Thank you for supporting One22 Resource Center’s 2023 Holiday Gift Drive. You helped fulfill the holiday wish lists of 400 community members, making the holiday season a little brighter for our neighbors facing hardship. Here are some of their expressions of gratitude.
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Dear Of'\e22 Donor,
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To The Senior Center and all involved in your 2023 Holiday Gift Drive Two very nice young men knocked on my door on Friday, December 22 nd and gave me a big bag of Christmas presents. I guess Santa put me on his "NICE" list this year, because I sure received some very nice gifts: A soft hooded sweatshirt, and one other lovely shirt, a great pair of slippers, comfy, warm socks, a soft, snuggly throw, and a cute little snowmanthat was tucked in too. Everything was great quality, fit perfectly, and was much appreciatedl Many, many thanks to whoever it was who took the time and made the effort
to do this for me. I can't quite read
the names on the card, but your spirit of caring and giving means a lot. Merry Christmas to all of you who were involved in this community project, and thank you one and allf From #403 "An 87 year old female"