One Shot catalogue 2007

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ÏÇÝá ³é³Ýó ųå³í»ÝÇ ÏÇÝá ³é³Ýó ųå³í»ÝÇ ÏÇÝá ³é³Ýó ųå³í»ÝÇ Film without Film without Film without Film without Film without Film without Film


غΠβ¸ð - غΠðàäº ONE MINUT - ONE SHOT ºñ¨³Ý Yerevan NPAK Üö²Î 17 – 24, 05, 2007

§ØºÎ β¸ð - غΠðà亦 - Ý ÷³é³ïáÝ ¿ Ù»Ï Ï³¹ñÇ ¨ Ù»Ï ñáå»Ç Ù³ëÇÝ, Ù»Ï Ï³¹ñÇ ¨ Ù»Ï ñáå»Ç ÙÇçáóáí: ¶³·ÇÏ Ô³½³ñ¿ “ONE MINUTE - ONE SHOT” is a fest about one minute and one shot through one minute one shot. Gagik Ghazareh

ÏÇÝá ³é³Ýó ųå³í»ÝÇ ÏÇÝá ³é³Ýó ųå³í»ÝÇ ÏÇÝá ³é³Ýó ųå³í»ÝÇ Film without Film without Film without Film without Film without Film without Film


غΠβ¸ð - غΠðàäº ONE MINUT - ONE SHOT ºñ¨³Ý Yerevan NPAK Üö²Î 17 – 24, 05, 2007

ÄÚàôðÆ JURY ÄÛáõñÇÇ Ý³Ë³·³Ñ Ö³ñï³ñ³å»ï` ¾¸àô²ð¸ ä²È²ê²ÜÚ²Ü President of Jury Architecht: EDWARD BALASSANIAN ÐÝãÛáõݳÛÇÝ é»ÅÇëáñ` ²Ü²ÐÆî κê²Ú²Ü Sound Director: ANAHIT KESAYAN ÎÇÝá·»ï` ¼²ìºÜ ´àÚ²æÚ²Ü Cinema Critic: ZAVEN BOYAJYAN ÎÇÝáé»ÅÇëáñ` ÐàìвÜÜºê ¶²ÈêîÚ²Ü Director: HOVHANNES GALSTYAN

ØðòàôÚ COMPETITION λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1981Ã.-ÇÝ ÍÝݹ³ï³ÝÁ: 2004Ã.-ÇÝ ³í³ñï»É ¿ ÐäÖÐ-Ç Ðî ý³ÏáõÉï»ïÇ Ù³·Çëïñ³ïáõñ³Ý: ̳é³Û»É ¿ ÐÐ ¼àô-áõÙ: ²ß˳ïáõÙ ¿ "Synopsys Armenia" LLC -áõÙ : Born in 1981 in maternity hospital. Graduated from the YSU of Architecture in 2004. Joined the Armed ²É»ùë³Ý¹ñ ¶³ÉëïÛ³Ý Forces of Armenia. Works at “Synopsys Armenia” LLC. Alexander Galstian §²Ýó 60¦ “After 60” - DV §²ë»ù Ó»ñ ëÇñ³Í Ù³ñ¹Ï³Ýó áñ ëÇñáõÙ »ù ¨ ³ë»ù ¹³ ³í»ÉÇ áõ ³í»ÉÇ Ñ³×³Ë¦: “Tell the people you love that you love them, and do that as often as you can…” λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography

Èǽ³ ÞÇñÇÝÛ³Ý Liza Shirinian

ÌÝí»É ¿ 1977 - ÇÝ ºñ¨³ÝáõÙ: 2001 - Çó ëáíáñáõÙ ¿ ºñ¨³ÝÇ ¶»Õ³ñí»ëïÇ ä»ï³Ï³Ý ²Ï³¹»ÙdzÛáõÙ, ³ñí»ëï³µ³ÝáõÃÛ³Ý µ³ÅÝáõÙ: 2006 - Çó ³ß˳ïáõÙ ¿ Üö²Î-áõÙ: Born in Yerevan, 1977. Has been studying at Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts, department of Art History and Theory since 2001. Has been working in ACCEA since 2003. §ì½Ï³å¦ “The Tie” - DV

ÐÇßáÕáõÃÛ³Ý §å³ï³éÇÏÝ»ñ¦, áñáÝù Ù»½ ϳåáõÙ »Ý Ù»ñ ³ÝóÛ³ÉÇ Ñ»ï: ²Û¹ ³ÝóÛ³ÉÇó ÇÝÓ Ùݳó»É ¿ ÙdzÛÝ ³Ûë §å³ï³éÇÏÁ¦, áñÝ Çñ Ù»ç Ý»ñ³éáõÙ ¿ ÙÇ ³ÙµáÕç ųٳݳϳßñç³Ý: ºë ÇÝÓ ã»Ù ѳٳñáõÙ ³Û¹ ųٳݳϳßñç³ÝÇ ÏñáÕÁ, ¨ ¹ñ³ Ùݳóáñ¹Ý»ñÁ ÇÝÓ Ñ³Ù³ñ ½áõï ËáñÑñ¹³ÝÇß»ñ »Ý, ·áõó» ¨ óÝÏ ËáñÑñ¹³ÝÇß»ñ: Pieces of memory which connect us with our past... the only thing left from that past is this piece of memory, which involves a whole time period. I don't consider myself a bearer of that time period, and its remnants are mere symbols to me and perhaps precious ones.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ ºñ¨³ÝáõÙ 1989-ÇÝ: ʳճó»É ¿ Ù³ÝÏ³Ï³Ý ÙÛáõ½ÇùÉÝ»ñáõÙ, ÑÇÙ³ ¹ñ³Ýù µ»Ù³¹ñáõÙ ¿: êáíáñáõÙ ¿ ºÂÎäÆ -Ç í³í/é»Å ý³ÏáõÉï»ïáõÙ: 2007 - §Þñç³Ý¦, 2:30, §ºë »Ù¦ ÏÇÝá÷³é³ïáÝ: Born in Yerevan, 1989. Acted in musicals for children, at present she stages them. Studies at ²Ù³ÉÛ³ ê³ñ·ëÛ³Ý YSI of Cinema and Theater: faculty of doc. films. Amalya Sargsyan 2007 - “The Circle”, 2:30 (”Yes em” film fest). §ü³Ýﳽdz¦ “Fantasy”- DV ºñÇï³ë³ñ¹ ³Õçϳ »ñ¨³Ï³ÛáõÃÛáõÝÁ` ·ñùÇó ¹»åÇ Çñ³Ï³ÝáõÃÛáõÝ: The imagination of a young girl from book to reality. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1989Ã., ºñ¨³ÝáõÙ: 2006à ÁݹáõÝí»É ¿ ºÂÎäÆ-Ç ûå»ñ³ïáñ³Ï³Ý µ³ÅÇÝ: Ü»ñϳÛáõÙë I-ÇÝ ÏáõñëÇ áõë³ÝáÕ ¿: ¸»µÛáõï: Born in Yerevan, 1989. In 2006 entered YS Cinema -Theatrical Institute, first year student, future cameraman. Debut. ²Éµ»ñï ê³ñ·ëÛ³Ý §Ø»Ý³ËáëáõÃÛáõÝ (¹»åÇ ³Ýí»ñçÁ)¦ Albert Sargsian “Monologue (to Infinity)” - DV ØݳÉáí ÙdzÛÝ³Ï Ñ»ñáëÁ ëÏëáõÙ ¿ ÙÇ Ù»Ý³ËáëáõÃÛáõÝ, áñÝ Çñ³Ï³ÝáõÙ Çñ Ñá·»Ï³Ý íÇ׳ÏÇ ³ñï³óáɳÝùÝ ¿: Staying alone the hero starts a monologue, which in fact is the reflection of his inner state. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1983Ã: êáíáñáõÙ ¿ »ñ·Ç å»ï³Ï³Ý óïñáÝÇ Ñ³Õáñ¹³í³ñÝ»ñÇ µ³ÅÝáõÙ: ¸»µÛáõï: ²ñ³Ù âáµ³ÝÛ³Ý Aram Chobanyan

Born in 1983. Studies at the department of advertisers at the State Theater of Song. Debut.

§ìݳ ϳïáõ¦ “Vana Cat” - DV ì³Ý³ ϳïíÇÝ ßáÛáõÙ »Ý Ó»éù»ñ, ÇëÏ Ýñ³ ³ãù»ñÁ ëïÇåáõÙ »Ý ÑÇᯐ ³ÛÝ ³Ù»ÝÁ, ÇÝãÁ ϳåí³Í ¿ å³ïÙ³Ï³Ý Ð³Û³ëï³ÝÇ, ÏáÝÏñ»ï ì³ÝÇ Ñ»ï, µ³Ûó ÙǨÝáõÛÝ Å³Ù³Ý³Ï Ó»éù»ñÁ å³ßïå³ÝáõÙ »Ý Ýñ³Ý: A Vana cat is being petted by a pair of hands, an its eyes make one remember everything connected with historical Armenia, with Van; but at the same time the hands are protecting it. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ »Ññ³ÝáõÙ, 1991Ã.: î»Õ³÷áËí»É ¿ ºñ¨³Ý 2002à - Çó: سëݳÏó»É ¿ “¸»Ù ¸ÇÙ³ó” ýáïá óáõó³Ñ³Ý¹»ëÇÝ 2006Ã-ÇÝ: ¸»µÛáõï:

²ñÙ»Ý Ð³ÏáµÛ³Ý Armen Hacobian

Born in Teheran,1991. Moved to Yerevan in 2002. Took part in the photo exhibition “ Face to Face” in 2006. Debute. §ê³éݳñ³Ý¦ - ýáïáËóÇÏ “Refrigerator”- photocamera

êáíÇó ¨ å³ñ³åáõÃÛáõÝÇó “ßí³ñ³Í”: “Dumb” with hunger and idleness.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1979Ã.: سëݳ·ÇïáõÃÛ³Ùµ` ·»Õ³ÝϳñÇã: 2004-Çó ½µ³ÕíáõÙ ¿ ýÇÉÙ³ñí»ëïáí: 2004Ã. §ä³ï·³Ù ³ÝóÛ³ÉÇó¦: Born in 1979. Painter. Active in filmmaking since 2004. 2004 - “A Message from the Past”. §èá¹»ÝÇ weekend-Á¦ “Roden’s weekend” - DV ¾¹·³ñ ²ÙñáÛ³Ý Edgar Amroyan üÇÉÙÁ Ý»ñϳ۳óÝáõÙ ¿ Ù»Ï ß³Ý weekend-Á: Film about one dog's weekend.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ²í³ñï»É ¿ ºñ¨³ÝÇ ¶»Õ³ñí»ëïÇ ä»ï³Ï³Ý ²Ï³¹»ÙÇ³Ý Ð³Ù³Ï³ñ·ã³ÛÇÝ µ³ÅÇÝÁ: ²ß˳ïáõÙ ¿ El ³Ùë³·ñáõÙ: Graduated from the YSA of Fine Arts, department of Computer Design. Works for magazine El. ²Ýݳ Æë³µ»ÏÛ³Ý ¨ ²Ýݳ ö³÷³½Û³Ý Anna Isabekian & Anna Papazyan §ÀÝñáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÇó ³é³ç¦ - ýáïáËóÇÏ “Before Elections”- photocamera гñó»ñ, áñáÝó å»ïù ¿ Ñ»·Ý³Ýùáí ݳۻÉ: Matters that must be taken with sarcasm.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography §öáõãÇϦ,§ Üí»ñ Ù³ëáÝÝ»ñÇݦ, §ÆÝùݳPR¦ ¨ ³ÛÉÝ: “Balloon”, “ A Gift to the Masons”, “Self PR” etc. ê³ñ·Çë ìÇñ³µÛ³Ý Sargis Virabian

§²ýóµÇ ë»ñáõݹ¦ - ýáïáËóÇÏ “Aftab Generation” - photocamera ²ýóµÇ ë»ñáõݹ: Aftab Generation.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1984Ã.: êáíáñáõÙ ¿ §Ð³ÛýÇÉÙ¦ ÏÇÝá¹»ñ³ë³ÝÇ ëïáõ¹Ç³ÛáõÙ: êÏëÝ³Ï í³í»ñ³·ñáÕ: 2006 – §²é³Ýó Ù»Ïݳµ³ÝáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñǦ (Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå»), 2006 – §ÆÙ ³ÕáÃùÁ¦: Born in 1984. Studies at “Hayfilm” Studio. Starting documentalist. 2006 - “No Comments” ÜÇݳ ʳã³ïñÛ³Ý (One Minute One Shot), 2006 - “My Prayer”. Nina Khachatrian

§¶ÇŦ “Crazy” - DV ºñµ»ÙÝ ÏÛ³ÝùáõÙ ¹Åí³ñ ¿ áñáßáõ٠ϳ۳óÝ»É Ñ³ïϳå»ë, »ñµ ã·Çï»ë ÇÝã ÏÉÇÝÇ í»ñçáõÙ: Sometimes it's hard to make decisions, especially when you don't know what will happen in the end. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ ÎÇñáí³Ï³ÝáõÙ, ³ÛÅÙ` ì³Ý³Óáñ: ²åñáõÙ ¿ Ðáõݳëï³ÝáõÙ: ¸»µÛáõï: Born in Kirovakan (at present Vanadzor). Lives in Greece. Debute. ijÝݳ Janna

§îÕ³Ù³ñ¹ÇϦ, “Men” - DV

îÕ³Ù³ñ¹ÇÏ: Men.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1980Ã. ÉÇýïÇ Ù»ç: ²í³ñï»É ¿ »ñɻٻ½Û³ÝÇ ³Ýí³Ý ¶»Õ³ñí»ëïÇ àõëáõÙݳñ³ÝÁ: ²ñí»ëï³·»ï ¨ »ñ³ÅÇßï: Born in a lift, 1980. Graduated from Terlemezian Art College. Artist and musician. ÌûÙ³Ï Tsomak

§ÈÛ³ 2¦ - Ó»éùÇ Ñ»é³Ëáë “Lya 2” - cellphone

¸åñáóÇ ßñç³Ý³ÏÝ»ñáõÙ »ñ³ÅßïáõÃÛáõÝ ¹³ë³í³Ý¹»Éáõ Ù³ëÇÝ: It is about teaching music at school.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ²ß˳ïáõÙ ¿ г۳ëï³ÝÇ Ð³Ýñ³ÛÇÝ Ð»éáõëï³ï»ëáõÃÛáõÝáõÙ: Works at Armenian Public Television. §àÉáñ³Ý¦ “Turn”- VHS ²í»ïÇù гñáõÃÛáõÝÛ³Ý Avetic Harutunian γ¹ñ` г۳ëï³ÝÇ µ³½Ù³ÃÇí áÉáñ³ÝÝ»ñÇó Ù»ÏÇó: A shot of one of the many turns in Armenia.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ´³ñµ³ñ³ ػûñÁ Ýϳñ»É ¿ ˳ճñϳÛÇÝ, ¹áÏáõÙ»Ýï³É ¨ ÑÇÙݳϳÝáõÙ ÷áñÓ³ñ³ñ³Ï³Ý ýÇÉÙ»ñ, áñáÝù óáõó³¹ñíáõÙ »Ý ³ß˳ñÑáí Ù»Ï: ¸³ë³í³Ý¹»É ¿ é»ÅÇëáõñ³ ¶ñáÝÇÝ·»ÝáõÙ (NL) ¨ ê³Ý üñ³ÝëÇëÏáÛáõÙ: Barbara Meter made feature films, documentaries and mostly experimental films, which are shown all over the ´³ñµ³ñ³ Ø»ÃÁñ world. She has taught film in Groningen (NL) Barbara Meter and in San Francisko. §ÞáõÝÁ¦ “A Dog” - DV ê³ ÙÇ ëáíáñ³Ï³Ý ßáõÝ ¿, ³ß˳ñÑÇ ß³ï áõñÇß ßÝ»ñÇ ÝÙ³Ý: ê³ ¹ñ³ÝóÇó Ù»ÏÝ ¿: It is a dog, as there are many in this world. It is one of them. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography Ðè² - Ç áõë³ÝáÕáõÑÇ: ä³ïñ³ëïíáõÙ ¿ Ù³ëݳÏó»É §úëϳñ¦-Ç Ùñó³Ý³Ï³µ³ßËáõÃÛ³ÝÁ: 2006 - §Ö³Ï³ï³·Çñ¦ (Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå»-Ç ¹ÇåÉáÙ): Student at the Academy of Television and Radio. I intend to participate in “Oscar”. ¼³é³ ØÇݳëáí³ 2006 - “Destiny”. (One Minute One Shot Diploma). Zara Minasova

§Î»ñå³ñ³Ý³÷áËáõÃÛáõݦ “Metamorphosis” - DV λñå³ñ³Ý³÷áËáõÃÛáõÝ` ³é³Ýó Ï»ñå³ñ³Ý³÷áËáõÃÛ³Ý: Metamorphosis without metamorphosis.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1980Ã: êáíáñ»É ¿ ¶»Õ³ñí»ëïÇ ä»ï³Ï³Ý ÆÝëïÇïáõïáõÙ, ÎÇÝáÛÇ ¨ ³ïñáÝÇ ä»ï³Ï³Ý ÆÝëïÇïáõïáõÙ: Born in 1980. Studied at YS Institute of Fine Arts, YS Institute of Cinema and Theatre. §Þñç³Ý³Ï¦ “Frame” - DV

²ÙµÇÏ ê³ý³ñÛ³Ý Ambik Safarian

Ü»ñϳ۳óÝáõÙ »Ù Ù³ñ¹Ï³ÛÇÝ Ùï³Í»É³Ï»ñåÇ ßñç³Ý³ÏÝ»ñÁ ¨ ¹ñ³ÝÇó ¹áõñë ·³Éáõ ÷áñÓ»ñÁ: I show the frames of human ways of thinking and the efforts to step out of them. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1984Ã.: ºäÐ-Ç ³ñ³µ³·ÇïáõÃÛ³Ý µ³ÅÝÇ Ù³·Çëïñáë: ¸»µÛáõï: Born in 1984. MA of the Department of Arabic Studies. Debut. ¸³íÇà ì³ñ¹³½³ñÛ³Ý Davit Vardazarian §ºñ³½³ÝùÝ»ñÇ ÇÝùݳëå³ÝáõÃÛáõݦ “Suicide of Dreams ” - DV ºñ³½³ÝùÝ»ñÇ Ù³ëÇÝ, áñáÝù »ñµ»ù ã»Ý Çñ³Ï³Ý³Ý³: It's about the dreams that will never come true.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1985Ã, ºñ¨³Ý: ²í³ñï»É ¿ »ñɻٻ½Û³ÝÇ ³Ýí. ·»Õ. áõëáõÙݳñ³ÝÁ: ²ÛÅÙ ëáíáñáõÙ ¿ ºñ¨³ÝÇ Â³ïñáÝÇ ¨ ÎÇÝáÛÇ ä»ï. ÆÝëïÇïáõïáõÙ`ÙáõÉïÝϳñÇã µ³ÅÝáõÙ: Born in 1985, Yerevan. Graduated from Terlemezyan College of Fine Art. At preasent studies at Yerevan State Institute of Cinema and Theatre, animator. ¾ñÇϳ ޳˳ñÛ³Ýó §ºí ÝáñÇó¦ “And Again”- DV Erika Shakariants êÇñ³Ñ³ñí³Í Ù³ñ¹áõ ³Ýí»ñç ÷ÝïñáõÙÝ áõ ϳëϳÍÁ: The endless searchings and doubt of a man in love. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography 19 ï³ñ»Ï³Ý ¿: ²å³·³ ׳ñï³ñ³å»ï: êÇñáõÙ ¿ ³ñí»ëï` ѳïϳå»ë ÝϳñãáõÃÛáõÝ, »ñ³ÅßïáõÃÛáõÝ, óïñáÝ: 19 years old. Future architect. Likes art, especially painting, music and theater. ì³ñ¹áõÑÇ îÇï³ÝÛ³Ý Varduhi Titanian

§²ÝÝß³Ý ³é³ñϳÛÇ É³µÇñÇÝÃáëÁ¦ - ýáïáËóÇÏ “Insignificant Object’s Labyrinth” - photocamera

²ÝÝß³Ý ¨ ³ÝÝϳï ÙáÙÁ ³ÛÝ å³ñ½ ³é³ñÏ³Ý ã¿ ÇÝãå»ë »ñ¨áõÙ ¿ ¨ Çñ µáÕáùÝ ³ñï³Ñ³ÛïáõÙ ¿ ÉáõÛëÇ ÙÇçáóáí: The little, insignificant candle, which is not as simple as it may seem, expresses its protest through its light. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography

ÈÇÉÇà ØáíëÇëÛ³Ý Lilit Movsisian

ÌÝí»É ¿ 1989Ã.-ÇÝ: 2006Ã. ºÂÎä-Ç ÏÇÝáé»ÅÇëáõñ³ÛÇ µ³ÅÇÝ: 2007Ã. §ºñ³½³Í ù³Õ³ùÁ¦: Born in 1989. 2006 – YS Institute of Theater and Cinema. Future director. 2007 “The City of Dreams”.

§ÈéáõÃÛáõݦ “Silence”- DV ØÇ Ù³ñ¹ ÁÝÏÝáõÙ ¿ Ý»ÕáõÃÛ³Ý Ù»ç ¨ û·ÝáõÃÛáõÝ ¿ ËݹñáõÙ, µ³Ûó ÁÝϳÍÇÝ Ó»éù ã»Ý Ù»ÏÝáõÙ: A man has got into a trouble and asks for help, but noone gives him a helping hand. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1981Ã. »Ññ³ÝáõÙ: î»Õ³÷áËí»É ¿ г۳ëï³Ý ½ÇÝ. ͳé³ÛáõÃÛáõÝÝ ³í³ñï»Éáõó Ñ»ïá: ¶ñ³ýÇÏ ¹Ç½³ÛÝ»ñ, ѳٳϳñ·ã³ÛÇÝ ³¹ÙÇÝÇëïñ³ïáñ: ÈáݹáÝÇ Ð³Ù³Éë³ñ³ÝÇ áõë³ÝáÕ §Ð³ßí³éáõÙ ¨ î»Õ»Ï³ïí³Ï³Ý гٳϳñ·¦ ý³ÏáõÉï»ïáõÙ` Ñ»é³Ï³ Íñ³·ñáí: Born in Tehran, 1981. Moved to Armenia after military service. Graphics designer and sys. admin. ø³ÙÛ³ñ ÎáçáõñÇ Kamyar Kojouri Student of University of London, faculty of "Computing and Information Systems" distance learning program. §²í»ÉÇ ³éáÕç, »ñç³ÝÇÏ, ³ñ¹Ûáõݳí»ï¦ - гٳϳñ·Çã “Fitter, Happier, More Productive” - Computer гٳϳñ·ÇãÝ»ñÁ Ñ»ßï³óñ»É »Ý Ù»ñ ³éûñÛ³ ·áñÍ»ñÁ, µ³Ûó ³ñ¹Ûá±ù ¹ñ³Ýù Ù»ñ ÏÛ³ÝùÁ ¹³ñÓñ»É »Ý ³í»ÉÇ »ñç³ÝÇÏ áõ ³ñ¹Ûáõݳí»ï: ²Ù»Ý ûñ Ù»Ýù ëï³ÝáõÙ »Ýù ѳñÛáõñ³íáñ ³Ýå»ïù ¿É»ÏïñáݳÛÇÝ Ý³Ù³ÏÝ»ñ, ųٻñ »Ýù ͳËëáõÙ ã³Ã ³Ý»Éáí, ù³ßáõÙ ¹áÏ»ñ, áñáÝù ³Û¹å»ë ¿É ã»Ýù ϳñ¹áõÙ: àõÝ»Ýù åáéÝá ë³ÛûñÇ Ïá¹»ñ, ß³ï Å³Ù³Ý³Ï »Ýù ͳËëáõÙ íÇñáõëÝ»ñ áõ µ³·»ñ Ù³ùñ»Éáí: ØÝáõ±Ù ¿ ³ñ¹Ûáù Å³Ù³Ý³Ï »ñç³ÝÇÏ ÏÛ³Ýù ³åñ»Éáõ ¨ ³í»ÉÇ §³ñ¹Ûáõݳí»ï¦ ÉÇÝ»Éáõ ѳٳñ: Computers have facilitated our daily jobs, but have they really made us happier and more productive? We receive hundreds of junk mails every day, we spend hours chatting, we download documents we never read, we have unlimited access to pornography, we spend a lot of time debugging and removing viruses from these machines. Is there any time left for living a happy life and being more "productive"?

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1988 Ã., ºñ¨³ÝáõÙ: êáíáñáõÙ ¿ ºÂÎä-Ç 1-ÇÝ ÏáõñëáõÙ` í³í/é»Å. ý³ÏáõÉï»ïáõÙ: ¸»µÛáõï: Born in 1988, Yerevan. Studies at YSI of Cinema and Theatre, 1st year , faculty of doc. filmmaking. Debut. §æñ» ѳۻÉǦ “Water Mirror” - DV лɻݳ Ð-áí Helena with H ²Ûë ýÇÉÙÁ ÙÇ ëÇñá å³ïÙáõÃÛáõÝ ¿, áñÝ ³ñï³óáÉíáõÙ ¿ çñ³÷áëáõÙ: This film is a love story which is reflected in a puddle. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1989-ÇÝ, ºñ¨³Ý: êáíáñáõÙ ¿ Ê. ²µáíÛ³ÝÇ ³Ýí. Ù³Ýϳí³ñÅ³Ï³Ý Ñ³Ù³Éë³ñ³ÝÇ 1-ÇÝ ÏáõñëáõÙ: Born in 1989, Yerevan. Studies at Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovian, 1st year. “42” - DV

ä³ñ·¨ ¾çáõñÛ³Ý Pargev Ejurian Ø»ñ áÕç ³åñ³Í ÏÛ³ÝùÁ ϳñáÕ ¿ Ù»Ï í³ÛñÏÛ³ÝáõÙ áãÝã³Ý³É: ä³ïÏ»ñ³óÝ»Ýù, áñ ËÝÓáñÁ »ñÏÇñÝ ¿:

Our whole life can be destroyed in a second. Let's imagine that the apple is the Earth. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ »Ññ³ÝáõÙ, 1981-ÇÝ: ºñ¨³ÝáõÙ ¿ 2002-Çó: 5-ñ¹ ï³ñÇÝ ¿` Ù³ëݳÏóáõÙ ¿ ÷³é³ïáÝÇÝ: 2004-§²ÝÇÙ³ëï ëáíáñáõÛÃÝ»ñ¦ (²Ýѳï³Ï³Ý óáõó³Ñ³Ý¹»ë), 2006 -“The Hol” (§ØÇ ì³Ë»óÇñ¦ ù³Õ³ù³Ï³Ý óáõó³Ñ³Ý¹»ë): Born in Teheran, 1981. In Yerevan since 2002. It is the 5th year that she's participated in this festival. ²ñ÷³ гÏáµÛ³Ý 2004 - “Senseless tradition” (solo exhibition) Arpa Hacobian 2006 – “The Hol” (“Don't Be Afraid” - political exhibition).

§²Ýí»ñݳ·Çñ 52¦ - ýáïáÏóÇÏ “Untitled 52” - photocamera

γÃÇÉ + Ù»Õ»¹Ç = ÑáñÙáÝdz A drop + melody = harmony

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ´³ËáõÙ, г۳óù, úñ³·ñ»ñ: Encounter, Gaze, Diaries.

“Encounter” §´³ËáõÙ¦ - DV

êáõñ³ç ¸áõí³ñ³Ñ Suraj Duwarah

ÆÝã-áñ ï»Õ, ÇÝã-áñ Ù»ÏÁ ëå³ÝáõÙ ¿ ÇÝã-áñ Ù»ÏÇÝ: Someone is killed by somebody, somewhere. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ²ß˳ïáõÙ ¿ ¶»Õ³ñí»ëïÇ í³ñųñ³ÝáõÙ: ¸»µÛáõï: Works at the College of Fine Arts. Debut.

ÈáõëÇÝ» ä»ïñáëÛ³Ý Lusine Petrosian

§øá Ñ»ï¨Çó¦ “Following You” - DV ºë ÏѳëÝ»Ù, ¸áõ ÏѳëÝ»ë, ܳ ÏѳëÝÇ, Ø»Ýù ÏѳëÝ»Ýù, ¸áõù ÏѳëÝ»ù, Üñ³Ýù ÏѳëÝ»Ý: I will reach, You will reach, He (She) will reach, We will reach, You will reach, They will reach λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography

²ñÙ»Ý ²í»ïÇëÛ³Ý Armen Avetisian

ÌÝí»É ¿ 1983Ã., ºñ¨³Ý: êáíáñáõÙ ¿ üǽÏáõÉï ÆÝëïÇïáõïÇ üáõïµáÉÇ Ùñó³í³ñ³Ï³Ý µ³ÅÝáõÙ: 2004-Çó §Üö²Î¦ óï»ñ³ËÙµáõÙ ¿: ÜϳñáõÙ ¿ ýÇÉÙ»ñ: 2006 - §Òí³Í»Õ¦ (Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå»):

Born in Yerevan, 1983. Studies at the Yerevan Sports Institute, department of Football referees. Member of “NPAK” performing group since 2004. Makes films. 2006 - “ Scrambled Eggs” §èÇÝ·¦ “Ring” - DV (One Minute One Shot). ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ ¾Ïëå³ÝëÇí ù³Õ³ù³Ï³ÝáõÃÛ³Ý Ù³ëÇÝ: About American expancive policy.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1976Ã., ÞÇñ³Ï, ·. гñó߻Ý: ´áõųß˳ïáÕ, áõëáõóãáõÑÇ, Ñ»éáõëï³é»ÅÇëáñ (2-ñ¹ Ïáõñë): Born in 1976, village of Hartashen, Shirak. Medical worker, teacher, TV director (2nd year) ¶³Û³Ý» ²µ·³ñÛ³Ý Gayane Abgarian

§Ä³é³Ý·áñ¹Á¦ “Heritor” - DV

Æñ »ñ³½³Í Çñ³Ï³ÝáõÃÛ³ÝÁ ïÇñ³Ý³Éáõó Ñ»ïá, ³ÛÝ Ýñ³ ѳٳñ ¹³éÝáõÙ ¿ ÙÕÓ³í³Ýç³ÛÇÝ ¨ ³Ýó³ÝϳÉÇ, ù³ÝÇ áñ »ñϳñ ˳í³ñÇó Ñ»ïá ³ñ¨Á Ïáõñ³óÝáõÙ ¿ ³ãù»ñÁ: After she gets the desirable reality, the latter becomes a nightmare and something unwanted, as after a long period in darkness the sun blinds one's eyes. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography лéáõëï³ï»ëáõÃÛ³Ý ¨ è³¹ÇáÛÇ ²Ï³¹»ÙdzÛÇ áõë³ÝáÕ: ¸»µÛáõï: Studies at the TV and Radio Accademy. Debut. “Ab Ovo” - Ó»éùÇ Ñ»é.,cellphone سñÇÝ» ʳã³ïñÛ³Ý Marine Khachatrian

سñ¹áõ ¨ µÝáõÃÛ³Ý ÷áËѳñ³µ»ñáõÃÛáõÝ: The relation between man and nature.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1988Ã.-ÇÝ: êáíáñáõÙ ¿ ºäØÐ-Ç ÎáõÉïáõñ³ÛÇ ý³ÏáõÉï»ïáõÙ, 2-ñ¹ Ïáõñë, ³å³·³ é³¹ÇáÉñ³·ñáÕ: Born in 1988. Studies at YSPU, faculty of culture, 2nd year, future radio reporter. §ºÃ»¦ “If” - DV ÜáõÝ» ²ÛɳÝçÛ³Ý Nune Aylanjian î»ÕÇ ¿ áõÝ»ÝáõÙ »ñÏáõ ãÍÝí³Í »ñ»Ë³Ý»ñÇ »ñÏËáëáõÃÛáõÝ: ¼ñáõÛóÇ ÁÝóóùáõÙ å³ñ½íáõÙ ¿, áñ Ýñ³ÝóÇó Ù»ÏÁ, Éñ³·ñáÕ ¿ñ ¹³éݳÉáõ, ÇëÏ ÙÛáõëÁ` »ñ·Çã, µ³Ûó Ýñ³Ýó ÏÛ³ÝùÁ ѳßí³Í ñáå»Ý»ñÇó Áݹѳïí»Éáõ ¿. Ýñ³Ýù ³Ýó³ÝϳÉÇ »ñ»Ë³Ý»ñ »Ý: Dialogue of two unborn babies. During the dialogue it becomes clear that one of them would become a reporter, and the other one would be a singer. But they will stop living in only a few minutes: they are unwanted babies. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1987Ã., ºñ¨³ÝáõÙ: êáíáñáõÙ ¿ ÐäÖÐ ùáÙ÷Ûáõûñ³ÛÇÝ Ñ³Ù³Ï³ñ·»ñÇ ¹»å³ñï³Ù»ÝïáõÙ: 2005 - §Ð²ÚüÆÈئ (Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå»), 2006 - § AF0783115¦ (Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå»): Born in 1987, Yerevan. Studies at YS University of Architecture and Cunstruction , department of Computer systerms. 2005 - “HAYFILM”(One Minute ÐáíѳÝÝ»ë ØÇݳë One Shot), 2006 - "AF0783115"(One Minute One Hovhannes Minas Shot fest diploma). §úÙÙ¦ “Aum” - DV Àëï ÑÇݹáõÇëï³Ï³Ý ³ß˳ñÑÁÝϳÉÙ³Ý úÙÙ ÑÝãÛáõÝÇó ¿ ëÏǽµ ³é»É áÕç îǻջñùÁ: ØǨÝáõÛÝ Å³Ù³Ý³Ï, Ñ»Ýó ³Û¹å»ë ¿ ÑÝãáõÙ îÇ»½»ñùÁ: úÙÙ ÑÝãÛáõÝÁ ѳٳñíáõÙ ¿ ëñµ³½³Ý Ù³ÝÃñ³ ¨ ¹»é Ñݳ·áõÛÝ Å³Ù³Ý³ÏÝ»ñÇó ÑÇݹáõ Ñá·¨áñ³Ï³ÝÝ»ñÁ ³ÛÝ å³ïÏ»ñ»É »Ý ѳïáõÏ ëÇÙíáÉÇ ï»ëùáí: According to the Hindu world perception, the whole Space originated from the sound Aum. At the same time this is how the Space sounds. The sound Aum is considered a sacred mantra, and since ancient times Hindu divines depicted it with a special symbol.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography

êáíáñáõÙ ¿ ºñ¨³ÝÇ §ØËÇóñ лñ³óáõ¦ ³Ýí³Ý µÅßÏ. ѳٳÉë³ñ³ÝáõÙ: êÇñáõÙ ¿ »ñ³ÅßïáõÃÛáõÝ, ÏÇÝá, ëåáñï, ÝϳñãáõÃÛáõÝ: Studies at YS Medical University after” Mkhitar Heratsy”. Hobbies: music, cinema, sport, painting. êñµáõÑÇ Ü³Éµ³Ý¹Û³Ý §²ÝϳÛáõÝáõÃÛáõݦ “Instability” - DV Srbuhi Nalbandian ÎÛ³Ýùáõ٠DZÝãÝ ¿ ×Çßï, DZÝãÁ` ë˳É, á±í ϳñáÕ ¿ ³ë»É: ²Ù»Ý ÇÝã ÷á÷áË³Ï³Ý ¿, áã ѳëï³ïáõÝ: öá÷áË³Ï³Ý ¿ Ù»½ ßñç³å³ïáÕ ³Ù»Ý »ñ¨áõÛÃ: What is right and what is wrong in this life? Who can tell? Everything is changeable, unstable. Everything surrounding us is changeable. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography سëݳ·ÇïáõÃÛ³Ùµ Çñ³í³·»ï: ¼µ³ÕíáõÙ ¿ Éáõë³ÝϳñãáõÃÛ³Ùµ: 2003 - §ØáËñ³Ù³Ý¦ (Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå» ÷³é³ïáÝ), 2005 - §ì»ëûñݦ, (Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå»): Èawyer. Interested in photography. 2003 - “Ash Tray” (One Minute One Shot), 2005 - “Western”(One Minute One Shot). §ºñÏíáñÛ³ÏÝ»ñ¦ “Twins” - DV êáýdz ¸³ÝÇ»ÉÛ³Ý Sofia Danielian ´ÝáõÃÛ³Ý Ù»ç ǹ»³É³Ï³Ý ÙdzÝÙ³Ý ³é³ñϳ, Ù³ñ¹, »ñ¨áõÛà ¨ ³ÛÉÝ ·áÛáõÃÛáõÝ ãáõÝÇ… In nature there are no two absolutely identical objects, persons, phenomena and so on… λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1980Ã.-ÇÝ, ì³Ý³ÓáñáõÙ: 1997-2001 ëáíáñ»É ¿ ÐäÖÐ-Ç ¿ÏáÝáÙÇϳ ¨ ϳé³í³ñáõÙ, ͳÝñ ³ñ¹Ûáõݳµ»ñáõÃÛ³Ý áÉáñïáõÙ: 2001-ÇÝ ÁݹáõÝí»É ¿ ºäÐ-Ç Ù³·Çëïñ³ïáõñ³ÛÇ ëáóÇáÉá·Ç³ÛÇ µ³ÅÇÝ: 2006 - §¸áõ ݳۻóÇñ ÇÝÓ¦ (Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå»), §ØïáñáõÙ¦ (ϳñ×. ¸³íÇà àëϳÝÛ³Ý §ºë »Ù¦ ÏÇÝá÷³é³ïáÝ): Davit Voskanian

Born in 1980, Vanadzor. 1997-2001 studied at YSU of Architecture, faculty of economics and management, in the sphere of heavy industry. In 2001 started his masters degree in YSU department of Sociology. 2006 – “You looked at me” (One Minute One Shot fest), “Reflection” - short (Yes em” film fest). §²ãùÇë ѳÙá½»É »Ý Ó»½¦ “I See You’ve Been Convinced” - DV üÇÉÙáõÙ óáõÛó ¿ ïñíáõÙ Ù³ëë³Û³Ï³Ý ÑáëùÇ ³½¹»óáõÃÛáõÝÁ ·Çï³Ïó³µ³ñ Ó¨³íáñí³Í ¨ ϳËÛ³É ãÑÇÙݳíáñí³Í ³ñÅ»ù³ÛÇÝ Ñ³Ù³Ï³ñ· áõÝ»óáÕ ëáóÇ³É³Ï³Ý ËÙµ»ñÇ íñ³: The film shows the influence of the massive trend on social groups that have consciously formed and dependent, unsubstantiated system of values. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ ß³ï í³Õáõó` ¹»é 1984Ã.- ÇÝ: ²åñáõÙ ¿ ïÇ»½»ñùÇ ³Ù»Ý³É³í ï»ÕÇó` Îáµ³ÛñÇÇó 30 ÏÙ ¹»åÇ ÑÛáõëÇë ³ñ¨Ùáõïù: سëݳ·ÇïáõÃÛ³Ùµ ϳñáÕ ¿ñ ÉÇÝ»É ïÇ»½»ñ³·Ý³ó, µ³Ûó ¹³ñÓ³í ѳ·áõëïÇ ÙṻɳíáñáÕ, ÇëÏ ïÇ»½»ñùáõÙ ÏÇë³ßñç³½·»ëïÝ»ñ ã»Ý ÏñáõÙ: 2005-Çó ëáíáñáõÙ ¿ Ýáñ Ù³ëݳ·ÇïáõÃÛáõÝ` ëáó. ³ß˳ï³Ýù: ²ß˳ïáõÙ ¿ ûñÇݳ½³Ýó »ñ»Ë³Ý»ñÇ Ñ»ï (ß³ï Ýáñ µ³Ý ¿ ëáíáñáõÙ): ÈáõëÇÝ» ´³ÉÛ³Ý Born long ago, far in the year of 1984. Lives 30 km to Lusine Balyan the north west of the best place in the world – Kobairy. Could has become an astronaut, but is a fashion designer,and in outer space they don't wear skirts. Has been studying a new profession social work since 2005. Works with criminal children (learns a lot). §ì»ñç¦ “The End” - DV ²é³Ýó µáí³Ý¹³ÏáõÃÛ³Ý: Without synopsis.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1986Ã.: êáíáñáõÙ ¿ §àõñ³ñïáõ¦ ѳٳÉë³ñ³ÝÇ 3-ñ¹ ÏáõñëáõÙ` ¹³ï³Ñá·»µ³Ý³Ï³Ý ÷áñÓ³ùÝÝáõÃÛáõÝ Ù³ëݳ·ÇïáõÃÛ³Ùµ: 2005 - §Ê³ïáõïÇϦ (Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå»), 2006 - §Ê³Õ¦ (Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå»): Born in 1986. Studies at “Urartu” University, 3rd year, majoring in legal psychological expert examination. سñÇÝ» ºÕdz½³ñÛ³Ý 2006 - “Dandelion” (One Minute One Shot), 2006 - “Play” (One Minute One Shot). Marine Yeghiazarian §ê¨ áõ ëåÇï³Ï¦ “Black and White” - DV

ÎÛ³ÝùÇ ÇÙ³ëïÇ ÷Ýïñïáõù: A search for the sense of life.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1958Ã.-ÇÝ, ºñ¨³Ý: ¼µ³ÕíáõÙ ¿ ·»Õ³ÝϳñãáõÃÛ³Ùµ, »ñ·ÇͳÝϳñãáõÃÛ³Ùµ, ù³Ý¹³Ïáí: Born in 1985, Yerevan. Active in painting, sculpture, caricature. §ÆëÏ ¹áõ¦ “And You” - DV ê³Ùí»É ²´¶³ñÛ³Ý Samvel ABGarian

Ê³Õ Play

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography êáíáñáõÙ »Ù лéáõëï³ï»ëáõÃÛ³Ý ¨ è³¹ÇáÛÇ ²Ï³¹»ÙdzÛáõÙ, é»ÅÇëáõñ³ÛÇ µ³ÅÝáõÙ` 2-ñ¹ Ïáõñë: ¸»µÛáõï: Studies at TV and Radio Academy, department of film making, 2nd year. Debut. ì³ÝáõÑÇ æ³íñáõßÛ³Ý Vanuhi Javrushian

§Ä³Ù³Ý³Ï¦ “Time” - DV ²íïáµáõëÇ ÙáõïùÇó ÙïÝáõÙ »Ý »ñ»Ë³Ý»ñ: ¸áõéÁ ÷³ÏíáõÙ ¿: àñáß Å³Ù³Ý³Ï Ñ»ïá ¹áõéÁ µ³óíáõÙ ¿ áõ ÇçÝáõÙ »Ý Í»ñ»ñ: Some children get into the bus. The door closes. Some time later the door opens and old people get out. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1988Ã.-ÇÝ, ²ñÙ³íÇñ: Born in 1988, Armavir. §Ø³Ñ³Ëáë³Ï³Ý¦ “Obituary” - DV ÆëÏ ÑÇÙ³...ÐÇÙ³ ·Ý³ ëÇñ»ÉÇë... ì³Ý 껹ñ³ÏÛ³Ý And now...Now leave, my darling... Van Sedrakian

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1981Ã., ÈÔÐ, ·. Êͳµ»ñ¹: êáíáñáõÙ ¿ ÐäÖÐ-Ç ³ëåÇñ³Ýïáõñ³ÛáõÙ, ÏáÙåÛáõï»ñ³ÛÇÝ Ñ³Ù³Ï³ñ·»ñ ¨ ÇÙýáñÙ³ïÇϳ: ²í³ñï»É ¿ Èñ³ïí³ÙÇçáóÝ»ñÇ ÎáíϳëÛ³Ý ÆÝëïÇïáõïÇ ¨ World Press Photo – Ç Ñ³Ù³ï»Õ ýáïáÅáõéݳÉÇëïÇϳÛÇ ÏáõñëÁ: àõÝÇ »ñÏáõ ïå³·ñí³Í µ³Ý³ëï»ÕÍáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÇ ÅáÕáí³Íáõ: ²ß˳ïáõÙ ¿ “ArmeniaNow” ÇÝï»ñÝ»ï³ÛÇÝ ß³µ³Ã³Ã»ñÃáõÙ ¨ §ä³ïÏ»ñ¦ ýáïá·áñͳϳÉáõÃÛáõÝáõÙ: ²Ý³ÑÇï гÛñ³å»ïÛ³Ý Born in Nagorni Gharabagh, vlg. Khtsaberd, 1981. Anahit Hayrapetian Studies at YS Architectural University, post-graduate study, computer systems and information science. Graduated from the joint course of photo - journalism of the Caucasian Institute and World Press. Has two published sets of poems. Work at the “Armenianow” weekly on-line magazine and at Photo agency “Patker”.

§Ø³ï³Õ¦ “Oblation” - H8 ²ñ³Ùáõë ·ÛáõÕÇ áõËﳷݳóáõÃÛ³Ý Å³Ù³Ý³Ï »Ï»Õ»óáõ ßñç³Ï³ÛùáõÙ Ñ³×³Ë Ï³ñ»ÉÇ ¿ ï»ëÝ»É Ù³ï³ÕÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ ÙáñÃíáÕ ³ùÉáñÝ»ñ: During the pilgrimage to the village of Aramus one can often see cocks knifed as oblation in front of the church. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1988Ã., ºñ¨³ÝáõÙ: êáíáñáõÙ ¿ ºÂÎä-áõÙ, ÏÇÝáûå»ñ³ïáñ³Ï³Ý ý³ÏáõÉï»ïáõÙ, ³é³çÇÝ Ïáõñë: Born in 1988, Yerevan. Studies at YS Institute of Theatre and Cinema, film cameraman, 1st year. §²ñ³µÏÇñ ѳٳÛÝù¦ “Arabkir Region” - DV êÇ÷³Ý ¶ñÇ·áñÛ³Ý Sipan Grigorian üÇÉÙÝ ³ÛÝ Ù³ëÇÝ ¿ û ÇÝãå»ë »Ýù ³Ýï»ëáõÙ ¨ áãÝã³óÝáõÙ ³ÛÝ ³Ù»ÝÁ, ÇÝã ·áÛáõÃÛáõÝ áõÝÇ Ù»ñ ßñç³å³ïáõÙ: The film shows how we ignore and destroy everything that surrounds us. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1982Ã.: 2003-ÇÝ ³í³ñï»É ¿ ºäÐ-Ý: 2000Ã. - Çó ½µ³ÕíáõÙ ¿ ÏÇÝáÛáí áõ óïñáÝáí: 2003 – “Error” (Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå»), 2006 - §Üñ³Ýù¦ (Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå»), 2006 – “homo sapiens” (ϳñ×.): Born in 1982. In 2003 graduated from YSU. Active in cinema and theater since 2000. 2003 – “Error” (One æ»ý Ü»Ùá Minute One Shot), 2006 – “They” (One Minute One ¨ ì³Ññ³Ù ²ÏÇÙÛ³Ý Shot), 2006 – “homo sapiens” (short). Jeff Nemo §ºÏ»ù å³ñ»Ýù¦ “Let’s Dance” - DV & Vahram Akimian ºë áõ ¹áõ, Ù»Ýù áõ ¹áõù, Ýñ³Ýù áõ ÙÛáõëÝ»ñÁ: ÎÛ³ÝùÇ å³ñ³Ññ³å³ñ³ÏáõÙ å³ñáõÙ »Ý µáÉáñÁ: Me and you, Us and You, Them and the Rest. Everyone is dancing on the dancefloor of life.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1984Ã-ÇÝ, ºñ¨³ÝáõÙ: 2004 - ÇÝ ³í³ñï»É ¿ ºäÐ - Ý: 2003 - ÇÝ Ù³ëݳÏó»É ¿ “Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå»” ÏÇÝá÷³é³ïáÝÇÝ áñå»ë ¹»ñ³ë³Ý: Born in 1984, Yerevan. In 2004 graduated from the YSU. Took part in the “One minute One Shot” film fest as an actor. §Ø³ñ¹¦ “Man” - DV ê»ñ·»Û гÏáµÛ³Ý Sergey Hakobian

سñ¹Ï³Ýó ÙdzÛݳÏáõÃÛ³Ý Ù³ëÇÝ: It's about human solitude. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography

ÌÝí»É ¿ 1985Ã., ºñ¨³Ý: êáíáñáõÙ ¿ ºäÐ-Ç ýǽÇϳÛÇ ý³ÏáõÉï»ïÇ Ù³·Çëïñ³ïáõñ³ÛáõÙ: Born in Yerevan, 1985. Student of YSU, first year for the Master's Degree in the Faculty of Physics. §Ü³Ë³ÝÓ¦ - ýáïáËóÇÏ “Envy” - photocamera ØÇù³Û»É ²ñ½³ù³ÝóÛ³Ý Mikayel Arzakantsian ºë ËÉ»óÇ Ó»ñ ÏÛ³ÝùÇó Ù»Ï ñáå»: I took one minute from your life.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ¶»Õ³ñí»ëïÇ ²Ï³¹»ÙdzÛÇ 4-ñ¹ ÏáõñëÇ áõë³ÝáÕ: The 4th year of the Academy of Fine Arts. §Ì³Ùáݦ “Gum” - DV ²Ý·ÇÝ» Æë³ÝÛ³Ýë Angine Isanians ̳ÙáÝ, áñÝ ³ÝáõÕÕ³ÏÇ Ï³åí³Í ¿ ù³Õ³ùÇ Ù³ùñáõÃÛ³Ý Ñ³Ý¹»å Ù³ñ¹Ï³Ýó í»ñ³µ»ñÙáõÝùÇ Ñ»ï: A gum which is indirectly connected with the attitude of people to the tidiness of the city .

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1978Ã., ì³Ý³Óáñ: ²í³ñï»É ¿ Ê. ²µáíÛ³ÝÇ ³Ýí. å»ï. Ù³Ýϳí³ñÅ³Ï³Ý Ñ³Ù³Éë³ñ³ÝÇ å³ïÙáõÃÛ³Ý ý³ÏáõÉï»ïÁ: ¸³ë³í³Ý¹»É ¿ ºñ¨³ÝÇ §ºíñ³ëdz¦ ѳٳÉë³ñ³ÝÇ ÜáÛ»Ùµ»ñÛ³ÝÇ Ù³ëݳ×ÛáõÕáõÙ áñå»ë å³ïÙáõÃÛ³Ý ¹³ë³Ëáë: гݹ»ë ¿ »Ï»É ÜáÛ»Ùµ»ñÛ³ÝÇ Øß³ÏáõÛÃÇ î³ÝÁ áñå»ë ¹»ñ³ë³Ý: 2006Ã.-Çó ³ß˳ïáõÙ ¿ ºñáõë³Õ»ÙÇ Ñ³ÛÏ³Ï³Ý §Ä³é³Ý·³íáñ³ó¦ í³ñųñ³ÝáõÙ, ¹³ë³í³Ý¹áõÙ ¿ Ñ³Û »Ï»Õ»óáõ ¨ ѳÛáó å³ïÝáõÃÛáõÝ: ¸³íÇà гëñ³ÃÛ³Ý David Hasratian Born in 978, Vanadzor. Graduated from YS Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan, faculty of History. Taught at “Eurasia” University, Branch of Noyemberyan, as well as worked at Noyemberyan Recreation Center as an actor. Since 2006 has been teaching Armenian History and History of Armenian Religion at Armenian “Jarangavorats” College in Jerusalem. §´»Ãɻѻ٦ “Bethlehem” - DV êáõñµ ÍÝÝ¹Ç ûñÁ ºñáõë³Õ»ÙÇó Ñ³Û ëϳáõïÝ»ñÁ ÙïÝáõÙ »Ý ´»ÃɻѻÙ, áõñ ÍÝí»É ¿ ÐÇëáõë øñÇëïáëÁ: On Christmas Day the Armenian scouts of Jerusalem go to Bethlehem where Jesus Christ was born. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1983Ã., êï»÷³Ý³í³Ý: êáíáñáõÙ ¿ §¶³ÉÇù¦ ѳٳÉë³ñ³ÝáõÙ, ÅáõéݳÉÇëïÇϳÛÇ ý³ÏáõÉï»ïáõÙ: Born in Stepanavan, 1983. I study at “Galik” University, faculty of journalism. §Ð³ñÛáõñ ï³ñí³ Ù»ÝáõÃÛáõݦ ܳñ» ²ÃáÛ³Ý “One Hundred Years of Solitute” - DV Nare Atoyan ƱÝã ¿ ·ÇñùÁ: êÇñáõ±Ù »Ý »ñÇï³ë³ñ¹Ý»ñÁ ϳñ¹³É: γñ»ÉDZ ¿ ³ë»É, áñ ÏñÃáõÃÛáõÝÁ ·ÇïáõÃÛ³Ý Ù³ÛñÝ ¿: What is a book? Does the youth like to read? Can we say that education is the basis of knowledge?

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1983Ã., ºñ¨³Ý: ²í³ñï»É ¿ ¿ ºäÐ-Ç øÇÙÇ³Ï³Ý ý³ÏáõÉï»ïÇ ¾ÏáÉá·Ç³ÛÇ µ³ÅÇÝÁ, ùÇÙÇÏ - ¿ÏáÉá·: ÎÇÝáÛÇ ¨ óïñáÝÇ ¹»ñ³ë³ÝáõÑÇ, é»ÅÇëáñ: 2004 - §²Ýí»ñݳ·Çñ¦ (Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå»), 2006 - §àÕçáõÛÝ ³ñ¨Çݦ (Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå»): سñ·³ñÇï³ Ð³ÏáµÛ³Ý Margarita Hakobian Born in Yerevan, 1983. Studied at YSU, faculty of Chemistry, department of ecology; chemist - ecologist. Actress of cinema and theater, director. 2004 – “ Untitled” (One Minute One Shot), 2006 – “Sun Salutation” (One Minute One Shot). §¶³éáßÇݳ¦ “Garoshina” - DV O·ï³·áñÍí»É ¿ ׳åáݳóÇ µ³Ý³ëï»ÕÍ` ÆëÇÏ³í³ î³ÏáõµáÏáõÛÇ ï³ÝϳÝ: ²ÛÝ ÙÇ ù³ÝÇ Ù»Ïݳµ³ÝáõÃÛáõÝ áõÝÇ, µ³Ûó ϳ¹ñÁ ¹ñ³ÝóÇó Ù»ÏÇ Ù³ëÇÝ ¿: A tanka by Japanese poet Ishikawa Takuboku. It has several comments. The film is about one of them. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1983Ã., ºñ¨³Ý: 2003 - §²Ýí»ñݳ·Çñ¦ (Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå»), 2006 - §t¦, (Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå»): Born in 1983, Yerevan. 2003 - “Untitled” (One Minute One Shot), 2006 - “t” (One Minute One Shot). ì³ñ¹áõÑÇ Þ³Ñݳ½³ñÛ³Ý Varduhi Shahnazarian


ØÇç³ÝÓݳÛÇÝ Ë³ÕÁ, ÙñóáõÛÃÁ, Ù³ñïÁ å³Ñ³ÝçáõÙ ¿ »ñÏáõ ϳ٠³í»ÉÇ ÏáÕÙ»ñÇ Ý»ñϳÛáõÃÛáõÝ, ÁÝóÝáõÙ ¿ Áëï ݳ˳å»ë áñáßí³Í ϳÝáÝÝ»ñÇ, ³ÝÁݹѳï ÏñÏÝíáõÙ ¿, Áݹ áñáõÙ, ˳ճóáÕÝ»ñÝ áõ ѳݷ³Ù³ÝùÝ»ñÁ ϳñáÕ »Ý ÷áËí»É, ë³Ï³ÛÝ Ùá¹»ÉÝ»ñÁ ÝáõÛÝÝ »Ý ÙÝáõÙ (áõÅ/¹ÇÙ³¹ñáõÙ, ѳñí³Í/ѳϳѳñí³Í ¨ ³ÛÉÝ): Ð³×³Ë ·Çï³Ïó³Ï³Ý ïñ³Ù³µ³ÝáõÃÛáõÝÇó ¹áõñë Ý»ñù³ßáõÙ ¿ óÇÏÉÇ Ù»ç, ³ÝÏ³Ë å³Ûù³ñÁ ¹³¹³ñ»óÝ»Éáõ ·Çï³Ïó³Ï³Ý ó³ÝÏáõÃÛáõÝÇó ѳݷ»óÝ»Éáí Ó·í³Í ëïáå íÇ׳ÏÇ:

Interpersonal game, competition, struggle damands 2 or more participants, has its rules set beforehand, repeats through a cycle; the participants and the situations may change but the models remain the same (use of force resistance; blow - counterblow and so on). Often it involves one into a whirl cycle out of the logics of consciousness, despite the conscious wish to stop the struggle thus bringing to a prolonged state of pause… stop position… λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿1980Ã., È»ÝÇÝ³Ï³Ý (¶ÛáõÙñÇ): ²í³ñï»É ¿ ºñ¨³ÝÇ Â³ïñáÝÇ ¨ ÎÇÝáÛÇ ä»ï³Ï³Ý ÆÝëïÇïáõïÁ: ØáõÝç ¹ñ³Ù³ÛÇ ¹»ñ³ë³Ý: 2004 - §²Ýí»ñݳ·Çñ¦, Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå», àëÏ» ÌÇñ³Ý ÏÇÝá÷³é³ïáÝÇ Ñ³ïáõÏ ¹ÇåÉáÙ, 2005 - §¸ñ³Ëï¦, 2006 - §24.04.1915¦, Ø»Ï Î³¹ñ Ø»Ï ðáå»: Born in 1980, Leninakan (Gyumri). Graduated from ¶³Û³Ý» ºÕdz½³ñÛ³Ý YS Institute of Theater and Cinema. Silent drama actress. Gayane Yeghiazarian 2004 - “Untiled” (One Minute One Shot, Golden Apricot film fest, special diploma), 2005 - “Paradise” (One Minute One Shot), 2006 - “24.04.1915” (One Minute One Shot).

§ÎÛ³Ýù¦ “Life” - DV سñ¹Á »ñµ»ù ³½³ï ã¿... One is never free…

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1989Ã.: êáíáñáõÙ ¿ лéáõëï³ï»ëáõÃÛ³Ý ¨ è³¹ÇáÛÇ ²Ï³¹»ÙdzÛÇ Ñ»éáõëï³é»ÅÇëáõé³ÛÇ ³é³çÇÝ ÏáõñëáõÙ: ¸»µÛáõï: Born in 1989. Studies at the faculty of TV directing of TV and Radio Academy, 1st year. Debut. §üÇñ¹áõëÝáó¦ “Firdusnots” - DV ì³ñ¹áõÑÇ ²ñß³ÏÛ³Ý Varduhi Arshakian üÇÉÙÁ Ïå³ïÙÇ ³ÛÝ Ù³ëÇÝ, û ÇÝãù³Ýáí »Ý Ù»ñ ù³Õ³ù³óÇÝ»ñÁ Ù³ùáõñ å³ÑáõÙ Çñ»Ýó ù³Õ³ùÁ ¨ ßñç³Ï³ ÙÇç³í³ÛñÁ: The film tells about how clean our citizens keep their city and the environment.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1977Ã., Þ»ñóÇÝ·»Ý, Þí»ó³ñdz: 1996 - 1998 ëáíáñ»É ȳÛ÷óÇ·Ç Ð³Ù³Éë³ñ³ÝÇ öÇÉÇëá÷³ÛáõÃÛ³Ý ¨ ä³ïÙáõÃÛ³Ý Ù³·Çëïñ³ïáõñ³ÛáõÙ: 1999 - 2002, ÜÛáõ ÚáñùÇ Ð³Ù³Éë³ñ³ÝÇ Ù³·Çëïñáë` ÏÇÝáé»ÅÇëáõñ³: 2002 - 2005 ȳÛ÷óÇ·Ç Ð³Ù³Éë³ñ³ÝÇ ¸áÏïáñ³Ýïáõñ³: 2001 - §îËñáõÃÛ³Ý ¹»Ù¦, 2003 - §¶Çß»ñí³ ´»³ïñÇë Îáµááõ Ñݳ½³Ý¹»óáõÙÁ¦, 2004 - §ü»á¹áñ³¦, 2005 - §Þ³ñÅáõÙ¦: Beatrice Kobow Born in 1977, Scherzingen, Switzerland. 1996 - 1998 Masters in Philosophy and History at the University of Leipzig, completion of the BA. 1999 - 2002 Master of Fine Arts, Columbia University/New York – Degree in Film Directing, 2002 - 2005 Doctoral Thesis in Philosophy. University of Leipzig. 2001 - “Against Sadness”, 2003 - “The Taming of the Night”, 2004 - “Feodora”, 2005 - “Bewegung”. §ê»ÕÙáõÙ¦ “Contraction” - DV During birth a regular contraction lasts one minute. ÌÝݹ³µ»ñáõÃÛ³Ý ÁÝóóùáõ٠ϳÝáݳíáñ ë»ÕÙáõÙÁ ï¨áõÙ ¿ Ù»Ï ñáå»:


²Éµ»ñï & ÈÇÉÇà Albert & Lilit

²Éµ»ñï & êÇ÷³Ý Albert & Sipan

§²ß˳ï³Ýù¦ “Work” - DV ºñÏáõ ³ß˳ï³íáñ: Two workers.

§Üáñ î³ñǦ “New Year” - DV

îáݳͳéÇ Ù³ëÇÝ ¿, áñÁ ÅáÕáíñ¹ÇÝ áõñ³Ë³óÝ»Éáõó Ñ»ïá ѳÛïÝíáõÙ ¿ ٻݳÏáõÃÛ³Ý Ù»ç: ܳ ³Ûɨë ãÇ Ñ»ï³ùñùñáõÙ áã áùÇ: It is about a New Year tree, which stays alone after having given joy to people. No one is interested in it any longer.

²ñÙ»Ý & ²ñ÷³ Armen & Arpa

§ÎéÇí-ÏéÇí¦ “Kriv-Kriv” - DV

ʳճÉÇù Ññ³ó³ÝÝ ³Ûɨë áã ÙÇ »ñ»Ë³ÛÇ ãÇ Ñáõ½áõÙ: Æñ»Ýó ï³ñ»ÏÇóÝ»ñÝ»ñÁ Æñ³ùáõÙ, ²ýÕ³Ýëï³ÝáõÙ, Æëñ³»ÉáõÙ, ³ñ¹»Ý áõÝ»Ý Çñ³Ï³Ý Ññ³ó³ÝÝ»ñ !!!!! A toy gun is of no more interest to children. Their age mates in Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel already have real rifles!!!



§ÐÊêЦ “ASSR” - VHS üÇÉÙÁ ÷³ëï³·ñáõÃÛáõÝÝ ¿ å»ï³Ï³Ý ³Ýíï³Ý·áõÃÛ³Ý ÏáÙÇï»Ç ³ã³Éáõñç ³ß˳ï³ÝùÇ ¨ µ³ñÓñ åñáý»ëÇáݳÉǽÙÇ: The film is a documentary of the careful and highly professional work of the state security comity.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography

²ñ»· ²½³ïÛ³Ý Areg Azatian

ÌÝí»É ¿ 1986Ã. - ÇÝ, ºñ¨³ÝáõÙ: êáíáñáõÙ ¿ ºñ¨³ÝÇ ÎÇÝáÛÇ ¨ ³ïñáÝÇ ä»ï. ÆÝëïÇïáõïáõÙ: ¶ñáÕ: 2003 - §ä³ïáõѳÝÇó ¹áõñë¦, 2004 - §¸³ñå³ë¦, §¾ßÁ¦, 2005 - §Ö³Ý×Á¦: Born in 1986, Yerevan. Studies at YS Institute of Cinema and Theatre. Writer. 2003 - “Out of the Window”, 2004 - “The Gate”, “Donkey”, 2005 - “The Fly.” §ºñ¨³Ý¦ “Yerevan” - DV

öáùñÇÏ ï»ë³ñ³Ý ³ÝÓñ¨áï ºñ¨³ÝÇ Ù³ëÇÝ: A little scene about rainy Yerevan.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography

ê³ñ·Çë ÂáõÉáõ×Û³Ý Sarkis Touloujian

ÌÝí»É ¿ Èǵ³Ý³ÝáõÙ,,,,,¨ ¹»é¨ë “ϻݹ³ÝÇ ¿”!!!! Ö³ñï³ñ³å»ï: Born in Lebanon,,,,,and still “alive”!!!! Architecht.

§Ð»ïù»ñ¦ “Traces” - Animation

¸áõ ·»ñÇ±Ý »ë ùá ã³÷áճϳÝáõÃÛ³Ý: R U prisoner of ur own dimension ?

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography ÌÝí»É ¿ ³ÝÑÇß»ÉÇ Å³Ù³Ý³ÏÝ»ñáõÙ áõ ÙÇÝã ûñë ³åñáõÙ ¿: Ü»ñϳÛáõÙë ½µ³ÕíáõÙ ¿ ÏÇÝáÛáí áõ óïñáÝáí: He was born in far off times and still goes on living. At present active in cinema and theatre. ¶³·ÇÏ Ô³½³ñ¿ Gagik Ghazareh

§ÎáõÛñÁ¦ “The Blind” - DV

üÇÉÙÁ å³ïÙáõÙ ¿ ÙÇ ëáíáñ³Ï³Ý Ù³ñ¹áõ Ù³ëÇÝ: The films tells about an ordinary man.

λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography

¶³ñÇÏ ²ÃáÛ³Ý Garik Atoyan

ÌÝí»É ¿ ÑÇååÇÝ»ñÇ ÁÝï³ÝÇùáõÙ, 1985Ã., â³ñ»Ýó³í³Ý: 2001Ã. ÁݹáõÝí»É ¿ ´³ó гٳÉë³ñ³ÝÇ Î»ñå³ñí»ëïÇ ý³ÏáõÉï»ï: 2003 -ÇÝ ½áñ³Ïáãí»É ¿ µ³Ý³Ï: ¼µ³ÕíáõÙ ¿ ëåáñïáí, »ñ·áõÙ éáù ËÙµáõÙ: Born in the family of hippies in 1985, Charentsavan. In 2001 entered the faculty of Fine Arts, Open University. Joined the army in 2003. Hobbies: sport, rock singer.

§Ð»ïá Çݱ㦠“So What?” - DV سñ¹áõ Ñá·»Ï³Ý Í³Ýñ³µ»éÝí³ÍáõÃÛ³Ý ¨ Ñdzëó÷áõÃÛ³Ý µ³ËÙ³Ý Ñ»ï¨³Ýùáí, ÇÝùݳïÇñ³å»ïÙ³Ý ÏáñëïÇ ¨ ûñ·³ÝǽÙÁ (û Ñá·¨áñ ¨ û ýǽÇϳϳÝ) íï³Ý·Ç »ÝóñÏ»Éáõ, ³Ý·³Ù ÇÝùݳëå³Ý ÉÇÝ»Éáõ Ù³ëÇÝ: About man’s loss of self control as a result of his psychological tenseness and disappointment and about endangering his own organism (both spiritual and physical), and even thinking of a suicide. λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / Biography §Ø»Í ËÙµÇ ·³Õ³÷³ñ¦ “An Idea for a Big Band” - DV Èǽ³ ´á»í³ & ƽÏá üÇÝ½Ç Liza Boeva & Izko Finzi ÌÝí»É ¿ 1933Ã., ´áõÉÕ³ñdz: ²ñí»ëï³·»ï, é»ÅÇëáñ, »ñ³ÅÇßï: Born in 1933, Bulgary. Artist, film director, musician. §ÐëÏáõÙÇó ¹áõñë¦ “Out Of Control”

¾ñÇÏ êï»÷³ÝÛ³Ý Erik Stepanian

вîàôÎ Ìð²¶Æð SPECIAL PROGRAM §¸º´àÞÆðüÆÈئ ÎÆÜàö²è²îàÜ §Ø³ùáõñ ³ÝáõñçÝ»ñ¦ ²ÝÏ³Ë ¨ ÷áùñ µÛáõç» ýÇÉÙ»ñÇ ÙÇç³½·³ÛÇÝ ÷³é³ïáÝ èáõë³ëï³Ý, ê³ÝÏï ä»ï»ñµáõñ· Üå³ï³ÏÝ ¿ Ý»ñ·ñ³í»É ¨ ³ç³Ïó»É ³ÝÏ³Ë ÏÇÝáÛÇ ·³Õ³÷³ñÇÝ ³ÝÙݳóáñ¹ ÝíÇñí³Í ¿Ýïáõ½Ç³ëïÝ»ñÇ: ÎÇÝáÛÇ, áñÁ Çñ³Ï³ÝáõÃÛ³Ý í»ñ³ñï³¹ñÙ³Ý, ëï»Õͳñ³ñáõÃÛ³Ý Ù»ç ³ÝÏ³Ë ¿ ù³Õ³ù³Ï³Ý, ýÇݳÝë³Ï³Ý ¨ å»ï³Ï³Ý ×ÝßáõÙÝ»ñÇó: ÎÇÝáÛÇ, áñÁ ÏáÙ»ñóÇáÝ, Ù»Í ÷³é³ïáÝÝ»ñÇ ßù³Ñ³Ý¹»ë³ÛÇÝ ã³÷³ÝÇßÝ»ñáõÙ ï»Õ ãáõÝÇ: ²ÙµáÕç ³ß˳ñÑÇ »ñÇï³ë³ñ¹ é»ÅÇëáñÝ»ñÇ ÏÇÝáÛÇÝ, áíù»ñ ³½³ï »Ý Ù³ëë³Û³Ï³Ý Ùß³ÏáõÛÃÇ ëå³éáÕ³Ï³Ý å³Ñ³Ýç³ñÏÁ µ³í³ñ³ñ»Éáõ ó³ÝÏáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÇó, áñÁ ųٳݳϳÏÇó Ù³ñ¹áõ µ³ñ¹ ¹ÇÙ³ÝϳñÁ Ó¨³Ë»ÕáõÙ ¿, ¨ ѳٳѳñûóÝáõÙ: ÎÇÝáÛÇ, áñ ϳñÇù áõÝÇ Ñ³Õáñ¹³ÏóáõÃÛ³Ý ¨ ÷áËû·ÝáõÃÛ³Ý: ø³ñá½áõÙ ¿ Ù³ñ¹áõ ³½³ï ÇÝùݳñï³Ñ³ÛïÙ³Ý ³Ýûï³ñ»ÉÇ Çñ³íáõÝùÁ: ÐÇÙݳ¹Çñ ݳ˳·³Ñ` ²É»ùë³Ý¹ñ ´³ßÇñáí

“DEBOSHIRFILM” FESTIVAL “Pure Dreams” International Independent and Low Budget Film Festival Russia St. Pitserburg The festival aims to involve enthusiasts devoted to the idea of the independent cinema. This is cinema that does not depend on the political, financial and state pressure upon the creative act of artistic reflection of nowadays; which doesn'tundergo the parade frames of great commercial festivals. This is cinema which exists in all the world – the cinema by young directors which are not oriented towards pleasing the undemanding mass culture which depersonalizes and levels the complicacy of the contemporary person who needs mutual help and communication, as well as propaganda of his indefeasible right of free self-expression. President of the Festival Aleksandr Bashirov

äÚàîð üÚà¸àðàì PETER FYODOROV λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / üÇÉÙ»ñ Biography / Filmography ÌÝí»É ¿ ØáëÏí³ÛáõÙ, 1982Ã.: 1989 -1995Ã.Ã. ²ÉóÛáõÙ áõëáõÙݳëÇñ»É ¿ Ó»éݳٳñï: 2003 - ÞáõÏÇÝëÏáõ ¹åñáóÁ: 2001 Ã.-Çó ÝϳñíáõÙ ¿ ÏÇÝáÛáõÙ: 2003Ã.-Çó ÝϳñáõÙ ¿ ýÇÉÙ»ñ: §BLOOD¦ (§¸»µáßÇñ üÇÉÙ¦ 2005Ã.÷³é³ïáÝÇ Ùñó³Ý³Ï),§Per Rectum¦, §Robotrip¦: Born in 1982, Moscow. 1989 -1995 studied hand-to-hand fight in Altai. 2003 graduated from Shchukinski School. Since 2001 has been shot in movies. Since 2003 - has shot movies. §BLOOD¦ (“Deboshir Film” 2005 festival award), §Per Rectum¦, §Robotrip¦. §PER RECTUM¦ - 90:00, 2005 èáõë³ëï³Ý, ØáëÏí³ Russia, Moscow гٳéáï Ó»éݳñÏ Ýñ³Ýó ѳٳñ, áíù»ñ ø²øÜ »Ý ÁÝÏ»É ¨ áõ½áõÙ »Ý ¹ñ³ÝÇó ¹áõñë ·³Ý: è»ÅÇëáñ, ëó»Ý³ñÇëï, ûå»ñ³ïáñ` äÛáïñ üÛá¹áñáí ¶É˳íáñ ¹»ñ»ñáõÙ` ²É»ùë³Ý¹ñ îáõñÏáõÝáí, ì³¹Ç٠س¨ëÏÇ ÜÇÏáÉ³Û Ø³ãáõÉëÏÇ, ìɳ¹ÇÙÇñ äñáÏáßÇÝ, ²ÝïáÝ Îáõ½Ý»óáí, ¸ÙÇïñÇ ä³ËáÙáí, ²Ý¹ñ»Û ÎáÉ·³Ýáí, äÛáïñ üÛá¹áñáí ²ñï³¹ñáõÃÛáõÝÁ` TRESH LINE CINEMA A brief manual for those who are in SHIT and want to get out of it. Director, screenwriter, cameraman – Peter Fiodorov Cast: Alexander Turkunov, Vadim Maevski, Nicolay Machulsky, Vladimir Prokoshin, Anton Kuznetsov, Dmitri Pakhomov, Andrey Kolganov, Peter Fiodorov Producion: TRESH LINE CINEMA êºð¶ºÚ βè²Ü¸²Þàì SERGEY KARANDASHOV λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / üÇÉÙ»ñ Biography / Filmography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1964 Ã.-ÇÝ â»ÉÛ³µÇÝëÏáõÙ: èáõë³ëï³ÝÇ ÏÇÝáÙÇáõÃÛ³Ý ³Ý¹³Ù, èáõë³ëï³ÝÇ ÏÇÝáé»ÅÇëáñÝ»ñÇ ·ÇɹdzÛÇ ³Ý¹³Ù §Ø»ï³Ùáñýá½Ý»ñ¦, §Üñ³Ýó Ñ»ï¨áÕÝ»ñÁ¦, §Î»ÝíáñÁ¦, §²ñï³ë³ÑÙ³ÝóÇݦ, §úñûñáó³ÛÇݦ, §êÇñáõÝÇÏ ê³íϳݦ: §ºñÏñÇ Ñ³Ï³é³Ï ÏáÕÙÁ¦. ³½·³ÛÇÝ Ùñó³Ý³Ï §¸³÷Ý»åë³Ï¦` ØáëÏí³, 2001:

Born in 1964, Cheliabinsk.Member of Film-association of Russia, Member of the Russian Guild of Film-directors “Metamorphosis”, “Those chasing them”,“The Tenant”,“The Foreigner”,”Lullaby”, “Pretty Savka”.“The Reverse Side of the Earth”.National Award “Laureate Wreath”, Moscow, 2001. §Ö²Øöàð¸À¦“The Traveller” - 90:00, 2005 èáõë³ëï³Ý, ê³ÝÏï ä»ï»ñµáõñ· Russia, St. Petersburg §Ä³Ù³Ý³ÏÇÝ »ñÏÇÝùÁ ³í»ÉÇ ó³Íñ ¿ñ ¨ ²ëïí³Í Ù³ñ¹Ï³Ýó Ñ»ï ËáëáõÙ ¿ñ Ññ³ßùÝ»ñÇ áõ Ýß³ÝÝ»ñÇ É»½íáí: ÐÇÙ³ Ññ³ßùÝ»ñÁ å³Ñ³Ýç³ñÏ ãáõÝ»Ý: ijٳݳϳÏÇó Çñ³Ï³ÝáõÃÛáõÝÁ ¹ñ³Ýó ϳñÇùÁ ãáõÝÇ: ´³Ûó Ûáõñ³ù³ÝãÛáõñ Ù³ñ¹áõ Ý»ñ³ß˳ñÑáõ٠óùáõÝ ³åñáõÙ ¿ Ññ³ß³ÉÇÇ Í³ñ³íÁ¦: è»ÅÇëáñ` ê»ñ·»Û γñ³Ý¹³ßáí êó»Ý³ñ` è. سñ·á, Ø. ÎáÝáí³ÉãáõÏ, ê. γñ³Ý¹³ßáí îÝûñ»Ý` ìÛ³ã»ëɳí î»ÉÝáí ²ñï³¹ñáõÃÛáõÝ` ê³ÝÏï ä»ï»ñµáõñ·Ç í³í. ýÇÉÙ»ñÇ ëïáõ¹Ç³ “Once the sky was lower and God spoke to people a language of wonders and signs. Today wonders are not in demand. The present day reality has no need of them. But the thirst for the wonderful secretly exists in every man's inner world.” Director: Sergey Karandashov Script: R. Margo, M. Konovalchuk, S. Karandashov Producer: Viacheslav Telnov Production: St. Petersburg documentary film studio

êìºîȲܲ ´²êÎàì² SVETLANA BASKOVA λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / üÇÉÙ»ñ Biography / Filmography ÌÝí»É ¿ 1965Ã.: ²í³ñï»É ¿ ØáëÏí³ÛÇ Ö³ñï³ñ³å»ï³Ï³Ý ÆÝëï.-Á: 1990-Çó ³ÝÏ³Ë ÝϳñÇã ¿: 1996-Çó ½µ³ÕíáõÙ ¿ íǹ»áÛáí ¨ ÏÇÝáÛáí: Born in 1965. Graduated from Moscow Architectural Institute. Since 1990 an independent artist. Since1996 film and video director.

§¶Éáõ˦“The Head” - 90:00, 2003 èáõë³ëï³Ý, ØáëÏí³ Russia, Moscow гñáõëï éáõëÁ ųé³Ý·áõÃÛáõÝ ¿ ëï³ÝáõÙ ·ÉáõË: سñÙÝÇ µ³ó³Ï³ÛáõÃÛáõÝÁ ãÇ Ë³Ý·³ñáõÙ ·ÉËÇÝ ³åñ»Éáõ ¨ Çñ ß»ýÇÝ ·áñÍÝ³Ï³Ý ËáñÑáõñ¹Ý»ñ ï³Éáõ ѳٳñ: è»ÅÇëáñ, ûå»ñ³ïáñ, ïÝûñ»Ý - êí»ïɳݳ ´³ëÏáí³ êó»Ý³ñÁ` êí»ïɳݳ ´³ëÏáí³, ê»ñ·»Û ä³ËáÙáí ²ñï³¹ñáõÃÛáõÝÁ` §¼»ÉÛáÝÇ ëÉáÝÇϦ, ìǹ»á¸áÙ Director, Cameraman, Producer – Svetlana Baskova Scriptwriter – Svetlana Baskova, Sergey Pakhamov Production – Zelyony Slon A rich Russian man inherits a head. Lack of body does not interfere with the head's existence. It is able to live and even to give good advices to her master. ²Ü¸ðºÚ ÎàôèÈڲܸêÎÆ ANDREY KURLIANNDSKY §RUSSIAN STYLE¦ - 16:00, 2003 èáõë³ëï³Ý, ê³ÝÏï ä»ï»ñµáõñ· Russia, St. Petersburg ØÇ »ñ»Ïá Ù»ÏÇ ÏÛ³ÝùÇó, áñ ·áñÍÇ ¿ñ ·ÝáõÙ: è»ÅÇëáñ, ëó»Ý³ñÇëï` ²Ý¹ñ»Û ÎáõñÉ۳ݹëÏÇ ²íëïñdz, ¶ñ³ó, ForumStadtPark, 23.01.2003, ØáëÏí³, ÷³é³ïáÝ §SÒÛʦ, 19.12.2003 An evening from someone's life who was going to his work. Director, scriptwriter: Andrei Kurliandsky The Premiere: Austria,Grats, ForumStadtPark, 23.01.2003,Moscow Festival “SÒÛÊ”, 19.12.2003

¸ØÆîðÆ Èàôðƺ DMITRI LURIE §ÐÆزðܺðÆ ¶ÈʲðÎÀ¦ “The Hat of the Fools” - 10:00, 2006 èáõë³ëï³Ý, ê³ÝÏï ä»ï»ñµáõñ· Russia, St. Petersburg

è»ÅÇëáñ, ëó»Ý³ñÇëï` ¸ÙÇïñÇ ÈáõñÇ» úå»ñ³ïáñÝ»ñ` Justin Legros, Renaud Anciaux ¸»ñ»ñáõÙ` Andre Balthazar, Jeff, Ohra, Maggaly Hanappe,Philippe Degeneffe, Stephane Mansy, Jean Luc Franca Director, screenwriter: Dmitry Lurie Cameramen: Justin Legros, Renaud Anciaux Cast: Andre Balthazar, Jeff Ohra, Maggaly Hanappe,Philippe Degeneffe, Stephane Mansy, Jean Luc Franca ìȲ¸ÆØÆð Èà¶àôîàì VLADIMIR LOGUTOV Biography / Filmography λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / üÇÉÙ»ñ ÌÝí»É ¿ 1980: ²åñáõÙ ¨ ³ß˳ïáõÙ ¿ ê³Ù³ñ³ÛáõÙ: ìǹ»áÝϳñÇã: §Made in ÎáõÛµÇߨ¦, §ØÃÝß³Õ¦(γÝëÏ 2005 ÙÇç³½·. ÷³é. ¹ÇåÉáÙ ), §ìñ³Ý¦ (§êåÇï³Ï ù³é³ÏáõëǦ ÷³é. ¶ñ³Ý äñÇ), §Ð»ùdzà Üáݳ è³ÛëÏÇÇ Ù³ëÇݦ: Born in 1980. Lives and work in Samara.Video artist. “Made in Kuibishev”.“The Dusk” (Kansk-2005 international film festival diploma). “The Tent” (Grand Prix at “White Square” Festival).“A fairy tail about Nona Raisky”. §ÆØ Ø²êÆܦ “About Myself” - 42:00, 2006 èáõë³ëï³Ý, ê³Ù³ñ³ Russia, Samara üÇÉÙÁ Ýϳñí³Í ¿ §Ó»éùǦ Ñ»é³Ëáëáí: è»ÅÇëáñÇ ÏÛ³ÝùÁ §Ó»éùǦ Ñ»é³ËáëÇ ³ãù»ñáí: è»ÅÇëáñ, ëó»Ý³ñÇëï, ûå»ñ³ïáñ, îÝûñ»Ý` ìɳ¹ÇÙÇñ Èá·áõïáí The film is shot by a cell phone. The director's life in the eyes of a cell phone. Director screenwriter,cameraman, Producer: Vladimir Logutov

ìȲ¸ÆØÆð Èà¶àôîàì VLADIMIR LOGUTOV Biography / Filmography λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / üÇÉÙ»ñ ʳճñϳÛÇÝ é»ÅÇëáõñ³ÛÇ Î. Èáåáõß³ÝëÏáõ ¨ ì. êÙÇñÝáíÇ ³ñí»ëï³ÝáóÇ áõë³ÝáÕ: Studies at K. Lopushansky's and V. Smirnov's Workshop of Feature Film - Making. §ÜÆÜàôÈÚ²¦ “Ninulia” - 27:00, 2006 èáõë³ëï³Ý, ê³ÝÏï ä»ï»ñµáõñ· Russia, St. Petersburg §¾É áã ÙÇ »ñÏáõß³µÃÇ, ¿É áã ÙÇ ÑÇ·ß³µÃÇ,- ѳÛÉáõ ³ñï³óáɳÝùÇÝ Ý³Û»Éáí, Ùï³ÍáõÙ ¿ ÜÇÝáõÉÛ³Ý: ܳ ½½í»É ¿ ÝáõÛÝ å³ïÙáõÃÛáõÝÇó, áñ ÑÇÝ· ï³ñÇ ß³ñáõÝ³Ï å³ïÙáõÙ ¿ ëÇñ»ÉÇ ïÕ³Ù³ñ¹Á, áñ ³Ùáõëݳó³Í ¿ áõñÇßÇ Ñ»ï: ´³Ûó Ñ»ñÇù ¿ ÉëíÇ ¹é³Ý ½³Ý·Á,áñ ³Ù»Ý ÇÝã ÝáñÇó ÏñÏÝíÇ:¦ è»ÅÇëáñ, ëó»Ý³ñÇëï`ÈÇݳ ¸ñáõ·³ÉÛáí³ úå»ñ³ïáñ`²É»ùë³Ý¹ñ êÇ·»ïÇ ¸»ñ»ñáõÙ`سñ·³ñÇï³ ²ÉÛáßÇݳ, ¸»ÝÇë ÎÇñÇÉáí, äáÉÇݳ ´³Ë³ñ¨ëϳ۳, Æ·áñ è»åÇÝ ²ñï³¹ñáõÃÛáõÝÁ` HHG ÎÇÝáÁÝÏ»ñáõÃÛáõÝ “No more Mondays, no more Thursdays”, thinks Ninulia looking at the reflection in the mirror. She's sickandtiredof the same story which his beloved man who'smarriedto another woman has been telling her for 5years.But as soonas the doorbell rings e v e r y t h i n g s t a r t s o v e r a g a i n . Director and screenwriter: Lina Drugaliova Cameraman: Alexander Sigetti Cast: Margarita Alioshina, Denis Kirilov, Polina Bakharevskaya, Igor Repin Production: Film-company HHG ²Èºøê²Ü¸ð èºàôòÎÆ ALEXANDER REUTSKY Biography / Filmography λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / üÇÉÙ»ñ ÌÝí»É ¿ ÜáíáëǵÇñëÏáõÙ: ²í³ñï»É ¿ ÜáíáëǵÇñëÏÇ ×³ñï³ñ³å»ï³Ï³Ý ÇÝëïÇïáõïÁ: ìǹ»áÝϳñÇã ¨ VJ: 20 ³í»É ϳñ× ýÇÉÙ»ñÇ Ñ»ÕÇݳÏ:

Born in Novosibirsk. Graduated from the Architectural Institute of Novosibirsk. Video-artist and VJ; author of over 20 short films. §ØºÜ²Î¦ “Alone” - 19:00, 2006 èáõë³ëï³Ý, Russia §ØÇ˳ÛÇÉÇ ïÕ³Ý Ù³Ñ³ó»É ¿: âϳ Ù»ÏÁ áõÙ Ñ»ï ÏÇëÇ Ã³ËÇÍÁ: ØdzÛÝ ÙÇ ³ñ³ñ³Í ¿ å³ïñ³ëï³Ï³Ù Éë»É Ýñ³Ý….¦ è»ÅÇëáñ, ëó»Ý³ñÇëï,ïÝûñ»Ý`²É»ùë³Ý¹ñ è»áõóÏÇ úå»ñ³ïáñ`ä³í»É ºÙ»ÉÇÝ ¸»ñ»ñáõÙ` ì³¹ÇÙ ´áã³Ýáí, ´áñÇë ²ñáÝáí, ÜÇÏáÉ³Û Ú³Ïáíɨ, ²É»ùë³Ý¹ñ سÛáñáí, Æ·áñ ØÇÉ»óÏÇ “Michael's son has died. There's no one with whom he could share his sorrow.Only one creature is ready to listen to him…” Director, screenwriter,producer: Alexander Reutsky Cameraman: Pavel Yemelin Cast: Vadim Bochanov, Boris Aronov, Nicolay Iakovlev, Alexander Mayorov,Igor Miletsky ¸ØÆîðÆ ´àôÈƶÆÜ DMITRY BULIGIN §¶ÝáõÙ »Ù ØáëÏí³¦ “To Moscow” - 10:00, 2006 èáõë³ëï³Ý, Russia §Üáñ ѳÙñ ýÇÉÙ¦. ÙáëÏí³óÇ Û³ååÇÝ ¨ ÷áùñÇÏ Ï³Û³ñ³ÝÇ Ñ»ñóå³ÑÁ, DZÝãÝ ¿ Ýñ³Ýó ÙdzóÝáõÙ: è»ÅÇëáñ, ëó»Ý³ñëï, ûå»ñ³ïáñ, ïÝûñ»Ý`¸ÙÇïñÇ ´áõÉÝÇ·ÇÝ ÎáÙåá½Çïáñ`Arkasha Deejedies, Nuclear Losü ¸»ñ»ñáõÙ`²Ý¹ñ»Û ê»ñ·Ç»íëÏÇ, ê»ñ·»Û üñáÉáí “A New Silent Movie”: A Moscow yappi and a man on duty at a small metro. What's it that joins them? Director, screenwriter, cameraman, producer: Dmitry Buligin Composer: Arkasha Deejedies, Nuclear Losü Cast: Andrey Serievsky, Sergey Frolov

Æȸ²ð ÆêȲضôÈàì ILDAR ISLAMGULOV Filmography / üÇÉÙ»ñ §ä³ÛÙ³Ý³Ï³Ý é»ýÉ»Ïë¦ 2001, §18 ÉáõëÇݦ 2002, §Ðñ»ßï³ÏÇ Ï³ï³ÏÁ¦ 2004 “Conditional reflex” 2001, “18 Moons” 2002, “The Angel's Trick” 2004 §ÐÜÒÆ àô ¸Øöò𲦠“Mow and Crash” - 110:00, 2005 èáõë³ëï³Ý, ØáëÏí³ Russia, Moscow - ²ñ¹ÛáõÝùáõÙ µáÉáñÁ §ÑÝÓáõÙ »Ý áõ ¹Ù÷óÝáõÙ¦: Ø»ñ »ñ»ù §µÇµ³ñÇÏÝ»ñÁ¦ ÝáõÛÝå»ë ó³Ýϳó³Ý §³Ù»Ý ÇÝã ¹Ù÷óÝ»É áõ ÑÝӻɦ, µ³Ûó ѳçáÕ»óDZÝ: è»ÅÇëáñ, ëó»Ý³ñ` Æɹ³ñ ÆëɳٷáõÉáí úå»ñ³ïáñ` ì. ¶É³½áí ²ñï³¹ñáÕ` ÎÇÝáëïáõ¹Ç³ 貸àô¶² Director and script writer - Ildar Islamgulov Cameraman – V. Glazov Producer – Film Studio RADUGA - As a result everyone “mows and crashes”. Our three “little peppers” also wanted to “crash and mow everything”, but did they manage to? úȺ¶ ¶àðàÞÎàì OLEG GOROSHKOV Filmography / üÇÉÙ»ñ §Ð³ïáõÏ ³é³ù»ÉáõÃÛáõݦ, §¸áÕ¦, §Ø»Í ½µáë³Ýù¦, §øñáÝÇÏáݦ “Special Mission”, “Trembling”, “Long Walk”, “Chronicon” §²Æì¦ “M.E.” - 150:00, 2006 èáõë³ëï³Ý, ê³ÝÏï ä»ï»ñµáõñ· Russia, St. Petersburg öáùñÇÏ ßÝÇÏÇ Ù»Í ³ß˳ñÑÁ: Ø»Ï ûñ ÏÛ³ÝùÇó: êó»Ý³ñ` γï»ñÇݳ ¶³íñÇÉáí³ è»ÅÇëáñ` úÉ»· ¶³ñßÏáí §OZON¦ ëï»Õͳ·áñÍ³Ï³Ý ÙÇáõÃÛáõÝ:

The big world of the little puppy. A day of its life. Script: Katerina Gavrilova Director: Oleg Garshov Creative Union “OZON”

êºð¶ºÚ βðäàì SERGEY KARPOV Biography / λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ ÌÝí»É ¿ 1983Ã. ì¶ÆÎ-Ç 3-ñ¹ ÏáõñëÇ áõë³ÝáÕ: Born in 1983, State Institute of Cinematography. §²ÝÏ»ÕÍáñ»Ý ÑÙ³ÛÇã Ãí»ñ¦ “Truly Attractive Figures” - 11:00, 2006 èáõë³ëï³Ý, ØáëÏí³ Russia, Moscow ÈÇÝ»É í³é ³Ý׳߳Ï: ÈÇÝ»É ³Ýå³ï×³é ¹³Å³Ý: ÈÇÝ»É ³Ýѻûà å³ñ½áõݳÏ: ÈÇÝ»É ÙáÉ»·ÇÝ: è»ÅÇëáñ` ê»ñ·»Û γñåáí êó»Ý³ñ` úÉ·³ γñåáí³ úå»ñ³ïáñ` ê³ß³ â³ÉÛáõëÏÇÝ Director – Sergey Karpov Scriptwriter – Olga Karpove Cameraman – Sacha Chalyuskin To be vividly tasteless, necessarily cruel, senselessly simple, to be insane. ìÚ²âºêȲì ÎàØÎàì VYACHESLAV KOMKOV Biography / λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ 2004Ã. ³í³ñï»É ¿ ÎÇÝáÛÇ ¨ лéáõëï³ï»ëáõÃÛ³Ý Ð³Ù³Éë³ñ³ÝÁ: лéáõëï³ï»ëáõÃÛáõÝáõÙ ¿ 2002 Ãí³Ï³ÝÇó: In 2004 he graduated from the University of Cinema and Television Has worked at TV since 2002. §ÒáÝ ·³ñ»çñÇ ßßÇݦ “A Tribute to the Beer Bottles” - 06:00, 2004 èáõë³ëï³Ý, ê³ÝÏï ä»ï»ñµáõñ· Russia, St. Petersburg

ê³ ÷áñÓ ¿ ëáíáñ³Ï³Ý ³é³ñϳÛÇ Ù»ç ÇÝã-áñ Ýáñ µ³Ý ï»ëÝ»É: ²Û¹ ÝáñÁ ϳñáÕ ¿ ½³ñÙ³óÝ»É, í³Ë»óÝ»É, áõñ³Ë³óÝ»É: è»ÅÇëáñ, ëó»Ý³ñÇëï` ìÛ³ã»ëɳí ÎáÙÏáí, úå»ñ³ïáñ` ²É»ùë³Ý¹ñ ػݷ»É It's an attempt to see something in a simple object. This thing new thing can surprise, scare, and give joy. Director and scriptwriter: Viacheslav Komkov Operator: Alexander Mengel ¸ØÆîðÆ ÈºÞºÜÎà ¨ êìÆîàêȲì ƶܲîºì DMITRY LESHENKO & SVITOSLAV IGNATEV Biography / Filmography λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ / üÇÉÙ»ñ ¸ Ȼ߻ÝÏáÝ ÍÝí»É ¿ 1970Ã.: ²í³ñï»É ¿ ê³Ù³ñ³ÛÇ ä»ï. î»Ë. ÆÝëï.-Á: §Î»ÕÍ áõÕǦ, §¶³ñ³Å³ÛÇÝ å³ïÙáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñ¦,§ ê¨ ·ÉáñÇϦ: Dmitry Leshenko was born in 1970. Graduated from Samara State Tech. Inst.“The Wrong Path”, “Garage Stories”, “Black Colobok”. §¶³ñ³Å³ÛÇÝ å³ïÙáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñ. ¹áÏïáñ ʳñµÇÝÇ áëÏÇݦ “Garage Stories. Doctor Kharbin's Gold” - 24:00, 2006 èáõë³ëï³Ý, ê³Ù³ñ³ Russia, Samara ê³ñë³÷»ÉÇ å³ïÙáõÃÛáõÝ èáõë³ëï³ÝáõÙ Ù³ëëáÝ³Ï³Ý áëÏáõ ׳ϳﳷñÇ Ù³ëÇÝ, áñ å³ïÙ»É »Ý ßßáõÏáí` ·³ñ³ÅáõÙ: è»ÅÇëáñ, ûå»ñ³ïáñ` ¸ÙÇïñÇ È»ß»ÝÏá, êíÇïáëɳí Ʒݳï»í êó»Ý³ñ` ¸ÙÇïñÇ È»ß»ÝÏá, ¸ÙÇïñÇ ÎÇë»É úå»ñ³ïáñ` ¾¹áõ³ñ¹ ¼³¹áËÇÝ, ºí·»ÝÇ è»ß»ïÝÛ³Ï ²ñï³¹ñáÕ` §ÈdzÉáõëÇݦ A horrible story about the fate of the Masonic gold, In Russia which was told in a whisper in a garage. Director, camera – Dmitry Leshenko, Stanislav Ignatev Scriptwriter – Dmitry Leshenko, Dmitry Kisel Cameraman – Eduard Zadokhin, Yevgeni Resetnyak Producer – “Fool Moon”

ܲî²ÈƲ ØÆîðàÞÆܲ NATALIA MITROSHINA §²ÝÏáõÙ ¹»åÇ »ñÏÇÝù¦ “A Fall to the Sky” - 82:00 èáõë³ëï³Ý, ØáëÏí³ Russia, Moscow ÆçÝ»É Ý»ñù¨, ³ÝóÝ»É §ÇÝÁ ßñç³Ý¦, ·ÉËÇí³Ûñ ßñçí»É, áñ ÁÝÏÝ»ë »ñÏÝùÇ íñ³: ʳñÙëÇ ûñ³·ñ»ñÇ ¨ å³ïÙí³ÍùÝ»ñÇ ÙáïÇíÝ»ñáí: è»ÅÇëáñ` ܳï³ÉÛ³ ØÇïñáßÇݳ ´»Ù³¹ñáÕ ûå»ñ³ïáñ` ê»ñ·»Û êáÉáíÛáí ´»Ù³¹ñáÕ ÝϳñÇã` ܳï³ÉÛ³ ÎñÇųÝáíëϳ۳ Director: Natalia Mitroshina Director of Photography: Sergey Soloviov Art director: Natalia Krijanovskaya Go down, pass round “nine circles”, turn upside down to fall on the sky. Based on the diaries and short stories of Kharms. äÚàîð ²ØºÈÆÜ PETER AMELIN Biography / λÝë³·ñáõÃÛáõÝ Ê³Õ³ñϳÛÇÝ é»ÅÇáõñ³ÛÇ ³ñí»ëï³ÝáóÇ áõë³ÝáÕ ¿: Student of the Studio of Feature Film directing. §ä³ßïáÝÛ³¦ “The Official” - 07:00, 2005 èáõë³ëï³Ý, ê³ÝÏï ä»ï»ñµáõñ· Russia, St. Petersburg ܳ Ù³ñ¹ ã¿, ݳ Ù»ù»Ý³ÛÇ Ù³ëÝ ¿: üÇÉÙÇ ÑÇÙùáõÙ Ð. ´Ç¹ëïñáõåÇ Í³Õñ³ÝϳñÝ ¿: è»ÅÇëáñ, ëó»Ý³ñ` äÛáïñ ²Ù»ÉÇÝ úå»ñ³ïáñ` ìÇáñ»É ÎáõñÝáëáí ²ñï³¹ñáÕ` HHG ¸ÇåÉáÙ, §´»ÉÇ» ÝáãǦ ÏÇÝá÷³é³ïáÝ, êÝÏï ä»ï»ñµáõñ·, 2006 He's not a man, he is a part of the machine. The film is based upon the H. Bidstrup's caricature. Director, scriptwriter: Peter Amelin Cameraman: Viorel Kurnosov Broducer HHG “Belye Nochi” film fest diploma , St Petersburg, 2006


§âêä²êì²ÌܺðÀ¦ ²ÜÎ²Ê ÎÆÜàÚÆ ö²è²îàÜ

üñ³Ýëdz, ÈÇáÝ ÎÇÝá÷³é³ïáÝÁ, ÑÇÙݳ¹ñÙ³Ý ï³ñí³ÝÇó ëÏëÛ³É` 1997, Ýå³ï³Ï áõÝÇ ó³Ýϳó³Í ýÇÉÙ` íǹ»á ϳ٠ÏÇÝá, Ñݳñ³íáñÇÝë É³í³·áõÛÝ å³ÛÙ³ÝÝ»ñáõÙ óáõó³¹ñ»É Çñ ݳËÝÏ³Ý ýáñÙ³ïáí áõ ï¨áÕáõÃÛ³Ùµ: ijٳݳϳÏÇó Ãí³ÛÇÝ ï»ËÝáÉá·Ç³Ý»ñÁ ï³ñµ»ñ ÙÇçáóÝ»ñáí Ñݳñ³íáñáõÃÛáõÝ »Ý ëï»ÕÍáõÙ ³éÝãí»É áõ ¹Çï»É ³í»ÉÇ Ù»Í ù³Ý³Ïáí ·áñÍ»ñ. ѳٳϳã·ã³ÛÇÝ ¿Ïñ³Ý, µçç³ÛÇÝ Ñ»é³Ëáë… ö³é³ïáÝÁ ÙÇ å³Ñ ÁݹѳïáõÙ ¿ ³Û¹ ÑáëùÁ, í»ñ³Íí»Éáí ÙÇ ï³ñ³ÍùÇ, áñï»Õ ѳݹÇë³ï»ëÁ ¹ÇïÙ³Ý å³ÑÁ ÏÇëáõÙ ¿ Ñ»ÕÇݳÏÝ»ñÇ ¨ Ýñ³Ýó ·áñÍ»ñÇ Ñ»ï:

”LES INATTENDUS” INDEPENDENT FILM FESTIVAL France, Lyon Since its beginnings in 1997, Les Inattendus has endeavoured to exhibit each film in its original format (video, film) and length, in the best audio and visual conditions possible. While digital technologies now also enable the reception of an ever growing number of works in a solitary environment (computer screen, mobile telephone…), the festival sets out to interrupt the flow for a while, becoming a space where the audience shares moments of vision with the authors and their works.

ì»ñ»Ý³ ÞáÏ³É - §Ø²¶ÜÆüÆβî¦, 2004, 1:00, üñ³Ýëdz Îáí»ñÇ åáÉÇýáÝÇÏ ËÙµ»ñ·` Ç ÷³é³µ³ÝáõÙ ëáõñµ س·ÝÇýÇϳïÇ:

“Magnificat”, Verena SCHAUKAL, 2004, 1:00, France Polyphonic and bovine chorus to the glory of the sweet Magnificat æáÝ èáç»ñë - §æàÜÆ ¶ÈàôÊÀ¦, 2005, 18:18, Ø´ î³ë å³ïÏ»ñ, ½·³Éáõ ѳٳñ áõñÇßÇ ·ÉËáõÙ ëï»ÕÍí³Í ïÇ»½»ñùÁ:

“John's head”, John Rodgers, 2005, 18:18, UK Ten pieces to taste the universe invented in someone else's head. èÇã³ñ¹ Ü»Çñ - §Ø²ð¸àô ÜØàôÞ¦, 2003, 4:47, üñ³Ýëdz - ƱÝã ¿ ϳï³ñíáõÙ ÇÙ ·ÉËáõÙ, »ñµ Ù³ñÙÇÝë ³Ýß³ñÅ å³éÏ³Í ¿ Ñ»éáõëï³óáõÛóÇ ³é³ç: ºí DZÝã ¿ Çñ³Ï³Ýáõ٠ϳï³ñíáõÙ ¹ñëáõÙ:

“Speciman” , Richard NEIR, 2003, 4:47, France - What's going on in my head when my body does not move, laying comfortably in front of the TV? And what's really going on outside? àõ»ÝÑáõ³ ÞÇ - §²È ØàôÞ¦, 2005, 6:00, âÇݳëï³Ý ØïáñáõÙÝ»ñ ·áõÛÝÇ ¨ ѳݷÇ, ϳÝáݳíáñÇ áõ ³ÝϳÝáÝÇ Ù³ëÇÝ:

“Crimson Haze”, Wenhua SHI, 2005, 6:00, China A meditation on color and rhythm, order and disorder. ²Ý Þ³µ»ñï - §ÜÚàô ´ºÈÆ Ø²ð¶²ðÆî äÆîàôܦ, 2003, 7:00, üñ³Ýëdz äÇïáõÝ »ñÇï³ë³ñ¹ ³ÕçÇÏ ¿: ܳ ³åñáõÙ ¿ γٻñáõÝáõÙ, ¸áõ³É³ÛÇ ³Õù³ïÇÏ ³ñí³ñÓ³ÝÝ»ñÇó Ù»ÏáõÙ: ܳ µáÉáñÇ ÏáÕÙÇó ѳñ·í³Í ¿, áñáíÑ»ï¨ ïճݻñÇ ýáõïµáÉáõ٠׳ݳãí»É ¿ É³í³·áõÛÝ Ë³Õ³óáÕ: äÇïáõÝ Ñ³ñ¨³ÝáõÃÛ³Ý Ñ³Ù³ñ í»ñ³Íí»É ¿ ÑáõÛëÇ ËáñÑñ¹³ÝÇßÇ: ܳ áñáᯐ ¿ ¹³éÝ³É ýáõïµáɳÛÇÝ ³ëïÕ:

“Pitou, la perle de New Bell”, Anne CHABERT, 2003, 7:00, France Pitou, a young girl living in a poor suburb of Douala in Cameroun, earns respect after being recognized as the best player in a men soccer. A symbol of hope for all the neighbourhood, Pitou would love to become soccer star.

Ä³Ï Ø³Çïñáï - §æààôÈÆ ¾üºÎî¦, 2005, 3:45, üñ³Ýëdz îÇñ»Éáí ¿É»Ïïñ³Ï³ÝáõÃÛ³ÝÁ` Ù³ñ¹Á ÏñÏÇÝ ·áÕ³ó³í Ïñ³ÏÁ ²ëïí³ÍÝ»ñÇó: ØǨÝáõÛÝ Ñ»ï¨³ÝùÝ»ñáí:

“L'effet Joule”, Jacques MAITROT, 2005, 3:45, France By taming electricity, man has stolen a new the fire from the Gods. With the same consequences: ¸»Ûíǹ ØÇñ³Ù - §êðîÆ îºÔÀ ²Üòø¦, 2004, 2:52, üñ³Ýëdz ºñµ µéÝáõÃÛáõÝÁ ³é³ç³óÝáõÙ ¿ ÙÇ ³Ýϳé³í³ñ»ÉÇ ÏáÉ»ÏïÇí Ññ»ß: ¸³Å³ÝáõÃÛ³Ý ëÛáõé黳ÉÇëï³Ï³Ý ï»ëÇÉ:

“Un trou a la place du coeur"(A hole in place of the heart) David MYRIAM, 2004, 2:52, France When violence gives birth to an uncontrolled collective monster... a surrealist vision of inhumanity. ¾ÉíÇñ ´³ëï»Ý¹áñý - §È³É³É³ ëÇñ»Ý¦, 2004, 00:45, ÈÛáõùë»Ùµáõñ· ÐÝ¹Ï³Ï³Ý Ã³Ý³ù, ÷áùñÇÏ çñ³Ñ³ñë»ñ:

“Lalala sirene”, Elvire BASTENDORFF, 2004, 00:45, Luxemburg Indian ink; little mermaids øñÇëïáý ¶»ñÇÝ - §´²ðºØ²Ô²ÜøÆ úðÐܲÜø¦, 2005, 4:00, üñ³Ýëdz ØÇ ï³ñûñÝ³Ï ³ñ³ñ³Í ·³ÑÁ ·ÉËÇÝ Ýëï³Í ¿: ²ÝµÝ³Ï³Ýáñ»Ý ³Ýß³ñÅ ¿, Ýß³Ý ¿ ³ÝáõÙ: Üñ³ ³é»ÕÍí³Í³ÛÇÝ ¹»ÙùÁ ßáÕáõÙ ¿:

“Godspeed”, Christophe GUERIN, 2005, 4:00, France A weird creature sits enthroned, almost preternaturally still, and make a sign. His inscrutable face shines. ´³ññÇ ¸áõå» - §øÆ êð´àÔ îԲܦ, 2004,15:41, γݳ¹³ ²Ïí³ñ»É³ÛÇÝ ÙáõÉïýÇÉÙ: öáùñÇÏ Ùñë³Í Ü»ÙáÛÇ »ñ³½Ý»ñÝ áõ ÙÕÓ³í³ÝçÝ»ñÁ:

“A boy on a dock blowing his nose”, Barry DOUPE, 2004, 15 :41, Canada Watercolour cartoon. Dreams and nightmares of a Little Nemo who has a cold.

¾ÉíÇñ ´³ëï»Ý¹áñý - §Ìàì²Ð²ðêºðÆ ä²îØàôÂÚàôܦ, 2004, 1:51, ÈÛáõùë»Ùµáõñ· öáùñÇÏ çñ³Ñ³ñëÝ»ñ ÑáííáõÑÇÝ»ñÇ Ñ³Ý¹»ñÓ³Ýùáí:

“Sirens traffic story”, Elvire BASTENDORFF, 2004, 1:51, Luxemburg Little mermaids in shepherdess costume. سûŠØá¹ñÇÝÛ³Ï - §¸ºäÆ ìºð¦, 2005, 6:46, êÉáí»Ýdz ֳݳå³ñÑ ³ÝóÝ»ÉÇë: ØÇ Ù³ñ¹, ë³ñ Ù³·Éó»ÉÇë ÝϳñáõÙ ¿ ÇÝùÝ Çñ»Ý:

“Upwards”, Matej MODRINJAK, 2005, 6:46, Slovenia Way of the cross. A man films himself climbing the side of a mountain. ²Ý· êáõÏáõÝ - §²ðÒ²ÎÆð ÂèâܲÜàòÀ¦, 2004, 3:00, êÇÝ·³åáõñ ÀÝÏÝáÕ ³ëïÕ»ñ, ÌÇñ γÃÇÝ ¨ ÃéãáõÝÝ»ñÇ ÙÇ ³Ùå:

“Let go aviary” , Ang SOOKOON, 2004, 3:00, Singapore Shooting stars, the Milky Way and a cloud of birds.



ÎÇÝá·»ï ¼³í»Ý ´áÛ³çÛ³ÝÇ ¹³ë³ËáëáõÃÛáõÝÁ Cinema critic Zavan Boyajian’s lecture

вîàôÎ Ìð²¶Æð SPECIAL PROGRAM ÞÜàðвìàð 80 ²Øڲθ ÄÆðÆÎ æ²Ü HAPPY 80th ANNIVERSARY JIRIK JAN ÄÆð²Úð ²ìºîÆêÚ²Ü Ð³ÛÏ³Ï³Ý Ñ»éáõëï³ï»ëáõÃÛ³Ý §ºñ¨³Ý¦ лéáõëï³ï»ë³ÛÇÝ üÇÉÙ»ñÇ êïáõ¹Ç³ÛÇ ÑÇÙݳ¹Çñ é»ÅÇëáñ

§æðÐàðÆ Øàî¦ ”AT WELL” - 1970, 47:00 ºñ¨³Ý Ðüê, ¹ñ³Ù³, ë¨/ëåÇï³Ï Yerevan TVFS, drama, b/w ØÇ ¹ñí³· ³é³çÇÝ Ñ³Ù³ß˳ñѳÛÇÝ å³ï»ñ³½ÙÇó: гϳé³Ïáñ¹Ý»ñÇÝ µ³Å³ÝáõÙ ¨ ÙdzíáñáõÙ ¿ ßñç³Ï³ÛùáõÙ ·ïÝíáÕ ÙÇ³Ï çñÑáñÁ: A scene from First World War. The only thing that separates the enemies is the well. Àëï ê. ¼áñÛ³ÝÇ Ñ³Ù³ÝáõÝ å³ïÙí³ÍùÇ, êó»Ý³ñ` ². Þ³µáÛ³Ý, ´»Ù³¹ñáÕ é»ÅÇëáñ` ÄÇñ³Ûñ ²í»ïÇëÛ³Ý ´»Ù³¹ñáÕ ûå»ñ³ïáñ` ¾. гÏáµÛ³Ý ÎáÙåá½Çïáñ` ¾.´³Õ¹³ë³ñÛ³Ý ¶É˳íáñ ¹»ñ»ñáõÙ` ¾.¾Éµ³ÏÛ³Ý, Æ. Ô³ñǵ۳Ý, È. ²éáõß³ÝÛ³Ý, Ü. ¶¨áñ·Û³Ý, Ü. â³ÉÇÏÛ³Ý, è. ²ÙÇñ·áõÉÛ³Ý, ì. ʳãÇÏÛ³Ý Based on S. Zorian novel, Script: A. Shaboyan Director: Jirayr Avetisian Director of Photography: E. Hakobian Composer: E. Baghdasarian Cast: E. Elbakian, I. Gharibian, L. Arushanian, N. Gevorgian, N. Chalikian, R. Amirgulian, V. Khachikian 29.11.1951 гÛÏ³Ï³Ý Ñ»éáõëï³ï»ëáõÃÛ³Ý ³é³çÇÝ` ÷áñÓÝ³Ï³Ý »Ã»ñÇ Ñ»é³ñÓ³ÏÙ³Ý å³ÑÁ: The moment of first broadcast of armenian Television.

ÞÜàðвβÈàôÂÚàôÜ / THANKS TO ÷³é³ïáÝÇ Ù³ëݳÏÇóÝ»ñÇÝ, Ùï»ñÇÙÝ»ñÇÝ áõ ѳñ³½³ïÝ»ñÇÝ participants of the festivals, friends and relatives §¸º´àÞÆðüÆÈئ ÎÆÜàö²è²îàÜ §Ø³ùáõñ ³ÝáõñçÝ»ñ¦

“DEBOSHIRFILM” FESTIVAL “Pure Dreams” §âêä²êì²ÌܺðÀ¦ ²ÜÎ²Ê ÎÆÜàÚÆ ö²è²îàÜ

üñ³Ýëdz, ÈÇáÝ ”LES INATTENDUS” INDEPENDENT FILM FESTIVAL France, Lyon ê³ÝÏï ä»ï»ñµáõñ·áõÙ Ð.Ð. ¶É˳íáñ ÐÛáõå³ïáëáõÃÛáõÝ Consulate General of RA in St. Petersburg §Üö²Î¦ ÏÇÝáóï»ñ³Ï³Ý ëÇÝûïÇÏ ËáõÙµ “NPAK” cinema theatrical syntectic group §²ð ìƸºà¦ êîàô¸Æ² “ART VIDEO” STUDIO §È²îºê¦ ɳ½ñ»ÛÇÝ ï»ËÝáÉá·Ç³Ï³Ý ѳٳϳñ· “LATES” lazer technology systems §²è²ìàî¦ ûñ³Ã»ñà “ARAVOT” daily newspaper §²Üàî²òƲ¦ Ñ»éáõëï³Ñ³Õáñ¹áõÙ “ANNAOTCIA” TV program §²Úêúð¦ ïå³ñ³Ý “AYSOR” publishing house “THE CLUB” “THE SHAMROCK” TAVERN §üð²ÜêÆ²Î²Ü ä²î²è²ø²Ô¦ “FRENCH FORK”

вîàôÎ ÞÜàðвβÈàôÂÚàôÜ / SPECIAL THANKS TO ²ñï³Ï ¶³µñÇ»ÉÛ³Ý ²É»ùë³Ý¹ñ ´³ßÇñáí ØÇ˳ÛÇÉ ì³ëÇÉ»í ê³Û³Ý³ ÎáõÅáõ·»ï 껵³ëïÇ³Ý ¾ëϳݹ ¾Ù»ÉÇÝ ¶áõÇÉÉÇ»ñ ¾¹áõ³ñ¹ ä³É³ë³ÝÛ³Ý êáÝdz ä³É³ë³ÝÛ³Ý èáõµ»Ý ÐáíѳÝÝÇëÛ³Ý ê³Ùí»É ²´¶³ñÛ³Ý ²Ýݳ ÎáÏãÛ³Ý ê³Ùí»É ܳ½³ñÛ³Ý ¼³í»Ý ´áÛ³çÛ³Ý ²ñÙÇÝ» ²ÝïÇÏÛ³Ý ¶áѳñ гÏáµÛ³Ý ê³Ùí»É ²ÙÇ˳ÝÛ³Ý Î³ñ»Ý ´³ÕÇÝÛ³Ý ²ñÙ»Ý ýûÝ ¶¨áñ·Û³Ý

Artak Gabrielian Alexander Bashirov Michayil Vasilyev Sayana Kujuget Sebastian Escande Emelyne Gulliere Edward Balassanian Sonia Balassanian Rouben Hovhannisian Samvel ABGarian Anna Kokchian Samvel Nazarian Zaven Boyajian Armine Antikian Gohar Hakobian Samvel Amirkhanian Karen Baghinian Armen fon Gevorgian

¶³·ÇÏ Ô³½³ñ¿ - ö³é³ïáÝÇ Ý³Ë³·³Ñ ì³Ññ³Ù ²ÏÇÙÛ³Ý - ö³é³ïáÝÇ ³ç Ó»éù سñ·³ñÇï³ Ð³ñáõÃÛáõÝÛ³Ý - ö³é³ïáÝÇ Ó³Ë Ó»éù ì³ñ¹áõÑÇ Þ³Ñݳ½³ñÛ³Ý - óñ·Ù³ÝáõÃÛáõÝ ø³ÙÛ³ñ øáçáõñÇ - ¹Ç½³ÛÝ Gagik Ghazareh - President of Festival Vahram Akimian - Right hand of the Festival Margarita Harutunian - Left Hand of the Festival Varduhi Shanazarian - translator Kamiar Koujouri - designer

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غΠβ¸ð - غΠðàäº ONE MINUT - ONE SHOT ºñ¨³Ý Yerevan NPAK Üö²Î 17 – 24, 05, 2007

¶³ý»ë×»³Ý ³ݷ³ñ³Ý ÐÇÙݳ¹ñ³Ù Ä³Ý ¨ ²Éµ»ñï äáÕáëÛ³Ý

Üáñ³ñ³ñ öáñÓ³é³Ï³Ý ²ñí»ëïÇ Î»ÝïñáÝ Cafesjian Museum Foundation Jean and Albert Boghossian

The Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art ö³íëïáë ´Ûáõ½³Ý¹Ç 1/3 ºñ»õ³Ý, г۳ëï³Ý Pavstos Biuzand Blvd. 1/3 Yerevan, Armenia Tel: (3741)56.82.25 & 56.83.25 Fax: (3741)56.02.16 E:

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