e e e e
enews 6 July, 2012 call Onehunga Town Centre’s ICON Security Guard
Satia Sami
Dial 111
Security Guard Satia will be asking businesses in the town centre for information about security systems already in place (CCTVs and whether you engage a Security Patrol service). If you have a CCTV, we‟d like to come and talk to you about sharing footage that might assist Police in their enquiries. Your information will be kept confidential.
Planning is underway for our next Heritage Festival, being held on Saturday 29th September, from 11.00am to 2.00pm.
Tuesday morning!
We‟ll have the usual array of entertainment for children and families, celebrating our local heritage, and for this year a closer look at the Manukau Harbour and how it has shaped Onehunga‟s past. With horse and cart rides, music, entertainment, face painting and balloons the Heritage Festival is a fantastic crowd-puller for Onehunga. The OBA is grateful for the support of our community committee who help us to put on this fabulous FREE event.
Cost-effective radio advertising deals still available!
Amanda, Debbie & Briar
Please note: If your business lies within the Onehunga business precinct you are automatically a member of Onehunga Business Association - paying a part of your rates to fund the OBA.
If your business has a CCTV, we’d like to coordinate coverage with you
Onehunga Heritage Festival 2012
Red bins are emptied every Tuesday morning; Blue bins every 2nd Tuesday: NEXT on July 10 and July 24. Please put your bins out ready for Tuesday collection on Monday nights after close of business and remove bins off the footpath and back onto your business property first thing
This e-news is sent to you by Onehunga Business Association, because you are either a member, or you have an interest in the organisation or the area. If you do not wish to receive these communications, please let us know by phoning 636 8535.
CCTV coverage making Onehunga safer
We‟re now looking at adding more cameras to cover other problem-prone areas in the town centre. But before we do this, we want to make sure we‟re not doubling up and putting cameras where businesses may already be covering outside areas with their own cameras.
Rubbish collections
OBA Committee Peter Gibson, President (Parkinson & Bouskill) - 636 3300 Debbie Leaver (The Library Café & Function Venue) - 636 7292 Denise Jukes (Jukes Espresso) - 636 6614 Chantelle East (Urban Streetwear Clothing) - 636 0226 Teresa Jacques (Westpac) - 634 8555 Ross Mudafar (Onehunga Family Pharmacy) - 622 2865 Bridget Graham (Deputy Chairperson, Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board) - 301 0101
www.onehunga.net.nz www.facebook.com/onehunga
Outside business hours, on Sundays & Public Holidays please call Police
For great advice on making you safe in your business, read New Zealand Police’s Business Crime Prevention publication. Stop by Onehunga Business Association for a copy or read it online here: http://www.police.govt.nz/safety/business-crime-prevention.html
Heritage Festival Daylight Savings Starts Labour Day Public Holiday Santa Parade & Party
e e
636 8535
Or contact the OBA office ph
Remember our Onehunga Security Text Alert Service! Help us keep on top of crime in Onehunga. Contact us with good descriptions of thieves or security risks immediately following an incident and we‟ll send out a text to warn other businesses. PHONE Onehunga Business Association on 636-8535 with details including: Sex, Height / Build / Hair colour and length, Ethnicity, Age, Distinguishing features eg: tattoos, What they're wearing, Other details eg: bags, hats, sunglasses, Description of people they‟re with. Your info will also help the Onehunga Security Guard and Police apprehend thieves and others who represent a security threat in the area.
Saturday 29th September Sunday 30th September Monday 22nd October Saturday 24th November
CCTV coverage making Onehunga safer Onehunga Heritage Festival 2012 Cost-effective radio advertising deals still available! Let‟s Car Pool! Get your business in the 2013 Onehunga Guide Join Onehunga Business Association‟s Committee Sitel brings +200 workers to Onehunga Changes at Onehunga Police Station Community Patrol initiative for Onehunga Onehunga Security Update: Scams & sad stories Onehunga Event Calendar Rubbish collections: next blue bin collection dates!
As businesses in Onehunga‟s town centre know, Onehunga Business Association operates a network of more than 20 CCTV cameras that have proved highly successful in identifying people engaged in illegal activities from car thefts to burglaries. The cameras are operated by our security guard, Satia Sami, and she‟s been able to prevent trouble from happening when she‟s spotted suspicious activity.
021 426 603
Not so long ago we had a rash of thefts of mobile phones from local shops. Please remind your staff not to leave mobile phones (and other tempting personal items including handbags, wallets and laptops) on store counters or under them. Keep your personal valuables locked away in areas that customers cannot access or, in the case of your mobile, keep it on you - in a pocket or phone lanyard for example.
Father‟s Day Celebration
Reminder to watch out for mobile phone thefts
Saturday 1st September
e e
Scams and sad stories We‟ve noticed that there are several kids hanging about Onehunga town centre at the moment asking people for money for “Walkathons” or other charitable sounding activities. We suspect that these activities are bogus and that these kids are using the charities as an excuse to get money for themselves. Please contact the OBA or Satia, our Security Guard, if you see anybody “panhandling” in Onehunga. If they‟re legit, they should have a Council-issued permit enabling them to collect for a charity on the street. Also in the last few days a very handicapped boy who walks on his hands has been asking for money, saying he‟s hungry. He appears to be working with a friend and again is likely to be collecting money. If you want to help this boy, please buy him some food, don‟t give money.
(With Onehunga Community Centre. Father‟s Day is Sunday 2 September.)
Mon–Fri 10am - 5.30pm, Sat 10am - 3pm
School Holidays = lots of kids out and about School kids are on holiday right now and we‟ll see lots more kids roaming about Onehunga town centre until Monday July 16 when they return to school for term three. Temptations in shops may lead to an increase in shoplifting over this period, so we urge retailers and their staff to be alert so you can head off any wayward behavior. If you need any help please call Satia, our Security Guard - all her details are at right!
Onehunga Event Calendar
In this issue
For Security Help
Onehunga Security Update
Radio advertising opportunities for OBA members
Onehunga Business Association Amanda Kinzett, Manager Briar Millar, Events Debbie Harkness, Communications 212A Onehunga Mall (upstairs) P: 09 636 8535 F: 09 636 8542 E: business@onehunga.net.nz W: www.onehunga.net.nz Onehunga Onehunga1
Onehunga Business Association is recommencing our radio advertising campaign in July, with ads on More FM, Mai FM and The Sound. As we did previously in 2009 and 2010 we are offering these spots directly to our member business at a discounted co-op advertising rate. Members are offered 15-second advertisements, played as a „donut‟ - filling the “hole” between a generic Onehunga „intro‟ and „outro‟ in a 30-second ad. These „donut‟ ads are available to members when the OBA is not using them for promoting Onehunga events. Advertising packages are available across all three stations on a month-by-month basis (minimum one month booking) at a cost of $450 per station per month (you‟ll receive a minimum of 40 spots). Please contact Briar Millar, OBA‟s Events Manager, if you‟re interested in finding out more information and the schedule of available spots, contact Briar directly on 636 8535.
Sitel brings +200 employees close to town centre
Let’s carpool
Add to our Welcome Pack to let them know about your business!
Enjoy the ride, save petrol, make new friends!
A few weeks ago Sitel New Zealand brought more than 200 new employees to its new call centre at the corner of Gloucester Park Road and Neilson Street, only a few blocks from Onehunga‟s town centre.
Aucklanders can now register for Let‟s Carpool, an online service that connects people to others who share a similar commute. Carpooling is a great way to save money, meet people and reduce congestion on our roads. Carpoolers can also use Auckland Transport‟s marked priority lanes and parking spaces. Get more information about Let‟s Carpool and find out how to sign up here: http://www.letscarpool.govt.nz
Formerly the home of Westpac‟s call centre operations, Sitel is managing call centre ops for Virgin airlines at the building. Industry sources have suggested that call centre staff numbers at the new facility could grow to as many as 500, which would be fantastic for Onehunga. Two hundred new office workers so close to Onehunga‟s town centre represents a significant opportunity for local businesses. These people will be wandering into the town centre in their lunch breaks and before or after their shifts, which run from 7am to 12 midnight.
Get your business listed in the 2013 Onehunga Guide! Onehunga Business Association, together with Onehunga Community News, has started work on the Onehunga Guide 2013, to be published in January 2013. 17,000 Onehunga Guides will be printed and distributed to all local businesses and residents.
Onehunga Business Association is putting together Welcome Packs for Sitel’s employees. Please contact us if you’d like to add in a brochure or flyer or special offers to encourage these new folk to come and visit your business! Phone 09 636 8535 or email admin@onehunga.net.nz.
The Onehunga Guide is a fantastic resource enabling residents and local businesses to easily find products and services located in Onehunga. It‟s valued by the community and always gets great feedback. Next year‟s Guide will be similar in content and layout to the 2012 issue, which you can see as an online version on the homepage of www.onehunga.net.nz.
Changes at Onehunga Police Station More police on patrol around Onehunga from 9 July
Businesses can have a listing or a Display ad (which includes a listing). If you‟re a member of the Onehunga Business Association** you get a FREE LISTING in this directory. The OBA will be confirming details for Members‟ listings soon.
The police teams at Onehunga Police Station are being changed around, effective from Monday 9 July. The Enquiries team, which served all of Auckland, is off to Glen Innes and the Community Constables are off to Newmarket.
1. Business Listings = Business name + address + phone number (or alternatively a website or email address may be included by arrangement with the editor). If you are a not an OBA member, a listing costs only $60 +GST. 2. Display Ads. Various sized display ads are available—see table below. Look for the form in the August issue of Onehunga Community News or contact Sheryn Werner on 021 975 002.
Happily for us, Constable Don Allan remains our community policeman, with primary responsibility for Onehunga. He's a great policeman, really committed to the area, who has made excellent relationships across the Onehunga community. We‟re very happy Don will continue to be out and about in Onehunga.
**If your business lies within the Onehunga business precinct, you are automatically a member of Onehunga Business Association - paying a part of your rates to fund the OBA. You can see a map showing Onehunga business precinct‟s boundaries at www.onehunga.net.nz/Onehunga-Business-
The new police team moving into Onehunga Police Station on Monday will be responsible for policing in and around Onehunga. As a result of these changes, Onehunga will have more police actively focused on the area.
Onehunga Business Association shouted the station crew morning tea earlier this week. Thanks for your great work team!
*All prices exclude GST Member Prices
Members Prepay/Prompt payment discount
Nonmember Prices
Non-member Prepay/ Prompt payment discount
Single :
89 x 46mm
89 x 97.5mm
No charge
Full Page: 89 x 200mm Listing only
Community Patrol initiative for Onehunga
Come and hear about it - meeting on July 25th , Onehunga Community Centre Our Community Constable, Don Allan, is working with Onehunga Business Association to start up an Onehunga Community Patrol group. A meeting will be held on Wednesday July 25 at Onehunga Community Centre to discuss what the Community Patrol (CP) could do for Onehunga and what volunteers would do as members of the members of the CP. A community patrol is a voluntary group of people who give some of their time and take responsibility within their community to help Police make their community safer. Anyone from 18 years old and on can join the patrol. Applicants are vetted by the Police before becoming patrol members and must complete a period of training (usually three months) where they work with senior patrollers.
Join Onehunga Business Association’s Committee Nominations close Monday 10 September If you‟re passionate about improving Onehunga‟s town centre and creating conditions that enable businesses in the area to prosper, we‟d like you to think about joining Onehunga Business Association‟s committee. We need between five and nine full members on the committee. The OBA‟s Committee approves strategies and budgets and ensures that management meets agreed performance objectives as they work towards improving the area for local businesses. In terms of the time you‟d need to set aside for this role, there are 11 meetings each year, held monthly. Meetings run approximately two hours and are generally held after work hours. Additional time may be required as various situations arise requiring action from the business association. Beyond this, energetic, well-considered extra input from committee members is always welcome to help Onehunga advance its strategic goals.
At Onehunga police Station: from left Community Constable Don Allan, OBA security guard Satia Sami, OBA manager, Amanda Kinzett, Acting Senior Sergeant Grant Harris and Community Constable Sarah Johnstone and a whole lot of morning tea.
Find out more about Onehunga Business Association and its activities on our website here: www.onehunga.net.nz/ Members
Community patrollers act as 'eyes and ears' for police. Patrolling their community in pairs, patrollers note anything that could be suspicious and inform police immediately of incidents requiring urgent attention. Some patrols have a very high profile in their community with a signwritten car, while others prefer to stay covert or drive their own car. Patrollers usually patrol once a month. Police notify the patrol of suspicious activities and trouble spots they would like the patrol to keep an eye on, as well as informing the patrol of events occurring in the area. Each member must sign a declaration of confidentiality and agree to abide by a code of conduct before working with the patrol. Onehunga Business Association has undertaken to coordinate the Onehunga CP, with the hope that it could evolve to become an independent group, working closely with Police.
More than 100 Community Patrols have been formed in NZ, with more than 4000 volunteer members. Now it‟s Onehunga‟s turn! See what Community Patrol Volunteers do in this movie on You Tube: http://is.gd/ CommunityPatrol
Sitel brings +200 employees close to town centre
Let’s carpool
Add to our Welcome Pack to let them know about your business!
Enjoy the ride, save petrol, make new friends!
A few weeks ago Sitel New Zealand brought more than 200 new employees to its new call centre at the corner of Gloucester Park Road and Neilson Street, only a few blocks from Onehunga‟s town centre.
Aucklanders can now register for Let‟s Carpool, an online service that connects people to others who share a similar commute. Carpooling is a great way to save money, meet people and reduce congestion on our roads. Carpoolers can also use Auckland Transport‟s marked priority lanes and parking spaces. Get more information about Let‟s Carpool and find out how to sign up here: http://www.letscarpool.govt.nz
Formerly the home of Westpac‟s call centre operations, Sitel is managing call centre ops for a travel company at the building. Industry sources have suggested that call centre staff numbers at the new facility could grow to as many as 500, which would be fantastic for Onehunga. Two hundred new office workers so close to Onehunga‟s town centre represents a significant opportunity for local businesses. These people will be wandering into the town centre in their lunch breaks and before or after their shifts, which run from 7am to 12 midnight.
Get your business listed in the 2013 Onehunga Guide! Onehunga Business Association, together with Onehunga Community News, has started work on the Onehunga Guide 2013, to be published in January 2013. 17,000 Onehunga Guides will be printed and distributed to all local businesses and residents.
Onehunga Business Association is putting together Welcome Packs for Sitel’s employees. Please contact us if you’d like to add in a brochure or flyer or special offers to encourage these new folk to come and visit your business! Phone 09 636 8535 or email admin@onehunga.net.nz.
The Onehunga Guide is a fantastic resource enabling residents and local businesses to easily find products and services located in Onehunga. It‟s valued by the community and always gets great feedback. Next year‟s Guide will be similar in content and layout to the 2012 issue, which you can see as an online version on the homepage of www.onehunga.net.nz.
Changes at Onehunga Police Station More police on patrol around Onehunga from 9 July
Businesses can have a listing or a Display ad (which includes a listing). If you‟re a member of the Onehunga Business Association** you get a FREE LISTING in this directory. The OBA will be confirming details for Members‟ listings soon.
The police teams at Onehunga Police Station are being changed around, effective from Monday 9 July. The Enquiries team, which served all of Auckland, is off to Glen Innes and the Community Constables are off to Newmarket.
1. Business Listings = Business name + address + phone number (or alternatively a website or email address may be included by arrangement with the editor). If you are a not an OBA member, a listing costs only $60 +GST. 2. Display Ads. Various sized display ads are available—see table below. Look for the form in the August issue of Onehunga Community News or contact Sheryn Werner on 021 975 002.
Happily for us, Constable Don Allan remains our community policeman, with primary responsibility for Onehunga. He's a great policeman, really committed to the area, who has made excellent relationships across the Onehunga community. We‟re very happy Don will continue to be out and about in Onehunga.
**If your business lies within the Onehunga business precinct, you are automatically a member of Onehunga Business Association - paying a part of your rates to fund the OBA. You can see a map showing Onehunga business precinct‟s boundaries at www.onehunga.net.nz/Onehunga-Business-
The new police team moving into Onehunga Police Station on Monday will be responsible for policing in and around Onehunga. As a result of these changes, Onehunga will have more police actively focused on the area.
Onehunga Business Association shouted the station crew morning tea earlier this week. Thanks for your great work team!
*All prices exclude GST Member Prices
Members Prepay/Prompt payment discount
Nonmember Prices
Non-member Prepay/ Prompt payment discount
Single :
89 x 46mm
89 x 97.5mm
No charge
Full Page: 89 x 200mm Listing only
Community Patrol initiative for Onehunga
Come and hear about it - meeting on July 25th , Onehunga Community Centre Our Community Constable, Don Allan, is working with Onehunga Business Association to start up an Onehunga Community Patrol group. A meeting will be held on Wednesday July 25 at Onehunga Community Centre to discuss what the Community Patrol (CP) could do for Onehunga and what volunteers would do as members of the members of the CP. A community patrol is a voluntary group of people who give some of their time and take responsibility within their community to help Police make their community safer. Anyone from 18 years old and on can join the patrol. Applicants are vetted by the Police before becoming patrol members and must complete a period of training (usually three months) where they work with senior patrollers.
Join Onehunga Business Association’s Committee Nominations close Monday 10 September If you‟re passionate about improving Onehunga‟s town centre and creating conditions that enable businesses in the area to prosper, we‟d like you to think about joining Onehunga Business Association‟s committee. We need between five and nine full members on the committee. The OBA‟s Committee approves strategies and budgets and ensures that management meets agreed performance objectives as they work towards improving the area for local businesses. In terms of the time you‟d need to set aside for this role, there are 11 meetings each year, held monthly. Meetings run approximately two hours and are generally held after work hours. Additional time may be required as various situations arise requiring action from the business association. Beyond this, energetic, well-considered extra input from committee members is always welcome to help Onehunga advance its strategic goals.
At Onehunga police Station: from left Community Constable Don Allan, OBA security guard Satia Sami, OBA manager, Amanda Kinzett, Acting Senior Sergeant Grant Harris and Community Constable Sarah Johnstone and a whole lot of morning tea.
Find out more about Onehunga Business Association and its activities on our website here: www.onehunga.net.nz/ Members
Community patrollers act as 'eyes and ears' for police. Patrolling their community in pairs, patrollers note anything that could be suspicious and inform police immediately of incidents requiring urgent attention. Some patrols have a very high profile in their community with a signwritten car, while others prefer to stay covert or drive their own car. Patrollers usually patrol once a month. Police notify the patrol of suspicious activities and trouble spots they would like the patrol to keep an eye on, as well as informing the patrol of events occurring in the area. Each member must sign a declaration of confidentiality and agree to abide by a code of conduct before working with the patrol. Onehunga Business Association has undertaken to coordinate the Onehunga CP, with the hope that it could evolve to become an independent group, working closely with Police.
More than 100 Community Patrols have been formed in NZ, with more than 4000 volunteer members. Now it‟s Onehunga‟s turn! See what Community Patrol Volunteers do in this movie on You Tube: http://is.gd/ CommunityPatrol
e e e e
enews 6 July, 2012 call Onehunga Town Centre’s ICON Security Guard
Satia Sami
Dial 111
Security Guard Satia will be asking businesses in the town centre for information about security systems already in place (CCTVs and whether you engage a Security Patrol service). If you have a CCTV, we‟d like to come and talk to you about sharing footage that might assist Police in their enquiries. Your information will be kept confidential.
Planning is underway for our next Heritage Festival, being held on Saturday 29th September, from 11.00am to 2.00pm.
Tuesday morning!
We‟ll have the usual array of entertainment for children and families, celebrating our local heritage, and for this year a closer look at the Manukau Harbour and how it has shaped Onehunga‟s past. With horse and cart rides, music, entertainment, face painting and balloons the Heritage Festival is a fantastic crowd-puller for Onehunga. The OBA is grateful for the support of our community committee who help us to put on this fabulous FREE event.
Cost-effective radio advertising deals still available!
Amanda, Debbie & Briar
Please note: If your business lies within the Onehunga business precinct you are automatically a member of Onehunga Business Association - paying a part of your rates to fund the OBA.
If your business has a CCTV, we’d like to coordinate coverage with you
Onehunga Heritage Festival 2012
Red bins are emptied every Tuesday morning; Blue bins every 2nd Tuesday: NEXT on July 10 and July 24. Please put your bins out ready for Tuesday collection on Monday nights after close of business and remove bins off the footpath and back onto your business property first thing
This e-news is sent to you by Onehunga Business Association, because you are either a member, or you have an interest in the organisation or the area. If you do not wish to receive these communications, please let us know by phoning 636 8535.
CCTV coverage making Onehunga safer
We‟re now looking at adding more cameras to cover other problem-prone areas in the town centre. But before we do this, we want to make sure we‟re not doubling up and putting cameras where businesses may already be covering outside areas with their own cameras.
Rubbish collections
OBA Committee Peter Gibson, President (Parkinson & Bouskill) - 636 3300 Debbie Leaver (The Library Café & Function Venue) - 636 7292 Denise Jukes (Jukes Espresso) - 636 6614 Chantelle East (Urban Streetwear Clothing) - 636 0226 Teresa Jacques (Westpac) - 634 8555 Ross Mudafar (Onehunga Family Pharmacy) - 622 2865 Bridget Graham (Deputy Chairperson, Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board) - 301 0101
www.onehunga.net.nz www.facebook.com/onehunga
Outside business hours, on Sundays & Public Holidays please call Police
For great advice on making you safe in your business, read New Zealand Police’s Business Crime Prevention publication. Stop by Onehunga Business Association for a copy or read it online here: http://www.police.govt.nz/safety/business-crime-prevention.html
Heritage Festival Daylight Savings Starts Labour Day Public Holiday Santa Parade & Party
e e
636 8535
Or contact the OBA office ph
Remember our Onehunga Security Text Alert Service! Help us keep on top of crime in Onehunga. Contact us with good descriptions of thieves or security risks immediately following an incident and we‟ll send out a text to warn other businesses. PHONE Onehunga Business Association on 636-8535 with details including: Sex, Height / Build / Hair colour and length, Ethnicity, Age, Distinguishing features eg: tattoos, What they're wearing, Other details eg: bags, hats, sunglasses, Description of people they‟re with. Your info will also help the Onehunga Security Guard and Police apprehend thieves and others who represent a security threat in the area.
Saturday 29th September Sunday 30th September Monday 22nd October Saturday 24th November
CCTV coverage making Onehunga safer Onehunga Heritage Festival 2012 Cost-effective radio advertising deals still available! Let‟s Car Pool! Get your business in the 2013 Onehunga Guide Join Onehunga Business Association‟s Committee Sitel brings +200 workers to Onehunga Changes at Onehunga Police Station Community Patrol initiative for Onehunga Onehunga Security Update: Scams & sad stories Onehunga Event Calendar Rubbish collections: next blue bin collection dates!
As businesses in Onehunga‟s town centre know, Onehunga Business Association operates a network of more than 20 CCTV cameras that have proved highly successful in identifying people engaged in illegal activities from car thefts to burglaries. The cameras are operated by our security guard, Satia Sami, and she‟s been able to prevent trouble from happening when she‟s spotted suspicious activity.
021 426 603
Not so long ago we had a rash of thefts of mobile phones from local shops. Please remind your staff not to leave mobile phones (and other tempting personal items including handbags, wallets and laptops) on store counters or under them. Keep your personal valuables locked away in areas that customers cannot access or, in the case of your mobile, keep it on you - in a pocket or phone lanyard for example.
Father‟s Day Celebration
Reminder to watch out for mobile phone thefts
Saturday 1st September
e e
Scams and sad stories We‟ve noticed that there are several kids hanging about Onehunga town centre at the moment asking people for money for “Walkathons” or other charitable sounding activities. We suspect that these activities are bogus and that these kids are using the charities as an excuse to get money for themselves. Please contact the OBA or Satia, our Security Guard, if you see anybody “panhandling” in Onehunga. If they‟re legit, they should have a Council-issued permit enabling them to collect for a charity on the street. Also in the last few days a very handicapped boy who walks on his hands has been asking for money, saying he‟s hungry. He appears to be working with a friend and again is likely to be collecting money. If you want to help this boy, please buy him some food, don‟t give money.
(With Onehunga Community Centre. Father‟s Day is Sunday 2 September.)
Mon–Fri 10am - 5.30pm, Sat 10am - 3pm
School Holidays = lots of kids out and about School kids are on holiday right now and we‟ll see lots more kids roaming about Onehunga town centre until Monday July 16 when they return to school for term three. Temptations in shops may lead to an increase in shoplifting over this period, so we urge retailers and their staff to be alert so you can head off any wayward behavior. If you need any help please call Satia, our Security Guard - all her details are at right!
Onehunga Event Calendar
In this issue
For Security Help
Onehunga Security Update
Radio advertising opportunities for OBA members
Onehunga Business Association Amanda Kinzett, Manager Briar Millar, Events Debbie Harkness, Communications 212A Onehunga Mall (upstairs) P: 09 636 8535 F: 09 636 8542 E: business@onehunga.net.nz W: www.onehunga.net.nz Onehunga Onehunga1
Onehunga Business Association is recommencing our radio advertising campaign in July, with ads on More FM, Mai FM and The Sound. As we did previously in 2009 and 2010 we are offering these spots directly to our member business at a discounted co-op advertising rate. Members are offered 15-second advertisements, played as a „donut‟ - filling the “hole” between a generic Onehunga „intro‟ and „outro‟ in a 30-second ad. These „donut‟ ads are available to members when the OBA is not using them for promoting Onehunga events. Advertising packages are available across all three stations on a month-by-month basis (minimum one month booking) at a cost of $450 per station per month (you‟ll receive a minimum of 40 spots). Please contact Briar Millar, OBA‟s Events Manager, if you‟re interested in finding out more information and the schedule of available spots, contact Briar directly on 636 8535.