have been refurbished and resprayed in Crystal Metallic Silver and all of the teak decking has been replaced by HYSRR’s expert teak fitters t night, beautiful variable coloured underwater LED lights illuminate the water

below and on the transom the custom made backlit name badge sparkles. “The custom made bimini was one of the pro ect s biggest challenges but one we are very proud of. Initially we were going to erect a canvas bimini but we ended up creating a fully customised moulded hardtop bimini complete with smart and modern seating for the flybridge t really is one of a kind and creates real impact to the exterior look of the yacht inslie Hunt ro ect Manager Modern retro The interior layout was largely kept the same but most of the furnishings, fittings and equipment were refurbished or replaced to bring it right up to date and give the vessel a new lease of life. All of the wooden panels and fittings have been re sprayed to a high gloss finish and this bright white backdrop is embellished with vivid pops of red and orange and classically retro 1970s art and accessories including Gerald Laing pop art, gold edged furniture and bold geometric patterned carpets, cushions and wall panels. The 1970s inspired design is truly unique and individual to the client. All of the furnishings are of the highest quality and genuine s light fittings were fitted to complete the look. Despite its retro appearance, the vessel is fitted out with all of the mod cons you d expect including a modern galley as well as air conditioning and LED lighting throughout. Most of the window frames and door fittings were refurbished but custom built Corian toilets and vanity units add an extra touch of luxury to the living areas. “It has been an incredible transformation and it is great to see such a different take on a lu ury yacht and a personalised refit that is truly unique and like no other we’ve ever seen. When we sprayed everything white, we didn’t expect to then see colourful trimmings, fabrics and colours come into play but they all look fantastic.” Malcolm Hearnden – General Manager. he whole pro ect was a labour of love for everyone involved and the benefits of refitting a yacht instead of commissioning a new build are clear from fitting the best onboard systems and state of the art technology and engineering, to choosing bespoke fabrics and customising fi tures and fittings, a yacht refit gives you the freedom to create a boat that is truly unique, fully meets your wishes and desires and that you can en oy and cherish indefinitely For more details +44 (0)23 804 54111 www.hysrr.com

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QUEEN OF TIDES Karen Anne Overton talks exclusively to Sarah Outen about her mammoth four year worldwide expedition that she completed in November 2015


here is no conquering the natural world. Sarah’s respect for the water and the weather is unlimited. Such is the wisdom of someone for whom no challenge seems out of reach. And in the case of adventurer Sarah Outen, it’s a matter of fact approach that keeps her on the narrow path to success. “I work with the weather when I can and try to limit the damage when I cannot,” she says. This is no glib metaphor; having spent months at sea at a time, the 30 year old has felt the wrath of the elements, coming close to death on more than one occasion. There’s the time she almost succumbed to pneumonia, or when shrouded in a fog so thick her solar powered identification system had failed to charge and she almost got swept up in the swell of a shipping vessel. Or perhaps the time when a great white shark circled her small rowboat but, thankfully, found more interest in the fish that followed her than the bigger catch on board. On 3rd November, Outen completed the adventure of a lifetime: her ‘London2London: via the world’ expedition, a journey that has taken four years and has been powered solely by her own steam. That’s no planes, no trains, no automobiles whatsoever, and rarely even the help of a favourable wind for her 21ft rowing boat. Even among her peers she is a true adventurer. Fearless, insatiable and most likely a little bit insane. fter university she embarked on her first solo trip rowing across the Indian Ocean: Australia to Mauritius, a gruelling 124 days at sea, raising £30,000 for arthritis charities in the process. Despite that enormous achievement, Outen’s first record breaking adventure was a drop in the ocean when compared to the mighty task of her round the world trip. Setting out from London in a kayak, the adventurer made her way to France, then cycled 11,000 miles across Europe and Asia and returned to her vessel to travel from Russia to Japan. But setting out from Japan in the spring of 2012, disaster stuck three weeks into her leg across the acific when she got caught in the midst of tropical storm Mawar. The boat capsized repeatedly as Outen lay helpless, strapped into her cabin. “From my small window it looked as if I was being engulfed by the Alps,” she admits, “as giant waves and 80mph winds mercilessly battered the boat.” After three harrowing days she was rescued by the Japanese coastguard. Her boat did not make it back though and it would take nine months of physical and mental therapy before the rit would find the strength to complete the trip. Not one to quit though, in April 2013 Outen set out once again from the same Japanese port in Happy Socks, a sister to the boat she rowed across the Indian Ocean, and built by Global Boatworks in England. “We made various changes to the boat set up and the way that communications were handled

within the team,” she reveals. “The psychological fallout on my return also highlighted the importance of follow up support.” Nowadays, her kit is state of the art, and this is what makes her a truly modern adventurer. She used an Iridium satellite phone and an accompanying cess oint wifi bo and O unit which allowed her to communicate with home and keep her followers up to date with regular phonecasts and tweets. A YB tracking unit kept her position tracked and on the less high tech end of the scale she used a trusty Go Pro camera. For survival she had an on board desalination unit which provided 25 litres of fresh water per hour and cooked on a small gas stove.

From my small window it looked as if I was being engulfed by the Alps as giant waves and 80mph winds mercilessly battered the boat Fortunately, following the Japanese misstep, Outen’s second attempt went right to plan. She rowed from Japan to the remote Aleutian Islands, then another 1,500 miles of kayaking along that island chain to the Alaskan mainland, followed by 4,500 miles by bike across North America to reach New York. he final leg was a mere four month row from Cape Cod to London. In May she celebrated her 30th birthday, alone in the middle of the acific, but was connected to the world and to loved ones having stowed birthday presents from family and friends in her 4x4ft cabin. “This is all about people, really,” she admits. “I visit a lot of schools and encourage young people to follow their dreams and adventures. I would love to be involved in television programmes to inspire the next generation so that’s a big project for the future. Of course like all great challenges hers wouldn’t be complete without an epic love story to go with it. In Outen’s case her partner Lucy provided the background knowledge and support to ensure every step of the journey was structured and planned. The couple are set to wed soon and Outen says plans are in full swing. And really what possible logistical challenges can unsettle such a driven adventurer? From temperatures of between to C in the desert, numerous brushes with death and constant danger in deep water, one might wonder what would inspire a young woman to make such a perilous journey.

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Good times nata le toys ave ecome a vital art of any c arter e erience te en il loo s at some of t e latest innovations

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reeStyle Slides, Inc. has been making waves in the yachting world for over seven years now, yet the innovation that accompanies all of their products is always worth noting. “We’re always looking to be the first and most advanced in yacht toys and attachable products,” said CEO Stephen Philp.Between the material, welding and manufacturing procedures, and constant engineering improvements, FreeStyle has maintained their status as the best in the business when it comes to bespoke inflatables for yachts ecently, ree tyle made the addition of the floating island,” which features slides, trampolines, pools, climbing towers, rock walls and launchers. These islands can be anchored to the back of any ship or yacht and bring even more fun, especially to vessels that are available for charter. And, with toys becoming higher on the list of considerations before someone decides to charter a yacht, these varieties are becoming more important than ever. Of course, a lot of storage space might be sacrificed when a yacht decides to purchase all of these toys, but FreeStyle is working to eliminate that issue as well. “We understand that the biggest complaint regarding toys is the general set up, takedown, weight and storage, and so we’re taking steps to improve that aspect of the industry as well. There’s nothing we want more than to improve the ease

by which our products are used. It will expedite the fun, and make for a happier crew and client” said Philp.The steps Philp is talking are in full swing and when these new products hit the market, they will without a doubt be the big ticket item that yachts are dying to have. So, what are these mystery products? Slides and toys, made with materials that are almost half the weight, but with all of the durability and manufacturing strengths of the traditional items you have come to know from FreeStyle. “We are in the testing phase right now but have provided a few key yachts with these prototypes to see how they fare with the captain and crew. The market research we will glean from these tests will be invaluable as to what product options we offer in the future,” said Philp. When FreeStyle succeeds in bringing these new and innovative products to the market, it will revolutionise the way that yachts store, and use toys and slides. As they continue to strive for improvement FreeStyle is committed to working with captains and crews to set new and higher standards for the yachting community. You can see all of the new innovations and toys that FreeStyle features on their website freestyleslides.com, or in their new brochure which can be downloaded from the homepage at freestylecruiser.com

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TAKE A RIB ris lifford ta es a loo at t e e anding lu ury ri tender mar et and recommends is favourite com anies RIBQUEST Staffed by a team of dedicated RIB fanatics, with over 20 years of engineering and rib knowledge behind them Ribquest have an extensive range of RIBs, from the extremely capable 4.8m right through to the robust 10m Adventurer. Their Commercial igid nflatable oats offer a wide beam of 2.4m and 2.9m respectively, making them extremely popular within this market place. They offer true, deep ‘V’ multi-chine hulls with a 24 degree dead rise and a high sheer bow, ensuring excellent seafaring abilities in all conditions. You can be sure that when you buy a Ribquest, you’ve become part of a very special family, with an after sales service and commitment that is unrivaled. Recently Ribquest have bought out a new range called the Supersport, which come in 6, 6.5, 7 and 7.5m. These can be tailored to suit your exact requirements. For more details Tel+44(0)121 788 1641 or visit www.ribquest.com

BOLTON MARINE Luxury cruiser or an all-weather mega R.I.B.? The competition may force you to pick one over the other. The innovative design from Bolton Marine invites you to enjoy the best of both. he inflatable air chambers, a deep hull, and the spacious accommodation of larger cruisers are elegantly combined to create the ultimate boat for every destination with the security of an unsinkable vessel. Bolton Marine’s mission was to create a range of models that would redefine the rt of Express Cruising”. Today they have achieved this partly by building off of a highly successful line with recreational rib cruisers & VIP sea taxi vessels. Bolton Marine has brought to life a combined vision of unique boats that not only are exciting and built to very high standards but also provides its operator and passengers with thrilling performance. For more details Tel: +30 6945 567192 or visit www.boltonmarine.com

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EYOS EYOS Tenders are the go-to specialists for all your yacht tender requirements. Unlike sales agents, they offer an independent consultancy team that are able to offer an unbiased opinion on what is available on the market and help you make the right decision. EYOS work in partnership with you. Finding the best boat for your requirements. All you need to do to start the process is to have a simple meeting by phone or in person to understand your requirements for purchase. Once a clear picture of your requirements for use is established EYOS will give you a range of different boats to best suit your needs. They also

take the complications out of you dealing direct with a build yard and will handle the whole build process on your behalf, making sure you get exactly what you need and often much more. They also handle all the logistics of moving your new tender to where you need it, plus will handle all aspects of warranty and servicing for you. Based in Palma de Mallorca, EYOS Tenders also operate a 14000 sq. ft. storage and showroom facility for your tender winter storage and maintenance requirements. For more details Tel: +34 971 285 074 or visit www.eyostenders.com

WHITMARSH With an extensive history of offshore power boat racing and many years in the superyacht industry, James Whitmarsh is well placed to know that quality and performance are not enough by themselves to produce the ultimate luxury tender. The passion for perfection has been incorporated into building the Whitmarsh 7.3m, with a deep V stepped hull design to give fantastic offshore performance, sea keeping and a stable dry ride, to ensure maximum guest comfort. The D-tube design gives a large open cockpit feel without compromising guest seating. Options for bow beach steps, forward canopy, forward sunbed and bespoke Carbon hardtop make it the ideal tender for yachts of 50m+. For more details Tel: +33 (0) 6 98 42 56 56 or visit www.whitmarsh-ribs.com

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WAHOO Manufactured in the UK to ISO 9001 quality standards, Wahoo’s range of tenders, limousines, chase boats and SOLAS vessels combine the aesthetics of great design with the very best in marine engineering. The range offers inboard and outboard configurations with lengths from 6.2 to 11.5 m and standard power outputs up to 800HP. With Hulls originally designed by the legendary Lorne Campbell for offshore racing, all Wahoo’s are exceptionally well behaved at sea and, with the addition of joystick engine controls, life at slow speed and close quarters becomes stress-free. The range topping Shadow limousine can carry 12 guest in a climate controlled luxury cabin protected from the elements by full hard top with a retractable glass roof. For more details Tel: +44(0)1329 339339 or visit www.wahooribs.com

X-CRAFT X-Craft is located in Zwaag, The Netherlands. For the past 8 years, high end performance and luxurious craft have been built by a small team of watersports fanatics However, soon after the launch of the first few builds it became apparent that the building process and level of finishing was much more appropriate for the superyacht market. X-Craft’s Dutch craftsmen will settle for nothing less than the best and they prefer to build only when their skills are challenged with the least amount of limitations. The logical outcome was a decision to move from performance RIBs to custom yacht tenders. X-Craft feels right at home in this market and the passion of all team members can be fully utilised when building the yacht tenders. As part of their planned expansion a new building will be operational in Q3 of 2016 where the production capacity will be quadrupled to facilitate the superyacht tender range from m to m eck finishing, engine layout & control, custom design & production and electrical finishing are all being completed to the highest standards, which results in easy to drive and maintain yacht tenders with an absolute superyacht finish For more details Tel: +31 (0) 229 218 423 or visit www.xcraft.nl

ZODIAC Zodiac Hurricane Technologies, Inc. manufactures custom built igid Hull nflatable acht enders and Approved Solas Rescue Boats. Their range of Proven and Safe model designs, with exceptional sea keeping attributes and industry leading features and options are supplied to demanding clients worldwide. vailable with either aluminium or fibreglass hulls, from 6 to 12 metres in length, designed and built to meet your operational re uirements and to fit aboard your parent craft. For more details Tel: +1 604 940 2702 or visit web www.zodiacmilprotenders.com

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The Art of Sound Paul Baker explains why tenders and RIBs s ould e tted with audio systems that have been engineered s eci cally for t e marine environment


here is a very big difference in the performance of a speaker fitted on board a tender that has to be hidden from the extreme conditions against one that can be installed just about anywhere and is able to withstand the elements that it comes in contact with without compromising on amazing sound. The reason is simple the latter has been designed and tested specifically for the marine environment and the former has been adapted to marine from other applications and tested on a soundboard.

A recent installation on one of Wahoo’s custom built, ten metre superyacht tenders, ‘Sunrays’ based in the Mediterranean re uired udio to design and fit an audio system that would offer the best possible sound under any conditions. The system chosen demonstrates JL Audio’s ‘Art of Sound’ in action. Twelve speakers, two subwoofers, three amplifiers and rear facing tower speakers might be viewed as overkill, but this was soon dispelled when the output was heard, even when the boat was operating at its max.

JL Audio is the USA’s leading manufacturer of car and marine audio systems. From its dedicated manufacturing facility in Florida, its knowledge of the marine environment allows designers to create a speaker that sounds simply phenomenal. Knowing there will be severe high frequency cancellation due to the abundance of environmental noises such as wind, waves and engines, JL Audio voice all of its marine speakers more aggressively than they do a car speaker. This allows the speaker to perform as if there were no noise obstacles to deal with, providing crystal clear sound and depth of clarity.

The brief for ‘Sunrays’ audio requirements articulates the increasing trend for higher spec audio on board perfectly and nowhere is this demonstrated better than from the speakers fitted to the stern specifically for water skiers and wakeboarders. Designed to project far enough for someone riding the wake to hear and enjoy, the stern speakers produced sound across the water that was as amazing as that on board.

JL Audio’s huge success in the USA is currently extending to European shores where they are wowing European boat builders and owners alike pecifications, particularly in the Mediterranean, for custom designed superyacht tenders are increasingly going way beyond the realms of what was traditionally required from a tender. RIB and superyacht tender manufacturers such as Wahoo and Pascoe International understand that customers’ discerning tastes extend well beyond the boundaries of the internal fitting of their mothership and e pect their tenders to be fitted out and perform e ually as well n doing so, both companies now e clusively fit udio Marine systems to both their custom and production built craft with outstanding results.

Pascoe International have been equally impressed with the crystal clear performance of the JL Audio systems that were chosen for its Pascoe 8m, and award winning 9.6m, SL Limousines. As part of its service to OEMs, JL Audio ensures the installation of all on board audio is carried out meticulously and to the specific re uirements of the customer so full training is given to the installer to set up and tune the audio system correctly, which is essential to ensure the audio reproduction is at its best. Great audio is all about creating the best experience regardless of whether you are at home, in your car or onboard your boat. Go out there and enjoy. Once you have great audio then you won’t want to be without it. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1202 664390 or visit www.jlaudiomarine.eu

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SLOPING OFF Alf Alderson hits the slopes above Bonneval-sur-Arc and discovers a winter world that seems to have been by-passed by the 21st century

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isit Bonneval-sur-Arc in midsummer and it’s a hive of activity. Cars, and more especially motorbikes and cyclists pass by this lovely alpine village on their way up or down the famous Col d’Iseran, at 2764 metres the highest paved road in the Alps. The col sits up in the sky above Bonneval and gives access to Val d’Isere, the village’s near neighbour (at least as far as the crow flies , although only in summer, from late September to June it’s invariably covered in snow, often to a depth of several metres, and the two settlements are then cut off from each other. Life in ‘Val’ goes on regardless. Indeed, in winter it’s even busier than in summer, but if you visit Bonneval-sur-Arc in winter you really do feel that you’ve reached the end of the road as you drive into the village, which technically you have, of course. You’ll probably also feel like you’ve stepped back in time. For despite being one of the most snow-sure ski resorts in the French Alps, Bonneval is as low key as you can get. The village sits at an altitude of

1800 metres in the Vanoise National Park and is a member of the group ‘Les Plus Beaux Villages de France’ which aims to preserve traditional architectural styles and cultural traditions. Any building work has to remain true to the alpine vernacular style, telephone cables and street lighting is routed underground and shops and other businesses are not permitted to use large, garish signage. The squat, stone tiled houses and Baroque style chapels have survived largely due to the village’s high, remote location – when German forces razed many of the region’s lower level, more accessible towns and villages on their retreat towards the end of World War II, Bonneval was left untouched. Whilst tourism remains important to the local economy year round, traditional transhumance agriculture and craft work are also still important. Produce such as Bonneval blue cheese, Savoie tomme and cured ham or the work of local wood carvers is still very much a part of the local artisanal economy.

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Eventually we have to take a break from all this fun and refuel at the low key, friendly Restaurant Criou; the staff could be as diffident as they want since it s the only restaurant on the mountain, but there’s an amiable atmosphere here as everyone from adrenaline fuelled freeriders to family groups gather in the warm spring sunshine.

Despite being one of the most snow-sure ski resorts in the French Alps, Bonneval is as low key as you can get As I sit and sip my Coke that feeling of having drifted back in time returns; not only is the village of Bonneval a reminder of the past, but skiing here has the homegrown feel that has been lost, or never even existed, at many big, modern ski resorts.

So as a skier you may think that you’d stand out a tad in this traditional alpine setting. Not a bit of it. Bonneval has somehow managed to get the perfect balance of being a village that relies on skiing for much of its winter income but hasn’t sold out to it. And whilst the skiing infrastructure is all human scale and basic, the resort’s slow old chairlifts carry you up into a mountainscape that is far from human scale and, for that matter, far from ‘basic’. ‘Spectacular’ would be more the word of choice. The vast bulk of 3638 metre Mont Albaron towers above the ski slopes, blue glaciers glinting on its steeper flanks, whilst its snowfields display the dark tracks of ski tourers heading for Italy, on the mountain’s far side. This side of the massif faces north, and the ‘3000’ chairlift will allow you to access it; I’m riding it with my mate Hugh and locals Veronique Boniface and Christian Batailli, and as you might expect given the lift’s name it deposits us at the resort’s high point of 3000 metres, where the snow conditions are consistently excellent. Bonneval has only a modest 25 km of groomed pistes, hence the resort’s increasing popularity as a freeride destination, and we follow Christian and Veronique on a long and airy traverse across wide snowfields to a huge, cold, shadowy snowbowl directly beneath Mont lbaron s north face, where we find shin deep powder and enough untracked lined to keep us coming back time and time again. Bearing in mind that this is a day after the Easter weekend break this is quite remarkable. After all, had we been skiing in nearby Val d’Isere every slope would be scarred with the tracks of countless skiers; here in Bonneval, after one of the busiest weekends of the ski season, we can still lay down our own lines on run after run.

Veronique breaks my reverie by pointing out “In January we enjoy fresh tracks all over the mountain for days after a big snowstorm; it’s very quiet then, not many skiers visit in the depths of winter”. To me and Hugh this seems like the perfect package; visit in midwinter after a major dump and stay in a traditional auberge in the village whilst skiing fresh powder every day without the crowds and without the hype. For now, however, we’re heading back to the 3000 chair to rip up more of that spring powder before word gets out and everyone joins us. But of course, they won’t, because the ski season is now winding down, so effectively we have the slopes to ourselves for the rest of the day. And from what Veronique says, that’s pretty much the case every day. Perfect…

BONNEVAL-SUR-ARC ESSENTIALS GETTING THERE The nearest airport is Chambery, which is just under two hour’s drive from Bonneval-sur-Arc. It’s also possible to take a train to Modane then a one hour bus transfer to Bonneval. Maximum height 3000m Resort height 1800m Max vert. 1200m Ski area 25km pistes Beginner 40% Intermediate 50% Expert 10% Plus extensive freeride and ski touring terrain For more details visit www.bonneval.haute-maurienne-vanoise.com

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SKI A LA MODE OAKLEY Flight Deck XM in matt black www.surfdome.com €230

Make your mark when you hit the slopes of Bonneval in style with this season’s best ski gear

SWEET PROTECTION Trooper Helmet www.surfdome.com €270

NORTHFACE Jeppeson jacket www.thenorthface.com €270

ARVA Pro W Transceiver www.surfdome.com €400

POINT 65 Boblbee GTO 25l www.packs.point65.com €230

DYNASTAR Cham High Mountain www.surfdome.com €500

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BRINGING YACHT FURNISHING IDE AS TO LIFE The Finkeldei Manufactory is the ideal partner for furnishing a yacht whenever top quality and individuality are paramount. That is why you will find our upholstered furniture on six of the ten largest yachts in the world. For more than 50 years, we have been creating custom-made furniture of the highest standards, hand-made in Germany.

With our specialists and technicians, even the most challenging furnishing projects are in the best of hands with us.

FINKELDEI Polstermรถbelmanufaktur

Finkeldei Interiors GmbH & Co. KG . Alersfelde 41 . 33039 Nieheim . Germany . Tel. +49 5274 / 980 113 . info@finkeldei.com . www.finkeldei.com

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A touch of genius

Daniel Kerkhof, Regional Manager Crestron Benelux explores the future of marine technology and the impact of 4K and wireless control on board superyachts When did Crestron start to focus on the superyacht market? We have been involved in the superyacht market since we started in the high end property market. People had Crestron in their homes and they wanted to have the same experience on their yachts. This goes back about 20 years ago.

How has the business changed since then? Initially Crestron was used on yachts as an easy to use interface to the many different brands of equipment. It made using these complex systems much more intuitive for the crew and guests. Today Crestron controls, distributes Audio Visual signals, lighting control, temperature control, and from a crew perspective monitors the entire system on board. This allows for a seamless user experience. How important is it to have interfaces with contemporary devices found in every pocket these days? Crestron has always supported 3rd party interfaces to control the equipment. If the client wishes to control the system with their own mobile device or tablet, that s fine his gives us user fle ibility and familiarity Are your devices intuitive to how a superyacht owner uses the yacht and your applications? The most important part here is the programming done by the system integrator. We offer a big box of tools to them to create an ultra intuitive user interface for the yacht owner. Obviously we keep a close eye on their performance and knowledge levels. y providing them with certificates we also make clear to the yacht builders and owners which system integrators have the

right knowledge level to serve them in the best way creating a perfect intuitive Crestron installation.On the other side we keep on updating and training these system integrators all the time, so we make sure they are on top of the latest possibilities. How revolutionary is 4k to your business? To us 4k is more an evolution than a revolution. The same thing we do with 4K today we did with Full HD a couple of years ago and we will do with 8K in a couple of years from now. From an end-user experience it is an evolution of technology, not a revolution. Superyachts need to be at the edge of modern technology so you can definitely say it is essential on a new build yacht Wireless touch control from anywhere on a yacht will be important to the owner and guests, how has Crestron met this demand? Both with our own dedicated touchscreens, as well as with supporting all their favorite mobile devices. From Apple Watch to Android or even Windows surface. What’s next in terms of development for Crestron? At the moment we are releasing new products to support the latest HDCP (copy protection protocol) standards. These are essential to support the latest movie servers and Blu-ray players. In the future even more focus will be given to mobile devices using them for localisation on the vessel. This gives us the opportunity to start a routine like playing the music as soon as an owner enters the dining room. Not a single button needs to be pressed! As you can see we keep ahead of the newest technologies inventing new ways to make sure owners get the maximum out of their time onboard. For more details Tel: +44 (0)845 8738787 or visit www.crestron.eu ONBOARD | WINTER 2016 | 69

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23/12/15 09:43

Stay Connected The superyacht industry is a driving force behind the development of higher bandwidth and download speeds Words: Frances and Michael Howorth


he maritime VSAT industry is undergoing a radical transformation, both from a commercial and technical perspective. Superyachts are without doubt becoming one of the main driving forces behind the expansion with their demands for ever increasing bandwidths and faster down load speeds they are second in importance after the commercial shipping industry. The next generation of service providers will be required to address an unprecedented range of applications while driving massive economies of scale. Having the right multiservice platform will become the key to success in this new VSAT paradigm.

Kevin McCarthy VP of Market Development at Newtec believes the future of VSAT is multiservice. He explains, “Supporting a wide range of applications, while maximising economies of scale, re uires a fle ible, efficient and scalable multiservice VSAT platform.” Newtec’s Dialog multiservice platform offers key enablers and supports an unparalleled range of applications. Everything from Business to Consumer (B2C) to high-end cellular backhaul and mobility can be supported on this single platform.” McCarthy says, ”The global VSAT market has traditionally consisted of specialised service providers, each focused on specific vertical markets and regions. Until now, specialisation and customer intimacy have been the key differentiators for most vendors.”

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Hollie Watson of Station53 says, “As the VSAT industry consolidates and bandwidth demand skyrockets, economies of scale are becoming competitive. With the advent of High Throughput Satellites (HTS), satellite operators like us will offer managed services (in Mbps) across multiple spot beams and vertical markets. Station53 provides multiple options to buy VSAT satellite bandwidth in C, Band, KU and KA. Options include giving customers the ability to buy airtime on single beams covering a desired region, multiple overlapping beams providing an advanced Quality of Service and superior availability or a Global Service made up of

over 32 interlocking beams. For all options the customer can choose to buy satellite Airtime as a managed pool of service on a Kbits or Mbps basis. Michael De Coninck of Satmarin explains, “To achieve the level of proactive customised managed services expected by the superyacht industry current and NextGen VSAT will need to be tailored into a performing yet fle ible vertical market segment. We are convinced that one solution doesn t fit all and that each yacht s re uirements are to be assessed individually keeping in mind realistic objectives and technology. High Throughput Satellites (HTS) is a classification for communications satellites that provide

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23/12/15 18:39

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at least twice, though usually by a factor of 20 or more, the total throughput of a classic MSS satellite for the same amount of allocated orbital spectrum thus significantly reducing cost per bit Whereas traditional satellites utilise large regional beams that cover an entire footprint with fi ed capacity, High hroughput Satellites are characterised by multiple spot beams to increase capacity through a process called fre uency reuse hese spot beams bring focused capacity to a specific region, which in the case of the maritime industry will be key commercial shipping routes he overall investment costs associated with H services should theoretically be less than traditional VSAT services, since satellite terminals will be smaller in si e and easier to install and deploy

Supporting a wide range of applications, while maximising economies of scale re uires a fle i le e cient and scala le multiservice VSAT platform elenor s H constellation, hor is due for service in 2 and will offer bps throughput with up to 2 simultaneously active spot beams, with coverage across the North Sea, Red Sea, altic ea, orth tlantic, ersian ulf and the Mediterranean Telenor is promising download speeds in the tens of Mbps, even from small antennas and will deliver uplink speeds from 2 Mbps depending upon the antenna si e selected elenor will also implement a package of solutions to mitigate rain fade on a band and will use u band to provide continuity of service alongside the a band development for orthern urope

Maritime Antenna Solutions Maritime Antenna Solutions (MAS) is your one stop solution for all your VSAT and TVRO needs. They provide technical support for Sea tel, Orbit, KNS, Sailor, and Intellian VSAT and TVRO antennas; including KU and C-band. MAS supplies hardware for all VSAT antennas along with turn-key solutions for any VSAT or TVRO need. MAS was founded on two principles, quality work and integrity and vow to never leave a customer without either resolving the issue or providing a solution. For more details Tel: +1 954 203 3863 or visit www.maritimeantennasolutions.com

he HO constellation will be of use to superyachts in that it promises to cover the North Sea, the Norwegian Sea, the Red ea, the Mediterranean and the ersian ulf Meanwhile, other satellite operators will cover other regions, including Eutelsat’s a at which will cover the ma ority of urope, whilst ahsat 1b, NewSat Australia, Avanti Communications and once again utelsat will ointly provide coverage to the Middle ast resulting in an alternative solution to lobal press for vessels operating regionally in those areas or satellite transmission, a band has an e tremely high fre uency and so like u band, has been somewhat susceptible to rain fade not good when the boss wants to watch the game! sing its fifth generation of satellites, nmarsat aims to be the first provider to offer global a band as part of its lobal press service his was originally due to launch in 2 2 but has seen various set backs resulting in an advertised target release date of 2 watch this space imultaneously, several other service providers plan to follow suit with their own a band offerings, including elenor atellite roadcasting s HO H a band which promises bps via satellites with 2 spot beams each Michael De Coninck of Satmarin, thinks that much of the hype about a, pic, is still to be proven, and paid for, especially in the maritime market oon, he says, e will know what the actual cost will be for the faster a and, but so far most of

SES Over 40 years UK based Ships Electronic Services (SES) has built an enviable reputation for a professional service in the supply, installation and maintenance the world’s most advanced marine electronics systems. Working with all marine related applications from commercial shipping to superyachts, SES engineers have the experience to ensure systems perform to the highest standards to meet and exceed customer expectations. The technical expertise offered by SES has been recognised my many of the industry’s leading manufacturers of satellite and on-board communications to bridge controls, navigation and entertainment systems. With SES engineers offering 24/7 telephone support, the company is capable of handling work throughout Europe. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1634 295500 or visit www.ses-marine.com

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the solutions offered are metered (pay for what you consume, so the cost might will increase even faster) versus the Flat Fee Ku-Band subscriptions.”

Michael De Coninck of Satmarin supposes a much higher throughput in regions where classic geostationary satellites have had limited coverage (poles and outside of main shipping routes). He says, “Its becoming a VSAT competitor will most likely depend on its pricing.”

High Throughput Satellites are characterised by multiple spot beams to increase capacity through a process called frequency reuse

irtime fle ibility is also high on the superyacht s wish list eing able to increase your speed to several Mbps only the days you need it (when e.g. the owner or clients are on board) and back to stand by speeds when not will greatly influence your budget These services are beginning to appear on the market. Michael De Coninck of Satmarin agrees and adds, “What is also very important and is often forgotten is the configuration of the on board IT/Network aspect of routing, prioritising and bandwidth shaping misconfigured on board network of can easily congest your VSAT connection when e.g. upload and download capacity aren t properly balanced or devices have no restrictions on the his should be included in the managed services offering yet is often missing or incomplete.”

Theoretically also Ku Band can achieve the same speeds as Ka Band given they both use spot beams versus wide beams. The best solutions will likely be a mix of both such as EPIC (see below) but they will come at a cost which might not always be realistic for smaller cost conscious yacht owners / captains. It is often wiser to look at the actual market of small and large operators where big is not always better. Carefully selecting provider will allow a higher degree of fle ibility, service and speed for the same money Satellite operator, Intelsat plan to launch their EPIC satellite platform in 2016. Constituting a multi-band approach, Intelsat EPIC promises 3-5 times higher performance than its traditional fleet of satellites in the region of 2 bps Xpress Link and FleetBroadband Xpress are existing communications packages commercially available today from Inmarsat, combining leet roadband with and offering the upgrade path to lobal Xpress when ready. As part of a US$1.2 billion investment, in August 2010 Inmarsat awarded Boeing a contract to build its new constellation of three Inmarsat-5 satellites. The satellites will form its worldwide wireless broadband network called nmarsat lobal Xpress. Each Inmarsat-5 satellite will carry a payload of 89 small Ka-band beams in geosynchronous orbit, which combined intend to offer global a band spot coverage nmarsat claims lobal Xpress will be a super-fast broadband satellite network that will offer download speeds of up to 50 Mbps and upload speeds of up to 5 Mbps via 60cm antennas. For the yachting market Epic will increase the capacity of KU in the main sailing areas of the Med and Caribbean. Michael De Coninck of Satmarin says “Epic is essentially for existing VSAT users He adds pic satellites will allow them to have access to more throughput with the same terminal kits. For new users and for existing ones, rates ($) per Mbps are expected to be lower. Also, with the right platform and technology, they can more easily have access to a more uniform coverage and service quality, on a regional basis or on global basis. Scheduled to begin launching in 2016, Iridium NEXT will maintain the existing Iridium terrestrial network of 66 cross-linked LowEarth Orbit (LEO) satellites, which completely cover the globe while delivering more bandwidth and higher data speeds to support new applications and more global subscribers. Hollie Watson of tation says, ridium e t will offer a lobal and service with speed rumoured to be up to 1Mbps, for vessels that do not require high bandwidth i.e. multiple Mbps or superyachts that are travelling to areas outside KU and KA coverage they will offer a cost effective service.”

Flat arrays are a buzzword at conferences and seminars yet they are still in their infancy as a technology and the first trials are only now just taking place. Assuming the current batch of sea trials are a success many believe that they could become a standard feature on many superyachts where owners do not want to have multiple satellite domes and where the flat arrays can be built into the hulls infrastructure. Others are not sure they will become the de facto norm, but will instead be common only in the very high end segment of the yachting industry. You can says Michael De Coninck do what ever you like but as always in this world you have to pay extra if you want to stray from the normal and buck the speed of change.

Satmarin Satmarin take a comprehensive approach to data communication. Before decisions are made about antenna sizes, decoders, modems, firewalls and other tidbits the company want to think with you about what you really really need and not what you think you might need because of some major SatCom vendor telling you so. You are unique: your vessel, your crew, your guests, your routes, your plans, your wishes, ... they all converge to an environment specifically designed for you without trying to break the bank or having to stand on the upper deck with an antenna in your hand to catch the harbour’s WiFi. For more details Tel +32 3 808 20 11, +44 (0)203 355 8797 or visit www.satmarin.com

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23/12/15 18:34

BAJAN BOUND The ultimate Mount Gay Rum Red at re arty is a out to ic o in Barbados Words: Sue Pelling

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arbados, the home of Mount Gay Rum, and affectionately dubbed as the seafarers’ Mecca, continues to attract those who enjoy a fun element to the serious side of sailing. Since its re-launch several years ago, the Mount Gay Round Barbados Race Series (16-24 January) has developed into an event that offers golden opportunities for teams looking for top class, seriously fun racing, and legendary rum-fuelled parties. The Race Series, which celebrates its 80th anniversary this year, incorporates three days of coastal racing, the Mount Gay Rum Round arbados ace the headline event , and a final mile Ocean ace to Antigua to tie up with the Superyacht Challenge. The event marks the opening of Caribbean race season and is the perfect warm-up for racing teams competing on the Caribbean circuit. It is also an ideal post Christmas treat for crews itching to escape the Mediterranean winter.

Constant 12-18 knot east to east-north-east trade winds, give the opportunity to break records The 60-nautical mile Mount Gay Rum Round Barbados Race is one of the key attractions of the series with its record-breaking opportunities acting as a real attraction for big boat racing teams. Over the past few years there has been a huge increase in overseas representation with at least 11 countries regularly taking part including a healthy contingent from the UK, plus teams from Canada, New Zealand, USA, Lithuania, Slovakia, France, Poland, Germany, Argentina and many neighbouring islands. Although the upwind passage to Barbados is potentially challenging, most of those who make the journey agree that once they arrive in Bridgetown, it is one of the most logistically friendly Caribbean regattas. Alene Krimholtz, the Event Manager commented: “We are delighted that this event has re-established itself as one of the key regattas on the Caribbean racing circuit, and has also become a major island attraction. With the 80th anniversary this year, the team in Barbados is really looking forward to welcoming visitors to what promises to be one of the best regattas yet. One of the main incentives, other than the warm Caribbean waters, miles of gold sandy beaches, and generally constant 12-18 knot east to east-north-east trade winds, is the opportunity to break records in the 60-mile Mount Gay Round Barbados Race.” Although the bulk of the regatta fleet is made up of out and out racing machines such as TP52s, MOD 70s, Volvo 70s, the event has started to see a classic revival with notable yachts including the 55m racing schooner lena of ondon, a m rigantine res Hombre and the locally built m schooner uth regularly taking part The outright monohull record remains in the hands of Andy Budgen and team on the British VO70 Monster Project who set a time of 4 hours 2 minutes 2 seconds in 2 However, with some super fast challengers lining up this year, including Barbados-branded teams on an MOD70 and a TP52, the absolute multihull record and several monohull class records look set to fall. he local 2 fleet with its impressive standard of sailing always attracts big numbers and this year is no exception. Although most of the eightrace, closely fought J/24 Coastal Series takes place in the beautiful setting of Carlisle ay on windward leeward courses, the fleet also has the opportunity to contest the Round Barbados Race and break the 2 record time of hrs, mins, secs

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23/12/15 16:30

Custom-made Luxury Yacht Lettering

Our branding and lighting systems are engineered for the elements to ensure longevity in all marine conditions, where only the highest quality lettering and illumination is suitable.

T +34 678 346 656 E info@applelecyacht.com www.applelecyacht.com Appletech.indd 96

23/12/15 18:45


WINTER FAYRE The latest food & drink trends for you to try over the winter months



Bob Marley. Bobsleigh teams. Men who can run faster than trains. The list of successful Jamaican exports is as long as it is strange; though let’s all have a huge sigh of relief that the native Ackee fruit hasn’t quite taken off in these parts. If consumed unripe, its pods and seeds put eaters at real risk of absorbing hypoglycin, after which a person’s blood sugar will drop dramatically and the bloodstream will quickly fail to cope with a lack of glucose. During this period, the person will likely vomit, have blurriness and seizures.

TRY THIS... SEAWEED SMOOTHIE Put 2 tablespoons of dried seaweed 1 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger, 3 tablespoons of natural yoghurt, the juice from 2 oranges and a 10cm piece of cucumber into a blender and whizz until smooth, and serve. A real taste of the sea.


20ml Marie Brizard

40ml White chocolate

green mint syrup


20ml Single cream

40ml Strawberry purée

Add all ingredients into a pre-cooled cocktail shaker and shake vigorously, then strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

SOFT OPTION Try one of our favourite soft drinks this winter

San Pellegrino Chinotto Chinotto is a small bitter citrus fruit similar to an orange, but with an extraordinary distinctive bittersweet taste. Chinotto, a real ‘cult drink’, has a vast number of fans that love its unique taste.

Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world, more expensive than gold, as harvesting is so laborious. Each crocus yields just three stigmas, which have to be picked by hand, dissected and air dried. It takes up to 200 flowers to produce 1g of dried saffron. BEWARE IMITATIONS Watch out for fake saffron, especially if buying in foreign markets. Avoid cheap deals on the spice when it is overly red, as it has probably been dyed. Look for deep red threads with orange tips. SOAK THE STIGMAS To make the most of the saffron’s colour and flavour, soak the threads in warm water, stock, milk or wine for at least 20 minutes before use. It will keep for several years in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. ONE MORE THING… Don’t reach for the painkillers after a tough workout: eat a small amount of saffron instead. A study by Iranian researchers found that the spice is effective in easing exercise induced muscle pain.

Fever-Tree Sicilian Lemonade With the aroma and taste of freshly squeezed lemons, including ‘sfumatrice’ oils from the highest quality Sicilian lemons, we have created a perfect mixer for the best vodkas, gins or rums.

AriZona Green Tea with gingseng & honey Natural green tea. Just the right amount of ginseng. And a touch of delicious Sue Bee Premium Orange Honey. Low in calories and carbs, Zero fat and sodium.

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Neil has been in the weird and wonderful world of c e ng for years and on yac ts for t e ast ve years e as een travelling muc of t e glo e from far flung untouc ed lands of o scurity to ig ad rig t cities al ays loo ing for ard seldom loo ing ac What is your favourite dish to cook? Slow braised oxtail, lots of rouge, lots of time What is your favourite restaurant? Dirty Duck, Ubud, Bali. Set in a beautiful rice paddy that serves a sambal even the die hards fear! If you were not a chef what would you be doing? Painting in a barn up a mountain somewhere What is your favourite kitchen gadget? Those Pacojets get it sublimely perfect every time! What is your favourite type of food? Mood Food What three factors you look for in food? Simplistic elegance(is that two?), sophisticated hues and of course palette pleasure Where do you think is the best city in the world for food? So far Singapore, a food nation of foodies What is the one ingredient everyone needs in their galley? Salt always helps! What was the last meal you cooked for yourself because you really wanted to eat it? Masala lamb on the bone, I’m English, curry is our nation’s number one dish! What is your most memorable food moment? A Slovakian winter pig killing, brain and moonshine for breakfast, ribs and grandmas apple and horseradish for dinner, yumz! Where is your favourite local market for fresh produce? Singapore fish market is an unforgettable experience. The shrimp is still kicking in the buckets, just don’t say you support Liverpool FC, you’ll get charged an extra twenty dollars a kilo! Who is your favourite provisioner and why? Andy and Kerry at Lighthouse Consultancy in Indonesia. Considering how remote the place can get, they make it like shopping at Waitrose!

THAT’S EXPENSIVE... Renowned the world over as the Rolls Royce of chocolates, Chocopologie truffles, at a bank busting €2,308 a pound, are a truly indulgent treat. The truffles are made of 70% Valrhona dark chocolate, cream, sugar, truffle oil and vanilla, then enrobed with a rare French Perigord truffle, more Valrhona dark chocolate, and hand rolled in fine cocoa powder.

QUICK FIX... 1 medium butternut squash chopped

180g quinoa

150g feta cheese

Winter comfort food full of colour and flavour Heat the oven to 200°C. Cover the butternut squash with 1 tbsp of olive oil. Place in the oven for 20-30 mins. Cook the quinoa as directed on the packet. Crumble the feta and mix the squash together. Sprinkle with a pinch of cayenne and a handful of chopped flat leaf parsley.

ON TREND...BAOBAB Kale, smale. This year’s superfood is a wonder fruit from Malawi that grows on what locals call ‘the tree of life’. It contains more vitamin C than oranges, more antioxidants than blueberries, double the calcium of milk and more potassium than bananas. It dries naturally, and its powdered form is easy to add to everything.

BONE BROTH Bone broth is all the rage. Filled with collagen, amino acids, calcium, gelatine. magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, it is the original health drink. Time consuming to make, Ossa are making our lives easier by packaging up their pasture reared broth for us to enjoy. www.ossabonebroth.com

The percentage of the worlds fish provided for human consumption by aquaculture

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ONBOARD’s favourite eateries in Brussels to fit all palates and pockets

BELGA QUEEN Stained glass ceilings, contemporary sculpture, marble columns - a stunning example of 19th century Bruxellois architecture, nestled in a former bank and revamped with the modern taste in mind. It breathes sophistication both in its unique décor and on the menu, which presents an eclectic mix of beloved classic and seasonal specials. Belga Queen is a fabulous spot for those seeking a taste of opulence with a touch of haute culture. Wolvengracht 32 Tel +32 2 217 21 87 | €€€€

LA QUINCAILLERIE Named after its location in a historic ironmonger’s shop, La Quincaillerie is a striking example of art deco architecture where elements of brass are coupled with heavy, wooden accents to create an ambiance of times gone by. The cuisine is similar in its approach, combining tradition with contemporary elegance. Unsurprisingly, La Quincaillerie is a favourite fixture in the elegant Châtelain neighbourhood, and a great place to dine after an afternoon spent at the Victor Horta Museum nearby. Rue du Page 45 Tel: +32 2 533 98 33 | €€€€

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LA MARÉE The simple décor of seascape paintings and marine mementoes set the scene: this is an excellent place for seafood (although meat eaters also get a look-in). Located close to the Place Ste-Catherine, the former site of the fish market and still the place to eat fish in Brussels Look for Belgian classics here, such as croquettes aux crevettes grises and anguilles au vert and, of course, moules-frites. 99 Rue de Flandre Tel: +32 2511 0040 | €€€

LE CHALET DE LA FORÊT Chef Pascal Devalkeneer

LA ROUE D’OR Treat the family to a good choice of Belgian dishes in this relaxed and joyous brasserie restaurant, close to the Grand Place. Chicons, mussels and chips, waterzooi de volaille, anguilles au vert, boulettes à la liégoise (meatballs in a sweet sauce), they are all here. The cuisine non-stop means that you can eat comfortably at off-peak hours. 26 Rue des Chapeliers 26 Tel: +32 2514 2554 | €€€

Back of cod, cauliflower mousseline, speculoos & thyme butter, with hazelnut & Xérès emulsion serves 6 COD 160 g cod per person Place the cod into water with sea salt for 15 mins. Cook on the flat top grill for 7-8mins to get a nice crust on the skin. CAULIFLOWER MOUSSELINE

LE PAIN QUOTIDIEN This restaurant chain has now become an international phenomenon, but it all began here, in Rue Antoine Dansaert, in 1990. The concept is simple, high quality snacks and dishes based around freshly baked bread, but also stretching to soups, salads, platters of cheese and cold meats and pâtisserie, to be taken away or eaten at shared tables, from breakfast to early supper. 16 Rue Antoine Dansaert Tel: +32 2502 2361 | €€

300 g cauliflower

120 g butter

300 ml whole milk

Pinch salt & pepper

10 g chicken bouillon

1 aromatic bouquet

Preparation Crush the cauliflower, put it in a vacuum bag with milk, chicken bouillon and the bouquet. Cook in a steam oven (90°C) for 35 mins. Drain and put in the thermomix with butter and a little cooking liquid. Strain through a fine sieve, cool and vacuum pack it. HAZELNUT EMULSION WITH XÉRÈS 200 g brown butter

100 g veal jus

100 g hazelnut oil

Pinch salt & pepper

60 g Xérès vinegar Brussels sprouts really do come from Belgium and have been grown in the Brussels area for 400 years

Preparation Melt the brown butter, then add the hazelnut oil and then the Xérès vinegar and the veal jus. Emulsify and adjust seasoning. Keep at room temperature. SPECULOOS BUTTER 200 g speculoos

1 pinch sea salt

100 g softened butter

6 sprigs fresh thyme

Preparation Soften the butter, add the powdered speculoos. Mix with a spatula evenly and add the salt and thyme leaves. Store at room temperature in order to make dumplings. Assemble on plate and garnish with crushed hazelnuts, shoots of pimpernels and fresh thyme sprigs.

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ROCKET MAN Launched at the end of last year, the R 60V has a unique pressure profile using a five step process to create an individual flavour depending on your desired coffee strength. Definitely for the coffee aficionado with deep pockets. The Rocket also allows for adjustments to be made via a remote control if that’s the kind of thing that excites you. €3,500 www.rocket-espresso.com

CULINARY COLLECTION You may not need them but you could certainly get used to them

EAU SO GOOD Coming in six stylish colours, the filter water bottle uses a traditional Japanese binchotan charcoal to make your water taste great. First introduced by a Japanese monk some 1,200 years ago, the sustainably sourced charcoal will help to release minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium back into the water which enhances its taste and health benefits. €18 www.black-blum.eu

BIZZY WITH THE FIZZY Get what you want, when you want it, at the push of a button. Before you know it, you’ll be enjoying an ice-cold, still or sparkling beverage without any messy syrup or CO2 canisters. The units are compact and stored in the galley with a multitude of flavours to choose from. €344 www.keurig.com

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POWER TO THE PEOPLE A 50’s style retro blender available in various die-cast aluminium powder coated body colours. Powerful blending capabilities are delivered by the 600W motor with four speed settings plus, a pulse option. The large 1.5lt jug is ample enabling the blender to be used for a variety of uses. €190 www.smeg.com


SHAKE IT BABY With a design dating back some 200 years, these ornate and unusual salt and pepper pots might just add that certain je ne sais quoi to a table setting. With such a reasonable price tag, and if you happen to be staging an Edwardian themed party….then these are the perfect fit. €38 www.handpickedcollection.com

Perfect for unleashing your inner host, the Thirst Extinguisher Cocktail Shaker is an exquisite cocktail-making confidante. Drawing inspiration from the Art Deco movement in the 1930s, this stunning cocktail shaker glistens with handmade nickel-plated brass on the exterior and a silver-plated interior. €210 www.houseology.com

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Souper healthy When the temperatures drop and the days get shorter nothing hits the spot like a bowl of warm soup. Get the comfort without the calories and all the vitamins and nutrients you need


lean eating should be at the top of everyone’s list, it’s not as hard as you think and soups are a great way to keep healthy during the colder winter months. Is soup cleansing the new juicing?

Much like reaching for a fresh glass of your favourite natural juice, soup will also cleanse and nourish our body with the whole, raw vegetables that we need to awaken that old digestive system. And while that all sounds great, why do we want to cleanse and deto our bodies in the first place t s simple, really e juice, and now we soup, to eliminate the build up of toxins. As a result, we often see an improvement in our energy levels, skin and immune system, and can can even notice a difference in our waistlines. oup is a uick, hot meal that offers plenty of health benefits You can throw a variety of ingredients into a slow cooker or soup maker in the morning before you head off to work and return to a delicious meal in the evening. The healthiest soups include fresh, low fat ingredients and a minimum of salt and fat. You can use up leftovers in a soup pot and create new variations of favourite recipes, since soup lends itself to experimentation.

Vegetables The British Heart Foundation recommends adults consume eight or more servings of fruit and vegetables every day. Soups can contribute to that total. Almost any vegetable lends itself to use in soup, from creamy squash or tomato bisques to vegetable beef or chicken vegetable soup. Soups are a simple and healthy snack or can form part of a main meal.

Nutrients oups made with beans and lean meats such as fish provide lean protein eans also give you fibre omatoes are a good source of lycopene, an antioxidant that may help reduce the risk of cancer, particularly prostate cancer, according to Penn State University. Vegetables in soup contain many vitamins, such as A and C. Cream soups supply calcium and vitamin D.

Low fat Most soups, if made with lean meat, are low in fat, making them a good choice for anyone concerned about fat in their diet. Use fat free broths and lean meat to reduce the fat content of soups. Use skimmed milk for cream soups; or instead of milk, you can use pureed white beans to thicken soup. To further reduce the fat content of your soup without sacrificing flavour, chill it and skim off the fat before reheating and serving.

Filling ecause soup contains so much water it fills you up with fewer calories. When Barbara Rolls, Ph.D., conducted research at Penn State University, she discovered that students who ate chicken and rice soup instead of a chicken and rice casserole, consumed fewer calories yet reported being e ually satisfied Rolls is author of the book, The Volumetrics Weight Control Plan, in which she explains how eating soup and other high volume, low calorie foods can help you lose weight.

EASY GARNISHES FOR SIMPLE SOUPS A crumble of cheese Something like a great, tangy feta adds creaminess but retains its shape enough to add texture. Truffle oil A bold move, so use sparingly and make sure it marries well with the flavour of your soup, but the aroma alone will do the job. Crostini Slice a round off a baguette, top with a slice of cheese, and run under the grill for a minute or two and place in the middle of the soup. Toasted nuts or seeds Think of a butternut squash or pumpkin soup with toasted pumpkin seeds in the middle. Crunchy and delicious. Grilled or caramelised fruit slices Some slices of apple or pear that have been sautéed in butter and browned slightly would be so pretty. Also, think fig slices on top of a cheesy soup.

SOUP MAKERS TEFAL Silky smooth or rustically chunky, Tefal’s compact Easy Soup maker has a setting to suit you all. 1.2ltr jug with a 1000w motor. €110 www.lakeland.co.uk

CUISINART This versatile machine allows you to sauté, cook, simmer, stir or blend, quick and convenient with no mess. Four speed 1000w motor. €200 www.lakeland.co.uk

MORPHY RICHARDS Easy to use simply select the smooth or chunky soup setting to make your favourite soups. A generous 1.6ltr jug with a powerful 1000w motor. €136 www.morphyrichards.co.uk

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Health rating 8/10

Health rating 6/10

An all time favourite from our childhood. A super healthy antioxidant that can be pepped up with basil or some Tabasco

Because it’s a clear soup, this is good for weight watchers. The flavonoid quercetin in the onions helps protect against heart disease



Health rating 8/10

Health rating 7/10

This is one of the healthiest types of soup because it can contain several types of fish plus vegetables. Fish is a high quality, low fat source of protein and is good for the heart

Watercress is full of good things, and as you are less likely to eat salad during winter, you may miss out on the benefits of fresh watercress. Contains iron and vitamin C

MINESTRONE Health rating 7/10

Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, potatoes, kale, mushrooms and beans are super stars, delivering fibre as well as mega amounts of other nutrients

CARROT & CORIANDER Health rating 9/10

A an excellent source of beta-carotene, which protects against cancers and cataracts, boosting the immune system. Nutmeg is a great addition to remove liver toxins

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New fizz resolutions Sparkling wine comes in so many styles these days. Tom Harrow looks at the best great value champagne rivals


espite the tradition of New Year resolutions and the likely need to counter the excesses of the festive season, January is unquestionably the worst month to give up alcohol. It’s cold and wet and depressing as you count the cost physical and financial of Christmas and ew ear celebrations, restart your green juice diet and exercise regime, give up after two weeks, full of self loathing, and realise another year of your life is finished and you can t even eat chocolate until eb he solution, like in so many cases, is to pop open a bottle or two of bubbly, but to avoid further self recrimination, let’s at least make sure these are eminently affordable bottles. rosecco is on a roll ports are way up and the profile of this cheeky sparkler has never been higher. Never intended to compete with Champagne, this most accessible and gluggable of the fi family is throwing off its second rate status and revelling in its deserved reputation as party wine of choice. Low in alcohol and with gentle acidity it is eminently digestible in uantity at all hours of the day he key is to find a uality producer like Col etora , del onotto or isol that achieves the essential balance of ripe fruit and lively acidity. Bad prosecco and there is plenty about is either sickly or sharp and should be avoided or used with fruit purées to make Bellinis and other amusing cocktails. ach year wine statistics indicate that Champagne sales around the world are increasing, Prosecco is increasing its market share, and people continue to take Cava to the parties of people they don t know he vast ma ority of these come from Catalonia and are made by two massive companies, Cordoniu and rei enet, in industrial quantities but these are not unpleasant and then there are a number of more artisan producers worth looking out for aventos, uim illa and best of all ramona are all

making really interesting wines in Penedes, often in a drier style or from special selections of grapes and usually from the indigenous varieties Xarel-lo, Macabeo and Parallada. These are very food friendly, designed as they are to be enjoyed with a variety of tapas, fresh but characterful, typified by citrus and orchard fruits, with pastry and herbal notes. Outside Champagne most rench regions offer a cremant wine Bordeaux, Burgundy, Limoux, Loire, Jura etc but my favourites come from Alsace. Here the wines are a mix of Pinots: Blanc, ris and oir but often with a little iesling or u errois and even some Chardonnay Characterised by floral aromas, less chalkiness and softer acidity, the best make for a very accessible ap ritif or affordable party fi and the uality to price ratio will always impress those to whom you introduce such producers as unsch et Mann, orent or runo org till struggling to convince your diehard Champagne loving ac uaintances oint out that cremant d’Alsace is actually the most consumed sparkling wine in rance hat certainly has to count for something Turning to the new world, there are various supermarket sparklers from ustralia, outh frica raham eck is always worth looking out for and California made by industrial producers but the hot or rather cool climate ticket is asmania ell known for making its uality still inot oir and Chardonnay, it is no surprise that the best fi in the southern hemisphere now hails from this small, remote island, using the same grapes. Although not widely available they are well worth seeking out and leading estates like an s, Clover Hill, Chromy iver and the outstanding House of Arrasare are great fun to blind taste alongside lesser Champagne houses if you really want to be surprised and impressed.

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The good galley Galleys often have limited space, therefore it is essential that they are designed with care and attention to detail. Words: Frances and Michael Howorth


he very heart of every superyacht is not, as some would think, the bridge or the engine room. Nor does the epicentre of superyacht life centre on the ironing room or the crew mess. The fact is, it is the Galley that is key to it all. Food, its sourcing, preparation, cooking and serving is perhaps the very raison d’être behind the operating of a superyacht and once that is acknowledged then the galley really does come out as the very soul of the superyacht.

likely to be consulted on what e uipment is fitted and almost certainly that will produce a better galley. It is important that galley equipment is designed and supplied for marine use and complies with O commercial specifications where necessary. As well as being durable and good looking, furniture also meets the most stringent international food hygiene standards.

Millions can be spent outfitting the navigation bridge and often more is spent creating the engine room and no one will argue that is wrong but so often the galley is where the designer can fit it in rather than where it should go pace and shape is of little consequence to the yacht’s designer who simply knows he must allow for one. How it works and what it creates is left down to the operator. Lucky yachts have a build Captain who has listened to Chefs in the past and can bring what they have taught him to the design. Luckier still is the yacht whose Chef is consulted at the earlier stages of design and construction. In such cases that same Chef is

pecialist designers working e clusively in galley design are more rare than hen’s teeth and they are pitifully few specialist manufacturers who build equipment for the marine based kitchen. The French company Azur Tech Hôtel based in Villeneuve Loubet is one supplier who seems to know port from starboard and the subtle differences between the need for a single galley to prepare crew food every day and stunning gourmet feasts on those occasions when the yacht is fully operational. Knowledgeable, yes but not always welcoming or indeed helpful. Their French only web site does little to encourage initial contact and once made it has been our e perience that they seldom follow up

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For the perfect mix of professional know how with a desire to get a good ob done first time you need to cross a Manche and venture towards sse here is the base of space alley olutions a company set up specifically to cater sorry about the pun to those in need of the perfectly designed galley he company s key ob ective is to create a galley space and on board hospitality system that allows the chef to provide the highest uality food, hygienically, safely and efficiently he company works hard to understand the e act on board catering needs t then develops the food flow process and defines the e uipment re uired to meet the culinary and budgetary ob ectives heir in house team works with professional chefs, restaurateurs and leading catering e uipment manufacturers to design and supply an on board galley and hospitality systems that work efore founding the company, alph Olingschlaeger worked in the domestic appliance industry spending years with the lectrolu group as roduct Marketing and ew roduct evelopment Manager He says, he perfect galley is one where Chefs can work unhindered He adds, t is a well lit, well ventilated and easy to clean workspace ts si e and layout should allow the Chef, ous Chef and galley personnel to work as a team without getting in each other s way whilst storing, preparing, cooking and plating food

Trending in a galley near you Pyro (self) cleaning ovens Miele Nano Technology coatings creating antibacterial work surfaces and fridge interiors Thin film heating technology Thermo-Stone Sous Vide apparatus Rieber Hayboxes for slow cooking Wonderbag Built-in modular woks and griddle MKM Impingement cooking appliance Merrychef Plasma filter cooker hood AdTIM Micro-puree device for frozen mousses and sauces Pacojet Food traceability and stock keeping software Rieber

ccess for the tewards should allow them to collect plates and return them to the washing up area without getting in the way Olingschlaeger believes, he galley is a key part of the food flow on board and its location needs to be convenient for the upstream task of provisioning bulk storing and the downstream activity of serving the guests at the table n summary, form must follow function so get the layout and appliances right before turning your attention to the aesthetics Modern technology is being embraced inside galleys ust as uickly as it is adopted on the bridge or inside the engine room op of the list is a steam combi cooker his appliance is capable of either pure steam cooking or else pure convection cooking and everything in between his makes it very versatile One key benefit of steam cooking is that it keeps far more of the taste and nutrition in the food lso meat does not shrink as much and keeps its weight nduction rather than radiant heat is also finding favour even if every chef in the world seems to

TOP 10 Superyacht galley must haves Induction Hobs

Berbel cooker hood

Modular Cooking Units

Thermoplate cooking pots

Gastronorm Sink Units


Dornbracht Electronic Tap


Quooker boiling water supply tap

Tony Team waste compactor

want to cook with gas rather than electricity simply is not an option

t sea, that

Chef ulian imberley trained as a chef with rusthouse orte before establishing and managing his own chain restaurants in ondon n 2 he oined with alph Olingschlaeger to create space e asked him to describe the nightmare galley and he told us, t would be a poorly planned space with ill defined work sections ssential e uipment installed in the wrong places hindering efficient food service nsufficient knowledge or thought given to the type of menu food style that will mainly be re uired, often giving rise to insufficient cooking facilities, refrigeration, work surfaces and storage oorly manufactured furniture and e uipment that create dirt traps and conse uently are hard to keep clean are other features that make chefs shudder when they see them imberly adds more saying, oor uality flooring that is slippery when wet and difficult to keep clean is a nightmare dding, s is poor light and ventilation tewards and other galley personnel crossing over during food service and getting in each other s way creating accident areas oor sight lines between sections hinder effective communication while being too remote a location from the dining entertaining areas, gives rise to long food ourneys and difficulty in keeping food hot, he said in conclusion entilation can be key veryone loves to en oy a good smelling galley on board a superyacht where aromas precede the meals to come o one however wants a yacht to be filled with the fragrance of cooking yet many yachts do not have space for cooker vents or yachts such as these, utch manufacturer d M has created cooker hoods for yachts as these don t need outlet ducting his saves a considerable amount of space for piping as well as the cost of installing and engineering the piping o there is no smell on deck as with the e haust on deck or at the waterline and no noise from the extractor fan, which is the case with the e haust of the cooker hood in the top of the mast Capable of removing of all cooking odours, bacteria and germs from the air, lasmafilter cooker hoods with active filters are proven technology and have been in every day use since 2 hey are environmentally friendly, power saving and have a very low noise level db at the highest level and can also be e uipped with Hi og no les Cooker hoods and other highly innovative galley ventilation systems are also supllied by erbel blufttechnik ieber is a erman manufacturer of professional catering systems finding favour with many yacht chefs hey offer an e tensive range of sinks and serving solutions based around astronorm container dimensions, and a wide choice of the

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NEW  Brilliant colour display and touchscreen  New, revolutionary pacotizing features:

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Pacojet AG Switzerland info@pacojet.com www.pacojet.com

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containers themselves. While marine catering equipment specialist Metos Marine is another offering a full range of high quality galley and hospitality equipment. Miele Marine appliances offer unparalleled quality and are well known domestically. Their impeccable craftsmanship and robust build are regarded as a global benchmarks. A specialist marine supply division within the company offers a full range of domestic appliances, as well as specialist commercial dishwashing equipment for large superyachts. Sub-Zero refrigerators and Wolf cooking appliances offer the pinnacle of luxury for the superyacht market. Their high uality finish and stunning design make them ideal for open plan or guest facing installations. MKN cooking equipment is synonymous with the ultimate in professional galleys. Their bespoke construction and use of the latest cooking technology makes the MKN cook suite the centrepiece of any large galley. uipment eats up the ma or part of any galley fitout budget but there should always be some left over for toys. Chefs like to keep their own personal playthings close at hand in much the same way as the Captain has his own preference when it comes to binoculars. They are very much a personal choice and chances are, if you asked five chefs to list their own preference of five kitchen gadgets, you would get a list of 2 items Chef Kieran Inglis works aboard Grace E. Ashore he worked in restaurants as famous as The Square and with chefs that included Jamie Oliver, Philip Howard and the Roux family. Since joining the yachting fraternity he has worked on The Maltese alcon, Callisto, and rincess Olga sked to list his top five essential bits of kit he includes: Kitchen Aid food processor, Vacuum Packing machine, PacoJet, Bamix and a mortar and pestle. Chef Julian Kimberley, of GN Espace, lists a good set of chefs’ knives as being the most essential recommending either Sabatier or Kasumi as brand names. Next up he would like a good set of professional pans suggesting Fissler as his chosen brand. Knives need a sharpener and here Kimberly plums for the F. Dick Rapid Steel. Robot Coupe is his food processor, make of choice and finally he would want a ialetti Mukka, a two cup cappuccino maker, “just for me to enjoy a good cup of coffee while I prepare and cook.” Asked to shine the spotlight on emerging trends in superyacht galley build out, Ralph Olingschlaeger suggests that the list is diverse and ever changing. “There is no doubt,” he says, that new technology is influencing the choice of e uipment We are seeing increased interest in the supplying things to use Sous Vide.” Ironically another trend is for an old fashioned technology that has been given a new lease of life. He says, “Here I am thinking of the Wonderbag which is really catching on with the slow food community who are building on the old hay bo cooking way of bringing out the best in flavours Impingement cooking where hot air is quite literally blasted at food to cook it quickly.” He adds, “there is no doubt that the needs of the chef are being heard more now than they were 10 years or so ago. Back then food was less of the superyacht feature, now I would venture to suggest it is the deciding factor when it comes to charter yacht choice. Superyacht galleys are no longer the after thought of yesteryear and we are happy to be at the forefront of galley design and at long last yacht designers are beginning to listen to the chef and galley consultants such as ourselves.”

Pacojet Pacojet is an indispensable tool for professional chefs around the globe who value its ability to produce exquisite, consistent results, offering unprecedented creativity as well as workflow economies. Used to prepare perfectly smooth farces, concentrates, flavourful mousses, foams and ice creams. Pacotizing – micropureeing fresh, deep frozen foods without defrosting, intensifies the flavours of foods and preserves their natural colours while producing an ultra fine texture. For more contact info@pacojet.com or visit www.pacojet.com

Tony Team For over 30 years Tony Team have been offering successful waste management solutions to the marine & offshore industry supplying compactors for waste and recycling. As compliance with Marpol V is a priority and with space constantly at a premium, the need to store waste for potentially long periods of time without causing issues with hygiene and odour, means a compactor is the answer. Manufactured in BS304 stainless steel. With a range of 4 units to meet the waste management requirements of any size of ship, from the market leading TT100 under counter compactor, to the large TT240 compactor. Tony Team’s bag compactors automatically compress rubbish down to 14% of its original size. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1629 813 859 or visit www.tonyteam.co.uk

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Running a smooth ship It was a skipper who stood on that burning deck whilst all around im ed is management agent idled on t e s ore close y ut tut you re for it ate e s amelessly said laire ri t s loo s at t e relations i et een yac t management companies and Captains

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tories (mythical maybe) like these are how we ended up with the shrivel of skippers that twitch if you’re mean enough to even start mouthing ‘manag………’ at them. In the old days Captains were known to book one way tickets in the other direction to get Yacht Management Companies (YMC) out of their lives. But that was then, and the bad management guys did not survive and the good ones went and got a whole lot better. Captains have learnt to lump or love the often complicated relations with the YMCs and the yachts, and most importantly the owners, have often reaped the rewards of vessels that are excellently maintained, crewed and operated within budget, on time. It’s a wonderful world, ain’t it so? ONBOARD magazine discusses how to withstand the rigours and tests of time and stay ahead in the intensely demanding business of managing the megayachts and most of all, the delicate art of good c-o-m-m-u-n-i-c-a-t-i-o-n. Rosemont Yacht Management is based out of Monaco and is part of the Rosemont International Group that provides an all round multi disciplinary service to individuals and their families. Rosemont accountants, solicitors, trust and tax advisors, have been expertly managing money since 1981: tax, estate and business planning and onshore / offshore corporate, fiduciary activities and lifestyle (including properties and yachts and staff) and foundation management. Harry Windsor is Rosemont’s Head of Yacht Management. A Fellow of the Royal Institute of Naval Architects, he has 25 years’ experience of survey, development, construction, technical management and the commissioning of marinas and

shipyards behind him and has specialised in services for large yachts. He knows what makes Rosemont an exceptional YMC and it includes the fact that Rosemont provides guidance and expertise from the beginning when the boat is bought and those first steps of initial purchase, company formation and registration through to the day to day operation and management. It helps that Rosemont can strengthen this support system by offering the services of the Monaco based Rosemont companies which range from expert lawyers and solicitors to fully certified accountants and ta advisors plains Harry, “Yacht Owners can come to Rosemont knowing that our team of professionals will guide them every step of the way.” Captain ‘AJ’ Anderson is the Founder and Managing Director of Wright Maritime Group, based in Fort Lauderdale. He leads the company in what he calls ‘enlightened’ business practices (so, no more skippers abandoned on burning decks). He’s been a captain for 36 years, has skippered Feadships since 1984 and served on the MCA’s Large Yacht Code Working Group during the LY2 re-write. AJ sits on the International Superyacht Society’s Board of Directors and he’s also the Technical Committee Chairman for ISS. What makes Wright Maritime special eeping the fingers on the button believes AJ, “A number of WMG key Operations Managers are licensed captains who ship out annually to better understand the expectations of the owners and the challenges of the crew.” That’s reason number one, but like Rosemont, they are backed up by an office of dedicated accountants, e lag state regulators, licensed officers and experienced crew and logistics managers.

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New Construction |


TRUST Knowledge




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AJ believes his business excels because of a rigid investment in staff training and mentoring, a leading role in new yacht construction, and because; “WMG’s executive team lives and breathes operational management without dilution.”

ffectively maintaining t e relations i et een t e anagement om any a tains and cre is crucial So the roots of expertise of both these businesses are solid and far reaching, and when the wind blows in something new, they know how to weather change: Harry notes one change as an enhanced focus on legislation regarding the operation of yachts, particularly those commercially operated in excess of 500GT. This, he believes, has had a major impact on the way Management Companies operate as a whole; “New regulations and changes have meant that shore-side personnel need to demonstrate that they have the knowledge, certification and experience to be able to provide support at the highest level. Every document, operational procedure and risk is regularly reviewed to ensure that the Owner, yacht and crew are not exposed to any unnecessary threats of any nature.” AJ and his team at WMG are getting ready to deal with what he sees as future expectations related to streamlining ship to shore processes and is investing in technology transfer of essential data, while enforcing an increased person to person experience between the shore based staff and the shipborne crew. So they are both focusing on maximising support and communications.

Titan Fleet Management In the same way professional financial institutions aim to protect their clients’ assets, Titan Fleet applies integrity, diligence and professionalism to the safeguarding and daily running of their vessels. Their extensive personal experience as yacht captains has provided them with the insight required to foresee and alleviate issues, enabling the ultimate goal of stress free yachting to be achieved. They have developed a yacht management structure over a number of years and proven that the quality ‘hands on’ approach implemented by the team is what good yacht management needs. Without brokerage distraction, Titan Fleet is able to propose ‘purely yacht management’ for your vessel. For more details Tel: +33 (0) 4 92 93 17 43 or visit www.titanfleet.com

nother change has been financial notes Harry, conomic challenges faced by some yacht owners in recent years have exhibited how reduced manning combined with the allocation of limited resources can adversely affect the yacht’s surface appearance and behind the scenes maintenance. Rosemont Yacht Management recognises the importance of careful allocation of these resources to ensure the continued protection and preservation of these valuable assets and it is our responsibility to work with the crew to ensure optimum economic efficiency In this industry, it’s communication that is key: Harry and his team try and get the right balance in the relationships between Owner, Owner representatives, Captains and Management companies. It’s an ongoing challenge, he admits. “We ensure the relationship between all parties is clear from the outset. With the Captains and crew we prefer to adopt a more supportive role than authoritative when providing our service.” AJ puts it another way: “WMG’s greatest challenge is to ensure that we embody in our actions the methods required to meet owner expectations and help crew to give the owner and charterer the very best experience. Effectively maintaining the relationship between the Management Company, Captains and crew is crucial to ensure that the owners’ directive and expectations are met, whilst at the same time ensuring the vessel remains compliant and safe.” WMG manage to match

Rosemont Yacht Services & Management With global headquarters in Monaco, Rosemont Yacht Services is well positioned to provide advice and support throughout the purchase and registration process of a yacht and offer a full range of administrative, legislative and technical services to support the efficient and safe ongoing operation. Their professional services include; Legal and Tax Advice, Corporate Yacht Ownership, Yacht Registration, Yacht Finance, Financial, Accounting and Administration services, Day-to-day Yacht Management Services, Crew Administration, Accounts and Technical Support, Statutory Management to comply with ISM/ISPS and MLC and Fiscal / VAT Representation Services. For more details Tel: +377 9797 2141 or visit www.rosemont-yacht.com

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owner expectations by focusing on a high level of communication, understanding and support to make sure that all parties are kept well informed and have a clear role in the management of the vessel.

uali cations and e erience are essential ualities for a a tain ut a great a tain olds ualities in cre management

It all sounds like plain sailing, but it’s the personalities, that can rub along the wrong way when you throw owners, owner representatives, management agents, and captains (none known to be particularly mild and meek) together into the management mix. In this game there are a lot of different feathers that you need to be careful not to ruffle Pivotal to the highly unlikely perfect yacht management situation (in our imperfect world) that you can hope to dream up would be the Captain ays Harry, ualifications and experience are essential qualities for a Captain, but a great Captain holds qualities in crew management and motivation; communication with others, from labourer to billionaire or royalty, with comprehension, compassion and intelligence; calmness and clarity of thought in the event of an incident or accident; business acumen for the development of the yacht’s charter potential and; polite presentable and affable.” In AJ’s view, the perfect qualities in an ideal captain incorporate mentoring and managing: “A focused operational manager that leads by example, mentors his and her crew to respect the cost of all operational matters they influence, mentors the crew on leadership, communications and leads the crew in a clear and equal manner.” o with a solid first class superyacht, an unimpeachably perfect Captain, the management agent needs to dream up a perfect owner hat would be their profile My ideal owner, says Harry, “would be passionate about the oceans and marine travel, focused on safety and the welfare of the crew, communicative, wealthy enough to finance the yacht without compromise, actively interested in the yacht’s management and e penditure and finally, appreciative of the efforts to ensure his yacht is excellently maintained, crewed and operated within an agreed budget!” Ever the diplomat, AJ prefers to be a bit more circumspect in his answer M serves perfect and imperfect yacht owners An operational manager is similar to a medical doctor: we give advice and a sort of prescription of how to reach a wonderful experience and peace of mind. Like a patient, the perfect owner will challenge the advice and then take the agreed prescription, as prescribed M s goal is not to find perfection in someone who owns for oy, the goal is to help them find the oy It’s all academic anyway. A perfect yacht might exist, but perfect people do not. Which leaves AJ, Harry, the skipper on the burning deck and the rest of us adrift on our rafts.

right Maritime


Wright Maritime Group is the quiet giant with an underlying goal that everything and everyone it influences is better off. Whether or not you are a client of WMG, there is a high likelihood that any business or professional that serves your interest has been influenced or assisted by Wright Maritime to provide the best service and product value. That includes yacht management companies, technical support companies, suppliers, shipyards, marinas, manufacturers, contractors and crew. Well informed owners and their representatives call Wright Maritime for advice in ensuring that their yachting experience is the best it can be while protecting their financial interests. For more details Tel: +1 954 523 0300 or visit www.wrightmaritime.com




Sea-Alliance Group Yacht Management can provide hands-on management combined with the expertise and experience to allow clients to really enjoy ownership of their yacht. With a global network of agents and representatives to deal with every aspect of the yacht’s systems, logistics, suppliers, route planning, crew recruitment and finance, Sea-Alliance takes care of all the associated worries and headaches which can often exasperate an owner. A 24/7 service is provided for private or commercial yachts of 5-50 metres and valuable advice and assistance is guaranteed from a highly skilled team including commercial skippers, project managers, financial experts and experienced yacht crew who understand the needs of the yacht owner. For more details Tel: +44 (0) 7887 676888 or visit www.sea-alliance.com

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Flower Power Floral design is an essential part of the yachting experience and nobody is more aware of this than Gabriella Lantero of Gabriella Flowers Flowers on board s the yachting industry has grown, so has the yachting team at abriella lowers, constantly innovating the art of bringing nature on board to highlight the unique style of each yacht.


ounded in 1980, Gabriella Flowers is run by Gabi supported by a passionate and skilled team, who have combined their unique talents and e pertise to make it the most creative and innovative florist on the French Riviera and beyond. For Gabriella her work is her passion. She was born in a family of flowers and hybrid growers Her father created new roses, also the famous abry rose, dedicated to his little daughter abriella spent years being trained in floristry at the legendary enneth urner chool in ondon under the best florist in the world, Mr enneth urner

Blooming marvellous ince creating their first floral arrangement for yachts 2 years ago, abriella lowers has flourished as one of the most skillful professional providers in the industry, creating eye catching, original and elegant arrangements for everyday orders as well as e clusive events Gabriella was responsible for the ummit Meeting at enoa in uly 2 he organised the displays in the ucal alace, in the ea tation, in the Cotton Warehouses and in the cruise ship “European Vision” which hosted the eight heads of tate including Mr eorge ush, then resident who is another client

Gabi caters to the individuality of each yacht and the specific needs of the owners or charter guests, providing on board visits to help create ideas for each area or creating arrangements exactly to their unique requirements. Gabriella Flowers have also had a strong presence at the Cannes ilm estival, and Monaco rand ri for many years, decorating yachts as well as working with the event organisers together with corporate functions on board yachts during this time Whatever the occasion whether a corporate event, wedding or other celebration, Gabi makes it a point to meet the client in person, visit the different places that need flowering, provide advice and suggestions, pay attention to details and deliver a personalised service with innovative, uni ue and breathtaking floral arrangements Driven by her insatiable passion for excellence, Gabi is always on top of the latest trends in floral arrangements and committed to delivering the best and most cutting edge designs with a very personal service. For more details Tel: +33(0)6 78 63 89 28 or visit www gabriellaflowers com

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FLY THE FLAG e flag you c oose to fly from t e stern can ave a direct earing on t e o ner s rivacy ta es and e osure to lia ility and oarding o ever t ere is no sim le ans er t at covers every o ner ut some asic considerations do a ly ords dam iander


he most obvious mark of identification a yacht carries is of course its name ut proudly displayed either ust above the name, or somewhere nearby on the stern, the yacht s registration flag symboli es altogether more subliminal messages about the yacht Mandatory for yachts travelling internationally and crossing borders, choice of flag, or yacht registration, signifies the nationality of choice under which the yacht has been documented ts presence provides marine authorities such as Coastguards, Harbour Masters, Customs Officials and ort tate Control with visible evidence of the flag state regime under whose maritime governance, rules, regulations and procedural framework the yacht, captain and crew adhere to whilst at sea

hose who set about registering ships and yachts are known as registries and these may be governmental or private agencies lternative advice can also be found via a healthy number of independent maritime consultancies and registration specialists, many of whom have grown out of established legal practices, yachting law firms and dvocates with the intention of offering clients impartial and practical advice ltimately the appointed flag state has authority to enforce regulations over vessels registered under its control ven though the yacht in uestion is arguably a customer of the flag state, it nonetheless must comply with instructions relating to on board inspection, certification and in having the appropriate safety and pollution prevention documents up to date and readily at hand

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Other factors related to choice of flag will be determined by the physical characteristics of the yacht si e, tonnage, length , nationality of ownership or otherwise, company or private , main use private, commercial or both , residency of principal guests, manning re uirements, survey re uirements, registration fees and simplicity of process

hile this kind of analysis represents only one aspect of the decision making process, flags highlighted on the hite ist can demonstrate a full and complete understanding of compliance procedures and, statistically, at least, yachts registered under these flags can be seen as arousing less interest as a result

Owners are not all alike of course and while some are drawn towards the assurance of having a well recognised flag with international back up and consular support, for e ample, while others have little interest other than the look and physical appearance of their flag contrasted against their white superyacht

ltimately t e a ointed flag state has authority to enforce regulations over vessels registered under its control

urther considerations when determining choice of flag include ta liabilities and fiscal implications, such as the ability to furnish a lender with the re uired confidence to register a marine mortgage within the legal infrastructure of the appointed flag state are essential considerations for those re uiring finance, for e ample nderstandably national pride also has a bearing on choice of flag, while other more logical and perhaps less emotive considerations would be for owners to consider the so called flag state hite ist he hite ist totalling flags represents uality with a consistently low detention record, as maintained by the aris Memorandum of nderstanding on ort tate Control aris Mo or the sake of clarity within this article, the aris Mo covers the urope wide cruising ground of more specific interest to many of our regular readers and there are other e ually honourable hite ists which we haven t talked about here nitiated in 2 when uropean countries agreed to coordinate their ort tate Control ob ectives under a voluntary agreement, the aris Mo hite ist has 2 countries signed up and its purpose is to record the number of yachts which have been boarded for inspection by ort Officers in aris Mo ports in the past 2 months

ffectively the e uivalent of the MC in the nited ingdom, the rench nternational egister , is also a government controlled organisation where national pride is strong unding from the rench overnment ensures there are no fees applicable for basic registration for yachts without mortgages, and for those with, a tariff on every uros or e uivalent applies ith beneficial ta measures and e emptions, and a very international outlook, the attraction of being able to fly the ricolore from the stern of a yacht is high eputy Head of Office, abien affray, told us, or rench and citi ens, there are many attractions in selecting the rench lag for registration and with us having been at the top of the hite ist rank for the past three years, no other flag state can compare with that so when one of our yachts ventures into a foreign country, owners have significantly less stress about ort tate Control than they might have with other flags rying to get the best fit for owner and vessel is also clearly the message from the egistry of ritish hips in uernsey, as ssistant egistrar oshua aine e plains, lthough based in

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Service Quality & Affordability at its best

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Maritime Administration SERVICE



international. Friendly

Commercial Yachts

registration, fees, surveys,

Professional enough to be enough to be Caribbean

GENEVA OFFICE ℅ Commissioner for Maritime Affairs 8 Av de Frontenex 1207 Geneva Switzerland Tel. +41 (0) 22 707 63 00 Fax +41 (0) 22 707 63 49 Email: geneva@svg-marad.com

Pleasure Yachts

Limited yacht charter allowance


Online information on and much more

KINGSTOWN OFFICE Cruise Ship Terminal Upper Bay Street Kingstown St. Vincent and the Grenadines Tel. +1 (784) 456 1378 Fax +1 (784) 451 2445 Email: svg-marad@gmail.com

Guernsey British Registration & a great location Our Registry – Guernsey, a Category 2 British Register and part of the Red Ensign Group, offers:  Title registration for vessels in the ownership of British citizens, regardless of place of residence, or owned by British corporate structures  10 year registration period  Efficient, personal & friendly service  No annual fees

Registry of British Ships, Guernsey PO Box 631 | St Peter Port | Guernsey | GY1 3DL Tel: +44 (0) 1481 705822 / +44 (0) 1481 720229 Fax: +44 (0) 1481 705824 / +44 (0) 1481 714177 E-Mail: shipsregistry@gov.gg Web: www.shipsregistry.gov.gg

Our Location – Outside the EU and conveniently on the transit route from the UK and Northern Europe to the Mediterranean and beyond, Guernsey offers:

      

Safe Deep Water Anchorage Alongside re-fuelling Duty free marine fuel Flight connections for crew changes VAT free shopping & provisioning On-Island marine engineering expertise Respected offshore financial centre with onIsland services for company formation, asset management, crewing and payroll

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Guernsey, only a relatively small number of vessels on our Register are actually based here; the Registry deals with vessel owners and their agents from a wide variety of locations around the world.” “To qualify for Part I of the British Register, the majority of shares in a vessel (33 of the 64) must be owned either by a British subject or a company registered in and having its principal place of business in a British Crown Dependency or Overseas Territory. Non-British individuals or companies may hold title in up to 31 shares in a vessel, provided that the remainder of the shares are in ualified ownership ny shares ointly owned by ualified and un ualified owners are deemed un ualified shares

it ene cial ta measures and e em tions and a very international outloo t e attraction of eing a le to fly t e ricolour from t e stern of a yac t is ig “Once we have received the required documentation and the vessel has been marked, completion of Registration is effected rapidly and the Certificate of ritish egistry is issued the traditional blue book is still provided by uernsey egistration is valid for 10 years for just £300 with a current renewal fee of only £90.”

Blue Ensign The yacht fleet has rapidly expanded due to the personal service provided, and since achieving full membership of the IMO. The registry is modelled on the British system, with the benefit of nominated jurisdiction for mortgage purposes etc. Open to private and commercial yachts from 20 metres to unlimited size, the registry operates differently to others, in that a company or representative on the island is not mandatory, this function being performed by membership of a wholly owned yacht club (Cook Islands Yacht Squadron). Also, it is not compulsory for yachts to be in class with a classification society, providing they are well constructed and maintained. Blue Ensign are flag state surveyors and Deputy Registrars for the Cook Islands since 2005. For more details Tel: +44 (0) 1329 221894 or visit www.blueensign.com

Typifying its global maritime reputation as not only a wonderful yachting location but also as a centre of marine service-orientated companies and maritime business / legal support services, the British Virgin Islands (BVI) has grown to become one of the most popular corporate yacht owning destinations. Last year the Virgin Islands Shipping Registry (VISR) was promoted to full, unrestricted Category 1 status within the Red Ensign Group (REG) of British Ship Registries and consequently opened its new ondon office, where erard enny, Manager told us, “For some time now we have been looking to capitalise upon the fact that historically we have attracted many yacht ownership companies to establish their businesses within the s, and a ondon based office, with its global standing within the financial and business community and the all important M time one was a natural fit for us going forward perience tells us the kind of people we deal with in yachting prefer the idea of having their yacht registered in the same location where the yacht s management company is also registered, and they value the convenience and lack of e posure benefits this brings One of the more recent registration providers specialising in both Commercial and Private yachts is The Cook Islands Ship Registry. he egistry has a busy based satellite office since 2005 operating as Blue Ensign Ltd with the objective of a fast and uality service for Captains, Managers and Owners Originally known as very much a ship s registry , the tables have now turned and over of the Cook slands fleet are now commercial and private yachts flying the blue ensign A unique feature of the registry was their establishment of The Cook slands acht uadron C as a vehicle for ualification

BVI Many recognise the BVI for its natural beauty, pristine waters and superb sailing; a discerning few recognise its first class ship registry. The reputation of the Virgin Islands Shipping Registry (VISR) is evident by the 3,500+ vessels already on its register. A member of the Red Ensign Group, VISR has a highly experienced team focussed on customer satisfaction. Registration is straightforward and may be completed within 48 hours of collating the mandatory documentation, their London office is now also open to assist. Mortgages are recorded in the BVI, where the legal system is based on English common law. Fees are competitive and a pragmatic approach to manning levels is applied and services relating to offshore finance, corporate registration and tourism are also available. For more details Tel: +1 284 468-2902, +44 (0)207 355 9573 or visit www.vishipping.gov.vg

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YACHT REGISTRY The International Registry that really understands the needs of Commercial and Private yachts. Dedicated UK / EU Office that issues and receives all Cook Islands’ documents and communications. A personal and secure registration service that Captains and Managers really appreciate. Fast and simple transfer-in service.

1, 3, or 5 years registration available.

Harmonised surveys that are all done at the same time, to fit in with your schedule. Includes Large Yacht Code, LY3, ISM, ISPS, MLC, ILLC, ITC69 etc. all in harmony, reducing downtime. No compulsory requirement for a company or representative in The Cook Islands. No compulsory Class Society / EU compliance for vessels up to 500 GRT. No upper age limit of vessels, providing they are well maintained and managed. Blue Ensign Ltd. are one of the founder Cook Islands Ship Registry Deputy Registrars and Surveyors, since 2005. New builds, refits, conversions, damage, MCA, and claims surveys for 25 years.

The Maritime Registry, 49, High Street, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 7BQ, U.K. email: jon@mcick.com web: www.cookislandsregistry.com Skype: cookislandsregistry Tel: +44 (0)1329 221894 Mobile: +44 (0)7762 147137 Fax: +44 (0)1329 289940 Blue Ensign Ltd. are registered with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) #5750201

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of ownership, as a private individual or using a company you already have registered anywhere. This avoids the usual registry requirement for a company or local representative with serving address, and represents a long term cost saving. Although optional, membership of CIYS has been almost 100%, and is so successful the registry has established a similar club for their ship owners. Another feature is the inclusion of older yachts and those not built or maintained in class, providing they are well maintained and managed. All yachts entering the registry are inspected by a flag approved urveyor prior to acceptance

Owners are not all alike of course but most are drawn towards the assurance of aving a ell recognised flag with international back up and consular support Cook Islands Deputy Registrar and Surveyor, Jonathan Leach, told us, e are here to provide a secure and supportive flag state infrastructure, to assist Captains, Managers and Owners with all the necessary surveys and statutory documents they need to ply International waters in safety, and without fuss. Essentially, we aim to provide practical solutions to their operating problems in any location.”

Registre International Français RIF offer quick and easy administrative procedures and a single point of contact for all your customs and maritime affair procedures. The register offers a renowned level of safety and security and is compliant with European Union rules offering attractive tax measures and tax exemption without fees. They also offer exemption from income tax for salaried seamen resident in France (on board more than 183 days over 12 months rolling). For more details Tel: +33(0) 4 96 11 55 10 or visit www.rif.mer.developpement-durable.gouv.fr

Unlike for most other commercial enterprises, while it might remain technically incorrect to state that yacht registration businesses are acting within a ‘Free Market Economy’, there’s no doubt that special promotions and carefully worded offers are out there with the intention to attract as much new business their way as possible. ith overseas offices in eneva and Monaco as well as the head office in ingstown, the t incent and the renadines yacht registry, for e ample, is uite diversified egistrar of Ships and Seafarers, Ms Jillianjoy Davis told us, “As of July 2012, introduced a uni ue feature leasure private yachts of metres up to 500 gross tonnage may be chartered out under certain conditions for 2 weeks days in a calendar year, with a maximum of 12 passengers. This is known as a limited charter allowance and this feature was introduced to attract more yachters to our shores, without them going through too much hassle. illian oy adding finally, sually commercial yachts would have to go through lengthy processes, such as being surveyed on a yearly basis to ensure compliance with the applicable standards before being registered. With this new feature, a private yacht with a limited charter allowance can be registered at a much lower cost, requiring less paperwork, quicker processing time within two days and only re uiring a survey every five years aunched in 2 and one of the most approachable independent, ‘one stop shop’ registration specialists is the Yacht Registration Centre, Y.R.C, based in Nicosia, Cyprus, where shipping lawyer Maria Had ivarnava is happy to discuss flag state options with clients of all kinds. “With customers either owning or managing yachts from as small as 9m right up to 100m+ most of our

The Yacht Registration Centre Y.R.C. was established with the coming together of a team of experts in the area of yachting: lawyers, tax advisors, shipping agents, VAT specialists. The purpose of Y.R.C. is to facilitate in the worldwide registration of yachts and to provide all required ancillary services, taking into consideration all practical, legal and tax matters in a most efficient and cost effective way. Services offered include; Worldwide registration of yachts, continuous legal and tax support, Company incorporation services, opening of bank accounts and implementation of yacht leasing schemes. For more details Tel:+357 22556677 or contact info@yachtregistrationcentre.com

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Interested in buying a yacht? To do list: -


Company establishment Bank account opening Conclude sales agreement Get tax advice Register the boat Arrange for...

To do list: - Contact the Yacht Registration Centre Y.R.C

: cheme asing S pe e L t h c s Ya AT in Euro e Cypru tV on of th % , the lowes ti ta n e 2 m .4 le 2 p s a Im low VAT as

LEDRA HOUSE, 15 Agiou Pavlou Str. Agios Andreas 1105, Nicosia, Cyprus TEL: +357 22 55 66 77 FAX: +357 22 55 66 88 E-MAIL: info@yachtregistrationcentre.com www.yachtregistrationcentre.com

French International Register Make the difference* Fly the French Flag

*In 2015, for the third consecutive year, RIF is at the top of Paris MoU whitelist and confirms its excellence www.rif.mer.developpement-durable.gouv.fr

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customers come to us with very few hard and fast preconceptions other than the physical look of a registration flag they might have seen and start by asking us simply ‘what do we think’ about different jurisdictions.”

Further considerations when determining c oice of flag include VAT & tax liabilities and scal im lications “Once we’ve discussed their broad-brush requirements and asked them to complete our simple Choice of Flag Questionnaire, we then start to build a picture as to the typical use of the yacht and whether an or non flag is re uired hen using our worldwide network of lawyers, tax and VAT advisors and shipping agents, we can start to focus on which flag state might be most appropriate for their needs.” Maria adds, “Unlike commercial shipping customers who generally know exactly what they want from the outset, our experience is that yacht customers just want to have fun and to get underway with as little stress and administrative hold-up as possible. Hence it’s our mission to assist our clients throughout the process of buying a yacht, having it registered, maintained, and eventually selling it.”

Registry of British Ships Guernsey is a Category 2 British Shipping Register located outside of the EU and a member of the Red Ensign Group. Although limited by the maximum size of vessel (150 GT), Guernsey has an established and respected reputation for efficient, personal and friendly service. If a vessel exceeds the Register’s tonnage limit the Registry will always assist an applicant in identifying an alternative register either from within the Red Ensign Group or other non-British territories. The Register can accept vessels in majority share ownership of British citizens or British corporate structures. Registration is valid for 10 years with no annual fees. For more details Tel: +44(0)1481 720229 or visit www.shipsregistry.gov.gg or via www.redensigngroup.org

RED ENSIGN GROUP Operating under the mantle of ‘Strength and quality through collaboration’ and comprising international shipping registries operated by the United Kingdom, three UK Crown Dependencies and eight UK Overseas Territories. The Red Ensign (or a defaced version with the appropriate national colour) has long been associated with yachting and is a familiar sight on many private and commercial yachts. Any vessel registered under one of these administrations is a “British ship” and entitled to fly the Red Ensign flag and enjoy the benefits this brings. Administrations within ‘Category 1’ registers including Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Gibraltar, Isle of Man and the United Kingdom operate large international registers and may register ships of unlimited tonnage, type and length. ‘Category 2’ administrations include Anguilla, Falkland Islands, Guernsey, Montserrat, St. Helena and Turks & Caicos Islands, which can register eligible vessels up to 150 gross tonnage (GT) and, subject to the implementation of legislation and a memorandum of understanding with the UK, pleasure vessels of less than 400 GT (pleasure vessels, by definition, refer to ships used for sport or pleasure, which are not operated commercially). Jersey is also a Category 2 register but with the enhanced ability to register both pleasure and commercial vessels under 400 GT.

St. Vincent & the Grenadines This multi island paradise in the Eastern Caribbean, a longtime haven for seafarers, prizes itself in the maritime world by providing Yacht owners, crew and financial entities with the nec plus ultra in ship registration. The diversity of the types of registrations: Commercial, Private and Limited Charter Allowance (a hybrid of the former) allows owners to register individually, joint or as a company, thus providing flexibility for owners and financial institutions alike. St. Vincent and the Grenadines is a long time member of the IMO and maintains high standards in its fleet, crew and personnel. For more details Tel: +1 784 456-1378 or visit www.svg-marad.com

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SI L S. C O M _





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At your service In this digital age the ability to purchase, reserve and plan services online is a given. Daniel Gatt looks at online concierge services for the superyacht industry


ver 40% of the world population is connected to the internet with an increase of over one billion users from 2010. With so many people connected we are now turning to the digital marketplace to purchase, reserve and plan services like never before. With total online retail sales surpassing €1.27 trillion in 2014 and expected to reach €3 trillion by 2017. The internet age has given rise to all types of online services that provide us with the ability to browse and organise in the times that suit our needs. Reserve a restaurant from your bed, book a flight on the train or get your christmas shopping done in the comfort of your bathroom. All of this was impossible till the birth of the internet. Has the industry caught up with the rest of the world’s digital fle ibility Most of us own a device that provides us access to the digital world and with these services becoming an integral part of planning our daily lives, why should we not incorporate these services into the daily running of our vessels We have all been inundated with demands from charter guests and budgeting calls from the owners. With such heavy demands being put on yachting crew the use of an online concierge service can help take off the strain. By allowing the management, captain and crew to preplan and manage services, orders, deliveries and reservations in their own comfort saving time and the heavy costs incurred by using the traditional yachting agency. With over 12 years experience in yachting I realised that the industry needed an overhaul when it came to the way we managed our vessels. With such high percentages going to yacht agents, why wasn’t there a easier way to deal

direct with the right companies and not have to pay over the odds We have all worked on tight budgets and the opposite, but with over si figures going into the agencies over the period of one season I knew it was time for a change. For the past three years Surf Yachts concierge has been working closely with professionals in the industry to develop a network that was specifically developed towards bridging the gap in between the right suppliers and crew putting the power in the hands of the consumer. We have created an online solution which allows our users to preplan, book and also explore new services, entertainment around unfamiliar and familiar locations. Each supplier is put through a qualifying registration process which allows us to make sure we offer quality services at the push of a button. Each user or yacht can manage all orders through their personal profile which allows them to know what services are due, make changes to orders and contact the suppliers directly. With our services ranging from lifestyle to yacht maintenance, the network caters for any form of request and behind the software is the human element of service ready to assist. Should a service not be readily available on the network our staff will work tirelessly to make sure that your demands are met providing a smooth service at all times. We’ve got many features which will be rolling out to provide our users with a complete yachting solution. The digital age is upon us and it’s time we all jumped on board. For more details Tel: +356 7929 3797 or visit www.surfyachts.com

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ris lifford recommends is essential roducts and services for

Smart Ship Making yacht use more convenient, economical, faster, safer and more environmentally friendly mart hip reduces specific crew duties when mooring, allowing the crew to look after the owner and guests on board ith the added benefit of re uiring less mooring rope, important storage is also released for other necesary items. Smart Ship brings yachting technology to another level and more inline with that of aircraft technology Human

error is minimised with efficiency and safety ma imised, leading to cost savings, including anticipated reduced insurance premiums. he smart way, not the hard way o old rope for your new boat omething new, without a crew For more details Tel: +33 (0)6 40 62 04 17 or visit www smartship co uk

ervau reycoat umleys reycoat umleys has been providing e cellent staff for 2 years he high demand for a bespoke, personal recruitment service for yachts lead to them launching their Ski & Yacht sector. They can offer the same e tremely high level of recruitment service for your yacht, anywhere in the world, as they do for their private clients households Chefs, tewards and tewardesses at all levels are a speciality, as well as other on-board catering, hospitality and housekeeping roles and childcare positions reycoat umleys believe in uality, not uantity and carefully select the best candidates they choose not to bombard clients with unsuitable CVs. For more details Tel: +44 (0) 20 7233 9950 or visit www greycoatlumleys co uk

ervau lobal Marine ervices is ideally situated in the centre of the two main French harbours, Marseilles and e Havre ervau has for many years imported the global leading brand Pains esse pyrotechnic marine distress signals, today part of the rew Marine roup he uality, technological superiority and innovative design of the products sold, combined with worldwide SOLAS approvals, including MED and C , has placed ains esse at the forefront of marine safety. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 91 46 60 80 or visit www painswesse com

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Finkeldei Interiors The Finkeldei Manufactory is the ideal partner for furnishing a yacht with custom-made upholstered furniture including; armchairs, sofas, beds, dining chairs, bar stools. cushion, tables and consoles. That is why you will find their premium class products on si of the ten largest yachts in the world. Finkeldei also offers comprehensive services for demanding furnishing projects including; Consulting, Production, Delivery and assembly, After sales service, Refurbishment and maintenance. For more details Tel: +49 (0)5274 / 980-250 or visit www finkeldei com

EeStairs Bodrum Yacht Services Bodrum Yacht Services began as a humble effort to assist foreign boat owners with their language communication challenges when working with local urkish labour, as well as the difficulties with sourcing hard to find yacht inventory in Turkey. Between Dave Stanley’s lengthy background in the marine industry and ina treet s fluency in urkish language and familiarity with the culture, they began receiving broader requests, including yacht deliveries, provisioning, refits, repairs, engine overhauls and paint pro ects ormalised in 2 , and having ust finished updating its mobile friendly website with a section devoted to case studies. One phone call to Bodrum Yacht Services will point first time yachtsmen and returning skippers in the right direction for all of their needs during their stay on the Bodrum peninsula. For more details Tel:+90 252 316 2434 or visit www.bodrumyachtservices.com

EeStairs designs, manufactures and installs bespoke feature staircases and balustrades and strive to evoke an emotional response to beautiful products. Using the highest quality materials from the leading specialists and combining this with the expertise of our team and quality e uipment, e tairs is able to supply the finest staircases and balustrades. Vast experience in creating staircases and balustrades for luxury yachts means that EeStairs is uniquely positioned to deal with issues of weight and space restrictions. Whether it is on land, or at sea, EeStairs pioneering approach makes it the perfect partner for even the most challenging of projects. For more details Tel: +31 342 405 700 or visit www.eestairs.com ONBOARD | WINTER 2016 | 111

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ighthouse Consultancy Indonesia’s unique and remote cruising grounds are rapidly establishing themselves as a highlight of Asian cruising. A professional guide can be the difference between a wonderful cruise or a breathtaking experience. The ighthouse Consultancy has full time international and Indonesian guides with decades of experience leading vessels throughout Indonesia. The guides join the vessel

to support Captains with itinerary planning and implementation, and also offer activities such as diving and photography. Make the most of a trip through Indonesia by bringing a Lighthouse cruising guide aboard. For more details contact info@thelighthouseconsultancy.com or visit www.thelighthouseconsultancy.com

Spronk’s Mega Yacht Services Spronk’s Mega Yacht Services offers a complete concierge service to megayachts, from Immigration Customs clearance, complete provisioning, airport transfers, tours, duty free fuelling, flowers and parts procurement, APA receipt & delivery and everything else the visiting yacht re uires hey have offices at True Blue and at Port Louis Marina in the Port of St. George. Spronk’s can also deliver to you, if you are on anchor, at your chosen destination and can also send provisions and parts to wherever you may be in the southern Grenadines. or more details el or visit www.spronksmegayacht.com

Freestyle Slides The all new Non-Leg Support Plus (NLS+) slide is designed as a streamlined alternative to the Freestyle Leg Support (LS) Slide. This slide is for those desiring a height of 7M to 12M without the need of a leg support. The NLS+ weighs less and takes up less storage space than our standard design reestyle have also simplified the deployment process, making set up and take down much quicker and more efficient ach reestyle Cruiser lide comes with a year warranty, all operation accessories and world class service for as long as you maintain ownership. or more details el 2 2 or visit www.freestyleslides.com 112 | WINTER 2016 | ONBOARD

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Marina Casa de Campo Marina Casa de Campo’s is offering new services, installations and restaurants One of the new attractions you will find when visiting the marina in 2016 is the all new Lounge, The Lighthouse, which will have a sports bar, light foods menu and an infinity pool which will fantastically frame the marinas sunsets. Miami’s famous PubBelly restaurant is a new gastronomic addition that Casa de Campo hotel brings to the

Marina. Pubbelly Sushi will be a 114 person seating capacity restaurant. Their new and complete Concierge service will begin this season with its offices in the Marina, ou will be able to make room, villa, apartment and restaurant reservations and lots more. For more details Tel: +1 809 523 2111/2112 or visit www.marinacasadecampo.com

Videoworks Videoworks Spa is the Italian leader in Systems integration. It realizes and installs innovative A/V, IT, Domotics and Entertainment solutions and it develops software and apps for the most e clusive Clients ts tailor made solutions are aimed to meet high technology, e clusivity, ease of use and reliability requirements. The Professionals operate from Amsterdam, Ancona (HQ), London, Milan, Moscow and iareggio offices reali ing all the steps of the process in-house, with no outsourcing at all. The ecosystem of Videoworks services ranges from a total automation of the systems to Light and Sound Engineering, always delivering bespoke solutions. For more details Tel: +39 071.2868170 or visit www.videoworks.it

Complete Marine Freight CMF work with customers who are serious about yachting. They are a small team offering an incredibly personal yacht transport service to all their clients. The CMF team understand your needs whether shipping a superyacht or trucking a small motorboat, air freighting a mast, transporting spares and equipment or simply couriering documentation. They are fast with information and provide solutions that save you time and money. They ship for major manufacturers and dealers all over the globe and fully understand the requirements to get boats from factory as fast as possible to the end customer. They offer a range of shipping cradles that will allow you to ship on all sorts of different vessels giving their customers the most fle ibility with regards to timings and price range For more details Tel: +34 971 432 600 or visit www.completemarinefreight.com

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Steamship Mutual Steamship Mutual provides a dedicated Yacht Liability Cover which answers the specific needs of yacht owners s well as protecting the yacht owner against liabilities towards third parties, the cover allows the owner to fulfil his obligation to provide financial security for repatriation e penses and unpaid

wages in accordance with the M C he cover can be e tended to include egal penses, ccident and llness cover for crew, Hull ar isk and idnap ansom covers For more details Tel +44 (0)20 7650 6646 or visit www steamshipmutual com underwriting yacht facility htm

CABBS Carpentry and Boat Building Services was established in 2 with the goal of creating a company that provides uality workmanship at competitive rates More than 2 years e perience in the trade has given the company the ability to think outside the bo and complete whatever work is re uired, within budget and on time Classic wooden construction to modern composites, Fine interior joinery and e terior furniture, eak decking, estorations and efits, locking, erspe and Corian works, ree no obligation uoting C can do it all and more For more details Tel: +34 677 308 958 or visit www cabbs es

Viking Recruitment fter a successful show at M , iking noticed that one of the main areas of discussion was the lack of understanding for the new C changes which encompass pdating efresher raining for Officers and Crew Many asked the questions: “what courses need to be done?”, “when does it have to be completed?” and “where can I take these courses?” So Viking and the Maritime Skills Academy have decided to put together a full but simple guide to pdating efresher raining which will hopefully help crew to answer some of the uestions they may have For more details Tel: +44 (0)300 303 8393 or visit www maritimeskillsacademy com

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Oceania Yachting Oceania achting group are a niche firm that have become one of the most successful companies of its kind. Suitably sized to provide luxury class yacht services exceeding all expectations. Founders and oint managing directors ania ofikitou and ostas Skiathitis have been actively involved in the yachting industry with 20 years of experience. This year the company are extending their activities to include Brokerage and Chartering. As they cover all the Eastern Mediterranean, they offer their clients ideal destinations for yachting, e ploring the magnificent and unique islands of Greece and the beautiful coastline of Turkey. The company offer quality yachts, tours through natural wonders, itinerary planning, flower arrangements, formalities, customs clearance, immigration, berth reservation, bunkering, top quality provisioning, supplies, transportation services, recommendations for restaurants, luxury hotels, 24/7 assistance, excursions and turnkey technical services. Oceania yachting group also handles major yacht refits and repairs For more details Tel: +30 2104180841 or visit www.oceaniayachting.com

Innovation3 Composites

EasYacht4U EasYacht4U means that anyone involved in yacht trips in Italy, Sardinia and Sicily can take advantage of their services. They are trusted yacht agents for a wide number of private and commercial yachts. However, EasYacht4U are not merely experts in port formalities, seafaring and navigation. Much more than this, EasYacht4U know that happy guests means happy captains and thus they have specialized in leisure activities for the guests, top quality provisions for the galley and the interior, prompt supplies for the deck and the engine room and turnkey support for anyone onboard. Furthermore, they offer a fast accounting service that will make captains and charter managers happy. For more details Tel: +39 344 388 36 39 or visit www.ey4u.com

Innovation3 Composites has expanded the team to cope with demand for the 2016 refit season in Mallorca hey offer a friendly and reliable service and are capable of any size project alongside the components, offering good working relationships with the ma or design offices around the world his winter Innovation3 Composites will be reprofiling some big rudders and keels with a cost effective system they have developed utilising the CNC machine which delivers the designers shape in a female mould, therefore no fairing is required. For more details Tel: +34 971 254223 or visit www.i3composites.com

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Vandecasteele Houtimport Vandecasteele Houtimport provides a dedicated service to the marine and superyacht industry. Stocking over 1,500m3 of high quality and quarter cut Burmese Teak stored at their modern distribution facilities in Belgium. Orders can be processed and delivered worldwide within 2-3 days. The wide selection of Teak decking strips, margin boards, caprails and FEQ grade is one of the finest stockholdings in urope cellent choice combined

with value, availability and service in an ecologically responsible manner provides the perfect trading partner for its worldwide customers. Dedicated to trade in harmony in both business and the environment with customers and suppliers are just some of the strengths of this family owned company, since 1883. For more details Tel + 32 56 43 33 33 or visit our website www.vandecasteele.be


Red Gull Red-Gull is the European specialist for sail cleaning, cleaning of sprayhoods and awnings, with a particular specialty in Sail Regeneration treatment for Dacron sails. Through watersport retailers, yacht service companies and sailmakers, aswell as in direct sales, they supply services into Europe and make sure that sails, sprayhoods & covers will be returned perfectly cleaned, waterproof and looking as good as new, depending on their actual technical condition will allows. Red-Gull services have been the regular subject of tests in international yachting magazines with very positive judgements, read the articles yourself in their press and media section. For more details Tel: +31 (0)418635363 or visit www.red-gull.com

Introduced to the Marine market 25 years ago, ABB´s Azipod electrical propulsion concept has proven its efficiency and reliability on a number of iconic Superyachts. Azipod propulsion runs with incredible silence and provides high maneuverability with e ceptional hydrodynamical efficiency mong the latest additions to s marine portfolio are: the Energy Management System, a support tool for onboard energy management with both monitoring and optimisation, and the On board DC Grid that represents a step forward in optimised power by distributing electrical power through the vessel with a DC circuit, providing significant energy savings For more details Tel: tel +358 50 33 22110 or visit www.abb.com/marine

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Ortega Submersibles Powered by two high-power, electric motors and constructed for both over and under water activity, fully equipped with a trimming tank, on-board breathing apparatus and HUD navigation system, each vessel can also have Sonar, extra air supply or an extended cargo hold of up to 450 liters; all on-board equipment supports dive depths of up to 95 metres / 310 feet. The Ortega Submersibles Mk. 1B is an ergonomic, multi-purpose submersible vessel of the highest quality in modern Dutch engineering. For more details Tel: +31 (0)6 1195 5599 or visit www.ortega-submersibles.com

BGB SILS is a revolutionary new company entering the underwater lighting market. With no drilling or penetration of the hull required, the new Submersible Inductive Lighting System (SILS) is about to take the superyacht market by storm. SILS uses induction contactless technology to power the RGB-W LED light clusters meaning no more holes in the hull. Plus, the units can also be retro fitted world s first in the industry Available from Spring 2016, SILS is fully controllable by phone or tablet device via a bespoke BGB app. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1476 576280 or visit www.bgbsils.com

IMS GMBH What sets CRYSTAL apart from other software is not only that it was designed by Hospitality Professionals with decades of experience but also that it s truly a pioneering application, user friendly, hands-on, fast and intuitive. It is not just a planned maintenance system or another way of doing spreadsheets. CRYSTAL is your tailor-made app, with operational, organisational and educational tools with custom handbooks, tailored manuals, SOPs, latest video tutorials and many many more features. Freeing crew from the desk and putting the focus back on sophisticated guest service. Renowned designers, manufacturers and management companies agree that CRYSTAL is innovative, unique and extremely valuable for their clients, captains and crew f you haven t seen the sophisticated app for yourself, just call Lars van Dinther or Margarita Amam for an exclusive demonstration. For more details Tel: +49 421 36 51 91 51 or visit www.ims-crystal.com

YMCA YMCA was created to meet the challenges posed by increasing complex regulatory standards. Their range of services coordinated with a network of international maritime and tax lawyers and experts make YMCA one of the most versatile and professional player in the industry today. Operating a commercial or private yacht in European waters requires careful navigation especially with regards to Custom and Tax issues. In addition, many transactions are subject to VAT: making the wrong decision can have serious financial conse uences MC have close relations with French customs and tax agencies, on the ground capability and years of industry experience. They know how to make compliancy simple and keep it that way. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 92 00 43 90 or visit www.ymca-yachting.com

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Beds on Board Beds on Board connect boat owners and accomodation seekers with their peer-to-peer platform that allows boat owners, agents or captains to help offset running costs. For existing charter boats this service offers a great way to fill in gaps in the charter programme, as the yacht does not leave its berth there are no additional running costs. These short term rentals offer guests an entry into the world of

yacht charter and allow the yacht to maximise its potential income when not being used. Owners are in complete control, using the platform to manage availability, set pricing and terms and to communicate securely and anonymously with possible guests before accepting bookings. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1590 381298 or visit www.bedsonboard.com

GISATEX All GISATEX products are now available in over 30 countries. This facilitates cooperation with their international customers and offers boat owners a considerable network of procurement options. The fair cooperation with their importers, distributors and professional’s have proved to be succesful with many clients around the world with their products from Reutlingen. GISATEX® have earned in the last 10 years a steady, solid growth of 10% annually. In particular, the growth markets in Europe, but also in the USA are on focus for the coming years. The mattress manufactory in Reutlingen oversees the regional market, while the international customers get gisamed mattresses from their licensees in Poland and Spain. For more details Tel: + 49 7121 9090390 or visit www.gisatex.de

Spectec GmbH – IDEA Software IDEA’s Vessel Information Organizer (IDEA.NET™) is a unique software solution for the technical, administrative and safety management of today’s sophisticated luxury yachts. It provides the crew with a tool to manage the volumes of digital information that they are required to maintain and to abide by the ever increasing reporting and accountability requirements. Today, the software is used on more than 700 power and sailing yachts of up to more than 160m in length and is installed as a standard by some of the most prestigious yacht builders and management companies in the world. For more details Tel: +49 211 303 6628 or visit www.idea.spectec.net

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MARINE WASTE COMPACTION When space is at a premium Reduce waste volumes by 85% Reduce odour and improved hygienic storage Manufactured from kitchen grade stainless steel

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Siderise based, are acoustic, ďŹ re and thermal insulation specialists he company has been developing innovative insulation solutions since 2 and works across various industries, including marine, architectural, power generation, rail and automotive t provides e pertise via specialist engineering consultancy, together with optimised composites and products that are tailored to meet uni ue challenges, designed to e ceed client e pectations by

delivery of class leading performance t creates added value through innovative partnerships with its clients and suppliers is committed to sustainable materials and investment in new technology in order to continually drive product performance and compliance within its key sectors or more details el 2 or visit www siderise com

enesis Marine enesis Marine, a division of the enesis echnologies roup, is a highly speciali ed, vertical distributor with a reputation as urope s e clusive outlet for premium brands and solutions in the marine marketplace ith years of e perience in pro ect consulting and after sales services, e perience centers across urope and a select network of system integrators they deliver the ďŹ nest entertainment technology for homes and yachts heir passion for combining technical brilliance and e uisite design results in stunning Media oom, Multi oom, esign and Cinema bespoke solutions incuding the enesis ndividual Cinema perience C true cinema at home solution, C means technology and design working together in harmony to deliver the most e travagant and engaging entertainment e perience available today or more details el 2 2 2 or visit www genesis tech eu

Carter Marine Carter Marine gencies are an independent yacht agency with over years e perience in the ustralian hipping achting ndustries ith their home base in Cairns, ueensland ustralia, they have represented vessels clearing into other ustralian ports in arwin, roome, remantle, Melbourne, ydney, risbane, hitsundays, ownsville and many little ports inbetween heir comprehensive services include the lodgement of Crew isas, mmigration, Customs, uarantine clearance formalities, overnment egulations, reat arrier eef Cruising and Control permits, ort ervice and erth ookings, rovisioning, unkering, eďŹ t and epairs, ransportation and ccommodation, nterior re uirements, Medicals and upplies, reight orwarding and acht pares Clearances, Charts and Chandlery and good old local knowledge always with a welcoming smile or more details el or visit www cartermarine com

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Hamble Yacht Services Hamble Yacht Services is one of the most renowned boat yards in the world, and this is largely due to the reputation and facilities offered by our Boat efit and epair workshop o ob is too big or too small whether you need emergency boat repair work or an e tensive yachtrefit Over the years we have managed yacht refit pro ects for some of the most prestigious yachts and motorboats, as well as high profile race boats and round the worldcharter fleets rom the initial survey and uote through to pro ect management and quality control we can look after every aspect of your yachtrestoration or refit from start to finish Our e pert and e perienced refit and repair team can undertake emergency boat repair work in all materials. From collisions and groundings to general wear and tear, we can get your yacht or motorboat back on the water uickly and efficiently e also have a lot of experience working with classic wooden yacht restorations and timber yacht repairs including everything from topside planking replacement and re painting to installing modern lu uries and fittings For more details Tel: +44 (0)2380 454111 or visit www.hambleyachtservices.co.uk

Sea Emporium Ticket Travel Agency Ticket Travel Agency has grown from Mallorca, the tiny island in the Mediterranean to become a ma or global provider of marine travel services n alliance with most of the international airlines, Ticket is able to provide hugely discounted and privileged flight tickets to the yachting and marine industry through negotiated marine fares which include e tra baggage allowances, fle ibility and a host of other benefits, for both offshore and onshore personnel Additionally, as a fully licenced IATA Travel Agency, Ticket can also combine these marine tickets with a range of other travel related services, from car hire and hotel bookings to travel insurance and family vacations! For more details Tel: +34 971 676767 or visit www.ticket.es

Setting up the interior of a New Build yacht can be quite a daunting experience; there are so many elements and important decisions to be made. With so much to think about, some expert advice and assistance can make all the difference to a plain sailing fit out ntroducing ea mporium, purveyors of the finest linens, towels, tableware, glassware, toiletries and custom made items suitable for a life at sea. Combining stunning aesthetics with on-board practicality, Sea Emporium will expertly guide you through the process to deliver those finishing touches that truly reflect the design vision For more details Tel: +44 (0)7475 777848 or visit www.seaemporium.com ONBOARD | WINTER 2016 | 121

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+33 (0)4 92 00 43 90 - info@ymca-yachting.com www.ymca-yachting.com

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Applelec Yacht Applelec Yacht is a Mallorca based manufacturer and installer of custom made luxury yacht signage and part of the award winning ritish signage specialists company celebrating more than 2 years within the industry, pplelec acht offer a class leading selection of illuminated signage from their MaxxLuxx acht ight orks range, combining high uality finishes with sophisticated homogenous illumination dditionally, their

non-illuminated range of lettering is available in many styles and finish options, including coated longside their lettering they also produce various acrylic based illuminated items including helideck landing rings, floorlights, steplights and light panels he possibilities are endless or more details el or visit www applelecyacht com

Heinen & Hopman ometimes, a broken C chiller might better be replaced instead of repaired However, the chiller is often difficult to reach, which implies that replacement is very expensive and often a hole needs to be cut in the ship s hull Heinen and Hopman s eplacement Chiller is specially designed as a building package and therefore no hole needs to be cut his way an old C chiller can easily be replaced by a state-of-the-art Heinen & Hopman chiller ince the summer of 2 2 Heinen & Hopman has a full-time service mechanic to its dedicated subsidiary on the C te d ur Heinen Hopman rance or more details el or visit www heinenhopmanfrance com

Nautibuoy Two Former superyacht crewmembers have launched this years must-have yachting accessory, a multi functional inflatable dock ecently winning he M design award for innovation in the eck uipment category the auti uoy Marine s inflatable platforms, which feature a patented modular air toggle linking system, have a range of uses, from a highly attractive and lu urious swim and sunbathing platform, to a et ski dock or as a sturdy base for carrying out essential maintenance tasks vailable in different si es from 2 m to m, the linking possibilities are endless, sideto side, end to end, shaped and shaped, nflation times range from seconds to mins ecs or more details el 2 or visit www nautibuoymarine com ONBOARD | WINTER 2016 | 123

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Hacker Craft Recently named as one of “America’s Top 50 Products” by Forbes Magazine, Hacker Boat Company is the world’s largest manufacturer of classic mahogany motorboats. For over one hundred years, each Hacker-Craft® has been hand built in America, one at a time, by some of the world s finest boat building craftsmen he Hacker Craft fleet includes custom runabouts, racers, sport boats, sportabouts, sterlings, and, one of a kind yacht tenders

limited only by your imagination. Hacker-Craft® tenders are custom designed for each client and hand built to perfectly balance luxury and utility. Their individual world class vessels provide optimum comfort and performance, even in the harshest coastal conditions. For more details Tel: +1 866 540 5546 or visit www.hackerboat.com

E-Touch Systems

Huisman Etech Yacht Services Huisman’s superior electrotechnical products offer you maximum support. The specialists at Huisman Etech Yacht Services can build and maintain your installations onboard, helping increase your safety and your comfort. The Huisman Diagnosis System provides a clear overview of all data from your onboard equipment and allows you to monitor or operate them from the bridge or engine room. The company are now delighted to introduce the second generation of the system, allowing you to monitor and operate everything onboard anytime and from anywhere via our app and your iPad. For more details Tel: +377 99 99 47 25 or visit www.huismanetech.com

E-Touch Systems was established in 2009 with its head quarters in STP Ship Yard Palma. To complement their marine electrical services the company designed and built its own, innovative and type approved power management and accompanying alarm and monitoring system. Both systems proved to be un ualified success in the industry. E-Touch Systems not only specialise in high end control systems but also offer full electrical refit and new build solutions. From Navigation and bridge works to the full spectrum of electrical services throughout any given project. For more details Tel: +34 649 277463 or visit www.etouchsystems.eu

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ProCurve Glass Design ProCurve Glass can provide you with a complete solution to all your glass needs. They are a primary manufacturer of custom marine window solutions. From complete new build packages to single replacement windows. ProCurve can work with you to deliver the glazing solution to match your needs. Because they produce their own products in the ISO 9001:2008 facility, they are able to deliver the correct product to your location around the world the ďŹ rst time when you need it. Custom solutions can include, but are not limited to; Type Approved Strengthened glass, Bullet Resistant, Heated, or switchable windows and more. For more details Tel: +1 215 441 9101 or visit www.procurveglass.com

JL Audio JL Audio is the largest marine audio manufacturer in the USA, with a product range that has been speciďŹ cally developed and e tensively tested to withstand every effect of a harsh marine environment. This includes the effects of salt water ingress, high humidity and UV e posure, to provide the highest uality audio solutions that deliver a depth and clarity of sound which is the e uivalent to home Hi i Upgrading to a premium JL Audio system will enhance the e perience of any lu ury superyacht or tender with a depth and clarity of sound which is unrivalled. For more details Tel: +44 (0) 120 266 4390 or visit www.jlaudiomarine.eu

Classic Yacht Shipwrights Classic Yacht Shipwrights (CYS) are now in their 12th year servicing yachts of all shapes and sizes here in Mallorca. With a 300m2 workshop, CYS have all of the necessary e uipment and facilities, machines, vacuum table and countless stock. From a complete deck replacement to a light sand, a whole new interior scheme to adjusting your drawer runners, CYS offer a complete service with uality always being the highest priority longside the skilled and time served Shipwrights and Joiners, CYS are now pleased to add to their skills; in house varnishing and painting, carbon work, CAD drawing and Corian work. For more details Tel: +34 971 201 412 or visit www.cys-sl.eu

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Visit us: boot 2016: 23.01. – 31.01.2016 Stand 7aG08 with SUPERYACHT GERMANY – DEUTSCHE YACHTEN Get your 5% discount on our software by mentioning the keyword: boot 2016

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Be a jump ahead with Bodrum Yacht Services

Refits Woodwork Repairs Painting Maintenance Teak decks

info@bodrumyachtservices.com Dave +90 538 267 9976 Dina +90 532 434 6816 Bodrum Office +90 252 316 2434

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Luviair Luviair Helicopter Management on the Isle of Man is the market leader in global heli yacht operations with a fleet of privately owned helicopters on board some of the largest mega yachts in the world. By choosing Luviair to operate your aircraft you can be assured of quality, dedication and experience. Safety

will never be compromised and the importance of being on time and within budget is ever present. Their mission is to exceed your e pectations every day, every flight For more details Tel: +44 (0)1624 811 365 or visit www.luviair.com

Tribos Coatings Tribos have been at the forefront of superyacht protective coating development since the very start. Superyacht Builders, efit ards, aint Companies, Management Companies, Owners and Captains have gone from complete sceptics to enthusiastic promoters. The acceptance of the concept that a seasonal, sacrificial, professionally applied coating will protect the yacht s surfaces extending their life, while saving time and money, whilst improving shine and appearance. Tribos remain committed to the long term supply of scientifically researched protective coatings whether advanced amino functional polymers, or ceramic protective coatings, glass protection for increased visibility and safety, or stainless steel coatings for enhanced protection and shine. Tribos offers unrivalled protection for your yacht managed by experienced project managers and applied by a highly attentive team of applicators. For more details Tel: +356 79895558 or visit www.triboscoatingsmarine.com

Gurit Gurit has a track record of more than 30 years of innovation in the composites industry ngineering the first advanced composite sailing boat, the company today supports the marine industry with a comprehensive offering from structural engineering to supply of composite materials across classes and from superyachts to production vessels. Supplying to numerous Americas Cup Teams as well as The Volvo Ocean Race, Gurit’s established and trusted materials range has proven its sound quality and reliability even in the most challenging environments. For more details Tel: +44 1983 828 000 or visit www.gurit.com

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he company is owned, managed and run by a team of e perienced recruitment professionals who spend all their leisure time on the water his combination of e perience and passion ensures that each and every candidate supplied by ellow dmiral meets not ust the ob re uirements of the position but the person specification as well hey understand your needs ellow dmiral also understands the needs of ob hunters n in depth

knowledge of the marine recruitment market means that the aspirations of candidates are met, whether that is a career development move or a short term fill in appointment o, if you have a gap anywhere in your organisation or yacht contact yellow dmiral to discuss the opportunity or more details el 2 or visit www yellowadmiral co uk

Topcoat Yacht Painting

Modesty nteriors Modesty was formed in by hil pear and on instanley and, due to a dedication to uality and customer service, uickly grew into one of the largest and most well respected carpentry companies in Mallorca hey developed, within the company, two separate teams with one specialising in teak deck works and the other in interior refits, e terior furniture, capping rails, gratings so as to be able to provide a full service to all their clients hey have perfected a revolutionary system for producing pre fabricated decks sing non invasive laser measuring e uipment and C C machinery, Modesty is able to measure, design and fabricate a new deck accurate to within mm over mts ll aspects of the design, construction, varnishing andupholstery are carried out under one roof leading to a smooth trouble free pro ect or more details el 2 or visit www modesty es

opcoat are leaders in the field of paint application having been established in the Mediterranean for over 2 years and also now with a base in the Caribbean for winter season works hey work closely with some of the industry s departments, field testing products to assist development of optimum performance and durability, as well as keeping at the forefront of application techni ues for finishes such as pearlescent and metallic opcoat are e perts in anti corrosion technology and have solutions for fighting corrosion problems opcoat offer a uni ue modular in water system, allowing them to recoat the whole vessel, above the waterline whilst in the water hey also offer application training for crew to enable vessels to carry out small onboard repairs in house or more details el or visit www topcoatuk com

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Your one stop shop os

ic ardson offers a single oint of contact for all your tender and toy needs


uperyacht Tenders and Toys are currently expanding their product lines and services to the Superyacht ndustry Having outfitted the most significant new builds this past year, we are ideally placed for any new pro ects and can offer the best value and support in the industry ays osh ichardson, Director of Superyacht Tenders and Toys. t s not ust all about the toys More and more clients are re uesting additional products relating to emerging trends in the industry.” Superyacht Tenders and Toys have had another great year lobal demand for its products and invaluable support services has continued to grow as the company evolves with the changing interests of the superyacht world he one stop shop approach clearly works, as clients receive the best value plus invaluable support nother aspect of the company, which is continuing to grow, is their supply and pro ect management of ew uild enders hether you are after a Custom, Chase, Classic, imousine, ib or olas escue oats, uperyacht enders and oys will have a ender Care ackage suited to you n terms of price, they offer the best value

on all purchases made through them hey can advise throughout the selection process and assist with specifications of all new build tenders, making sure you are getting the right boat for the right price Most importantly there is no additional charge for this service or for any ongoing support of the tender throughout its lifetime hey provide fully managed build packages with complete build support, including photo updates, regular reports and on site pro ect management his ensures pro ects run smoothly and are completed on time and on budget uperyacht enders and Toys have extensive experience dealing with the most well known builders in the industry plus also design and build their own range of boats hey can assist with all aspects of the build including all the documentation, including formal contracts with builders looking after the clients best interest hey can offer , duty and customs advice to ensure the most economical delivery on board also providing customs warehousing, transit documents and have customs on site to clear tenders on board hey have significant e perience in shipping tenders across the globe and handling all

the logistics to ensure the relocation of your tender is as hassle free as possible, they also have e perience in making cradles and handling insurance and all other related issues he company now has a dedicated shipping department Complete care of all warranty claims in line with the manufacturers warranty on every tender supplied is provided, they also provide a comprehensive after sales and spares service, in order to offer ongoing support globally, through their approved service network he company have a proven track record of selling highly specialised yacht tenders with a testimony which is second to none. or more details Tel: +44 (0) 2380 016363 or visit www superyachttendersandtoys com


opes, superyacht mooring lines, rigging, tender tow lines

enders, rigid foam cored fi ed ones for superyacht transoms

ym e uipment, including the popular brands echnogym, ife Fitness and Ciclotte stationary bike

ender and et ski whips

afety e uipment, liferafts, life ackets etc

ender and et ski certified and approved lifting e uipment

ender chocks

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Modern composite construction Wooden yacht construction Repairs and maintenance Interior refits/alterations Teak decking Painting & varnishing Perspex work & flocking

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Clever composites Innovation3 Composites is a young company based in Palma de Mallorca working with high end composites for the superyacht industry


ear on year the number of yachts being built in composites is increasing. This year we have seen some of the traditional Dutch yards venturing into full composite construction. Driven by the present global awareness of climate change all sectors are looking at fuel efficiency as a major design component. The superyacht industry is increasingly looking to composites and its unbeatable weight savings for the answer.

The superyacht industry is increasingly looking to composites Standing rigging lead the way. Nowadays there are very few aluminium rigs over the 50 footer mark being built. The properties of carbon fibre are perfect for the application lus, as the costs of carbon fibre and related materials come down and the need for fuel efficiency comes up these materials are no longer as exotic as they once were.

with major superyacht projects especially when on tight time lines. Components are a very good example of where carbon fibre is the right choice Carbon fibre components are becoming less exotic and more affordable all the time. The right techniques need to be applied to deliver a cost effective service, for example infusion, wet lamination, prepreg. The costs of the moulds required can be a shock but this can be reduced considerably by the use of our in house CNC machine. This not only reduces labour costs in making the moulds but the quality is excellent and this in turn reduces labour on the finished part n 2 for e ample Innovation3 Composites delivered several large semi-custom passerelles where we utilised the fact that we can produce the tooling in-house. This considerably reduced the cost of what is a still a custom

component. We took this a step further by designing the next generation of moulds so their dimensions can be changed to suit a range of semi-custom passerelles. On request Innovation3 Composites made several large passerelles in the 4m range which were wider than is available from the main stream. Using infusion and an open mould technique the cost was 70% of the closest mainstream supplier. The weight of 4m with four post handrail passerelle is 17kg and this includes 3.5kg of metal fittings for connection to yacht and wheels. For 2016 Innovation3 Composites will extend this semi-custom model into wheels, davits, swim ladders, and other parts which can be utilised by various yachts. For more details Tel: +34 971254223 or visit www.i3composites.com

That said composites is not an easy industry to work in. The variables are many, and the consequences of bad workmanship are serious. The Innovation3 Composites expert team has a background in racing yacht construction, when you are working on the build of these high performance craft the margin for error is very small. Tolerances are minimal and the constant chase for weight savings mean that everything is built close to its working limits. This means that as a builder you have to follow the drawings to the letter. However the lesser details of build sequence core bond for example are left to builders’ discretion. Only experience can teach you which processes can be applied in which situations. For example this can come down to what the weather is doing that day. What this translates to when taking care of the superyachts of Palma is multiple methods for attacking problems. Cost, strength, weight in that order are the deciding factors (usually reverse order for racing yachts!). We have found our race boat expertise transfers very well to dealing ONBOARD | WINTER 2016 | 131

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Smart times The infamous calculator watch has been around since the 1970s, but smart atc es ave nally reac ed t e oint t at t ey re ell smart MONTBLANC TIMEWALKER E-STRAP If you want the functionality of a smartwatch, but don’t want to give up your old wrist timepiece, you can always settle for an add-on module or a smartband. Until now. The TimeWalker Urban Speed e-Strap series bills itself as the first luxury brand to combine wearable technology with fine watchmaking. www.montblanc.com €3660



The Apple Watch is the most ambitious, well constructed smartwatch ever seen, but first-gen shortfalls make it feel more like a fashionable toy than a necessary tool. That may change with a big software update later this year, though.

Pebble’s step-up all-steel smartwatch has added battery life and a more durable feel, but it’s basically a tiny upgrade to the less expensive Pebble Time. The Pebble may not have a high-res and colourful screen and the square design may not be for everyone, but we think it’s stylish and the display has a retro charm which also provides excellent battery life.

www.apple.com €449

www.pebble.com €130

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The SmartWatch 3’s biggest strength is its built-in GPS, but you’ll still need a smartphone for driving directions. It’s also great to see a standard USB charging port. The transflective screen is a good idea, but in practice battery life is no better than other smartwatches with better looking screens. Ultimately, unless you’re on a fixed budget, the G Watch R is the better choice.

As you’d guess from Tag’s first smartwatch, design is paramount. The Tag Heuer Connected boasts a 46mm case and lugs made from grade 2 titanium. It’s all covered by a crystal sapphire, eschewing the toughened glass of rivals in favour of something more luxurious. Connectivity is Wi-Fi and Bluetooth as standard now on most Android Wear watches.

www.sony.com €189

www.tagheuer.com €1500

MOTOROLA 360 SPORT The Moto 360 is a fantastic smartwatch with excellent build quality, luxurious design and an affordable price tag. However, it’s not flawless with one day battery life, a lower resolution screen which is tainted by the black section at the bottom. Despite the flaws, it’s the best smartwatch we’ve reviewed to date. www.motorola.com €220

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A sound solution Marine noise control expert, Graham Laws, discusses t e conflicting demands of modern vessel design and noise control engineering


odern performance motor yachts are creations of beauty and power. That power comes with a price, as engine performance increases so do sound levels. Once that sound energy is transmitted into the hull, and other internal structures onboard, it can become all-pervasive, especially once the engine is at full throttle. So how can we enjoy the beauty whilst controlling the noise ‘beast’? Excessive high level noise can affect everyone on board – captain, crew and passengers, spoiling the voyage and potentially causing short and longer-term hearing damage. Having to shout to be heard, disrupted audibility of radio communications, navigation and safety alerts can all contribute to tiredness, mental fatigue, safety issues and a general lessening of on board quality of life and enjoyment. Added to this, compliance with noise at work regulations and the IMO Code mean that noise control is a must. High level noise in vessels can, though, be a difficult problem to solve retrospectively, due to the fact that manufacturers’ initial design objectives are often diametrically opposed to noise control objectives! Think about typical boat design and build objectives compared with noise reduction requirements: •

Use of lightweight materials to maximise speed and fuel economy, but such materials have a low sound reduction index, especially at low frequency (and marine diesel engines produce high levels of low-frequency noise, with huge wavelengths, which worsens the problem)

Boats are designed to maximise cabin space and minimise voids, but small separating voids are insufficiently de coupled’ and therefore transmit noise, again especially at low frequency/large wavelengths

oats are confined spaces, filled with thin partitions with many connecting elements, including a common hull and deck, all of which add to the flanking transmission of sound

Overall, acoustic implications are often insufficiently understood by the boat builder, with respect to sound isolation, transmission,

damping, absorption, leakage and de-coupling measures. The installation method of construction elements and noise control materials has a huge effect on the resultant acoustic performance of the vessel. Timely (ie. design stage) noise control intervention is key to achieving an end result that successfully combines practicalities, aesthetics and the pleasures of ownership and usage. Often, with only minor compromises, acoustic best practice can be integrated into a vessel’s design and build, taking into consideration factors such as: • • • • •

pecific noise control ob ectives High mass partitions to reduce sound transmission Large separating voids to de-couple partition skins Reduced sound leakage and transmission Maximised sound absorption, damping, insulation & isolation

ntroducing scientific noise control engineering into the early design process lets the project team tackle any potentially conflicting issues before key decisions, and perhaps costly mistakes are made. Noise control specialists such as SIDERISE can optimise material constructions, knowing the legislation that must be met, with a full understanding of the practical considerations and design ob ectives for the vessel he benefit of having this highly experienced, holistic view can’t be overstated as it allows a clear focus on the end goal, achieving compliant, high performing elements that minimise weight, thickness and end-to-end cost, without adversely affecting strength and performance. This is surely the essence of bringing value to the project? he resultant benefits are improved user comfort, communication, safety and enjoyment, providing a living and working environment that is more relaxing and enjoyable for all on board, and all via a solution that you shouldn’t even know is there. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1473 827695 or visit www.siderise.com ONBOARD | WINTER 2016 | 135

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One size doesn’t fit all. In collaboration with our training partners we offer bespoke training solutions tailored to suit your yacht’s needs. Interior Yacht Services SUPPORTED BY IYM


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BETTER SHAPE UP The latest facts, fads and tips to help keep you in ship shape condition this winter



The Elysian Collection, Zermatt & Klosters, Switzerland Elysian Collection’s four world class chalets are perched high on the edges of villages Zermatt and Klosters. Peaceful, private and serene, they offer so much more than the conventional luxury ski holiday or Swiss summer sojourn.

WHAT IS... BOHDEE? Animal, vegetable or mineral? None of the above. Pronounced ‘bode-ee’, this is the latest workout craze to make its way across the Atlantic from Hollywood. Bodhi involves suspension training Pilates, where you hang from two ropes attached to the ceiling or a high bar, like a well hung ham, to improve posture, balance, core strength and muscle tone.

FITNESS APPS Calorific Want to know how much 200 calories will get you? Calorific shows you exactly how much 200 calories is. Whether it’s three quarters of a doughnut or a big pile of fruit. Map my run This app will let you know how far you’ve run and will map out your route using GPS, so you can keep up with your fitness progress. Needs one more line.

Where does it come from? Bodhi is a Sanskrit word that, roughly translated, means ‘enlightenment’ or ‘awakening’ and comes from a Buddhist concept to do with reaching nirvana. It has also become a trendy name for children.

Can I eat it? This great app tells you which foods you should avoid when you scan the barcode. It checks and advises against nutritional no-nos such as high salt.

Do I need to know anything else? Don’t wear baggy T-shirts. You think you’re covering up, but you won’t be once you’re hanging upside down. The only way is lycra. Sorry.

My fitness pal Track your food intake for the day and any exercise you do and My Fitness Pal will keep an eye on your fitness progress, weight loss and calorie intake.

WHAT IS IT? Lying silently in a gigantic egg coffin full of warm salty water for an hour, in toatal darkness. WHAT DOES IT PROMISE? Flotation decreases the production of lactic acid, speeds up recovery from sports injuries, improves circulation, relieves pain and makes you better at sleeping. WHAT’S IT ACTUALLY LIKE? The idea of going somewhere specifically to do nothing in utter silence is very appealing. You get in the tank, pull down the lid, shut off the light and bob in the water. Then, gradually, lose track of time and everything falls away, limbs get lighter, thoughts get looser, and the only sound you can hear is yourself breathing. A session in a flotation tank seems to occupy the middle ground between sleep and transcendental meditation. BEST AND WORST BIT After your session, you’ll feel unbelievably relaxed. However, the water in the tanks is so salty that you need to rinse yourself thoroughly afterwards. IS IT WORTH IT? God, yes.

DRINK THIS... GREEN TEA WITH LEMON Everyone knows green tea is the healthiest drink going (cancer fighting, calorie burning, blood pressure lowering). But add a squeeze of lemon juice and it will increase antioxidant absorption by 13 times. So make the best beverage in the world even better.

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The Original Paint Specialist

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MARINE PAINT REFINISHING AT ITS FINEST Tel: +33(0)616 97 78 64 www.topcoatuk.com Info@topcoatduk.com

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MASSAGE FOR SINUS INFECTION A sinus infection is an uncomfortable condition often caused by an infection or inflammation of the mucous membrane. These are hollow cavities located around the cheeks, the nose and forehead. It is often accompanied by congested headaches. You can feel the blockage along with dull pain and tension. As soon as these symptoms arise you can easily relieve the sinus infection by using massage and pressure points on precise areas around the nose and eyes. After locating each pressure point, make slow rotation movements and firmly press simultaneously. The pressure should be a little uncomfortable but without creating pain. Breathe slowly. Each point should be treated for 1 - 2 minutes, with short pauses.


02 UPPER LIP SINUS POINT Place both index fingers right underneath the cheekbones, right next to your nose. Press inwards in the direction of your nose. Rotate slowly and firmly.


Place one index finger between your nose and your upper lip right in the centre. Press firmly and rotate in both directions.


Follow with your 2 thumbs the line of your cheekbone starting from your nose and stop right in the middle between your nose and ears. Press upwards.

Place both index fingers in the corner of your eyes right under your eyebrows but right above the eye sockets. Press upwards and rotate slowly.

For more details contact Tel: +33 (0)6 51 36 93 65 or visit www.bluetree-massage.com

ESSENTIAL OILS To emphasise the benefits of your acupressure/ massage sequence, you can use essential oils. This mixture is extremely effective in relieving sinus congestion Mix 4 drops of geranium oil 4 drops of rosemary oil 3 drops of peppermint oil 3 drops of eucalyptus oil 10ml of any natural oil

Massage the oil around the nose, in front and behind the ears, forehead, cheekbones, nose and neck. Do not rub the oil close to your eyes. It is also recommended that you drink plenty of water and avoid drinking alcohol.

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NO SWEAT Body odour can be an embarrassing issue especially when living and working in close quarters

Top tips to remain sweat free

First, the difference between a deodorant and antiperspirant eodorants fight odour by killing the bacteria that makes sweat smelly ntiperspirants stop wetness by blocking your sweat ducts et s start with the first discovery weat on its own is odourless it s only when it encounters the bacteria in your armpit that things get a little swampy uckily, scientists found the specific group of bacteria that renders sweat foul smelling he bacteria is called taphylococcus hominis and the sugary protein in your sweat serves as its smorgasbord t feasts, then produces pungent, sulphurous smelling thioalcohols

AVOID SPICY FOODS With spicy food, there’s usually one culprit in there causing you to sweat: capsaicin. It sends signals to your brain that your body is overheating. This activates receptors to cause a reflexive cooling response, AKA sweat.

SLAP ON SOME LEMON JUICE A natural alternative, lemon juice is the perfect remedy. Squeeze into a bowl and apply it to your armpits before you go to bed. It’ll absorb into your body, helping to fight sweat and making you smell nice and citrusy.

DON’T DRINK CAFFEINE Caffeine is actually a major sweat trigger. It stimulates the central nervous system, activating sweat glands. If you’re out and about and are in dire need of caffeine, stick to iced coffee or tea versions.

USE GARMENT SHIELDS Want to wear that super cute white blouse, but afraid of the sweat that will surely leak through the armpits? Just place the self-adhesive apparel shield inside the underarm area of your top and it’ll help you stay fresh and, most importantly, dry.

HOLD THE SALT In addition to ditching the hot sauce, we suggest putting a pause on dishes high in sodium. When you consume large amounts of salt, your body works hard to get rid of the excess sodium by sweating.

WEAR COTTON OR SILK If you decide to wear sweat-inducing fabrics like polyester and acrylic (hello… cheap crew uniforms), you’re asking for it. Stick to light cotton threads or even moisture-wicking fabrics to make sure your body stays cool.

ou ve got two types of sweat glands all over your skin, and they re both found most highly concentrated in your underarm hese glands don t generally begin to develop until humans hit puberty he eccrine glands act to cool you off when you re hot hese glands e crete only water and salt and have nothing to do with your troublesome body odour he apocrine glands are the culprits behind your uni ue aroma hese glands carry secretions of fats and proteins from within your body, along with your sweat, to the e terior surface of your skin Here, these fats and proteins react with bacteria to create an odour Is there a difference between an antiperspirant and a deodorant ntiperspirants control sweat and body odour in two ways firstly by preventing sweat reaching the skin surface and secondly by reducing the bacteria that causes body odour via antimicrobial ingredients eodorants differ from antiperspirants as they only contain antimicrobial agents to prevent body odour they do not control the flow of sweat oth antiperspirants and deodorants often contain fragrances to help mask that uni ue smell we call O uckily, deodorants and antiperspirants combine to make a €20 billion industry his has led to the funding of some serious research and development and the creation of countless highly effective options to help curb your e cessive sweating and keep you smelling fresh n short, wearing a deodorant won t reduce the amount that you sweat, but will reduce how much you stink hile antiperspirants greatly reduce your sweating, they don t stop it completely o fight the smell from the sweat that does get through the barrier, antiperspirants are often combined with deodorants f you re a guy or gal who sweats a lot, an antiperspirant deodorant is a must

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ROLL ON Look after your underarms with the best products to keep you fresh whatever the weather and whatever you’re wearing 4






ANTHONY Alcohol Free www.anthony.com €15


MALIN + GOETZ Eucalyptus deodorant www.malinandgoetz.eu €22


BAXTER Aluminium free www.baxterofcalifornia.com €18


BULL DOG 8 essentials oils & aloe vera www.meetthebulldog.com €7


CLARINS Gentle care Roll-On www.clarins.fr €26


KIEHL’S fficient nti erspirant www.kiehls.co.uk €15



URSA MAJOR 100% natural www.ursamajorvt.com €16

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A DAY IN THE LIFE OF... LUCY SHORTLAND, FREIGHT FORWARDER COMPLETE MARINE FREIGHT ucy s first taste of superyachts was before she can remember, born into a family catering to the industry. She learnt to ride a bicycle between yachts and even to drive later on in STP shipyard. During University summer holidays she was never stuck for work covering holidays for various yachting companies. In 2006 she started full time work for Tom and Peter Sell in Planet Space Self Storage moving to Complete Marine Freight in 2009.

THE DAY BEGINS The day begins early, usually with a wake up call from one driver or another arriving into port to confirm delivery plans. Driving to work the phone activity often continues with the hands free. A lot of coordinating happens first thing, so mornings are always quite manic, beginning before my alarm has even gone off uckily our offices are only a minute drive from home, in STP shipyard. This location is a lovely place to work, a home from home to me, or at least I feel privileged, not many people have the luxury of working with Bellver Castle and Cathedral views, not to mention the beautiful yachts and clients at a stone’s throw. I love the whole vibe in the yard!

Bellver Castle

A TYPICAL MORNING irst things first, coffee traight on to tracking and catching up on all things on the move, from an envelope of docs to full containers, battens, sails, and of course customs, trying to get all updates and info in to contact the client with information hopefully before they contact me! That is a challenge! A brief meeting with our ground man Duncan is also always needed to arrange and plan his day, although it often changes as the day goes by!

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LUNCH Shipyard

Lunch is often a quick sandwich at the desk, trying to fit in the last push for customs and other arrangements for the day, but, on the last Friday of every month the whole team gets taken out for a proper “menu del dia” to the Dock Bar in STP. We can’t go too far as often we need to run back to our desks to provide docs or send urgent information, but it is nice to enjoy that time together every so often.

AFTERNOON Afternoons usually calm down a little on an active operational level, as what hasn’t been dealt with by lunch time is usually not going to happen in the afternoon. Shipping takes a lot of planning, organising, coordinating, booking.... and lots of quoting, again and again! There are so many options, sometimes you have to play around to find the right route at the right price and timing. It is a meticulous business! “One of our strangest jobs was shipping a ‘UFO House’. We spent about a year quoting this huge awkward thing to nearly every destination imaginable, even all the way to NZ. Eventually it was sold to someone in France and both seller and buyer were happy.”

END OF THE WORKING DAY Once all quotes, enquiries and operations have been dealt with, the last hour or so is usually spent on admin, catching up with payments and invoicing, and making a list of next day’s tasks. Transport never stops, so it is not unusual to receive 10pm calls from hauliers with ferry booking issues or just bored and wanting a chat! I’ve had calls from drivers who are not even on a job for us, looking for a friendly catch up while in the boarding queue! Once, I got a call around midnight from a guy complaining that the man in his cabin was snoring and his feet stank. Needless to say I was a bit lost for words, but listened to his woes.

HEADING HOME I love catching up with my mates and family in my neighbourhood, away from the yard, but often enjoy an after work beer with colleagues and clients before heading home or to the Castle for walking the dog. Great anti-stress therapy!

Beer time

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TIVAT GUIDE lt oug it s t e youngest to n in t e o a region ivat as lots to offer t e adventurous traveller from UNESCO orld eritage sites to modern ve star lu ury


Porto Montenegro Marina

Top Hill Budva

Ostrog Monastery

Stay REGENT PORTO MONTENEGRO This spectacular waterfront property, designed by Reardon Smith Architects, comprises 35 hotel rooms and 51 residences, including studios, 1-4 bedroom apartments and penthouse suites ground floor caf , fine dining restaurant, cigar lounge and library bar will provide a range of dining and entertainment options. Porto Montenegro, Tivat www.regenthotels.com | €€€€ MAESTRAL Located on a secluded rocky cove, just south of Budva near Sveti Stefan, the majority of the Maestral’s 196 rooms and 18 apartments feature sea views, while the various dining options also make use of the seaside setting with a wide array of seafood and other fresh fare. The wellness centre provides a tranquil setting for guests to enjoy Finnish and infrared saunas, Roman and Turkish baths and swimming pools, while the casino makes it a hugely popular destination. Przno bb, Sveti Stefan www.maestral.info | €€€

ASTORIA The Astoria is an unexpected treat for those looking for something unique in Kotor’s Old Town. Not only does it have a splendid outdoor restaurant terrace serving everything from Thai to Italian dishes, it also has a pleasing quirky interior. With edgy design and an interesting roster of live music and DJs during the summer months, Astoria dares to be different, without compromising substance for form. Trg od poste, Old Town Kotor 322 www.astoriamontenegro.com | €€€

HOTEL VARDAR With a prime spot on the main piazza, comfortable accommodation, and business friendly service, the Vardar has become a reliable option in Old Town Kotor. The 18 rooms and five suites are spacious and designed in a classical style with plenty of modern conveniences. The owners also have the Galion restaurant under their tutelage with excellent seafood and views. Old Town Kotor 476 www.hotelvardar.com | €€€ FORZA MARE Forza Mare represents the contemporary face of the local hotel scene. This hidden gem situated just outside Kotor, has three room categories to choose from, with each room named after the place that inspired its splendid d cor e recommend the brightly coloured China room for something a little different. Overhanging the sea with great views of the mountain wrapped bay, the hotel’s dining terrace is one of the finest spots along Dobrota’s waterfront, with hot tub and sunbeds included. Dobrota, Kriva ulica www.forzamare.com | €€€€

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Essential information

ONE With a spacious terrace at the foot of Porto Montenegro’s glamorous Jetty 1, this stylish brasserie is the perfect place to spend an afternoon working your way through an international wine list against a backdrop of the marina. Chic and international catering for the marina’s jet set in summer months. Teuta Building, Porto Montenegro, Tivat Tel: +382 (0)32 661 035 | €€€ 7 PORTS A unique restaurant located on the coast within luxurious Porto Montenegro village. The menu of this cosy and pleasant eatery consists of the best dishes from French, Italian, Spanish and German cuisine which is primarily focused on fish, seafood, steak and truffle Ozana Residences, Porto Montenegro, Tivat Tel: +382 (0)32 540 072 | €€€ REGENT DINING ROOM n all day dining option offering five star cuisine courtesy of the Regent Hotel’s Executive Chef. Dishes are predominantly inspired by the Mediterranean and Adriatic regions, alongside a few carefully chosen Asian specialities. The concept is elegant yet simple. The restaurant can seat 120 guests, with 50 indoor and 70 outdoors, complete with a heated outdoor patio. Obala b.b., Porto Montenegro +382 (0)32 660 660 | €€€€€ GALION Stretching out over the water and overlooking the old town of Kotor, this spot is particularly attractive at night when the bay and the walls are illuminated. Owned by the Hotel Vardar, the menu is contemporary and makes the best use of local produce with international influences Kotor Marina Tel: +382 (0)32 325 054 | €€€

Play THE CLUBHOUSE Owned by a pair of Aussie charmers, this laid-back, Sydney inspired watering hole offers stiff drinks, cold draft, and a casual vibe that features occasional DJs and live music. Settle into the sofa in the lounge or outside on the terrace and order a Handsome Man, from the list of specialty cocktails. Ozana Residences, Porto Montenegro

PORTO MONTENEGRO 2 2 T +382 32 661 061 W www.portomontenegro.com VHF channel 71 No of berths 450 (91 over 30m) Max length 180m Max beam 30m Max draught 12.2m

Essential Montenegro

PLATINUM Platinum raises the standards for disco bars in Montenegro once and for all. You can expect a great atmosphere, superior service and world class entertainment. Lido, Porto Montenegro TOP HILL Launched in 2010 in the hills high above Budva town centre, this is now the de facto super club experience in Montenegro. This colossal indoor outdoor space hosts international acts such as Fedde Le Grande, RogerSanchez, Eric Prydz and others, with capacity for up to 5000 people and a VIP area with table service. Budva

Culture BAY OF KOTOR (“BOKA BAY”) Discover the legend of “Our Lady of the Rocks”, cruise around the bay by boat and sample the finest seafood restaurants in the region. A climb up the Kotor walls to the San Giovanni fortress reveals the most breathtaking views of the bay below. ULCINJ BEACH elika la a literally rand each is a 14km long beach in the far south of Montenegro. With soft yellow sand and shallow waters, it is ideal for families as well as e treme water sports like kitesurfing and windsurfing everal lively beach bars attract a party crowd in summer. TARA CANYON ush with wild flowers, and home to spectacular waterfalls and sandy beaches, this UNESCO World Heritage site is the second deepest canyon in the world after Arizona’s Grand Canyon.

HIKE TO THE TOP OF KOTOR BAY FORTRESS If you have time for only one activity in Kotor Bay, hiking to the top of the fortress is a must. The route apparently has more than 1,000 stairs, and you’ll be sharing the climb with dozens of other people, the view from the top is worth the struggle. KING NIKOLA’S PALACE This 19th century palace is the one that attracts the most attention from locals and tourists alike. The palace was built in 1885 on the seashore and was given as a present from King Nikola to his daughter, Princess Zorka and her husband, Prince Petar Karađorđević. OSTROG MONASTERY A miracle built by nature and human interaction, carved almost in its entirety in a vertically positioned mountain cliff, is today the pearl of Montenegrin spirituality which is visited by more than a hundred thousand pilgrims from around the world and of travellers of all religions every year. It is one of three most visited Christian destinations on the planet with its cave-like chapel and the Monastery complex. BIOGRADSKA GORA NATIONAL PARK This park is in the mountainous region of Bjelasica that is located in the central part of Montenegro between Rivers Tara and Lim. The National Park contains a diversity of flora and fauna STROLL THE PROMENADE IN TIVAT Tivat is a small town, but it’s lately becoming a classy, high-end tourist destination for those seeking luxury and creature comforts. The promenade is a great way to spend a day, especially if you’re inclined to grab a cup of espresso, and people watch the day away.

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GASTRO TRAVELLER A food tour is a fantastic combination of great food and drink as well as a chance to explore the local cuisine, restaurants and diverse cultures NORTHERN SPAIN days

plore the sights, sounds and tastes of northern pain on this food led adventure mmerse yourself in culture, history and cuisine as you taste local produce at anta Catarina Market, whip up Catalan specialities in a cooking class and wander the stunning othic uarter n oy the wealth of tapas bars in ogrono, e plore the medieval streets and underground wine caves of aguardia enture north to an ebastian with its beautiful beaches, historic buildings and a thriving food and arts scene perience a traditional sturian sidreria cider house near Oviedo, attend a centuries old farmers market near the icos de uropa ational ark and devour fresh seafood on the coast in alicia nd your gastronomic pilgrimage in the holy city of antiago de Compostela From €2,115 per person

SRI LANKA 2 days

espite being influenced by the cooking traditions of ndia, ortugal, rabia and Holland, ri anka s cuisine, comple , gratifying and redolent with spices, has a style uni uely its own orking your way through ri anka in a circle from egombo to Colombo, indulge in seafood on the coast, hoppers on the streets and amil cuisine in the Highlands From €1,210 per person

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India, home to some of the most diverse and incredible cuisine, sights, smells and history, is begging to be explored by the daring and eager. Discover tastes like never before with spicy street food, decadent restaurant banquets, and a home cooked meal with a local farmer on his spice plantation. Visit French Puducherry, wander around a tea farm in eriyar, take to the water on a houseboat in the erala backwaters and en oy cooking demonstrations in Madurai and Kochi. From €1,255 per person


Eat your way from Ljubljana to Split via Motovun, Pula and Zadar on this food escapade. This trip through Bled, Piran, Motovun, Pula, Zadar and Split includes visits to vineyards, salt pans, a truffle farm and fishing villages iscover why Istria is considered one of the world’s leading producers of quality olive oil; rise early for a stroll through Zadar’s fish market, eat mouth watering, slow cooked meat cooked almatian style under a metal bell hone your skills in a cooking class in plit and try a celebrated kremsnita cream cake in led aise a glass of refosk lovenian wine or slivovit plum brandy and shout ‘zivjeli!’ to the simple, home style cuisine this region is famous for. From €1,840 per person

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Discover the foodie heaven of Macedonia and Montenegro on this ten day tour from Skopje to Kotor. This is a chance to experience Macedonian cuisine, a fantastic combination of Mediterranean and Middle astern influences, through meeting local people and passionate producers, cooks and winemakers. You’ll visit a green market and dine with a local family in Skopje, have a hands-on pastry cooking class with local village women in Janche, sample homemade rakija (fruit brandy) in Ohrid and go foraging for edible snails in Kuratica. As you enter Montenegro, we’ll try hams and cheese in Njegusi on the outskirts of Kotor, visit a centuriesold smokehouse, take a trip to an olive farm and finish with a traditional meal in one of Kotor’s fantastic wine bars. From €1,435 per person

ISRAEL 10 days

Travelling through one of the world’s most fascinating new culinary hotspots, Israel, you will visit the newly inscribed UNESCO World Heritage site of Battir, as Palestine: Land of Olives and Vines, Cultural Landscape of Southern Jerusalem. Travellers on the ten day Real Food Adventure of Israel will get an insight into a cuisine that is an amalgam of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and Jewish traditions and experience some of the country’s key cultural highlights, including the dynamic capital Tel Aviv, the ancient city of Jerusalem, the historic town of Nazareth and a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee. Meeting Israel’s diverse communities, such as the Samaritans, the Druze and the Armenians, will also be a key feature of the trip. From €2,395 per person For more details on these food destinations contact Intrepid Travel Tel: +44 (0)1420 593096 or visit www.intrepidtravel.com 148 | WINTER 2016 | ONBOARD

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er e t finis George Balmforth looks at the challenges that must be overcome when dealing with coatings during a re t or ne uild ro ect


he painting of a yacht is always going to be a large factor in any new build or refit egardless of which yard or in which country it will be built, the fairing and finishing of a superyacht will always play a huge role, whether it be financial or time related cheduling, manpower allocation, budget restrictions, technical advice, material consumption and project management are just some of the factors that can prove to be testing during the finishing process hese are however, some of the factors upon which General Coating Yacht Finishing pride themselves on ll of the above are aspects of a pro ect which are paramount to the finished pro ect s uality of finish and punctuality of completion o the uestion is what can one e pect as an owner s representative, captain or a management company when dealing with the painting aspects of a refit or new build pro ect Obviously, it is not easy to anticipate or assume what could occur, but e perience has outlined some common challenges One such challenge, is that the discovery of surprises outside the contracted scope of works is always something that cannot be planned for, such as a corroded substrate initially hidden by filler or a corroded fitting are factors that will affect budget and time lines These are aspects not planned for but that must be dealt with, and as uickly as possible his is where all parties must come together and find the most fitting solution within budget hese must be highlighted early on in the process and the applicator must be diligent in communicating such issues eshoots of topcoat due to defects are also an unfortunate case of the application process of a new build or refit that must be taken into account and planned for before project commencement, a kind of margin of error for such events gain in these instances, timing is paramount and it is vital that uick decisive action is taken to avoid knock on effects to other contractors or to the overall pro ect schedule What happens if the atmospheric conditions are not right for the planned application omething that is surprisingly common for applicators around the globe hese must be dealt with by

the contracted shipyard in part by ensuring a closed, humidity and temperature controlled environment is provided through an e perienced scaffold and shrink wrap contractor f this is not dealt with and budgeted for in advance, the knock on effects to the paint applicator and to the project as a whole will be detrimental However, this is easy to avoid with pre pro ect meetings, planning and an e perienced applicator advising from the outset When choosing the applicator for a project, and in order to combat the above mentioned potential issues, one will want to know about former projects, their success and the level of overall customer satisfaction Have all the e pectations been fulfilled on previous pro ects and if there were problems, then how uickly were they resolved and how helpful was the applicator s management in supporting the end customer and shipyard eneral Coating has answered these uestions time and time again resulting in uality, punctually and beautifully finished yachts Having worked on some of the most prestigious super and megayachts in the industry, the company is e panding and going from strength to strength making a difference in an otherwise saturated market hen working directly with shipyards and owners representatives, we believe the key is to keep communication open, solve problems with a positive attitude and be able to see the bigger picture If a problem is anticipated, then it must be addressed with all parties involved he yacht painting industry is a close knit world, and making your mark is only done by thinking outside the bo and having the necessary manpower and resources needed for any project wherever it may be eneral Coating not only provides these elements but also has a workforce where every worker is seen as an asset to the team his way we continue to push towards and e plore new ways to deliver the finishes e pected under the time pressures presented For more details Tel: +49 152 22804270 or visit www general coating com ONBOARD | WINTER 2016 | 149

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Innovative and type approved power management, alarm and monitoring systems T +34 649 277 463 E info@ etouchsystems.eu www.etouchsystems.eu

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HOT SPOTS Escape to the open space of the hinterland north of Cannes and nti es to nd your erfect ro erty Every member of the team at Riviera Realty has been resident in the South of France for 20-30 years. We therefore have an enormous accumulated wealth of knowledge covering all aspects of property ownership, sales, management and rentals. We are also acutely aware of the property needs for personnel in the yacht industry and count many of them as good friends, having guided and advised them over the past 20 years. We look on ourselves as property consultants and will guide you throughout the entire market, co-operating with trusted associates in other agencies to find you that dream home or investment property. But most importantly the South of France is a very safe place to invest in property, particularly in the long term.

BEST FOR A BIG BASH Lovely stone mas sitting in a beautiful mature garden with large pool close to the village of Bar sur Loup. Ground floor with three large reception rooms, spacious kitchen/breakfast room, utility and laundry facilities with access to paved terraces from most

of the rooms. Four large bedrooms and three bathrooms on the first floor with the largest suite having independent access. A further two bedrooms and bathroom on the second floor Location Le Bar sur Loup Price €1,350,000

BEST FOR VILLAGE LIFE This charming village house of around 120m² is quietly situated just a few steps away from Valbonne square. t features a two room ground floor studio which can be let independently he first floor with spacious kitchen/diner gives way to a living room with feature fireplace, a study and master suite on the second floor and a further two bedrooms and bathroom on the third floor completes the accommodation Location Valbonne Price €448,000

BEST FOR VIEWS This lovely family home sits in a large garden with fabulous views up the Gorge du Loup to the mountains beyond. The villa features over two floors an open plan reception area with large stone fireplace, large kitchen, family room, utility, two bedroom suites and two double

bedrooms with family bathroom plus an independently accessed guest accommodation or office, consisting of a large kitchen, reception area, bedroom and bathroom. Location Le Bar sur Loup Price €845,000

For more details contact Riviera Realty Tel: +33 (0)4 93 12 34 00 or visit www.rivierarealty.net

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Services & Management

Contacts: Janet Xanthopoulos Yacht Ownership & Administration j.xanthopoulos@rosemont-yacht.com Harry Windsor Yacht Management h.windsor@rosemont-yacht.com

Les Villas del Sole 47-49, boulevard d’Italie MC 98000 MONACO Tel : (+377) 97 97 21 41 www.rosemont-yacht.com

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ASK THE EXPERTS dvice and no ledge from t e leading e

erts in t eir eld





WILKO DARGER Head of Finance & Sales CELLweaver

RICHARD SUMMERS Managing Director Halyard

FRANCESCO GUIDA Chief Engineer & Designer Arcadia Yachts

ROSS WILKINSON Managing Director Crewsaver

The roll out of 4G mobile phone networks does hold out the promise of up to 100 MBits per second of data, but actual speeds are likely to be lower, even more so with 3G. For yachts that need more bandwidth for entertainment, business or management purposes, there is the CELLweaver, an ingenious device that takes four 4G or 3G SIM cards and combines their data streams into one. asy to retrofit, users can expect a realistic average speed of 40 MBits/s in 3G areas and 160 MBits/s plus where there is 4G. Costs are highly competitive compared to VSAT and the technology works up to several miles offshore. There really is nothing else quite like it.

There has been confusion in the industry about how to best address the NOx regulation that comes into force in 2016. The NOx code appears to anticipate that there will be suitable after treatment offerings from engine manufacturers. For our superyacht customers we are finding that either engine manufacturers either do not have a solution, or have a proposed selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system that is not in keeping with the bespoke nature of the yacht in build. The regulation does allow for on board certification in some circumstances. We believe we can work with engine manufacturers, our SCR Partner Emigreen, and yacht builders to provide a certified solution in line with our customers’ one off requirements.

This particular hull is named after the National Physical Laboratory of England where tests were conducted to determine the best shape hull and the best ratio length-beam in terms of hydrodynamic efficiency, with the result of excellent sea keeping qualities and noise reduction for an exceptional comfort while cruising or at anchor. For Arcadia Yachts, according with her eco vision, we have chosen this advanced semi-displacement hull because it allows efficient performance and, together with Arcadia Yachts’ very light superstructure, significantly reduces weight, fuel consumption, emissions and related running costs of its low power engines.

New advances in technology often come out of events like the America’s Cup, as teams strive to gain a competitive advantage, and the safety market is no exception. Teams develop safety equipment that pushes the boundaries of technology, enabling sailors to perform safely, under the most challenging of conditions. The new Crewsaver ‘High Impact’ buoyancy aid has been designed exclusively with the Artemis Racing Team and will be launched in May 2016. This state of the art buoyancy aid includes the facility for a chest mounted spare air canister, readily accessible integrated line cutter and rear pocket for storage of a hydration pack as well as motorcycle grade body armour.

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The perfect blend

Lars Lippuner from Warsash Superyacht Academy looks at how fle i le learning is good ne s for yac t cre


e live in a world in which technological innovation is happening at a pace never seen before and where ‘being online’ has changed forever the way we ‘do things his is reflected in yachting as well, where we see leading edge technologies implemented across all superyachts and where crew, often working across many different time ones, communicate through online services and social media et, when it comes to yacht training, nothing seems to have changed much he long string of relatively short courses, most with a duration of a week or less, is re uiring classroom attendance. One could argue this is particularly inconvenient for yacht crew who are spread around the globe and will often use their precious leave period to undertake courses More often than not, crew will even leave employment altogether to undertake several modules in a row in order to move up the ne t level of certification o, are we missing a trick here There are many advantages to learning online: The student can decide where and when to learn and choose his or her own pace. f something didn t uite click yet, there is the opportunity to ‘rewind’ and go over it all again. Online assessments have become more and more rigorous and are undoubtedly something that we will become very accustomed to. From a technological point of view, there doesn t seem to be anything to stop us from doing all learning online. But let’s not forget that human interaction is invaluable. ersonally, am convinced that certain elements are much better taught face to face in a classroom. A good lecturer is able to do what a computer can t, to see on students faces and reactions if the delivery needs to be slowed down, or if something needs to be repeated or possibly even explained in a completely different way ually invaluable is being in a room with other students to bounce off solutions or to revise together and there is a social element to it too, we are humans after all and thrive from interacting with each other urthermore, online learning will never replace specialist facilities itting on a comfortable chair glaring at a screen will never replicate the e perience of being part of a fire team dragging a fire hose into

a smoke filled room at several hundred degrees centigrade with a roaring fire whilst wearing a full firefighting suit and a breathing apparatus on your back A combination of the traditional way of yacht training with new web based possibilities, also known as blended learning , seems to be the most promising way forward. The following example can serve as an illustration on how ‘old school’ and ‘new technology’ can be brought together to create something much more beneficial to the end user, the student s part of outhampton olent niversity, arsash uperyacht Academy has access to three different e-learning platforms which all serve slightly different purposes. We have just conducted a successful pilot on candidates who booked onto an C lectronic Chart isplay and nformation ystem course and received instant access to an online learning platform at the point of booking he platform contains pre course study material for those who wish to prepare themselves ahead of the course and thus get the maximum out of it. et, the purpose of the online platform e tends beyond pre learning uring the course itself, which is attended in person at the college as per MC re uirements, it supports students to absorb what has been taught in the classroom and provides both self study material as well as self assessments to gain an objective indication on how well the learning is progressing. And it doesn’t stop with the end of the course. Access to the platform remains in place for the students. This may prove beneficial when revising for the all important MC oral e amination or as a reference when back on the bridge of the yacht eedback has been e cellent and we intend to roll this method out for a wide range of yacht courses. I am convinced this is the right way forward; eventually it will lead to more intense and focused but shorter time at college and thus increase fle ibility, ust what yacht crew need and deserve or more details contact lars lippuner www.superyachtacademy.com

solent ac uk or visit

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Talking transfers i a aile tal s a out t e ene ts of using a currency transfer s ecialist


rom Antigua to Porto, from Palma to Antibes’ Billionaires Quay, your money needs to move around as much as you do. When you’re yachting crew, being able to transfer money quickly, safely and cost effectively is essential, but it’s staggering to think that more than 82% of yachting crew use their banks to make their international transfers. What they don’t know is that there is a better way. At Currencies Direct, we work with yacht owners, management and charter companies, and those who are chartering yachts, to significantly reduce the cost and hassle of making their international payments. It’s easy to get swept away by the romance of the sea. However, at some point practical considerations will creep in, like how you’re going to get your hard earned money to follow you around the globe. The world of foreign currency can be a confusing one, and if you re making overseas transfers for the first time it s easy to get a bad deal or lose a lot of money without realising it until it’s too late. You may not know that, if you use your local or high street bank, you could lose thousands in transfer fees and unfavourable exchange rates. The world of foreign currency can be a confusing one, and if you’re making regular overseas transfers it’s easy to get a bad deal or lose a lot of money without realising it until it’s too late. Whatever your reasons for moving your money, you’ll be better off with an experienced currency transfer specialist. At Currencies Direct, we’ve been helping people to transfer funds abroad quickly, simply and cost effectively since 1996. We get customers a better exchange rate, and never surprise them with hidden fees and charges. In fact, you could save up to 5% by using us for your international money transfers instead of a high street bank.

Look for a company that’s established, with a good credit score and authorised by the FCA for the provision of payment services. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are available whenever you need them, and know all about the specific currency transfers issues facing the yachting community. You can rest easy and concentrate on your core activities, while you let the experts sort out the foreign currency needed to make it happen.

SAVINGS SPEAK LOUDER Example: Trading €100,000 a month into Sterling for a year If you used your bank to turn €100,000 a month into Sterling, it would cost you £902,285.64 over a year (that’s at your bank’s exchange rate of €1.33,* plus £30 in transfer fees). However, the same transfer with Currencies Direct would be only £875,912.40 a year (by removing all transfer and receiving fees and using a much friendlier rate of €1.37*). By knowing your options and choosing a foreign exchange specialist instead of your bank, you could save £26,373.24. Now, that’s something worth considering. * Rates correct on 21/12/15

Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are available whenever you need them, and know all about the specific currency transfers issues facing the yachting community. You can simply enjoy your life at sea, while you let the experts sort out the foreign currency needed to make it happen. For more details Tel: +33 (0) 422 326 241 or visit www.currenciesdirectyachting.com ONBOARD | WINTER 2016 | 157

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23/12/15 10:46

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ort st


aurence e is offers advice and ti s on o to recruit in a candidate s ort mar et


n important part of our job as recruiters is to share intelligence on trends in the market and to advise on how best to adapt to new environments. As 2016 is upon us I would like to give you three tips on how to successfully interview and recruit in what we have today, a candidate short market. The perceived notion that there are not enough engineers, chief stewardesses, pursers, officers, chefs, well crew in general will create a dash for talent and it is critical that as an employer you are first of all aware of this and secondly, e uipped to deal with this. Before I go into details, let me reassure you that the yachting industry is not the only sector affected, far from it. Last October I attended a few seminars in London organised by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation REC and it was clear that the UK faces a major skills shortage in all sectors, apart from oil and gas. This is true in many other European economies too.Skilled people are at a premium right now and companies are having to pay more to attract and retain staff. The yachting industry is no different. Top candidates and let’s face it, others too, will have more choices, more jobs to chose from which means competing offers. So, in order to have your offers accepted you will need to develop skills in influencing and convincing candidates to accept your offer. I know, there’s something frustrating about this, however we must accept the world as it is and find solutions This is of course also where your recruitment agency comes into the e uation, recruiters are middlemen and as such are here to assist both parties in crafting the best job offer acceptable to all. We are here to help you. When you are recruiting, there are three important tips to follow he first tip is that the perfect candidate does not e ist, yes, there are e ceptions but what am saying is don t drag out the recruitment process in the hope to find that unicorn

crew member. You will put off suitable candidates you have already interviewed who will accept other offers. If what is holding you back is a skill gap, look at organising some training to bring the candidate up to speed. Of course, attitude and cultural fit have to match your yacht but in any ob description there are elements which can be compromised on, you need to identify these. The second tip is don’t procrastinate; Time is Not on your side. If you see a great candidate, the likelihood is they have a few interviews planned. Be ready to move fast and listen to your recruiter. We are specialists who spend our days interviewing and checking references, most of the time, we know best. So if your recruiter tells you that you must interview this candidate uickly, you must do so or be prepared to lose the candidate and the recruiter’s attention. My final tip is to prepare your interview and make sure that whether it’s you, the captain or your head of department the message is clear and consistent with a positive vibe. We have seen candidates turning down great jobs on yachts with e cellent captains because at second interview stage the head of department was stressed and disengaged with his job and colleagues Candidates need to feel e cited about oining your yacht. Preparation is the key and if heads of department are involved with the process, discuss with them what your hiring strategy is and how you want to sell the job, the yacht, the programme, what the good points are and what the challenges are. This starts with a clear job description which sets up your e pectations from the beginning f there are problems with the obs, if for instance, there has been a high crew turnover, e plain the situation briefly and elaborate on the steps you have taken to change things. In a nutshell, all involved in the recruitment process have to sing from the same hymn book. For more details contact laurence@ypicrew.com or visit www.ypicrew.com ONBOARD | WINTER 2016 | 159

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“I’m concerned that some of my investments are too complex, and riskier than I’d like. What should I do?” Talk to the people who know. Do you understand how your investments work? Are they riskier than you realise? Is your portfolio designed around your needs? Contact the specialists at Blevins Franks for an objective review and strategic investment planning advice based on your situation and risk profile.

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france@blevinsfranks.com Blevins Franks Group is represented in France by the following companies: Blevins Franks Financial Management Limited (BFFM) and Blevins Franks France SASU (BFF). BFFM is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK, reference number 179731. Where advice is provided overseas, via the Insurance Mediation Directive from Malta, the regulatory system differs in some respects from that of the UK. Blevins Franks France SASU (BFF), is registered with ORIAS, register number 07 027 475, and authorised as “Conseil en Investissement Financiers” and “Courtiers d’Assurance” Category B (register can be consulted on www.orias.fr). BFF’s registered office: Parc Innolin, 3 Rue du Golf, CS 60073, 33701 Mérignac – RCS BX 498 800 465


Blevins.indd 96






w w w. b l e v i n s f r a n k s . c o m 12/12/15 12:59


The right choice

Are your investments suitable for you? Rob Kay looks at the tailor made strategic approach


e often write about the importance of protecting your wealth, from ta es, inflation, institutional failure etc. It is worth highlighting that one key element, whether you are looking at tax planning, estate planning, savings and investments or pensions, is that the arrangements and strategies you use should be designed around your specific personal circumstances and aims. Otherwise there may be unexpected consequences in future which do not suit what you had in mind for you and your family, or your investments may not be meeting your needs or could be too risky. Your circumstances change over time, as can your objectives, at which point you need to review your wealth management. So, for e ample, it is important to re evaluate your financial planning when you move to a new country, or as you approach or start retirement. You will need to take your new circumstances and income needs into account, as well as the different tax regime where applicable. A tailor made strategic approach is key for the success of your investment portfolio. Every investor has different objectives, time horizon and attitude to risk. So it is essential that your portfolio is created and managed to meet your particular requirements. Too many people have portfolios which are not suitable for them. They often carry a higher level of risk than they are comfortable with, even though they may not realise this hey may not have ade uate diversification, or own ‘unregulated collective investment schemes’ or illiquid assets. Or the investment choices or combination of them may not actually be appropriate to meet their specific needs The opposite can also be true. People can be too cautious, and this can have consequences in your later years. Traditionally, many retirees have preferred to leave much of their savings in bank deposits. However, interest rates today are close to zero, so no risk means no returns. And when you take the effects of inflation and withdrawals into account, the capital in your deposit account is likely to erode.

Some risk is unavoidable to achieve a return that will outpace inflation However, to avoid undue risk, obtain a clear and objective assessment of your personal appetite for risk. Once you have your risk profile, you can move on to look at allocation of assets between money market, fi ed income bonds , e uities and ‘real assets’ to create the most appropriate investment portfolio to match your profile and ob ectives The higher your concentration in particular assets or classes, the higher the risk. The tried and tested strategy to mitigate risk is diversification, a well spread portfolio of investments, not only in terms of asset classes but also geographic region and market sectors, to limit your exposure to any single sector of the market. It is widely acknowledged that asset allocation is of far greater importance than the selection of individual stocks and shares. It is hard for private investors to establish which are the best managers and funds to use, so specialist advice is essential in order to select the most appropriate investment strategies and asset managers to meet your needs. And remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Investors can be seduced by investment schemes which claim to offer high returns with little or no risk. However, time and time again, the bubble invariably bursts and they lose their money. Finally, to achieve the best real returns, and protect your wealth for future generations, you need to use arrangements which shelter capital from ta provide a ta efficient income, and facilitate the transfer of capital to your beneficiaries with minimum of bureaucracy and inheritance taxes. These should be arrangements which are compliant in your country of residence. For more information contact Rob Kay, Senior Partner, Blevins ranks ar C te d ur office or visit www.blevinsfranks.com ONBOARD | WINTER 2016 | 161

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MLK Regatta, St Thomas

16 23 24 26 28 28

Mount Gay Rum Barbados Regatta Boot Dusseldorf Round the Island Race, Antigua Millennium Cup, NZ Grenada Sailing Week Superyacht Challenge, Antigua

FEBRUARY 05 Extreme Sailing Series Act 1 Singapore 11 Miami Boat Show 11 Round Martinique Regatta 12 Jolly Harbour Valentine’s Regatta 19 Puerto Del Rey Sailing Challenge 20 RSX Windsurfing Championships Eilat 20 Antigua 360 RTI Race 22 RORC Caribbean 600 MARCH 01 03 09 17 23 25 28

APRIL 07 12 13 22 24 28 28

Dubai International Boatshow Heineken St Maarten Regatta Loro Piana Caribbean Regatta St Barts Bucket Rolex China Sea Race St Thomas International Regatta BVI Spring Regatta & Sailing Festival

China Boat Show Les Voiles de St Barth Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta Guadeloupe to Antigua Race Antigua Sailing Week Palma Superyacht Show Singapore Yacht Show


SPORT JANUARY 01 NHL Ice Hockey Winter Classic Massachusetts 09 European Speed Skating Championships, Belarus 17 Soccer, Africa Cup of Nations 18 Australian Tennis Open 18 Rallye Monte Carlo 31 2016 Pro Bowl, Honolulu FEBRUARY 07 Super Bowl 50, San Francisco 08 Bobsleigh World Championships, Austria 12 Winter Youth Olympics, Norway 12 Rally Sweden 14 Cricket Worldcup, Aus v NZ 16 Tokyo Marathon 21 Daytona 500 MARCH 02 Cycling World Track Event, London 11 Cricket, World Twenty20, India 17 World Indoor Athletics, Oregon 20 F1 Australian GP APRIL 03 07 11 17 23 24

F1 Bahrain GP US Masters Golf, Augusta Grand National, Aintree, UK F1 Chinese GP Dakar Rally, South America London Marathon

JANUARY 10 73rd Golden Globes Awards 21 Sundance Film Festival 23 Venice Carnival FEBRUARY 02 Sitges Carnival 05 Rio Carnival, Brazil 06 Battle of the Oranges, Italy 08 Chinese New Year, Monkey 09 Mardi Gras, New Orleans MARCH 05 15 17

Sydney Mardi Gras Las Fallas, Valencia St Patrick’s Day

RUGBY RBS 6 NATIONS RUGBY FEBRUARY 06 France v Italy 06 Scotland v England 07 Ireland v Wales 13 France v Ireland 13 Wales v Scotland 14 Italy v England 26 Wales v France 27 Italy v Scotland 27 England v Ireland MARCH 12 12 13 19 19 19

Ireland v Italy England v Wales Scotland v France Wales v Italy Ireland v Scotland France v England

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