ONBOARD Magazine spring/summer 2020

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Sean Combs interview A bridge too far Quay moorings The right agent





RAP PARTY Music industry magician Sean Combs on his pursuit of serenity on the sea


STAYING HEALTHY IN A WORLD OF SOCIAL MEDIA How to manage and stay healthy whilst keeping in touch virtually


THE RIGHT AGENT The best yacht agents on the Med give their recommendations on where to go and what to look out for


QUAY MOORINGS ONBOARD recommends its favourite European marinas for the coming season and longer term berthing


GREAT SCOTS The incredible story of three brothers and their 3,000 mile journey


THE PERFECT RECRUIT When it comes to recruitment these guys are the best in the business


A BRIDGE TOO FAR A look at the latest intuitive integrated bridge systems and the best navigation software


KEEP FLYING HIGH Roll up! To see the magnificent flying machines as they prepare for next year’s America’s Cup


THE PEARL OF THE DANUBE From flamboyant architecture to healing thermal waters Budapest has something for everyone


FIND YOUR INNER SELF Awe inspiring destinations that will help you return to a place of real world feeling





COMMENT Happy Clapper or Gloomer, which one will you be in the new normal?


UPFRONT Opinions, facts and stories from the fascinating world of yachting


MY OPINION Bradley Robertson suggests that now is the time to pool resources and save the oceans



NEW LAUNCH ARTEFACT could be the world’s most advanced superyacht minimising its effect on the environment


WEAR IT It’s time to embrace the sunshine with some super summer staples


CREW PROFILE A king amongst chefs. Josh King is griddled on his likes and dislikes


DESIRE The latest eye catching designs and innovations


FOOD AND DRINK The latest trends in food and drink including the top tables in Split and the best rosés from Provence


BODY The latest facts, fads and tips to keep you in ship-shape condition including an update on waterproof makeup


YACHT ESSENTIALS Chris Clifford recommends his favourite products and services for the coming season


A DAY IN THE LIFE OF… John Dodd, Director of Safety Services at Inmarsat Maritime


NAVIGATOR A trip to the captivating Ionian island of Corfu


ASK THE EXPERTS Advice from the leading experts in their fields


RECRUIT Laurence Lewis asks what the new normal will look like

Editor Chris Clifford Editorial Assistant Carol Kenyon Advertising Manager Tim Morris Sales Executive Terry Hurley Art Direction Katie Prentice Accounts Julie Hewitt Contributors Frances and Michael Howorth, Erica Lay, Claire Griffiths, Laurence Lewis, Sue Pelling Front cover Guillaume Plisson Distributed by Superyacht Distribution info@superyacht-distribution.com www.superyacht-distribution.com ONBOARD is published quarterly by Plum Titles Ltd 8 Rue D’Opio, 06560, Valbonne, Alpes Maritimes, France tel: +33 (0)4 93 06 09 12 email: info@onboardmagazine.fr web: www.onboardmagazine.fr The editor and publishers do not necessarily agree with the views expressed by contributors nor do they accept responsibility for any errors in the transmission of the subject matter in this publication. In all matters the editors decision is final.





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Happy Clapper or Gloomer, which one are you?


he end is in sight, they say. Just a few more weeks and it will all be over and the new normal will kick in. No one can argue that we need normal be it new or old, but the words ‘new-normal’ are just one of the many oddly sounding phrases that have emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic. Flattening the curve, no longer seems to mean getting rid of your beer belly and high risk is not just casino banter. Then there are the words that I have started to use to describe superyacht industry people during the crisis. These are Happy Clappers and Gloomers. Happy Clappers are those who are pretending that Corona is a beer brewed in Mexico and that in reality, business for them is not really affected. Into this category we must add folk like the big boss of a major charter brokerage house who went on record with Forbes Magazine to claim; “Charter yachts are the perfect place on which to self-isolate,” while totally ignoring the fact that serving fat cats with cold drinks on the sundeck, puts yacht crews in the direct coughing line of fire. Then there is the shipyard chairman who said “I am confident, when this is all behind us, it will only have made us all more determined to ensure even more clients are out on the water enjoying their best life.” Others to be filed away under the Happy Clapper tab, are networking coordinators, seminar hosts and awards dinner presenters. WINNERS Among the winners in the Happy Clapper brigade are those large brokerage houses who have signed up a slew of superyacht owners into full management programmes. They can carry on charging their clients while they churn out sheets of instructions to yachts, telling crew all about social distancing and the need for constant washing of hands. Project managers overseeing new builds or refits are also winners. These brokerage houses win because fees generated keep the now dormant sales divisions out of trouble. The losers in this category are those who own franchises that allow them to sell and or charter yachts. These largely,

Captain Michael Howorth looks for the winners and losers in the return to new normality following Covid -19

self-employed brokers have no salary and work on a commission only, eat what you kill policy. Despite them putting a brave face on things, the fact is, yachts are not being sold and nor are they being chartered. Boat show and awards event organisers will also lose out because, guess what? When the new normal gets going, many industry professionals will have realised that they survived the crisis without the need to attend multiple boat shows or pay a fortune to sit at a table full of award seeking colleagues eating poorly cooked food while listening to the same old acceptance speeches. GLOOMERS Gloomers are those who suggest the world of superyachts will never recover because by the time we are all allowed to partake in on-board parties and sail-a-ways, the small impoverished suppliers will have all gone bust and will no longer be able to service the yachts, steam cleaning carpets, filling their wine cellars or fix the radars. Winners among those who I have called Gloomers, are true entrepreneurs. They may not be making money out of the industry at the moment and definitely will have experienced severe financial hardship, but they will rebound. A skilled cabinet maker does not lose his ability to rebuild the saloon during a refit.True he might have had to turn his hand to knocking out garden furniture to keep food on the table for his family, but his skills and superyacht experience will emerge post-crisis unscathed. I am not suggesting for a minute that recovery will be easy but almost certainly service providers and suppliers who do recognise that the new normal will be a different place, are those who are already beginning to adapt. Some of those new ways will be better and that can only be a good thing. Unlike Happy Clappers, Gloomers are a category that breed losers. The good news is that, in the ‘new normal,’ they will have all gone bust and disappeared and the superyacht world will be a better place because of it. Does that make me a Happy Clapper?


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OPINIONS, FACTS, STORIES AND WHAT’S NEW IN THE FASCINATING WORLD OF YACHTING ROW YOUR BOAT Will Hollingshead, Chris Hodgson, Sam Coxon, Kevin Gaskell and Matt Gaskell all rowed across the Atlantic Ocean and broke the 5 man world record for fastest crossing, raising over £100,000 for the Plastic Soup Foundation in the process. Arriving in Antigua, they completed the trip in 35 days - think about that… Kinda puts your 20 mins on the rowing machine in the gym to shame a bit doesn’t it? Congrats lads!

YACHTIE TYPES OLDEST DECKIE IN TOWN “I have life experience,” says the guy who looks to be the same age as your dad, walking the docks with his white legs poking out of his sensible shorts. “And I’m not afraid of hard work.” Why has he left his job as an estate agent and decided to pursue his dream of working at sea 20 years later than he should have? Can you say ‘mid life crisis’? Bless him, he may say he’s happy to clean and polish for hours on end but is he really happy to share a cabin with a 22 yr old, take orders from a 25 yr old, and can he keep up on a night out? Bet that life experience will come in really handy as a chamois technician.

OH. MY. GOD. A Friends reunion is finally happening. Can’t wait to see the cast and creators return for a one off special. Apparently not a new episode but it will be on the original set. Official sources say it was down to Jennifer Aniston who rallied the troops and got them all together to agree. Even though at the time they were ‘ON A BREAK’…

SHE OF THE SEA A community of professional women in the yachting industry that is gaining momentum with their yachting gender diversity pledge. Big industry names are signing up to confirm their support to improve the yachting industry by challenging the traditional gender specific roles. They are running some great webinars, sign up and get involved.


NAUTICAL ETYMOLOGY... IN THE OFFING Meaning imminent or likely to happen soon. ‘Offing’ is that area of sea that can be seen from land, so when a ship was seen to be ‘in the offing’ it would be expected to dock before the next tide. ‘Off’ in a sailing context means ‘away from’.

Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. Andre Gide

NAUTICAL HEROES CAPTAIN MATTHEW FLINDERS Captain Matthew Flinders (16 March 1774 – 19 July 1814) was an English navigator and cartographer who led the second circumnavigation of New Holland that he would subsequently call “Australia or Terra Australis” and identified it as a continent. Abel Tasman had circumnavigated it more widely in 1642-43 and had charted its north coast in 1644. Flinders made three voyages to the southern ocean between 1791 and 1810. In the second voyage, George Bass and Flinders confirmed that Van Diemen’s Land (now Tasmania) was an island. In the third voyage, Flinders circumnavigated the mainland of what is now known as Australia, accompanied by Aboriginal man Bungaree.

THANK GOD Veganuary and Dry January are very distant memories. But orthorexia, an obsession with wellness and eating ‘healthy’ foods is now on the rise. Drop those diet fads and just eat healthy and listen to the chef when he tells you to eat your greens - simple. Plus, along with joining Joe Wicks every morning, or tuning in to Aaron Williamson, have we all hit a new health regime?

TOE NAILS This is especially aimed at the boys. If you are to follow the summer trends and wear some slightly dodgy sliders or god forbid earthy type sandals - please, please, please, sort out your disgusting yellow mouldy feet. Its perfectly simple…. Exfoliate and clip those nails and moisturise.

2020 Well, what can we say about 2020 so far and we’re only half way through? Come back 2019 all is forgiven. Actually come back any other year. But seriously, there will be a ‘new normal’ what this will look like, we have no idea. But what ever happens, we must embrace and move forward. Be kind, be positive and think more about others.






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PANORAMA Modularity is built into PANOBLU™. It efficiently combines four main components to bring the most distinctive 360° interactive experience. Each component adds important features making PANOBLU™ unique and the most advanced panoramic system in the world. It combines 12 high tech specialised cameras and the computing power of 52 processor cores to capture shots of up to 157 megapixel resolution with in-camera image processing to deliver full-spheric highresolution panoramic images at a glance. The app is the interface, with its own private user management control system. www.panoblu.com

FOUND IN THE MED MEDITERRANEAN SWORDFISH Mediterranean swordfish (also referred to as SWO MED) are fast swimmers and often travel long distances in pursuit of prey. Unlike other fish of its size, Mediterranean swordfish behave differently; they travel alone, or together with their mate, and not in schools. Why are stocks at a critical level in 2020? Two factors: 30 years of relentless overfishing in the Med has wiped out 70% of stocks, and a chronic lack of a management to fish swordfish sustainably and replenish this highly-commercial species.

A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. John A. Shedd


SHAUN BYERS, CHEF I went diving in Chuuk Lagoon, some of the best wreck diving in the world, including a 52m dive on the San Francisco mar (also known as the million dollar wreck). Then a couple of days in Tokyo to chill out and suck up some culture and some amazing food.

LUCY RATCLIFF, DECKHAND I cycled 1501 miles in 33 days from Canada to Mexico solo! It was an awesome experience!! I raised money for The Survivors Trust and The Royal Marines Charity. Two groups of people that deserve more exposure, support and awareness in my opinion.

WILL HOLLINGSHEAD, FIRST MATE Can’t really think of anything... Hangon! Along with four others, I rowed across the Atlantic ocean and broke the 5 man world record for the fastest crossing. And raised over 100k for the Plastic Soup Foundation. Does that count or is it not interesting enough?

JIMMY CORY, Y3 ROTATIONAL RELIEF ENGINEER In January we eloped to New Orleans and got married in front of the St Louis Cathedral. Then we partied with pirates, drag queens, and continued the celebrations up to Memphis and Nashville - what a blast!

CHRIS CONRAD, CAPTAIN I play wrestled with a baby elephant. Rode camels around the pyramids of Giza. Got upgraded to first class and drunk them out of champagne. Rode the world’s longest single cable cable car. Took a tube down a river in Laos! To name a few things….

MUTLU SAYAR, CHEF I climbed to Lago nero side of Abetone mountain in the snow, I cycled from Viareggio to Monaco and since the first day of 2020 I’ve walked 1000km. Just trying to fill my time you understand. Not sure what to do next.... any suggestions? Or is it back to work??



NAUTICAL NUISANCE There’s nothing more refreshing than plunging into the inviting turquoise blue of the Mediterranean. Before taking the plunge, watch out for these peskies, guaranteed to spoil your fun


JUMPING JELLYFISH As seas heat up in the summer these pesky chaps always seem to appear just as you’re poised for a perfect swallow dive off the poop deck. In you plunge and it’s like diving into an electric shock as you’re stung all over. You’ve never moved so fast to get back onboard.


STEP ON A SEA URCHIN There’s nothing like clamouring over rocks and exploring rockpools until you stand on a spiny, black sea urchin and it snaps off in the sole of your foot. Ouch! No amount of pee is going to help, it’s straight off to hospital for you. That’s the end of your fun!


SHARK! You’ve watched Jaws too many times and all it takes is an ominous fin on the horizon and you’re suddenly doing your fastest freestyle back to the yacht. You never knew you could swim that fast. Of course, it could be a dolphin so make sure you know the difference!


WHALE There’s nothing more exciting than whale watching and there’s nothing more terrifying than a whale landing on your boat, kayak or jet ski. Remember that whales are much bigger than humans and keep your distance. Look but don’t touch!


MOSQUITO MADNESS There’s nothing worse than that high pitched “neee” in your ear especially when you’re trying to sleep. Some people just seem to attract them and hitting yourself in the head never seems to work. Always make sure you have a mosquito net over your bed and check it for holes, you’ll be glad you did!

APP CHAT Looking to catch up on your favourite TV show in the cabin? Download one of these

MY FAVOURITE DESTINATION SA FORADADA, NORTH-COAST MALLORCA Anthony Just, Director Just & Co Promotor of Rafnar Maritime and the ÖK Hull There is nothing that I look forward to more as summer approaches than planning my annual excursion-get-away for a day or two to the exquisite cove and anchorage of Sa Foradada on the northern shore of Mallorca. This magnificent rocky cove lies near the hot-spot beach and cove of Cala Deiá, but one can only reach Sa Foradada bay by boat, or by means of a long trek down the mountainside to the cove. One has to plan well

WHEEEBO Yanmar has developed a new marine activity called the Wheeebo. Users of the circular board lean in the desired direction of travel and onboard sensors detect the change in weight distribution and engage the boards motor to propel the board in the water. Sounds pretty cool and we’re told it’s easy to master - good luck. www.yanmar.com

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with the weather if approaching by boat, as northerlies make the coast and the anchorage very rolly and tempestuous, but on a calm and quiet day this is the most magnificent place to hang out, swim, and visit the cliff-hanging rustic restaurant for local delicacies and Mallorca northshore charm. The sunsets here are absolutely splendid and the true highlight of a fine day out in the wilds in sundowner heaven.

36°27’4”N, 28°13’40”E COLOSSUS OF RHODES The most likely position of the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. A statue of the Greek sun-god Helios, erected in the city of Rhodes, on the Greek

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180_130 giovedĂŹ 28 marzo 2019 11:37:16

achatrina y r e p u S m Located in the cosmopolitan city of Valencia, it is established as the Balearic gate for the moorings of Superyachts. Valencia offers as a city a very attractive destination due to its good price-quality ratio, its Mediterranean gastronomy, its good weather and its unbeatable connections through the international airport. Valencia Mar, has first class facilities to offer safe and comfortable moorings for Superyachts of up to 120 meters. Our staff is prepared to meet the demanding requests that any Superyacht may need. In the quay prepared for Superyachts, Valencia Mar, has 18 moorings from 35 to 120 meters with all the necessary services. The Superyacht’s moorings are designed to enclose your boat to floating pontoons or fixed concrete, providing a lot of ease and safety in the berthing maneuvers. The Superyachts pier is well protected against the prevailing wind in the area, which allows ships to dock safely. www.valenciamar.com



The oceans need us to work together to restore their beauty


f you’re a diver then you will most likely have heard of Osprey Reef in the Coral Sea. One of the world’s most epic dive locations in the world, this place is full of various species of sharks, including the scalloped hammerhead and fearsome oceanic silver tips, manta rays, bull rays the size of cars and much, much more.

really becomes too late! Plastic pollution is now a common household phrase and the word sustainability is being thrown around like a hacky sac at a music festival. And within business it’s rare these days to find a corporation without a CSR policy that includes environmental aspects. Although these policies are generally quite flimsy.

I departed from Osprey reef for the last time some 12 years ago and have been living in Mallorca for the past 10 years building a bottom up, grassroots marine regeneration organisation called Save The Med Foundation. This organisation started as a part of my dive business to put something back into the environment that I was making money from but also an environment that I have so much affinity with; the sea.

Even within yachting there are new environmentally focused NGOs popping up. Most are founded by people with long and successful careers in yachting which is fantastic. Yet there are subtle differences, we are not for profit, and some cut-throat business techniques should be left behind.

But this is not the coral sea right! This is the Med; the most polluted, overfished, overused and abused body of water in the world. Why the hell would I put so much effort into an area that might never recover, an area that is said to be void of marine life and is full of pollution? The magical Balearic Islands are the answer to that question. Well, not the islands themselves. But the mind blowing marine ecosystems that surround them, both coastal and offshore, are some of the most pristine locations in the Med. The Balearic Sea is home to various species of sharks, including Blue Sharks and a history of catches of some of the largest Great White Sharks on record. It is also home to elusive Giant Devil Rays, Common Stingrays, Groupers, Sperm Whales, marine turtles and much, much more. I have seen a huge shift in the last few years, a shift towards more awareness and more importantly more action. The time for awareness alone passed over 20 years ago. Now is the time to act, before it

Bradley Robertson from NGO Save The Med asks why we need so many organisations working independently with basically the same goal. Surely, we need to pool resources, share knowledge and work together

Collaboration is such an important word. It is also a hugely important action. Without open and honest collaboration we can never achieve the shared environmental objectives that we all want to reach. The only way to achieve them is through clear communication and collaboration. Open and honest collaboration saves valuable resources. It opens doors, fills in gaps, streamlines, directs and expands everyone’s work and ultimately ensures that we are achieving our common goals as efficiently as is possible. Save The Med Foundation are initiating the design of a Mediterranean strategy, where the yachting sector has the potential to become a formidable force in doing good for the sea. The yachting companies are in a unique position to assist the NGOs in their project and research work. We would like to encourage one of the larger yachting businesses to organise and support a two day workshop inviting all yachting related NGOs working on marine related issues to gather and collaborate. For more details and further information visit www.savethemed.org



EYE SPY BUSHNELL Prime 1700 Laser Rangefinder The all new Bushnell Prime 1700 rangefinder provides hunters and shooters the capability to range PRS distances. Featuring an all-glass optical system and an improved LCD Display, the new rangefinders offers up to a 2x brighter viewing experience. Providing enhanced light transmission for a brighter, clearer image, the new Bushnell LRFs extend your vision when it matters most. Specifically designed to improve your vision, the all Bushnell LRFs provide the power of a monocular in a laser rangefinder. All models feature a two lens system, typically only found on more expensive models, along with a powerful laser diode for longer, more accurate ranging. www.bushnell.com Speed Updates range 4x per second for fast, reliable ranging

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ZEISS The Zeiss range of monoculars use the same industry leading tech as all their other devices.

CELESTRON Versatile, well built and available in a wide range of prices, Celestron is a great choice.

BUSHNELL The Equinox range offers first class vision with a hoard of extras, all at an affordable price.






Cyber security threats

Are you ready for the IMO legislation surrounding cyber security for yachts? Ian Petts of Equiom Monaco discusses the necessary planning and training steps required


he Maritime Safety Committee of the United Nations IMO (International Maritime Organisation), recently adopted a resolution to ensure that cyber risks are appropriately addressed in maritime safety management systems. This resolution significantly impacts the world’s superyachts and penetrates down through the yachting support industry. Deadline looming For yachts, any risks must be addressed no later than the first annual verification of the owning company’s document of compliance after 1 January 2021, which leaves little time to undertake an assurance test and implement any recommendations. The guidance from the IMO is compulsory for commercially registered yachts over 500 tonnes and optional for others. Smaller yachts may, however, be required to implement and address the guidance by their insurance company. What is a cyber security assurance test? The IMO cyber security assurance testing will typically include a threat assessment, vulnerability scan and a penetration test both from within and externally to the yacht as well as an audit of systems, policies and procedures. A detailed customised remediation plan with a roadmap costings and timing plan will then be implemented prioritising the highest risk areas. Complexity of yacht IT systems Today’s yachts are equipped with myriad smart, technical, entertainment systems and networks. There are several entry points for hackers on a yacht, not to mention the

indirect threat via the systems of yacht management firms, the family office and supplier networks. Indeed the often quoted Maersk cyberattack in the shipping industry which infected 49,000 PCs, laptops and printers, was caused from hackers entering through the accounting system; a successful hack which cost Maersk ten days of lost operation and caused losses of $250-300 million.

The guidance from the IMO is compulsory for commercially registered yachts over 500 tonnes and optional for other smaller yachts On today’s yacht, security cameras, jacuzzi lights, navigation systems, stabilisation systems, engine management systems and anchor systems are all computer controlled and therefore at risk. It is even possible for GPS systems to be altered to cause collisions with other vessels. Billionaires often run a family office from their yacht, with sensitive transactions, business decisions and portfolios managed on board. This is even more prevalent currently with the Covid-19 virus outbreak leading to wealthy individuals self-isolating on their yacht, perhaps without considering the cyber security implications. But this lack of planning and security could make an easy target for hackers.

Importance of culture and training towards threats It is not only the hardware and software which are important, it is building awareness and understanding of the possibility of a cyber attack among crew, yacht suppliers, the management company, the family office and anyone else involved with the yacht. Yacht crew are very familiar with fire drills, but how many yacht and management companies have prepared for cyber attacks and regularly practice drills? Personnel need to be trained on how to spot common cyber threats and prevent accidentally introducing a cyber risk. Anticipation is key, as well as understanding that an attack impacting the yacht is more a case of ‘when’, not ‘if’. Aside from a yacht’s technology, personal devices and peripherals such as tablets, laptops and smart phones owned by crew guests, suppliers and visitors are all common malware infection points and are not always addressed in implemented policies and procedures. Plan ahead and plan now A cybersecurity audit is recommended, not only to meet the IMO deadline, but also to give owners, managers, captains, the family offices and charter yacht guests confidence against attacks from hostile media, opportunist hackers and organised crime. For more details Tel: IanPetts@equiomgroup.com or visit www.equiomgroup.com/cybersecurity


NEW WORLD DESIGN Designed for a first time owner, ARTEFACT could be the world’s most advanced superyacht minimising its effects on the environment Words: Frances and Michael Howorth


erhaps the most visually exciting superyacht to emerge from Germany in recent years, Artefact has been handed over to her owners at the Nobiskrug shipyard in Rensberg. Built for an owner who has never before owned a superyacht, the 80 metre superyacht, along with its class-leading environmental features and technologically advanced hybrid powerplant, has been developed with an emphasis on the environment and guest experience. Artefact’s distinctive aesthetic exterior and interior styling designed by Gregory Marshall Studio in Canada features large architectural windows and noticeable design elements that create a distinctly remarkable profile. The composite superstructure and the special use of large custom and curved glass – the highest ratio of glass used to date 18 | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | ONBOARD

in this size category further differentiates this striking superyacht from others. Reymond Langton Design, a studio that has been involved in the exterior styling and interior design of many award-winning superyachts, have respectively reflected the discerning owner’s persistence to achieve a list of special criteria that included environmental responsibility, technological innovation and guest comfort. For example, the quest for silent operation and maximum stability has been a driving force behind the concept for this vessel. In a major departure from convention, the master stateroom is situated in the after end rather than in the bow and all guest entertainment areas are situated


SPECIFICATIONS Yard Nobiskrug LOA 80m Beam 16.82m Draft 4.2m GT


Solar Panels 23m2 Hull Steel Super structure

Steel & Composite

Propulsion ABB diesel-electric Max speed 17.5knts Cruising 15knts Regulations

in low-acceleration zones. Extensive hull development and testing have been completed to ensure that the vessel will ride comfortably. Artefact has been built under the new IMO Tier III low emissions regulations with an array of first-of-their-kind technology features and engineering advances that reflect the owner’s desire to create an experience as breathtaking as the seas it explores. She is the first hybrid superyacht to have a DC bus, batteries and a variable speed Diesel Electric ABB Pod propulsion system. This is designed offering higher efficiency and lower emissions plus, lower noise and vibration. The yacht also utilises an advanced Dynamic Positioning System to protecting sensitive sea bed areas that could otherwise be damaging by anchoring.


Captain Aaron T. Clark the owner’s project manager who oversaw the build and now takes the yacht to sea as her master said, “Artefact is a unique vessel that marries cutting-edge engineering and striking architectural design to embody a tribute to the nuances of human experience that are often overlooked or ignored. Many traditional aspects of superyacht GAs have been challenged and reimagined in this design to create an unprecedented experience while minimising impact on fragile marine ecosystems.” Among other significant efforts taken to protect the environment is the use of solar panels and a large battery storage system allowing the vessel to operate for a limited time with no internal combustion engines operating. A perfect marriage of art and science through innovation. ONBOARD | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | 19




o some he’s P Diddy; others still think of him as Puff Daddy; and to almost all he’s Sean Combs, that guy with a mighty big yacht.

The 50-year-old rap star certainly rocks it in the way you would expect of a generational icon. Always seen at red carpet events, decorated in designer labels and buoyant in his preservation of an image that started in the ghetto and now resonates around the opulence of Beverly Hills, Combs is the captain of his celebrity status. It is a position he has reached with no small amount of hard graft. Growing up in Harlem, he scored his first record deal in 1997 with debut album No Way Out, although as manager of label Bad Boy Entertainment had already launched the careers of artists such as The Notorious B.I.G and Faith Evans. What followed were hugely successful projects Forever, The Saga Continues and Press Play, while 2020 sees the release of No Way Out 2, a long-awaited sequel – in name and in style – to his debut. All told, his dominance of the sound has confirmed Combs’ ascent to being regarded a true global music entity, informing and inspiring

a new generation of artist. That’s not to say he hasn’t retained his position at the top of the urban jungle – it’s just that with a reported wealth of $825million, he is more likely now than ever before to grant himself the opportunity of taking time out. And time spent on the water is some of his most enjoyable. “It’s a world away from what I am used to and being out there has become one of my favourite ways to relax,” he says. “I didn’t think I would like it when it was first suggested to me – I thought doing that kind of thing was a bit too slow for me, but the whole nautical thing drags you in and before you know it you are there, doing the thing, dressing like a captain,” he laughs. For many years Combs would be seen on the yacht Maraya, built by the Ferretti Group. It provided the rap artist’s favourite place to break free from the flashbulbs. Available to charter at around $300,000 per week, the 54m, 12-berth yacht had all the usual trimmings as well as, crucially, a dancefloor. “Music is always going to play a big part for me,” says Combs. “It may be a place to get away from it, but you still need to set things up for the chance of a party.” ONBOARD | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | 21

The sympathetic leather and dark wood finish was something complemented in Combs’ second yacht, Double Down. When constructed by Codecasa in 2010 it was the constructors’ largest ever yacht, measuring 65m in length. In recent years, he and his family have spent most of their time on Oasis, and rumours the rapper procured the vessel from Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt appear to have some buoyancy. Made by Lürssen, it is another level up from his previous charters, despite the $40million purchase figure in 2017 representing a $32million loss on its sale price some eight years previously. Whether Combs is the confirmed owner or not remains unclear, but the fact he has embraced life on the ocean waves in three different vessels clearly points to a genuine passion for the seas. “In the music business you get those who do and those who don’t,” he continues. “I know a lot of people who will pretend to you that they like to head to the coast and enjoy this kind of life, but mostly they’re doing it for the cameras and for the photo opportunity. “If that’s what they want out of it, that’s fine, but for me it’s about a lot more than that.” Of course, if Combs wanted people to fully buy into his love of the sea, he could switch the rap genre’s almost monotonous lyrical positioning towards partying, sex and gangster living into something with more of a seafaring slant… or perhaps not. “The thing about this genre is it’s built in love and heat – you’re going to have to be a brave man to try to write about something different,” he laughs. Although if anybody can rock the boat, so to speak, you sense it might be him. After all, Combs has led a reputation that subscribes to the territory warfare of rap, and has rarely shied away from the controversy that brings, including use of firearms, questionable treatment of staff and, amongst other things, impersonation of the Pope! While he has stood trial for his misdemeanours, it must also be stated that in recent years the rapper clearly softened in his pursuit of urban bragging rights, aligning himself instead with philanthropic pursuits as well as strengthening his ties with God. “I think you get to the point where you just need to let go of a lot of that anger,” he says. “When you are happy in yourself


I THINK YOU GET TO THE POINT WHERE YOU JUST NEED TO LET GO OF THAT ANGER. WHEN YOU ARE HAPPY IN YOURSELF, GIVING JOY MEANS THAT MUCH MORE. and content in your work, giving joy means that much more, and that’s all I want to do these days.” A father to six children, clearly Combs’ ability to provide for his brood is to be taken seriously, but whether at his LA or Atlanta, or bobbing along around the coast of Italy, the playing out of a character far removed from his music persona is well versed. “I learned a few years ago that the experiences you give your loved ones is worth more than anything else in life, and the reason I like to get out on the yacht is because it’s a place that doesn’t have all the distractions of home or the mall or the cinema.

“You know, it’s actually quite a pure place to be at. We have a few nice gadgets on board but for the most part it’s just a boat with some cool blue water around it, and where my kids are concerned, I want them to be creative and make their own fun, in much the same way I had to when growing up in NYC.” Combs, who has also invested in clothing, vodka, film production and beverage businesses, is a smart operator, and despite having been at the top of his profession for 25 years, remains the king of cool. “You know, when you step on a yacht it’s not difficult to look cool. All you need do is walk around, take a sip from your drink. At some point you need to back it up, y’know, but I leave that for the studio, and that’s good enough for me.”


FUTURE FABRIC Vyva Fabrics presents the Hemp Collection, a new hemp based upholstery fabric for furnishings based on fine fibres in HEMP, the perfect link between nature and outdoor living


ontact with nature is the inspiration for this new fabric. This natural and sustainable fabric is most suitable for outdoor living because it is resistant to extreme weather conditions. Hemp filters 95% of UV rays, is resistant to wear and tear, has strong tenacity and stability. It has been used for centuries to make cords, sails and tents. Hemp is a very fast growing crop, producing high fibre yield per acre. According to several sources hemp can produce 250% more fibre than cotton and 600% more fibre than flax with the same amount of land. At the end of the product life cycle, it breaks down into an organic material while preserving the environment, this makes it biodegradable. Special ‘ECO’ treatment: waterproof and stainless • The Hemp Collection fabrics are treated with a special ‘ECO’ finish; the raw fabric is first washed to remove any kind of wax and oil with a natural soap, extracted from lemon fermentation. • A special silicone high concentration treatment is then applied, to create an invisible surface layer with a molecular structure 2000 times smaller than water, which gives mechanical waterproofing to the fabric surface, like water drops dancing on much smaller spheres that do not allow penetration through the fabric. • The ‘ECO’ treatment is PFOA free, resistant to washing, safe for skin contact and respectful of the environment in compliance with the ‘REACH’ regulations. Hemp Collection consists of three different textures: Fjord & Spiced, Flora & Hortus and Botanic. Nowadays outdoor living is much more than a trend. It’s a way of life, a concept of

Hemp filters 95% of UV rays, is resistant to wear and tear, has strong tenacity and stability. It has been used for centuries to make cords, sails and tents spirit. It is the dimension of fluid living. Being out in the open means more living, more wellness, much more lounging and cooking. Small or large outdoor spaces reflect the character, culture and personality of whoever lives there. Vyva Fabrics Hemp Collection is the ideal fabric for living absolutely freely for every single space within the house. Its smooth equilibrium gives outdoor space the same classy elegance in living and spreads into indoor spaces like a breath of fresh air. These fabrics also have an anti-static and waterproof treatment that protects the fabric from ongoing climatic exposure. This means that dust and liquids slide off without penetrating the fibre, making it climate resistant. Any wind is sea wind, and when it blows it fills sails and carries you far away. Vyva Fabrics Hemp Collection fabrics are ready to set sail towards new horizons.

For more details Tel: +31 (0)20 659 9523 or visit www.vyvafabrics.com ONBOARD | SPRING 2020 | 23

DENIM JACKET We all know the familiar story of Mr Levi Strauss and the durable garments made for the railroad workers, gold prospectors and labourers in the good olde US of A. Over the years the denim jacket evolved in to an ageless item of coolness and the all time American rebel’s outerwear of choice. From James Dean’s denim jacket clad character in the iconic Rebel Without a Cause in the 50’s to the modern day deconstructed version favoured by Rhianna and other socialites. The denim jacket is here to stay and will no doubt continually evolve. CASABLANCA Speed Boat Club Printed Denim Jacket €425

PERSONAL SHOPPER Embrace the sunshine with these great summer staples









Free your feet with a great pair of sandals 1 Gucci Suede trimmed monogrammed €490 2 Malibu Canyon woven & faux leather €110 3 Brunello Cucinelli Suede €410 4 Officine Generale Positano leather €220 5 Missoni Jacquard knit €510 6 Prada Woven leather €515 7 Dries Van Noten Textured €475 24 | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | ONBOARD







CAMP IT UP The camp collar shirt has become a modern summer essential

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1 Gucci Silk twill €850 2 Lardini Cotton €195 3 Officine Generale Dario Camp Collar €185 4 Officine Generale Dario Camp Collar €185 5 Kapital Voile €340 6 Casablanca Silk twill €365 7 Gitman Vintage €210 ONBOARD | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | 25


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1 Ambush €250 2 Undercover €80 3 Loewe €250 4 Alexander McQueen €110 5 Café Kitsune €30 6 Prada €135 7 Asprey €295 8 A.P.C €50 9 Undercover €80 10 Kingsman €110 26 | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | ONBOARD

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STAYING HEALTHY IN A WORLD OF SOCIAL MEDIA Continuing our discussions on the pros and cons of social media and how it can affect those that use it, we look at how to stay healthy whilst keeping in touch ‘virtually’ and how to manage the use of social media Words: Erica Lay



o last time you heard from me, we were talking about the perils of Social Media (SM) addiction. It’s now a recognised problem, especially amongst the younger demographic, and when we consider the fact that yachting is by default a bit of a younger person’s profession (research shows the average age people start on yachts is 22-30, and stay in the industry up to 8 years), coupled with being away from home, family, friends and mentors for long periods, we can safely assume a large percentage of crew could be overusing social media platforms. In the past we didn’t always have internet onboard, and also didn’t have free roaming across Europe so having to hop off and get local sim cards wherever we went was not only a major pain but also not always possible! These days wifi on board is pretty much a given, and the fact we can roam on our cheap pay as you go sims makes being connected far too easy. It’s harder than ever to manage our screen time and let’s face it, a large number of us are online almost constantly.

Checking my feed was becoming obsessive. On the advice of a friend I downloaded an app which really helped me bring it under control again. We’ve talked about the negatives of SM addiction so now let’s focus on how we can help ourselves stay healthy. The main point raised by everyone, is to limit your usage. Schedule your time: set aside a specific time each day to catch up on SM, then make sure you step away. There are even apps out there designed to help you with this; Freedom, Moment, ZenScreen to name three, and two of those even work on desktops if you’re office bound! Whatever method you use, try to stick to it. Pick a time - it might be first thing in the morning, lunchtime, after work, but avoid checking your SM before bedtime as it could affect your sleep. Chief Stew Zoe* told me, “Checking my feed was becoming obsessive. On the advice of a friend I downloaded an app which really

helped me bring it under control again. I had been isolating myself and sitting in my cabin rather than interacting in real life. I still go online but now it’s considerably less, and if I see any of my junior stews displaying the same signs I am able to help them avoid falling down the rabbit hole too. Deckhand Tom* agreed with the sleep issues, “I used to always check my feeds in bed at the end of the day and not only would I end up staying up later than I had planned, I’d have trouble switching my brain off and getting to sleep. When I started waking in the night and reaching for my phone I realised I had to stop – I was exhausted during the day and that’s when accidents happen.”

Unfollow pages or people that don’t make you feel good. We all need to remember that many of the posts we see aren’t reflective of real life; don’t forget people generally only post the good stuff. So don’t you dare compare your life to theirs. If you find the notifications are a distraction or worse, give you anxiety, then switch them off. That will also stop you from checking your SM when you’re not supposed to. First Officer Doug* said, “Rather than ruthlessly ban all devices during the working day which my captain did once – there was near mutiny onboard, I request that the whole team switch off their notifications. If they can’t manage that, then at least put their phones on silent with vibrate off so there’s no distraction when we’re working. It’s ridiculous I have to enforce it but safety first, especially on deck. If I’m up the mast and the guys below are staring at their phones instead of monitoring me, well that’s not going to end well for anyone.” Before you log on, try and set yourself a bit of an objective. How many times have you gone onto a platform to look at something specific, then an hour later find yourself watching endless fail compilations or dog videos, or just endlessly scrolling looking

for something… anything? Make yourself focus on the initial task that you wanted to carry out (i.e. reading the post you’ve just been tagged in) and then log off once you’re done. Now this is a super important one… Unfollow pages or people that don’t make you feel good. We all need to remember that many of the posts we see aren’t reflective of real life; don’t forget people generally only post the good stuff. So don’t you dare compare your life to theirs, you don’t know the half of it. After a week of 20 hour work days anchored off Ibiza, clearing up the partying guests’ vomit from the master suite, scrubbing skidmarks off the toilet and taking a verbal bashing off a drunk deckhand, that dreamy Sunday bikini clad stew selfie clutching that bottle of rose on the Cote d’azur might be a reflection of that particular afternoon, but it’s certainly not of the past 2 week charter from hell. Influencers, businesses and organisations will be posting stuff to make you want to buy/follow/want their products. If you find your feed full of things that leave you feeling overwhelmed, or notice a dip in your happiness or self esteem, then it’s time to chuck out the trash. Easier said than done? Sure, we can unfollow businesses or influencers as they won’t notice/care. But actual “friends”? And harder still – often it’s family members. So, if it’s too political to unfriend a person on SM then you’ve got options. Snooze them, or hit unfollow, then you’re still connected but won’t see their posts unless you actively seek them out. And don’t forget you can put people on restricted so they only see

If you find your feed full of things that leave you feeling overwhelmed, or notice a dip in your happiness or self esteem, then it’s time to chuck out the trash. If it’s too political to unfriend a person then snooze them, or hit unfollow, then you’re still connected but won’t see their posts.


your public posts. Fill your newsfeed with positivity, so you’re not met with doom and gloom in your SM time. That even includes news channels, if you’re finding the state of the world a bit overwhelming then unfollow news sources for a while until you’re in the right head space to read about current affairs again. I have removed certain news sources from my feed due to misinformation, even though I would see headlines and think “well, that’s not true” I found this would make me feel annoyed. And then… I’d start reading the comments and end up feeling angry. Delete, delete, delete. That’s another point. Consider before you engage in a discussion online with strangers. Is it worth it? If they react negatively, or nastily, can you take it? Choose your battles. And don’t feed the trolls. Think about what you’re posting. So many people post in the heat of the moment and then regret it; by then damage could be done and screen shots taken. Once it’s on the internet it’s out there forever, like it or not. If that passive aggressive post is something you wouldn’t say to that person’s face, then simple, don’t post it. And fact check, just because Karen from Cross fit posted it doesn’t mean it’s true.

Consider before you engage in a discussion online with strangers. Is it worth it? If they react negatively, or nastily, can you take it? The amount of supposedly intelligent people who repost absolute garbage is astonishing. Not so long ago I was disappointed to see the head of a yachting company share an infographic about how drinking cold water causes heart attacks and cancer, so we all need to drink hot water. This was in August, it was 35C out. It’s not just stupid, it’s irresponsible to your followers. Think about your connections. On the positive side, SM allows us to connect and build relationships with others who have common ground. There are groups out there for everything; from fun stuff like make-up tips, fashion stuff, fitness groups, to more serious support networks


for carers, people suffering with illnesses, and everything else. If these interactions help you, then great. If they leave you feeling isolated, or unhappy, then not great… try another group or (dare I suggest it) perhaps it’s time to talk to someone in real life.

How about trying a full on digital detox? You’re going on vacation with someone you care about, or visiting family. Go on I dare you – go cold turkey… switch off everything and just use your phone as a camera, properly disconnect. Stewardess Briony told me how a group helped her through a rough patch, “My grandma has dementia and as I don’t get to see her often, I feel all kinds of emotions. Guilt for not being there when the rest of my family are helping with her care, sadness to be losing the strong lady she once was, confusion when I do see her because she sometimes doesn’t recognise me, and pain, it’s painful to see how she is struggling with words and tasks… anyway, I have joined a few groups where others talk about what they’re going through with their family members. I don’t really comment, but I can read and learn more and just not feel so alone.” See? Sometimes SM DOES use its powers for good. How about trying a full on digital detox? You’re going on vacation with someone you care about, or visiting family. Go on I dare you – go cold turkey… switch off everything and just use your phone as a camera. This is something I try to do a couple of times a year, switch off all notifications and actually properly disconnect. As horrifying as this sounds, this is what we used to do when we went on holiday a few years ago (in the pre historic days of Before Smartphones…). We’d go on holiday and have to use a PAY PHONE (what the hell is that?) to contact people to let them know we were still alive. It’s genuinely liberating. Living your best life? Course you are! So enjoy it. Stay in the moment! Sure, take photos, but don’t spend ages filtering and

uploading and missing out on the real life that’s happening around you. Do it later. Which also leads us neatly on to: put your phone away while you’re at work or with friends. Unless you’re expecting a super important call, keep your phone in your pocket, bag, or cabin. You’ll find that real life genuine interactions will trump online ones in the endorphin stakes pretty much every time. Plus it’ll improve your posture from not staring down at a screen all the time. *names changed to protect the innocent!

HOW TO DIGITALLY DETOX FORGET FOMO The ‘fear of missing out’ Just turn off your notification - try it for half a day at first.

GREY SCREEN Turn your screen to grey scale. The once visually colourful and attractive screen, now looks a little boring doesn’t it?

KEEP ON TRACKING Track the time you spend on various platforms, it will frighten you how much time you actually waste.

DO DELETE Limit the amount of time you spend on places like Twitter and Instagram by deleting the Apps from your phone.

PRODUCTIVITY & POSITIVITY We guarantee, you’ll be more productive during work hours and have a more positive outlook on life. Guaranteed.


ON THE PAYROLL The importance of robust crew payroll solutions by Neil Carrington, CEO at Voyonic Crewing Limited


t sounds like a simple enough problem to pay the crew each month so why is the solution not easier? Unfortunately life is never quite that simple and in today’s highly regulated world it does not get any easier. Crew still want to be paid gross and ‘take care’ of their own tax and social security liabilities and there are many solutions to facilitate this. For a complete solution the process is a little more complicated because moving money around in the modern world is not as straightforward as it used to be with Anti-Money laundering legislation governing all payment transactions somewhere along the line. Where does the money come from, where is it going to and more importantly can you prove it? Even opening a personal bank account today is no longer straightforward and there are hoops to jump through depending who your banker might be. Fortunately technology is available to take away much of the pain of the payroll process and help to simplify the due diligence processes that need to be followed. This technology also adds more value to the

process in terms of how your money might be used to best advantage. Some crew still don’t trust this technology for varying reasons but anecdotally it is a question of not letting ‘people’ know where you are or have been. This fear is misguided because there is no escaping from the fact that somebody somewhere knows exactly where we are if we are fulfilling a normal job and a normal life. As a man of a certain age my trust in technology is still developing but there is no escaping the fact that it is here and we need to harness it to best advantage. Any payment process is at its weakest where there is any manual intervention and duplication of effort and this can be as simple as not being able to read somebody’s handwriting properly or transposing digits when typing in an IBAN. Where there are systems available, then they should be used in order to help automate and simplify processes, an example of a system that aims to help simplify and automate payments is Dovepay. Dovepay is a new generation of payments company, founded to solve the problem of

sky high banking charges within the marine payroll industry. Based in the Channel Islands, their accounts and proprietary technology enables you to make payments in 35+ currencies, reconcile statements and process bulk payments faster and at a fraction of the cost of commercial banks, without needing to change your payment provider. Dovepay bridges the gap between payments, banking and security, offering next generation features to an industry and demographic that has previously been overlooked. For more details contact: Nick Magliocchetti Tel: +44 7969 626 222 or visit www.dovepay.co.uk


A KING AMONGST CHEFS Josh King meets Frances and Michael Howorth at the Antigua Charter Yacht Show and talks about his job as Chef Our interview with Josh King took place on board the 86 metre sailing ketch Aquijo at the Antigua Charter Yacht show in December 2019 where he was awarded the Best On Board Experience prize in the Chefs Competition. What made you want to join the superyacht industry and what yachts have you worked on since you joined? I joined because I enjoy travelling and I have not been disappointed! My first yacht was the 85 metre Oceanco; St Princess Olga now (Amore Vero) and that was six years ago. Since then I have worked on the 73 metre Plvs Vltra before coming to this 86 metre beauty just over a month ago. So, you can see I like them big! What do you most like doing when you are not on board a yacht? The travel bug is just as strong as it ever was so I travel as much as I can. Truth is though I keep getting drawn back to Mexico. I love the beaches, the cities and the historical culture. When you want a change of pace the towns and villages are such fun and the people are so friendly but most of all I love the food. I am a chef after all! What do you most like about your current galley and the equipment you have got in it? Because she is a sail boat the galley on board Aquijo is long and rather narrow, but is very well equipped with plenty of fridges and dry store spaces. You would think at first glance it is rather small but Toby my 2nd chef and I never seem to get in each other’s way. When it comes to expensive kit Aquijo has all the super expensive toys. Her centrifuge allows me to make clear consommés with less effort and has allowed me to experiment with constructed creams and butters from legumes and vegetables the likes of peas, broad beans and carrots for example. I use it to centrifuge fruit and vegetable purees for clean separations without heat and to clarify juices with greater yield and clarity. It can’t be beaten when you need to make smoother milks from almond, pistachio, macadamia and nut oils. Don’t tell Toby but I think of my Thermomix as another assistant chef. It’s got me out of bother a fair few times. I can put all the ingredients 32 | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | ONBOARD

needed for a béchamel sauce into it, switch it on and walk away and the end result is sauce cooked to perfection. What is your favourite restaurant or bar in the Mediterranean and why is it special? The 3 Tapas is a little tapas restaurant in Monaco I found on Rue Princesse Florestine, when I lived there and for great Mexican Tacos there is always Sexy Tacos on Boulevard du Tenao. Tacos are my all time favourite comfort food. Where is your favourite food? Not a shop as such but I would say; the Ventimiglia Indoor Market on Via della Repubblica tops the bill. It is a key feature in the town. Indeed, for many folk, it is the town and an essential part of their weekly shop. From Monday to Saturday the stalls that sit within this indoor food haven groan with fresh and tasty seasonal fruits and vegetables. There is a whole section of produce that is either home grown or prepared, such as bottled and pickled foods and artisan speciality cheeses. There are fresh pasta stalls and patisserie counters, delicatessens selling black and white truffles and truffle oils and tapenades, and other authentic Italian food products. What are your three most favourite ingredients for cooking with? Salt, spice and citrus and the one ingredient I think every chef needs in their galley fridge is Tajin, a Mexican condiment created in 1985 by Horacio Fernandez consisting predominantly of chili peppers, lime and salt.

training so maybe I could be in the Royal Marines. If not as part of the fighting crew then perhaps in the kitchens! They say armies fight better on full stomachs! What was the last meal you cooked for yourself because you really wanted to? Ceviche. I really enjoy getting fresh fish and making ceviche serving it with guacamole and chips. I just did that with a tuna I bought from Ari’s fish shop here in Falmouth Harbour, Antigua.

QUICK FIRE QUESTIONS Morning or night-time person? Morning person How do you like your steak? Medium rare rib eye What was the last film you saw in a cinema? Bad Boys 3 and I fell asleep If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Mexico What did you eat for breakfast this morning? Nothing just coffee What is your favourite style of cuisine? Ingredient led Mexican What food do you dislike most? Cinnamon What would your last supper be? My wife’s lentils and rice Your 3 dream dinner party guests? My daughter and my wife and Cardi B

What makes you stand out as a chef? Defying the rules of being a traditional yacht chef and pushing the boundaries encouraging owners to try new foods and flavours. When eventually I stop being a yacht chef, I will probably practise this same mantra while running my own ‘Chefs Table Only’ restaurant in Mexico

Where would you want to retire? A beach in Mexico

If you were not a superyacht chef what you be doing to earn a living? When I was younger, I needed a lot of structure in my routine and I often thought that life in the military forces would suit me well. I love staying fit and doing cross

What have you done spontaneously lately? Lived my whole life

What sport do you most like to watch? NFL and Crossfit Do you have any pet peeves? Being late What’s your most treasured possession? My wife

What is the closest you have ever come to death? Holding my breath under water in the bath


WORTH WEIGHTING FOR Embossed with Versace’s iconic Medusa head motif, these gold dumbbells from the house’s gift collection will add an air of opulence to your workout edit. They weigh in at 3.5kg each and will serve as a striking home accessory when not in use. €400 www.matchesfashion.com


This season’s selection of must-have innovations and design trends

SOUNDS GOOD The Legacy range perfectly embodies the brand’s HIFI expertise. To design this new range, Elipson has taken advantage of the innovations developed over more than 60 years in-house through emblematic models built and designed in France. €4590 www.elipson.com


SCRAMBLE, SCRAMBLE The Truvor Denzel Electric Bike. Powerful, light and a quick removable large capacity battery are the initial advantages before we mention the stunning design, max speeds up to 100km/h from the Asynchronous motor rated at 3000Watts with peak power at 15000 Watts. Practicable and stunningly beautiful. €3600 www.eastgem.net/truvor.html


THE BEAUTIFUL GAME 11’s sweeping curves reflect the beauty and grandeur of today’s modern stadiums, while its atmospheric lighting and chromed metal players capture the excitement and drama of a classic sporting encounter. Each individually numbered table is meticulously hand-finished to the very highest standards by skilled European craftsmen. €85000 www.11thegame.com

BE MY BUD The new Horizon Earphones bring Louis Vuitton’s spirit of travel to the realm of sound with this collection of cutting-edge wireless earphones. Using a system developed by specialist Master & Dynamic. This new Louis Vuittondesigned lifestyle accessory works with all Bluetooth® devices, as well as with the Tambour Horizon smart watch. €1010 www.eu.louisvuitton.com


BALL OF SOUND A true tribute to the craftsmanship and history of Elipson, the BS50 Tribute speaker breathes new life into the model that earned the brand its reputation in the 50s. Designed in 1953 for the first ‘sound and light’ shows at the Château de Chambord. €3990 www.elipson.com

Medicom’s Bearbrick figures have become highly collectible commodities over the years with various brands putting their spin on the popular art toys. The Medicom x A Bathing Ape Bearbrick 200% was a collaboration released by the iconic streetwear brands. €370 www.farfetch.com


The Right Agent With so many unknowns during the season ahead, it is vital to have professional help and advice on the quayside Words: Claire Griffiths


t’s a hard time to write about the future. Harder still to know how this season will pan out for the superyacht industry. It’s especially tough for the agents, right now glaring into their crystal balls to get some idea of where we are heading. By now usually they are already lining up, standing to attention, waiting to welcome the first cruising yachts to their shores. But how many yachts come this year? The yes-men (and women) of yachting have taken time out of a strange schedule to report back on the future as far as they can see it from their own neck of the woods.

MONTENEGRO At the time of writing Montenegro had reported one death and 29 confirmed cases of COVID19. The country closed its borders and went into lockdown on 13th March. Explains Dejan Jankovic of Yacht Agent Montenegro, “We have been speaking with our clients giving them information that they might need. As our water borders are closed we are only able to serve clients who entered Montenegro before the shut down. It is having a big impact on our industry 36 | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | ONBOARD


MONTENEGRO With an experienced team of nautical, engineering and maritime management agents, Yacht Agent Montenegro prides itself in providing top-notch port service coordination and hospitality. Whether you’re travelling abroad or domestically, they will ensure your port authority and customs experience will be nothing but smooth sailing from the moment you arrive. The team offers a wide range of services for travellers in Montenegro’s waters. For more details Tel: +382 67 552 287 or visit www.yachtagent.me


but we are aware of our geographical position and that all countries around us are quarantine zones so this was the only way of stopping the spread of the disease.” Says Jankovic, “Things are slowly opening and in the Mediterranean we are the first area to open and I hope we will get the lions share of this season’s yachts.” Before COVID19 the Montenegrin season was looking pretty bright, with strong bookings and itineraries from clients planning to visit. Says Jankovic, “None of them has changed their mind for certain, but they are saying that they are waiting for this situation to clear. New bookings have now totally stopped since the virus took over Europe.” Yacht Agent Montenegro works with worldwide charter companies and private owners and Jankovic reports that clients are concerned about their multicountry charters and although Montenegro is relatively unaffected, surrounding countries are not.


SPAIN As a fully established Shipping Agency in the port of Ibiza, the company’s goal is to satisfy all your shipping needs before arrival, during your stay and after sailing. The intention is to give maximum priority and satisfaction to customers and represent your interests in Ibiza and Formentera in all aspects of your stay on the islands. Ibiza Shipping have a close relationship with all the port service companies, as well as with Port Authority, Officials, etc… which will ensure correct communication during the time of your stay. They can offer the exact same services on the island of Formentera, which is one of the best destinations for summer calls, having all the information of the possibility of anchorages and berths at the marinas. For more details Tel: +34 971 316 521 or visit www.ibizashipping.com


“We are very client oriented,” says Jankovic, “and our main goal is to provide a distinctive service to our clients that will make their stay in Montenegro unforgettable; the one place where they got everything they need in a timely manner. Precision and reliability are key: we dedicate one team member to each client with 24/7 availability to manage requests.” Yacht Agent Montenegro provides technical services, docking and maintenance with certified and authorised personnel, and the plan is to expand its season beyond the summer months and offer services to clients throughout the Mediterranean. Ajka Matijevic is the Managing Director of A+ Yachting in the Adriatic and together with her team offer a service that covers Montenegro, Croatia and Albania. Montenegro and Albania are not part of the European Union, this along with adequate information online means captains and crew are often left in the dark when it comes to customs and administration fees for goods they’ve ordered. Ajka reminds us, “Owners and charter guests are travelling to the eastern Mediterranean more and more, but

the Captains and crew can sometimes have little practical and operational knowledge of the area. This is where they need a partner with local knowledge and a good reach throughout the region.” We know Croatia is in the EU, but are there different charter rules there? Ajka explains, “It is relatively easy to obtain a charter licence, but time is needed and there are of course certain hoops to jump through, but we have an experienced team, and once an itinerary is planned, we work with the Captain to facilitate the correct paperwork, but it can all depend on the yachts LOA and GRT. Our office takes care of everything and lets the Captain concentrate on looking after the guests on board.” As we’ve mentioned before this eastern Mediterranean area of the Aegean is becoming very popular and with the current ‘logistical’ issues, the industry feels that this region could be very busy in 2020. Ajka and her team have worked long and hard to build a robust support network that enables them to offer and myriad of services to visiting yachts, including bespoke itineraries, help with spare part delivery

In light of the current situation, our hope is to be able to work this summer and thinking up new services remains a simple mental exercise



and of course the all important opportunity for tax free and duty paid marine diesel. Having talked candidly to Ajka we too are confident, that 2020 will certainly see an uplift in charter guests and owners cruising the Adriatic.

ITALY Rosalia Di Perna of Argentario Yacht Services usually starts off a new season by looking at how to improve services based on experiences from the previous summer; “... So that we can continually improve on what we offer. Our beach set up

arrangement was popular last year,” she says. “This year plans are to add seabobs and fliteboards to the services available to visiting yachts in the Argentario area. And while there are no new regulations affecting yachting in the zone she covers, the public health emergency of Covid19 prevails in some form for now.” Says Di Perna, “We hope that everything gets back to normal soon, so the restrictions will be lifted. We really hope we all get the chance to enjoy the summer.” As with all yacht agencies, the Argentario Yacht Services’ aim is to satisfy any kind of request; for example taking just 20 minutes to fly a doctor onto

MONTENEGRO Wandering Yacht is an original concept, a global nautical luxury brand. The first Wandering Yacht office is in Tivat, Montenegro and offers a full range of services: berthing, fuelling, chartering, management and concierge. Their concierge services provide a ‘crew on land’ that meets the ‘crew at sea’ to ensure that the level of luxury and service on board your yacht is maintained at the highest standard throughout your destination. At Wandering Yacht, the luxury, convenience and discretion of clients is of the utmost importance. Indulge in a seamless experience that leaves you with lasting memories. Contact their multilingual team of consultants to begin your special journey. For more details Tel: +382 (0)69 333 693 or visit www.wanderingyacht.com


ITALY Based in the stunning Argentario area in Tuscany Argentario Yacht Services is a professional Registered Yacht Agency, perfectly organised to satisfy any type of requests and to offer you full assistance whenever you need it. From the standard services such as yacht formalities, berth reservation, car service, provisioning, etc. to the most unusual requests, they will provide you with tailor-made services both at sea and onshore. Their availability 24/7, together with their hands-on approach and very personal assistance to their clients ensures first class services for guests and excellent support to Captains and their crews. Their mission is simple: focusing on the client’s needs and satisfying them with the best! For more details Tel: +39 3349997049 or visit www.argentarioyachtservices.com





SPAIN With 20 years’ experience operating on Ibiza and Formentera, Joe Buckle and The Facilitators Company provide a high-calibre hospitality and logistics service that reaches far beyond the concierge desk. The company work 1:1 with elite clients, family offices, yacht agents and international partners to manage complex travel and hospitality projects with precision planning and acute attention-to-detail. Highly experienced in VIP handling and special projects organisation on Ibiza, the Facilitator-lead teams assist Captain and Purser to provide superior experience management and also 24-7, on the ground co-ordination of all client and guest movements. The Facilitators Company is Ibiza’s only bespoke multi-service agency delivering a comprehensive solution to any given request. For more details Tel: +34 647 792 844 (What´s App) or visit www.thefacilitators.co

Giglio Island to tend to a minor accident on board or sourcing a type of meat for dinner that is not readily available. SIRACUSE At the other end of the country Gianmarco Mauceri Boccadifuoco runs Siracusa Boccadifuoco Yachting. In September 2019 14 mooring buoys with 50 ton blocks were installed for megayachts in the Siracusa marina: “This means yachts do not need to put their anchors stern to and it can be a great option for the winter season,” he explains. He had been working on preparing new itineraries, services and magical places to visit before Covid19

struck; “Right now is a very sad time but we hope the restrictions relax more as possible and people start to travel again.” He adds, “We always work with a ‘can do’ attitude no matter what the request, be it private excursions, provisioning, spas and massages, bunkering etc...”

SAN REMO Based out of San Remo but covering the Mediterranean and northern Europe, All Services was founded by Alessandro Sartore in 1980. Since the Italian lockdown began on 9th March 2020, the entire All Services team worked remotely but life is slowly getting back to normal. Alessandro has no idea how busy the season will evolve but he is fairly certain that supply will be greater than demand for chartering, although some reports suggest chartering will be popular with guests seeking to keep (or get) away from it all. Says Sartore, “In light of the current situation, our hope is to be able to work this summer and thinking up new services remains a simple mental exercise. But we are confident to see yachts arriving and as ever will deliver and faultless services.”


FRANCE In 2008, the LIBERTY company was born out of the desire to offer a tailor-made service to the clients of prestigious yachts and megayachts. For the past 12 years Fabrice Viard and his international team have been providing a 7/7 24h service, in order to assist crews and enable the guests and owner to enjoy to their time on board. LIBERTY has over the years developed a personalised relationship with each of its clients, enabling them to offer a tailor-made service, attentive to the constant market changes but, ready to satisfy each individual request. LIBERTY offers a complete range of services to its clients across the Mediterranean. For more details Tel: +33 (0)9 60 39 99 72  or visit www.libertyachts.com



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Authorised Dealer - NO FAME Premium Gaz oil BIO 0.( Duty paid or Duty free)

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29, bd de la Ferrage • CS 20005 • 06414 CANNES CEDEX • FRANCE Office: 0033 960 399 972 - contact@libertyachts.com

www.libertyachts.com 42 | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | ONBOARD



We believe that we will be very busy from July onwards as our sources confirm that many owners and yacht guests will board their yachts for a later season SPAIN IBIZA Joe Buckle is Managing Director of the Facilitators Company where he has been running operations on Ibiza for 20 years. The company is open all year round and so it is usually well prepared for the season ahead but Buckle admits that the summer 2020 and beyond does present new challenges. He says, “We are currently participating in many virtual conferences and online courses to equip us with new knowledge to enable us to develop advanced sanitation protocols and care of our clients. We simply do not know if the port of Ibiza will be open for business at any stage of summer 2020. If the port opens, we do expect increased control measures, which will become clearer in the coming period of time.” He adds that while Ibiza has low numbers of infection and is potentially a great escape destination, the situation in Spain means that there is a chance that the 2020 yachting season might start slowly, but we feel there will be a season if not a little late.” He adds, “Historically guests’ main concerns focused on getting well-positioned peak season moorings, or nabbing a GREAT

VIP table at Ibiza´s AMAZING hot spot venue ‘Lio Ibiza, Restaurant, Club & Cabaret’! ....but the primary concern for 2020 and beyond will include maintaining yachts’ sanitation while allowing the owners and guests to enjoy the wonders Ibiza can offer.” Buckle describes the Facilitators as pragmatic, determined and tenacious with strong personal friendships with key partners “..with whom we always find a positive solution… With Covid-19, our special projects division is consulting with leading security and risk management professionals to develop knowledge, capabilities, skills and purchase of equipment to enhance yachts’ resilience whilst in the port of Ibiza and surrounding waters.” The Facilitators will focus on the health, safety and sanitation of all those on board any yacht and during their movements around the Island including to leisure venues. Buckle adds, “We will offer dedicated Facilitator teams to provide vigilant port side access controls surrounding the yacht, keeping safe distancing, minimising the number of visitors and contractors on board, ensuring everyone is screened, questioned, logged, wears a mask and

GREECE Offering solutions for all your yachting requirements during your stay in Greece, regardless of your port of entry or itinerary. Kronos are legally authorised to clear yachts in and out of Greek waters. They have corresponding agents throughout the Greek Islands who will happily assist you for the duration of your visit. Over many years, the Kronos team have developed strong and lasting relationships with many provisioners throughout the island. Should you prefer it, all billing can be taken care of through their central office, thereby settling of accounts taking place only once.    For more details Tel: +30 22410 78407 or 6972032034   or visit www.kronosagency.com

gloves as a minimum requirement, and many other protocols. Social distancing may be required for the foreseeable future, and our Special Projects Team will provide professional ‘Travel Facilitators’ to lead a dedicated hospitality team comprising of vehicles dedicated to the client throughout their stay (sanitised), trusted professional drivers, and VIP Chaperones to co-ordinate and take command of all movements of owner and VIP, when exploring the Island and visiting venues where they ensure that social distancing is respected.” What ever the 2020 season brings, we are sure that Joe and The Facilitators Team will provide just the right level of service and safety to the yachts visiting the islands.





MONTENEGRO Tailored for the specific needs of a superyacht owner, guests and crew, A+ Yachting is assisting Captains, Managements and the UHNW sector to deliver outstanding guest experiences in Croatia, Montenegro and Albania. They’ve demonstrated their value through legal advisory, destination management expertise and unified insight on the Adriatic as one region. The clients trust A+ YAchting to deliver measured and effective cruising itineraries that take into consideration the specific needs from crew changes to supply logistics along the route while taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages of various regulations in their area of coverage. For more details Tel: +382 68 339 249 or visit www.a-yachting.me

FRANCE CANNES The Liberty Yachting Agency works all year provisioning and supplying fuel to clients. Aoife Bowler, Office Manager at Liberty is keeping an eye on the changing regulations for the coming season and describes France as a very open country with great structures tailored to yachting. She is opting for a positive spin on the recent virus restrictions: “We believe that we will be very busy from July onwards as our sources confirm that many owners and yacht guests will board their yachts. The Mediterranean remains the heart of the world yachting industry but after this sanitary crisis we can suppose that the guests on board will probably go less onshore than usual.” She adds that there are some concerns regarding charter yachts as the totality of spring events were cancelled.

Preoccupations for 90% of Liberty clients (captains and yacht managers) remain the usual ones she says, namely getting the yacht and crew ready for the 2020 season. Always looking for new services to offer its clients, this year Liberty will focus on its new service: The Maritime Cruise Agreement; explains Bowler, “We have been working on it over the past three years. Liberty has a licence to establish this contract which in turn allows commercial yachts to navigate with duty free fuel and a VAT on charter of 10% or 0% depending on whether the yacht has been to a foreign port during their cruise or not.” Fulfilling weird or wonky requests are part of the yacht agents’ daily lives and holed up at home they reflect nostalgically on seasons past: These guys are ever ready to protect client privacy but a few anonymous


GREECE & TURKEY Mouratti Marine was established in 1989 and is based in Kos Island. The company offers all yacht and marina services across Greece and Turkey. Having a good understanding of your needs and a long standing partnership with tourism and industry in Turkey, this is one of the most reliable companies dealing with all aspects of the yachting sector. Through a well established and tested network of especially well-trained and experienced professional staff, Mouratti Marine provides top quality and efficient services on the mainland and every island. For more details Tel: +30 22420 22369 or visit www.mourattitours.com





TURKEY Nautica was founded in 2008 by a couple of professional industry insiders and enthusiasts with the idea to provide a professional, boutique, dedicated service to superyachts and megayachts in Turkey. Managing Director Captain Melih Cankurt has been in the yachting industry for 20 years, having worked extensively in the Mediterranean. Melih and his team of yachting professionals are there from start to finish and have become reference points to yachts who call to the Turkish Coast. Melih says, “We provide our knowledge, experience and contacts, to assist visiting yachts of all sizes with a transparent billing system.” For more details Tel: +90 532 213 4454 or visit www.nautica.com.tr

anecdotes that will stick with the agents for a long time slip through the protective nets, just don’t tell anyone... “I remember,” says Jankovic, “we had a charter captain who kept ordering the yacht internet cards to be recharged about 10 times in just one day. We couldn’t understand how someone could use all that internet because it is hundreds of GB. The next day we asked the captain if there had been some kind of problem with the internet. He said all the guests were using it for one sole purpose: to play the song ‘Despacito’ on their phones for a 24 hour Despacito party.”

Boccadifuoco at Siracusa scratched his head when he was asked one day to supply a helicopter for a trip that would take half an hour by car, but the boss is always right! Buckle once produced a private event with mermaids and scuba divers in the swimming pool, treasure chests containing a ‘magic potion’ to serve to poolside guests… As the ‘new’ season gets underway none of our talented agents can wait for the chance to get their brain cells bonging together again and fulfil another nigh on impossible demand. And neither can we. Good luck to one and all during the 2020 season and Stay Safe.


ITALY The Boccadifuoco company has been a reference point in yachting for more than a century. Over the years, the company has enlarged its range of services and gained new customers such as big cruise ship companies and luxury yachts. They were able to create a network including services and support in order to take care of customers wherever they are, relying on top professional partners who are active in the main Italian ports. Their business proposals are transparent, cost-effective and highly competitive for the benefit of the customer looking for comfort, quality, innovation, professionalism and unquestionable economic advantages. For more details Tel: +39 33131 77596 or visit www.boccadifuoco.it



D-MARIN ZEA GREECE D- Marin Zea Marina is situated on the northeast side of the Saronic Gulf, just 3km from the port of Piraeus, the largest port in the Mediterranean. D-Marin Zea is an historic marina as it was founded as a war harbour with shipyards, dry docks and other installations at the beginning of the 5th century B.C. for the fleet of triremes, the ancient warships. The marina offers modern facilities and services and was totally renovated for the 2004 Olympic Games. The total capacity is 670 berths, on both permanent and floating pontoons. Moorings are available for boats up to 150 metres long. D-Marina Zea is one of the favourite marinas for owners and crew as it is located at the heart of the cosmopolitan life of Piraeus, next to the sea and amidst a host of jaw-dropping history and scenery.


37°56’02’’ N, 23°38’09’’ E

Max draft 8m

No. of berths 670


Max length 80m


LUŠTICA BAY MONTENEGRO Designed to reflect the traditional fishing villages of Montenegro, Luštica Bay unites old-world charm with cutting-edge facilities; timeless Riviera living and contemporary luxury. A dynamic waterfront town along an undiscovered and unforgettable stretch of coastline that invites you to create your vision of what life should be. Luštica Bay will have two stateof-the-art marinas, offering hassle-free access to the wild beauty of Montenegro’s coast not to mention the coasts of Croatia, Italy and Greece just a short cruise away. The primary and largest marina is already operational. Currently the marina offers a total of 85 berths for boats of up to 45m. 42°23’00”N 18°40’00”E

Max draft 5m

No. of berths 85

VHF 68

Max length 45m


ALCAIDESA MARINA GIBRALTAR The 5 Gold Anchor Alcaidesa Marina, located at the gateway to the Mediterranean, is an ideal stopover for superyachts that are in transit into the Mediterranean or out to the Atlantic. Situated next to the western slope of Gibraltar, within the natural harbour of the Bay of Gibraltar and offering excellent shelter and deep-water access in all weather conditions. Its 624 berths provide safe moorings for boats ranging from 8 to 90m LOA. Alcaidesa Marina’s privileged location, just a 10 min walk from Gibraltar’s International Airport, means that you will not require any other means of transport to enjoy your boat after your flight. The marina is also only a short walk into both the town centres of La Linea and Gibraltar enabling quick and easy access. 36º 09’ 31’’ N, 5º 22’ 03’’ W” Max draft 5m No. of berths 624


Max length 90m








AQUATICA MARINA SARDINIA Aquatica is the exclusive Marina Club situated in the heart of the historical centre of Alghero, close to the ancient bastions that encircle the city. With 60 berths measuring up to 70m in length and featuring all of the services and utilities you may require, Aquatica delivers exceptionally comfortable berthing for your vessel, with full support being provided by highly qualified personnel. Mooring your vessel at Aquatica gives you the most exclusive point of entry into the city, as an entirely new world opens up before you both in the marina itself and beyond it. Your stay in the Port of Alghero will be made all the more enjoyable, in summer and winter, by the 5-star service offered by the staff. 40° 33’ 883’’ N 8° 18’ 405’’ E

Max draft 4.5m

No. of berths 60

VHF 74

Max length 70m


YALIKAVAK MARINA TURKEY Yalıkavak Marina, voted the World’s Best Superyacht Marina of 20182019 and a holder of The Yacht Harbour Association’s (TYHA) 5 Gold Anchors rating, is Turkey’s first high-capacity superyacht marina. Yalıkavak Marina has room to accommodate 620 berths and provides luxury lifestyle choices and unmatched services for yacht owners and visitors alike, while providing comfortable facilities and technical services for yachts of up to 140m LOA. More than 90 superyachts including iconic M/Y Phoenix II, S/Y Better Place, M/Y O’Mega and M/Y Lady M and M/Y Saluzi visited Yalıkavak Marina in 2019. 37° 6’27.69”N – 27°16’58.70”E

Max draft 12m

No. of berths 620

VHF 72

Max length 140m



KARPAZ GATE NORTH CYPRUS Award-winning Karpaz Gate Marina on the beautiful Karpaz peninsula in North Cyprus is expanding with the launch of its new hotel, hamam and spa this year. Providing exceptional accommodation in this idyllic location in the East Mediterranean, the latest development will further enhance the appeal of the 5 Gold Anchor marina for yacht crew and family. The on-site Technical Centre, with its 300-ton capacity travel lift and 18,000 square metre dry dock area, offers a range of services including maintenance work, yacht painting, hull repairs and antifouling, plus mechanical and electrical work. This unique and friendly marina also offers low-cost fuel and duty free status. N35° 33.5’ / E34° 13.6’

Max draft 5.5m

No. of berths 300

VHF 10 or 16

Max length 60m


OCEAN VILLAGE MARINA UNITED KINGDOM Waterside access into Southampton became even more stunning in 2018 with the comprehensive redesign of MDL Marinas’ Ocean Village. MDL Marinas is well known for the high level of customer service provided 24/7, and Ocean Village Marina is no exception. Notable innovations include a floating dock office, which offers a full concierge service to welcome guests from around the world. At the edge of Southampton Water, with easy access to the Solent, Ocean Village’s basin was previously used by commercial ships. This means that it is the only marina in the area able to accommodate superyachts up to 90 metres alongside the yachts, cruisers and racers owned by MDL members who make use of the everexpanding marina network. Ocean Village Marina’s redesign has proved extremely popular, and with interconnecting pontoons, means visitors can enjoy the best of Solent watersports, and then recover in a five-star environment, and from the marina, there is easy access to varied cruising in the area.


50° 53’ 42’ N, 1° 23’ 24’ W

Max draft 5m

No. of berths 326

VHF 71

Max length 90m




Toulon Bay’s port authority, manages eight ports in the region of Toulon accompanied by many specialist services companies


he port of Toulon is blessed with an exceptional geographical position. Toulon Bay, one of the most beautiful in Europe, is naturally protected from winds and is only a stone’s throw from some of the most important yachting destinations in the world such as SaintTropez, Antibes, Cannes and Monaco.

round the clock security, and a network of shipyards and service companies.

cycling, and even the famous Paul Ricard F1 circuit is just 22 km away.

No less than five yards are based in Toulon. They offer an array of know-how, lifting capacities and complementary specialist services to deliver the widest variety of services.

As a commercial port, most berths are ISPS certified and French navy presence ensures maximal protection of the harbour. Close at hand for the business airports of Le Castellet and Golfe de Saint-Tropez, the port of Toulon is also accessible from the international airports of Toulon-Hyères and Nice Côte d’Azur, or from Toulon TGV train station which has direct links for Paris and Roissy/ Charles-de-Gaulle. Toulon has over 300 shops accessible on foot within a few minutes, museums, an opera house, theatres, cinemas and a Provençal market which are of great interest as a potential destination for the yachting community.

The Métropole Toulon Provence Méditerranée, Toulon Bay’s port authority, manages 8 ports in the region of Toulon and accompanies these shipyards’ implantation and development by land reclamation and offering berthing space when the yards are full. Quaysides in the South of the bay have been renovated in 2019 and projects for 2020 include the launch of a full refurbishment of an extra 400m of berthing for superyachts. These projects are all driven in an ecologically responsible framework.

The Port Authority’s Commercial Development and Management department was launched in June 2014 to act as an entry point for superyachts to act as a link between the Authority, port services, and present and future port users. This department has multiple roles:

Toulon Bay is well known as an essential call for exceptional sailing conditions and deep-water berths with access for even the biggest yachts (up to 300m LOA). With 1.5 km of quayside available for superyacht berthing, the world’s most prestigious yachts stop regularly for technical, supply or bunkering calls. They are attracted by ISPS conformity,

Sailors who are looking for natural beauty when they’re relaxing away from their ship will be spoilt for choice in the Métropole and the surrounding area. Within a few minutes of the port and city are the Toulon mountains: Faron, Mont-Caume and Coudon. These are a haven for walking, mountain biking, trail running and climbing activities in unspoilt surroundings. The region is also teaming with other activities for sports enthusiasts: rugby, golf courses, track

• Optimisation of port service quality • Optimisation of relationships with port users and concessions per sector in the port of Toulon • Optimisation of port installations, berth occupation and services with the Harbour Master • Commercialisation of the sectors in Toulon port under direct management • Assistance with accounting matters for port services • Implementation of management rules as fixed by the Port Authority, • Reduction of the ports’ environmental footprint. This department is available for any questions you may have concerning the running of the port of Toulon. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 83 24 30 60 or email: toulon@metropoletpm.fr


BITS & BYTES Intellian’s NX Series antenna systems are transforming the connectivity landscape for users in the superyacht sector: a revolution in an arena where users demand more bandwidth

Contracted bandwidth In this context, much will depend upon the stipulations set out in a VSAT user’s Service Level Agreement: whether the contract is for dedicated or shared bandwidth, and if shared, how many other subscribers on the network are splitting a fixed level of bandwidth between them, and whether the arrangement is underscored with a CIR (Committed Information Rate) guarantee of minimum bandwidth. “We provide flexible contract terms that are designed to allow clients to instantly change bandwidth speed in line with their needs,” comments Jens Ploch, Commercial Director with marine IT and VSAT service provider, OmniAccess. “It’s as simple as notifying the account manager to either activate bandwidth at the start of the season, upgrade for higher bandwidths during peak operations such as charters or while the owner is on board, downgrade while docked and/or suspend services during the off-season while in the shipyard. Shortterm bandwidth upgrades can either be enabled in daily, weekly or monthly blocks. They are processed and activated all on the same day, so that customers can adjust bandwidth instantly.”


uperyacht owners and operators on the hunt for an effective VSAT system are, in essence, no different from any other maritime VSAT customer, however specific their individual demands might appear. Their antenna requirements always contain the same basic list: easy installation, reliability, low maintenance and exceptional after-sales support. Additionally, on the service side, they have requirements for a flexible, high-quality global service at a realistic price. To this is added the unspoken codicils that a customer’s VSAT solution of choice will be able to accommodate the high bandwidth demands generated in peak season, and that it should be ready to take advantage of new technologies in the rapidly-changing VSAT market. On this latter point, a truly future-proof solution has not been available to date, but with the launch of the new Intellian NX Series, superyacht owners and operators can now access multiple satellite bands and orbits with a single antenna. If at first glance this looks like a lot of boxes to tick, it’s as well to remember that it’s in everyone’s best interest, from


businesses to end users, if the satellite service providers, system integrators and tech manufacturers continue leveraging their partnerships to provide the most costeffective return and optimisation of their VSAT solutions. And certainly, where aspects such as coping with spikes in bandwidth demand away from sources of terrestrial connectivity is concerned, a great deal hinges in the first instance upon managing the expectations of the crew, owners and guests on board, as Arjan Kleinveld, CEO and founder of the communication technology group One, observes. “There tend to be two types of owners in the superyacht sector: one type understands that bandwidth is always limited on board, but the other type, maybe newer owners that are less accustomed to this, expect the same availability on their boat that they have at home. But once they understand the limitations, they’re usually fine to buy extra bandwidth for short periods of time, just when they need it. Worldwide bandwidth demand is always higher than what’s actually available: even if capacity is increased, people start using more. It’s a battle between availability and consumption.”

When asked to clarify how this additional bandwidth is supplied from a technical perspective, Mr Ploch explains: “OmniAccess operates an advanced global VSAT network with more than 32 permanent satellite beams in both C- and Ku-band, all of which are uplinked from several teleport locations across the globe. Our dedicated satellite capacity team and account managers work closely to plan bandwidth capacities, conduct capacity optimisations and space segmentation while forecasting seasonal demand fluctuations, always taking into consideration the seasonal migration patterns of yachts worldwide.” Providing an overview of the situation in the most matter-of-fact manner, Mr Kleinveld of The One Group is philosophical. “The real problem with satellite bandwidth will always be latency. You can have as much bandwidth as you want, but it will always be slower than 4G and 5G. The data package needs to travel 40,000km up and then down, and then back and forth for all the additional information. This is why you see global operators trying to bundle data connections so that you only get one delay. This is also, I think, why global operators are increasing their bandwidth provision: mobile operators can let everybody watch Netflix on the beach, say, but this


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way it’s a plausible solution for yachts using VSAT as well. “ “What you’re now seeing is that they’re not buying just one subscription, but four or five, and trying to bundle that capacity to make it as efficient as possible. This can also give you extra bandwidth on your yacht in peak periods at less cost; it’s faster, and easier to upgrade or downgrade because it’s like buying another sim card.” Practicable proposition Increased VSAT service provision flexibility is one thing; but continual investment in the evolution of the hardware itself is pivotal. As the leading global producer of satellite antenna systems, Intellian has been a key contributor in the drive to make maritime VSAT a practicable and attractive proposition, with an expanding list of pioneering hardware initiatives that hold a conspicuous appeal for customers. “Similar to us, Intellian has a ‘can-do’ mentality,” Mr Ploch enthuses. “In the multiple projects on which we have partnered up, they have shown great expertise and flexibility, always willing to go the extra mile to find solutions. In addition to their great team, they have developed some of the most reliable and robust products on the market today.”

“Many of Intellian’s most beneficial innovations are embodied in our NX Series range,” notes Intellian CEO Eric Sung. “The recently-introduced v130NX, as an example, is the first ever 1.25m multi-orbit, dualband VSAT terminal. With its orbit-agnostic tracking capability it will operate with GEO, MEO and LEO constellations so it offers true global coverage, enabling connectivity in polar regions which aren’t yet covered by GEO HTS, and also supports both Ku- and 2.5GHz Wide Ka-band networks: upgrading from Ku-band is effected by simply swapping over the RF assembly and feed.”

facilitated by another Intellian innovation, the Dual VSAT Mediator, which is a device that is now built into Intellian’s Antenna Control Unit. “This provides a means of controlling two Intellian VSAT systems at the same time,” Mr Sung explains, “so that if one of the antennas should become blocked for any reason, say by adverse conditions or by a part of the vessel’s superstructure, the mediator will automatically, rapidly and smoothly switch across to the other antenna, with no interruption to the service. Users can also choose to manually select one of the antennas if so desired.”

Worldwide bandwidth demand is always higher than what’s actually available: even if capacity is increased, people start using more

Into tomorrow As regards the future for superyacht VSAT and the multi-orbit, multi-band services facilitated by the Intellian NX Series, Mr Ploch of OmniAccess is upbeat. “VSAT communications will experience a revolutionary change in the coming years with the introduction of LEO constellations that are capable of providing the true ‘at home’ user experience yacht clients are coming to expect, even in some of the most remote locations around the globe. These satellites’ proximity to the Earth – 1,000km, versus the 36,000km orbits of current GEO satellites – will substantially improve speed and provide lower latency.”

A growing number of superyacht clients, mindful of the expectation that uninterrupted, always-on broadband coverage will be on tap for crew and guest use irrespective of wherever their cruising itineraries might take them, are deploying a dual-antenna solution

For more details visit www.intelliantech.com


GREAT SCOTS From novices to record breakers, the incredible story of three brothers, 3,000 miles and the Atlantic Ocean Words: Paul Dargan s ocean rowing endurance goes, you’ll struggle to surpass the requirements of the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge. From a start-point at San Sebastian in La Gomera in the Canary Islands, the rugged, undulating swirls of the planet’s second largest ocean quickly envelops competitors. Ahead of them, 3,000 miles of terrifying sparsity – a battle of both the sea and the mind en route to the relative innocence of Nelson’s Dockyard in English Harbour, Antigua. It is a finish line so serene, so calm and so idyllic, it belies entirely the struggles that will have gone before it for all those having set off with ambitions of victory, of enlightenment, or simply just survival.


And that’s where the MacLean brothers come into it. Lachlan, the youngest at 21; Jamie, the middle brother aged 26, and Ewan just a year older. Three brothers who, while enjoying the pleasures of the outdoors in their native Edinburgh, and having always been keen to push towards new challenges and projects, had only embarked on their first ocean rowing excursion a year before the start of the 2019 Atlantic Challenge on December 12. “In the context of us being prepared… I guess even the most experienced ocean rowers don’t know what’s about to confront them on a challenge like that,” begins Ewan. “That said, I admit 12 months doesn’t seem like a huge amount of time to prepare for a task that, as we discovered, would test every last sinew.” And yet, wind forward 35 days. The three-man crew, named Broar, are pulling into Nelson’s Dockyard. They have endured sleep deprivation, extreme weight loss, fatigue, technological fallout, including having to row the final 20 days with no working headphones after their iPhone cables succumbed to damage caused by a combination of sun and seawater. They’ve also solved a merriment of mental challenges in the process of keeping their vessel moving forward. And yet, they arrive a full six days ahead of the previous record. They have obliterated not just a perception of human endurance, but their own expectations too. “As far as the hard rowing goes, the first few days were torturous, but we were surprised how quickly the body just sinks into a process of accepting what’s going on,” says Jamie. “Once we were beyond that the belief levels started to rise. We never thought we would win, but the idea that we might be able to achieve something special became real to us.”



As you would imagine, routine was pivotal to Broar’s ability to excel. Jamie continues, “We would row from 6am to midnight with a ‘two on, one off’ pattern; then when we got to midnight it would be a split shift where, for example, I would go to bed for two hours, then row for two, then sleep again for two; so there would be a six-hour period where there would just be one of us on the oars, but we were always moving forward. “It’s just about getting into that routine and it’s amazing what the body can cope with.” For even the most experienced of teams, days of tired, uncomfortable, monotonous rowing can create tensions and splinters, yet Ewan believes that knowing each other so well meant they could spot anxiety before it arrived and had a chance to take hold.

The simplicity of the diet – porridge, freeze-dried fruit and meals, nuts, dried berries, high-calorie shakes and snack bars – didn’t disguise a need for heavy calorie intake. From taking on around 3,000 calories a day in the early parts of the race to 6,000 by the end, the key was maximum energy and ease of digestion. “For hydration, we had a desalinator on board which converted the saltwater to fresh water. We’d use that to rehydrate the meals and to add to the porridge oats in the morning,” says Jamie. So structured was the nutrition plan that the boys became incredibly adept at recognising the limitations of their own bodies. “We were always styling, mixing and matching, here, there and everywhere; and after a while you could tell instantly if you weren’t

WE WERE ADVISED NOT TO BULK UP BEFORE WE WENT, NOR KEEP REFUELLING 24/7. IT WAS A VERY MEASURED MIX OF SLOW-BURNING CARBS THAT ARE EASILYDIGESTIBLE, AND ULTIMATELY THAT LED US DOWN THE VEGETARIAN DIETARY ROUTE “We already knew the ins and outs of each other’s personalities so it became easy to keep moods on a level,” says Ewan. “There was also the fact that, as brothers, we are all cut from the same cloth – we all have, roughly, the same thresholds. There were many occasions when instinctively we would all come to the same decision, whether that was to push a bit harder, ease off or anything else.” “We also all began with the same objective,” adds Jamie, “which was, essentially, to have little expectations and to just row the race as best we could. “When you are in a team that starts with different objectives it can put competitors under real mental pressure, fatigue and stress, and friction is understandably quicker to rise to the surface.” Arguably, Broar’s biggest challenge was the maintaining of team strength and energy throughout the race. In the months leading up to the start, the boys had travelled to Chamonix in the French Alps to consult with Chloe Lanthier, a mastermind in tailoring energy plans for competitors of all types, and a phenomenal endurance athlete in her own right. “On the nutritional side, Chloe subverted a lot of what we thought we would need to do,” says Jamie. “She advised us not to bulk up before we went, nor keep refuelling24/7 while on the challenge. Instead, it was a very measured mix of slow-burning carbs that are easily-digestible, and ultimately that led us down the vegetarian dietary route. “Muscle recovery wasn’t going to be a big thing because our bodies simply wouldn’t have the time to get into that state and would constantly be in survival mode, so that meant having lots of protein wasn’t very useful as it’s extremely hard on the digestion.” 58 | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | ONBOARD

on top of your hydration or you weren’t snacking throughout the day. It became a real exercise in listening to your body and responding, and it make a big difference to our performance.” And on the physical side, what really appealed to the boys is the fact the Atlantic Challenge and, indeed, any ocean rowing pursuit, doesn’t offer any kind of agreed formula. “I think that everyone has different tactics,” says Jamie. “Even very experienced crews with incredible competitors can be made to look like complete novices if the tactics are wrong.” The team knew they had to average 2.75 knots to break the record which previously sat at 41 days. “The problem is you end up doing pretty terrible maths throughout the journey because you’re so sleep-deprived,” laughs Ewan. “The numbers just get worse and worse.” “At the heart of it though we didn’t really want a definitive target. We didn’t want a feeling of failure at the end of something so monstrous just because we hadn’t hit a certain time; ultimately we just wanted to feel a sense of achievement.” As well as proving a point to themselves, the MacLean brothers also managed to raise £250,000 for Feedback Madagascar and Children First; and their success has set up the possibility of future challenges around the world, as well as making them household names. “I’m not so sure about that,” laughs Ewan. “We’re household names in our own household, but then again we always were!”

Jamie, Ewan and Lachlan MacLean have set three world records after rowing the Atlantic Ocean in just 35 days, nine hours and nine minutes.


THE PERFECT RECRUIT Is there such a thing as the perfect recruit? These top agencies are here to help you find the ideal candidate. Qualified, registered and professional - what else do you need? JMS RECRUIT UNITED KINGDOM


he experienced team at JMS Careers concentrate on the personal touch and building relationships on trust and delivering the perfect candidate. Taking a holistic approach JMS also concern themselves with making sure the candidate will personally fit into the existing onboard team. This works both ways, it’s not about just ticking the boxes on time at sea and the necessary certificates. To run an efficient team onboard there needs to be a natural fit of personalities and complementary skills. Irrespective of crew level, the new candidate must fit into an existing team effortlessly. The team at JMS have a deep knowledge of the industry from various personal and professional angles. To complement the normal onboard crew jobs, JMS are now starting to offer more shore-based jobs to assist professionals to transfer ashore and be able to use their sea going experience to complement land based businesses. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1273 987 962 or visit www.jmscareers.com



he Bluewater recruitment team offers a more interactive approach for the recruiters in the industry. There are over 300 captains, management companies and yacht owners with direct access to the crew database. The ONE account gives your yacht 24/7 access to this crew database of over 115,000 CVs. This allows them to search the crew profiles daily, downloading your CVs and hiring crew directly. In addition to this service, the global recruitment agents review the check-ins daily, contacting crew, organising interviews and giving advice on how to secure that dream job. Jobs are uploaded daily and a selection of active crew are forwarded to the yacht, and remember even if they don’t tick all of the criteria, a personal recommendation often goes a long way. As a recruiter, you not only have unlimited access to the CVs, Bluewater will also refund the full subscription fee in training credits to use at their training centres in Antibes, Palma and Fort Lauderdale. So, as a crew member, if you aren’t successful for one placement, there will always be another opportunity coming in, the team work tirelessly to place the best crew, on the best yachts, with the best captains. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 93 34 47 73 or visit www.bluewateryachting.com





PI CREW has been the go-to yacht crew agency since 2002 and the recruitment partner of the most discerning yacht captains, yacht owners and candidates. The YPI CREW specialist recruiters have built a strong reputation as leading experts in their respective departments. Since 2018 the majority stake of YPI CREW is owned by the Schulte Group, a family-owned ship owner and ship manager well-established in the maritime industry with over 135 years of experience. The Group employs 18,000 seafarers and 2,000 people on shore, owns and co-owns over 90 vessels and manages about 600 ships. In January 2020, in a market in need of consolidation, YPI CREW acquired the recruitment division of Edmiston. Whether you are looking for crew or to progress your career within the superyacht industry, MLC 2006 certified crew agency YPI CREW is there to assist, save you time and provide a professional and personable service. In harmony with their placement services, the YPI CREW team are available to answer any questions you may have about furthering your career or, hiring the best superyacht crew. Their website is full of personal advice, videos and other useful information to assist you in career advancement or advise you on how to build the perfect on board team. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 92 90 46 10 or visit www.ypicrew.com



t has become quite apparent that there is a real lack of crew who are wanting to work on Sailing Yachts. Crew & Concierge have always had an amazing repeat clientele within the sailing community. As of late, Sarah Plant and her team are finding that they are not able to provide those sailing clients with sufficient CVs for them to present to their owners. “Over the last couple of years, it was becoming increasingly hard to find Sailing Engineers and Sailing Female Chefs, they are as rare as hen’s teeth!” Sarah explains. It would appear that this is becoming an issue across the board with Deck and Interior too. Crew & Concierge would really like to encourage anyone not to listen to the myths that sailing yachts underpay and you have to work harder. Obviously, there are good and bad boats in both the motor yacht and sailing yacht world, you just have to do your research. Crew & Concierge as an agency have some amazing sailing yachts with excellent captains, programmes, salaries and rotations in some cases. They would like to encourage anyone who has worked on the interior of a motor yacht who may have contemplated trying out sailing, to go ahead! The rewards are worth it. In terms of the Deck department, some sailing knowledge is a must and the team are keen to talk with anyone who has grown up dinghy sailing with local clubs. For more details Tel: +44 (0)7554446925 or visit www.crewandconcierge.com




+382 68 339 249 | info@a-yachting.me | www.a-yachting.me Palih Boraca 26, First Floor, Apt.1, Tivat 85320, Montenegro





earchlight Crew is a MLC certified crew agency based in Antibes. They endeavour to provide the clients with candidates that fit your criteria first time. They believe in building great working relationships with crew and clients therefore supplying the best crew for your yacht. With a comprehensive database of crew members, all the candidates have been screened and interviewed personally, location permitting or via Skype or phone. Searchlight believe that the crew on board are so important to giving the guests and/or owners the best quality service and experience and therefore giving them the most memorable yacht vacations. Having worked onboard yachts and within the broader hospitality industry, the team have the experience and skills required to find the correct candidates for your needs. With over 15 years of experience in recruitment, Searchlight Crew provides a specialised and effective approach to recruitment. Searchlight Crew work with yachts of various sizes and are located worldwide providing crew from juniors to senior levels. For more details Tel: + 33 (0)6 14 72 78 50 or visit www.searchlightcrew.com



nsignia Crew specialise in placing disciplined and committed crew by drawing their candidates from those who have served in the Armed Forces, with focus on Royal Navy and Royal Marines whose maritime skill sets perfectly match the needs of today’s superyacht industry. Already accustomed to living and working at sea, their candidates offer a wealth of additional expertise such as a heightened awareness of safety and security, diving operations, advanced trauma medicine, equipment training protocols, helicopter operations, engineering technicians and extreme cold weather operations which align superbly with the needs of the increasingly popular expedition yachts taking to the water. In addition to crew placement and having recognised the overwhelming need for support around mental wellbeing in the superyacht industry, Insignia Crew provide proactive Crew Resilience Training which is delivered by world class consultants - direct to yacht. It is a proactive, peer delivered human resource management initiative designed to meet the ongoing pressures of operating in an increasingly demanding maritime environment from both a duty of care and commercial perspective. The yachting community now has a reassuring solution to implement in order to invest in the very people who keep the industry cogs turning. For more details Tel: +44 (0)7500 888 472 or visit www.insigniacrew.com





ilson Halligan’s aim is to maintain and improve a personal recruitment consultancy which embodies professionalism based on quality standards, ethical practices and integrity. Exceptional service shall be provided to clients and candidates, equally. It is their policy to meet and exceed the changing needs of the clients, candidates and appropriate statutory authorities through the continued positive development of the Wilson Halligan methods and their staff. The team is committed to protect the client’s interest by providing discreet and trusted services to meet their requirements and expectations. This will be accomplished by implementing and meeting standards of quality management. The team provide prompt and effective advice appropriate to the client’s needs at a competitive price and knowledgeable, career-centred advice and action for their candidates. These are enhanced by operating and maintaining the Quality Management Standard ISO 9001 and MLC 2015 Certified by the MC. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1489 886 802 or visit www.wilsonhalligan.com



ecrewt LTD evolved from a business started in 2003. After a working life initially in the Merchant Navy, and then moving to yachting from 1995, the owner moved ashore permanently in 1999. Run by Sarah Plant, who passionately believes that crew placement should be a personalised and tailored service which considers the specific needs of each client. Yachting is not a 9-5 job; it is 24/7 and it is not suited to everyone. Sarah endeavours to meet the crew, guide them, and get to know who they are and what strengths they have. Sarah feels her role is to introduce the right crew who bring more than ‘paper’ but also a personality – crew are people, after all. If crew recruitment is done correctly, both crew and client are happy. Recrewt LTD is a MCA Certified Recruitment and Placement Agency and gives straightforward impartial advice. Once registered, crew are encouraged to keep all their personal and professional details up to date. Successful placement is only as effective as the information given. Sarah does the job and does it professionally. For more details Tel: +44 (0)7511 155001 or visit www.recrewt.com



Digital Times Nautilus members benefit from sea time verification and validation remotely


he UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) has given the green light to digital sea-time verification for Nautilus superyacht members. The move is a temporary step to ensure continued service during the Covid-19 pandemic to yacht crew who require sea-time verification for certificates of competency and to assist the MCA with the revalidation process. Yacht members can now send Nautilus a signed and stamped scanned copy of testimonials via email. Nautilus will verify the testimonials as per standard procedures and lodge that with the MCA. “We are pleased the MCA is supporting Nautilus and supporting yacht crew with digital verification of sea-time during the Covid-19 pandemic,” strategic organiser Rachel Lynch said. “This will provide seafarers with peace of mind during this time of great uncertainty.” Digital verification will be available to all seafarers needing to revalidate Certificates of Competency (CoC) and Certificates of Equivalent Competency (CEC) during the current pandemic.

Seafarers can also send testimonials electronically for verification to keep on top of their sea time whilst cruising are requested to cease sending SRBs, testimonials or other documents to Nautilus House until further notice. Members are also urged to check their ship owner’s responsibilities under flag state laws, including those imposed under implementation of the MLC on matters such as health and safety, medical care, sick pay and repatriation.

Seafarers can also send testimonials electronically for verification to keep on top of their sea time but will be required to send in their Service Record Book (SRB) and original testimonials later.

Flag states that have ratified the MLC are required to ensure that ship owners provide their seafarers with adequate measures for protection of their health, and that they have access to prompt and adequate medical care whilst on board. This reflects the general duty of care of employers to provide a safe place and system of work for their employees.

Nautilus House has been closed as per government advice during the pandemic with staff now working from home. Members

If your flag state does not uphold its responsibilities under MLC it can be reported to the International Labour Organization

(ILO). Contact your union for help in this situation. If your ship owner does not comply with its MLC responsibilities, you can make a complaint to your manager/master, flag state or port authority. Why join? Nautilus International is the first truly trans-boundary trade union for maritime professionals, reflecting the global nature of the industry. We negotiate with employers on issues including pay, working conditions, working hours and pensions to secure agreements which recognise members’ skills and experience, and the need for safety for the maritime sector. They offer Legal Services, Workplace Support, Certificate Protection, International Representation, plus other benefits you could need. In the past few years, Nautilus have been extremely successful in making sure yacht crew employment rights are upheld. Nautilus members who are concerned or are experiencing difficulties related to the coronavirus outbreak are advised to contact their industrial organiser for assistance or the Nautilus 24/7 helpline. www.nautilusint.org/en/assistance/ nautilus-247 More Nautilus assistance and our coronavirus resource hub can be found on our Assistance page. www.nautilusint.org/en/assistance/nautiluscoronavirus-resources


food & drink

What's new in food and drink. The latest trends for you to try over the coming months THE INGREDIENT... IBERIAN HAM Where is it from? The oak forests of western Spain in the regions of Extremadura and Andalusia. It is made from the front and rear legs of Iberico/Pata Negra (black foot) pigs. Top of the four grades in quality is bellota ham which comes from free range pigs that roam the forest eating acorns. The taste: Cured up to four years, the best bellota hams have an intense, almost fudgy flavour and fat that melts like butter on the tongue. Use it: It's far too good to cook with, so serve it as a snack, at room temperature. It goes brilliantly with salted almonds and pickled peppers, with a glass of fizz or crisp fino sherry. Team with a rustic bread, lightly salted butter and a hefty handful of rocket.




What is it? A wine made from white grapes in which the pressed grape juice is kept in lengthy contact with the skins during and after fermentation. The result is a wine with a deep orange colour. Flavour wise it tends to have less acidity than white, but with some some of the tannin and bitter edge of a red. It has been made for millennia, notably in Georgia but has recently gained popularity elsewhere in Europe. Drink it with: Charcuterie, cheese and roast meat. The wine is a good match for food from the Middle East & TheBalkans.

FREE SPIRITS If you're looking for an alcohol free spirit for a cocktail, look out for these


Big with the fast pack right now carrot tartare plays with your senses, surprising and delighting you. On first glance, you might mistake this dish for beef tartare; the ground red carrots closely resemble raw ground beef. The presentation is visually striking. It’s beauty on a plate.


Is your pastry turning greasy and tough in warm weather? Try putting butter in the freezer for 30 minutes before using. Grate the hard butter into the flour then mix.

STRYYK While many alcohol-free spirits are based on clear counterparts, Stryyk has managed to make a rum. So if you're in need of a Daiquiri before 5pm.... this is your rum of choice, or maybe not...

SEEDLIP It’s arguably Seedlip that started the alcohol-free spirit movement having emerged in 2015. Spice 94 was the first edition and is our favourite of the three on offer from this distillery.



Leftover rice is a great base for a quick meal, but it needs to be cooled and refrigerated quickly after cooking to prevent the development of harmful bacteria: Spread out the cooked rice on a baking sheet and cool quickly to room temperature Transfer to a resealable container and chill in the fridge. Use within 24 hours Reheat in a pan on the hob (or in a microwave). Add a splash of water and a knob of butter or drizzle of oil. Cover with a lid and heat gently stirring occasionally until steaming hot. Don't reheat more than once

BORRAGO This is one of the most complex flavours that you will find in the alcoholfree market. Borrago is named after the Mediterranean purple flower, borage, that features on the fruity label of this bottle.





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28/03/2019 17:03

under the grill CHEF TIAGO, CHEF


5 WAYS WITH SRIRACHA This Thai chilli sauce is fruity, garlicky and mildly hot. It's used as a condiment for Asian food from noodles, spring rolls and egg-style dishes. DRIZZLE over brunch dishes to give a lift to fried eggs, bacon and sausages. It's also great with smashed avocado. STIR Sriracha, honey and a pinch of garlic powder together to make an addictive marinade for chicken wings or bacon. Heat in an oven for 50 minutes until the chicken is cooked through and the marinade is sticky - too yummy for words. SPLASH over veggie curry particularly lentil dahls rich with earthy cumin and tangy lime and coriander to add a fruity lift of spice.

Before becoming a private yacht chef, Tiago worked in luxury restaurants around the world and completed courses in the best cuisine schools including Ritz Escoffier Paris, Le Cordon Bleu Paris, Hofmann Barcelona, Blue Elephant Bangkok

FRY strips of beef with onion, ginger, garlic and shredded vegetable, then add the Sriracha and soy sauce for an instant kick of flavour. MIX Sriracha with mayonnaise to use as a burger sauce, it works well with beef, chicken and veggie burgers or as a dip for french fries, calamari and many other tapas styled dishes for those long summer evenings.

What is your favourite dish to cook? I enjoy Mediterranean style dishes as well as creating dishes with local fresh ingredients with my personal touch. Where is your favourite restaurant? The past two that I visited were Chez Bruno in Lorgues France, a classic restaurant specialised in truffles and Moments at Mandarin Oriental in Barcelona, Spain, both excellent in many ways. What is your favourite kitchen gadget? I have a small knife that has been with me since my beginnings as a chef, it's my talisman. I also love Josper ovens and the versatile Pacojet. What is your favourite type of food? At home or on board on a daily basis I like to eat Mediterranean style as well as Italian, Greek and Spanish food. I love preparing French food for special dinners and Asian for casual weekends.


Pour a glug of olive oil into a large saucepan. Tip in the rice and fry for 1 min. Add half the stock and cook until absorbed. Add the remaining stock, a ladle at a time, and cook until the rice is al dente, stirring continually, for 20-25 mins.

Stir through the pesto and half the goat cheese. Serve topped with the remaining cheese.

200g risotto rice

700ml chicken or vegetable stock

1 tub fresh pesto

100g soft goat's cheese

Where do you think is the best city in the world for food? Can not say just one, London, Paris and New York have amazing restaurants as well Barcelona, Madrid and Lyon. What is the one ingredient everyone needs in their galley? For me the most important to have in the galley is your boss's favourite ingredient. Where is your favourite local market for fresh produce? I love the La Boqueria Market in Barcelona and the Marché in Nice and Antibes. Who is your favourite provisioner and why? Love Froggy Gourmet, a classic in South of France, with them you can find the best high-end products. Most overrated ingredient? Maybe Wagyu-beef… Most outrageous guest request? A rare leg of duck confit!

Don’t waste time finely chopping garlic, ginger and chili for curry bases or marinades. Use a decent grater or microplane and grate everything straight into the pan or bowl but, watch your finger tips! If there are leftovers, collect them all together, whizz into a puree, then freeze in ice cube trays. These are a great way of quickly adding flavour and spice into dishes if you've run out of these fresh ingredients or are pushed for time or even if you have limited preparation space on board in the galley. Add straight to curries, stir-fries or soups or anything else that needs a lift.



IT’S A SCOOP The revolutionary Scoop THAT! utilises heat transfer principles to draw heat from a non-electric and self-replenishing biodegradable liquid reservoir inside the sealed handle. One scoop or two? €20 www.thatinventions.com

IN THE GALLEY You may not need them but you could certainly get used to them

COFFEE TO GO Brew and drink from a single device with the Pipamoka all-inone nomadic coffee maker. Simple, sturdy and brilliant pressure brewer, it becomes super easy and quick to fuel your days and enjoy hours of hot, freshly-brewed coffee during your commutes, work hours or adventures. Designed and engineered by Wacaco, Pipamoka packs every tool you need to prepare and enjoy a perfectly balanced coffee. A perfect, new experience distilled right into your cup, anytime, anywhere. €43.90 www.wacaco.com 70 | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | ONBOARD

SALAD DAZE Dinosaur Designs’ coral-hued rock servers feature the label’s signature marbled resin technique, imparting them with a unique finish. They’re handmade in Australia to a gently rounded silhouette with deep burgundy and clear streaks. Use them to add a curated touch to your table setting. €90 www.matchesfashion.com


FISH DISH Bordallo Pinheiro’s red fish platter captures the label’s signature whimsical flair. It’s made using traditional methods in the label’s Portuguese Caldas da Rainha factory from glazed ceramic with a realistic hand-painted finish. Use it as a quirky centrepiece when entertaining guests on board or at home. €75 www.matchesfashion.com



This silver-plated coffee pot reflects the bygone-era elegance of The Wolseley Collection’s famed establishment. It’s made with a brown heat-proof handle and hinged lid, then resting on engraved feet. €430 www.matchesfashion.com

Graduated pebbles stacked on Dinosaur Designs’ yellow boulder pepper grinder. It’s crafted from resin that’s hand poured into a mould for a marbled effect. A decorative table accent between dinner settings. €275 www.matchesfashion.com ONBOARD | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | 71

Providing the best

ONBOARD takes a look at the best yacht suppliers on the Mediterranean, ready to help the chefs and interior crew get ready for the season ahead

NeKo Yacht Supply


ased in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, NeKo is a leading provider of marine services, to chefs, stews, or any head of department, now including the engineering department. With many years of experience behind them, they have become one of the premier suppliers to the industry, with the capability to deliver worldwide. Service, flexibility, quality, safety and of course the environment are key factors of the company’s policy. The NeKo team work with the finest products from all over the world, and combined with the company’s location in the world’s largest port, the experienced team have the ability to source practically anything you’re looking for and offer prompt delivery, wherever your yacht may be across the globe on time and in budget. For more details Tel: +31 (0)10 800 55 77 or visit www.nekoyachts.nl

SNAP Provisions


ased in the Netherlands just 20 minutes from Amsterdam, SNAP Provisions is a Mediterranean and worldwide supplier and one of the leading yacht provisioning companies delivering throughout the Caribbean. SNAP provides a world class service with all products handpicked by their own acclaimed chef who focuses on the ever escalating requirements and global food trends. The expert team personally understand the challenges at sea and are committed to supplying chefs with exactly what they need for a successful charter or owner trip. Superb pantry products, market fresh produce, organic and sustainable options and most importantly, consistency within the range of goods offered. Their eco-friendly and unique packaging system is a revelation. Allowing air circulation amongst the produce, while maintaining the cold chain throughout transportation guarantees that your order arrives in perfect condition, every time. For more details Tel: +31 (0)7 14 033 808 or visit www.snapprovisions.com 72 | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | ONBOARD



ellier is a top supplier of wine, spirits, beverages and soft drinks in Greece, with more than 80 years of experience in representing the most prestigious brands. Cellier has a network of four retail stores in Athens: Psychiko, Syntagma, Kifissia and Syngrou Ave, where you can find a large variety of more than 1500 wines, spirits and more. Talk to Cellier for your wine, spirits, beverages and cigar needs on board. Cellier delivers to marinas in Greece and the Mediterranean, offering quality services. You can order, with no minimum quantity requirement, either online through Cellier bilingual e-shop, by email or phone. For more details Tel: +30 (0)210 4533551 or visit www.cellier.gr

Green Chilli


here’s a new name in yacht provisioning. The Green Chilli team combines more years of experience in provisioning and yachting than they would care to mention. Antonio Dias, the Managing Director worked on yachts for more than 20 years as an Interior Manager and Purser. He decided to put all his energy into providing the level of service he had been used to giving yacht clients and owners, to yachts who need provisioning. Based in the south of France Green Chilli can supply you with everything you need for the galley, interior and a full ecofriendly range wherever you are in the world. They know exactly the level of service you require and with the transparent pricing and commitment to top quality produce Green Chilli offer you great value, rapid response with a great service level. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 83 88 33 70 or visit www.greenchilli.eu




urnaround has been supplying superyachts with top quality provisions since 2001. They have proven that concentrating on a personal touch and supplying exactly what the customer wants is a winning formula. They have acquired a reputation for dependability and honesty and enjoy getting to know each customer’s individual requirements, 85% of their customers are repeat customers who have been with them for years. Lucy knows what pressures you are under and is there to help you achieve your goal and run a smooth operation. Lucy and her team have always delivered from Marseille to Genoa and now regularly deliver to Naples, Venice, Corsica and Sardinia. For more details Tel: +33 (0)6 30 507 940 or visit www.turnaroundfrance.com

Frangipani Luxury Amenities


rangipani is ready for the new season with all the most loved guest toiletry brands in stock including; Molton Brown, Jo Malone, Bvlgari, Acqua di Parma, L’Occitane, Elemis, Marvis, Lancaster, Clarins and more. The supplier also offers a varied eco-luxe range of products from Humble Brush, Green People, NHR Organic Oils and Bamford with organic sunscreens from Coola and Soleil Toujours. With a well stocked warehouse in the south of France, emergency deliveries are not a problem and their ability to source your exact requirements is second to none. They have a wide range of guest accessories including natural sponges, manicure sets, sleep masks and turndown treats and ideas. Plus, they have a wide range of premium rattan in varied designs, sizes and colours for inside and out coupled with wonderfully crafted leather accessories. If you are looking to create a romantic atmosphere on deck or at a beach BBQ, their wide range of re-chargeable candles are the perfect choice. With years of hands-on experience, and constantly sourcing new products and ideas, Becky and Matt are always on hand to offer advice and suggestions on the products you are looking for to make your life just that little bit easier. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 83 28 30 70 or visit www.frangipani.fr



Rosé Tinted Spectaculars

lick of salinity on the finish, these are the best rosés for food. Try with bouillabaisse or similarly rich Mediterranean flavours.

Domaines Ott


he Riviera – as well as being the global hub for summer yachting - is also home to one of the world’s most definitive wine styles: Provence rosé. The two go together like summer and sunshine.

Our wine master Rod Smith takes a look at Provence and the quality rosé produced in this region offering his tips of vineyards to look out for with his top five rosé wines

Provence is a little too warm and sunny to produce balanced red wines. It’s not just temperature - there are plenty of hotter places where wine is made - but an excess of sunshine can make the grapes go over-ripe before sufficient sugars have built up in them. This is the reason why, historically, a lot of the grapes here are made in to rosé (in effect a white-style wine made from black grapes, if you think about it). Even a little further west, in Languedoc, the dominance is for red wines, partly because it is cooled by so much more wind. Provence is pretty-much the only place in the wine world where rosé has always been taken seriously. Apart from isolated pockets in northern Spain (for the same reason), Provence is the only place where the best vineyards are given over to rosé production. The fact that Provence is so adept at making great dry rosé wines very beautifully dovetails with the local food. Flavours of olive (from grassy virgin olive oil right to intense tapenade) really prefer more flavour than most white wines can offer, and yet benefit from being accompanied by something cold. 2019 was a superb vintage for Provence, so the new crop of rosés just released are very possibly the best ever! Five producers to look out for!

Domaine la Suffrène

This producer in Bandol is at the forefront of making rosé from the local grape, Mourvèdre, which is deeper than the Grenache that dominates in the rest of Provence. From the darker orange colour to the extra layers of spicy fruit flavour, and the coastal

With their properties in both Côtes de Provence and Bandol, many lifetimes of heritage and know-how, unique bottle shape, and high profile, it is no wonder that Ott remains the go-to Provence producer for many people. And all this did not come about without good reason. Reliably beautifully made wines.

Château d’Esclans

An exquisite property with a lot of history and an enviable location in the valley above St Tropez, Château d’Esclans was totally overhauled under the ownership of Sacha Lichine, and is noted for producing the globally celebrated brand, ‘Whispering Angel’, and the ultra-high end boutique ‘Garrus’, an exquisite very pale barrel fermented wine, which could easily be mistaken for the finest of Burgundies.

Château St Martin

With history of winemaking going back two thousand years into Roman times, but a modern approach these days, the exquisitely situated Château St Martin nestling behind Taradeau, is a Cru Classé estate making a range of rosé from the light and fruity to the complex Reserve, and a special cuvee, ‘Eternelle Favourite’, made majority from Provence’s indigenous grape variety – the distinctly floral Tibouren.

Domaine de Rimauresq

Owned by the Wemyss family, of Scottish distilling fame, Rimauresq is an exquisite property south of Le Luc, in the heart of Provence, producing a range of red, white and rosé wines. Their Cuvée Rebelle Rosé, from a majority Grenache, is an especially good buy with its flavours of summer berries and floral violets.

Rod Smith MW, from Riviera Wine Academy, is one of only 390 Masters of Wine in the world, resident on the Côte d’Azur since 2007. Rod offers wine training, including WSET Courses, for crew and interested wine lovers, as well as organising onboard wine tastings and events. www.rivierawineacademy.com



KONOBA HVARANIN Konoba Hvaranin is one of the liveliest of Split's traditional eateries. With mama and papa in the kitchen and son behind the bar, this is a second home for many locals and those needing some quiet time to think about life. Everything is simple, home-made and delicious. Seating is limited so book ahead. Don't miss the traditional dessert - rožata crème caramel. Tel: +385 99 667 5891 | €€€€

BOKAMORRA The generous glass frontage of Bokamorra allows diners to make the most of the views but, in truth, the lovely interior of the restaurant and the wonderful presentation of their pizzas and cocktails are more than enough to keep your attention inside. Pizzas are all they do, including the obvious dessert option. The seating is funky, the booths great for groups, the crowd is young, entertained by a great music soundtrack. If you fancy a cocktail to wash down the pizza, the bar staff can draw on over 150 different spirit options to concoct your favourite. Tel: +385 99 417 7191 | €€

ZRNO SOLI Set within a marina, this fine dining restaurant provides views over the water and yachts, which can be appreciated from the terrace or from the interior dining space through floor-to-ceiling windows. No surprise that the local seafood and fish is the focus here and each dish comes wonderfully presented with plenty of creativity put into each dish which can be matched with some lovely Croatian wines. Tel: +385 91 434 3050 | €€€€



KADENA Perfect for that special occasion and positioned on the waterfront overlooking the harbour and beach, this popular restaurant is celebrated for its views as well as its food and wine. With over 400 varieties of wine on display in the sophisticated main dining room having been chosen by sommelier, you can feel confident that your wonderfully cooked and presented meal will have the perfect accompaniment. Tel: +385 21 389 400 | €€€€ NOSTROMO This intimate restaurant combines an inviting dining space with classic décor of Croatian cherry wood and marble with fresh seafood that comes from the fish market the restaurant sits alongside. People come here for the quality of dishes such as carpaccio, seafood risotto, lobster and shrimp. Paired with a selection of Croatian wines, this is perfect for that special date. Tel: +385 91 405 6666 | €€€€ DVOR Set just above the coastal path from Bacvice Beach, overlooking the sea, this restaurant has especially idyllic surroundings whether dining in the day or under the star-filled sky. Guests can sit in the conservatory or out on a terrace that’s shaded by trees while dining from the chef’s highly acclaimed fine dining plates. A selection of seafood and meat is cooked up on an open-grill to be served with the restaurant’s selection of Croatian wine. Tel: +385 21 571 513 | €€€€ BLACK RISOTTO Every seafood restaurant in Split Croatia has a crni rizot (black risotto) as a traditional part of Croatian cuisine menu. Wonderful for seafood lovers.


ZRNO SOLI TECICA Serves 4 INGREDIENTS 200 g Cooked cod (peeled)

3 Bulbs garlic

500 g Shellfish

100 g Parsley

700 g Blanched octopus

1 Pomegranate

700 g Monkfish

100 ml Olive oil

1 Zucchini

500 ml Home-made salsa

1 kg Potatoes

150 ml White wine

3 Red onions

SALSA • For the salsa, finely chop fresh tomatoes and coriander, peel and finely chop the onion, deseed and finely chop the chillies • Squeeze the juice of one lime, add two tablespoons of olive oil, add salt and pepper to taste PREPARATION • Thinly slice the onion and add to warm olive oil • Thinly slice the potatoes and blanche lightly • Add the potatoes to the onions and brown lightly • Add the octopus and cod, lightly cook for 5 minutes • Than add the chopped garlic and the monkfish • After a few minutes, pour over the white wine. If you prefer not to use alcohol, use a light vegetable stock • Let the dish sizzle for a few minutes to mix the flavours • When the alcohol evaporates, add the homemade salsa, parsley and shells • Slice the zucchini thinly and add at the very end of cooking

SERVING SUGGESTION When serving, sprinkle with pomegranate seeds to give the meal freshness



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body beautiful The latest facts, fads and tips to help keep you in ship shape condition this season


NOBU HOTEL, MARBELLA Inside the Nobu Hotel Marbella, all is clean and serene, with hessian underfoot, hammocks swinging and the sound of flowing water. Therapists deliver incredibly bespoke rituals: from delicious deep-tissue massage using warm oils and pressure-point manipulation to bodysmoothing scrubs with Ayurvedic spices and ground walnut shells. But the hot ticket: a hypnotic combination of jasmine oil, hot compresses and marma-point massage, which helps the mask to sink into the skin, leaving it firm, lifted, revitalised and with a golden sheen. www.marbella.nobuhotels.com

BEAUTY MYTH NAIL HARDENING PRODUCTS MAKE TIPS STRONGER AND PREVENT BREAKING The Truth: These products can actually do the opposite, making your nails fragile. The formaldehyde in hardeners creates a bond between the strands of keratin protein in your nails. It makes them less flexible and therefore, more brittle. And while nail polish remover is a must-have, only use it once or twice a week.

JADE ROLLING Apparently jade rolling and gua sha massage are thought to work by aiding in lymphatic drainage [moving fluid that pools under skin], which can have a depuffing effect. Sweep with your jade gua sha stone at sunrise and sunset to leave your skin looking and feeling fresh and rejuvenated. Cool in the fridge for an enhanced experience. www.biovea.net

THOUGHTFUL APPS COLORFY The mindfulness colouring book has become digital! Colorfy provides flowing and relaxing shapes and patterns for you to colour, allowing you time out from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. STOP, BREATHE & THINK The app aims to give you exactly what it says in the title. The chance, and skills, to stop everything, just breathe, and think. The guided meditations cover a range of goals, and are constructed to help you take some time out and concentrate on yourself. CLOUD HERO

With a real fan inside, SNOOZ is an ultra-portable white noise machine that turns your bedroom or cabin into a haven for sleep. Apps and digital machines rely on looping tracks. SNOOZ doesn’t. www.getsnooz.com

YOU MUST TRY... HYPERBARIC OXYGEN CHAMBER THERAPY What is it? Basically you are inside a balloon, breathing 100% oxygen through a mask. You fall into a deep, restorative nap and awake hungry for more. Well, that’s the plan... What does it do? Culturally, they have long been signifiers of megalomania, detachment and anxiety. Michael Jackson had one in his house, which isn’t a great recommendation. The Olympian swimmer Michael Phelps is another fan - slightly better. How does it work? You climb into a plastic body bag in your hospital booties. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurised environment. The structure is a semi-circular cage with comfortable bedding, surrounded by thick plastic walls. Once inside, a technician inflates the bag. You are basically inside a balloon, which will be maintained at constant pressure, as you breathe 100% oxygen through a mask. Not for the people out there with minor claustrophobia. What is it used for? Hyperbaric chambers are mostly used to treat gas gangrene, carbon monoxide poisoning and the bends, while the medical uses of oxygen include wound-healing and reducing the risk of infection. Many people report feeling energised afterwards. But I guess we’re not going to be told about the other experiences...


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Pulling Power

If you’re looking for some exercise in a confined space, then the latest TRX craze will keep you in shape

TRX Suspension Training Yes, of course you guessed it – developed by a ‘Navy Seal’ to keep himself fit whilst on deployment. And it all started with his jiu jitsu belt and parachute webbing…. After finally developing a working prototype and gaining interest from various athletes and coaches he started selling the product from the trunk of his car in San Francisco. You may remember the Power Plate systems and gyms cropping up everywhere a few years ago? Well, fast forward a few years and here we are with the TRX Suspension Training.

What is it? A work-out with a difference – TRX (Total Body Resistance Exercise) uses a single strap hung (in half) from a ceiling or door frame with loops for hands or feet on either end. By adding push and pull resistance to each exercise, the TRX forces you to fight gravity. It will turn a simple body weight exercise into something much tougher and demands that you engage your core throughout. TRX training can deliver effective total body workouts in a short time and in confined spaces - which could be good.

What’s the point of it? Rather than working just one area, TRX creates a full body workout that’ll have you breaking out in a sweat or an irregular heartbeat in no time at all! Who is it for? The system is simple yet highly effective so TRX can benefit people of all sporting and fitness levels. This is your personal ‘go anywhere gym’. Highly portable there’s no excuse not to bring this on any trip to amuse yourself during some down time.


Makeup no sweat


Thin layers Use a very thin layer of cream and a lot of powder. Apply your foundation in a thin layer, and then make sure to powder it well by using a big brush.

With the onset of the seasonal rise in temperature, the last thing you need to be worrying about is your mascara running down your face or your foundation melting away

Lock it in You can apply a cream contour or blush first, and layer a translucent powder of the product on top to lock it into place and make it waterproof.


ithout the time or inclination to ‘re-apply’ during a busy day (and night) on board, you need a solution to last throughout the marathon days and into the night. With this in mind, we take a look at the waterproof formulas on the market.

that will preserve your look all day long. Even the best waterproof makeup can tend to feel a lot heavier than normal makeup, but that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily bad for your skin. Experts will remind us that it’s important to remember to properly remove it at the end of each day.

Nothing is worse than looking in the mirror on a hot summer day or wondering why the guests are just staring at you and then you realise you have ‘panda eyes’ because your eyeliner started running. Sweat and humidity can quickly turn the glam look you slaved over this morning into something that looks straight out of a horror movie. But hard-work and perspiration doesn’t have to mean sacrifice.

How does it work? You probably heard at some point in your school chemistry lessons (if you were listening) that ‘like dissolves like.’ If you have a water-based product, exposing it to water will typically dissolve it. However, if you have an anhydrous product (a waterless formula) with film forming polymers, exposing it to water won’t move the formula that much and only an oil-based product will be able to remove it. This explains why even a rainstorm won’t weather your waterproof mascara — and why you’ll need a serious makeup remover when you do want to retire to your bunk.

Even if there is adequate AC inside, running out on to the deck into humidity and back in again will play havoc with your make-up. Just invest in some quality, waterproof makeup products

WATERPROOF V WATER-RESISTANT When we talk about waterproof makeup, we mean seriously impervious to water. Waterproof makeup products are made to completely hold up against large quantities of water. With waterproof makeup products you should be able to totally submerge your face, and still have your makeup completely in tact. Water-resistant makeup products, on the other hand, are not quite as heavy-duty. They should hold up on an


average sweaty day but you might need to re-apply once or twice during that delightful 18 hour shift…. When removing waterproof makeup your facial cleanser and water are not going to be good enough to get rid of this heavy duty makeup! Chances are you will need a more specific makeupremoving product, and you might even want to adopt the double cleansing technique. If you are absolutely set on only cleansing your face once,

opt for the kind of cleanser that can truly break down waterproof makeup. Oil cleansers and balm cleansers tend to be the best at that, since they are made of oil, which is great at breaking down water-resistant makeup. Micellar waters and gel cleansers ain’t gonna cut through these heavy duty formulas, you need an oilbased or balm cleanser that will break down the makeup and keep you looking fresh.

Baking Baking your foundation is another great way of really locking it into place. Let it sit on your skin for about 5 mins, and then brush away.

Primer If you don’t have a great eye shadow primer on hand, a thin layer of concealer under your eye shadows will suffice and keep things in place.

Mascara When it comes to mascaras, you can enjoy both worlds. Combine waterproof formulas. Get the look and be resistant to water and perspiration.

6 Sunscreen Obviously, your average day means you spend a lot of time in the sun as well. Don’t forget to apply a layer of sunscreen with at least 30 SPF before applying your waterproof makeup.

7 Balanced diet When it comes to skin care, gel-based products will feel much lighter sitting under your makeup, and are stronger.






Staying power

Whether you are out and about in the summer heat or working a particularly hot charter season, these products will hold up 5






1.SEPHORA Rectractable eyeliner €8.99 www.sephora.fr 2. MARC JOCOBS Instant bronzer €39 www.sephora.fr 3. TARTE Amazonian clay moisturiser €35 www.sephora.fr 4. BENEFIT Gimme Brow+ €28 www.sephora.fr 5. FENTY Setting powder €31 www.sephora.fr 6.MILK Mini lip cheeker €12 www.sephora.fr 7. LAURA MERCIER Smoothing translucent setting powder €44 www.sephora.fr 8.NAKED SKIN Hybrid complexion perfector €28 www.sephora.fr 9. ERBORIAN Moisturising face mask €8 www.sephora.fr 10. SEPHORA Matt lip liner €9.99 www.sephora.fr


A bridge too far Safety and security when navigating the oceans is the main priority for all yachts. Michael Howorth looks at the intuitive integrated bridge systems and navigation software on offer from the leaders in the maritime field


remember only too well, the time from my past when, as the Navigating Officer sailing aboard the P&O liner Oriana on a voyage to Australia, we, the bridge team, adopted the somewhat pompous practice of answering the engine room telephone by saying “Good Morning this is the Nerve Centre”. The practice only stopped when the engineers began telephoning asking to talk with the chief nerve. Jesting aside, the bridge of any ship or superyacht is almost always; command central. It is from here when at sea, at anchor and even at times when the yacht is alongside, that the principle decisions regarding the yachts course and safety are decided and enacted upon. When it comes to paraphernalia there are often areas on board such as the engine room or control room that are better fitted out with more expensive control equipment. When it comes to décor then almost certainly the master stateroom will knock the bridge into a cocked hat but the fact remains: it is always the bridge that lies at the very centre of superyacht operation. In a book, co written by Frances Howorth entitled, ‘Bridge Procedures A Guide for Watch Keepers of Large Yachts under Sail


and Power’ written specifically for those working on yachts in excess of 24 metres we said of the bridge: “Safe navigation is the most fundamental attribute of good seamanship. An increasingly sophisticated range of navigational aids can today complement the basic skills of navigating officers, which have accumulated over the centuries. Sophistication, however, brings its own dangers and a need for precautionary measures against undue reliance on technology. Experience shows that properly formulated bridge procedures and the development of bridge teamwork are critical to maintaining a safe navigational watch.” As navigation and routing becomes more electronically generated that is becoming more and more important. Generally speaking, the commercial shipping companies are extremely cost conscious, looking to maximise every possible efficiency to keep costs as low as possible. In terms of electronic navigation, cells are purchased on a route-by-route basis, with very little crosstrack buffer. This will keep the costs down, but it does of course have an impact on the amount of detail for things like emergency ports of refuge. Yachts on the other hand, have traditionally been more liberal with

their ENC consumption to cover off the unexpected change of itinerary. Rather than purchasing week-byweek, yachts will look at a much wider area for a longer period to be safe. As an independent supplier of navigation solutions, OneOcean can trace back company activity back to the days of Nelson. Clearly in those times there was no such thing as electronic navigation and indeed the bridge as we know it today did not even exist but it does give the company a fairly unique view on both the world of commercial shipping and superyachts. While the equipment being used on both types of vessels is very similar, the bridge procedures can greatly differ. Former yacht crewmember, Chris Warde, is now the company’s Head of Superyachts and has been in that position since January 2018. Before that he worked for Sunseeker International as a Superyacht Technical Sales Manager. With that sort of background he is clearly qualified to comment on navigation and compliance solutions. He says, “With the introduction of our OneOcean Pay As You Sail (PAYS) scheme the


superyacht community has quickly embraced the concept making it a commercial success, but on the commercial shipping side growth of this sector has been somewhat slower. With PAYS yacht crew have access to the world (with the exception of 5 areas) and only get charged for the cells they sail through. So a yacht can be sat at anchor of the coast of France and start planning route across the other side of the world. They save time and money by being able to keep entire areas up to date, without having to purchase the individual cells.” There is a tracking fee and planning fee for PAYS, but the cost the yachts save on the ENC consumption far outweighs this up-front subscription. In shipping however, where their ENC consumption is already kept to a bare minimum, the perceived benefits of having more access to ENC data is not deemed a high enough value for the additional tracking and planning fees. Warde says, “Interestingly we see a more widespread adoption of full paperless

navigation in the commercial shipping sector. You would expect with all the perceived money in yachting, that superyachts would be leading the way with technology. It’s true that as individual vessels, the new larger superyachts tend to have the most advanced technology and equipment, pushing the boundaries of integration, but there is also a large fleet of smaller (sub 500gst) yachts and older yachts that don’t have the technical infrastructure to run paperless and therefore continue to run with paper as the primary source of navigation. While paper navigation is quickly becoming something of the past in shipping, there is still a sector of yachting that continues to use paper and this is unlikely to change in the near future.” COMMERCIAL SHIP VS SUPERYACHT Probably the biggest difference between ships and yachts can also be drawn within yachting itself as the difference between privately registered yachts and commercially registered yachts. As a commercial

For committed sea travellers who want to feel at home on the sea Admarel’s aim is to be their trusted advisor; a centre of excellence for advanced marine electronics. Working with leading naval and interior architects and some of the world’s top yards, they design, specify and integrate bespoke and state-of-theart AV, IT, security, lighting, navigation, communications and integrated bridge systems for superyachts. New builds or refits, the skilled and experienced engineers deliver advanced, fit for purpose systems that are effective, proven and flexible. Admarel also offer worldwide service packages that provide 24/7 maintenance, repairs and updates both remotely and on-site. For more details Tel: +31 (0)78 692 19 00 or visit www.admarel.nl vessel you are more exposed to Port State inspections and have much tighter regulatory restrictions from flag meaning, in theory, you have no choice but to carry the required material, be completely up to date and have comprehensive passage planning detailed and recorded. Privately registered yachts are recommended to carry the same as a commercial vessel, but are not required to do so.



As private vessels are not subject to the same level of Port State inspections, there are plenty of yachts out there that are doing the bare minimum. Private yachts (especially those under 500gt) are yet another reason why paper charts are holding on in yachting. In theory paper charts are the primary source of navigation and ECS should only be an aid. It is common practice, however, to find all the route planning and navigation reference is actually being done on the ECS using unofficial charts while paper charts stay stored away pristinely in the chart drawer. “There are of course exceptions to the rule, not all private yachts cut corners,” Says Warde. He adds, “Generally, the professionalism of yachting is improving all the time. We are seeing more and more crew wanting to run their bridge procedures correctly and there is more recognition of the importance of having up to date information and proper passage planning in place.” “The one commonality between commercial shipping and yachting is probably the biggest factor driving innovation and new solutions and that is time. Neither have it in an abundance. For yachting it has meant that, for many, proper passage planning was seen as a luxury they’re not able to comply to. More often than not, they rely on past


experience, having been to many of the places before. As new solutions are developed, we can optimise the time spent creating a route and building a comprehensive plan meaning that even on smaller yachts with fewer crew or busy charter yachts where bridge crew are also extremely busy on deck have the ability to follow the correct procedures.” In general, OneOcean can see a trend of superyacht crew getting better. As more yachts get built above 3,000gst, more professionals holding ‘unlimited’ certificates are being introduced to the industry and that is having a positive effect. But we are a long way off the day when companies no longer have to explain the difference between an official chart and an unofficial chart or explaining what the AIO layer is for. “Solutions are constantly improving,” says Warde, “This enables yachts to plan better and have more reliable, up to date information available to them, but until we see tighter regulatory control for privately registered vessels there will still be those out there that sail dangerously close to the wind.” Massimo Minnella, is the CEO and sales manager at Team Italia a company specialising in the integration and functional optimisation of navigation, telecommunications, security and data transmission equipment based

The constant investments in research and development over time have brought satisfying results once again, allowing TEAM Italia to develop an unprecedented I-Bridge® solution on board the Sanlorenzo 64 Steel Attila. This modern and sophisticated I-Bridge® solution includes both a 55’ transparent head up display, a solution that harmoniously balances functionality with safety at sea, and the I-Chart, the exclusive TEAM Italia electronic chart table. As every I-Bridge® solution, it was developed and tested entirely in-house, in order to guarantee the handling of the control interfaces and a simplified management of the on-board systems. This was also achieved through integrated monitoring systems developed by Onyx Marine Automation. For more details Tel: +39 0586426489 or visit www.team-italia.it in Viareggio with offices throughout Italy. Together with his financial partner, Daniele Ceccanti, the company CTO, Massimo founded Team Italia 20 years ago. With experience of commercial ships before he entered the world of superyachts Massimi is in no doubt that the superyacht bridge can be vastly superior to those found on commercial ships. The company designs, engineers and produces custom bridge solutions. Its I-Bridge solutions have been installed on more than 250 new buildings since 2000 on superyachts ranging from 30 to over 100 metres. Because each I-Bridge is a customised solution each has specific features that respond to the requests of ship owners and captains. A good example


As more yachts get built above 3,000gst, more professionals holding ‘unlimited’ certificates are being introduced to the industry and that has a positive effect of this can be seen on board the recently launched Sanlorenzo motor yacht Attila, where transparent head-up display system has harmoniously been permitted to overlay the company’s exclusive electronic chart table system they call I Chart. In the Heads-Up Display mode, navigation data is available on the transparent display, allowing the Captain to easily check all information needed and still keep fully focused on steering the yacht. The transparent display allows him to overlay and display this with navigational data - such as route, waypoint, AIS and ARPA targets. Barry Murfin is the General Manager at Charity & Taylor (Electronic Services) Ltd who have this year become a member of the Aage Hempel Group one of the largest marine electronic groups in Europe. Seven years into the job and with a history of working as a Marine Electronics Project Engineer, his company provides access to an expanded range of products, services and technical resource, and local engineering support in the Mediterranean. All this ensures bridge equipment can be supplied, installed and maintained in a cost efficient manner to both yachting and commercial ship clients. Murfin concedes however that there is a difference

between the two, saying, “Superyachts of over 300gt will invariably share the same bridge equipment as their larger commercial counterparts, this ensures the necessary performance and reliability requirements are met, in keeping with any superyacht aesthetics then become a large factor in the equipment selection process.” Originally rooted in commercial shipping, German based Boening specialises in the development and manufacture of electronic devices and systems for on board automation. Devices and systems, the majority of which they have developed and manufactured themselves are found on more than 13,000 commercial ships and superyachts. Headquartered in Japan, the Furuno Corporation has a UK division with offices in the south of England and another in Scotland. Bruce Hardy the Sales Director in the UK has designed some of the most advanced ship integrated bridges built in the last few years. Across the pond, and based in Fort Lauderdale, Palladium Technologies has for the last 25 years been creating products that include: SiMON X, a bridge monitoring, control and alarm system, IT Networking, Cyber Security, Intrusion Security, along with complete Electrical designs throughout the yacht.

Communications systems play a vital role in the bridge equipment menu. Senior Vice President of Safety and Security, Yacht and Passenger, at Inmarsat, Peter Broadhurst says, “A commercial ship must comply with SOLAS, so its required equipment is defined by IMO regulations and the flag state. Although a superyacht does not have to comply in this way, most do as they either voluntarily follow the guidelines or register themselves as SOLAS. The regulations define the minimum equipment and most commercial ships will stop at that. A superyacht will add things like cameras, tender tracking monitoring, UHF or PMR radios, etc. Also, a commercial bridge is a place of work, whereas a superyacht bridge is also part of the décor of the vessel with guests and owners visiting it. This means a superyacht bridge may have larger monitors, integrated solutions per monitor, computercontrolled solutions and interfaces - and obviously a more pleasing aesthetic finish which sometimes is more important than the function.” CHANGES Kongsberg Maritime introduced the world’s first, commercially available ARPA radar back in 1969. Other innovations followed: an autopilot with track-control functionality built into the radar was released in 1975. The company has since been in the forefront of innovation, developing what was called the scan-converter for rotating radar signals and pioneering the use of conventional computer screens rather than the fluorescent PPI in 1990, together with some of the very first available electronic chart systems. Today Roger Trinterud is the company’s Sales Director, responsible for the cruise, yacht and passenger markets. He has worked with Kongsberg Maritime for 23 years, first as a service engineer on bridge systems, then as a project manager for

ONEOCEAN OneOcean is a leading supplier in navigation and compliance solutions. With one of the largest research and development departments in the industry, they are committed to developing new, innovative solutions that provide more information in a shorter amount of time. By consolidating navigation services, regulatory information and route planning functionality onto one intuitive platform, OneOcean make it easy and quick to produce fully compliant passage plan documents with routes that can be imported directly into the ECDIS. The fleet management services are unrivalled in the yachting industry given DPAs and yacht managers more information than ever before. For more details Tel: +44 (0)23 8071 4315 or visit www.oneocean.com


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Superyachts of over 300gt will invariably share the same bridge equipment as their larger commercial counterparts, this ensures the necessary performance and reliability requirements are met refit/upgrades on bridge equipment before spending more than 10 years on sales of bridge equipment. He subsequently held the role of Senior Sales Manager, with responsibility for coordinating the yacht market within Kongsberg, for 4 years. Kongsberg Maritime has over the years focused on all kinds of electronic control for ships and offshore installations since its beginning in the late 1960s. These include automation, power/energy management, safety management and control systems, bridge systems including navigation, joystick/ dynamic positioning and remote control of any propulsion/rudder/thruster setup, as well as integration between these control systems. More recently, Kongsberg has become heavily involved in digitalisation, condition monitoring, remote diagnostics and service and autonomous vessels. Last year, Kongsberg also acquired the maritime division of Rolls Royce, enhancing their portfolio with propulsors (propellers, thrusters, waterjets), rudders, stabilisers, deck machinery and more, making the company a supplier with possibly the widest offering to any vessel type. Today Kongsberg also manufacture its own GNSS solutions for position, heading and speed measurements, AIS and ring laser gyro systems.

In Trinterud’s opinion, bridge equipment has not changed much as one might think over the last five years. He says, “There is still a big focus on individual pieces of equipment and their functions, rather than on the performance of a bridge system. I would hope that carriage requirements, focusing on counting pieces, would be replaced by functional and redundancy/ backup requirements in the future.” “On yachts in particular, we are seeing an increase in interest for dynamic positioning systems, as this can increase safety and or comfort of some operations. Solid state radars have been introduced. I still do not see the added cost being justified by improved performance, but I think that will change over the next years. This will also improve performance and degradation of radar systems, as well as simplifying service. The most important change may be happening now, with more and more equipment brands enabling possibilities for remote diagnostic functions.” Portfolio Manager of the Integrated Bridge Systems at RH Marine is Marcel Vermeulen whose career began as a deck officer in commercial shipping. Having designed automated ship motion solutions within the RH group he began managing his current department about 4 years ago. In the 1990s when RH Marine was known

Charity & Taylor Electronics Services Ltd (part of the Aage Hempel Marine Electronics Group) are specialists in providing GMDSS communication solutions to the superyacht sector. Providing equipment sales, installation & servicing for manufacturers including; Furuno, Sailor & Icom. They are able to provide shore based maintenance agreements and Class radio surveys on board, fully supported by a global network of service centres. Through their extensive network they offer 24/7 support and have a stock of spare parts readily available for the customer’s convenience. The primary objective is to offer the clients a supplier of navigation and communications equipment with high quality technical services globally. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1326 653105 or visit www.charityandtaylor.com as Imtech the company has witnessed many changes in ridge design having delivered to the market one of the very first electronic chart systems. They followed this with the delivery of the first complete PC based integrated navigation bridge just as the century clicked over from 19 to 20. Of the changes in recent years Vermeulen believes the new ECDIS standard and the introduction of Bridge Alert Management has had the most impact on the wider acceptance of integrated operator panels. “Besides functionality,” he says, “Aesthetics of the bridge has gained importance, and this has been supported by technological options to automate more and use smaller components.” Chris Warde at OneOcean says, “A huge amount has changed.” He adds,



“Not just in the technology, but in the application. Integrated services have led to a much better situational awareness and quicker access to information has improved navigation preparation and safety management.” “Developments to bridge equipment in the last five years have been heavily focused on simplifying the user interface and reducing maintenance requirements says Barry Murfin at Charity & Taylor. He concludes, “Thus easing the burden on crew for training and maintenance coordination.” Simrad, a company with a 60 year history in the business has been developing multifunctional displays (MFDs) for many years. Gianluca Babini heads up the Mega Yacht Engineering Department at Simrad. He started to work for NAVIOP, now part of Simrad, 15 years ago and has worked in a variety of different roles within the company. In that time, he has also witnessed much change. “These displays have evolved in very much the same way as a smartphone has over the same sort of period,” he says. He adds, “Chartplotters, Echo-sounders and radars are all now an application that launch inside the MFD as soon as it is switched on in much the same way as your mobile telephone becomes a camera and a calculator inside your pocket.” Babini continues, “The acquisition of NAVIOP by Simrad in 2017 has enabled us to enhance our offering and most importantly develop fully integrated marine-electronics systems


that enhance the yachting experience. With Simrad Command we can now offer unique solutions for navigation control. Multifunctional display solutions that not only offer navigation functions but also monitor and control all of the boat’s key processes and systems. From the design-phase to our close collaboration with engine manufacturers and our technical know-how, makes Simrad Command one of the few platforms that can provide this level of integrated solutions.” PREDICTIONS Gazing into the crystal ball trying to predict what is next in the way of major equipment to become available to superyachts can be difficult. But Roger Trinterud at Konesberg is prepared to stick his head out and suggest it might be Situational Awareness Systems. He says, “Today the bridge is a cluttered mess of screens and instruments displaying information in an unstructured way. There is a mix of raw information from sensors and processed data supplied through computer systems that can be complementary but in fact often overlaps with redundant information. This can sometimes be comforting but at other times confusing. Trinterud thinks, “We will soon see information structured as layers on top of each other on the same screen instead of adjacent - combining video, radar signals, electronic charts with all sensor data. This way it will be easier to detect faults and inconsistencies, and at the same time give the navigator a better understanding at a glance, and more time to look out the windows, in the right direction.”

AMA design and manufacture bespoke control and automation systems, using Böning and other industrial hardware. The custom software pulls information and controls into one bespoke front end user interface, for the ultimate in convenience and ease of use. Applied Marine Automation pride themselves in pushing the limits of design while ensuring functionality; if the client wants the thinnest curved glass bridge, with heads-up displays projected onto the front, they do it. The data connection allows service support 24/7 all over the world. Data from the vessel is synced with the AMA cloud so they can diagnose faults and design a preventative service or maintenance routine. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1752 349920 or visit appliedmarineautomation.co.uk “The integration of joystick and dynamic positioning systems in the navigation suite are giving us the possibility to develop new, advanced manoeuvring functions, that will also ease operations. Warming to his theme, Trinterud also suggests, “These include all-speed autopilots that work from station keeping to transit speed, automatic docking and automatic collision avoidance systems.” At RH Marine whose speciality is to deliver tailored integrated solutions system they are designing and building bridge automation and power solutions in-house. Looking into the future Marcel Vermeulen thinks, “We will see more of the larger size monitors. Some will be integrated into the chart table recalling the size and familiarity of the good old paper chart experience, like with


There has been a large amount of positive feedback on the ease of operation which Joystick and Dynamic Positioning offers the bridge crew our Voyage Planning Station. He believes, “More equipment will become available with network interfaces to support a higher level of integration, again helping to minimise the required volume for bridge equipment and allowing smarter bridge design.” Team Italia are looking to the future in a partnership with Rolls Royce, to create what will become the MTU SmartBridge. “This project,” says Massimo Minnella “opens up to the integration of the propulsion thus integrating all the systems onto a single platform and obtaining the digitalisation of the entire boat.” He adds, “Everything, except for the throttle control which will always remain physical, will be based on touch screen technology.” At OneOcean, Chris Warde’s crystal ball suggests, “The availability of electronic record keeping is going to become more important in the future. The IMO are due to recognise electronic record keeping as an official form of record keeping in October 2020 and Marpol logbooks alone, will provide a huge amount of data that can be used to analyse vessel performance, without the need for costly remote monitoring of engineering.” “My prediction,” says Barry Murfin at Charity & Taylor, “is that augmented reality will become a big contributor to the superyacht sector as an aid to navigation, crew training and remote support.” Gianluca Babini at Simrad shares the belief that augmented reality will become. He says, “When sailing, it would be good to know at a glance what you are approaching getting data from the AIS and seeing it projected

on the windscreen so as to see navigation data, route, speed, size all in one place. Never one to have just one idea, Babini has a second prediction, “But I cannot tell you when it will be in the marketplace.” He tells us. “I think automatic mooring is a real need, I have to say that it is much more important for non professional crew, but it can be very helpful in many cases where professional crews can use such sophistication. I think that already many companies are investing in this field but they all have a long way to go before they reach the goal of getting to the market at affordable price.” MOST IMPORTANT But if that is the future, what about the present? What piece of bridge equipment do the experts consider to be the most important? “Still the radar and the gyro,” say our man at Konesberg. Barry Murfin at Charity & Taylor belives that no one single piece of equipment is any more important than the other. He says, “A complete properly installed and integrated bridge can be an asset but only in the hands of a competent watchkeeping officer who can use to these aids.” More prosaically, “It is probably a part that you cannot actually see,” says Marcel Vermeulen at RH Marine. “To maintain a reliable and flexible navigation network infrastructure on the modern bridge you require a lot of information to be shared between applications and equipment. This needs to be managed well in the background to optimise the availability and the user experience and that’s generally done by

processors housed in little black boxes located under the bridge console.” “Considering that much of navigation equipment on board is there because its carriage is mandatory,” says Massimo Minnella, “I would suggest the most important piece inside our I-Bridge solution is the one that adds the most added value and in our case that would be the console in the touch screen control panel responsible for the total integration of the entire equipment package.” Adopting the procedure for announcing the results of the Miss World competition, or the Euro song scoring, Gianluca Babini lists his top seven in reverse order. They are: Forward Facing Sounder, Auto Pilot, ECDIS, Echo Sounder, VHF and GPS. Most important he says is the radar. “Professional crew working on superyachts,” he says, “Can turn it on at any time, in rain, fog, snow, sunshine and even unlimited visibility! It’s a way to see behind their shoulders staying in the bridge from where you can have a 180° sight.” But our favourite response to this question is the answer given by Chris Warde at OneOcean. He says it is: “The operator! Technology is great, but if the person using it is not up to scratch it’s irrelevant.” So very true! TREASURED MOST Bridge equipment suppliers do not, of course, work on the bridge of a superyacht and their opinion of what is, and what is not, important can differ from those whose place of work the bridge really is. We asked our panel of experts: “What piece of equipment they thought captains of superyachts might treasure most?” Dynamic positioning system topped the list with both Roger Trinterud at Konesberg and Marcel Vermeulen at RH Marine. Trinterud

RH MARINE The bridge is obviously one of the most important places onboard a super yacht. The most ideal bridge situation would be that the captain sees the upcoming traffic and all potential obstacles through a glass sphere with 360 degrees visibility on top of the yacht. Definitely an interesting design idea, but with many challenges. At RH Marine they aim for an optimal user experience of the bridge in order to create the same essential situational awareness; a central and efficient cockpit onboard. As a system integrator, they coordinate the functioning of all necessary systems and applications such as CCTV, energy management and ECDIS. Because RH Marine also make approved bridge applications themselves, they are able to add functionalities and continuously improve them. For more details Tel: +31 10 4871911 or visit www.rhmarine.com



KONGSBERG MARITIME Kongsberg Maritime is a global technology company providing ‘Full Picture’ technology solutions for yachts. Headquartered in Norway, Kongsberg Maritime has manufacturing, sales and service facilities in 34 countries. Kongsberg Maritime solutions includes marine automation, safety, manoeuvring, navigation, and dynamic positioning as well as energy management, deck handling and propulsion systems, and ship design services. For expedition yachts, sophisticated forward looking or omni-directional sonars are available for obstacle avoidance, bottom detection and navigation. KONGSBERG supplies high-technology products, systems and solutions to the oil and gas industry, the offshore and merchant marine, and the defence and aerospace industries. For more details Tel: +47 32 28 5000 or visit www.km.kongsberg.com

said, “Once the captain gets to know it, I think this is the dynamic positioning system. I know many are ‘afraid’ of it, think it is complicated to use and unnecessary, but I’ve heard so many stories from captains that have taken their time to learn it, telling how it saved a situation. Now we are trying to simplify the operation, by integrating it with the navigation system and having it operated through the chart display, hopefully giving the captains more trust in it. This is a part of what we call advanced manoeuvring.” Marcel Vermeulen said, “Of course each situation calls for its own favourite tool, but we’ve noticed a large amount of positive feedback on the ease of operation which Joystick and Dynamic Positioning offer. The automated assistance in berthing and other complex manoeuvring situations is highly appreciated.”


Almost inevitably Team Italia’s Massimo Minnella cites his own equipment. And why not? He says, “From our experience the captain treasures most our multicontrol system that allows them to use the majority of the systems on board with the same Human Machine Interface.” He adds, “Our exclusive I-Bridge system makes possible the integration and control of the different systems that are now essential on board, from a single piece of equipment, using the latest touchscreen technologies.” Chris Warde thinks GPS is top of the captains’ most treasured list. He says, “Whether they’re using an ECS/ECIDS or even paper charts, being able to immediately plot your position saves a lot of time and effort.” Sticking to the same theme of time saving kit, Gianluca Babini at Simrad opts for Radar. He says, ”It is not only very good at monitoring situations automatically but it does so at the same time as reducing the workload for all of those working on the bridge.” TRAINING As bridge equipment has become more complex, has the maintenance become more difficult we asked our panel of experts: “Are users now better trained in the use and maintenance of the equipment than in the past?” Barry Murfin at Charity & Taylor believes, “Maintenance has been lessened with the manufacturers developing more versatile and common hardware platforms, along with ‘maintenance free’ hardware. Training

for ETOs and Engineers direct from manufacturers has helped bridge the gap for preventative maintenance tasks.” “Bridge equipment has become more complex having a lot of functionalities.” So says our man at Simrad Gianluca Babini. He adds, “We are in charge of simplifying the user experience of the bridge, it’s mandatory. The maintenance is not more difficult, usually it works or not! The crew are very different but I would say that younger crew adapt to new systems more easily.” Chris Warde thinks, “Users are definitely not better trained, equipment and management solutions have become more intuitive and have therefore become easier to maintain.” Giving us the Kongsberg point of view Roger Trinterud says, “This very much depends on the actual configuratio n. How many brands of equipment, how integrated they are, and whether the owner/captain has given an ETO or other crewmember the possibility to do some training. With a good, trained ETO and remote diagnostic functions, we actually see less need for travelling, but increased phone/web support.” With the shift to a more automation focus of bridge equipment, information and communications technology (ICT) maintenance aspects obviously grow, and remain a concern as with all new adopted technology. However, the growing expertise of remote access and support is putting these fears at bay. For professionalism and safety these bridge systems are vital.



will be accepted on the day. Any other possible registration issues can be discussed; simply pick up the telephone and any of our registrars will be happy to talk these through. If your completion is taking place outside of UK office hours you will be pleased to hear of our 24/7 registration service. By pre-arrangement, a registrar will be available at any time of the day or night to complete the registration process and issue your registration documents. And the best part is that this service is offered at no additional cost to you! Your registration can then be completed within hours of us receiving all the necessary documents. Once complete, we’ll issue your yacht with our industry leading digital certificates, which are fully compliant with international (IMO) guidelines and accepted universally. Your digital certificate of registry will be emailed straight to the yacht, so the original document is onboard within minutes of being issued. Your liability certificates and any survey certificates issued by the Ship Registry will also be in a digital format. This means you can safely say goodbye to waiting around for courier deliveries before the cruising can begin.

Cameron Mitchell from the The Isle of Man Ship Registry looks at taking the stress out of yacht registration

As a final finishing touch to your new yacht, we’ll even issue you with your own red ensign. Firstly, this allows you all the advantages of being a British ship, such as access to British Consular assistance around the world. Secondly, it simply looks great on a high-end yacht. As the saying goes, ‘a yacht doesn’t look right without a red ensign on the stern’! By now, you probably realise that we believe that our registry team is the best in the business, but if we haven’t convinced you yet, take a look at what our clients say:


t the Isle of Man Ship Registry, we know that there are few things in life that compare to the excitement of buying a new yacht. But we also know that before the fun can begin, you need to successfully navigate the purchase process and the closing meeting. Even when things go well, this can be a stressful time. There are many different parties with competing interests – the buyer, the seller, the brokers, the bank and the insurance company to name just a few. But if you choose to register your yacht in the Isle of Man, one thing that you won’t need to worry about is the registration process. Our friendly team of registrars have amassed decades of experience and completed thousands of registrations for our clients. They are always willing to go the extra mile to ensure there are no hiccups on the day of completion. For instance, our registrars will be happy to check all your registry documents in advance, including all forms, the bill of sale and mortgages to ensure these

You have been such a great help and source of knowledge over the years in the many hundreds of yacht registrations that I have done. Without doubt IOM is the most efficient and helpful Ship Registry out of all the registries that we use.

When jobs don’t go so well everyone complains but when they do go well, nobody has the decency to thank those who make it possible. Life’s too short in my opinion...So thank you and well deserved as it was delivered on your part with professionalism, personality and also humour!

Thank you so much! It’s a great pleasure when sometimes in our lives we meet such responsive and sympathetic people!”

For more details Tel: +44 (0)1624 688500 or email: registry.marine@gov.im


Keep flying high Roll up! Roll up! to see those magnificent men in their supercharged flying machines battle it out on The Solent as they prepare for next year’s America’s Cup Words: Sue Pelling


he countdown to the 36th America’s Cup Match presented by Prada is well underway with just 11 months to go before ‘kick off’ in Auckland, New Zealand. Taking place from 6-21 March 2021, this iconic sporting event promises to deliver the next level of high drama sailing to audiences all around the world. But before then America’s Cup fans should prepare to be wowed in Portsmouth UK (4-7 June), as Emirates Team New Zealand, the Defender, and three AC Challengers strut their stuff on The Solent for the second of three preliminary regattas taking place in the run up to the main event next year.

be a spectacle like nothing seen before on The Solent.” Not only will this three-event 2020 ACWS allow participating ACC teams to really get to grips with the cut and thrust, high-octane stadium-style racing that is expected in Auckland but importantly the results of this series will seed the teams. The Portsmouth event follows on in relatively

Having raced at the two previous ACWS events in Portsmouth, Grant Dalton, Emirates Team New Zealand CEO, said: “Portsmouth was a fanatically supportive city for the ACWS in 2015 and 2016, so we are looking forward to getting back there. The difference this time is the racing will be in the new AC75s, which will


HOW TO WATCH Given the high speeds of these new generation foiling machines, on-the-water spectators can enjoy the thrill racing from the safety of the exclusion zone created around the racecourse. Those wishing to attend the event on the water however, must ensure their yacht is registered at americascup.com/boat-registration. To make the most of the event on shore, it is worth signing up for tickets to the Race Village Fanzone, which opens daily from 1030-1800. Choose from one day, weekend and four-day event passes for general admission to the Race Village Fanzone. There are also ticket options for Premier Grandstand seating, and hospitality in the prestigious VIP Emirates Lounge.

If the previous two Portsmouth-based America’s Cup Challenge (ACC) events are anything to go by, the Emirates America’s Cup World Series (ACWS) in Portsmouth this time, is set to produce yet more thrilling racing, on world class, AC75 America’s Cup class yachts. These new design, super-charged, foiling monohulls can reach speeds of 60+mph and, with a host of the highest ranked international sailors onboard calling the shots, there is no doubt it will be a world premier event of note.

surrounding areas will be transformed into a world stage for a premier performance of top class yacht racing and entertainment.

quick succession after the first event – Cagliari, Sardinia – with the concluding event, Auckland as part of the Christmas Race planned from 17-20 December. We shall see how the events are re-scheduled after April and June cancellations. From there on it’s all systems go in Auckland with the Prada Cup Challenger Selection Series then the 36th America’s Cup Match presented by Prada in March (see schedule of dates). Those fortunate to be based in Europe or, more specifically in or around the UK this year will hopefully be in for a treat because the Naval town of Portsmouth and

The festival style race village, located right on the water’s edge, will be buzzing with large viewing screens throughout, live main stage talks with America’s Cup sailors past and present, and on-going expert race commentary. There will also be interactive team tents and America’s Cup exhibits, and plenty of global street food experiences on offer as well as premium food and drink bars. Those looking for lavish dining experiences in the area may like to try the Michelin star Southsea Restaurant 27, or The Solent Spitbank Fort, located in the middle of The Solent. Also, just 45-50 minutes by tender

from Portsmouth, is The Hut, Colwell Bay, Isle of Wight. This restaurant also offers a personal tender service, which is ideal for those anchored in the bay. PRIDE OF PORTSMOUTH Portsmouth is home to Ineos Team UK, led by Sir Ben Ainslie. This super-chic, Ineos Team UK waterfront building, specifically developed for the British America’s Cup team, has not only transformed the old town of Portsmouth into a popular visitor location, but has also succeeded in showcasing to the general public, the importance of the America’s Cup as the oldest trophy in world sport. Sir Ben Ainslie, Team Principal and Skipper, Ineos Team UK commenting on the event in general said: “We are really looking forward to competing in front of our home crowd again. The 2015 and 2016 America’s Cup World Series events in Portsmouth saw an estimated 250,000 fans line the Southsea waterfront. It’s so great that Portsmouth has been chosen as only one of two locations outside of New Zealand where people can watch the AC75 foiling monohulls in action. We are confident the racing will deliver a true spectacle.” Expectations for a similar number of visitors are high, which is great news for Councillor Steve Pitt, Cabinet Member for Portsmouth Culture and City Development, who commented: “We’re delighted that Portsmouth will be part of the prestigious Emirates America’s Cup World Series yacht racing again. When Portsmouth hosted the events in 2015 and 2016, the events delivered £15.6m in media value and £38.7m in economic benefit.”

All Images ©ACWS

On the benefits of being the host city, Councillor Pitt added: “America’s Cup events attract a world-wide audience and we’re looking forward to the city’s waterfront being centre stage for this esteemed international sailing event. The event is also significant for raising the profile of Portsmouth and its marine and maritime businesses across the globe. “Because Portsmouth is home to Ineos Team UK I am sure fans will show huge support to the British team when they race in front of their home crowd on the Solent in their quest to challenge for the 36th America’s Cup.” THE PRADA CUP 15-22 January 2021 The Challenger selection series known as the Prada Cup is a Round Robin series with

It’s so great that Portsmouth has been chosen as only one of two locations outside of New Zealand where people can watch the AC75 foiling monohulls in action.

a final to determine which foreign yacht club team will take on the Defender of the America’s Cup. 36TH AMERICA’S CUP PRESENTED BY PRADA 6-21 March 2021 Venue Auckland, New Zealand. This event will see the Defender Emirates Team New Zealand compete against the winner of the Prada Cup – the Challenger Selection Series. The winner of the 36th America’s Cup will be the first team to score seven points.

The racing schedule for the America’s Cup Match has two races per day planned for March 6,7,10, 12, 13, 14 and 15. Additional reserve days have been scheduled but the intention is to complete the event on 1314 March, weather permitting. Obviously, at the time of going to print the three ACWS races have been cancelled but we know all those concerned are working hard to find alternative dates for this spectacular races series in the run up to the much anticipated America’s Cup March 2021 in Auckland.


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In addition, serious decisions made in project management are based on project planning. If this is insufficiently documented and not user-friendly, the entire project is at risk. It is also essential to map the entire value chain in order not to ignore an important variable, like a subcontractor.

In the upcoming ONBOARD Edition, we will introduce you to more notable features of our DPM approach.

THE SOLUTION Koelln-Jacoby’s beginnings go back to 1923, when engineer Friedrich Koelln went into business designing ships. With fellow engineer Werner Jacoby as co-director from 1957 on, the company offered an expanded scope of ship design services to the German civilian and military shipbuilding industries. Today the company can draw on more than 20 years of expertise with new build/refit yacht management. Koelln-Jacoby’s greatest assets: deep knowledge, independence and trust, certified project managers and innovative IT solutions. The company team consists of young as well as experienced project engineers, who all are well trained on our tailor-made Digital Project Management (DPM) solution for the maritime industry. We at Koelln-Jacoby offer the solution (DPM) to keep track of the increased need for professional planning options. With our decades of experience in the maritime project business and our partnership with the leading project and portfolio management application, we offer the possibility to map processes from the broad spectrum of owners, owner representatives/captains, project managers and shipyard, transparently in real time. Through identifying bottlenecks

For a general overview and introductory video visit: titvc.de

One of the strengths of our Digital Project Management (DPM) is the integrated traffic light system. For example, the project cockpit provides an overview of the projects and displays facts and tendencies. The degree of fulfilment, resources, the schedule and costs are displayed using the traffic light system. Risk projects are recognised more quickly so that counter-measures can be taken

THE OFFER If you believe that the time is right for consistent project planning in the professional yachting industry, we have the following offers for you: A. Entire management of your projects (Big solution). B. Provision of a DPM/PMO-Manager per project (Middle solution). C. Project setup, training, advice and handover (Small solution). D. Free of charge introduction to the DPM-tool (Super small solution). The software license (DPM-tool), which we can offer exclusively with 14% discount, will be available through us.


and risk factors our DPM solution leads to cost reduction while successfully finishing a project. Furthermore, our application is extensive and powerful, but not every function has to be used to plan and implement a successful project.

One of the important DPM features is the simple creation of a complete project plan within a few simple steps in a user-friendly and innovative way. This recurring activity is essential for every project. Let’s have a look at how it works.

• • •

In the first step, the work break down structure (WBS) is created by simply drawing it.

• • • •

Quick and simple entry through training Ergonomically designed Reduced license costs Time-saving Real time project management (cloud based) Central project documentation Improved team communication Consistent reporting and controlling feature which increases transparency KPI overview, pre-fabricated interface functions

For more details visit www.titvc.de


YACHT ESSENTIALS Chris Clifford recommends his essential products and services for the coming season

Monaco Marine Monaco Marine is a network of 8 refit and maintenance shipyards located from Monaco to Marseille for super and megayachts up to 160m+ . Their expertise, know-how and ability to manage huge refit projects allow them to reach the highest quality standards available on the market. Over 3,000 yachts undergo refit, repair or

wintering at Monaco Marine shipyards every year. With its mobile shipyard programme, Monaco Marine commits its expertise and contractors to projects all around the world. For more details Tel: +37797970220 or visit www.monacomarine.com

Rubis Marine Bunkering Rubis Marine provide fuel bunkering with assurance of high quality product from their own supply terminals and reliable service from their specialist teams, across their extended Atlantic network of the English Channel Islands, Bermuda, the Caribbean and adjacent South Americas. A good overview of the Rubis service levels with port location factsheets, published articles and aerial video clips is featured at their dedicated superyacht website. Rubis are setting the standards for the physical supply of fuel to superyachts, if you are planning transits to North Europe or the Caribbean check out their provision to safeguard your quality and confidence in fuel supply. For more details Tel: +44 (O)1481 200800 or visit www.rubis-ci.co.uk/superyacht

Anchorlift Technic   Anchorlift Technic deliver a wide selection of davits for tenders, RIB tenders and jetskis up to 7m, for mounting on swim platforms and on the deck. For yachts that don’t have a hydraulic platform or crane for lifting the tender out of the water, Anchorlift Technic have created a unique swing / tilt type davit called DD5, for tenders and jetskis up to 3.5m and 300kg. All products are 100% European made with the best finish possible and made from the best 316L stainless steel available. Davits are fully adjustable and fit most tenders and jetskis on the market.   For more details Tel: +47 900 904 14   or visit www.anchorlifttechnic.com 98 | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | ONBOARD

LuxWrap LuxWrap is a leading superyacht finisher, specialising in the installation of advanced vinyl wrapping solutions for yachts. Their services include; superyacht hull and superstructure wrapping, quick colour changes for a season or longer, no need to drydock, plus it protects paint from UV, 1/10th cost of painting. Wrapping is popular for interior refinishing, transform yacht interiors using

best-of-breed architectural films with indistinguishable finishes including wood, leather, fabric, metal, stone, and abstract. Lastly, you can protect all internal and external high traffic surfaces from wear and tear, and at the same time make them easy to clean. For more details Tel: +44 (0)208 068 7488 or visit www.luxwrap.com

Royal Yachting Association (RYA) For more than three decades, the RYA has worked closely with the superyacht industry to provide a world class range of courses, qualifications and training frameworks to enhance safety and prepare crew for working afloat. From entry level courses such as Marine Radio (SRC), navigation and RYA Powerboat Level 2, to the RYA Tender Operators course and the globally respected RYA Yachtmaster™ Certificate of Competence, there’s something for crew at every level. Whilst for guests there’s the RYA Personal Watercraft Safety scheme. The reach of RYA training is truly international with more than 2,400 recognised training centres in 58 countries worldwide. For more details Tel: +44 (0)2380 604100 or visit www.rya.org.uk/training

Isle of Man Ship Registry The Isle of Man’s yachting cluster is centred around its highly successful International Ship Registry, voted ‘Best Shipping Registry 2020’ and topping the 2018 Paris MoU White List. The Ship Registry is open to commercial yachts over 24m and pleasure yachts of any size. The Ship Registry’s Survey Department is adept at applying the new REG Yacht Code and are always on hand to offer pragmatic advice. Surveyors are based in key yachting locations including Palma de Mallorca and the South of France. The Ship Registry also boasts industry-leading systems, which include an online finance package and the ability to issue digital certificates. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1624 688500 or visit www.iomshipregistry.com ONBOARD | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | 99

Propspeed Propspeed, the industry leader in foul-release coatings, has been tackling the problem head on for more than 20 years. The Propspeed coating system is recognised globally as the best prevention of marine growth and fouling of props and running gear. Lightspeed is a fully transparent coating that not only protects underwater lights from fouling, it

also restores any damaged caused by removing fouling from the lenses. Foulfree protects transducers from fouling to ensure accurate signal transmission. Foulfree is certified by AIRMAR to have no loss in transducer performance. For more information on the Propspeed range of products, visit www.propspeed.com

STABLE TABLE Ship movements caused by the sea has its charm for some, but it may be a challenge leading to discomfort, seasickness and fatigue related symptoms. STABLE exceptional technology allows local spot stabilising on board, neutralising roll and pitch movements including the sideway forces. Bespoke, easy refit, low power, silent – and fully electric. Safeguarding the extravagance on board is essential. Stabilised pool tables and billiards is mind-blowing and stabilised beds will secure the comfort, whenever the yacht is sailing, at anchor or quayside. With numerous installed cases and references since 2002, STABLE can elevate your experience on board. For more details Tel: +47 905 07 574 or visit www.stableonboard.com

General Consulate of Panama in Marseille The Panama Ship Registry have just introduced its new and advanced digital registration platform, which integrates and simplifies the procedures for a more user friendly experience. It also provides an online tracking system for customers to see the status of their registration process through its different stages. Panama offers one of the most competitive tax rates in the world for yacht registration. By registering your pleasure yacht under the Panamanian flag, you pay a biannual tax, paid every two years. This tax excludes the payment of any other tax and is not subject to VAT. The 17 marinas are waiting for you to experience their top notch services and amenities like expert guidance on immigration and clearance process, on-site custom checks and high-speed fuel pump all while promoting a safer, greener and sustainable industry. For more details Tel: +33 (0)4 91 90 05 84 or visit www.consulatgeneraldepanamamarseille.com



Victoria Yachting Victoria Yachting is a French company that has been working with yachts for the past 30 years. Very high quality and made to measure: mattresses, overmattresses, slats, linens and duvets adapted to the shape of all your berths. All materials, Mattresses: memory, spring, latex, foam, Overmattresses: memory, Latex, feathers, Linen: Egyptian cotton, 200, 300, 600, 1000 threads, linen, Quilts: fibres, feathers, silk, bamboo, are exclusively European products and made in France, in their own workshops. All items can be embroidered with the name and logo of your yacht. For more details Tel: +33 (0)3 28 33 90 60 or visit www.victoria-yachting.com

MCK Suppliers MCK-Suppliers has everything a yacht needs, and more. This company is known for its wide range of products, excellent service, fast response time, and honest pricing. Whether you need engineering parts, deck items, galley equipment, or everything the Interior department needs, MCK-Suppliers provides it. Searched and delivered worldwide. The company serves operational yachts (refits and new builds) with a personal touch. All your orders, quotes, and invoices are just one click away through customer login, just as your order status and ETAs. What else can you expect from a company owned by a Chief Engineer with over 35 years of experience? For more details Tel: +31 (0)85 0220638 or visit www.mck-suppliers.com

BSB Artificial Intelligence BSB is proud to introduce OSCAR, the first COLLISION AVOIDANCE SYSTEM at sea. OSCAR has been developed by a leading international Machine Vision and Artificial Intelligence engineering team. The world’s top offshore racing teams and an increasing number of commercial and private vessels rely on OSCAR to assist with keeping watch and avoiding collisions. OSCAR detects and identifies floating objects and hazards using thermal and colour

cameras. If your boat is on a collision course, OSCAR will warn you. OSCAR is the most vigilant lookout and greatly enhances the safety of your crew and your boat. Perfect for those night time trips to the quay to drop off and collect guests. Day and night. Continuously. For more details Tel: +43 664 854 66 43 or visit www.oscar-system.com ONBOARD | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | 101

Vyva Fabrics Vyva Fabrics was founded in 1990 and started as a supplier of upholstery materials for boats and yachts from a small warehouse in a Dutch harbour. Now, 30 years later, they are a wholesaler specialised in the distribution and production of high quality vinyls, artificial leather and fabrics for indoors and outdoors. Their international client base ranges from architects to shipbuilders, and their innovative and durable vinyls and fabrics are used in exclusive hotels, restaurants, clubs, wellness centres and yachts across the world. With 30 years of experience and a diverse network of long-term relations they offer excellent service, and fresh and inspired ideas for your yacht’s interior. For more details Tel: +31 (0)20 659 9523 or visit www.vyvafabrics.com

UNIKPOOLS The latest technology for transforming your pool into a multiMOVABLE purpose leisure area onboard superyacht UNIKPOOLS offers a POOL FLOORS unique solution for a pool that can be completely covered, made shallower or deeper at the press of a button. The system is invisible and complies with all relevant safety standards. With a movable pool floor, you can transform your space into a swimming pool or an additional leisure area and back again at the click of a switch. In minutes, UNIKPOOLS’ solution transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. Over 70 projects already completed around the world, UNIKPOOLS is currently designing a 5x10m movable floor to be installed onboard a 90m+ megayacht at the end of 2020. For more details Tel: +32 (0)476954944 or visit www.unikpools.com

YACHTNEEDS YACHTNEEDS provides yacht crew wherever they are, to confidently source carefully selected, specifically catalogued, high quality onshore professionals, products and services. Wherever you’re heading or anchored, the app can help you connect with onshore service and product providers with a simple click. The network is expanding to make sure that wherever you are cruising, there is a point of contact in your geographical area. Crew can chat live, apply for the industry’s latest jobs and listen live to Superyacht Radio, all in one app. Download it for free from the App Store or Google Play! YACHTNEEDS, the only superyacht app you will ever need! For more details email info@yachtneeds.net    or visit www.yachtneeds.net



HEM – Hydro Electrique Marine Many of the largest superyachts in the world have fresh water generation and treatment systems produced and supplied by HEM, part of Evac Group. Over a period of more than 30 years the company has developed a range of reverse osmosis desalinators and fresh water skids combining filtration, sterilisation, water softening and remineralization. Services include system design,

installation, commissioning, repair and maintenance, testing and analysis. A comprehensive range of spare parts and consumables is available for all of their equipment. Customer support is provided by teams in Antibes (France) and Echo Marine in Palma de Mallorca. For more details Tel: +33 (0)493 74 29 29 or visit www.hemwater.com

Freestyle Slides  Freestyle has been providing bespoke custom inflatable docking systems for several years and has been evolving products alongside the myriad of requirements and feedback from owners and captains. Perfectly sculptured to transom shapes, custom cut-outs for specific jetskis or seabobs, hand laid faux teak finishes, the client’s wishes can all be achieved with the in-house design team. For the larger yachts, Freestyle now have a modular zipper system allowing for easier deployment and flexibility. This along with a lifetime warranty, marine grade zippers and anchor points gives the crew and owner the perfect customisable docking system.  For more details Tel: +1 727 563 2003  or visit www.freestyleslides.com

Channel 28 Channel 28 provide secure digital radio crew communications that are integrated with the yacht’s key systems. Developed by two engineers, their invaluable combination of radio system design and software development has enabled them to successfully produce innovative solutions around the world tailored to yacht, crew and owner specific needs. The flagship product cComm is now installed and in operation on an ever-growing number of yachts worldwide and its proven technology, security features and custom solutions have made it a true success. Channel 28’s range of services and products available for the superyacht industry continues to expand and grow in line with industry and onboard technology requirements. For more details Tel: +44 (0)1306 257250 or visit www.channel28.co.uk ONBOARD | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | 103

A day in the life of... JOHN DODD



riven by a passion to save more lives at sea, John Dodd is used to a high-adrenaline, fast-paced daily working life. Whether it is reacting to a desperate call about a missing yacht or travelling around the world to assist with Search and Rescue operations and provide critical training, John’s role leading the Inmarsat Safety team is dedicated to keeping over two million seafarers and sailors safe every day. Over 23 years’ experience in telecommunications and satellite technology, plus a childhood spent sailing on a yacht with his uncle and later as an open water canoeing instructor, provided him with firsthand experience of the dangers of the sea. Today, his team at Inmarsat is responsible for overseeing current and future Maritime Safety Services within the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), working closely with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and Rescue Coordination Centres (RCC).


ALL IN A DAY’S WORK Responsibility for the lives of all the sailors out on the world’s oceans every day sounds like a daunting burden to carry for anyone heading to work. However, for John, and his Inmarsat Safety team, it is a job they love. All of them are fully committed to the continual innovation of Inmarsat’s safety services as the only IMO-approved satellite provider operating GMDSS, proud to claim over 99.9% network availability across the globe. Even sailors on leisure yachts exempt from GMDSS regulations benefit from Inmarsat safety services which are free of charge for all seafarers. It is the gratitude of rescued sailors and their families, plus the appreciation of rescue service personnel to game-changing improvements in SAR operational procedures, that continues to motivate John after six years in the job. John arrives at Inmarsat’s towering London headquarters on City Road with the prospect of dealing with a daily average of nine distress alerts sent out by vessels, all picked up and monitored by the team at the sophisticated Network Operations Centre (NOC). In each instance, John and the NOC team will follow the progress of the SAR operation until it is resolved, sometimes coordinating with the relevant

not be tracked through an official GMDSS service, but John ascertained that he had tried to use an IsatPhone only hours earlier but had no credit. Inmarsat, who are able to load credit on the phone for distress situations, then found the position and a SAR operation was started immediately. John carried on liaising with the family and RCC, but in the early hours of the following day a life raft was found with the sailor dead inside. Although a tragic outcome, the family still sent a message to the Inmarsat team thanking them for allowing at least some resolution. SPREADING THE WORD For about eight months of the year, John’s time is split between the office and the IMO, but for the remaining time he is travelling to IMO conferences and sub-committee meetings around the world and visiting any of the 45 MRCCs associated with Inmarsat safety services. John works in line with incentives from the International Maritime Rescue Federation (IMRF) to train personnel at the Rescue Centres around the world. With recent visits to centres in Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, John is continuing to instruct on Inmarsat’s RescueNET – a ground-breaking system created to improve SAR communications, offered free to MRCCs. Implementing elements of the system such as two-stage distress dialling and enhanced co-ordination between the centres using a Distress Chat function are making a huge difference, enabling up to 10 MRCCs and Fleet Safety vessels to coordinate live operations in a Distress priority chat room so everything is accountable on a secure web-based platform. A recent example in Latvia involving three MRCCs enabled a calm and measured reaction during a SAR exercise.

Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) or initiating further investigations to see whether the missing person can be tracked using any on-board equipment. In reality, John’s working day may well have started a lot earlier, with safety service on call 24/7 to support the Inmarsat NOC team. A wakeup call in the middle of the night to deal with an urgent distress situation is not usual. In these situations, the brilliant Inmarsat staff at the NOC, constantly monitoring search and rescue and satellite systems operations, will stop everything. Safety of life always takes priority, which is what makes John’s job very different. Whether in London or training at a Rescue Centre, the Inmarsat Safety team are closely bound, united by the amount of time spent working together and with the IMO, in often very stressful conditions.

WINDING DOWN Life at the London HQ has its lighter side, with the company holding a variety of events, such as a recent wine-tasting.The Inmarsat safety simulator is used as a tool to teach school children and instruct Navy cadets about the dangers at sea and safety commitment. Leading the groups gives John a chance to turn up the waves for a fully immersive, heart-pumping experience for his students. It’s just another way for John to keeping reinforcing the message of safety at sea every day.

DRAMA AT SEA Some of the more recent rescue situations John has encountered last long in his memory. One of those involved a young girl who called Inmarsat Safety in tears, explaining her dad was lost at sea having failed to arrive at his destination. With no safety communications equipment on-board and no distress alert sent, he could ONBOARD | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | 105

CAPTIVATING CORFU Sunsets, sandy beaches and clear seas have made this Ionian island a summertime favourite

Corfu’s heritage, this traditional suite hotel in Corfu is the perfect place to enjoy the sea, the sun and the open sky. Welcome to Marbella Nido- a Corfu adults-only suite hotel. €€€€ | www.marbellanido.gr

STAY DOMES MIRAMARE A historic property which has hosted the likes of Jackie O, Maria Callas and an array of royals, film stars and VIPs. Today, fully renovated to echo past glory and surpass 21st-century traveller expectations, this adults-only Corfu hotel has entered a new era. Right on the seafront, the Domes Miramare Corfu lifestyle combines luxury and comfort in the best possible way, with exceptional service delivered in a world of unsurpassed exclusivity, set amidst striking natural beauty. €€€€ | www.domesmiramare.com MARBELLA NIDO Beautifully nuzzled into Corfu’s south-east corner, adjacent to Marbella Corfu, amidst the fragrant gardens and the emerald Ionian Sea, Marbella Nido luxury hotel in Corfu island brilliantly combines traditional aesthetics with modern comforts to offer its guests. Blending the charming old look with a modern feel always with respect to 106 | SPRING / SUMMER 2020 | ONBOARD

AEOLOS BEACH HOTEL Wonderfully perched on the south east coast of Corfu, set on the slopes, the resort is surrounded by lush gardens and the infinite blue of the Ionian Sea. The main family pool is a great place to make a splash, whilst the infinity pool’s tranquil garden setting makes it perfect for a spot of relaxation. Plus, beach lovers will love the hotel’s stretch of private sand, which offers stunning views across the Ionian Sea. €€€ | www.aeolosbeach.gr

SIORRA VITTORIA It’s not easy to find an oasis in the midst of busy Corfu Town. But this historic townhouse, restored to its original 19thcentury splendour, has elegant rooms overlooking a peaceful garden, and it’s only a short walk from restaurants and major sights. Breakfast is a spread of island produce and homemade goodies.Greek yoghurt is thick enough to hold a spoon upright, best served with a swirl of local honey or orange marmalade. Home-baked cheese and spinach pies sit temptingly with a range of fresh cakes, alongside standard buffet fare such as cold cuts, cheeses (including feta) and coffee and teas. Go easy on your dinner the night before. €€€ | www.sioravittoria.com RODOSTAMO Amphitheatrically built in the enchanting bay of Kommeno in a 28-acre estate which lies in a unique greenery landscape, just 10km from Corfu Town, Rodostamo is another adult only hotel, and is the new proposal in Corfu’s luxury hotels. Blending simple minimalistic lines with contemporary elements, Rodostamo offers upscale accommodation in an array of rooms, suites, bungalows and villas. Rodostamo’s magnificent location, with the unobstructed view to the Ionian Sea and the cosmopolitan Gouvia Marina, as well as its luxurious facilities and its five star services, make it the ideal choice for luxury vacation in Corfu with your loved one. €€€€ | www.rodostamo.gr


EAT ONDOLA It is what it is and you get what you pay for, however, the location is great and perfect for a lazy lunch and spot of watching the world go by. Standard menu, good value and good portions. Always well patronised by some locals, so that’s a good sign. €€ | 26 Eletherias, Corfu Town POMO D’ORO Run by a young chef who in a very short time has achieved distinction for his original and innovative culinary skills. The eatery is nicely styled in the town’s secluded Skaramanga Square. The chef is half Greek, half French, but spent his informative years in Italy, and these influences have been brought with him to Pomo d’Oro. Book in advance. €€€€ | Skaramagka Square 13, Corfu Town IMABARI Situated right below the Old Palace, the restaurant is the only one with direct access to the beach. At times one thinks the all day café and Caribbean cocktail bar are trying too hard to remind us of the West Indies, but they should just soak up the local culture and enjoy the view. €€€ | Faliraki Beach, Corfu Town CAFÉ BRISTOL This century-old hang-out has the laid-back feel of a bohemian Paris café. A pretty safe bet if you’re looking for a light lunch and a decent coffee. Nothing much else on offer as it slowly slides into a nice bar for a sundowner in the late afternoon. Good value and a nice atmosphere. €€€ | Evgeniou Voulgareos 49, Kerkira

TAVERNA ELIZABETH You can’t really get anymore authentic than this. Family run, making their own wine. Home cooked, served efficiently with a smile, a decent and varied menu at a fair price. If there is a group of you then the long tables outside are just perfect. Book in advance and enjoy! €€€ | Doukádes


DRINK NOAK AZUR If you are into fluorescent blue and purple lights and don’t mind giving the ear drums a good bashing, then this is probably one of the best places to be ‘seen’ at. The venue offers the usual VIP tables, a myriad of cocktails and brilliant views. LA GROTTA BAR As they say “a pretty unique bar, you need to visit at least once”. Bulit into the rocks looking out on to the iconic Greek waters, it is stunning, extremely relaxing and a million miles away from the usual haunts you would expect. Definitely worth the trip for those sundowners. NAGUAL LATE BAR Nagual’s staff will serve you coffee, fresh juices and light snacks. And as the day passes, the music volume keeps going up and the fun continues in the bar where experienced bartenders will prepare refreshing drinks and exotic cocktails from fresh fruit. Do try the 13 unique cocktails served exclusively at Nagual Beach Bar. The elevated mood, the strong uplifting rhythms from the decks and the frenetic dancing compose a scene that will awaken the instincts of your animal spirit.

MARINA GOUVIA 39°38’59’’N, 19°51’07’’E VHF 69 Tel +30 266 109 1900 Website d-marin.com/en/marinas/gouvia/ Max length 60m Max draft 5.5m

BEACHES CANAL D’AMOUR One of the most popular resorts on the Ionian Sea and with a worldwide reputation, it has the famous white sculptured rocks and clear blue waters that provide an exotic backdrop. LOGGAS BEACH Located on the northwestern tip of Corfu, Sunset Beach is about an hour’s drive from Corfu Town, but worth the trip. Breathtaking sunsets, impressive rock formations and magnificent cliffs. AGNI BAY Getting to Agni bay isn’t the easiest as it has a steep, winding road heading down to the bay which can be narrow in places but it is accessible by car and has a car park at the bottom. An alternative option that many people like is to arrive by boat from either Kalami or Nissaki. There are three tavernas on Agni Bay, each served by its own jetty and each one offering free sunbeds to customers and serving food and drink. KANONI BEACH Kanoni is actually a rocky cove easily accessed within a five minute walking from the main settlement of Kassiopi. It is one of Corfu’s most attractive areas characterized by the crystal clear waters and views. COLOVRI ISLET BEACH There are numerous dive centres in the north of the island. Colovri and the Hole of Ha are the standout site. It is a 2,000sqm island that is surrounded by an incredible maze of boulders, crevices and so much more.


The pearl of The Danube Budapest has something for everyone, from the dramatic history and flamboyant architecture to the healing thermal waters Words: Gemma Lawson


itting on the banks of the winding Danube river is one of Europe’s great cities, Budapest. Combining the cities of Buda, Obuda and Pest in 1873, Budapest, Hungary’s capital city became the co-capital of the powerful Austro-Hungarian empire, a force to be reckoned with up until the First World War. Budapest oozes history as layer upon layer is reflected in her architecture, her food, her people and her culture. A weekend barely scratches the surface of this cultural gem but a mere taste of Budapest ignites a desire to return over and over again. Budapest provides an ideal walking adventure as the areas of Buda and Pest are within easy reach of each other. Make sure you take your pedometer, comfortable walking shoes and enjoy the sights of this wonderful destination up close and personal. Start your Budapest adventure by ensuring you stay in the most fabulous hotel the city has to offer, the New York Palace Hotel. As the Grand Dame of one of Europe’s great cities, this stunning hotel is renowned for its traditional Belle Époque gilded European café “the most beautiful café in the world” where tourists queue to enjoy the famous food and ambiance but also to photograph the stunning interior where decoration exceeds expectation. Prepare to be impressed!

and spa and enjoy a meditative swim in the subdued lighting and cave-like warmth of the sauna before enjoying the delights of the full buffet breakfast. The perfect start to each day of your stay. Breakfast at the New York Palace Hotel is an event not to be missed. From the options of a fully cooked breakfast to a dazzling array of pastries, fruits, yogurts, cheeses and meats, or perhaps explore the a-la-carte menu to order eggs of your preference. Guaranteed you’ll be replete and ready to walk off some of the indulgences of breakfast by exploring the delights of Budapest. From the centrally located hotel, head towards the majestic Danube winding her way between the former cities of Buda and Pest and walk across the Széchenyi Chain Bridge past the great stone lions guarding the bridge and venture up to the Castle district either by the traditional funicular

railway operating since 1870 or walk the path to the Fisherman’s Bastion. From the castle district the red domed roof of the iconic parliament building is instantly recognisable across the river and provides a stunning vista from Castle Hill. The castle district is a unique area of the city with buildings painted in a sorbet palette and stunning multi-coloured tiles adorning the roof of the Matthias church.

Renowned for her therapeutic waters, Budapest has the best in mineral baths to steam, sauna and swimming pools galore. No visit would be complete without taking the waters.

Meander along the banks of the river to discover one of the city’s thermal spas, The Gellért Hotel and Baths. Known for its Art Deco tiling, The Gellert baths has numerous thermal pools inside and out as well as a stunning Art Deco swimming pool where warm, bubbling jets of water emerge from the floor tickling your feet as you swim under a huge glass skylight.

Start your morning at the New York Palace Hotel by visiting the subterranean lap pool

After a day of strolling around the city, return to the relaxing delights of the New


York Palace Hotel for a gastronomic delight as you can enjoy either a four or sevencourse fine dining experience in the Salon followed by a nightcap in the Nyugat Bar where cocktails mingle with a gently tinkling piano before sinking into your luxurious bed. Another day beckons and another culinary must-do in Budapest is a trip to the famed Gerbeaud Café, established in 1858, the café has become a Budapest institution known for its delicious and iconic cakes perhaps the most famous of all being the Gerbeaud Slice, a decadent concoction of Hungarian shortcrust pastry, ground walnut, homemade apricot jam with chocolate on top. Treat yourself! No visit to Budapest would be complete without venturing to the Szechenyi Baths where three grand outdoor pools and fifteen indoor pools of varying temperatures and medicinal waters is one of the largest spas in Europe. A wonderful place to relax and

enjoy some fantastic people-watching. The day slowly whiles away as you move from pool to pool, steam to sauna and swimming pool. Leaving the Szechenyi Baths, meander slowly towards the Parliament building to enjoy views of the river and take a river cruise along the Danube to enjoy views of the city from the water. Every view is different. As an evening begins to fall, venture to one of the many sky bars in the city to enjoy yet another fabulous view as the sun sets and the night sky darkens over the iconic skyline of Budapest. Raise a glass to this great city of culture as you promise you’ll be back to explore more of the delights of Budapest.

Images from left to right: The cafe at New York Palace Hotel, Fishermen’s Bastion, Hungarian Parliament, Széchenyi Thermal Bath


1 1 COSTA RICA Simply say ‘Costa Rica’ and vivid images of paradise instantly flood the imagination. This eight-day tour makes those dreams a reality while letting you connect with the country’s charming people. You’ll be treated to a world of wellness, with yoga sessions overlooking the Arenal Volcano, hiking, free time for meditation, and a rejuvenating trip to thermal hot springs. Guide price per person €1499



2 THAILAND This nine-day tour immerses you in ancient restorative practices, yoga sessions and healthy food that will leave your smile beaming and your soul stirring. Soak in the country’s culture of kindness with a dip in Pai’s hot springs and a visit to the birthplace of traditional Thai massage at the Wat Po Buddhist temple. Your journey ends in Ko Samui, where you’ll reflect inward while nestling your toes in the sand as the sun sets over the glittering ocean. Guide price per person €1499


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4 5 ICELAND The otherworldly landscapes of Iceland offer perhaps the closest thing one can have to an out-of-body travel experience. Equal parts rugged and tranquil, the country’s beauty offers the perfect sanctuary from daily distractions back home. Hike up Öskjuhlíð Hill overlooking the mosaic-like architecture of Reykjavik, see the iconic sights of the Golden Circle and Thingvellir National Park before heading to the stunning black-sand beaches of Reynisfjara for a unique meditation session. Guide price per person €2499

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JUST ADD WATER Production of fresh water on board is a necessity. Adam Rogers from HEM discusses the options available to crew and superyachts


EM, part of the Evac Group since 2018, has built its reputation as Europe’s leading brand for an extensive range of watermakers and fresh water treatment systems for superyachts. In the future, they will also have a key role in the installation support and on-board servicing of the Evac Evolution ballast water management systems (BWMS). In 2019, HEM supplied equipment for seven of the ten largest superyachts launched that year, reflecting their commitment to quality engineering and service. With headquarters and manufacturing facilities at Antibes, France, they are at the heart of the yachting industry where service teams can easily be deployed. This is complemented by the facilities of Echo Marine Service based in the Mediterranean hub of Mallorca. High quality fresh water generation for greater sustainability Superyachts have been installed with desalinators for many years, but today fresh water generation takes on a far greater significance in the light of environmental concerns. By producing their own fresh water, superyachts are less reliant on shore supplies, reducing the consumption of bottled water and helping to lower the risk of plastic pollution in our oceans. “It may be some time before bottled water disappears from the owner’s dinner table, but we are getting an increasing number of enquiries for ways of making desalinated water more palatable and widely accessible to crew members,” said Jaco Conradie,

Head of Evac Group superyacht business. HEM’s range of reverse osmosis desalinators cover all requirements; from smaller yachts to the largest ultra-rugged duplex units for superyachts, capable of high sustained output under continuous operation. Once the fresh water has been produced there are numerous options for ensuring that it remains sterile, has a pleasant taste and meets the particular requirements for on-board use. These can include water softeners, chlorine treatment, active charcoal filters to improve the taste, as well as silver and copper sterilization, all contained within a neat skid for easy operation and maintenance. There are also units designed for producing demineralized water, ideal for washing down hulls without streaks or even cleaning helicopter turbines. Ballast water treatment systems specifically designed for superyachts During the coming year, HEM will become more deeply involved in the installation of Evac Evolution ballast water management systems (BWMS), as superyachts above a certain size and ballasting capacity comply with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and U.S. Coast Guard regulations. “We now have considerable experience in the design of BWMS for luxury yachts where the level of ‘finish’ is a very important factor. Space limitations in engine rooms can often present challenges, however, by supplying our system in modular form we have always found an effective solution,” said Adam Rogers, Evac’s Head of global sales for Ballast water management systems.

The Evac Evolution system, based on a combination of filtration and UV technology, is compact, energy-efficient and completely chemical-free. The mini-series has been specifically designed for superyachts with capacities from 34m3/h to 135 m3/h. The system determines the precise UV dosage, automatically adjusts to different sea water qualities, but saves on power during normal running. Most importantly, it has attained both IMO and U.S. Coast Guard type approval, enabling yachts to operate without restriction. “We have already supplied a number of systems for superyachts in Dubai, Italy, New Zealand and the USA which reflects our understanding of the market and its expectations,” Adam Rogers concluded.

For more details Tel: +358 20 763 0200 or visit www.evac.com


Ask the experts

Advice and knowledge from the leading experts in their fields

CHRIS WARDE Head of Superyachts OneOcean

ALAN BERNARDI Managing Director Airship Ltd

ADRIAN HICKS Managing Director Channel 28

CARL OMUNDSEN Chief Technical Officer Vesper Marine

















Most mobile contracts offer low cost roaming bolt-ons, but these aren’t always highlighted to the customer. To avoid skyhigh data and roaming charges, there’s a few ways you can reduce use, without reducing your communication options. Before travelling, ask your provider to set a data roaming cap. You can also set a warning limit on your phone. Set iCloud syncing, app updates and any apps with background refresh to only do so on Wi-Fi connection. And take advantage of every Wi-Fi hotspot! Newer iPhones and Samsung handsets allow for an eSIM as well as a normal SIM, which allows you to add a local pay-as-you-go plan to your phone and avoid costly charges in areas not covered by your package. Choose a contract that suits the typical yachting routes and has bolt-on packages available. We love Vodafone - sometimes more expensive than other suppliers but best value for money.

Analogue radio modulates one voice call for each 12.5kHz band, with no encryption making it easier for anybody to monitor crew and guest movements. However, despite their trusty and dependable nature, analogue radios remain an enormous security risk for keeping communications private on board. Digital radio encodes and encrypts the voice, allowing more channels for a frequency. This means that the calls are routed so that disciplines are securely separated. Deckhands and engineers can be contacted individually without other radios picking up the conversation, while the captain can still listen to them all. Unlike analogue, digital radio is featurerich with text messaging, priority and private calling while enabling data transfer, allowing the transmission of alarms and service calls plus GPS location of handsets and tenders.

Combining disparate functions into a single system provides the user with a cohesive integrated experience, reducing install time, cost and complexity. Installation is simplified using a single box, eliminating external splitters and additional antennas. Operation becomes seamless with services like VHF, DSC and AIS operating congruently. This maintains service integrity for functions like AIS position reports, otherwise blocked by external splitters during VHF voice transmission. AIS targets on a plotter view quickly become contacts for DSC direct calling. Safety is improved by combining and prioritising alarms across multiple functions to a single device, keeping crew focused on what’s important and giving them the tools to act quickly. The convergence of VHF, AIS and MOB is logical for both the user and the installer, and will soon become the new standard in safety communication.

We all have a responsibility for protecting our oceans and our local environment and on a superyacht the crew should be doing everything that they can to minimise the environmental impact of the yacht. Regulations controlling the discharge of grey and black water, bilge or ballast water are difficult to plot. Base line data is often affected by headlines and rocky outcrops, meaning yachts can be beyond the required distance from the coast by line of site, but still in a restricted area. It is not just the potential fines or delays that should be the main cause for concern however, but a social responsibility to ensure that our wonderful industry is not having a detrimental impact on some of the most precious places on the planet.




LuxWrap’s Founder discusses the benefits of wrapping the interior as well as superstructures


ith the ever-increasing technological advancements in film and foil technology, now more than ever it is possible to transform the look and personality of a yacht in ways and timeframes once thought unimaginable. As an industry leader, LuxWrap offers a comprehensive range of services to superyacht managers and owners, ranging from exterior hull and superstructure wrapping, to interior refits and the protection of high traffic surfaces with specialised protection films. Hull and Superstructure Colour Changes The speed a full hull colour change can be delivered is unprecedented and is one of the many reasons that superyacht managers and owners have taken an interest in vinyl wrapping. Everyone knows that painting superyachts is expensive and time consuming and must be done at least every 8-10 years. It is our opinion that wrapping should not be considered as an alternative to paint, but rather as a complement. Wrapping lasts several years and has an incredible range of colours/finishes. It also protects paint from the elements and UV. When we combine this with our unique ‘in

the water’ installation process, the cost can be as low as 1/10th the cost of paint at 50m, and even lower in percentage terms as the yacht size increases as we completely eliminate the need to slip/drydock. Furthermore with larger yachts, wrapping often costs less than polishing, yet polishing degrades the paint whilst wrapping preserves it. The potential of wrapping has also already been shown to perfectly serve different purposes: • Try out a new colour before committing to an expensive paint job you may regret. • Wrap to protect your paint from UV, in any colour or any finish, keeping your paint new. • As a medium-term solution to postpone an expensive repaint. • Change colour each season, generating media buzz with each colour/style change. • Brand for a bold advertising campaign. Interior Refinishing In the past there were limited options available when it came to face-lifting yacht interiors. Owners could either re-varnish or completely replace woodwork and fixtures, but either way it would involve a great deal of downtime, inconvenience, mess and expense.

With modern architectural films, LuxWrap is able restore and refurbish superyacht interiors in a short space of time with none of the conventional mess associated with a ‘normal’ refit, and for a fraction of the cost. Modern architectural films achieve outstanding and long-lasting new quality finishes, ranging through wood, leather, fabric, metal, stone, and abstract. The quality of these finishes is so high that they are generally considered indistinguishable from the thing they are intended to replicate. For more details Tel: +44 (0)208 068 7488 or visit www.luxwrap.com SURFACE PROTECTION FILM (SPF) Applications include: High wear deck areas, exterior cap rails, table-tops, surfaces exposed to UV, areas where ropes and fenders rub, any area where abrasion can damage an original finish. EASY CLEANING Due to its hydrophobic properties SPF is very easy to clean, making it perfect for things such as: Stainless steel galleys, fridges, freezers, waste disposal rooms, laundry rooms, high gloss varnished surfaces, hand rails etc.


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Here we go… there is always a renaissance

J What will the new normal look like? Laurence Lewis takes a look at what Captains think the second half of 2020 will look like and reminds us that there is always a renaissance around the corner

une is my favourite month; we enjoy beautiful weather in the south of France with the bluest of skies, the temperatures are perfect and spring is slowly giving way to summer. Most crew are by now employed, the peak of the recruitment season is behind us and the tension can ease a bit, or can it? Let’s take stock of what has happened in the past three or four months in the world of recruitment and see how the covid-19 pandemic has changed the recruitment industry. It all started with a couple of weeks of social distancing in the office followed by a brutal, almost overnight drop in the yacht recruitment activity as uncertainty, lockdown, isolation policies and travel bans gripped the world. The number of permanent and temporary placements had, over the past 18 years, been rising steadily in the company so to record an 80% decline of activity over the month of April 2020 was shocking. Not only did the yachts, for the most part, freeze their recruitment drive, we also witnessed evidence of knee-jerk reactions probably fuelled by uncertainty when, as early as mid-March, some crew were asked to take pay cuts whilst some were simply laid off, mostly on charter yachts whose season was deemed compromised. Perhaps not surprisingly, the most resilient segment of the job market was engineering, witnessing some recruitment activity even during the height of the crisis, albeit at a much reduced level. At the end of April we carried out a survey with over 300 captains who had engaged our services over the past year to assess what had really happened on board their yachts. It emerges that 77% of those who responded did not have to agree to modify their season further to the covid-19 pandemic, so only a minority were negatively impacted. A reduction of salary for them

or their crew is the most common change recorded for those whose conditions evolved, followed by taking paid leave and in third position having an employment terminated. For those who recorded a reduction in salary, 55% took a cut between 26% and 50% of their monthly wage and 40% took a cut of 25% or below. As far as outlook for the future was concerned, a majority of captains felt confident that recruitment would resume in June. Having said that, 25% also cited winter 2020/2021 and beyond as their next recruitment campaign.

We are even seeing a slight inflation in Chefs’ salaries as guests eating ashore is not part of the new normal As the lockdown in France started to ease on the 11th May 2020, the job market recovered somehow with jobs that had been on hold for a month and half being activated again. Slowly the yachting ecosystem came back to life with a larger than usual number of crew on the market looking for employment. Salaries are however not dropping due to a lower level of international travel compared to pre covid-19 times with, as a consequence, a more limited pool of candidates actually able to join yachts in Europe. We are even seeing a slight inflation with Chefs’ salaries as guests eating ashore is not part of the normal owner or charter routine. More is expected of chefs which has a direct impact on salaries as clients compete for the best talent. Virtual methods of assessment and selection have been common in yachting for years; a recruiter in France, a candidate in Australia and a client/yacht in Germany is a typical scenario so a mix of telephone and video interview is nothing new. With the lock down this process has just become more fluid, wide spread, and indeed, second nature. We are all clearly at a cross roads, transitioning towards a new way of interacting. But if history has taught us anything, it’s that there is always a Renaissance just around the corner.


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