Onboard magazine winter 2017

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Mel Gibson Interview Course fishing Tailored to your needs Stay connected


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New Launch Maybe is the largest yacht to be designed and built in Spain


Mel And High Water Mel Gibson talks exclusively to ONBOARD Magazine


What’s Cooking? Tony Botha talks about his job as Chef on board Eclipse


Course Fishing A look at the growing demand for well trained professional crew


Take A Rib Favourite RIBs that will go beyond your expectations


Tailored To Your Needs Superyacht uniforms help dress the yacht in its identity


Falling With Style Tao Berman has consistently pushed the boundaries when it comes to extreme sports


Looking Down On It All Alf Anderson heads to Zermatt and the iconic Matterhorn


Berth Right The best winter berthing options in The Mediterranean


A Wealth Of Oysters Sue Pelling investigates the glitzy Palma Oyster Rally


Stay Connected Optimised satellite technology is moving fast, motivated by speed in a data hungry world



126 Hearts Of Glass Adam Fiander takes a look at the latest technological advances in glass manufacturing 132 Where In The world? Finding the best place to register a yacht can be complicated, Claire Griffiths throws up some answers

62 74


Comment Salty Seadog asks if the charter show has finally outgrown its intended purpose?


Upfront Tips, people, advice and myths


My Opinion Benjamin Maltby looks at what might constitute a bribe?





MYBA News Niall Robinson takes a look at the strengthening relationship between MYBA and ICOMIA


That’s What I Want The latest and best eye catching innovations and design trends


Food And Drink The latest food fashions, along with a focus on sushi and the wine trends to look out for in 2017


Table Talk Oslo’s seafood couldn’t be fresher and demands your attention


A Day In The Life Of Wine provisioner Andrew Azzopardi of No12 wines


101 Body The latest facts, fads and tips to keep you ship shape this winter 110 Yacht Essentials Editor Chris Clifford recommends his favourite products and services for the coming season 130 Six Of The Best Action cameras to capture your life experiences 140 Navigator A guide to San Sebastian. One of Spain’s most attractive, charming and popular cities 143 Ask The Experts Advice and knowledge from the leading experts in their field

Editor Chris Clifford Editorial Assistant Carol Kenyon Advertising Manager Tim Morris Sales Executive Terry Hurley Art Direction Katie Prentice Accounts Julie Hewitt Contributors Frances and Michael Howorth, Tom Harrow, Claire Griffiths, Laurence Lewis, Sue Pelling, Adam Fiander, Alf Alderson, Benjamin Maltby Front cover Guillaume Plisson Distributed by Superyacht Distribution www.superyacht-distribution.com info@superyacht-distribution.com



ONBOARD is published quarterly by Plum Titles Ltd 8 Rue D’Opio, 06560, Valbonne, Alpes Maritime, France tel: +33 (0) 4 93 06 09 12 email: info@onboardmagazine.fr web: www.onboardmagazine.fr The editor and publishers do not necessarily agree with the views expressed by contributors nor do they accept responsibility for any errors in the transmission of the subject matter in this publication. In all matters the editors decision is final.




Show Business Salty Seadog asks if the charter show has outgrown its intended purpose


alking along the docks at a recent charter yacht show I was struck by the considerable excesses these shows exhibit. I wondered if the yacht owners saw the mindless proliferation of their cash would they be so willing to spend their cash exhibiting their yachts to an industry only audience. Parties, wine tastings, rock bands and fancy dress extravaganzas are all normal occurrences to those who attend these events. But has anyone ever asked the yacht’s owner what he thinks about footing the bill for his chef to compete against another in a chefs competition or to lavish out hundreds in cash on company banners and flags so that his yacht can be used to advertise the fact that one firm is his CA. Brokers, captains, and vendors, most of whom pay to attend them have all expressed disappointment at the way shows are run. “Not enough yachts”, “too many no-shows” and “poor organisation” are just a few of the issues raised. From those who have, or who have tried to, sponsor events, there have been even more signs of disappointment. Some have suggested that, safe in the knowledge that there is no local competition; charter shows are resting on their laurels and over charging all those who attend and sponsor activities. So I have to ask, has the charter show outgrown its intended purpose and become a giant party rather than an exhibition of yacht quality and capability? Are Mediterranean style, one off, one day pop up shows and yacht open days, a more sensible way of doing business and giving the owner a better deal? Shows are becoming big business and for many they are becoming a cash cow. In the case of Antigua, charter yacht brokers expressed disappointment that many of the quality yachts they hoped to see where not attending. They also reported local hotels were charging room rates higher then ever before knowing all too well that supply would outstrip demand. Hotels seemed to be cashing in by demanding that those booking rooms had to agree to pay a 5 night minimum stay even though many brokers suggested they had seen all they needed to see inside two days

of walking the dock. While some of those companies sponsoring activities saw prices asked rise by US$3,000 without an upgrade in promotion offered. Prices for holding crew parties in Antigua have gone up by 200% over the last two years. In 2013 there was no charge, in 2014 a fee of $1000 was demanded and by 2015 that figure had risen to $2000. Explaining that he was a Government official and it would not be good for him to be seen publicly criticising the Antigua Charter Yacht Show, one anonymous correspondent told me, “Originally it was agreed that the Government, the National Park, the Marine Trades Association and the Marinas would equally share in the ownership of the Charter Boat Show.” He added, “I believe they all put money into the project but, somehow, within the next few years, the event has passed into private hands and has since then become a money making exercise rather than a vehicle to promote the marine and yachting sector of Antigua’s tourism.” A colleague of mine, aware I was writing this piece, contacted me saying, “Like many of us, I’ve been going to Antigua for more than 15 years doing my best to promote the island and event with photos and video features. I have even attended meetings with tourism officials to help produce an Antiguan yachting marketing business plan.” He added, “Now that the exercise has been turned from being a Government sponsored tourism incentive into a self funding business, I no longer attend and quite frankly, after getting feedback from friends and colleagues, am glad I don’t.” He concludes, “If this sounds like sour grapes, I apologise, but in the case of the organisers of the Antigua Charter Yacht Show, it does seem indicative of a change of attitude and a hardening of attitude. Other shows, Monaco, FLIBS, Genoa, Miami and METS, have a much more organised and open atmosphere and recognise the benefits of promotion, press and involvement.” No one wants to see charter shows fade away, but there is a real danger that if they do not clean up their acts, become more professional then the yacht owner is going to pull the plug on the cash. And that can only harm us all.









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Unlucky in Love Stew

Bless her dear heart. She’s in love with the mate on her yacht. It’s beautiful. They’re going to find a new job together running a yacht together and sail off into the suns… hang on. He’s going to run a new yacht but it seems with someone else? Uh oh. Cue tears, heartbreak, losing weight, new haircut, 20 instagram posts about being independent and loving yourself. For approximately 2 weeks. Hang on a minute, facebook status relationship status update “In a relationship” isn’t that the new first mate?

DIVE, DIVE, DIVE PowerDive units are the number one choice worldwide for surface supply diving systems. Forget the limitations of snorkelling, or carrying around cumbersome scuba diving gear, with the PowerDive systems, even the most inexperienced divers can be exploring the ocean in minutes! They specialise in manufacturing three types of 12 Volt systems and a compact, petrol direct-driven compressor. The Deck Snorkel, Double Deck Snorkel and Power Snorkel models are the market leaders in 12 Volt diving, perfect for charter guest fun. For exploring the fantastic coastlines or even for minor maintenance requirements below the water line, the PowerDive system fits the bill.

MED FACT The Romans believed the Mediterranean sea was, literally, the middle of the earth. They called it mediterraneus - Latin for

AYIA NAPA Due for completion in 2021, Ayia Napa Marina is costing a whopping €200 million and will sport 600 berths up to 60m. This will include retail outlets, restaurants, various amenities, apartments and villas. The government are offering a nice Citizenship incentive if you invest over €2.5million. CHIRP We’re so bored bemoaning the crew for not wearing kill cords, so just do the right thing and report these idiots - promote safety at sea and save someone’s life. You’re not going to be labelled as a ‘grass’ and you know it makes sense. www.chirpmaritime.org

CUBA With 3750 miles of coastline, over 200 sheltered bays, more than 4,000 keys and islets and 365 miles of beaches. Need anything else to convince the boss to visit Cuba?

MYBA CHARTER SHOW Moving to Barcelona is a great move for the show. A change of venue is just what the doctor ordered, however, is it just too close to the Palma Show or are the back to back shows on the right track?

‘middle of the earth’ SNAP HAPPY Sharing pictures of your fellow crew enjoying a beer in the cockpit on Facebook or Instagram is great to let your friends and family know what’s going on. But read your contract’s small print and avoid getting fired.

How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is clearly Ocean Arthur C. Clarke

MYTHICAL MONSTER ASPIDOCHELONE According to the tradition and medieval bestiaries, the Aspidochelone is described as a large whale or vast sea turtle, and a giant sea monster with huge spines on the ridge of its back. No matter what form it is, it is always described as being huge, often mistaken for an island and appears to be rocky, with crevices and valleys with trees and greenery and having sand dunes all over it. It rises to the surface from the depths of the sea and entices unwitting sailors with its island appearance to make landfall on its huge shell and then the beast is able to pull them under the ocean, ship and all the people, drowning them.

B1B2 VISAS A major issue this year, causing many crew to lose jobs and many yachts to change course to avoid the USA. We saw countless crew have visas denied and worse, old visas cancelled. The US yachting industry will suffer, of that there is no doubt.

LACK OF CONTRACTS Still a sore point and still going on. Despite industry seniors constantly warning people not to work on board any vessel without a contract, still crew are trusting complete strangers and then crying about it when they’ve lost any chance of claiming lost wages.

CV SERVICES How many companies, ex stews and crew are all over the social media yachtie groups? You see prices from €39 to over €80. Just make sure you spend your money wisely, ask around and pick a true professional.




FACT Russell Crowe did most of the violin playing himself on camera. MODUS OPERANDI During the Napoleonic Wars, a brash and fearless British captain pushes his ship and crew to their limits in pursuit of a formidable French war vessel around South America. VESSEL NAME HMS Surprise MOST LIKELY TO SAY For England, for home, and for the prize! DID YOU KNOW? The toast “wives and sweethearts may they never meet” is the traditional toast for Saturdays in the Navy.

36°37’N 24°54’E Folegandros, the smallest

There is no more thrilling sensation I know of than sailing. It comes as near to flying as man has got to yet, except in dreams

inhabited island in the Mediterranean, with a surface

If you could charter any yacht, what would it be and where would you go?

PIPPA KIRCHMANN, STEW/COOK A medium sized sailing yacht, nothing bigger than 90ft, because bigger than that you don’t get the sailing buzz. Destination - BVI’s Caribbean, because you just can’t beat it: rum punches, blue waters and an incredible coastline plus the sunshine in a postcard setting.

MARK JAMES WILLIAMS, CAPTAIN I think I would go for around a 100ft M/Y cruise up the inter coastal waterway with the family looking at the great differences through the states from Miami to New York. Rural to urban. Sampling so many different landscapes and cuisine!

area of 32sq km. The island’s 765 inhabitants live within the three

Jerome K. Jerome

small hill top villages

FLIPPIN’ SEXY! High Tide Heels were invented by Paul Schietekat in 2006. Paul is a creative Belgian artist, not a designer. They were the only pair of shoes he has ever made. The rationale behind the design? bvio sly, so yo don’t have to change o tfits between the time you are in and out of the pool, Schietekat said they were perfect for the pool cocktail parties. I guess slide out of the pool, totter and ap to the bar and i you haven’t broken your neck, slide up to the bar and order a drink - really! High Tide Heels © 2006 Paul Schietekat

BEHIND THE MASK Octomask features a built in GoPro Camera mount allowing you to shoot hands-free video whilst diving or snorkeling. Simply attach any version of the GoPro camera onto the mask, and you will be ready to capture all the action, just look and shoot! The Octomask is not just an awesome GoPro Dive Mask, it’s an awesome scuba mask period. Great build quality and great visibility. €75 www.octomask.com


MED FACT The area is home to 21 species of marine

MUTLU SAYAR, CHEF I would go on an around the world tour with a sailing yacht, 45 to 50 metres. With my good friends and amily who li e to sail. Definitely stopping off in Spain, Dominica, Antigua Dutch Antilles, Galapagos, Fiji, New Zealand, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey some Greek Islands and finish p in taly.

JACO LOCK, FIRST MATE I would go to Tahiti and Bora Bora. Beautiful unspoilt beaches and an abundance of sea life. A nice size sail yacht as the islands aren’t far apart so sailing between them is a breeze. I would take friends and family. The area also has some of the best diving in the world.

mammals, 750 species of fish, 5 species of sea turtles and over 360 species of breeding birds. A total of 10,000 to 12,000 marine species have been recorded in the Mediterranean Sea

HELEN COULING, JILL OF ALL TRADES Sail to Antarctica. Its pristine beauty and raw nature at its very best. Not to mention the incredible wildlife and spectacular scenery. And to relive again the experience of being in the majestic Southern ocean so close to Mother Nature.

ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 11

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DO THE MATHS: LIGHT FINGERED GUESTS According to yachtcrew, charter guests are most likely to steal the following from yachts





14% Slippers


44% Towel







Cutlery, crockery & glassware

LOOK OUT FOR... European Eel

els are well nown fish to the general public. Nevertheless, who knew that the species was endangered? And yet, if urgent measures are not taken, eels could once again literally, slip through o r fingers. he ropean eel is a critically endangered species. Since the 1970s, the numbers of eels reaching Europe is thought to have declined by around 90% possibly even more. he eggs are laid across the tlantic in the Sargasso Sea with the young Eels then making the treacherous journey across the ocean to European waters. Contributing factors include overfishing, parasites, barriers to migration such as hydroelectric dams, and natural changes in the North Atlantic oscillation, Gulf Stream, and the North Atlantic drift. Greenpeace has added the European eel to its seafood red list.

APPITALK Add some apps with these ONBOARD favourites Lumosity Improve your cognitive abilities in one tidy little app. Lumosity’s stable of over 25 games adapt to your individual performance, creating a custom-tailored brain training experience for every single user. PEAK Peak has a pretty awesome user interface. We love the slick and quirky design, and the over 40 unique games featured here aren’t just exceptionally well designed, b t when yo ’re e ing yo r mental muscles are actually fun too.

Everyone knows Ibiza for its discos, beach bars, cosmopolitan crowd. But what about visiting the ‘Pitiusas Islands’ in a little more depth? What about discovering the secret coves of both Ibiza and Formentera? And what better way to do this than by sea. a e a trip north on the western side o bi a yes past Blue Marlin!!!). Spend a day under Es Vedra: snorkelling there is a must, and hiking to the top is a trip you’ll never forget. Go further north of San Antonio, Cala Xarraca is simply stunning, but all the rugged coastline around to the island o agomago is ite dramatic and spectac lar. hen visiting ormentera, sail past lletas voted ropean top beach of 2016), and drop anchor at Cala Saona, for its amazing crystal clear sandy waters. Head further south, past Cap de Barberia, and spend some time gazing at La Mola lighthouse and all the rugged cliffs.


Between the devil and the deep blue sea The devil was the longest seam of the ship, thought to be the first plank on the outer hull of a wooden vessel from stem to stern. When at sea and the devil had to be caulked, the sailor hung from a rope to do so. He was suspended between the devil and the sea - a very precarious position, especially when the ship was underway.

The Mediterranean’s deepest point is the

Brain Wars Challenge your friends or take on randoms in this all-out battle for brainpower. Outscore your opponents in real time with simple brainteasers, puzzles, and other neuropsychological games that are fun as they are challenging.

Calypso Deep located in the Ionian Sea, at 5,267 metres. South-west of Pylos, Greece. At this point the African Plate slides under the Aegean Sea Plate, creating the Hellenic Trench

My soul is full of longing for the secret of the sea, and the heart of the great ocean sends a thrilling pulse through me Henry Wadswoth Longfellow

ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 13


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14 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD

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Commission or kickback? Benjamin Maltby looks at what might constitute a bribe, no matter where businesses and individuals are operating


here have been many attempts to define what a superyacht is. Some say 24 metres load line length, as this is when the Large Yacht Code kicks in, while others claim it begins at 30 metres length overall. For me, however, a superyacht is any yacht requiring permanent, full time crew. Why? Because this is the threshold at which owners become employers and begin delegating spending decisions. The market for high value yachting goods and services is evolving and competitive. Rewarding those who help bring in business is a common occurrence, but I would urge caution. Commissions… little ‘thank yous’… there’s a fine line between a perfectly legal transaction and a serious criminal offence. And there can be a false assumption that setting out an understanding in a formal agreement will somehow make an arrangement legal. The giving or receiving of bribes are criminal offences where such actions fall foul of anti-corruption laws such as the United Kingdom’s Bribery Act 2010. Focussing on that piece of legislation, with very few superyachts based in the UK, why should this concern Mediterranean or Caribbean-based captains or managers? The answer is that, in order for a crime to have been committed, all that is needed is a ‘close connection’ with the UK. This includes being ordinarily resident in the UK, holding a UK passport or having control over a company incorporated or carrying on business from the UK. This applies to a significant proportion of our industry. The three key offences are bribing, accepting a bribe, and failing to prevent bribery (though different and more stringent rules apply to dealing with foreign public officials). In the private sector, bribing occurs by offering, giving, or promising to give, a financial or other advantage to someone else in exchange for them improperly performing a function or activity. Broadly, such

performance will have been improper when any expectation of good faith or impartiality has been breached. Owners, of course, are obliged to place a great deal of good faith and trust in managers, captains and crewmembers. Hospitality can also constitute bribery if it is disproportionately generous. In a luxury industry, crewmembers may seek to mimic the lifestyles of their wealthy employers and not think twice about receiving hospitality which, seen from afar, may be considered to be excessive. It is imperative for companies incorporated in, or carrying on any business from the UK, to have in place ‘adequate procedures’ to help deflect liability should anyone acting on their behalf (even if only a contractor) bribes a third party. A good example of this might be a payment to secure a prime berth to coincide with a popular shoreside event. Indeed, the growing international anti-corruption momentum means that even those not directly affected by the UK’s laws need to maintain international anti corruption standards. In addition to facing prosecution under the Act, owners can also sue employees or managers for any loss and, while a criminal conviction is not necessary for a civil action, it would probably be undeniable proof of civil liability. It is vital for everyone in our industry in whom trust is placed to think carefully before accepting any kind of commission. Companies in particular should take advice with a reputable firm to ensure that their anti-corruption policies are fit for purpose and up-to-date.

Benjamin Maltby is a lawyer with Ince & Co. The views expressed are the author’s own and do not represent those of Ince & Co. This article does not provide or replace legal advice.

ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 15

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16 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD

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Quay partnerships Niall Robinson takes a look at the strengthening relationship between MYBA and ICOMIA


YBA The Worldwide Yachting Association is characterised by its strong belief in working together for the good of all. Whether it be within the Association or with other bodies that have the superyacht industry’s interests at heart, MYBA is always open to collaborations with partners that share its vision of a sustainable future for yachting. One of these important partners is the International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA). ICOMIA is an international trade association that has been representing the global marine industry since 1966. It brings together national marine industry associations in one global organisation and represents them at an international level, presenting a strong and united voice when dealing with issues challenging the industry. At the time of writing, no less than 36 national associations across the world are full members of ICOMIA, including the vast majority of the industrialised countries from North America across to Japan and China and from Finland down to New Zealand. MYBA joined ICOMIA in 2009 and has consistently funded a consultant to attend all meetings of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), where ICOMIA holds a seat. IMO creates the regulations for the shipping industry and, although they are often written with large cargo ships in mind, these regulations regularly affect charter yachts. This makes the ICOMIA lobbying voice an important asset and MYBA works closely with and through ICOMIA to ensure that all regulations affecting charter yachts are, in fact, appropriate for charter yachts. The years that have passed have seen an ever greater strengthening of ties between the two Associations. This can be observed on many levels ranging from the very first joint MYBA & ICOMIA Cocktail that was held on the opening evening of the 2016 Monaco Yacht Show to the fact that ICOMIA has officially been invited to attend MYBA Yacht Management Committee meetings. The invitation has been accepted and ICOMIA brings to the table its vast experience in maintaining and improving global superyacht quality. Part of the added value of ICOMIA’s participation is the expertise provided by the ICOMIA Superyacht Refit Group, which is an important division of the Association. The ICOMIA Superyacht

Refit Group represents quality refit, repair and maintenance yards. It has a unique Code of Practice and only those able to demonstrate distinct quality in management can be considered for inclusion. ICOMIA also brings with it the know-how of its Technical and Environment Committees which play an important role in the global yachting industry. The Technical Committee monitors emerging technical regulations, guides the development and revision of ISO standards and seeks common global technical specifications among national standards. Whilst the Environment Committee addresses developing environmental concerns of the industry, represents the industry in meeting the challenges of environmental legislation which impacts almost all sectors, and seeks to guide the industry on environmental compliance. Within MYBA, the work of the Yacht Management Committee (YMC) is to represent the interests of yacht owners, managers & operators to the maritime administrations and international bodies, including MCA and Red Ensign Group, as well as the IMO via ICOMIA; USCG and European legislature. This representation aims to ensure that the yachting industry is able to raise concerns directly without delay and resolve any issues; as well as providing guidance and input through active participation in working groups to the authorities. This work has, amongst other things, included development of the Large Yacht Code and its revisions; realistic options for chartering spectator yachts at America’s Cup and similar events; the Helideck training provisions; and consultation on qualifications and both structural & procedural aspects. In adopting a positive, proactive approach with the authorities, the YMC has already become a primary “go-to” body for yachting. MYBA’s YMC collates and shares information regarding safety and legislative compliance within its Members and to the wider yachting community, and lobbies for consistent interpretation, and improving standards. What we can say without hesitation is that ICOMIA’s participation in the meetings of the MYBA Yacht Management Committee (YMC) results in an even greater accumulation of knowledge and strength. This, in turn, provides Members with access to all the tools that are necessary for a yacht to be maintained and operated to the highest standards.

ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 17

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MARITIME MOVIES ead o t to sea or an a atic ad ent re ith one o recommended ocean themed movies


i ord s

THE BIG BLUE Director Luc Besson is famous for his imaginative visual technique and breathtaking action sequences. One of the most stunningly beautiful films ever made. The story surrounds Jacques and Enzo who grew up together in the Mediterranean, and remained li elong riends despite a fierce battle for the top prize in the world free diving championships. Besson initially offered the lead roles to Christopher Lambert and Mickey Rourke. IMDB 7.6/10

THE LIFE AQUATIC Renowned oceanographer Steve Zissou (Bill Murray) has sworn vengeance upon the rare shark that devoured a member of his crew. In addition to his regular team, he is joined on his boat by Ned (Owen Wilson), a man who believes Zissou to be his father, and Jane (Cate Blanchett), a journalist. They travel the seas, running into pirates and, perhaps more tra matically, vario s fig res rom Zissou’s past, including his estranged wife, Eleanor (Anjelica Huston). IMDB 7.3/10

MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY This 1962 colourful remake of the 1935 version again concerns the crew and treatment of the HMS Bounty by a cold hearted sadistic Captain Bligh (Trevor Howard). Fletcher Christian (Marlon Brando) is the aristocratic second mate whose view of the captain sours with the cruel treatment of the crew and the dangerous decision to round Cape Horn. ligh is finally cast overboard and the crew find temporary paradise on Pitcairn sland in Polynesia. IMDB 7.2/10

MOBY DICK John Huston’s 1956 Moby Dick remains admirably faithful to its source. “Call me Ishmael”. Father Mapple (Orson Welles in a brilliant one-take cameo), warns that those who challenge the sea are in danger of losing their souls, Ishmael nonetheless signs on to the Pe od, a whaling ship captained by the one-legged Ahab (Gregory Pec . oby Dic ’s one ma or shortcoming is its obvio sly artificial whale, b t try telling a real whale to stay within camera range and hit its marks. IMDB 7.4/10

CAPTAIN RON When mild mannered Martin Harvey (Martin hort finds o t that he has inherited a vintage yacht formerly owned by Clark Gable, he decides to take his family on a Caribbean vacation to retrieve the vessel. Upon arriving on a small island and realising that the ship is in rough shape, Martin and his family end up with more than they bargained for as the roguish and incompetent Captain Ron (Kurt Russell) signs on to sail the boat to Miami encountering many mishaps along the way. IMDB 5.7/10

LIFEBOAT In this 1944 tense Alfred Hitchcock thriller, based on a John Steinbeck novella, American and British civilians who have survived the sinking of their ship by a German submarine during World War II struggle to reach land in a crowded li eboat. hen a erman o ficer is rescued from the water, his presence only increases the tensions on the boat. Soon treachery ensues, and the population of the vessel grad ally decreases as con icts come to a head. IMDB 7.8/10

CAPTAIN COURAGEOUS Harvey, a wealthy and spoiled brat used to having his own way ends up overboard on an ocean cruise with his millionaire father after a prank goes wrong. Fortunately, he’s picked up by a fishing boat captained by Manuel (Spencer Tracey). Based on the story by Rudyard Kipling, Spencer Tracey as the Port g ese fisherman, teaches the youngster a work ethic, and the hardships of life at sea. Harvey soon becomes part of the crew and the close friend of the paternalistic Manuel. IMDB 8/10

LIFE OF PI Director Ang Lee creates a groundbreaking movie event about a young man, Pi, who s rvives a disaster at sea and is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. While cast away in the Pacific cean or days, he orms an amazing and unexpected connection with the only other survivor...a fearsome Bengal tiger called ichard Par er. he film won four Academy Awards including Best Director and Best Visual Effects from 11 nominations. IMDB 8/10

DAS BOOT One of the most gripping and authentic war movies ever made. A German U-boat patrols the Atlantic Ocean during World War II, manned by a crew that must contend with tense con icts and long stretches o confined boredom. hile a war correspondent observes day to day life aboard the U-boat, the grizzled captain struggles to maintain his own motivation as he attempts to keep the ship’s morale up in the ace o fierce battles, intense storms and dwindling supplies. IMDB 8.4/10

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JUST MAYBE The 59 metre Maybe is the largest yacht ever to be designed and built in Spain by an all-Spanish team


onstructed in the Metal Ships Rodman yard in Vigo, this 59m superyacht, built completely on spec is for sale through Camper & Nichiolsons. Offering a sleek and agile trans-Pacific motor yacht with a cruising range of 6,000Nm and a touch-and-go helipad, suggesting a sense of adventure for her would be owners and guests.

With her twin 2,682 HP Caterpillar engines, she has a cruising speed of 14 knots, reaching a maximum of 17 knots. Twelve guests can be comfortably accommodated in six luxurious cabins. Furthest forward of the main deck

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is an extremely generous full beam master stateroom with a study, walk-in wardrobe and his and her bathrooms. The remaining accommodation: two doubles and two twins, can be found on the lower deck. In addition, there are quarters for up to 16 crew members. The hydrodynamic optimisation of the hull and appendages allows matching the benefits of a large 10.7m beam that include volume (1043GT), stability and larger rolling period, with efficient fuel consumption, high directional stability and sea-keeping.


With a top speed of 17 knots, the range leads up to 6,000 nautical miles at economic speed. The hull is built in high resistance steel and the watertight subdivision, together with the double bottom, are designed for the highest level of safety.

A helideck has also been incorporated and has a landing capacity for a MD 500 or similar size/weight helicopter, and with a cross beam extended garage for a tender up to 8.5m. The two fore hatches with lateral opening leave a large space for the safety boat and several toys for the owners and guests to enjoy.

The yacht’s Captain reports, “Seven different versions of the layout were undertaken during the design process before reaching the final definition, maximising the use of space for owners and crew as well as circulation on board.”

Special care has been taken regarding noise and vibration isolation and in this sense, compartment divisions and floating floor preparation have been carried out to the highest standards.

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BRIGHT IDEAS Replicate the sunshine of the Caribbean by brightening up your interiors

FOLDING TABLE Practical olding table with lac ered wood finish

THERMAL CARAFE Per ect to pgrade yo r o tdoor table setting

THE PERFECT LEATHER MAGAZINE HOLDER eep yo r maga ines organised with style

UNBREAKABLE DRINK WARE ality plastic with great designs or o tdoor se

FOR THE CARIBBEAN SEASON LEATHER WINDPROOF ASHTRAY Stylish ashtray for indoor and outdoor use

LEATHER SHOE BASKET sophisticated way to organise shoes

ROUND LEATHER BASKET WITH LID With accurate details and modern clean lines

LEATHER FOLDER mprove yo r g est’s cabin des area

Fiona’s Atelier offers you a collection of accessories and furnishings for your yacht’s interior. or more details el , email in o fionasatelier.com or visit www.fionasatelier.com

22 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD



Hans Groenenboom looks at some of the safety benefits of having FLIR thermal imaging cameras on board


hermal imaging cameras display images based on tiny differences in heat, not light. No matter how much light is available, from pitch black to moonlight to severe midday glare, FLIR cameras capture the thermal energy coming off the environment around us and convert it into crisp infrared video images, allowing you to see at night and navigate in total darkness.  Daylight cameras, image intensified night vision (I2), and the human eye all need light to create an image. I2 night vision and similar technologies take in small amounts of visible light and magnify it. However, I2 imagers have the same limitations as the human eye: if there isn’t enough light available, they don’t work well. Plus, during daylight I2 imagers aren’t useful either because there is too much light for them to work effectively. FLIR thermal cameras work both day and night, regardless of light. They’re totally immune to the effects of darkness, glare, or even direct sunlight. Professional mariners and militaries around the word have been utilizing FLIR thermal night vision for years. From the smallest runabouts to the largest ocean-going vessels, FLIR Maritime offers cutting edge solutions that are rugged, reliable and simple to use. Now this same technology is accessible to every boater, from the wheelhouse to the palm of your hand. Whether you enjoy fishing, cruising, sailing, or just exploring your world, boaters have the same basic goals in mind: enjoy the ride and bring everyone home safe.

marine traffic and spot buoys or other navigational aids on even the darkest nights. The Ocean Scout allows you to quickly scan your surroundings for other vessels, look for buoys and other navigational aids, and detect landmarks such as islands or docks. The clear view provided by the Ocean Scout will help you avoid rocks, floating logs, and other dangerous obstacles in rivers, channels and the open water. You can easily steer clear of hazards such as kayakers, personal watercraft, and small boats that are running without lights. Ocean Scout is a lifesaving tool for ‘man overboard’ emergencies. The FLIR camera can detect the body heat of anyone in the water, allowing you to quickly identify and rescue people or pets. Use InstAlert™ mode to highlight the hottest objects in red, and make the search and recovery go even faster. Next to handheld thermal imaging cameras, like the Ocean Scout, FLIR also offers a wide range of multi-sensor cameras, with both a thermal and a daylight camera, for fixed installation on vessels. The FLIR M-Series pan/tilt models for example provide four times the thermal resolution and more than twice the range performance compared to other systems. M-Series cameras let you see more, and see farther, than ever before. Even in the dead of night. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1329 246700 or visit www.flir.com/marine

Thermal imaging works night and day, in total darkness or bright sunlight, through smoke, dust, and even light fog to keep your passengers and crew safe from hazards and threats. You can use your thermal camera to avoid collisions and see natural and man-made hazards, such as floating debris, rocks, ice, land, bridge abutments, and other vessels. FLIR thermal night vision cameras also help you find a person in the water faster than any other night vision technology. FLIR offers a range of thermal imaging cameras with varying levels of image resolution. A popular camera with recreational boaters is the FLIR Ocean Scout, a rugged, compact thermal night vision camera that reveals other vessels, landmarks, buoys, and floating debris in total darkness. Ocean Scout helps you see ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 23

MEL AND HIGH WATER Hailed as the most talented leading man since Brando, Gibson’s years in the cinematic i derness ga e him a rene ed a ection or the ocean ords ran rice


ame is a tricky mistress. At once, being a celebrity affords you (near enough) every luxury imaginable, and yet it also requires you to sacrifice your privacy to the prying lenses of the paparazzi. There are few people in Hollywood who understand this two way street better than Mel Gibson, once touted as a modern day Marlon Brando with a string of blockbusters to his name, before falling from grace in the most dramatic of ways amid an ugly slew of allegations, from anti Semitism to spousal abuse. “Well, Bill Murray made a quote and I think it’s brilliant,” Gibson once said when quizzed on the capriciousness nature of fame. ‘For those who want wealth and fame, try wealth and see if that doesn’t cover it?’ “Do you see? And that’s what they’ve seen. They‘re like, You know what? This famous thing isn’t so hot.” “It wasn’t until I started removing myself from interruptions that I realised how therapeutic it was. To get away and do something different, to lose yourself from the press and from prying attention, is actually really valuable.” Now, in 2016, the star of the Lethal Weapon and Mad Max films is making his comeback into the Tinseltown fold with latest directorial project Hacksaw Ridge. As rumours intensify about a possible Oscar nomination, it seems that Gibson’s decadelong stint in the cinematic wasteland is coming to a close. But for someone looking to spend 10 years of their life away from media scrutiny, the high seas offer the perfect opportunity to escape the cameras whilst still living in the lap of luxury. For Gibson, the discretion of the ocean and yacht culture went hand in hand with his many exotic property developments. As the man whose films have grossed in excess of $2.5billion worldwide, it’s little wonder to find that when Gibson needed a place to hide away, he did something that only the acting elite – Johnny Depp or Leonardo DiCaprio, perhaps – can manage: he purchased his own island. Fiji had long been a favourite spot for holidaymakers from Down Under before Perth native Gibson acquired the volcanic island of Mago in 2005 for a fee of somewhere between $9million and $15million (depending on who you listen to). The astronomical price tag is reflected in the island’s size – at 5,400 acres, Mago is one of the largest privately owned islands in the South Pacific. Aside from a modest personal residence, Gibson has regularly pledged to keep the majority of the island in its original, pristine condition, eschewing the instalment of a modern-day helipad for the more traditional method of arrival by sea via the tropical waters of the South Pacific. It was here, in this Fijian bolthole, that Gibson escaped the intensity surrounding his high-profile controversies, but this removal of himself from the continuous pressures of fame was not an isolated occurrence.

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“Everybody wants to be secure, of course,” he remarked once. “But they want to be anonymous, and they don’t want to lose that precious commodity: anonymity. I got tired and bored of it; I just walked away, and spent a year not doing it, doing something else. I think it’s a natural thing. As soon as something starts getting a little tedious and you want to spice it up again, you kind of have to change it.”

It wasn’t until I started remo ing myse rom interruptions that I realised how therapeutic it was And although Mel keeps yacht life fiercely protected, perhaps in an effort to sidestep yet more unwanted attention, he has certainly come into contact with some of the world’s most recognisable crafts. In 1988 crime thriller Tequila Sunrise, Gibson’s character, a former drug dealer attempting to go straight, became well acquainted with a yacht that in real life was named Lovely Lady. This magnificent vessel had a long and intriguing history, first as the largest yacht ever to have been built at New York’s famous Nevins Yacht Builders Yard, then later as a veteran of over 30 films, including a brief cameo in 1958’s iconic Marilyn Monroe fronted Some Like It Hot, after a brief career as a minesweeper in the US Navy in 1942. In 2011, when Gibson had starred in The Beaver, his first film back since the huge controversies surrounding his behaviour emerged, the star was also spotted on a yacht of Prince Albert II of Monaco. The regent and Gibson have a shared interest in conservation, and while this meeting was a picture of extravagance on the calm, azure waters of the French Riviera, Gibson’s interactions with yachts in Cannes have not always been so tranquil. At the 1987 festival, for example, Gibson was invited to stay on the chartered yacht of Hollywood executive Jerry Weintraub. Gibson, at this point fully living up to his reputation as a Hollywood hell-raiser, utilised the yacht as his own floating party palace. Now sober for nearly a decade, Gibson’s days of wrecking million dollar superyachts with impromptu parties may be over, but the star’s outlook on life still remains deeply ingrained in the ulterior motives of many a yachtsman’s luxury purchases. “The thing we’re all looking for is happiness,” he quipped. “And if we achieve just a modicum of that or even a little piece of serenity even for five minutes a day, we’re very lucky.”

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LEATHERMAN BRACELET For the MacGyver in you, this looks good, and might help you build an all-terrain vehicle from a wheelbarrow, scaffolding and a saucepan in an abandoned shed, but in reality this pricey tool is more of a fashion statement than a real man's tool. www.leatherman.com €259

SOG POWER ASSIST S66 A nice option for tackling repair and building tasks whilst away from the tool box. Assisted opening blades and geared pliers are an added benefit. Good build quality, large, beefy and built to be used everyday. www.sogknives.com €99

TOOLED UP Multi-tools are an essential piece of everyday kit that can do almost any job

LEATHERMAN CHARGE ALX A tough tool that feels great to use. Wekk designed from the masters of multi-tools, with the primary cutters and pliers and screwdrivers in six sizes. The knife is easy to deploy and overall the tool is a great balance between utility and convenience. www.leatherman.com €145

SWISS TECH MICRO-MAX 19 For the money and the compact nature, this isn't a bad option. The stainless steel design is excellent and tough enough to endure some decent use. It will get you out of a few jams but won't replace the larger multi tools. www.swisstechtools.com €10

26 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD

CRANKBROTHERS M19 The M19 hasn’t got the film star looks or the chunky utilitarian feel of some of its competitors, but it does do almost everything right. The slim knurled alloy frame allows the bits to be accessed easily, even if they do have a habit of all wanting to move as one. www.crankbrothers.com €25



Allan Wilson looks at the necessity of yacht management within the changing regulatory landscape


and diligent implementation is required. Wilson Yacht Management hold DOC with five flag states including a Passenger Ship DOC with the Cayman Islands for the safety management of the new Passenger Yacht Code registered yachts.

“As a dedicated team of professionals our goal is to provide Owners and Captains outstanding service whilst creating long term partnerships,” said Managing Director Allan Wilson. “After having a smallish fleet of large yachts in 2004 and 2005 we have grown to now having a significant number of yachts ranging from 20 to 104 metres,” a shift which saw the company rebranded at last year’s Monaco Boat Show.

Aside from complying with the current influx of new regulations coming into yachting, the recruitment pool and availability of experienced crew are among other challenges. “Quite a significant number have been retiring, while rotation and engineering job share are increasing,” noted Wilson. “There’s some excellent new crew working through the ranks. But with a lot of large yachts coming out requiring 20 to 50 crew, and small boats still being launched, the challenge is not only in finding qualified crew but also in training the crew we already have to become the industry leaders of the future.”

With offices in the UK and Florida WYM provides discreet and bespoke management services to the Owner. They are an experienced and truly independent management company, a position that enables them to focus on the management of a client’s customised needs, yachting’s regulatory changes and all important crew support.

With technological advances and new build yachts expanding in size and specification, the asset value of these yachts is rapidly increasing. As a result, the day-to-day cost of running a superyacht is growing, so it is more important than ever to have a management company keep an eye on budgets and operational expenses both during the season and during refit periods.

Wilson Yacht Management looks after the Owner’s interests, says Allan Wilson. “We have no attachment to any brokerage house and are not beholden to anyone other than our clients. We focus solely on the yacht management requirements - and due to frequent changes in the regulations this is an essential aspect of running and maintaining a yacht.”

“Owners are looking for superlative quality, this includes the management, and they are shopping around,” said Wilson. “Hopefully our longevity in the industry stands us in good stead in that category; a very strong, independent business that has been serving many clients for over fifteen years.” At Wilson Yacht Management they have two Master Mariners and a good mix of commercial and yachting professionals, with the experience of the team bringing both an in-depth knowledge base and stability. “Great service breeds trust and rapport, and this can only be achieved over time,” said Wilson.

ilson Yacht Management deliver a range of management packages tailored to the Owner’s requirements, covering all aspects related to the daily and long term operational needs of the vessel. For Wilson Yacht Management, independence means integrity and complete client focus.“We are not beholden to anyone other than our clients,” says Managing Director Allan Wilson.

Although 80% of the business is focused on the Mediterranean and Caribbean markets, the growth in the world cruise niche has recently seen Wilson Yacht Management loading a 46m vessel on to a Hong Kong-bound cargo ship, while other managed yachts have been to the North West Passage, the Antarctic, South Pacific and the Far East. Safety, security, accounting, and crew are the principle operational segments, with regulatory growth emanating from the International Safety Management Code, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) and the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), professional

Wilson Yacht Management is continuing its global outreach, with Asia a target growth region. Wilson ends, “We are more than a Mediterranean management company, we are continuing our growth into a world-wide fleet management company.” For more details Tel: +44 (0)1482 648 322 or visit www.wilsonyachtmanagement.com

ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 27

ON YER BIKE London designer Andy Martin has designed a wooden road bicycle for Thonet using the steam-bending processes the German furniture company first employed in 1859 for its classic cafe chair. The fixed-wheel bike has a solid beech seat (ouch), carbon-fibre wheels and no brakes…. €50,000 www.andymartinstudio.com

THAT’S WHAT I WANT The latest eye catching innovations and design trends

SPEAK UP In collaboration with porcelain manufacturer Rosenthal, loudspeaker producer Raumfeld has developed a speaker that combines cutting-edge acoustic technology with elegant form. The result is the world’s first porcelain streaming speaker, driven by 160 watt class D amp. The speaker features a special teardrop shape that not only looks good but performs as porcelain naturally contains low-resonance properties. €3000 www.raumfeld.com

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HAVING A BOULE This incredible set of three boules was a joint project between OBUT and TOURNAIRE. Decorated with 180 grams of gold and set with over 12 carats of diamonds, accompanied by a 55g gold jack inset with diamonds. €100,000 www.philippetournaire.com


DRONING ON Aimed at the consumer market, the Mavic Pro can fold up making it far more portable. Featuring human tracking and gesture control, collision avoidance and a 4K,12 megapixel camera. This drone can stay in flight for 27 minutes, but don’t up anchor and wander off too far. €1200 www.store.dji.com

TUBTASTIC Designer of NK Woodworking & Design’s custom bathtub collection, Nathie Katzoff began his career as a shipwright. Made to order and available in a variety of hardwoods these handcrafted bathtubs offer a distinctive centrepiece for any bathroom. €POA www.nkwoodworking.com

SPACE INC Swiss made, the slim and curved body of Astrograph is immediately reminiscent of the outline of a space rocket and contains a total of 99 components. The pen nib is made from rhodium-plated 18-carat gold, with the body also rhodium plated. It’s written in the stars. €19,000 www.mbandf.com

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NO SMOKE WITHOUT FIRE Once vilified, marijuana is becoming more accepted in certain countries, but it is still important to remember when working in an industry where safety is paramount that the use of any drug is out of the question


smokers are still a minority, but it’s sad to see them jeopardising their futures. Let’s face it, do you know any weed smoker who has made anything successful of their lives?” Good point.

Whereas the Spanish smokers tend to have a sneaky joint whilst walking along or in a park or out of view, the yacht crew seem to have decided that in certain areas, they’re untouchable and it’s fine to smoke weed in public.

Another local told us, “It’s actually quite sad. You see the same kids sat around there boozing and smoking weed all year round. When the good crew get snapped up and disappear to join yachts you’ll see the sad pot heads that are left behind, sat in there in the mid summer with their drug dealer who they seem to idolise. It’s pathetic, he’s a middle aged loser peddling pot to vulnerable kids who’ve come here to join yachting and end up feeding his ego and his bank account.”

alma has a problem with weed. It’s rife and it certainly seems to be socially acceptable amongst the younger generation. Although officially it’s illegal, it’s common to smell it outside bars and clubs in certain areas. Bar staff and owners will take action against people smoking on their premises for fear of legal ramifications; if they are denounced they will face fines and even closure if they are found to be allowing any drugs on the premises.

They can’t smoke on the bar’s premises, so how do people get around this? Easy, they step outside onto the street, to smoke there. Local business owner, let’s call him Frank, told us “They are blatant. I’ve been sat in a hotel bar after work with clients, enjoying the summer breeze and suddenly you’re hit in the face with a cloud of pungent weed smoke; obviously you look around to see where it’s coming from to see a group of yacht crew puffing away a few feet away. They share a joint, flick the butt into the street then walk back into the bar to continue drinking. It’s embarrassing. For them as well as those of us who live here as expats.” He went on to explain, “I’ve been sat there with captains and it’s a very poor reflection of our local crew. I no longer take anyone near those places as I fear it will damage business. I’m thankful these

Bar owner ‘Carlos’ from a nearby establishment told us “I have had the Police visit me due to complaints about noise and smoke from these crew who wander down to stand outside my restaurant to smoke and chat. I have personally told them to move along and been laughed at, and told it’s a free country. It’s insulting to my customers and to me.” Another yachting business owner told me he knows there are certain bars in Palma with a drug problem, and if he sees any potential employees in any of those bars he wouldn’t hire them. “If you hang out there, you’re looking for trouble” he said. “It’s my business and I don’t want my staff representing me in places like that.” This feeling is mirrored by a number of Captains too, one said “If I were looking urgently for dayworkers,

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there’s no way I’d go to one of those bars. There are plenty of others I could pop into and find the good crew.” When asked, would you rather hire someone who smokes weed or someone who likes to drink, the answers were mixed. Captain A said “I couldn’t care less what crew get up to in their off time as long as they’re out of uniform and turn up to work on time and are capable of doing their job.” Captain B disagreed, “If anyone turns up under the influence of anything, alcohol, drugs, prescription medication… they’re off the boat and out of a job. I run regular drug tests on request of my owner and we have zero tolerance.”

If anyone turns up under the influence of anything, alcohol, drugs, prescription medication… they’re off the boat and out of a job

Captain C told us, “We had one lad work for us on a daywork basis all last winter in the yard. He was quiet, focused and got on with his duties diligently. At first I thought he was just a bit of an introvert, then I discovered he was smoking weed before work, and at lunchtime. He was not enjoyable to be around; he was paranoid and quite negative. But to be fair he got detailed work completed.” In fact many people who are pro cannabis state that it helps them focus on a particular job. But being super focused on just one task could be an issue in a boat yard where machinery is rolling around and environmental awareness is very important. The common argument is that it’s not addictive. That might be physically true, but studies show it’s habit forming. Many users grow to depend on the drug to wind down after a day at work. And long term use has a great deal of negative side effects. Short term memory problems are widely documented, many users report feelings of paranoia, depression, and antisocial behaviour. Smoking weed can lower your reaction time. Not just when you’re stoned either, these effects are longer lasting. Arguably a ‘weed hangover’ could be more dangerous than an alcohol hangover. But, in any case, it’s not a competition and both drugs and alcohol are never conducive to a safe working environment in any situation. We need to understand that crew are in charge of, or working with, expensive and technical equipment, this means that any form of impairment could be incredibly dangerous, and we certainly don’t want anymore accidents in this industry please. Frank’s statement just keeps ringing true about not knowing any smokers who are able to make a big success of their business or career. It’s easier to get stoned and ignore life than get out there and face the world. Don’t miss out. The world is a pretty awesome place.

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SIDE EFFECTS OF MARIJUANA Most marijuana users enjoy the drug’s ability to induce a sense of euphoria, but that doesn’t come without side effects THE EFFECTS OF MARIJUANA ON THE BODY One of the ingredients in marijuana is a mind-altering chemical called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). When you inhale marijuana smoke into your lungs, it is quickly released into your bloodstream on its way to your brain and other organs. The effects are immediate. Longer-term effects may depend on how you take it, how much you take, and how often you use it. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM THC moves from your lungs into your bloodstream and throughout your body. Within minutes, your heart rate may increase by 20 to 50 beats per minute. For people with heart disease, this faster heartbeat could raise the risk of heart attack. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM The THC changes the way you process information, so your judgment may be impaired. It may also be difficult to form new memories when you’re high. All those changes mean that it’s not safe to drive or operate machinery. IMMUNE SYSTEM Some research indicates that THC affects the immune system. Studies showed that THC might damage the immune system, making you more vulnerable to illness. MEMORY IMPAIRMENT Many studies have found that cannabis users experience short-term memory problems; other studies suggest that cannabinoids impair all stages of memory. LACK OF MOTIVATION In a recent study 53% of marijuana users reported experiencing a loss of motivation. Some studies suggest that long-term cannabis users have lower levels of dopamine, a chemical in the brain that is directly responsible for motivation. DEPRESSION Some research suggests that marijuana can cause depression mostly in young people. Likewise, a study published in 2002 in the British Medical Journal concluded that frequent cannabis use in teenage girls predicts depression in later years. PARANOIA/ANXIETY Paranoia is another side effect, users often experience after smoking. There is documented evidence in medical literature that THC can affect people by bringing on anxiety or elevating anxiety.


THIS WILL MAKE YOU ‘APPI James Stockdale looks at the benefits of live interactive worklists and provides insight into the solution’s valuable functionality


inpoint Works provides an alternative solution to the back and forth nature of emails and spreadsheets. Using web and mobile apps, Pinpoint Works turns your General Arrangement (GA) into a live, interactive worklist. Each one of the verbs of its slogan - log, share, track, and communicate provides their own distinct benefits making worklists more efficient and effective for each individual user. LOG Using Pinpoint’s web or mobile app (iPhone and Android), quickly and easily log items on the go, ideal for crew during a busy charter season. This ensures no issues are forgotten and management and shipyards receive the information ahead of schedule. Add a variety of information to each point: title, priority level, status, location, description, tags, photos, videos, and documents. Photos and videos are compressed to address bandwidth issues onboard. Points can even be added offline and are automatically synced once connected to WiFi. The tags feature keeps your worklist ordered in a way unique to each vessel. For example, set tags according to department, company, or contractor allowing the user to sort and filter the worklists as needed to stay organised. Add as many tags as are relevant to the point (i.e. Deck, Shipyard, Management, etc.) so that the right people are involved (see Share). SHARE Often, many parties are involved in onboard works. With Pinpoint, worklists can be shared with an unlimited number of users. From key personnel, to crew, to subcontractors, everyone with access to the site stays up to date through the work stages. But not everyone needs to see every point. Pinpoint Works addresses this issue through three different permission levels ensuring appropriate access is given to each individual user: Admin: can see and edit all points; access the site’s settings (add other users and set permission levels); can delete points.

Normal: can see all points, add and edit information; cannot delete points. Limited: can see all points, comment and add photos; cannot edit or delete points. Limited with Tags: can only see, comment and add photos to points with specified tags (i.e. Paint Surveyor). TRACK Tracking information is critical to managing projects onboard. With Pinpoint Works, users can search, filter and sort their worklists by priority, status, tags, and date. Once ordered, users can export to PDF or Excel. PDF reports are perfect for walk arounds, meetings or passing on to subcontractors. They also include a full GA pinpointing the locations on the vessel with their ID numbers for reference, making a walk around methodical and comprehensive. COMMUNICATE Anyone who manages a project understands the importance of good communication. With essential information available to all necessary parties on one platform, comments can be made as work progresses adding a level of accountability and transparency throughout the project. With information updated in real-time, communication can flow seamlessly. The frequency of email notifications can be set by the users individually. All points remain on the site creating a project history, a feature which can be particularly useful in an industry where personnel turnover rates are high.. Having been used for warranty and refit periods, new builds, paint surveys and general day to day maintenance, Pinpoint Works proves to be a versatile tool for anyone involved in managing worklists. For an intuitive and innovative worklist solution, look no further than Pinpoint Works. For more details visit www.pinpointworks.com Arrange an online demo at info@pinpointworks.com or call +44 (0)7980 164 643

ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 33

WHAT’S COOKING? Tony Botha talks to Frances and Michael Howorth about his job as Chef on board Eclipse What made you join the superyacht industry? I had a girlfriend who was a chef on a beautiful Dubois 43m sloop called Nelson that was sailing to Sydney who had been hired just for the delivery. When the yacht arrived my friend persuaded the yacht’s new owner to take me on part time. He liked what I cooked and in the end, he gave me my first full time job as a Chef on board a superyacht. What happened next? I love sailing yachts for the joy of sailing but if I am truthful I prefer motorboats for working on. So I moved to join the motor yacht 43m Talon and then eight years ago, I came here and joined Eclipse in Tel Aviv in Israel. This is my third yacht in 12 years of working afloat. What’s your must have luxury item in your galley and why? A Bamix hand held food processor. It’s one of the few kitchen gadgets that truly lives up to its promises and it works so well at liquidising. It crushes ice, aerates, grates, beats, blends, purees, grinds, whips and best of all it can be used in almost any size container. What do you most like about your current galley? I am very lucky that we have just refitted the galley and replaced the ovens which are really great but I confess I am in love with my new toy which is a Sous Vide machine where the cooking method requires food to be vacuum sealed in pouches and heated at a controlled temperature over a set period of time.

What are your three most favourite ingredients? How about flair, imagination and experimentation? You cannot cook a single thing without them. I think I would add enthusiasm and a good outlook on food to the list as well if you will let me name five. What is the one ingredient everyone needs in their fridge? Fresh herbs. Do you have any pet hates and if so what are they? Unprofessionalism, lateness, people invading my workspace, chopping board or sink. You have been warned! If you had a magic wand what would you change in job? I would love to spread the charters out more evenly so I can give my best to each one. Most charters are back to back and I confess that can burn the creative juices if you are not careful. What is your most memorable food moment? I suspect that was the first time I experienced food at the 2 Michelin starred Chevre d’ Or in Eze. I had never eaten at that level of expertise until that point. Then later on I got to taste the food at Petrus, the Gordon Ramsay restaurant in Kinnerton Street, Belgravia. I confess I almost cried when I was confronted with their Amuse Bouche that was a cauliflower and truffle soup, it was that good.

Quick Fire

And least like? The fact that this galley has no window.

How do you like your steak? Rare

What is your favourite restaurant or bar in the Mediterranean and why is it special? Catit at 57 Nahalat Binyamin Street, in Tel Aviv serves molecular food and was conceived by the celebrity chef Meir Adoni. It is haute-dining at its best.

What is your favourite style of cuisine? South East Asian

Which is your favourite Mediterranean shop? Formia, the butcher at 4 Boulevard de France in Monaco. I found it wandering around the old town. In 2005, Julien Davin, with his experience in gastronomy, took over the reins and modernised it. Now the shop serves as the official supplier of the Palace in Monaco.

Where would you most like to visit? Sri Lanka and India

If you could recommend a Mediterranean catering service to another Chef what would it be? I am a fan of the Froggy Gourmet in Antibes when we are cruising locally but when we venture to Croatia, I put my trust in Ivan at Sea and Stuff based out of Split.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Argentina What would your last supper be? 10 course degustation dinner Your three dream dinner party guests? Madonna, Nelson Mandela and the Chinese Emperor What are your favourite clothes? Armani What sport do you most like to watch? Tennis, Gymnastics and Golf What is your Nickname? Good Time Tony Best childhood memory? My dad hugging me as I left South Africa Closest you’ve ever come to death? Amalfi coast driving on wrong side of road with bus coming towards me

CREW’S CV Name Tony Botha

If you were not a chef what you be doing to earn a living? Something to do with food, wine and travel. They are my three most favourite things and are completely intertwined into my life.

Age 51

What’s the most curious request you have had made of you as a chef? I was once confronted by a charter guest who, having shot a goat while out hunting, brought the entire animal back to my galley and asked me to skin, butcher and serve it up for dinner. He just dumped it onto my chopping board and marched out of the galley. I freaked!

Number of crew 10

34 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD

Nationality Dual South African / New Zealand Previous yachts Talon, Nelson Current yacht Eclipse Number in galley 1 Charter Central Agent

Camper & Nicholsons International

Charter Fee per week



ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 35

TRY TURKEY Gateway to both Europe and Asia, Turkey is the ideal year round destination for cruising or a refit project

36 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD



ithout a scientific means by which to measure what destinations in the world are deemed ‘’safe,’’ the Aegean and Mediterranean Turkish coastlines are not only as safe as ever, they remain a beautiful destination with much to offer to both the charter community and boat owners looking to optimise their refits, repairs and maintenance. The political turmoil which has been in the news remains far to the east along the Syrian border, a distance approximately as far as London is from Slovenia Due to mutual efforts between the EU and Turkey, the refugee situation of 2015 has been addressed in a communal and humanitarian manner, preventing unnecessary attempts to cross to Europe by sea. While the rest of Europe shivers under the onslaught of winter, the charter and boat-building centre of Bodrum is still experiencing beautiful sunny days and mild temperatures. Such conditions are perfect for maintenance, refit and exterior work schedules. If the weather patterns continue to follow the trends of the last few years, it will be another mainly dry and relatively warm winter, much to the dismay of local olive farmers wishing for rain. Turkey has always been a less expensive destination than the rest of Europe, and with the decline of the Turkish Lira against the US dollar and Euro, offers even better value with some excellent discounts available at well-established boat yards. There hasn’t been a better time in recent years to negotiate refit projects, utilising the excellent workmanship available at relatively low labour rates relative to the EU. As a charter or private cruising destination for 2017, the Turkish Aegean and Mediterranean coasts have no rival in spectacular scenery and an increasing amount of modern marinas.New facilities have recently opened at Iassos in the Gulf of Güllük and at Ören near the head of the Gulf of Gökova where Setur Marinas Group have built a full complex. This new marina has a mooring capacity of 416, and a dry dock capacity of 130, with a 100 ton travel lift offering its services to yachts of 8 to 30 metres in length. There are now are over a dozen marinas between Izmir and Antalya.

The Bodrum peninsular boasts not only three premium marinas, Milta Bodrum, D-Marin Turgutreis and Palmarina Yalikavak, but also two major boat yards with up to 450 ton travel lifts and a plethora of marine backup industries. Everything is located nearby, from chandleries to boat yards building 50 metre sailing yachts and motor yachts in both traditional laminated wood and steel. Aluminum masts, stainless steel fabrication can be produced to the highest quality at very competitive rates and within a few kilometres of one another.

There hasn’t been a better time in recent years to negotiate re t pro ects, utilising the excellent or manship a ai a e While the local gulet charter market has had a measureable slowdown for 2017, this means that there are excellent opportunities for preferred sailing destinations with fewer crowds, and easier availability for popular dates on the best gulets. Steeped in a rich history dating back two millennia, Bodrum is the leading wooden-boat centre of the world. Lelegian and Carian civilizations were using vine to hold together wooden rafts for the 6 nautical mile passage between the Anatolian mainland and the present day Dodecanese island of Kos. The legendary pirate Barbarossa was based out of the Aegean with quests reaching across Africa and to the Balearics. Ottoman Admiral Piri Reis created the first accurate maps of the Mediterranean basin. In short, the Bodrum peninsula is legendary for its boat-building and sailing prowess. Bodrum Yacht Services and her sister charter company Southern Cross Blue Cruising utilise 30 years of maritime and business expertise to oversee major and minor projects, charter brokerage, expert local knowledge, a passion for yachting, and the country and people of Turkey. Contact Tel: +90 532 434 6816 www.southerncrossbluecruising.com ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 37

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COURSE FISHING The growing demand for well trained professional crew is being met head on by the training schools and academies throughout the yachting world Words: Claire Griffiths


he drum roll calling for additional training and/or updating certificates has been beating for a long while now. And just to remind us all: Seafarers revalidating their certificates of competency (CoC) will need to have submitted additional evidence to make sure their certificate is valid for service on certain types of ships after 31 December 2016. And, advises the MCA website, if you are serving on board ship or applying for a UK CoC, and are qualified in any of the following, from the 1st January 2017 you must have documentary evidence of either having completed the training course or updated your training within the last 5 years for: Personal Survival Techniques (PST) STCW code, Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (FP&FF) STCW code, Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than fast rescue boats STCW code, Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (PFRB) STCW code, Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF) STCW code. These updated rules, don’t just apply to the superyacht industry, but the yachting sector has become no less shy than other maritime sectors about corralling its yachting crew into a bit more of a regimented platoon. And for good reason. Why? “Standards,” says Director of Training & Certification of the PYA, Joey Meen, referring to interior yacht service, but applying to the industry as a whole. “Greater focus,” adds Jorg Wendt, Head of Training at D and B Service. And Nigel Watson of Nigel Watson Ltd, a Helicopter Yachting Aviation Consultancy recommends for greater training on board. “Well trained crew, make safer crew,” comments Mark Jaenicke at the Maritime Safety Academy. So, we’re not done yet with lobbing goals into the future, and then making training rules to reach the standards that will meet those goals. It’s a long haul and sometimes it’s a hell of a hassle. And they’re all doing it: Inside, Deckside, Airside and Offside. No area of the yacht has been cordoned off from training pioneers intent on upping the game, standardising practice or introducing new courses. INSIDE It is widely said that professionally trained interior crew are the hardest to find and that the Department has the highest crew turnover: Two facts that led to the creation of a programme to change this. The PYA GUEST (Guidelines for Unified Excellence Service Training) Programme is largely thanks to the work of PYA Training Director, Joey Meen. She believes it to be different and ‘worth it’ because, “..it is developed by professionals in the sector and fits the yacht service and hospitality needs.” It trains from beginner level to Head of Department covering Seamanship, Service, Etiquette, Culture, Leadership and more.

GUEST has standardised the training through the Approved Training Providers worldwide, so explains Joey, “Those who follow the GUEST programme do not have to sign up to some of the eclectic mix of training out there which has no accreditation and standardisation to the learning outcomes for the crew who invest in their training courses.” One aim of GUEST is to fill in the gaps in skill sets that happen when crew have only worked in one department (e.g.laundry), or on only one yacht, with one owner and one way of service, or those who have had weak mentoring on board. “It rounds off the training needs to cover all aspects of Service and Hospitality. This in turn will assist the sector as a whole, if Managers, Captains and Brokers can have confidence in the ‘front line crew’ to seamlessly perform ALL interior operations on board, then charter guests will want to come back (or even go on to buy a yacht!)” Joey and the GUEST Board also plan to inspire confidence in those who think they have it right but aren’t sure. The benefit of GUEST is that interior crew walk away with multi skills and flexibility to adapt to all systems without the confusion of not knowing if what they are doing is right or not. DECKSIDE The Maritime Skills Academy (MSA), based at Dover, England, is part of the Viking group of companies that supply maritime crew to all sectors of the maritime industry and beyond: from cruise ships, superyachts, oil & gas, ports and harbours to marine logistics and offshore wind farms and land based sectors in the power industry and emergency services. The Academy has an extensive portfolio of MCA accredited STCW courses and refresher training and professional development courses. The centre is fully equipped with a dedicated environment survival pool complex, full fire training ground and a lifeboat centre. According to Mark Jaenicke, Recruitment and HR Director of MSA crew need to remember and understand the importance of updating/refresher training as per the 2010 Manila Amendments. “They were overlooked,” says Dieter, “by a number of crew and in turn there has been a mass demand for this training. Moving forward we as training providers should work together to educate superyacht crew. Helideck firefighting is an area of training which hasn’t been correctly addressed; with more and more yachts having helidecks, we have put together, with the MCA, a 1 day course to meet the growing needs.” He is pleased to note that crew are becoming more in tune and educated with the need for continuous training, which follows in the footsteps of the commercial maritime industries, where training and refresher courses are a constant part of professional life. Says Dieter, “Up to date training provides the industry with safer crew.”

ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 39



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Space on board and comfort at sea


Technical details

L.O.A. open

L.O.A. closed

Beam O.A.

Min. height closed

EXT 640 Idro

6,40 m

4,20 m

2,30 m

1,32 m

EXT 610

6,10 m

3,90 m

2,30 m

1,32 m

EXT 520

5,20 m

3,30 m

2,10 m

1,23 m

EXT 490

4,92 m

3,32 m

1,75 m

1,10 m

EXT 460

4,62 m

3,02 m

1,75 m

1,00/1,10 m

EXT 430

4,32 m

2,72 m

1,75 m

1,00/1,10 m

180x130 NEW.indd 1 40 |Extender WINTERmezza 2017pagina | ONBOARD



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Jorg Wendt, Head of Training at D and B Services in Antibes wants to see more focus on training deck crew at entry level, pre-yachtmaster, so more training for deckhands, not just efficient deckhand and deck rating. And he wants to see licences with more flexibility too. Previously, merchant qualified crew could work on yachts but not vice versa, but this is changing and now Yacht Captains with a Master code vessel 200 can work on supply vessels or cruise ships, therefore someone can start their career on yachts but if they decide to change they can finish their career in the merchant fleet. “The increase in size of yachts means that crew need to be totally professional, there may be several crew with a Captain license but only one can be Captain, therefore, we will see more and more first officers and bosuns with Captain qualifications. Also, not every deckhand becomes a Captain and so it’s better to have an excellently trained bosun than a badly trained Captain.” AIRSIDE At least one person will agree with Mark at the MSA about Helideck firefighting: Nigel Watson of Nigel Watson Ltd. He says, “Whilst the helicopter has fantastic scope to do good it is also potentially lethal. Safety of operation is our number one priority. Training is an integral part of that relationship.” Nigel wants to see closer engagement by the yachting industry with the dedicated yacht training organisations. He also wants to see the training accredited, most possibly by the MCA, because of its links to the Red Ensign group flag states. Initial training aside, right now Nigel does not believe there is enough seasonal or annual refresher helideck courses. “The rotation of yacht crew across differing vessels, whilst encouraging the spread of acquired knowledge does not ensure that all yachts retain the expertise they might once have had without the necessary refresher trainer.” So more on board training: But also shoreside: Explains Nigel, “Helideck training is at its most ‘exciting and challenging’ when things go wrong; fires, jet fuel spillages and trauma incidents. It is difficult to simulate these types of incident, although we do try. It is essential that there is a grounding in aviation firefighting and that this is delivered from a dedicated fire school ashore where real aviation fires and casualty evacuations can be practised. Whilst ticking the box of training is achieved on board the yacht, the real incident experience and management comes from training ashore in the heat and smoke.” The yacht helicopter industry has grown in twenty years, but not exponentially. It remains a niche need, essential for some yacht owners, and an encumbrance for others. “But,” suggests Nigel, “helicopter capable yachts have increased significantly in numbers. The demand upon training organisations, in terms of training being requested has not expanded to the same degree as the growth in the heli capable yacht fleet. The implication being that whilst the yacht is helicopter capable, the deck is there as an evacuation platform in an emergency or something that is sold to the owner as a feature that will add value to the asset when the time comes to sell. “Heli Yacht training is not given the prominence it should and potentially not followed at all. This needs to be addressed.” Nigel believes that until training becomes something that the insurance industry and flag states looks at carefully and insists upon there is always going to be a concern. “As an industry we have been fortunate with regard to fatal accidents but with regard to our daily operations we are only as good as our last flight. It is only a question of time before the accident comes. As a helicopter operator we pay a great deal of attention to our safety

management systems to reduce risk. This same attention to detail in terms of risk management needs to be at the forefront for any master of a superyacht that is helicopter capable and operating with helicopters.” OFFSIDE Meanwhile, Yacht Services, a joint initiative by Heesen Yachts and JMS are coming at things from a different angle, and have developed a training programme specifically for Heesen Yachts Crew. The Heesen Academy, part of Yacht Services which also includes Yacht Management, Heesen Refit Management, Heesen Original Spare Parts. Why? “Because,” explains Inno, Fleet Service Manager to Heesen Yacht Builders, “we believe that a well-trained crew will make all the difference to the owners’ experience.” The role the crew plays on board is an important consideration in the yacht build, and then after build, with the operation of the yacht. And, Heesen believes that a small part of warrantee claims is related to operator error. Says Inno, “These are very awkward issues for everyone involved, so they are better to be avoided all together. The way to avoid it is through specific equipment training of the crew.” “So we looked around for the equivalent of a Harvard University for the Maritime sector and decided on the UK institutions,” says Franc Jansen, Director of JMS Ltd who mutually set up the programme with Heesen Yacht Builders. “Then, we thought of Rotterdam, where its university has the world’s largest and most sophisticated bridge and engine room simulator park.”

Heli Riviera Jonathan Mutch, Heli Riviera’s lead trainer, responsible for the coordination and delivery of UK MCA accredited training both afloat and in-build has trained many yachts over the past decade and has worked with Heli Riviera to enhance the quality and value of training through industry partnerships, gaining MCA accreditation and implementing Lloyds ISO 9001 quality assurance to underpin their industry leading service. He is a qualified pilot of 30 years experience, 19 of which, were ship borne helicopter operations. Jonathan has 4000 flying hours and over 2000 deck landings during a career serving in the British and French Navies. Currently Deputy Chief Pilot, Training Captain and Operational Line Pilot for Luviair Ltd flying the AS365N3 Dauphin helicopter in support of one of the largest VIP heli yacht operations in the world. For more details +33 (0)493905300 or email training@heliriviera.com

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The world’s top cruise liners and shipping companies train their officers in the Netherlands Maritime University in Rotterdam. At the outset Heesen Academy assumes everyone working on board a Heesen yacht is already properly trained and qualified for their rank, and this is all about training experienced crew and giving them extra knowledge to improve their work on a Heesen. They also train crew specifically in the systems and equipment that are installed on Heesen yachts. The first pilot Heesen Advanced Engineering Officer Course and Heesen Advanced Deck Officer Course took place in mid-December (2016), and an Interior Course will begin in March.

Heesen Academy Franc Jansen and JMS is proud to be working with the Heesen Academy from the recently launched Heesen Yacht Services. They believe that a well trained crew will make all the difference for the owners’ superyacht experience. The Heesen Academy is all about training experienced crew, giving the experienced crew extra knowledge on managing a Heesen yacht and training crew specifically in the systems and equipment that are on Heesen yachts. Courses are held at the world renowned Maritime University in Rotterdam with specific courses for deck and engineering officers. The training is about resource management, which is a compulsory course for masters unlimited and unlimited engineers which they have adapted to Heesen yachts. For more details Tel: +33(0)6 12 63 96 48 or visit www.heesenyachts.com/services

I am a great fan of the PYA GUEST programme which sets levels of qualifications for interior crew

Franc explains, “So we designed a specific course for deck and engineering officers in the training centre. The training is about resource management which is a compulsory course for masters unlimited and unlimited engineers which we adapted to Heesen yachts. The training will be given in the simulator, but it is not on how to navigate a yacht. It is a training about team work, leadership, management and dealing with stressful situations. Of course, in addition we want to provide the deck officers with specific training on certification, rules and regulation as well the preparation for surveys. Also, additional training will be given on deck maintenance, condition inspections and management of paint projects etc.” The engineers are trained in the systems, machinery and equipment on board Heesens. The manufacturers and installers of the equipment will provide training to the engineers. Inno who lead the Heesen Customer Support & Aftersales for years, analysed the most common faults and possible improvements together with the Heesen equipment suppliers will train the crew on how to prevent them from occurring. There will also be updates on the latest equipment.

The Maritime Skills Academy The Maritime Skills Academy (MSA), part of the Viking ‘a Family of Companies’, provides vital training for the yacht and maritime industry with its extensive portfolio of MCA accredited STCW courses, refresher training and professional development courses. The iconic, state of the art training facility, located in Dover, UK, is fully equipped for all STCW safety training featuring a dedicated environment survival pool complex, full fire training ground including yacht heli-deck and a lifeboat centre situated in the Port of Dover. The MSA can arrange flights from anywhere in the world, local accommodation and even airport transfers for course delegates to make their journey hassle free. For more details Tel: +44 (0)300 303 8393 or visit www.maritimeskillsacademy.com

42 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD

For the interior crew, the aim of the courses is to inspire excellence of service, interior maintenance / cleaning programmes, standard operating procedures and leadership and management skills. Says Franc, “I am a great fan of the PYA GUEST programme which sets levels of qualifications for interior crew. The Heesen academy trains to a GUEST qualification that is recognised throughout the industry.” And perhaps the best bit is that crew attending the courses will stay on the legendary 228m Steam Ship ‘Rotterdam’, the former flagship of Holland America Line, considered one of the best hotels in the city. “To us,” says Inno and Franc, “this is what all shipyards will be doing in the near future, (or should be doing).” The tide has turned. Any crew wanting to go fishing for the top jobs on serious yachts, need to get their licenses in order, choose accredited training courses and cast themselves into a professional future.


SMOOTH OPERATORS Heli Yacht Training with Heli Riviera on the Cote d’Azur and around the world


raining deck crew to operate the heli decks of superyachts by day and night is challenging. Heli Riviera offers a bespoke heli deck flight training programme that addresses all of the concerns of a modern helicopter capable superyacht. THE REALITY At 107 metres the motor yacht Ulysses is representative of what exists today in our industry. It has an aft deck helipad, a hangar, it carries jet aviation fuel and expects to be able to use its helicopter to fully support the owner and the yacht. BE PREPARED The yacht is new, with a new crew to train with manuals and management systems to integrate. Heli Riviera is aboard to conduct training and to meet the Master and Pilot to help us to understand both how the owner will use the vessel and the style of operation the crews are likely to encounter, ranging from occasional use to multiple day and night deck operations. This also provides us with an opportunity to advise the yacht team on the limitations of the air operation. A RECOGNISED STANDARD A typical Heli Riviera training course, which is approved by the MCA, comprises a day of theoretical classroom based training and a day of practical training on the flight deck. When fuel is carried onboard or aircraft ground handling is envisaged for the stowage of an aircraft in a hangar for example, additional training is provided to the crew. DOCUMENTS, SYSTEMS AND FLYING The Operations Manual is a key document providing structure to the operation. The provision of clear definitions of roles, procedures

and limitations in both normal and emergency scenarios ensures that flights are conducted safely in an accountable and responsible fashion, managing risk and maximising safety. There is no substitute for live flying using either the yacht’s own helicopter or an aircraft chartered by Heli Riviera to provide experienced and capable pilots, which will bring the training to life. It’s also a chance to test the complex choreography of passenger and baggage transfers to ensure the Owner’s flights are conducted seamlessly. THE PEOPLE The Master is in overall charge of how operations are conducted to the vessel. In terms of flying, the Master may delegate this responsibility to a Helicopter Responsible Officer (HRO) who in turn manages a team comprising Helicopter Landing Officers (HLO’S) and Helideck Assistants (HDA’s). The deck is managed by the HLO working with the HDA team. The helideck is a high pressure environment both under normal and emergency conditions, it is a place for cool heads. Typically yachts suffer from a turnover of personnel or internal promotions that remove previously qualified personnel from the flight deck. In time the residual pool of experience may become so diluted that recurrent or initial helideck training becomes essential. Training never stops, experience and currency lead to safe operations. HELICOPTERS ARE TRANSFORMATIVE, LET HELI RIVIERA GUIDE YOU Whether for logistics support, sight seeing, VIP passenger transfers or medical evacuation the versatility of the helicopter cannot be denied. Operated safely and efficiently it is transformative to the experience of the Master and principal. Training is at the core of a successful operation. Heli Riviera is a market leader in heli yacht training, offering accredited training that is internationally recognised. Get in touch with us today to arrange your next initial or refresher training programe. For more details Call Heli Riviera on +33 (0)49 39 053 00 or email training@heliriviera.com

ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 43

Roll On The rollneck is the trickiest wardrobe staple to pull off, figuratively and literally. So achingly simple it begs to be accessorised, yet nothing works. No, what matters most are fabric weight and choice of outerwear. Get that right and you’re Steve McQueen in Bullitt, get it wrong and you’re Will Ferrell in Anchorman. It could be traced back to the 15th century, when it was really more of a tall-collar garment. The corruption of the name rollneck probably came from France at the turn of the 20th century. Parisians had several words for sweater variations alone, such as le pullover (you pull it over your head) and le sweater (light knitwear), and they were first to embrace the value of the rollneck. Europe tends to favour the polo neck, supposedly because at one time it was worn when playing the sport of kings. ROBERTO COLLINA www.farfetch.com €271





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46 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD



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Josh Richardson explains the advantages of a single point of contact or ne i d o t tting


anaging a new build project and outfitting the garage is an enormous job with countless tasks, responsibilities and details to track. Having outfitted two thirds of all new build yachts built in Germany and Holland, amongst other countries in 2016, Superyacht Tenders and Toys have cemented their position as the go-to supplier for tenders and toys to new builds offering the best value and supported packages in the industry. EARLY INVOLVEMENT The earlier SYTT get involved the better to avoid the owner having to compromise on the tenders and toys they are able to carry onboard. Space and design are huge considerations. The team work with designers from the beginning of the concept in order to suggest relevant garage sizes and available equipment space, integration of tenders and boarding. Far too often this space is compromised to make space for other items on the yacht which results in tenders being sought that are not as safe or fit for purpose, but can fit in the tender garage. Toys are becoming a primary part of the yachting experience and owners and charter guests now expect to see a large toy inventory onboard and this requires a good use of space. For the best end result early planning makes a

big difference. In addition, more head turning and land based toys are emerging such as Polaris Rangers, Land buggies, motorbikes and supercars, and some of the top selling toys this year have been amphibious vehicles like Quadskis. SYTT have huge resources to assist and make all toys as manageable as possible by the crew, after all, they are ex-crew and know the issues and considerations. CHOICE NOT COMPROMISE As an independent company and not affiliated to any particular brand, they can offer you choice not compromise. The experienced team will work with you to source exactly what you need at the best prices based on your requirements, restrictions and budget. Whether you are looking for jetskis, wetsuits, dive kit, safety equipment, inflatables, towables, Seabobs, performance clothing, watersports toys or tenders, Josh and his team can provide a selection of products to suit your needs. SUPERLATIVE SUPPORT AND VALUE Typically SYTT offer new builds an overall discount off factory direct pricing, and charge no handling fee. By offering you one, experienced point of contact, they make it easier to fit out your new build. Grouping items together for shipping means you make additional savings, and they handle all aspects of delivery, from sourcing the best rates to customs

and importation. Storage is offered as required until 3 months prior to launch. As a team of ex-captains, crew, managers and instructors they offer unparalleled experience and knowledge. From before delivery to warranty and after sales; they offer support on all items purchased for the lifetime of the goods, at no charge. All orders are tracked via their online order summary where you can view each item and its shipping status. Product specific training is also available where necessary. The team recently outfitted MY ULYSSES, an 107m Kleven explorer. The extensive inventory of toys included a pair of J70 high performance sailing boats as well Agusta and Ducati Motorbikes and a collection of KTM Mountain Bikes. Ulysses is currently the world’s fourth largest explorer, but will soon be overtaken by its big sister, the 116m Hull 370. Client satisfaction is key and positive testimonials are an important driver. As Tripp Hock of Galactica Fleet says, “Josh and his team at Superyacht Tenders and Toys did a fantastic job in a very short time (over the Christmas holidays no less) to totally outfit our latest new build. They are dedicated, knowledgeable and punctual.” For more details: Tel +44 (0)2380 016363 www.superyachttendersandtoys.com ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 47

TAKE A RIB he idea I com ines sta i ity, sty e and sporting a i ity recommends RIBs that go beyond expectation


i ord

C-FURY Designed as a high capability compact platform, the new lightweight C-Fury Patrol is exceptional as a crew / watersports tender on larger motherships. Equally at home at sea or commuting inshore to a remote beach or for ship replenishment. With five seats the high stability catamaran allied to a 70Hp Yamaha outboard provides unrivalled cruising, ride quality and dryness for a 4m boat. Vertical tunnels, hydrofoil assistance and 8 spray rails ensure superb handling and grip on water. Add to this the TurboSwing towbar the C-Fury Patrol makes a great tow and watersports boat. The 50 Litre inboard fuel tank, integrated chart plotter, navigation / fuel management data, headlights and navigation lights result in up to 100nm range between refuelling making for ease of operation during day or night. With C-Fury craft now used as tenders on planing / displacement and larger sailing yachts all are benefiting from the blend of performance and ease of use in such a compact footprint. For more details Tel: +44 (0)7813 834737 or visit www.c-fury.com

RAFNAR After ten years of design and development of a high-speed RIB and hull-shape that does not slam and bounce uncomfortably like conventional Deep-V planing boats, Rafnar’s founder, the inventor of the OK Hull and Keel Technology, Össur Kristinsson, brought his patented product to market in early 2015. The Rafnar production range currently offers an 8.5m, an 11m, and a 12m craft, all displaying the same unique comfort and performance at sea in moderate and rough conditions. Unlike traditional planing boats, the Rafnar craft perform in ‘displacement-type mode’ at all times. The hull achieves high speeds of 40 or more knots while remaining firmly in the water in a comfortable and stable aspect. Only the unusual hull-shape and the improved passage of the resistant water surrounding the hull are at play. Performance is widely endorsed and embraced by coast-guard, search-andrescue, and long-distance explorer crews. For more details Tel: +34 659 011 071 or visit www.rafnar.com

48 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD

SCORPION Founded in 1996, British manufacturers, Scorpion RIBS represent the best in British design, technology and build quality and they currently provide Land Rover BAR with the team’s official chase boats. Scorpion redefines the RIB, concentrating on build quality and good design, creating a craft that is the future of boating, elegant, functional, efficient, with outstanding sea keeping and yet fantastic fun to drive. Scorpion

RIBs are in growing demand as Chase boats for superyachts; the Scorpion designed hull is ideal for towing, or storage on board. Sizes range from 7.5m to 11m and are available in out-board, inboard or water-jet versions. Each RIB is built to order with the entire manufacturing process carried out in the UK. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1590 677080 or visit www.scorpionribs.com

RIBEYE Ribeye’s superyacht division has evolved from 18 years of RIB manufacturing and they are now a market leader in supplying tenders across the world. The expert team are on hand to create the perfect tender to match the style and quality of the mother ship and its specific purpose be it a supercharged chase, guest or crew tender. The expanding range means there is a product solution for your inboard and outboard tender requirements from 5m up to 12m and a level of service that extends to a complete delivery and installation of the new tender onto the mother ship by Ribeye personnel. The in-house design team can also assist with digital images of the proposed tenders and provide complete confidence that the tender will fit in the proposed garage and operate with the yacht’s current lifting solution. Their refit service team make your tender look as good as new with new tubes and upholstery designed to your taste. Part exchange is also available and Ribeye can collect this upon delivery of the new tender. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1803 832060 or visit www.ribeye.co.uk

ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 49

Your performance sets you apart from the crowd. So should your boat. If you are one of that rare breed for whom only the best is good enough you’ll appreciate why Scorpions make the perfect luxury performance RIB, chase boat or superyacht tender. To discover more about the Scorpion RIBS call us now or visit us online. t: +44 (0)1590 677080 e: info@scorpionribs.com








50 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD

































TECHNOHULL RIBS Technohull don’t do average…If you want an average RIB, with average looks, average handling, average speed and all boxed up standard at an average price, this is not the boat for you. If, however, you demand high quality design, a RIB that feels like it’s riding on a bed of air, high-performance from a racing pedigree combined with outstanding finish and options, then a Technohull RIB could be what you’re looking for to represent you on the water. The range starts with the sleek and tidy sports Technohull

688 at 7.2m, moving up to the 9.05m highly nimble and rapid Technohull SV 909, third in the range is the 10.3m Technohull 999, their best selling luxury RIB. Moving into the popular superyacht tenders is the 10.7m Technohull Attitude 35 and the impressive 12.5m Technohull Omega 41. There’s a stunning RIB there for anyone who appreciates impeccable build. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1202 618 000 or visit www.TechnohullRibs.co.uk

EXTENDER Extender is the first folding tender with a rigid keel, available with outboard or hydro-jet engine. It is designed to occupy reduced space on board and to offer more space once on the water. It folds up easily in less than 2 minutes thanks to the closing system that can be manual, using the crane, or servoassisted. This innovative patented closing system ensures that Extender, when opened, has levels of stability and safety equal to those of a traditional tender of the same size. The special shape of the vertical prow gives the tender a longer water line (about 95% of the overall length of the tender), enabling it to glide easily on the water even with a low power engine. This increases the comfort and safety during navigation, ensuring excellent stability for easy boarding. Extender is totally customisable in colours, finishing, accessories and even in lengths. There

are many available options, including spray hood, roll-bars and side seats fitted in the tubular elements. Extender recently unveiled its new models, the new outboard models EXT 430/460/490 (which respectively fold up to 2.72m, 3.02m and 3.32m) are especially engineered for sail boats or motor

yachts with restricted weight limits. They joined the models EXT 520 (3.30m once folded) and EXT 610 (3.90m once folded) with outboard engine and EXT 640 Idro (4.30m once folded) with hydro-jet engine. For more details Tel: +39 0375968490 or visit www.tender-extender.com

ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 51


GULF TRIP JLS Yacht and Charter Service Company look at cruising the UAE and Oman DUBAI – ABU DHABI

Voyage Leaving the high-rises of Dubai, an offshore route will set up a clear south-westerly passage to Abu Dhabi. Port Emirates Palace Marina, is the first of its kind in the country and the Gulf Region in terms of luxury, and as a custom destination for luxurious yachts. Undoubtedly the most prestigious new marina development in the Middle East, with instant deep water access to the Arabian Gulf, unrestricted air draft, full superyacht berthing capabilities and benefiting from all the facilities of the luxurious Emirates Palace Hotel, Emirates Palace Marina is the ultimate Abu Dhabi yacht haven, the scenic Emirates Palace Hotel with its contoured grounds and 1.3 kilometre-long pure sand beach offers the perfect backdrop for yachts visiting for any length of stay. ABU DHABI’S ISLANDS

Voyage The Emirate (state) of Abu Dhabi, as well as comprising over 50% of the UAE land mass, comprises numerous islands of varying sizes. For the socialites, the weekend destination of Bahraini island, with its Al Maya resort is a 20 minute cruise from Emirates Palace. For the more adventurous, the desert island of Sir Bani Yas, is a good day trip. Port 1 One of the larger of Abu Dhabi’s islands, Bahraini island (aka Al Maya Island) is also among the few that are open to the public. The island is about seven kilometres long and there are plenty of peaceful spots to be found here. Port 2 Located just off the shore of the Western region of Abu Dhabi, Sir Bani Yas Island was originally home to Arabia’s largest wildlife reserve. Sir Bani Yas is the largest natural island in the United Arab Emirates and is home to many diverse members of the animal kingdom, ranging from the cute Arabian rock hyrax to the

52 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD

cheeky ostrich, the beautiful Beisa oryx and graceful giraffe to the secretive scavenger, the striped hyena. Sir Bani Yas showcases nature’s beauty through activities such as adventure safaris, kayaking, mountain biking, archery, hiking and snorkeling. SIR BANI YAS ISLAND

Voyage Returning from Sir Bani Yas we follow the same directions through the oil patch to Yas Marina, our next overnight stop. Port Yas Marina, Home of the now famous Formula 1 Grand Prix with its spectacular race track backdrop. ABU DHABI - KSHAB OMAN

Voyage Leaving the Emirate of Abu Dhabi we then head North East past Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Um Al Quwain and finally Ras Al Khaimah before dropping off into deep water at the Spectacular Musandum Peninsula in Oman. Port Khor ash Sham is a spectacular sheltered 16 km long fjord with crystal clear water. The fjord known as “The Norway of Arabia”. Cruising on to Telegraph Island which is surrounded by corals and reefs, one of the best places for swimming and snorkeling. Located at the end of the fjord is Seebi Island, another ideal place for snorkeling in crystal clear water. KUMZAR & KHOR HABLYN

Voyage Continuing to explore the splendid fjords we travel next via The Strait of Hormuz to the capital of the Musandum, Kumzar. Continuing down the East Coast we then enter into Khor Hablyn. Port Khor Hablyn is one of the biggest Khors in the Musandam peninsula home to sheer cliff faces, deep waters and an abundance of secluded locations to anchor. Head out into the open sea around the coast, passing the entrance to Khawr Ghob Ali and then

past Jazirat al Ghanim (Goat Island). The journey continues into the Strait of Hormuz, with wonderful sea views of craggy headlands, distant islands, before turning in towards Kumzar itself, which is a colourful huddle of buildings wedged below sheer cliffs. The name “Straits of Hormuz is well known to everybody abroad, but rarely anybody knows about the breathtaking beauty the region of Musandum. Its rocky land mass juts out into the “Strait of Hormuz”, giving it a great strategic importance over one of the busiest shipping lines in the world. KHOR HABLYN – KSHAB OMAN

Voyage Returning back up the East Coast we head to Kshab, the largest town in the Musandum. Port Kshab is the commercial hub of the Musandum with its colourful port, airport and hotels. You can cruise alongside or anchor out in one of the many secluded bays. KSHAB – DUBAI UAE

Voyage Departing Oman we head south towards Dubai. Port The Dubai International Marine Club is home to UAE watersports and Emirates Team New Zealand. For all your Clearances, Agency, Dockage, Supplies and Provisioning requirements. Tel: +971 (0)4 447 0782 info@JLSYachts.com www.JLSYachts.com

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54 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD

TAILORED TO YOUR NEEDS Recently we have seen owners wanting more personalised yachts. Alongside the specifics we notice they have also become more demanding regarding their crew uniforms Words: Claire Griffiths


uperyacht uniforms help dress the yacht in its (at least perceived) identity. And apart from giving a sense of belonging to the crew, as well as (hopefully) being the clothes best suited to performing work on board, it’s the way to help make a random band of individuals, feel as if they are all kind of ‘heading in the same direction’ with the same purpose, intent in ‘serving’ the same master. Best of all, uniforms mean crew can body swerve (unlike us stuck on wardrobe weary Civvy Street) the dreaded question of what (or what not) to wear each morning. A lack of choice is liberating, but being squished into itchy, tight, non-breathing textiles is hell. Luckily, itchy, tight, non-breathing textiles were hung up years ago, and now uniforms are custom created for the crew in mind using the highest-tech or the best of eco in a panoply of colours and designs. Best-hip forward, ONBOARD magazine strutted into the crew uniform-creating-workshops to find out what’s new in the world of skorts, shorts and shoes and what yachts and crew are looking for. All suppliers are in tune with Helen Smallwood, owner of the 35 year old company that bears her name when she suggests that any easy-care material that stays smart all day is always key to yacht choices and Sales Director, Kate Greaves of Antibes based Deckers adds, “especially the yachts with a high charter turnover that tend to look for fabrics which are easy maintenance, i.e. not a bugbear to wash and iron in limited time.” Like several of his contemporaries Managing Director Ed Taylor of Taylor Made has all brands and styles at his disposal, but he says, “Working so closely with Chief Stews, I have to say it usually boils down to sustainability, garment care, ease of care, drying time and colour fastness. There is a definite trend towards moisture management fabrics.” Managing Director Genny Bardakou of Suitform says, “after six decades of collaboration with clients, the company has deduced that natural fibres rule, and or materials that offer comfort and perfect fit.” Duthie Lidgard works at New Zealand based Line 7 Marine. He sums up the general rule of thumb when he points

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born at sea. Wherever your passion takes you, Line 7 will be there with you and your crew. Combining high performance technology with sophistication and style, Line 7 is your partner on the water. The Crew from MY Silentworld

marine.line7.co.nz info@line7.co.nz

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out that, “Every vessel is different in terms of preferred fabrics and who goes on to make the final choice. With some yachts it is a case of the captain’s or purser’s preference, but of course it is ultimately the owner’s preference (if they are involved in the process). A key concern for crew is easy care i.e. wrinkle free fast drying in order to reduce laundry hours on board.” Line 7 also offer eco or organic fabrics from New Zealand or Fiji. This season Smallwood introduces their Horizon 2 in Birmini Blue as part of the Horizon collection available in five colours. Says Helen, “In addition to all the standard Smallwood’s horizon features, this fabric has advanced technical qualities that prevent water absorption and make them stain resistant, quick dry, and are rated UPF 30 for sun protection.” The collection also introduces two new styles: a slim fit short for men and a 2” longer skort, designed to fit multiple body shapes while keeping a uniform look. A skinny - trouser and the Smallwood’s tunic have been added to the evening line for women.

A key concern for crew is easy care, wrinkle free and fast drying in order to reduce laundry hours on board

Suitform is going for natural raw materials, “confirming our environmental sensitivity” says Genny, “but mainly in consideration for the person that will wear the clothes.” Technological coatings are applied on natural fabrics for the non-stain, non-iron, etc. benefits they offer. At LINE7, a company that has dressed competitors in several America’s Cup races, Round the World Yacht Races and the Olympic Games, Duthie and his team have introduced Celliant technology into their fabrics, and Duthie reckons it’s a game-changer. Celliant technology works to reflect energy back into the body, delivering a powerful boost to performance. It serves to stimulate circulation, enhance cellular recovery and regulate body temperature. The garments effectively work to promote faster recovery and healing, while enhancing endurance. Kate at Deckers has noticed a trend towards Sports brands, particularly for footwear, but also clothing. Slim fitting men’s shorts and chinos are replacing previous demand for wide and straight leg styles, and Deckers is also developing its Exclusive Range as more female crew are turning to the stylish evening dress option for evening service. . Says Ed Taylor of Taylor Made, “Both Technology and fashion move so quickly, bouncing and developing from other sectors and sports. We don’t manufacture a particular range of products, we source off the shelf solutions, and bespoke manufacture if we need to. So, it is imperative we keep our finger on the pulse when we’re talking technology and fashion. It is crucial that we know where to get new evolving lines as well as standard sustainable lines.” Most of the technology will be driven by specific requirements from different markets. Cooltech fabric and moisture management fabrics which are now so prominent in this sector originally came from sports such as golf and tennis and have been fashioned for the superyacht sector and its environment. Clients are moving

Suitform Suitform have been manufacturing a ready-to-wear collection since 1961. Each garment coordinates sophisticatedly on account of the choice of tailored details such as double collars on polo shirts and martingale belts. The overall effect achieved is one of a unique and corporate image for the entire crew. Shapes are inspired by an everlasting elegance combined with a modern touch. Only high quality textiles are used, with added features of comfort and a natural feel. 70% of the material used is Italian and is produced exclusively for Suitform. Suitform clothing is custommade to each client’s specification. For more details Tel: +30 210 411 3671 or visit www.suitform.com

Line 7 Marine M/Y Silentworld’s owner and captain approached Line 7 Marine on hearing of the brand’s return to develop a complete range of uniform for the crew of the 36m known for her rigorous, varied charter schedule. With a brief for high quality, easy-care jackets, shorts, polos and fleeces that reflected Silentworld’s professional brand, the team worked closely with the captain to tailor a range that was “the perfect fit,” says chief stewardess, Andrea. Quick off the mark to supply branded mood boards that captured the right look and feel, the brand’s recently launched superyacht technical range has become the crew’s wardrobe staple. For more details email: info@line7.co.nz or visit www.line7.co.nz

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4:04 PM


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58 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD

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away from the typical and traditional high cotton content whites and greys and we see clients asking for brighter colours and in some cases quite lary! If you are looking for something to stand out, try the dye-sublimated technique! The beauty of this technique is that Taylor Made can print any design you give to them and they are printed on moisture management garments so are made to repel sweat and moisture, perfect for hot environments. “And they wash perfectly,” adds Ed. That’s the new stuff for the season, but what about the usual stuff, that is commonly ordered year on year? Kate doesn’t think there is a common fabric, “We have clients who swear by quick-drying material, and those who refuse to wear anything but cotton. The bespoke option is certainly becoming more popular year on year.” Ed Taylor notes a huge slide towards moisture management fabrics. These fabrics will hold their shape and colour and therefore allow the client to go with much deeper colours. “As for the lower half of the body, traditionally these used to be high cotton content garments which would fade easily and were difficult to care for, but now we are seeing more elastane introduced as wearers want garments that are a slightly slimmer fit and need a little more stretch. Even footwear has seen a huge shift towards more colourfast quick dry fabrics. The majority of Suitform’s clients prefers 100% made in Italy cotton, 100% wool or sometimes pure silk.” And colours? Stone, navy blue, cadmium red, off white, ecru and grey are always popular. Black is nearly always the evening choice. Duthie reckons black or charcoal are popular in Europe, whereas blue and white in Australia. Looking to the future she notes a greater awareness of how we are impacting on the environment and a rise in popularity of ecological fabrics. But she adds, “The owner’s focus will likely remain on style and budget so we don’t predict an earth-shattering change to styles we are seeing today any time soon!” The environment is something that Line7 also foresees effecting future uniform choices. Duthie believes a shortage of cotton globally and the reduction of mineral fibres will force the change of a new fibre being developed which is recyclable, stain resistant and breathable. And he envisions moves towards long sleeve shirts and pants for the UV protection these offer in a changing world. Budgets are a growing factor as well as longevity and sustainability, and Ed Taylor believes that eventually the key factors will be stressfree and easy to wear. Cost effective, comfortable and easy to reorder, he thinks will get the most ticks in the order boxes. “There is a Gok Wan in all yacht male crew! They do care what they look like, of course they do, but they also understand that it’s a uniform at the end of the day. The most important factors for them is that they feel comfortable and unrestricted when doing their job. The biggest part of anyone’s uniform is their smile and the last thing crew want to worry about is sweat patches, being too hot, an armpit popping out during service, a belly button showing, bad odour or blistered feet.” As Helen Smallwood points out, “uniform trends tend to go in circles, from fashion (influenced) to classic and back again.” She sees classic looks coming back but with new fabrics, such as classic deck shoes in a neoprene fabric for quick drying. So, yacht crew can chuck the bad odour, sweat patches and blistered feet to the back of the metaphoric wardrobe, along with those itchy, tight, non-breathing clothes of old. And Amen to all of that.

FUTURE FASHION Looking forward to 2017, what trends do you envisage seeing in crew yachtwear?

ED TAYLOR, TAYLOR MADE DESIGNS I have seen a huge slide towards moisture management fabrics. These fabrics will hold their shape and colour and therefore allow the client to go with much deeper colours. As for the lower half of the body, we are seeing more elastane introduced.

GENNY BARDAKOU, SUITFORM The majority of our clients prefer 100% Italian cotton, 100% wool or sometimes pure silk. And colours? Stone, navy blue, cadmium red, off white, ecru and grey. Black is nearly always the evening choice. Suitform is going for natural raw materials.

KATE GREAVES, DECKERS I have noticed a trend towards Sports brands. Slim fitting men’s shorts and chinos are replacing previous demand for wide and straight leg styles. We are also developing our Exclusive Range as more female crew are turning to the stylish evening dress option for evening service.

DUTHIE LIDGARD, LINE7 We have introduced Celliant technology into our fabrics, and believe it’s a game-changer. This works to reflect energy back into the body, delivering a powerful boost to performance. It serves to stimulate circulation, enhance cellular recovery and regulate body temperature.

ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 59

Always a Warm Welcome at Karpaz Gate Marina Amazing offers and individually tailored packages available now call us +90 533 833 7878 or email: info@karpazbay.com





With generations of knowledge and expertise Vandecasteele are the go to company for top quality Burmese teak


andecasteele Houtimport, a family run company, was founded in 1883 and Stefaan Vandecasteele, who runs the company, insisted on keeping the company’s family spirit. He seeks to promote cordial relations with customers and suppliers alike, based on mutual trust.

Utilising the most impressive and vast stockholding of Hardwoods and Softwoods coupled with strong environmental credentials such as FSC, PEFC and TLTV aids the accurate processing of customer orders making Vandecasteele Houtimport one of the finest in the land.

Nowadays, four generations have put their knowledge into developing the Company to become Europe’s premier timber stockist with vast quantities, specifications and species available of both hardwoods and softwoods.

One of the products Vandecasteele Houtimport is stocking is Tectona Grandis (Teak), known as “The King of Woods”. Its natural high durability (Class I - the highest durability classification) and its amazing dimensional stability in extreme climate conditions make it a truly unique species. Its natural high oil, silica and rubber content, allows it to weather without the need of preservatives. Couple this with its strength properties ratio and medium density, making it an ideal boatbuilding material. It is also naturally resistant to insects, fungus and acids.

Its experience and dynamism have made it one of the leading timber companies in Belgium. Sixty acres of undercover storage stock 120,000m3 of finely presented timbers, to satisfy every order. To increase timber stocks further, the company is expanding its storage capacity by adding an extra shed of 36,000m2. Then, Vandecasteele Houtimport will have a 156,000m3 storage facility on 19.5 hectares. The Europe wide distribution facilities provide efficient delivery within 1 to 3 days. A modern machining mill meets the needs of customers for high quality timber products. All stock is bar coded and precisely located. A large fleet of company Lorries regularly covers most of mainland Europe, responding to customers’ demands in the shortest lead times possible. This approach to business in satisfying the changing needs of the industry has been an ongoing success for the company, constantly assessing trends, market demands and updating its systems accordingly. Vandecasteele has the resources and ability to adapt to the sensitivity of the market and bridges the gap between sources of supply in Africa, Far East, South America and North America to Europe in a matter of days.

Vandecasteele Houtimport only import naturally grown Burmese teak, from the best areas. The logs should be straight, cylindrical and free from defects. The 1,500m3 of sawn teak stock varies from FEQ timber for interior flooring, to 14 inches wide and 20 foot long straight quarter cut boards for superyachts. Their experienced team selects the teak in their yard according to your specific requirements. They focus on the legality of the timber (conforms to EUTR regulation), with thorough quality control in Burma, meaning the high standards and consistency guarantee their customers have confidence in the long term. Vandecasteele Houtimport stocks about 500 cubic metres of marine grade quarter cut Teak boards for decking strips, margins or king planks. 20 different decking strip sizes are also held in stock, for production boats and superyacht sizes in lengths up to 20 metres long. For more details Tel: +32 56 43 33 33 louis@vandecasteele.be or visit teak.vandecasteele.be

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© Lucas Gilman/Red Bull Content Pool

62 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD

FALLING WITH STYLE Be it careening down cascading waterfalls or leaping into rapids from a helicopter, Tao Berman has consistently pushed the boundaries when it comes to extreme sports. Words: Jake Taylor


hen it comes to white water, there’s extreme… and then there’s Tao Berman. The 37 year old Washington State native made his name as one of the most fearless kayakers known to the sport, capable of descending near vertical waterfalls and performing incredible stunts. For Berman, it’s all about pushing yourself to your utmost limits, and never backing down.“I never had the objective of doing the extreme stunt,” he admits. “As I progressed I was just constantly looking for new ways to push against my abilities, and as I got better at it I needed to take greater and greater risks to push my skill set to continue to get better.” This is the man who, as a 15 year old amateur kayaker, was already starting to “run waterfalls and things of that nature.” In 1997, Berman ran an 83 foot descent on the El Tomata River in Mexico; by 1999, at age 19, he’d conquered the Upper Johnston Falls in Banff National Forest, all 98 foot of its thundering vertical drop, and landed a coveted place in The Guinness Book of World Records. Berman’s obvious confidence means that in conversation it’s easy to forget the vast scale of these kind of descents. A drop like the one at Upper Johnston Falls was Berman’s bread and butter during his peak, and yet the force of falling 98 feet invited up to 800 lbs of pressure on his spine. “When you’re hitting the water at 55mph, if you land flat, and your boat is horizontal, you’re gonna break your back and you might not be able to walk again,” he surmises. “So you’ve got to land with your boat pretty much dead vertical, then at the last moment I would lean all the way forward so the water wouldn’t catch me in the chest and slam me in the back of my boat. So I was trying to mimic the shape of a torpedo as much as I could to penetrate that water as effortlessly as possible.” At the turn of the decade, however, Berman decided to hang up his paddle and retire from the world of extreme kayaking, having “accomplished every goal” he had set for himself. “When I first got into it I was pushing and progressing into the extreme end of the sport and after setting several world records in the extreme end, including the highest waterfall ever kayaked, I then got into freestyle kayaking,” he explains. “After being ranked number one in the world, by winning the three world championships, I was looking for a new challenge so I got into extreme racing - which is racing down a white water course for a time - and after a couple of undefeated seasons doing that, there wasn’t much left in the sport to excite me.”

Before his retirement, Berman made one last attempt to prove once and for all that when it comes to extreme kayaking, his was the name forever associated with pushing the envelope. He’d run waterfalls, kayaked out of helicopters straight into rapids, and before he quit Berman wanted to take his talents to the open ocean and attempt the biggest wave ever surfed in kayak. First, though, he needed a kayak that was suited to his needs, and so he set about designing one himself, with the help of experienced designer Randy Phillips.“I didn’t think there was a boat on the market to help me achieve what I wanted; all the surf kayaks on the market were too wide and I wasn’t confident that a boat that wide would have the speed to outrun a wave that’s moving real quickly,” Berman explains, “I wanted the boat to be narrower than anything else on the market, and all the other boats had very thin layups, so if you have a 40ft wave crush you, and therefore crush the fibreglass around your legs, you wouldn’t be able to get out of the kayak. So I wanted to have a much, much thicker fibreglass layup so that it could withstand the pressure of a very large wave.” Once again, Berman achieved his goal. Having surfed a 30 foot wave in his specially designed kayak, the then 30 year old decided to call time on his career. He now indulges in other extreme sports, he mentions dirt-biking, snowmobiling and rock-climbing among others, and focuses on his burgeoning career as a property investor. He still keeps one eye on the world of white water, and the up and coming young pretenders who may one day be viewed in the way he was on his stratospheric rise to the top of the sport. “There’s a gentleman by the name of Dane Jackson who is just a very technically proficient kayaker. He’s very dedicated, and he puts the time into making sure he has the technical skills.” “This focus on mastering the basics,” Berman says, “is the most important part of a young kayaker’s education.” And Berman’s own start in the sport, all those years ago when kayaking was more of a lifestyle choice than a chance to make big bucks, reflected the importance of the extreme sports community network. “Back then I wasn’t really aware of what other kayakers were doing, and I really didn’t have anybody other than this local guy, Randolph Pierce, who I was learning to kayak with,” he reminisces. “He was an immensely talented old time kayaker, and the guy I looked up to at the time. He was constantly talking about how to make sure that you have really good technical skills before doing harder white water. He was just a voice of wisdom to a 15 year old kid who had none of it.”

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11:28 FRI 08 JUL






1st Mate



Chief Stewardess

Stewardess 1

Stewardess 2

Deckhand 1

Relief Officer


Relief ETO

Spare 1

Spare 2









Check Machinary Emergency Stop

11:28 FRI 08 JUL

Restock Main Bar

Clean Brightwork


Complete Maintenance Log Book Entry


1st Mate


Chief Stewardess




1st Mate

















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Alarm Control Engine 1 Alarm Over Temp 08/07/2016



LICENSE EXPIRES 12/12/2020 V4.1.1.0 GVS 2016

RADIO 1 - 9 RADIO 9 - 1



















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64 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD

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AIR APPARENT eter arrison rom a ir oo s at the ene ts o c stom designed high capacity chi ers as the timate so rce or chi ater air conditioning, coo ing and heating or the s peryacht ind stry


qua-Air are specialists in designing chilledwater systems suitable for the superyacht market. In fact, it is what they have been doing for over 75 years. Aqua-Air have systems that have been installed on mega yachts and cruise liners, utilising some of the most cutting edge technologies, years before our competitors, found normally in advanced building air conditioning management systems. “It’s about time that we started shouting about our custom chiller units” said Peter Harrison European representative of Aqua-Air in Europe, “Our chillers are being built to fit into tight spaces and be carried through engine room doors for many retrofit installations.” We can provide systems such as the OM160-2GE, a custom solution provided to Silversea Cruises. This particular unit is unique in that it was designed from the very beginning with the concept in mind that the entire unit must be able to be disassembled and carried through a door. This was accomplished by a significant amount of planning in the design phase with 3D Software which allowed us to visualize the unit from all angles and create the best possible unit for the space provided.

when vessels are visiting areas with water temperatures below 41˚F (5˚C) there can be heating whilst the vessel is running on low power, negating the requirement for the main generators to be running to power electric auxiliary heaters. Brian Arend technical field engineer for Aqua-Air said, “On visiting yards recently in Europe we saw that the vessels in build are being equipped to be used in the extremes, both tropical and sub-zero conditions.” Brian then added “It makes sense that as a manufacturer of equipment worth of superyachts we react to the market and provide equipment that shares the ‘super values’. “Aqua-Air have been a family run business for over 75 years,” mentioned DeWayne. “It’s no coincidence that we have been around for such a long time. “We introduced variable speed chillers back in 1987, years before anyone else. Now it is commonplace in the industry and some of our competitors want to try and take credit for the innovation. Our engineering has always been on the leading edge of technology.” For more details Tel: +1 305 884 8363 or visit www.aquaair.com

Another unique feature is how seawater is distributed to the seawater condensers. Aqua-Air uses seawater pumps that are variable frequency driven based upon system operating pressures. This reduces the amount of seawater flow through the units in many cases and extends their service life way beyond standard units. Aqua-Air is also proud to announce the worldwide launch of their new Titanium Condenser Chiller, “after years of development and design taken from extensive testing on titanium, we have managed to come up with a welded design on our condensers that will stay the test of time,” says DeWayne Nall of Aqua-Air. He then went on to say, “At Aqua-Air we pride ourselves on the fact that we will not rush into the market with a sub-standard product to be ahead of the game, but we make sure that we are not treating our customers as guinea pigs, it has to be right on the first live unit to be installed on a boat.” Aqua-Air have an impressive test rig that enables them to run units in Sea Water temperatures of over 100˚F (38˚C) for real life situations in the extremes of the capabilities of where their customers want to visit. At the other end of the scale Aqua-Air have integrated the 3rd party diesel boilers into their chiller plants to ensure that

Omega High Capacity Chiller OM160-2GE installed aboard 88m Cruise Ship ‘Silver Galapagos’

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f the weather was playing ball the view from here would be one of the most spectacular in the world. As it is all I can see is whiteness. Where the Matterhorn should be – white; where the Breithorn should be – white. So why, you may reasonably ask, am I trudging upward on climbing skins towards 3479 metre Testa Grigia, some 1800 metres above the famous Swiss mountain town of Zermatt, which needless to say is also lost in whiteness? Here are the reasons: It’s an alternative to climbing up the 4164 metre Breithorn, which was the day’s original plan; I’m in the company of local ski fanatic Ed Mannix, who would probably try and skin up the Eiffel Tower on his skis if there was snow on it - he’s making me do this. At the top of Testa Grigia one can find the Refugio della Guide del Cervino, which serves plain, wholesome Italian grub; Ed is dangling this before me like a carrot; it seems to be working…All of which are pretty valid reasons to be wandering around above Zermatt and below the Matterhorn in a whiteout… Zermatt and the Matterhorn are, of course, two of the most iconic locations in the skiing world. Both are part of mountaineering folklore and skiing history, and no matter how often you ski beneath the Matterhorn it never fails to impress, as long as you can see it,

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that is…. And the whiteout conditions are not all bad, since this means snow is falling heavily; indeed, the very storm we’re trudging through has deposited around 150cm of snow in the last few days, and when the weather starts to clear the following day I get to see and ski some of the most spectacular freeride terrain on Earth. Ed’s original plan to hike up the Breithorn remains on hold though due to strong winds at higher elevations. This is a shame as it would have been my first 4000 metre peak on skis, but I’m not too downhearted at the alternative, which is to head over to Cervinia in Italy, linked to Zermatt by an impressive array of cable cars. Make sure you’re in time for the last one back though; if you miss it you’re looking at €300 for the taxi back to Zermatt. This means we’ll be hooning downhill on skis rather than hoofing uphill on skins. And the wide, open and easily accessed off-piste terrain down which Ed leads me has barely been skied, and as the day progresses it begins to emerge from the clouds as the sun breaks through. It seems appropriate that the cheery atmosphere of sunshine on powder is accompanied by the hubbub of Italian voices gabbling excitedly over the top of one another as we await the cable car back up to Testa

LOOKING DOWN ON IT ALL Alf Alderson heads to Zermatt and the Matterhorn, one of skiing’s most iconic locations

© Jeremy Bernard

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Grigia. As Ed points out “You can always tell you’re in Italy from the noise!” Being part Italian himself I guess he should know… Ed is a man to be envied. A Zermatt resident, when not ski touring he runs Matterhorn Chalets, offering upmarket chalet accommodation packages which also feature six days skiing with a UIAGM mountain guide to help you explore the iconic peaks that look down upon Zermatt. Said guide, Andreas Fux, is Zermatt born and bred and from a family of Swiss mountain guides, so you really couldn’t find anyone better to follow around the mountains. After lunch in Italy (which is considerably less costly than lunch in Switzerland), we head back down the slopes to Trockener Steg on the Swiss side of the border, and there begins to develop the feeling of a ‘presence’ over my left shoulder as the unmistakable outline of the Matterhorn gradually begins to emerge from the last remnants of the cloud and mist. Possibly the most famous mountain in the world, it was first climbed in 1865 as teams of mountaineers from Britain and Italy, massively aided by local guides, competed to be the first to reach the improbably pointy summit. The Brit team narrowly made it, led by the irascible Edward Whymper, but at a massive price – four of their party of seven died after their climbing rope snapped, and the body of one, Douglas Hadow, still remains somewhere on the mountain. You can see the infamous rope along with other ancient climbing gear in Zermatt’s fascinating museum, which is well worth a visit should you have a down day. By my third and final day in Zermatt the weather is a good as it ever gets for a skier – brilliant blue skies, bright sunshine, ice cold air and fresh powder all topped off by some of the most spectacular mountain scenery in the Alps. Had we been quick about our start Ed and I could possibly have skinned up to the summit of the Breithorn this morning, since this was, after all, the object of my trip to Zermatt. However, we’d knocked back a beer or two the night before so not only was our start a bit late, levels of enthusiasm for slogging up to 4000 metres were none too high. On top of that I had to take the train from Zermatt to Geneva early in the afternoon so time really was against us, and as Ed sagely pointed out, you need to savour your first 4000er rather than rush it. No matter, we simply hit the red and blue pistes above the cable car station at Trockener Steg briefly before veering off left or right to the wide, open and relatively untracked freeride terrain to their sides. It struck me then that this is another feather in Zermatt’s cap. You could have skiers of all levels of ability enjoying this terrain and, in a sense, skiing together by meeting at Trockener Steg at the end of their descent to share a lift back up the mountain. It’s little wonder, then, that Zermatt rates so highly on any skier’s bucket list. It has the altitude to virtually guarantee good snow, it has skiing to suit all abilities, it has a charming and interesting town to enjoy when the skiing is over, you can nip into Italy for the day with ease, and best of all, it has the mighty Matterhorn looking down on all of this. And not having been able to get to the top of the Breithorn even had a positive aspect to it – I have the perfect excuse to go back to Zermatt and try again.

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Images from top to bottom: Fredrik Schenholm , Alpine Center, Michael Portmann, Jeremy Bernard

AVOID THE WINTER BRUISE... In anticipation of another season on the slopes, we select the best ski and snowboard gear

BCA Float 32 Snow Pack €549

THIRTYTWO TM-TWO Women’s Snowboard Boots €285

FORCEFIELD Back Protector €76


All products from www.surfdome.com


MARMOT Ultimate Ski Gloves

UGG Classic Shearling Wired Ear Muffs





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BERTH RIGHT It’s the season when superyachts based in the Mediterranean should be looking for a new home port to spend the winter months. These are our selection for both owners and crew

SPAIN PORT TARRACO 41°06.5’N/01°14.7’E

VHF 06/16

Max length 160m

Tel +34 977 244 173

Max draft 9m

Web www.porttarraco.com

Situated within a strategic locality in the Mediterranean Basin, Port Tarraco is located in Tarragona, a World Heritage Site city with more than 2,000 years of rich history. Tarragona is just a short trip from Barcelona and has excellent land and air connections to Madrid and Valencia. Port Tarraco is a deep water marina that offers the utmost in comfort, security and convenience for superyachts with 64 berths from 30 to 160m in length. The marina was conceived and designed to meet the needs of yacht owners, captains and crews alike. It offers a wide range of world class services and facilities and is located inside the Port of Tarragona, completely enclosed and ideal location for winter berthing. The latest technology, standards and security levels for the visiting yachts in combination with the bespoke Concierge Service, will ensure that each yacht and crew receives a warm welcome and any personal assistance they might need. Under Qatari Diar property, the marina will continue to witness a series of significant improvements with a commitment to setting new standards and high-end marina facilities.


VHF 13

Max length 100m

Tel +356 21 800 700

Max draft 15m

Web www.cnmarinas.com/ghm

Set against the picturesque, historic backdrop of a UNESCO World Heritage site, this marina will take your breath away, by day or by night. The 500 year-old exquisite architecture of Valletta and Vittoriosa creates a captivating atmosphere, further enhanced by the waterfront buildings, which house chic restaurants, bars and café society. Perfectly positioned in the heart of the Mediterranean, whether for cruising, as a home-port or winter stopover. Malta has suppliers and agents for most marine manufacturers, as well as a shipyard and a full range of facilities for all yacht repair and maintenance work. These include electrical and electronic specialists, engine and hydraulic specialists, refit and repair for steel, GRP and wood plus much more, with the team able to provide contact details for contractors and are on hand to help with any owner or skipper’s specialist requirements. The nearby superyacht shipyard has the capacity to service, maintain, refit and repair some of the largest ships afloat. It includes a 160m long graving dock and a 140m covered dock, all provided with shore services, workshops and storage.

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ITALY PORTO LOTTI 44°05’,50’’ N 09°51’,25’’ E VHF 09 Max length 80m

Tel +39 0187 5321

Max draft 14m

Web www.portolotti.com

Porto Lotti, the first marina in the gulf of La Spezia in 1996, celebrates its 20th anniversary with new berths for superyachts. Situated in the sheltered and picturesque gulf of La Spezia (awarded UNESCO heritage status along with Porto Venere and the nearby Cinque Terre), Porto Lotti is an outstanding destination for superyachts cruising the Mediterranean that offers all the first-class services of an international marina. Its exclusive amenities combined with the attention devoted to captains and crew, make Porto Lotti the ideal winter berthing haven for superyachts over 60m. Offering 14 berths up to 80m, including a transit dock for yachts up to 180m one of a very few in the region, the new superyacht marina is integrated into a modern, functional infrastructure under the efficient management of Lotti SpA. Developments include over-sized facilities to ensure complete safety whether manoeuvring or moored, and an area reserved for tenders that can be placed ashore for maintenance work or remain in the water for servicing the yachts. The new berths are available on a short, medium or long-term rental basis and include a sophisticated package of services designed to satisfy every need or request of visiting yachts and their guests. And last but not least, the centre of La Spezia, which offers all the amenities of a seaside city with 120,000 inhabitants, is just minutes away from Porto Lotti by land or by sea.


©Daniel Ferro

36°8’5”N 5°22’5”W

VHF 71

Max length 90m

Tel +350 200 46254

Max draft 4.5m

Web www.gibraltarport.com

Superyacht activity is growing in Gibraltar with the upward trends seen in 2015 continuing through 2016, and the Gibraltar Port Authority and the wider maritime community are actively engaged in attracting even further business. The Port Authority enhanced its infrastructure with the opening of a new marina in April which offers more than 500 metres of deep-water berthing in the sheltered inner harbour. The Port Authority has also introduced an initiative to reduce berthing fees to attract vessels for longer stays, as well as offering improved facilities such as fresh water supply. With daily links to the UK available from the local airport, excellent medical and dental facilities on hand and superb restaurants, bars and entertainment just minutes away, Gibraltar is fast becoming an important stopover between the Atlantic and Mediterranean. Gibraltar also offers a wide range of other services including highly competitive VAT free fuel, waste oil disposal, spare parts and logistics, maintenance, repairs and surveyors and with the support of excellent yachting agents, customs clearance and crew visa arrangements.

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VHF 10/16

Max length 55m

Tel +90 0533 833 7878

Max draft 5.5m

Web www.karpazbay.com

ith the added benefit o a completely ree li t o t and anti o ling application or their yacht, owners and captains loo ing or a sa e and cost e ective ast editerranean base over the winter months will find the per ect sol tion at arpa ate arina. n , all ann al contract prices o ered by the old nchor orthern ypr s marina incl de a ree ha l o t, h ll wash and anti o ling pac age with days hard standing, or the boat owner can opt to pay a lower price with a per cent disco nt. arpa ate arina has one o the best boatyard acilities in the region and a ton capacity travel li t capable o li ting vessels p to metres and with a beam o p metres, incl ding catamarans. he arpa penins la marina also o ers a pecial are pac age or boat owners which ens res that reg lar e ipment chec s and e terior cleaning are carried o t to ens re the yacht is ready to se when re ired. ith berths p to m the harbo r area is sec re and sheltered. here are many acilities within the marina or se over the winter months incl ding, storage areas, el station, d ty ree, yacht waste p mps, with the added benefits o some great acilities or crew incl ding wi fi, cable , a fitness centre mini mar et a large m resh water swimming pools and o co rse the emingway esta rant and each ar. ith the island o ypr s recently ran ed as one o the sa est co ntries in the world, the marina is located in a sec re and sheltered harbo r with and access control cards.


VHF 71

Max length 250m

Tel +382 32 660 900

Max draft 12m

Web www.portomontenegro.com

D ring colder days o the year, the events at the s peryacht marina and the l rio s na tical village Porto ontenegro are oc sed mainly on na tical activities. he winter calendar brings together na tical clientele and yachting and sailing enth siasts rom aro nd the world. Porto ontenegro is recognised or its benefits in winter pricing pac ages, h concierge service availability in the marina, intense events calendar in the acht l b and the rew l b. nce again this winter, the l bho se is a avo rite entertainment spot or crew members and g ests o the na tical resort and what ma es it so amo s are gen ine visitors, drin s with interesting names and the best entertainment. he crew is well catered thro gh activities o rew l b, a care lly c rated selection o events or the crew members in and aro nd the marina, with the mo ntain s i chalet being a star o their winter plans. ith over s nny days a year, pict res e landscapes and islands o t. eorge and r ady o the oc s, the ay o otor is an ideal destination or sailing enth siasts. ithin the sailing eet o acht cl b Porto ontenegro there are real sports yachts ofino . , slender h lled sailing yachts, which re ect simplicity and elegance, as well as o r l racing sailboats. esides competing, they are also sed or leis re, s ch as cr ising with amily and riends.

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ON COURSE i s id ey oo s at the ni e ene ts o hydra ic steering systems and m tip e r dder synchronisation


ills Ridley Ltd was formed in 1963 to manufacture and market steering gear for small boats. The company has developed a name for first class before and after sales service. As time has progressed, the range of products has expanded together with improved quality and performance. Now supplying all sorts of vessels including commercial vessels, large military ships, superyachts (motor and sailing vessels) and ferries. Their standard range allows them to provide quotations for vessels with a rudder torque of 75KGM-32TM per rudder. Vessels outside of these rudder torque figures will be considered on a case by case basis. Spares availability is very important and Wills Ridley can supply the majority of spares dating back to 1963 or provide a suitable alternative that can interface with the original system. A wide range of hydraulic components are available: Hydraulic helm pumps, electro hydraulic power packs, hydraulic actuators, steering wheels, tillers, valves, a range of steering controls with full follow up/non follow up controls, electrical power pack starters & rudders. Wills Ridley regularly work on vessels that are being retro fitted, specialising in supplying parts that can interface with other steering gears that were not supplied by Wills Ridley. Often having to support other steering gears provided by companies no longer trading. Wills Ridley are constantly developing the current products to keep up with the latest technology to make sure their systems are as efficient as possible and that they can interface with the latest products including Auto Pilots, DP systems (Dynamic Positioning, including DP2) and

automation equipment. The majority of their standard range of products can be modified to suit customer requirements. The latest products to be launched by Wills Ridley include: The Electric Control Card (ECC). Providing full follow up control and the ability to synchronise multiple rudders. The full follow up knob. When the knob is turned by the operator the needle indicates the demanded angle, the rudder will then continue to move until the rudder reaches this position. The rudder position can be monitored using the rudder angle indicator. Wills Ridley can assist their customers from the design stage, working with naval architects and yards with no obligation. This service should help shipyards/customers understand what products are available, how classification society rules can be complied with in the most efficient way and use Wills Ridley to prepare technical responses to customers regarding the steering gear and rudders. There are three options for the rudders. OPTION 1: Wills Ridley can manufacture the rudders, rudder stocks and full tube assembly to a customer drawing. OPTION 2: Wills Ridley can design and manufacture the rudders, rudder stocks and full tube assembly. OPTION 3: Wills Ridley can provide the full rudder design (manufacturing drawing), that can be approved and stamped by a classification society if required for the customer to manufacture locally. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1326 376015 or visit www.willsridley.com

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A WEALTH OF OYSTERS The glitzy Palma Oyster Rally last autumn sparked plenty of interest for the next big Oyster events. Sue Pelling investigates the company’s secrets of success


yster has always held a respected reputation as a high end British company that designs and develops quality luxury yachts for the discerning owner. Now, 44 years since its launch, Oyster not only continues to deliver top of the range performance cruising yachts, but has also successfully managed to create a unique ‘once bitten-forever smitten’ type loyal family following that is undoubtedly one of the reasons why the Oyster brand continues to flourish.

Sails, was tactician/coach aboard Firebird (Oyster 885). Commenting on the attraction of the Oyster, Bank said: “The boats are beautiful and the way Oyster as a company creates a community around the boats, is unique, and it definitely attracts people. We had a client selling his boat and the purchaser confirmed just that; he bought the Oyster just to do the World Rally, so I think a lot of the events around Oyster are very appealing.”

A recent visit to the Palma Oyster Regatta, one of the key events on the Oyster calendar, provided all the proof needed to understand the reasons why owners continue to remain loyal to the brand. Oyster has succeeded in delivering on all aspects of business, from conception to delivery and, like all successful companies, has also invested in producing top class, ongoing customer service/support that would be difficult to match anywhere else in the marine industry.

In Palma on the final day of the 38th annual regatta, the record breaking fleet of 37, ranging from 46ft family yachts to sparkling new professionally led 88ft yachts, crews enjoyed exciting racing. To see stunning giants powering downwind towards the leeward mark under spinnaker in the final race of the four day event, was a sight to behold and the perfect end to what was, arguably, the most successful regatta to date.

As well as customer service, Oyster offer top quality racing at key international locations, and a lavish accompanying social programme that includes cocktail parties and dinners at some of the most spectacular venues. It also organises a World Rally where over 30 boats are currently taking part in a two year global tour. Jesper Bank, double Olympic champion in the Soling class and Commercial and R&D Director at Elvstrøm

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One of the closest finishes was in Class 1 between Firebird – Oyster 885, and Maxim Kudryashov’s Guardian Angel – Oyster 885. The team on Guardian Angel however, had their work cut out to retain a top position in the final race after they ripped their spinnaker. They had to sail the last downwind leg without spinnaker, which meant Firebird beat them by seven seconds. This last minute place change put Firebird ahead of Eddie Jordan’s Lush – Oyster 885 (IRE) in the overall standings, while Guardian Angel took the overall win.

Befitting the style of the regatta, the grand awards ceremony was at the Palacio de Crongresos. This gave crews, guests and VIPs a chance to enjoy the final lavish evening of Oyster hospitality and share their regatta experiences.

fleet. From new comers to sailing/those who’ve never raced before, to a selection of professional teams, this regatta has never been more accessible to all-comers and we hope to welcome even more new Oyster owners to our next event.”

In his rounding up of the event, David Tydeman (Oyster Group CEO, Event Chairman/Race Officer) said the regatta has beaten all expectations, “It really has been one of the best regattas to date and we seemed to have achieved what we set out to do, in terms of attracting not only a large fleet but also a diverse

Superyacht teams based in the British Virgin Islands in April should watch out for a fleet of Oysters heading to Nanny Cay Marina, on the south side of the island of Tortola in preparation for Oyster BVI Regatta, which runs from 10-15 April. This event is always popular and should attract an impressive line up. Equally exciting is the news that the Oyster fleet has been invited to Bermuda, the home of the 35th America’s Cup, for what could be another record breaking event, in terms of attendance. This inaugural Bermuda regatta at the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club, is taking place from 7-12 May 2018, the year following the America’s Cup. Even in its early stages, the Bermuda event is already attracting plenty of international interest and looks as though it could become an annual event. Bill Hanbury, Bermuda Tourist Association CEO concluded, “Very few destinations around the world have the standing to get on the exclusive Oyster events calendar. But with the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup World Series on our resumé and the 35th America’s Cup on the horizon Bermuda’s profile has been raised considerably among the world’s yacht owner community. We’re very excited about the Oyster Bermuda Regatta 2018 and we look forward to working with local partners to deliver a stellar yacht visitor experience.”

© Martinez Studio

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STAY CONNECTED Optimised satellite technology is moving fast motivated by speed in a data hungry world Words: Frances and Michael Howorth


f you joined yachting from the Royal Navy then our industry use of the terminology VSAT will perhaps at first, confuse you. In the senior service, the term V-Sat means Very Satisfactory and is used in every day Jackspeak, a shipboard language used onboard those steely grey warriors of death that patrol our oceans flying the white ensign. To the rest of us, flying the red ensign, VSAT is the dome at the top of the mast, it’s the thing that allows us to use the Internet when the boss is not on board, it’s the thing that powers the gogglebox in the crew mess and it’s the thing that allows us to stay in touch with friends, family and crew recruitment agencies using email, Facebook and suchlike. The satellite communications system got its name from the Very Small Aperture Terminal it employs. The term has been in common usage since early in 2004 when it was said to be a game changer in every day communications between ship and shore. Sadly very little has changed in the years that have followed. True, companies that supply the kit and provide the service have progressed, but aside from getting faster not a lot has changed. Take the suppliers of conventional stabilised

antennas for example. They have been through many evolutions, since they were first introduced. A number of new entrants have entered the market, the Korean based Intellian being the most notable success, and there has been considerable consolidation among others the likes of Cobham’s acquisition of Thrane & Thrane, Sailor and Sea Tel. VSAT service providers are going through the same sort of changes. The MTN were bought and sold twice inside 12 months firstly acquired by EMC (Emerging Markets Communications) and then by GEE (Global Eagle Entertainment) who are now rumoured to be trying to find a buyer. Apax and Telemar have become part of the Marlink Group and Speedcast are aggressively swallowing up what they see as their competition. The fact is VSAT matters much more in a commercial shipping environment than it does for the world’s fleet of superyachts. Figures quoted by Roger Horner Group Managing Director of E3 Systems suggest the average yacht over 24m spends 87% of its life inshore, well within range of terrestrial mobile phone networks. With cellular phone systems offering 4G LTE, it means that when it comes to superyachts, VSAT and the demand for high speed internet on board takes a back seat in the technology stakes.

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On land, over the same period as VSAT has been available, cellular connectivity has evolved enormously resulting in a meteoric growth in smartphones, tablets and laptops. Ashore very few people are not connected to systems using these and by comparison to VSAT charges the costs are minuscule. It is a combination of all these factors that has led Horner’s E3 to develop and evolve its own very successful Hybrid communications solution that synchronises both land and satellite communications to provide the fastest connection, at the lowest cost with 100% connectivity.

Castor Marine Castor Marine provides the best possible Maritime VSAT solutions to superyachts and the maritime industry. Their staff have over 20 years of experience in the industry, are fully trained and capable technicians for installation and support. Castor Marine owns and operates a Teleport in Burum, the Netherlands. Their mission is to be the end-to-end maritime internet service provider of choice in the Maritime industry. Castor Marine support doesn’t stop at the modem on-board, they understand that customer applications need to work and their support cooperates closely with the on-board technical contact person to make applications work properly and efficiently. For more details Tel:+ 31 88 646 0100 or visit www.castormarine.com

MarPoint MarPoint Ltd is a maritime IT company that specialises in providing ‘out of the box’ solutions for the maritime and yachting industry. Marpoint designs and creates unique internet communications platforms, for yachts and megayachts, commercial vessels and cruise ships. Combined with carefully selected routers and services (i.e. owner/crew/guest internet, enterprise-grade satellite-3G/4G yacht routers, satellite services, cyber security routers and software) offering many miles of shore coverage, easy setup and remote monitoring as well as complete control of vessels’ internet connections and network. For more details Tel: +30 211 800 5251 or visit www.marpoint.gr

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Yacht owners and the crews expect the same experience on board the yacht that they have grown accustomed to at home

Horner explains, “Hybrid uses VSAT as the base background connectivity when out of range but most is done using land connectivity when inshore. Hybrid also includes the data management, monitoring, distribution, IT, media distribution such as IPTV all at a single monthly fixed price.” It is clear that, if they want to stay in the race, VSAT services have to catch up. VSAT is just a commodity. The first new satellites to provide higher bandwidth have only just been launched and they are still being placed 38,000 km away in geosynchronous (GEO) orbit resulting in a massive delay between transmission and reception (high latency). The bandwidth charges are still very much the same but the flexibility on the contractual side has changed significantly from a minimum of a 36 month contract to a single month. Temporary bandwidth upgrades together with the notice required have also shortened as the service providers have become more efficient. VSAT frequently gets the rap from crew for poor performance with the blame often being laid on the kit, the yacht’s owner has chosen to install. However, almost every VSAT platform is capable of meeting the demands of even the most demanding user. Fortunately there are many companies providing both equipment and VSAT services to superyachts. That means the industry has a wealth of superyacht specific experts with whom we maintain contact and this is what some of our favourites had to say. The reality is that poor performance is usually a result of the size of the bandwidth available to a yacht at any one time. Paul Rees of SES says, “Yacht owners and the crews that work for them expect the same experience on board yachts that they have grown accustomed to at home. There most of them are able to enjoy entertainment streamed to a multitude of devices instantaneously and in high quality. The only way to achieve this is to seek out a reliable VSAT provider.” Satellite bandwidth is both a finite and an expensive resource. The more people using that same bandwidth the poorer the service becomes. There is, however light at the end of the tunnel. Antoine Perry of Seasatcom believes, “Real broadband is finally arriving. Today speeds of 10 or even

20Mbps is possible, and we will see an increase in the coming years. Marc Nieding of Bestvsat is even more optimistic when he declares HTS (high-throughput satellite) with over 100 GBit/s capacity are the way of the future. LATEST TRENDS New Ka band spot-beam satellites offering the possibility of much higher speeds are beginning to change the situation as they come on stream. Pippa Nichols of Yachtprojects International, suggests that a now fully global operational GX (Global express) network using Ka band is the way of the future if costs come down to manageable levels. She says that the Ka band is proving to be highly effective in some geographical areas and is achieving much higher speeds but she questions, “Is the trade off of high speed over weather driven reliability a considered gain?”

dream system o d e a flat antenna the size of a breakfast plate connecting you to 200-300 Mbit/s

John Hoeven of Dutch based Castor Marine is convinced that it is technology that is driving the VSAT market. He says, “Most electronic equipment is fitted with an Internet connection, so the demand to be always online is higher than ever before.” What is clear, when talking to these experts is, that the internet today is somewhat akin to what electricity or running water was a hundred years ago. Then they were considered to be indispensable pillars of modern society.

SpeedCast SpeedCast provides the comprehensive high-speed satellite connectivity and entertainment solutions today’s yacht owners demand. As one of the leading global satellite solutions provider for the yachting sector, their robust global multi-beam network gives additional VSAT capacity over the busiest yachting areas delivering speeds up to 150Mbps. SpeedCast provides customised yachting plans with flexible bandwidth changes as required, including suspension periods during the low season. Their VSAT service provides high-quality voice, data, browsing and video services from any mobile device. For more details Tel: +31 (0)10 71 30 400 or visit www.speedcast.com

Marc Nieding of Bestvsat says, “Huge areas of the world without terrestrial access to the Internet are cut off from progress and growth. VSAT is not only connecting vessels at sea, helping secure their safety, it is also connecting the most remote regions on Earth. This means education for small villages in Africa or telemedicine in the Amazon forest is a reality and it would not be so if it were not for VSAT.” This is an amazing power this technology delivers to people and this is what is driving the market. John Hoeven of Castor Marine is sure that now VSAT is being adopted globally by every kind of marine user, from leisure to the merchant market, the industry will become smarter, more cost conscious and better able to meet the increasing demands of customers. More bandwidth at much lower prices is what Marc Nieding of Bestvsat wants. “That and interesting new technologies providing similar services not using satellites,” he says. “There are companies working on solutions using helium floats or solar powered drones,” he adds. Martin Reason of Speedcast has observed that, “The vessels are looking to use more business critical applications such as Mail, File Transfer, Document sharing, system monitoring, Telemedicine and video. Crew and passengers now demand quality internet access to use social media, stay in touch with friends and family as well even streaming TV and films where bandwidth allows.”

Seasatcom SeaSatCom is a premium telecom and TV service provider for yachts and offers a wide range of services optimised to your requirements. SeaSatCom offer a world class VSAT service with an extended coverage and high flexibility (from 3-month, weekly upgrades, downgrades and suspension), with their partner Marlink, world N°1 VSAT operator. Their Premium VSAT service enables fast and high performing broadband communications with bandwidth up to 20 Mbps. Email, internet, voice, news, communication and IPTV are easily accessible with their always on internet access to keep you connected while cruising with an unmatched VSAT coverage: from Mediterranean to Caribbean and more. SeaSatCom also provide Mobile Phone, Mobile Internet, TV such as Sky UK, Inmarsat and Iridium. For more details Tel: +33 489 730 132 or visit www.seasatcom.com

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“If carrying VSAT became mandatory and more vessels became connected then prices would come down because of the competition,” suggests Antoine Perry of Seasatcom. Pippa Nichols of Yachtprojects International suggests, “The way forward is to better managed onboard networks or as some vendors call them Managed LANs. This gets the most out of the network and helps owners get more bang for their buck from the bandwidth they purchase.” Perhaps she should have suggested the wording be more band for their buck! THE NEXT BEST THING “The next big thing in VSAT will be the introduction of high throughput satellites,” predicts Castor Marine’s John Hoeven. “A high throughput satellite (HTS) has 10x more capacity than a traditional satellite.” “In other words,” says Antoine Perry of Seasatcom, “using your regular VSAT internet using KU band technology, speeds up to 40Mbps and more are going to be available next season without the need to change your antenna.”

Flat Panel antennas are very interesting and currently in their infancy, the advantage of these antennas is clear

SES UK based Ships Electronic Services (SES) is one of the most experienced VSAT suppliers and installers in the marine industry. In addition to being the sole onboard service centre for Cobham SATCOM, including its SAILOR GMDSS products, SES is also the UK service partner for Iridium and distributor for KVH and SeaTel. Being ISO 9001:2008 certified, SES has been engaged to install VSAT on a wide range of vessels from luxury superyachts to cross channel ferries. Factory trained engineers are available to install and service throughout Europe with SES engineers also providing valuable phone-line support 24/7. The high standards of engineering and system design of SES has ensured its support to the marine industry for over 40 years. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1634 295500 or visit www.ses-marine.com

“Apart from a drop in airtime prices the next best things in VSAT will be flat panels, bandwidth on demand (BoD) and low earth orbit satellites (LEO),” says Roger Horner from E3. He adds, “From our three year involvement in bringing the Kymeta flat, satellite panel to market we predict the flat panel will cause the biggest evolution in the yacht market primarily from the new technology and design perspective. This will be combined with BoD next year and by 2020 with LEO satellites.” BoD will allow end users to request a satellite bandwidth upgrade by a small unit such as an hour. When the new LEO constellations start to appear the satellites will be able to be tracked by a single, small flat panel antenna. The bandwidth will be huge and the latency faster than fibre land networks. Martin Reason from Speecast says, “Flat Panel antennas are very interesting and currently in their infancy, the advantage of these antennas is clear, with no moving parts they should be a lot more reliable than the current Stabilised Maritime Antennas. However price points are still high, but this may not be a barrier for some yachts, as often the look of the yacht is more important than the cost.” TEN YEARS ON FROM NOW We asked our panel of experts to look into their crystal ball and suggest what VSAT service providers will be selling 10 years from now. “Lots of companies are now pouring R&D Dollars into systems that could replace Satellite as the primary communications on board maritime vessels,” explains Martin Reason at Speedcast. He continues, “Companies like Google, Microsoft and others are all looking into other ways to provide communications to

YachtProjects International Yachtprojects International supply hardware, software and airtime for the following services. VSAT, both Ku, Ka, C band and GX. Fleet broad band, Iridium and GMDSS , in-house supported VOIP phones and 4G. They also supply TVRO and service globally together with being a one stop shop for the above and compliment this with bespoke onboard networks including firewalls, managed LAN and managed Wifi, both for open and revenue stream applications. Their managed networks are supported remotely 24/7/ 365. Recently Yachtprojects International have released out ‘Ethernet over power system’ for minor or quick deployment networks where 350Mbps suffice. For more details Tel:+ 44 (0)740 880 2485 or visit yachtprojects.net

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Excellence in Maritime Communications Premium Internet

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Flexible Bandwidth and Contract

Customer Portal

Castor Marine’s mission is to be the best partner for our customers in providing them the high quality services and the professional support they need

+31 88 646 0100



Global Communications and IT solutions Communications VSAT ¦ FBB ¦ Iridium ¦ GMDSS ¦ 4G ¦ VoIP IP and Integrated Radios  Hardware  Airtime  Installation  Remote monitoring  Servicing  Global support  Data compression  Flexible packages  All Inmarsat services  Mandatory GMDSS and Accounting Authority  Manufacturer trained technicians  Optimal load balancing Q.o.S.  Automatic fail-over systems  Global and local 4G SIMs  Certified support partner

IT and onboard networks Wifi networks ¦ Ethernet over Power ¦ TVRO ¦ Fibre Video on Demand ¦ Ethernet over Coax ¦ Email Servers    

Fast deployment Ethernet over Power Bandwidth management AV systems IP TV systems  Managed Wifi  NAS Backups  Crew Networks

Project Management Refit & lay-up facilities 24 hour 365 day remote monitoring and customer service

yachtprojects.net 82 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD

vessels that do not involve satellites: Long range LTE (land based cellular systems), Low earth orbit mini satellites, High Speed VHF and even a communication system based on weather balloons is talked about.” “The industry is moving so fast and technology is advancing so quickly,” says Marc Nieding of Bestvsat. He adds, “We do not know what companies are working on right now and what the next big thing would be two years from now, so predicting what will happen in 10 years is impossible. I can say however, what the market demands and that is much faster connection, much lower latency (time between two points connected online) and that at much lower costs. Also the antennas and terminals are too big and clients would want them to shrink and be more reliable. A dream system would be a flat antenna the size of a breakfast plate connecting you to 200-300 Mbit/s internet at a flat rate for under €500. It will probably be faster 10 years from now. But probably not that cheap.” John Hoeven of Castor Marine suggests, “VSAT service providers will not be selling at all. “They will,” he says, “be managing vessels from their network operation centre as a value-added service. Vessel IT management or Fleet IT management will become the responsibility of the service provider.” Antoine Perry of Seasatcom believes the market will have contracted. “There are,” he says, “too many operators and providers today. Real experts are needed as the technology is more and more complex. The ones who are going to survive are those best able to provide content and user friendly solutions, speed is not enough now. The next war is on content like trends that were witnessed in cellular connectivity. 10 years is too far and the market is changing too rapidly in order to be able to make any prediction. I do believe that small companies, more agile, are going to catch the value by delivering the right service to the right clients. VSAT as opposed to cellular, especially in the maritime industry is a niche market, not a mass market. The demand for premium service is pulling the market along with it.” The grand dame of VSAT, Pippa Nichols at Yachtprojects International, has perhaps been scratching her crystal ball rather too hard we fear, because she suggests that, “Simply based on the exponential growth of technology in this form of communication in the past 10 years who can guess. Could it be a global network of underwater communication systems, or perhaps a network of low orbit solar powered drones carrying repeaters on a wifi based frequency?” She then adds, “I’d like it noted that these ideas were put to the market here and thus I’ll be seeking a share of the action when someone develops it!” Taking a more serious note Roger Horner who has been in the business perhaps longer than any of the other experts consulted suggests, “The cost of airtime will fall and buying power will help considerably to push the price move and survive it. It has to be in the interest of the end user. This is one of the reasons why we work with Marlink and Speedcast.” He adds, “But then we will have 5G! In 2020 every major mobile operator in Europe has promised Brussels they will have one city in each country in Europe with 5G operating. 5G will be 1,000 faster than 4G LTE!” Will this ever be enough for the data hungry people of this world?

BestVSAT.com BestVSAT.com is a totally free service to help make the VSAT market more transparent and understandable. We’re all used to using KAYAK or Expedia to search for flights or booking.com for hotels, so why not search the market for the most competitive VSAT deal? BestVSAT now offer you that solution. The company will work with you to build a bespoke package and then over 40 agencies and providers will compete for your contract. BestVSAT will present the best three to five offers and help you find the most appropriate offer and provider for your specific needs, and to top it all, the service is absolutely free. For more details Tel: +34 69 22 88 008 or visit www.bestVSAT.com

© Jeff Brown

MTN As the company that started VSAT communications in the maritime industry, MTN brings the experience, innovation, and infrastructure to deliver a great connectivity experience. Recently acquired by Global Eagle Entertainment, MTN continues to stand out as a boutique-style brand backed up by a powerful global enterprise. The company’s product portfolio has also expanded significantly including live TV, network management tools, premium content, high-speed browsing, and most recently flat-panel antenna solutions. Under the leadership of Ole-Kristian Sivertsen, the MTN yacht team has doubled in size. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1489 585 030 or visit www.mtnsat.com

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WINTER FAYRE The latest food & drink trends for you to try over the winter months THE INGREDIENT... BEETROOT


Beetroot is part of the Amaranthaceae family, and was first c ltivated by the Romans. Both its leaves and the root of the plant are edible and commonly eaten. Popularity for the plant comes in surges, as more of its n tritional benefits are recognised.

Once a gift for Korean emperors, and one of the eight treasures of Chinese dried seafood, the type of sea snail known as abalone is the world’s most expensive shellfish, and not just for its dazzling iridescent interior. In fact, the various species are so prized in Asia that wild populations are now critically endangered. Farmed abalone, on the other hand, is rated a sustainable choice by Seafood Watch: opt for brown-lipped abalone, if you can, which makes a sweet and tender sushi. When cooked, it has the sweetness of the best scallops with a fatty richness that’s all its own.



Many varieties, colours and sizes exist. Red or purple varieties of beetroot are the most common, although white, yellow and even stripy beetroot are readily available.

Low-calorie and fat-free, watermelons are a rich source of vitamins C and A, which help to boost our immune system and promote healthy teeth, skin and eyes. Especially beneficial due to its high water content which helps avoid dehydration


The leaves are an excellent source of vitamins A, B6, C and K, as well as being rich in iron, potassium and magnesium. The leaves are very low in calories, making them an excellent source of nutrients while on a low-calorie or low-fat diet. The root itself contains phytonutrients called betalins. These have anti o idant, anti in ammatory and deto ification effects and supports the liver. Beetroot is becoming more and more popular among athletes as it has been shown to lower blood pressure and boost stamina. This is because it contains high levels of nitrites. Athlete or not, this helps to rela blood vessels, improving blood ow and circulation.

Did you know that an average cob of corn has an even number of rows, usually 16. How wonderful the symmetry of nature

QUICK & EASY CHEAT’S LAKSA 3tbsp Thai green curry paste

Beets are also one of richest sources of glutamine an amino acid, essential to the health and maintenance of the intestinal tract.

400ml can coconut milk


Sodium 78g Potassium 325g Dietary fibre . g Sugar 7g


GO GINGER Enjoy on its own or spice up your favourite tipple with lashings of ginger beer

Vitamin C Iron Vitamin B-6 Magnesium

8% RDA 4% RDA 5% RDA 5% RDA

150g pack cooked prawns

Heat 1 tsp oil in frying pan. Add curry paste and cook for 1 min

250g pack courgetti Pour in coconut milk, then add prawns and courgetti

Cook for 1 min to warm through. Serve




Using natural fruit sugars Fever-Tree have developed this delicious, reduced calorie ginger beer. A naturally brewed product that has the distinctive long lasting ginger character with 53% fewer calories. Perfect with your favourite rum or vodka.

A delicious revival of the lost art of brewing sodas. Each small batch is hand crafted, carefully brewed and aged by expert brewmasters. sing only the finest fresh herbs, roots, spices and fruits. There are no preservatives or artificial anything.

Made from a traditional recipe, with the wonderful unmistakable taste of real ginger, plus lots of organic lemon juice, blended with lightly sparkling Belvoir spring water. It contains no artificial avo rs, colo rs or sweeteners.

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THAT’S EXPENSIVE... RUBY ROMAN GRAPES Somebody recently paid €10,000 for 30 of these rare grapes at an auction in Japan. The ping pong ball size fruits were from the first yield of the season, which is said to offer good fortune

GJORGI MITEV Gjorgi, has been a chef for more than 10 years. Travelling and cooking are his passions, and has led him to working in the yacht industry, exploring various cuisines around the world. He is currently Chef on board the new Wally 110 foot Performance sailing yacht. What is your favourite dish to cook? My ultimate favourite dish to cook is a nice piece of bone in ribeye steak, chargrilled and topped with chimichurri butter, garlic and rosemary roasted potatoes. Where is your favourite restaurant? Wejla by Tartarun, located in Malta, it is one of the best places i yo are fish lover, ama ing ood and service. If you were not a Chef what would you be doing? I have always been fascinated by technology and computers, so most likely, I would have gone into the IT sector.

WHERE TO DRINK MARBELLA CLUB, CROATIA SOUTH SIDE (or SAU SAU) 4 ice cubes or equivalent crushed ice Handful fresh mint leaves 1 glass of Stolichnaya vodka ½ fresh lime, juiced ½ tbsp sugar cane syrup

Place ingredients in a cocktail shaker and shake vigorously to bruise the mint leaves, then strain into a chilled Collins glass, filled with ice. Garnish with a sprig of mint.

What is your favourite kitchen gadget? NutriBullet is one of the kitchen gadgets that I mostly use, it's great for preparing nutrition packed smoothies and it makes the smoothest purees and soups. What is your favourite type of food? love editerranean and sian in enced c isine. love the aromatic spices, vibrant colo rs and comple avo rs, which I incorporate on occasion in other cuisines. What three factors do you look for in food? I would say a nicely balanced taste is one of the most important factors for me. Secondly, a well presented dish feeds the appetite of the eyes. Lastly, like most chefs, using fresh and quality products are imperative. Where do you think the best city in the world is for food? Grand Case, St. Martin, French West Indies is a quaint little town in the French Caribbean with a beautiful beach lined with gourmet restaurants that never disappoint. What is the one ingredient that everyone needs in the galley? I would say garlic. Never trust a recipe that only calls for one clove. It is one of the ingredients that goes well with just about everything, though I haven’t tried garlic ice cream not as yet. What was the last meal you cooked for yourself because you really wanted to eat it? resh las an salmon fillet, topped with goat cheese and crushed pistachios and wrapped in Filo pastry, baked in the oven and dri led with a honey basil and chilli sa ce. What was your most memorable food moment? When my parents and grandparents would make Ajvar, red sweet peppers which have been stewed for around 8 hours and bottled for winter, I would take freshly baked bread and scoop up and savour whatever was left in the pot after bottling.

The percentage of people less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease and dementia if they drink 3-5 cups of coffee a day. Make mine a double mocha

TEA-RIFFIC Inspired by a tradition stretching back generations, Tregothnan began s pplying ngland’s first and only tea in 2005. The ultimate tribute to Earl Grey himself, created by his eighth great grandson. Tregothnan Earl Grey is a blend of rare Cornish tea leaves and the finest ssam, infused with pure Bergamot oil. www.tregothnan.com

CHEF REPLACEMENT Use the liquid from canned chickpeas (aquafaba) as a vegan substitute for egg whites Who would have thought that the next big thing to sweep across the vegan nation would have been something as simple as the brine from canned legumes? It might have something to do with the fact that not only is this liquid shaping out to be the perfect egg replacer, it’s also one of the cheapest and most accessible replacers around. All you need is a can, or packet of legumes, chickpeas being the bean du jour. Like egg whites aquafaba has the ability to form stable forms when whipped and makes it suitable for desserts such as meringues. So throw a bit in your pre-workout smoothie for an instant natural energy boost. Not forgetting the chickpeas themselves are high in Calcium, Iron, Vitamin B-6 and Magnesium, making them a great source of nutrients. ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 87

GO GREEN The Smart Garden by Finnish company Plantui is an innovative and soil-free home gardening device that helps you grow herbs, edible plants and salad greens all year round. Choose your favourite plant capsules. No green fingers or allotment necessary. €165 www.plantui.com

CULINARY COLLECTION You may not need them but you could certainly get used to them



The Strongman Nutcracker Marcello by Marcel Wanders for Alessi is part of the Limited Edition Circus collection. The sculptured object is made from 18/10 stainless steel and a brass nut and screw. Limited to 999 pieces and part of the wider circus themed collection. €980 www.alessi.com

Part tabletop steamer, part food processor and a compact cooker to boot, the kCook is part of a new generation of multi-purpose machines that promise to do everything but wipe down the surfaces after dinner. All removable parts are dishwasher safe, only downside is you can’t add ingredients without removing the lid. €200 www.lakeland.co.uk

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GRATE IDEA Winners of the design Red Dot award, the Elite Series incorporates a colourful and fresh design, which combines stainless steel and plastic materials. The concave shape of the wider blade styles enables efficient grating. The protective cover doubles as catch feature and measuring cup. There are four grating options to choose from: Zester, Fine, Ribbon and Extra Coarse. From €20 each www.microplane.com

PERFECT BLEND The Swiss designed immersion blender brings easy use and power into one neat ergonomic package. The simple 2 speed operation up to 15,000 rpm is quiet and powerful with a 150-250watt motor choice and two fold insulation. Blending has never been so stylish. €90 www.bamix.com

POUR YOUR PLEASURE Designed for optimal brewing temperature, the slow and steady pour brings perfection to the art of kettle design. The high grade stainless shell comes in matt black, stainless shell or the limited copper range. A slow intuitive pour, every time. €26 www.fellowproducts.com

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IN THE RAW It's hard to imagine the culinary landscape without sushi. Learn everything you ever wanted to know about the different types of sushi and sashimi ...but were afraid to ask


hether you are a frequent visitor to your local Japanese restaurant, or you are just diving into the wonder of Japanese cuisine, you’ve more than likely heard of sushi and sashimi. Unfortunately, many don’t know what the differences are between the two dishes, or believe that they are the same thing. While the dishes do have similarities, there are also several differences that you should be aware of so you can order with confidence, and more importantly know exactly what you’re getting. SUSHI V SASHIMI

Sushi is a quick and easy source of protein. If you’re looking for a high protein meal or snack, choose tuna, salmon or rainbow rolls, which can have 20 or more grams of protein per roll. The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish benefit your cardiovascular health, plus they are natural anti-inflammatory compounds and play a role in brain function. Choose salmon, trout and tuna if you’re looking to get omega-3 fatty acids.


The word 'sushi' means 'it's sour' which reflects back to sushi's origins of being preserved in salt and refers to the vinegared rice on which seafood and other ingredients are served. This dish originated with the use of rice and salt to preserve fish by storing it between layers of rice over a thousand years ago. Over a period of weeks, the rice fermented and the chemicals produced kept the fish from going bad. Once the fermentation process was complete, the fish was ready to eat.

The next time your favourite provisioner is out of fatty tuna, fear not there are plenty more fish in the sea

Sushi in Japan is very simple and usually doesn't contain more than one type of fish or one type of vegetable. In Japan, they don't have the kinds of rolls that are popular in western Sushi bars. When using condiments, the Japanese keep it simple. They do not mix wasabi in the soy sauce. The pickled ginger is intended to be a palate cleanser and is eaten in between pieces of sushi, not with the sushi pieces. To experience sushi as a purist, you want to taste the fresh ocean flavour of the fish, not drown it with soy sauce, wasabi, pickled ginger or other sauces. Each sushi piece is supposed to be bite size.


Sashimi is also made up of raw fish and other seafood, but it does not include rice. The raw seafood is generally sliced very thinly, and served with shredded daikon, which is white radish. This dish may also include pickled ginger and a shiso leaf, a type of herb with an interesting and unique taste. Unlike sushi, which is available in a variety of preparations, sashimi is generally served in the traditional way, although some Japanese restaurants may use other types of meat. HOW IT'S SERVED

If you are eating at an authentic Japanese restaurant, you may find that sashimi is served before the rest of the meal, as this is the traditional way to serve it. However, in modern restaurants, it is generally served as an appetizer or with the rest of the meal, depending on your personal choice. Sushi, which was really one of the first fast foods, is traditionally eaten as a snack or small meal; however, the modern options have them available to order with meals or as appetizers. An order of sushi can include anywhere from two to six pieces, depending on the style and the establishment. 90 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD


Albacore has an interesting flavour that’s more on the fishy side, but often restaurants pair it with pnzu sauce and onions. This usually helps even new comers to sushi enjoy the wonderful flavours of the fish!

Salmon is a favourite among non-sushi fanatics and sushi nuts alike! It has a very smooth, non-fishy taste that really is difficult to describe however part of the appeal is that it doesn’t taste 'fishy'. Commonly used in nigiri sushi as well as rolls and other types of sushi meals. Its mild flavour really gives it flexibility to be used in a variety of ways. TUNA (MAGURO)

Tuna, with its red allure is the most commonly consumed sushi fish. It’s very fishy so newbies beware as this stuff can be expensive too! So you better like it! Real, untreated tuna will lose its colour quickly if it's not fresh and turn a brown colour. So go fresh and pay the difference - definitely worth the money. YELLOW TAIL (HAMACHI)

Yellow tail is usually a very pale, and sometimes pink fish. This stuff has a very mild, delicate and creamy texture. Its flavour is not as strong as fatty tuna, but a little more fishy with a buttery texture. Yellow tail is usually around the same price as regular tuna or salmon, but yellow tail wins in terms of flavour every time! SEA URCHIN (UNI)

Uni is the Japanese word for sea urchin, or more specifically, a sea urchin’s gonads. It is expensive, usually cheaper than fatty tuna, but a premium fish for sure! Uni is described by its haters as 'tasting like sea water'. Uni has a flavour unlike any other fish on this list, not necessarily 'fishy' in taste but it is definitely creamy, succulent and literally just melts on your tongue.






Small rice balls with fish, shellfish, etc. on top. There are countless varieties of nigirizushi, some of the most common ones being tuna, shrimp, eel, squid, octopus and fried egg

Small cups made of sushi rice and dried seaweed filled with seafood. Common varieties include sea urchin and various kinds of fish eggs





Sushi rice and seafood rolled in dried seaweed sheets. There are countless varieties and are very popular outside of Japan, but rarely found in Japan

Meaning hand rolls, the cones are made of nori seaweed and filled with sushi rice, seafood and vegetables. Awkward to pick up with chopsticks so often eaten with fingers





A pouch of fried tofu typically filled with sushi rice alone. It is named after the Shinto god Inari, who is believed to have a fondness for fried tofu

A medium-sized cylindrical piece with two or more fillings. The filling is in the centre, then a layer of rice, and an outer coating roe or toasted sesame seeds

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GRAPE EXPECTATIONS Make 2017 the year that you expand your wine horizons. With vast practical experience Tom Harrow proffers his knowledge

Party season is over, the last of the festive baubles and entrails of party streamers have been packed or swept away and everyone has turned to guilt inspired resolutions and abstinence. January is rarely the most fun month (unless of course celebrating Christmas in Russia in which case the party has only just started and will continue for a fortnight) but why not resolve to learn a little more about the world of wine during it. To do this properly of course may involve a degree of consumption but that’s ok, it’s self improvement after all. Hotly anticipated 2017 releases People may drink less in January and there are those who prefer a dry February instead as it’s a shorter month but fine wine lovers will certainly be buying plenty as this is the period that Burgundy and Brunello are offered en primeur or pre-shipment and next year will see two very fine vintages from both being released: 2015 in Burgundy (especially reds) and 2012 in Montalcino. It will behove you to know this as dime to a dollar there will be people on your boat in the spring who have bought heavily into both regions, and with good reason as they are two unmissable years. Some big names to familiarise yourself in advance of passing conversation are Rousseau, Leroy, Dugat-Py, Meo-Camuzet and Mortet (Burgundy) and Valdicava, Mastrojanni, Cerbaiona, Casanova di Neri and Soldera (Montalcino). Unusual Suspects New year, new grapes, now is the time to be experimental, to push the boundaries of your own palate. Torrontés, Argentina’s signature white grape, divides opinion as the wines can have a very sweet, honeysuckle, lychee nose followed by a searingly Chablis-dry palate that feels disjointed. However good ones from the cooler parts of

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Mendoza or la Salta have an attractive and softer balance of elderflower and grapefruit aromas and flavours that is proving increasingly popular. Touriga Nacional, the noblest of Portugal’s varieties, which forms the backbone of Port, also makes some thrilling and excellent value table reds especially in the Douro Valley and Dao regions. Whilst it’s usually found blended with other local grapes, it has a dominant presence, bringing a mix of red and black forest fruits flavours with a really attractive streak of leather and spice and firm but juicy tannins. You can pick up good examples of both wines for €12-16. Old School In 2016 the talk in fine wine circles was all about 2015 Bordeaux (as mentioned above, in 2017 it will be 2015 Red Burgundy). The “Grands Vins” will not be bottled or shipped for another year but the wines from the petit chateaux are now on the shelves and well worth checking out. 2015 really was an excellent year and one with generous, ripe, forward and supple fruit. For a region that attracts a lot of press for wines that are frequently €110 and up a bottle we should not forget there are some terrific bargains to be had for little more than a tenth of the price and vintages like 2015 provide a good reason to stock up. Ancient School We may think that the French invented wine, but it was in fact the Romans who brought viticulture to Gaul, having learned the art and science of grape-growing from the Greeks, who in turn owed a lot of their knowledge to the raiders of ancient Carthage. Wine has been made in the Levant for millennia and today one estate remains pre-eminent in the region: Chateau Musar. Having made wine since the 70s, Musar has developed a deserved international reputation and their young vine wine Musar Jeune, from Cinsault, Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon is a brilliant introduction to the chateau at around €15 a bottle. Blueberries, spiced plums, blackcurrants and sandalwood on the nose are all reconfirmed on the soft, warming palate, rich with dark fruits, polish and liquorice.

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NORDIC DELIGHTS ocated on the s o ord, s o s sea ood co dn t e resher and p ays host to the or d s most norther y iche in starred resta rant

LOUISE RESTAURANT & BAR Welcomed by a typically maritime theme, the vast terrace area makes Louise one of Oslo’s most sought after tables on sunnier days. The restaurant can be heavily populated by tourists interested by the hundreds of maritime trinkets on show but still patronised by many locals. The bar also serves an eclectic range of drinks to wash down simple and traditional seafood appetisers. Good value and good fun. Tel: +47 22 83 00 60 www.restaurantlouise.no | €€€

KAMPEN BISTRO Driven by fresh and locally sourced ingredients, Kampen's chefs change the menu daily. Simple with no frills the interior deco is actually a welcome change for a relaxed dining experience. You might be lucky enough to visit on a night with live entertainment, but definitely book well in advance as the Bistro is very popular with locals. Tel: +47 22 19 77 08 www.kampenbistro.no | €€€€€

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KONTRAST MIKAEL SVENSSON FRU K With the principal chefs hailing form Maaemo, you know you’re in for a treat. Situated in The Thief Hotel, the menu is bountiful and loyal to true Norwegian ingredients. Save your appetite and dive into one of the daily changing five or seven course menus. Diners relax in a beautifully designed room whilst overlooked by an ‘original’ Andy Warhol. Tel: +47 24 00 40 00 www.thethief.com | €€€€€

SOLSIDEN Situated right by the harbour in a former warehouse, this beautifully renovated building has huge amounts of open space with high ceilings and large windows. If you’re following the locals, you could be tempted by the Plateau de fruits de mer or when in doubt head to the menu of the day. Exciting combinations of tastes and textures run riot throughout the menu. One tip, book ahead! Tel: +47 22 33 36 30 www.solsiden.no | €€€

FISKERIET The diner is offered a small menu of fresh fish dishes including fish & chips, traditional fiskesuppe, baccalo and fresh oysters to name a few, but the small chalkboard menu is ever changing. The eatery operates mainly as a fish market with the eatery on the side. If you’re feeling more casual sit at the circular bar, enjoy a glass of wine and a light snack if you can find some sunshine. Tel: +47 22 42 45 40 www.fiskeriet.com | €€€€€ GRAVLAKS Literally means 'buried salmon'. Using a blend of salt, dill and sugar, the salmon goes through a process of being dry cured for 24 hours. Add some vodka to heat things up

Lightly salted scallops with raw sweet peas & nasturtium SCALLOPS

4 big fresh Scallops

Seasalt flakes

Open and rinse the scallops, pat them dry, lightly salt them on both sides. reserve for 2 days in the fridge to mature the flavour. Keep them on a dry cloth and change the cloth often. SCALLOP ROE EMULSION

500g ice cold oil, natural 50g Soy Tamari, organic 50g water 100g blanche scallop roe

2 egg yolks, organic Horseradish, grated, to taste Salt to taste

Mix soy, egg yolk, horseradish, water and scallop roe until smooth. Mix in the oil gently to form an emulsion. Taste with salt, and then pass it through a chinois. PEA SALAD

200g peas in the pod, organic Salt 1 tbs cold pressed rapeseed oil, organic

5 pieces of sugarsnaps, organic 200g sugersnaps, organic 1 bunch of nasturtium

Open up the pea pods, separate the big peas from the small. Reserve the small ones as completely raw. Blanche the big ones for 30 secs and cool down in icewater. Peel the blanched peas and reserve them with the raw ones. Slice the 5 sugar snaps thinly and blanche quickly in salted water for 30 secs. Reserve them with the peas. Mix the pea salad with salt to taste and rapeseed oil. Take all the pea pods and the rest of the sugarsnaps and press it through a juicer. Pick 12 nice nasturtium leaves to garnish the plate, then press the rest through the juicer, leaf and stem. Blend the pea juice with the nasturtium juice and season. It should be sweet and with a bit of heat to it. PLATING

Nasturtium leaf and flowers for garnish Slice the scallops in stripes, mix them with the pea salad. In the bottom of a deep bowl put a generous dollop of the emulsion. Cover the emulsion with the pea and scallop salad, and garnish with the nasturtium leaf and flowers. Pour the pea & nasturtium soup around.

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Sans titre-1 1

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12/12/2016 16:17


INTERIOR MOTIVES Ten reasons to choose Gillian Weir or the nest espo e ta e are, inens and accessories


illian Weir really understand luxury. With 20 years experience in the industry, their focus is on creating effortlessly elegant, bespoke surroundings for their clients, always delivered with impeccable attention to detail. We look at ten important factors to consider when choosing an interior supplier.

Competitive Pricing Two decades in the industry means that Gillian Weir and her team have developed excellent longstanding relationships with their suppliers. Their sterling reputation and integrity ensure that you benefit from these healthy connections when the savings are passed on.

Superyacht Interior Supply Specialists Gillian Weir specialise in supplying the finest bespoke tableware, linens and accessories to the world’s most luxurious superyachts, homes and aircraft. Over the years they have had the honour to work on some of the most prestigious superyachts in the world with leading naval architects, designers and builders.

The Finest Brands Their close relationships with sought after brands and suppliers enable the team to go beyond the brief and provide a vast range of options, making even the most bespoke requests a reality. Gillian Weir are able to pick from the world’s most esteemed luxury brands, ensuring that your project is kept to the exacting standards required.

Full Project Management From first contact through to concept, design and delivery, the experienced project managers take care of your every need. Sourcing and advising on all aspects of products required through to shipping to wherever you may be in the world. At Gillian Weir, they will help and support you every step of the way. Custom Design Gillian Weir understand the requirements for the ‘extra special’ and so are able to find the perfect product from the trusted premium brands. The in-house design department can help create your tableware, linens and accessories to your exact requirements, to perfectly complement your interior scheme.

Confidence in Quality Working with the finest and most reliable artisans and manufacturers, Gillian Weir source and design products of the highest quality. All of the products are compiled and then fully checked before they are sent to the client, so you can be sure that everything is perfect. Their reputation is flawless as can be seen by the many glowing testimonials they have received over the years. Continuity of Products At Gillian Weir quality of service is as important as quality of products. They are aware that your requirements don’t end with the project so you can rest assured that the exact high quality products you

first selected will be available when it is time to replace or supplement. Multi-lingual Service The in house project managers can converse freely in English, French, Italian, Czech, Slovak and Russian, which ensures that nothing gets lost in translation and you receive only the very highest levels of customer service. 24 Hour Access Gillian Weir believe it is essential that you are able to view and select from the extensive range whenever you want. With dedicated access to the online client area, you’ll find a comprehensive guide to all of the finest quality products that are supplied. You can make your own selections and share them wherever you might be in the world. Ongoing Service The service doesn’t end on delivery of your products. Gillian Weir provide a full inventory and care instructions with your order. All your details, measurements and extra special requirements are on file for future re-orders. Their aim is to deliver a complete, bespoke package to ensure that you don’t need to worry about anything from start to finish. Contact Tel: +44 (0)1943 467353 or visit www.gillianweir.co.uk Pictured: Interior Designer: Adam Lay Studio. La Passion, Sarp Yachts.

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Hailing from the little Island of Malta one is always only a few minutes from the sea. At the age of only 8 years old, Andrew had joined the school sailing club and fell in love with the sport. Competing and winning the Topper class at national level and going on to

race small yachts in local races, Andrew still sails regularly but doesn’t compete much anymore. Even though Andrew was involved in yachting from a young age, his first taste of superyachts was only after the inception of No12 Fine Wines and Provisions.

Variety is the spice of life they say. Fortunately no day is the same, and this is what keeps me motivated day in day out. Throughout the year I spend a fair amount of time travelling, which is not only important for business, but also important for my well-being. Malta can sometimes get claustrophobic so I often look forward to my business trips. I visit our offices in Palma de Mallorca several times a year, as well as attending several yacht fairs & international wine fairs, but I also try to be back in Malta by the weekend to spend time with the family. DAY BEGINS When I’m not travelling, my alarm goes off at 05.30 sharp and after a super quick espresso and a croissant, I head to the pool for a gruelling training session. This is the what I call ‘me time’ when I only think about the next swim set. I try not to check my emails before getting to the pool, so that I don’t get distracted and lose focus.

START WORK After swim practice, feeling totally energised, I grab another espresso and a sandwich, tend to any important emails and head off at about 08.30. I usually drive to the main superyacht marinas in Malta to check for any new yachts that may not have been tracked on the gps, as well as walk the docks and network with a few of our clients before heading to the office at around 10.00.

MID-MORNING By mid-morning, I’m back at the office tackling any urgent issues on my ‘to-do list’. These usually range from arranging complicated wine shipments to a remote island off Greece; negotiating supplier agreements and dealing with customs formalities for any imported wines or spirits at any of our warehouses in Malta or Mallorca. The rest of the morning is spent replying to a never-ending stream of e-mails, sourcing hard to find products, or attending meetings.

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LUNCH By noon, I try to have tackled my most urgent emails and make contact with our Mallorca manager Charlotte Painter, to discuss the situation in Mallorca and the Balearic Islands. Our conversation typically revolves around sales, the general office management, business development and we tackle any pending issues related to running the Mallorca office. At about 13.00, I try to make it a point to leave my office for a quick lunch, even if it’s just to get a sandwich from across the road. I find it is a good time to clear my head, and prepare for the coming afternoon. AFTERNOON I tend to marketing & advertising, and business development early in the afternoon in between keeping track of international shipments and deliveries. Sometimes one wine order could add up to three or four different logistical operations from our international partners, and all shipments must arrive at the same destination within the same time. Any supplier and partner meetings held at our warehouse are usually planned later in the afternoon especially when wine tasting is on the agenda. Sometimes, I manage a second trip to the marina, especially when we have a fine wine delivery which I like to be present for. I regularly like to stop for a glass of wine with the marina manager to discuss new business opportunities. END OF THE WORKING DAY Since my son was born, I’ve given up my evening run, and try to leave the office by 7pm to enjoy time playing with him. Unless of course, I have any wine tasting or pairing classes to host. Then it’s back to the warehouse to set up for the evening class. On Fridays I generally have a few colleagues over for a drink or two where we discuss new wines, current affairs and new markets. Friday afternoon drinks can be incredibly constructive when our combined creative juices get going. I’m sure the alcohol is very much integral to some of the ideas we come up with.

DRINKS & DINNER During the week my wife usually prepares dinner which we try to wash down with a good glass of wine. On the weekends it’s usually my turn to cook, and we frequently invite friends over for dinner which I normally pair with my favourite wine of the moment, currently, vintage white Burgundy. I think these powerful, rich but refined chardonnays are fantastic. I drank a Puligny Motrachet ‘Marquis de Laguiche’ 2010 from Joseph Drouhin last weekend. I paired this beautifully complex and elegant wine with a prawn and crab risotto and the result was sublime.

ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 99

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The range of JL AUDIO MediaMaster source unit, speakers, subwoofers and amplifiers are designed and built to withstand all that the ocean and weather can throw at them and provide breathtaking sound for many years to come. The high performance marine audio products are available for a wide range of applications from personal watercraft, wake board boats, RIBs and tenders through to luxury motoryachts and superyachts.

jlaudiomarine.eu CO N N E C T I V I T Y S P E A K E R S A M P L I F I E R S S U B WO O F E R S

100 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD


BETTER SHAPE UP The latest facts, fads and tips to help keep you in ship shape condition this winter WHAT EXACTLY IS… MICRONEEDLING? Who needs what looks like a small paint roller covered in tiny needles, and why? WHAT DOES IT DO? It brightens and lifts the skin, and is ideal for those over 35 looking to improve collagen production and who want to tighten up the neck line, avoiding the dreaded chicken neck. WHAT’S INVOLVED? Up to 45 needles are rolled along the skin at one time. Radio waves are sent down the needles to spur extra collagen production.

SPA OF THE SEASON Ayurveda Resort, Sonnhof

Sonnhof is a family owned gem in the Austrian Tyrol. Food is medicine here; it’s at the very core of the regime. The principle is to discover your ‘dosha’ and then eat accordingly. The Swiss ayurvedic chef perfected his trade in India, cooking for temple monks; meals are light, tasty and predominantly vegetarian . Or, if detoxing is on the cards, mostly li id. he days are filled with classes and treatments rom ac p nct re and naturopathy to cupping and anti-ageing facials. Then it’s a supper of rice and vegetable broth, followed by evening lectures on the A-Z of ayurveda.

ARE THEY REALLY ANY GOOD FOR YOU? WHITE RICE CAKES Often touted as a “diet food” thanks to their low-calorie content, anyone following a diet consisting largely of rice cakes has probably realised that they do very little to fill you up, plus they have the texture of cardboard. They are also extremely high GI (glycaemic index), meaning that the carbs they contain become absorbed into your bloodstream very quickly, sending your blood sugar on a rollercoaster. This spells bad news for energy levels, hunger pangs and weight loss. INSTEAD TRY... Oatcakes or brown rice cakes. They’re higher in fibre, vitamins and minerals and because they are made from the wholegrain, they are lower GI and will keep you fuller for longer.

SCRUBS UP NICELY Dermatologist developed, the sonic movement offers deep yet gentle cleansing. There are two bristle types for targeted cleansing in hard to reach, contoured areas of the face where dirt hides. Massage the T-Zone for 15 seconds. Waterproof and Swiss engineered. €75 www.clinique.com

GET SHREDDED Not another near impossible get fit app, this 2016 upgrade has fitness eats within the grasp of most of us: it’s hard but doable. PUMPING IRON This pair of dumbbells, created in collaboration with Hock Design, a German high end fitness supplier, have steel disks trimmed with venezia leather inserts. A chance to throw your weight around…and look buff. www.berluti.com

BEAUTY MYTHS RUNNING CAUSES YOUR FACE TO SAG FALSE Sagging skin is due to two age related reasons: loss of collagen, which gives skin its elasticity, and loss of facial fat, the absence of which causes skin to droop. It’s highly unlikely that jogging around will damage collagen.

HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE? The treatments take up to two hours, and you should expect about two hours of downtime afterwards due to redness. Exfoliate skin after three days to reduce any tiny brown spots. WHEN SHOULD I TRY IT? Do it at least four weeks before a big event, so stimulated collagen production has maximum impact. ONE LAST THING Microneedling works brilliantly on the body too, especially on the elbows and knees which are often overlooked areas of the body.

MAKE MINE A MATCHA Swapping a latte for a green tea is an instant health boost. For a super powered jolt, make it matcha. The verdant powder has more than 130 times the antioxidants of regular green tea. atcha aficionados say that compared to the caffeine buzz from coffee, matcha creates and alerts calm due to the I-theanine which induces relaxation without drowsiness.

The percentage increase in your energy levels if you exercise for more than 30 minutes, 3 times a week for 4-6 weeks

FITNESS TERMS MADE SIMPLE D.O.M.S. DELAYED ONSET MUSCLE SORENESS Tiny tears in the muscle that make you walk funny the day after the day after legs. Often accompanied by tiny tears from your eyes as you drag yourself out of bed. Your muscles adapt over time, hence why DOMS is worst after a new activity or one you haven’t done for a while (e.g. legs).

ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 101


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102 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD

Professional Approachable Flexible


HAVING A BALL Fancy a simple solution for tight muscles? Massage guru Roel van Kuijck introduces the tennis ball self massage Do you struggle with overly tight muscles? Are your feet tired a lot? Do you have excess tension in your shoulders or back? Did you know that there is a simple trick that you can do at home to help relieve tight muscles? The tennis ball self-massage techniques go into the deepest layers of your muscle and connective tissue. They’ll relieve soreness, pain, and increase circulation. So grab a pair of tennis balls (you know there’s one buried somewhere in the garage) and get started. SHOULDER MASSAGE



Stand straight and hold one ball on your shoulder blade. Roll the ball slowly in all directions starting from the base of your scull into the neck and towards the top of your arm. Bend your head down in the opposite direction. Continue for 3-4 mins and repeat on the other side.

Lie down and place two balls side by side in a sock and settle them under the base of your skull. Breathe while you rest for 1 min. Gently nod your head as the balls nuzzle into the back of your neck. Then pivot your head from side to side, as if saying “no.” Alternate back and forth for 3-4 mins.

Lie down and place two balls together in a sock side by side on either side of your upper back. Interlace your hands behind your head and lift your head off the floor, bringing your chin toward your chest. Lift your bottom off the floor. Roll the balls up and down your upper back for 3-4 mins.




Place 2 balls in a sock vertically between your bottom and your ribs and lie down on top of them. Breathe deeply while shifting your pelvis from side to side so the balls cross your entire lower back. Relieve pressure when approaching the spine. Continue for 5 mins.

Place your hand on top of the ball while standing at a table. Place your other hand on top to apply more pressure, and squash the ball by leaning your body weight into it. Breathe deeply for 1 min, move the ball from side to side and then up and down. Repeat with the other hand.

While standing next to a wall or chair for stability, place a ball underneath the arch of your foot. Keep your heel on the floor and let your body weight sink in. Slowly roll your foot from side to side and in different directions so the ball crosses your arch. Continue for 2-3 mins. Repeat on the other foot.

Blue Tree offer bespoke massages using traditional techniques and are available in your home or on your yacht throughout the Cote d’Azur. For more details Tel: +33 (0)6 51 36 93 65 or visit www.bluetree-massage.com

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In yachting, being exposed to the elements is inevitable. Exfoliation is one way to help rejuvenate and repair your skin If there’s one good reason to exfoliate, it’s this - exfoliating is a fancy word for removing dead skin cells. When you buff off all that dead stuff on the surface, you expose the new and radiant skin underneath. And if you’re looking to get a natural glow during the winter months, exfoliating from head to toe is one of the easiest ways to achieve it. Many of us are making this all too common exfoliating mistake: We scrub our faces but forget about everything below the neck. As the weather gets cold and you start to cover up more, your skin needs that little bit of extra TLC. Exfoliating is important for rejuvenating the winter weary skin and getting ship shape for the spring season when you can start to strip off a little. IS EXFOLIATING THAT IMPORTANT?

Did you know the body naturally gets rid of all its dead skin cells? It can make many people wonder whether there is a need to exfoliate if that is the case. The body sheds 30,00040,000 dead cells each minute. While it can help make the skin look good naturally, there are other benefits that you lose out on when you don’t exfoliate once a week. It’s not just about getting smooth skin, but about removing the chance of suffering from acne or other skin blemishes.

As the weather gets cold and you start to cover up more, your skin needs that little bit of extra TLC Acne or bad skin isn’t just due to dirty skin. It’s due to the pores getting blocked, and that can be from dirt or even natural oils that the skin produces. The exfoliating process helps to open the pores so that the skin can breathe properly and the oils can be released fully.

EXFOLIATE LIKE A PRO Revitalise your skin with a regular exfoliation routine PREP YOUR SKIN

Before stepping into the shower, brush your dry skin with your loofah, body brush or exfoliating gloves. This will help remove the loose skin and prepare your skin for exfoliating

104 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD

Get into the shower and wet your body from head to toe

Keep flip flop friendly. Use a pumice stone on your feet to eliminate rough spots and calluses


Apply your exfoliating cleanser to your loofah or gloves. Begin scrubbing your body in a circular motion starting with the bottoms of your feet and working your way gradually up to your neck

Be gentle on your face, particularly around your eyes and mouth. Use an exfoliating product especially formulated for the face, which is gentler than products designed to be used on the body

HANDY TIP Don’t forget about your

While doing all this, it can also offer the benefit of better blood circulation. Improving the blood circulation around your body is beneficial for some reasons, and not just for the look of your skin. It can help to bring back some colour to your skin, and improve the elasticity. It will also help to reduce the look of scars and cuts. Improved blood circulation also means that other organs and the brain will get more oxygenated blood. Exfoliation can also help minimise the signs of skin aging and hyperpigmentation (age spots), by lifting dull, discoloured cells that give skin a mottled appearance. If you have oily skin, you can find exfoliating extremely beneficial. Not only will you remove the dead skin cells, but you can remove excess oil out of the pores. In some cases, it can help to restore the natural balance of the oil. Those with oily skin have a thicker Epidermis layer, and exfoliating can get within it and clean it completely. For dry or dehydrated skin, that may be common in the winter months, you may find scaly or flaky areas which would also benefit from exfoliation. After exfoliation apply a moisturiser to the new skin cells.


hands. You want them to look and feel soft and smooth too!

HYDRATE After stepping out of the shower, apply a moisturising body lotion RINSE OFF

all over. The exfoliation

Shower your body with

process is drying to the

lukewarm water, and follow

skin, so you must keep

with the coldest water you

your skin smooth

can stand

and hydrated


FEEL INVIGORATED Is your skin feeling a little rough around the edges? Our head to toe guide to scrubs, peels and lotions 1












1 CLARINS Gentle Exfoliator €30 int.clarins.com

2 URSA MAJOR Force Field Daily Defense, SPF 18 €50 www.ursamajorvt.com

3 ALGENIST Detoxifying Exfoliator €35 www.farfetch.com

4 MALIN+GOETZ Jojoba Face Scrub €36 www.malinandgoetz.eu

5 MOLTON BROWN Caressing Body Polisher €40 www.moltonbrown.eu

6 MURAD AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser €40 www.murad.co.uk

7 JACK BLACK Energizing Scrub €28 www.getjackblack.com

8 NIVEA Gentle Exfoliating Scrub €4.75 www.international.boots.com

9 ELEMIS Frangipani Monoi Salt Glow €40 www.elemis.com

10 REN Glycolactic Radiance Renewal Mask €38 www.renskincare.com

11 DHC Deep Cleansing Oil €26 www.dhcuk.co.uk

12 MANCAVE Face Scrub €8 www.mancaveinc.co.uk

ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 105

WINTER WONDERS From bobsleighing to cooking with Michelin starred chefs, those in the know are heading for the snow HIGH ALTITUDE Engelberg, Switzerland

This traditional Swiss alpine Belle Epoque monastery town turned funky young freeride mecca, with short transfers and a great rail link to Zurich, is the perfect destination for a ski weekend. High altitude slopes and a glacier make for snowsure skiing for all levels and for experts there is some spectacular off piste. Any discerning freerider needs to tick the Laub and Galtiberg descents off their list. As well as lively après ski there is also a great range of further activities such as the 3.5km long sledging run, iglu village and the dramatic cliff walk at over 3,000 metres on Europe’s highest suspension bridge. 3 night ski weekends including flights and transfers from €645 per person.

SKI WEEKEND Meribel, France

Hugely popular with the British, many of whom never go anywhere else! The chalet style architecture makes for an attractive town that has a good mix of bars to compliment the lively early evening après ski on the mountain at the renowned Ronnie and Folie Douce. Being at the centre of the 3 valleys offers great access to this truly vast ski area shared with Val Thorens and Courchevel. There is a huge selection of weekly let chalets but if you are after a quick fix we can also offer rare weekend beds at the ski to the door Hotel Doron. 3 night ski weekends including flights and transfers from €645 per person.

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A truly unspoiled hidden gem for anyone looking to escape the crowds of mainstream resorts. Fly to Milan and head up to the mountains passing along the shores of Lake Como. Despite the charmingly undeveloped village the ski area has a superb modern lift system and even floodlit skiing on weekends. As well as some lovely groomers there is also the 1000m vertical Canalone ungroomed itinerary run which is one of the greats. Traditional Italian mountain fayre abounds in classic restaurants like the Dogana Veggia in the old customs house but if you want to step it up one night, there is even a Michelin starred option in the Ristorante il Cantinone.7 nights including flights and transfers from €895 per person.


Join curator Heston Blumenthal and his guest chef friends Sat Bains, Claude Bosi and Jason Atherton on 17 - 20 March 2017 for 3 days of amazing food and skiing, with 2 dinners created just for the event, by the 3 chef teams in mountain refuges. The 3 days include the opportunity to interact with the chefs at certain key times and above all witness the incredible alchemy brought about by the merging of the different talents and styles. Now in its fourth year, this unique ski experience has drawn plaudits from both The Sunday Times and Daily Telegraph. If you like the idea of a ski weekend in wonderful Courmayeur but don’t need the full gourmet experience we can also organise tailor made short breaks to this great resort that has as many mountain restaurants as ski lifts. From €5275 per person.

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From 2-5 February 2017 there is an incredible weekend of giant slalom and dual parallel racing combined with ski clinics by Warren Smith and a healthy dose of Verbier’s legendary après ski with a programme of live music, comedy and DJs and of course the gala prize giving dinner. There is also a relaxed, lighthearted, entertaining and informative forum hosted by the Financial Times. You really do not need to be an expert skier or even have raced before to take part. It’s the perfect opportunity to experience the thrill of racing for the first timer. From €900 per person.

SKELETON EXPERIENCE WITH AMY WILLIAMS Innsbruck, Austria December 2017 provides an exclusive opportunity to join Olympic Gold medallist Amy Williams for an adrenalin fuelled day at the Innsbruck Olympic Bobsleigh and Skeleton track. After settling into the wonderful Grand Hotel Europa, you’ll get your first exhilarating ride reaching speeds up to 120km/h on the track as a passenger in a four man bobsleigh. On the second day and then under Amy’s expert guidance, you will experience the ultimate winter sports thrill by taking on the course individually, face-first, on a skeleton and reaching speeds in excess of 90 km/h. This will be the most exhilarating 45 seconds of your live. From €2155 per person.

For more details on these ski breaks Tel +44 (0)20 7371 9111 or visit www.momentumski.com 108 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD



Alexander Knoche looks at the range of bespoke furniture and upholstery for superyachts provided by Finkeldei


ndoor and outdoor furniture on board a superyacht has to meet a variety of requirements. Attention to the smallest detail and highest standards of design, construction and finish are only the basis. Strict safety considerations, resilience to harsh environmental conditions and lowest weight possible also need to be taken into account. All marine furniture and upholstery must comply with safety guidelines published by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and other maritime standards. Extensive Tests need to be carried out by any furniture supplier and records need to be produced to prove that all pieces of furniture and upholstery meet all relevant requirements. For example, the Finkeldei Manufactory has recently built bespoke cabinets and tables in PYC compliant quality which means non-combustible. This was achievable by using an aluminium frame and other nonflammable materials coated with wooden veneer or very thin solid wood. This highly elaborate solution offers the prestigious look and feel of a wooden piece of furniture while also being non-combustible. Harsh sea air, salty sea spray, rain showers, changing temperatures and glaring sunlight result in a continuous strain on outdoor furniture on a yacht. Durability is the crucial

factor in this demanding outdoor maritime environment. All fabrics and materials used therefore need to be weather-proof, water-resistant and fadeless. The Finkeldei Manufactory takes care of all these requirements for you. The German family run company is the perfect partner for furnishing a superyacht whenever top quality and individuality are paramount. That is why you will find Finkeldei’s luxurious furniture on six of the ten largest superyachts in the world. For more than 30 years, Finkeldei has been creating bespoke upholstered yacht furniture, cabinets and tables of the highest standards, hand-made to perfection in Germany. Their motto is: the best is just good enough. The manufactory offers yacht designers, contractors and shipyards comprehensive services and support for their furnishing projects. Finkeldei provides customers with support from their initial idea to the finished high-end product. With their experienced specialists and technicians, even the most challenging interior and exterior yacht furnishing projects are in the best of hands with Finkeldei.

The Finkeldei Manufactory specialises in designing, manufacturing and maintaining bespoke furniture and luxurious upholstery for new and refitted superyachts. The company uses only the best raw materials and traditional hand-crafting practices. Their range of products and services includes: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Sofas and armchairs Dining tables and chairs Cabinets and coffee tables Cinema furniture Beds and sofas beds Bedding, linen and mattresses Outdoor teak furniture Exterior cushions Fabrics, curtains and cushions Carpets and rugs Wall panels and coverings Interior accessories Upholstery work on board

All products from Finkeldei are certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards.

For more details Tel: +49 (0)5274 980113 or visit www.finkeldei.com ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 109


i ord recommends his essentia prod cts and ser ices or the coming season

No12 Fine Wines and Provisions No12 Fine Wines and Provisions have fast become one of the leading provisioners in the Balearic Islands and Malta. Specialising in the supply of fine wines & spirits to yachts across the Mediterranean, No12 Fine wines has a temperature-controlled wine cellar and tasting room, in both Palma de Mallorca and Malta. Both cellars showcase a vast selection of international fine wines, Champagnes and liquor including big names such as Domaine de la RomanéeConti and Château Pétrus, to best seller rosés including Domaines

Ott and Chateau d’Esclans as well as a selection of hard to find vintage sweet wines. The company is built around the customers’ needs, where the ultimate goal is ‘Peace of mind’ to their clients. Andrew Azzopardi explains that the company’s success lies in the fact the main aim of the business is to get the requested wines or spirits to the yacht on time. For more details Tel: +356 79288036 or visit www.no12wines.com

FLIR Systems

Veritais Veritais specialise in design, supply and installation of bespoke audio visual systems for the home, superyacht and the leisure industry. The systems have been installed in many of the world’s largest yachts, luxury hotels, private residencies and commercial properties. Veritais are committed to provide the highest level of service from the initial enquiry to after sales support. They listen to your requirements and leave you comfortable in the knowledge your vision and dreams will be transformed into a reality. Services include; Onboard Automation, HVAC / Lighting / Blind integration, VSAT/Fleet Broadband, DJ / Nightclub set up, CCTV, security and surveillance For more details Tel: +44 (0)1827 64688 or visit www.veritais.com

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FLIR Systems, a world leader in thermal imaging, develops and manufactures electronics and imaging instruments for the recreational and commercial maritime market under the FLIR and Raymarine brands. FLIR thermal imaging cameras are being used on both yachts and commercial vessels for night time navigation, shipboard security, man-overboard situations and anti-piracy. The FLIR Raymarine product line of maritime products is renowned today for its ease of use, rugged design, and reliability. The comprehensive range of marine electronics applications are available through a global network of dealers and distributors. For more details Tel: +1 877 545 5094 or visit www.flir.com/marine

Romora Bay Resort and Marina The luxurious Romora Bay Resort and Marina blends timeless Bahamian ambience with world class service standards to create a resort and marina destination unlike any other in the Bahamas. Fronting an ocean of exquisite turquoise, surrounded by lush landscaping and enjoying some of the most spectacular sunsets in the Caribbean. Romora’s full service marina caters to both

Sport Fish and Mega Yachts clientele. Slips can accommodate vessels up to 190 feet in length. The resort is situated on five acres of prime harbour front property and features 20 deluxe guest rooms and villas with ocean views. For more details Tel: +1 242 333 2325 or visit www.romorabay.com

Vandecasteele Houtimport ZZ

Vandecasteele Houtimport provides a dedicated service to the marine and superyacht industry. Stocking over 1,500m3 of high quality and quarter cut Burmese Teak stored at their modern distribution facilities in Belgium. Orders can be processed and delivered worldwide within 2-3 days. The wide selection of Teak decking strips, margin boards, cap rails and FEQ grade is one of the finest stockholdings in Europe. Excellent choice combined with value, availability and service in an ecologically responsible manner provides the perfect trading partner for its worldwide customers. Dedicated to trade in harmony in both business and the environment with customers and suppliers are just some of the strengths of this family owned company. For more details Tel: + 32 56 43 33 33 or visit www.teak.vandecasteele.be


Net-Logic Marine Introducing VesselWatch. New intelligent software, with the ability to supercharge your two-way radio system which easily adapts to your existing communications system, opening up your radio to a whole new world of possibilities. VesselWatch enables smart, one touch, ordering and service requests through your existing crew radios. It will keep you safer, improve your security, increase on-board efficiency and much, much more. Developed by Net Logic Marine. With over 18 years in the luxury marine industry they have the experience to understand and service your needs. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1482 772536 www.netlogic-marine.com ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 111

JL Audio Marine Europe An appetite for higher spec products has led to many tender manufacturers switching their marine audio to JL Audio. The specialist marine audio company has seen a particular increase in orders in this sector following last year’s launch of its first marine audio source unit. The MediaMaster® 100s completes JL Audio’s extensive line-up of high quality marine audio products and

works in perfect harmony with JL Audio’s speakers, sub-woofers, amplifiers and blue tooth connectivity to provide an integrated marine audio solution that sounds amazing. All products are built and tested to marine grade standard. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1202 664390 or visit www.jlaudiomarine.eu

Veritas Petroleum Services Veritas Petroleum Services (VPS) delivers testing, inspection and advisory solutions that help their customers achieve measurable improvements to fuel management, operational efficiency, damage prevention and asset protection, whilst also achieving compliance with marine fuel regulatory requirements. VPS have four specialised, wholly-owned ISO 17025 accredited laboratories strategically located in Rotterdam, Singapore, Houston and Fujairah, plus a global network of customer service offices, supported 24/7 by technical experts. In addition their bunker quantity surveys are conducted across more than 200 key bunkering ports worldwide. For more details Tel: +31 180 221 100 or visit www.v-p-s.com

Idea Yacht Management Software IDEA.NET is a solution to help manage technical, administrative and safety management for today’s sophisticated and luxury yachts. This flexible tool allows crew to take control of the volumes of digital information that is required to maintain and abide to by the ever-increasing reporting and accountability requirements. IDEA.NET™ is a cost-effective asset management system providing long-term cost savings on reduced equipment breakdowns, cost and enhanced safety, improved access to safety information, optimum stock control of expensive spare parts and rapid access to critical technical information, For more details: +49 211 303 66 28 or visit www.ideayacht.com

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Modesty Yacht Carpentry Modesty was formed in 1999 by Phil Spear and Jon Winstanley and, due to a dedication to quality and customer service, quickly grew into one of the largest and most well respected carpentry companies in Mallorca. They developed within the company, two separate teams with one specialising in teak deck works and the other in interior refits, exterior furniture, capping rails, gratings so as to be able to provide a full service to all their clients.

They have protected a revolutionary system for producing prefabricated decks using non-invasive laser measuring equipment and CNC machinery. All aspects of the design, construction, varnishing and upholstery are carried out under one roof leading to a smooth trouble-free project. For more details Tel: +34 971 910 211 or visit www.modesty.es

NautiBuoy Marine The award winning inflatable company, NautiBuoy Marine, have recently launched a new modular addition to their range. The new C-dock, a docking station for Seabobs, offers a simple, drive-in/drive-out solution. Listening to the frustrations of owners and crews, the docks have been designed to not only protect the Seabobs from jet-skis, yachts and other watersports equipment, but also prevent the need for repetitive lifting of the Seabobs in and out from the water. Director, Clay Builder comments, “We recognised a need for an individual and modular dock. Our docks can be anchored, tethered, linked to one another or linked to one of our platforms offering the perfect watersports base.� For more details Tel: +44 (0)1803 863 233 or visit www.nautibuoymarine.com

ABT TRAC ABT TRAC is a leading manufacturer of world class yachting products. The company specialise in stabilizers, bow and stern thrusters, and hydraulic systems and produce the highest performing stabilizers on the market in both underway and zero-speed conditions. ABT TRAC produce both hydraulic and electric stabilizer systems offering a variety of bow and stern thrusters, including hydraulic, retractable, and DC or AC options. ABT TRAC hydraulic systems offer maximum customisation while maintaining operational simplicity and efficiency. The company recently announced their new integrated TRAC Link control system and eTRAC electric stabilizer. at the recent FLIBS. For more details Tel: +1 800 535 5377 or visit www.abttrac.com ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 113

Marina Casa de Campo Where the Chavón River meets the Caribbean Sea, on the edge of the waters of Casa de Campo, a 7,000 acre destination, there is a chic nautical community. A place where Sea lovers reside, resort guests go shopping and dining and boaters can moor to enjoy the most complete resort in the Caribbean! Located on latitude 18° 23’ north and longitude 68° 54’ West, Marina Casa de Campo is one of the most complete yachting destinations in the Caribbean. Private, safe, luxurious and exclusive facility, fully

equipped with unsurpassed modern amenities; in its 90,000m² the marina holds 370 slips to receive vessels up to 250ft. Onsite customs & immigration services, mooring assistance, shipyard, exclusive yacht club, four golf courses, polo, tennis, boutiques, restaurants, cinema and a concierge department to make your Casa Experience a unique one. For more details Tel: +1 809 523 2111 / 2112 or visit www.marinacasadecampo.com.do

Gurit The best designers and builders in the marine industry rely on Gurit engineering services and advanced composite materials because of the extensive experience of the technical and sales personnel. Dozens of winning yachts and line honours winners were designed and built based on the company`s engineering capabilities and material range. With a heritage and pedigree of more than 35 years, the Company has always been at the forefront of innovation, quality and service to its clients. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1983 828 000 or visit www.gurit.com

Navantia Shiprepairs With a long tradition of nearly 300 years, Navantia Shiprepairs Cartagena is one of the leading centres for the repair of yachts and mega-yachts. Strategically located on the Mediterranean Caribbean route, it boasts some of the most modern facilities, such as a 150m x 20.5m Syncrolift; a 214m x 20.5m Dry-dock; a 3.000 m2 multi-purpose workshop; a Crew Services Building with dining area, galley, offices, Wi-Fi, training rooms, etc. On top of that, a Bilingual Crew Assistance Service and its complementary Yacht Club to cater for the needs of crewmembers and even for any crew training needs through Navantia Nautical Training Centre. For more details Tel: +34 968 128 340 www.navantia.es/yacht

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FreeStyle Slides ©Breed Media

Gillian Weir Gillian Weir understand luxury. With 20 years experience in the industry, their focus is on creating effortlessly elegant, bespoke surroundings for their clients, always delivered with impeccable attention to detail. Their objective is simple; to source, design and supply a wide range of the finest tableware, linens and accessories to the most luxurious yachts, homes and aircraft in the world. Gillian Weir don’t only custom design and source exquisite pieces, they pride themselves on providing a full project management service, from consultations to quality checking and delivery to even the most remote locations. All of this made easier with the help of the online client area. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1943 467353 or visit www.gillianweir.co.uk

Whether for extreme sport challenges or simply for fun, FreeStyle Rock Walls are customised to fit your needs and the needs of the yacht. The FreeStyle Rock Wall is made with 100% double welded seams, using imported 28 oz. Firmatex PVC vinyl. Each FreeStyle Rock Wall can be customised to your specific size requirement with many design options to choose from. In addition you can choose from an array of colours and add your own personalised logo. They also offer standard sizes in stock. For more details Tel: +1 866 694 4776 or visit www.freestyleslides.com

Wilson Yacht Management Wilson Yacht Management offer a scope of management services ranging from full operational management to partial management depending upon the Owners’ requirements.They focus solely on the yacht management requirements and due to frequent changes in the regulations, this is an essential aspect of running and maintaining a yacht. As a dedicated team of professionals their goal is to provide Owners and Captains with outstanding service whilst creating long term partnerships. The services cover both Commercially and Privately registered

yachts and ensures yachts are maintained and operated to the highest yachting standards whilst maintaining compliance with necessary legal and regulatory requirements (e.g. Passenger Yacht Code (PYC) Large Yacht Code (LY3), Flag State, ISM, ISPS, MARPOL, MLC). Whilst not a legal requirement for privately registered yachts Wilson Yacht Management and most flag states recommend full compliance. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1482 648322 or visit www.wilsonyachtmanagement.com

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EasYacht4U EasYacht4U (EY4U) means that anyone involved in yacht trips in Italy, Sardinia and Sicily can take advantage of their services. They are trusted yacht agents for a wide number of private and commercial superyachts. However, EY4U are not merely experts in port formalities, seafaring and navigation. EY4U know that happy guests means happy captains and thus they have specialised in

leisure activities for the guests, top quality provisions for the galley and the interior, prompt supplies for the deck and the engine room and turnkey support for anyone onboard. Furthermore, they offer a fast accounting and administration service. For more details Tel: +39 344 388 36 39 or visit www.ey4u.com

Sealogical Sealogical provide online yacht management software and apps. The team has more than 100 years combined yachting experience as captains and crew, and developed the world’s first online yacht management platform in 2004. This product, Sealogical, is now used by some of the largest yacht management companies in the world, as well as Captains, Chief Stews, Engineers, and more, on over 250 yachts. “Y.CO use Sealogical.com for our whole management fleet. The Sealogical platform is simply the best yacht management solution we’ve seen. The simple ‘hours of rest’ feature is great for our crew, and Captains really value the safety management and financial reporting tools.” Yves Damette, Director, Yacht Management, Y.CO. For more details email: info@sealogical.com or visit www.sealogical.com

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CCS Coating Consultants CCS Coating Consultants for Superyachts offers a unique type survey called the Superyacht Tender Survey. By executing a Tender Survey you will get an extensive report including a Refinishing Specification and Acceptance Criteria which are vital to set before signing a contract with the subcontractor. CCS evaluate the quotes and will save an average of 10-15% by comparing these quotes. The company hold a Kick-off meeting, Intermediate surveys and once completed, a Final Survey. An optional Warranty Survey after 11 months checks that all coatings are performing as agreed in the contract. Partnering with a CCS surveyor will cost less than 3% of the total paint refit budget. A CCS superyacht Tender Survey easily pays back itself resulting in top quality work. For more details Tel: +31 357 512 150 or visit www.ccsyacht.com





Cap arine is a member of the Cap Group of companies, a financial services group with offices in the sle of an and alta. Cap arine can assist owners and their advisors with structure ownership, employ crew & operate payroll, register yachts & comply with flagstate regulations, maintain accounting records, arrange surveys, keep VAT & tax compliant, obtain legal advice, source financing & insurance and co-ordinate imports/ exports and customs formalities For more details Tel: +44 (0)16 4 717 717 or visit www.icapmarine.com

For over 75 years, Aqua-air have been the specialists in designing chillwater systems. Their innovations and cutting edge technology goes back as far as 1987 with the introduction of the first variable speed chillers. The chillers can be designed to fit into tight spaces and can even be carried through engine room doors for retro-fitting during refits. At the other end of the scale Aqua-Air have integrated the 3rd party diesel boilers into their chiller plants to ensure that when vessels are visiting areas with water temperatures below 41ËšF (5ËšC) there can be heating whilst the vessel is running on low power, negating the requirement for the main generators to be running to power electric auxiliary heaters. For more details Tel: +1 305 884 8363 or visit www.aquaair.com

RefitPlanner.com With decades of experience in through-life marine pro ect management, arine anagement imited ( ) identified a need for improved planning around refit and a greater degree of precision in cost estimates.In response to this, they have launched a web-based, app-driven tool that enables proactive, user friendly refit planning and promotes consumer confidence in accuracy of costs. Enabling dynamic data collection from around the vessel using a tablet, an integrated messaging function supports communication while the app serves to create a shared portal for all refit information.Specifically designed for use on superyachts, RefitPlanner.com has garnered serious attention from the industry and is set to make an announcement soon in relation to new adoptees. For more details email: enquiries@mml.org.nz or to view a demo, visit: www.refitplanner.com

Finkeldei Interiors The Finkeldei anufactory is the ideal partner for furnishing a yacht with custom-made upholstered furniture.That is why you will find their premium class products on six of the ten largest yachts in the world. The company can supply armchairs, sofas, beds, ottomans, dining chairs, loungers, exterior cushions, tables and consoles.They also offer comprehensive services for demanding furnishing pro ects including: Consulting, production, delivery and assembly, after sales service, refurbishment and maintenance. Finkeldei makes even the most challenging furnishing concepts possible. For more details Tel: +49 (0)5 74 980 50 or visit www.finkeldei.com

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The Leader in Fuel Testing & Inspection

Veritas Petroleum Services (VPS), the leader in fuel testing and inspection, delivers solutions that help ship operators achieve measurable improvements to fuel management, fuel cost, operational efficiency and compliance with marine fuel regulatory requirements.

We introduced the first commercial bunker fuel testing programme for ships in 1981. Today, customers remain at the heart of our business. We operate a global network of technical experts and offices, four specialist and wholly-owned fuel testing laboratories strategically located in Rotterdam, Singapore, Houston and Fujairah, with access to 200 key bunkering ports worldwide for bunker quantity surveys. We are committed to providing services with absolute integrity and professionalism.

Veritas Petroleum Services Group

Europe Rotterdam Zwolseweg 1 2994 LB Barendrecht The Netherlands T + 31 180 221 100 E rotterdam@v-p-s.com


Asia, Middle East & Africa Singapore 27 Changi South Street 1 Singapore 486071 T + 65 6779 2475 E singapore@v-p-s.com

Americas Houston 318 North 16 th Street La Porte, Texas 77571 USA T + 1 281 470 1030 E houston@v-p-s.com

In everything we do we strive for perfection, for the highest quality. That’s why we love and understand the world of superyachts.

Is this your goal?

Or this? ďƒž

Curious about our approach? Contact us on +31 (0) 35 7512150 or visit www.ccsyacht.com

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SIXINCH SIXINCH stands for innovative materials and progressive design, specialising in designing and manufacturing high concept foam coated furniture and architectural products. After 15 years of successful projects all over the world the company finally released their technology for the yachting industry. Their soft foam can be cut in any shape and coated in any colour. Very flexible, seamless,

SAES Are you safe from underwater threats such as divers? The maritime protection requires the use of highly specialised sensors, characterised by a high detection probability and a low false alarm probability SAES provides an Intruder Detection System (DDS-03) capable of 360-degree surveillance around the superyacht with automatic alarms and deterrent capabilities. Easy to install and maintain, without the need of a skilled operator. The system has a typical range of up to 1000m, allows wireless remote surveillance and has various deployment modes dependent on the operational scenario. SAES provides advanced systems for undersea security. Their 27-year experience at the military market with high demands on security and quality is now at your service. For more details Tel: +34 968 50 82 14 or visit www.electronica-submarina.com

waterproof and floatable with no molding or setup cost. Fun customisable shapes with no stitches, no inner structure: the possibilities are endless. Perfect for modern designs, yacht and boating industry. For more details Tel: +32 (3) 609 57 02 or visit www.sixinch.eu

Mynterior Mallorca Mynterior Mallorca S.L. is a Palma de Mallorca based company that specialises in supplying high quality exterior and interior covers and upholstery to both the yachting industry and private villas. Mynterior Mallorca can provide any and every cover or upholstery you may need. They offer advice and solutions to achieve the perfect result. They specialise in providing sun loungers, sofas, biminis, awnings, carpets, headliners, curtains, towelling, enclosures, mattresses and leather works. Each project is unique and the team work from the concept, design to delivery and fitting of any bespoke covers or upholstery. For more details Tel: +34 670 519 030 or visit www.mynteriormallorca.com

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Sin tĂ­tulo-1 1

09/12/2016 7:16:47

C OM PAS S M A R I N E D E C K I N G Supply, installation and maintenance of high quality teak decking for the yacht and superyacht industry throughout the world

W E U SE O N LY T HE HIGHEST Q U A L I TY P R O D U C TS TO O B TA I N TH E V E RY B E S T R E S U LTS www.compassmarinedecking.co.uk | email info@compassmarinedecking.co.uk

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Karpaz Gate Marina A fascinating destination and safe home for superyachts and yachts, Karpaz Gate Marina offers the unique combination of exceptional leisure and technical facilities, attractive tax-free berthing prices and a peaceful location surrounded by long stretches of picturesque beaches and untouched nature. The 5 Gold Anchor-rated marina and Port of Entry is the first modern marina in Northern Cyprus and is offering discounts and free technical work for berth holders in 2017. With 300 berths welcoming yachts up to 60m, the harbour is secure and sheltered with a technical service centre, Welcoming yachts up to 60m, the marina features a Beach Club with infinity pool and on-site restaurant Hemingway’s on the Promenade. For more details Tel: +90 0533 833 7878 or visit www.karpazbay.com

Pinpoint Works Pinpoint Works is a web and mobile app which turns your GA into a live, interactive worklist. Log items on-the-go, on or offline. Add: title, description, priority, status, tags, photos, videos, documents, comments, and an exact location. Share only the relevant information by setting users’ permission levels when inviting them to your site. The latest information is all in one place, creating a project history. Track your worklists in real-time, reducing confusion and increasing accountability. Sort and filter your worklist, then export to PDF or Excel. Communicate with crew, management and contractors to get the job done efficiently and effectively. For more details Tel: +44 (0)7980 164643 or visit www.pinpointworks.com

General Coating General Coating GmbH was founded in 2001 and has since continued to steadily grow and take on projects ranging 50 - 160m superyachts. Their expertise lies in corrosion control and finishing, striving to reach the highest quality finishes possible both within the new build and refit markets. The company is fully certified in ISO 9001:2008. All of the company’s workforce have an in depth knowledge of the industry and the quality expected. The yacht finishing division is run by a multilingual and experienced management team. For more details Tel: +49 431 2893 3127 or visit www.general-coating.com

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Superyacht Tenders and Toys Superyacht Tenders and Toys provides the best value and supported tender and toy packages in the industry offering a one stop-shop for all tender and toy needs. Superyacht Tenders and Toys provides all of the popular yacht toy brands as well as fenders, ropes, gym equipment and submersibles. The team provides invaluable advice and assistance regarding the choice, specification, options, build

and integration of all items. All products are supported at no charge for the lifetime of the goods. Superyacht Tenders and Toys has outfitted the world’s finest yachts and offers industry leading knowledge, training advice and support which is second to none. For more details Tel: +44 (0)2380 016363 or visit www.superyachttendersandtoys.com

Bodrum Yacht Services Bodrum Yacht Services began as a humble effort to assist foreign boat owners with their language communication challenges when working with local Turkish labour, as well as the difficulties with sourcing hard-to-find yacht inventory in Turkey. Between Dave Stanley’s lengthy background in the marine industry and Dina Street’s fluency in Turkish language and familiarity with the culture, they began receiving broader requests, including yacht deliveries, provisioning, refits, repairs, engine overhauls and paint projects. One phone call to Bodrum Yacht Services will point first time yachtsmen and returning skippers in the right direction for all of their needs during their stay on the Bodrum peninsula. For more details Tel:+90 252 316 2434 or visit www.bodrumyachtservices.com

Exilator Exilator designs and develops Exhaust Purification Systems to reduce the environmental impact from marine engines. The product ExiLencerTM has already won the prestigious Green Ship Technology 2016 Award, and was a finalist in the annual Lloyds List Maritime Engineering 2016 competition. ExiLencerTM delivers the following benefits: A built in silencer that reduces noise by up to 35 dB, a high quality filter material giving 98% reduction of soot particles and 99% reduction of CO, a unique coating offering no need for pre-burners, a NO2 catalyst: reducing NOx by up to 13%, all with easy installation and maintenance. For more details Tel: + 45 53 77 65 75 or visit www.exilator.com ONBOARD | WINTER 2017 | 123


HOMEPORT Compass Marine Decking Established market leader to the yacht industry Compass Marine’s skilled craftsmen will travel far afield to install your teak deck or re-caulk and refurbish. During the past twelve months they have successfully re-seamed several large and small yachts for Sunseeker International, Princess Yachts International, Lurssen and many other companies and private owners. Compass are available to work on your yacht anywhere in the Mediterranean in a yard of your choice. Their prices are very competitive and the work carried out is always to the highest standard with the best materials. For more details Tel: +44 (0)7706 916 712 or visit www.compassmarinedecking.co.uk

Based in Port la Napoule, Mandelieu’s main marina, HOMEPORT specialises in selling and buying moorings up to 50 metres around the French Riviera with a focus on Port la Napoule and Port de la Rague in Mandelieu, only 15 minutes away from Cannes. With more than 25 years of experience, an extended knowledge of the market with its past and future trends, Bart van den Heuvel and Jacques Leca can give you advice and guide you throughout the purchase or the sale of your mooring. Simply specify the features of your yacht and what you are looking for. For more details Tel:+33 (0)4 93 49 78 13 or visit www.homeport.fr

Fiona’s Atelier Fiona’s Atelier is a leading company specialising in high quality interior and exterior furnishings and supplies for Yachts, Villas, Luxury Hotels and Private Aircraft. They are a one stop source for a vast collection of home and hospitality interior accessories such as crockery, cutlery, glassware, decor items, bath amenities, bed linen, towels, personalised gifts and much more. The team collaborate with more than 300 wholesalers and brands, carefully selected, in order to ensure the highest quality offering, along with years of expertise and priceless advice. Bulk purchasing with selected suppliers also affords Fiona’s Atelier greater buying power allowing for greater discounts to be passed on to their end clients.The team also offer a handy storage solution if you’re unsure about the yacht’s itinerary. For more details Tel: +34 933 157941 or visit www.fionasatelier.com 124 | WINTER 2017 | ONBOARD

GelCoat Doctors GelCoat Doctors is a company specialising in yacht coating solutions. The company repair, restore and maintain gelcoat from boats. They use original gel-coat avoiding painting solutions which do not offer the same quality as the original coating. Quite often boat owners chose a painting solution to repair damaged hulls or decks (such as bumps, cracks or scratches), or even to repair sun-bleached or worn out areas because most of the companies do not offer a gelcoat solution, on the grounds that it is not possible to keep the colorimetry, brightness or durability of that brightness. For more details Tel: +34 653 099 724 or visit www.coatdoctors.com


CLEANER AND GREENER Jesper Steenbuch looks at the simple option for reducing the environmental impact from marine engines


little more than four years ago, a rich composer wanted to buy a superyacht, but much to his dismay, none of them could satisfy his wishes: “To compose, I need to be undisturbed, my brain needs fresh air and my eyes the beauty of a clean sea. I cannot concentrate when I can hear the noise from engines nor when I smell the diesel fumes, nor when I see pollution in the air or the sea around the yacht”. Having visited dozens of yachts, boat builders, designers and naval architects, and looking at current Exhaust Purification Systems on the market he realised, that no one could deliver a yacht, which satisfied all his needs, so he required someone to design and produce a system, which could be installed on any yacht, both new and retro fitted. Exilator was charged with finding a solution, and took on the challenge, and spent the following years on investigating and identifying the perfect solution. What Exilator discovered during their journey, was that a lot of owners, designers, naval architects and boat builders, focused most, if not all of their efforts, on making spectacular designs, both exterior and interior, and making sure the engines were more than adequate.

Once the yacht was delivered, then owners, their family, friends or customers discovered the issues: the noise, the smell, the particles, the oily waters and suddenly the joy was replaced by a wish for a solution. When talking to captains and chief engineers, Exilator was told, that most other solutions on the market created new problems, and the low frequency noise issues would remain. Most current Exhaust Purification Systems, are based on lowest production costs, not the best value for the owners: inferior filter material, use of expensive pre-burners, which heat up the engine room, hence more AC units needed, and very expensive ‘service visits’. Equipped with the knowledge, Exilator then developed and thoroughly tested a brand new way of solving the problems, and they have now launched their award winning product ‘ExiLencer’. The ‘ExiLencer’ has a built-in silencer to reduce the low frequency noise, a unique coating of the durable filter material, and a NO2 catalyst, which combined delivers the following benefits: 98 % reduction of particles (black smoke), 99 % reduction of CO, Noise level reduced by up to 35 dB, no need for pre-burners nor piping.

It delivers a positive NOx balance, with easy installation and maintenance. The cleaning of filters, is required after 5,000 hours of operation, and replacement after 50,000 hours of operation, normally more than the yacht’s lifetime. The solution has already won a Green Ship Technology award and was in the final for Lloyds List Maritime Engineering Award. Exilator also offers financing, which means owners/ charterers can get the benefits immediately, but pay over 5 years by combining it with a service contract. And the costs: around 500 euro per week per installed MW (excl installation).Considering the additional comfort, and normal running costs of a yacht, it seems to be a small investment with a very good return. If you have a used yacht for sale, then by upgrading it with an Exhaust Purification System like the one from Exilator, it will likely improve either the price, or the time it takes to sell. For more details Tel: +45 53 77 65 75 or visit www.exilator.com

The same question kept on popping up, “Why spend millions on a yacht, when you cannot enjoy it to the fullest, because of the annoying low frequency noise from the engines, the diesel smell, the soot particles covering the deck making the outdoor living or the dinner party a nightmare, or the swimming around the yacht, a health hazard, because of the underwater emissions.” But there was a reason. Exilator learned that most owners or their representatives, were never asked, if they were interested in having Exhaust Purification System installed, so it never crossed their minds.

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HEARTS OF GLASS Adam Fiander takes a brief look at the technological advances in glass manufacturing leading to the innovative use by both structural and interior designers on board modern superyachts


work colleague once referred to large motor yachts as ‘floating rooms with moving views’ and his off the cuff observation struck a cord and made me think how incredibly important glass has become and not just for looking out of those ‘floating rooms’, but in the slick design aesthetic and sharp-suited appeal of many of today’s übercool yachts and boats.

its long-term resistance to UV degradation, scratching and physical damage is extremely high.

This seismic step-change shows just how far glass technology has come in the last twenty to thirty years. Whereupon once a time we saw windows on boats as small, round, robust looking port-lights in sturdy steel or aluminium frames, many of today’s yachts these days are adorned with statuesque, multi-angular, cathedral like shapes direct-bonded in a seamless, flush-fitting way against the side of towering hulls.

Akalam’s then fairly unique proposition included the use of no less than thirteen 95cm x 65cm windows positioned across the length of each side of her hull, that was twenty six in total! What made this design interesting was that a high number of windows were located in high tension areas where chain plates to secure standing-rigging, for example, normally reside. That was seven years ago and windows of that size would not be regarded as anything out of the ordinary by today’s standards.

On large sailing yachts, for example, we now regularly see glass bent stylishly to create the curved edges of a pilothouse, or snaking its way seductively over low and sleek coach roof designs. And glass is not just used on the upper sections of yachts and boats anymore. We now regularly see windows positioned as low as 30cm from the waterline, in so-called ‘high wear’ areas for maximum effect. While glass still serves that same basic need of screening the bad weather out and letting natural light flood in, the potential use of glass as an elaborate, strong, safe and practical surface and decorative material is now an intrinsic part of the interior and exterior design of many of the world’s most striking yachts. But it’s not just the more obvious external use of windows, skylights and ‘patio-style’ doors on yachts and boats where we see the most creative use of glass. From interior glass floors, through to decorative internal balustrades, stairs and lift shafts, shower doors, basin splash-backs, table tops, counter-tops, galley divisions and underwater viewing ports, glass is an ideal way for owners and designers to express themselves fully inside medium to large size yachts equally well. Latest digital glass-ceramic printing means that glass can be the ideal canvas backdrop for the highest possible printing resolution. Once they have been digitised, images depicting anything from a simple monochrome boat name, or company logo, through to the stunning and detailed reproduction of the most elaborate scenes from the Grand Masters can be permanently fused on to glass panels and surfaces such that

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My own first-hand experience of the innovative use of large glass sections came about in 2010, following a press launch that I organised for the 32m sloop, ‘Akalam’, designed by Barracuda Yacht Design and built by Pendennis.

New base materials and strengthening techniques are allowing us to produce stronger and stronger windows

A veritable block of Swiss Emmental cheese when her aluminium hull was being fitted out, once completed, however, Akalam offered spectacular views from the warmth of her lower saloon as you stood by the windows and looked out across rolling waves gently coaming their way across Falmouth Bay. This undeniable fetish for glass provided occupants with a pleasant sensory experience made all the more fascinating on a close hauled tack, as you turned your body by 180° and looked down to leeward, only to witness the foamy sea-water level gently rise to about one third height of each lower saloon window, as the sea’s grey-green murkiness sloshed its way past the well-heeled yacht as it clawed its way to windward! Despite thickness and therefore weight considerations, glass is clearly in the ascendancy and is here to stay. But the question is, have the various classification societies and ISO regulations kept up with the pace of change?

As part of the large US Taylor Made Group, Trend Marine is one of the most recognised and most prolific of all yacht glass manufacturers. From a 12 acre site in eastern England, Trend handle everything from curved windscreens to complex doors and powered sunroofs and have been sanctioned by organisations such as RINA, Bureau Veritas and Lloyds to carry out in-house testing and type approval in this field. Trend’s OEM Sales Manager, Jim Boulton, voiced his concerns when he said, “Whereas a few years back we were making windows from waist height and above, we are now being asked for yacht windows in the 1.2m to 1.5m height range. Bedrooms and saloons with full height, floor to ceiling glazing which has effectively doubled in height and size means that some of the glass we are being asked for weighs over 300kg. When it comes to weight, classification societies must recognise that technology and glass manufacturing innovation moves on and they need to ensure that current rules allow for the best optimised solutions concerning weight.” Founded in 1988 and based in Eastern Pennsylvania, ProCurve Glass Design specialise in flat and bent high performance laminated glass. We asked Andrew Lerner, Head of Technology at ProCurve’s how they deal with the question of weight in increasingly large sections of glass, and he said, “New base materials and strengthening techniques are allowing us to produce stronger and stronger windows. We can now produce a laminated window with an equivalent flexural strength of 25mm tempered glass that’s under 5mm thick. The only drawback (other than price and some size restrictions) is that the material is not any stiffer and so it will require designers and the classification societies to rethink how they will incorporate a more flexible material within their project design. The significant benefit is that the weight savings using these new materials is substantial.”

Trend Marine Glass & Glazing Solutions For more than 40 years Trend Marine has been manufacturing high quality marine glass and glazing products for yachts and superyachts. Curved, flat, chemically or thermally tempered, laminated glass & IGUs are all available. Our choice of interlayer technologies ensures protection against delamination. We have 3D scanning capability to ensure complete accuracy of data for yacht refits or replacement glass requirements. The experienced team will then install the glass ensuring a full turn-key glass replacement solution. With accreditation to all three major ISO systems, and glazing products approved by the marine industry’s classification societies, you can have confidence in Trend Marine’s competence as a world class supply and technology partner. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1692 581 307 or visit www.trendmarine.com

One way around the problem of weight for smaller yachts, or for smaller enclosures on larger yachts, is the use of Perspex or acrylic. Similar in respect to their glass sister products, Trend Marine offer direct bond Perspex alternatives supplied with a dark printed frit, or border, to protect the adhesive bond underneath from the effects of UV. The German company GL Yachtverglasung have developed GLY MarineCobond® a multi-laminated glass specifically intended for marine use. The product is said to be thinner than ‘normal’ yacht glass by up to 45% yet retaining the same equivalent strength, meaning it can be used in areas on a yacht which would normally be unthinkable with other types of yacht glass. THE BASICS OF YACHT GLASS MANUFACTURING The most common form of glass manufacture is float glass. The process involves molten glass at approximately 1000°C poured from a furnace onto a shallow bath of molten tin. It floats on the tin, spreads out and forms a level surface. Thickness is controlled by the speed at which solidifying glass ribbon is drawn off from the bath. After annealing (controlled cooling) the glass emerges as a ‘fire’ polished product with virtually parallel surfaces. Raw glass needs to be toughened before it can be put to any practical use in yacht design and construction. In simple terms, there are two methods to achieve this – thermally and chemically toughened.

ProCurve Glass Design ProCurve Glass can provide you with a complete solution to all your glass needs. They are a primary manufacturer of custom marine window solutions. From complete new build packages to single replacement windows. ProCurve can work with you to deliver the glazing solution to match your needs. Because they produce their own products in the ISO 9001:2008 facility, they are able to deliver the correct product to your location around the world the first time when you need it. Custom solutions can include, but are not limited to; Type Approved Strengthened glass, Bullet Resistant, Heated, or switchable windows and more. For more details Tel: +1 (215) 441 9101 or visit www.procurveglass.com

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Marine glass. World class. Manufacturers of glass and glazing product for yachts since 1974. Trend Marine Products sales@trendmarine.com www.trendmarine.com

3D scan & installation service team for yacht glass replacement & product maintenance. Chemically toughened, curved & laminated glass.



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Safety glass, the type that fractures into small pieces when broken, is thermally pre-tensed during construction and is the most common form of single pane glass, generally used in smaller size windows and for less extreme curvature. Float glass is heated to around 650ºC, then quenched with air jets so that the surfaces are cooled quickly, and the inside core more slowly. As the core continues to cool, the surfaces go into compression and the core goes into tension. When the glass breaks, the core releases tensile energy resulting in the formation of small, safer glass particles.

We now regularly see windows positioned as low as 30cm from the waterline, in so-called ‘high ear areas or maxim m e ect

Large sections of glass for yachts and superyachts are formed using a Sag bending technique. This is the process behind the amazing 2D and 3D curvatures and elaborate twisted shapes that we see on yachts today. At between 500ºC and 600ºC the viscosity or syrupy nature of glass falls by a factor of 10,000 as it transforms within a furnace from a brittle solid to a plastic substance. It’s during this plastic phase that a glass panel is allowed to sag under its own weight on to precision template formers until the required shape is achieved. Sag bent glass is then chemically toughened by immersion in a chemical bath where an ion exchange process takes place on the glass surface creating a toughened ‘skin’. The last stage in the process is lamination, essential to meet maritime safety requirements, and an aspect where the science of glass is advancing at its fastest pace. Lamination is where properties such as, for example, UV and IR filtering, tinting, sound-proofing, bullet-proofing, thermal resistance, privacy glass and heated glass thrill the senses and satisfy the needs of even the most ambitious owners and far-sighted designers.

CONTACTS Vindico Tel: + 31 643 888 728 or visit www.vindico.info Viraver Glazing Tel: +39 348 0964803 or visit www.viraver.com Sea Glaze Tel: +44 (0)1603 720745 or visit www.seaglaze.co.uk Beekmans Tel: + 31 652443692 or visit www.beekmans-rvs.com Vision Systems Tel: +33 (0)4 72 31 97 42 crobin@visionsystems.fr Yacht Glass Tel: +49 4963 915 3000 or visit www.yachtglass.de GL Yachtverglasung Tel: +49 4101 375560 or visit www.gl-yachtverglasung.de

Sika Sika, a world leader in bonding, sealing, waterproofing, and insulation products, is the pioneer of the ‘direct glazing’ technique, where the glass becomes an integral part of the boat’s structure. As a preferred method used by leading boat builders, it offers increased window frame stability, structural rigidity and thermal insulation. Direct glazing of mineral and acrylic glass requires a purpose designed adhesive with the right combination of application properties and performance characteristics. Two fast-curing adhesives have been specifically developed by Sika for direct glazing applications in both the OEM and repair marine markets - Sikaflex® 296 for mineral glass and Sikaflex® 295 UV for organic (plastic) glass. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1707 363866 or visit www.sika.co.uk.

THE TRIBOS GLASS PROTECTION SYSTEM Paint protection has evolved into protective coatings for many surfaces of a superyacht, stainless steel, teak decking, marble tables, exhaust fume outlets and of course glass surfaces both inside and outside the vessel. Tribos has been at the forefront of these developments from the very beginning. The most exciting developments in Tribos recently have centred on their glass protective coatings. Hydrophobic coatings for glass have existed for a long time, but they have never lasted long before requiring re-application. Tribos have looked at how to improve the longevity of the coating. As well as strengthening the curing ability of the coating itself, they have looked to improve the glass preparation procedure, by designing a cleaner which would ensure that the pores of the glass were totally clean before application of the hydrophobic coating. In conjunction with a leading optical company, they have designed a glass renovator and a machine application system that will remove all contaminants, organic and inorganic from the glass as well as minor blemishes. This cleanliness ensures that the glass protection binds as firmly as possible to the glass itself. Tribos has now taken its glass treatment system to market and its results on numerous superyachts have been pleasing to the owners, the captain, crew and of course most importantly the guests, all seeing the benefits straight away. Easier cleaning, clearer views, less pitting and damage from salt water and other contaminants. For more details visit www.triboscoatings.com

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ACTION PACKED They’re small, they’re simple and they’re tough and they can capture your life like never before

VEHO MUVI K2 PRO At a fair price point including lots of extras the K2 Pro is a very good buy. Recording capabilities are more than good, 4K 15FPS or adapt to 1080p 60FPS. There’s a detachable LCD touch screen for easy monitoring during an action packed recording session. www.veho-muvi.com €282

SONY X3000R Sleek and lightweight and very rugged. Dust, shock, and freeze proof, and water proof to 60m. The 4K 30FPS is superb or you can reduce to 1080p and get 120FPS. Sony’s image stabilisation capability is squeezed into this higher priced camera. www.sony.com €590

OLYMPUS TG TRACKER Top of the pops in technology, giving 204 degree extreme angle f2.0 lens capable of recording Ultra HD 4K 30P video meaning filed of view is never an issue. The flip-out LCD is nice and with 30m waterproofing this is a decent piece of kit. www.getolympus.com €330

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RICOH WG-M2 A recent update to this rugged action camera range with the added benefit of 4K video at 30FPS. The camera also offers 1080/60p and 720/120p capture. At 40% smaller than the previous model and capable of diving to a depth of 19.8m. www.ricoh-imaging.eu €299

GOPRO HERO SESSION As ever the name to beat in the action camera Oscars. A super small, one button control with 10m water proofing. Very lightweight with 1080p 60FPS video. Less bells and whistles than higher priced models but still packing a mighty punch. www.gopro.com €220

DRIFT STEALTH 2 The lightweight camera is perfect for helmet mounting with 1080p 30FPS filming, a 137 degree lens that rotates 300 degrees and gives 3 hours of fun packed recording time. All this combined into a rugged weather resistant unit at a decent price. www.driftinnovation.com €140

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WHERE IN THE WORLD? rying to or o t the right flag to fly is a taxing and comp icated estion, t ith a itt e digging and chise ing a ay at the rains o a e experts, aire ri ths thro s p some o the ans ers


onsidering the sedative impact the words Annual and Report tend to have on normal godfearing folk, it’s just mad how fascinating the Port State Control (PSC) Annual Report actually is.

The latest edition (2015), details the main work and developments within the Paris MoU for the year; the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), being the organization of 27 participating maritime Administrations and covers the waters of the European coastal States and the North Atlantic basin from North America to Europe. Its mission is to eliminate the operation of sub-standard ships through a harmonised system of port State control. It deliciously league tables (White, Grey, Black) in a name-and-shame kind of way, the ‘bad’ flag states, the not so good Recognized Organisations (ROs) delegated by flag States to carry out statutory surveys on their behalf, and the banned/detained vessels. Yum!

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There are currently 54 sea going vessels detained in ports across the MoU region right now as we write…. Oooohh, wouldn’t you just die to know why? Banning vessels has been used 60 times since 2013, the flags of the United Republic of Tanzania, the Republic of Moldova, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Togo having recorded the highest number of bans. Only 11 vessels were banned in 2015, compared to 20 the year before. Inspections also dropped a little. The 43 states on the ‘White list’ is the same number as the year before. Sweden is leading this year’s list, followed by the United Kingdom and France. Belgium has made a move upwards on the (goody two shoes) ‘White List’. The United States of America moves downwards. Portugal and Spain slide up the table from the ‘Could do better’ Grey list to the White. India and Switzerland dropped down from White to Grey, and Saint Kitts and Nevis moved from ‘Grey

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St Kitts & Nevis International Ship Registry

Everything happens in the same day at SKANReg

St Kitts & Nevis International Ship Registry, Stolt-Nielsen House, 1-5 Oldchurch Road, Romford RM7 0BQ, UK Tel: + 44 (0) 1708 380400 Fax: + 44 (0) 1708 380401 Email: mail@StKittsNevisRegistry.net Website: www.StKittsNevisRegistry.net

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List’ to ‘very naughty’ ‘Black List’. There are again 11 flags on the ‘Black List’, with the United Republic of Tanzania having the worst performance (again). The Recognized Organizations (ROs), don’t get away without an end of year report either: Head of the class is DNV GL, followed by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) and American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), Lloyd’s Register (LR) and the Korean Register of Shipping (KRS). International Register of Shipping is bottom of the list in 2015, in terms of poor performance, followed by Universal Shipping Bureau Inc and Bulgarian Register of Shipping. Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Greece and the United Kingdom made 51% of the over inspections. Commercial yachts make it into the league of the top 5 detention rate ships (oops!) at 4.8% (up from 3.2% in 2014); Best performing ship types are combination carriers and heavy load ships with a zero-detention rate. So can we learn a lesson from the large commercial carrier segment.


As the third largest registry in the world, the Marshall Islands has an advantageous programme for Yachts Engaged in Trade

You see? Addictive stuff. And the ’So what?’ of it all is of course, a yacht owner really needs to choose the right state to flag his yacht depending on how and where he intends to use it to get maximum pleasure from his craft and minimum (authorities) interference. The flag state is responsible for enforcing regulations over vessels registered under its flag and inspections, certifications, safety and pollution prevention documents. Reading the PSC Annual Report doesn’t do away with the need for a specialist marine lawyer, but as league tables go, it flags up the states and Recognised Organisations at the top of the ‘game’. OFF SHORE OR ON? Some 50 per cent of the world’s superyacht fleet flies under the Red Ensign. The Red Ensign Group (REG) represents 13 British shipping registers made up of the UK, its Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories. Red Ensign flagged yachts are under protection of the Royal Navy and can seeks its assistance from any British Embassy or Consulate worldwide. Estimates suggest as many as 80 per cent of large yachts are flagged in the British Overseas Territories of the Cayman Islands, Gibraltar and the Isle of Man. Yachts are often owned as corporate structures which helps limit owner liability and if an owner prefers to remain (as) anonymous (as possible) the structure can be registered offshore. Offshore registration can help mitigate some tax burdens, and reassure lenders and insurance companies twitchy about lending or insuring all those billions worth of boat. Registering as a private yacht with a non-EU flag permits an owner to operate under the Temporary Importation regime in Europe whereby a yacht can operate for up to 18 months without the vessel being subject to customs duties or the EU’s Value Added Tax (VAT). Usually owners who plan to charter in the Med and Caribbean operate their yacht as a corporate structure, flag offshore and register as a commercial vessel.

Gibraltar based RegisterAYacht (RAY) provides an unparalleled range of maritime and professional services to yacht owners, managers and brokers worldwide. As the marine division of the Sovereign Group, RAY offers particular expertise in corporate ownership and tax planning, as well as enjoying access to a global office network that includes Malta, London, the Isle of Man, Cyprus, Dubai, Singapore and Hong Kong. RAY registers, administers and manages yachts on a worldwide basis. It also specialises in the provision of ownership structures, VAT and tax planning, safety and technical management, marine insurance, crew administration, accounting and banking. For more details Tel: +350 200 51870 or visit www.RegisterAYacht.com

Boston Boston is a different breed of provider for the registration and ownership of yachts and luxury assets. Having begun life as a single-family office, the business is still owned by the founding family and so confidentiality, understanding, and independence remain hallmarks of their service. With significant operations in both Malta and the Isle of Man, two of Europe’s leading yachting jurisdictions, and a select clientele of discerning superyacht owners from across the globe, Boston offer deep expertise in yacht structuring and VAT. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1624 692930 yachting@bostonmfo.com or visit www.bostonmfo.com

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Combining the best of marine & financial management for tax efficient sailing We cannot guarantee fair winds but we can promise you plain sailing

Corporate & VAT Services | Worldwide Yacht Registration | Safety & Technical Management | Accounting Marine Insurance | Crew Administration | Banking & Card Facilities | FX & International Payments


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EVEN KEEL The playing field of flag states is flattening out (or stabilising), as marine laws tighten internationally, forcing the ‘rogue states’ to start playing ball and flag registries need to find new ways to seduce new clientele. A brief, skeletal, popularity league based on differing requirements could read something like this; The Luxembourg ensign allows registration of charter vessels and is the least expensive quality flag. The Cayman Islands are popular for their quick turnaround of documents. Malta is growing in popularity and is known for its friendly and efficient regime. The Red Ensign Group for its solid and safe record. The Marshall Islands for its size (3rd largest) and Yacht Engaged in Trade option.

The operation of commercially registered yachts for chartering purposes using a Maltese company can be very tax advantageous

From his office in Guernsey, Joshua D M Paine, Assistant Registrar of British Ships, adds flesh to these bare bones by saying that apart from Malta, “which really has everything to offer the superyacht owner in terms of facilities, reputation and service”, he would recommend owners to consider British registration with the “British flag providing the kudos as well as the quality and reputation that the Red Ensign Group (REG) affords.” The Group offers a mix of Category 1 (unrestricted tonnage) and Category 2 (restricted tonnage to 150 GT but with certain territories such as Jersey having enhanced status to <400GT). He adds, “Maritime administration of the Cayman Islands has carved out an enviable niche in terms of the service provided to superyacht and megayacht owners as well as being robust in terms of regulatory clout; having played the lead in the development of the Large Yacht Code (LY3) and Passenger Yacht Code.” Katherine Ellis is Group Business Development Director at Boston Multi Family Office that has offices on both the Isle of Man and Malta. She’s keen to push the Maltese case and offers the complicated situation of the proposed ‘withholding of tax on charters’ by the French Authorities as a compelling argument to use Maltese structures for yacht owning and operating companies rather than offshore jurisdictions such as the Cayman Islands and BVI. She adds, “Malta is in the EU and has a well-established tax treaty with France, therefore these potential withholding tax implications should not arise. This isn’t just limited to France, however; very similar considerations also apply when the yachts are operating in Spain and for anyone who has a say as to where yacht ownership structures are established i.e. yachting law firms, yacht managers, etc. – the message is increasingly loud and clear that if you want to operate commercially within the EU, you’d be better off setting up (or transferring to) an EU company, and Malta is top of the list in the current environment.” RegisterAYacht.Com (RAY) is a Gibraltar-based company, formed in 2000, to provide marine corporate and administration services to yacht owners, and other professional firms involved in the yachting industry. It is the marine division of Sovereign Group and registers, administers and manages yachts, both pleasure and commercial, on a worldwide basis.

©Chris Lewis

International Registries The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Registry is the third largest registry in the world, surpassing 139 million gross tons and 3,983 vessels at the end of November 2016. The Registry provides exceptional customer service through a network of 27 worldwide offices that have the ability to register yachts for either private, commercial, or passenger use. Unique features of the RMI Registry’s yacht programme include the ability to have more than 12 guests onboard private yachts and the Yacht Engaged in Trade initiative that allows dual use of private yachts in France and Monaco. For more details Tel: +1 954 763 7775 ext. 3101 or visit www.register-iri.com

The St. Kitts & Nevis International Ship Registry The St. Kitts & Nevis International Ship Registry has gained increased recognition in the yacht industry for both commercial and personal yacht registration with a same day registration process, at a low cost. They offer a true worldwide service with their Maritime Registrars offices in Miami USA, Monte Carlo, and over 30 other offices in major maritime ports around the world. There are no restrictions on owners nationality and they offer a unique 4 year registration certificate with one year fees free, so you pay for less than 3 years with only a self-certified Affidavit and a copy of the Insurance Policy as their only requirement for years 2 to 4. All of their procedures are in accordance with the Merchant Shipping Act and IMO Regulations and they accredited by ISO 9001(2008). For more details Tel: +44 (0)1708 380400 or visit www.stkittsnevisregistry.net

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French International Register The RIF offers attractive registration for professional yachts. Commercial vessels flying the French flag are ranked in the white list of the Paris MOU confirming the quality of French vessels in terms of compliance with international standards. The ‘Guichet unique’ of the RIF is shipowners’ single window for any procedure or question relating to registration and the management of vessels and their crews. RIF offers quick and easy administrative procedures with no fees (unless for mortgages) offering a renowned level of safety and security compliant with European Union rules for international crew. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 96 11 55 10 or visit www.rif.mer.developpement-durable.gouv.fr

Virgin Island Shipping Registry Many recognise the BVIs for its natural beauty, pristine waters and superb sailing; a discerning few recognise its first class ship registry. The reputation of the Virgin Islands Shipping Registry (VISR) is evident by the 3,500+ vessels already on its register. A member of the Red Ensign Group, VISR has a highly experienced team focussed on customer satisfaction. Registration is straightforward and may be completed within 48 hours of collating the mandatory documentation. Mortgages are recorded in the BVI, where the legal system is based on English common law, guaranteeing the highest standards are applicable in the event of any dispute. Fees are competitive and a pragmatic approach to manning levels is applied and services relating to offshore finance, corporate registration and tourism are also available. For more details Tel: +1 284 468 2902 or visit www.vishipping.gov.vg

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Like Joshua, Gabriel González at RAY favours the political stability and reputation associated with REG jurisdictions. But for temporary importation (TI) purposes he recommends the Gibraltar Flag. “Firstly,” he explains, “it is a Category 1 register and therefore no restrictions apply on tonnage and size. Secondly, Gibraltar is part of the European Union but outside the EU VAT zone and the Customs Union. So, Gibraltar is within the EU’s legal framework, with all the benefits that this brings in respect of insurance and financing, whilst also being compliant with the EU Customs Code for TI purposes. The private yacht registration process is very straightforward in Gibraltar and we can have a yacht fully registered within two working days.” But if a yacht is planning to operate commercially he favours Malta particularly for preowned vessels that are no longer in class and are below 500GT. All commercial coding can be addressed by an approved Maltese surveyor without having to engage the services of a classification society. He adds that, “the operation of commercially registered yachts for chartering purposes using a Maltese company can be very tax advantageous.” As per our skeletal league list, one should also consider the Marshall Islands register. Diego Ramiez from International Registries Inc tells us that “As the third largest registry in the world, the Marshall Islands has an advantageous programme for Yachts Engaged in Trade (YET). This enables private yachts to engage in charter for up to 84 days per calendar year without having to register as a full commercial yacht.” On main land Europe, Fabien Raffray, Deputy head of office at the Registre International Francais (RIF), the French Flag Register, wants to state the case for French registry: The RIF is the French register for commercial vessels and yachts that was introduced in 2006 and open initially to commercial yachts above 24 metres. Says Fabien, “Benefits of the RIF include it being an EU flag with a single point of contact for all customs and maritime aspects (the ‘Guichet Unique’), as well as a number of advantageous tax/ custom measures or exemptions together with crew benefits. A new French law dated 20 June 2016 has significantly enhanced the attractiveness of the RIF to yacht owners, with two major changes - eligibility and social contributions.” The eligibility conditions for registration have been expanded both as to the length of the vessel and the nationality of the owner: The vessel must now be over 15m in overall length (instead of 24m previously) and it is now possible to register a vessel with the RIF if the manager of the vessel is domiciled in France, and in charge of compliance with the International Safety Management, even if the owner is established in a foreign country. Says Fabien, “Therefore, the yacht owner no longer has to have his registered office or a permanent establishment in France to register a yacht with the RIF. Another benefit is that the yacht owner /employer has the possibility of affiliating crew members to all French Social Security branches with a total exemption of employers’ social security contributions.” All this is useful information to flag up to anyone fishing around for a new registry. Yacht owners tend to purge the urge to go for the pretty, the scary or the evil looking flag standard, but many find it hard to resist seeing their own national colours fluttering on the stern whilst sipping a sundowner: The Americans want the star-spangled banner, the Brits, the old Red Duster, Mozambicans like to figure an AK 47 on theirs and Norfolk Island will keep its Christmas tree, thank you very much. And we say to all of them, if the flag fits, just fly it!



IGY’s network of marinas is setting new standards in nautical tourism IGY Marinas cater to all vessel types, including sportfish, sail, cruise, and megayachts. Their goal is to provide you with the highest standards and best available services at those destinations. The IGY Marinas network provides a natural cruising pattern with stops in the most desired locations of the Northeast, Caribbean, and Latin American waters. Guests visiting any of the marinas will enjoy the unrivalled service that is now expected at an IGY marina. NORTH AMERICA Charter guests and owners alike can start out in the northeast and relish in the class of the Hamptons before stopping in Manhattan and Jersey City to enjoy the views and city excitement. From there, you can cruise down and stay with the newest addition to the IGY Marinas network, National Harbour Marina, and enjoy a unique collection of shopping, dining, nightlife and the famed Capital Wheel. Just minutes to Washington, D.C., National Harbour Marina is the premiere yachting destination of our nation’s capital. CARIBBEAN The IGY Caribbean cruising pattern starts in the Turks & Caicos offering exciting dive and fishing spots in addition to private relaxing anchorages throughout the surrounding islands. From there, the marinas in St. Thomas provide full vessel services, high-end shopping and dining, and exciting island nightlife before cruising over to St.Maarten where you can visit multiple surrounding islands and enjoy some Caribbean hospitality. A little further south, the marina in the tropical playground of St.Lucia provides an array of island activities, culture and first class hospitality while serving as a gateway from the southern Caribbean to the Latin American destinations.

LATIN AMERICA Located below the hurricane belt on the Caribbean side of Central and South America, Santa Marta in Colombia welcomes you with Latin culture and exclusive shopping before you embark on a luxurious skiff to Bocas del Toro, Panama, where the deep water basin and surrounding services provide you as a Captain with everything you need, including full concierge assistance and a safe passage through the Panama Canal. Once in the Pacific, the final destination lands cruising guests in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico on the point of the Baja Peninsula of Mexico where the excitement of the Latin culture continues and you can eat, shop and fish to your heart’s content. From relaxation and exploration of natural landscapes to the fun and excitement of exotic foods and rich, vibrant cultures and exhilarating recreational sports and activities, IGY Marina locations strive to ensure that every location you visit will offer a different and memorable experience. No matter where you embark on your next journey, one of the IGY signature marinas is waiting for you. Each of the marinas has specialised amenities required for refuelling and restocking your superyacht, with each IGY destination waiting to warmly greet your Captain and crew. The world class marinas offer state of the art security, so you can enjoy shopping, spectacular nightlife and much, much more! Their goal is to provide the highest level of professionalism and hospitality that remains unmatched in the marinas industry. There are many hotspots throughout the world and each of the 14 IGY marinas offers a unique experience. The management staff is standing by to help turn your next yachting adventure into a magnificent lifetime memory. Whether you are docking for one night or the entire year, the IGA marina management and staff will be thrilled to cater to all your needs. For more details Tel: +1 212 705 5000 or visit www.igymarinas.com

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SAN SEBASTIAN GUIDE One of Spain’s most attractive, charming and popular cities, this sophisticated coasta gem certain y has a ot to o er its isitors

Port Basilica de Santa María del Coro

Plaza Constitución

San Sebastian coastline

STAY MARIA CRISTINA Retaining its grand belle époque glamour this centrally located 5 star hotel offers a real buzz. Make a beeline for the cocktail bar, a short stroll from the foyer and grand stair case with it’s chandeliers and marble floored floors. Nothing more than pure luxury awaits the weary traveller, dig deep and book it. Tel: +34 943 437600 www.hotel-mariacristina.com | €€€€€ ASTORIA7 HOTEL This cinematic themed hotel offers an array of rooms each dedicated to a movie legend. The décor is bright and retro, definitely a cool place to base yourself for a few days. The funky bar is buzzing all day long with locals and businessmen, the restaurant is superb and portions are monstrous. Close to the action and great value. Tel: +34 943 44 50 00 www.astoria7hotel.com | €€€€€ HOTEL GREEN NEST Driven by the need to offer ‘better value’ hotels in the city for the pintox loving surf dudes, in 2012 the city commissioned

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Nest Hotels to run this ultra-modern, ecofriendly box in a park. The four and six bed dorms are kept spotless and the friendly staff maintain a cheerful, youthful vibe. If there’s a gang of you hitting the town for a weekend this is your spot. Tel: +34 963 261 291 www.nesthostelsansebastian.com | €€€€ HOTEL NIZA Family owned for generations, the hotel still has many of the original features from its opening era, including an elegant lift that

dates back to 1911. While the rooms are simple and basic, painted in pastel colours, there really is no better place to have breakfast than in the Niza’s Bar Biarritz, looking out over Concha and the sea. Tel: +34 943 426 663 www.hotelniza.com | €€€ HOTEL DE LONDRES Y DE INGLATERRA Situated on the Bay of La Concha, perhaps one of the prettiest stretches of beach in Europe, the hotel was conceived for French gamblers who sneaked over the border to satisfy their vice in the nearby casinos. The Londres appears not to have changed much in the interim, they don’t make hotels like this any more. So, if you’re fed up with the sterile corporate norm, you’ll not be disappointed. Tel: +34 943 440 770 www.hlondres.com | €€€

EAT AKELARRE With three very well deserved Michelin Stars, this eatery offers three tasting menus for double deliciousness. Impeccably presented works of art arrive in style with plenty of ‘white space’ surrounding the


fine fare. If you’re a real foodie with deep pockets and enjoy edgy molecular and innovative cuisine then have a big breakfast and head to Akelarre. Tel: +34 943 311 209 www.akelarre.net MESON PORTALETAS One of the very best traditional pintox and tapas bars you’ll find in the port area. Enormous choice of fresh and exciting dishes served in a traditional styled dining area. The vast menú del día is superbly priced and with an award winning wine list, foodies can really spend a serious afternoon here. Tel: +34 943 434 723 www.mesonportaletas.com ASADOR PORTUETXE Located on the edge of town if you need to escape the busy city centre this very traditional carvery serves enormous cuts of meat grilled on the charcoal barbecue. Get your compass out, build up an appetite and enjoy some simple but very tasty fare washed down with some well priced vino. Tel: +34 943 215 018 www.asadorportuetxe.com BOKADO MIKEL SANTAMARIA Located in the Aquarium on the coast, you’ll not be disappointed if you’re looking for some creative genius on a plate. Not cheap, but the whole package of location, views, eclectic taste combinations and a little bit of people watching makes this eatery a definite treat. Tel: +34 943 431 842 www.bokadomikelsantamaria.com BRANKA Boasting an impressive location along the Ondarreta beach, the formal dining room upstairs offers spectacular views over the crashing water. If you’re looking for something a little less formal, the tapas bar on the lower level with its wonderful terrace offers equally interesting dishes. Tel: +34 943 317 096 www.branka-tenis.com

PLAY DIONI’S BAR Apparently the go to place if you’re into a bit of celebrity spotting… The glam gay friendly 80’s style bar is fun and lively throughout the day and night. Outside seating area is ample and serves nice wines. Don’t go there feeling hungry. www.dionisbar.com

ESSENTIAL INFORMATION REAL CLUB NAUTICO SAN SEBASTIAN 43° 19.27’ N 1° 59.35’ W T +34 943 42 35 75 T info@douromarina.com W www.douromarina.com VHF 9 No of berths 430 Max length 11m

ESSENTIAL SAN SEBASTIAN PUB MUSEO DEL WHISKEY With an incredible 3,400 bottles of whisky to work your way through, this venue is split into two floors. Not to worry if you’re not in the mood for a wee dram, the wonderful staff are dab hands at making an array of cocktails throughout a fun packed night. www.museodelwhisky.com DISCOTECA GU Located in the Real Club Nautico building, the club has an wide array of events throughout the year, cocktail bar, two bars a function room and an unbeatable views over the bay of La Concha only minutes from the Old Town. www.gusansebastian.com ALTXERRI JAZZ BAR This jazz and blues haven hosts regular live gigs from local and international stars, with jamming sessions taking over when there are no acts booked. Suitable for a few well deserved drinks and a chat or for music enthusiasts alike. One of the most authentic Donosti places in the city.

CULTURE BASILICA DE SANTA MARIA DEL CORO Dating from 1743, the Basilica was built on the site of an ancient Roman church. Construction lasted 21 years. The main nave is over 1500sqm and is truly beautiful. SAN TELMO MUSEUM Situated in the old town, this magnificent 16th century building is now the municipal museum showing the history of the Basques and residents of San Sebastian. NAVAL MUSEUM Standing at the heart of the old harbour visitors can learn about the secrets of the traditional seafaring Basque people in San Sebastian.

SURFING Grab your board and head to Zurriola beach, great waves for every level. Check you diary as the area holds many international surfing events throughout the year. MOUNT URGULL A short climb offers an apparelled view of the three beaches and to observe the remains of the city wall and cannons. With the 12th century ramparts and LaLoa Castle. GANBARA Mix with the real locals in this wonderful pintox bar, with a 25 year history. This family run affair offers a plethora of basque styled treats. PLAZA DE LA CONSTITUCION Built in 1817 each balcony still bears the numbers from the old Bullring boxes from the houses where locals watched the bullfights. Also, the perfect spot to enjoy the various coffee bars. LA CONCHA BEACH The one kilometre of white sandy beach is the classic and most photographed scene of the area and considered one of the best beaches in Europe. LA PARTE VIEJA The old city. It is situated at the foot of Mount Urgull, wedged between the harbour and the mouth of the river Urumea. It is worthwhile to wander through its streets and taste the typical pinchos. THE MIRAMAR PALACE Queen Anne styled villa built for Queen Regent Maria Christina as the summer palace, situated between La Concha and Ondarreta beaches.

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ASK THE EXPERTS d ice and no edge rom the eading experts in their e d

ALLAN WESTER Head of Running Rigging RSB Rigging Solutions

ABI FIELD Engineering Director AFECO

JOEL REID Business Development Manager, Cox Powertrain














When your wastewater system runs smoothly it’s hardly noticed, but when something goes wrong having a system in place to deal with issues is crucial. A fully functioning wastewater system is vital to ensure that no odours, foul smelling discharge or visual discolouration comes from the yacht. When problems develop the solution is all too often to turn the system off. However, there is a regulatory requirement to have a functioning wastewater system and regulations are getting tighter. A fully functioning system avoids having to manage non compliant discharge, which is costly, while a poorly functioning system could even prevent cruising to certain destinations. Given its importance, it’s clear that support and training for crew is needed. AFECO offers vessel specific training and access to a dedicated phone service for engineers, should a problem occur, meaning support is available.

Diesel is cheaper, cleaner, and easier to obtain than gasoline and offers a far greater range for tenders, with longer service intervals. Filling your tender’s outboard from the main tank, simplifies refuelling and eliminates the need to carry gasoline on the mother ship. There have been a number of attempts to develop a high powered diesel outboard but the challenge for manufacturers has been getting the right power-to-weight ratio. Cox is in the final stages of developing the highest power diesel outboard engine ever, delivering 300hp and weighing only 300kg. At half the weight of an equivalent power diesel inboard, the CXO300 also benefits from a life cycle that is three times longer than equivalent gasoline outboards. This is made possible with its supercharged, twostroke Opposed Piston Diesel (OPD) technology.

Until a few years ago, lines used on captive winches were fairly standard ropes that took a lot of abuse. They were relatively simple pieces of equipment even on large superyachts. With loads that are continuously rising as a result of more powerful rigs and the stiffer materials used in boat building and sails, all lines onboard a high performance superyacht are now put under very high stress with captive winch lines being among the most highly loaded. We work with the specialist rope manufacturers Gottifredi Maffioli who have spent years researching and developing highly technical ropes to ensure they are fit for task when all these factors are considered. With many of the actively racing superyachts using these lines we are seeing less gear failure leading to happier owners and crew at the end of the regattas.

For owners that want their yachting to be clean and green, having the right generator is vital. The goal is a unit that is lightweight, low volume and capable of managing variable loads. Reliability, fuel efficiency even at partial loads and low noise are also very important and, for most yachts, a light to medium operating profile of around 600 hours a year will meet their needs. Dutch company HyPS BV has recently introduced an 85kW variable speed genset that achieves all that by bringing together a highly efficient diesel engine, electric generator and converter to create a quiet, compact generator that weighs just 480 kilos. Fuel efficiency is high at both nominal and partial loads, and the design and choice of components ensure reliability, safety, ruggedness and efficient functionality. And enough power for propulsion as well as services!

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I-CAP MARINE I-Cap Marine can assist owners and their advisors, via offices in the Isle of Man and Malta, with:

STRUCTURING OWNERSHIP CREWING & PAYROLL YACHT REGISTRATION & FLAGSTATE COMPLIANCE ACCOUNTING & VAT COMPLIANCE ARRANGING SURVEYS OBTAINING LEGAL ADVICE SOURCING FINANCE & INSURANCE IMPORTS/EXPORTS AND RELATED CUSTOMS FORMALITIES Contact: Kevin Perry Tel: +44 (0) 1624 717 717 | Mob: +44 (0) 7624 496 060 Email: info@icapmarine.com | Web: www.icapmarine.com I-Cap Marine Ltd is a member of the I-Cap Group of companies and is approved as a Representative Person by the Manx Ship Registry and is a member of the British Marine Federation.

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email. info@ypicrew.com 03/06/2013 16:43


Don’t sell yourself short Laurence Lewis recommends adopting a more positive interview strategy for 2017


have covered the subject of interviews various times over the years yet I feel this topic deserves further coverage before the start of the 2017 Mediterranean season when a new generation of captains and crew will hit the job market. There is no denying it, whether you’re a deckhand, stewardess or captain, being interviewed is a nerve wracking experience and it is often how you handle the associated stress which determines the outcome. How can you ace an interview and obtain a job offer? After all that’s the ultimate goal, anything else is a waste of time, yours included. One of the best pieces of advice is to put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer; if you’re a captain then that will probably be a yacht owner and his spouse or the owner’s representative and manager. If you were them, what kind of qualities would you want your captain to have? Well, here’s the thing, most employers, yacht owners included, regardless of their nationalities and lifestyles, will be impressed if you position yourself as a confident problem solver. That’s the secret in acing most job interviews. How can you position yourself as a confident problem solver? It starts with your body language, be natural, wear clothes in which you feel smart, comfortable and which are appropriate for the occasion. Where and what time of the day is the meeting? Is it a breakfast meeting in a hotel by the sea? Is it a lunch meeting in the City in London? Two radically opposed environments which require different outfits. We’ve all done it, being overdressed or under dressed is never a good feeling, it not only affects our performance but it also instantly influences the interviewer’s opinion in a negative way. Being natural is about having a normal conversation, answering and asking questions and developing on ideas and topics. What impresses clients most is when a captain is able to expand on ideas and have an opinion. Don’t be afraid to have an opinion,

most owners don’t want a yes-man; they want an intelligent man or woman who can lead and who will run the yacht in a safe manner for him and his family. An interview requires practice, take the time to prepare. Do you know how to talk about yourself in a concise, professional and interesting way? Are you confident in answering the ‘tell me about yourself question’? With many tutorials available, including our own series of YPI CREW ‘be amongst the best’ videos on YouTube, there is no excuse for stumbling on this question; the reply should be smooth and to the point. A problem solver gives detailed, informative answers to questions and tries to enter into a conversation by asking a question back, the more the conversation flows the better. Of course that’s not always possible and there are as many interview scenarios as there are yacht owners, but it is my experience that too many captains hold back during an interview and fail to share important information. If there is a point in your career that is particularly important or impressive, or something that really defines who you are, you must absolutely find a way to say it and place it during the conversation. If an owner has experienced previous issues with a captain and crew he may ask seemingly odd questions: “what would you do if xxx and xxxxx happens?” Answer the best way you can and follow up with your own question “I am surprised by this question, have you had such issues before?” or “I am surprised by this question, may I ask why you are concerned about this?” By doing this you really position yourself as someone who is confident and invariably this will open a frank discussion allowing the tension to drop a notch. “I’m just going to be myself” is a comment I frequently hear and I agree - nobody wants to work with a phony. The key however is to be both natural and well-prepared, an interview is not a chat, and it’s the “well prepared” that will make all the difference and give you the edge. Best of luck!

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YACHTING JANUARY 06 London International Boat Show 14 Round the Island Race, Antigua 16 Mount Gay Round Barbados Race Series 21 Boot Dusseldorf 22 Sailing World Cup Miami 24 New Zealand Millennium Cup Regatta 30 Grenada Sailing Week FEBRUARY 2 Antigua Superyacht Challenge 4 Batmassan, Gothenburg Boat Show 10 Helsinki International Boat Show 10 Jolly Harbour Valentine’s Regatta 11 CNR Eurasia Boat Show 16 Miami Boat Show 20 RORC Caribbean 600, Antigua 28 Dubai International Boat Show MARCH 01 Swan Rolex Caribbean Cup 01 Portugal International Sailing Olympic Week 03 St Maarten Heineken Regatta 08 HISWA Amsterdam Boat Show 08 Extreme Sailing Series, Muscat 08 Moscow Boat Show 10 Loro Piana Caribbean Superyacht Regatta 16 St Barths Bucket 17 Palm Beach Boat Show 17 PMYC Regatta, Porto Montenegro 28 Kuwait Yacht Show 29 Seatec, Italy APRIL 01 Sailing World Cup, Hyeres 06 Singapore Yacht Show 10 Les Voiles de St Barths 19 Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta 22 Guadeloupe to Antigua Race 24 MYBA Barcelona 26 China International Boat Show, Shanghai 28 Extreme Sailing Series, Quigdao 28 Palma Yacht Show 28 Hong Kong Boat Show 29 Round Antigua Race 146 | WINTER 2017 2016 | ONBOARD

SPORT JANUARY 11 Handball Men’s World Championships, France 14 Soccer, Africa Cup of Nations 16 Tennis, Australian Open 16 Rallye Monte Carlo 16 Bobsleigh World Cup, St Moritz 28 Rugby 7s, Wellington Series FEBRUARY 04 Rugby 7s, Sydney Sevens 04 Rugby Union, Six Nations 05 American Football, Super Bowl 06 Skiing World Championships, St Moritz 10 Rally of Sweden 24 Red Bull Freestyle Skiing, Bad Gastein MARCH 03 Athletics, European Indoor 03 Rugby 7s, USA Sevens 10 Rally Guanajuanto, Mexico 18 Cycling, Milan – San Remo 25 Horse Racing, Dubai World Cup 26 F1 Australian GP 30 Red Bull Snowkite, Haugastol APRIL 02 Cycling, Tour of Flanders 02 British Superbikes, Donington Park 06 Golf, USA Masters 08 Horse Racing, Grand National 09 F1 Shanghai GP 16 F1 Bahrain GP 16 Windsurfing World Championships, Hyeres 23 London Marathon 29 Red Bull MTB World Cup, Lourdes 30 F1 Sochi GP

EVENTS JANUARY 11 Carnevale di Venezia 19 Sundance Film Festival 25 Robert Burns Night 28 Chinese New Year (Rooster) FEBRUARY 02 Groundhog Day 11 Venice Carnival 11 Menton Lemon Festival 11 Nice Carnival 21 Sitges Carnival 25 Battle of the Oranges, Ivrea, Italy 28 Mardi Gras, Rio MARCH 04 Abroadfest Music Festival, Barcelona 15 Las Fallas, Valencia 17 St Patrick’s Day APRIL 20 Top Marques, Monaco

SIX NATIONS FEBRUARY 04 Scotland v Ireland 04 England v France 05 Italy v Wales 11 Italy v Ireland 11 Wales v England 12 France v Scotland 25 Scotland v Wales 25 Ireland v France 26 England v Italy MARCH 10 Wales v Ireland 11 Italy v France 11 England v Scotland 18 Scotland v Italy 18 France v Wales 18 Ireland v England

Virgin Islands Shipping Registry (VISR) is the Maritime Administration of British Virgin Islands. VISR is member of the prestigious Red Ensign Group of British Ship Registries. Every ship agged with the BVI is a British Ship. Ships registered with VISR qualify to enroll in the USCG Qualship 21 programme.

VISR operates within a stable British based legal system. Our Merchant Shipping Laws protect the Owners, registered vessels and associated mortgages.

Super Yachts are surveyed under the Red Ensign Group’s prestigious Large Yacht Code.

BVI is a vibrant democracy enjoying decades of political and social stability.

With over 4000 yachts, the VISR are experts in the registration, survey and inspection of all types of yachts. All surveys are delegated to major Classication societies

VISR is not n a ag of convenience and is a full subscriber to all international conventions.

BVI is a world leader in company formation, the jurisdiction is tax neutral and outside EU VAT laws.

Virgin Islands Shipping Registry T + 1 (284) 468 2902 F +1(284) 468 4913 www.vishipping.vg | vishipping@gov.vg

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